updated top-level README and version_decl for V4.5 (#1847)
[WRF.git] / var / da / da_ssmi / da_tb_adj.inc
1 subroutine da_tb_adj(ifreq,theta,p0,ta,gamma,sst,wv,hwv,u,alw,zcld,            &
2 !                  tbv,tbh,                                                  &
3                   ADJ_p0,ADJ_ta,ADJ_gamma,ADJ_sst,ADJ_wv,                   &
4                   ADJ_hwv,ADJ_u,ADJ_alw,ADJ_zcld,ADJ_tbv,ADJ_tbh            )
6    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7    ! Purpose: TBD
8    ! Output : ADJ_p0,  ADJ_ta,   ADJ_gamma, ADJ_sst, ADJ_wv, ADJ_hwv, ADJ_u
9    !          ADJ_alw, ADJ_zcld
10    ! Input  : ADJ_tbv, ADJ_tbh,  tbv,  tbh
11    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
13    implicit none
15    integer, intent(in   ) :: ifreq
16    real   , intent(in   ) :: theta,p0,ta,gamma,sst,wv,hwv,u,alw,zcld
17    real   , intent(inout) :: ADJ_p0,ADJ_ta,ADJ_gamma,ADJ_sst,ADJ_wv,     &
18                              ADJ_hwv,ADJ_u,ADJ_alw,ADJ_zcld
19    real   , intent(in   ) :: ADJ_tbv,ADJ_tbh 
20 !   real   , intent(in   ) :: tbv,tbh
22    real :: freq(4),ebiasv(4),ebiash(4),cf1(4),cf2(4),cg(4)
24    real :: f,costhet,gx2,tbup,tbdn,tauatm,sigma,remv,remh
25    real :: effangv,effangh,tbdnv,foam,foam_save,emissv,emissh 
26    real :: dum
27    real :: refv,refh,semv,semh,scatv,scath,tbdnh
28    real :: ADJ_gx2,ADJ_tbup,ADJ_tbdn,ADJ_tauatm,ADJ_sigma
29    real :: ADJ_tremv,ADJ_remh,ADJ_effangv,ADJ_effangh
30    real :: ADJ_tbdnh,ADJ_dum,ADJ_foam,ADJ_emissv
31    real :: ADJ_emissh,ADJ_refv,ADJ_refh,ADJ_semv
32    real :: ADJ_semh,ADJ_scatv,ADJ_scath,ADJ_remv,ADJ_tbdnv
33    real :: ADJ_theta
35    real :: fem
37    data freq/19.35,22.235,37.0,85.5/
39    ! empirical bias corrections for surface emissivity
41    data ebiasv/0.0095, 0.005,-0.014, -0.0010/
42    data ebiash/0.004,   0.0,-0.023, 0.043/
45    data cf1/0.0015,0.004,0.0027,0.005/
46    data cg/4.50e-3, 5.200e-3, 5.5e-3, 7.2e-3 /
48    data cf2/0.0023,0.000,0.0002,-0.006/
50    ! 'foam' emissivity
51    data fem /1.0/
53    if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_tb_adj")
55    f=0.0;costhet=0.0;gx2=0.0;tbup=0.0;tbdn=0.0;tauatm=0.0
56    sigma=0.0;remv=0.0;remh=0.0;effangv=0.0;effangh=0.0
57    tbdnv=0.0;foam=0.0;foam_save=0.0;emissv=0.0;emissh=0.0
58    dum=0.0;refv=0.0;refh=0.0;semv=0.0;semh=0.0;scatv=0.0
59    scath=0.0;tbdnh=0.0;ADJ_gx2=0.0;ADJ_tbup=0.0;ADJ_tbdn=0.0
60    ADJ_tauatm=0.0;ADJ_sigma=0.0;ADJ_tremv=0.0;ADJ_remh=0.0
61    ADJ_effangv=0.0;ADJ_effangh=0.0;ADJ_tbdnh=0.0;ADJ_dum=0.0
62    ADJ_foam=0.0;ADJ_emissv=0.0;ADJ_emissh=0.0;ADJ_refv=0.0
63    ADJ_refh=0.0;ADJ_semv=0.0;ADJ_semh=0.0;ADJ_scatv=0.0
64    ADJ_scath=0.0;ADJ_remv=0.0;ADJ_tbdnv=0.0
65    ADJ_theta =0.0
68    ! write (unit=stdout,fmt=*) 'ifreq',ifreq,theta,p0,ta,gamma,sst,wv,hwv,u,alw,zcld,          &
69    !              tbv,tbh,                                                  &
70    !              ADJ_p0,ADJ_ta,ADJ_gamma,ADJ_sst,ADJ_wv,                   &
71    !               ADJ_hwv,ADJ_u,ADJ_alw,ADJ_zcld,ADJ_tbv,ADJ_tbh            
73    f = freq(ifreq)
74    costhet = cos(theta*0.017453)
76    ! effective surface slope variance
78    gx2 = cg(ifreq)*    u
80    ! get upwelling atmospheric brightness temperature
82    call tbatmos(ifreq,theta,p0,wv,hwv,ta,gamma,alw,zcld, tbup,tbdn,tauatm)
84    ! convert transmittance to optical depth
86    sigma = -alog(tauatm)*costhet
88    ! get rough surface emissivity
90    call roughem(ifreq,gx2,sst,theta,remv,remh)
92    ! get effective zenith angles for scattered radiation at surface
94    call effang(ifreq,theta,gx2,sigma,effangv,effangh)
96    ! get effective sky brightness temperatures for scattered radiation
98    call tbatmos(ifreq,effangv,p0,wv,hwv,ta,gamma,alw,zcld, dum,tbdnv,dum)
100    call tbatmos(ifreq,effangh,p0,wv,hwv,ta,gamma,alw,zcld, dum,tbdnh,dum)
102    ! compute 'foam' coverage
104    foam = cf1(ifreq)*    u
106    if (u .gt. 5.0) then
107       foam_save = foam
108       foam =     foam + cf2(ifreq)*(   u-5.0)
109    end if
111    ! compute surface emissivities and reflectivity
113    emissv =     foam*fem + (1.0 - foam)*(remv + ebiasv(ifreq))
114    emissh =     foam*fem + (1.0 - foam)*(remh + ebiash(ifreq))
115    refv =   1.0 - emissv
116    refh =   1.0 - emissh
118    ! compute surface emission term
120    semv = sst*emissv
121    semh = sst*emissh
123    ! compute surface scattering term
125    scatv = refv*tbdnv
126    scath = refh*tbdnh
128    ! combine to get space-observed brightness temperature
130    ! tbv =     tbup + tauatm*(semv + scatv)
131    ! tbh =     tbup + tauatm*(semh + scath)
134    ! start
135    ! write (unit=stdout,fmt=*) 'ifreq 1',ADJ_p0,ADJ_ta,ADJ_gamma,ADJ_sst,ADJ_wv,  &
136    !                 ADJ_hwv,ADJ_u,ADJ_alw,ADJ_zcld,ADJ_tbv,ADJ_tbh            
139    ADJ_tbup   = ADJ_tbh                    !!! first
140    ADJ_tauatm = ADJ_tbh*(semh + scath)     !!! first
141    ADJ_semh   = tauatm*ADJ_tbh             !!! first
142    ADJ_scath  = tauatm*ADJ_tbh             !!! first
144    ADJ_tbup   = ADJ_tbv                  + ADJ_tbup
145    ADJ_tauatm = ADJ_tbv*(semv + scatv)   + ADJ_tauatm
146    ADJ_semv   = tauatm*ADJ_tbv             !!! first
147    ADJ_scatv  = tauatm*ADJ_tbv             !!! first
149    ADJ_refh   = ADJ_scath*tbdnh            !!! first
150    ADJ_tbdnh  = refh*ADJ_scath             !!! first
151    ADJ_refv   = ADJ_scatv*tbdnv            !!! first
152    ADJ_tbdnv  = refv*ADJ_scatv             !!! first
153    ADJ_sst    = ADJ_semh*emissh          + ADJ_sst
154    ADJ_emissh = sst*ADJ_semh               !!! first
155    ADJ_sst    = ADJ_semv*emissv          + ADJ_sst
156    ADJ_emissv = sst*ADJ_semv               !!! first
158    ADJ_emissh = - ADJ_refh               + ADJ_emissh
159    ADJ_emissv = - ADJ_refv               + ADJ_emissv
161    ADJ_foam   =   ADJ_emissh*fem                      !!! first
162    ADJ_foam   = - ADJ_emissh*(remh + ebiash(ifreq)) + ADJ_foam
163    ADJ_remh   =   (1.0 - foam)*ADJ_emissh             !!! first
164    ADJ_foam   =   ADJ_emissv*fem                    + ADJ_foam
165    ADJ_foam   = - ADJ_emissv*(remv + ebiasv(ifreq)) + ADJ_foam
166    ADJ_remv   =   (1.0 - foam)*ADJ_emissv             !!! first
168    if (u .gt. 5.0) then
169      ADJ_u = cf2(ifreq)*ADJ_foam  + ADJ_u
170      foam=foam_save
171    end if
172    ADJ_u = cf1(ifreq)*ADJ_foam    + ADJ_u
174    ADJ_dum = 0.0
175    dum     = 0.0
176    ADJ_effangh = 0.0
177    call da_tbatmos_adj(ifreq,effangh,p0,wv,hwv,ta,gamma,alw,    &
178                        zcld,dum,tbdnh,dum,                      &
179                        ADJ_effangh,ADJ_p0,ADJ_wv,ADJ_hwv,       &
180                        ADJ_ta,ADJ_gamma,ADJ_alw,ADJ_zcld,       &
181                        ADJ_dum,ADJ_tbdnh,ADJ_dum                )
182    dum     = 0.0
183    ADJ_dum = 0.0
185    ! write (unit=stdout,fmt=*) 'ifreq 2',ADJ_p0,ADJ_ta,ADJ_gamma,ADJ_sst,ADJ_wv,  &
186    !                 ADJ_hwv,ADJ_u,ADJ_alw,ADJ_zcld,ADJ_tbv,ADJ_tbh            
188    ADJ_effangv = 0.0
189    call da_tbatmos_adj(ifreq,effangv,p0,wv,hwv,ta,gamma,alw,    &
190                        zcld,dum,tbdnv,dum,                      &
191                        ADJ_effangv,ADJ_p0,ADJ_wv,ADJ_hwv,       &
192                        ADJ_ta,ADJ_gamma,ADJ_alw,ADJ_zcld,       & 
193                        ADJ_dum,ADJ_tbdnv,ADJ_dum                )
195    ADJ_gx2=0.0
196    ADJ_sigma=0.0
197    ! write (unit=stdout,fmt=*) 'ifreq 3',ADJ_p0,ADJ_ta,ADJ_gamma,ADJ_sst,ADJ_wv,  &
198    !                 ADJ_hwv,ADJ_u,ADJ_alw,ADJ_zcld,ADJ_tbv,ADJ_tbh            
200    call da_effang_adj(ifreq,theta,gx2,sigma,effangv,effangh,    &
201                       ADJ_gx2,ADJ_sigma,ADJ_effangv,ADJ_effangh )
203    call da_roughem_adj(ifreq,gx2,sst,theta,remv,remh,         &
204                        ADJ_gx2,ADJ_sst,ADJ_remv,ADJ_remh      )
206    ADJ_tauatm = - costhet*ADJ_sigma/tauatm + ADJ_tauatm
209    ! write (unit=stdout,fmt=*) 'ifreq 4',ADJ_p0,ADJ_ta,ADJ_gamma,ADJ_sst,ADJ_wv,  &
210    !              ADJ_hwv,ADJ_u,ADJ_alw,ADJ_zcld,ADJ_tbv,ADJ_tbh            
212    call da_tbatmos_adj(ifreq,theta,p0,wv,hwv,ta,gamma,alw,zcld, &
213                        tbup,tbdn,tauatm,                        &
214                        ADJ_theta,ADJ_p0,ADJ_wv,ADJ_hwv,ADJ_ta,ADJ_gamma,  &
215                        ADJ_alw,ADJ_zcld,ADJ_tbup,ADJ_tbdn,      &
216                        ADJ_tauatm                               )
218    ADJ_theta=0.0   ! first
220    ADJ_u = cg(ifreq)*ADJ_gx2 + ADJ_u
222    ! write (unit=stdout,fmt=*) 'ifreq 5',ADJ_p0,ADJ_ta,ADJ_gamma,ADJ_sst,ADJ_wv,  &
223    !              ADJ_hwv,ADJ_u,ADJ_alw,ADJ_zcld,ADJ_tbv,ADJ_tbh            
224    ! end
226    if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_tb_adj")
228 end subroutine da_tb_adj