1 subroutine da_llxy_wrf_new(proj, info)
3 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4 ! Purpose: Converts input lat/lon values to the cartesian (x,y) value
5 ! for the given projection.
6 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
10 type(proj_info), intent(in) :: proj
11 type(infa_type), intent(inout) :: info
13 if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_llxy_wrf_new")
15 if (.NOT.proj%init) then
16 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
17 (/"You have not called map_set for this projection!"/))
20 select case(proj%code)
23 call da_llxy_latlon_new(proj,info)
26 call da_llxy_merc_new(proj,info)
27 info%x(:,:) = info%x(:,:) + proj%knowni - 1.0
28 info%y(:,:) = info%y(:,:) + proj%knownj - 1.0
31 call da_llxy_ps_new(proj,info)
34 call da_llxy_lc_new(proj,info)
35 info%x(:,:) = info%x(:,:) + proj%knowni - 1.0
36 info%y(:,:) = info%y(:,:) + proj%knownj - 1.0
39 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I2)') &
40 'Unrecognized map projection code: ', proj%code
41 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1))
44 if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_llxy_wrf_new")
46 end subroutine da_llxy_wrf_new