1 subroutine da_varbc_tl (cv_size, cv, iv, y)
3 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 ! PURPOSE: Apply bias correction to radiance innovations.
6 ! METHOD: delta_d = y - delta_bc
8 ! delta_bc = SUM( delta_beta_i Pred_i )
10 ! delta_beta = VarBC parameters
11 ! Pred = Bias predictors
13 ! Called from da_transform_vtoy
15 ! HISTORY: 10/27/2007 - Creation Tom Auligne
16 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 integer, intent(in) :: cv_size ! Size of cv array.
21 real, intent(in) :: cv(1:cv_size) ! control variables.
22 type (iv_type), intent(in) :: iv ! O-B structure.
23 type (y_type), intent(inout) :: y ! y = h (xa)
25 integer :: inst, i, k, num_rad, n, npred
26 real, allocatable :: varbc_param_tl(:)
28 if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_varbc_tl")
30 do inst = 1, iv%num_inst ! loop for sensor
31 num_rad = iv%instid(inst)%num_rad
32 if (num_rad < 1) cycle
34 allocate(varbc_param_tl(iv%instid(inst)%varbc_info%npredmax))
36 do k=1,iv%instid(inst)%nchan ! loop for channel
37 npred = iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%npred
38 if (npred <= 0) cycle ! VarBC channels only
40 !---------------------------------------------------------------
41 ! Change of variable (preconditioning)
42 !---------------------------------------------------------------
43 varbc_param_tl(:) = 0.0
45 varbc_param_tl(i) = SUM( cv(iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%index(1:npred)) * &
46 iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%vtox(i,1:npred) )
49 !---------------------------------------------------------------
50 ! TL of bias correction through linear regression
51 !---------------------------------------------------------------
52 do n = 1, num_rad ! loop for pixel
53 if (iv%instid(inst)%tb_qc(k,n) <= qc_varbc_bad) cycle ! good obs only
55 y%instid(inst)%tb(k,n) = y%instid(inst)%tb(k,n) + &
56 SUM( varbc_param_tl(1:npred) * &
57 iv%instid(inst)%varbc_info%pred( &
58 iv%instid(inst)%varbc(k)%ipred(1:npred),n) )
62 deallocate(varbc_param_tl)
63 end do ! end loop for sensor
65 if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_varbc_tl")
67 end subroutine da_varbc_tl