updated top-level README and version_decl for V4.5 (#1847)
[WRF.git] / var / da / da_varbc_tamdar / da_varbc_tamdar_direct.inc
1    subroutine da_varbc_tamdar_direct (iv,ob)
3    !-----------------------------------------------!
4    !  Apply bias correction to TAMDAR innovations  !
5    !-----------------------------------------------!
7    implicit none
9    type (iv_type), intent(inout)   :: iv
10    type (y_type),  intent(inout)   :: ob
12    real                            :: bc,bias
13    real                            :: contri(5)
14    integer                         :: i,isn,iflt,iobs,ipred,iphase,nobs
15    character(len=3)                :: cphz(3)
16    character(len=30)               :: stringn
19    if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_varbc_tamdar_direct")
21    if (rootproc) &
22        write(unit=varbc_tamdar_unit,fmt='(//5X,A/)')'Calculating corrected innovation'
24    cphz = (/'des','asc','cru'/)
26    do iflt = 1, iv%varbc_tamdar%nair
27       do iphase = 1, iv%varbc_tamdar%nphase
28          if (iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs_sum(iphase,iflt) >= varbc_tamdar_nobsmin) then
30              bc = SUM( iv%varbc_tamdar%param(1:iv%varbc_tamdar%npred,iphase,iflt) * &
31                        iv%varbc_tamdar%pred(1:iv%varbc_tamdar%npred,iphase,iflt) )
33              nobs = 0
34              bias = 0.
36              if (iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs(iphase,iflt) > 0 .and. iv%varbc_tamdar%ifuse(iphase,iflt) > 0 ) then 
37                  do iobs = 1, iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs(iphase,iflt)
38                     isn = iv%varbc_tamdar%obs_sn(iobs,iphase,iflt)
39                     if (iv%tamdar(isn)%t(1)%qc >= 0) then
40                         bias = bias + iv%tamdar(isn)%t(1)%inv
41                         nobs = nobs + 1
43                         iv%tamdar(isn)%t(1)%inv = iv%tamdar(isn)%t(1)%inv - bc
44                     end if
45                  end do
46              end if
48              if (wrf_dm_sum_integer(nobs) > 0) &
49                  bias = wrf_dm_sum_real(bias)/wrf_dm_sum_integer(nobs)
51              if (rootproc .and. iv%varbc_tamdar%ifuse(iphase,iflt) > 0) then
52                  write(unit=varbc_tamdar_unit,fmt='(10X,A,I5,A,2X,A,2X,A,2F10.4)') &
53                       'bias corrected for ',iv%varbc_tamdar%tail_id(iflt),  &
54                       '  at', cphz(iphase), ': (BC,OMB)', bc, bias
55              end if
57          end if
58       end do
59    end do
61    if (rootproc) write(unit=varbc_tamdar_unit,fmt='(/10X,A)') &
62                       " ID  Phase  Predictor/Parameter/Bias model (npred)  &  BC"
64    ipred = 3*iv%varbc_tamdar%npred+1
65    write(stringn,'(I3)') ipred
66    stringn = '(10X,I4,2X,A,2X,'//trim(ADJUSTL(stringn))//'f8.3)'
67    stringn = trim(adjustl(stringn))
69    do iflt = 1, iv%varbc_tamdar%nair
70       do iphase = 1, iv%varbc_tamdar%nphase
71          if (rootproc .and. iv%varbc_tamdar%ifuse(iphase,iflt) > 0) then 
73              contri(:) = 0.
74              bc = 0.
76              do ipred = 1, iv%varbc_tamdar%npred
77                 contri(ipred) = &
78                        iv%varbc_tamdar%param(ipred,iphase,iflt) * &
79                        iv%varbc_tamdar%pred(ipred,iphase,iflt)
80                 bc = bc + contri(ipred)
81              end do
83              write(unit=varbc_tamdar_unit,fmt=stringn) &
84                    iv%varbc_tamdar%tail_id(iflt), cphz(iphase), &
85                   (iv%varbc_tamdar%pred(ipred,iphase,iflt), &
86                    iv%varbc_tamdar%param(ipred,iphase,iflt), &
87                    contri(ipred), ipred=1,iv%varbc_tamdar%npred),bc
88          end if
89       end do
90    end do
92    if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_varbc_tamdar_direct")
94    end subroutine da_varbc_tamdar_direct