updated top-level README and version_decl for V4.5 (#1847)
[WRF.git] / var / da / da_varbc_tamdar / da_varbc_tamdar_precond.inc
1    subroutine da_varbc_tamdar_precond (iv)
3    !----------------------------------------------------!
4    !  Estimate Hessian for Preconditioning              !
5    !                                                    !
6    !  Preconditioning = inverse square root of Hessian  !
7    !                                                    !
8    !  Hermite real matrix:                              !
9    !                 A = Q*D*Q^T                        !
10    !           A^(1/k) = Q*D^(1/K)*Q^T                  !
11    !----------------------------------------------------!
13    implicit none
15    type (iv_type), intent (inout) :: iv
17    integer                        :: i,j,iflt,iobs,isn,ipred,iphase,npred
18    real                           :: lhessian,lbgerr,predi,predj,verr
20    real, allocatable              :: hessian(:,:)
21    real*8, allocatable            :: eignvec(:,:), eignval(:)
24    if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_varbc_tamdar_precond")
26    if (rootproc) &
27        write(unit=varbc_tamdar_unit,fmt='(//5X,A)') 'Estimating hessian for preconditioning'
29    npred = iv%varbc_tamdar%npred
31    allocate ( hessian(npred, npred) )
32    allocate ( eignvec(npred, npred) )
33    allocate ( eignval(npred)        )
35    do iflt = 1, iv%varbc_tamdar%nair
36       do iphase = 1, iv%varbc_tamdar%nphase
37          if (iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs_sum(iphase,iflt) >= varbc_tamdar_nobsmin) then
39              hessian(:,:) = 0.
40              eignvec(:,:) = 0.
41              eignval(:)   = 0.
43              lbgerr = 0.0
44              if (iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs(iphase,iflt) > 0 .and. iv%varbc_tamdar%ifuse(iphase,iflt) > 0) then
45                  do iobs = 1, iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs(iphase,iflt)
46                     isn = iv%varbc_tamdar%obs_sn(iobs,iphase,iflt)
47                     verr = 0.0
48                     if (iv%tamdar(isn)%t(1)%qc >= 0) verr = iv%tamdar(isn)%t(1)%error
49                     lbgerr = lbgerr + verr**2.0/varbc_tamdar_nbgerr
50                  end do
51              end if
52              lbgerr = wrf_dm_sum_real(lbgerr)
54              do i = 1, npred
55                 do j = i, npred
56                    lhessian = 0.0       
58                    if (iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs(iphase,iflt) > 0 .and. iv%varbc_tamdar%ifuse(iphase,iflt) > 0) then
59                        do iobs = 1, iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs(iphase,iflt)
60                           isn = iv%varbc_tamdar%obs_sn(iobs,iphase,iflt)
61                           predi = iv%varbc_tamdar%pred(i,iphase,iflt)
62                           predj = iv%varbc_tamdar%pred(j,iphase,iflt)
64                           verr = 0.0
65                           if (iv%tamdar(isn)%t(1)%qc >= 0) verr = iv%tamdar(isn)%t(1)%error
66                           if (verr > 0.) lhessian = lhessian + predi*predj/verr**2.0
67                        end do 
68                    end if
69                    hessian(i,j) = wrf_dm_sum_real(lhessian)
70                    hessian(j,i) = hessian(i,j)                 
71                 end do
73                 iv%varbc_tamdar%bgerr(i,iphase,iflt) = lbgerr/iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs_sum(iphase,iflt)
74                 if (iv%varbc_tamdar%bgerr(i,iphase,iflt) > 0.) & 
75                     hessian(i,i)=hessian(i,i)+1.0/iv%varbc_tamdar%bgerr(i,iphase,iflt)
76              end do   
78              if (iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs(iphase,iflt) > 0 .and. iv%varbc_tamdar%ifuse(iphase,iflt) > 0) then
80                  call da_eof_decomposition(npred, hessian(1:npred,1:npred), &
81                                            eignvec(1:npred,1:npred),eignval(1:npred))
83                  if (ANY( eignval(1:npred) <= 0 )) then
84                      write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A,I8,A,2F12.5)') &
85                           'VARBC_TAMDAR: non-positive Hessian for tail_id ', iv%varbc_tamdar%tail_id(iflt), &
86                           '. Eigenvalues =',eignval(1:npred) 
88                      do i = 1, npred
89                         if (hessian(i,i) > 0) iv%varbc_tamdar%vtox(i,i,iphase,iflt) = 1.0/sqrt(hessian(i,i))
90                      end do
91                  else
92                      do i = 1, npred
93                      do j = i, npred
94                         iv%varbc_tamdar%vtox(i,j,iphase,iflt) = SUM( eignvec(i,1:npred)* &
95                                                                      sqrt(1.0/eignval(1:npred)) * &
96                                                                      eignvec(j,1:npred) )
97                         iv%varbc_tamdar%vtox(j,i,iphase,iflt) = iv%varbc_tamdar%vtox(i,j,iphase,iflt)
98                      end do
99                      end do
100                  end if
101              end if
102          end if
103       end do   
104    end do
106    deallocate(hessian, eignvec, eignval)   
108    if (rootproc) &
109        write(unit=varbc_tamdar_unit,fmt='(/5X,A)') 'End estimating hessian for preconditioning'
111    if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_varbc_tamdar_precond")
113    end subroutine da_varbc_tamdar_precond