updated top-level README and version_decl for V4.5 (#1847)
[WRF.git] / var / da / da_verif_obs / da_verif_obs_init.f90
1 MODULE da_verif_obs_init
2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ! History:
5 ! Abstract:
6 ! Main module for
7 ! initializing various arrays
9 ! Author: Syed RH Rizvi NCAR/MMM 05/30/2006
10 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 USE da_verif_obs_control
15 subroutine da_advance_cymdh( start_date, dh, end_date )
17 implicit none
19 character (len=10), intent(in) :: start_date ! In date (ccyymmddhh).
20 integer, intent(in) :: dh ! Period to advance (-ve for past).
21 character (len=10), intent(out) :: end_date ! Out date (ccyymmddhh).
23 integer :: ccyy, mm, dd, hh
25 read(start_date(1:10), fmt='(i4, 3i2)') ccyy, mm, dd, hh
27 hh = hh + dh
29 do while (hh < 0)
30 hh = hh + 24
31 call da_change_date ( ccyy, mm, dd, -1 )
32 end do
34 do while (hh > 23)
35 hh = hh - 24
36 call da_change_date ( ccyy, mm, dd, 1 )
37 end do
39 write(UNIT=end_date(1:10), fmt='(i4, 3i2.2)') ccyy, mm, dd, hh
41 end subroutine da_advance_cymdh
42 subroutine da_change_date( ccyy, mm, dd, delta )
44 implicit none
46 integer, intent(inout) :: ccyy, mm, dd
47 integer, intent(in) :: delta
49 integer, dimension(12) :: mmday
51 mmday = (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
53 mmday(2) = 28
54 if (mod(ccyy,4) == 0) then
55 mmday(2) = 29
57 if ( mod(ccyy,100) == 0) then
58 mmday(2) = 28
59 endif
61 if(mod(ccyy,400) == 0) then
62 mmday(2) = 29
63 end if
64 endif
66 dd = dd + delta
68 if(dd == 0) then
69 mm = mm - 1
71 if(mm == 0) then
72 mm = 12
73 ccyy = ccyy - 1
74 endif
76 dd = mmday(mm)
77 elseif ( dd .gt. mmday(mm) ) then
78 dd = 1
79 mm = mm + 1
80 if(mm > 12 ) then
81 mm = 1
82 ccyy = ccyy + 1
83 end if
84 end if
85 end subroutine da_change_date
86 subroutine initialize_surface_type(surface)
87 type(surface_type), intent(inout) :: surface
89 call initialize_stats_type(surface%uomb,surface%uoma)
90 call initialize_stats_type(surface%vomb,surface%voma)
91 call initialize_stats_type(surface%tomb,surface%toma)
92 call initialize_stats_type(surface%pomb,surface%poma)
93 call initialize_stats_type(surface%qomb,surface%qoma)
95 end subroutine initialize_surface_type
97 subroutine initialize_upr_type(upr)
98 type(upr_type), intent(inout) :: upr
100 integer :: k
102 do k = 1, nstd
103 call initialize_stats_type(upr%uomb(k),upr%uoma(k))
104 call initialize_stats_type(upr%vomb(k),upr%voma(k))
105 call initialize_stats_type(upr%tomb(k),upr%toma(k))
106 call initialize_stats_type(upr%qomb(k),upr%qoma(k))
107 enddo
109 end subroutine initialize_upr_type
111 subroutine initialize_gpspw_type(gpspw)
112 type(gpspw_type), intent(inout) :: gpspw
114 call initialize_stats_type(gpspw%tpwomb,gpspw%tpwoma)
115 end subroutine initialize_gpspw_type
117 subroutine initialize_gpsref_type(gpsref)
118 type(gpsref_type), intent(inout) :: gpsref
119 integer :: k
122 do k = 1, nstdh
123 call initialize_stats_type(gpsref%refomb(k),gpsref%refoma(k))
124 enddo
125 end subroutine initialize_gpsref_type
127 subroutine initialize_stats_type(omb, oma)
128 type(stats_value), intent(inout) :: omb, oma
129 omb%num = 0 ; oma%num = 0
130 omb%bias = 0 ; oma%bias = 0
131 omb%abias = 0 ; oma%abias = 0
132 omb%rmse = 0 ; oma%rmse = 0
133 end subroutine initialize_stats_type
135 subroutine initialize_t_tab
136 implicit none
137 integer :: i
140 ! Initalize Student t table for alpha=0.025
143 ! Degrees of freedom
144 do i=1,30
145 alpha(i,1) = i
146 end do
147 alpha(31,1) = 40.
148 alpha(32,1) = 60.
149 alpha(33,1) = 120.
150 alpha(34,1) = 400.
152 ! Critical t value
153 alpha(1,2) = 12.706
154 alpha(2,2) = 4.303
155 alpha(3,2) = 3.182
156 alpha(4,2) = 2.776
157 alpha(5,2) = 2.571
158 alpha(6,2) = 2.447
159 alpha(7,2) = 2.365
160 alpha(8,2) = 2.306
161 alpha(9,2) = 2.262
162 alpha(10,2) = 2.228
163 alpha(11,2) = 2.201
164 alpha(12,2) = 2.179
165 alpha(13,2) = 2.160
166 alpha(14,2) = 2.145
167 alpha(15,2) = 2.131
168 alpha(16,2) = 2.120
169 alpha(17,2) = 2.110
170 alpha(18,2) = 2.101
171 alpha(19,2) = 2.093
172 alpha(20,2) = 2.086
173 alpha(21,2) = 2.080
174 alpha(22,2) = 2.074
175 alpha(23,2) = 2.069
176 alpha(24,2) = 2.064
177 alpha(25,2) = 2.060
178 alpha(26,2) = 2.056
179 alpha(27,2) = 2.052
180 alpha(28,2) = 2.048
181 alpha(29,2) = 2.045
182 alpha(30,2) = 2.042
183 alpha(31,2) = 2.021
184 alpha(32,2) = 2.000
185 alpha(33,2) = 1.980
186 alpha(34,2) = 1.960
188 end subroutine initialize_t_tab
190 !-------------------------------------------------
191 end MODULE da_verif_obs_init