updated top-level README and version_decl for V4.5 (#1847)
[WRF.git] / var / obsproc / MAP_plot / Map.csh
1 #! /bin/csh
2 ##################################################################
3 # This deck is used to produce a map of mesoscale observations
4 # sites, and produce the data files for 4DVAR.
6 # Yong-Run Guo
7 # 07/28/1999
8 # modified on 06/07/2002
9 ###################################################################
10 #set echo
11 unalias mv rm
13 set Map_plot = /users/noname/WRFDA/var/obsproc/MAP_plot
15 set TIME_WINDOW_MIN = '2008020511'
16 set TIME_ANALYSIS = '2008020512'
17 set TIME_WINDOW_MAX = '2008020513'
19 set OBSDATA = ../obs_gts_2008-02-05_12:00:00.3DVAR.GPS
21 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
22 # ============== END OF CHANGES =================
23 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
24 echo " "
26 if (-e $OBSDATA) then
28 if ( -e gmeta ) rm gmeta
29 if ( -e namelist.file ) rm namelist.file
30 # =========================================================================
31 # For domain information, there are 2 options:
33 # (1) To get it from the file $OBSDATA automatically;
35 # This is useful with ONE shell script applying to any of
36 # $OBSDATA files, no namelist file need to be edited.
38 # (2) To set it within the namelist file by adding the following
39 # 2 records in namelist.file. The information from $OBSDATA
40 # will be overwritten.
42 # This is useful when users want to use a specific domain
43 # defined by the namelist for plotting.
45 # Example for AFWA T3 domain:
46 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 # &MAPBG
48 # PHIC = 51.0 ,
49 # XLONC = 10.5,
50 # IEXP = 0, ; Domain expanded (1) or not (0) ?
51 # AEXP = 360., ; Distance of expansion in km on each side of domain
52 # IPROJ = 'LAMCON',
55 # TRUELAT1=60.,
56 # TRUELAT2=30.,
57 # /
60 # MAXNES = 1,
61 # NESTIX = 105, 124, 136, 181, 211,
62 # NESTJX = 120, 121, 181, 196, 211,
63 # DIS = 45., 10., 3.3, 1.1, 1.1,
64 # NUMC = 1, 1, 2, 3, 4,
65 # NESTI = 1, 40, 28, 35, 45,
66 # NESTJ = 1, 60, 25, 65, 55,
67 # /
68 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 cat >! namelist.file << EOF
73 TIME_WINDOW_MIN = '$TIME_WINDOW_MIN', ; beginning of time window
74 TIME_WINDOW_MAX = '$TIME_WINDOW_MAX', ; end of time window
78 skewt_plot = .FALSE.,
80 EOF
82 if (! -e no_comment.sed ) ln -sf ${Map_plot}/no_comment.sed no_comment.sed
83 if (! -e mapco.tbl ) ln -sf ${Map_plot}/mapco.tbl mapco.tbl
84 if (! -e Map.exe ) ln -sf ${Map_plot}/Map.exe Map.exe
86 sed -f no_comment.sed namelist.file >! tmp.file
87 mv tmp.file namelist.file
88 # ==========================================================================
90 ln -s -f $OBSDATA fort.99
91 ln -s -f namelist.file fort.15
93 echo " "
94 echo "Map.exe >&! Map.out.${TIME_ANALYSIS}"
95 ./Map.exe >&! Map.out.${TIME_ANALYSIS}
96 echo " "
98 if (-e gmeta) \
99 echo "Generate plots in metafile gmeta.${TIME_ANALYSIS}"
100 mv gmeta gmeta.${TIME_ANALYSIS}
102 else
103 echo "Cannot find input file $OBSDATA"
104 endif
105 echo " "