2 !dis Open Source License/Disclaimer, Forecast Systems Laboratory
3 !dis NOAA/OAR/FSL, 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305
5 !dis This software is distributed under the Open Source Definition,
6 !dis which may be found at http://www.opensource.org/osd.html.
8 !dis In particular, redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
9 !dis with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
10 !dis following conditions are met:
12 !dis - Redistributions of source code must retain this notice, this
13 !dis list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
15 !dis - Redistributions in binary form must provide access to this
16 !dis notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer, and
17 !dis the underlying source code.
19 !dis - All modifications to this software must be clearly documented,
20 !dis and are solely the responsibility of the agent making the
23 !dis - If significant modifications or enhancements are made to this
24 !dis software, the FSL Software Policy Manager
25 !dis (softwaremgr@fsl.noaa.gov) should be notified.
39 ! Module that defines constants, data structures, and
40 ! subroutines used to convert grid indices to lat/lon
44 ! ---------------------
45 ! Cylindrical Lat/Lon (code = PROJ_LATLON)
46 ! Mercator (code = PROJ_MERC)
47 ! Lambert Conformal (code = PROJ_LC)
48 ! Polar Stereographic (code = PROJ_PS)
52 ! The routines contained within were adapted from routines
53 ! obtained from NCEP's w3 library. The original NCEP routines were less
54 ! flexible (e.g., polar-stereo routines only supported truelat of 60N/60S)
55 ! than what we needed, so modifications based on equations in Hoke, Hayes, and
56 ! Renninger (AFGWC/TN/79-003) were added to improve the flexibility.
57 ! Additionally, coding was improved to F90 standards and the routines were
58 ! combined into this module.
63 ! For mercator, lambert conformal, and polar-stereographic projections,
64 ! the routines within assume the following:
66 ! 1. Grid is dimensioned (i,j) where i is the East-West direction,
67 ! positive toward the east, and j is the north-south direction,
68 ! positive toward the north.
69 ! 2. Origin is at (1,1) and is located at the southwest corner,
70 ! regardless of hemispere.
71 ! 3. Grid spacing (dx) is always positive.
72 ! 4. Values of true latitudes must be positive for NH domains
73 ! and negative for SH domains.
75 ! For the latlon projection, the grid origin may be at any of the
76 ! corners, and the deltalat and deltalon values can be signed to
77 ! account for this using the following convention:
78 ! Origin Location Deltalat Sign Deltalon Sign
79 ! --------------- ------------- -------------
86 ! 1. Any arguments that are a latitude value are expressed in
87 ! degrees north with a valid range of -90 -> 90
88 ! 2. Any arguments that are a longitude value are expressed in
89 ! degrees east with a valid range of -180 -> 180.
90 ! 3. Distances are in meters and are always positive.
91 ! 4. The standard longitude (stdlon) is defined as the longitude
92 ! line which is parallel to the grid's y-axis (j-direction), along
93 ! which latitude increases (NOT the absolute value of latitude, but
94 ! the actual latitude, such that latitude increases continuously
95 ! from the south pole to the north pole) as j increases.
96 ! 5. One true latitude value is required for polar-stereographic and
97 ! mercator projections, and defines at which latitude the
98 ! grid spacing is true. For lambert conformal, two true latitude
99 ! values must be specified, but may be set equal to each other to
100 ! specify a tangent projection instead of a secant projection.
104 ! To use the routines in this module, the calling routines must have the
105 ! following statement at the beginning of its declaration block:
108 ! The use of the module not only provides access to the necessary routines,
109 ! but also defines a structure of TYPE (proj_info) that can be used
110 ! to declare a variable of the same type to hold your map projection
111 ! information. It also defines some integer parameters that contain
112 ! the projection codes so one only has to use those variable names rather
113 ! than remembering the acutal code when using them. The basic steps are
116 ! 1. Ensure the "USE map_utils" is in your declarations.
117 ! 2. Declare the projection information structure as type(proj_info):
118 ! TYPE(proj_info) :: proj
119 ! 3. Populate your structure by calling the map_set routine:
120 ! CALL map_set(code,lat1,lon1,knowni,knownj,dx,stdlon,truelat1,truelat2,proj)
122 ! code (input) = one of PROJ_LATLON, PROJ_MERC, PROJ_LC, or PROJ_PS
123 ! lat1 (input) = Latitude of grid origin point (i,j)=(1,1)
125 ! lon1 (input) = Longitude of grid origin
126 ! knowni (input) = origin point, x-location
127 ! knownj (input) = origin point, y-location
128 ! dx (input) = grid spacing in meters (ignored for LATLON projections)
129 ! stdlon (input) = Standard longitude for PROJ_PS and PROJ_LC,
130 ! deltalon (see assumptions) for PROJ_LATLON,
131 ! ignored for PROJ_MERC
132 ! truelat1 (input) = 1st true latitude for PROJ_PS, PROJ_LC, and
133 ! PROJ_MERC, deltalat (see assumptions) for PROJ_LATLON
134 ! truelat2 (input) = 2nd true latitude for PROJ_LC,
135 ! ignored for all others.
136 ! proj (output) = The structure of type (proj_info) that will be fully
137 ! populated after this call
139 ! 4. Now that the proj structure is populated, you may call either
140 ! of the following routines:
142 ! latlon_to_ij(proj, lat, lon, i, j)
143 ! ij_to_latlon(proj, i, j, lat, lon)
145 ! It is incumbent upon the calling routine to determine whether or
146 ! not the values returned are within your domain's bounds. All values
147 ! of i, j, lat, and lon are REAL values.
152 ! Hoke, Hayes, and Renninger, "Map Preojections and Grid Systems for
153 ! Meteorological Applications." AFGWC/TN-79/003(Rev), Air Weather
156 ! NCAR MM5v3 Modeling System, REGRIDDER program, module_first_guess_map.F
157 ! NCEP routines w3fb06, w3fb07, w3fb08, w3fb09, w3fb11, w3fb12
161 ! 27 Mar 2001 - Original Version
162 ! Brent L. Shaw, NOAA/FSL (CSU/CIRA)
164 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
168 ! Define some private constants
169 REAL, PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: pi = 3.1415927
170 REAL, PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: deg_per_rad = 180./pi
171 REAL, PRIVATE, PARAMETER :: rad_per_deg = pi / 180.
173 ! Mean Earth Radius in m. The value below is consistent
174 ! with NCEP's routines and grids.
175 ! REAL, PUBLIC , PARAMETER :: earth_radius_m = 6371200. ! from Brent
176 REAL, PUBLIC , PARAMETER :: earth_radius_m = 6370000. ! same as MM5 system
177 REAL, PUBLIC , PARAMETER :: radians_per_degree = pi / 180.
179 ! Define public parameters
181 ! Projection codes for proj_info structure:
188 ! Define data structures to define various projections
192 INTEGER :: code ! Integer code for projection type
193 REAL :: lat1 ! SW latitude (1,1) in degrees (-90->90N)
194 REAL :: lon1 ! SW longitude (1,1) in degrees (-180->180E)
195 REAL :: dx ! Grid spacing in meters at truelats, used
196 ! only for ps, lc, and merc projections
197 REAL :: dlat ! Lat increment for lat/lon grids
198 REAL :: dlon ! Lon increment for lat/lon grids
199 REAL :: stdlon ! Longitude parallel to y-axis (-180->180E)
200 REAL :: truelat1 ! First true latitude (all projections)
201 REAL :: truelat2 ! Second true lat (LC only)
202 REAL :: hemi ! 1 for NH, -1 for SH
203 REAL :: cone ! Cone factor for LC projections
204 REAL :: polei ! Computed i-location of pole point
205 REAL :: polej ! Computed j-location of pole point
206 REAL :: rsw ! Computed radius to SW corner
207 REAL :: rebydx ! Earth radius divided by dx
208 REAL :: knowni ! X-location of known lat/lon
209 REAL :: knownj ! Y-location of known lat/lon
210 LOGICAL :: init ! Flag to indicate if this struct is
214 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
216 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
217 SUBROUTINE map_init(proj)
218 ! Initializes the map projection structure to missing values
221 TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(INOUT) :: proj
227 proj%truelat1 = -999.9
228 proj%truelat2 = -999.9
238 END SUBROUTINE map_init
239 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
240 SUBROUTINE map_set(proj_code,lat1,lon1,knowni,knownj,dx,stdlon,truelat1,truelat2,proj)
241 ! Given a partially filled proj_info structure, this routine computes
242 ! polei, polej, rsw, and cone (if LC projection) to complete the
243 ! structure. This allows us to eliminate redundant calculations when
244 ! calling the coordinate conversion routines multiple times for the
246 ! This will generally be the first routine called when a user wants
247 ! to be able to use the coordinate conversion routines, and it
248 ! will call the appropriate subroutines based on the
249 ! proj%code which indicates which projection type this is.
254 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: proj_code
255 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lat1
256 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon1
257 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dx
258 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: stdlon
259 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: truelat1
260 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: truelat2
261 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: knowni , knownj
262 TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(OUT) :: proj
269 ! First, check for validity of mandatory variables in proj
270 IF ( ABS(lat1) .GT. 90. ) THEN
271 WRITE(0,'(A)') 'Latitude of origin corner required as follows:'
272 WRITE(0,'(A)') ' -90N <= lat1 < = 90.N'
275 IF ( ABS(lon1) .GT. 180.) THEN
276 WRITE(0,'(A)') 'Longitude of origin required as follows:'
277 WRITE(0,'(A)') ' -180E <= lon1 <= 180W'
280 IF ((dx .LE. 0.).AND.(proj_code .NE. PROJ_LATLON)) THEN
281 WRITE(0,'(A)') 'Require grid spacing (dx) in meters be positive!'
284 IF ((ABS(stdlon) .GT. 180.).AND.(proj_code .NE. PROJ_MERC)) THEN
285 WRITE(0,'(A)') 'Need orientation longitude (stdlon) as: '
286 WRITE(0,'(A)') ' -180E <= lon1 <= 180W'
289 IF (ABS(truelat1).GT.90.) THEN
290 WRITE(0,'(A)') 'Set true latitude 1 for all projections!'
295 proj%code = proj_code
302 proj%truelat1 = truelat1
303 proj%truelat2 = truelat2
304 IF (proj%code .NE. PROJ_LATLON) THEN
306 IF (truelat1 .LT. 0.) THEN
311 proj%rebydx = earth_radius_m / dx
313 pick_proj: SELECT CASE(proj%code)
316 WRITE(0,'(A)') 'Setting up POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC map...'
320 WRITE(0,'(A)') 'Setting up LAMBERT CONFORMAL map...'
321 IF (ABS(proj%truelat2) .GT. 90.) THEN
322 WRITE(0,'(A)') 'Second true latitude not set, assuming a tangent'
323 WRITE(0,'(A,F10.3)') 'projection at truelat1: ', proj%truelat1
324 proj%truelat2=proj%truelat1
329 WRITE(0,'(A)') 'Setting up MERCATOR map...'
334 ! Convert lon1 to 0->360 notation
335 IF (proj%lon1 .LT. 0.) proj%lon1 = proj%lon1 + 360.
338 WRITE(0,'(A,I2)') 'Unknown projection code: ', proj%code
344 END SUBROUTINE map_set
345 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
346 SUBROUTINE latlon_to_ij(proj, lat, lon, i, j)
347 ! Converts input lat/lon values to the cartesian (i,j) value
348 ! for the given projection.
351 TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(IN) :: proj
352 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lat
353 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon
354 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: i
355 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: j
357 IF (.NOT.proj%init) THEN
358 WRITE(0,'(A)') 'You have not called map_set for this projection!'
362 SELECT CASE(proj%code)
365 CALL llij_latlon(lat,lon,proj,i,j)
368 CALL llij_merc(lat,lon,proj,i,j)
369 i = i + proj%knowni - 1.0
370 j = j + proj%knownj - 1.0
373 CALL llij_ps(lat,lon,proj,i,j)
376 CALL llij_lc(lat,lon,proj,i,j)
377 i = i + proj%knowni - 1.0
378 j = j + proj%knownj - 1.0
381 WRITE(0,'(A,I2)') 'Unrecognized map projection code: ', proj%code
387 END SUBROUTINE latlon_to_ij
388 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
389 SUBROUTINE ij_to_latlon(proj, ii, jj, lat, lon)
390 ! Computes geographical latitude and longitude for a given (i,j) point
391 ! in a grid with a projection of proj
394 TYPE(proj_info),INTENT(IN) :: proj
395 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: ii
396 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: jj
397 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lat
398 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lon
401 IF (.NOT.proj%init) THEN
402 WRITE(0,'(A)') 'You have not called map_set for this projection!'
409 SELECT CASE (proj%code)
412 CALL ijll_latlon(i, j, proj, lat, lon)
415 i = ii - proj%knowni + 1.0
416 j = jj - proj%knownj + 1.0
417 CALL ijll_merc(i, j, proj, lat, lon)
420 CALL ijll_ps(i, j, proj, lat, lon)
424 i = ii - proj%knowni + 1.0
425 j = jj - proj%knownj + 1.0
426 CALL ijll_lc(i, j, proj, lat, lon)
429 WRITE(0,'(A,I2)') 'Unrecognized map projection code: ', proj%code
434 END SUBROUTINE ij_to_latlon
435 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
436 SUBROUTINE set_ps(proj)
437 ! Initializes a polar-stereographic map projection from the partially
438 ! filled proj structure. This routine computes the radius to the
439 ! southwest corner and computes the i/j location of the pole for use
440 ! in llij_ps and ijll_ps.
444 TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(INOUT) :: proj
453 reflon = proj%stdlon + 90.
455 ! Compute numerator term of map scale factor
456 scale_top = 1. + proj%hemi * SIN(proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg)
458 ! Compute radius to lower-left (SW) corner
459 ala1 = proj%lat1 * rad_per_deg
460 proj%rsw = proj%rebydx*COS(ala1)*scale_top/(1.+proj%hemi*SIN(ala1))
462 ! Find the pole point
463 alo1 = (proj%lon1 - reflon) * rad_per_deg
464 proj%polei = proj%knowni - proj%rsw * COS(alo1)
465 proj%polej = proj%knownj - proj%hemi * proj%rsw * SIN(alo1)
466 WRITE(0,'(A,2F10.1)')'Computed (I,J) of pole point: ',proj%polei,proj%polej
469 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
470 SUBROUTINE llij_ps(lat,lon,proj,i,j)
471 ! Given latitude (-90 to 90), longitude (-180 to 180), and the
472 ! standard polar-stereographic projection information via the
473 ! public proj structure, this routine returns the i/j indices which
474 ! if within the domain range from 1->nx and 1->ny, respectively.
478 ! Delcare input arguments
479 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lat
480 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon
481 TYPE(proj_info),INTENT(IN) :: proj
483 ! Declare output arguments
484 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: i !(x-index)
485 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: j !(y-index)
487 ! Declare local variables
498 reflon = proj%stdlon + 90.
500 ! Compute numerator term of map scale factor
502 scale_top = 1. + proj%hemi * SIN(proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg)
504 ! Find radius to desired point
505 ala = lat * rad_per_deg
506 rm = proj%rebydx * COS(ala) * scale_top/(1. + proj%hemi *SIN(ala))
507 alo = (lon - reflon) * rad_per_deg
508 i = proj%polei + rm * COS(alo)
509 j = proj%polej + proj%hemi * rm * SIN(alo)
512 END SUBROUTINE llij_ps
513 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
514 SUBROUTINE ijll_ps(i, j, proj, lat, lon)
516 ! This is the inverse subroutine of llij_ps. It returns the
517 ! latitude and longitude of an i/j point given the projection info
522 ! Declare input arguments
523 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: i ! Column
524 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: j ! Row
525 TYPE (proj_info), INTENT(IN) :: proj
527 ! Declare output arguments
528 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lat ! -90 -> 90 North
529 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lon ! -180 -> 180 East
540 ! Compute the reference longitude by rotating 90 degrees to the east
541 ! to find the longitude line parallel to the positive x-axis.
542 reflon = proj%stdlon + 90.
544 ! Compute numerator term of map scale factor
545 scale_top = 1. + proj%hemi * SIN(proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg)
547 ! Compute radius to point of interest
549 yy = (j - proj%polej) * proj%hemi
554 lat = proj%hemi * 90.
557 gi2 = (proj%rebydx * scale_top)**2.
558 lat = deg_per_rad * proj%hemi * ASIN((gi2-r2)/(gi2+r2))
559 arccos = ACOS(xx/SQRT(r2))
561 lon = reflon + deg_per_rad * arccos
563 lon = reflon - deg_per_rad * arccos
567 ! Convert to a -180 -> 180 East convention
568 IF (lon .GT. 180.) lon = lon - 360.
569 IF (lon .LT. -180.) lon = lon + 360.
572 END SUBROUTINE ijll_ps
573 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
574 SUBROUTINE set_lc(proj)
575 ! Initialize the remaining items in the proj structure for a
576 ! lambert conformal grid.
580 TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(INOUT) :: proj
587 ! Compute cone factor
588 CALL lc_cone(proj%truelat1, proj%truelat2, proj%cone)
589 WRITE(0,'(A,F8.6)') 'Computed cone factor: ', proj%cone
590 ! Compute longitude differences and ensure we stay out of the
591 ! forbidden "cut zone"
592 deltalon1 = proj%lon1 - proj%stdlon
593 IF (deltalon1 .GT. +180.) deltalon1 = deltalon1 - 360.
594 IF (deltalon1 .LT. -180.) deltalon1 = deltalon1 + 360.
596 ! Convert truelat1 to radian and compute COS for later use
597 tl1r = proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg
600 ! Compute the radius to our known lower-left (SW) corner
601 proj%rsw = proj%rebydx * ctl1r/proj%cone * &
602 (TAN((90.*proj%hemi-proj%lat1)*rad_per_deg/2.) / &
603 TAN((90.*proj%hemi-proj%truelat1)*rad_per_deg/2.))**proj%cone
606 arg = proj%cone*(deltalon1*rad_per_deg)
607 proj%polei = 1. - proj%hemi * proj%rsw * SIN(arg)
608 proj%polej = 1. + proj%rsw * COS(arg)
609 WRITE(0,'(A,2F10.3)') 'Computed pole i/j = ', proj%polei, proj%polej
612 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
613 SUBROUTINE lc_cone(truelat1, truelat2, cone)
615 ! Subroutine to compute the cone factor of a Lambert Conformal projection
620 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: truelat1 ! (-90 -> 90 degrees N)
621 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: truelat2 ! " " " " "
624 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: cone
630 ! First, see if this is a secant or tangent projection. For tangent
631 ! projections, truelat1 = truelat2 and the cone is tangent to the
632 ! Earth's surface at this latitude. For secant projections, the cone
633 ! intersects the Earth's surface at each of the distinctly different
635 IF (ABS(truelat1-truelat2) .GT. 0.1) THEN
636 cone = ALOG10(COS(truelat1*rad_per_deg)) - &
637 ALOG10(COS(truelat2*rad_per_deg))
638 cone = cone /(ALOG10(TAN((45.0 - ABS(truelat1)/2.0) * rad_per_deg)) - &
639 ALOG10(TAN((45.0 - ABS(truelat2)/2.0) * rad_per_deg)))
641 cone = SIN(ABS(truelat1)*rad_per_deg )
644 END SUBROUTINE lc_cone
645 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
646 SUBROUTINE ijll_lc( i, j, proj, lat, lon)
648 ! Subroutine to convert from the (i,j) cartesian coordinate to the
649 ! geographical latitude and longitude for a Lambert Conformal projection.
652 ! 25 Jul 01: Corrected by B. Shaw, NOAA/FSL
657 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: i ! Cartesian X coordinate
658 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: j ! Cartesian Y coordinate
659 TYPE(proj_info),INTENT(IN) :: proj ! Projection info structure
662 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lat ! Latitude (-90->90 deg N)
663 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lon ! Longitude (-180->180 E)
669 REAL :: chi,chi1,chi2
676 chi1 = (90. - proj%hemi*proj%truelat1)*rad_per_deg
677 chi2 = (90. - proj%hemi*proj%truelat2)*rad_per_deg
679 ! See if we are in the southern hemispere and flip the indices
681 IF (proj%hemi .EQ. -1.) THEN
689 ! Compute radius**2 to i/j location
690 xx = inew - proj%polei
691 yy = proj%polej - jnew
693 r = SQRT(r2)/proj%rebydx
697 lat = proj%hemi * 90.
702 lon = proj%stdlon + deg_per_rad * ATAN2(proj%hemi*xx,yy)/proj%cone
703 lon = AMOD(lon+360., 360.)
705 ! Latitude. Latitude determined by solving an equation adapted
707 ! Maling, D.H., 1973: Coordinate Systems and Map Projections
708 ! Equations #20 in Appendix I.
710 IF (chi1 .EQ. chi2) THEN
711 chi = 2.0*ATAN( ( r/TAN(chi1) )**(1./proj%cone) * TAN(chi1*0.5) )
713 chi = 2.0*ATAN( (r*proj%cone/SIN(chi1))**(1./proj%cone) * TAN(chi1*0.5))
715 lat = (90.0-chi*deg_per_rad)*proj%hemi
719 IF (lon .GT. +180.) lon = lon - 360.
720 IF (lon .LT. -180.) lon = lon + 360.
722 END SUBROUTINE ijll_lc
723 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
724 SUBROUTINE llij_lc( lat, lon, proj, i, j)
726 ! Subroutine to compute the geographical latitude and longitude values
727 ! to the cartesian x/y on a Lambert Conformal projection.
732 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lat ! Latitude (-90->90 deg N)
733 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon ! Longitude (-180->180 E)
734 TYPE(proj_info),INTENT(IN) :: proj ! Projection info structure
737 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: i ! Cartesian X coordinate
738 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: j ! Cartesian Y coordinate
750 ! Compute deltalon between known longitude and standard lon and ensure
751 ! it is not in the cut zone
752 deltalon = lon - proj%stdlon
753 IF (deltalon .GT. +180.) deltalon = deltalon - 360.
754 IF (deltalon .LT. -180.) deltalon = deltalon + 360.
756 ! Convert truelat1 to radian and compute COS for later use
757 tl1r = proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg
760 ! Radius to desired point
761 rm = proj%rebydx * ctl1r/proj%cone * &
762 (TAN((90.*proj%hemi-lat)*rad_per_deg/2.) / &
763 TAN((90.*proj%hemi-proj%truelat1)*rad_per_deg/2.))**proj%cone
765 arg = proj%cone*(deltalon*rad_per_deg)
766 i = proj%polei + proj%hemi * rm * SIN(arg)
767 j = proj%polej - rm * COS(arg)
769 ! Finally, if we are in the southern hemisphere, flip the i/j
770 ! values to a coordinate system where (1,1) is the SW corner
771 ! (what we assume) which is different than the original NCEP
772 ! algorithms which used the NE corner as the origin in the
773 ! southern hemisphere (left-hand vs. right-hand coordinate?)
774 IF (proj%hemi .EQ. -1.) THEN
779 END SUBROUTINE llij_lc
780 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
781 SUBROUTINE set_merc(proj)
783 ! Sets up the remaining basic elements for the mercator projection
786 TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(INOUT) :: proj
790 ! Preliminary variables
792 clain = COS(rad_per_deg*proj%truelat1)
793 proj%dlon = proj%dx / (earth_radius_m * clain)
795 ! Compute distance from equator to origin, and store in the
799 IF (proj%lat1 .NE. 0.) THEN
800 proj%rsw = (ALOG(TAN(0.5*((proj%lat1+90.)*rad_per_deg))))/proj%dlon
803 END SUBROUTINE set_merc
804 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
805 SUBROUTINE llij_merc(lat, lon, proj, i, j)
807 ! Compute i/j coordinate from lat lon for mercator projection
810 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lat
811 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon
812 TYPE(proj_info),INTENT(IN) :: proj
817 deltalon = lon - proj%lon1
818 IF (deltalon .LT. -180.) deltalon = deltalon + 360.
819 IF (deltalon .GT. 180.) deltalon = deltalon - 360.
820 i = 1. + (deltalon/(proj%dlon*deg_per_rad))
821 j = 1. + (ALOG(TAN(0.5*((lat + 90.) * rad_per_deg)))) / &
825 END SUBROUTINE llij_merc
826 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
827 SUBROUTINE ijll_merc(i, j, proj, lat, lon)
829 ! Compute the lat/lon from i/j for mercator projection
834 TYPE(proj_info),INTENT(IN) :: proj
835 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lat
836 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lon
839 lat = 2.0*ATAN(EXP(proj%dlon*(proj%rsw + j-1.)))*deg_per_rad - 90.
840 lon = (i-1.)*proj%dlon*deg_per_rad + proj%lon1
841 IF (lon.GT.180.) lon = lon - 360.
842 IF (lon.LT.-180.) lon = lon + 360.
844 END SUBROUTINE ijll_merc
845 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
846 SUBROUTINE llij_latlon(lat, lon, proj, i, j)
848 ! Compute the i/j location of a lat/lon on a LATLON grid.
850 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lat
851 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon
852 TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(IN) :: proj
853 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: i
854 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: j
862 ! Extract the latitude and longitude increments for this grid
863 ! (e.g., 2.5 deg for NCEP reanalysis) from the proj structure, where
864 ! loninc is saved in the stdlon tag and latinc is saved in truelat1
866 latinc = proj%truelat1
869 ! Compute deltalat and deltalon as the difference between the input
870 ! lat/lon and the origin lat/lon
872 deltalat = lat - proj%lat1
874 ! To account for issues around the dateline, convert the incoming
875 ! longitudes to be 0->360.
881 deltalon = lon360 - proj%lon1
884 i = deltalon/loninc + 1.
885 j = deltalat/latinc + 1.
887 END SUBROUTINE llij_latlon
888 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
889 SUBROUTINE ijll_latlon(i, j, proj, lat, lon)
891 ! Compute the lat/lon location of an i/j on a LATLON grid.
893 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: i
894 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: j
895 TYPE(proj_info), INTENT(IN) :: proj
896 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lat
897 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lon
905 ! Extract the latitude and longitude increments for this grid
906 ! (e.g., 2.5 deg for NCEP reanalysis) from the proj structure, where
907 ! loninc is saved in the stdlon tag and latinc is saved in truelat1
909 latinc = proj%truelat1
912 ! Compute deltalat and deltalon
914 deltalat = (j-1.)*latinc
915 deltalon = (i-1.)*loninc
916 lat = proj%lat1 + deltalat
917 lon = proj%lon1 + deltalon
919 IF ((ABS(lat) .GT. 90.).OR.(ABS(deltalon) .GT.360.)) THEN
920 ! Off the earth for this grid
926 IF (lon .GT. 180.) lon = lon -360.
930 END SUBROUTINE ijll_latlon
932 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!