Re-order ignores categorically
[WRF.git] / chem / module_cam_mam_mo_sethet.F
1 #define WRF_PORT
2 module mo_sethet
5 ! LKE (10/11/2010): added HCN, CH3CN, HCOOH  to cesm1_0_beta07_offline version
6 !                   HCN, CH3CN have new Henry's Law coefficients, HCOOH is set to CH3COOH
7 ! LKE (10/18/2010): SO2 washout corrected based on recommendation of R.Easter, PNNL
9 #ifndef WRF_PORT
10   use cam_logfile, only: iulog
11   use gas_wetdep_opts, only: gas_wetdep_cnt, gas_wetdep_method, gas_wetdep_list
12 #else
13   use module_cam_support, only:iulog, gas_wetdep_method, gas_wetdep_list, gas_wetdep_cnt
14 #endif
16   private
17   public :: sethet_inti, sethet
19   save
21   integer :: h2o2_ndx, hno3_ndx, ch2o_ndx, ch3ooh_ndx, ch3coooh_ndx, &
22        ho2no2_ndx, ch3cocho_ndx, xooh_ndx, onitr_ndx, glyald_ndx, &
23        ch3cho_ndx, mvk_ndx, macr_ndx, pooh_ndx, c2h5ooh_ndx, &
24        c3h7ooh_ndx, rooh_ndx, isopno3_ndx, onit_ndx, Pb_ndx, &
25        macrooh_ndx, isopooh_ndx, ch3oh_ndx, c2h5oh_ndx, hyac_ndx, hydrald_ndx
26   integer :: spc_h2o2_ndx, spc_hno3_ndx
27   integer :: spc_so2_ndx
29   integer :: alkooh_ndx, mekooh_ndx, tolooh_ndx, terpooh_ndx, ch3cooh_ndx
30   integer :: so2_ndx, soa_ndx, so4_ndx, cb2_ndx, oc2_ndx, nh3_ndx, nh4no3_ndx, &
31              sa1_ndx, sa2_ndx, sa3_ndx, sa4_ndx, nh4_ndx, h2so4_ndx
32   integer :: xisopno3_ndx,xho2no2_ndx,xonitr_ndx,xhno3_ndx,xonit_ndx
33   integer :: clono2_ndx, brono2_ndx, hcl_ndx, n2o5_ndx, hocl_ndx, hobr_ndx, hbr_ndx 
34   integer :: ch3cn_ndx, hcn_ndx, hcooh_ndx
35   integer, allocatable :: wetdep_map(:)
36   logical :: do_wetdep
39 contains
40   subroutine sethet_inti
42     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------      
43     !       ... intialize the wet removal rate constants routine
44     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------      
46     use mo_chem_utls, only : get_het_ndx, get_spc_ndx
47 #ifndef WRF_PORT
48     use spmd_utils,   only : masterproc
49     use abortutils,   only : endrun
50 #else
51     use module_cam_support, only: masterproc, endrun
52 #endif
54     integer :: k, m
56     do_wetdep = gas_wetdep_cnt>0 .and. gas_wetdep_method=='MOZ'
57     if ( .not. do_wetdep) return
59     if(.not.allocated(wetdep_map))allocate( wetdep_map(gas_wetdep_cnt))
61     do k=1,gas_wetdep_cnt
62        m = get_het_ndx( trim(gas_wetdep_list(k))) 
63        if (m>0) then
64           wetdep_map(k) = m
65        else
66           call endrun('sethet_inti: cannot map '//trim(gas_wetdep_list(k)))
67        endif
68     enddo
70     xisopno3_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'XISOPNO3' )
71     xho2no2_ndx  = get_het_ndx( 'XHO2NO2' )
72     xonitr_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'XONITR' )
73     xhno3_ndx    = get_het_ndx( 'XHNO3' )
74     xonit_ndx    = get_het_ndx( 'XONIT' )
76     spc_h2o2_ndx = get_spc_ndx( 'H2O2' )
77     spc_hno3_ndx = get_spc_ndx( 'HNO3' )
78     spc_so2_ndx  = get_spc_ndx( 'SO2' )
80     clono2_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'CLONO2' )
81     brono2_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'BRONO2' )
82     hcl_ndx    = get_het_ndx( 'HCL' )
83     n2o5_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'N2O5' )
84     hocl_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'HOCL' )
85     hobr_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'HOBR' )
86     hbr_ndx    = get_het_ndx( 'HBR' )
88     h2o2_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'H2O2' )
89     hno3_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'HNO3' )
90     ch2o_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'CH2O' )
91     ch3ooh_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'CH3OOH' )
92     ch3coooh_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'CH3COOOH' )
93     ho2no2_ndx  = get_het_ndx( 'HO2NO2' )
94     ch3cocho_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'CH3COCHO' )
95     xooh_ndx    = get_het_ndx( 'XOOH' )
96     onitr_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'ONITR' )
97     glyald_ndx  = get_het_ndx( 'GLYALD' )
98     ch3cho_ndx  = get_het_ndx( 'CH3CHO' )
99     mvk_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'MVK' )
100     macr_ndx    = get_het_ndx( 'MACR' )
101     pooh_ndx    = get_het_ndx( 'POOH' )
102     c2h5ooh_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'C2H5OOH' )
103     c3h7ooh_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'C3H7OOH' )
104     rooh_ndx    = get_het_ndx( 'ROOH' )
105     isopno3_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'ISOPNO3' )
106     onit_ndx    = get_het_ndx( 'ONIT' )
107     Pb_ndx      = get_het_ndx( 'Pb' )
108     macrooh_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'MACROOH' )
109     isopooh_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'ISOPOOH' )
110     ch3oh_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'CH3OH' )
111     c2h5oh_ndx  = get_het_ndx( 'C2H5OH' )
112     hyac_ndx    = get_het_ndx( 'HYAC' )
113     hydrald_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'HYDRALD' )
114     alkooh_ndx  = get_het_ndx( 'ALKOOH' )
115     mekooh_ndx  = get_het_ndx( 'MEKOOH' )
116     tolooh_ndx  = get_het_ndx( 'TOLOOH' )
117     terpooh_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'TERPOOH' )
118     ch3cooh_ndx = get_het_ndx( 'CH3COOH' )
119     so2_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'SO2' )
120     soa_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'SOA' )
121     so4_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'SO4' )
122     cb2_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'CB2' )
123     oc2_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'OC2' )
124     nh3_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'NH3' )
125     nh4no3_ndx  = get_het_ndx( 'NH4NO3' )
126     nh4_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'NH4' )
127     h2so4_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'H2SO4' )
128     sa1_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'SA1' )
129     sa2_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'SA2' )
130     sa3_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'SA3' )
131     sa4_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'SA4' )
132     ch3cn_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'CH3CN' )
133     hcn_ndx     = get_het_ndx( 'HCN' )
134     hcooh_ndx   = get_het_ndx( 'HCOOH' )
136     if (masterproc) then
137        write(iulog,*) 'sethet_inti: new ndx ',so2_ndx,soa_ndx,so4_ndx,cb2_ndx,oc2_ndx, &
138             nh3_ndx,nh4no3_ndx,sa1_ndx,sa2_ndx,sa3_ndx,sa4_ndx
139        write(iulog,*) ' '
140        write(iulog,*) 'sethet_inti: diagnotics '
141 #ifndef WRF_PORT
142        write(iulog,'(10i5)') h2o2_ndx, hno3_ndx, ch2o_ndx, ch3ooh_ndx, ch3coooh_ndx, &
143             ho2no2_ndx, ch3cocho_ndx, xooh_ndx, onitr_ndx, glyald_ndx, &
144             ch3cho_ndx, mvk_ndx, macr_ndx, pooh_ndx, c2h5ooh_ndx, &
145             c3h7ooh_ndx, rooh_ndx, isopno3_ndx, onit_ndx, Pb_ndx, &
146             macrooh_ndx, isopooh_ndx, ch3oh_ndx, c2h5oh_ndx, hyac_ndx, hydrald_ndx
147 #else
148        write(iulog,'(26i5)') h2o2_ndx, hno3_ndx, ch2o_ndx, ch3ooh_ndx, ch3coooh_ndx, &
149             ho2no2_ndx, ch3cocho_ndx, xooh_ndx, onitr_ndx, glyald_ndx, &
150             ch3cho_ndx, mvk_ndx, macr_ndx, pooh_ndx, c2h5ooh_ndx, &
151             c3h7ooh_ndx, rooh_ndx, isopno3_ndx, onit_ndx, Pb_ndx, &
152             macrooh_ndx, isopooh_ndx, ch3oh_ndx, c2h5oh_ndx, hyac_ndx, hydrald_ndx
154 #endif
155     endif
157   end subroutine sethet_inti
159   subroutine sethet( het_rates, press, zmid,  phis, tfld, &
160                      cmfdqr, nrain, nevapr, delt, xhnm, &
161                      qin, ncol, lchnk                   &
162 #ifdef WRF_PORT
163                      ,rlat                              &
164 #endif
165                      )
166     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------      
167     !       ... compute rainout loss rates (1/s)
168     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------      
170     use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
171     use physconst,    only : rga,pi
172 #ifndef WRF_PORT
173     use chem_mods,    only : hetcnt, gas_pcnst
174     use ppgrid,       only : pver, pcols
175     use phys_grid,    only : get_rlat_all_p
176     use abortutils,   only : endrun
177 #else
178     use module_cam_support,        only: pcols, pver, endrun, &
179          gas_pcnst => gas_pcnst_modal_aero, hetcnt => gas_pcnst_modal_aero 
180 #endif
182     implicit none
183     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------      
184     !       ... dummy arguments
185     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------      
186     integer, intent(in)   ::    ncol                        ! columns in chunk
187     integer, intent(in)   ::    lchnk                       ! chunk index
188     real(r8), intent(in)  ::    delt                        ! time step ( s )
189     real(r8), intent(in)  ::    press(pcols,pver)           ! pressure in pascals
190     real(r8), intent(in)  ::    cmfdqr(ncol,pver)           ! dq/dt for convection
191     real(r8), intent(in)  ::    nrain(ncol,pver)            ! stratoform precip
192     real(r8), intent(in)  ::    nevapr(ncol,pver)           ! evaporation
193     real(r8), intent(in)  ::    qin(ncol,pver,gas_pcnst)    ! xported species ( vmr )
194     real(r8), intent(in)  ::    zmid(ncol,pver)             ! midpoint geopot (km)
195     real(r8), intent(in)  ::    phis(pcols)                 ! surf geopot
196     real(r8), intent(in)  ::    tfld(pcols,pver)            ! temperature (k)
197     real(r8), intent(in)  ::    xhnm(ncol,pver)             ! total atms density ( /cm^3)
198     real(r8), intent(out) ::    het_rates(ncol,pver,hetcnt) ! rainout loss rates
200     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------      
201     !       ... local variables
202     !-----------------------------------------------------------------------      
203     real(r8), parameter ::  boltz = 1.38044e-16_r8      ! erg/K
204     real(r8), parameter ::  avo   = 6.023e23_r8         ! 1/mol
205     real(r8), parameter ::  xrm   = .189_r8             ! mean diameter of rain drop (cm)
206     real(r8), parameter ::  xum   = 748._r8             ! mean rain drop terminal velocity (cm/s)
207     real(r8), parameter ::  xvv   = 6.18e-2_r8          ! kinetic viscosity (cm^2/s)
208     real(r8), parameter ::  xdg   = .112_r8             ! mass transport coefficient (cm/s)
209     real(r8), parameter ::  t0    = 298._r8             ! reference temperature (k)
210     real(r8), parameter ::  xph0  = 1.e-5_r8            ! cloud [h+]
211     real(r8), parameter ::  satf_hno3  = .016_r8        ! saturation factor for hno3 in clouds 
212     real(r8), parameter ::  satf_h2o2  = .016_r8        ! saturation factor for h2o2 in clouds 
213     real(r8), parameter ::  satf_so2   = .016_r8        ! saturation factor for so2 in clouds 
214     real(r8), parameter ::  satf_ch2o  = .1_r8          ! saturation factor for ch2o in clouds 
215     real(r8), parameter ::  const0   = boltz * 1.e-6_r8 ! (atmospheres/deg k/cm^3)
216     real(r8), parameter ::  hno3_diss = 15.4_r8         ! hno3 dissociation constant
217     real(r8), parameter ::  geo_fac  = 6._r8            ! geometry factor (surf area/volume = geo_fac/diameter)
218     real(r8), parameter ::  mass_air = 29._r8           ! mass of background atmosphere (amu)
219     real(r8), parameter ::  mass_h2o = 18._r8           ! mass of water vapor (amu)
220     real(r8), parameter ::  h2o_mol  = 1.e3_r8/mass_h2o ! (gm/mol water)
221     real(r8), parameter ::  km2cm    = 1.e5_r8          ! convert km to cm
222     real(r8), parameter ::  m2km     = 1.e-3_r8         ! convert m to km
223     real(r8), parameter ::  cm3_2_m3 = 1.e-6_r8         ! convert cm^3 to m^3
224     real(r8), parameter ::  m3_2_cm3 = 1.e6_r8          ! convert m^3 to cm^3
225     real(r8), parameter ::  liter_per_gram = 1.e-3_r8
226     real(r8), parameter ::  avo2  = avo * liter_per_gram * cm3_2_m3 ! (liter/gm/mol*(m/cm)^3)
228     integer  ::      i, m, k, kk                 ! indicies
229     real(r8) ::      xkgm                        ! mass flux on rain drop
230     real(r8) ::      all1, all2                  ! work variables
231     real(r8) ::      stay                        ! fraction of layer traversed by falling drop in timestep delt
232     real(r8) ::      xeqca1, xeqca2, xca1, xca2, xdtm
233     real(r8) ::      xxx1, xxx2, yhno3, yh2o2
234     real(r8) ::      all3, xeqca3, xca3, xxx3, yso2, so2_diss
236     real(r8), dimension(ncol)  :: &
237          xk0, work1, work2, work3, zsurf
238     real(r8), dimension(pver)  :: &
239          xgas1, xgas2
240     real(r8), dimension(pver)  :: xgas3
241     real(r8), dimension(ncol)  :: &
242          tmp0_rates, tmp1_rates
243     real(r8), dimension(ncol,pver)  :: &
244          delz, &              ! layer depth about interfaces (cm)
245          xhno3, &             ! hno3 concentration (molecules/cm^3)
246          xh2o2, &             ! h2o2 concentration (molecules/cm^3)
247          xso2, &              ! so2 concentration (molecules/cm^3)
248          xliq, &              ! liquid rain water content in a grid cell (gm/m^3)
249          rain                 ! conversion rate of water vapor into rain water (molecules/cm^3/s)
250     real(r8), dimension(ncol,pver)  :: &
251          xhen_hno3, xhen_h2o2, xhen_ch2o, xhen_ch3ooh, xhen_ch3co3h, &
252          xhen_ch3cocho, xhen_xooh, xhen_onitr, xhen_ho2no2, xhen_glyald, &
253          xhen_ch3cho, xhen_mvk, xhen_macr
254     real(r8), dimension(ncol,pver)  :: &
255          xhen_nh3, xhen_ch3cooh
256     real(r8), dimension(ncol,pver,3) :: tmp_hetrates
257     real(r8), dimension(ncol,pver)  :: precip
258     real(r8), dimension(ncol,pver)  :: xhen_hcn, xhen_ch3cn, xhen_so2
260     integer    ::      ktop_all       
261     integer    ::      ktop(ncol)                  ! 100 mb level
262 #ifndef WRF_PORT
263     real(r8) :: rlat(pcols)                       ! latitude in radians for columns
264 #else
265     real(r8), intent(in) :: rlat(pcols)                       ! latitude in radians for columns
266 #endif
267     real(r8) :: p_limit
268     real(r8), parameter :: d2r = pi/180._r8
270 ! jfl : new variables for rescaling sum of positive values to actual amount
272     real(r8) :: total_rain,total_pos
273     character(len=3) :: hetcntstrg
274     real(r8), parameter :: MISSING = -999999._r8
275     integer ::  mm
278     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
279     !        note: the press array is in pascals and must be
280     !              mutiplied by 10 to yield dynes/cm**2.
281     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
282     !       ... set wet deposition for
283     !           1. h2o2         2. hno3
284     !           3. ch2o         4. ch3ooh
285     !           5. pooh         6. ch3coooh
286     !           7. ho2no2       8. onit
287     !           9. mvk         10. macr
288     !          11. c2h5ooh     12. c3h7ooh
289     !          13. rooh        14. ch3cocho
290     !          15. pb          16. macrooh
291     !          17. xooh        18. onitr
292     !          19. isopooh     20. ch3oh
293     !          21. c2h5oh      22. glyald
294     !          23. hyac        24. hydrald
295     !          25. ch3cho      26. isopno3
296     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
298     het_rates(:,:,:) = 0._r8
300     if ( .not. do_wetdep) return
301 #ifndef WRF_PORT
302     call get_rlat_all_p(lchnk, ncol, rlat)
303 #endif
305     do mm = 1,gas_wetdep_cnt
306        m = wetdep_map(mm)
307        if ( m>0 ) then
308           het_rates(:,:,m) = MISSING
309        endif
310     end do
312     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
313     !   ... the 2 and .6 multipliers are from a formula by frossling (1938)
314     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
315     xkgm = xdg/xrm * 2._r8 + xdg/xrm * .6_r8 * sqrt( xrm*xum/xvv ) * (xvv/xdg)**(1._r8/3._r8) 
317     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
318     !   ... Find 100 mb level
319     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
320     do i = 1,ncol
321 #ifndef WRF_PORT
322        if ( abs(rlat(i)) > 60._r8*d2r ) then
323 #else
324        if ( abs(rlat(i)) > 60._r8 ) then
325 #endif
326           p_limit = 300.e2_r8
327        else
328           p_limit = 100.e2_r8
329        endif
330 #ifdef WRF_PORT       
331        !BSINGH - PMA advised on setting up the following limit for
332        ! tropics in case of WRF model when press is always
333        !greater than p_limit
334        p_limit = max (p_limit, press(i,2)) 
335 #endif
337        k_loop: do k = pver,1,-1
338           if( press(i,k) < p_limit ) then
339              ktop(i) = k
340              exit k_loop
341           end if
342        end do k_loop
343     end do
344     ktop_all = minval( ktop(:) )
346 ! jfl
348 ! this is added to rescale the variable precip (which can only be positive)
349 ! to the actual vertical integral of positive and negative values.  This
350 ! removes point storms
352     do i = 1,ncol
353        total_rain = 0.
354        total_pos  = 0.
355        do k = 1,pver
356           precip(i,k) = cmfdqr(i,k) + nrain(i,k) - nevapr(i,k)
357           total_rain = total_rain + precip(i,k)
358           if ( precip(i,k) < 0. ) precip(i,k) = 0.
359           total_pos  = total_pos  + precip(i,k)
360        end do
361        if ( total_rain <= 0. ) then
362           precip(i,:) = 0.
363        else
364           do k = 1,pver
365              precip(i,k) = precip(i,k) * total_rain/total_pos
366           end do
367        end if
368     end do
370     do k = 1,pver
371        !jfl       precip(:ncol,k) = cmfdqr(:ncol,k) + nrain(:ncol,k) - nevapr(:ncol,k)
372        rain(:ncol,k)   = mass_air*precip(:ncol,k)*xhnm(:ncol,k) / mass_h2o
373        xliq(:ncol,k)   = precip(:ncol,k) * delt * xhnm(:ncol,k) / avo*mass_air * m3_2_cm3
374        if( spc_hno3_ndx > 0 ) then
375           xhno3(:ncol,k)  = qin(:ncol,k,spc_hno3_ndx) * xhnm(:ncol,k)
376        else
377           xhno3(:ncol,k)  = 0._r8
378        end if
379        if( spc_h2o2_ndx > 0 ) then
380           xh2o2(:ncol,k)  = qin(:ncol,k,spc_h2o2_ndx) * xhnm(:ncol,k)
381        else
382           xh2o2(:ncol,k)  = 0._r8
383        end if
384        if( spc_so2_ndx > 0 ) then
385           xso2(:ncol,k)  = qin(:ncol,k,spc_so2_ndx) * xhnm(:ncol,k)
386        else
387           xso2(:ncol,k)  = 0._r8
388        end if
389     end do
391     zsurf(:ncol) = m2km * phis(:ncol) * rga
392     do k = ktop_all,pver-1
393        delz(:ncol,k) = abs( (zmid(:ncol,k) - zmid(:ncol,k+1))*km2cm ) 
394     end do
395     delz(:ncol,pver) = abs( (zmid(:ncol,pver) - zsurf(:ncol) )*km2cm ) 
397     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
398     !       ... part 0b,  for temperature dependent of henrys
399     !                     xxhe1 = henry con for hno3
400     !                     xxhe2 = henry con for h2o2
401     !lwh 10/00 -- take henry''s law constants from brasseur et al. [1999],
402     !             appendix j. for hno3, also consider dissociation to
403     !             get effective henry''s law constant; equilibrium
404     !             constant for dissociation from brasseur et al. [1999],
405     !             appendix k. assume ph=5 (set as xph0 above).
406     !             heff = h*k/[h+] for hno3 (complete dissociation)
407     !             heff = h for h2o2 (no dissociation)
408     !             heff = h * (1 + k/[h+]) (in general)
409     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
410     do k = ktop_all,pver
411        work1(:ncol) = (t0 - tfld(:ncol,k))/(t0*tfld(:ncol,k))
412        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
413        !        ... effective henry''s law constants:
414        !        hno3, h2o2, ch2o, ch3ooh, ch3coooh (brasseur et al., 1999)
415        !       xooh, onitr, macrooh (j.-f. muller; brocheton, 1999)
416        !       isopooh (equal to hno3, as for macrooh)
417        !       ho2no2 (mozart-1)
418        !       ch3cocho, hoch2cho (betterton and hoffman, environ. sci. technol., 1988)
419        !       ch3cho (staudinger and roberts, crit. rev. sci. technol., 1996)
420        !       mvk, macr (allen et al., environ. toxicol. chem., 1998)
421        !-----------------------------------------------------------------
422        xk0(:)             = 2.1e5_r8 *exp( 8700._r8*work1(:) )
423        xhen_hno3(:,k)     = xk0(:) * ( 1._r8 + hno3_diss / xph0 )
424        xhen_h2o2(:,k)     = 7.45e4_r8 * exp( 6620._r8 * work1(:) )
425        xhen_ch2o(:,k)     = 6.3e3_r8 * exp( 6460._r8 * work1(:) )
426        xhen_ch3ooh(:,k)   = 2.27e2_r8 * exp( 5610._r8 * work1(:) )
427        xhen_ch3co3h(:,k)  = 4.73e2_r8 * exp( 6170._r8 * work1(:) )
428        xhen_ch3cocho(:,k) = 3.70e3_r8 * exp( 7275._r8 * work1(:) )
429        xhen_xooh(:,k)     = 90.5_r8 * exp( 5607._r8 * work1(:) )
430        xhen_onitr(:,k)    = 7.51e3_r8 * exp( 6485._r8 * work1(:) )
431        xhen_ho2no2(:,k)   = 2.e4_r8
432        xhen_glyald(:,k)   = 4.1e4_r8 * exp( 4600._r8 * work1(:) )
433        xhen_ch3cho(:,k)   = 1.4e1_r8 * exp( 5600._r8 * work1(:) )
434        xhen_mvk(:,k)      = 21._r8 * exp( 7800._r8 * work1(:) )
435        xhen_macr(:,k)     = 4.3_r8 * exp( 5300._r8 * work1(:) )
436        xhen_ch3cooh(:,k)  = 4.1e3_r8 * exp( 6300._r8 * work1(:) )
437        !
438        ! calculation for NH3 using the parameters in drydep_tables.F90
439        !
440        xhen_nh3 (:,k)     = 1.e6
441        xhen_ch3cn(:,k)     = 50._r8 * exp( 4000._r8 * work1(:) )
442        xhen_hcn(:,k)       = 12._r8 * exp( 5000._r8 * work1(:) )
443        do i = 1, ncol
444           so2_diss        = 1.23e-2_r8 * exp( 1960._r8 * work1(i) )
445           xhen_so2(i,k)   = 1.23_r8 * exp( 3120._r8 * work1(i) ) * ( 1._r8 + so2_diss / xph0 )
446        end do
447        !
448        tmp_hetrates(:,k,:) = 0._r8
449     end do
451     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
452     !       ... part 1, solve for high henry constant ( hno3, h2o2)
453     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
454     col_loop :  do i = 1,ncol
455        xgas1(:) = xhno3(i,:)                     ! xgas will change during 
456        xgas2(:) = xh2o2(i,:)                     ! different levels wash 
457        xgas3(:) = xso2( i,:)
458        level_loop1  : do kk = ktop(i),pver
459           stay = 1._r8
460           if( rain(i,kk) /= 0._r8 ) then            ! finding rain cloud           
461              all1 = 0._r8                           ! accumulation to justisfy saturation
462              all2 = 0._r8 
463              all3 = 0._r8 
464              stay = ((zmid(i,kk) - zsurf(i))*km2cm)/(xum*delt)
465              stay = min( stay,1._r8 )
466              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
467              !       ... calculate the saturation concentration eqca
468              !-----------------------------------------------------------------
469              do k = kk,pver                      ! cal washout below cloud
470                 xeqca1 =  xgas1(k) &
471                      / (xliq(i,kk)*avo2 + 1._r8/(xhen_hno3(i,k)*const0*tfld(i,k))) &
472                      *  xliq(i,kk)*avo2
473                 xeqca2 =  xgas2(k) &
474                      / (xliq(i,kk)*avo2 + 1._r8/(xhen_h2o2(i,k)*const0*tfld(i,k))) &
475                      *  xliq(i,kk)*avo2
476                 xeqca3 =  xgas3(k) &
477                      / (xliq(i,kk)*avo2 + 1._r8/(xhen_so2( i,k)*const0*tfld(i,k))) &
478                      *  xliq(i,kk)*avo2
479                 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
480                 !       ... calculate ca; inside cloud concentration in #/cm3(air)
481                 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
482                 xca1 = geo_fac*xkgm*xgas1(k)/(xrm*xum)*delz(i,k) * xliq(i,kk) * cm3_2_m3
483                 xca2 = geo_fac*xkgm*xgas2(k)/(xrm*xum)*delz(i,k) * xliq(i,kk) * cm3_2_m3
484                 xca3 = geo_fac*xkgm*xgas3(k)/(xrm*xum)*delz(i,k) * xliq(i,kk) * cm3_2_m3
485                 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
486                 !       ... if is not saturated
487                 !               hno3(gas)_new = hno3(gas)_old - hno3(h2o)
488                 !           otherwise
489                 !               hno3(gas)_new = hno3(gas)_old
490                 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
491                 all1 = all1 + xca1
492                 all2 = all2 + xca2
493                 if( all1 < xeqca1 ) then
494                    xgas1(k) = max( xgas1(k) - xca1,0._r8 )
495                 end if
496                 if( all2 < xeqca2 ) then
497                    xgas2(k) = max( xgas2(k) - xca2,0._r8 )
498                 end if
499                 all3 = all3 + xca3
500                 if( all3 < xeqca3 ) then
501                    xgas3(k) = max( xgas3(k) - xca3,0._r8 )
502                 end if
503              end do
504           end if
505           !-----------------------------------------------------------------
506           !       ... calculate the lifetime of washout (second)
507           !             after all layers washout 
508           !             the concentration of hno3 is reduced 
509           !             then the lifetime xtt is calculated by
510           !
511           !                  xtt = (xhno3(ini) - xgas1(new))/(dt*xhno3(ini))
512           !                  where dt = passing time (s) in vertical
513           !                             path below the cloud
514           !                        dt = dz(cm)/um(cm/s)
515           !-----------------------------------------------------------------
516           xdtm = delz(i,kk) / xum                     ! the traveling time in each dz
517           xxx1 = (xhno3(i,kk) - xgas1(kk))
518           xxx2 = (xh2o2(i,kk) - xgas2(kk))
519           if( xxx1 /= 0._r8 ) then                       ! if no washout lifetime = 1.e29
520              yhno3  = xhno3(i,kk)/xxx1 * xdtm    
521           else
522              yhno3  = 1.e29_r8
523           end if
524           if( xxx2 /= 0._r8 ) then                       ! if no washout lifetime = 1.e29
525              yh2o2  = xh2o2(i,kk)/xxx2 * xdtm     
526           else
527              yh2o2  = 1.e29_r8
528           end if
529           tmp_hetrates(i,kk,1) = max( 1._r8 / yh2o2,0._r8 ) * stay
530           tmp_hetrates(i,kk,2) = max( 1._r8 / yhno3,0._r8 ) * stay
531           xxx3 = (xso2( i,kk) - xgas3(kk))
532           if( xxx3 /= 0._r8 ) then                       ! if no washout lifetime = 1.e29
533              yso2  = xso2( i,kk)/xxx3 * xdtm     
534           else
535              yso2  = 1.e29_r8
536           end if
537           tmp_hetrates(i,kk,3) = max( 1._r8 / yso2, 0._r8 ) * stay
538        end do level_loop1
539     end do col_loop
541     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
542     !       ... part 2, in-cloud solve for low henry constant
543     !                   hno3 and h2o2 have both in and under cloud
544     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
545     level_loop2 : do k = ktop_all,pver
546        Column_loop2 : do i=1,ncol
547           if ( rain(i,k) <= 0._r8 ) then
548              het_rates(i,k,:) =  0._r8 
549              cycle
550           endif
552           work1(i) = avo2 * xliq(i,k)
553           work2(i) = const0 * tfld(i,k)
554           work3(i) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_ch2o(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 ) &
555                * satf_ch2o
556           if( ch2o_ndx > 0 ) then
557              het_rates(i,k,ch2o_ndx)  = work3(i)
558           end if
559           if( isopno3_ndx > 0 ) then
560              het_rates(i,k,isopno3_ndx) = work3(i)
561           end if
562           if( xisopno3_ndx > 0 ) then
563              het_rates(i,k,xisopno3_ndx) = work3(i)
564           end if
565           if( hyac_ndx > 0 ) then
566              het_rates(i,k,hyac_ndx) = work3(i)
567           end if
568           if( hydrald_ndx > 0 ) then
569              het_rates(i,k,hydrald_ndx) = work3(i)
570           end if
572           work3(i) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_ch3ooh(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
573           if( ch3ooh_ndx > 0 ) then
574              het_rates(i,k,ch3ooh_ndx)  = work3(i)
575           end if
576           if( pooh_ndx > 0 ) then
577              het_rates(i,k,pooh_ndx)  = work3(i)
578           end if
579           if( c2h5ooh_ndx > 0 ) then
580              het_rates(i,k,c2h5ooh_ndx) = work3(i)
581           end if
582           if( c3h7ooh_ndx > 0 ) then
583              het_rates(i,k,c3h7ooh_ndx) = work3(i)
584           end if
585           if( rooh_ndx > 0 ) then
586              het_rates(i,k,rooh_ndx) = work3(i)
587           end if
588           if( ch3oh_ndx > 0 ) then
589              het_rates(i,k,ch3oh_ndx) = work3(i)
590           end if
591           if( c2h5oh_ndx > 0 ) then
592              het_rates(i,k,c2h5oh_ndx) = work3(i)
593           end if
594           if( alkooh_ndx  > 0 ) then
595              het_rates(i,k,alkooh_ndx) = work3(i)
596           end if
597           if( mekooh_ndx  > 0 ) then
598              het_rates(i,k,mekooh_ndx) = work3(i)
599           end if
600           if( tolooh_ndx  > 0 ) then
601              het_rates(i,k,tolooh_ndx) = work3(i)
602           end if
603           if( terpooh_ndx > 0 ) then
604              het_rates(i,k,terpooh_ndx) = work3(i)
605           end if
607           if( ch3coooh_ndx > 0 ) then
608              het_rates(i,k,ch3coooh_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_ch3co3h(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
609           end if
610           if( ho2no2_ndx > 0 ) then
611              het_rates(i,k,ho2no2_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_ho2no2(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
612           end if
613           if( xho2no2_ndx > 0 ) then
614              het_rates(i,k,xho2no2_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_ho2no2(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
615           end if
616           if( ch3cocho_ndx > 0 ) then
617              het_rates(i,k,ch3cocho_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_ch3cocho(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
618           end if
619           if( xooh_ndx > 0 ) then
620              het_rates(i,k,xooh_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_xooh(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
621           end if
622           if( onitr_ndx > 0 ) then
623              het_rates(i,k,onitr_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_onitr(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
624           end if
625           if( xonitr_ndx > 0 ) then
626              het_rates(i,k,xonitr_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_onitr(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
627           end if
628           if( glyald_ndx > 0 ) then
629              het_rates(i,k,glyald_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_glyald(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
630           end if
631           if( ch3cho_ndx > 0 ) then
632              het_rates(i,k,ch3cho_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_ch3cho(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
633           end if
634           if( mvk_ndx > 0 ) then
635              het_rates(i,k,mvk_ndx)  = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_mvk(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
636           end if
637           if( macr_ndx > 0 ) then
638              het_rates(i,k,macr_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_macr(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
639           end if
640           if( h2o2_ndx > 0 ) then
641              work3(i) = satf_h2o2 * max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_h2o2(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )    
642              het_rates(i,k,h2o2_ndx) =  work3(i) + tmp_hetrates(i,k,1)
643           end if
644           if( so2_ndx > 0 ) then
645              work3(i) = satf_so2 * max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_so2( i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )    
646              het_rates(i,k,so2_ndx ) =  work3(i) + tmp_hetrates(i,k,3)
647           end if
649           work3(i) = tmp_hetrates(i,k,2) + satf_hno3 * &
650                max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_hno3(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )    
651           tmp0_rates(i)   = work3(i)
652           tmp1_rates(i)   = .2_r8*work3(i)
653           if( hno3_ndx > 0 ) then
654              het_rates(i,k,hno3_ndx) = work3(i)
655           end if
656           if( xhno3_ndx > 0 ) then
657              het_rates(i,k,xhno3_ndx) = work3(i)
658           end if
659           if( onit_ndx > 0 ) then
660              het_rates(i,k,onit_ndx) = work3(i)
661           end if
662           if( xonit_ndx > 0 ) then
663              het_rates(i,k,xonit_ndx) = work3(i)
664           end if
665           if( Pb_ndx > 0 ) then
666              het_rates(i,k,Pb_ndx) = work3(i)
667           end if
668           if( macrooh_ndx > 0 ) then
669              het_rates(i,k,macrooh_ndx) = work3(i)
670           end if
671           if( isopooh_ndx > 0 ) then
672              het_rates(i,k,isopooh_ndx) = work3(i)
673           end if
675           if( clono2_ndx > 0 ) then
676              het_rates(i,k, clono2_ndx) = work3(i)
677           end if
678           if( brono2_ndx > 0 ) then
679              het_rates(i,k, brono2_ndx) = work3(i)
680           end if
681           if( hcl_ndx > 0 ) then
682              het_rates(i,k, hcl_ndx) = work3(i)
683           end if
684           if( n2o5_ndx > 0 ) then
685              het_rates(i,k, n2o5_ndx) = work3(i)
686           end if
687           if( hocl_ndx > 0 ) then
688              het_rates(i,k, hocl_ndx) = work3(i)
689           end if
690           if( hobr_ndx > 0 ) then
691              het_rates(i,k, hobr_ndx) = work3(i)
692           end if
693           if( hbr_ndx > 0 ) then
694              het_rates(i,k, hbr_ndx) = work3(i)
695           end if
697           if( soa_ndx > 0 ) then
698              het_rates(i,k,soa_ndx) = tmp1_rates(i)
699           end if
700           if( oc2_ndx > 0 ) then
701              het_rates(i,k,oc2_ndx) = tmp1_rates(i)
702           end if
703           if( cb2_ndx > 0 ) then
704              het_rates(i,k,cb2_ndx) = tmp1_rates(i)
705           end if
706           if( so4_ndx > 0 ) then
707              het_rates(i,k,so4_ndx) = tmp1_rates(i)
708           end if
709           if( sa1_ndx > 0 ) then
710              het_rates(i,k,sa1_ndx) = tmp1_rates(i)
711           end if
712           if( sa2_ndx > 0 ) then
713              het_rates(i,k,sa2_ndx) = tmp1_rates(i)
714           end if
715           if( sa3_ndx > 0 ) then
716              het_rates(i,k,sa3_ndx) = tmp1_rates(i)
717           end if
718           if( sa4_ndx > 0 ) then
719              het_rates(i,k,sa4_ndx) = tmp1_rates(i)
720           end if
722           if( h2so4_ndx > 0 ) then
723              het_rates(i,k,h2so4_ndx) = tmp0_rates(i)
724           end if
725           if( nh4_ndx > 0 ) then
726              het_rates(i,k,nh4_ndx) = tmp0_rates(i)
727           end if
728           if( nh4no3_ndx > 0 ) then
729              het_rates(i,k,nh4no3_ndx ) = tmp0_rates(i)
730           end if
731           if( nh3_ndx > 0 ) then
732              het_rates(i,k,nh3_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1./(xhen_nh3(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
733           end if
735           if( ch3cooh_ndx > 0 ) then
736              het_rates(i,k,ch3cooh_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_ch3cooh(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
737           end if
738           if( hcooh_ndx > 0 ) then
739              het_rates(i,k,hcooh_ndx) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_ch3cooh(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
740           endif
741           if ( hcn_ndx > 0 ) then
742              het_rates(i,k,hcn_ndx     ) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_hcn(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
743           endif
744           if ( ch3cn_ndx > 0 ) then
745              het_rates(i,k,ch3cn_ndx   ) = max( rain(i,k) / (h2o_mol*(work1(i) + 1._r8/(xhen_ch3cn(i,k)*work2(i)))),0._r8 )
746           endif
748        end do Column_loop2
749     end do level_loop2
751     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
752     !   ... Set rates above tropopause = 0.
753     !-----------------------------------------------------------------
754     do mm = 1,gas_wetdep_cnt
755        m = wetdep_map(mm)
756        do i = 1,ncol
757           do k = 1,ktop(i)
758              het_rates(i,k,m) = 0._r8
759           end do
760        end do
761        if ( any( het_rates(:ncol,:,m) == MISSING) ) then
762           write(hetcntstrg,'(I3)') m
763           do i = 1,ncol
764              do k = 1,pver
765              end do
766           end do
767           call endrun('sethet: het_rates (wet dep) not set for het reaction number : '//hetcntstrg)
768        endif
769     end do
771   end subroutine sethet
773 end module mo_sethet