1 # Registry file, EM_CONVERT
3 # At the present time this file is managed manually and edited by hand.
5 ################################################################################
6 # Dimension specifications
8 # This section of the Registry file is used to specify the dimensions
9 # that will be used to define arrays. Dim is the one-letter name of the
10 # dimension. How defined can either be "standard_domain", which means
11 # that the dimension (1) is one of the three spatial dimensions and (2)
12 # it will be set using the standard namelist mechanism and domain data
13 # structure dimension fields (e.g. sd31,ed31,sd32...).
15 # Order refers to which of the three sets of just-mentioned internal
16 # dimension variables the dimension is referred to by in the driver.
17 # That is, is it the first, second, or third dimension. The registry
18 # infers the mapping of its internal dimensions according to the
19 # combination of Order and Coord-axis that are specified in this table.
20 # Note that it is all right to more than one dimension name for, say, the
21 # x dimension. However, the Order and Coord-axis relationship must be
22 # consistent throughout.
24 # Note: these entries do not enforce storage order on a particular field.
25 # That is determined by the dimension strings for each field. But it does
26 # relate the dimspec to the internal data structures that the driver uses
27 # to maintain the three physical domain dimensions.
29 # "How defined" can also specify the name of a namelist variable from which
30 # the definition for the dimension will come; this is specified as
31 # "namelist=<variable name>". The namelist variable must have been
32 # defined as an integer and with only one entry in the rconfig table. Or
33 # a constant can be specified. The coordinate axis for the dimension is
34 # either X, Y, Z, or C (for "not a spatial dimension"). The Dimname is
35 # the descriptive name of the dimension that will be included in the
36 # metadata in data sets. Note that the b, f, and t modifiers that appear
37 # as the last characters of dimension strings used # in state and # i1
38 # registry definitions are not dimensions and do not need to be declared
42 #<Table> <Dim> <Order> <How defined> <Coord-axis> <Dimname in Datasets>
43 dimspec i 1 standard_domain x west_east
44 dimspec j 3 standard_domain y south_north
45 dimspec k 2 standard_domain z bottom_top
46 dimspec l 2 namelist=num_soil_layers z soil_layers
47 dimspec u 2 namelist=num_land_cat z land_cat
48 dimspec s 2 namelist=num_soil_cat z soil_cat
49 dimspec p - constant=7501 c microphysics_rstrt_state
50 dimspec w - namelist=spec_bdy_width c spec_bdy_width
51 dimspec e 3 namelist=ensdim z ensemble dimension
52 dimspec g 2 namelist=num_metgrid_levels z num_metgrid_levels
53 dimspec m 2 constant=12 z months_per_year
56 ################################################################################
57 ################################################################################
58 ################################################################################
60 # Lines that start with the word 'state' form a table that is
61 # used by the script use_registry to generate module_state_descript.F
62 # and other files. Also see documentation in use_registry.
64 # table entries are of the form
65 #<Table> <Type> <Sym> <Dims> <Use> <NumTLev> <Stagger> <IO> <DNAME> <DESCRIP> <UNITS>
71 state real u_gc igj dyn_em 1 X i1 "UU" "x-wind component" "m s-1"
72 state real v_gc igj dyn_em 1 Y i1 "VV" "y-wind component" "m s-1"
73 state real t_gc igj dyn_em 1 - i1 "TT" "temperature" "K"
74 state real rh_gc igj dyn_em 1 - i1 "RH" "relative humidity" "%"
75 state real ght_gc igj dyn_em 1 - i1 "GHT" "geopotential height" "m"
76 state real p_gc igj dyn_em 1 - i1 "P" "pressure" "Pa"
77 state real xlat_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "XLAT_M" "latitude, positive north" "degrees"
78 state real xlong_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "XLONG_M" "longitude, positive east" "degrees"
79 state real ht_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "HGT_M" "topography elevation" "m"
80 state real tsk_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "SKINTEMP" "skin temperature" "K"
81 state real tavgsfc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "TAVGSFC" "daily mean of surface air temperature" "K"
82 state real tmn_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "SOILTEMP" "annual mean deep soil temperature" "K"
83 state real pslv_gc ij dyn_em 1 - i1 "PMSL" "sea level pressure" "Pa"
84 state real greenfrac imj dyn_em 1 - i1 "GREENFRAC" "monthly greenness fraction" "0 - 1 fraction"
85 state real albedo12m imj dyn_em 1 - i1 "ALBEDO12M" "background albedo" "0 - 1 fraction"
86 state real pd_gc igj dyn_em 1 - - "PD" "dry pressure" "Pa"
87 state real qv_gc igj dyn_em 1 - i1 "QV" "mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
88 state real intq_gc ij dyn_em 1 - - "INTQ" "integrated mixing ratio" "Pa"
89 state real pdhs ij dyn_em 1 - - "PDHS" "hydrostatic dry surface pressure" "Pa"
90 #state real qr_gc igj dyn_em 1 - i1 "QR" "rain water mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
91 #state real qc_gc igj dyn_em 1 - i1 "QC" "cloud water mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
92 #state real qs_gc igj dyn_em 1 - i1 "QS" "snow mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
93 #state real qi_gc igj dyn_em 1 - i1 "QI" "cloud ice mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
94 #state real qg_gc igj dyn_em 1 - i1 "QG" "graupel mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
96 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 # Variables for Eulerian mass coordinate dynamics
104 state real u ikj dyn_em 1 X ih "U" "x-wind component" "m s-1"
107 state real v ikj dyn_em 1 Y ih "V" "y-wind component" "m s-1"
110 state real w ikj dyn_em 1 Z ih "W" "z-wind component" "m s-1"
112 state real ph ikj dyn_em 1 Z ih "PH" "perturbation geopotential" "m2 s-2"
113 state real phb ikj dyn_em 1 Z ih "PHB" "base-state geopotential" "m2 s-2"
114 # Potential Temperature
115 state real t ikj dyn_em 1 - ih "T" "perturbation potential temperature (theta-t0)" "K"
117 state real mu ij dyn_em 1 - ih "MU" "perturbation dry air mass in column" "Pa"
118 state real mub ij dyn_em 1 - ih "MUB" "base state dry air mass in column" "Pa"
119 # Pressure and Density
120 state real p ikj dyn_em 1 - ih "p" "perturbation pressure" "Pa"
121 state real pb ikj dyn_em 1 - ih "pb" "BASE STATE PRESSURE " "Pa"
122 # 2m and 10m output diagnostics
123 state real Q2 ij misc 1 - ih "Q2" "QV at 2 M" "kg kg-1"
124 state real T2 ij misc 1 - ih "T2" "TEMP at 2 M" "K"
125 state real TH2 ij misc 1 - ih "TH2" "POT TEMP at 2 M" "K"
126 state real PSFC ij misc 1 - ih "PSFC" "SFC PRESSURE" "Pa"
127 state real U10 ij misc 1 - ih "U10" "U at 10 M" "m s-1"
128 state real V10 ij misc 1 - ih "V10" "V at 10 M" "m s-1"
133 # The first line ensures that there will be identifiers named moist and
134 # moist_tend even if there are not any moist scalars (so the essentially
135 # dry code will will still link properly)
137 state real - ikjftb moist 1 - - -
138 state real qv ikjftb moist 1 - ih "QVAPOR" "Water vapor mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
139 state real qc ikjftb moist 1 - ih "QCLOUD" "Cloud water mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
140 state real qr ikjftb moist 1 - ih "QRAIN" "Rain water mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
141 state real qi ikjftb moist 1 - ih "QICE" "Ice mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
142 state real qs ikjftb moist 1 - ih "QSNOW" "Snow mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
143 state real qg ikjftb moist 1 - ih "QGRAUP" "Graupel mixing ratio" "kg kg-1"
145 state real - ikjftb chem 1 - - -
147 state real - ikjftb scalar 1 - - -
148 state real qni ikjftb scalar 1 - ih "QNICE" "Ice Number concentration" "# kg(-1)"
151 state real ht ij misc 1 - ih "HGT" "Terrain Height" "m"
152 state real TSK ij misc 1 - ih "TSK" "SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE" "K"
154 # from the metadata? Otherwise it's a field?
155 state real p_top - misc - - ih "p_top" "PRESSURE TOP OF THE MODEL" "Pa"
159 state real SNOWC ij misc 1 - ih "SNOWC" "FLAG INDICATING SNOW COVERAGE (1 FOR SNOW COVER)" ""
161 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 # Variables that are set at run-time to control configuration (namelist-settable)
168 #<Table> <Type> <Sym> <How set> <Nentries> <Default>
172 rconfig integer run_days namelist,time_control 1 0 irh "run_days" "NUMBER OF DAYS TO RUN"
173 rconfig integer run_hours namelist,time_control 1 0 irh "run_hours" "NUMBER OF HOURS TO RUN"
174 rconfig integer run_minutes namelist,time_control 1 0 irh "run_minutes" "NUMBER OF MINUTES TO RUN"
175 rconfig integer run_seconds namelist,time_control 1 0 irh "run_seconds" "NUMBER OF SECONDS TO RUN"
176 rconfig integer start_year namelist,time_control max_domains 1993 irh "start_year" "4 DIGIT YEAR OF START OF MODEL" "YEARS"
177 rconfig integer start_month namelist,time_control max_domains 03 irh "start_month" "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF START OF MODEL, 1-12" "MONTHS"
178 rconfig integer start_day namelist,time_control max_domains 13 irh "start_day" "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF START OF MODEL, 1-31" "DAYS"
179 rconfig integer start_hour namelist,time_control max_domains 12 irh "start_hour" "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF START OF MODEL, 0-23" "HOURS"
180 rconfig integer start_minute namelist,time_control max_domains 00 irh "start_minute" "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF START OF MODEL, 0-59" "MINUTES"
181 rconfig integer start_second namelist,time_control max_domains 00 irh "start_second" "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF START OF MODEL, 0-59" "SECONDS"
182 rconfig integer end_year namelist,time_control max_domains 1993 irh "end_year" "4 DIGIT YEAR OF END OF MODEL" "YEARS"
183 rconfig integer end_month namelist,time_control max_domains 03 irh "end_month" "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF END OF MODEL, 1-12" "MONTHS"
184 rconfig integer end_day namelist,time_control max_domains 14 irh "end_day" "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF END OF MODEL, 1-31" "DAYS"
185 rconfig integer end_hour namelist,time_control max_domains 12 irh "end_hour" "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF END OF MODEL, 0-23" "HOURS"
186 rconfig integer end_minute namelist,time_control max_domains 00 irh "end_minute" "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF END OF MODEL, 0-59" "MINUTES"
187 rconfig integer end_second namelist,time_control max_domains 00 irh "end_second" "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF END OF MODEL, 0-59" "SECONDS"
188 rconfig integer interval_seconds namelist,time_control 1 43200 irh "interval_seconds" "SECONDS BETWEEN ANALYSIS AND BOUNDARY PERIODS" "SECONDS"
189 rconfig logical input_from_file namelist,time_control max_domains .false. irh "input_from_file" "T/F INPUT FOR THIS DOMAIN FROM A SEPARATE INPUT FILE" ""
190 rconfig integer fine_input_stream namelist,time_control max_domains 0 irh "fine_input_stream" "0 THROUGH 11, WHAT INPUT STREAM IS FINE GRID IC FROM" ""
191 rconfig logical input_from_hires namelist,time_control max_domains .false. irh "input_from_hires" "T/F INPUT FOR THIS DOMAIN FROM USGS HI RES TERRAIN" ""
192 rconfig character rsmas_data_path namelist,time_control 1 "." - "rsmas_data_path" "" ""
194 include registry.io_boilerplate
195 include registry.io_boilerplate_EM
197 rconfig integer JULYR namelist,time_control max_domains 0 h "JULYR" "" ""
198 rconfig integer JULDAY namelist,time_control max_domains 1 h "JULDAY" "" ""
199 rconfig real GMT namelist,time_control max_domains 0. h "GMT" "" ""
200 rconfig character input_inname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfinput_d<domain>" - "name of input infile" "" ""
201 rconfig character input_outname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfinput_d<domain>" - "name of input outfile" "" ""
202 rconfig character bdy_inname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfbdy_d<domain>" - "name of boundary infile" "" ""
203 rconfig character bdy_outname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfbdy_d<domain>" - "name of boundary outfile" "" ""
204 rconfig character rst_inname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfrst_d<domain>_<date>" - "name of restrt infile" "" ""
205 rconfig character rst_outname namelist,time_control 1 "wrfrst_d<domain>_<date>" - "name of restrt outfile" "" ""
206 rconfig logical write_input namelist,time_control 1 .false. - "write input data for 3dvar etc." "" ""
207 rconfig logical write_restart_at_0h namelist,time_control 1 .false. h "write_restart_at_0h" "" ""
208 rconfig logical adjust_output_times namelist,time_control 1 .false. - "adjust_output_times"
209 rconfig logical adjust_input_times namelist,time_control 1 .false. - "adjust_input_times"
211 rconfig logical nocolons namelist,time_control 1 .false. - "nocolons"
215 rconfig integer time_step namelist,domains 1 - ih "time_step"
216 rconfig integer time_step_fract_num namelist,domains 1 0 ih "time_step_fract_num"
217 rconfig integer time_step_fract_den namelist,domains 1 1 ih "time_step_fract_den"
218 rconfig integer max_dom namelist,domains 1 1 irh "max_dom" "" ""
219 rconfig integer s_we namelist,domains max_domains 1 irh "s_we" "" ""
220 rconfig integer e_we namelist,domains max_domains 32 irh "e_we" "" ""
221 rconfig integer s_sn namelist,domains max_domains 1 irh "s_sn" "" ""
222 rconfig integer e_sn namelist,domains max_domains 32 irh "e_sn" "" ""
223 rconfig integer s_vert namelist,domains max_domains 1 irh "s_vert" "" ""
224 rconfig integer e_vert namelist,domains max_domains 31 irh "e_vert" "" ""
225 rconfig integer num_metgrid_levels namelist,domains 1 27 irh "num_metgrid_levels" "" ""
226 rconfig integer interp_type namelist,domains 1 1 irh "interp_type" "" ""
227 rconfig logical lowest_lev_from_sfc namelist,domains 1 .false. irh "lowest_lev_from_sfc" "" ""
228 rconfig integer lagrange_order namelist,domains 1 1 irh "lagrange_order" "1=linear, 2=quadratic vertical interpolation" ""
229 rconfig integer force_sfc_in_vinterp namelist,domains 1 0 irh "force_sfc_in_vinterp" "number of eta levels forced to use sfc in vert interp" ""
230 rconfig real zap_close_levels namelist,domains 1 500 irh "zap_close_levels" "delta p where level is removed in vert interp" "Pa"
231 rconfig real dx namelist,domains max_domains 200 h "dx" "X HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION" "METERS"
232 rconfig real dy namelist,domains max_domains 200 h "dy" "Y HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION" "METERS"
233 rconfig integer grid_id namelist,domains max_domains 1 irh "id" "" ""
234 rconfig logical grid_allowed namelist,domains max_domains .true. irh "allowed" "" ""
235 rconfig integer parent_id namelist,domains max_domains 0 h "parent_id" "" ""
236 rconfig integer i_parent_start namelist,domains max_domains 1 rh "i_parent_start" "" ""
237 rconfig integer j_parent_start namelist,domains max_domains 1 rh "j_parent_start" "" ""
238 rconfig integer parent_grid_ratio namelist,domains max_domains 1 h "parent_grid_ratio" "" ""
239 rconfig integer parent_time_step_ratio namelist,domains max_domains 1 h "parent_time_step_ratio" "" ""
240 rconfig integer feedback namelist,domains 1 1 h "feedback" "" ""
241 rconfig integer smooth_option namelist,domains 1 2 h "smooth_option" "" ""
242 rconfig integer blend_width namelist,domains 1 5 h "blend_width" "width of cg fg terrain blended zone" ""
243 rconfig real ztop namelist,domains max_domains 15000. h "ztop" "" ""
244 rconfig integer moad_grid_ratio namelist,domains max_domains 1 h "moad_grid_ratio" "" ""
245 rconfig integer moad_time_step_ratio namelist,domains max_domains 1 h "moad_time_step_ratio" "" ""
246 rconfig integer shw namelist,domains max_domains 2 h "stencil_half_width" "HORIZONTAL INTERPOLATION STENCIL HALF-WIDTH" "GRID POINTS"
247 rconfig integer tile_sz_x namelist,domains 1 0 - "tile_sz_x" "" ""
248 rconfig integer tile_sz_y namelist,domains 1 0 - "tile_sz_y" "" ""
249 rconfig integer numtiles namelist,domains 1 1 - "numtiles" "" ""
250 rconfig integer numtiles_inc namelist,domains 1 0 - "numtiles_inc" "" ""
251 rconfig integer numtiles_x namelist,domains 1 0 - "numtiles_x" "" ""
252 rconfig integer numtiles_y namelist,domains 1 0 - "numtiles_y" "" ""
253 rconfig integer tile_strategy namelist,domains 1 0 - "tile_strategy" "" ""
254 rconfig integer nproc_x namelist,domains 1 -1 - "nproc_x" "-1 means not set" ""
255 rconfig integer nproc_y namelist,domains 1 -1 - "nproc_y" "-1 means not set" ""
256 rconfig integer irand namelist,domains 1 0 - "irand" "" ""
257 rconfig real dt derived max_domains 2. h "dt" "TEMPORAL RESOLUTION" "SECONDS"
258 rconfig integer num_moves namelist,domains 1 0
259 rconfig integer vortex_interval namelist,domains max_domains 15 - "" "" "minutes"
260 rconfig integer max_vortex_speed namelist,domains max_domains 40 - "" "" "meters per second"
261 rconfig integer corral_dist namelist,domains max_domains 8
262 rconfig integer move_id namelist,domains max_moves 0
263 rconfig integer move_interval namelist,domains max_moves 999999999
264 rconfig integer move_cd_x namelist,domains max_moves 0
265 rconfig integer move_cd_y namelist,domains max_moves 0
266 rconfig logical swap_x namelist,domains max_domains .false. rh "swap_x" "" ""
267 rconfig logical swap_y namelist,domains max_domains .false. rh "swap_y" "" ""
268 rconfig logical cycle_x namelist,domains max_domains .false. rh "cycle_x" "" ""
269 rconfig logical cycle_y namelist,domains max_domains .false. rh "cycle_y" "" ""
270 rconfig logical reorder_mesh namelist,domains 1 .false. rh "reorder_mesh" "" ""
271 rconfig logical perturb_input namelist,domains 1 .false. h "" "" ""
272 rconfig real eta_levels namelist,domains max_eta -1.
273 rconfig real max_dz namelist,domains 1 1000.
276 rconfig integer mp_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "mp_physics" "" ""
277 rconfig integer ra_lw_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "ra_lw_physics" "" ""
278 rconfig integer ra_sw_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "ra_sw_physics" "" ""
279 rconfig real radt namelist,physics max_domains 0 h "RADT" "" ""
280 rconfig integer sf_sfclay_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "sf_sfclay_physics" "" ""
281 rconfig integer sf_surface_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "sf_surface_physics" "" ""
282 rconfig integer bl_pbl_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "bl_pbl_physics" "" ""
283 rconfig real BLDT namelist,physics max_domains 0 h "BLDT" "" ""
284 rconfig integer cu_physics namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "cu_physics" "" ""
285 rconfig real CUDT namelist,physics max_domains 0 h "CUDT" "" ""
286 rconfig real GSMDT namelist,physics max_domains 0 h "GSMDT" "" ""
287 rconfig integer ISFFLX namelist,physics 1 1 irh "ISFFLX" "" ""
288 rconfig integer ideal_xland namelist,physics 1 1 rh "IDEAL_XLAND" "land=1(def), water=2, for ideal cases with no land-use" ""
289 rconfig integer IFSNOW namelist,physics 1 1 irh "IFSNOW" "" ""
290 rconfig integer ICLOUD namelist,physics 1 1 irh "ICLOUD" "" ""
291 rconfig integer surface_input_source namelist,physics 1 1 irh "surface_input_source" "1=static (fractional), 2=time dependent (dominant), 3=hybrid (not yet implemented)" ""
292 rconfig integer num_soil_layers namelist,physics 1 5 irh "num_soil_layers" "" ""
293 rconfig integer maxiens namelist,physics 1 1 irh "maxiens" "" ""
294 rconfig integer maxens namelist,physics 1 3 irh "maxens" "" ""
295 rconfig integer maxens2 namelist,physics 1 3 irh "maxens2" "" ""
296 rconfig integer maxens3 namelist,physics 1 16 irh "maxens3" "" ""
297 rconfig integer ensdim namelist,physics 1 144 irh "ensdim" "" ""
298 rconfig integer chem_opt namelist,physics max_domains 0 rh "chem_opt" "" ""
299 rconfig integer num_land_cat namelist,physics 1 24 - "num_land_cat" "" ""
300 rconfig integer num_soil_cat namelist,physics 1 16 - "num_soil_cat" "" ""
301 rconfig integer mp_zero_out namelist,physics 1 0 - "mp_zero_out" "microphysics fields set to zero 0=no action taken, 1=all fields but Qv, 2=all fields including Qv" "flag"
302 rconfig real mp_zero_out_thresh namelist,physics 1 1.e-8 - "mp_zero_out_thresh" "minimum threshold for non-Qv moist fields, below are set to zero" "kg/kg"
303 rconfig real seaice_threshold namelist,physics 1 100 h "seaice_threshold" "tsk below which which water points are set to sea ice for slab scheme" "K"
304 rconfig integer sst_update namelist,physics 1 0 h "sst_update" "update sst from wrflowinp file 0=no, 1=yes" ""
305 rconfig integer co2tf namelist,physics 1 0 - "GFDL radiation co2 flag" "" ""
309 # dynamics option (see package definitions, below)
310 rconfig integer rk_ord namelist,dynamics 1 3 irh "rk_order" "" ""
311 rconfig integer w_damping namelist,dynamics 1 0 irh "w_damping" "" ""
312 # diff_opt 1=old diffusion, 2=new
313 rconfig integer diff_opt namelist,dynamics max_domains -1 irh "diff_opt" "" ""
314 # km_opt 1=old coefs, 2=tke, 3=Smagorinksy
315 rconfig integer km_opt namelist,dynamics max_domains -1 irh "km_opt" "" ""
316 rconfig integer damp_opt namelist,dynamics 1 0 irh "damp_opt" "" ""
317 rconfig real zdamp namelist,dynamics max_domains 5000. h "zdamp" "" ""
318 rconfig real dampcoef namelist,dynamics max_domains 0. h "dampcoef" "" ""
319 rconfig real khdif namelist,dynamics max_domains 0 h "khdif" "" ""
320 rconfig real kvdif namelist,dynamics max_domains 0 h "kvdif" "" ""
321 rconfig real smdiv namelist,dynamics max_domains 0.1 h "smdiv" "" ""
322 rconfig real emdiv namelist,dynamics max_domains 0.01 h "emdiv" "" ""
323 rconfig real epssm namelist,dynamics max_domains .1 h "epssm" "" ""
324 rconfig logical non_hydrostatic namelist,dynamics max_domains .true. irh "non_hydrostatic" "" ""
325 rconfig integer time_step_sound namelist,dynamics max_domains 0 h "time_step_sound" "" ""
326 rconfig integer h_mom_adv_order namelist,dynamics max_domains 5 rh "h_mom_adv_order" "" ""
327 rconfig integer v_mom_adv_order namelist,dynamics max_domains 3 rh "v_mom_adv_order" "" ""
328 rconfig integer h_sca_adv_order namelist,dynamics max_domains 5 rh "h_sca_adv_order" "" ""
329 rconfig integer v_sca_adv_order namelist,dynamics max_domains 3 rh "v_sca_adv_order" "" ""
330 rconfig logical top_radiation namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. rh "top_radiation" "" ""
331 rconfig real tke_upper_bound namelist,dynamics max_domains 1000. h "tke_upper_bound" "" ""
332 rconfig real tke_drag_coefficient namelist,dynamics max_domains 0. h "tke_drag_coefficient" "" ""
333 rconfig real tke_heat_flux namelist,dynamics max_domains 0. h "tke_heat_flux" "" ""
334 rconfig logical pert_coriolis namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. irh "pert_coriolis" "" ""
335 rconfig logical mix_full_fields namelist,dynamics max_domains .false. irh "mix_full_field" "" ""
336 rconfig real base_pres namelist,dynamics 1 100000. h "base_pres" "Base state pressure - do not change (10^5 Pa), real only" "Pa"
337 rconfig real base_temp namelist,dynamics 1 290. h "base_temp" "Base state sea level temperature, real only" "K"
338 rconfig real base_lapse namelist,dynamics 1 50. h "base_lapse" "Base state temperature difference between base pres and 1/e of atm depth - do not change, real only" "K"
342 rconfig integer spec_bdy_width namelist,bdy_control 1 5 irh "spec_bdy_width" "" ""
343 rconfig integer spec_zone namelist,bdy_control 1 1 irh "spec_zone" "" ""
344 rconfig integer relax_zone namelist,bdy_control 1 4 irh "relax_zone" "" ""
345 rconfig logical specified namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "specified" "" ""
346 rconfig logical periodic_x namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "periodic_x" "" ""
347 rconfig logical symmetric_xs namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "symmetric_xs" "" ""
348 rconfig logical symmetric_xe namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "symmetric_xe" "" ""
349 rconfig logical open_xs namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "open_xs" "" ""
350 rconfig logical open_xe namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "open_xe" "" ""
351 rconfig logical periodic_y namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "periodic_y" "" ""
352 rconfig logical symmetric_ys namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "symmetric_ys" "" ""
353 rconfig logical symmetric_ye namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "symmetric_ye" "" ""
354 rconfig logical open_ys namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "open_ys" "" ""
355 rconfig logical open_ye namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "open_ye" "" ""
356 rconfig logical nested namelist,bdy_control max_domains .false. rh "nested" "" ""
357 rconfig integer real_data_init_type namelist,bdy_control 1 1 irh "real_data_init_type" "REAL DATA INITIALIZATION OPTIONS: 1=SI, 2=MM5, 3=GENERIC" "PRE-PROCESSOR TYPES"
359 rconfig integer background_proc_id namelist,grib2 1 255 rh "background_proc_id" "Background processing id for grib2" ""
360 rconfig integer forecast_proc_id namelist,grib2 1 255 rh "forecast_proc_id" "Analysis and forecast processing id for grib2" ""
361 rconfig integer production_status namelist,grib2 1 255 rh "production_status" "Background processing id for grib2" ""
362 rconfig integer compression namelist,grib2 1 40 rh "compression" "grib2 compression, 40 for JPEG2000 or 41 for PNG" ""
365 rconfig real cen_lat derived max_domains 0 - "cen_lat" "center latitude" "degrees, negative is south"
366 rconfig real cen_lon derived max_domains 0 - "cen_lon" "central longitude" "degrees, negative is west"
367 rconfig real truelat1 derived max_domains 0 - "true_lat1" "first standard parallel" "degrees, negative is south"
368 rconfig real truelat2 derived max_domains 0 - "true_lat2" "second standard parallel" "degrees, negative is south"
369 rconfig real moad_cen_lat derived max_domains 0 - "moad_cen_lat" "center latitude of the most coarse grid" "degrees, negative is south"
370 rconfig real stand_lon derived max_domains 0 - "stand_lon" "standard longitude, parallel to j-direction, perpendicular to i-direction " "degrees, negative is west"
371 rconfig real bdyfrq derived max_domains 0 - "bdyfrq" "lateral boundary input frequency" "seconds"
372 rconfig integer iswater derived max_domains 0 - "iswater" "land use index of water" "index category"
373 rconfig integer islake derived max_domains 0 - "islake" "land use index of inland lake" "index category"
374 rconfig integer isice derived max_domains 0 - "isice" "land use index of ice" "index category"
375 rconfig integer isurban derived max_domains 0 - "isurban" "land use index for 'urban and built-up" "index category"
376 rconfig integer isoilwater derived max_domains 0 - "isoilwater" "land use index of water for soil" "index category"
377 rconfig integer map_proj derived max_domains 0 - "map_proj" "domain map projection" "0=none, 1=Lambert, 2=polar, 3=Mercator"
380 # Single dummy declaration to define a nodyn dyn option
381 state integer nodyn_dummy - dyn_nodyn - - - "" "" ""
383 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
384 # a few entries that need to be in the registry for stuff in share to compile, but that you probably do not want converted
387 # State for derived time quantities.
388 state real xtime - - - - - "xtime" "minutes since simulation start" ""
389 state real julian - - - - - "julian" "day of year, 0.0 at 0Z on 1 Jan." "days"
391 state real dtbc - misc - - ir "dtbc" "TIME SINCE BOUNDARY READ" ""
392 # input file descriptor for lbcs on parent domain
393 state integer lbc_fid - - - - - "lbc_fid" "" ""
394 # indicates if tiling has been computed
395 state logical tiled - - - - - "tiled" "" ""
396 # indicates if patches have been computed
397 state logical patched - - - - - "patched" "" ""
398 # indicates whether to read input from file or generate
399 #state logical input_from_file - - - - - "input_from_file" "" ""
401 # Mask for moving nest interpolations
402 state integer imask_nostag ij misc 1 -
403 state integer imask_xstag ij misc 1 X
404 state integer imask_ystag ij misc 1 Y
405 state integer imask_xystag ij misc 1 XY
407 state real sm000010 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM000010" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
408 state real sm010040 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM010040 " "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
409 state real sm040100 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM040100 " "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
410 state real sm100200 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM100200 " "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
411 state real sm010200 ij misc 1 - i1 "SM010200" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
412 state real soilm000 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM000" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
413 state real soilm005 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM005" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
414 state real soilm020 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM020" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
415 state real soilm040 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM040" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
416 state real soilm160 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM160" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
417 state real soilm300 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILM300" "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
418 state real sw000010 ij misc 1 - i1 "SW000010" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
419 state real sw010040 ij misc 1 - i1 "SW010040" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
420 state real sw040100 ij misc 1 - i1 "SW040100" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
421 state real sw100200 ij misc 1 - i1 "SW100200" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
422 state real sw010200 ij misc 1 - i1 "SW010200" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
423 state real soilw000 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW000" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
424 state real soilw005 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW005" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
425 state real soilw020 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW020" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
426 state real soilw040 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW040" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
427 state real soilw160 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW160" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
428 state real soilw300 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILW300" "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
429 state real st000010 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST000010" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
430 state real st010040 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST010040" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
431 state real st040100 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST040100" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
432 state real st100200 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST100200" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
433 state real st010200 ij misc 1 - i1 "ST010200" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
434 state real soilt000 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT000" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
435 state real soilt005 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT005" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
436 state real soilt020 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT020" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
437 state real soilt040 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT040" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
438 state real soilt160 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT160" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
439 state real soilt300 ij misc 1 - i1 "SOILT300" "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
440 state real landmask ij misc 1 - rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm) "LANDMASK" "LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 0 FOR WATER)" ""
441 state real topostdv ij misc 1 - i12 "TOPOSTDV" "ELEVATION STD DEV" "m"
442 state real toposlpx ij misc 1 - i012rdu "TOPOSLPX" "ELEVATION X SLOPE" ""
443 state real toposlpy ij misc 1 - i012rdu "TOPOSLPY" "ELEVATION Y SLOPE" ""
444 state real slope ij misc 1 - rdu "SLOPE" "ELEVATION SLOPE" ""
445 state real slp_azi ij misc 1 - rdu "SLP_AZI" "ELEVATION SLOPE AZIMUTH" "rad"
446 state real shdmax ij misc 1 - - "SHDMAX" "ANNUAL MAX VEG FRACTION" ""
447 state real shdmin ij misc 1 - - "SHDMIN" "ANNUAL MIN VEG FRACTION" ""
448 state real snoalb ij misc 1 - - "SNOALB" "ANNUAL MAX SNOW ALBEDO IN FRACTION" ""
449 state real toposoil ij misc 1 - i12 "SOILHGT" "ELEVATION OF LSM DATA" "m"
450 state real landusef iuj misc 1 Z i12 "LANDUSEF" "LANDUSE FRACTION BY CATEGORY" ""
451 state real soilctop isj misc 1 Z i12 "SOILCTOP" "SOIL CAT FRACTION (TOP)" ""
452 state real soilcbot isj misc 1 Z i1 "SOILCBOT" "SOIL CAT FRACTION (BOTTOM)" ""
453 state real soilcat ij misc 1 - i12 "SOILCAT" "SOIL CAT DOMINANT TYPE" ""
454 state real vegcat ij misc 1 - i12 "VEGCAT" "VEGETATION CAT DOMINANT TYPE" ""
461 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
462 # Package Declarations
465 #key package associated package associated 4d scalars
466 # name namelist choice state vars
468 #package passivec1 chem_opt==0 -
469 package passiveqv mp_physics==0 - moist:qv
470 package kesslerscheme mp_physics==1 - moist:qv,qc,qr
471 package linscheme mp_physics==2 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg
472 package wsm3scheme mp_physics==3 - moist:qv,qc,qr
473 package wsm5scheme mp_physics==4 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs
474 package etampnew mp_physics==5 - moist:qv,qc
475 package wsm6scheme mp_physics==6 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg
476 package thompson mp_physics==8 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qni
477 package sbu_ylinscheme mp_physics==13 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs
479 package rrtmscheme ra_lw_physics==1 - -
480 package gfdllwscheme ra_lw_physics==99 - moist:qv,qc,qr,qi
482 package swradscheme ra_sw_physics==1 - -
483 package gsfcswscheme ra_sw_physics==2 - -
484 package gfdlswscheme ra_sw_physics==99 - -
486 package sfclayscheme sf_sfclay_physics==91 - -
487 package myjsfcscheme sf_sfclay_physics==2 - -
488 package gfssfcscheme sf_sfclay_physics==3 - -
489 package slabscheme sf_surface_physics==1 - -
490 package lsmscheme sf_surface_physics==2 - -
491 package ruclsmscheme sf_surface_physics==3 - -
492 package noahmpscheme sf_surface_physics==4 - -
493 package ysuscheme bl_pbl_physics==1 - -
494 package myjpblscheme bl_pbl_physics==2 - -
495 package gfsscheme bl_pbl_physics==3 - -
496 package mrfscheme bl_pbl_physics==99 - -
498 package kfetascheme cu_physics==1 - -
499 package bmjscheme cu_physics==2 - -
500 package gdscheme cu_physics==3 - -
501 package sasscheme cu_physics==4 - -
502 package kfscheme cu_physics==99 - -
504 # only need to specify these once; not for every io_form* variable
505 package io_intio io_form_restart==1 - -
506 package io_netcdf io_form_restart==2 - -
507 # Placeholders for additional packages (we can go beyond zzz
508 # but that will entail modifying frame/module_io.F and frame/md_calls.m4)
509 # Please note these are placeholders; HDF has not been implemented yet.
510 package io_hdf io_form_restart==3 - -
511 package io_phdf5 io_form_restart==4 - -
512 package io_grib1 io_form_restart==5 - -
513 package io_esmf io_form_restart==7 - -
514 package io_yyy io_form_restart==8 - -
515 package io_zzz io_form_restart==9 - -
516 package io_grib2 io_form_restart==10 - -
517 package io_pnetcdf io_form_restart==11 - -
518 package io_pio io_form_restart==12 - -
519 package io_adios2 io_form_restart==14 - -