1 !Updated to CESM1.0.3 (CAM5.1.01) by Balwinder.Singh@pnnl.gov
3 module module_cam_mam_wetscav
4 !==================================================================================
7 !1. CME (or QME:Net condensation rate) is NOT used in this subroutine, although it
8 ! is being passed to the wet scavenging parameterizations. The value stored in
9 ! QME3D variable is not correct as it lacks the contribution of CMELIQ from CAM's
11 !2. CAM_OUT datastructure of CAM provides information to the surface model of CAM.
12 ! It has NOT been implemented in WRF.
13 !3. LCHNK is being passed to the parameterization and it is used by CAM's OUTFLD
14 ! calls. OUTFLD calls are just dummy calls for WRF. Therefore LCHNK is not used
15 ! for any meaningful calculation which can alter the answers from the
17 !4. Currently the CAM's wet scavenging is forced to ONLY work with the CAMMGMP
19 !5. LAT and LON variables are ONLY used in chemistry calls in CAM, which is NOT
20 ! implemented in WRF yet
21 !6. Variable "num_mz_aerosols" in module_cam_mam_mz_aerosols_intr.F parameterization
22 ! Fortran file is HARDWIRED to be equal to 'pcnst' (basically, it has to be greater
23 ! than zero for the parameterization to run)
25 !==================================================================================
27 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 !! Module to interface the aerosol parameterizations with CAM
29 !! Phil Rasch, Jan 2003
30 ! Ported to WRF by Balwinder.Singh@pnnl.gov
31 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, cl => shr_kind_cl
42 public :: wetscav_cam_mam_driver_init ! initialization subroutine
43 public :: wetscav_cam_mam_driver ! interface to wet deposition
45 integer :: itf, jtf, ktf, pverp
48 !===============================================================================
50 !===============================================================================
52 subroutine wetscav_cam_mam_driver(itimestep,p_hyd,p8w,t_phy, &
53 dgnum4d,dgnumwet4d,dlf3d,dlf2_3d,dtstep,qme3d, &
54 prain3d,nevapr3d,rate1ord_cw2pr_st3d,shfrc3d,cmfmc3d,cmfmc2_3d, &
55 evapcsh3d,icwmrsh3d,rprdsh3d,evapcdp3d,icwmrdp3d,rprddp3d, &
56 qs_curr, f_ice_phy,f_rain_phy,config_flags,cldfra_mp_all,cldfrai, &
57 cldfral,cldfra,is_CAMMGMP_used, &
58 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
59 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
60 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, &
62 qv_curr,qc_curr,qi_curr,ni3d,nc3d,chem, &
66 !!-----------------------------------------------------------------------
69 !! Interface to wet processing of all aerosols
72 !! use a modified version of the scavenging parameterization described in
73 !! Barth et al, 2000, JGR (sulfur cycle paper)
74 !! Rasch et al, 2001, JGR (INDOEX paper)
77 ! Ported to WRF by Balwinder.Singh@pnnl.gov
79 !!-----------------------------------------------------------------------
80 use module_mp_cammgmp_driver, only: physics_update, physics_ptend_init
81 use module_cam_support, only: pcnst =>pcnst_runtime, pcols, pver
82 use module_state_description, only: num_chem, param_first_scalar,F_QC, F_QI, F_QV, F_QS, &
84 use module_data_cam_mam_asect, only: lptr_chem_to_q, lptr_chem_to_qqcw, factconv_chem_to_q, waterptr_aer
85 use wetdep, only: clddiag
86 #if ( defined TROPCHEM || defined MODAL_AERO )
87 use mz_aerosols_intr, only: mz_aero_wet_intr
89 #if ( defined MODAL_AERO )
90 use modal_aero_data, only: ntot_amode
92 use module_configure, only: grid_config_rec_type
94 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
96 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
101 TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags
103 logical, intent(in) :: is_CAMMGMP_used
105 integer, intent(in) :: itimestep !Time step number
106 integer, intent(in) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde
107 integer, intent(in) :: ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme
108 integer, intent(in) :: its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
110 real, intent(in) :: dtstep !Time step in seconds(s)
113 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: dlf3d !Detraining cloud water tendency from convection
114 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: dlf2_3d !dq/dt due to export of cloud water into environment by shallow convection(kg/kg/s)
115 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: p8w !Hydrostatic Pressure at level interface (Pa)
116 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: p_hyd !Hydrostatic pressure(Pa)
117 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: t_phy !Temperature (K)
118 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: qme3d !Net condensation rate (kg/kg/s) *NOTE: Doesn't include contribution from CMELIQ of MACRO-PHYSICS*
119 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: prain3d !Rate of conversion of condensate to precipitation (kg/kg/s)
120 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: nevapr3d !Evaporation rate of rain + snow (kg/kg/s)
121 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: rate1ord_cw2pr_st3d !1st order rate for direct conversion of strat. cloud water to precip (1/s)
122 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: shfrc3d !Shallow cloud fraction
123 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: cmfmc3d !Deep + Shallow Convective mass flux [ kg /s/m^2 ]
124 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: cmfmc2_3d !Shallow convective mass flux [ kg/s/m^2 ]
125 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: evapcsh3d !Evaporation of shallow convection precipitation (kg/kg/s)
126 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: icwmrsh3d !Shallow cumulus in-cloud water mixing ratio (kg/m2)
127 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: rprdsh3d !dq/dt due to deep and shallow convective rainout(kg/kg/s)
128 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: evapcdp3d !Evaporation of deep convective precipitation (kg/kg/s)
129 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: icwmrdp3d !Deep Convection in-cloud water mixing ratio (kg/m2)
130 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: rprddp3d !dq/dt due to deep convective rainout (kg/kg/s)
131 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: qs_curr !Snow mixing ratio -Cloud ice (kg/kg)
132 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: F_ICE_PHY !Fraction of ice
133 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: F_RAIN_PHY !Fraction of rain
134 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: cldfra_mp_all
135 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: cldfrai
136 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: cldfral
137 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(in) :: cldfra
139 !4D-Intent-in-real array
140 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, ntot_amode ), intent(in) :: dgnum4d !4-dimensional Number mode diameters
141 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, ntot_amode ), intent(in) :: dgnumwet4d !4-dimensional Number mode diameters
143 !3D-Intent-inout-real array
144 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(inout) :: qv_curr !Water vapor mixing ratio - Moisture (kg/kg)
145 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(inout) :: qc_curr !Cloud water mixing ratio - Cloud liq (kg/kg)
146 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(inout) :: qi_curr !Ice mixing ratio - Cloud ice (kg/kg)
147 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(inout) :: ni3d !Cloud ice number concentration (#/kg)
148 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), intent(inout) :: nc3d !Cloud water number concentration (#/kg)
151 !4D-Intent-inout-real array
152 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), intent(inout) :: chem !Chem array
154 !3D-Intent-out-real array
155 real, dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, pcnst ), intent(out) :: fracis3d !Fraction of transported species that are insoluble
157 !Local variable specific to CAM
158 real(r8) :: dt !Time step
159 integer :: nstep !Time step number
160 real(r8) :: clds(pcols,kte) !Stratiform cloud fraction
162 #if ( defined MODAL_AERO )
166 character*24 :: ptend_name !ptend%name in CAM5 - used in parameterization
168 logical :: ptend_ls !ptend%ls in CAM5 - used for calling physics_update subroutine
169 logical :: ptend_lq(pcnst) !ptend%lq in CAM5
171 integer :: iw, kw, jw, itsm1
172 integer :: itile_len, ktep1
173 integer :: kflip, l, l2, p1st
174 integer :: imode, kcam
175 integer :: ncol !state%ncol
176 integer :: lchnk !state%lchnk
178 real(r8) :: dp, multFrc
180 real(r8) :: cldc(pcols,kte) ! convective cloud fraction
181 real(r8) :: cldv(pcols,kte) ! cloudy volume undergoing scavenging
182 real(r8) :: cldvcu(pcols,kte) ! Convective precipitation area at the top interface of current layer
183 real(r8) :: cldvst(pcols,kte) ! Stratiform precipitation area at the top interface of current layer
184 real(r8) :: conicw(pcols, kte)
185 real(r8) :: cmfdqr(pcols, kte)
186 real(r8) :: evapc(pcols, kte) ! Evaporation rate of convective precipitation
187 real(r8) :: rainmr(pcols, kte) ! rain mixing ratio
188 real(r8) :: dlf(pcols,kte) ! Detrainment of convective condensate
189 real(r8) :: dlf2(pcols,kte) ! Detrainment of convective condensate
190 real(r8) :: cmfmc(pcols,kte+1)
191 real(r8) :: cmfmc2(pcols,kte+1)
192 real(r8) :: calday ! current calendar day
195 !State variables [The CAM's side variables are kept almost same by just
196 !replacing '%' with an '_' (e.g state%t in CAM is state_t in WRF)]
197 real(r8) :: state_t(pcols,kte)
198 real(r8) :: state_q(pcols,kte,pcnst)
199 real(r8) :: state_pmid(pcols,kte)
200 real(r8) :: state_pdel(pcols,kte)
202 real(r8) :: ptend_s(pcols,kte) !Dummy arguments for physics_update call
203 real(r8) :: state_s(pcols,kte) !Dummy arguments for physics_update call
205 real(r8) :: ptend_q(pcols,kte,pcnst)
207 !Cam_out variable is a dummy placeholder as currently it is not used in parameterization
212 ! Variables stored in physics buffer in CAM
213 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: cldn !cloud fraction
214 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: cme !local condensation of cloud water
215 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: prain !production of rain
216 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: evapr !evaporation of rain
217 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: icwmrdp !in cloud water mixing ratio, deep convection
218 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: rprddp !rain production, deep convection
219 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: icwmrsh !in cloud water mixing ratio, deep convection
220 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: rprdsh !rain production, deep convection
221 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte,pcnst) :: fracis !fraction of transported species that are insoluble
223 !! Dec.29.2009. Sungsu
224 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: sh_frac !Shallow convective cloud fraction
225 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: dp_frac !Deep convective cloud fraction
226 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: evapcsh !Evaporation rate of shallow convective precipitation >=0.
227 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: evapcdp !Evaporation rate of deep convective precipitation >=0.
228 !! Dec.29.2009. Sungsu
230 #if ( defined MODAL_AERO )
231 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte,ntot_amode) :: dgnum_pbuf, dgnumwet_pbuf !Wet/ambient geom. mean diameter (m)
233 !! for number distribution
234 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte,pcnst) :: qqcw !cloud-borne aerosol
235 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte,ntot_amode) :: qaerwat !aerosol water
236 real(r8), dimension(pcols,kte) :: rate1ord_cw2pr_st !1st order rate for direct conversion of strat. cloud water to precip (1/s) ! rce 2010/05/01
240 if(itimestep == 1) then
241 if(config_flags%shcu_physics .NE. CAMUWSHCUSCHEME) call wrf_message('WARNING: sh_frac,evapcsh,icwmrsh,rprdsh,cmfmc,cmfmc2 are set to zero in CAM_MAM_WETSCAV')
242 if(config_flags%cu_physics .NE. CAMZMSCHEME) call wrf_message('WARNING: evapcdp,icwmrdp,rprddp,dlf,dlf2 are set to zero in CAM_MAM_WETSCAV')
244 !Initialize ptend_name,ptend_q,ptend_s,ptend_lq and ptend_ls so that ptend_q is zeroed out
245 call physics_ptend_init(ptend_name,ptend_q,ptend_s,ptend_lq,ptend_ls,pcnst)
247 !Following arrays are declared as NaN as they are NOT used currently but still passed into the parameterization
250 !*NOTE*In CAM bcphiwet,ocphiwet,dstwet1,dstwet2,dstwet3 and dstwet4 of cam_out data struture are updated to be used for surface model.This has
251 !NOT been implemented in WRF yet
254 !Dry static energy is initialized to NaN and its tendency flag is set to .FALSE.
255 !Dry static enery is NOT required for wetscavaging but it is required to call WRF
256 !implementation of CAM's physics_update in CAMMGMP microphysics
261 !Required assignments
262 p1st = param_first_scalar ! Obtain CHEM array's first element's index
263 dt = real(dtstep,r8) ! Convert the time step to real*8
266 !This subroutine requires that ncol == 1
268 call wrf_error_fatal('Number of CAM Columns (NCOL) in CAM_MAM_WETSCAV scheme must be 1')
271 !Following varibales are set to NaN so that an error is produced whenever they are used
272 !calday is used only for Chemistry calculations inside the wetscav parameterization, which
273 !is not implemented yet in WRF
276 !Divide domain in chuncks and map WRF variables into CAM
277 !Loop counters are named iw,jw,kw to represent that they index WRF sided variables
278 !The CAM's side variables are kept almost same by just replacing '%' with an '_' [e.g state%t in CAM is state_t in WRF]
281 itile_len = ite - itsm1
285 lchnk = (jw - jts) * itile_len + (iw - itsm1) !1-D index location from a 2-D tile
288 !Flip vertically quantities computed at the mid points
292 state_pmid(1,kflip) = p_hyd(iw,kw,jw) !Pressure at the mid-points (Pa) [state%pmid in CAM]
293 dp = p8w(iw,kw,jw) - p8w(iw,kw+1,jw) !Change in pressure (Pa)
294 state_pdel(1,kflip) = dp
295 state_t(1,kflip) = t_phy(iw,kw,jw) !Temprature at the mid points (K) [state%t in CAM]
297 !Following three formulas are obtained from ported CAM's ZM cumulus scheme
298 !Values of 0 cause a crash in entropy
299 multFrc = 1._r8/(1._r8 + qv_curr(iw,kw,jw))
300 state_q(1,kflip,1) = max( qv_curr(iw,kw,jw)*multFrc, 1.0e-30_r8 ) !Specific humidity [state%q(:,:,1) in CAM]
301 state_q(1,kflip,2) = qc_curr(iw,kw,jw)*multFrc !Convert to moist mix ratio-cloud liquid [state%q(:,:,2) in CAM]
302 state_q(1,kflip,3) = qi_curr(iw,kw,jw)*multFrc !cloud ice [state%q(:,:,3) in CAM]
303 state_q(1,kflip,4) = nc3d(iw,kw,jw)*multFrc !Liquid cloud number
304 state_q(1,kflip,5) = ni3d(iw,kw,jw)*multFrc !Ice cloud number
306 !populate state_q and qqcw arrays
307 !Following Do-Loop is obtained from chem/module_cam_mam_aerchem_driver.F
308 do l = p1st, num_chem
309 l2 = lptr_chem_to_q(l)
310 if ((l2 >= 1) .and. (l2 <= pcnst)) then
311 state_q(1,kflip,l2) = chem(iw,kw,jw,l)*factconv_chem_to_q(l)
313 l2 = lptr_chem_to_qqcw(l)
314 if ((l2 >= 1) .and. (l2 <= pcnst)) then
315 qqcw(1,kflip,l2) = chem(iw,kw,jw,l)*factconv_chem_to_q(l) !Cloud borne aerosols
319 !Populate dgnums appropriately
320 !Following Do-Loop is obtained from chem/module_cam_mam_aerchem_driver.F
321 do imode = 1 , ntot_amode
322 dgnum_pbuf(1,kflip,imode) = dgnum4D(iw,kw,jw,imode) !Obtained from 4D arrays
323 dgnumwet_pbuf(1,kflip,imode) = dgnumwet4D(iw,kw,jw,imode)
325 l = waterptr_aer(1,imode)
326 if ((l >= p1st) .and. (l <= num_chem)) then
327 qaerwat(1,kflip,imode) = chem(iw,kw,jw,l)*factconv_chem_to_q(l)!aerosol water
331 !*NOTE* QME3D doesn't include contribution from MACROPHYSICS (CMELIQ).Assinment to CME is
332 !Commented out currently as CME is NEVER used in wetscaging code
333 !cme(1,kflip) = qme3d(iw,kw,jw)
334 cme(1,kflip) = nan !Net condensation rate (kg/kg/s)
335 prain(1,kflip) = prain3d(iw,kw,jw) !Rate of conversion of condensate to precipitation (kg/kg/s)
336 evapr(1,kflip) = nevapr3d(iw,kw,jw) !Evaporation rate of rain + snow (kg/kg/s)
338 rate1ord_cw2pr_st(1,kflip) = rate1ord_cw2pr_st3d(iw,kw,jw) !1st order rate for direct conversion of strat. cloud water to precip (1/s)
339 if(is_CAMMGMP_used) then
340 cldn(1,kflip) = cldfra_mp_all(iw,kw,jw) !Cloud fraction
342 cldn(1,kflip) = cldfra(iw,kw,jw)
344 cldn(1,kflip) = min(max(cldn(1,kflip),0._r8),1._r8)
346 sh_frac(1,kflip) = 0.0_r8
347 evapcsh(1,kflip) = 0.0_r8
348 icwmrsh(1,kflip) = 0.0_r8
349 rprdsh(1,kflip) = 0.0_r8
351 if(config_flags%shcu_physics==CAMUWSHCUSCHEME) then
352 !inputs from shallow convection
353 sh_frac(1,kflip) = shfrc3d(iw,kw,jw) !Shallow cloud fraction
354 evapcsh(1,kflip) = evapcsh3d(iw,kw,jw) !Evaporation of shallow convection precipitation (kg/kg/s)
355 icwmrsh(1,kflip) = icwmrsh3d(iw,kw,jw) !shallow cumulus in-cloud water mixing ratio (kg/m2)
356 rprdsh(1,kflip) = rprdsh3d(iw,kw,jw) !dq/dt due to deep and shallow convective rainout(kg/kg/s)
359 evapcdp(1,kflip) = 0.0_r8
360 icwmrdp(1,kflip) = 0.0_r8
361 rprddp(1,kflip) = 0.0_r8
362 dlf(1,kflip) = 0.0_r8
363 dlf2(1,kflip) = 0.0_r8
365 if(config_flags%cu_physics==CAMZMSCHEME)then
366 !inputs from deep convection
367 evapcdp(1,kflip) = evapcdp3d(iw,kw,jw) !Evaporation of deep convective precipitation (kg/kg/s)
368 icwmrdp(1,kflip) = icwmrdp3d(iw,kw,jw) !Deep Convection in-cloud water mixing ratio (kg/m2)
369 rprddp(1,kflip) = rprddp3d(iw,kw,jw) !dq/dt due to deep convective rainout (kg/kg/s)
370 dlf(1,kflip) = dlf3d(iw,kw,jw) !Detrainment of convective condensate (kg/kg/s)
371 dlf2(1,kflip) = dlf2_3d(iw,kw,jw) !dq/dt due to export of cloud water into environment by shallow convection(kg/kg/s)
378 cmfmc(1,kflip) = 0.0_r8
379 cmfmc2(1,kflip) = 0.0_r8
380 if(config_flags%shcu_physics==CAMUWSHCUSCHEME) then
381 cmfmc(1,kflip) = cmfmc3d(iw,kw,jw) !Deep + Shallow Convective mass flux [ kg /s/m^2 ]
382 cmfmc2(1,kflip) = cmfmc2_3d(iw,kw,jw) !Shallow convective mass flux [ kg/s/m^2 ]
387 !Formulation for dp_frac is obtained from cloud_fraction.F90 of CAM
388 dp_frac(1,kcam) = max(0.0_r8,min(dp1*log(1.0_r8+dp2*(cmfmc(1,kcam+1)-cmfmc2(1,kcam+1))),0.60_r8))
391 !The CAM wet scavenging computations begin here
392 cldc(:ncol,:) = dp_frac(:ncol,:) + sh_frac(:ncol,:) !! Sungsu included this.
393 evapc(:ncol,:) = evapcsh(:ncol,:) + evapcdp(:ncol,:) !! Sungsu included this.
394 clds(:ncol,:) = cldn(:ncol,:) - cldc(:ncol,:) !! Stratiform cloud fraction
397 !! sum deep and shallow convection contributions
398 conicw(:ncol,:) = (icwmrdp(:ncol,:)*dp_frac(:ncol,:) + icwmrsh(:ncol,:)*sh_frac(:ncol,:))/ &
399 max(0.01_r8, sh_frac(:ncol,:) + dp_frac(:ncol,:))
401 cmfdqr(:ncol,:) = rprddp(:ncol,:) + rprdsh(:ncol,:)
404 !OUTPUT- cldv, cldvcu, cldvst and rainmr
406 !! fields needed for wet scavenging
407 call clddiag( state_t, state_pmid, state_pdel, cmfdqr, evapc, cldn, cldc, clds, cme, evapr, prain, &
408 cldv, cldvcu, cldvst, rainmr, ncol )
410 ptend_name = 'wetdep'
412 !*Please Note:* Calls to modal_aero_calcsize_sub and modal_aero_wateruptake_sub are taken care of in module_cam_mam_aerchem_driver.F
414 !Output- ptend_name,ptend_lq,ptend_q, fracis, qqcw, qaerwat
416 !Balwinder.Singh@pnnl.gov: Changed the arguments to the following
417 ! call in CAM so that 'state','ptend' and 'cam_out' data structures are not
418 ! passed into the call.
419 fracis(:,:,:) = 1.0_r8
420 call mz_aero_wet_intr (lchnk, ncol, state_q, &
421 state_pdel, state_pmid, state_t, ptend_name, &
422 ptend_lq, ptend_q, nstep, dt, cme, prain, evapr, cldv, &
423 cldvcu, cldvst, cldc, cldn, fracis, calday, cmfdqr, &
424 evapc, conicw, rainmr, &
425 rate1ord_cw2pr_st, & ! rce 2010/05/01
426 dgnumwet_pbuf, qqcw, qaerwat, cam_out, dlf )
428 call physics_update(lchnk,dt,state_q,ptend_q,state_s,ptend_s,ptend_name,ptend_lq,ptend_ls, pcnst)
430 !Post processing of the output from CAM's parameterization
433 do imode = 1, ntot_amode
434 l = waterptr_aer(1,imode)
435 if ((l >= p1st) .and. (l <= num_chem)) then
436 chem(iw,kw,jw,l) = qaerwat(1,kflip,imode)/factconv_chem_to_q(l)
440 !Following equation are derived following UWPBL and CAMZM schemes
441 qv_curr(iw,kw,jw) = state_q(1,kflip,1) / (1.0_r8 - state_q(1,kflip,1))
442 multFrc = 1._r8 + qv_curr(iw,kw,jw)
444 qc_curr(iw,kw,jw) = state_q(1,kflip,2) * multFrc
445 qi_curr(iw,kw,jw) = state_q(1,kflip,3) * multFrc
446 nc3d(iw,kw,jw) = state_q(1,kflip,4) * multFrc
447 ni3d(iw,kw,jw) = state_q(1,kflip,5) * multFrc
449 fracis3d(iw,kw,jw,l) = fracis(1,kflip,l) !Fraction of transported species that are insoluble
451 do l = p1st, num_chem
452 l2 = lptr_chem_to_q(l)
453 if ((l2 >= 1) .and. (l2 <= pcnst)) then
454 chem(iw,kw,jw,l) = state_q(1,kflip,l2)/factconv_chem_to_q(l)
455 fracis3d(iw,kw,jw,l2) = fracis(1,kflip,l2) !Fraction of transported species that are insoluble
457 l2 = lptr_chem_to_qqcw(l)
458 if ((l2 >= 1) .and. (l2 <= pcnst)) then
459 chem(iw,kw,jw,l) = qqcw(1,kflip,l2)/factconv_chem_to_q(l)
468 end subroutine wetscav_cam_mam_driver
470 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
471 subroutine wetscav_cam_mam_driver_init(ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
472 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
473 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte )
476 !Initialize few variables needed for the driver
478 !Author: Balwinder.Singh@pnnl.gov
479 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
480 use module_cam_support, only: pver
481 use mz_aerosols_intr, only: modal_aero_bcscavcoef_init, mz_aero_initialize
483 integer, intent(in) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde
484 integer, intent(in) :: ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme
485 integer, intent(in) :: its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
491 !Map CAM veritcal level variables
495 !Following constants (dp1 and dp2) are obtained from cloud_fraction.F90 of CAM for highest resolution(0.23x0.31)
500 call mz_aero_initialize
502 end subroutine wetscav_cam_mam_driver_init
504 end module module_cam_mam_wetscav