4 use module_hydro_stop, only:HYDRO_stop
8 integer, PARAMETER :: MAX_SOIL_LEVELS = 10 ! maximum soil levels in namelist
9 !REAL :: DTBL ! timestep [s]
12 character(len=256) :: indir
13 integer :: nsoil ! number of soil layers
14 integer :: crocus_opt = 0
15 integer :: act_lev = 0
16 integer :: forcing_timestep
17 integer :: noah_timestep
19 integer :: start_month
23 character(len=256) :: outdir = "."
24 character(len=256) :: restart_filename_requested = " "
25 integer :: restart_frequency_hours
26 integer :: output_timestep
27 integer :: dynamic_veg_option
28 integer :: canopy_stomatal_resistance_option
30 integer :: runoff_option
31 integer :: surface_drag_option
32 integer :: supercooled_water_option
33 integer :: frozen_soil_option
34 integer :: radiative_transfer_option
35 integer :: snow_albedo_option
36 integer :: pcp_partition_option
37 integer :: tbot_option
38 integer :: temp_time_scheme_option
39 integer :: glacier_option
40 integer :: surface_resistance_option
42 integer :: soil_data_option = 1
43 integer :: pedotransfer_option = 0
44 integer :: crop_option = 0
45 integer :: imperv_option = 9
47 integer :: split_output_count = 1
49 integer :: kday = -999
51 character(len=256) :: hrldas_setup_file = " "
52 character(len=256) :: mmf_runoff_file = " "
53 character(len=256) :: external_veg_filename_template = " "
54 character(len=256) :: external_lai_filename_template = " "
59 REAL, DIMENSION(MAX_SOIL_LEVELS) :: soil_thick_input ! depth to soil interfaces from namelist [m]
60 integer :: rst_bi_out, rst_bi_in !0: default netcdf format. 1: binary write/read by each core.
61 CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: spatial_filename
62 end type NOAHLSM_OFFLINE_
66 integer :: finemesh_factor
69 end type WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE_
73 integer :: nsoil, SOLVEG_INITSWC
74 integer :: act_lev = 0
75 real,allocatable,dimension(:) :: ZSOIL8
76 real*8 :: out_dt, rst_dt
77 real :: dt !! dt is NOAH_TIMESTEP
79 character(len=256) :: restart_file = ""
80 integer :: split_output_count
82 integer :: rst_bi_in ! used for parallel io with large restart file.
83 integer :: rst_bi_out ! used for parallel io with large restart file.
84 ! each process will output the restart tile.
85 character(len=256) :: geo_static_flnm = ""
86 character(len=1024) :: land_spatial_meta_flnm = ""
88 integer :: order_to_write, rst_typ
89 character(len=256) :: upmap_file = "" ! user defined mapping file for NHDPLUS
90 character(len=256) :: hydrotbl_f = "" ! hydrotbl file
92 ! additional character
94 character(len=19) :: olddate="123456"
95 character(len=19) :: startdate="123456"
96 character(len=19) :: sincedate="123456"
98 integer :: io_config_outputs ! used for NCEP REALTIME OUTPUT
99 integer :: io_form_outputs ! Flag to turn specify level of internal compression
100 integer :: t0OutputFlag
101 integer :: channel_only, channelBucket_only
102 integer :: output_channelBucket_influx ! used for FORCE_TYPE 9 and 10
104 integer:: RT_OPTION, CHANRTSWCRT, channel_option, &
107 sys_cpl, gwChanCondSw, GwPreCycles, GwSpinCycles, GwPreDiagInterval, &
109 logical:: GwPreDiag, GwSpinUp
110 real:: DTRT_TER,DTRT_CH, DTCT, dxrt0, gwChanCondConstIn, gwChanCondConstOut, gwIhShift
111 character(len=256) :: route_topo_f=""
112 character(len=256) :: route_chan_f=""
113 character(len=256) :: route_link_f=""
114 character(len=256) :: route_lake_f=""
115 logical :: reservoir_persistence_usgs
116 logical :: reservoir_persistence_usace
117 character(len=256) :: reservoir_parameter_file=""
118 character(len=256) :: reservoir_usgs_timeslice_path=""
119 character(len=256) :: reservoir_usace_timeslice_path=""
120 integer :: reservoir_observation_lookback_hours = 18
121 integer :: reservoir_observation_update_time_interval_seconds = 86400
122 logical :: reservoir_rfc_forecasts
123 character(len=256) :: reservoir_rfc_forecasts_time_series_path=""
124 integer :: reservoir_rfc_forecasts_lookback_hours
125 logical :: reservoir_type_specified
126 character(len=256) :: route_direction_f=""
127 character(len=256) :: route_order_f=""
128 character(len=256) :: gwbasmskfil =""
129 character(len=256) :: gwstrmfil =""
130 character(len=256) :: geo_finegrid_flnm =""
131 character(len=256) :: udmap_file =""
132 character(len=256) :: GWBUCKPARM_file = ""
134 character(len=1024) :: reservoir_obs_dir = ""
136 logical :: compound_channel
137 integer ::frxst_pts_out ! ASCII point timeseries output at user specified points
138 integer ::CHRTOUT_DOMAIN ! Netcdf point timeseries output at all channel points
139 integer ::CHRTOUT_GRID ! Netcdf grid of channel streamflow values
140 integer ::CHANOBS_DOMAIN ! NetCDF point timeseries of output at forecast/gage points
141 integer ::LSMOUT_DOMAIN ! Netcdf grid of variables passed between LSM and routing components
142 integer ::RTOUT_DOMAIN ! Netcdf grid of terrain routing variables on routing grid
143 integer ::output_gw ! Netcdf grid of GW
144 integer ::outlake ! Netcdf grid of lake
148 integer :: channel_loss_option = 0
150 character(len=256) :: nudgingParamFile
151 character(len=256) :: netwkReExFile
152 logical :: readTimesliceParallel
153 logical :: temporalPersistence
154 logical :: persistBias
155 logical :: biasWindowBeforeT0
156 character(len=256) :: nudgingLastObsFile
157 integer :: minNumPairsBiasPersist
158 integer :: maxAgePairsBiasPersist
159 logical :: invDistTimeWeightBias
160 logical :: noConstInterfBias
161 character(len=256) :: timeSlicePath
163 integer :: bucket_loss
164 integer :: imperv_adj
166 logical :: channel_bypass = .FALSE.
170 procedure, pass(self) :: check => rt_nlst_check
172 END TYPE namelist_rt_
174 type, public :: Configuration_
176 procedure, nopass :: init => config_init
177 procedure, nopass :: init_nlst => init_namelist_rt_field
178 end type Configuration_
181 integer :: crocus_opt = 0
182 integer :: act_lev = 0
183 end type crocus_options
185 integer, parameter :: max_domain = 5
187 type(NOAHLSM_OFFLINE_), protected, save :: noah_lsm
188 type(WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE_), protected, save :: wrf_hydro
189 type(namelist_rt_), dimension(max_domain), save :: nlst
193 subroutine config_init()
196 integer, parameter :: did = 1
198 call init_noah_lsm_and_wrf_hydro()
200 end subroutine config_init
202 subroutine rt_nlst_check(self)
203 ! Subroutine to check namelist options specified by the user.
206 class(namelist_rt_) self
209 logical :: fileExists = .false.
212 ! ! Go through and make some logical checks for each hydro.namelist option.
213 ! ! Some of these checks will depend on specific options chosen by the user.
215 if( (self%sys_cpl .lt. 1) .or. (self%sys_cpl .gt. 4) ) then
216 call hydro_stop("hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid sys_cpl value specified.")
218 if(len(trim(self%geo_static_flnm)) .eq. 0) then
219 call hydro_stop("hydro.namelist ERROR: Please specify a GEO_STATIC_FLNM file.")
221 inquire(file=trim(self%geo_static_flnm),exist=fileExists)
222 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: GEO_STATIC_FLNM not found.')
224 if(len(trim(self%geo_finegrid_flnm)) .eq. 0) then
225 call hydro_stop("hydro.namelist ERROR: Please specify a GEO_FINEGRID_FLNM file.")
227 inquire(file=trim(self%geo_finegrid_flnm),exist=fileExists)
228 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: GEO_FINEGRID_FLNM not found.')
230 !if(len(trim(self%land_spatial_meta_flnm)) .eq. 0) then
231 ! call hydro_stop("hydro.namelist ERROR: Please specify a LAND_SPATIAL_META_FLNM file.")
233 ! inquire(file=trim(self%land_spatial_meta_flnm),exist=fileExists)
234 ! if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: LAND_SPATIAL_META_FLNM not found.')
236 if(len(trim(self%RESTART_FILE)) .ne. 0) then
237 inquire(file=trim(self%RESTART_FILE),exist=fileExists)
238 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR:= Hydro RESTART_FILE not found.')
240 if(self%igrid .le. 0) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid IGRID specified.')
241 if(self%out_dt .le. 0) call hydro_stop('hydro_namelist ERROR: Invalid out_dt specified.')
242 if( (self%split_output_count .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%split_output_count .gt. 1) ) then
243 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid SPLIT_OUTPUT_COUNT specified')
245 if( (self%rst_typ .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%rst_typ .gt. 1) ) then
246 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid rst_typ specified')
248 if( (self%rst_bi_in .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%rst_bi_in .gt. 1) ) then
249 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid rst_bi_in specified')
251 if( (self%rst_bi_out .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%rst_bi_out .gt. 1) ) then
252 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid rst_bi_out specified')
254 if( (self%RSTRT_SWC .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%RSTRT_SWC .gt. 1) ) then
255 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid RSTRT_SWC specified')
257 if( (self%GW_RESTART .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%GW_RESTART .gt. 1) ) then
258 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid GW_RESTART specified')
260 if( (self%order_to_write .lt. 1 ) .or. (self%order_to_write .gt. 12) ) then
261 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid order_to_write specified')
263 if( (self%io_form_outputs .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%io_form_outputs .gt. 4) ) then
264 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid io_form_outputs specified')
266 if( (self%io_config_outputs .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%io_config_outputs .gt. 6) ) then
267 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid io_config_outputs specified')
269 if( (self%t0OutputFlag .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%t0OutputFlag .gt. 1) ) then
270 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid t0OutputFlag specified')
272 if( (self%output_channelBucket_influx .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%output_channelBucket_influx .gt. 3) ) then
273 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid output_channelBucket_influx specified')
275 if( (self%CHRTOUT_DOMAIN .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%CHRTOUT_DOMAIN .gt. 1) ) then
276 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid CHRTOUT_DOMAIN specified')
278 if( (self%CHANOBS_DOMAIN .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%CHANOBS_DOMAIN .gt. 1) ) then
279 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid CHANOBS_DOMAIN specified')
281 if( (self%CHRTOUT_GRID .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%CHRTOUT_GRID .gt. 1) ) then
282 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid CHRTOUT_GRID specified')
284 if( (self%LSMOUT_DOMAIN .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%LSMOUT_DOMAIN .gt. 1) ) then
285 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid LSMOUT_DOMAIN specified')
287 if( (self%RTOUT_DOMAIN .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%RTOUT_DOMAIN .gt. 1) ) then
288 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid RTOUT_DOMAIN specified')
290 if( (self%output_gw .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%output_gw .gt. 2) ) then
291 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid output_gw specified')
293 if( (self%outlake .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%outlake .gt. 2) ) then
294 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid outlake specified')
296 if( (self%frxst_pts_out .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%frxst_pts_out .gt. 1) ) then
297 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid frxst_pts_out specified')
299 if(self%TERADJ_SOLAR .ne. 0) then
300 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid TERADJ_SOLAR specified')
303 ! The default value of nsoil == -999. When channel-only is used,
304 ! nsoil == -999999. In the case of channel-only, skip following block of code.
305 if(self%NSOIL .le. 0 .and. self%NSOIL .ne. -999999) then
306 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid NSOIL specified.')
309 if(self%ZSOIL8(i) .gt. 0) then
310 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid ZSOIL layer depth specified.')
313 if(self%ZSOIL8(i) .ge. self%ZSOIL8(i-1)) then
314 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid ZSOIL layer depth specified.')
319 if(self%NSOIL .le. 0 .and. self%NSOIL .ne. -999999) then
320 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid NSOIL specified.')
323 if(self%dxrt0 .le. 0) then
324 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid DXRT specified.')
326 if(self%AGGFACTRT .le. 0) then
327 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid AGGFACTRT specified.')
329 if(self%DTRT_CH .le. 0) then
330 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid DTRT_CH specified.')
332 if(self%DTRT_TER .le. 0) then
333 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid DTRT_TER specified.')
335 if( (self%SUBRTSWCRT .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%SUBRTSWCRT .gt. 1) ) then
336 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid SUBRTSWCRT specified')
338 if( (self%OVRTSWCRT .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%OVRTSWCRT .gt. 1) ) then
339 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid OVRTSWCRT specified')
341 if( (self%OVRTSWCRT .eq. 1 ) .or. (self%SUBRTSWCRT .eq. 1) ) then
342 if( (self%rt_option .lt. 1 ) .or. (self%rt_option .gt. 2) ) then
343 !if(self%rt_option .ne. 1) then
344 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid rt_option specified')
347 if( (self%CHANRTSWCRT .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%CHANRTSWCRT .gt. 1) ) then
348 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid CHANRTSWCRT specified')
350 if(self%CHANRTSWCRT .eq. 1) then
351 if ( self%channel_option .eq. 5 ) then
352 self%channel_option = 2
353 self%channel_bypass = .TRUE.
355 if( (self%channel_option .lt. 1 ) .or. (self%channel_option .gt. 3) ) then
356 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid channel_option specified')
359 if( (self%CHANRTSWCRT .eq. 1) .and. (self%channel_option .lt. 3) ) then
360 if(len(trim(self%route_link_f)) .eq. 0) then
361 call hydro_stop("hydro.namelist ERROR: Please specify a route_link_f file.")
363 inquire(file=trim(self%route_link_f),exist=fileExists)
364 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: route_link_f not found.')
367 if( (self%bucket_loss .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%bucket_loss .gt. 1) ) then
368 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid bucket_loss specified')
370 if( (self%bucket_loss .eq. 1 ) .and. (self%UDMP_OPT .ne. 1) ) then
371 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Bucket loss only available when UDMP=1')
373 if( (self%GWBASESWCRT .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%GWBASESWCRT .gt. 4) ) then
374 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid GWBASESWCRT specified')
376 if( (self%GWBASESWCRT .eq. 1 ) .or. (self%GWBASESWCRT .eq. 4) ) then
377 if(len(trim(self%GWBUCKPARM_file)) .eq. 0) then
378 call hydro_stop("hydro.namelist ERROR: Please specify a GWBUCKPARM_file file.")
380 inquire(file=trim(self%GWBUCKPARM_file),exist=fileExists)
381 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: GWBUCKPARM_file not found.')
384 if( (self%GWBASESWCRT .gt. 0) .and. (self%UDMP_OPT .ne. 1) ) then
385 if(len(trim(self%gwbasmskfil)) .eq. 0) then
386 call hydro_stop("hydro.namelist ERROR: Please specify a gwbasmskfil file.")
388 inquire(file=trim(self%gwbasmskfil),exist=fileExists)
389 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: gwbasmskfil not found.')
392 if( (self%UDMP_OPT .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%UDMP_OPT .gt. 1) ) then
393 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid UDMP_OPT specified')
395 if(self%UDMP_OPT .gt. 0) then
396 if(len(trim(self%udmap_file)) .eq. 0) then
397 call hydro_stop("hydro.namelist ERROR: Please specify a udmap_file file.")
399 inquire(file=trim(self%udmap_file),exist=fileExists)
400 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: udmap_file not found.')
403 if( (self%UDMP_OPT .eq. 1) .and. (self%CHANRTSWCRT .eq. 0) ) then
404 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: User-defined mapping requires channel routing on.')
406 if(self%outlake .ne. 0) then
407 if(len(trim(self%route_lake_f)) .eq. 0) then
408 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: You MUST specify a route_lake_f to ouptut and run lakes.')
411 if(len(trim(self%route_lake_f)) .ne. 0) then
412 inquire(file=trim(self%route_lake_f),exist=fileExists)
413 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: route_lake_f not found.')
416 if((self%channel_option .eq. 3) .and. (self%compound_channel)) then
417 call hydro_stop("Compound channel option not available for diffusive wave routing. ")
420 if(self%reservoir_type_specified) then
421 if(len(trim(self%reservoir_parameter_file)) .eq. 0) then
422 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: You MUST specify a reservoir_parameter_file for &
423 inputs to reservoirs that are not level pool type.')
425 if(len(trim(self%reservoir_parameter_file)) .ne. 0) then
426 inquire(file=trim(self%reservoir_parameter_file),exist=fileExists)
427 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: reservoir_parameter_file not found.')
431 if(self%reservoir_persistence_usgs) then
432 if(len(trim(self%reservoir_usgs_timeslice_path)) .eq. 0) then
433 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: You MUST specify a reservoir_usgs_timeslice_path for &
434 reservoir USGS persistence capability.')
436 if(len(trim(self%reservoir_parameter_file)) .ne. 0) then
437 inquire(file=trim(self%reservoir_parameter_file),exist=fileExists)
438 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: reservoir_parameter_file not found.')
442 if(self%reservoir_persistence_usace) then
443 if(len(trim(self%reservoir_usace_timeslice_path)) .eq. 0) then
444 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: You MUST specify a reservoir_usace_timeslice_path for &
445 reservoir USACE persistence capability.')
447 if(len(trim(self%reservoir_parameter_file)) .ne. 0) then
448 inquire(file=trim(self%reservoir_parameter_file),exist=fileExists)
449 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: reservoir_parameter_file not found.')
453 if(self%reservoir_rfc_forecasts) then
454 if(len(trim(self%reservoir_parameter_file)) .eq. 0) then
455 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: You MUST specify a reservoir_parameter_file for inputs to rfc forecast type reservoirs.')
457 if(len(trim(self%reservoir_rfc_forecasts_time_series_path)) .eq. 0) then
458 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: You MUST specify a reservoir_rfc_forecasts_time_series_path for reservoir rfc forecast capability.')
460 if(len(trim(self%reservoir_parameter_file)) .ne. 0) then
461 inquire(file=trim(self%reservoir_parameter_file),exist=fileExists)
462 if (.not. fileExists) call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: reservoir_parameter_file not found.')
466 if( (self%imperv_adj .lt. 0 ) .or. (self%imperv_adj .gt. 1) ) then
467 call hydro_stop('hydro.namelist ERROR: Invalid imperv_adj specified')
470 end subroutine rt_nlst_check
472 subroutine init_namelist_rt_field(did)
475 integer, intent(in) :: did
478 integer:: RT_OPTION, CHANRTSWCRT, channel_option, &
481 sys_cpl, rst_typ, rst_bi_in, rst_bi_out, &
482 gwChanCondSw, GwPreCycles, GwSpinCycles, GwPreDiagInterval, gwsoilcpl, &
483 UDMP_OPT, io_form_outputs, bucket_loss, imperv_adj
484 real:: DTRT_TER,DTRT_CH,dxrt, gwChanCondConstIn, gwChanCondConstOut, gwIhShift
485 character(len=256) :: route_topo_f=""
486 character(len=256) :: route_chan_f=""
487 character(len=256) :: route_link_f=""
488 logical :: compound_channel
489 integer :: channel_loss_option = 0
490 character(len=256) :: route_lake_f=""
491 logical :: reservoir_persistence_usgs
492 logical :: reservoir_persistence_usace
493 character(len=256) :: reservoir_parameter_file=""
494 character(len=256) :: reservoir_usgs_timeslice_path=""
495 character(len=256) :: reservoir_usace_timeslice_path=""
496 integer :: reservoir_observation_lookback_hours = 24
497 integer :: reservoir_observation_update_time_interval_seconds = 86400
498 logical :: reservoir_rfc_forecasts
499 character(len=256) :: reservoir_rfc_forecasts_time_series_path=""
500 integer :: reservoir_rfc_forecasts_lookback_hours = 28
501 logical :: reservoir_type_specified
502 character(len=256) :: route_direction_f=""
503 character(len=256) :: route_order_f=""
504 character(len=256) :: gwbasmskfil =""
505 character(len=256) :: gwstrmfil =""
506 character(len=256) :: geo_finegrid_flnm =""
507 character(len=256) :: udmap_file =""
508 character(len=256) :: GWBUCKPARM_file = ""
510 integer :: SOLVEG_INITSWC
511 real*8 :: out_dt, rst_dt
512 character(len=256) :: RESTART_FILE = ""
513 character(len=256) :: hydrotbl_f = ""
514 logical :: GwPreDiag, GwSpinUp
515 integer :: split_output_count, order_to_write
516 integer :: igrid, io_config_outputs, t0OutputFlag, output_channelBucket_influx
517 character(len=256) :: geo_static_flnm = ""
518 character(len=1024) :: land_spatial_meta_flnm = ""
519 integer :: DEEPGWSPIN
523 integer ::CHRTOUT_DOMAIN ! Netcdf point timeseries output at all channel points
524 integer ::CHRTOUT_GRID ! Netcdf grid of channel streamflow values
525 integer ::LSMOUT_DOMAIN ! Netcdf grid of variables passed between LSM and routing components
526 integer ::RTOUT_DOMAIN ! Netcdf grid of terrain routing variables on routing grid
529 integer :: frxst_pts_out ! ASCII text file of streamflow at forecast points
530 integer :: CHANOBS_DOMAIN ! NetCDF point timeseries output at forecast points.
532 !!! add the following two dummy variables
535 type(crocus_options) :: crocus_opts
538 character(len=1024) :: reservoir_obs_dir
540 character(len=256) :: nudgingParamFile
541 character(len=256) :: netwkReExFile
542 logical :: readTimesliceParallel
543 logical :: temporalPersistence
544 logical :: persistBias
545 logical :: biasWindowBeforeT0
546 character(len=256) :: nudgingLastObsFile
547 character(len=256) :: timeSlicePath
549 integer :: minNumPairsBiasPersist
550 integer :: maxAgePairsBiasPersist
551 logical :: invDistTimeWeightBias
552 logical :: noConstInterfBias
555 namelist /HYDRO_nlist/ NSOIL, ZSOIL8,&
558 land_spatial_meta_flnm, &
561 RT_OPTION, CHANRTSWCRT, channel_option, &
562 SUBRTSWCRT,OVRTSWCRT,AGGFACTRT, dtrt_ter,dtrt_ch,dxrt,&
563 GwSpinCycles, GwPreCycles, GwSpinUp, GwPreDiag, GwPreDiagInterval, gwIhShift, &
564 GWBASESWCRT, gwChanCondSw, gwChanCondConstIn, gwChanCondConstOut , &
565 route_topo_f,route_chan_f,route_link_f, compound_channel, channel_loss_option, route_lake_f, &
566 reservoir_persistence_usgs, reservoir_persistence_usace, reservoir_parameter_file, reservoir_usgs_timeslice_path, &
567 reservoir_usace_timeslice_path, reservoir_observation_lookback_hours, reservoir_observation_update_time_interval_seconds, &
568 reservoir_rfc_forecasts, reservoir_rfc_forecasts_time_series_path, reservoir_rfc_forecasts_lookback_hours, &
569 reservoir_type_specified, route_direction_f,route_order_f,gwbasmskfil, &
570 geo_finegrid_flnm, gwstrmfil,GW_RESTART,RSTRT_SWC,TERADJ_SOLAR, sys_cpl, &
571 order_to_write , rst_typ, rst_bi_in, rst_bi_out, gwsoilcpl, &
573 RTOUT_DOMAIN, output_gw, outlake, &
574 frxst_pts_out, udmap_file, UDMP_OPT, GWBUCKPARM_file, bucket_loss, &
575 io_config_outputs, io_form_outputs, hydrotbl_f, t0OutputFlag, output_channelBucket_influx, imperv_adj
578 namelist /NUDGING_nlist/ nudgingParamFile, netwkReExFile, &
579 readTimesliceParallel, temporalPersistence, &
580 persistBias, nudgingLastObsFile, &
581 timeSlicePath, nLastObs, &
582 minNumPairsBiasPersist, maxAgePairsBiasPersist, &
583 biasWindowBeforeT0, invDistTimeWeightBias, &
587 !! ---- End definitions ----
589 ! Default values for HYDRO_nlist
593 io_config_outputs = 0
598 output_channelBucket_influx = 0
601 compound_channel = .FALSE.
602 channel_loss_option = 0
604 reservoir_persistence_usgs = .FALSE.
605 reservoir_persistence_usace = .FALSE.
606 reservoir_observation_lookback_hours = 18
607 reservoir_observation_update_time_interval_seconds = 86400
608 reservoir_rfc_forecasts = .FALSE.
609 reservoir_rfc_forecasts_lookback_hours = 24
610 reservoir_type_specified = .FALSE.
614 ! Default values for NUDGING_nlist
615 nudgingParamFile = "DOMAIN/nudgingParams.nc"
616 netwkReExFile = "DOMAIN/netwkReExFile.nc"
617 readTimesliceParallel = .true.
618 temporalPersistence = .true.
619 persistBias = .false.
620 biasWindowBeforeT0 = .false.
621 nudgingLastObsFile = ""
622 timeSlicePath = "./nudgingTimeSliceObs/"
624 minNumPairsBiasPersist = 8
625 maxAgePairsBiasPersist = -99999
626 invDistTimeWeightBias = .false.
627 noConstInterfBias = .false.
631 ! if(IO_id .eq. my_id) then
634 open(12, file="hydro.namelist", form="FORMATTED")
636 open(12, form="FORMATTED")
638 read(12, HYDRO_nlist, iostat=ierr)
639 if(ierr .ne. 0) call hydro_stop("HYDRO_nlst namelist error in read_rt_nlst")
642 read(12, NUDGING_nlist, iostat=ierr)
643 if(ierr .ne. 0) call hydro_stop("NUDGING_nlst namelist error in read_rt_nlst")
644 !! Conditional default values for nuding_nlist
645 if(maxAgePairsBiasPersist .eq. -99999) maxAgePairsBiasPersist = -1*nLastObs
648 if (sys_cpl == 1) call read_crocus_namelist(crocus_opts)
653 ! ADCHANGE: move these checks to more universal namelist checks...
654 if ( io_config_outputs .eq. 4 ) RTOUT_DOMAIN = 0
656 if(output_channelBucket_influx .ne. 0) then
657 if(nlst(did)%dt .ne. out_dt*60) &
658 call hydro_stop("read_rt_nlst:: output_channelBucket_influx =! 0 inconsistent with out_dt and NOAH_TIMESTEP choices.")
659 if(output_channelBucket_influx .eq. 2 .and. GWBASESWCRT .ne. 1 .and. GWBASESWCRT .ne. 2 .and. GWBASESWCRT .ne. 4) &
660 call hydro_stop("read_rt_nlst:: output_channelBucket_influx = 2 but GWBASESWCRT != 1 or 2.")
663 if(CHANRTSWCRT .eq. 0 .and. channel_option .lt. 3) channel_option = 3
665 !used to be broadcasted with MPI
666 !nlst(did)%NSOIL = NSOIL
667 !allocate(nlst(did)%ZSOIL8(NSOIL))
668 !nlst(did)%ZSOIL8 = ZSOIL8
671 nlst(did)%hydrotbl_f = trim(hydrotbl_f)
673 nlst(did)%IGRID = IGRID
674 nlst(did)%io_config_outputs = io_config_outputs
675 nlst(did)%io_form_outputs = io_form_outputs
676 nlst(did)%t0OutputFlag = t0OutputFlag
677 nlst(did)%output_channelBucket_influx = output_channelBucket_influx
678 nlst(did)%geo_static_flnm = geo_static_flnm
679 nlst(did)%land_spatial_meta_flnm = land_spatial_meta_flnm
680 nlst(did)%out_dt = out_dt
681 nlst(did)%rst_dt = rst_dt
684 nlst(did)%reservoir_obs_dir = "testDirectory"
686 nlst(did)%reservoir_persistence_usgs = reservoir_persistence_usgs
687 nlst(did)%reservoir_persistence_usace = reservoir_persistence_usace
688 nlst(did)%reservoir_parameter_file = reservoir_parameter_file
689 nlst(did)%reservoir_usgs_timeslice_path = reservoir_usgs_timeslice_path
690 nlst(did)%reservoir_usace_timeslice_path = reservoir_usace_timeslice_path
691 nlst(did)%reservoir_observation_lookback_hours = reservoir_observation_lookback_hours
692 nlst(did)%reservoir_observation_update_time_interval_seconds = reservoir_observation_update_time_interval_seconds
693 nlst(did)%reservoir_rfc_forecasts = reservoir_rfc_forecasts
694 nlst(did)%reservoir_rfc_forecasts_time_series_path = reservoir_rfc_forecasts_time_series_path
695 nlst(did)%reservoir_rfc_forecasts_lookback_hours = reservoir_rfc_forecasts_lookback_hours
697 if (reservoir_persistence_usgs .or. reservoir_persistence_usace .or. reservoir_rfc_forecasts) then
698 reservoir_type_specified = .TRUE.
701 nlst(did)%reservoir_type_specified = reservoir_type_specified
703 write(nlst(did)%hgrid,'(I1)') igrid
705 if(RESTART_FILE .eq. "") rst_typ = 0
707 if(rst_bi_out .eq. 1) then
708 ! This part works for intel not pgi
709 ! inquire(directory='restart', exist=dir_e)
710 inquire(file='restart/.', exist=dir_e)
712 call system('mkdir restart')
716 if(channel_option .eq. 4) then
724 nlst(did)%output_gw = output_gw
725 nlst(did)%outlake = outlake
726 nlst(did)%frxst_pts_out = frxst_pts_out
730 nlst(did)%RT_OPTION = RT_OPTION
732 nlst(did)%GW_RESTART = GW_RESTART
733 nlst(did)%RSTRT_SWC = RSTRT_SWC
734 nlst(did)%channel_option = channel_option
735 nlst(did)%DTRT_TER = DTRT_TER
736 nlst(did)%DTRT_CH = DTRT_CH
737 nlst(did)%DTCT = DTRT_CH ! small time step for grid based channel routing
739 ! Some fields haven't been initialized yet (e.g. DT)
741 if(nlst(did)%DT .lt. DTRT_CH) then
742 print*, "nlst(did)%DT, DTRT_CH = ",nlst(did)%DT, DTRT_CH
743 print*, "reset DTRT_CH=nlst(did)%DT "
746 if(nlst(did)%DT .lt. DTRT_TER) then
747 print*, "nlst(did)%DT, DTRT_TER = ",nlst(did)%DT, DTRT_TER
748 print*, "reset DTRT_TER=nlst(did)%DT "
749 DTRT_TER=nlst(did)%DT
751 if (modulo(nlst(did)%DT, DTRT_TER) /= 0) then
752 print*, "nlst(did)%DT, DTRT_TER = ",nlst(did)%DT, DTRT_TER
753 call hydro_stop("module_namelist: DT not a multiple of DTRT_TER")
755 if (modulo(nlst(did)%DT, DTRT_CH) /= 0) then
756 print*, "nlst(did)%DT, DTRT_CH = ",nlst(did)%DT, DTRT_CH
757 call hydro_stop("module_namelist: DT not a multiple of DTRT_CH")
760 nlst(did)%act_lev = crocus_opts%act_lev
763 nlst(did)%dxrt0 = dxrt
766 nlst(did)%bucket_loss = bucket_loss
768 nlst(did)%gwChanCondSw = gwChanCondSw
769 nlst(did)%gwChanCondConstIn = gwChanCondConstIn
770 nlst(did)%gwChanCondConstOut = gwChanCondConstOut
771 nlst(did)%gwIhShift = gwIhShift
772 nlst(did)%GwSpinCycles = GwSpinCycles
773 nlst(did)%GwPreCycles = GwPreCycles
774 nlst(did)%GwPreDiag = GwPreDiag
775 nlst(did)%GwSpinUp = GwSpinUp
776 nlst(did)%GwPreDiagInterval = GwPreDiagInterval
778 nlst(did)%sys_cpl = sys_cpl
779 nlst(did)%rst_typ = rst_typ
780 nlst(did)%rst_bi_in = rst_bi_in
781 nlst(did)%rst_bi_out = rst_bi_out
782 nlst(did)%order_to_write = order_to_write
783 nlst(did)%compound_channel = compound_channel
784 nlst(did)%channel_loss_option = channel_loss_option
785 nlst(did)%imperv_adj = imperv_adj
787 nlst(did)%route_topo_f = route_topo_f
788 nlst(did)%route_chan_f = route_chan_f
789 nlst(did)%route_link_f = route_link_f
790 nlst(did)%route_lake_f = route_lake_f
792 nlst(did)%reservoir_persistence_usgs = reservoir_persistence_usgs
793 nlst(did)%reservoir_persistence_usace = reservoir_persistence_usace
794 nlst(did)%reservoir_parameter_file = reservoir_parameter_file
795 nlst(did)%reservoir_usgs_timeslice_path = reservoir_usgs_timeslice_path
796 nlst(did)%reservoir_usace_timeslice_path = reservoir_usace_timeslice_path
797 nlst(did)%reservoir_observation_lookback_hours = reservoir_observation_lookback_hours
798 nlst(did)%reservoir_observation_update_time_interval_seconds = reservoir_observation_update_time_interval_seconds
799 nlst(did)%reservoir_rfc_forecasts = reservoir_rfc_forecasts
800 nlst(did)%reservoir_rfc_forecasts_time_series_path = reservoir_rfc_forecasts_time_series_path
801 nlst(did)%reservoir_rfc_forecasts_lookback_hours = reservoir_rfc_forecasts_lookback_hours
803 nlst(did)%route_direction_f = route_direction_f
804 nlst(did)%route_order_f = route_order_f
805 nlst(did)%gwbasmskfil = gwbasmskfil
806 nlst(did)%gwstrmfil = gwstrmfil
807 nlst(did)%geo_finegrid_flnm = geo_finegrid_flnm
808 nlst(did)%udmap_file = udmap_file
809 nlst(did)%UDMP_OPT = UDMP_OPT
810 nlst(did)%GWBUCKPARM_file = GWBUCKPARM_file
812 nlst(did)%reservoir_obs_dir = 'testDirectory'
814 nlst(did)%nudgingParamFile = nudgingParamFile
815 write(*,*) 'Nudging param file ',nudgingParamFile
816 nlst(did)%netWkReExFile = netWkReExFile
817 nlst(did)%readTimesliceParallel = readTimesliceParallel
818 nlst(did)%temporalPersistence = temporalPersistence
819 nlst(did)%persistBias = persistBias
820 nlst(did)%biasWindowBeforeT0 = biasWindowBeforeT0
821 nlst(did)%nudgingLastObsFile = nudgingLastObsFile
822 nlst(did)%timeSlicePath = timeSlicePath
823 nlst(did)%nLastObs = nLastObs
824 nlst(did)%minNumPairsBiasPersist = minNumPairsBiasPersist
825 nlst(did)%maxAgePairsBiasPersist = maxAgePairsBiasPersist
826 nlst(did)%invDistTimeWeightBias = invDistTimeWeightBias
827 nlst(did)%noConstInterfBias = noConstInterfBias
830 call nlst(did)%check()
834 if(channel_option .eq. 4) nlst(did)%rtFlag = 0
835 ! if(CHANRTSWCRT .eq. 0 .and. SUBRTSWCRT .eq. 0 .and. OVRTSWCRT .eq. 0 .and. GWBASESWCRT .eq. 0) nlst(did)%rtFlag = 0
836 if(SUBRTSWCRT .eq. 0 .and. OVRTSWCRT .eq. 0 .and. GWBASESWCRT .eq. 0) nlst(did)%rtFlag = 0
838 end subroutine init_namelist_rt_field
840 subroutine init_wrf_hydro()
844 integer :: finemesh, finemesh_factor
845 integer :: forc_typ, snow_assim
847 namelist /WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE/ &
848 !LRK - Remove HRLDAS_ini_typ and GEO_STATIC_FLNM for WRF-Hydro
849 finemesh,finemesh_factor,forc_typ, snow_assim
850 !finemesh,finemesh_factor,forc_typ, snow_assim , GEO_STATIC_FLNM, HRLDAS_ini_typ
853 read(30, NML=WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE, iostat=ierr)
855 read(11, NML=WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE, iostat=ierr)
858 write(*,'(/," ***** ERROR: Problem reading namelist WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE",/)')
859 call hydro_stop (" FATAL ERROR: Problem reading namelist WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE")
868 wrf_hydro%finemesh = finemesh
869 wrf_hydro%finemesh_factor = finemesh_factor
870 wrf_hydro%forc_typ = forc_typ
871 wrf_hydro%snow_assim = snow_assim
873 end subroutine init_wrf_hydro
875 subroutine init_noah_lsm_and_wrf_hydro()
877 character(len=256) :: indir
878 integer :: nsoil ! number of soil layers
879 type(crocus_options) :: crocus_opts
880 integer :: forcing_timestep
881 integer :: noah_timestep
882 integer :: start_year
883 integer :: start_month
885 integer :: start_hour
887 character(len=256) :: outdir = "."
888 character(len=256) :: restart_filename_requested = " "
889 integer :: restart_frequency_hours
890 integer :: output_timestep
891 integer :: dynamic_veg_option
892 integer :: canopy_stomatal_resistance_option
893 integer :: btr_option
894 integer :: runoff_option
895 integer :: surface_drag_option
896 integer :: supercooled_water_option
897 integer :: frozen_soil_option
898 integer :: radiative_transfer_option
899 integer :: snow_albedo_option
900 integer :: pcp_partition_option
901 integer :: tbot_option
902 integer :: temp_time_scheme_option
903 integer :: glacier_option
904 integer :: surface_resistance_option
905 integer :: soil_data_option = 1
906 integer :: pedotransfer_option = 0
907 integer :: crop_option = 0
908 integer :: imperv_option = 9
909 integer :: split_output_count = 1
910 integer :: khour = -999
911 integer :: kday = -999
913 character(len=256) :: hrldas_setup_file = " "
914 character(len=256) :: mmf_runoff_file = " "
915 character(len=256) :: external_veg_filename_template = " "
916 character(len=256) :: external_lai_filename_template = " "
917 integer :: xstart = 1
918 integer :: ystart = 1
921 REAL, DIMENSION(MAX_SOIL_LEVELS) :: soil_thick_input ! depth to soil interfaces from namelist [m]
922 integer :: rst_bi_out, rst_bi_in !0: default netcdf format. 1: binary write/read by each core.
923 CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: spatial_filename
926 integer :: finemesh, finemesh_factor
927 integer :: forc_typ, snow_assim
929 namelist / NOAHLSM_OFFLINE / &
930 indir, nsoil, soil_thick_input, forcing_timestep, noah_timestep, &
931 start_year, start_month, start_day, start_hour, start_min, &
933 restart_filename_requested, restart_frequency_hours, output_timestep, &
935 dynamic_veg_option, canopy_stomatal_resistance_option, &
936 btr_option, runoff_option, surface_drag_option, supercooled_water_option, &
937 frozen_soil_option, radiative_transfer_option, snow_albedo_option, &
938 pcp_partition_option, tbot_option, temp_time_scheme_option, &
939 glacier_option, surface_resistance_option, &
941 soil_data_option, pedotransfer_option, crop_option, &
944 split_output_count, &
945 khour, kday, zlvl, hrldas_setup_file, mmf_runoff_file, &
947 external_veg_filename_template, external_lai_filename_template, &
948 xstart, xend, ystart, yend, rst_bi_out, rst_bi_in
950 namelist /WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE/ &
951 finemesh,finemesh_factor,forc_typ, snow_assim
953 noah_lsm%nsoil = -999
954 noah_lsm%soil_thick_input = -999
956 noah_lsm%start_year = -999
957 noah_lsm%start_month = -999
958 noah_lsm%start_day = -999
959 noah_lsm%start_hour = -999
960 noah_lsm%start_min = -999
961 noah_lsm%khour = -999
964 noah_lsm%forcing_timestep = -999
965 noah_lsm%noah_timestep = -999
966 noah_lsm%output_timestep = -999
967 noah_lsm%restart_frequency_hours = -999
969 write(*,*) 'Calling config noahlsm_offline'
972 open(30, file="namelist.hrldas", form="FORMATTED")
973 read(30, NML=NOAHLSM_OFFLINE, iostat=ierr)
975 open(11, form="FORMATTED")
976 read(11, NML=NOAHLSM_OFFLINE, iostat=ierr)
980 write(*,'(/," ***** ERROR: Problem reading namelist NOAHLSM_OFFLINE",/)')
983 read(30, NOAHLSM_OFFLINE)
986 read(11, NOAHLSM_OFFLINE)
988 stop "FATAL ERROR: Problem reading namelist NOAHLSM_OFFLINE"
992 read(30, NML=WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE, iostat=ierr)
994 read(11, NML=WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE, iostat=ierr)
997 write(*,'(/," ***** ERROR: Problem reading namelist WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE",/)')
998 call hydro_stop (" FATAL ERROR: Problem reading namelist WRF_HYDRO_OFFLINE")
1002 call read_crocus_namelist(crocus_opts, 30)
1004 call read_crocus_namelist(crocus_opts, 11)
1013 wrf_hydro%finemesh = 0!finemesh
1014 wrf_hydro%finemesh_factor = 0!finemesh_factor
1015 wrf_hydro%forc_typ = forc_typ
1016 wrf_hydro%snow_assim = 0!snow_assim
1018 noah_lsm%indir = indir
1019 noah_lsm%nsoil = nsoil ! number of soil layers
1020 noah_lsm%crocus_opt = crocus_opts%crocus_opt
1021 noah_lsm%act_lev = crocus_opts%act_lev
1022 noah_lsm%forcing_timestep = forcing_timestep
1023 noah_lsm%noah_timestep = noah_timestep
1024 noah_lsm%start_year = start_year
1025 noah_lsm%start_month = start_month
1026 noah_lsm%start_day = start_day
1027 noah_lsm%start_hour = start_hour
1028 noah_lsm%start_min = start_min
1029 noah_lsm%outdir = outdir
1030 noah_lsm%restart_filename_requested = restart_filename_requested
1031 noah_lsm%restart_frequency_hours = restart_frequency_hours
1032 noah_lsm%output_timestep = output_timestep
1033 noah_lsm%dynamic_veg_option = dynamic_veg_option
1034 noah_lsm%canopy_stomatal_resistance_option = canopy_stomatal_resistance_option
1035 noah_lsm%btr_option = btr_option
1036 noah_lsm%runoff_option = runoff_option
1037 noah_lsm%surface_drag_option = surface_drag_option
1038 noah_lsm%supercooled_water_option = supercooled_water_option
1039 noah_lsm%frozen_soil_option = frozen_soil_option
1040 noah_lsm%radiative_transfer_option = radiative_transfer_option
1041 noah_lsm%snow_albedo_option = snow_albedo_option
1042 noah_lsm%pcp_partition_option = pcp_partition_option
1043 noah_lsm%tbot_option = tbot_option
1044 noah_lsm%temp_time_scheme_option = temp_time_scheme_option
1045 noah_lsm%glacier_option = glacier_option
1046 noah_lsm%surface_resistance_option = surface_resistance_option
1048 noah_lsm%soil_data_option = soil_data_option
1049 noah_lsm%pedotransfer_option = pedotransfer_option
1050 noah_lsm%crop_option = crop_option
1051 noah_lsm%imperv_option = imperv_option
1053 noah_lsm%split_output_count = split_output_count
1057 write(*, '("WARNING: Check Namelist: KHOUR and KDAY both defined, KHOUR will take precedence.")')
1060 write(*, '("WARNING: KDAY is deprecated and may be removed in a future version, please use KHOUR.")')
1064 noah_lsm%kday = kday
1065 noah_lsm%khour = khour
1067 noah_lsm%zlvl = zlvl
1068 noah_lsm%hrldas_setup_file = hrldas_setup_file
1069 noah_lsm%mmf_runoff_file = " "!mmf_runoff_file
1070 noah_lsm%external_veg_filename_template = " "!external_veg_filename_template
1071 noah_lsm%external_lai_filename_template = " "!external_lai_filename_template
1072 noah_lsm%xstart = 1!xstart
1073 noah_lsm%ystart = 1!ystart
1074 noah_lsm%xend = 0!xend
1075 noah_lsm%yend = 0!yend
1076 noah_lsm%soil_thick_input = soil_thick_input
1077 noah_lsm%rst_bi_out = rst_bi_out
1078 noah_lsm%rst_bi_in = rst_bi_in
1079 noah_lsm%spatial_filename = spatial_filename
1081 end subroutine init_noah_lsm_and_wrf_hydro
1083 subroutine read_crocus_namelist(opt, f_in)
1084 type(crocus_options), intent(OUT) :: opt
1085 integer, intent(IN), optional :: f_in
1086 character(len=15) :: filename = "namelist.hrldas"
1088 integer :: crocus_opt, act_lev
1089 integer :: ierr, f_local
1090 namelist /CROCUS_nlist/ &
1093 ! check if file is opened
1094 if (present(f_in)) then
1096 read(f_in, NML=CROCUS_nlist, iostat=ierr)
1098 ! check that file exists
1099 inquire(file=filename, exist=f_exists)
1100 if (f_exists .eqv. .false.) &
1101 call hydro_stop (" FATAL ERROR: namelist.hrldas does not exist")
1102 open(newunit=f_local, file=filename, form="FORMATTED", iostat=ierr)
1103 read(f_local, NML=CROCUS_nlist, iostat=ierr)
1107 if ((ierr .ne. 0) .or. (crocus_opt .eq. 0)) &
1109 if ((act_lev .gt. 50) .or. (act_lev .lt. 0)) then
1110 call hydro_stop (" FATAL ERROR: Crocus act_lev out of range of 0-50 ")
1113 opt%crocus_opt = crocus_opt
1114 if (crocus_opt == 0) then
1117 opt%act_lev = act_lev
1119 end subroutine read_crocus_namelist
1121 end module config_base