1 ! Intended purpose is to provide a module for all subroutines related to
2 ! reservoir routing, including active management, level pool, and integrating live
3 ! data feeds. As of NWMv2.0, this module stub can read in a timeslice file
4 ! to incorporate data from external sources, should a data service become available.
10 ! National Center for Atmospheric Research
11 ! Research Applications Laboratory
12 ! karsten at ucar dot edu
14 module module_reservoir_routing
19 subroutine read_reservoir_obs(domainId)
20 use config_base, only: nlst
22 use module_hydro_stop, only: HYDRO_stop
28 ! Pass in domain ID value from parent calling program.
29 integer, intent(in) :: domainId
32 integer :: ftn ! NetCDF file handle.
33 integer :: nLakesNc ! Number of lake objects in the input file.
34 real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: minRelease ! Specified minimum reservoir release (cms)
35 real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: poolElev ! Value of time-varying water surface elevation
36 real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: resFlow ! Reservoir discharge in cms
37 real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: qType ! Reservoir discharge type
38 real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: ifd ! Initial fractional depth
39 real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lkArea ! Gridded lake area (sq. km)
40 real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lkMxE ! Maximum lake elevation (m ASL)
41 real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: orificeA ! Orifice cross-sectional area (sq. m)
42 real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: orificeC ! Orifice coefficient
43 real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: orificeE ! Orifice elevation (m ASL)
44 real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: weirC ! Weir coefficient
45 real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: weirE ! Weir height (m ASL)
46 real*8, allocatable, dimension(:) :: weirL ! Weir length (m)
47 integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: ascIndex ! Index to sort lake objects by ascending ID
48 integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lakeID ! Lake index value
49 real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lakeLat ! Lake latitude values.
50 real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lakeLon ! Lake longitude values
51 character(len=1024) :: inFlnm ! NetCDF file with discharge data.
52 integer :: myId ! MPI processor ID
53 integer :: ierr ! MPI return status
55 logical :: file_exists
56 integer :: missingFlag
69 if(mppFlag .eq. 1) then
75 ! Check to ensure the namelist option for reading in the reservoir discharge data
76 ! has been set to 1. If not, return back to the main calling program.
77 if(nlst(domainId)%reservoir_data_ingest .eq. 0) then
78 ! No reservoir realtime data requested.
82 ! If we are running over MPI, determine which processor number we are on.
83 ! If not MPI, then default to 0, which is the I/O ID.
84 if(mppFlag .eq. 1) then
86 call MPI_COMM_RANK( HYDRO_COMM_WORLD, myId, ierr )
87 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,ierr,'ERROR: Unable to determine MPI process ID.')
93 ! Open up and read in the NetCDF file containing disharge data.
95 ! Initialize our missing flag to 0. If at any point we don't find a file,
96 ! the flag value will go to 1 to indicate no files were found.
99 ! We are on the I/O processor.
100 write(inFlnm,'(A,"/LAKEFILE_DISCHARGE_",A12,".nc")') nlst(domainId)%reservoir_obs_dir,nlst(domainId)%olddate(1:4)//&
101 nlst(domainId)%olddate(6:7)//nlst(domainId)%olddate(9:10)//&
102 nlst(domainId)%olddate(12:13)//nlst(domainId)%olddate(15:16)
104 ! Check to see if the file exists.
105 INQUIRE(FILE=inFlnm,EXIST=file_exists)
108 iret = nf90_open(trim(inFlnm),NF90_NOWRITE,ncid=ftn)
109 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,"ERROR: Unable to open LAKE reservoir discharge file.")
110 iret = nf90_inq_dimid(ftn,'nlakes',lakeDimId)
111 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find nlakes dimension in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
112 iret = nf90_inquire_dimension(ftn,lakeDimId,len=nLakesNc)
113 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find nlakes size in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
115 ! Allocate the lake variables based on the nlakes dimension
116 allocate(minRelease(nLakesNc))
117 allocate(poolElev(nLakesNc))
118 allocate(resFlow(nLakesNc))
119 allocate(qType(nLakesNc))
120 allocate(ifd(nLakesNc))
121 allocate(lkArea(nLakesNc))
122 allocate(lkMxE(nLakesNc))
123 allocate(orificeA(nLakesNc))
124 allocate(orificeC(nLakesNc))
125 allocate(orificeE(nLakesNc))
126 allocate(weirC(nLakesNc))
127 allocate(weirE(nLakesNc))
128 allocate(weirL(nLakesNc))
129 allocate(ascIndex(nLakesNc))
130 allocate(lakeId(nLakesNc))
131 allocate(lakeLat(nLakesNc))
132 allocate(lakeLon(nLakesNc))
135 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'MIN_RELEASE',varTmpId)
136 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find MIN_RELEASE in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
137 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,minRelease)
138 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract MIN_RELEASE in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
140 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'POOL_ELEV',varTmpId)
141 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find POOL_ELEV in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
142 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,poolElev)
143 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract POOL_ELEV in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
145 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'RES_FLOW',varTmpId)
146 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find RES_FLOW in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
147 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,resFlow)
148 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract RES_FLOW in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
150 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'Q_TYPE',varTmpId)
151 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find Q_TYPE in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
152 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,qType)
153 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract Q_TYPE in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
155 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'ifd',varTmpId)
156 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find ifd in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
157 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,ifd)
158 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract ifd in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
160 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'LkArea',varTmpId)
161 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find lkArea in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
162 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,lkArea)
163 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract lkArea in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
165 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'LkMxE',varTmpId)
166 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find LkMxE in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
167 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,lkMxE)
168 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract lkMxE in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
170 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'OrificeA',varTmpId)
171 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find OrificeA in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
172 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,orificeA)
173 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract OrificeA in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
175 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'OrificeC',varTmpId)
176 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find OrificeC in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
177 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,orificeC)
178 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract OrificeC in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
180 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'OrificeE',varTmpId)
181 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find OrificeE in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
182 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,orificeE)
183 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract OrificeE in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
185 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'WeirC',varTmpId)
186 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find WeirC in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
187 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,weirC)
188 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract WeirC in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
190 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'WeirE',varTmpId)
191 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find WeirE in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
192 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,weirE)
193 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract WeirE in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
195 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'WeirL',varTmpId)
196 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find WeirL in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
197 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,weirL)
198 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract WeirL in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
200 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'ascendingIndex',varTmpId)
201 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find ascendingIndex in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
202 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,ascIndex)
203 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract ascendingIndex in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
205 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'lake_id',varTmpId)
206 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find lake_id in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
207 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,lakeId)
208 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract lake_id in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
210 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'lat',varTmpId)
211 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find lat in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
212 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,lakeLat)
213 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract lat in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
215 iret = nf90_inq_varid(ftn,'lon',varTmpId)
216 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to find lon in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
217 iret = nf90_get_var(ftn,varTmpId,lakeLon)
218 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to extract lon in LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
220 ! Close the NetCDF file
221 iret = nf90_close(ftn)
222 call nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,'ERROR: Unable to close LAKE reservoir discharge file.')
224 ! Deallocate memory appropriately
225 deallocate(minRelease)
249 end subroutine read_reservoir_obs
251 subroutine postDiagMsg(diagFlag,diagMsg)
254 ! Subroutine arguments.
255 integer, intent(in) :: diagFlag
256 character(len=*), intent(in) :: diagMsg
258 ! Only write out message if the diagnostic WRF_HYDRO_D flag was
260 if (diagFlag .eq. 1) then
261 print*, trim(diagMsg)
263 end subroutine postDiagMsg
265 subroutine nwmCheck(diagFlag,iret,msg)
268 ! Subroutine arguments.
269 integer, intent(in) :: diagFlag,iret
270 character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
272 ! Check status. If status of command is not 0, then post the error message
273 ! if WRF_HYDRO_D was set to be 1.
274 if (iret .ne. 0) then
275 call hydro_stop(trim(msg))
278 end subroutine nwmCheck
281 end module module_reservoir_routing