2 !!!! ---------------------- SYSTEM COUPLING ----------------------- !!!!
4 ! Specify what is being coupled: 1=HRLDAS (offline Noah-LSM), 2=WRF, 3=NASA/LIS, 4=CLM
7 !!!! ------------------- MODEL INPUT DATA FILES ------------------- !!!!
9 ! Specify land surface model gridded input data file (e.g.: "geo_em.d01.nc")
10 GEO_STATIC_FLNM = "./DOMAIN/geo_em.d01.nc"
12 ! Specify the high-resolution routing terrain input data file (e.g.: "Fulldom_hires.nc")
13 GEO_FINEGRID_FLNM = "./DOMAIN/Fulldom_hires.nc"
15 ! Specify the spatial hydro parameters file (e.g.: "hydro2dtbl.nc")
16 ! If you specify a filename and the file does not exist, it will be created for you.
17 HYDROTBL_F = "./DOMAIN/hydro2dtbl.nc"
19 ! Specify spatial metadata file for land surface grid. (e.g.: "GEOGRID_LDASOUT_Spatial_Metadata.nc")
22 ! Specify the name of the restart file if starting from restart...comment out with '!' if not...
25 !!!! --------------------- MODEL SETUP OPTIONS -------------------- !!!!
27 ! Specify the domain or nest number identifier...(integer)
30 ! Specify the restart file write frequency...(minutes)
31 ! A value of -99999 will output restarts on the first day of the month only.
34 ! Reset the LSM soil states from the high-res routing restart file (1=overwrite, 0=no overwrite)
35 ! NOTE: Only turn this option on if overland or subsurface rotuing is active!
38 ! Restart file format control
39 rst_bi_in = 0 !0: use netcdf input restart file (default)
40 !1: use parallel io for reading multiple restart files, 1 per core
41 rst_bi_out = 0 !0: use netcdf output restart file (default)
42 !1: use parallel io for outputting multiple restart files, 1 per core
44 ! Restart switch to set restart accumulation variables to 0 (0=no reset, 1=yes reset to 0.0)
47 ! Specify baseflow/bucket model initialization...(0=cold start from table, 1=restart file)
50 !!!! -------------------- MODEL OUTPUT CONTROL -------------------- !!!!
52 ! Specify the output file write frequency...(minutes)
55 ! Specify the number of output times to be contained within each output history file...(integer)
60 ! Specify the minimum stream order to output to netcdf point file...(integer)
61 ! Note: lower value of stream order produces more output.
64 ! Flag to turn on/off new I/O routines: 0 = deprecated output routines (use when running with Noah LSM),
65 ! 1 = with scale/offset/compression, ! 2 = with scale/offset/NO compression,
66 ! 3 = compression only, 4 = no scale/offset/compression (default)
69 ! Realtime run configuration option:
70 ! 0=all (default), 1=analysis, 2=short-range, 3=medium-range, 4=long-range, 5=retrospective,
71 ! 6=diagnostic (includes all of 1-4 outputs combined)
74 ! Option to write output files at time 0 (restart cold start time): 0=no, 1=yes (default)
77 ! Options to output channel & bucket influxes. Only active for UDMP_OPT=1.
78 ! Nonzero choice requires that out_dt above matches NOAH_TIMESTEP in namelist.hrldas.
79 ! 0=None (default), 1=channel influxes (qSfcLatRunoff, qBucket)
80 ! 2=channel+bucket fluxes (qSfcLatRunoff, qBucket, qBtmVertRunoff_toBucket)
81 ! 3=channel accumulations (accSfcLatRunoff, accBucket) *** NOT TESTED ***
82 output_channelBucket_influx = 0
84 ! Output netcdf file control
85 CHRTOUT_DOMAIN = 1 ! Netcdf point timeseries output at all channel points (1d)
86 ! 0 = no output, 1 = output
87 CHANOBS_DOMAIN = 0 ! Netcdf point timeseries at forecast points or gage points (defined in Routelink)
88 ! 0 = no output, 1 = output at forecast points or gage points.
89 CHRTOUT_GRID = 0 ! Netcdf grid of channel streamflow values (2d)
90 ! 0 = no output, 1 = output
91 ! NOTE: Not available with reach-based routing
92 LSMOUT_DOMAIN = 0 ! Netcdf grid of variables passed between LSM and routing components (2d)
93 ! 0 = no output, 1 = output
94 ! NOTE: No scale_factor/add_offset available
95 RTOUT_DOMAIN = 1 ! Netcdf grid of terrain routing variables on routing grid (2d)
96 ! 0 = no output, 1 = output
97 output_gw = 1 ! Netcdf GW output
98 ! 0 = no output, 1 = output
99 outlake = 1 ! Netcdf grid of lake values (1d)
100 ! 0 = no output, 1 = output
101 frxst_pts_out = 0 ! ASCII text file of forecast points or gage points (defined in Routelink)
102 ! 0 = no output, 1 = output
104 !!!! ------------ PHYSICS OPTIONS AND RELATED SETTINGS ------------ !!!!
106 ! Specify the number of soil layers (integer) and the depth of the bottom of each layer... (meters)
107 ! Notes: In Version 1 of WRF-Hydro these must be the same as in the namelist.input file.
108 ! Future versions will permit this to be different.
115 ! Specify the grid spacing of the terrain routing grid...(meters)
118 ! Specify the integer multiple between the land model grid and the terrain routing grid...(integer)
121 ! Specify the channel routing model timestep...(seconds)
124 ! Specify the terrain routing model timestep...(seconds)
127 ! Switch to activate subsurface routing...(0=no, 1=yes)
130 ! Switch to activate surface overland flow routing...(0=no, 1=yes)
133 ! Specify overland flow routing option: 1=Seepest Descent (D8) 2=CASC2D (not active)
134 ! NOTE: Currently subsurface flow is only steepest descent
137 ! Specify whether to adjust overland flow parameters based on imperviousness
140 ! Switch to activate channel routing...(0=no, 1=yes)
143 ! Specify channel routing option: 1=Muskingam-reach, 2=Musk.-Cunge-reach, 3=Diff.Wave-gridded,
144 ! 5=Bypass channel routing (only active for UDMP=1 and reach configuration)
147 ! Specify the reach file for reach-based routing options (e.g.: "Route_Link.nc")
148 !route_link_f = "./DOMAIN/Route_Link.nc"
150 ! If using channel_option=2, activate the compound channel formulation? (Default=.FALSE.)
151 ! This option is currently only supported if using reach-based routing with UDMP=1.
152 compound_channel = .FALSE.
154 ! Switch to activate channel-loss option (0=no, 1=yes) [Requires Kchan in RouteLink]
155 ! channel_loss_option = 0
157 ! Specify the lake parameter file (e.g.: "LAKEPARM.nc").
158 ! Note REQUIRED if lakes are on.
159 route_lake_f = "./DOMAIN/LAKEPARM.nc"
161 ! Specify the reservoir parameter file
162 reservoir_parameter_file = "./DOMAIN/persistence_parm.nc"
164 ! If using USGS persistence reservoirs, set to True. (default=.FALSE.)
165 reservoir_persistence_usgs = .FALSE.
167 ! Specify the path to the timeslice files to be used by USGS reservoirs
168 reservoir_usgs_timeslice_path = "./usgs_timeslices/"
170 ! If using USACE persistence reservoirs, set to True. (default=.FALSE.)
171 reservoir_persistence_usace = .FALSE.
173 ! Specify the path to the timeslice files to be used by USACE reservoirs
174 reservoir_usace_timeslice_path = "./usace_timeslices/"
176 ! Specify lookback hours to read reservoir observation data
177 reservoir_observation_lookback_hours = 24
179 ! Specify update time interval in seconds to read new reservoir observation data
180 ! The default is 86400 (seconds per day). Set to 3600 for standard and extended AnA simulations.
181 ! Set to 1000000000 for short range and medium range forecasts.
182 reservoir_observation_update_time_interval_seconds = 3600
184 ! If using RFC forecast reservoirs, set to True. (default=.FALSE.)
185 reservoir_rfc_forecasts = .FALSE.
187 ! Specify the path to the RFC time series files to be used by reservoirs
188 reservoir_rfc_forecasts_time_series_path = "./rfc_timeseries/"
190 ! Specify lookback hours to read reservoir RFC forecasts
191 reservoir_rfc_forecasts_lookback_hours = 28
193 ! Switch to activate baseflow bucket model...(0=none, 1=exp. bucket, 2=pass-through,
194 ! 4=exp. bucket with area normalized parameters)
195 ! Option 4 is currently only supported if using reach-based routing with UDMP=1.
198 ! Switch to activate bucket model loss (0=no, 1=yes)
199 ! This option is currently only supported if using reach-based routing with UDMP=1.
202 ! Groundwater/baseflow 2d mask specified on land surface model grid (e.g.: "GWBASINS.nc")
203 ! Note: Only required if baseflow model is active (1 or 2) and UDMP_OPT=0.
204 gwbasmskfil = "./DOMAIN/GWBASINS.nc"
206 ! Groundwater bucket parameter file (e.g.: "GWBUCKPARM.nc")
209 ! User defined mapping, such as NHDPlus: 0=no (default), 1=yes
212 ! If on, specify the user-defined mapping file (e.g.: "spatialweights.nc")
213 !udmap_file = "./DOMAIN/spatialweights.nc"
219 ! Path to the "timeslice" observation files.
220 timeSlicePath = "./nudgingTimeSliceObs/"
222 nudgingParamFile = "DOMAIN/nudgingParams.nc"
224 ! Nudging restart file = "nudgingLastObsFile"
225 ! nudgingLastObsFile defaults to '', which will look for nudgingLastObs.YYYY-mm-dd_HH:MM:SS.nc
226 ! **AT THE INITALIZATION TIME OF THE RUN**. Set to a missing file to use no restart.
227 !nudgingLastObsFile = '/a/nonexistent/file/gives/nudging/cold/start'
229 !! Parallel input of nudging timeslice observation files?
230 readTimesliceParallel = .TRUE.
232 ! temporalPersistence defaults to true, only runs if necessary params present.
233 temporalPersistence = .FALSE.
235 ! The total number of last (obs, modeled) pairs to save in nudgingLastObs for
236 ! removal of bias. This is the maximum array length. (This option is active when persistBias=FALSE)
237 ! (Default=960=10days @15min obs resolution, if all the obs are present and longer if not.)
240 ! If using temporalPersistence the last observation persists by default.
241 ! This option instead persists the bias after the last observation.
242 persistBias = .FALSE.
244 ! AnA (FALSE) vs Forecast (TRUE) bias persistence.
245 ! If persistBias: Does the window for calculating the bias end at
246 ! model init time (=t0)?
247 ! FALSE = window ends at model time (moving),
248 ! TRUE = window ends at init=t0(fcst) time.
249 ! (If commented out, Default=FALSE)
250 ! Note: Perfect restart tests require this option to be .FALSE.
251 biasWindowBeforeT0 = .FALSE.
253 ! If persistBias: Only use this many last (obs, modeled) pairs. (If Commented out, Default=-1*nLastObs)
254 ! > 0: apply an age-based filter, units=hours.
255 ! = 0: apply no additional filter, use all available/usable obs.
256 ! < 0: apply an count-based filter, units=count
257 maxAgePairsBiasPersist = -960
259 ! If persistBias: The minimum number of last (obs, modeled) pairs, with age less than
260 ! maxAgePairsBiasPersist, required to apply a bias correction. (default=8)
261 minNumPairsBiasPersist = 8
263 ! If persistBias: give more weight to observations closer in time? (default=FALSE)
264 invDistTimeWeightBias = .TRUE.
266 ! If persistBias: "No constructive interference in bias correction?", Reduce the bias adjustment
267 ! when the model and the bias adjustment have the same sign relative to the modeled flow at t0?
269 ! Note: Perfect restart tests require this option to be .FALSE.
270 noConstInterfBias = .FALSE.