4 SUBROUTINE diag_cl_stub
5 END SUBROUTINE diag_cl_stub
6 END MODULE module_diag_cl
14 SUBROUTINE clwrf_output_calc( &
15 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
16 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
17 ips,ipe, jps,jpe, kps,kpe, & ! patch dims
18 i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end,kts,kte,num_tiles &
20 ,clwrfH,t2,q2,u10,v10, skintemp & ! CLWRF
21 ,t2clmin,t2clmax,tt2clmin,tt2clmax & ! CLWRF
22 ,t2clmean,t2clstd & ! CLWRF
23 ,q2clmin,q2clmax,tq2clmin,tq2clmax & ! CLWRF
24 ,q2clmean,q2clstd & ! CLWRF
25 ,u10clmax,v10clmax,spduv10clmax,tspduv10clmax & ! CLWRF
26 ,u10clmean,v10clmean,spduv10clmean & ! CLWRF
27 ,u10clstd,v10clstd,spduv10clstd & ! CLWRF
28 ,raincclmax,rainncclmax,traincclmax,trainncclmax & ! CLWRF
29 ,raincclmean,rainncclmean,raincclstd,rainncclstd & ! CLWRF
30 ,skintempclmin,skintempclmax & ! CLWRF
31 ,tskintempclmin,tskintempclmax & ! CLWRF
32 ,skintempclmean,skintempclstd & ! CLWRF
34 ,dt,xtime,curr_secs2 &
37 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
39 USE module_dm, ONLY: wrf_dm_sum_real, wrf_dm_maxval
43 !======================================================================
46 !-- DT time step (second)
47 !-- XTIME forecast time
48 !-- curr_secs2 current time in seconds since simulation restart
50 !-- RAINCV cumulus scheme precipitation in one time step (mm)
51 !-- RAINNCV explicit scheme precipitation in one time step (mm)
53 !-- ids start index for i in domain
54 !-- ide end index for i in domain
55 !-- jds start index for j in domain
56 !-- jde end index for j in domain
57 !-- kds start index for k in domain
58 !-- kde end index for k in domain
59 !-- ims start index for i in memory
60 !-- ime end index for i in memory
61 !-- jms start index for j in memory
62 !-- jme end index for j in memory
63 !-- ips start index for i in patch
64 !-- ipe end index for i in patch
65 !-- jps start index for j in patch
66 !-- jpe end index for j in patch
67 !-- kms start index for k in memory
68 !-- kme end index for k in memory
69 !-- i_start start indices for i in tile
70 !-- i_end end indices for i in tile
71 !-- j_start start indices for j in tile
72 !-- j_end end indices for j in tile
73 !-- kts start index for k in tile
74 !-- kte end index for k in tile
75 !-- num_tiles number of tiles
77 ! CLWRF-UC May.09 definitions
79 ! is_restart: whether if simulation is a restart
80 ! clwrfH: Interval (hour) of accumulation for computations
81 ! [var]cl[min/max]: [minimum/maximum] of variable [var] during interval
82 ! t[var]cl[min/max]: Time (minutes) of [minimum/maximum] of variable
83 ! [var] during interval
84 ! [var]clmean: mean of variable [var] during interval
85 ! [var]clstd: standard dev. of variable [var] during interval
86 ! Variables are written on aux_hist_out7 (established
89 !======================================================================
92 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
93 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
94 ips,ipe, jps,jpe, kps,kpe, &
98 INTEGER, DIMENSION(num_tiles), INTENT(IN) :: i_start, &
101 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), INTENT(IN) :: &
105 REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: curr_secs2
109 INTEGER :: i,j,k,its,ite,jts,jte,ij
113 LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
115 !!-------------------
118 CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: timestr
120 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), &
121 INTENT(IN) :: t2, q2, u10, v10
122 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), &
123 INTENT(OUT) :: t2clmin, t2clmax, tt2clmin, &
124 tt2clmax, t2clmean, t2clstd, &
125 q2clmin, q2clmax, tq2clmin, tq2clmax, q2clmean, q2clstd,&
126 u10clmax, v10clmax, spduv10clmax, tspduv10clmax, &
127 u10clmean, v10clmean, spduv10clmean, &
128 u10clstd, v10clstd, spduv10clstd, skintempclmin, &
129 skintempclmax, tskintempclmin, tskintempclmax, &
130 skintempclmean, skintempclstd
131 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), &
132 INTENT(OUT) :: raincclmax, rainncclmax, &
133 traincclmax, trainncclmax, raincclmean, rainncclmean, &
134 raincclstd, rainncclstd
135 REAL, PARAMETER :: minimum0= 1000000., &
138 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: clwrfH
139 CHARACTER (LEN=1024) :: message
140 INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: nsteps
141 LOGICAL :: is_restart
145 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
149 ! Initialize [var] values
152 ! !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij )
153 ! IF ( MOD(NINT(XTIME), clwrfH) == 0 ) THEN
154 ! IF (( MOD(NINT(curr_secs2/dt),NINT(clwrfH*60./dt)) == 0) .AND. (.NOT.is_restart)) THEN
155 IF (( MOD(NINT(curr_secs2/dt),NINT(clwrfH*60./dt)) == 0) ) THEN
156 DO ij = 1 , num_tiles
157 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
158 CALL wrf_debug(0, 'Re-initializing accumulation arrays')
161 DO j = j_start(ij), j_end(ij)
162 DO i = i_start(ij), i_end(ij)
163 t2clmin(i,j)=t2(i,j)-t273
164 t2clmax(i,j)=t2(i,j)-t273
165 t2clmean(i,j)=t2(i,j)-t273
166 t2clstd(i,j)=(t2(i,j)-t273)*(t2(i,j)-t273)
169 q2clmean(i,j)=q2(i,j)
170 q2clstd(i,j)=q2(i,j)*q2(i,j)
171 spduv10clmax(i,j)=sqrt(u10(i,j)*u10(i,j)+v10(i,j)*v10(i,j))
172 u10clmean(i,j)=u10(i,j)
173 v10clmean(i,j)=v10(i,j)
174 spduv10clmean(i,j)=sqrt(u10(i,j)*u10(i,j)+v10(i,j)*v10(i,j))
175 u10clstd(i,j)=u10(i,j)*u10(i,j)
176 v10clstd(i,j)=v10(i,j)*v10(i,j)
177 spduv10clstd(i,j)=u10(i,j)*u10(i,j)+v10(i,j)*v10(i,j)
178 raincclmax(i,j)=raincv(i,j)/dt
179 rainncclmax(i,j)=rainncv(i,j)/dt
180 raincclmean(i,j)=raincv(i,j)/dt
181 rainncclmean(i,j)=rainncv(i,j)/dt
182 raincclstd(i,j)=(raincv(i,j)/dt)*(raincv(i,j)/dt)
183 rainncclstd(i,j)=(rainncv(i,j)/dt)*(rainncv(i,j)/dt)
184 skintempclmin(i,j)=skintemp(i,j)-t273
185 skintempclmax(i,j)=skintemp(i,j)-t273
186 skintempclmean(i,j)=skintemp(i,j)-t273
187 skintempclstd(i,j)=(skintemp(i,j)-t273)*(skintemp(i,j)-t273)
189 tt2clmin(i,j) = xtime + dt/60. ! value at end of timestep
190 tt2clmax(i,j) = xtime + dt/60.
191 tq2clmin(i,j) = xtime + dt/60.
192 tq2clmax(i,j) = xtime + dt/60.
193 tspduv10clmax(i,j) = xtime + dt/60.
194 traincclmax(i,j) = xtime + dt/60.
195 trainncclmax(i,j) = xtime + dt/60.
196 tskintempclmin(i,j) = xtime + dt/60.
197 tskintempclmax(i,j) = xtime + dt/60.
201 ! nsteps=clwrfH*60./dt
203 xtimep = xtime + dt/60. ! value at end of timestep for time info
206 CALL varstatistics(t2-t273,xtimep,ime-ims+1,jme-jms+1,t2clmin,t2clmax, &
207 tt2clmin,tt2clmax,t2clmean,t2clstd)
208 ! Water vapor mixing ratio
209 CALL varstatistics(q2,xtimep,ime-ims+1,jme-jms+1,q2clmin,q2clmax, &
210 tq2clmin,tq2clmax,q2clmean,q2clstd)
212 CALL varstatisticsWIND(u10,v10,xtimep,ime-ims+1,jme-jms+1,u10clmax, &
213 v10clmax,spduv10clmax,tspduv10clmax,u10clmean,v10clmean, &
214 spduv10clmean,u10clstd,v10clstd,spduv10clstd)
216 CALL varstatisticsMAX(raincv/dt,xtimep,ime-ims+1,jme-jms+1, &
217 raincclmax,traincclmax,raincclmean,raincclstd)
218 CALL varstatisticsMAX(rainncv/dt,xtimep,ime-ims+1,jme-jms+1, &
219 rainncclmax,trainncclmax,rainncclmean,rainncclstd)
221 CALL varstatistics(skintemp-t273,xtimep,ime-ims+1,jme-jms+1,skintempclmin,&
222 skintempclmax,tskintempclmin,tskintempclmax,skintempclmean, &
225 ! IF (MOD(NINT(XTIME),clwrfH) == 0) THEN
226 ! IF (MOD(NINT(XTIME+dt/60.),clwrfH) == 0) THEN
227 IF (MOD(NINT((curr_secs2+dt)/dt),NINT(clwrfH*60./dt)) == 0) THEN
228 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) &
229 PRINT *,'nsteps=',nsteps,' xtime:', xtime,' clwrfH:',clwrfH
230 t2clmean=t2clmean/nsteps
231 t2clstd=SQRT(MAX(t2clstd/nsteps-t2clmean**2.,0.))
232 t2clmean=t2clmean+t273
235 q2clmean=q2clmean/nsteps
236 q2clstd=q2clstd/nsteps-q2clmean*q2clmean
237 q2clstd=MAX(q2clstd,0.)
238 q2clstd=SQRT(q2clstd)
239 u10clmean=u10clmean/nsteps
240 v10clmean=v10clmean/nsteps
241 spduv10clmean=spduv10clmean/nsteps
242 u10clstd=SQRT(MAX(u10clstd/nsteps-u10clmean**2., 0.))
243 v10clstd=SQRT(MAX(v10clstd/nsteps-v10clmean**2., 0.))
244 spduv10clstd=SQRT(MAX(spduv10clstd/nsteps- &
245 spduv10clmean**2, 0.))
246 raincclmean=raincclmean/nsteps
247 rainncclmean=rainncclmean/nsteps
248 raincclstd=SQRT(MAX(raincclstd/nsteps-raincclmean**2., 0.))
249 rainncclstd=SQRT(MAX(rainncclstd/nsteps-rainncclmean**2., 0.))
250 skintempclmean=skintempclmean/nsteps
251 skintempclstd=skintempclstd/nsteps-skintempclmean*skintempclmean
252 skintempclstd=MAX(skintempclstd,0.)
253 skintempclstd=SQRT(skintempclstd)
254 skintempclmean=skintempclmean+t273
255 skintempclmin=skintempclmin+t273
256 skintempclmax=skintempclmax+t273
257 IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN
258 DO ij = 1 , num_tiles
259 idp = i_start(ij)+(i_end(ij)-i_start(ij))/2
260 jdp = j_start(ij)+(j_end(ij)-j_start(ij))/2
261 WRITE(message, *)'CLWRFdiag - T2; tile: ',ij, &
262 ' T2clmin:', t2clmin(idp,jdp), &
263 ' T2clmax:', t2clmax(idp,jdp), &
264 ' TT2clmin:', tt2clmin(idp,jdp), &
265 ' TT2clmax:', tt2clmax(idp,jdp), &
266 ' T2clmean:', t2clmean(idp,jdp), &
267 ' T2clstd:', t2clstd(idp,jdp)
268 CALL wrf_debug(0, message)
269 WRITE(message, *)'CLWRFdiag - Q2; tile: ',ij, &
270 ' Q2clmin:', q2clmin(idp,jdp), &
271 ' Q2clmax:', q2clmax(idp,jdp), &
272 ' TQ2clmin:', tq2clmin(idp,jdp), &
273 ' TQ2clmax:', tq2clmax(idp,jdp), &
274 ' Q2clmean:', q2clmean(idp,jdp), &
275 ' Q2clstd:', q2clstd(idp,jdp)
276 CALL wrf_debug(75, message)
277 WRITE(message, *)'CLWRFdiag - WINDSPEED; tile: ',ij, &
278 ' U10clmax:', u10clmax(idp,jdp), &
279 ' V10clmax:', v10clmax(idp,jdp), &
280 ' SPDUV10clmax:', spduv10clmax(idp,jdp), &
281 ' TSPDUV10clmax:', tspduv10clmax(idp,jdp), &
282 ' U10clmean:', u10clmean(idp,jdp), &
283 ' V10clmean:', v10clmean(idp,jdp), &
284 ' SPDUV10clmean:', spduv10clmean(idp,jdp), &
285 ' U10clstd:', u10clstd(idp,jdp), &
286 ' V10clstd:', v10clstd(idp,jdp), &
287 ' SPDUV10clstd:', spduv10clstd(idp,jdp)
288 CALL wrf_debug(75, message)
289 WRITE(message, *)'CLWRFdiag - RAIN; tile: ',ij, &
290 ' RAINCclmax:',raincclmax(idp,jdp), &
291 ' RAINNCclmax:',rainncclmax(idp,jdp), &
292 ' TRAINCclmax:',traincclmax(idp,jdp), &
293 ' TRAINNCclmax:',trainncclmax(idp,jdp), &
294 ' RAINCclmean:',raincclmean(idp,jdp), &
295 ' RAINNCclmean:',rainncclmean(idp,jdp), &
296 ' RAINCclstd:',raincclstd(idp,jdp), &
297 ' RAINNCclstd:',rainncclstd(idp,jdp)
298 CALL wrf_debug(75, message)
299 WRITE(message,*)'CLWRFdiag - SKINTEMP; tile: ',ij, &
300 ' SKINTEMPclmin:',skintempclmin(idp,jdp), &
301 ' SKINTEMPclmax:',skintempclmax(idp,jdp), &
302 ' TSKINTEMPclmin:',tskintempclmin(idp,jdp), &
303 ' TSKINTEMPclmax:',tskintempclmax(idp,jdp), &
304 ' SKINTEMPclmean:',skintempclmean(idp,jdp), &
305 ' SKINTEMPclstd:',skintempclstd(idp,jdp)
306 CALL wrf_debug(75, message)
315 END SUBROUTINE clwrf_output_calc
318 SUBROUTINE varstatisticsWIND(varu, varv, tt, dx, dy, varumax, varvmax, &
319 varuvmax, tvaruvmax, varumean, varvmean, varuvmean, varustd, varvstd, &
321 ! Subroutine to compute variable statistics for a wind somponents
326 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: dx, dy
327 REAL, DIMENSION(dx,dy), INTENT(IN) :: varu, varv
328 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: tt
329 REAL, DIMENSION(dx,dy), INTENT(INOUT) :: varumax, &
330 varvmax, varuvmax, tvaruvmax, varumean, varvmean, varuvmean, varustd, &
336 varuv=sqrt(varu(i,j)*varu(i,j)+varv(i,j)*varv(i,j))
337 IF (varuv > varuvmax(i,j)) THEN
338 varumax(i,j)=varu(i,j)
339 varvmax(i,j)=varv(i,j)
343 varuvmean(i,j)=varuvmean(i,j)+varuv
344 varuvstd(i,j)=varuvstd(i,j)+varuv**2
347 varumean=varumean+varu
348 varvmean=varvmean+varv
349 varustd=varustd+varu*varu
350 varvstd=varvstd+varv*varv
352 END SUBROUTINE varstatisticsWIND
354 SUBROUTINE varstatisticsMAX(var, tt, dx, dy, varmax, tvarmax, varmean, &
356 ! Subroutine to compute variable statistics for a max only variable values
361 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: dx, dy
362 REAL, DIMENSION(dx,dy), INTENT(IN) :: var
363 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: tt
364 REAL, DIMENSION(dx,dy), INTENT(INOUT) :: varmax, &
365 tvarmax, varmean, varstd
369 IF (var(i,j) > varmax(i,j)) THEN
376 varstd=varstd+var*var
378 END SUBROUTINE varstatisticsMAX
380 SUBROUTINE varstatistics(var, tt, dx, dy, varmin, varmax, tvarmin, tvarmax, &
382 ! Subroutine to compute variable statistics
387 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: dx, dy
388 REAL, DIMENSION(dx,dy), INTENT(IN) :: var
389 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: tt
390 REAL, DIMENSION(dx,dy), INTENT(INOUT) :: varmin, &
391 varmax, tvarmin, tvarmax, varmean, varstd
395 IF (var(i,j) < varmin(i,j)) THEN
399 IF (var(i,j) > varmax(i,j)) THEN
406 varstd=varstd+var*var
408 END SUBROUTINE varstatistics
410 END MODULE module_diag_cl