3 use module_domain
, only
: domain
4 use module_dm
, only
: wrf_dm_sum_real
6 use da_control
, only
: obs_qc_pointer
, &
7 v_interp_p
, v_interp_h
, check_max_iv_print
, radian
, &
8 missing
, max_error_uv
, max_error_t
, rootproc
, &
9 max_error_p
, check_max_iv_unit
, qcstat_conv_unit
, &
10 max_stheight_diff
, ob_vars
, &
11 max_error_bt
, max_error_buv
, gpsref
, &
12 ! t_iwabuchi 20121216 use ms,ime,jms,jme for interpolation of log(N)
13 ! pseudo_var, num_pseudo, kms,kme,kts,kte, trace_use_dull, &
14 pseudo_var
, num_pseudo
, ims
, kms
, trace_use_dull
, &
16 anal_type_verify
, pseudo_y
, stdout
, &
17 use_gpsrefobs
, gpsref_thinning
, pseudo_z
, pseudo
, &
18 jts
, jte
, npres_print
, pptop
, write_rej_obs_conv
19 use da_control
, only
: pseudo_ref
20 use da_control
, only
: gpsref_qc_dndz_opt
, gpsref_qc_dndz2_opt
, gpsref_qc_gsi_opt
, &
21 gpsref_qc_pcnt_opt
, gpsref_qc_dndz_thresh
, gpsref_qc_dndz2_thresh
, &
22 gpsref_qc_pcnt_below
, gpsref_qc_pcnt_above
, gpsref_qc_pcnt_middle
, &
23 gpsref_qc_pcnt_h1
, gpsref_qc_pcnt_h2
, &
24 qcflag_pcnt_below
, qcflag_pcnt_middle
, qcflag_pcnt_above
, &
25 qcflag_dndz
, qcflag_dndz2
, qcflag_cutoff
, qcflag_height
, write_iv_gpsref
, &
27 use da_define_structures
, only
: maxmin_type
, iv_type
, y_type
, jo_type
, &
28 bad_data_type
, x_type
, number_type
, bad_data_type
, &
29 maxmin_type
, da_allocate_observations
30 use da_interpolation
, only
: da_interp_lin_3d
, &
32 use da_par_util
, only
: da_proc_stats_combine
33 use da_par_util1
, only
: da_proc_sum_int
, da_proc_sum_ints
34 use da_statistics
, only
: da_stats_calculate
35 use da_tools
, only
: da_max_error_qc
, da_residual
, da_convert_zk
36 use da_tracing
, only
: da_trace_entry
, da_trace_exit
37 use da_reporting
, only
: da_error
, message
, da_message
, da_warning
38 use da_tools_serial
, only
: da_get_unit
, da_free_unit
40 ! The "stats_gpsref_type" is ONLY used locally in da_gpsref:
42 type residual_gpsref1_type
43 real :: ref
! GPS Refractivity
44 real :: p
! Retrieved from GPS Refractivity
45 real :: t
! Retrieved from GPS Refractivity
46 real :: q
! Used in GPS Refra. retrieval.
47 end type residual_gpsref1_type
49 type maxmin_gpsref_stats_type
50 type (maxmin_type
) :: ref
! GPS Refractivity
51 end type maxmin_gpsref_stats_type
53 type stats_gpsref_type
54 type (maxmin_gpsref_stats_type
) :: maximum
, minimum
55 type (residual_gpsref1_type
) :: average
, rms_err
56 end type stats_gpsref_type
60 #
include "da_ao_stats_gpsref.inc"
61 #
include "da_calculate_grady_gpsref.inc"
62 #
include "da_jo_and_grady_gpsref.inc"
63 #
include "da_residual_gpsref.inc"
64 #
include "da_oi_stats_gpsref.inc"
65 #
include "da_print_stats_gpsref.inc"
66 #
include "da_transform_xtoy_gpsref.inc"
67 #
include "da_transform_xtoy_gpsref_adj.inc"
68 #
include "da_check_max_iv_gpsref.inc"
69 #
include "da_get_innov_vector_gpsref.inc"
70 #
include "da_qc_gpsref.inc"