1 subroutine da_scan_obs_chem_sfc (iv, filename, grid)
3 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 ! Purpose: Read surface chem IC observation files
6 ! History: 03/2019 Creation (Wei Sun)
8 ! 06/2021 Add maximum thresholds for each species (Soyoung Ha)
9 ! Caution: chem_cv_options == 10 or 20 assumes all six species in [ug/m3]
10 ! chem_cv_options == 108 assumes pm25 and pm10 in [ug/m3], but
11 ! so2, no2, o3, co in [ppmv]
12 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 type (iv_type), intent(inout) :: iv
17 character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
18 type(domain), intent(in) :: grid ! first guess state.
20 ! chem_cv_options == 108: Maximum thresholds for observation values - treat as missing above these values
21 ! FIXME: We may want to put these maximum thresholds in namelist later.
22 real, dimension(6) :: max_pm = (/500.,999.,2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 50./) ! [ug/m3, ug/m3, ppmv, ppmv, ppmv, ppmv]
23 real :: pm25, pm10, so2, no2, o3, co
25 character (len = 6) :: SiteID
26 character (len = 10) :: fmt_name
28 character (len = 160) :: info_string
30 integer :: i, j, iost, nlevels, old_nlevels, fm,iunit
32 real :: dattmp,lattmp,lontmp
34 type (singl_level_type) :: platform
36 logical :: outside_all
37 integer :: surface_level
38 real :: height_error, u_comp, v_comp
39 integer :: nlocal(num_ob_indexes)
40 integer :: ilocal(num_ob_indexes)
41 integer :: ntotal(num_ob_indexes)
43 integer :: ndup, n, report, obs_index
45 real*8 :: obs_time, analysis_time
46 integer :: iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, isite
47 real :: tdiff, dlat_earth,dlon_earth,crit
48 integer :: itt,itx,iout
49 real, allocatable :: in(:), out(:)
50 logical :: found, iuse, thin_3d, is_surface
51 integer :: i1,j1,k, levs
52 real :: dx,dy,dxm,dym,zk
53 real :: v_p(kms:kme),v_h(kms:kme)
55 if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_scan_obs_chem_sfc")
59 if ( thin_conv_ascii ) then
60 do n = 1, num_ob_indexes
61 if ( n == radar ) cycle
62 call cleangrids_conv(n)
69 call da_get_unit(iunit)
71 FILE = trim(filename), &
78 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I5,A)') &
79 "Error",iost," opening chemic surface obs file "//trim(filename)
80 call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1))
81 call da_free_unit(iunit)
82 if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_scan_obs_chem_sfc")
86 allocate ( platform%chem (num_chemic_surf) )
87 obs_index = chemic_surf
94 report = 0 ! report number in file
102 ! =============================
103 platform%chem(:)%inv = missing_r
104 platform%chem(:)%qc = missing
105 platform%chem(:)%error = missing_r
107 ! read station general info
108 ! =============================
110 if (chem_cv_options == 10) then !!!! ium data !!!!
112 write(*,*) 'read ium data'
113 read (iunit, *, iostat = iost) &
114 iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, &
117 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR)%inv !!! pm25 only !!!
118 write (platform%info%date_char,'(i4,3(i2))') iyear, imonth, iday, ihour
119 platform%info%id = "333"
121 else if (chem_cv_options == 20) then
123 if (chemicda_opt == 1) then
124 read (iunit, *, iostat = iost) &
125 iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, &
128 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR)%inv !!! pm25 only !!!
129 else if (chemicda_opt == 2) then
130 read (iunit, *, iostat = iost) &
131 iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, &
134 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR)%inv, & !!! pm25 read !!!
135 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR)%inv !!! pm10 only !!!
136 else if (chemicda_opt == 3) then
137 read (iunit, *, iostat = iost) &
138 iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, &
141 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR)%inv, &
142 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+1)%inv !!! pm10 & pm25 !!!
143 else if (chemicda_opt == 4) then
144 read (iunit, *, iostat = iost) &
145 iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, &
148 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR)%inv, &
149 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR)%inv, &
150 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR)%inv, & !!! so2 !!!
151 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+1)%inv, & !!! no2 !!!
152 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+2)%inv !!! o3 !!!
153 write (platform%info%date_char,'(i4,3(i2))') iyear, imonth, iday, ihour
154 else if (chemicda_opt == 5) then
155 read (iunit, *, iostat = iost) &
156 iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, &
159 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR)%inv, & !!! pm25 !!!
160 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+1)%inv, & !!! pm10 !!!
161 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+2)%inv, & !!! so2 !!!
162 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+3)%inv, & !!! no2 !!!
163 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+4)%inv, & !!! o3 !!!
164 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+5)%inv !!! co !!!
165 write (platform%info%date_char,'(i4,3(i2))') iyear, imonth, iday, ihour
166 platform%info%id = "333"
169 else if (chem_cv_options == 108) then
171 read (iunit, fmt='(A6,F10.6,1X,F10.6,1X,I4,3I2,2F9.1,4F9.3)', iostat=iost) &
175 iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, &
176 pm25, pm10, so2, no2, o3, co
178 platform%info%id = trim(SiteID)
179 read(SiteID,'(I6)') isite
180 write(platform%info%date_char,'(i4,3(i2.2))') iyear, imonth, iday, ihour
182 select case ( chemicda_opt )
184 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR )%inv = pm25
185 platform%info%name = "pm25"
187 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR )%inv = pm10
188 platform%info%name = "pm10"
190 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR )%inv = pm25
191 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+1)%inv = pm10
192 platform%info%name = "all_pm"
194 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR )%inv = so2
195 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+1)%inv = no2
196 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+2)%inv = o3
197 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+3)%inv = co
198 platform%info%name = "gas"
200 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR )%inv = pm25
201 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+1)%inv = pm10
202 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+2)%inv = so2
203 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+3)%inv = no2
204 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+4)%inv = o3
205 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR+5)%inv = co
206 platform%info%name = "all"
208 platform%chem(PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR )%inv = pm25
209 platform%info%name = ""
214 do ichem = PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_chemic_surf
215 ipm = ichem - PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR + 1
216 if (platform%chem(ichem)%inv<=0.or.abs(platform%chem(ichem)%inv)>=max_pm(ipm)) then
217 platform%chem(ichem)%inv=missing_r
219 platform%chem(ichem)%qc = 0
223 end if !(chem_cv_options == 108)
226 ! FIX? This is expected, but its unclear how we handle failure
227 ! here without assuming the fortran2003 convention on
232 if (platform%info%lon == 180.0 ) platform%info%lon =-180.000
233 ! Fix funny wind direction at Poles
234 if (platform%info%lat < -89.9999 .or. platform%info%lat > 89.9999) then
235 platform%info%lon = 0.0
238 ! read model location
239 ! =========================
241 ! Check if outside of the time range:
243 call da_get_julian_time (iyear,imonth,iday,ihour,imin,obs_time)
244 if ( obs_time < time_slots(0) .or. &
245 obs_time >= time_slots(num_fgat_time) ) then
246 if (print_detail_obs) then
247 write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') '*** Outside of the time range:'
248 write(unit=stdout, fmt=fmt_info) &
249 platform%info%platform, &
250 platform%info%date_char, &
251 platform%info%name, &
252 platform%info%levels, &
261 ! Restrict to a range of reports, useful for debugging
263 if (report < report_start) then
267 if (report > report_end) then
271 call da_llxy (platform%info, platform%loc, outside, outside_all)
273 if (outside_all) then
277 if (print_detail_obs) then
278 ! Simplistic approach, could be improved to get it all done on PE 0
279 if (.NOT. outside) then
280 write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A,I5,A,F8.2,A,F8.2,A,I3,A,2F8.2)') &
281 "Report",report," at",platform%info%lon,"E",platform%info%lat, &
282 "N on proc", myproc," at x/y:", platform%loc%x,platform%loc%y
286 call da_get_julian_time (iyear,imonth,iday,ihour,imin,analysis_time)
287 tdiff = abs((obs_time - analysis_time)-0.02)
288 dlat_earth = platform%info%lat
289 dlon_earth = platform%info%lon
290 if (dlon_earth < 0.0) dlon_earth = dlon_earth + 360.0
291 if (dlon_earth >= 360.0) dlon_earth = dlon_earth - 360.0
292 dlat_earth = dlat_earth * deg2rad
293 dlon_earth = dlon_earth * deg2rad
297 ! Loop over duplicating obs for global
299 if (global .and. (platform%loc%i < ids .or. platform%loc%i >= ide)) ndup= 2
301 ! It is possible that logic for counting obs is incorrect for the
302 ! global case with >1 MPI tasks due to obs duplication, halo, etc.
305 if (.not.outside) then
306 if (print_detail_obs .and. ndup > 1) then
307 write(unit=stdout, fmt = fmt_info) &
308 platform%info%platform, &
309 platform%info%date_char, &
310 platform%info%name, &
311 platform%info%levels, &
317 write(unit=stdout, fmt = '(a,2i5,4e20.10)') &
318 ' duplicating obs since loc% i,j,dx,dxm,dy & dym ', &
319 platform%loc%i, platform%loc%j, &
320 platform%loc%dx, platform%loc%dxm, &
321 platform%loc%dy, platform%loc%dym
325 dup_loop: do n = 1, ndup
327 if (use_chemic_surfobs) then
328 if (.not. use_chemic_surfobs .or. ntotal(chemic_surf) == max_synop_input ) cycle reports
329 if (n==1) iv%info(chemic_surf)%ntotal = iv%info(chemic_surf)%ntotal + 1
330 if (outside) cycle reports
331 if ( thin_conv_ascii ) then
333 !!! call map2grids_conv(chemic_surf,dlat_earth,dlon_earth,crit,nlocal(chemic_surf),itx,1,itt,ilocal(chemic_surf),iuse)
334 call map2grids_conv(chemic_surf,dlat_earth,dlon_earth,crit,iv%info(chemic_surf)%nlocal,itx,1,itt,iout,iuse)
335 if ( .not. iuse ) cycle reports
337 iv%info(chemic_surf)%nlocal = iv%info(chemic_surf)%nlocal + 1
342 write(unit=message(1), fmt='(a)') 'unsaved obs found:'
343 write(unit=message(2), fmt='(2a)') &
344 'platform%info%platform=', platform%info%platform
345 write(unit=message(3), fmt='(a, i3)') &
346 'platform%info%levels=', platform%info%levels
347 call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:3))
358 call da_free_unit(iunit)
360 if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_scan_obs_chem_sfc")
362 end subroutine da_scan_obs_chem_sfc