Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-v4.6.1'
[WRF.git] / var / da / da_obs_io /
1 subroutine da_write_obs_chem_sfc(it,ob, iv, re)
3    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
4    ! Purpose: Writes out components of iv=O-B structure.
5    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------   
7    implicit none
9    integer,        intent(in)    :: it
10    type (y_type),  intent(in)    :: ob      ! Observation structure.
11    type (iv_type), intent(in)    :: iv      ! O-B structure.
12    type (y_type),  intent(inout) :: re      ! residual vector.
14    integer                     :: n, k, num_obs, ios, ios2
15    integer                     :: ounit, ounit2     ! Output unit           
16    character(len=filename_len) :: filename, filename2
18    character(len=120) :: fmt_chem1 = '(i8,2x,a6,2f11.6,2f11.2,i8,2f11.2)'     ! pm2.5 or pm10
19    character(len=120) :: fmt_chem2 = '(i8,2x,a6,2f11.6,2(2f11.2,i8,2f11.2))'  ! pm2.5 and pm10
20    character(len=120) :: fmt_chem4 = '(i8,2x,a6,2f11.6,4(2f12.3,i8,2f12.3))'  ! 4 gas species
21    integer :: itime, ifgat
22    integer :: ipcc, jpcc, ic
23    integer, parameter       :: ngas = 4
24    integer, dimension(ngas) :: ipc
25    ipc = (/p_chemsi_so2, p_chemsi_no2, p_chemsi_o3, p_chemsi_co/)
27    if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_write_obs_chem_sfc")
29    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
30    ! Fix output unit
31    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
33    if (chemicda_opt == 5) then
34      call da_get_unit(ounit)
35      call da_get_unit(ounit2)
36    else
37      call da_get_unit(ounit)
38    end if
40 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
41    if (chemicda_opt == 5) then
42       write(unit=filename, fmt='(a,i2.2,a,i4.4)') 'chem_omb_oma_',it,'.', myproc
43       write(unit=filename2, fmt='(a,i2.2,a,i4.4)') 'gas_omb_oma_',it,'.', myproc
44    else if (chemicda_opt == 4) then
45       write(unit=filename, fmt='(a,i2.2,a,i4.4)') 'gas_omb_oma_',it,'.', myproc
46    else
47       write(unit=filename, fmt='(a,i2.2,a,i4.4)') 'chem_omb_oma_',it,'.', myproc
48    end if
49 #else
50    if (chemicda_opt == 5) then
51       write(unit=filename, fmt='(a,i2.2,a)') 'chem_omb_oma_',it,'.0000'
52       write(unit=filename2, fmt='(a,i2.2,a)') 'gas_omb_oma_',it,'.0000'
53    else if (chemicda_opt == 4) then
54       write(unit=filename, fmt='(a,i2.2,a)') 'gas_omb_oma_',it,'.0000'
55    else
56       write(unit=filename, fmt='(a,i2.2,a)') 'chem_omb_oma_',it,'.0000'
57    end if
58 #endif
60    open (unit=ounit,file=trim(filename),form='formatted',status='replace', &
61       iostat=ios)
62    if (ios /= 0) then
63       call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
64          (/"Cannot open chemical observation omb and oma file"//filename/))
65    end if
67    if (chemicda_opt == 5) then
68    open (unit=ounit2,file=trim(filename2),form='formatted',status='replace', &
69       iostat=ios2)
70    if (ios2 /= 0) then
71       call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
72          (/"Cannot open gas observation omb and oma file"//filename2/))
73    end if
74    end if
76    num_obs = 0
77    do n = 1, iv%info(chemic_surf)%nlocal
78       if (iv%info(chemic_surf)%proc_domain(1,n)) num_obs = num_obs + 1
79    end do
80    if (num_obs > 0) then
81       if (chemicda_opt == 4) then
82           write(ounit,'(a20,i8)') 'gas', num_obs
83       else
84           write(ounit,'(a20,i8)') 'chem', num_obs
85       endif
86       if (chemicda_opt == 5) then
87           write(ounit2,'(a20,i8)') 'gas', num_obs
88       end if
89       num_obs = 0
90       do n = 1, iv%info(chemic_surf)%nlocal  
91          do itime = 1, num_fgat_time
92             if ( n >= iv%info(chemic_surf)%plocal(itime-1)+1 .and. &
93                  n <= iv%info(chemic_surf)%plocal(itime) ) then
94                ifgat = itime
95                exit
96             end if
97          end do
99          if (iv%info(chemic_surf)%proc_domain(1,n)) then
100             num_obs = num_obs + 1
101              write(ounit,'(2i8)') 1, ifgat
102              if (chemicda_opt == 5) then
103                write(ounit2,'(2i8)') 1, ifgat
104              end if
106             ipcc = p_chemsi_pm25
107             jpcc = p_chemsi_pm10
108             if (chemicda_opt <= 2) then
109                if(chemicda_opt == 2) ipcc = p_chemsi_pm10
110                write(ounit, fmt = fmt_chem1)         &
111                num_obs , iv%info(chemic_surf)%id(n), &  ! Station
112                iv%info(chemic_surf)%lat(1,n),        &  ! Latitude
113                iv%info(chemic_surf)%lon(1,n),        &  ! Longitude
114                ob%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipcc),         &  ! observation
115                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipcc)%inv,     &  ! o-b
116                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipcc)%qc,      &  ! qc
117                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipcc)%error,   &  ! obs error
118                re%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipcc)             ! o-a
119             else if (chemicda_opt == 4) then
120                write(ounit, fmt = fmt_chem4)         &
121                num_obs , iv%info(chemic_surf)%id(n), &  ! Station
122                iv%info(chemic_surf)%lat(1,n),        &  ! Latitude
123                iv%info(chemic_surf)%lon(1,n),        &  ! Longitude
124               (ob%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipc(ic)),      &  ! observation
125                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipc(ic))%inv,  &  ! o-b
126                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipc(ic))%qc,   &  ! qc
127                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipc(ic))%error,&  ! obs error
128                re%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipc(ic)), ic=1,ngas) ! o-a
129             else  ! chemicda_opt == 3 or 5
130                write(ounit, fmt = fmt_chem2)         &
131                num_obs , iv%info(chemic_surf)%id(n), &  ! Station
132                iv%info(chemic_surf)%lat(1,n),        &  ! Latitude
133                iv%info(chemic_surf)%lon(1,n),        &  ! Longitude
134                ob%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipcc),         &  ! observation
135                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipcc)%inv,     &  ! o-b
136                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipcc)%qc,      &  ! qc
137                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipcc)%error,   &  ! obs error
138                re%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipcc),         &  ! o-a
139                ob%chemic_surf(n)%chem(jpcc),         &  ! observation
140                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(jpcc)%inv,     &  ! o-b
141                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(jpcc)%qc,      &  ! qc
142                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(jpcc)%error,   &  ! obs error
143                re%chemic_surf(n)%chem(jpcc)             ! o-a
144               if(chemicda_opt == 5) then
145                write(ounit2, fmt = fmt_chem4)        &
146                num_obs , iv%info(chemic_surf)%id(n), &  ! Station
147                iv%info(chemic_surf)%lat(1,n),        &  ! Latitude
148                iv%info(chemic_surf)%lon(1,n),        &  ! Longitude
149               (ob%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipc(ic)),      &  ! observation
150                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipc(ic))%inv,  &  ! o-b
151                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipc(ic))%qc,   &  ! qc
152                iv%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipc(ic))%error,&  ! obs error
153                re%chemic_surf(n)%chem(ipc(ic)), ic=1,ngas) ! o-a
154               endif  ! (chemicda_opt == 5)
155             endif
157          end if      ! if (iv%info(chemic_surf)%proc_domain(1,n)) then
158       end do         ! do n = 1, iv%info(chemic_surf)%nlocal
159    end if            ! if (num_obs > 0) then
161    close (ounit)
162    call da_free_unit(ounit)
164    if (chemicda_opt == 5) then
165      close (ounit2)
166      call da_free_unit(ounit2)
167    end if
169    if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_write_obs_chem_sfc")
171 end subroutine da_write_obs_chem_sfc