1 subroutine da_read_obs_bufrssmis (obstype,iv,infile)
3 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 ! Purpose: read in NCEP bufr SSM/IS data to innovation structure
6 ! METHOD: use F90 sequential data structure to avoid reading file twice
7 ! 1. read file radiance data in sequential data structure
9 ! 3. assign sequential data structure to innovation structure
10 ! and deallocate sequential data structure
11 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 character(5) , intent (in) :: obstype ! ssmis
20 character(20), intent (in) :: infile ! ssmis.bufr
21 type (iv_type), intent (inout) :: iv
25 integer(i_kind), parameter :: bufsat_dmsp16 = 249 ! DMSP16 BUFR identifier
26 integer(i_kind), parameter :: bufsat_dmsp17 = 285 ! DMSP17 BUFR identifier
27 integer(i_kind), parameter :: bufsat_dmsp18 = 286 ! DMSP18 BUFR identifier
28 integer(i_kind), parameter :: n1bhdr = 15
29 integer(i_kind), parameter :: maxchanl = 24
30 real(r_kind), parameter :: tbmin = 70.0_r_kind
31 real(r_kind), parameter :: tbmax = 320.0_r_kind
33 character(80) :: hdr1b
37 character(8) :: subset, subfgn
38 character(20) :: filename
40 logical :: outside, outside_all
42 integer(i_kind) :: iost, inst, lnbufr, ifgat
43 integer(i_kind) :: num_bufr(7),numbufr,ibufr
44 integer(i_kind) :: ihh, i, j, n, k, slnm, ifov, idd, ireadmg, ireadsb
45 integer(i_kind) :: iret, idate, im, iy
46 integer(i_kind) :: jc, incangl, bch, landsea_mask, rain_flag
47 integer(i_kind) :: platform_id, satellite_id, sensor_id, nchan, num_ssmis_file
48 integer(i_kind) :: num_ssmis_local, num_ssmis_global, num_ssmis_used, num_ssmis_thinned
49 integer(i_kind) :: num_ssmis_used_tmp
51 real(r_double), dimension(2,maxchanl) :: bufrtbb
52 real(r_double), dimension(n1bhdr) :: bfr1bhdr
55 integer(i_kind) :: year,month,day,hour,minute,second ! observation time
56 real(kind=8) :: obs_time
57 real(r_double), allocatable :: tb_inv(:) ! bright temperatures
59 type (datalink_type), pointer :: head, p, current, prev
60 type(info_type) :: info
61 type(model_loc_type) :: loc
64 integer(i_kind) :: itt,itx,iobs,iout
65 real(r_kind) :: terrain,timedif,crit,dist
66 real(r_kind) :: dlon_earth,dlat_earth
68 real, allocatable :: in(:), out(:)
69 logical :: found, head_found
71 integer(i_kind), allocatable :: ptotal(:), nread(:)
73 call da_trace_entry("da_read_obs_bufrssmis")
75 allocate(nread(1:rtminit_nsensor))
76 allocate(ptotal(0:num_fgat_time))
77 nread(1:rtminit_nsensor) = 0
78 ptotal(0:num_fgat_time) = 0
80 platform_id = 2 ! for DMSP series
81 sensor_id = 10 ! for SSMIS
84 allocate (tb_inv(nchan))
90 iobs = 0 ! for thinning, argument is inout
92 ! 0.0 Open unit to satellite bufr file and read file header
93 !--------------------------------------------------------------
95 ! call da_get_unit(lnbufr)
99 if (num_fgat_time>1) then
101 call da_get_unit(lnbufr)
102 write(filename,fmt='(A,2I1,A)') trim(infile),0,i,'.bufr'
103 open(unit = lnbufr, FILE = trim(filename),iostat = iost, form = 'unformatted', STATUS = 'OLD')
110 call da_free_unit(lnbufr)
116 if (numbufr==0) numbufr=1
118 bufrfile: do ibufr=1,numbufr
119 if (num_fgat_time==1) then
120 filename=trim(infile)//'.bufr'
122 if ((numbufr ==1) .and. (num_bufr(ibufr) == 0)) then
123 filename=trim(infile)//'.bufr'
125 write(filename,fmt='(A,2I1,A)') trim(infile),0,num_bufr(ibufr),'.bufr'
130 open(unit=lnbufr,file=trim(filename),form='unformatted', &
131 iostat = iost, status = 'old')
133 call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
134 (/"Cannot open file "//infile/))
135 call da_trace_exit("da_read_obs_bufrssmis")
139 call openbf(lnbufr,'IN',lnbufr)
141 call readmg(lnbufr,subset,idate,iret)
147 write(unit=date,fmt='( i10)') idate
148 read(unit=date,fmt='(i4,3i2)') iy,im,idd,ihh
149 write(unit=stdout,fmt=*) &
150 'Bufr file date is ',iy,im,idd,ihh,infile
152 ! Loop to read bufr file and assign information to a sequential structure
153 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 if ( ibufr == 1 ) then
156 nullify ( head % next )
160 ! Set various variables depending on type of data to be read
164 incangl = 53.2_r_kind
166 subset_loop: do while (ireadmg(lnbufr,subset,idate)==0)
168 read_loop: do while (ireadsb(lnbufr)==0 .and. subset==subfgn)
170 num_ssmis_file = num_ssmis_file + 1
171 ! 1.0 Read header record and data record
173 call ufbint(lnbufr,bfr1bhdr,n1bhdr,1,iret,hdr1b)
174 call ufbrep(lnbufr,bufrtbb,2,maxchanl,iret,"CHNM TMBR" )
176 ! check if observation outside range
178 ! 2.0 Extract observation location and other required information
179 ! QC1: judge if data is in the domain, read next record if not
180 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
182 info%lat = bfr1bhdr(bufr_lat)
183 info%lon = bfr1bhdr(bufr_lon)
184 call da_llxy (info, loc, outside, outside_all)
187 if (outside_all) cycle
189 ! 3.0 Extract other information
192 landsea_mask = nint(bfr1bhdr(bufr_landsea_mask)) ! ssmis surface flag
193 ! 0:land, 2:near coast, 3:ice,
194 ! 4:possible ice, 5:ocean, 6:coast
195 ! RTTOV surftype: 0:land, 1:sea, 2:sea ice
196 if ( landsea_mask == 5 ) then
198 else if ( landsea_mask == 2 .or. landsea_mask == 6 ) then
200 else if ( landsea_mask == 3 .or. landsea_mask == 4 ) then
203 rain_flag = nint(bfr1bhdr(15)) ! 0:no rain, 1:rain
205 !------------------------------------------------------
206 ! 3.1 Extract satellite id and scan position.
208 if (nint(bfr1bhdr(bufr_satellite_id)) == bufsat_dmsp16) then
210 else if (nint(bfr1bhdr(bufr_satellite_id)) == bufsat_dmsp17) then
212 else if (nint(bfr1bhdr(bufr_satellite_id)) == bufsat_dmsp18) then
216 ! 3.3 Find wrfvar instrument index from RTTOV instrument triplet
217 ! go to next data if id is not in the lists
220 do i = 1, rtminit_nsensor
221 if (platform_id == rtminit_platform(i) &
222 .and. satellite_id == rtminit_satid(i) &
223 .and. sensor_id == rtminit_sensor(i)) then
228 if (inst == 0) cycle read_loop
230 ! 3.1 Extract scan number and scan position.
232 slnm = nint(bfr1bhdr(11))
233 ifov = nint(bfr1bhdr(bufr_ifov))
235 ! 3.2 Extract date information.
237 year = bfr1bhdr(bufr_year)
238 month = bfr1bhdr(bufr_month)
239 day = bfr1bhdr(bufr_day)
240 hour = bfr1bhdr(bufr_hour)
241 minute = bfr1bhdr(bufr_minute)
242 second = bfr1bhdr(bufr_second)
244 write(unit=info%date_char, fmt='(i4,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2)') &
245 year, '-', month, '-', day, '_', hour, ':', minute, ':', second
247 ! QC3: time consistency check with the background date
257 call da_get_julian_time(year,month,day,hour,minute,obs_time)
259 if (obs_time < time_slots(0) .or. &
260 obs_time >= time_slots(num_fgat_time)) cycle read_loop
262 ! 3.2.1 determine FGAT index ifgat
264 do ifgat=1,num_fgat_time
265 if (obs_time >= time_slots(ifgat-1) .and. &
266 obs_time < time_slots(ifgat)) exit
269 num_ssmis_global = num_ssmis_global + 1
270 ptotal(ifgat) = ptotal(ifgat) + 1
272 if (outside) cycle ! No good for this PE
274 num_ssmis_local = num_ssmis_local + 1
277 ! Map obs to thinning grid
278 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
280 dlat_earth = info%lat
281 dlon_earth = info%lon
282 if (dlon_earth<zero) dlon_earth = dlon_earth+r360
283 if (dlon_earth>=r360) dlon_earth = dlon_earth-r360
284 dlat_earth = dlat_earth*deg2rad
285 dlon_earth = dlon_earth*deg2rad
286 timedif = 0. !2.0_r_kind*abs(tdiff) ! range: 0 to 6
287 terrain = 0.01_r_kind*abs(bfr1bhdr(13))
288 crit = 1. !0.01_r_kind+terrain + timedif !+ 10._r_kind*float(iskip)
289 call map2grids(inst,ifgat,dlat_earth,dlon_earth,crit,iobs,itx,1,itt,iout,iuse)
291 num_ssmis_thinned=num_ssmis_thinned+1
296 num_ssmis_used = num_ssmis_used + 1
297 nread(inst) = nread(inst) + 1
299 if (num_ssmis_used > max_ssmis_input) then
300 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I10,A)') &
301 "Max number of ssmis",max_ssmis_input," reached"
302 call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1))
303 num_ssmis_used = num_ssmis_used - 1
307 ! 3.4 extract satellite and solar angle
309 ! 3.5 extract surface information
311 ! 3.6 extract channel bright temperature
313 tb_inv(1:nchan) = missing_r
316 bch = nint(bufrtbb(1,jc)) !ch index from bufr
317 tb_inv(jc) = bufrtbb(2,jc)
318 if (tb_inv(jc) < tbmin .or. tb_inv(jc) > tbmax .or. bch /= jc) then
319 tb_inv(jc) = missing_r
323 if ( maxval(tb_inv(:)) > missing_r ) then
325 ! 4.0 assign information to sequential radiance structure
326 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
327 allocate (p % tb_inv (1:nchan))
330 p%landsea_mask = landsea_mask
334 p%satazi = 0.0 ! dummy value
335 p%solzen = 0.0 ! dummy value
336 p%tb_inv(1:nchan) = tb_inv(1:nchan)
337 p%sensor_index = inst
339 p%rain_flag = rain_flag
341 allocate (p%next) ! add next data
347 num_ssmis_local = num_ssmis_local - 1
348 num_ssmis_used = num_ssmis_used - 1
361 if (thinning .and. num_ssmis_global > 0 ) then
365 ! Get minimum crit and associated processor index.
367 do ifgat = 1, num_fgat_time
368 do n = 1, iv%num_inst
369 j = j + thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%itxmax
376 do ifgat = 1, num_fgat_time
377 do n = 1, iv%num_inst
378 do i = 1, thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%itxmax
380 in(j) = thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%score_crit(i)
384 call mpi_reduce(in, out, j, true_mpi_real, mpi_min, root, comm, ierr)
386 call wrf_dm_bcast_real (out, j)
389 do ifgat = 1, num_fgat_time
390 do n = 1, iv%num_inst
391 do i = 1, thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%itxmax
393 if ( ABS(out(j)-thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%score_crit(i)) > 1.0E-10 ) thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%ibest_obs(i) = 0
403 ! Delete the nodes which being thinning out
407 num_ssmis_used_tmp = num_ssmis_used
408 do j = 1, num_ssmis_used_tmp
413 do i = 1, thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%itxmax
414 if ( thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%ibest_obs(i) == j .and. thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%score_crit(i) < 9.99e6_r_kind ) then
421 if ( .not. found ) then
424 if ( head_found ) then
430 deallocate ( current % tb_inv )
431 deallocate ( current )
432 num_ssmis_thinned = num_ssmis_thinned + 1
433 num_ssmis_used = num_ssmis_used - 1
434 nread(n) = nread(n) - 1
438 if ( found .and. head_found ) then
444 if ( found .and. .not. head_found ) then
453 end if ! End of thinning
455 iv%total_rad_pixel = iv%total_rad_pixel + num_ssmis_used
456 iv%total_rad_channel = iv%total_rad_channel + num_ssmis_used*nchan
458 iv%info(radiance)%nlocal = iv%info(radiance)%nlocal + num_ssmis_used
459 iv%info(radiance)%ntotal = iv%info(radiance)%ntotal + num_ssmis_global
461 do i = 1, num_fgat_time
462 ptotal(i) = ptotal(i) + ptotal(i-1)
463 iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(i) = iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(i) + ptotal(i)
465 if ( iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(num_fgat_time) /= iv%info(radiance)%ntotal ) then
466 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I10,A,I10)') &
467 "Number of ntotal:",iv%info(radiance)%ntotal," is different from the sum of ptotal:", iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(num_fgat_time)
468 call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1))
471 write(unit=stdout,fmt='(a)') 'num_ssmis_file, num_ssmis_global, num_ssmis_local, num_ssmis_used, num_ssmis_thinned'
472 write(stdout,*) num_ssmis_file, num_ssmis_global, num_ssmis_local, num_ssmis_used, num_ssmis_thinned
476 ! 5.0 allocate innovation radiance structure
477 !----------------------------------------------------------------
478 do i = 1, iv%num_inst
479 if (nread(i) < 1) cycle
480 iv%instid(i)%num_rad = nread(i)
481 iv%instid(i)%info%nlocal = nread(i)
482 write(UNIT=stdout,FMT='(a,i3,2x,a,3x,i10)') &
483 'Allocating space for radiance innov structure', &
484 i, iv%instid(i)%rttovid_string, iv%instid(i)%num_rad
486 call da_allocate_rad_iv (i, nchan, iv)
490 ! 6.0 assign sequential structure to innovation structure
491 !-------------------------------------------------------------
492 nread(1:rtminit_nsensor) = 0
495 do n = 1, num_ssmis_used
497 nread(i) = nread(i) + 1
498 call da_initialize_rad_iv (i, nread(i), iv, p)
500 iv%instid(i)%rain_flag(n) = p%rain_flag
506 deallocate ( current % tb_inv )
507 deallocate ( current )
517 ! call da_free_unit(lnbufr)
519 call da_trace_exit("da_read_obs_bufrssmis")
521 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,(/"Needs to be compiled with a BUFR library"/))
525 end subroutine da_read_obs_bufrssmis