1 NCEP BUFR tables used in reading AIRS radiance data.
3 used for reading NCEP center/warmest/every-FOV AIRS BUFR files
6 Used for (1) switching on/off certain channels (2) assigning obs errors
7 Currently, only the 4th and 6th columns in each file are actually used.
8 4th column info: 1: use
10 6th column info: observation errors in K
13 Template input file for radiance Variational Bias Correction.
16 Background error covariance file for cv_options=3.
19 This folder shall be linked to the directory of CRTM coefficients files.
20 A subset of coefficient files can be downloaded from
21 http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/wrfda/download/crtm_coeffs.html.
22 The full set of coefficient files can be downloaded from
23 ftp://ftp.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/jcsda/CRTM/REL-2.3.0/crtm_v2.3.0.tar.gz
24 Some CRTM algorithms (Multiple transmittance algorithm, infrared sea surface
25 emissivity model) are selectable by users via the coefficient files used to
26 initialize CRTM. Users should gather the coefficient files that are suitable
27 for their applications. Please read the CRTM USers Guide
28 ftp://ftp.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/jcsda/CRTM/CRTM_User_Guide.pdf
29 for more detailed information.
31 fso.io_config and plus.io_config
32 input file for WRF FSO runtime config of I/O streams
35 The file is used by AMSR2 data assimilation.
37 ftp://suzaku.eorc.jaxa.jp/pub/AMSR2/public/AMTK/leapsec.dat
38 plus an added entry for year 2017.