1 subroutine da_read_obs_ssmi (iv, filename)
3 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 ! Purpose: Read a SSMI 2.0 GTS observation file
5 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 type(iv_type), intent(inout) :: iv
10 character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
12 character (len = 10) :: fmt_name
14 character (len = 160) :: fmt_info
15 character (len = 160) :: fmt_loc
16 character (len = 120) :: char_ned
18 integer :: iost, fm,iunit
20 type (model_loc_type) :: loc
21 type (info_type) :: info
22 type (field_type) :: speed, tpw
24 type (field_type) :: tb19v, tb19h, tb22v
25 type (field_type) :: tb37v, tb37h, tb85v, tb85h
27 type (count_obs_number_type) :: count_obs_ssmir
28 type (count_obs_number_type) :: count_obs_ssmit
30 logical :: isfilter,ipass
31 logical :: outside, outside_all
32 integer :: irain, iprecip
34 integer :: nlocal(num_ob_indexes)
35 integer :: ntotal(num_ob_indexes)
37 if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_read_obs_ssmi")
39 nlocal(:) = iv%info(:)%plocal(iv%time-1)
40 ntotal(:) = iv%info(:)%ptotal(iv%time-1)
42 count_obs_ssmir = count_obs_number_type(0, 0, 0, 0)
43 count_obs_ssmit = count_obs_number_type(0, 0, 0, 0)
45 isfilter = .true. ! filter out rain points
50 call da_get_unit(iunit)
52 FILE = trim(filename), &
59 call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, (/"Cannot open SSMI file "//filename/))
60 call da_free_unit(iunit)
72 read (unit = iunit, fmt = '(A)', iostat = iost) char_ned
74 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, (/"Cannot read SSMI file"//filename/))
77 ! 2.3 read number of reports
78 ! ---------------------
81 read (unit = iunit, fmt = '(A)', iostat = iost) char_ned
83 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, (/"Cannot read SSMI file"//filename/))
85 if (char_ned(1:6) == 'NESTIX') exit
89 read (unit = iunit, fmt = '(A)', iostat = iost) char_ned
90 if (char_ned(1:6) == 'INFO ') exit
93 read (unit = iunit, fmt = '(A)', iostat = iost) char_ned
98 read (unit=iunit, fmt = '(A,1X,A)') fmt_name, fmt_info, fmt_name, fmt_loc
103 read (unit=iunit, fmt = '(A)') fmt_name
109 ! read station general info
110 ! =========================
112 read (unit=iunit, fmt = fmt_info, iostat = iost) &
122 read(unit=info % platform (4:6),fmt='(I3)') fm
123 if (iost /= 0) exit reports
127 ! read surface wind speed and precipitable water
128 read (unit=iunit, fmt = fmt_loc) speed%inv, speed%qc, speed%error, &
129 tpw%inv, tpw%qc, tpw%error
131 read (unit=iunit, fmt = fmt_loc) &
132 tb19v%inv, tb19v%qc, tb19v%error, &
133 tb19h%inv, tb19h%qc, tb19h%error, &
134 tb22v%inv, tb22v%qc, tb22v%error, &
135 tb37v%inv, tb37v%qc, tb37v%error, &
136 tb37h%inv, tb37h%qc, tb37h%error, &
137 tb85v%inv, tb85v%qc, tb85v%error, &
138 tb85h%inv, tb85h%qc, tb85h%error
140 tb19v % error = tb19v % error + 2.0
141 tb19h % error = tb19h % error + 2.0
142 tb22v % error = tb22v % error + 2.0
143 tb37h % error = tb37h % error + 2.0
144 tb37v % error = tb37v % error + 2.0
145 tb85h % error = tb85h % error + 2.0
146 tb85v % error = tb85v % error + 2.0
149 write(unit=message(1), fmt='(a, i6)') 'unsaved ssmi obs found, fm=', fm
150 write(unit=message(2), fmt='(a, 2f12.6)') &
151 'info%(lon,lat)=', info%lon, info%lat
152 call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:2))
155 ! check if obs is in horizontal domain
156 ! ====================================
158 ! Compute the model horizontal coordinate x, y
159 ! Check if obs is wihin horizontal domain
161 call da_llxy (info, loc, outside, outside_all)
163 if (outside_all) cycle reports
165 loc % pw % inv = missing_r
166 loc % pw % qc = missing_data
169 ! Loop over duplicating obs for global
171 if (global .and. (loc%i < ids .or. loc%i >= ide)) ndup= 2
173 ! It is possible that logic for counting obs is incorrect for the
174 ! global case with >1 MPI tasks due to obs duplication, halo, etc.
177 if (.not.outside) then
178 if (print_detail_obs .and. ndup > 1) then
179 write(unit=stdout, fmt = fmt_info) &
189 write(unit=stdout, fmt = '(a,2i5,4e20.10)') &
190 ' duplicating obs since loc% i,j,dx,dxm,dy & dym ', &
191 loc%i, loc%j, loc%dx, loc%dxm, loc%dy, loc%dym
195 dup_loop: do n = 1, ndup
199 if (.not. use_ssmiretrievalobs) cycle reports
201 if (n==1) ntotal(ssmi_rv) = ntotal(ssmi_rv)
202 if (outside) cycle reports
204 ! Check if at least one field is present
205 if ((tpw % qc == missing_data) .AND. (speed % qc == missing_data)) then
206 count_obs_ssmir % num_missing = count_obs_ssmir % num_missing + 1
210 ! fill permanent structure
211 ! ========================
213 nlocal(ssmi_rv) = nlocal(ssmi_rv) + 1
214 ! Track serial obs index for reassembly of obs during bit-for-bit
215 ! tests with different numbers of MPI tasks.
216 loc%obs_global_index = ntotal(ssmi_rv)
220 count_obs_ssmir % num_used = count_obs_ssmir % num_used + 1
222 ! Initialize other non read fields
224 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%name(nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = info%name
225 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%platform(nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = info%platform
226 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%id(nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = info%id
227 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%date_char(nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = info%date_char
228 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%levels(nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = 1
229 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%lat(:,nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = info%lat
230 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%lon(:,nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = info%lon
231 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%elv(nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = info%elv
232 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%pstar(nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = info%pstar
234 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%slp(nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = loc%slp
235 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%pw(nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = loc%pw
236 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%x(:,nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = loc%x
237 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%y(:,nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = loc%y
238 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%i(:,nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = loc%i
239 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%j(:,nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = loc%j
240 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%dx(:,nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = loc%dx
241 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%dxm(:,nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = loc%dxm
242 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%dy(:,nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = loc%dy
243 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%dym(:,nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = loc%dym
244 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%proc_domain(:,nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = loc%proc_domain
246 iv%info(ssmi_rv)%obs_global_index(nlocal(ssmi_rv)) = ntotal(ssmi_rv)
248 iv % ssmi_rv (nlocal(ssmi_rv)) % speed = speed
249 iv % ssmi_rv (nlocal(ssmi_rv)) % tpw = tpw
252 if (.not. use_ssmitbobs) cycle reports
254 if (n==1) ntotal(ssmi_tb) = ntotal(ssmi_tb) + 1
255 if (outside) cycle reports
257 ! Check if at least one field is present
259 if ((tb19v % qc == missing_data) .AND. (tb19h % qc == missing_data) .AND. &
260 (tb22v % qc == missing_data) .AND. &
261 (tb37v % qc == missing_data) .AND. (tb37h % qc == missing_data) .AND. &
262 (tb85v % qc == missing_data) .AND. (tb85h % qc == missing_data)) then
263 count_obs_ssmit % num_missing = &
264 count_obs_ssmit % num_missing + 1
265 ! write (unit=stdout,fmt=*) 'missing data'
270 ! ====================================
275 call filter(tb19v%inv, tb19h%inv, tb22v%inv, tb37v%inv, &
276 tb37h%inv, tb85v%inv, tb85h%inv, ipass, iprecip, info%lat)
277 if (iprecip .eq. 1) then
290 ! fill permanent structure
291 ! ========================
293 ! One more data read in
295 nlocal(ssmi_tb) = nlocal(ssmi_tb) + 1
296 ! Track serial obs index for reassembly of obs during bit-for-bit
297 ! tests with different numbers of MPI tasks.
298 loc%obs_global_index = ntotal(ssmi_tb)
302 count_obs_ssmit % num_used = count_obs_ssmit % num_used + 1
304 ! Initialize other non read fields
306 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%name(nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = info%name
307 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%platform(nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = info%platform
308 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%id(nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = info%id
309 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%date_char(nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = info%date_char
310 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%levels(nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = 1
311 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%lat(:,nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = info%lat
312 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%lon(:,nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = info%lon
313 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%elv(nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = info%elv
314 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%pstar(nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = info%pstar
316 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%slp(nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = loc%slp
317 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%pw(nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = loc%pw
318 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%x(:,nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = loc%x
319 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%y(:,nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = loc%y
320 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%i(:,nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = loc%i
321 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%j(:,nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = loc%j
322 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%dx(:,nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = loc%dx
323 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%dxm(:,nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = loc%dxm
324 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%dy(:,nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = loc%dy
325 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%dym(:,nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = loc%dym
326 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%proc_domain(:,nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = loc%proc_domain
328 iv%info(ssmi_tb)%obs_global_index(nlocal(ssmi_tb)) = ntotal(ssmi_tb)
330 iv % ssmi_tb (nlocal(ssmi_tb)) % tb19v = tb19v
331 iv % ssmi_tb (nlocal(ssmi_tb)) % tb19h = tb19h
332 iv % ssmi_tb (nlocal(ssmi_tb)) % tb22v = tb22v
333 iv % ssmi_tb (nlocal(ssmi_tb)) % tb37v = tb37v
334 iv % ssmi_tb (nlocal(ssmi_tb)) % tb37h = tb37h
335 iv % ssmi_tb (nlocal(ssmi_tb)) % tb85v = tb85v
336 iv % ssmi_tb (nlocal(ssmi_tb)) % tb85h = tb85h
345 call da_free_unit(iunit)
347 write(unit=stdout, fmt='(/,25x,a)') ' used outdomain max_er_chk missing'
348 write(unit=stdout, fmt='(4x,a,4i11)') 'ssmi_rv_diag: ', count_obs_ssmir
349 write(unit=stdout, fmt='(4x,a,4i11)') 'ssmi_tb_diag: ', count_obs_ssmit
352 write(unit=stdout, fmt='(/,5x,a,i6/)') '** Rain contaminated SSMI_Tb =', irain
355 write(unit=stdout, fmt='(/,a)') ' '
357 if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_read_obs_ssmi")
359 end subroutine da_read_obs_ssmi