Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-v4.5.2'
[WRF.git] / var / da / da_tracing /
1 subroutine da_trace(&
2    Name,     &           ! in
3    Message,  &           ! in, optional
4    Messages,  &          ! in, optional
5    MaxNoCalls)           ! in, optional
7    implicit none
9    !--------------------------------------------------------------------
10    ! Purpose: General trace within a subroutine
11    !--------------------------------------------------------------------
13    character (len=*), intent(in)           :: Name         ! Subroutine name
14    character (len=*), optional, intent(in) :: Message      ! Text to trace
15    character (len=*), optional, intent(in) :: Messages(:)  ! Text to trace
16    integer, optional, intent(in)           :: MaxNoCalls   ! max no calls to show
18    integer           :: IOStatus     ! I-O return code
19    integer           :: Loop         ! General loop counter
20    integer           :: TotalSpace
21    integer           :: LocalMaxNoCalls
22    character(len=25) :: Change
24    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
25    ! Check whether trace active and depth of trace
26    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
28    if (.NOT. TraceActive) then
29       return
30    end if
32    if (TraceDepth >= trace_max_depth) then
33       ! already at maximum depth, so return
34       return
35    end if
37    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
38    ! Note memory usage
39    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
41    Change = ""
43    if (trace_memory) then
44       call da_memory(&
45          TotalSpace)
46       if (LastSpace < TotalSpace) then
47          write(Change,"(A9,I12)")", bigger", TotalSpace - LastSpace
48       else if (LastSpace > TotalSpace) then
49          write(Change,"(A9,I12)")", smaller", TotalSpace - LastSpace
50       end if
51       if (MaxHeap(Pointer) < TotalSpace) then
52          MaxHeap(Pointer) = TotalSpace
53       end if
54       LastSpace = TotalSpace
55    else
56       TotalSpace = 0
57    end if
59    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
60    ! Perform the trace if not done too many times before. only on PE 0
61    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------  
63    if (trace_write) then
65       if (present(MaxNoCalls)) then
66          LocalMaxNoCalls = MaxNoCalls
67       else
68          LocalMaxNoCalls = trace_repeat_body
69       end if
71       NoCallsBody(Pointer) = NoCallsBody(Pointer)+1
73       if (NoCallsBody(Pointer) <= LocalMaxNoCalls) then
74          if (trace_memory) then
75              if (use_html) then
76                 write (unit=trace_unit, &
77                    fmt='(A, "| <a href=",A,"/",A,".html>",A,"</a>",I11,A)', &
78                    iostat=IOStatus) &
79                    pad(1:TraceDepth*TraceIndentAmount),trim(Documentation_url), &
80                    trim(Name), trim(Name), TotalSpace, Change
81              else
82                 write (unit=trace_unit, &
83                    fmt='(A, "| ",A,I11,A)', &
84                    iostat=IOStatus) &
85                    pad(1:TraceDepth*TraceIndentAmount),trim(Name), TotalSpace, Change
86             end if
87          else
88             if (use_html) then
89                write (unit=trace_unit, &
90                   fmt='(A, "| <a href=",A,"/",A,".html>",A,"</a>")', &
91                   iostat=IOStatus) &
92                   pad(1:TraceDepth*TraceIndentAmount),trim(Documentation_url), &
93                   trim(Name), trim(Name)  
94             else 
95                write (unit=trace_unit, &
96                   fmt='(A, "| ",A)', &
97                   iostat=IOStatus) &
98                   pad(1:TraceDepth*TraceIndentAmount),trim(Name)
99             end if
100          end if
101          if (IOStatus /= 0) then
102             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
103                (/"Cannot write to trace file for "//Name/))
104          end if
106          if (present(Message)) then
107             write (unit=trace_unit, fmt='(A,"  ",A)', iostat=IOStatus) &
108                pad(1:TraceDepth*TraceIndentAmount),trim(Message)
109             if (IOStatus .NE. 0) then
110                call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
111                   (/"Cannot write to trace file for "//Name/))
112             end if
113          end if
115          if (present(Messages)) then
116             do Loop = 1, size(Messages)
117                write (unit=trace_unit, fmt='(A,"  ",A)', iostat=IOStatus) &
118                   pad(1:TraceDepth*TraceIndentAmount),trim(Messages(Loop))
119                if (IOStatus .NE. 0) then
120                   call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
121                      (/"Cannot write to trace file for "//Name/))
122                end if
123             end do ! Loop
124          end if
125       end if
127       if (NoCallsBody(Pointer) == trace_repeat_body) then
128          write (unit=trace_unit, fmt='(A,"  Called enough, going quiet")', iostat=IOStatus) &
129             pad(1:TraceDepth*TraceIndentAmount)
130          if (IOStatus .NE. 0) then
131             call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__, &
132               (/"Cannot write to trace file for "//Name/))
133          end if
134       end if
135    end if ! trace_write
137 end subroutine da_trace