Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-v4.5.2'
[WRF.git] / var / da / da_verif_obs / da_verif_tools.f90
3 module da_verif_tools
6 implicit none
9 ! Define some private constants
11 real, private, parameter :: pi = 3.1415926
12 real, private, parameter :: deg_per_rad = 180.0/pi
13 real, private, parameter :: rad_per_deg = pi / 180.0
14 logical, private, parameter :: print_detail_map = .false.
16 integer, private, parameter :: stdout = 6
18 ! Mean Earth Radius in m. The value below is consistent
19 ! with NCEP's routines and grids.
20 ! real, public , parameter :: earth_radius_m = 6371200.0 ! from Brent
21 real, public , parameter :: earth_radius_m = 6370000.0
22 real, public , parameter :: radians_per_degree = pi / 180.0
24 ! Define public parameters
26 ! Projection codes for proj_info structure:
27 integer, public, parameter :: PROJ_LATLON = 0
28 integer, public, parameter :: PROJ_MERC = 1
29 integer, public, parameter :: PROJ_LC = 3
30 integer, public, parameter :: PROJ_PS = 5
33 ! Define data structures to define various projections
35 type proj_info
36 integer :: code ! integer code for projection type
37 real :: lat1 ! SW latitude (1,1) in degrees (-90->90N)
38 real :: lon1 ! SW longitude (1,1) in degrees (-180->180E)
39 real :: dx ! Grid spacing in meters at truelats, used
40 ! only for ps, lc, and merc projections
41 real :: dlat ! Lat increment for lat/lon grids
42 real :: dlon ! Lon increment for lat/lon grids
43 real :: stdlon ! Longitude parallel to y-axis (-180->180E)
44 real :: truelat1 ! First true latitude (all projections)
45 real :: truelat2 ! Second true lat (LC only)
46 real :: hemi ! 1 for NH, -1 for SH
47 real :: cone ! Cone factor for LC projections
48 real :: polei ! Computed i-location of pole point
49 real :: polej ! Computed j-location of pole point
50 real :: rsw ! Computed radius to SW corner
51 real :: rebydx ! Earth radius divided by dx
52 real :: knowni ! X-location of known lat/lon
53 real :: knownj ! Y-location of known lat/lon
54 real :: latinc ! Latitude increments in degrees
55 real :: loninc ! Longitude increments in degrees
56 logical :: init ! Flag to indicate if this struct is
57 ! ready for use
58 end type proj_info
60 type(proj_info) :: map_info
62 character(len=10000),private :: message(50)
65 contains
67 subroutine da_llxy_latlon(lat, lon, proj, x, y)
69 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
70 ! Purpose: Compute the x/y location of a lat/lon on a LATLON grid.
71 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
73 implicit none
75 real, intent(in) :: lat
76 real, intent(in) :: lon
77 type(proj_info), intent(in) :: proj
78 real, intent(out) :: x
79 real, intent(out) :: y
81 real :: deltalat
82 real :: deltalon
83 real :: lon360
84 real :: latinc
85 real :: loninc
87 ! Extract the latitude and longitude increments for this grid
88 ! (e.g., 2.5 deg for NCEP reanalysis) from the proj structure, where
89 ! loninc is saved in the stdlon tag and latinc is saved in truelat1
91 latinc = proj%truelat1
92 loninc = proj%stdlon
94 ! Compute deltalat and deltalon as the difference between the input
95 ! lat/lon and the origin lat/lon
97 deltalat = lat - proj%lat1
99 ! To account for issues around the dateline, convert the incoming
100 ! longitudes to be 0->360.0
101 if (lon < 0) then
102 lon360 = lon + 360.0
103 else
104 lon360 = lon
105 end if
106 deltalon = lon360 - proj%lon1
108 ! Compute x/y
109 x = deltalon/loninc + 1.0
110 y = deltalat/latinc + 1.0
112 end subroutine da_llxy_latlon
115 subroutine da_llxy_lc(lat, lon, proj, x, y)
117 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
118 ! Purpose: compute the geographical latitude and longitude values
119 ! to the cartesian x/y on a Lambert Conformal projection.
120 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
122 implicit none
124 real, intent(in) :: lat ! Latitude (-90->90 deg N)
125 real, intent(in) :: lon ! Longitude (-180->180 E)
126 type(proj_info),intent(in) :: proj ! Projection info structure
128 real, intent(out) :: x ! Cartesian X coordinate
129 real, intent(out) :: y ! Cartesian Y coordinate
131 real :: arg
132 real :: deltalon
133 real :: tl1r
134 real :: rm
135 real :: ctl1r
137 ! Compute deltalon between known longitude and standard lon and ensure
138 ! it is not in the cut zone
139 deltalon = lon - proj%stdlon
140 if (deltalon > +180.0) deltalon = deltalon - 360.0
141 if (deltalon < -180.0) deltalon = deltalon + 360.0
143 ! Convert truelat1 to radian and compute COS for later use
144 tl1r = proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg
145 ctl1r = COS(tl1r)
147 ! Radius to desired point
148 rm = proj%rebydx * ctl1r/proj%cone * &
149 (TAN((90.0*proj%hemi-lat)*rad_per_deg/2.0) / &
150 TAN((90.0*proj%hemi-proj%truelat1)*rad_per_deg/2.0))**proj%cone
152 arg = proj%cone*(deltalon*rad_per_deg)
153 x = proj%polei + proj%hemi * rm * Sin(arg)
154 y = proj%polej - rm * COS(arg)
156 ! Finally, if we are in the southern hemisphere, flip the i/j
157 ! values to a coordinate system where (1,1) is the SW corner
158 ! (what we assume) which is different than the original NCEP
159 ! algorithms which used the NE corner as the origin in the
160 ! southern hemisphere (left-hand vs. right-hand coordinate?)
161 if (proj%hemi == -1.0) then
162 x = 2.0 - x
163 y = 2.0 - y
164 end if
166 end subroutine da_llxy_lc
169 subroutine da_llxy_merc(lat, lon, proj, x, y)
171 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
172 ! Purpose: Compute x,y coordinate from lat lon for mercator projection
173 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
175 implicit none
177 real, intent(in) :: lat
178 real, intent(in) :: lon
179 type(proj_info),intent(in) :: proj
180 real,intent(out) :: x
181 real,intent(out) :: y
182 real :: deltalon
184 deltalon = lon - proj%lon1
185 if (deltalon < -180.0) deltalon = deltalon + 360.0
186 if (deltalon > 180.0) deltalon = deltalon - 360.0
187 x = 1.0 + (deltalon/(proj%dlon*deg_per_rad))
188 y = 1.0 + (ALOG(TAN(0.5*((lat + 90.0) * rad_per_deg)))) / &
189 proj%dlon - proj%rsw
191 end subroutine da_llxy_merc
194 subroutine da_llxy_ps(lat,lon,proj,x,y)
196 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
197 ! Purpose: Given latitude (-90 to 90), longitude (-180 to 180), and the
198 ! standard polar-stereographic projection information via the
199 ! public proj structure, this routine returns the x/y indices which
200 ! if within the domain range from 1->nx and 1->ny, respectively.
201 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
203 implicit none
205 real, intent(in) :: lat
206 real, intent(in) :: lon
207 type(proj_info),intent(in) :: proj
209 real, intent(out) :: x !(x-index)
210 real, intent(out) :: y !(y-index)
212 real :: reflon
213 real :: scale_top
214 real :: ala
215 real :: alo
216 real :: rm
218 reflon = proj%stdlon + 90.0
220 ! Compute numerator term of map scale factor
222 scale_top = 1.0 + proj%hemi * Sin(proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg)
224 ! Find radius to desired point
225 ala = lat * rad_per_deg
226 rm = proj%rebydx * COS(ala) * scale_top/(1.0 + proj%hemi *Sin(ala))
227 alo = (lon - reflon) * rad_per_deg
228 x = proj%polei + rm * COS(alo)
229 y = proj%polej + proj%hemi * rm * Sin(alo)
231 end subroutine da_llxy_ps
234 subroutine da_llxy_wrf(proj, lat, lon, x, y)
236 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
237 ! Purpose: Converts input lat/lon values to the cartesian (x, y) value
238 ! for the given projection.
239 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
241 implicit none
243 type(proj_info), intent(in) :: proj
244 real, intent(in) :: lat
245 real, intent(in) :: lon
246 real, intent(out) :: x
247 real, intent(out) :: y
249 if (.NOT.proj%init) then
250 write(stdout,*) ""// &
251 "You have not called map_set for this projection!"
252 stop
253 end if
255 select case(proj%code)
257 case(PROJ_LATLON)
258 call da_llxy_latlon(lat,lon,proj,x,y)
260 case(PROJ_MERC)
261 call da_llxy_merc(lat,lon,proj,x,y)
262 x = x + proj%knowni - 1.0
263 y = y + proj%knownj - 1.0
265 case(PROJ_PS)
266 call da_llxy_ps(lat,lon,proj,x,y)
268 case(PROJ_LC)
269 call da_llxy_lc(lat,lon,proj,x,y)
270 x = x + proj%knowni - 1.0
271 y = y + proj%knownj - 1.0
273 case default
274 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I2)') &
275 'Unrecognized map projection code: ', proj%code
276 write(stdout,*) ""//message(1:1)
277 stop
278 end select
280 end subroutine da_llxy_wrf
283 subroutine da_xyll(proj, xx, yy, lat, lon)
285 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
286 ! Purpose: Computes geographical latitude and longitude for a given (i,j)
287 ! point in a grid with a projection of proj
288 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
290 implicit none
292 type(proj_info), intent(in) :: proj
293 real, intent(in) :: xx
294 real, intent(in) :: yy
295 real, intent(out) :: lat
296 real, intent(out) :: lon
298 real :: x, y
300 if (.NOT.proj%init) then
301 write(stdout,*) ""// &
302 "You have not called map_set for this projection!"
303 stop
304 end if
306 x = xx
307 y = yy
309 select case (proj%code)
310 case (PROJ_LATLON)
311 call da_xyll_latlon(x, y, proj, lat, lon)
313 case (PROJ_MERC)
314 x = xx - proj%knowni + 1.0
315 y = yy - proj%knownj + 1.0
316 call da_xyll_merc(x, y, proj, lat, lon)
318 case (PROJ_PS)
319 call da_xyll_ps(x, y, proj, lat, lon)
321 case (PROJ_LC)
323 x = xx - proj%knowni + 1.0
324 y = yy - proj%knownj + 1.0
325 call da_xyll_lc(x, y, proj, lat, lon)
327 case default
328 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I2)') &
329 "Unrecognized map projection code: ", proj%code
330 write(stdout,*) ""//message(1:1)
331 stop
333 end select
335 end subroutine da_xyll
338 subroutine da_xyll_latlon(x, y, proj, lat, lon)
340 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
341 ! Purpose: Compute the lat/lon location of an x/y on a LATLON grid.
342 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
344 implicit none
346 real, intent(in) :: x
347 real, intent(in) :: y
348 type(proj_info), intent(in) :: proj
349 real, intent(out) :: lat
350 real, intent(out) :: lon
352 real :: deltalat
353 real :: deltalon
354 real :: latinc
355 real :: loninc
357 ! Extract the latitude and longitude increments for this grid
358 ! (e.g., 2.5 deg for NCEP reanalysis) from the proj structure, where
359 ! loninc is saved in the stdlon tag and latinc is saved in truelat1
361 latinc = proj%truelat1
362 loninc = proj%stdlon
364 ! Compute deltalat and deltalon
366 deltalat = (x-1.0)*latinc
367 deltalon = (y-1.0)*loninc
368 lat = proj%lat1 + deltalat
369 lon = proj%lon1 + deltalon
371 if ((ABS(lat) > 90.0).OR.(ABS(deltalon) > 360.0)) then
372 ! Off the earth for this grid
373 lat = -999.0
374 lon = -999.0
375 else
376 lon = lon + 360.0
377 lon = MOD(lon,360.0)
378 if (lon > 180.0) lon = lon -360.0
379 end if
381 end subroutine da_xyll_latlon
384 subroutine da_xyll_lc(x, y, proj, lat, lon)
386 ! subroutine da_to convert from the (x,y) cartesian coordinate to the
387 ! geographical latitude and longitude for a Lambert Conformal projection.
389 implicit none
391 real, intent(in) :: x ! Cartesian X coordinate
392 real, intent(in) :: y ! Cartesian Y coordinate
393 type(proj_info),intent(in) :: proj ! Projection info structure
396 real, intent(out) :: lat ! Latitude (-90->90 deg N)
397 real, intent(out) :: lon ! Longitude (-180->180 E)
399 real :: inew
400 real :: jnew
401 real :: r
402 real :: chi,chi1,chi2
403 real :: r2
404 real :: xx
405 real :: yy
407 chi1 = (90.0 - proj%hemi*proj%truelat1)*rad_per_deg
408 chi2 = (90.0 - proj%hemi*proj%truelat2)*rad_per_deg
410 ! See if we are in the southern hemispere and flip the indices
411 ! if we are.
412 if (proj%hemi == -1.0) then
413 inew = -x + 2.0
414 jnew = -y + 2.0
415 else
416 inew = x
417 jnew = y
418 end if
420 ! Compute radius**2 to i/j location
421 xx = inew - proj%polei
422 yy = proj%polej - jnew
423 r2 = (xx*xx + yy*yy)
424 r = sqrt(r2)/proj%rebydx
426 ! Convert to lat/lon
427 if (r2 == 0.0) then
428 lat = proj%hemi * 90.0
429 lon = proj%stdlon
430 else
432 ! Longitude
433 lon = proj%stdlon + deg_per_rad * ATAN2(proj%hemi*xx,yy)/proj%cone
434 lon = MOD(lon+360.0, 360.0)
436 ! Latitude. Latitude determined by solving an equation adapted
437 ! from:
438 ! Maling, D.H., 1973: Coordinate Systems and Map Projections
439 ! Equations #20 in Appendix I.
441 if (chi1 == chi2) then
442 chi = 2.0*ATAN((r/TAN(chi1))**(1.0/proj%cone) * TAN(chi1*0.5))
443 else
444 chi = 2.0*ATAN((r*proj%cone/Sin(chi1))**(1.0/proj%cone) * TAN(chi1*0.5))
445 end if
446 lat = (90.0-chi*deg_per_rad)*proj%hemi
447 end if
449 if (lon > +180.0) lon = lon - 360.0
450 if (lon < -180.0) lon = lon + 360.0
452 end subroutine da_xyll_lc
455 subroutine da_xyll_merc(x, y, proj, lat, lon)
457 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
458 ! Compute the lat/lon from i/j for mercator projection
459 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
461 implicit none
463 real,intent(in) :: x
464 real,intent(in) :: y
465 type(proj_info),intent(in) :: proj
466 real, intent(out) :: lat
467 real, intent(out) :: lon
469 lat = 2.0*ATAN(EXP(proj%dlon*(proj%rsw + y-1.0)))*deg_per_rad - 90.0
470 lon = (x-1.0)*proj%dlon*deg_per_rad + proj%lon1
471 if (lon > 180.0) lon = lon - 360.0
472 if (lon < -180.0) lon = lon + 360.0
474 end subroutine da_xyll_merc
477 subroutine da_xyll_ps(x, y, proj, lat, lon)
479 ! This is the inverse subroutine da_of llij_ps. It returns the
480 ! latitude and longitude of an x/y point given the projection info
481 ! structure.
483 implicit none
485 real, intent(in) :: x ! Column
486 real, intent(in) :: y ! Row
487 type (proj_info), intent(in) :: proj
489 real, intent(out) :: lat ! -90 -> 90 North
490 real, intent(out) :: lon ! -180 -> 180 East
492 real :: reflon
493 real :: scale_top
494 real :: xx,yy
495 real :: gi2, r2
496 real :: arccos
498 ! Compute the reference longitude by rotating 90 degrees to the east
499 ! to find the longitude line parallel to the positive x-axis.
500 reflon = proj%stdlon + 90.0
502 ! Compute numerator term of map scale factor
503 scale_top = 1.0 + proj%hemi * Sin(proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg)
505 ! Compute radius to point of interest
506 xx = x - proj%polei
507 yy = (y - proj%polej) * proj%hemi
508 r2 = xx**2 + yy**2
510 ! Now the magic code
511 if (r2 == 0.0) then
512 lat = proj%hemi * 90.0
513 lon = reflon
514 else
515 gi2 = (proj%rebydx * scale_top)**2.0
516 lat = deg_per_rad * proj%hemi * ASin((gi2-r2)/(gi2+r2))
517 arccos = ACOS(xx/sqrt(r2))
518 if (yy > 0) then
519 lon = reflon + deg_per_rad * arccos
520 else
521 lon = reflon - deg_per_rad * arccos
522 end if
523 end if
525 ! Convert to a -180 -> 180 East convention
526 if (lon > 180.0) lon = lon - 360.0
527 if (lon < -180.0) lon = lon + 360.0
529 end subroutine da_xyll_ps
532 subroutine da_set_lc(proj)
534 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
535 ! Purpose: Initialize the remaining items in the proj structure for a
536 ! lambert conformal grid.
537 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
539 implicit none
541 type(proj_info), intent(inout) :: proj
543 real :: arg
544 real :: deltalon1
545 real :: tl1r
546 real :: ctl1r
548 ! Compute cone factor
549 call da_lc_cone(proj%truelat1, proj%truelat2, proj%cone)
550 if (print_detail_map) then
551 write(unit=stdout, fmt='(A,F8.6)') 'Computed cone factor: ', proj%cone
552 end if
553 ! Compute longitude differences and ensure we stay out of the
554 ! forbidden "cut zone"
555 deltalon1 = proj%lon1 - proj%stdlon
556 if (deltalon1 .gt. +180.0) deltalon1 = deltalon1 - 360.0
557 if (deltalon1 .lt. -180.0) deltalon1 = deltalon1 + 360.0
559 ! Convert truelat1 to radian and compute COS for later use
560 tl1r = proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg
561 ctl1r = COS(tl1r)
563 ! Compute the radius to our known lower-left (SW) corner
564 proj%rsw = proj%rebydx * ctl1r/proj%cone * &
565 (TAN((90.0*proj%hemi-proj%lat1)*rad_per_deg/2.0) / &
566 TAN((90.0*proj%hemi-proj%truelat1)*rad_per_deg/2.0))**proj%cone
568 ! Find pole point
569 arg = proj%cone*(deltalon1*rad_per_deg)
570 proj%polei = 1.0 - proj%hemi * proj%rsw * Sin(arg)
571 proj%polej = 1.0 + proj%rsw * COS(arg)
572 if (print_detail_map) then
573 write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A,2F10.3)') 'Computed pole i/j = ', proj%polei, proj%polej
574 end if
576 end subroutine da_set_lc
579 subroutine da_set_ps(proj)
581 ! Initializes a polar-stereographic map projection from the partially
582 ! filled proj structure. This routine computes the radius to the
583 ! southwest corner and computes the i/j location of the pole for use
584 ! in llij_ps and ijll_ps.
586 implicit none
588 type(proj_info), intent(inout) :: proj
590 real :: ala1
591 real :: alo1
592 real :: reflon
593 real :: scale_top
595 ! To define the cone factor for polar stereographic projection
596 proj%cone = 1.0
598 reflon = proj%stdlon + 90.0
600 ! Compute numerator term of map scale factor
601 scale_top = 1.0 + proj%hemi * Sin(proj%truelat1 * rad_per_deg)
603 ! Compute radius to lower-left (SW) corner
604 ala1 = proj%lat1 * rad_per_deg
605 proj%rsw = proj%rebydx*COS(ala1)*scale_top/(1.0+proj%hemi*Sin(ala1))
607 ! Find the pole point
608 alo1 = (proj%lon1 - reflon) * rad_per_deg
609 proj%polei = proj%knowni - proj%rsw * COS(alo1)
610 proj%polej = proj%knownj - proj%hemi * proj%rsw * Sin(alo1)
611 if (print_detail_map) then
612 write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A,2F10.1)') 'Computed (I,J) of pole point: ',proj%polei,proj%polej
613 end if
615 end subroutine da_set_ps
618 subroutine da_map_init(proj)
620 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
621 ! Purpose: Initializes the map projection structure to missing values
622 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
624 implicit none
626 type(proj_info), intent(inout) :: proj
628 proj%lat1 = -999.9
629 proj%lon1 = -999.9
630 proj%dx = -999.9
631 proj%stdlon = -999.9
632 proj%truelat1 = -999.9
633 proj%truelat2 = -999.9
634 proj%hemi = 0.0
635 proj%cone = -999.9
636 proj%polei = -999.9
637 proj%polej = -999.9
638 proj%rsw = -999.9
639 proj%knowni = -999.9
640 proj%knownj = -999.9
641 proj%latinc = -999.9
642 proj%loninc = -999.9
643 proj%init = .false.
645 end subroutine da_map_init
648 subroutine da_map_set(proj_code,lat1,lon1,knowni,knownj,dx,stdlon,truelat1,truelat2,latinc,loninc,proj)
649 ! Given a partially filled proj_info structure, this routine computes
650 ! polei, polej, rsw, and cone (if LC projection) to complete the
651 ! structure. This allows us to eliminate redundant calculations when
652 ! calling the coordinate conversion routines multiple times for the
653 ! same map.
654 ! This will generally be the first routine called when a user wants
655 ! to be able to use the coordinate conversion routines, and it
656 ! will call the appropriate subroutines based on the
657 ! proj%code which indicates which projection type this is.
659 implicit none
661 integer, intent(in) :: proj_code
662 real, intent(in) :: lat1
663 real, intent(in) :: lon1
664 real, intent(in) :: dx
665 real, intent(in) :: stdlon
666 real, intent(in) :: truelat1
667 real, intent(in) :: truelat2
668 real, intent(in) :: knowni , knownj
669 real, intent(in) :: latinc, loninc
670 type(proj_info), intent(out) :: proj
672 ! First, check for validity of mandatory variables in proj
673 if (ABS(lat1) > 90.0) then
674 write(stdout,*) ""// &
675 "Latitude of origin corner required as follows: -90N <= lat1 < = 90N"
676 stop
677 end if
678 if (ABS(lon1) > 180.0) then
679 write(stdout,*) ""// &
680 "Longitude of origin required as follows: -180E <= lon1 <= 180W"
681 stop
682 end if
683 if ((dx .LE. 0.0).AND.(proj_code .NE. PROJ_LATLON)) then
684 write(stdout,*) ""// &
685 "Require grid spacing (dx) in meters be positive!"
686 stop
687 end if
688 if ((ABS(stdlon) > 180.0).AND.(proj_code .NE. PROJ_MERC)) then
689 write(stdout,*) ""// &
690 "Need orientation longitude (stdlon) as: -180E <= lon1 <= 180W"
691 stop
692 end if
693 if (proj%code .NE. PROJ_LATLON .and. ABS(truelat1)>90.0) then
694 write(stdout,*) ""// &
695 "Set true latitude 1 for all projections!"
696 stop
697 end if
699 call da_map_init(proj)
700 proj%code = proj_code
701 proj%lat1 = lat1
702 proj%lon1 = lon1
703 proj%knowni = knowni
704 proj%knownj = knownj
705 proj%dx = dx
706 proj%stdlon = stdlon
707 proj%truelat1 = truelat1
708 proj%truelat2 = truelat2
709 proj%latinc = latinc
710 proj%loninc = loninc
711 if (proj%code .NE. PROJ_LATLON) then
712 proj%dx = dx
713 if (truelat1 < 0.0) then
714 proj%hemi = -1.0
715 else
716 proj%hemi = 1.0
717 end if
718 proj%rebydx = earth_radius_m / dx
719 end if
720 pick_proj: select case(proj%code)
722 case(PROJ_PS)
723 if (print_detail_map) then
724 write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A)') 'Setting up POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC map...'
725 end if
726 call da_set_ps(proj)
728 case(PROJ_LC)
729 if (print_detail_map) then
730 write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A)') 'Setting up LAMBERT CONFORMAL map...'
731 end if
732 if (ABS(proj%truelat2) > 90.0) then
733 if (print_detail_map) then
734 write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A)') 'Second true latitude not set, assuming a tangent'
735 write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A,F10.3)') 'projection at truelat1: ', proj%truelat1
736 end if
737 proj%truelat2=proj%truelat1
738 end if
739 call da_set_lc(proj)
741 case (PROJ_MERC)
742 if (print_detail_map) then
743 write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A)') 'Setting up MERCATOR map...'
744 end if
745 call da_set_merc(proj)
747 case (PROJ_LATLON)
748 if (print_detail_map) then
749 write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A)') 'Setting up CYLinDRICAL EQUIDISTANT LATLON map...'
750 end if
751 ! Convert lon1 to 0->360 notation
752 if (proj%lon1 < 0.0) proj%lon1 = proj%lon1 + 360.0
754 proj%cone = 1.0
755 case default
756 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I2)') 'Unknown projection code: ', proj%code
757 write(stdout,*) ""//message(1:1)
758 stop
760 end select pick_proj
761 proj%init = .true.
763 end subroutine da_map_set
766 subroutine da_set_merc(proj)
768 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
769 ! Purpose: Sets up the remaining basic elements for the mercator projection
770 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
772 implicit none
774 type(proj_info), intent(inout) :: proj
776 real :: clain
778 ! Preliminary variables
780 clain = COS(rad_per_deg*proj%truelat1)
781 proj%dlon = proj%dx / (earth_radius_m * clain)
783 ! Compute distance from equator to origin, and store in the
784 ! proj%rsw tag.
786 proj%rsw = 0.0
787 if (proj%lat1 .NE. 0.0) then
788 proj%rsw = (alog(tan(0.5*((proj%lat1+90.)*rad_per_deg))))/proj%dlon
789 end if
791 end subroutine da_set_merc
794 subroutine da_lc_cone(truelat1, truelat2, cone)
796 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
797 ! Purpose: compute the cone factor of a Lambert Conformal projection
798 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
800 implicit none
802 real, intent(in) :: truelat1 ! (-90 -> 90 degrees N)
803 real, intent(in) :: truelat2 ! " " " " "
804 real, intent(out) :: cone
806 ! First, see if this is a secant or tangent projection. For tangent
807 ! projections, truelat1 = truelat2 and the cone is tangent to the
808 ! Earth's surface at this latitude. For secant projections, the cone
809 ! intersects the Earth's surface at each of the distinctly different
810 ! latitudes
811 if (abs(truelat1-truelat2) > 0.1) then
812 cone = alog10(cos(truelat1*rad_per_deg)) - &
813 alog10(cos(truelat2*rad_per_deg))
814 cone = cone /(alog10(tan((45.0 - abs(truelat1)/2.0) * rad_per_deg)) - &
815 alog10(tan((45.0 - abs(truelat2)/2.0) * rad_per_deg)))
816 else
817 cone = sin(abs(truelat1)*rad_per_deg)
818 end if
820 end subroutine da_lc_cone
822 end module da_verif_tools