Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-v4.5.2'
[WRF.git] / var / mri4dvar / da_bilin.f90
1 program da_bilin
3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
4 ! Purpose: Regridding increment from low-resolution to high-resolution
5 ! by using bilinear interpolation
7 ! Input : fg -- low resolution first guess file
8 ! wrfvar_output -- low resolution analysis file
9 ! wrfinput_hires -- high resolution first guess file
11 ! Output : wrfvar_output_hires -- regridded high resolution analysis
13 ! Increment = an_lores - fg_lores
14 ! wrfvar_output_hires = Increment + wrfinput_hires
16 ! In order to keep the domain size, it needs to match ( n - 1 )*ns + 1
18 ! where n is the grid number in x or y
19 ! ns is the refinement ratio between two resulotions
21 ! Compile:
23 ! pgf90 -o da_bilin.exe -I$NETCDF/include -L$NETCDF/lib -lnetcdf da_bilin.f90
25 ! Usage:
27 ! da_bilin.exe [-h] [-fg_lores filename] [-an_lores filename]
28 ! [-fg_hires filename] [-ns n ] [-o outputfile]
30 ! -fg_lores Optional, low resulotion first guess file, default - fg"
31 ! -an_lores Optional, low resulotion analysis file comes from wrfvar, default - wrfvar_output"
32 ! -fg_hires Optional, high resultion first guess file, default - wrfinput_hires"
33 ! -ns Optional, the refinement ratio between two resulotions, default - 3"
34 ! -o Optional, output high resulotion analysis file, default - wrfvar_output_hires"
35 ! -h Show this help"
37 ! , 2011-12-15
38 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
40 use netcdf
42 implicit none
44 !These variables' incremental will be regridded by default
45 character (len=6), dimension(1:19) :: vNam
47 integer :: i, j, k, n, status
48 integer :: nLat, nLon, oLat, oLon
49 integer :: sLat, eLat, sLon, eLon
50 integer :: rLat, rLon
52 integer :: ncidfg, ncidan, ncidout
53 integer :: varid, nDims, dLen, varid_fg, varid_an, dimid
54 integer :: regridsize, domainsize_out
56 real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: fg, an, increment, var_out
57 real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: iVar, oVar
59 integer, dimension(nf90_max_var_dims) :: vDimIDs
60 integer, dimension(4) :: vdimsizes
62 character (len = 19), dimension(:), allocatable :: times
63 character (len = 255) :: appname = ""
64 character (len = 255) :: arg = ""
65 character (len = 255) :: fg_lores = "fg"
66 character (len = 255) :: an_lores = "wrfvar_output"
67 character (len = 255) :: fg_hires = "wrfinput_hires"
68 character (len = 255) :: f_out = "wrfvar_output_hires"
69 character (len = 255) :: errmsg = ""
70 character (len = 8) :: i_char = ""
72 integer :: ns = 3
73 !integer :: cloud_cv_options = 0
74 !integer :: cv_w = 0
76 LOGICAL :: file_exists
78 integer iargc
80 !These variables' incremental will be regridded by default
82 vNam(1)="U"
83 vNam(2)="V"
84 vNam(3)="T"
85 vNam(4)="QVAPOR"
86 vNam(5)="PH"
87 vNam(6)="P"
88 vNam(7)="MU"
89 vNam(8)="U10"
90 vNam(9)="V10"
91 vNam(10)="T2"
92 vNam(11)="Q2"
93 vNam(12)="PSFC"
94 vNam(13)="TH2"
96 vNam(14)="QCLOUD"
97 vNam(15)="QRAIN"
98 vNam(16)="QICE"
99 vNam(17)="QSNOW"
100 vNam(18)="QGRAUP"
101 vNam(19)="W"
103 call getarg(0, appname)
104 n=index(appname, '/', BACK=.true.)
105 appname = trim(appname(n+1:))
107 DO i = 1, iargc(), 2
108 arg=""
109 call getarg(i, arg)
110 select case ( trim(arg) )
111 case ("-fg_lores")
112 call getarg(i+1, arg)
113 fg_lores=trim(arg)
114 case ("-an_lores")
115 call getarg(i+1, arg)
116 an_lores=trim(arg)
117 case ("-fg_hires")
118 call getarg(i+1, arg)
119 fg_hires=trim(arg)
120 case ("-ns")
121 call getarg(i+1, arg)
122 read(arg, '(i3)') ns
123 case ("-o")
124 call getarg(i+1, arg)
125 f_out=trim(arg)
126 !case ("-cloud_cv_options")
127 ! call getarg(i+1, arg)
128 ! read(arg, '(i3)') cloud_cv_options
129 !case ("-cv_w")
130 ! call getarg(i+1, arg)
131 ! read(arg, '(i3)') cv_w
132 case default
133 call show_usage()
134 call exit(0)
135 end select
136 END DO
138 write (i_char, '(i8)') ns
140 inquire(FILE=trim(fg_hires), EXIST=file_exists)
142 if ( .not. file_exists ) then
143 Write(*,*) "\nError: "//trim(fg_hires)//" not exists\n"
144 call show_usage()
145 call exit(-1)
146 endif
148 call system("cp "//fg_hires//" "//f_out)
150 status = nf90_open(fg_lores, NF90_NOWRITE, ncidfg)
151 errmsg = trim(fg_lores)
152 if ( status /= nf90_noerr ) call nf90_handle_err(status, errmsg)
154 status = nf90_open(an_lores, NF90_NOWRITE, ncidan)
155 errmsg = trim(an_lores)
156 if ( status /= nf90_noerr ) call nf90_handle_err(status, errmsg)
158 status = nf90_open(f_out, NF90_WRITE, ncidout)
159 errmsg= trim(f_out)
160 if ( status /= nf90_noerr ) call nf90_handle_err(status, errmsg)
162 status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncidout, "west_east_stag", dimid)
163 status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncidout, dimid, len=dLen)
164 domainsize_out = dLen
166 status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncidout, "south_north_stag", dimid)
167 status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncidout, dimid, len=dLen)
168 domainsize_out = domainsize_out * dLen
170 status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncidfg, "west_east_stag", dimid)
171 status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncidfg, dimid, len=dLen)
172 regridsize = (dLen-1)*ns+1
174 status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncidfg, "south_north_stag", dimid)
175 status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncidfg, dimid, len=dLen)
176 regridsize = regridsize * ( (dLen-1)*ns+1 )
178 if ( regridsize /= domainsize_out ) then
179 Write(*,'(a,i2,a)') "Error : It needs to match m = (n-1)*",ns, &
180 "+1 where n is coarse grid number in x or y, "// &
181 "m is fine grid number in x or y."
182 call exit(-1)
183 end if
185 write (i_char, '(i8)') ns
187 Write(*,*) " Input :"
188 Write(*,*) " Low resolution first guess : "//trim(fg_lores)
189 Write(*,*) " Low resolution analysis : "//trim(an_lores)
190 Write(*,*) " High resolution first guess : "//trim(fg_hires)
191 Write(*,*) " ns : "//adjustl(i_char)
192 Write(*,*) "Output :"
193 Write(*,*) " High resolution analysis : "//trim(f_out)
195 errmsg = ""
197 n = ubound(vNam,1)
198 do i=1,n
200 Write (*,*) "Regridding increment for "//trim(vNam(i))
202 status = nf90_inq_varid(ncidout, trim(vNam(i)), varid)
203 status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncidout, varid, ndims=nDims,dimids=vDimIDs)
205 vdimsizes = 1
206 do j=1, nDims
207 status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncidout, vDimIDs(j), len = dLen )
208 vdimsizes(j) = dLen
209 end do
211 allocate(var_out(vdimsizes(1), vdimsizes(2), vdimsizes(3), vdimsizes(4)), stat=status)
213 status = nf90_get_var(ncidout, varid, var_out)
215 status = nf90_inq_varid(ncidfg, trim(vNam(i)), varid_fg)
216 status = nf90_inq_varid(ncidan, trim(vNam(i)), varid_an)
218 status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncidfg, varid_fg, ndims=nDims,dimids=vDimIDs)
220 vdimsizes = 1
221 do j=1, nDims
222 status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncidfg, vDimIDs(j), len = dLen )
223 vdimsizes(j) = dLen
224 end do
226 allocate(fg(vdimsizes(1), vdimsizes(2), vdimsizes(3), vdimsizes(4)), stat=status)
227 allocate(an(vdimsizes(1), vdimsizes(2), vdimsizes(3), vdimsizes(4)), stat=status)
228 allocate(increment(vdimsizes(1), vdimsizes(2), vdimsizes(3), vdimsizes(4)), stat=status)
230 status = nf90_get_var(ncidfg, varid_fg, fg)
231 status = nf90_get_var(ncidan, varid_an, an)
233 increment = an - fg
235 nLon = vdimsizes(1)
236 nLat = vdimsizes(2)
238 if ( trim(vNam(i) ) == "U" ) then
239 rLat = nLat * ns
240 rLon = (nLon-1) * ns + 1
241 nLat = nLat + 2
242 else
243 rLon = nLon * ns
244 rLat = (nLat-1) * ns + 1
245 nLon = nLon + 2
246 if ( trim(vNam(i)) /= "V" ) then
247 rLat = nLat * ns
248 nLat = nLat + 2
249 endif
250 endif
252 oLon = ( nLon - 1 ) * ns + 1
253 oLat = ( nLat - 1 ) * ns + 1
255 elat = (oLat - rLat) / 2
256 slat = oLat - rLat - elat + 1
258 elon = (oLon - rLon) / 2
259 slon = oLon - rLon - elon + 1
261 allocate(iVar(nLon, nLat), stat=status)
262 allocate(oVar(oLon, oLat), stat=status)
264 do j=1, vdimsizes(4)
265 do k=1, vdimsizes(3)
267 iVar = 0
268 oVar = 0
270 select case ( trim(vNam(i)) )
271 case ("U")
272 iVar(:,2:nlat-1) = increment(:,:,k,j)
273 iVar(:,1) = iVar(:,2)
274 iVar(:,nlat) = iVar(:,nlat-1)
275 case ("V")
276 iVar(2:nlon-1,:) = increment(:,:,k,j)
277 iVar(1,:) = iVar(2,:)
278 iVar(nlon,:) = iVar(nlon-1,:)
279 case default
280 iVar(2:nlon-1,2:nlat-1) = increment(:,:,k,j)
281 iVar(1,:) = iVar(2,:)
282 iVar(nlon,:) = iVar(nlon-1,:)
283 iVar(:,1) = iVar(:,2)
284 iVar(:,nlat) = iVar(:,nlat-1)
285 end select
287 call bilin(iVar, nLon, nLat, ns, oVar, oLon, oLat)
289 select case ( trim(vNam(i)) )
290 case ("U")
291 var_out(:,:,k,j) = var_out(:,:,k,j) + oVar(:,slat:olat-elat)
292 case ("V")
293 var_out(:,:,k,j) = var_out(:,:,k,j) + oVar(slon:olon-elon,:)
294 case default
295 var_out(:,:,k,j) = var_out(:,:,k,j) + oVar(slon:olon-elon,slat:olat-elat)
296 end select
298 end do
299 end do
301 status = nf90_put_var(ncidout, varid, var_out)
303 deallocate(var_out, stat=status)
304 deallocate(iVar, stat=status)
305 deallocate(oVar, stat=status)
306 deallocate(fg, stat=status)
307 deallocate(an, stat=status)
308 deallocate(increment, stat=status)
310 end do
312 status = nf90_close(ncidfg)
313 status = nf90_close(ncidan)
314 status = nf90_close(ncidout)
316 Write(*,*) "Regridding increment completed successfully"
318 contains
319 subroutine show_usage()
320 Write(*,*) 'Usage :'//trim(appname)// &
321 '[-h] [-fg_lores filename] [-an_lores filename] [-fg_hires filename] [-ns n ] [-o outputfile]'
322 Write(*,*) " -fg_lores Optional, low resulotion first guess file, default - fg"
323 Write(*,*) " -an_lores Optional, low resulotion analysis file comes from wrfvar, default - wrfvar_output"
324 Write(*,*) " -fg_hires Optional, high resultion first guess file, default - wrfinput_hires"
325 Write(*,*) " -ns Optional, the refinement ratio between two resulotions, default - 3"
326 Write(*,*) " -o Optional, output high resulotion analysis file, default - wrfvar_output_hires"
327 Write(*,*) " -h Show this help"
328 end subroutine show_usage
330 subroutine nf90_handle_err(status, errmsg)
331 integer, intent(in) :: status
332 character(len=*), intent(in) :: errmsg
334 if(status /= nf90_noerr) then
335 print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))//" : "//trim(errmsg)
336 Stop
337 end if
338 end subroutine nf90_handle_err
340 subroutine bilin(old,xi,yi,ns,new,xo,yo)
342 implicit none
344 integer, intent(in) :: xi,yi,xo,yo
345 real, dimension(xi,yi), intent(in) :: old
346 integer, intent(in) :: ns
347 real, dimension(xo,yo), intent(out):: new
349 real :: im(1:ns+1,2)
350 integer:: i,j,jm1,im1,ix1,ix2,iy1,iy2
352 forall(i=1:ns+1) im(i,2) = real(i-1)/ns
353 im(:,1) = 1 - im(:,2)
355 do j=2,yi
356 jm1 = j - 1
357 iy2 = jm1 * ns + 1
358 iy1 = iy2 - ns
359 do i=2,xi
360 im1 = i - 1
361 ix2 = im1 * ns + 1
362 ix1 = ix2 - ns
363 new(ix1:ix2,iy1:iy2) = matmul(im,matmul(old(im1:i,jm1:j),transpose(im)))
364 end do
365 end do
367 end subroutine bilin
369 end program da_bilin