Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-v4.5.2'
[WRF.git] / var / mri4dvar / da_thin.f90
1 program da_thin
2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ! Purpose: Thinning wrfinput by using decimation
5 ! Input : wrfinput_hires -- High resolution wrfinput
7 ! Output : wrfinput_lores -- Thinned wrfinput
9 !, 2011-12-15
10 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 use netcdf
14 implicit none
16 integer :: i, n
18 integer :: ncidin, ncidout, varid, varid_out, status
19 integer :: nDims, nVars, nGlobalAtts, numsAtts, nTimes
20 integer :: dLen, attLen, xtype, dID, unlimDimID, TID
21 integer :: divided_exactly, dimid
23 integer :: dsizes(4), start(4), stride(4)
25 integer, dimension(nf90_max_var_dims) :: vDimIDs
27 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: vdimsizes
29 real :: fVal
31 real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: fVar
32 integer, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: iVar
33 character (len = 19), dimension(:), allocatable :: times
35 character (len = 14 ) :: coordinates
36 character (len = NF90_MAX_NAME) :: vNam, dNam, attNam
38 integer :: decimation_factor = 3
39 integer :: offset = 2
40 character (len=255) :: filin = "wrfinput_hires"
41 character (len=255) :: filout = "wrfinput_lores"
42 character (len=255) :: arg = ""
43 character (len=255) :: appname = ""
44 character(len=8) :: i_char =""
46 integer iargc
48 call getarg(0, appname)
49 n=index(appname, '/', BACK=.true.)
50 appname = trim(appname(n+1:))
52 DO i = 1, iargc(), 2
53 call getarg(i, arg)
54 select case ( trim(arg) )
55 case ("-i")
56 call getarg(i+1, arg)
57 filin=trim(arg)
58 case ("-o")
59 call getarg(i+1, arg)
60 filout=trim(arg)
61 case ("-thin")
62 call getarg(i+1, arg)
63 read(arg, '(i3)') decimation_factor
64 case default
65 Write(*,*) "Usage : "//trim(appname)//" [-i inputfile] [-o outputfile] [-thin decimation_factor] [-h]"
66 Write(*,*) " -i Optional, input filename, default - wrfinput_hires"
67 Write(*,*) " -o Optional, output filename, default - wrfinput_lores"
68 Write(*,*) " -thin Optional, decimation factor, default - 3"
69 Write(*,*) " -h Shwo this usage"
70 call exit(0)
71 end select
74 if ( mod(decimation_factor,2) == 0 ) then
75 Write(*,*) "\nError : decimation factor must be odd number\n"
76 call exit(-1)
77 endif
79 status = nf90_open(filin, NF90_NOWRITE, ncidin)
80 if ( status /= nf90_noerr ) then
81 Write (*,*) "File open error. Please link the input file to "//trim(filin)
82 call exit(-1)
83 endif
85 status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncidin, "west_east_stag", dimid)
86 status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncidin, dimid, len=dLen)
87 divided_exactly = mod((dLen-1),decimation_factor)
89 status = nf90_inq_dimid(ncidin, "south_north_stag", dimid)
90 status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncidin, dimid, len=dLen)
91 divided_exactly = divided_exactly + mod((dLen-1),decimation_factor)
93 if ( divided_exactly /= 0 ) then
94 Write (*,fmt='(a,i2,a)') "Failed to thinning. Grids need to match : ( n - 1 ) mod ",decimation_factor," = 0"
95 call exit(-1)
96 endif
98 status = nf90_create(filout, NF90_CLOBBER, ncidout)
99 if ( status /= nf90_noerr) call nf90_handle_err(status)
101 status = nf90_inquire(ncidin, nDims, nVars, nGlobalAtts, unlimDimID)
102 if ( status /= nf90_noerr ) call nf90_handle_err(status)
104 write (i_char, '(i8)') decimation_factor
106 Write (*,*) " Input file : "//trim(filin)
107 Write (*,*) " Output file : "//trim(filout)
108 Write (*,*) "decimation factor : "//adjustl(i_char)
110 do i=1, nGlobalAtts
111 status = nf90_inq_attname(ncidin, NF90_GLOBAL, i, attNam)
112 select case (trim(attNam))
116 status = nf90_get_att(ncidin, NF90_GLOBAL, attNam, fVal)
117 status = nf90_put_att(ncidout, NF90_GLOBAL, attNam, int(( fVal - 1 ) / decimation_factor + 1) )
118 case ("DX","DY", "DT" )
119 status = nf90_get_att(ncidin, NF90_GLOBAL, attNam, fVal)
120 status = nf90_put_att(ncidout, NF90_GLOBAL, attNam, fVal * decimation_factor )
121 case default
122 status = nf90_copy_att(ncidin, NF90_GLOBAL, attNam, ncidout, NF90_GLOBAL)
123 end select
124 end do
126 allocate (vdimsizes(nDims), stat=status)
128 do i=1, nDims
130 status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncidin, i, name=dNam, len = dLen)
132 vdimsizes(i) = dLen
133 select case (trim(dNam))
134 case ("south_north_stag", "west_east_stag")
135 vdimsizes(i) = (dLen - 1 ) / decimation_factor + 1
136 case ("west_east", "south_north")
137 vdimsizes(i) = dLen / decimation_factor
138 case ("Time")
139 allocate(times(dLen), stat=status)
140 vdimsizes(i) = NF90_UNLIMITED
141 nTimes = dLen
142 TID = i
143 end select
145 status = nf90_def_dim(ncidout, dNam, vdimsizes(i), dID)
147 end do
149 vdimsizes(TID) = nTimes
151 do varid=1, nVars
152 status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncidin,varid,name=vNam,xtype=xtype,ndims=nDims,dimids=vDimIDs,natts=numsAtts)
153 status = nf90_def_var(ncidout, trim(vNam), xtype, vDimIDs(1:nDims), varid_out)
154 if(status /= nf90_NoErr) call nf90_handle_err(status)
155 do i=1, numsAtts
156 status = nf90_inq_attname(ncidin, varid, i, attNam)
157 status = nf90_copy_att(ncidin, varid, trim(attNam), ncidout, varid_out)
158 if(status /= nf90_NoErr) call nf90_handle_err(status)
159 end do
160 end do
162 status = nf90_enddef(ncidout)
164 offset = (decimation_factor + 1) / 2
166 do varid=1, nVars
168 status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncidin,varid,name=vNam,xtype=xtype,ndims=nDims,dimids=vDimIDs)
170 dsizes = 1
171 do i = 1 , nDims
172 dsizes(i) = vdimsizes(vDimIDs(i))
173 end do
175 status = nf90_inquire_attribute(ncidin,varid,"coordinates")
177 if ( status == nf90_noerr ) then
179 Write(*,*) "Thinning for "//trim(vNam)
181 coordinates=char(0)
182 status = nf90_get_att(ncidin, varid, "coordinates" , coordinates)
183 !print *, coordinates
185 stride=(/decimation_factor,decimation_factor,1,1/)
187 n = index(coordinates, char(0)) - 1
188 if ( n < 0 ) n = len(coordinates)
190 select case (trim(coordinates(1:n)))
191 case ("XLONG_V XLAT_V")
192 start=(/offset,1,1,1/)
193 case ("XLONG_U XLAT_U")
194 start=(/1,offset,1,1/)
195 case ("XLONG XLAT")
196 start=(/offset,offset,1,1/)
197 case ("XLONG XLAT XTI")
198 start=(/offset,offset,1,1/)
199 case default
200 print *, "Unkown coordinates : "//coordinates
201 call exit(-1)
202 end select
204 else
206 stride = 1
207 start = 1
209 if ( trim(vNam) == 'XLONG' .or. trim(vNam) == 'XLAT' ) then
210 stride = (/decimation_factor,decimation_factor,1,1/)
211 start = (/offset,offset,1,1/)
212 endif
214 endif
216 select case (xtype)
217 case (nf90_float)
218 allocate(fVar( dsizes(1), dsizes(2), dsizes(3), dsizes(4) ), stat=status)
219 status = nf90_get_var(ncidin, varid, fVar, start=start, stride=stride)
220 if ( status == nf90_noerr ) then
221 if ( vNam == "RDX" .or. vNam == "RDY" ) then
222 status = nf90_put_var(ncidout, varid, fVar / decimation_factor)
223 else
224 status = nf90_put_var(ncidout, varid, fVar)
225 endif
226 if ( status /= nf90_noerr) call nf90_handle_err(status)
227 else
228 call nf90_handle_err(status)
229 endif
230 deallocate(fVar, stat=status)
231 case (nf90_int)
232 allocate(iVar( dsizes(1), dsizes(2), dsizes(3), dsizes(4) ), stat=status)
233 status = nf90_get_var(ncidin, varid, iVar, start=start, stride=stride)
234 if ( status == nf90_noerr ) then
235 status = nf90_put_var(ncidout, varid, iVar)
236 if ( status /= nf90_noerr) call nf90_handle_err(status)
237 else
238 call nf90_handle_err(status)
239 endif
240 deallocate(iVar, stat=status)
241 case (nf90_char)
242 if ( trim(vNam) == "Times") then
243 status = nf90_get_var(ncidin, varid, times)
244 if ( status == nf90_noerr ) then
245 status = nf90_put_var(ncidout, varid, times)
246 if ( status /= nf90_noerr) call nf90_handle_err(status)
247 else
248 call nf90_handle_err(status)
249 endif
250 deallocate(times, stat=status)
251 else
252 print *, "Unkown character variable :"//trim(vNam)
253 call exit(-1)
254 endif
255 case default
256 print *, "Unkown xtype : ", xtype
257 call exit(-1)
258 end select
259 end do
261 status = nf90_close(ncidin)
262 status = nf90_close(ncidout)
264 Write(*,*) "Completed thinning successfully"
266 contains
268 subroutine nf90_handle_err(status)
269 integer, intent ( in) :: status
271 if(status /= nf90_noerr) then
272 print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
273 call exit(-1)
274 end if
275 end subroutine nf90_handle_err
277 end program da_thin