Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-v4.5.2'
[WRF.git] / var / mri4dvar / run_mri3d4dvar.csh_lsf
1 #!/bin/tcsh -f
3 #set echo
4 set nonomatch
5 set TOP_DIR=/glade/p/mmm/liuz/cwb2016
6 set JOB='LSF'
7 set PROJID='NMMM0015'
8 set QUEUE='regular'
9 set OS=`uname -s`
10 set WRFDA_DIR=$TOP_DIR/liuz_newcode/WRFDA_V38
11 set MULTI_INC_TOOLS=$TOP_DIR/liuz_newcode/multi_inc_tools_new
12 set DATA_DIR=$TOP_DIR/20150614case/2015061400_ztd30min
14 set RUN_STAGE1=true
15 set RUN_STAGE2=true
16 set RUN_STAGE3=true
18 #---------------- User Configuration --------------
19 set VAR4D=$1 # false if 3DVAR
20 set VAR4D_LBC=false
21 set MULTI_INC=$2
22 set use_cvt=$3
23 set use_vp=$4
24 set observerclocktime=00:30
25 set minimizeclocktime=03:00
26 set WORK_DIR=$TOP_DIR/20150614case/$5
27 set THIN_FACTOR=($6 $7)
28 set BE1=$TOP_DIR/20150614case/be.dat_$8
29 set BE2=$TOP_DIR/20150614case/be.dat_$9
30 set BE3=$TOP_DIR/20150614case/be.dat_2km
31 #----------------- User Configuration -------------
33 mkdir -p $WORK_DIR; cd $WORK_DIR
35 if ( $VAR4D == true ) then
39 ln -sf ${WRFDA_DIR}/run/SOILPARM.TBL .
40 ln -sf ${WRFDA_DIR}/run/VEGPARM.TBL .
41 ln -sf ${WRFDA_DIR}/run/GENPARM.TBL .
42 endif
43 ln -sf ${WRFDA_DIR}/run/LANDUSE.TBL .
44 ln -sf ${WRFDA_DIR}/var/da/da_wrfvar.exe .
46 cp ${DATA_DIR}/wrfinput_d01 orig_fg
47 if ( $VAR4D == true ) then
48 cp ${DATA_DIR}/wrfinput_d01 orig_wrfinput_d01
49 cp ${DATA_DIR}/wrfbdy_d01 orig_wrfbdy_d01
50 cp ${DATA_DIR}/fg02 orig_fg02
51 endif
53 if ( $VAR4D == true ) then
54 cp ${DATA_DIR}/namelist.input_cv7_4dvar orig_namelist.input
55 ln -sf ${DATA_DIR}/ob*.ascii .
56 else
57 cp ${DATA_DIR}/namelist.input_cv7_3dvar orig_namelist.input
58 ln -sf ${DATA_DIR}/ob01.ascii ./ob.ascii
59 endif
61 #=============================================================================;
62 # Purpose : Script for running WRF-3D/4DVAR with Multi-resolution
64 # Assuming : 1. All the necessary files required by 4DVAR run are
65 # already under $RUN_DIR, such as be.dat, namelist.input, *.tbl,
66 # fg, fg02, wrfbdy_d01, da_wrfvar.exe, da_update_bc, etc.
68 # 2. da_bilin.exe, da_bdy.exe, da_thin.exe, da_vp_bilin.exe
69 # da_vp_split.exe located under ${MULTI_INC_TOOLS}
71 # How to run : When everything is ready to go, call this script instead of
72 # da_wrfvar.exe for a Multi-incremental run
74 # run_mri3d4dvar.csh
76 # Limitation : Grids need to match
77 # ( n - 1 ) mod m = 0
78 # where n is the x/y grid number of high resolution, m is the
79 # x/y grid number of low resolution. Default ratio is 1:3.
81 # Platform : All the commands involved by this script are GNU/Linux
82 # commands on CentOS box. If involved this script other than
83 # CentOS, commands may not run as your expect, double check
84 # it before using.
86 # Not fullly test with all platforms, use it at your own risk
88 #, MMM/NCAR, 01/13/2012
90 # Remove RUN_STAGE
91 # Add the capability of different resolutions for different outer-loops
92 #, MMM/NCAR, 11/25/2013
94 # Re-write script and add more comments to ease understanding
95 # Unify Multi-Resolution Incremental 3DVAR and 4DVAR, i.e., MRI-3D/4DVAR
96 # Zhiquan (Jake) Liu,, NCAR/MMM, August 2016
97 #=============================================================================;
100 #----------------------------User settings------------------------------------;
102 # Use these environment variables to override the default settings
104 # Variable Names Default Value Description
106 # RUN_CMD mpirun -np 16 Job submit command, "" for serial and OpenMP
108 # TIME_STEP_STAGE2 auto detect Stage2 Time step for integration in integer
109 # seconds as large as 6*DX (in km) and must be
110 # exactly divisible by VAR4D_bin exactly.
112 # RADT_STAGE2 auto detect Minutes between radiation physics calls for
113 # Multi_inc stage2. 1 minute per km of dx.
115 # THIN_FACTOR 3 Thinning ratio
117 # MULTI_INC TRUE TRUE/FALSE - Multi-incremental/full resolution
119 # MAX_OUTERLOOP 1 outerloop number for Multi-incremental run
121 if ( ! $?RUN_CMD ) set RUN_CMD="mpiexec -n " # "" - Serial/OpenMP
122 if ( ! $?NPROCS_NL ) set NPROCS_NL=1024 # Number of processing cores
123 if ( ! $?NPROCS ) set NPROCS=(1024 1024) # Number of processing cores
124 if ( ! $?MAX_OUTERLOOP ) set MAX_OUTERLOOP=2 # Only available for Multi-incremental run
125 if ( ! $?THIN_FACTOR ) set THIN_FACTOR=(1 1) # default decimation factor
126 @ n1 = $MAX_OUTERLOOP
127 @ n2 = $#THIN_FACTOR
128 @ n3 = $#NPROCS
129 if ( $n1 > $n2 || $n1 > $n3 ) then
130 echo "The dimension of THIN_FACTOR ($#THIN_FACTOR) should be equal to MAX_OUTERLOOP ($MAX_OUTERLOOP) "
131 exit -1
132 endif
134 #----------------------------End of User settings-----------------------------;
136 if ( ! $?MULTI_INC_TOOLS ) then
137 if ( ${#argv} > 0 ) then
138 set MULTI_INC_TOOLS=$1
139 else
140 set appname=${0:t}
141 set MULTI_INC_TOOLS=${0:h}
142 if ( "$MULTI_INC_TOOLS" == "$appname" ) set MULTI_INC_TOOLS="."
143 endif
144 endif
146 if ( $MULTI_INC == true ) then
148 foreach f (da_thin.exe da_bilin.exe da_bdy.exe \
149 da_vp_bilin.exe da_vp_split.exe \
150 nc_vpglobal.ncl nc_vphires.ncl nc_increment.ncl )
151 if ( -e ${MULTI_INC_TOOLS}/$f ) then
152 if ( "$MULTI_INC_TOOLS" != "." ) then
153 ln -sf ${MULTI_INC_TOOLS}/$f .
154 endif
155 else
156 echo "$f NOT exists" > FAIL
157 exit -1
158 endif
161 set FILES_TO_CLEAN=(ana02 ana02_hires ana02_lores \
162 wrfvar_output wrfvar_output_hires wrfvar_output_lores \
163 FAIL .current_stage .last_stage .final_stage \
164 namelist.input \
165 rsl* gts* vp_* outerloop_*)
167 #rm -rf $FILES_TO_CLEAN
169 touch .current_stage .last_stage .final_stage
171 set N=1
172 #if ( $VAR4D == true ) then
173 @ nloop = $MAX_OUTERLOOP + 1
174 #else
175 # @ nloop = $MAX_OUTERLOOP
176 #endif
178 while ( $N <= $nloop )
180 if ( $N == $nloop ) then
181 set RUN_STAGE1=true # only run omb for the last loop
182 set RUN_STAGE2=false
183 set RUN_STAGE3=false
184 set istage=1 # 1 for observer; 0 for normal 3dvar mode
185 set nouterloop=1
186 set ninnerloop=0
187 else
188 set RUN_STAGE1=true
189 set RUN_STAGE2=true
190 set RUN_STAGE3=true
191 set istage=1
192 set nouterloop=1
193 set ninnerloop=40
194 endif
196 #---------------- User Configuration --------------
197 if ( $N == 1 ) ln -sf ${BE1} be.dat
198 if ( $N == 2 ) ln -sf ${BE2} be.dat
199 if ( $N == 3 ) ln -sf ${BE3} be.dat
200 #---------------- User Configuration --------------
202 if ( $N == 1 ) then
203 cp orig_fg o${N}s1_fg # stage1 for observer step
204 if ( $VAR4D == true ) then
205 cp orig_fg02 o${N}s1_fg02
206 endif
207 else # from 2nd loop, use previous loop's analysis
208 @ NM1 = $N - 1
209 cp ./o${NM1}s3/wrfvar_output_hires o${N}s1_fg
210 if ( $VAR4D == true ) then
211 cp orig_fg02 o${N}s1_fg02
212 endif
213 endif
215 if ( $RUN_STAGE1 == "true" ) then
217 echo "--------------------------------------"
218 echo "| Run outerloop-$N : Stage1-Observer |"
219 echo "--------------------------------------"
221 echo "--------------------------------------"
222 echo "| 1.0 Set up namlist.input for stage1 |"
223 echo "--------------------------------------"
224 #-----------------------------------
225 # &wrfvar1
226 # multi_inc=1, # stage1 for omb only
227 #---------------------------------------
228 if ( $OS == "Darwin" ) then
229 sed -e "/[Mm][Uu][Ll][Tt][Ii]_[Ii][Nn][Cc][ \t]*=/ c\ \
230 multi_inc=${istage}," \
231 -e "/[m][a][x]_[e][x][t]_[i][t][s][ \t]*=/ c\ \
232 max_ext_its=${nouterloop}," \
233 -e "/[n][t][m][a][x][ \t]*=/ c\ \
234 ntmax=${ninnerloop}," \
235 orig_namelist.input > o${N}s1_namelist.input
236 else
237 sed -e "/[Mm][Uu][Ll][Tt][Ii]_[Ii][Nn][Cc][ \t]*=/ c\multi_inc=${istage}," \
238 -e "/[m][a][x]_[e][x][t]_[i][t][s][ \t]*=/ c\max_ext_its=${nouterloop}," \
239 -e "/[n][t][m][a][x][ \t]*=/ c\ntmax=${ninnerloop}," \
240 orig_namelist.input > o${N}s1_namelist.input
241 endif
244 if ( $VAR4D == true ) then
245 echo "--------------------------------------------"
246 echo "| 1.1 Generating boundary file for stage1 |"
247 echo "--------------------------------------------"
249 da_bdy.exe -fg o${N}s1_fg \
250 -fg02 o${N}s1_fg02 \
251 -bdy orig_wrfbdy_d01 \
252 -o o${N}s1_wrfbdy_d01 \
253 >& o${N}s1_da_bdy.log
254 if ( ! -e o${N}s1_wrfbdy_d01 ) then
255 echo "generating bdy file for outloop1 stage1 failed" > FAIL
256 exit -1
257 endif
258 endif
260 echo "--------------------------------------------"
261 echo "| 1.2 run WRF-VAR in observer mode |"
262 echo "--------------------------------------------"
264 if ( -e namelist.input ) rm namelist.input
265 ln -sf o${N}s1_namelist.input namelist.input
266 ln -sf o${N}s1_fg fg
267 if ( $VAR4D == true ) then
268 ln -sf o${N}s1_fg02 fg02
269 ln -sf o${N}s1_fg wrfinput_d01
270 ln -sf o${N}s1_wrfbdy_d01 wrfbdy_d01
271 endif
273 echo "outerloop${N}_stage1" > .current_stage
274 echo "outerloop${N}_stage1" > .final_stage
276 #--------------------------------------
277 if ( $JOB == 'LSF' ) then
278 if ( -e submit_lsf.csh ) rm -f submit_lsf.csh
279 cat > submit_lsf.csh <<EOF
280 #!/bin/csh
282 ### LSF batch script to run an MPI application
284 #BSUB -P $PROJID # project code
285 #BSUB -W $observerclocktime # wall-clock time (hrs:mins)
286 #BSUB -n $NPROCS_NL # number of tasks in job
287 #BSUB -R "span[ptile=16]" # run 16 MPI tasks per node
288 #BSUB -J o${N}s1 # job name
289 #BSUB -o o${N}s1.%J.out # output file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
290 #BSUB -e o${N}s1.%J.err # error file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
291 #BSUB -q $QUEUE # queue
293 #run the executable
294 mpirun.lsf ./da_wrfvar.exe
296 bsub -K < submit_lsf.csh
297 else
298 $RUN_CMD $NPROCS_NL ${PWD}/da_wrfvar.exe < /dev/null
299 endif
300 #------------------------------------------
302 if ( "`tail rsl.out.0000 | grep -o -m 1 successfully`" != "successfully" ) then
303 echo "da_wrfvar stage1 failed " > FAIL
304 exit -1
305 endif
307 echo "------------------------------"
308 echo "| 1.3 Save and clean output |"
309 echo "------------------------------"
311 set out_storage=o${N}s1
312 if ( ! -d $out_storage ) mkdir $out_storage; #mkdir $out_storage/RSL
313 mv submit_lsf.csh fort.140 namelist.input namelist.output* $out_storage
314 mv rsl.* $out_storage
315 #mv o${N}s1.*.out o${N}s1.*.err $out_storage
316 rm rej_obs_conv* gts_omb_oma_*.* filtered_obs.* unpert_obs*
317 rm analysis_increments wrfvar_output
318 mv gts_omb.* $out_storage # to be used in stage2
319 mv gts_omb_oma_* filtered_obs_* qcstat_conv_01 $out_storage
320 mv buddy_check check_max_iv jo cost_fn grad_fn statistics $out_storage
322 echo "outerloop${N}_stage1" > .last_stage
324 if ( "`cat .current_stage`" != "outerloop${N}_stage1" && \
325 "`cat .last_stage`" != "outerloop${N}_stage1" ) then
326 echo "outerloop${N}_stage1 was NOT done, aborted Stage2"
327 exit -1
328 endif
329 endif # end if RUN_STAGE1
331 #---------------------------------
332 if ( $RUN_STAGE2 == "true" ) then
334 echo "--------------------------------------"
335 echo "| Run outerloop-$N : Stage2-Minimizer |"
336 echo "--------------------------------------"
338 echo "--------------------------------------------"
339 echo "| 2.0 Set up namelist.input for stage2 |"
340 echo "--------------------------------------------"
342 #---------------------------------------
343 # &wrfvar1
344 # multi_inc=2, # stage2 for minimization
345 # dx=
346 # dy=${NL_DY}.0,
347 # e_we=$NL_E_WE,
348 # e_sn=$NL_E_SN,
349 # time_step=$TIME_STEP_STAGE2,
350 # var4d_bin=
351 #------------------------------------------
352 set NL_DX=`grep -i -E "dx[ \t]*=" orig_namelist.input | sed -e 's/\t/ /g' -e 's/ *//g' -e 's/,//' -e 's/\r//g'| cut -c4-`
353 set NL_DY=`grep -i -E "dy[ \t]*=" orig_namelist.input | sed -e 's/\t/ /g' -e 's/ *//g' -e 's/,//' -e 's/\r//g'| cut -c4-`
354 set NL_E_WE=`grep -i -E "e_we[ \t]*=" orig_namelist.input | sed -e 's/\t/ /g' -e 's/ *//g' -e 's/,//' -e 's/\r//g'| cut -c6-`
355 set NL_E_SN=`grep -i -E "e_sn[ \t]*=" orig_namelist.input | sed -e 's/\t/ /g' -e 's/ *//g' -e 's/,//' -e 's/\r//g'| cut -c6-`
357 set NL_DX=`echo $NL_DX | sed 's/\.[0-9]*//g'`
358 set NL_DY=`echo $NL_DY | sed 's/\.[0-9]*//g'`
359 set NL_E_WE=`echo $NL_E_WE | sed 's/\.[0-9]*//g'`
360 set NL_E_SN=`echo $NL_E_SN | sed 's/\.[0-9]*//g'`
362 @ NL_DX = $NL_DX * $THIN_FACTOR[$N]
363 @ NL_DY = $NL_DY * $THIN_FACTOR[$N]
364 @ NL_E_WE = ($NL_E_WE - 1) / $THIN_FACTOR[$N] + 1
365 @ NL_E_SN = ($NL_E_SN - 1) / $THIN_FACTOR[$N] + 1
367 @ RADT_STAGE2 = $NL_DX / 1000
369 set NL_VAR4D_BIN=`grep -i -E "var4d_bin[ \t]*=" orig_namelist.input | \
370 sed -e 's/\t/ /g' -e 's/ *//g' \
371 -e 's/\.[0-9]*//g' -e 's/,//' \
372 -e 's/\r//g' | \
373 cut -c11-`
374 @ TIME_STEP_STAGE2 = ( $NL_DX / 1000 ) * 6
375 set i=$TIME_STEP_STAGE2
376 while ( $i != 0 )
382 if ( $OS == "Darwin" ) then
383 sed -e '/[Mm][Uu][Ll][Tt][Ii]_[Ii][Nn][Cc]/d' \
384 -e '/&[Ww][Rr][Ff][Vv][Aa][Rr]1$/ a\ \
385 multi_inc=2,' \
386 -e "/[Dd][Xx][ \t]*=/ c\ \
387 dx=${NL_DX}.0," \
388 -e "/[Dd][Yy][ \t]*=/ c\ \
389 dy=${NL_DY}.0," \
390 -e "/[Ee]_[Ww][Ee][ \t]*=/ c\ \
391 e_we=$NL_E_WE,"\
392 -e "/[Ee]_[Ss][Nn][ \t]*=/ c\ \
393 e_sn=$NL_E_SN," \
394 -e "/[Tt][Ii][Mm][Ee]_[Ss][Tt][Ee][Pp][ \t]*=/ c\ \
395 time_step=$TIME_STEP_STAGE2," \
396 -e "/[u][s][e]_[i][n][v][e][r][s][e]_[s][q][u][a][r][e][r][o][o][t][b][ \t]*=/ c\ \
397 use_inverse_squarerootb=$use_vp," \
398 -e "/[u][s][e]_[i][n][t][e][r][p][o][l][a][t][e]_[c][v][t][ \t]*=/ c\ \
399 use_interpolate_cvt=$use_cvt," \
400 orig_namelist.input > o${N}s2_namelist.input
401 else
402 sed -e '/[Mm][Uu][Ll][Tt][Ii]_[Ii][Nn][Cc]/d' \
403 -e '/&[Ww][Rr][Ff][Vv][Aa][Rr]1$/ a\multi_inc=2,' \
404 -e "/[Dd][Xx][ \t]*=/ c\dx=${NL_DX}.0," \
405 -e "/[Dd][Yy][ \t]*=/ c\dy=${NL_DY}.0," \
406 -e "/[Ee]_[Ww][Ee][ \t]*=/ c\e_we=$NL_E_WE," \
407 -e "/[Ee]_[Ss][Nn][ \t]*=/ c\e_sn=$NL_E_SN," \
408 -e "/[Tt][Ii][Mm][Ee]_[Ss][Tt][Ee][Pp][ \t]*=/ c\time_step=$TIME_STEP_STAGE2," \
409 -e "/[u][s][e]_[i][n][v][e][r][s][e]_[s][q][u][a][r][e][r][o][o][t][b][ \t]*=/ c\use_inverse_squarerootb=$use_vp," \
410 -e "/[u][s][e]_[i][n][t][e][r][p][o][l][a][t][e]_[c][v][t][ \t]*=/ c\use_interpolate_cvt=$use_cvt," \
411 orig_namelist.input > o${N}s2_namelist.input
412 endif
414 if ( $N > 1 ) then # only do this step from outer loop 2
416 @ NM1 = $N - 1
418 if ( $use_vp == true || $use_cvt == true ) then
419 echo "--------------------------------------------"
420 echo "| 2.1 Scatter the global cvt or vp to PEs |"
421 echo "--------------------------------------------"
423 ln -sf ./o${NM1}s3/vp_output.global_hires .
424 if ( ! -e vp_output.global_hires ) then
425 echo "vp_output.global_hires is not found"
426 exit -1
427 endif
429 #-------------------------------------------
430 if ( $JOB == 'LSF' ) then
431 if ( -e submit_lsf.csh ) rm -f submit_lsf.csh
432 cat > submit_lsf.csh <<EOF
433 #!/bin/csh
435 ## LSF batch script to run an MPI application
437 #BSUB -P $PROJID # project code
438 #BSUB -W 00:05 # wall-clock time (hrs:mins)
439 #BSUB -n $NPROCS[$N] # number of tasks in job
440 #BSUB -R "span[ptile=16]" # run 16 MPI tasks per node
441 #BSUB -J o${N}s2_split # job name
442 #BSUB -o o${N}s2_split.%J.out # output file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
443 #BSUB -e o${N}s2_split.%J.err # error file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
444 #BSUB -q $QUEUE # queue
446 #run the executable
447 mpirun.lsf ./da_vp_split.exe
449 bsub -K < submit_lsf.csh
450 else
451 $RUN_CMD $NPROCS[$N] ${PWD}/da_vp_split.exe < /dev/null
452 endif
453 #---------------------------------------------
454 endif # end if ( $use_vp == true || $use_cvt == true )
456 if ( $use_vp == true || $use_cvt == true ) then
457 foreach f ( vp_input.0* )
458 if ( ! -e $f ) then
459 echo "$f NOT exists" > FAIL
460 exit -1
461 endif
463 endif
465 endif # end if N > 1
467 if ( $THIN_FACTOR[$N] > 1 ) then
468 echo "--------------------------------------------"
469 echo "| 2.2 Thin high-res guess to low-res |"
470 echo "--------------------------------------------"
472 ./da_thin.exe -i o${N}s1_fg \
473 -o o${N}s2_fg \
474 -thin $THIN_FACTOR[$N] \
475 >& o${N}s2_thin_fg.log
476 if ( ! -e o${N}s2_fg ) then
477 echo "thinning fg failed" > FAIL
478 exit -1
479 endif
481 if ( $VAR4D == true ) then # 2nd level fg only for 4DVAR
482 ./da_thin.exe -i o${N}s1_fg02 \
483 -o o${N}s2_fg02 \
484 -thin $THIN_FACTOR[$N] \
485 >>& o${N}s2_thin_fg02.log
486 if ( ! -e o${N}s2_fg02 ) then
487 echo "thinning fg02 failed" > FAIL
488 exit -1
489 endif
490 endif
491 else
492 cp o${N}s1_fg o${N}s2_fg
493 if ( $VAR4D == true ) cp o${N}s1_fg02 o${N}s2_fg02
494 endif
496 if ( $VAR4D == true ) then
497 echo "--------------------------------------------"
498 echo "| 2.3 Generating boundary file for stage2 |"
499 echo "--------------------------------------------"
500 da_bdy.exe -fg o${N}s2_fg \
501 -fg02 o${N}s2_fg02 \
502 -bdy orig_wrfbdy_d01 \
503 -o o${N}s2_wrfbdy_d01 \
504 >& o${N}s2_bdy.log
505 if ( ! -e o${N}s2_wrfbdy_d01 ) then
506 echo "generating bdy file for outerloop$N stage2 failed" > FAIL
507 exit -1
508 endif
509 endif
511 echo "--------------------------------------------"
512 echo "| 2.4 Run WRF-VAR minimization at low-res |"
513 echo "--------------------------------------------"
515 if ( -e namelist.input ) rm -f namelist.input
516 ln -sf o${N}s2_namelist.input namelist.input
517 ln -sf ./o${N}s1/gts_omb.* .
518 ln -sf o${N}s2_fg fg
519 if ( $VAR4D == true ) then
520 ln -sf o${N}s2_fg02 fg02
521 ln -sf o${N}s2_fg wrfinput_d01
522 ln -sf o${N}s2_wrfbdy_d01 wrfbdy_d01
523 endif
525 echo "outerloop${N}_stage2" > .current_stage
526 echo "outerloop${N}_stage2" > .last_stage
528 #---------------------------------
529 if ( $JOB == 'LSF' ) then
530 if ( -e submit_lsf.csh ) rm -f submit_lsf.csh
531 cat > submit_lsf.csh <<EOF
532 #!/bin/csh
534 ### LSF batch script to run an MPI application
536 #BSUB -P $PROJID # project code
537 #BSUB -W $minimizeclocktime # wall-clock time (hrs:mins)
538 #BSUB -n $NPROCS[$N] # number of tasks in job
539 #BSUB -R "span[ptile=16]" # run 16 MPI tasks per node
540 #BSUB -J o${N}s2 # job name
541 #BSUB -o o${N}s2.%J.out # output file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
542 #BSUB -e o${N}s2.%J.err # error file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
543 #BSUB -q $QUEUE # queue
545 #run the executable
546 mpirun.lsf ./da_wrfvar.exe
548 bsub -K < submit_lsf.csh
549 else
550 $RUN_CMD $NPROCS[$N] ${PWD}/da_wrfvar.exe < /dev/null
551 endif
552 #------------------------------------
554 if ( "`tail rsl.out.0000 | grep -o -m 1 successfully`" != "successfully" ) then
555 echo "da_wrfvar stage2_$N failed " > FAIL
556 exit -1
557 endif
559 echo "------------------------------"
560 echo "| 2.5 Save and clean output |"
561 echo "------------------------------"
563 if ( $use_vp == true ) ncl nc_vpglobal.ncl
564 ncl nc_increment.ncl
566 set out_storage=o${N}s2
567 if ( ! -d $out_storage ) mkdir $out_storage; mkdir $out_storage/RSL
568 rm unpert* gts_omb.* gts_omb_oma_*.* filtered_obs.*
569 mv buddy_check check_max_iv $out_storage
570 mv rsl.* rej_obs* qcstat_conv_01 $out_storage #/RSL
571 mv cost_fn grad_fn jo fort.* statistics $out_storage
572 mv wrfvar_output namelist.output* $out_storage
573 mv gts_omb_oma_* filtered_obs_* submit_lsf.csh $out_storage
574 mv analysis_increments* $out_storage
575 if ( $use_vp == true || $use_cvt == true ) then
576 if ( $N > 1 ) rm vp_output.global_hires
577 mv vp_input.* vv_input.* vv_after** $out_storage
578 endif
580 endif # end if RUN_STAGE2
582 #-----------------------------------
583 if ( $RUN_STAGE3 == "true" ) then
585 echo "--------------------------------------"
586 echo "| Run outerloop${N} : Stage3-Regrid |"
587 echo "--------------------------------------"
589 @ NP1 = $N + 1
591 if ( "$VAR4D_LBC" == "t" || "$VAR4D_LBC" == "T" ) then
592 # this is not well tested yet. turned it off
593 echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
594 echo "| 3.1 regridding in model space for 2nd time level (fg02) |"
595 echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
596 # only if var4d_lbc=true.
597 # NOTE: interpolate to original resolution in model space
599 ./da_bilin.exe -fg_lores o${N}s2_fg02 \
600 -fg_hires o${N}s1_fg02 \
601 -an_lores ana02 \
602 -ns $THIN_FACTOR[$N] \
603 -o ana02_hires >& o${N}s2_bilin_fg02.log
604 if ( ! -e ana02_hires ) then
605 echo "regridding increment failed" > FAIL
606 exit -1
607 endif
608 mv ana02 ana02_lores
609 else
610 echo "# Skipped, VAR4D_LBC=$VAR4D_LBC \n"
611 endif
613 echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
614 echo "| 3.1 regridding in model space for 1st time level (fg) |"
615 echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
616 # wrfvar_output_hires = fg_stage1 + S (wrfvar_output_lores - fg_stage2)
617 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
618 if ( $THIN_FACTOR[$N] > 1 ) then # regrid to model resolution
619 ./da_bilin.exe -fg_lores o${N}s2_fg \
620 -fg_hires o${N}s1_fg \
621 -an_lores ./o${N}s2/wrfvar_output \
622 -ns $THIN_FACTOR[$N] \
623 -o wrfvar_output_hires >& o${N}s3_da_bilin.log
624 if ( ! -e wrfvar_output_hires ) then
625 echo "regridding increment failed" > FAIL
626 exit -1
627 endif
628 else # if DA res. is same as model res., no need for interpolation
629 cp ./o${N}s2/wrfvar_output wrfvar_output_hires
630 endif
632 if ( $N < $MAX_OUTERLOOP ) then # no need to do this for the last loop
633 #------------------------------------------------------
634 # interpolate vp to next outer loop's resolution
635 #-------------------------------------------------------------
636 if ( $use_vp == true || $use_cvt == true ) then
637 if ( $THIN_FACTOR[$N] != $THIN_FACTOR[$NP1] ) then # only do this if res diff for two loops
638 echo "---------------------------------------------"
639 echo "| 3.2 regridding in control variable space |"
640 echo "---------------------------------------------"
641 if ( $N < $MAX_OUTERLOOP ) then
642 @ ratio = $THIN_FACTOR[$N] / $THIN_FACTOR[$NP1]
643 else
644 @ ratio = $THIN_FACTOR[$N] # / 1
645 endif
647 if ( -e ) rm -f
648 ln -sf ./o${N}s2/ .
649 ./da_vp_bilin.exe -ratio $ratio >& o${N}s3_vp_bilin.log
650 if ( ! -e vp_output.global_hires ) then
651 echo "vp_output.global_hires is not generated" > FAIL
652 exit -1
653 endif
654 else # if resolution same, no interpolation needed.
655 cp ./o${N}s2/ vp_output.global_hires
656 endif
657 ncl nc_vphires.ncl
658 endif
660 echo "---------------------------------"
661 echo "| 3.3 Save and Clean results |"
662 echo "---------------------------------"
664 set out_storage=o${N}s3
665 if ( ! -d $out_storage ) mkdir $out_storage
667 mv wrfvar_output_hires $out_storage
668 rm namelist.input
670 if ( $use_vp == true || $use_cvt == true ) then
671 mv vp_output.global_hires* $out_storage
672 rm
673 endif
675 endif # $N < $MAX_OUTERLOOP
677 endif ## end if RUN_STAGE3=true
679 @ N++
681 end # End of outerloop
683 rm fg fg02 wrfinput_d01 wrfbdy_d01
685 else ## if NOT multi-resolution incremental 3D/4DVAR, no stop outer loop
687 ln -sf ${BE3} be.dat
688 ln -sf orig_fg fg
689 if ( $VAR4D == true ) then
690 ln -sf orig_wrfinput_d01 wrfinput_d01
691 ln -sf orig_wrfbdy_d01 wrfbdy_d01
692 endif
694 if ( $OS == "Darwin" ) then
695 sed -e "/[u][s][e]_[i][n][v][e][r][s][e]_[s][q][u][a][r][e][r][o][o][t][b][ \t]*=/ c\ \
696 use_inverse_squarerootb=$use_vp," \
697 -e "/[u][s][e]_[i][n][t][e][r][p][o][l][a][t][e]_[c][v][t][ \t]*=/ c\ \
698 use_interpolate_cvt=$use_cvt," \
699 orig_namelist.input > namelist.input
700 else
701 sed -e "/[u][s][e]_[i][n][v][e][r][s][e]_[s][q][u][a][r][e][r][o][o][t][b][ \t]*=/ c\use_inverse_squarerootb=$use_vp," \
702 -e "/[u][s][e]_[i][n][t][e][r][p][o][l][a][t][e]_[c][v][t][ \t]*=/ c\use_interpolate_cvt=$use_cvt," \
703 orig_namelist.input > namelist.input
704 endif
706 #---------------------------------
707 if ( $JOB == 'LSF' ) then
708 if ( -e submit_lsf.csh ) rm -f submit_lsf.csh
709 cat > submit_lsf.csh <<EOF
710 #!/bin/csh
712 ### LSF batch script to run an MPI application
714 #BSUB -P $PROJID # project code
715 #BSUB -W 5:00 # ban 00:20 # wall-clock time (hrs:mins)
716 #BSUB -n 1024 # number of tasks in job
717 #BSUB -R "span[ptile=16]" # run 16 MPI tasks per node
718 #BSUB -J wrfvar # job name
719 #BSUB -o wrfvar.%J.out # output file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
720 #BSUB -e wrfvar.%J.err # error file name in which %J is replaced by the job ID
721 #BSUB -q premium # regular # queue
723 #run the executable
724 mpirun.lsf ./da_wrfvar.exe
726 bsub -K < submit_lsf.csh
727 else
728 set N=1
729 $RUN_CMD $NPROCS[$N] ${PWD}/da_wrfvar.exe < /dev/null
730 endif
731 #-----------------------------------
733 ln -sf $MULTI_INC_TOOLS/nc_increment.ncl .
734 ncl nc_increment.ncl
736 set out_storage=$WORK_DIR
737 if ( ! -d $out_storage ) mkdir $out_storage; mkdir $out_storage/RSL
738 rm unpert* gts_omb_oma_*.* filtered_obs.*
739 mv rsl.* rej_obs* qcstat_conv_01 $out_storage/RSL
741 endif