Removing dimspec check since some configurations fail silently
[WRF.git] / chem / module_cam_mam_aerchem_driver.F
1 ! module_cam_mam_aerchem_driver.F
2 ! created by r.c.easter, june 2010
4 ! 2010-07-03 notes:
6 !--------------------------------------------------------------
8       module module_cam_mam_aerchem_driver
10       private
11       public :: cam_mam_aerchem_driver
13       contains
16 !==============================================================
17       subroutine cam_mam_aerchem_driver(                            &
18          id, curr_secs, ktau, dtstep, ktauc, dtstepc, config_flags, &
19          t_phy, rho_phy, p_phy, p8w, alt, z, z_at_w, pbl_h, cldfra, &
20          cldfra_mp_all, moist, chem,                                &
21          dgnum, dgnumwet, wetdens_ap, del_h2so4_gasprod,            &
22          dvmrdt_sv13d, dvmrcwdt_sv13d,                              & !Output from cloud chemistry
23          is_CAMMGMP_used,                                           &!BSINGH:01/31/2013: Added is_CAMMGMP_used 
24          ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,                                 &
25          ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,                                 &
26          its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                                  )
27 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
30 ! cam_mam_aerchem_driver is the interface between wrf-chem and the
31 !   cam_mam aerosol-chemistry routine cat computes condensation/evaporation
32 !   of trace gases to/from aerosol particles (AP).  It currently treats
33 !   water vapor and the 4 inorganic trace gases (nh3, h2so4, hno3, and hcl).
34 !   The aerosol-chemistry routine can work with either a sectional
35 !   (multiple size bins) or modal (multiple modes) representation.  
37 !   In both cases, condensation/evaporation to/from each bins/mode is 
38 !   first computed.  For sectional representation, AP mass and number 
39 !   are then transferred between size bins as a result of AP 
40 !   positive/negative growth.  Either a moving-center or two-moment
41 !   algorithm can be used to compute this transfer.
43 ! cam_mam_aerchem_driver is organized as follows
44 !   loop over j and i
45 !      call aerchemistry to do the aerosol chemistry calculations
46 !          for timestep = dtstepc
48 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
50       use module_configure, only:  &
51             grid_config_rec_type,                         &
52             p_qv
54       use module_state_description, only:  num_moist, num_chem, &
55                                            param_first_scalar
57       use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
58       use module_cam_support, only: pcols, pver, pverp, &
59                                     pcnst => pcnst_runtime, &
60                                     pcnst_non_chem => pcnst_non_chem_modal_aero, &
61                                     gas_pcnst => gas_pcnst_modal_aero, &
62                                     gas_pcnst_pos => gas_pcnst_modal_aero_pos, &
63                                     endrun
64       use constituents, only: cnst_name, cnst_get_ind
65       use physconst, only: mwdry, pi
67       use modal_aero_calcsize,    only:  modal_aero_calcsize_sub
68       use modal_aero_coag,        only:  modal_aero_coag_sub
69       use modal_aero_gasaerexch , only:  modal_aero_gasaerexch_sub
70       use modal_aero_newnuc,      only:  modal_aero_newnuc_sub
71       use modal_aero_wateruptake, only:  modal_aero_wateruptake_sub
73       use modal_aero_data, only:  &
74             alnsg_amode, dgnum_amode, dgnumlo_amode, dgnumhi_amode, &
75             lmassptr_amode, lspectype_amode, &
76             lptr_nacl_a_amode, lptr_so4_a_amode, lptr_soa_a_amode, &
77             ntot_amode, nspec_amode, ntot_amode, numptr_amode, &
78             specdens_amode, spechygro
80       use module_data_cam_mam_asect, only:  &
81             ai_phase, &
82             factconv_chem_to_q, factconv_chem_to_qqcw, &
83             lptr_chem_to_q, lptr_chem_to_qqcw, &
84             massptr_aer, mw_q_array, mw_q_mo_array, &
85             nsize_aer, ntype_aer, numptr_aer, waterptr_aer
87       implicit none
89 !   subr arguments
90       type(grid_config_rec_type), intent(in) :: config_flags
91 !   config_flags - configuration and control parameters
92       logical, intent(in) :: is_CAMMGMP_used
93       integer, intent(in) ::             &
94          id, ktau, ktauc,                &
95          ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde,   &
96          ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme,   &
97          its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte
98 !   id - domain index
99 !   ktau - time step number
100 !   ktauc - gas and aerosol chemistry time step number
102 !   [ids:ide, kds:kde, jds:jde] - spatial (x,z,y) indices for "domain"
103 !   [ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme] - spatial (x,z,y) indices for "memory"
104 !      Most arrays that are arguments to chem_driver 
105 !      are dimensioned with these spatial indices.
106 !   [its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte] - spatial (x,z,y) indices for "tile"
107 !      chem_driver and routines under it do calculations
108 !      over these spatial indices.
110       real(kind=8), intent(in) :: curr_secs
111       real, intent(in) :: dtstep, dtstepc
112 !   dtstep - main model time step (s)
113 !   dtstepc - time step for gas and aerosol chemistry(s)
115       real, intent(in),   &
116          dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: &
117          t_phy, rho_phy, p_phy, p8w, alt, &
118          z, z_at_w, cldfra, cldfra_mp_all
119 !   t_phy - temperature at layer center (K)
120 !   rho_phy - air density at layer center (kg/m^3)
121 !   p_phy - air pressure at layer center (Pa)
122 !   p8w - air pressure at layer interfaces (Pa)
123 !   alt - dry air specific volume at layer center (m^3/kg)
124 !   z - height at layer center (m msl)
125 !   z_at_w - height at layer interfaces (m msl)
126 !   cldfra - cloud fraction of layer (--)
127 !   cldfra_mp_all- cloud fraction from CAMMGMP
129       real, intent(in),   &
130          dimension( ims:ime, jms:jme ) :: &
131          pbl_h
132 !   pbl_h - pbl height (m agl)
134       real, intent(in),   &
135          dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, 1:num_moist ) :: &
136          moist
137 !   moist - mixing ratios of moisture species (water vapor, 
138 !      cloud water, ...) (kg/kg for mass species, #/kg for number species)
140       real, intent(inout),   &
141          dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, 1:num_chem ) :: &
142          chem
143 !   chem - mixing ratios of trace gase (ppm) and aerosol species
144 !      (ug/kg for mass species, #/kg for number species)
146       real, intent(inout),   &
147          dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, ntot_amode ) :: &
148          dgnum, dgnumwet, wetdens_ap
149 !   dgnum - median dry-diameter of number distribution for mode (m)
150 !   dgnumwet - median wet-diameter of number distribution for mode (m)
151 !   wetdens_ap - wet density of mode (kg/m^3)
152       real, intent(in),   &
153          dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: &
154          del_h2so4_gasprod
155 !   del_h2so4_gasprod - h2so4 change from gas-phase chemistry (ppmv)
158 !tendencies:dvmrdt_sv13d,dvmrcwdt_sv13d are the tendencies which are passsed on from the CAM-MAM cloud chemistry
159 !           to gasaerexch subroutine 
161     real, intent(in), dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, 1:gas_pcnst_pos )   :: dvmrdt_sv13d,dvmrcwdt_sv13d 
163 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
164 !   local variables
165       integer :: aerchem_onoffb, aercoag_onoffb, aernewnuc_onoffb
166       integer, parameter :: debug_level=0
167       integer, parameter :: icol = 1
168       integer, parameter :: idiag_calcsize=0, idiag_wateruptake=0
169       integer, parameter :: idiag_gasaerexch=0, idiag_newnuc=0, idiag_coag=0
170       integer :: i, icalcaer_flag, istat, itmpa, iwaterup_flag
171       integer :: idiagaa, idiagaa_idel, idiagaa_jdel
172       integer :: imozart, imozart_m1
173       integer :: j
174       integer :: k, kcam
175       integer :: l, l1, l2, l3, lchnk, loffset
176       integer :: l_mo_h2so4, l_mo_soag
177       integer :: latndx(pcols), lonndx(pcols)
178       integer :: n, ncol, nstep
179       integer :: p1st
181       real(r8) :: cld8(pcols,pver)
182       real(r8) :: deltat8
183       real(r8) :: del_h2so4_gasprod8(pcols,pver)
184       real(r8) :: del_h2so4_aeruptk8(pcols,pver)
185       real(r8) :: dgnum8(pcols,pver,ntot_amode)
186       real(r8) :: dgnumwet8(pcols,pver,ntot_amode)
187       real(r8) :: dqdt8(pcols,pver,pcnst)
188       real(r8) :: dvmrdt_sv18(pcols,pver,gas_pcnst_pos), &
189                   dvmrcwdt_sv18(pcols,pver,gas_pcnst_pos)
190       real(r8) :: fconv
191       real(r8) :: pblh8(pcols)
192       real(r8) :: pdel8(pcols,pver), pmid8(pcols,pver)
193       real(r8) :: qaerwat8(pcols,pver,ntot_amode)
194       real(r8) :: q8(pcols,pver,pcnst), qqcw8(pcols,pver,pcnst)
195       real(r8) :: qv8(pcols,pver)
196       real(r8) :: rh8(pcols,pver)
197       real(r8) :: tmpa, tmpb
198       real(r8) :: tmpveca(gas_pcnst), tmpvecb(gas_pcnst)
199       real(r8) :: tmpvmra(pver,gas_pcnst)
200       real(r8) :: tmp_dgnum(ntot_amode), tmp_dstar(ntot_amode)
201       real(r8) :: tmp_hygro(pver,ntot_amode)
202       real(r8) :: tmp_num(ntot_amode), tmp_vdry(ntot_amode)
203       real(r8) :: t8(pcols,pver)
204       real(r8) :: vmr8(pcols,pver,gas_pcnst), vmrcw8(pcols,pver,gas_pcnst)
205       real(r8) :: wetdens_ap8(pcols,pver,ntot_amode)
206       real(r8) :: zm8(pcols,pver)
208       logical :: aero_mmr_flag
209       logical :: dotend(pcnst)
210       logical :: h2o_mmr_flag
212       character*100 msg
215       itmpa = config_flags%aerchem_onoff
216       if (itmpa <= 0) return
218       aerchem_onoffb = 1
219       aercoag_onoffb = 1
220       aernewnuc_onoffb = 1
221       if (itmpa == 99) then
222          aerchem_onoffb = 0
223       else if (itmpa >= 100) then
224          aerchem_onoffb   = mod(itmpa/100,10)  ! 100s digit
225          aernewnuc_onoffb = mod(itmpa/10, 10)  !  10s digit
226          aercoag_onoffb   = mod(itmpa,    10)  !   1s digit
227       end if
228       if (aerchem_onoffb <= 0) then
229          aercoag_onoffb = 0
230          aernewnuc_onoffb = 0
231       end if
233       write(*,'(/a,3i5)') 'cam_mam_aerchem_driver - id, ktau, ktauc =', id, ktau, ktauc
234       write(*,'(a,3(4x,2i5))') 'ids/e, j..., k... ', ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde
235       write(*,'(a,3(4x,2i5))') 'ims/e, j..., k... ', ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme
236       write(*,'(a,3(4x,2i5))') 'its/e, j..., k... ', its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
237       write(*,'(a,3i10     )') 'pver, pverp, pcols       ', pver, pverp, pcols
238       write(*,'(a,3i10     )') 'aerchem/newnuc/coag_onoffb', &
239          aerchem_onoffb, aernewnuc_onoffb, aercoag_onoffb
242       p1st = param_first_scalar
243       imozart_m1 = pcnst_non_chem
244       imozart = imozart_m1 + 1
246       call cnst_get_ind( 'h2so4', l_mo_h2so4, .false. )
247       l_mo_h2so4 = l_mo_h2so4 - imozart_m1
248       if ((l_mo_h2so4 < 1) .or. (l_mo_h2so4 > gas_pcnst)) &
249          call endrun( &
250             'cam_mam_aerchem_driver error -- no h2so4 species' )
251       write(*,*) 'l_mo_h2so4 = ', l_mo_h2so4
253       call cnst_get_ind( 'soag', l_mo_soag, .false. )
254       l_mo_soag = l_mo_soag - imozart_m1
255       if ((l_mo_soag < 1) .or. (l_mo_soag > gas_pcnst)) &
256          call endrun( &
257             'cam_mam_aerchem_driver error -- no soag species' )
258       write(*,*) 'l_mo_soag = ', l_mo_soag
262 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
264 ! Main loop over the points in the tile and treat them each as a CAM chunk
266 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
267       do 2920 j = jts, jte
268 !     write( msg, '(a,3i5)' ) 'cam_mam_aerchem_driver 2920 loop - j =', j
269 !     call wrf_debug( 100, msg )
270       do 2910 i = its, ite
272       lchnk = (j-jts)*(ite-its+1) + (i-its+1) !1-D index location from the 2-D tile
273       ncol = 1
275       latndx(icol) = j
276       lonndx(icol) = i
278       ! initialize these arrays to zero
279       q8(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
280       qqcw8(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
281       qaerwat8(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
283       dgnum8(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
284       dgnumwet8(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
285       wetdens_ap8(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
287       ! pblh8 is msl, pbl_h is agl
288       pblh8(icol) = pbl_h(i,j) + z_at_w(i,kts,j)
289       ! force it to be at least the top of lowest layer
290       pblh8(icol) = max( pblh8(icol), 1.0_r8*z_at_w(i,kts+1,j) )
292       ! load the cam layer-center variables
293       ! (reverse the vertical index, and convert units as needed)
294       do k = kts, kte
295          kcam = kte-k+1
297 !        cld8(icol,kcam)  = cldfra(i,k,j)
298 !        qh8(icol,kcam,1) = max( qv(i,k,j)/(1.+qv(i,k,j)), 1e-30 ) !values of 0 cause a crash in entropy
299 !        if( present(qc) ) then
300 !           ql8(icol,kcam) = qc(i,k,j)/(1.+qv(i,k,j)) !Convert to moist mix ratio
301 !        else
302 !           ql8(icol,kcam) = 0.
303 !        end if
304 !        if( present(qi) ) then
305 !           qi8(icol,kcam) = qi(i,k,j)/(1.+qv(i,k,j)) !Used in convtran, ditto for conversion
306 !        else
307 !           qi8(icol,kcam) = 0.
308 !        end if
309 !        zm8(icol,kcam)   = z(i,k,j)
311          t8(icol,kcam)    = t_phy(i,k,j)
312          pdel8(icol,kcam) = p8w(i,k,j) - p8w(i,k+1,j)
313          pmid8(icol,kcam) = p_phy(i,k,j)
314          zm8(icol,kcam)   = z(i,k,j)
315          if(is_CAMMGMP_used) then
316             cld8(icol,kcam) = cldfra_mp_all(i,k,j)
317          else
318             cld8(icol,kcam) = cldfra(i,k,j)
319          endif
321 !         cld8(icol,kcam) = 0.0   ! *** temporary
323          qv8(icol,kcam) = moist(i,k,j,p_qv)/(1.+moist(i,k,j,p_qv)) ! convert from dry to moist mix ratio
325          do n = 1, ntype_aer
326             dgnum8(icol,kcam,n) = dgnum(i,k,j,n)
327             dgnumwet8(icol,kcam,n) = dgnumwet(i,k,j,n)
328             wetdens_ap8(icol,kcam,n) = wetdens_ap(i,k,j,n)
330             l = waterptr_aer(1,n)
331             if ((l >= p1st) .and. (l <= num_chem)) &
332                qaerwat8(icol,kcam,n) = chem(i,k,j,l)*factconv_chem_to_q(l)
333          end do ! n
335          do l = p1st, num_chem
336             l2 = lptr_chem_to_q(l)
337             if ((l2 >= 1) .and. (l2 <= pcnst)) then
338                q8(icol,kcam,l2) = chem(i,k,j,l)*factconv_chem_to_q(l)
339             end if
340             if (i*j==1 .and. k==kts .and. l2==l_mo_h2so4+pcnst_non_chem) &
341                write(*,'(a,1p,2e11.3)') '1,1,1 h2so4 chem & q8', &
342                chem(i,k,j,l), q8(icol,kcam,l2)
343             if (i*j==1 .and. k==kts .and. l2==l_mo_soag+pcnst_non_chem) &
344                write(*,'(a,1p,2e11.3)') '1,1,1 soag  chem & q8', &
345                chem(i,k,j,l), q8(icol,kcam,l2)
346 !            cycle ! this is temporary
348             l2 = lptr_chem_to_qqcw(l)
349             if ((l2 >= 1) .and. (l2 <= pcnst)) then
350                qqcw8(icol,kcam,l2) = chem(i,k,j,l)*factconv_chem_to_q(l)
351             end if
352          end do ! l
354          del_h2so4_gasprod8(icol,kcam) = del_h2so4_gasprod(i,k,j)
355          if(config_flags%cldchem_onoff == 1 .and. config_flags%chem_opt >= 501 .AND. config_flags%chem_opt <= 504) then
356             do l = 1 , gas_pcnst
357                dvmrdt_sv18(1,kcam,l)   = dvmrdt_sv13d(i,k,j,l)
358                dvmrcwdt_sv18(1,kcam,l) = dvmrcwdt_sv13d(i,k,j,l)
359             enddo
360          else
361             dvmrdt_sv18(1,kcam,:)   = 0.0_r8
362             dvmrcwdt_sv18(1,kcam,:) = 0.0_r8 
363          endif
364       end do ! k
366       ! load the cam layer-interface variables
367       ! (reverse the vertical index, and convert units as needed)
368       do k = kts, kte+1
369          kcam = kte-k+2
371 !        pint8(icol,kcam) = p8w(i,k,j)
372 !        zi8(icol,kcam)   = z_at_w(i,k,j)
373       end do
377 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
379 ! do modal_aero_calcsize_sub
381 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
382       idiagaa = 1 ; idiagaa_idel = 100 ; idiagaa_jdel = 100
384       nstep = ktau
385       icalcaer_flag = 1
386       loffset = 0             ! using entire q array, not the mozart "chem subset"
387       aero_mmr_flag = .true.  ! q values are mass mixing ratios (kg/kg)
389       deltat8 = dtstepc
391       dotend(:) = .false.
392       dqdt8(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
394       ! diagnostics for initial testing
395       if (idiag_calcsize > 0) then
396       if ((i==its) .and. (j==jts)) then
397 !        deltat8 = 86400.0*0.1   ! for testing, use bigger step size to see bigger changes
398          do kcam = kts, kte, (kte-kts)
399             k = kte-kcam+1
400             tmp_num(1:ntot_amode) = q8(icol,kcam,numptr_amode(1:ntot_amode))
401             ! adjust number mixrat here for testing
402 !           q8(icol,k,numptr_amode(1)) = q8(icol,k,numptr_amode(1)) * 1.0_r8
403 !           q8(icol,k,numptr_amode(2)) = q8(icol,k,numptr_amode(2)) / 8.0_r8
404 !           q8(icol,k,numptr_amode(3)) = q8(icol,k,numptr_amode(3)) * 8.0_r8
405             do n = 1, ntot_amode
406                ! calc dry volume
407                tmp_vdry(n) = 0.0
408                tmp_hygro(kcam,n) = 0.0
409                do l1 = 1, nspec_amode(n)
410                   l2 = lmassptr_amode(l1,n)
411                   l3 = lspectype_amode(l1,n)
412                   tmpa = q8(icol,kcam,l2)/specdens_amode(l3)
413                   tmp_vdry(n) = tmp_vdry(n) + tmpa
414                   tmp_hygro(kcam,n) = tmp_hygro(kcam,n) + tmpa*spechygro(l3)
415                end do
416                tmp_hygro(kcam,n) = tmp_hygro(kcam,n)/max(tmp_vdry(n),1.0e-35_r8)
417                ! calc volume mean and number median diameter
418                tmpa = tmp_vdry(n)*6.0/( pi*q8(icol,kcam,numptr_amode(n)) )
419                tmp_dstar(n) = tmpa**(1.0/3.0)
420                tmpb = alnsg_amode(n)
421                tmp_dgnum(n) = tmp_dstar(n) * exp(-1.5*tmpb*tmpb)
422             end do
424             write(*,'(/a,4i5,1p,e12.4)') &
425                'calcsize diagnostics before, i, j, k, kcam, deltat =', &
426                i, j, k, kcam, deltat8
427             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'tmp_vdry  ', &
428                ( tmp_vdry(n), n=1,ntot_amode )
429             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'tmp_dstar ', &
430                ( tmp_dstar(n), n=1,ntot_amode )
431             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'tmp_dgnum ', &
432                ( tmp_dgnum(n), n=1,ntot_amode )
433             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'dgnumlo   ', &
434                ( dgnumlo_amode(n), n=1,ntot_amode )
435             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'dgnumhi   ', &
436                ( dgnumhi_amode(n), n=1,ntot_amode )
437             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'dgnum     ', &
438                ( dgnum8(icol,kcam,n), n=1,ntot_amode )
439             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'number    ', &
440                ( q8(icol,kcam,numptr_amode(n)), n=1,ntot_amode )
441             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'tmp_num   ', &
442                ( tmp_num(n), n=1,ntot_amode )
443             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'q         '
444             write(*,'(5(2x,a,1p,e12.4))') ( cnst_name(l)(1:6), &
445                q8(icol,kcam,l), l=lmassptr_amode(1,1), pcnst )
446          end do
447       end if
448       end if !(idiag_calcsize > 0)
450       if (idiagaa > 0) then
451          if (mod(i-its,idiagaa_idel)==0 .and. mod(j-jts,idiagaa_jdel)==0)   &
452             print 93010, 'calling modal_aero_calcsize_sub - i,j =', i, j
453       end if
456 ! this is the call done in cam
457 !   call modal_aero_calcsize_sub(                                &
458 !                      lchnk,   ncol,    nstep,                  &
459 !                      1,                0,                      &
460 !                      .true.,           dt,                     &
461 !                      state%t,          state%pmid,             &
462 !                      state%pdel,       state%q,                &
463 !                      ptend%q,          ptend%lq,               &
464 !                      qqcw,             dgnum_pbuf              )
466 ! this is the subr in wrfchem
467 !   subr------ modal_aero_calcsize_sub(                          &
468 !                      lchnk,   ncol,    nstep,   icalcaer_flag, &
469 !                      loffset,                                  &
470 !                      aero_mmr_flag,    deltat,                 &
471 !                      t,       pmid,    pdel,    q,             &
472 !                      dqdt,    dotend,  qqcw,    dgncur_a       )
474       call modal_aero_calcsize_sub(                  &
475            lchnk,   ncol,    nstep,   icalcaer_flag, &
476            loffset,                                  &
477            aero_mmr_flag,    deltat8,                &
478            t8,      pmid8,   pdel8,   q8,            &
479            dqdt8,   dotend,  qqcw8,   dgnum8         )
481       if (idiagaa > 0) then
482          if (mod(i-its,idiagaa_idel)==0 .and. mod(j-jts,idiagaa_jdel)==0)   &
483             print 93010, 'backfrm modal_aero_calcsize_sub - i,j =', i, j
484       end if
486       ! diagnostics for initial testing
487       if (idiag_calcsize > 0) then
488       if ((i==its) .and. (j==jts)) then
489          do kcam = kts, kte, (kte-kts)
490             k = kte-kcam+1
491             write(*,'(/a,4i5)') &
492                'calcsize diagnostics after , i, j, k, kcam =', i, j, k, kcam
493             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'dgnum     ', &
494                ( dgnum8(icol,kcam,n), n=1,ntot_amode )
495             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'number    ', &
496                ( q8(icol,kcam,numptr_amode(n)), n=1,ntot_amode )
497             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') ' +dt*tend ', &
498                ( q8(icol,kcam,numptr_amode(n))+ &
499                  deltat8*dqdt8(icol,kcam,numptr_amode(n)), n=1,ntot_amode )
500             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'q+dt*tend '
501             write(*,'(5(2x,a,1p,e12.4))') ( cnst_name(l)(1:6), &
502                q8(icol,kcam,l)+deltat8*dqdt8(icol,kcam,l), l=lmassptr_amode(1,1), pcnst )
503          end do
504          write(*,'(a)') 
505       end if
506       end if !(idiag_calcsize > 0)
508 ! apply tendencies
509       do l = 1, pcnst
510          if ( .not. dotend(l) ) cycle
511          do k = 1, pver
512             q8(icol,k,l) = q8(icol,k,l) + deltat8*dqdt8(icol,k,l)
513             q8(icol,k,l) = max( q8(icol,k,l), 0.0_r8 )
514          end do
515       end do
519 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
521 ! do modal_aero_wateruptake_sub
523 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
524 #ifdef OBSRH
525 ! the modal_aero_wateruptake_sub OBSRH option is not implemented in wrf-chem
526       msg = 'cam_mam_aerchem_driver calling modal_aero_wateruptake_sub' // &
527             ' -- cannot do OBSRH'
528       call wrf_error_fatal( msg )
529 #endif
531       iwaterup_flag = 1
532       h2o_mmr_flag = .true.
534       dotend(:) = .false.
535       dqdt8(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
536       rh8(:,:) = 0.0_r8
538       ! diagnostics for initial testing
539       if (idiag_wateruptake > 0) then
540       if ((i==its) .and. (j==jts)) then
541          do kcam = kts, kte, (kte-kts)
542 !           qv8(icol,kcam) = qv8(icol,kcam)*2.0   ! for testing
543             k = kte-kcam+1
544             write(*,'(/a,4i5,1p,e12.4)') &
545                'wateruptake diagnostics before, i, j, k, kcam, deltat =', &
546                i, j, k, kcam, deltat8
547             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'tmp_hygro ', &
548                ( tmp_hygro(kcam,n), n=1,ntot_amode )
549             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'qaerwat   ', &
550                ( qaerwat8(icol,kcam,n), n=1,ntot_amode )
551             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'dgnum     ', &
552                ( dgnum8(icol,kcam,n), n=1,ntot_amode )
553             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'dgnumwet  ', &
554                ( dgnumwet8(icol,kcam,n), n=1,ntot_amode )
555             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'wetdens_ap', &
556                ( wetdens_ap8(icol,kcam,n), n=1,ntot_amode )
557          end do
558       end if
559       end if ! (idiag_wateruptake > 0)
561       if (idiagaa > 0) then
562          if (mod(i-its,idiagaa_idel)==0 .and. mod(j-jts,idiagaa_jdel)==0)   &
563             print 93010, 'calling modal_aero_wateruptake_sub - i,j =', i, j
564       end if
567 ! this is the call done in cam
568 !   call modal_aero_wateruptake_sub(                             &
569 !                      lchnk,   ncol,    nstep,                  &
570 !                      1,                0,                      &
571 !                      .true.,           .true.,                 &
572 !                      dt,               state%q(:,:,1),         &
573 !                      state%t,          state%pmid,             &
574 !                      state%pdel, cldn, state%q,                &
575 !                      ptend%q,          ptend%lq,               &
576 !                      qaerwat,                                  &
577 !                      dgnum_pbuf,       dgnumwet_pbuf,          &
578 !                      wetdens_pbuf                              )
580 ! this is the subr in wrfchem
581 !     subr------ modal_aero_wateruptake_sub(                &
582 !                lchnk, ncol, nstep,                        &
583 !                iwaterup_flag, loffset,                    &
584 !                aero_mmr_flag, h2o_mmr_flag,               &
585 !                deltat, h2ommr, t, pmid, pdel, cldn,       &
586 !                raer, raertend, dotend, qaerwat,           &
587 !                dgncur_a, dgncur_awet, wetdens             &
588 !#ifdef OBSRH
589 !                , obsrh                                    &
590 !#endif
591 !                                                           )
593       call modal_aero_wateruptake_sub(                &
594            lchnk, ncol, nstep,                        &
595            iwaterup_flag, loffset,                    &
596            aero_mmr_flag, h2o_mmr_flag,               &
597            deltat8, qv8, t8, pmid8, pdel8, cld8,      &
598            q8, dqdt8, dotend, qaerwat8,               &
599            dgnum8, dgnumwet8, wetdens_ap8             )
601       if (idiagaa > 0) then
602          if (mod(i-its,idiagaa_idel)==0 .and. mod(j-jts,idiagaa_jdel)==0)   &
603             print 93010, 'backfrm modal_aero_wateruptake_sub - i,j =', i, j
604       end if
606       ! diagnostics for initial testing
607       if (idiag_wateruptake > 0) then
608       if ((i==its) .and. (j==jts)) then
609          do kcam = kts, kte, (kte-kts)
610             k = kte-kcam+1
611             write(*,'(/a,4i5,1p,e12.4)') &
612                'wateruptake diagnostics after , i, j, k, kcam, rh =', &
613                i, j, k, kcam, rh8(icol,kcam)
614             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'qaerwat   ', &
615                ( qaerwat8(icol,kcam,n), n=1,ntot_amode )
616             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'dgnum     ', &
617                ( dgnum8(icol,kcam,n), n=1,ntot_amode )
618             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'dgnumwet  ', &
619                ( dgnumwet8(icol,kcam,n), n=1,ntot_amode )
620             write(*,'(a,1p,7e12.4))') 'wetdens_ap', &
621                ( wetdens_ap8(icol,kcam,n), n=1,ntot_amode )
622          end do
623          write(*,'(a/(10f8.4))') 'rh(pver:1)', &
624                ( rh8(icol,kcam), kcam=pver,1,-1 )
625       end if
626       end if ! (idiag_wateruptake > 0)
630 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
632 ! do modal_aero_gasaerexch_sub
634 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
635       if (aerchem_onoffb > 0) then
637 ! transfer mass mixing ratios in q8 and qqcw8 to molar mixing ratios in vmr8 and vmrcw8
638          do l2 = pcnst_non_chem+1, pcnst
639             l3 = l2 - pcnst_non_chem
640             fconv = mwdry/mw_q_array(l2)
641             vmr8(  icol,:,l3) = q8(   icol,:,l2)*fconv
642             vmrcw8(icol,:,l3) = qqcw8(icol,:,l2)*fconv
643             if (i*j==1 .and. k==kts .and. l3==l_mo_h2so4) &
644                write(*,'(a,1p,2e11.3)') '1,1,1 h2so4 q8 & vmr8', &
645                q8(icol,pver,l2), vmr8(icol,pver,l3)
646             if (i*j==1 .and. k==kts .and. l3==l_mo_soag) &
647                write(*,'(a,1p,2e11.3)') '1,1,1 soag  q8 & vmr8', &
648                q8(icol,pver,l2), vmr8(icol,pver,l3)
649          end do
651 ! also convert this 
652          fconv = mwdry/mw_q_mo_array(l_mo_h2so4)
653          del_h2so4_gasprod8(icol,:) = del_h2so4_gasprod8(icol,:)*fconv
655 ! save current h2so4 vmr
656          del_h2so4_aeruptk8(icol,:) = vmr8(icol,:,l_mo_h2so4)
657          tmpvmra(:,:) = vmr8(icol,:,:)
659 ! following is the cam code in mo_gas_phase_chemdr.F90
660 !        if (l_mo_h2so4 > 0) then
661 !           del_h2so4_aeruptk(1:ncol,:) = vmr(1:ncol,:,l_mo_h2so4)
662 !        else
663 !           del_h2so4_aeruptk(:,:) = 0.0_r8
664 !        endif
665 !        call modal_aero_gasaerexch_sub(                         &
666 !                          lchnk,    ncol,     nstep,            &
667 !                          imozart-1,          delt,             &
668 !                          latndx,   lonndx,                     &
669 !                          tfld,     pmid,     pdel,             &
670 !                          vmr,                vmrcw,            &
671 !                          dvmrdt_sv1,         dvmrcwdt_sv1,     &
672 !                          dgnum_pbuf,         dgnumwet_pbuf     )
673 !        if (l_mo_h2so4 > 0) then
674 !           del_h2so4_aeruptk(1:ncol,:) = vmr(1:ncol,:,l_mo_h2so4) - del_h2so4_aeruptk(1:ncol,:)
675 !        endif
677 ! make call
678          if (idiagaa > 0) then
679             if (mod(i-its,idiagaa_idel)==0 .and. mod(j-jts,idiagaa_jdel)==0)   &
680                print 93010, 'calling modal_aero_gasaerexch_sub - i,j =', i, j
681          end if
683          call modal_aero_gasaerexch_sub(                            &
684                            lchnk,     ncol,       nstep,            &
685                            imozart_m1,            deltat8,          &
686                            latndx,    lonndx,                       &
687                            t8,        pmid8,      pdel8,            &
688                            vmr8,                  vmrcw8,           &
689                            dvmrdt_sv18,           dvmrcwdt_sv18,    &
690                            dgnum8,                dgnumwet8,        &
691                            gas_pcnst_pos                             )
693          if (idiagaa > 0) then
694             if (mod(i-its,idiagaa_idel)==0 .and. mod(j-jts,idiagaa_jdel)==0)   &
695                print 93010, 'backfrm modal_aero_gasaerexch_sub - i,j =', i, j
696          end if
698 ! diagnostic output after gasaerexch
699          if (idiag_gasaerexch > 0) then
700          if ((i == its) .and. (j == jts)) then
701          do kcam = 1, pver
702             if ((kcam /= pver) .and. (kcam /= pver-10)) cycle
704             tmpveca(:) = 0.0
705             tmpvecb(:) = 0.0
706             do n = 1, ntot_amode
707                l = lptr_so4_a_amode(n) - imozart_m1
708                if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= gas_pcnst)) then
709                   tmpveca(n+2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l)
710                   tmpvecb(n+2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l)
711                end if
712             end do
713             tmpveca(2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l_mo_h2so4)
714             tmpvecb(2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l_mo_h2so4)
715             tmpveca(1) = sum( tmpveca(2:ntot_amode+2) )
716             tmpvecb(1) = sum( tmpvecb(2:ntot_amode+2) )
717             write(*,'(/a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, old so4 ...', &
718                kcam, tmpveca(1:ntot_amode+2)
719             write(*,'( a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, new so4 ...', &
720                kcam, tmpvecb(1:ntot_amode+2)
722             tmpveca(:) = 0.0
723             tmpvecb(:) = 0.0
724             do n = 1, ntot_amode
725                l = lptr_soa_a_amode(n) - imozart_m1
726                if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= gas_pcnst)) then
727                   tmpveca(n+2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l)
728                   tmpvecb(n+2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l)
729                end if
730             end do
731             tmpveca(2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l_mo_soag)
732             tmpvecb(2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l_mo_soag)
733             tmpveca(1) = sum( tmpveca(2:ntot_amode+2) )
734             tmpvecb(1) = sum( tmpvecb(2:ntot_amode+2) )
735             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, old soa ...', &
736                kcam, tmpveca(1:ntot_amode+2)
737             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, new soa ...', &
738                kcam, tmpvecb(1:ntot_amode+2)
740             tmpveca(:) = 0.0
741             tmpvecb(:) = 0.0
742             do n = 1, ntot_amode
743                l = lptr_nacl_a_amode(n) - imozart_m1
744                if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= gas_pcnst)) then
745                   tmpveca(n+2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l)
746                   tmpvecb(n+2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l)
747                end if
748             end do
749             tmpveca(1) = sum( tmpveca(2:ntot_amode+2) )
750             tmpvecb(1) = sum( tmpvecb(2:ntot_amode+2) )
751             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, old ncl ...', &
752                kcam, tmpveca(1:ntot_amode+2)
753             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, new ncl ...', &
754                kcam, tmpvecb(1:ntot_amode+2)
756             tmpveca(:) = 0.0
757             tmpvecb(:) = 0.0
758             do n = 1, ntot_amode
759                l = numptr_amode(n) - imozart_m1
760                if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= gas_pcnst)) then
761                   tmpveca(n+2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l)
762                   tmpvecb(n+2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l)
763                end if
764             end do
765             tmpveca(1) = sum( tmpveca(2:ntot_amode+2) )
766             tmpvecb(1) = sum( tmpvecb(2:ntot_amode+2) )
767             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, old num ...', &
768                kcam, tmpveca(1:ntot_amode+2)
769             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, new num ...', &
770                kcam, tmpvecb(1:ntot_amode+2)
772          end do ! kcam
773          end if ! ((i == its) .and. (j == jts))
774          end if ! (idiag_gasaerexch > 0)
776 ! calc change to h2so4 vmr
777          del_h2so4_aeruptk8(icol,:) = &
778             vmr8(icol,:,l_mo_h2so4) - del_h2so4_aeruptk8(icol,:)
780       end if ! (aerchem_onoffb > 0)
784 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
786 ! do modal_aero_newnuc_sub
788 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
789       if (aernewnuc_onoffb > 0) then
790          tmpvmra(:,:) = vmr8(icol,:,:)
792          if (idiagaa > 0) then
793             if (mod(i-its,idiagaa_idel)==0 .and. mod(j-jts,idiagaa_jdel)==0)   &
794                print 93010, 'calling modal_aero_newnuc_sub - i,j =', i, j
795          end if
797 !     subr------ modal_aero_newnuc_sub(                             &
798 !                          lchnk,    ncol,     nstep,               &
799 !                          pcnstxx,  loffset,  deltat,              &
800 !                          latndx,   lonndx,                        &
801 !                          t,        pmid,     pdel,                &
802 !                          zm,       pblh,                          &
803 !                          qv,       cld,                           &
804 !                          q,                                       &
805 !                          del_h2so4_gasprod,  del_h2so4_aeruptk    )
806          call modal_aero_newnuc_sub(                                &
807                            lchnk,     ncol,       nstep,            &
808                            imozart_m1,            deltat8,          &
809                            latndx,    lonndx,                       &
810                            t8,        pmid8,      pdel8,            &
811                            zm8,       pblh8,                        &
812                            qv8,       cld8,                         &
813                            vmr8,                                    &
814                            del_h2so4_gasprod8,  del_h2so4_aeruptk8, &
815                            gas_pcnst                                )
817          if (idiagaa > 0) then
818             if (mod(i-its,idiagaa_idel)==0 .and. mod(j-jts,idiagaa_jdel)==0)   &
819                print 93010, 'backfrm modal_aero_newnuc_sub - i,j =', i, j
820          end if
822 ! diagnostic output after newnuc
823          if (idiag_newnuc > 0) then
824          if ((i == its) .and. (j == jts)) then
825          do kcam = 1, pver
826             if ((kcam /= pver) .and. (kcam /= pver-10)) cycle
828             tmpveca(:) = 0.0
829             tmpvecb(:) = 0.0
830             do n = 1, ntot_amode
831                l = lptr_so4_a_amode(n) - imozart_m1
832                if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= gas_pcnst)) then
833                   tmpveca(n+2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l)
834                   tmpvecb(n+2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l)
835                end if
836             end do
837             tmpveca(2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l_mo_h2so4)
838             tmpvecb(2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l_mo_h2so4)
839             tmpveca(1) = sum( tmpveca(2:ntot_amode+2) )
840             tmpvecb(1) = sum( tmpvecb(2:ntot_amode+2) )
841             write(*,'(/a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, old so4 ...', &
842                kcam, tmpveca(1:ntot_amode+2)
843             write(*,'( a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, new so4 ...', &
844                kcam, tmpvecb(1:ntot_amode+2)
846             tmpveca(:) = 0.0
847             tmpvecb(:) = 0.0
848             do n = 1, ntot_amode
849                l = lptr_soa_a_amode(n) - imozart_m1
850                if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= gas_pcnst)) then
851                   tmpveca(n+2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l)
852                   tmpvecb(n+2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l)
853                end if
854             end do
855             tmpveca(2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l_mo_soag)
856             tmpvecb(2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l_mo_soag)
857             tmpveca(1) = sum( tmpveca(2:ntot_amode+2) )
858             tmpvecb(1) = sum( tmpvecb(2:ntot_amode+2) )
859             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, old soa ...', &
860                kcam, tmpveca(1:ntot_amode+2)
861             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, new soa ...', &
862                kcam, tmpvecb(1:ntot_amode+2)
864             tmpveca(:) = 0.0
865             tmpvecb(:) = 0.0
866             do n = 1, ntot_amode
867                l = lptr_nacl_a_amode(n) - imozart_m1
868                if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= gas_pcnst)) then
869                   tmpveca(n+2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l)
870                   tmpvecb(n+2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l)
871                end if
872             end do
873             tmpveca(1) = sum( tmpveca(2:ntot_amode+2) )
874             tmpvecb(1) = sum( tmpvecb(2:ntot_amode+2) )
875             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, old ncl ...', &
876                kcam, tmpveca(1:ntot_amode+2)
877             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, new ncl ...', &
878                kcam, tmpvecb(1:ntot_amode+2)
880             tmpveca(:) = 0.0
881             tmpvecb(:) = 0.0
882             do n = 1, ntot_amode
883                l = numptr_amode(n) - imozart_m1
884                if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= gas_pcnst)) then
885                   tmpveca(n+2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l)
886                   tmpvecb(n+2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l)
887                end if
888             end do
889             tmpveca(1) = sum( tmpveca(2:ntot_amode+2) )
890             tmpvecb(1) = sum( tmpvecb(2:ntot_amode+2) )
891             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, old num ...', &
892                kcam, tmpveca(1:ntot_amode+2)
893             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, new num ...', &
894                kcam, tmpvecb(1:ntot_amode+2)
896          end do ! kcam
897          end if ! ((i == its) .and. (j == jts))
898          end if ! (idiag_newnuc > 0)
900       end if ! (aernewnuc_onoffb > 0)
904 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
906 ! do modal_aero_coag_sub
908 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
909       if (aercoag_onoffb > 0) then
910          tmpvmra(:,:) = vmr8(icol,:,:)
912          if (idiagaa > 0) then
913             if (mod(i-its,idiagaa_idel)==0 .and. mod(j-jts,idiagaa_jdel)==0)   &
914                print 93010, 'calling modal_aero_coag_sub - i,j =', i, j
915          end if
917 !     subr------ modal_aero_coag_sub(                               &
918 !                          lchnk,    ncol,     nstep,               &
919 !                          pcnstxx,  loffset,  deltat_main,         &
920 !                          latndx,   lonndx,                        &
921 !                          t,        pmid,     pdel,                &
922 !                          q,                                       &
923 !                          dgncur_a,           dgncur_awet,         &
924 !                          wetdens_a                                )
925          call modal_aero_coag_sub(                                  &
926                            lchnk,     ncol,       nstep,            &
927                            imozart_m1,            deltat8,          &
928                            latndx,    lonndx,                       &
929                            t8,        pmid8,      pdel8,            &
930                            vmr8,                                    &
931                            dgnum8,                dgnumwet8,        &
932                            wetdens_ap8,           gas_pcnst         )
934          if (idiagaa > 0) then
935             if (mod(i-its,idiagaa_idel)==0 .and. mod(j-jts,idiagaa_jdel)==0)   &
936                print 93010, 'backfrm modal_aero_coag_sub - i,j =', i, j
937          end if
939 ! diagnostic output after coag
940          if (idiag_coag > 0) then
941          if ((i == its) .and. (j == jts)) then
942          do kcam = 1, pver
943             if ((kcam /= pver) .and. (kcam /= pver-10)) cycle
945             tmpveca(:) = 0.0
946             tmpvecb(:) = 0.0
947             do n = 1, ntot_amode
948                l = lptr_so4_a_amode(n) - imozart_m1
949                if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= gas_pcnst)) then
950                   tmpveca(n+2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l)
951                   tmpvecb(n+2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l)
952                end if
953             end do
954             tmpveca(2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l_mo_h2so4)
955             tmpvecb(2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l_mo_h2so4)
956             tmpveca(1) = sum( tmpveca(2:ntot_amode+2) )
957             tmpvecb(1) = sum( tmpvecb(2:ntot_amode+2) )
958             write(*,'(/a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, old so4 ...', &
959                kcam, tmpveca(1:ntot_amode+2)
960             write(*,'( a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, new so4 ...', &
961                kcam, tmpvecb(1:ntot_amode+2)
963             tmpveca(:) = 0.0
964             tmpvecb(:) = 0.0
965             do n = 1, ntot_amode
966                l = lptr_nacl_a_amode(n) - imozart_m1
967                if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= gas_pcnst)) then
968                   tmpveca(n+2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l)
969                   tmpvecb(n+2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l)
970                end if
971             end do
972             tmpveca(1) = sum( tmpveca(2:ntot_amode+2) )
973             tmpvecb(1) = sum( tmpvecb(2:ntot_amode+2) )
974             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, old ncl ...', &
975                kcam, tmpveca(1:ntot_amode+2)
976             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, new ncl ...', &
977                kcam, tmpvecb(1:ntot_amode+2)
979             tmpveca(:) = 0.0
980             tmpvecb(:) = 0.0
981             do n = 1, ntot_amode
982                l = numptr_amode(n) - imozart_m1
983                if ((l > 0) .and. (l <= gas_pcnst)) then
984                   tmpveca(n+2) = tmpvmra(kcam,l)
985                   tmpvecb(n+2) = vmr8(icol,kcam,l)
986                end if
987             end do
988             tmpveca(1) = sum( tmpveca(2:ntot_amode+2) )
989             tmpvecb(1) = sum( tmpvecb(2:ntot_amode+2) )
990             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, old num ...', &
991                kcam, tmpveca(1:ntot_amode+2)
992             write(*,'(a,i3,1p,e13.5,10e11.3)') 'kcam, new num ...', &
993                kcam, tmpvecb(1:ntot_amode+2)
995          end do ! kcam
996          end if ! ((i == its) .and. (j == jts))
997          end if ! (idiag_coag > 0)
999       end if ! (aercoag_onoffb > 0)
1003 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1005 ! after doing modal_aero_gasaerexch_sub (and newnuc, coag, ...),
1006 ! transfer final mixing ratios from vmr to q arrays
1008 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1009       if (aerchem_onoffb > 0) then
1011 ! transfer molar mixing ratios in vmr8 and vmrcw8 back to mass mixing ratios in q8 and qqcw8
1012          do l2 = pcnst_non_chem+1, pcnst
1013             l3 = l2 - pcnst_non_chem
1014             fconv = mw_q_array(l2)/mwdry
1015             q8(   icol,:,l2) = vmr8(  icol,:,l3)*fconv
1016             qqcw8(icol,:,l2) = vmrcw8(icol,:,l3)*fconv
1017             if (i*j==1 .and. k==kts .and. l3==l_mo_h2so4) &
1018                write(*,'(a,1p,2e11.3)') '1,1,1 h2so4 q8 & vmr8', &
1019                q8(icol,pver,l2), vmr8(icol,pver,l3)
1020             if (i*j==1 .and. k==kts .and. l3==l_mo_soag) &
1021                write(*,'(a,1p,2e11.3)') '1,1,1 soag  q8 & vmr8', &
1022                q8(icol,pver,l2), vmr8(icol,pver,l3)
1023          end do
1025       end if ! (aerchem_onoffb > 0)
1029 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1031 ! transfer updated data from cam to wrf-chem variables
1033 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1034       ! unload the cam layer-center variables that have been modified
1035       ! (reverse the vertical index, and convert units as needed)
1036       do k = kts, kte
1037          kcam = kte-k+1
1039          do n = 1, ntype_aer
1040             dgnum(i,k,j,n) = dgnum8(icol,kcam,n) 
1041             dgnumwet(i,k,j,n) = dgnumwet8(icol,kcam,n) 
1042             wetdens_ap(i,k,j,n) = wetdens_ap8(icol,kcam,n) 
1044             l = waterptr_aer(1,n)
1045             if ((l >= p1st) .and. (l <= num_chem)) &
1046                chem(i,k,j,l) = qaerwat8(icol,kcam,n)/factconv_chem_to_q(l)
1047          end do ! n
1049          do l = p1st, num_chem
1050             l2 = lptr_chem_to_q(l)
1051             if ((l2 >= 1) .and. (l2 <= pcnst)) then
1052                chem(i,k,j,l) = q8(icol,kcam,l2)/factconv_chem_to_q(l)
1053             end if
1054             if (i*j==1 .and. k==kts .and. l2==l_mo_h2so4+pcnst_non_chem) &
1055                write(*,'(a,1p,2e11.3)') '1,1,1 h2so4 chem & q8', &
1056                chem(i,k,j,l), q8(icol,kcam,l2)
1057             if (i*j==1 .and. k==kts .and. l2==l_mo_soag+pcnst_non_chem) &
1058                write(*,'(a,1p,2e11.3)') '1,1,1 soag  chem & q8', &
1059                chem(i,k,j,l), q8(icol,kcam,l2)
1060 !            cycle
1062             l2 = lptr_chem_to_qqcw(l)
1063             if ((l2 >= 1) .and. (l2 <= pcnst)) then
1064                chem(i,k,j,l) = qqcw8(icol,kcam,l2)/factconv_chem_to_q(l)
1065             end if
1066          end do ! l
1068       end do
1072 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1074 ! End of main loop over the points in the tile (which treats them each as a CAM chunk)
1076 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1077 2910  continue
1078 2920  continue
1081       print 93010, 'leaving cam_mam_aerchem_driver - ktau =', ktau
1082 93010 format( a, 8(1x,i6) )
1084       return
1085       end subroutine cam_mam_aerchem_driver
1088 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1089    subroutine sum_pm_cam_mam (                                         &
1090          alt, chem,                                                    &
1091          pm2_5_dry, pm2_5_water, pm2_5_dry_ec, pm10,                   &
1092          ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,                                    &
1093          ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,                                    &
1094          its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                                     )
1096    USE module_state_description, only: num_chem
1097    USE module_data_mosaic_asect
1100    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   )    ::                                   &
1101                                       ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,       &
1102                                       ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,       &
1103                                       its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
1105    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ),                       &
1106          INTENT(IN) :: alt
1108    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ),             &
1109          INTENT(IN ) :: chem
1111    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ),                       &
1112          INTENT(OUT) :: pm2_5_dry,pm2_5_water,pm2_5_dry_ec,pm10
1114    REAL :: mass
1116    INTEGER :: i,imax,j,jmax,k,kmax,n,itype,iphase
1118    imax = min(ite,ide-1)
1119    jmax = min(jte,jde-1)
1120    kmax = kte
1122 ! Sum over bins with center diameter < 2.5e-4 cm for pm2_5_dry,
1123 ! pm2_5_dry_ec, and pm2_5_water. All bins go into pm10
1125    pm2_5_dry(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax)    = 0.
1126    pm2_5_dry_ec(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax) = 0.
1127    pm2_5_water(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax)  = 0.
1128    pm10(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax)         = 0.
1130    do iphase=1,nphase_aer
1131    do itype=1,ntype_aer
1132    do n = 1, nsize_aer(itype)
1133       if (dcen_sect(n,itype) .le. 2.5e-4) then
1134          do j=jts,jmax
1135             do k=kts,kmax
1136                do i=its,imax
1137                   mass = chem(i,k,j,lptr_so4_aer(n,itype,iphase)) &
1138                        + chem(i,k,j,lptr_no3_aer(n,itype,iphase)) &
1139                        + chem(i,k,j,lptr_cl_aer(n,itype,iphase))  &
1140                        + chem(i,k,j,lptr_nh4_aer(n,itype,iphase)) &
1141                        + chem(i,k,j,lptr_na_aer(n,itype,iphase))  &
1142                        + chem(i,k,j,lptr_oin_aer(n,itype,iphase)) &
1143                        + chem(i,k,j,lptr_oc_aer(n,itype,iphase))  &
1144                        + chem(i,k,j,lptr_bc_aer(n,itype,iphase))
1146                   pm2_5_dry(i,k,j) = pm2_5_dry(i,k,j) + mass
1148                   pm2_5_dry_ec(i,k,j) = pm2_5_dry_ec(i,k,j)            &
1149                                       + chem(i,k,j,lptr_bc_aer(n,itype,iphase))
1151                   pm2_5_water(i,k,j) = pm2_5_water(i,k,j)              &
1152                                      + chem(i,k,j,waterptr_aer(n,itype))
1154                   pm10(i,k,j) = pm10(i,k,j) + mass
1155                enddo
1156             enddo
1157          enddo
1158       else
1159          do j=jts,jmax
1160             do k=kts,kmax
1161                do i=its,imax
1162                   pm10(i,k,j) = pm10(i,k,j)                              &
1163                               + chem(i,k,j,lptr_so4_aer(n,itype,iphase)) &
1164                           + chem(i,k,j,lptr_no3_aer(n,itype,iphase)) &
1165                           + chem(i,k,j,lptr_cl_aer(n,itype,iphase))  &
1166                           + chem(i,k,j,lptr_nh4_aer(n,itype,iphase)) &
1167                           + chem(i,k,j,lptr_na_aer(n,itype,iphase))  &
1168                           + chem(i,k,j,lptr_oin_aer(n,itype,iphase)) &
1169                           + chem(i,k,j,lptr_oc_aer(n,itype,iphase))  &
1170                           + chem(i,k,j,lptr_bc_aer(n,itype,iphase))
1171                enddo
1172             enddo
1173          enddo
1174       endif
1175    enddo ! size
1176    enddo ! type
1177    enddo ! phase
1179    !Convert the units from mixing ratio to concentration (ug m^-3)
1180    pm2_5_dry(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax) = pm2_5_dry(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax) &
1181                                            / alt(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax)
1182    pm2_5_dry_ec(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax) = pm2_5_dry_ec(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax) &
1183                                               / alt(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax)
1184    pm2_5_water(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax) = pm2_5_water(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax) &
1185                                              / alt(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax)
1186    pm10(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax) = pm10(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax) &
1187                                       / alt(its:imax,kts:kmax,jts:jmax)
1189    end subroutine sum_pm_cam_mam
1194 !==============================================================
1195       end module module_cam_mam_aerchem_driver