Removing dimspec check since some configurations fail silently
[WRF.git] / chem / module_plumerise1.F
1 Module module_plumerise1
2 ! use module_zero_plumegen_coms
3   integer, parameter :: nveg_agreg      = 4
4 ! integer, parameter :: tropical_forest = 1
5 ! integer, parameter :: boreal_forest   = 2
6 ! integer, parameter :: savannah        = 3
8 ! integer, parameter :: grassland       = 4
9   real, dimension(nveg_agreg) :: firesize,mean_fct
10 ! character(len=20), parameter :: veg_name(nveg_agreg) = (/ &
11 !                              'Tropical-Forest', &
12 !                              'Boreal-Forest  ', &
13 !                              'Savanna        ', &
14 !                              'Grassland      ' /)
15 ! character(len=20), parameter :: spc_suf(nveg_agreg) = (/ &
16 !                              'agtf' , &  ! trop forest
17 !                              'agef' , &  ! extratrop forest
18 !                              'agsv' , &  ! savanna
19 !                              'aggr'   /) ! grassland
23 subroutine plumerise_driver (id,ktau,dtstep,                           &
24            ebu,ebu_in,mean_fct_agtf,mean_fct_agef,mean_fct_agsv,mean_fct_aggr,              &
25            firesize_agtf,firesize_agef,firesize_agsv,firesize_aggr,              &
26            config_flags, t_phy,moist,                                     &
27            rho_phy,vvel,u_phy,v_phy,p_phy,                              &
28            emis_ant,z_at_w,z,scale_fire_emiss,                                      &
29            ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,                                        &
30            ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,                                        &
31            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                                         )
33   USE module_configure
34   USE module_model_constants
35   USE module_state_description
36   USE module_zero_plumegen_coms
37   USE module_chem_plumerise_scalar
39 ! integer, parameter :: nveg_agreg      = 4
40 ! integer, parameter :: nveg_agreg      = 4
41 ! integer, parameter :: tropical_forest = 1
42 ! integer, parameter :: boreal_forest   = 2
43 ! integer, parameter :: savannah        = 3
45    TYPE(grid_config_rec_type),  INTENT(IN   )    :: config_flags
47    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   ) :: id,ktau,                      &
48                                   ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,               &
49                                   ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,               &
50                                   its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
51    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_moist ),                &
52          INTENT(IN ) ::                                   moist
53    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_ebu ),                 &
54          INTENT(INOUT ) ::                                   ebu
55    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, 1, jms:jme, num_ebu_in ),                 &
56          INTENT(INOUT ) ::                                   ebu_in
57    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ),                 &
58          INTENT(IN ) ::                                                &
59            mean_fct_agtf,mean_fct_agef,&
60            mean_fct_agsv,mean_fct_aggr,firesize_agtf,firesize_agef,       &
61            firesize_agsv,firesize_aggr
63    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:config_flags%kemit, jms:jme,num_emis_ant ),            &
64          INTENT(IN ) ::                                                    &
65                      emis_ant
69    REAL,  DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme )         ,               &
70           INTENT(IN   ) ::                                                 &
71                                                       t_phy,               &
72                  z,z_at_w,vvel,u_phy,v_phy,rho_phy,p_phy
73       REAL,      INTENT(IN   ) ::                                          &
74                              dtstep
76    LOGICAL,      INTENT(IN   ) :: scale_fire_emiss
79 ! Local variables...
81       INTEGER :: nv, i, j, k, ksub, nspecies
84 !     integer, parameter :: nspecies=num_ebu
85       real, dimension (num_ebu) :: eburn_in 
86       real, dimension (kte,num_ebu) :: eburn_out
87       real, dimension (kte) :: u_in ,v_in ,w_in ,theta_in ,pi_in  &
88                               ,rho_phyin ,qv_in ,zmid    &
89                               ,z_lev
90 ! real, dimension(nveg_agreg) :: firesize,mean_fct
91       real :: sum, ffirs, ratio
92 !     real,save,dimension(its:ite,jts:jte) :: ffirs
93       ffirs=0.
94       nspecies=num_ebu
95 !     write(0,*)'plumerise'
97       if( scale_fire_emiss ) then
98         select case( config_flags%chem_opt )
100           case default
101             call wrf_error_fatal("Fire emission scaling only supported for MOZART chem options")
102         end select
103       endif
105        if ( config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB ) then
106          do j=jts,jte
107             do i=its,ite
108                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_no)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_no)
109                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_no2)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_no2)
110                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_co)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_co)
111                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_co2)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_co2)
112               ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_nh3) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_nh3)
113                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ch4) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ch4)
114                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_eth)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_eth)
115                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_hc3)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_hc3)
116                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_hc5)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_hc5)
117                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_hc8)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_hc8)
118                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ete)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ete)
119                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_olt)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_olt)
120                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_oli)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_oli)
121                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_pm25)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_pm25)
122                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_pm10)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_pm10)
123                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_dien)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_dien)
124                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_iso)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_iso)
125                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_api)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_api)
126                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_lim)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_lim)
127                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_tol)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_tol)
128                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_xyl)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_xyl)
129                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_csl)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_csl)
130                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_hcho)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_hcho)
131                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ald)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ald)
132                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ket)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ket)
133                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_macr)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_macr)
134                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ora1)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ora1)
135                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ora2)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ora2)
136 !              ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_sulf)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_sulf)
137                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_bc)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_bc)
138                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_oc)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_oc)
139                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_so2)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_so2)
140                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_dms)=ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_dms)
141             enddo
142          enddo
143        elseif ( config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_MOZC .or. &
144                 config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_T1_MOZCART .or. &
145                 config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_MOZ ) then
146          do j=jts,jte
147             do i=its,ite
148                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_no) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_no)
149                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_co) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_co)
150                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_bigalk) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_bigalk)
151                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_bigene) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_bigene)
152                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_c2h4) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_c2h4)
153                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_c2h5oh) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_c2h5oh)
154                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_c2h6) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_c2h6)
155                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_c3h6) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_c3h6)
156                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_c3h8) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_c3h8)
157                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ch2o) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ch2o)
158                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ch3cho) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ch3cho)
159                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ch3coch3) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ch3coch3)
160                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ch3oh) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ch3oh)
161                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_mek) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_mek)
162                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_so2) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_so2)
163                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_toluene) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_toluene)
164                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_nh3) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_nh3)
165                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_no2) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_no2)
166                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_open) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_open)
167                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_mgly) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_mgly)
168                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ch3cooh) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ch3cooh)
169                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_cres) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_cres)
170                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_glyald) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_glyald)
171                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_gly) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_gly)
172                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_acetol) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_acetol)
173                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_isop) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_isop)
174                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_macr) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_macr)
175                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_mvk) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_mvk)
176                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_dms) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_dms)
177                if( p_ebu_c10h16 >= param_first_scalar ) then
178                  ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_c10h16) = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_c10h16)
179                endif
180             enddo
181          enddo
182          if( config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_MOZC .or. &
183              config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_T1_MOZCART ) then
184            do j=jts,jte
185              ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_pm10) = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_pm10)
186              ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_pm25) = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_pm25)
187              ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_oc) = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_oc)
188              ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_bc) = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_bc)
189            enddo
190            if( config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_T1_MOZCART ) then
191              do j=jts,jte
192                ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_apin)  = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_apin)
193                ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_benzene)  = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_benzene)
194                ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_ch3cn) = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_ch3cn)
195                ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_hcn)   = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_hcn)
196                ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_hcooh) = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_hcooh)
197                ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_c2h2)  = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_c2h2)
198                ebu(its:ite,kts,j,p_ebu_xylenes) = ebu_in(its:ite,1,j,p_ebu_in_xylenes)
199              enddo
200            endif
201          endif
202        elseif ( config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_GHG ) then
203          do j=jts,jte
204             do i=its,ite
205                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_co)  = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_co)
206                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_co2) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_co2)
207                ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_ch4) = ebu_in(i,1,j,p_ebu_in_ch4)
208             enddo
209           enddo
210        endif
212        do nv=1,num_ebu
213           do j=jts,jte
214             do k=kts+1,kte
215                do i=its,ite
216                  ebu(i,k,j,nv)=0.
217                enddo
218             enddo
219           enddo
220        enddo
222        do j=jts,jte
223           do i=its,ite
224             sum=mean_fct_agtf(i,j)+mean_fct_agef(i,j)+mean_fct_agsv(i,j)    &
225                     +mean_fct_aggr(i,j)
226             if(
227 !           write(0,*)'before',i,j,ebu_co(i,1,j),sum
228 !           ffirs=ffirs+1
229             sum=firesize_agtf(i,j)+firesize_agef(i,j)+firesize_agsv(i,j)    &
230                     +firesize_aggr(i,j)
231             if(
232             eburn_out=0.
233             mean_fct(1)=mean_fct_agtf(i,j)
234             mean_fct(2)=mean_fct_agef(i,j)
235             mean_fct(3)=mean_fct_agsv(i,j)
236             mean_fct(4)=mean_fct_aggr(i,j)
237             firesize(1)=firesize_agtf(i,j)
238             firesize(2)=firesize_agef(i,j)
239             firesize(3)=firesize_agsv(i,j)
240             firesize(4)=firesize_aggr(i,j)
241             do nv=1,num_ebu
242             eburn_in(nv)=ebu(i,kts,j,nv)
243             enddo
244             if( maxval( eburn_in(:) ) == 0. ) cycle
245             do k=kts,kte
246               u_in(k)=u_phy(i,k,j)
247               v_in(k)=v_phy(i,k,j)
248               w_in(k)=vvel(i,k,j)
249               qv_in(k)=moist(i,k,j,p_qv)
250               pi_in(k)=cp*(p_phy(i,k,j)/p1000mb)**rcp
251               zmid(k)=z(i,k,j)-z_at_w(i,kts,j)
252               z_lev(k)=z_at_w(i,k,j)-z_at_w(i,kts,j)
253               rho_phyin(k)=rho_phy(i,k,j)
254               theta_in(k)=t_phy(i,k,j)/pi_in(k)*cp
255 !             if(ffirs.le.5)then
256 !               write(0,*)k,u_in(k),w_in(k),qv_in(k),pi_in(k)
257 !             endif
258             enddo
259 !!$              pi_in(kte)=pi_in(kte-1)  !wig: These are no longer needed after changing definition
260 !!$              u_in(kte)=u_in(kte-1)    !     of kte in chem_driver (12-Oct-2007)
261 !!$              v_in(kte)=v_in(kte-1)
262 !!$              w_in(kte)=w_in(kte-1)
263 !!$              qv_in(kte)=qv_in(kte-1)
264 !!$              zmid(kte)=z(i,kte,j)-z_at_w(i,kts,j)
265 !!$              z_lev(kte)=z_at_w(i,kte,j)-z_at_w(i,kts,j)
266 !!$              rho_phyin(kte)=rho_phyin(kte-1)
267 !!$              theta_in(kte)=theta_in(kte-1)
268 !             if(ffirs.le.5)then
269 !           do k=kts,kte
270 !               write(0,*)k,z_lev(k),zmid(k),rho_phyin(k),theta_in(k)
271 !           enddo
272 !               write(0,*)'eburn',eburn_in(1),mean_fct,firesize
273 !             endif
275             call plumerise(kte,1,1,1,1,1,1,firesize,mean_fct  &
276                     ,nspecies,eburn_in,eburn_out &
277                     ,u_in ,v_in ,w_in ,theta_in ,pi_in  &
278                     ,rho_phyin ,qv_in ,zmid    &
279                     ,z_lev                               )
281 !             if(ffirs.le.5)then
282 !           do k=kts,kte
283 !               write(0,*)'eburn_out ',k,i,j,eburn_out(k,1)
284 !           enddo
285 !             endif
287             do nv=1,num_ebu
288               do k=kts+1,kte
289                 ebu(i,k,j,nv)=eburn_out(k,nv)*(z_at_w(i,k+1,j)-z_at_w(i,k,j))
290               enddo
291             enddo
293 has_total_emissions : &
294             if( scale_fire_emiss ) then
295 is_mozcart : &
296               if( (config_flags%chem_opt == MOZCART_KPP .and. &
297                    config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_MOZC) .or. &
298                   (config_flags%chem_opt == T1_MOZCART_KPP .and. &
299                    config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_T1_MOZCART) .or. &
300                   (config_flags%chem_opt == MOZART_KPP .and. &
301                    config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_MOZ) .or. &
302                   (config_flags%chem_opt == MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_KPP .and. &
303                    config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_MOZC) .or. &
304                    (config_flags%chem_opt == MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ_KPP .and. &
305                    config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_MOZC) ) then
306 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
307 ! we input total emissions instead of smoldering emissions:
308 ! ratio of smolderling to total
309 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
310                 sum = 0.
311                 do k = kts,kte
312                   sum = sum + ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co)
313                 end do
314                 if( sum > 0. ) then             
315                   ratio = ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_co)/sum
316                 else
317                   ratio = 0.
318                 endif
320                 do k = kts,kte
321                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_no) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_no)*ratio
322                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co)*ratio
323                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_bigalk) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_bigalk)*ratio
324                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_bigene) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_bigene)*ratio
325                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c2h4)   = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c2h4)*ratio
326                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c2h5oh) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c2h5oh)*ratio
327                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c2h6) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c2h6)*ratio
328                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c3h6) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c3h6)*ratio
329                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c3h8) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c3h8)*ratio
330                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ch2o) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ch2o)*ratio
331                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ch3cho) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ch3cho)*ratio
332                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ch3coch3) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ch3coch3)*ratio
333                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ch3oh)    = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ch3oh)*ratio
334                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_mek) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_mek)*ratio
335                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_so2) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_so2)*ratio
336                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_toluene) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_toluene)*ratio
337                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_nh3) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_nh3)*ratio
338                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_no2)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_no2)*ratio
339                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_open) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_open)*ratio
340                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c10h16) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_c10h16)*ratio
341                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_mgly) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_mgly)*ratio
342                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ch3cooh) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ch3cooh)*ratio
343                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_cres) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_cres)*ratio
344                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_glyald) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_glyald)*ratio
345                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_gly) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_gly)*ratio
346                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_acetol) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_acetol)*ratio
347                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_isop) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_isop)*ratio
348                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_macr) = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_macr)*ratio
349                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_mvk)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_mvk)*ratio
350                   ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_dms) = ebu_in(i,k,j,p_ebu_in_dms)*ratio
351                 end do
353                 select case( config_flags%biomass_burn_opt )
354                   case( BIOMASSB_T1_MOZCART )
355                     ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_apin) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_apin)*ratio
356                     ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_benzene) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_benzene)*ratio
357                     ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_ch3cn) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_ch3cn)*ratio
358                     ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_hcn) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_hcn)*ratio
359                     ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_hcooh) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_hcooh)*ratio
360                     ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_c2h2) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_c2h2)*ratio
361                     ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_xylenes) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_xylenes)*ratio
362                   case( BIOMASSB_MOZ,BIOMASSB_MOZC )
363                     ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_c10h16) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_c10h16)*ratio
364                 end select
365                 if( config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_MOZC .or. &
366                     config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB_T1_MOZCART ) then
367                   ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_pm10) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_pm10)*ratio
368                   ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_pm25) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_pm25)*ratio
369                   ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_oc) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_oc)*ratio
370                   ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_bc) = ebu(i,kts:kte,j,p_ebu_bc)*ratio
371                 endif
373 !psp add for other treatments
374                elseif (config_flags%biomass_burn_opt == BIOMASSB) then
376 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
377 ! we input total emissions instead of smoldering emissions:
378 ! ratio of smolderling to total
379 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
380                  sum = 0.
381                  do k = kts,kte
382                    sum = sum + ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co)
383                  end do
384                  if( sum > 0. ) then
385                    ratio = ebu(i,kts,j,p_ebu_co)/sum
386                  else
387                    ratio = 0.
388                  endif
390                  do k = kts,kte
391                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_no)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_no)*ratio
392                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_no2)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_no2)*ratio
393                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co)*ratio
394                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co2)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co2)*ratio
395                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_eth)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_eth)*ratio
396                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_hc3)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_hc3)*ratio
397                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_hc5)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_hc5)*ratio
398                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_hc8)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_hc8)*ratio
399                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ete)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ete)*ratio
400                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_olt)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_olt)*ratio
401                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_oli)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_oli)*ratio
402                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_pm25)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_pm25)*ratio
403                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_pm10)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_pm10)*ratio
404                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_dien)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_dien)*ratio
405                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_iso)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_iso)*ratio
406                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_api)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_api)*ratio
407                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_lim)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_lim)*ratio
408                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_tol)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_tol)*ratio
409                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_csl)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_csl)*ratio
410                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_hcho)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_hcho)*ratio
411                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ald)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ald)*ratio
412                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ket)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ket)*ratio
413                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_macr)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_macr)*ratio
414                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ora1)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ora1)*ratio
415                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ora2)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_ora2)*ratio
416                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_so2)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_so2)*ratio
417                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_nh3)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_nh3)*ratio
418                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_oc)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_oc)*ratio
419                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_bc)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_bc)*ratio
420                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_sulf)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_sulf)*ratio
421                    ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_dms)  = ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_dms)*ratio
422                  end do
423               end if is_mozcart
424             end if has_total_emissions
426           enddo
427           enddo
428 end subroutine plumerise_driver
430 END Module module_plumerise1