Removing dimspec check since some configurations fail silently
[WRF.git] / dyn_em / module_convtrans_prep.F
1 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ! original routinte by Georg Grell, adaptive timestepping by William Gustafson Jr. (PNNL), cloud fraction by Georg Grell (based on Stu's previous work wih so2so4 routine
3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 Module module_convtrans_prep
6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 subroutine convtrans_prep(gd_cloud,gd_cloud2,gd_cloud_a,         &
9      gd_cloud_b,raincv,raincv_a,raincv_b,                        &
10      cldfr,moist,p_QV,p_QC,p_qi,T_PHY,P_PHY,num_moist,                 &
11      gd_cloud2_a,gd_cloud2_b,convtrans_avglen_m,         &
12      adapt_step_flag,curr_secs,                    &
13      ktau,dt,cu_phys,  &
14      ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,                                  &
15      ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,                                  &
16      its,ite, jts,jte,kts,kte                                    )
17     REAL, PARAMETER  ::  coef_p = 0.25, coef_gamm = 0.49, coef_alph = 100.
19   INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   ) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,      &
20                                  ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,      &
21                                  its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte,      &
22                                  p_QV,p_QC,p_qi,num_moist
24   REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ),                  &
25        OPTIONAL,                                                 &
26        INTENT(IN ) :: gd_cloud,gd_cloud2
27   REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ),                  &
28        INTENT(IN ) :: t_phy,p_phy
29   REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_moist ),       &
30        INTENT(IN ) :: moist
31   REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ),                  &
32        OPTIONAL,                                                 &
33        INTENT(INOUT ) :: gd_cloud_a,gd_cloud_b,gd_cloud2_a,      &
34                          cldfr,gd_cloud2_b
35   REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ),                           &
36        INTENT(IN ) :: raincv
37   REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ),                           &
38        INTENT(INOUT ) :: raincv_a,raincv_b
39   INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ktau,cu_phys
40   INTEGER  :: stepave
41   INTEGER, SAVE  :: stepave_count
42   REAL, INTENT(IN) :: curr_secs
43   REAL, INTENT(IN) :: convtrans_avglen_m, dt
44   LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: adapt_step_flag
46   LOGICAL :: avg_end_flag, first_period_flag
47   REAL :: satvp,rhgrid,h2oliq
48   real :: pmax,pmin
50 ! Determine where we are in relation to the averaging period...
52 !  convtrans_avglen_m = 30.  !Averaging time for convective transport in min.
54   stepave=convtrans_avglen_m*60./dt
55   avg_end_flag = .false.      !Initially assume we are not at the end
56   first_period_flag = .false. !Nor at the beginning
57   if( adapt_step_flag ) then
58      !If end of period...
59      if( curr_secs+real(dt,8)+0.01 >= &
60           ( int( curr_secs/real(convtrans_avglen_m*60.,8) + 1_8, 8) &
61             *real(convtrans_avglen_m*60.,8) ) ) &
62           avg_end_flag = .true.
63      if( curr_secs <= real(convtrans_avglen_m*60.,8) ) first_period_flag = .true.
64   else
65      if( mod(ktau,stepave)==0 ) avg_end_flag = .true.
66      if( ktau <= stepave ) first_period_flag = .true.
67   end if
69 ! Initialize the averaging arrays at the simulation start
71   if(ktau.le.1)then
72      stepave_count             = 0
73      raincv_a(its:ite,jts:jte) = 0.
74      raincv_b(its:ite,jts:jte) = 0.
75   end if
76   if(present(gd_cloud2_a))then
77      if(ktau.le.1) gd_cloud2_a(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte)=0.
78   end if
79   if(present(cldfr))then
80      if(ktau.le.1) cldfr(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte)=0.
81   end if
83 ! no time average available in first half hour
85   if( first_period_flag )then
86      do j=jts,jte
87         do i=its,ite
88            raincv_b(i,j)=raincv(i,j)
89         enddo
90      enddo
91   end if
93 ! build time average, and stored in raincv_b to be used by convective transport routine
95   stepave_count = stepave_count+1
96   do j=jts,jte
97      do i=its,ite
98         raincv_a(i,j)=raincv_a(i,j)+raincv(i,j)
99      enddo
100   enddo
101   if( avg_end_flag )then
102      do j=jts,jte
103         do i=its,ite
104            raincv_b(i,j)=raincv_a(i,j)/real(stepave_count)
105            raincv_a(i,j)=0.
106         enddo
107      enddo
108   end if
110 ! do the same for convective parameterization cloud water mix ratio,
111 ! currently only for cu_physics=3,5, used by both photolysis and atmospheric radiation
113   if(cu_phys.eq.3.or.cu_phys.eq.5.or.cu_phys.eq.93)then
114 ! if(config_flags%cu_physics == GDSCHEME  .OR. &
115 !    config_flags%cu_physics == GFSCHEME  .OR. &
116 !    config_flags%cu_physics == GFSCHEME ) THEN
117 !    pmax=maxval(gd_cloud)
118 !    pmin=maxval(gd_cloud2)
119 !    print *,pmax,pmin
120      if( first_period_flag )then
121         do j=jts,jte
122            do k=kts,kte
123               do i=its,ite
124                  gd_cloud_b(i,k,j)=gd_cloud(i,k,j)
125                  gd_cloud2_b(i,k,j)=gd_cloud2(i,k,j)
126               enddo
127            enddo
128         enddo
129      end if   ! stepave
133      do j=jts,jte
135         do k=kts,kte
136            do i=its,ite
137               gd_cloud_a(i,k,j)=gd_cloud_a(i,k,j)+gd_cloud(i,k,j)
138               gd_cloud2_a(i,k,j)=gd_cloud2_a(i,k,j)+gd_cloud2(i,k,j)
139            enddo
140         enddo
141      enddo
142      if( avg_end_flag )then
143         do j=jts,jte
144            do k=kts,kte
145               do i=its,ite
146                  gd_cloud_b(i,k,j)=.1*gd_cloud_a(i,k,j)/real(stepave_count)
147                  gd_cloud_a(i,k,j)=0.
148                  gd_cloud2_b(i,k,j)=.1*gd_cloud2_a(i,k,j)/real(stepave_count)
149                  gd_cloud2_a(i,k,j)=0.
150               enddo
151            enddo
152         enddo
153 !    pmax=maxval(gd_cloud_b)
154 !    pmin=maxval(gd_cloud2_b)
155 !    print *,'avg_end_flag ',pmax,pmin
156      end if !stepave
157   end if ! cu_rad_feedback
159 ! Clear the accumulator counter if we just finished an average...
161 if( avg_end_flag ) stepave_count = 0
162 ! Siebesma et al., JAS, Vol. 60, no. 10, 1201-1219, 2003 (based on LES comparisons with trade-wind cumulus from BOMEX)
163 ! SAM: Note units of liquid water and saturation vapor pressure must be in g/kg
164     ! within the Siebesma et al. cloud fraction scheme
165 if( first_period_flag .or. avg_end_flag )then
167         do j=jts,jte
168            do k=kts,kte
169               do i=its,ite
170                 cldfr(i,k,j)=0.
171 !               if(gd_cloud_b(i,k,j).gt.0  .or. gd_cloud2_b(i,k,j).gt.0)then
173                    if( .and. p_qi.le.1)then
175                       satvp = 3.80*exp(17.27*(t_phy(i,k,j)-273.)/ &
176                             (t_phy(i,k,j)-36.))/(.01*p_phy(i,k,j))
177                       rhgrid = max(.1,MIN( .95, moist(i,k,j,p_qv) /satvp))
178                        h2oliq=1000.*(gd_cloud_b(i,k,j) + moist(i,k,j,p_qc))
179                        satvp=1000.*satvp
180                        cldfr(i,k,j)=(1.-exp(-coef_alph*h2oliq/((1.-rhgrid)*satvp)**coef_gamm))*(rhgrid**coef_p)
181                        cldfr(i,k,j)=max(0.,MIN(1.,cldfr(i,k,j)))
182                        if(moist(i,k,j,p_qc).eq.0)cldfr(i,k,j)=cldfr(i,k,j)*.2
183                      endif
184                    if( .and.
185                       satvp = 3.80*exp(17.27*(t_phy(i,k,j)-273.)/ &
186                             (t_phy(i,k,j)-36.))/(.01*p_phy(i,k,j))
187                       rhgrid = max(.1,MIN( .95, moist(i,k,j,p_qv) /satvp))
188                        h2oliq=1000.*(gd_cloud_b(i,k,j) + moist(i,k,j,p_qc) + &
189                                      gd_cloud2_b(i,k,j) + moist(i,k,j,p_qi))
190                        satvp=1000.*satvp
191                        cldfr(i,k,j)=(1.-exp(-coef_alph*h2oliq/((1.-rhgrid)*satvp)**coef_gamm))*(rhgrid**coef_p)
192                        cldfr(i,k,j)=max(0.,MIN(1.,cldfr(i,k,j)))
193                        if(moist(i,k,j,p_qc).eq.0 .and. moist(i,k,j,p_qi).eq.0)cldfr(i,k,j)=cldfr(i,k,j)*.2
194                      endif
195 !                  endif
196               enddo
197            enddo
198         enddo
199    endif
201 END subroutine convtrans_prep