5 subroutine gocart_chem_driver(curr_secs,dt,config_flags, &
6 gmt,julday,t_phy,moist, &
7 chem,rho_phy,dz8w,p8w,backg_oh,backg_h2o2,backg_no3, &
8 gd_cldf,dx,g,xlat,xlong,ttday,tcosz, &
9 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
10 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
11 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte )
13 USE module_state_description
14 USE module_phot_mad, only : calc_zenith
16 TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags
18 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: julday, &
19 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
20 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
21 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
22 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_moist ), &
24 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), &
25 INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem
26 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), &
28 xlat,xlong,ttday,tcosz
29 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ), &
31 INTENT(IN ) :: gd_cldf
32 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ), &
33 INTENT(IN ) :: t_phy, &
34 backg_oh,backg_h2o2,backg_no3,dz8w,p8w, &
36 REAL(KIND=8), INTENT(IN) :: curr_secs
37 REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: dt,dx,g,gmt
38 integer :: nmx,i,j,k,imx,jmx,lmx
39 real*8, DIMENSION (1,1,1) :: tmp,airden,airmas,oh,xno3,h2o2,chldms_oh, &
40 chldms_no3,chldms_x,chpso2,chpmsa,chpso4, &
41 chlso2_oh,chlso2_aq,cldf
42 real*8, DIMENSION (1,1,4) :: tdry
43 real*8, DIMENSION (1,1) :: cossza
44 real, DIMENSION (1,1) :: sza,cosszax
45 real*8, DIMENSION (1,1,1,4) :: tc,bems
46 real*8, dimension (1) :: dxy
47 real(kind=8) :: xtime,xhour
49 real :: zenith,zenita,azimuth,xmin,xtimin,gmtp
50 integer(kind=8) :: ixhour
59 ixhour=int(gmt+.01,8)+int(xtime/60._8,8)
61 xmin=60.*gmt+real(xtime-xhour*60._8,8)
67 ! following arrays for busget stuff only
71 chem_select: SELECT CASE(config_flags%chem_opt)
73 CALL wrf_debug(15,'calling gocart chemistry ')
79 rlat=xlat(i,j)*3.1415926535590/180.
81 CALL szangle(1, 1, julday, gmtp, sza, cosszax,xlonn,rlat)
82 cossza(1,1)=cosszax(1,1)
93 if (present(gd_cldf) ) then
94 cldf(1,1,1)=gd_cldf(i,k,j)
98 if(p_qc.gt.1 .and. p_qi.gt.1)then
99 if(moist(i,k,j,p_qc).gt.0.or.moist(i,k,j,p_qi).gt.0.)cldf(1,1,1)=1.
100 elseif(p_qc.gt.1 .and. p_qi.le.1)then
101 if(moist(i,k,j,p_qc).gt.0.)cldf(1,1,1)=1.
103 tc(1,1,1,1)=chem(i,k,j,p_dms)*1.d-6
104 tc(1,1,1,2)=chem(i,k,j,p_so2)*1.d-6
105 tc(1,1,1,3)=chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)*1.d-6
106 tc(1,1,1,4)=chem(i,k,j,p_msa)*1.d-6
107 airmas(1,1,1)=-(p8w(i,k+1,j)-p8w(i,k,j))*dx*dx/g
108 airden(1,1,1)=rho_phy(i,k,j)
109 tmp(1,1,1)=t_phy(i,k,j)
110 oh(1,1,1)=86400./dt*cossza(1,1)*backg_oh(i,k,j)/tcosz(i,j)
111 h2o2(1,1,1)=backg_h2o2(i,k,j)
112 IF (COSSZA(1,1) > 0.0) THEN
115 ! -- Fraction of night
116 ! fnight = 1.0 - TTDAY(i,j)/86400.0
117 ! The original xno3 values have been averaged over daytime
118 ! as well => divide by fnight to get the appropriate night-time
119 ! fraction from the monthly average
120 ! fnight/=0.0 (for fnight=0: all cosszax (including current
122 xno3(1,1,1) = backg_no3(i,k,j) / (1.0 - TTDAY(i,j)/86400.)
124 ! if(i.eq.19.and.j.eq.19.and.k.eq.kts)then
125 ! write(0,*)backg_oh(i,k,j),backg_no3(i,k,j),ttday(i,j),tcosz(i,j)
128 call chmdrv_su( imx,jmx,lmx,&
129 nmx, dt, tmp, airden, airmas, &
130 oh, xno3, h2o2, cldf, tc, tdry,cossza, &
131 chldms_oh, chldms_no3, chldms_x, chpso2, chpmsa, chpso4, &
132 chlso2_oh, chlso2_aq)
133 chem(i,k,j,p_dms)=tc(1,1,1,1)*1.e6
134 chem(i,k,j,p_so2)=tc(1,1,1,2)*1.e6
135 chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)=tc(1,1,1,3)*1.e6
136 chem(i,k,j,p_msa)=tc(1,1,1,4)*1.e6
141 CALL wrf_debug(15,'calling gocart chemistry in addition to racm_kpp')
147 rlat=xlat(i,j)*3.1415926535590/180.
149 CALL szangle(1, 1, julday, gmtp, sza, cosszax,xlonn,rlat)
150 cossza(1,1)=cosszax(1,1)
160 if( present(gd_cldf) ) then
161 cldf(1,1,1)=gd_cldf(i,k,j)
166 if(moist(i,k,j,p_qc).gt.0.or.moist(i,k,j,p_qi).gt.0.)cldf(1,1,1)=1.
167 elseif(p_qc.gt.1)then
168 if(moist(i,k,j,p_qc).gt.0.)cldf(1,1,1)=1.
170 tc(1,1,1,1)=chem(i,k,j,p_dms)*1.d-6
171 tc(1,1,1,2)=chem(i,k,j,p_so2)*1.d-6
172 tc(1,1,1,3)=chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)*1.d-6
173 tc(1,1,1,4)=chem(i,k,j,p_msa)*1.d-6
174 airmas(1,1,1)=-(p8w(i,k+1,j)-p8w(i,k,j))*dx*dx/g
175 airden(1,1,1)=rho_phy(i,k,j)
176 tmp(1,1,1)=t_phy(i,k,j)
177 oh(1,1,1)=chem(i,k,j,p_ho)*1.d-6
178 h2o2(1,1,1)=chem(i,k,j,p_h2o2)*1.d-6
179 xno3(1,1,1) = chem(i,k,j,p_no3)*1.d-6
180 IF (COSSZA(1,1) > 0.0)xno3(1,1,1) = 0.
181 ! if(i.eq.19.and.j.eq.19.and.k.eq.kts)then
182 ! write(0,*)backg_oh(i,k,j),backg_no3(i,k,j),ttday(i,j),tcosz(i,j)
185 call chmdrv_su( imx,jmx,lmx,&
186 nmx, dt, tmp, airden, airmas, &
187 oh, xno3, h2o2, cldf, tc, tdry,cossza, &
188 chldms_oh, chldms_no3, chldms_x, chpso2, chpmsa, chpso4, &
189 chlso2_oh, chlso2_aq)
190 chem(i,k,j,p_dms)=tc(1,1,1,1)*1.e6
191 chem(i,k,j,p_so2)=tc(1,1,1,2)*1.e6
192 chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)=tc(1,1,1,3)*1.e6
193 chem(i,k,j,p_msa)=tc(1,1,1,4)*1.e6
194 chem(i,k,j,p_h2o2)=h2o2(1,1,1)*1.e6
198 END SELECT chem_select
199 end subroutine gocart_chem_driver
201 !SUBROUTINE chmdrv_su( &
202 ! imx, jmx, lmx, nmx, ndt1, tmp, drydf, airden, airmas, &
203 ! oh, xno3, h2o2, cldf, tc, tdry, depso2, depso4, depmsa, &
204 ! chldms_oh, chldms_no3, chldms_x, chpso2, chpmsa, chpso4, &
205 ! chlso2_oh, chlso2_aq)
207 !We don't apply losses due to dry deposition here, this is done in vertical mixing
208 SUBROUTINE chmdrv_su( imx,jmx,lmx,&
209 nmx, dt1, tmp, airden, airmas, &
210 oh, xno3, h2o2, cldf, tc, tdry,cossza, &
211 chldms_oh, chldms_no3, chldms_x, chpso2, chpmsa, chpso4, &
212 chlso2_oh, chlso2_aq)
214 ! ****************************************************************************
216 ! ** Chemistry subroutine. For tracers with dry deposition, the loss **
217 ! ** rate of dry dep is combined in chem loss term. **
219 ! ****************************************************************************
221 ! USE module_data_gocart
225 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nmx,imx,jmx,lmx
227 real, intent(in) :: dt1
228 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(IN) :: tmp, airden, airmas
229 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(IN) :: oh, xno3, cldf
230 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: h2o2
231 ! REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: drydf(imx,jmx,nmx)
232 REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: tc(imx,jmx,lmx,nmx)
233 REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: tdry(imx,jmx,nmx)
234 real*8, DIMENSION (imx,jmx),INTENT(IN) :: cossza
235 ! REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: depso2, depso4, depmsa
236 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: chldms_oh, chldms_no3
237 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: chldms_x, chpso2, chpmsa
238 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: chpso4, chlso2_oh, chlso2_aq
240 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx) :: pso2_dms, pmsa_dms, pso4_so2
242 ! executable statements
246 CALL chem_dms(imx,jmx,lmx,nmx, ndt1, tmp, airden, airmas, oh, xno3, &
247 tc, chldms_oh, chldms_no3, chldms_x, chpso2, chpmsa,cossza, &
249 ! WRITE(*,*) 'after CHEM_DMS'
250 CALL chem_so2(imx,jmx,lmx,nmx, ndt1, tmp, airden, airmas, &
251 cldf, oh, h2o2, tc, tdry, cossza,&
252 chpso4, chlso2_oh, chlso2_aq, pso2_dms, pso4_so2)
253 ! depso2, chpso4, chlso2_oh, chlso2_aq, pso2_dms, pso4_so2)
254 ! WRITE(*,*) 'after CHEM_SO2'
255 CALL chem_so4(imx,jmx,lmx,nmx, ndt1, airmas, tc, tdry,cossza, &
258 ! WRITE(*,*) 'after CHEM_SO4'
259 CALL chem_msa(imx,jmx,lmx,nmx, ndt1, airmas, tc, tdry, cossza,&
262 ! WRITE(*,*) 'after CHEM_MSA'
264 END SUBROUTINE chmdrv_su
266 !=============================================================================
267 SUBROUTINE chem_dms( imx,jmx,lmx,&
268 nmx, ndt1, tmp, airden, airmas, oh, xno3, &
269 tc, chldms_oh, chldms_no3, chldms_x, chpso2, chpmsa,cossza, &
272 ! ****************************************************************************
274 ! * This is DMS chemistry subroutine. *
276 ! * R1: DMS + OH -> a*SO2 + b*MSA OH addition channel *
277 ! * k1 = { 1.7e-42*exp(7810/T)*[O2] / (1+5.5e-31*exp(7460/T)*[O2] } *
278 ! * a = 0.75, b = 0.25 *
280 ! * R2: DMS + OH -> SO2 + ... OH abstraction channel *
281 ! * k2 = 1.2e-11*exp(-260/T) *
283 ! * DMS_OH = DMS0 * exp(-(r1+r2)*NDT1) *
284 ! * where DMS0 is the DMS concentration at the beginning, *
285 ! * r1 = k1*[OH], r2 = k2*[OH]. *
287 ! * R3: DMS + NO3 -> SO2 + ... *
288 ! * k3 = 1.9e-13*exp(500/T) *
290 ! * DMS = DMS_OH * exp(-r3*NDT1) *
291 ! * where r3 = k3*[NO3]. *
293 ! * R4: DMS + X -> SO2 + ... *
294 ! * assume to be at the rate of DMS+OH and DMS+NO3 combined. *
296 ! * The production of SO2 and MSA here, PSO2_DMS and PMSA_DMS, are saved *
297 ! * for use in CHEM_SO2 and CHEM_MSA subroutines as a source term. They *
298 ! * are in unit of MixingRatio/timestep. *
300 ! ****************************************************************************
302 USE module_data_gocartchem
306 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nmx, ndt1,imx,jmx,lmx
307 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(IN) :: tmp, airden, airmas
308 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(IN) :: oh, xno3
309 REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: tc(imx,jmx,lmx,nmx)
310 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: chldms_oh, chldms_no3
311 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: chldms_x, chpso2, chpmsa
312 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(OUT) :: pso2_dms, pmsa_dms
313 real*8, DIMENSION (imx,jmx),INTENT(IN) :: cossza
315 REAL*8, PARAMETER :: fx = 1.0
316 REAL*8, PARAMETER :: a = 0.75
317 REAL*8, PARAMETER :: b = 0.25
319 ! From D4: only 0.8 efficiency, also some goes to DMSO and lost.
320 ! So we assume 0.75 efficiency for DMS addtion channel to form
323 REAL*8, PARAMETER :: eff = 1.0
324 ! -- Factor to convert AIRDEN from kgair/m3 to molecules/cm3:
325 REAL*8, PARAMETER :: f = 1000.0 / airmw * 6.022D23 * 1.0D-6
327 REAL(KIND=8) :: tk, o2, dms0, rk1, rk2, rk3, dms_oh, dms, xoh, xn3, xx
329 ! executable statements
332 !CMIC$ doall autoscope
337 o2 = airden(i,j,l) * f * 0.21
338 dms0 = tc(i,j,l,NDMS)
340 ! ****************************************************************************
341 ! * (1) DMS + OH: RK1 - addition channel; RK2 - abstraction channel. *
342 ! ****************************************************************************
348 IF (oh(i,j,l) > 0.0) THEN
349 ! IF (TRIM(oh_units) == 'mol/mol') THEN
350 ! mozech: oh is in mol/mol
351 ! convert to molecules/cm3
352 rk1 = (1.7D-42 * EXP(7810.0/tk) * o2) / &
353 (1.0 + 5.5D-31 * EXP(7460.0/tk) * o2 ) * oh(i,j,l) * &
355 rk2 = 1.2D-11*EXP(-260.0/tk) * oh(i,j,l)*airden(i,j,l)*f
357 ! rk1 = (1.7D-42 * EXP(7810.0/tk) * o2) / &
358 ! (1.0 + 5.5D-31 * EXP(7460.0/tk) * o2 ) * oh(i,j,l)
359 ! rk2 = 1.2D-11*EXP(-260.0/tk) * oh(i,j,l)
363 ! ****************************************************************************
364 ! * (2) DMS + NO3 (only happens at night): *
365 ! ****************************************************************************
367 IF (cossza(i,j) <= 0.0) THEN
369 ! IF (TRIM(no3_units) == 'cm-3') THEN
370 ! ! IMAGES: XNO3 is in molecules/cm3.
371 ! rk3 = 1.9D-13 * EXP(500.0/tk) * xno3(i,j,l)
374 ! GEOSCHEM (mergechem) and mozech: XNO3 is in mol/mol (v/v)
375 ! convert xno3 from volume mixing ratio to molecules/cm3
376 rk3 = 1.9D-13 * EXP(500.0/tk) * xno3(i,j,l) * &
382 ! ****************************************************************************
383 ! * Update DMS concentrations after reaction with OH and NO3, and also *
384 ! * account for DMS + X assuming at a rate as (DMS+OH)*Fx in the day and *
385 ! * (DMS+NO3)*Fx at night: *
386 ! * DMS_OH : DMS concentration after reaction with OH *
387 ! * DMS : DMS concentration after reaction with NO3 *
388 ! * (min(DMS) = 1.0E-32) *
389 ! ****************************************************************************
391 dms_oh = dms0 * EXP( -(rk1 + rk2) * fx * REAL(ndt1) )
392 dms = dms_oh * EXP( -(rk3) * fx * REAL(ndt1) )
393 dms = MAX(dms, 1.0D-32)
397 ! ****************************************************************************
398 ! * Save SO2 and MSA production from DMS oxidation *
399 ! * (in MixingRatio/timestep): *
401 ! * SO2 is formed in DMS + OH addition (0.85) and abstraction (1.0) *
402 ! * channels as well as DMS + NO3 reaction. We also assume that *
403 ! * SO2 yield from DMS + X is 1.0. *
404 ! * MSA is formed in DMS + OH addition (0.15) channel. *
405 ! ****************************************************************************
407 IF ((rk1 + rk2) == 0.0) THEN
408 pmsa_dms(i,j,l) = 0.0D0
410 ! pmsa_dms(i,j,l) = (dms0 - dms_oh) * b*rk1/((rk1+rk2)*fx)
411 pmsa_dms(i,j,l) = max(0.0D0,(dms0 - dms_oh) * b*rk1/((rk1+rk2) * fx) * eff)
413 pso2_dms(i,j,l) = max(0.0D0,dms0 - dms - pmsa_dms(i,j,l))
414 ! pso2_dms(i,j,l) = (dms0 - dms - pmsa_dms(i,j,l)/eff) * eff
416 ! ------------------------------------------------------------
417 ! DIAGNOSTICS: DMS loss (kgS/timstep)
418 ! SO2 production (kgS/timestep)
419 ! MSA production (kgS/timestep)
420 ! ------------------------------------------------------------
421 xoh = (dms0 - dms_oh) / fx * airmas(i,j,l)/airmw*smw
422 xn3 = (dms_oh - dms) / fx * airmas(i,j,l)/airmw*smw
423 xx = (dms0 - dms) * airmas(i,j,l)/airmw*smw - xoh - xn3
425 chldms_oh (i,j,l) = chldms_oh (i,j,l) + xoh
426 chldms_no3(i,j,l) = chldms_no3(i,j,l) + xn3
427 chldms_x (i,j,l) = chldms_x (i,j,l) + xx
429 chpso2(i,j,l) = chpso2(i,j,l) + pso2_dms(i,j,l) &
430 * airmas(i,j,l) / airmw * smw
431 chpmsa(i,j,l) = chpmsa(i,j,l) + pmsa_dms(i,j,l) &
432 * airmas(i,j,l) / airmw * smw
438 END SUBROUTINE chem_dms
440 !=============================================================================
442 SUBROUTINE chem_so2( imx,jmx,lmx,&
443 nmx, ndt1, tmp, airden, airmas, &
444 cldf, oh, h2o2, tc, tdry, cossza,&
445 chpso4, chlso2_oh, chlso2_aq, pso2_dms, pso4_so2)
446 ! depso2, chpso4, chlso2_oh, chlso2_aq, pso2_dms, pso4_so2)
448 ! ****************************************************************************
450 ! * This is SO2 chemistry subroutine. *
452 ! * SO2 production: *
453 ! * DMS + OH, DMS + NO3 (saved in CHEM_DMS) *
456 ! * SO2 + OH -> SO4 *
457 ! * SO2 -> drydep (NOT USED IN WRF/CHEM *
458 ! * SO2 + H2O2 or O3 (aq) -> SO4 *
460 ! * SO2 = SO2_0 * exp(-bt) *
461 ! * + PSO2_DMS/bt * [1-exp(-bt)] *
462 ! * where b is the sum of the reaction rate of SO2 + OH and the dry *
463 ! * deposition rate of SO2, PSO2_DMS is SO2 production from DMS in *
464 ! * MixingRatio/timestep. *
466 ! * If there is cloud in the gridbox (fraction = fc), then the aqueous *
467 ! * phase chemistry also takes place in cloud. The amount of SO2 oxidized *
468 ! * by H2O2 in cloud is limited by the available H2O2; the rest may be *
469 ! * oxidized due to additional chemistry, e.g, reaction with O3 or O2 *
470 ! * (catalyzed by trace metal). *
472 ! ****************************************************************************
473 USE module_data_gocartchem
477 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nmx, ndt1,imx,jmx,lmx
478 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(IN) :: tmp, airden, airmas
479 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(IN) :: cldf, oh
480 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: h2o2
481 real*8, DIMENSION (imx,jmx),INTENT(IN) :: cossza
482 ! REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: drydf(imx,jmx,nmx)
483 REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: tc(imx,jmx,lmx,nmx)
484 REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: tdry(imx,jmx,nmx)
486 ! REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: depso2
487 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: chpso4, chlso2_oh, chlso2_aq
488 REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: pso2_dms(imx,jmx,lmx)
489 REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: pso4_so2(imx,jmx,lmx)
491 REAL*8 :: k0, kk, m, l1, l2, ld
492 ! Factor to convert AIRDEN from kgair/m3 to molecules/cm3:
493 REAL*8, PARAMETER :: f = 1000. / airmw * 6.022D23 * 1.0D-6
494 REAL*8, PARAMETER :: ki = 1.5D-12
496 REAL*8 :: so20, tk, f1, rk1, rk2, rk, rkt, so2_cd, fc, so2
498 ! executable statements
504 so20 = tc(i,j,l,NSO2)
506 ! RK1: SO2 + OH(g), in s-1
508 k0 = 3.0D-31 * (300.0/tk)**3.3
509 m = airden(i,j,l) * f
511 f1 = ( 1.0+ ( LOG10(kk) )**2 )**(-1)
512 ! IF (TRIM(oh_units) == 'mol/mol') THEN
513 ! mozech: oh is in mol/mol
514 ! convert to molecules/cm3
515 rk1 = ( k0 * m / (1.0 + kk) ) * 0.6**f1 * &
516 oh(i,j,l)*airden(i,j,l)*f
518 ! rk1 = ( k0 * m / (1.0 + kk) ) * 0.6**f1 * oh(i,j,l)
521 ! RK2: SO2 drydep frequency, s-1
522 ! IF (l == 1) THEN ! at the surface
523 ! rk2 = drydf(i,j,NSO2)
529 rkt = rk * REAL(ndt1)
531 ! ****************************************************************************
532 ! * Update SO2 concentration after gas phase chemistry and deposition. *
533 ! ****************************************************************************
536 so2_cd = so20 * EXP(-rkt) &
537 + pso2_dms(i,j,l) * (1.0 - EXP(-rkt)) / rkt
538 l1 = (so20 - so2_cd + pso2_dms(i,j,l)) * rk1/rk
540 ld = (so20 - so2_cd + pso2_dms(i,j,l)) * rk2/rk
549 ! ****************************************************************************
550 ! * Update SO2 concentration after cloud chemistry. *
551 ! * SO2 chemical loss rate = SO4 production rate (MixingRatio/timestep). *
552 ! ****************************************************************************
554 ! Cloud chemistry (above 258K):
556 IF (fc > 0.0 .AND. so2_cd > 0.0 .AND. tk > 258.0) THEN
558 IF (so2_cd > h2o2(i,j,l)) THEN
559 fc = fc * (h2o2(i,j,l)/so2_cd)
560 h2o2(i,j,l) = h2o2(i,j,l) * (1.0 - cldf(i,j,l))
562 h2o2(i,j,l) = h2o2(i,j,l) * &
563 (1.0 - cldf(i,j,l)*so2_cd/h2o2(i,j,l))
565 so2 = so2_cd * (1.0 - fc)
566 ! Aqueous phase SO2 loss rate (MixingRatio/timestep):
573 so2 = MAX(so2, 1.0D-32)
576 ! ****************************************************************************
577 ! * SO2 chemical loss rate = SO4 production rate (MixingRatio/timestep). *
578 ! ****************************************************************************
580 pso4_so2(i,j,l) = max(0.0D0,l1 + l2)
582 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
583 ! DIAGNOSTICS: SO2 gas-phase loss (kgS/timestep)
584 ! SO2 aqueous-phase loss (kgS/timestep)
585 ! SO2 dry deposition loss (kgS/timestep)
586 ! SO4 production (kgS/timestep)
587 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
588 chlso2_oh(i,j,l) = chlso2_oh(i,j,l) &
589 + l1 * airmas(i,j,l) / airmw * smw
590 chlso2_aq(i,j,l) = chlso2_aq(i,j,l) &
591 + l2 * airmas(i,j,l) / airmw * smw
593 ! depso2(i,j) = depso2(i,j) + ld * airmas(i,j,l) / airmw * smw
595 chpso4(i,j,l) = chpso4(i,j,l) + pso4_so2(i,j,l) &
596 * airmas(i,j,l) / airmw * smw
602 ! tdry(:,:,NSO2) = depso2(:,:)*tcmw(NSO2)/smw ! kg of SO2
604 END SUBROUTINE chem_so2
606 !=============================================================================
608 SUBROUTINE chem_so4( imx,jmx,lmx,&
609 nmx, ndt1, airmas, tc, tdry, cossza,&
613 ! ****************************************************************************
615 ! * This is SO4 chemistry subroutine. *
617 ! * The Only production is from SO2 oxidation (save in CHEM_SO2), and the *
618 ! * only loss is dry depsition here. Wet deposition will be treated in *
619 ! * WETDEP subroutine. *
621 ! * SO4 = SO4_0 * exp(-kt) + PSO4_SO2/kt * (1.-exp(-kt)) *
622 ! * where k = dry deposition. *
624 ! ****************************************************************************
625 USE module_data_gocartchem
629 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nmx, ndt1,imx,jmx,lmx
630 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(IN) :: airmas
631 ! REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: drydf(imx,jmx,nmx)
632 REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: tc(imx,jmx,lmx,nmx)
633 REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: tdry(imx,jmx,nmx)
635 ! REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: depso4
636 REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: pso4_so2(imx,jmx,lmx)
637 real*8, DIMENSION (imx,jmx),INTENT(IN) :: cossza
640 REAL*8 :: so40, rk, rkt, so4
642 ! executable statements
648 so40 = tc(i,j,l,NSO4)
650 ! RK: SO4 drydep frequency, s-1
652 ! rk = drydf(i,j,NSO4)
653 ! rkt = rk * REAL(ndt1)
655 ! so4 = so40 * EXP(-rkt) + pso4_so2(i,j,l)/rkt * (1.0 - EXP(-rkt))
657 so4 = so40 + pso4_so2(i,j,l)
659 if(pso4_so2(i,j,l).lt.0.)then
660 write(0,*)'so4 routine, pso4 = ',pso4_so2(i,j,l),so4,so40
663 so4 = MAX(so4, 1.0D-32)
666 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
667 ! DIAGNOSTICS: SO4 dry deposition (kgS/timestep)
668 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
670 ! depso4(i,j) = depso4(i,j) + (so40 - so4 + pso4_so2(i,j,l)) &
671 ! * airmas(i,j,l) / airmw * smw
677 ! tdry(:,:,NSO4) = depso4(:,:)*tcmw(NSO4)/smw ! kg of SO4
679 END SUBROUTINE chem_so4
681 !=============================================================================
683 SUBROUTINE chem_msa( imx,jmx,lmx,&
684 nmx, ndt1, airmas, tc, tdry, cossza,&
688 ! ****************************************************************************
690 ! * This is MSA chemistry subroutine. *
692 ! * The Only production is from DMS oxidation (save in CHEM_DMS), and the *
693 ! * only loss is dry depsition here. Wet deposition will be treated in *
694 ! * WETDEP subroutine. *
696 ! * MSA = MSA_0 * exp(-dt) + PMSA_DMS/kt * (1.-exp(-kt)) *
697 ! * where k = dry deposition. *
699 ! ****************************************************************************
700 USE module_data_gocartchem
704 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nmx, ndt1,imx,jmx,lmx
705 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx,lmx), INTENT(IN) :: airmas
706 REAL*8, DIMENSION(imx,jmx), INTENT(IN) :: cossza
707 ! REAL, INTENT(IN) :: drydf(imx,jmx,nmx)
708 REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: tc(imx,jmx,lmx,nmx)
709 REAL*8, INTENT(INOUT) :: tdry(imx,jmx,nmx)
710 ! REAL, DIMENSION(imx,jmx), INTENT(INOUT) :: depmsa
711 REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: pmsa_dms(imx,jmx,lmx)
713 REAL*8 :: msa0, msa, rk, rkt
716 ! executable statements
722 msa0 = tc(i,j,l,NMSA)
724 ! RK: MSA drydep frequency, s-1
726 ! rk = drydf(i,j,NMSA)
727 ! rkt = rk * REAL(ndt1)
729 ! msa = msa0 * EXP(-rkt) &
730 ! + pmsa_dms(i,j,l)/rkt * (1.0 - EXP(-rkt))
733 msa = msa0 + pmsa_dms(i,j,l)
736 msa = MAX(msa, 1.0D-32)
739 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
740 ! DIAGNOSTICS: MSA dry deposition (kgS/timestep)
741 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
743 ! depmsa(i,j) = depmsa(i,j) + (msa0 - msa + pmsa_dms(i,j,l)) &
744 ! * airmas(i,j,l) / airmw * smw
750 ! tdry(:,:,NMSA) = depmsa(:,:)*tcmw(NMSA)/smw ! kg of MSA
752 END SUBROUTINE chem_msa
753 SUBROUTINE szangle(imx, jmx, doy, xhour, sza, cossza,xlon,rlat)
756 ! ****************************************************************************
758 ! ** This subroutine computes solar zenith angle (SZA): **
760 ! ** cos(SZA) = sin(LAT)*sin(DEC) + cos(LAT)*cos(DEC)*cos(AHR) **
762 ! ** where LAT is the latitude angle, DEC is the solar declination angle, **
763 ! ** and AHR is the hour angle, all in radius. **
765 ! ** DOY = day-of-year, XHOUR = UT time (hrs). **
766 ! ** XLON = longitude in degree, RLAT = latitude in radian. **
767 ! ****************************************************************************
772 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: imx, jmx
773 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: doy
774 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: xhour
775 REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: sza(imx,jmx), cossza(imx,jmx)
777 REAL :: a0, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, r, dec, timloc, ahr,xlon,rlat
778 real, parameter :: pi=3.14
781 ! executable statements
783 ! ***************************************************************************
784 ! * Solar declination angle: *
785 ! ***************************************************************************
793 r = 2.0* pi * REAL(doy-1)/365.0
795 dec = a0 - a1*COS( r) + b1*SIN( r) &
796 - a2*COS(2.0*r) + b2*SIN(2.0*r) &
797 - a3*COS(3.0*r) + b3*SIN(3.0*r)
800 ! ************************************************************************
801 ! * Hour angle (AHR) is a function of longitude. AHR is zero at *
802 ! * solar noon, and increases by 15 deg for every hour before or *
803 ! * after solar noon. *
804 ! ************************************************************************
805 ! -- Local time in hours
806 timloc = xhour + xlon/15.0
807 ! IF (timloc < 0.0) timloc = 24.0 + timloc
808 IF (timloc > 24.0) timloc = timloc - 24.0
811 ahr = ABS(timloc - 12.0) * 15.0 * pi/180.0
814 ! -- Solar zenith angle
815 cossza(i,j) = SIN(rlat) * SIN(dec) + &
816 COS(rlat) * COS(dec) * COS(ahr)
817 sza(i,j) = ACOS(cossza(i,j)) * 180.0/pi
818 IF (cossza(i,j) < 0.0) cossza(i,j) = 0.0
823 END subroutine szangle