1 Change only the magnitude of the values
2 Name Std Lengthscale Decorrelation Std cutoff Seed 2d pert (0)
3 [m] time [s] or 3d pert (1)
4 1 ALBEDO 0.10 100000.0 86400.0 3.0 17 0
5 2 AOD 0.25 100000.0 3600.0 3.0 18 0
6 3 ANGSTROM 0.10 100000.0 3600.0 3.0 19 0
7 4 ASSYMFAC 0.05 100000.0 3600.0 3.0 20 0
8 5 QVAPOR 0.05 100000.0 3600.0 3.0 21 1
9 6 QCLOUD 0.10 100000.0 3600.0 3.0 22 1
10 7 QICE 0.10 100000.0 3600.0 3.0 23 1
11 8 QSNOW 0.10 100000.0 3600.0 3.0 24 1
12 9 NI 0.05 100000.0 3600.0 3.0 25 1
13 10 TH 0.001 100000.0 3600.0 3.0 26 1
14 11 TKE 0.05 80000.0 600.0 3.0 27 1
15 12 SMOIS 0.10 80000.0 21600.0 3.0 28 1
16 13 TSOIL 0.001 80000.0 21600.0 3.0 29 1
17 14 W 0.10 80000.0 21600.0 3.0 30 1