CMake netCDF Compatibility with WPS (#2121)
[WRF.git] / phys / module_cu_gf_deep.F
1 MODULE module_cu_gf_deep
3 #if ( WRF_CHEM == 1)
4      USE module_cu_gf_ctrans,only: ctrans_gf
5 #endif
6      real, parameter::g=9.81
7      real, parameter:: cp=1004.
8      real, parameter:: xlv=2.5e6
9      real, parameter::r_v=461.
10      real, parameter :: tcrit=258.
11 ! tuning constant for cloudwater/ice detrainment
12      real, parameter:: c1=.001 ! .0005
13 ! parameter to turn on or off evaporation of rainwater as done in SAS
14      integer, parameter :: irainevap=0
15 ! max allowed fractional coverage (frh_thresh)
16      real, parameter::frh_thresh = .9
17 ! rh threshold. if fractional coverage ~ frh_thres, do not use cupa any further
18      real, parameter::rh_thresh = .97
19 ! tuning constant for J. Brown closure (Ichoice = 4,5,6)
20      real, parameter::betajb=1.5
21 ! tuning for shallow and mid convection. EC uses 1.5
22      integer, parameter:: use_excess=1
23      real, parameter :: fluxtune=1.5
24 ! flag to turn off or modify mom transport by downdrafts
25      real, parameter :: pgcd = 1.
27 ! aerosol awareness, do not user yet!
29      integer, parameter :: autoconv=1
30      integer, parameter :: aeroevap=1
31      real, parameter :: ccnclean=250.
32 ! still 16 ensembles for clousres
33      integer, parameter:: maxens3=16
36 contains
39    SUBROUTINE CUP_gf(        &          
40                itf,ktf,its,ite, kts,kte  &
42               ,dicycle       &  ! diurnal cycle flag
43               ,ichoice       &  ! choice of closure, use "0" for ensemble average
44               ,ipr           &  ! this flag can be used for debugging prints
45               ,ccn           &  ! not well tested yet
46               ,DTIME         &
47               ,imid          &  ! flag to turn on mid level convection
49               ,kpbl          &  ! level of boundary layer height
50               ,dhdt          &  ! boundary layer forcing (one closure for shallow)
51               ,xland         &  ! land mask
53               ,zo            &  ! heights above surface
54               ,forcing       &  ! only diagnostic
55               ,T             &  ! T before forcing
56               ,Q             &  ! Q before forcing
57               ,Z1            &  ! terrain
58               ,Tn            &  ! T including forcing
59               ,QO            &  ! Q including forcing
60               ,PO            &  ! pressure (mb)
61               ,PSUR          &  ! surface pressure (mb)
62               ,US            &  ! u on mass points
63               ,VS            &  ! v on mass points
64               ,rho           &  ! density
65               ,hfx           &  ! W/M2, positive upward
66               ,qfx           &  ! W/M2, positive upward
67               ,dx            &  ! dx is grid point dependent here
68               ,mconv         &  ! integrated vertical advection of moisture
69               ,omeg          &  ! omega (Pa/s)
71               ,csum          &  ! used to implement memory, set to zero if not avail
72               ,cnvwt         &  ! GFS needs this
73               ,zuo           &  ! nomalized updraft mass flux
74               ,zdo           &  ! nomalized downdraft mass flux
75               ,edto          &
76               ,xmb_out       &  !the xmb's may be needed for dicycle
77               ,xmbm_in       &
78               ,xmbs_in       &
79               ,pre           &
80               ,outu          &  ! momentum tendencies at mass points
81               ,outv          &
82               ,outt          &  ! temperature tendencies
83               ,outq          &  ! q tendencies
84               ,outqc         &  ! ql/qice tendencies
85               ,kbcon         &
86               ,ktop          &
87               ,cupclw        &  ! used for direct coupling to radiation, but with tuning factors
88               ,ierr          &  ! ierr flags are error flags, used for debugging
89               ,ierrc         &
90 !    the following should be set to zero if not available
91               ,rand_mom      &  ! for stochastics mom, if temporal and spatial patterns exist
92               ,rand_vmas     &  ! for stochastics vertmass, if temporal and spatial patterns exist
93               ,rand_clos     &  ! for stochastics closures, if temporal and spatial patterns exist
94               ,nranflag      &  ! flag to what you want perturbed
95                                 ! 1 = momentum transport 
96                                 ! 2 = normalized vertical mass flux profile
97                                 ! 3 = closures
98                                 ! more is possible, talk to developer or
99                                 ! implement yourself. pattern is expected to be
100                                 ! betwee -1 and +1
101 #if ( WRF_DFI_RADAR == 1 )
102               ,do_capsuppress,cap_suppress_j    &             
103 #endif
104 #if ( WRF_CHEM == 1 )
105               ,num_chem,chem2d,outchemt         &
106               ,num_tracer,tracer2d,outtracert   &
107               ,numgas,chemopt,traceropt         &
108               ,conv_tr_wetscav,conv_tr_aqchem   &
109               ,chem_conv_tr                   &
110 #endif
111               ,k22                              &
112               ,jmin)
116      integer                                                &
117         ,intent (in   )                   ::                &
118         nranflag,itf,ktf,its,ite, kts,kte,ipr,imid
119      integer, intent (in   )              ::                &
120         ichoice
121      real,  dimension (its:ite,4)                           &
122         ,intent (in  )                   ::  rand_clos
123      real,  dimension (its:ite)                             &
124         ,intent (in  )                   ::  rand_mom,rand_vmas
126 #if ( WRF_DFI_RADAR == 1 )
128 !  option of cap suppress:
129 !        do_capsuppress = 1   do
130 !        do_capsuppress = other   don't
133    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   ) ,OPTIONAL   :: do_capsuppress
134    REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite ) :: cap_suppress_j
135 #endif
136   !
137   ! 
138   !
139       real,    dimension (its:ite,1:maxens3) :: xf_ens,pr_ens
140   ! outtem = output temp tendency (per s)
141   ! outq   = output q tendency (per s)
142   ! outqc  = output qc tendency (per s)
143   ! pre    = output precip
144      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
145         ,intent (inout  )                   ::                         &
146         cnvwt,outu,outv,OUTT,OUTQ,OUTQC,cupclw
147      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
148         ,intent (inout  )                   ::                         &
149         pre,xmb_out
150      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
151         ,intent (in  )                   ::                            &
152         hfx,qfx,xmbm_in,xmbs_in
153      integer,    dimension (its:ite)                                   &
154         ,intent (inout  )                ::                            &
155         kbcon,ktop
156      integer,    dimension (its:ite)                                   &
157         ,intent (in  )                   ::                            &
158         kpbl
159   !
160   ! basic environmental input includes moisture convergence (mconv)
161   ! omega (omeg), windspeed (us,vs), and a flag (ierr) to turn off
162   ! convection for this call only and at that particular gridpoint
163   !
164      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
165         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
166         dhdt,rho,T,PO,US,VS,tn
167      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
168         ,intent (inout   )                ::                           &
169         omeg
170      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
171         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
172          Q,QO,zuo,zdo
173      real, dimension (its:ite)                                         &
174         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
175         dx,ccn,Z1,PSUR,xland
176      real, dimension (its:ite)                                         &
177         ,intent (inout   )                ::                           &
178         mconv
181        real                                                            &
182         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
183         dtime
185 #if ( WRF_CHEM == 1 )
186        INTEGER,INTENT(IN   ) ::                                        &
187               num_chem,num_tracer,numgas,chemopt,traceropt,            &
188               conv_tr_wetscav,conv_tr_aqchem,chem_conv_tr
189        REAL,DIMENSION(its:ite , kts:kte , num_chem),INTENT(IN)::       &
190                         tracer2d
191        REAL,DIMENSION(its:ite , kts:kte , num_chem),INTENT(IN)::       &
192                         chem2d
193        REAL,DIMENSION(its:ite , kts:kte , num_tracer),INTENT(INOUT)::  &
194                         outtracert
195        REAL,DIMENSION(its:ite , kts:kte , num_tracer),INTENT(INOUT)::  &
196                         outchemt
197        INTEGER :: nv
198        real,dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) ::  tempco
200 #endif
203 !  local ensemble dependent variables in this routine
205      real,    dimension (its:ite,1)  ::                                &
206         xaa0_ens
207      real,    dimension (its:ite,1)  ::                                &
208         edtc
209      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte,1) ::                         &
210         dellat_ens,dellaqc_ens,dellaq_ens,pwo_ens
214 !***************** the following are your basic environmental
215 !                  variables. They carry a "_cup" if they are
216 !                  on model cloud levels (staggered). They carry
217 !                  an "o"-ending (z becomes zo), if they are the forced
218 !                  variables. They are preceded by x (z becomes xz)
219 !                  to indicate modification by some typ of cloud
221   ! z           = heights of model levels
222   ! q           = environmental mixing ratio
223   ! qes         = environmental saturation mixing ratio
224   ! t           = environmental temp
225   ! p           = environmental pressure
226   ! he          = environmental moist static energy
227   ! hes         = environmental saturation moist static energy
228   ! z_cup       = heights of model cloud levels
229   ! q_cup       = environmental q on model cloud levels
230   ! qes_cup     = saturation q on model cloud levels
231   ! t_cup       = temperature (Kelvin) on model cloud levels
232   ! p_cup       = environmental pressure
233   ! he_cup = moist static energy on model cloud levels
234   ! hes_cup = saturation moist static energy on model cloud levels
235   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
238   ! hcd = moist static energy in downdraft
239   ! zd normalized downdraft mass flux
240   ! dby = buoancy term
241   ! entr = entrainment rate
242   ! zd   = downdraft normalized mass flux
243   ! entr= entrainment rate
244   ! hcd = h in model cloud
245   ! bu = buoancy term
246   ! zd = normalized downdraft mass flux
247   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
248   ! qcd = cloud q (including liquid water) after entrainment
249   ! qrch = saturation q in cloud
250   ! pwd = evaporate at that level
251   ! pwev = total normalized integrated evaoprate (I2)
252   ! entr= entrainment rate
253   ! z1 = terrain elevation
254   ! entr = downdraft entrainment rate
255   ! jmin = downdraft originating level
256   ! kdet = level above ground where downdraft start detraining
257   ! psur        = surface pressure
258   ! z1          = terrain elevation
259   ! pr_ens = precipitation ensemble
260   ! xf_ens = mass flux ensembles
261   ! omeg = omega from large scale model
262   ! mconv = moisture convergence from large scale model
263   ! zd      = downdraft normalized mass flux
264   ! zu      = updraft normalized mass flux
265   ! dir     = "storm motion"
266   ! mbdt    = arbitrary numerical parameter
267   ! dtime   = dt over which forcing is applied
268   ! kbcon       = LFC of parcel from k22
269   ! k22         = updraft originating level
270   ! ichoice       = flag if only want one closure (usually set to zero!)
271   ! dby = buoancy term
272   ! ktop = cloud top (output)
273   ! xmb    = total base mass flux
274   ! hc = cloud moist static energy
275   ! hkb = moist static energy at originating level
277      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) ::                            &
278         entr_rate_2d,mentrd_rate_2d,he,hes,qes,z, heo,heso,qeso,zo,     &                    
279         xhe,xhes,xqes,xz,xt,xq,qes_cup,q_cup,he_cup,hes_cup,z_cup,      &
280         p_cup,gamma_cup,t_cup, qeso_cup,qo_cup,heo_cup,heso_cup,        &
281         zo_cup,po_cup,gammao_cup,tn_cup,                                &    
282         xqes_cup,xq_cup,xhe_cup,xhes_cup,xz_cup,                        &
283         xt_cup, dby,hc,zu,clw_all,                                      &
284         dbyo,qco,qrcdo,pwdo,pwo,hcdo,qcdo,dbydo,hco,qrco,               &
285         dbyt,xdby,xhc,xzu,                                                   &
287   ! cd  = detrainment function for updraft
288   ! cdd = detrainment function for downdraft
289   ! dellat = change of temperature per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
290   ! dellaq = change of q per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
291   ! dellaqc = change of qc per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
293         cd,cdd,DELLAH,DELLAQ,DELLAT,DELLAQC,                            &
294         u_cup,v_cup,uc,vc,ucd,vcd,dellu,dellv
296   ! aa0 cloud work function for downdraft
297   ! edt = epsilon
298   ! aa0     = cloud work function without forcing effects
299   ! aa1     = cloud work function with forcing effects
300   ! xaa0    = cloud work function with cloud effects (ensemble dependent)
301   ! edt     = epsilon
303      real,    dimension (its:ite) ::                                     &
304        edt,edto,AA1,AA0,XAA0,HKB,                                        &
305        HKBO,XHKB,                                                        &
306        XMB,PWAVO,                                                        &
307        PWEVO,BU,BUD,cap_max,                                             &
308        cap_max_increment,closure_n,psum,psumh,sig,sigd
309      real,    dimension (its:ite) ::                                     &
310         axx,edtmax,edtmin,entr_rate
311      integer,    dimension (its:ite) ::                                  &
312        kzdown,KDET,K22,JMIN,kstabi,kstabm,K22x,xland1,                   &  
313        ktopdby,KBCONx,ierr2,ierr3,KBMAX
315      integer,  dimension (its:ite), intent(inout) :: ierr
316      integer,  dimension (its:ite), intent(in) :: csum
317      integer                              ::                             &
318        iloop,nens3,ki,kk,I,K
319      real                                 ::                             &
320       dz,dzo,mbdt,radius,                                                &
321       zcutdown,depth_min,zkbmax,z_detr,zktop,                            &
322       dh,cap_maxs,trash,trash2,frh,sig_thresh
323      real entdo,dp,subin,detdo,entup,                                    &
324       detup,subdown,entdoj,entupk,detupk,totmas
326      real, dimension (its:ite) :: lambau,flux_tun,zws,ztexec,zqexec
328      integer :: jprnt,jmini,start_k22
329      logical :: keep_going,flg(its:ite)
331      character*50 :: ierrc(its:ite)
332      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) ::                              &
333        up_massentr,up_massdetr,c1d                                        &
334       ,up_massentro,up_massdetro,dd_massentro,dd_massdetro
335      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) ::                              &
336        up_massentru,up_massdetru,dd_massentru,dd_massdetru
337      real buo_flux,pgcon,pgc,blqe
339      real :: xff_mid(its:ite,2)
340      integer :: iversion=1
341      real :: denom,h_entr,umean,t_star,dq
342      integer, intent(IN) :: DICYCLE
343      real,    dimension (its:ite) :: aa1_bl,hkbo_bl,tau_bl,tau_ecmwf,wmean
344      real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) :: tn_bl, qo_bl, qeso_bl, heo_bl, heso_bl             &
345                                               ,qeso_cup_bl,qo_cup_bl, heo_cup_bl,heso_cup_bl &
346                                               ,gammao_cup_bl,tn_cup_bl,hco_bl,DBYo_bl
347      real, dimension(its:ite) :: xf_dicycle
348      real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,10) :: forcing
349      integer :: pmin_lev(its:ite),start_level(its:ite),ktopkeep(its:ite)
350      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) :: dtempdz
351      integer, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) ::  k_inv_layers 
353 ! rainevap from sas
354      real zuh2(40)
355      real, dimension (its:ite) :: rntot,delqev,delq2,qevap,rn,qcond
356      real :: rain,t1,q1,elocp,evef,el2orc,evfact,evfactl,g_rain,e_dn,c_up
357      real :: pgeoh,dts,fp,fpi,pmin,x_add,beta,beta_u
358      real :: cbeg,cmid,cend,const_a,const_b,const_c
359       flux_tun(:)=fluxtune
360 !      if(imid.eq.1)flux_tun(:)=fluxtune+.5
361       pmin=150.
362       if(imid.eq.1)pmin=75.
363       ktopdby(:)=0
364       elocp=xlv/cp
365       el2orc=xlv*xlv/(r_v*cp)
366       evfact=.3
367       evfactl=.3
368 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
370 !proportionality constant to estimate pressure gradient of updraft (Zhang and Wu, 2003, JAS
372 ! ECMWF
373        pgcon=0.
374        lambau(:)=2.
375 ! here random must be between -1 and 1
376        if(nranflag == 1)then
377            lambau(:)=1.5+rand_mom(:)
378        endif
379 ! SAS
380 !     lambau=0.
381 !     pgcon=-.55
382 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
383       ztexec(:)     = 0.
384       zqexec(:)     = 0.
385       zws(:)        = 0.
387       do i=its,itf
388          !- buoyancy flux (H+LE)
389          buo_flux= (hfx(i)/cp+0.608*t(i,1)*qfx(i)/xlv)/rho(i,1)
390          pgeoh = zo(i,2)*g
391          !-convective-scale velocity w*
392          zws(i) = max(0.,flux_tun(i)*0.41*buo_flux*zo(i,2)*g/t(i,1))
393          if(zws(i) > TINY(pgeoh)) then
394             !-convective-scale velocity w*
395             zws(i) = 1.2*zws(i)**.3333
396             !- temperature excess 
397             ztexec(i)     = MAX(flux_tun(i)*hfx(i)/(rho(i,1)*zws(i)*cp),0.0)
398             !- moisture  excess
399             zqexec(i)     = MAX(flux_tun(i)*qfx(i)/xlv/(rho(i,1)*zws(i)),0.)
400          endif
401          !- zws for shallow convection closure (Grant 2001)
402          !- height of the pbl
403          zws(i) = max(0.,flux_tun(i)*0.41*buo_flux*zo(i,kpbl(i))*g/t(i,kpbl(i)))
404          zws(i) = 1.2*zws(i)**.3333
405          zws(i) = zws(i)*rho(i,kpbl(i)) !check if zrho is correct
406       enddo
407 !     cap_maxs=225.
408 !     if(imid.eq.1)cap_maxs=150.
409       cap_maxs=75. ! 150.
410 !     if(imid.eq.1)cap_maxs=100.
411       do i=its,itf
412         edto(i)=0.
413         closure_n(i)=16.
414         xmb_out(i)=0.
415         cap_max(i)=cap_maxs
416         cap_max_increment(i)=20.
417         if(imid.eq.1)cap_max_increment(i)=10.
419 ! for water or ice
421         xland1(i)=int(xland(i)+.0001) ! 1.
422         if(xland(i).gt.1.5 .or. xland(i).lt.0.5)then
423             xland1(i)=0
424 !            if(imid.eq.0)cap_max(i)=cap_maxs-25.
425 !            if(imid.eq.1)cap_max(i)=cap_maxs-50.
426             cap_max_increment(i)=20.
427         else
428             if(ztexec(i).gt.0.)cap_max(i)=cap_max(i)+25.
429             if(ztexec(i).lt.0.)cap_max(i)=cap_max(i)-25.
430         endif
431         ierrc(i)=" "
432 !       cap_max_increment(i)=1.
433       enddo
434       if(use_excess == 0 )then
435        ztexec(:)=0
436        zqexec(:)=0
437       endif
438 #if ( WRF_DFI_RADAR == 1 )
439   if(do_capsuppress == 1) then
440       do i=its,itf
441           cap_max(i)=cap_maxs
442           if (abs(cap_suppress_j(i) - 1.0 ) < 0.1 ) then
443              cap_max(i)=cap_maxs+75.
444           elseif (abs(cap_suppress_j(i) - 0.0 ) < 0.1 ) then
445              cap_max(i)=10.0
446           endif
447       enddo
448   endif
449 #endif
452 !--- initial entrainment rate (these may be changed later on in the
453 !--- program
455       start_level(:)=kte
456       do i=its,ite
457          c1d(i,:)= 0. !c1 ! 0. ! c1 ! max(.003,c1+float(csum(i))*.0001)
458          entr_rate(i)=7.e-5 - min(20.,float(csum(i))) * 3.e-6
459          if(xland1(i) == 0)entr_rate(i)=7.e-5
460          if(imid.eq.1)entr_rate(i)=1.e-4
461 !         if(imid.eq.1)c1d(i,:)=c1
462          radius=.2/entr_rate(i)
463          frh=min(1.,3.14*radius*radius/dx(i)/dx(i))
464          if(frh > frh_thresh)then
465             frh=frh_thresh
466             radius=sqrt(frh*dx(i)*dx(i)/3.14)
467             entr_rate(i)=.2/radius
468          endif
469          sig(i)=(1.-frh)**2
470       enddo
471       sig_thresh = (1.-frh_thresh)**2
475 !--- entrainment of mass
478 !--- initial detrainmentrates
480       do k=kts,ktf
481       do i=its,itf
482         cnvwt(i,k)=0.
483         zuo(i,k)=0.
484         zdo(i,k)=0.
485         z(i,k)=zo(i,k)
486         xz(i,k)=zo(i,k)
487         cupclw(i,k)=0.
488         cd(i,k)=1.e-9 ! 1.*entr_rate
489 !        if(imid.eq.1)cd(i,k)=entr_rate(i)
490         cdd(i,k)=1.e-9
491         hcdo(i,k)=0.
492         qrcdo(i,k)=0.
493         dellaqc(i,k)=0.
494       enddo
495       enddo
497 !--- max/min allowed value for epsilon (ratio downdraft base mass flux/updraft
498 !    base mass flux
500       edtmax(:)=1.
501       if(imid.eq.1)edtmax(:)=.15
502       edtmin(:)=.1
503       if(imid.eq.1)edtmin(:)=.05
505 !--- minimum depth (m), clouds must have
507       depth_min=1000.
508       if(imid.eq.1)depth_min=500.
510 !--- maximum depth (mb) of capping 
511 !--- inversion (larger cap = no convection)
513       DO i=its,itf
514 !        if(imid.eq.0)then
515 !          edtmax(i)=max(0.5,.8-float(csum(i))*.015) !.3)
516 !          if(xland1(i) == 1 )edtmax(i)=max(0.7,1.-float(csum(i))*.015) !.3)
517 !        endif
518         kbmax(i)=1
519         aa0(i)=0.
520         aa1(i)=0.
521         edt(i)=0.
522         kstabm(i)=ktf-1
523         IERR2(i)=0
524         IERR3(i)=0
525         x_add=0.
526       enddo
527 !     do i=its,itf
528 !         cap_max(i)=cap_maxs
529 !         cap_max3(i)=25.
531 !     enddo
533 !--- max height(m) above ground where updraft air can originate
535       zkbmax=4000.
536       if(imid.eq.1)zkbmax=2000.
538 !--- height(m) above which no downdrafts are allowed to originate
540       zcutdown=4000.
542 !--- depth(m) over which downdraft detrains all its mass
544       z_detr=1000.
545 !     if(imid.eq.1)z_detr=800.
549 !--- environmental conditions, FIRST HEIGHTS
551       do i=its,itf
552             do k=1,maxens3
553                xf_ens(i,k)=0.
554                pr_ens(i,k)=0.
555             enddo
556       enddo
559 !--- calculate moist static energy, heights, qes
561       call cup_env(z,qes,he,hes,t,q,po,z1,                         &
562            psur,ierr,tcrit,-1,                                     &
563            itf,ktf,                                                &
564            its,ite, kts,kte)
565       call cup_env(zo,qeso,heo,heso,tn,qo,po,z1,                   &
566            psur,ierr,tcrit,-1,                                     &
567            itf,ktf,                                                &
568            its,ite, kts,kte)
571 !--- environmental values on cloud levels
573       call cup_env_clev(t,qes,q,he,hes,z,po,qes_cup,q_cup,he_cup,  &
574            hes_cup,z_cup,p_cup,gamma_cup,t_cup,psur,               &
575            ierr,z1,                                                &
576            itf,ktf,                                                &
577            its,ite, kts,kte)
578       call cup_env_clev(tn,qeso,qo,heo,heso,zo,po,qeso_cup,qo_cup, &
579            heo_cup,heso_cup,zo_cup,po_cup,gammao_cup,tn_cup,psur,  &
580            ierr,z1,                                                &
581            itf,ktf,                                                &
582            its,ite, kts,kte)
583       do i=its,itf
584         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
585           if(kpbl(i).gt.5 .and. imid.eq.1)cap_max(i)=po_cup(i,kpbl(i))
586           u_cup(i,kts)=us(i,kts)
587           v_cup(i,kts)=vs(i,kts)
588           do k=kts+1,ktf
589            u_cup(i,k)=.5*(us(i,k-1)+us(i,k))
590            v_cup(i,k)=.5*(vs(i,k-1)+vs(i,k))
591           enddo
592         endif
593       enddo
594       do i=its,itf
595         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
596         do k=kts,ktf
597           if(zo_cup(i,k).gt.zkbmax+z1(i))then
598             kbmax(i)=k
599             go to 25
600           endif
601         enddo
602  25     continue
604 !--- level where detrainment for downdraft starts
606         do k=kts,ktf
607           if(zo_cup(i,k).gt.z_detr+z1(i))then
608             kdet(i)=k
609             go to 26
610           endif
611         enddo
612  26     continue
614         endif
615       enddo
621       start_k22=2
622        DO 36 i=its,itf
623          IF(ierr(I).eq.0)THEN
624             k22(i)=maxloc(HEO_CUP(i,start_k22:kbmax(i)+2),1)+start_k22-1
625             if(K22(I).GE.KBMAX(i))then
626              ierr(i)=2
627              ierrc(i)="could not find k22"
628              ktop(i)=0
629              k22(i)=0
630              kbcon(i)=0
631            endif
632          endif
633  36   CONTINUE
638       do i=its,itf
639        IF(ierr(I).eq.0)THEN
640          x_add = xlv*zqexec(i)+cp*ztexec(i)
641          call get_cloud_bc(kte,he_cup (i,1:kte),hkb (i),k22(i),x_add)
642          call get_cloud_bc(kte,heo_cup (i,1:kte),hkbo (i),k22(i),x_add)
643        endif ! ierr
644       enddo
645       jprnt=0
646       iloop=1
647       if(imid.eq.1)iloop=5
648       call cup_kbcon(ierrc,cap_max_increment,iloop,k22,kbcon,heo_cup,heso_cup,  &
649            hkbo,ierr,kbmax,po_cup,cap_max,                                      &
650            ztexec,zqexec,                                                       &
651            jprnt,itf,ktf,                                                       &
652            its,ite, kts,kte,                                                    &
653            z_cup,entr_rate,heo,imid)
655 !--- increase detrainment in stable layers
657       CALL cup_minimi(HEso_cup,Kbcon,kstabm,kstabi,ierr,                        &
658            itf,ktf,                                                             &
659            its,ite, kts,kte)
660       DO i=its,itf
661          IF(ierr(I) == 0)THEN
662            frh = min(qo_cup(i,kbcon(i))/qeso_cup(i,kbcon(i)),1.)
663            if(frh >= rh_thresh .and. sig(i) <= sig_thresh )then
664              ierr(i)=231
665              cycle
666            endif
668 !    never go too low...
670 !           if(imid.eq.0 .and. xland1(i).eq.0)x_add=150.
671            x_add=0.
672            do k=kbcon(i)+1,ktf
673              if(po(i,kbcon(i))-po(i,k) > pmin+x_add)then
674                 pmin_lev(i)=k
675                 exit
676              endif
677            enddo
679 ! initial conditions for updraft
681             start_level(i)=k22(i)
682             x_add = xlv*zqexec(i)+cp*ztexec(i)
683             call get_cloud_bc(kte,he_cup (i,1:kte),hkb (i),k22(i),x_add)
684          endif
685       enddo
687 !--- get inversion layers for mid level cloud tops
689       if(imid.eq.1)then
690       call get_inversion_layers(ierr,p_cup,t_cup,z_cup,q_cup,qes_cup,k_inv_layers, &
691                                kbcon,kstabi,dtempdz,itf,ktf,its,ite, kts,kte)
692       endif
693       DO i=its,itf
694          if(kstabi(i).lt.kbcon(i))then
695            kbcon(i)=1
696            ierr(i)=42
697          endif
698          do k=kts,ktf
699             entr_rate_2d(i,k)=entr_rate(i)
700          enddo
701          IF(ierr(I).eq.0)THEN
702 !         if(imid.eq.0 .and. pmin_lev(i).lt.kbcon(i)+3)pmin_lev(i)=kbcon(i)+3
703             kbcon(i)=max(2,kbcon(i))
704             do k=kts,ktf
705                frh = min(qo_cup(i,k)/qeso_cup(i,k),1.)
706                entr_rate_2d(i,k)=entr_rate(i) *(1.3-frh)
707             enddo
708             if(imid.eq.1)then
709                 if(k_inv_layers(i,2).gt.0 .and.   &
710                   (po_cup(i,k22(i))-po_cup(i,k_inv_layers(i,2))).lt.500.)then
712                  ktop(i)=min(kstabi(i),k_inv_layers(i,2))
713                  ktopdby(i)=ktop(i)
714                else
715                  do k=kbcon(i)+1,ktf
716                   if((po_cup(i,k22(i))-po_cup(i,k)).gt.500.)then
717                     ktop(i)=k
718                     ktopdby(i)=ktop(i)
719                     exit
720                   endif
721                  enddo
722                endif ! k_inv_lay
723             endif
725           endif
726       ENDDO
728 !-- get normalized mass flux, entrainment and detrainmentrates for updraft
730       i=0
731       !- for mid level clouds we do not allow clouds taller than where stability
732       !- changes
733       if(imid.eq.1)then
734           call rates_up_pdf(rand_vmas,ipr,'mid',ktop,ierr,po_cup,entr_rate_2d,hkbo,heo,heso_cup,zo_cup, &
735                             xland1,kstabi,k22,kbcon,its,ite,itf,kts,kte,ktf,zuo,kpbl,ktopdby,csum,pmin_lev)
736       else
737           call rates_up_pdf(rand_vmas,ipr,'deep',ktop,ierr,po_cup,entr_rate_2d,hkbo,heo,heso_cup,zo_cup, &
738                             xland1,kstabi,k22,kbcon,its,ite,itf,kts,kte,ktf,zuo,kbcon,ktopdby,csum,pmin_lev)
739       endif
743       do i=its,itf
744        if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
746          if(k22(i).gt.1)then
747             do k=1,k22(i) -1
748               zuo(i,k)=0.
749               zu (i,k)=0.
750               xzu(i,k)=0.
751             enddo
752          endif
753          do k=k22(i),ktop(i)
754           xzu(i,k)= zuo(i,k)
755           zu (i,k)= zuo(i,k)
756          enddo
757          do k=ktop(i)+1,kte
758            zuo(i,k)=0.
759            zu (i,k)=0.
760            xzu(i,k)=0.
761          enddo
762         endif
763       enddo
765 ! calculate mass entrainment and detrainment
767       CALL get_lateral_massflux(itf,ktf, its,ite, kts,kte                                &
768                                 ,ierr,ktop,zo_cup,zuo,cd,entr_rate_2d                    &
769                                 ,up_massentro, up_massdetro ,up_massentr, up_massdetr    &
770                                 ,'deep',kbcon,k22,up_massentru,up_massdetru,lambau)
774 !   NOTE: Ktop here already includes overshooting, ktopdby is without
775 !   overshooting
777       do k=kts,ktf
778        do i=its,itf
779          uc  (i,k)=0.
780          vc  (i,k)=0.
781          hc  (i,k)=0.
782          dby (i,k)=0.
783          hco (i,k)=0.
784          dbyo(i,k)=0.
785        enddo
786       enddo
787       do i=its,itf
788        IF(ierr(I).eq.0)THEN
789          do k=1,start_level(i)
790             uc(i,k)=u_cup(i,k)
791             vc(i,k)=v_cup(i,k)
792          enddo
793          do k=1,start_level(i)-1
794             hc (i,k)=he_cup(i,k)
795             hco(i,k)=heo_cup(i,k)
796          enddo
797          k=start_level(i)
798          hc (i,k)=hkb(i)
799          hco(i,k)=hkbo(i)
800        ENDIF 
801       enddo
803       DO i=its,itf
805        ktopkeep(i)=0
806        dbyt(i,:)=0.
807        if(ierr(i) /= 0) cycle                 
808        ktopkeep(i)=ktop(i)
809        DO k=start_level(i) +1,ktop(i)  !mass cons option
811           denom=zuo(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetro(i,k-1)+up_massentro(i,k-1)
812           if(
813            ierr(i)=51
814            exit
815           endif
817           hc(i,k)=(hc(i,k-1)*zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)*hc(i,k-1)+                 &
818                                           up_massentr(i,k-1)*he(i,k-1))   /             &
819                             (zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)+up_massentr(i,k-1))
820           uc(i,k)=(uc(i,k-1)*zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetru(i,k-1)*uc(i,k-1)+                &
821                                           up_massentru(i,k-1)*us(i,k-1)                 &
822                             -pgcon*.5*(zu(i,k)+zu(i,k-1))*(u_cup(i,k)-u_cup(i,k-1))) /  &
823                            (zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetru(i,k-1)+up_massentru(i,k-1))
824           vc(i,k)=(vc(i,k-1)*zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetru(i,k-1)*vc(i,k-1)+                &
825                                           up_massentru(i,k-1)*vs(i,k-1)                 &
826                          -pgcon*.5*(zu(i,k)+zu(i,k-1))*(v_cup(i,k)-v_cup(i,k-1))) /     &
827                          (zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetru(i,k-1)+up_massentru(i,k-1))
828           dby(i,k)=hc(i,k)-hes_cup(i,k)
829           hco(i,k)=(hco(i,k-1)*zuo(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetro(i,k-1)*hco(i,k-1)+            &
830                                              up_massentro(i,k-1)*heo(i,k-1))   /        &
831                          (zuo(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetro(i,k-1)+up_massentro(i,k-1))
832           dbyo(i,k)=hco(i,k)-heso_cup(i,k)
833           DZ=Zo_cup(i,K+1)-Zo_cup(i,K)
834           dbyt(i,k)=dbyt(i,k-1)+dbyo(i,k)*dz
835        ENDDO
836 ! for now no overshooting (only very little)
837        kk=maxloc(dbyt(i,:),1)
838        ki=maxloc(zuo(i,:),1)
839 !       if(ipr .eq.1)write(16,*)'cupgf2',kk,ki
840 !       if(
841 !         ierr(i)=423
842 !       endif
844         do k=ktop(i)-1,kbcon(i),-1
845            if(dbyo(i,k).gt.0.)then
846               ktopkeep(i)=k+1
847               exit
848            endif
849         enddo
850         ktop(I)=ktopkeep(i)
851         if(ierr(i).eq.0)ktop(I)=ktopkeep(i)
852       ENDDO
853 41    continue
854       DO i=its,itf
855        if(ierr(i) /= 0) cycle                 
856        do k=ktop(i)+1,ktf
857            HC(i,K)=hes_cup(i,k)
858            UC(i,K)=u_cup(i,k)
859            VC(i,K)=v_cup(i,k)
860            HCo(i,K)=heso_cup(i,k)
861            DBY(I,K)=0.
862            DBYo(I,K)=0.
863            zu(i,k)=0.
864            zuo(i,k)=0.
865            cd(i,k)=0.
866            entr_rate_2d(i,k)=0.
867            up_massentr(i,k)=0.
868            up_massdetr(i,k)=0.
869            up_massentro(i,k)=0.
870            up_massdetro(i,k)=0.
871        enddo
872       ENDDO
874       DO i=its,itf
875         if(ierr(i)/=0)cycle
876         if(ktop(i).lt.kbcon(i)+2)then
877               ierr(i)=5
878               ierrc(i)='ktop too small deep'
879               ktop(i)=0
880         endif
881       ENDDO
882       DO 37 i=its,itf
883          kzdown(i)=0
884          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
885             zktop=(zo_cup(i,ktop(i))-z1(i))*.6
886             if(imid.eq.1)zktop=(zo_cup(i,ktop(i))-z1(i))*.4
887             zktop=min(zktop+z1(i),zcutdown+z1(i))
888             do k=kts,ktf
889               if(zo_cup(i,k).gt.zktop)then
890                  kzdown(i)=k
891                  kzdown(i)=min(kzdown(i),kstabi(i)-1)  !
892                  go to 37
893               endif
894               enddo
895          endif
896  37   CONTINUE
900       call cup_minimi(HEso_cup,K22,kzdown,JMIN,ierr, &
901            itf,ktf, &
902            its,ite, kts,kte)
903       DO 100 i=its,itf
904          IF(ierr(I).eq.0)THEN
906 !--- check whether it would have buoyancy, if there where
907 !--- no entrainment/detrainment
909          jmini = jmin(i)
910          keep_going = .TRUE.
911          do while ( keep_going )
912            keep_going = .FALSE.
913            if ( jmini - 1 .lt. kdet(i)   ) kdet(i) = jmini-1
914            if ( jmini     .ge. ktop(i)-1 ) jmini = ktop(i) - 2
915            ki = jmini
916            hcdo(i,ki)=heso_cup(i,ki)
917            DZ=Zo_cup(i,Ki+1)-Zo_cup(i,Ki)
918            dh=0.
919            do k=ki-1,1,-1
920              hcdo(i,k)=heso_cup(i,jmini)
921              DZ=Zo_cup(i,K+1)-Zo_cup(i,K)
922              dh=dh+dz*(HCDo(i,K)-heso_cup(i,k))
923              if(
924                jmini=jmini-1
925                if ( jmini .gt. 5 ) then
926                  keep_going = .TRUE.
927                else
928                  ierr(i) = 9
929                  ierrc(i) = "could not find jmini9"
930                  exit
931                endif
932              endif
933            enddo
934          enddo
935          jmin(i) = jmini 
936          if ( jmini .le. 5 ) then
937            ierr(i)=4
938            ierrc(i) = "could not find jmini4"
939          endif
940        ENDIF
941 100   continue
943 ! - Must have at least depth_min m between cloud convective base
944 !     and cloud top.
946       do i=its,itf
947          IF(ierr(I).eq.0)THEN
948             if ( jmin(i) - 1 .lt. kdet(i)   ) kdet(i) = jmin(i)-1
949             IF(-zo_cup(I,KBCON(I))+zo_cup(I,KTOP(I)).LT.depth_min)then
950                ierr(i)=6
951                ierrc(i)="cloud depth very shallow"
952             endif
953          endif
954       enddo
957 !--- normalized downdraft mass flux profile,also work on bottom detrainment
958 !--- in this routine
960       do k=kts,ktf
961       do i=its,itf
962        zdo(i,k)=0.
963        cdd(i,k)=0.
964        dd_massentro(i,k)=0.
965        dd_massdetro(i,k)=0.
966        dd_massentru(i,k)=0.
967        dd_massdetru(i,k)=0.
968        hcdo(i,k)=heso_cup(i,k)
969        ucd(i,k)=u_cup(i,k)
970        vcd(i,k)=v_cup(i,k)
971        dbydo(i,k)=0.
972        mentrd_rate_2d(i,k)=entr_rate(i)
973       enddo
974       enddo
975       do i=its,itf
976         beta=max(.02,.05-float(csum(i))*.0015)  !.02
977 !        beta=max(.05,.08-float(csum(i))*.0015)  !.02
978         if(imid.eq.0 .and. xland1(i) == 0)then
979 !             beta=.01
980               edtmax(i)=max(0.1,.4-float(csum(i))*.015) !.3)
981         endif
982         if(imid.eq.1)beta=.02
983         bud(i)=0.
984         IF(ierr(I).eq.0)then
985         cdd(i,1:jmin(i))=1.e-9
986         cdd(i,jmin(i))=0.
987         dd_massdetro(i,:)=0.
988         dd_massentro(i,:)=0.
989         call get_zu_zd_pdf_fim(0,po_cup(i,:),rand_vmas(i),0.,ipr,xland1(i),zuh2,"DOWN",ierr(i),kdet(i),jmin(i),zdo(i,:),kts,kte,ktf,beta,kpbl(i),csum(i),pmin_lev(i))
990         if(zdo(i,jmin(i)) .lt.1.e-8)then
991           zdo(i,jmin(i))=0.
992           jmin(i)=jmin(i)-1
993           if(zdo(i,jmin(i)) .lt.1.e-8)then
994              ierr(i)=876
995              cycle
996           endif
997         endif
999         do ki=jmin(i)  ,maxloc(zdo(i,:),1),-1
1000           !=> from jmin to maximum value zd -> change entrainment
1001           dzo=zo_cup(i,ki+1)-zo_cup(i,ki)
1002           dd_massdetro(i,ki)=cdd(i,ki)*dzo*zdo(i,ki+1)
1003           dd_massentro(i,ki)=zdo(i,ki)-zdo(i,ki+1)+dd_massdetro(i,ki)
1004           if(dd_massentro(i,ki).lt.0.)then
1005              dd_massentro(i,ki)=0.
1006              dd_massdetro(i,ki)=zdo(i,ki+1)-zdo(i,ki)
1007              if(zdo(i,ki+1).gt.0.)cdd(i,ki)=dd_massdetro(i,ki)/(dzo*zdo(i,ki+1))
1008           endif
1009           if(zdo(i,ki+1).gt.0.)mentrd_rate_2d(i,ki)=dd_massentro(i,ki)/(dzo*zdo(i,ki+1))
1010         enddo
1011         mentrd_rate_2d(i,1)=0.
1012         do ki=maxloc(zdo(i,:),1)-1,1,-1
1013           !=> from maximum value zd to surface -> change detrainment
1014           dzo=zo_cup(i,ki+1)-zo_cup(i,ki)
1015           dd_massentro(i,ki)=mentrd_rate_2d(i,ki)*dzo*zdo(i,ki+1)
1016           dd_massdetro(i,ki) = zdo(i,ki+1)+dd_massentro(i,ki)-zdo(i,ki)
1017           if(dd_massdetro(i,ki).lt.0.)then
1018             dd_massdetro(i,ki)=0.
1019             dd_massentro(i,ki)=zdo(i,ki)-zdo(i,ki+1)
1020             if(zdo(i,ki+1).gt.0.)mentrd_rate_2d(i,ki)=dd_massentro(i,ki)/(dzo*zdo(i,ki+1))
1021           endif
1022           if(zdo(i,ki+1).gt.0.)cdd(i,ki)= dd_massdetro(i,ki)/(dzo*zdo(i,ki+1))
1023         enddo
1024          cbeg=po_cup(i,kbcon(i)) !850.
1025          cend=min(po_cup(i,ktop(i)),400.)
1026          cmid=.5*(cbeg+cend) !600.
1027          const_b=c1/((cmid*cmid-cbeg*cbeg)*(cbeg-cend)/(cend*cend-cbeg*cbeg)+cmid-cbeg)
1028          const_a=const_b*(cbeg-cend)/(cend*cend-cbeg*cbeg)
1029          const_c=-const_a*cbeg*cbeg-const_b*cbeg
1030          do k=kbcon(i)+1,ktop(i)-1
1031            c1d(i,k)=const_a*po_cup(i,k)*po_cup(i,k)+const_b*po_cup(i,k)+const_c
1032            c1d(i,k)=max(0.,c1d(i,k))
1033            c1d(i,k)=c1
1034          enddo
1035          if(imid.eq.1)c1d(i,:)=0.
1036 !        do k=1,jmin(i)
1037 !         c1d(i,k)=0.
1038 !        enddo
1039 !         c1d(i,jmin(i)-2)=c1/40.
1040 !         if(imid.eq.1)c1d(i,jmin(i)-2)=c1/20.
1041 !        do k=jmin(i)-1,ktop(i)
1042 !          dz=zo_cup(i,ktop(i))-zo_cup(i,jmin(i))
1043 !          c1d(i,k)=c1d(i,k-1)+c1*(zo_cup(i,k+1)-zo_cup(i,k))/dz
1044 !          c1d(i,k)=max(0.,c1d(i,k))
1045 !          c1d(i,k)=min(.002,c1d(i,k))
1046 !        enddo
1049 ! downdraft moist static energy + moisture budget
1050           do k=2,jmin(i)+1
1051            dd_massentru(i,k-1)=dd_massentro(i,k-1)+lambau(i)*dd_massdetro(i,k-1)
1052            dd_massdetru(i,k-1)=dd_massdetro(i,k-1)+lambau(i)*dd_massdetro(i,k-1)
1053           enddo
1054             dbydo(i,jmin(i))=hcdo(i,jmin(i))-heso_cup(i,jmin(i))
1055             bud(i)=dbydo(i,jmin(i))*(zo_cup(i,jmin(i)+1)-zo_cup(i,jmin(i)))
1056             do ki=jmin(i)  ,1,-1
1057              dzo=zo_cup(i,ki+1)-zo_cup(i,ki)
1058              h_entr=.5*(heo(i,ki)+.5*(hco(i,ki)+hco(i,ki+1)))
1059              ucd(i,ki)=(ucd(i,ki+1)*zdo(i,ki+1)                                   &
1060                          -.5*dd_massdetru(i,ki)*ucd(i,ki+1)+                      &
1061                         dd_massentru(i,ki)*us(i,ki)                               &
1062                         -pgcon*zdo(i,ki+1)*(us(i,ki+1)-us(i,ki)))   /             &
1063                         (zdo(i,ki+1)-.5*dd_massdetru(i,ki)+dd_massentru(i,ki))
1064              vcd(i,ki)=(vcd(i,ki+1)*zdo(i,ki+1)                                   &
1065                          -.5*dd_massdetru(i,ki)*vcd(i,ki+1)+                      &
1066                         dd_massentru(i,ki)*vs(i,ki)                               &
1067                         -pgcon*zdo(i,ki+1)*(vs(i,ki+1)-vs(i,ki)))   /             &
1068                         (zdo(i,ki+1)-.5*dd_massdetru(i,ki)+dd_massentru(i,ki))
1069              hcdo(i,ki)=(hcdo(i,ki+1)*zdo(i,ki+1)                                 &
1070                          -.5*dd_massdetro(i,ki)*hcdo(i,ki+1)+                     &
1071                         dd_massentro(i,ki)*h_entr)   /                            &
1072                         (zdo(i,ki+1)-.5*dd_massdetro(i,ki)+dd_massentro(i,ki))
1073              dbydo(i,ki)=hcdo(i,ki)-heso_cup(i,ki)
1074              bud(i)=bud(i)+dbydo(i,ki)*dzo
1075             enddo
1076           endif
1078         if(bud(i).gt.0)then
1079           ierr(i)=7
1080           ierrc(i)='downdraft is not negatively buoyant '
1081         endif
1082       enddo
1084 !--- calculate moisture properties of downdraft
1086       call cup_dd_moisture(ierrc,zdo,hcdo,heso_cup,qcdo,qeso_cup,                &
1087            pwdo,qo_cup,zo_cup,dd_massentro,dd_massdetro,jmin,ierr,gammao_cup,    &
1088            pwevo,bu,qrcdo,qo,heo,1,                                              &
1089            itf,ktf,                                                              &
1090            its,ite, kts,kte)
1092 !--- calculate moisture properties of updraft
1094       if(imid.eq.1)then
1095         call cup_up_moisture('mid',ierr,zo_cup,qco,qrco,pwo,pwavo,               &
1096              p_cup,kbcon,ktop,dbyo,clw_all,xland1,                               &
1097              qo,GAMMAo_cup,zuo,qeso_cup,k22,qo_cup,                              &
1098              ZQEXEC,ccn,rho,c1d,tn_cup,up_massentr,up_massdetr,psum,psumh,       &
1099              1,itf,ktf,                                                          &
1100              its,ite, kts,kte)
1101       else
1102          call cup_up_moisture('deep',ierr,zo_cup,qco,qrco,pwo,pwavo,             &
1103              p_cup,kbcon,ktop,dbyo,clw_all,xland1,                               &
1104              qo,GAMMAo_cup,zuo,qeso_cup,k22,qo_cup,                              &
1105              ZQEXEC,ccn,rho,c1d,tn_cup,up_massentr,up_massdetr,psum,psumh,       &
1106              1,itf,ktf,                                                          &
1107              its,ite, kts,kte)
1108       endif
1109       do i=its,itf
1110        if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1111         do k=kts+1,ktop(i)
1112           dp=100.*(po_cup(i,1)-po_cup(i,2))
1113           cupclw(i,k)=qrco(i,k)        ! my mod
1114           cnvwt(i,k)=zuo(i,k)*cupclw(i,k)*g/dp
1115         enddo
1116        endif
1117       enddo
1119 !--- calculate workfunctions for updrafts
1121       call cup_up_aa0(aa0,z,zu,dby,GAMMA_CUP,t_cup,                              &
1122            kbcon,ktop,ierr,                                                      &
1123            itf,ktf,                                                              &
1124            its,ite, kts,kte)
1125       call cup_up_aa0(aa1,zo,zuo,dbyo,GAMMAo_CUP,tn_cup,                         &
1126            kbcon,ktop,ierr,                                                      &
1127            itf,ktf,                                                              &
1128            its,ite, kts,kte)
1129       do i=its,itf
1130          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1131            if(aa1(i).eq.0.)then
1132                ierr(i)=17
1133                ierrc(i)="cloud work function zero"
1134            endif
1135          endif
1136       enddo
1138 !--- diurnal cycle closure 
1140       !--- AA1 from boundary layer (bl) processes only
1141       aa1_bl      (:) = 0.0
1142       xf_dicycle   (:) = 0.0
1143       tau_ecmwf    (:) = 0.
1144       !- way to calculate the fraction of cape consumed by shallow convection
1145       iversion=1 ! ecmwf  
1146       !iversion=0 ! orig    
1147       !
1148       ! Betchold et al 2008 time-scale of cape removal
1150 ! wmean is of no meaning over land....
1151 ! still working on replacing it over water
1153       DO i=its,itf
1154             if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1155                 !- mean vertical velocity 
1156                 wmean(i) = 7.0 ! m/s ! in the future change for Wmean == integral( W dz) / cloud_depth
1157                 if(imid.eq.1)wmean(i) = 3.0
1158                 !- time-scale cape removal from  Betchold et al. 2008
1159                 tau_ecmwf(i)=( zo_cup(i,ktopdby(i))- zo_cup(i,kbcon(i)) ) / wmean(i) 
1160                 tau_ecmwf(i)= tau_ecmwf(i) * (1.0061 + 1.23E-2 * (dx(i)/1000.))! dx(i) must be in meters 
1161             endif
1162       enddo
1163       tau_bl(:)     = 0.
1164       !
1165       IF(dicycle == 1) then
1166         DO i=its,itf
1168             if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1169                 if(xland1(i) ==  0 ) then
1170                   !- over water
1171                   umean= 2.0+sqrt(2.0*(US(i,1)**2+VS(i,1)**2+US(i,kbcon(i))**2+VS(i,kbcon(i))**2))
1172                   tau_bl(i) = (zo_cup(i,kbcon(i))- z1(i)) /umean        
1173                 else
1174                   !- over land
1175                   tau_bl(i) =( zo_cup(i,ktopdby(i))- zo_cup(i,kbcon(i)) ) / wmean(i)
1176                 endif
1178             endif
1179         ENDDO
1181         if(iversion == 1) then 
1182         !-- version ecmwf
1183         t_star=4.  !original =1
1185            !-- calculate pcape from BL forcing only
1186             call cup_up_aa1bl(aa1_bl,t,tn,q,qo,dtime,                            &
1187                               zo_cup,zuo,dbyo_bl,GAMMAo_CUP_bl,tn_cup_bl,        &
1188                               kbcon,ktop,ierr,                                   &
1189                               itf,ktf,its,ite, kts,kte)
1191             DO i=its,itf
1193             if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1195                !- only for convection rooting in the PBL
1196                if(zo_cup(i,kbcon(i))-z1(i) > zo(i,min(kte,kpbl(i)+1))) then 
1197                   aa1_bl(i) = 0.0
1198                else
1199                !- multiply aa1_bl the " time-scale" - tau_bl
1200                   aa1_bl(i) = max(0.,aa1_bl(i)/t_star* tau_bl(i))
1201                endif 
1202             endif
1203             ENDDO
1205         else
1207           !- version for real cloud-work function
1209           !-get the profiles modified only by bl tendencies
1210           DO i=its,itf
1211            tn_bl(i,:)=0.;qo_bl(i,:)=0.
1212            if ( ierr(i) == 0 )then
1213             !below kbcon -> modify profiles
1214             tn_bl(i,1:kbcon(i)) = tn(i,1:kbcon(i))
1215             qo_bl(i,1:kbcon(i)) = qo(i,1:kbcon(i))
1216                  !above kbcon -> keep environment profiles
1217             tn_bl(i,kbcon(i)+1:ktf) = t(i,kbcon(i)+1:ktf)
1218             qo_bl(i,kbcon(i)+1:ktf) = q(i,kbcon(i)+1:ktf)
1219            endif 
1220           ENDDO
1221           !--- calculate moist static energy, heights, qes, ... only by bl tendencies
1222           call cup_env(zo,qeso_bl,heo_bl,heso_bl,tn_bl,qo_bl,po,z1,                              &
1223                      psur,ierr,tcrit,-1,                                                         &
1224                      itf,ktf, its,ite, kts,kte)
1225           !--- environmental values on cloud levels only by bl tendencies
1226           call cup_env_clev(tn_bl,qeso_bl,qo_bl,heo_bl,heso_bl,zo,po,qeso_cup_bl,qo_cup_bl,      &
1227                               heo_cup_bl,heso_cup_bl,zo_cup,po_cup,gammao_cup_bl,tn_cup_bl,psur, &
1228                               ierr,z1,                                                           &
1229                               itf,ktf,its,ite, kts,kte)
1230           DO i=its,itf
1231             IF(ierr(I).eq.0)THEN
1232                hkbo_bl(i)=heo_cup_bl(i,k22(i)) 
1233             endif ! ierr
1234           ENDDO
1235           DO k=kts,ktf
1236            do i=its,itf
1237              hco_bl (i,k)=0.
1238              DBYo_bl(i,k)=0.
1239            enddo
1240           ENDDO
1241           DO i=its,itf
1242             IF(ierr(I).eq.0)THEN
1243              do k=1,kbcon(i)-1
1244               hco_bl(i,k)=hkbo_bl(i)
1245              enddo
1246              k=kbcon(i)
1247              hco_bl (i,k)=hkbo_bl(i)
1248              DBYo_bl(i,k)=Hkbo_bl(i) - HESo_cup_bl(i,k)
1249             ENDIF
1250           ENDDO
1251 !          
1252 !          
1253           DO i=its,itf
1254             if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1255                do k=kbcon(i)+1,ktop(i)
1256                     hco_bl(i,k)=(hco_bl(i,k-1)*zuo(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetro(i,k-1)*hco_bl(i,k-1)+ &
1257                                up_massentro(i,k-1)*heo_bl(i,k-1))   /                           &
1258                                (zuo(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetro(i,k-1)+up_massentro(i,k-1))
1259                     dbyo_bl(i,k)=hco_bl(i,k)-heso_cup_bl(i,k)
1260                enddo
1261                do k=ktop(i)+1,ktf
1262                   hco_bl (i,k)=heso_cup_bl(i,k)
1263                   dbyo_bl(i,k)=0.0
1264                enddo
1265             endif
1266           ENDDO
1268           !--- calculate workfunctions for updrafts
1269           call cup_up_aa0(aa1_bl,zo,zuo,dbyo_bl,GAMMAo_CUP_bl,tn_cup_bl,        &
1270                         kbcon,ktop,ierr,                                        &
1271                         itf,ktf,its,ite, kts,kte)
1273           DO i=its,itf
1275             if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1276                 !- get the increment on AA0 due the BL processes
1277                 aa1_bl(i) = aa1_bl(i) - aa0(i)
1278                 !- only for convection rooting in the PBL
1279                 !if(zo_cup(i,kbcon(i))-z1(i) > 500.0) then !- instead 500 -> zo_cup(kpbl(i))
1280                 !   aa1_bl(i) = 0.0
1281                 !else
1282                 !   !- multiply aa1_bl the "normalized time-scale" - tau_bl/ model_timestep
1283                    aa1_bl(i) = aa1_bl(i)* tau_bl(i)/ dtime
1284                 !endif 
1285                 print*,'aa0,aa1bl=',aa0(i),aa1_bl(i),aa0(i)-aa1_bl(i),tau_bl(i)!,dtime,xland(i)     
1286             endif
1287            ENDDO
1288         ENDIF
1289      ENDIF  ! version of implementation
1292        axx(:)=aa1(:)
1297       call cup_dd_edt(ierr,us,vs,zo,ktop,kbcon,edt,po,pwavo,  &
1298            pwo,ccn,pwevo,edtmax,edtmin,edtc,psum,psumh,       &
1299            rho,aeroevap,itf,ktf,                              &
1300            its,ite, kts,kte)
1301         do i=its,itf
1302          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1303             edto(i)=edtc(i,1)
1304          endif
1305         enddo
1306         do k=kts,ktf
1307         do i=its,itf
1308            dellat_ens (i,k,1)=0.
1309            dellaq_ens (i,k,1)=0.
1310            dellaqc_ens(i,k,1)=0.
1311            pwo_ens    (i,k,1)=0.
1312         enddo
1313         enddo
1315 !--- change per unit mass that a model cloud would modify the environment
1317 !--- 1. in bottom layer
1319       do k=kts,kte
1320       do i=its,itf
1321         dellu  (i,k)=0.
1322         dellv  (i,k)=0.
1323         dellah (i,k)=0.
1324         dellat (i,k)=0.
1325         dellaq (i,k)=0.
1326         dellaqc(i,k)=0.
1327       enddo
1328       enddo
1330 !----------------------------------------------  cloud level ktop
1332 !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - model level ktop-1
1333 !      .               .                 .
1334 !      .               .                 .
1335 !      .               .                 .
1336 !      .               .                 .
1337 !      .               .                 .
1338 !      .               .                 .
1340 !----------------------------------------------  cloud level k+2
1342 !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - model level k+1
1344 !----------------------------------------------  cloud level k+1
1346 !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - model level k
1348 !----------------------------------------------  cloud level k
1350 !      .               .                 .
1351 !      .               .                 .
1352 !      .               .                 .
1353 !      .               .                 .
1354 !      .               .                 .
1355 !      .               .                 .
1356 !      .               .                 .
1357 !      .               .                 .
1358 !      .               .                 .
1359 !      .               .                 .
1361 !----------------------------------------------  cloud level 3
1363 !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - model level 2
1365 !----------------------------------------------  cloud level 2
1367 !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - model level 1
1369       do i=its,itf
1370         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1371          dp=100.*(po_cup(i,1)-po_cup(i,2))
1372          dellu(i,1)=pgcd*(edto(i)*zdo(i,2)*ucd(i,2)   &
1373                          -edto(i)*zdo(i,2)*u_cup(i,2))*g/dp
1374          dellv(i,1)=pgcd*(edto(i)*zdo(i,2)*vcd(i,2)   &
1375                          -edto(i)*zdo(i,2)*v_cup(i,2))*g/dp
1377          do k=kts+1,ktop(i)
1378             ! these three are only used at or near mass detrainment and/or entrainment levels
1379             pgc=pgcon
1380             entupk=0.
1381             if(k == k22(i)-1) entupk=zuo(i,k+1)
1382             detupk=0.
1383             entdoj=0.
1384             ! detrainment and entrainment for fowndrafts
1385             detdo=edto(i)*dd_massdetro(i,k)
1386             entdo=edto(i)*dd_massentro(i,k)
1387             ! entrainment/detrainment for updraft
1388             entup=up_massentro(i,k)
1389             detup=up_massdetro(i,k)
1390             ! subsidence by downdrafts only
1391             subin=-zdo(i,k+1)*edto(i)
1392             subdown=-zdo(i,k)*edto(i)
1393             !         SPECIAL LEVELS
1394             if(k.eq.ktop(i))then
1395                detupk=zuo(i,ktop(i))
1396                subin=0.
1397                subdown=0.
1398                detdo=0.
1399                entdo=0.
1400                entup=0.
1401                detup=0.
1402             endif
1403             totmas=subin-subdown+detup-entup-entdo+ &
1404                    detdo-entupk-entdoj+detupk+zuo(i,k+1)-zuo(i,k)
1405             if(abs(totmas).gt.1.e-6)then
1406                write(0,123)'totmas=',k22(i),kbcon(i),k,entup,detup,zuo(i,k+1),zuo(i,k),detdo,entdo
1407 123     formAT(a7,1X,3i3,2E12.4,2(1x,f5.2),2e12.4)
1408             endif
1409             dp=100.*(po_cup(i,k)-po_cup(i,k+1))
1410              pgc=pgcon
1411             if(
1413              dellu(i,k) =-(zuo(i,k+1)*(uc (i,k+1)-u_cup(i,k+1) ) -                               &
1414                             zuo(i,k  )*(uc (i,k  )-u_cup(i,k  ) ) )*g/dp                         &
1415                           +(zdo(i,k+1)*(ucd(i,k+1)-u_cup(i,k+1) ) -                              &
1416                             zdo(i,k  )*(ucd(i,k  )-u_cup(i,k  ) ) )*g/dp*edto(i)*pgcd
1417              dellv(i,k) =-(zuo(i,k+1)*(vc (i,k+1)-v_cup(i,k+1) ) -                               &
1418                             zuo(i,k  )*(vc (i,k  )-v_cup(i,k  ) ) )*g/dp                         &
1419                          +(zdo(i,k+1)*(vcd(i,k+1)-v_cup(i,k+1) ) -                               &
1420                             zdo(i,k  )*(vcd(i,k  )-v_cup(i,k  ) ) )*g/dp*edto(i)*pgcd
1422        enddo   ! k
1424       endif
1425     enddo
1428     do i=its,itf
1429         !trash  = 0.0
1430         !trash2 = 0.0
1431         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1433          dp=100.*(po_cup(i,1)-po_cup(i,2))
1435          dellah(i,1)=(edto(i)*zdo(i,2)*hcdo(i,2)          &
1436                      -edto(i)*zdo(i,2)*heo_cup(i,2))*g/dp
1438          dellaq (i,1)=(edto(i)*zdo(i,2)*qcdo(i,2)         &
1439                       -edto(i)*zdo(i,2)*qo_cup(i,2))*g/dp
1441          G_rain=  0.5*(pwo (i,1)+pwo (i,2))*g/dp
1442          E_dn  = -0.5*(pwdo(i,1)+pwdo(i,2))*g/dp*edto(i)  ! pwdo < 0 and E_dn must > 0
1443          dellaq(i,1) = dellaq(i,1)+ E_dn-G_rain
1445          !--- conservation check
1446          !- water mass balance
1447          !trash = trash  + (dellaq(i,1)+dellaqc(i,1)+G_rain-E_dn)*dp/g          
1448          !- H  budget
1449          !trash2 = trash2+ (dellah(i,1))*dp/g
1452          do k=kts+1,ktop(i)
1453             dp=100.*(po_cup(i,k)-po_cup(i,k+1))
1454             ! these three are only used at or near mass detrainment and/or entrainment levels
1456             dellah(i,k) =-(zuo(i,k+1)*(hco (i,k+1)-heo_cup(i,k+1) ) -                 &
1457                            zuo(i,k  )*(hco (i,k  )-heo_cup(i,k  ) ) )*g/dp            &
1458                          +(zdo(i,k+1)*(hcdo(i,k+1)-heo_cup(i,k+1) ) -                 &
1459                            zdo(i,k  )*(hcdo(i,k  )-heo_cup(i,k  ) ) )*g/dp*edto(i)
1462             !- check H conservation 
1463             ! trash2 = trash2+ (dellah(i,k))*dp/g
1466             !-- take out cloud liquid water for detrainment
1467             detup=up_massdetro(i,k)
1468             dz=zo_cup(i,k)-zo_cup(i,k-1)
1469             if( dellaqc(i,k) = zuo(i,k)*c1d(i,k)*qrco(i,k)*dz/dp*g 
1470 !             dellaqc(i,k)=  detup*0.5*(qrco(i,k+1)+qrco(i,k)) *g/dp
1471             if(k.eq.ktop(i))dellaqc(i,k)= detup*0.5*(qrco(i,k+1)+qrco(i,k)) *g/dp
1472             !---
1473             G_rain=  0.5*(pwo (i,k)+pwo (i,k+1))*g/dp
1474             E_dn  = -0.5*(pwdo(i,k)+pwdo(i,k+1))*g/dp*edto(i) ! pwdo < 0 and E_dn must > 0
1475             !-- condensation source term = detrained + flux divergence of
1476             !-- cloud liquid water (qrco) + converted to rain
1478             C_up = dellaqc(i,k)+(zuo(i,k+1)* qrco(i,k+1) -                           &
1479                                 zuo(i,k  )* qrco(i,k  )  )*g/dp + G_rain
1480 !            C_up = dellaqc(i,k)+ G_rain
1481             !-- water vapor budget
1482             !-- = flux divergence z*(Q_c - Q_env)_up_and_down                        &
1483             !--   - condensation term + evaporation
1484             dellaq(i,k) =-(zuo(i,k+1)*(qco (i,k+1)-qo_cup(i,k+1) ) -                 &
1485                            zuo(i,k  )*(qco (i,k  )-qo_cup(i,k  ) ) )*g/dp            &
1486                          +(zdo(i,k+1)*(qcdo(i,k+1)-qo_cup(i,k+1) ) -                 &
1487                            zdo(i,k  )*(qcdo(i,k  )-qo_cup(i,k  ) ) )*g/dp*edto(i)    &
1488                          - C_up + E_dn
1489             !- check water conservation liq+condensed (including rainfall)
1490             ! trash= trash+ (dellaq(i,k)+dellaqc(i,k)+ G_rain-E_dn)*dp/g
1492          enddo   ! k
1493         endif
1495       enddo
1496 444   format(1x,i2,1x,7e12.4) !,1x,f7.2,2x,e13.5)
1498 !--- using dellas, calculate changed environmental profiles
1500       mbdt=.1
1501       do i=its,itf
1502       xaa0_ens(i,1)=0.
1503       enddo
1505       do i=its,itf
1506          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1507            do k=kts,ktf
1508             XHE(I,K)=DELLAH(I,K)*MBDT+HEO(I,K)
1509 !            XQ(I,K)=max(1.e-16,(dellaqc(i,k)+DELLAQ(I,K))*MBDT+QO(I,K))
1510             XQ(I,K)=max(1.e-16,DELLAQ(I,K)*MBDT+QO(I,K))
1511             DELLAT(I,K)=(1./cp)*(DELLAH(I,K)-xlv*DELLAQ(I,K))
1512 !            XT(I,K)= (DELLAT(I,K)-xlv/cp*dellaqc(i,k))*MBDT+TN(I,K)
1513             XT(I,K)= DELLAT(I,K)*MBDT+TN(I,K)
1514             xt(i,k)=max(190.,xt(i,k))
1515            enddo
1516          ENDIF
1517       enddo
1518       do i=its,itf
1519       if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1520       XHE(I,ktf)=HEO(I,ktf)
1521       XQ(I,ktf)=QO(I,ktf)
1522       XT(I,ktf)=TN(I,ktf)
1523       endif
1524       enddo
1526 !--- calculate moist static energy, heights, qes
1528       call cup_env(xz,xqes,xhe,xhes,xt,xq,po,z1,                   &
1529            psur,ierr,tcrit,-1,                                     &
1530            itf,ktf,                                                &
1531            its,ite, kts,kte)
1533 !--- environmental values on cloud levels
1535       call cup_env_clev(xt,xqes,xq,xhe,xhes,xz,po,xqes_cup,xq_cup, &
1536            xhe_cup,xhes_cup,xz_cup,po_cup,gamma_cup,xt_cup,psur,   &
1537            ierr,z1,                                                &
1538            itf,ktf,                                                &
1539            its,ite, kts,kte)
1542 !**************************** static control
1544 !--- moist static energy inside cloud
1546       do k=kts,ktf
1547       do i=its,itf
1548          xhc(i,k)=0.
1549          xDBY(I,K)=0.
1550       enddo
1551       enddo
1552       do i=its,itf
1553         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1554          x_add = xlv*zqexec(i)+cp*ztexec(i)
1555          call get_cloud_bc(kte,xhe_cup (i,1:kte),xhkb (i),k22(i),x_add)
1556          do k=1,start_level(i)-1
1557             xhc(i,k)=xhe_cup(i,k)
1558          enddo
1559          k=start_level(i)
1560          xhc(i,k)=xhkb(i)
1561         endif !ierr
1562       enddo
1565       do i=its,itf
1566        if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1567         do k=start_level(i)  +1,ktop(i)
1568          xhc(i,k)=(xhc(i,k-1)*xzu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetro(i,k-1)*xhc(i,k-1)  + &
1569                                             up_massentro(i,k-1)*xhe(i,k-1)) / &
1570                              (xzu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetro(i,k-1)+up_massentro(i,k-1))
1571          xdby(i,k)=xhc(i,k)-xhes_cup(i,k)
1572         enddo
1573         do k=ktop(i)+1,ktf
1574            xHC (i,K)=xhes_cup(i,k)
1575            xDBY(I,K)=0.
1576         enddo
1577        endif
1578       enddo
1581 !--- workfunctions for updraft
1583       call cup_up_aa0(xaa0,xz,xzu,xdby,GAMMA_CUP,xt_cup, &
1584            kbcon,ktop,ierr,                              &
1585            itf,ktf,                                      &
1586            its,ite, kts,kte)
1587       do i=its,itf 
1588          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1589            xaa0_ens(i,1)=xaa0(i)
1590            do k=kts,ktop(i)
1591                  do nens3=1,maxens3
1592                  if(nens3.eq.7)then
1593 !--- b=0
1594                  pr_ens(i,nens3)=pr_ens(i,nens3)  &
1595                                     +pwo(i,k)+edto(i)*pwdo(i,k) 
1596 !--- b=beta
1597                  else if(nens3.eq.8)then
1598                  pr_ens(i,nens3)=pr_ens(i,nens3)+ &
1599                                     pwo(i,k)+edto(i)*pwdo(i,k)
1600 !--- b=beta/2
1601                  else if(nens3.eq.9)then
1602                  pr_ens(i,nens3)=pr_ens(i,nens3)  &
1603                                  +  pwo(i,k)+edto(i)*pwdo(i,k)
1604                  else
1605                  pr_ens(i,nens3)=pr_ens(i,nens3)+ &
1606                                     pwo(i,k) +edto(i)*pwdo(i,k)
1607                  endif
1608                  enddo
1609            enddo
1610          if(pr_ens(i,7).lt.1.e-6)then
1611             ierr(i)=18
1612             ierrc(i)="total normalized condensate too small"
1613             do nens3=1,maxens3
1614                pr_ens(i,nens3)=0.
1615             enddo
1616          endif
1617          do nens3=1,maxens3
1618            if(pr_ens(i,nens3).lt.1.e-5)then
1619             pr_ens(i,nens3)=0.
1620            endif
1621          enddo
1622          endif
1623       enddo
1624  200  continue
1629 !------- CHECK wether aa0 should have been zero, assuming this 
1630 !        ensemble is chosen
1633       do i=its,itf
1634          ierr2(i)=ierr(i)
1635          ierr3(i)=ierr(i)
1636          k22x(i)=k22(i)
1637       enddo
1638         CALL cup_MAXIMI(HEO_CUP,2,KBMAX,K22x,ierr,                        &
1639              itf,ktf,                                                     &
1640              its,ite, kts,kte)
1641         iloop=2
1642         call cup_kbcon(ierrc,cap_max_increment,iloop,k22x,kbconx,heo_cup, &
1643              heso_cup,hkbo,ierr2,kbmax,po_cup,cap_max,                    &
1644              ztexec,zqexec,                                               &
1645              0,itf,ktf,                                                   &
1646              its,ite, kts,kte,                                            &
1647              z_cup,entr_rate,heo,imid)
1648         iloop=3
1649         call cup_kbcon(ierrc,cap_max_increment,iloop,k22x,kbconx,heo_cup, &
1650              heso_cup,hkbo,ierr3,kbmax,po_cup,cap_max,                    &
1651              ztexec,zqexec,                                               &
1652              0,itf,ktf,                                                   &
1653              its,ite, kts,kte,                                            &
1654              z_cup,entr_rate,heo,imid)
1656 !--- calculate cloud base mass flux
1659       DO I = its,itf
1660         mconv(i) = 0
1661         if(ierr(i)/=0)cycle
1662         DO K=1,ktop(i)
1663           dq=(qo_cup(i,k+1)-qo_cup(i,k))
1664           mconv(i)=mconv(i)+omeg(i,k)*dq/g
1665         ENDDO
1666       ENDDO
1667       call cup_forcing_ens_3d(closure_n,xland1,aa0,aa1,xaa0_ens,mbdt,dtime, &
1668            ierr,ierr2,ierr3,xf_ens,axx,forcing,                             &
1669            maxens3,mconv,rand_clos,                                         &
1670            po_cup,ktop,omeg,zdo,k22,zuo,pr_ens,edto,kbcon,                  &
1671            ichoice,                                                         &
1672            imid,ipr,itf,ktf,                                                &
1673            its,ite, kts,kte,                                                &
1674            dicycle,tau_ecmwf,aa1_bl,xf_dicycle)
1676       do k=kts,ktf
1677       do i=its,itf
1678         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1679            dellat_ens (i,k,1)=dellat(i,k)
1680            dellaq_ens (i,k,1)=dellaq(i,k)
1681            dellaqc_ens(i,k,1)=dellaqc(i,k)
1682            pwo_ens    (i,k,1)=pwo(i,k) !+edto(i)*pwdo(i,k)
1683         else 
1684            dellat_ens (i,k,1)=0.
1685            dellaq_ens (i,k,1)=0.
1686            dellaqc_ens(i,k,1)=0.
1687            pwo_ens    (i,k,1)=0.
1688         endif
1689       enddo
1690       enddo
1691  250  continue
1693 !--- FEEDBACK
1695        if(imid.eq.1 .and. ichoice .le.2)then
1696          do i=its,itf
1697           !-boundary layer QE 
1698           xff_mid(i,1)=0.
1699           xff_mid(i,2)=0.
1700           if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1701             blqe=0.
1702             trash=0.
1703             if(k22(i).lt.kpbl(i)+1)then
1704                do k=1,kpbl(i)
1705                   blqe=blqe+100.*dhdt(i,k)*(po_cup(i,k)-po_cup(i,k+1))/g
1706                enddo
1707                trash=max((hco(i,kbcon(i))-heo_cup(i,kbcon(i))),1.e1)
1708                xff_mid(i,1)=max(0.,blqe/trash)
1709                xff_mid(i,1)=min(0.1,xff_mid(i,1))
1710              endif
1711              xff_mid(i,2)=min(0.1,.03*zws(i))
1712           endif
1713          enddo
1714        endif
1715        call cup_output_ens_3d(xff_mid,xf_ens,ierr,dellat_ens,dellaq_ens, &
1716             dellaqc_ens,outt,                                            &
1717             outq,outqc,zuo,pre,pwo_ens,xmb,ktop,                         &
1718             edto,pwdo,'deep',ierr2,ierr3,                                          &
1719             po_cup,pr_ens,maxens3,                                              &
1720             sig,closure_n,xland1,xmbm_in,xmbs_in,                        &
1721             ichoice,imid,ipr,itf,ktf,                                    &
1722             its,ite, kts,kte,                                            &
1723             dicycle,xf_dicycle )
1724       k=1
1725       do i=its,itf
1726           if(ierr(i).eq.0 .and.pre(i).gt.0.) then
1727              PRE(I)=MAX(PRE(I),0.)
1728              xmb_out(i)=xmb(i)
1729              do k=kts,ktop(i)
1730                outu(i,k)=dellu(i,k)*xmb(i)
1731                outv(i,k)=dellv(i,k)*xmb(i)
1732              enddo
1733           elseif(ierr(i).ne.0 .or. pre(i).eq.0.)then
1734              ktop(i)=0
1735              do k=kts,kte
1736                outt(i,k)=0.
1737                outq(i,k)=0.
1738                outqc(i,k)=0.
1739                outu(i,k)=0.
1740                outv(i,k)=0.
1741              enddo
1742           endif
1743       enddo
1744 ! rain evaporation as in SAS
1746       if(irainevap.eq.1)then
1747       do i = its,itf
1748        rntot(i) = 0.
1749        delqev(i) = 0.
1750        delq2(i) = 0.
1751        rn(i)    = 0.
1752        rntot(i)    = 0.
1753        rain=0.
1754        if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1755          do k = ktop(i), 1, -1
1756               rain =  pwo(i,k) + edto(i) * pwdo(i,k)
1757               rntot(i) = rntot(i) + rain * xmb(i)* .001 * dtime
1758          enddo
1759        endif
1760       enddo
1761       do i = its,itf
1762          qevap(i) = 0.
1763          flg(i) = .true.
1764          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1765          evef = edt(i) * evfact
1766          if(xland(i).gt.0.5 .and. xland(i).lt.1.5) evef=edt(i) * evfactl
1767          do k = ktop(i), 1, -1
1768               rain =  pwo(i,k) + edto(i) * pwdo(i,k)
1769               rn(i) = rn(i) + rain * xmb(i) * .001 * dtime
1770               if(flg(i))then
1771               q1=qo(i,k)+(outq(i,k))*dtime
1772               t1=tn(i,k)+(outt(i,k))*dtime
1773               qcond(i) = evef * (q1 - qeso(i,k))            &
1774      &                 / (1. + el2orc * qeso(i,k) / t1**2)
1775               dp = -100.*(p_cup(i,k+1)-p_cup(i,k))
1776               if(rn(i).gt.0. .and. qcond(i).lt.0.) then
1777                 qevap(i) = -qcond(i) * (1.-exp(-.32*sqrt(dtime*rn(i))))
1778                 qevap(i) = min(qevap(i), rn(i)*1000.*g/dp)
1779                 delq2(i) = delqev(i) + .001 * qevap(i) * dp / g
1780               endif
1781               if(rn(i).gt.0..and.qcond(i).lt.0..and. &
1782      &           delq2(i).gt.rntot(i)) then
1783                 qevap(i) = 1000.* g * (rntot(i) - delqev(i)) / dp
1784                 flg(i) = .false.
1785               endif
1786               if(rn(i).gt.0..and.qevap(i).gt.0.) then
1787                 outq(i,k) = outq(i,k) + qevap(i)/dtime
1788                 outt(i,k) = outt(i,k) - elocp * qevap(i)/dtime
1789                 rn(i) = max(0.,rn(i) - .001 * qevap(i) * dp / g)
1790                 pre(i) = pre(i) - qevap(i) * dp /g/dtime
1791                 PRE(I)=MAX(PRE(I),0.)
1792                 delqev(i) = delqev(i) + .001*dp*qevap(i)/g
1793               endif
1794           endif
1795         enddo
1796 !       pre(i)=1000.*rn(i)/dtime
1797       endif
1798       enddo
1799       endif
1801 ! since kinetic energy is being dissipated, add heating accordingly (from ECMWF)
1803       do i=its,itf
1804           if(ierr(i).eq.0) then
1805              dts=0.
1806              fpi=0.
1807              do k=kts,ktop(i)
1808                 dp=(po_cup(i,k)-po_cup(i,k+1))*100.
1809 !total KE dissiptaion estimate
1810                 dts= dts -(outu(i,k)*us(i,k)+outv(i,k)*vs(i,k))*dp/g
1811 ! fpi needed for calcualtion of conversion to pot. energyintegrated 
1812                 fpi = fpi  +sqrt(outu(i,k)*outu(i,k) + outv(i,k)*outv(i,k))*dp
1813              enddo
1814              if(
1815                 do k=kts,ktop(i)
1816                    fp= sqrt((outu(i,k)*outu(i,k)+outv(i,k)*outv(i,k)))/fpi
1817                    outt(i,k)=outt(i,k)+fp*dts*g/cp
1818                 enddo
1819              endif
1820           endif
1821       enddo
1823 #if ( WRF_CHEM == 1 )
1824 !--- calculate in-cloud/updraft air temperature
1825     do i=its,itf
1826       if (ierr(i)==0) then
1827         do k=kts,ktf
1828           tempco(i,k)=(1./cp)*(hco(i,k)-g*zo_cup(i,k)-xlv*qco(i,k))
1829         enddo
1830       else
1831         do k=kts,ktf
1832           tempco(i,k)=tn_cup(i,k)
1833         enddo
1834       endif
1835     enddo
1836     if ((chem_conv_tr>0).and.(chemopt>0)) then
1837       call ctrans_gf(numgas,num_chem,chem2d,chemopt,0  &
1838                      ,outchemt,conv_tr_wetscav,conv_tr_aqchem &
1839                      ,po,po_cup,zo_cup &
1840                      ,zuo,zdo,pwo,pwdo,pwevo,pwavo &
1841                      ,up_massentro,up_massdetro &
1842                      ,dd_massentro,dd_massdetro &
1843                      ,tempco,clw_all  &
1844                      ,ktop,k22,kbcon,jmin  &
1845                      ,xmb,ierr,edto  &
1846                      ,itf,ktf,its,ite,kts,kte  &
1847                      ,0)
1848     endif
1849     if ((chem_conv_tr>0).and.(traceropt>0)) then
1850       call ctrans_gf(0,num_tracer,tracer2d,0,traceropt  &
1851                      ,outtracert,0,0        &
1852                      ,po,po_cup,zo_cup &
1853                      ,zuo,zdo,pwo,pwdo,pwevo,pwavo &
1854                      ,up_massentro,up_massdetro &
1855                      ,dd_massentro,dd_massdetro &
1856                      ,tempco,clw_all  &
1857                      ,ktop,k22,kbcon,jmin  &
1858                      ,xmb,ierr,edto  &
1859                      ,itf,ktf,its,ite,kts,kte  &
1860                      ,0)
1861     endif
1862 #endif
1865 !---------------------------done------------------------------
1871    SUBROUTINE cup_dd_edt(ierr,us,vs,z,ktop,kbcon,edt,p,pwav, &
1872               pw,ccn,pwev,edtmax,edtmin,edtc,psum2,psumh,    &
1873               rho,aeroevap,itf,ktf,                          &
1874               its,ite, kts,kte                     )
1878      integer                                                 &
1879         ,intent (in   )                   ::                 &
1880         aeroevap,itf,ktf,                                    &
1881         its,ite, kts,kte
1882   !
1883   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
1884   !
1885      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                    &
1886         ,intent (in   )                   ::                 &
1887         rho,us,vs,z,p,pw
1888      real,    dimension (its:ite,1)                          &
1889         ,intent (out  )                   ::                 &
1890         edtc
1891      real,    dimension (its:ite)                            &
1892         ,intent (out  )                   ::                 &
1893         edt
1894      real,    dimension (its:ite)                            &
1895         ,intent (in   )                   ::                 &
1896         pwav,pwev,ccn,psum2,psumh,edtmax,edtmin
1897      integer, dimension (its:ite)                            &
1898         ,intent (in   )                   ::                 &
1899         ktop,kbcon
1900      integer, dimension (its:ite)                            &
1901         ,intent (inout)                   ::                 &
1902         ierr
1904 !  local variables in this routine
1907      integer i,k,kk
1908      real    einc,pef,pefb,prezk,zkbc
1909      real,    dimension (its:ite)         ::                 &
1910       vshear,sdp,vws
1911      real :: prop_c,pefc,aeroadd,alpha3,beta3
1912      prop_c=8. !10.386
1913      alpha3 = 1.9
1914      beta3  = -1.13
1915      pefc=0.
1920 ! */ calculate an average wind shear over the depth of the cloud
1922        do i=its,itf
1923         edt(i)=0.
1924         vws(i)=0.
1925         sdp(i)=0.
1926         vshear(i)=0.
1927        enddo
1928        do i=its,itf
1929         edtc(i,1)=0.
1930        enddo
1931        do kk = kts,ktf-1
1932          do 62 i=its,itf
1933           IF(ierr(i).ne.0)GO TO 62
1934           if (kk .le. min0(ktop(i),ktf) .and. kk .ge. kbcon(i)) then
1935              vws(i) = vws(i)+                                        &
1936               (abs((us(i,kk+1)-us(i,kk))/(z(i,kk+1)-z(i,kk)))        &
1937           +   abs((vs(i,kk+1)-vs(i,kk))/(z(i,kk+1)-z(i,kk)))) *      &
1938               (p(i,kk) - p(i,kk+1))
1939             sdp(i) = sdp(i) + p(i,kk) - p(i,kk+1)
1940           endif
1941           if (kk .eq. ktf-1)vshear(i) = 1.e3 * vws(i) / sdp(i)
1942    62   continue
1943        end do
1944       do i=its,itf
1945          IF(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1946             pef=(1.591-.639*VSHEAR(I)+.0953*(VSHEAR(I)**2)            &
1947                -.00496*(VSHEAR(I)**3))
1948             if(
1949             if(
1951 !--- cloud base precip efficiency
1953             zkbc=z(i,kbcon(i))*3.281e-3
1954             prezk=.02
1955             if(
1956                prezk=.96729352+zkbc*(-.70034167+zkbc*(.162179896+zkbc &
1957                *(- 1.2569798E-2+zkbc*(4.2772E-4-zkbc*5.44E-6))))
1958             endif
1959             if(
1960                prezk=2.4
1961             endif
1962             pefb=1./(1.+prezk)
1963             if(
1964             if(
1965             EDT(I)=1.-.5*(pefb+pef)
1966             if(
1967                aeroadd=(ccnclean**beta3)*((psumh(i))**(alpha3-1)) !*1.e6
1968 !              prop_c=.9/aeroadd
1969                prop_c=.5*(pefb+pef)/aeroadd
1970                aeroadd=(ccn(i)**beta3)*((psum2(i))**(alpha3-1)) !*1.e6
1971                aeroadd=prop_c*aeroadd
1972                pefc=aeroadd
1973                if(
1974                if(
1975                EDT(I)=1.-pefc
1976                if(aeroevap.eq.2)EDT(I)=1.-.25*(pefb+pef+2.*pefc)
1977             endif
1980 !--- edt here is 1-precipeff!
1981             einc=.2*edt(i)
1982             edtc(i,1)=edt(i)-einc
1983          endif
1984       enddo
1985       do i=its,itf
1986          IF(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1987                EDTC(I,1)=-EDTC(I,1)*pwav(I)/PWEV(I)
1988                IF(EDTC(I,1).GT.edtmax(i))EDTC(I,1)=edtmax(i)
1989                IF(EDTC(I,1).LT.edtmin(i))EDTC(I,1)=edtmin(i)
1990          endif
1991       enddo
1993    END SUBROUTINE cup_dd_edt
1996    SUBROUTINE cup_dd_moisture(ierrc,zd,hcd,hes_cup,qcd,qes_cup,  &
1997               pwd,q_cup,z_cup,dd_massentr,dd_massdetr,jmin,ierr, &
1998               gamma_cup,pwev,bu,qrcd,                            &
1999               q,he,iloop,                                        &
2000               itf,ktf,                                           &
2001               its,ite, kts,kte                     )
2005      integer                                                     &
2006         ,intent (in   )                   ::                     &
2007                                   itf,ktf,                       &
2008                                   its,ite, kts,kte
2009   ! cdd= detrainment function 
2010   ! q = environmental q on model levels
2011   ! q_cup = environmental q on model cloud levels
2012   ! qes_cup = saturation q on model cloud levels
2013   ! hes_cup = saturation h on model cloud levels
2014   ! hcd = h in model cloud
2015   ! bu = buoancy term
2016   ! zd = normalized downdraft mass flux
2017   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
2018   ! mentr_rate = entrainment rate
2019   ! qcd = cloud q (including liquid water) after entrainment
2020   ! qrch = saturation q in cloud
2021   ! pwd = evaporate at that level
2022   ! pwev = total normalized integrated evaoprate (I2)
2023   ! entr= entrainment rate 
2024   !
2025      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)               &
2026         ,intent (in   )                   ::            &
2027         zd,hes_cup,hcd,qes_cup,q_cup,z_cup,             &
2028         dd_massentr,dd_massdetr,gamma_cup,q,he 
2029      integer                                            &
2030         ,intent (in   )                   ::            &
2031         iloop
2032      integer, dimension (its:ite)                       &
2033         ,intent (in   )                   ::            &
2034         jmin
2035      integer, dimension (its:ite)                       &
2036         ,intent (inout)                   ::            &
2037         ierr
2038      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)&
2039         ,intent (out  )                   ::            &
2040         qcd,qrcd,pwd
2041      real,    dimension (its:ite)&
2042         ,intent (out  )                   ::            &
2043         pwev,bu
2044      character*50 :: ierrc(its:ite)
2046 !  local variables in this routine
2049      integer                              ::            &
2050         i,k,ki
2051      real                                 ::            &
2052         denom,dh,dz,dqeva
2054       do i=its,itf
2055          bu(i)=0.
2056          pwev(i)=0.
2057       enddo
2058       do k=kts,ktf
2059       do i=its,itf
2060          qcd(i,k)=0.
2061          qrcd(i,k)=0.
2062          pwd(i,k)=0.
2063       enddo
2064       enddo
2068       do 100 i=its,itf
2069       IF(ierr(I).eq.0)then
2070       k=jmin(i)
2071       DZ=Z_cup(i,K+1)-Z_cup(i,K)
2072       qcd(i,k)=q_cup(i,k)
2073       DH=HCD(I,k)-HES_cup(I,K)
2074       if(
2075         QRCD(I,K)=(qes_cup(i,k)+(1./XLV)*(GAMMA_cup(i,k) &
2076                   /(1.+GAMMA_cup(i,k)))*DH)
2077         else
2078           qrcd(i,k)=qes_cup(i,k)
2079         endif
2080       pwd(i,jmin(i))=zd(i,jmin(i))*min(0.,qcd(i,k)-qrcd(i,k))
2081       qcd(i,k)=qrcd(i,k)
2082       pwev(i)=pwev(i)+pwd(i,jmin(i)) ! *dz
2084       bu(i)=dz*dh
2085       do ki=jmin(i)-1,1,-1
2086          DZ=Z_cup(i,Ki+1)-Z_cup(i,Ki)
2087 !        QCD(i,Ki)=(qCD(i,Ki+1)*(1.-.5*CDD(i,Ki+1)*DZ) &
2088 !                 +entr*DZ*q(i,Ki) &
2089 !                )/(1.+entr*DZ-.5*CDD(i,Ki+1)*DZ)
2090 !        dz=qcd(i,ki)
2091 !print*,"i=",i," k=",ki," qcd(i,ki+1)=",qcd(i,ki+1)
2092 !print*,"zd=",zd(i,ki+1)," dd_ma=",dd_massdetr(i,ki)," q=",q(i,ki)
2093 !JOE-added check for non-zero denominator:
2094          denom=zd(i,ki+1)-.5*dd_massdetr(i,ki)+dd_massentr(i,ki)
2095          if(
2096             ierr(i)=51
2097             exit
2098          endif
2099          qcd(i,ki)=(qcd(i,ki+1)*zd(i,ki+1)                    &
2100                   -.5*dd_massdetr(i,ki)*qcd(i,ki+1)+          &
2101                   dd_massentr(i,ki)*q(i,ki))   /              &
2102                   (zd(i,ki+1)-.5*dd_massdetr(i,ki)+dd_massentr(i,ki))
2104 !--- to be negatively buoyant, hcd should be smaller than hes!
2105 !--- ideally, dh should be negative till dd hits ground, but that is not always
2106 !--- the case
2108          DH=HCD(I,ki)-HES_cup(I,Ki)
2109          bu(i)=bu(i)+dz*dh
2110          QRCD(I,Ki)=qes_cup(i,ki)+(1./XLV)*(GAMMA_cup(i,ki)   &
2111                   /(1.+GAMMA_cup(i,ki)))*DH
2112          dqeva=qcd(i,ki)-qrcd(i,ki)
2113          if(
2114           dqeva=0.
2115           qrcd(i,ki)=qcd(i,ki)
2116          endif
2117          pwd(i,ki)=zd(i,ki)*dqeva
2118          qcd(i,ki)=qrcd(i,ki)
2119          pwev(i)=pwev(i)+pwd(i,ki) ! *dz
2120 !        if(iloop.eq.1.and.i.eq.102.and.j.eq.62)then
2121 !         print *,'in cup_dd_moi ', hcd(i,ki),HES_cup(I,Ki),dh,dqeva
2122 !        endif
2123       enddo
2125 !--- end loop over i
2126        if( (pwev(i).eq.0.) .and. (iloop.eq.1))then
2127 !        print *,'problem with buoy in cup_dd_moisture',i
2128          ierr(i)=7
2129          ierrc(i)="problem with buoy in cup_dd_moisture"
2130        endif
2131        if(BU(I).GE.0.and.iloop.eq.1)then
2132 !        print *,'problem with buoy in cup_dd_moisture',i
2133          ierr(i)=7
2134          ierrc(i)="problem2 with buoy in cup_dd_moisture"
2135        endif
2136       endif
2137 100    continue
2139    END SUBROUTINE cup_dd_moisture
2141    SUBROUTINE cup_env(z,qes,he,hes,t,q,p,z1,                &
2142               psur,ierr,tcrit,itest,                        &
2143               itf,ktf,                                      &
2144               its,ite, kts,kte                     )
2148      integer                                                &
2149         ,intent (in   )                   ::                &
2150         itf,ktf,                                            &
2151         its,ite, kts,kte
2152   !
2153   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2154   ! q           = environmental mixing ratio
2155   ! qes         = environmental saturation mixing ratio
2156   ! t           = environmental temp
2157   ! tv          = environmental virtual temp
2158   ! p           = environmental pressure
2159   ! z           = environmental heights
2160   ! he          = environmental moist static energy
2161   ! hes         = environmental saturation moist static energy
2162   ! psur        = surface pressure
2163   ! z1          = terrain elevation
2164   ! 
2165   !
2166      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                &
2167         ,intent (in   )                   ::             &
2168         p,t,q
2169      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                &
2170         ,intent (out  )                   ::             &
2171         he,hes,qes
2172      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                &
2173         ,intent (inout)                   ::             &
2174         z
2175      real,    dimension (its:ite)                        &
2176         ,intent (in   )                   ::             &
2177         psur,z1
2178      integer, dimension (its:ite)                        &
2179         ,intent (inout)                   ::             &
2180         ierr
2181      integer                                             &
2182         ,intent (in   )                   ::             &
2183         itest
2185 !  local variables in this routine
2188      integer                              ::             &
2189        i,k
2190 !     real, dimension (1:2) :: AE,BE,HT
2191       real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) :: tv
2192       real :: tcrit,e,tvbar
2193 !     real, external :: satvap
2194 !     real :: satvap
2197 !      HT(1)=XLV/CP
2198 !      HT(2)=2.834E6/CP
2199 !      BE(1)=.622*HT(1)/.286
2200 !      AE(1)=BE(1)/273.+ALOG(610.71)
2201 !      BE(2)=.622*HT(2)/.286
2202 !      AE(2)=BE(2)/273.+ALOG(610.71)
2203       do k=kts,ktf
2204       do i=its,itf
2205         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2206 !Csgb - IPH is for phase, dependent on TCRIT (water or ice)
2207 !       IPH=1
2208 !       IF(T(I,K).LE.TCRIT)IPH=2
2209 !       print *, 'AE(IPH),BE(IPH) = ',AE(IPH),BE(IPH),AE(IPH)-BE(IPH),T(i,k),i,k
2210 !       E=EXP(AE(IPH)-BE(IPH)/T(I,K))
2211 !       print *, 'P, E = ', P(I,K), E
2212 !       QES(I,K)=.622*E/(100.*P(I,K)-E)
2213         e=satvap(t(i,k))
2214         qes(i,k)=0.622*e/max(1.e-8,(p(i,k)-e))
2215         IF(QES(I,K).LE.1.E-16)QES(I,K)=1.E-16
2216         IF(QES(I,K).LT.Q(I,K))QES(I,K)=Q(I,K)
2217 !       IF(Q(I,K).GT.QES(I,K))Q(I,K)=QES(I,K)
2218         TV(I,K)=T(I,K)+.608*Q(I,K)*T(I,K)
2219         endif
2220       enddo
2221       enddo
2223 !--- z's are calculated with changed h's and q's and t's
2224 !--- if itest=2
2226       if(itest.eq.1 .or. itest.eq.0)then
2227          do i=its,itf
2228            if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2229              Z(I,1)=max(0.,Z1(I))-(ALOG(P(I,1))- &
2230                  ALOG(PSUR(I)))*287.*TV(I,1)/9.81
2231            endif
2232          enddo
2234 ! --- calculate heights
2235          DO K=kts+1,ktf
2236          do i=its,itf
2237            if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2238               TVBAR=.5*TV(I,K)+.5*TV(I,K-1)
2239               Z(I,K)=Z(I,K-1)-(ALOG(P(I,K))- &
2240                ALOG(P(I,K-1)))*287.*TVBAR/9.81
2241            endif
2242          enddo
2243          enddo
2244       else if(itest.eq.2)then
2245          do k=kts,ktf
2246          do i=its,itf
2247            if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2248              z(i,k)=(he(i,k)-1004.*t(i,k)-2.5e6*q(i,k))/9.81
2249              z(i,k)=max(1.e-3,z(i,k))
2250            endif
2251          enddo
2252          enddo
2253       else if(itest.eq.-1)then
2254       endif
2256 !--- calculate moist static energy - HE
2257 !    saturated moist static energy - HES
2259        DO k=kts,ktf
2260        do i=its,itf
2261          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2262          if(itest.le.0)HE(I,K)=9.81*Z(I,K)+1004.*T(I,K)+2.5E06*Q(I,K)
2263          HES(I,K)=9.81*Z(I,K)+1004.*T(I,K)+2.5E06*QES(I,K)
2264          IF(HE(I,K).GE.HES(I,K))HE(I,K)=HES(I,K)
2265          endif
2266       enddo
2267       enddo
2269    END SUBROUTINE cup_env
2272    SUBROUTINE cup_env_clev(t,qes,q,he,hes,z,p,qes_cup,q_cup,        &
2273               he_cup,hes_cup,z_cup,p_cup,gamma_cup,t_cup,psur,      &
2274               ierr,z1,                                              &
2275               itf,ktf,                                              &
2276               its,ite, kts,kte                       )
2280      integer                                                        &
2281         ,intent (in   )                   ::                        &
2282         itf,ktf,                                                    &
2283         its,ite, kts,kte
2284   !
2285   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2286   ! q           = environmental mixing ratio
2287   ! q_cup       = environmental mixing ratio on cloud levels
2288   ! qes         = environmental saturation mixing ratio
2289   ! qes_cup     = environmental saturation mixing ratio on cloud levels
2290   ! t           = environmental temp
2291   ! t_cup       = environmental temp on cloud levels
2292   ! p           = environmental pressure
2293   ! p_cup       = environmental pressure on cloud levels
2294   ! z           = environmental heights
2295   ! z_cup       = environmental heights on cloud levels
2296   ! he          = environmental moist static energy
2297   ! he_cup      = environmental moist static energy on cloud levels
2298   ! hes         = environmental saturation moist static energy
2299   ! hes_cup     = environmental saturation moist static energy on cloud levels
2300   ! gamma_cup   = gamma on cloud levels
2301   ! psur        = surface pressure
2302   ! z1          = terrain elevation
2303   ! 
2304   !
2305      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                        &
2306         ,intent (in   )                   ::                     &
2307         qes,q,he,hes,z,p,t
2308      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                        &
2309         ,intent (out  )                   ::                     &
2310         qes_cup,q_cup,he_cup,hes_cup,z_cup,p_cup,gamma_cup,t_cup
2311      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                &
2312         ,intent (in   )                   ::                     &
2313         psur,z1
2314      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                &
2315         ,intent (inout)                   ::                     &
2316         ierr
2318 !  local variables in this routine
2321      integer                              ::                     &
2322        i,k
2325       do k=kts,ktf
2326       do i=its,itf
2327         qes_cup(i,k)=0.
2328         q_cup(i,k)=0.
2329         hes_cup(i,k)=0.
2330         he_cup(i,k)=0.
2331         z_cup(i,k)=0.
2332         p_cup(i,k)=0.
2333         t_cup(i,k)=0.
2334         gamma_cup(i,k)=0.
2335       enddo
2336       enddo
2337       do k=kts+1,ktf
2338       do i=its,itf
2339         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2340         qes_cup(i,k)=.5*(qes(i,k-1)+qes(i,k))
2341         q_cup(i,k)=.5*(q(i,k-1)+q(i,k))
2342         hes_cup(i,k)=.5*(hes(i,k-1)+hes(i,k))
2343         he_cup(i,k)=.5*(he(i,k-1)+he(i,k))
2344         if(he_cup(i,k).gt.hes_cup(i,k))he_cup(i,k)=hes_cup(i,k)
2345         z_cup(i,k)=.5*(z(i,k-1)+z(i,k))
2346         p_cup(i,k)=.5*(p(i,k-1)+p(i,k))
2347         t_cup(i,k)=.5*(t(i,k-1)+t(i,k))
2348         gamma_cup(i,k)=(xlv/cp)*(xlv/(r_v*t_cup(i,k) &
2349                        *t_cup(i,k)))*qes_cup(i,k)
2350         endif
2351       enddo
2352       enddo
2353       do i=its,itf
2354         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2355         qes_cup(i,1)=qes(i,1)
2356         q_cup(i,1)=q(i,1)
2357 !       hes_cup(i,1)=hes(i,1)
2358 !       he_cup(i,1)=he(i,1)
2359         hes_cup(i,1)=9.81*z1(i)+1004.*t(i,1)+2.5e6*qes(i,1)
2360         he_cup(i,1)=9.81*z1(i)+1004.*t(i,1)+2.5e6*q(i,1)
2361         z_cup(i,1)=.5*(z(i,1)+z1(i))
2362         p_cup(i,1)=.5*(p(i,1)+psur(i))
2363         z_cup(i,1)=z1(i)
2364         p_cup(i,1)=psur(i)
2365         t_cup(i,1)=t(i,1)
2366         gamma_cup(i,1)=xlv/cp*(xlv/(r_v*t_cup(i,1) &
2367                        *t_cup(i,1)))*qes_cup(i,1)
2368         endif
2369       enddo
2371    END SUBROUTINE cup_env_clev
2373    SUBROUTINE cup_forcing_ens_3d(closure_n,xland,aa0,aa1,xaa0,mbdt,dtime,ierr,ierr2,ierr3,&
2374               xf_ens,axx,forcing,maxens3,mconv,rand_clos,             &
2375               p_cup,ktop,omeg,zd,k22,zu,pr_ens,edt,kbcon,             &
2376               ichoice,                                                &
2377               imid,ipr,itf,ktf,                                       &
2378               its,ite, kts,kte,                                       &
2379               dicycle,tau_ecmwf,aa1_bl,xf_dicycle  )
2383      integer                                                          &
2384         ,intent (in   )                   ::                          &
2385         imid,ipr,itf,ktf,                                             &
2386         its,ite, kts,kte
2387      integer, intent (in   )              ::                          &
2388         maxens3
2389   !
2390   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2391   ! pr_ens = precipitation ensemble
2392   ! xf_ens = mass flux ensembles
2393   ! massfln = downdraft mass flux ensembles used in next timestep
2394   ! omeg = omega from large scale model
2395   ! mconv = moisture convergence from large scale model
2396   ! zd      = downdraft normalized mass flux
2397   ! zu      = updraft normalized mass flux
2398   ! aa0     = cloud work function without forcing effects
2399   ! aa1     = cloud work function with forcing effects
2400   ! xaa0    = cloud work function with cloud effects (ensemble dependent)
2401   ! edt     = epsilon
2402   ! dir     = "storm motion"
2403   ! mbdt    = arbitrary numerical parameter
2404   ! dtime   = dt over which forcing is applied
2405   ! iact_gr_old = flag to tell where convection was active
2406   ! kbcon       = LFC of parcel from k22
2407   ! k22         = updraft originating level
2408   ! ichoice       = flag if only want one closure (usually set to zero!)
2409   !
2410      real,    dimension (its:ite,1:maxens3)                            &
2411         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2412         pr_ens
2413      real,    dimension (its:ite,1:maxens3)                            &
2414         ,intent (inout  )                 ::                           &
2415         xf_ens
2416      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2417         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2418         zd,zu,p_cup
2419      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2420         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2421         omeg
2422      real,    dimension (its:ite,1)                                    &
2423         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2424         xaa0
2425      real,    dimension (its:ite,4)                                    &
2426         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2427        rand_clos 
2428      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2429         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2430         aa1,edt
2431      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2432         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2433         mconv,axx
2434      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2435         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2436         aa0,closure_n
2437      real                                                              &
2438         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2439         mbdt
2440      real                                                              &
2441         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2442         dtime
2443      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2444         ,intent (inout   )                ::                           &
2445         k22,kbcon,ktop
2446      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2447         ,intent (in      )                ::                           &
2448         xland
2449      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2450         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2451         ierr,ierr2,ierr3
2452      integer                                                           &
2453         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2454         ichoice
2455       integer, intent(IN) :: DICYCLE
2456       real,    intent(IN)   , dimension (its:ite) :: aa1_bl,tau_ecmwf
2457       real,    intent(INOUT), dimension (its:ite) :: xf_dicycle
2458       real,    intent(INOUT), dimension (its:ite,10) :: forcing
2459       !- local var
2460       real  :: xff_dicycle
2462 !  local variables in this routine
2465      real,    dimension (1:maxens3)       ::                           &
2466        xff_ens3
2467      real,    dimension (1)               ::                           &
2468        xk
2469      integer                              ::                           &
2470        kk,i,k,n,ne
2471 !     integer, parameter :: mkxcrt=15
2472 !     real,    dimension(1:mkxcrt)        ::                           &
2473 !       pcrit,acrit,acritt
2474      integer, dimension (its:ite)         :: kloc
2475      real                                 ::                           &
2476        a1,a_ave,xff0,xomg!,aclim1,aclim2,aclim3,aclim4
2478      real, dimension (its:ite) :: ens_adj
2483        ens_adj(:)=1.
2484        xff_dicycle = 0.
2488        DO 100 i=its,itf
2489           kloc(i)=1
2490           IF(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2491            kloc(i)=maxloc(zu(i,:),1)
2492            ens_adj(i)=1.
2493 !ss --- comment out adjustment over ocean
2494 !ss           if(ierr2(i).gt.0.and.ierr3(i).eq.0)ens_adj(i)=0.666 ! 2./3.
2495 !ss           if(ierr2(i).gt.0.and.ierr3(i).gt.0)ens_adj(i)=0.333
2497              a_ave=0.
2498              a_ave=axx(i)
2499              a_ave=max(0.,a_ave)
2500              a_ave=min(a_ave,aa1(i))
2501              a_ave=max(0.,a_ave)
2502              xff_ens3(:)=0.
2503              xff0= (AA1(I)-AA0(I))/DTIME
2504              xff_ens3(1)=max(0.,(AA1(I)-AA0(I))/dtime)
2505              xff_ens3(2)=max(0.,(AA1(I)-AA0(I))/dtime)
2506              xff_ens3(3)=max(0.,(AA1(I)-AA0(I))/dtime)
2507              xff_ens3(16)=max(0.,(AA1(I)-AA0(I))/dtime)
2508              forcing(i,1)=xff_ens3(2)
2509 !   
2510 !--- omeg is in bar/s, mconv done with omeg in Pa/s
2511 !     more like Brown (1979), or Frank-Cohen (199?)
2512 !  
2513 ! average aaround kbcon
2515              xomg=0.
2516              kk=0
2517              xff_ens3(4)=0.
2518              xff_ens3(5)=0.
2519              xff_ens3(6)=0.
2520              do k=kbcon(i)-1,kbcon(i)+1
2521                      if(zu(i,k).gt.0.)then
2522                        xomg=xomg-omeg(i,k)/9.81/max(0.5,(1.-edt(i)*zd(i,k)/zu(i,k)))
2523                        kk=kk+1
2524                      endif
2525              enddo
2526              if(
2529 ! max below kbcon
2530 !             xff_ens3(6)=-omeg(i,k22(i))/9.81
2531 !             do k=k22(i),kbcon(i)
2532 !                     xomg=-omeg(i,k)/9.81
2533 !                     if(
2534 !             enddo
2536 !             if(zu(i,kbcon(i)) > 0)xff_ens3(6)=betajb*xff_ens3(6)/zu(i,kbcon(i))
2537              xff_ens3(4)=betajb*xff_ens3(4)
2538              xff_ens3(5)=xff_ens3(4)
2539              xff_ens3(6)=xff_ens3(4)
2540              if(xff_ens3(4).lt.0.)xff_ens3(4)=0.
2541              if(xff_ens3(5).lt.0.)xff_ens3(5)=0.
2542              if(xff_ens3(6).lt.0.)xff_ens3(6)=0.
2543              xff_ens3(14)=betajb*xff_ens3(4)
2544              forcing(i,2)=xff_ens3(4)
2546 !--- more like Krishnamurti et al.; pick max and average values
2548               xff_ens3(7)= mconv(i)/max(0.5,(1.-edt(i)*zd(i,kbcon(i))/zu(i,kloc(i))))
2549               xff_ens3(8)= mconv(i)/max(0.5,(1.-edt(i)*zd(i,kbcon(i))/zu(i,kloc(i))))
2550               xff_ens3(9)= mconv(i)/max(0.5,(1.-edt(i)*zd(i,kbcon(i))/zu(i,kloc(i))))
2551               xff_ens3(15)=mconv(i)/max(0.5,(1.-edt(i)*zd(i,kbcon(i))/zu(i,kloc(i))))
2552              forcing(i,3)=xff_ens3(8)
2554 !--- more like Fritsch Chappel or Kain Fritsch (plus triggers)
2556              xff_ens3(10)=AA1(i)/tau_ecmwf(i)
2557              xff_ens3(11)=AA1(I)/tau_ecmwf(i)
2558              xff_ens3(12)=AA1(I)/tau_ecmwf(i)
2559              xff_ens3(13)=(AA1(i))/tau_ecmwf(i) !(60.*15.) !tau_ecmwf(i)
2560 !             forcing(i,4)=xff_ens3(10)
2561 !- more like Bechtold et al. (JAS 2014)
2562              if(dicycle == 1) xff_dicycle = max(0.,AA1_BL(i)/tau_ecmwf(i)) !(60.*30.) !tau_ecmwf(i)
2563 !gtest
2564              if(ichoice.eq.0)then
2565                 if(
2566                      xff_ens3(1)=0.
2567                      xff_ens3(2)=0.
2568                      xff_ens3(3)=0.
2569                      xff_ens3(10)=0.
2570                      xff_ens3(11)=0.
2571                      xff_ens3(12)=0.
2572                      xff_ens3(13)= 0.
2573                      xff_ens3(16)= 0.
2574                      closure_n(i)=12.
2575 !                     xff_dicycle = 0.
2576                 endif  !xff0
2577              endif ! ichoice
2579              XK(1)=(XAA0(I,1)-AA1(I))/MBDT
2580              forcing(i,4)=aa0(i)
2581              forcing(i,5)=aa1(i)
2582              forcing(i,6)=xaa0(i,1)
2583              forcing(i,7)=xk(1)
2584              if(xk(1).le.0.and.xk(1).gt.-.01*mbdt) &
2585                            xk(1)=-.01*mbdt
2586              if(xk(1).gt.0.and.xk(1).lt.1.e-2)     &
2587                            xk(1)=1.e-2
2588              !   enddo
2590 !--- add up all ensembles
2593 ! over water, enfor!e small cap for some of the closures
2595               if(xland(i).lt.0.1)then
2596                  if(ierr2(i).gt.0.or.ierr3(i).gt.0)then
2597                       xff_ens3(1) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(1)
2598                       xff_ens3(2) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(2)
2599                       xff_ens3(3) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(3)
2600                       xff_ens3(4) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(4)
2601                       xff_ens3(5) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(5)
2602                       xff_ens3(6) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(6)
2603                       xff_ens3(7) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(7)
2604                       xff_ens3(8) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(8)
2605                       xff_ens3(9) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(9)
2606                       xff_ens3(10) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(10)
2607                       xff_ens3(11) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(11)
2608                       xff_ens3(12) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(12)
2609                       xff_ens3(13) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(13)
2610                       xff_ens3(14) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(14)
2611                       xff_ens3(15) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(15)
2612                       xff_ens3(16) =ens_adj(i)*xff_ens3(16)
2613                       !srf
2614                        xff_dicycle = ens_adj(i)*xff_dicycle
2615                       !srf end
2616 !                      xff_ens3(7) =0.
2617 !                      xff_ens3(8) =0.
2618 !                      xff_ens3(9) =0.
2619                  endif ! ierr2
2620               endif ! xland
2622 ! end water treatment
2627 !--- special treatment for stability closures
2629               if(XK(1).lt.0.)then
2630                  if(xff_ens3(1).gt.0)xf_ens(i,1)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(1)/xk(1))
2631                  if(xff_ens3(2).gt.0)xf_ens(i,2)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(2)/xk(1))
2632                  if(xff_ens3(3).gt.0)xf_ens(i,3)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(3)/xk(1))
2633                  if(xff_ens3(16).gt.0)xf_ens(i,16)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(16)/xk(1))
2634                  xf_ens(i,1)= xf_ens(i,1)+xf_ens(i,1)*rand_clos(i,1)
2635                  xf_ens(i,2)= xf_ens(i,2)+xf_ens(i,2)*rand_clos(i,1)
2636                  xf_ens(i,3)= xf_ens(i,3)+xf_ens(i,3)*rand_clos(i,1)
2637                  xf_ens(i,16)=xf_ens(i,16)+xf_ens(i,16)*rand_clos(i,1)
2638               else
2639                  xff_ens3(1)= 0
2640                  xff_ens3(2)= 0
2641                  xff_ens3(3)= 0
2642                  xff_ens3(16)=0
2643               endif
2645 !--- if iresult.eq.1, following independent of xff0
2647               xf_ens(i,4)=max(0.,xff_ens3(4))
2648               xf_ens(i,5)=max(0.,xff_ens3(5))
2649               xf_ens(i,6)=max(0.,xff_ens3(6))
2650               xf_ens(i,14)=max(0.,xff_ens3(14))
2651               a1=max(1.e-5,pr_ens(i,7))
2652               xf_ens(i,7)=max(0.,xff_ens3(7)/a1)
2653               a1=max(1.e-5,pr_ens(i,8))
2654               xf_ens(i,8)=max(0.,xff_ens3(8)/a1)
2655 !              forcing(i,7)=xf_ens(i,8)
2656               a1=max(1.e-5,pr_ens(i,9))
2657               xf_ens(i,9)=max(0.,xff_ens3(9)/a1)
2658               a1=max(1.e-3,pr_ens(i,15))
2659               xf_ens(i,15)=max(0.,xff_ens3(15)/a1)
2660               xf_ens(i,4)=xf_ens(i,4)+xf_ens(i,4)*rand_clos(i,2)
2661               xf_ens(i,5)=xf_ens(i,5)+xf_ens(i,5)*rand_clos(i,2)
2662               xf_ens(i,6)=xf_ens(i,6)+xf_ens(i,6)*rand_clos(i,2)
2663               xf_ens(i,14)=xf_ens(i,14)+xf_ens(i,14)*rand_clos(i,2)
2664               xf_ens(i,7)=xf_ens(i,7)+xf_ens(i,7)*rand_clos(i,3)
2665               xf_ens(i,8)=xf_ens(i,8)+xf_ens(i,8)*rand_clos(i,3)
2666               xf_ens(i,9)=xf_ens(i,9)+xf_ens(i,9)*rand_clos(i,3)
2667               xf_ens(i,15)=xf_ens(i,15)+xf_ens(i,15)*rand_clos(i,3)
2668               if(XK(1).lt.0.)then
2669                  xf_ens(i,10)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(10)/xk(1))
2670                  xf_ens(i,11)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(11)/xk(1))
2671                  xf_ens(i,12)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(12)/xk(1))
2672                  xf_ens(i,13)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(13)/xk(1))
2673                  xf_ens(i,10)=xf_ens(i,10)+xf_ens(i,10)*rand_clos(i,4)
2674                  xf_ens(i,11)=xf_ens(i,11)+xf_ens(i,11)*rand_clos(i,4)
2675                  xf_ens(i,12)=xf_ens(i,12)+xf_ens(i,12)*rand_clos(i,4)
2676                  xf_ens(i,13)=xf_ens(i,13)+xf_ens(i,13)*rand_clos(i,4)
2677                  forcing(i,8)=xf_ens(i,11)
2678               else
2679                  xf_ens(i,10)=0.
2680                  xf_ens(i,11)=0.
2681                  xf_ens(i,12)=0.
2682                  xf_ens(i,13)=0.
2683                  forcing(i,8)=0.
2684               endif
2685 !srf-begin
2686               if(XK(1).lt.0.)then
2687                  xf_dicycle(i)      =  max(0.,-xff_dicycle /xk(1))
2688 !                forcing(i,9)=xf_dicycle(i)
2689               else
2690                  xf_dicycle(i)      = 0.
2691               endif
2692 !srf-end
2693               if(
2694 !                 closure_n(i)=0.
2695                  xf_ens(i,1)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2696                  xf_ens(i,2)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2697                  xf_ens(i,3)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2698                  xf_ens(i,4)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2699                  xf_ens(i,5)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2700                  xf_ens(i,6)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2701                  xf_ens(i,7)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2702                  xf_ens(i,8)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2703                  xf_ens(i,9)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2704                  xf_ens(i,10)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2705                  xf_ens(i,11)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2706                  xf_ens(i,12)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2707                  xf_ens(i,13)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2708                  xf_ens(i,14)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2709                  xf_ens(i,15)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2710                  xf_ens(i,16)=xf_ens(i,ichoice)
2711               endif
2712           elseif(ierr(i).ne.20.and.ierr(i).ne.0)then
2713               do n=1,maxens3
2714                  xf_ens(i,n)=0.
2715                  xf_dicycle(i) = 0.
2716              enddo
2717           endif ! ierror
2718  100   continue
2720    END SUBROUTINE cup_forcing_ens_3d
2722    SUBROUTINE cup_kbcon(ierrc,cap_inc,iloop_in,k22,kbcon,he_cup,hes_cup, &
2723               hkb,ierr,kbmax,p_cup,cap_max,                              &
2724               ztexec,zqexec,                                             &
2725               jprnt,itf,ktf,                                             &
2726               its,ite, kts,kte,                                          &
2727               z_cup,entr_rate,heo,imid                        )
2732    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
2734      integer                                                           &
2735         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2736         jprnt,itf,ktf,imid,                                            &
2737         its,ite, kts,kte
2738   ! 
2739   ! 
2740   ! 
2741   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2742   !
2743      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2744         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2745         he_cup,hes_cup,p_cup
2746      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2747         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2748         entr_rate,ztexec,zqexec,cap_inc,cap_max
2749      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2750         ,intent (inout   )                   ::                        &
2751         hkb !,cap_max
2752      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2753         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2754         kbmax
2755      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2756         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2757         kbcon,k22,ierr
2758      integer                                                           &
2759         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2760         iloop_in
2761      character*50 :: ierrc(its:ite)
2762      real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte),intent (in) :: z_cup,heo
2763      integer, dimension (its:ite)      ::     iloop,start_level
2765 !  local variables in this routine
2768      integer                              ::                           &
2769         i,k
2770      real                                 ::                           &
2771         x_add,pbcdif,plus,hetest,dz
2772      real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) ::hcot
2776       iloop(:)=iloop_in
2777        DO 27 i=its,itf
2778       kbcon(i)=1
2780 ! reset iloop for mid level convection
2781       if(cap_max(i).gt.200 .and. imid.eq.1)iloop(i)=5
2783       IF(ierr(I).ne.0)GO TO 27
2784       start_level(i)=k22(i)
2785       KBCON(I)=K22(I)+1
2786       if(iloop(i).eq.5)KBCON(I)=K22(I)
2787 !      if(iloop_in.eq.5)start_level(i)=kbcon(i)
2788        !== including entrainment for hetest
2789         hcot(i,1:start_level(i)) = HKB(I)
2790         do k=start_level(i)+1,KBMAX(i)+3
2791            dz=z_cup(i,k)-z_cup(i,k-1)
2792            hcot(i,k)= ( (1.-0.5*entr_rate(i)*dz)*hcot(i,k-1)   &
2793                          + entr_rate(i)*dz*heo(i,k-1)       )/ &
2794                       (1.+0.5*entr_rate(i)*dz)
2795         enddo
2796        !==
2798       GO TO 32
2799  31   CONTINUE
2800       KBCON(I)=KBCON(I)+1
2801       IF(KBCON(I).GT.KBMAX(i)+2)THEN
2802          if(iloop(i).ne.4)then
2803                 ierr(i)=3
2804                 ierrc(i)="could not find reasonable kbcon in cup_kbcon"
2805          endif
2806         GO TO 27
2807       ENDIF
2808  32   CONTINUE
2809       hetest=hcot(i,kbcon(i)) !hkb(i) ! HE_cup(I,K22(I))
2810       IF(HETEST.LT.HES_cup(I,KBCON(I)))then
2811         GO TO 31
2812       endif
2814 !     cloud base pressure and max moist static energy pressure
2815 !     i.e., the depth (in mb) of the layer of negative buoyancy
2816       if(KBCON(I)-K22(I).eq.1)go to 27
2817       if(iloop(i).eq.5 .and. (KBCON(I)-K22(I)).le.2)go to 27
2818       PBCDIF=-P_cup(I,KBCON(I))+P_cup(I,K22(I))
2819       plus=max(25.,cap_max(i)-float(iloop(i)-1)*cap_inc(i))
2820       if(iloop(i).eq.4)plus=cap_max(i)
2822 ! for shallow convection, if cap_max is greater than 25, it is the pressure at pbltop
2823       if(iloop(i).eq.5)plus=150.
2824         if(iloop(i).eq.5.and.cap_max(i).gt.200)pbcdif=-P_cup(I,KBCON(I))+cap_max(i)
2825       IF(
2826         Go To 27
2827       ElseIF(
2828         K22(I)=K22(I)+1
2829         KBCON(I)=K22(I)+1
2830 !==     since k22 has be changed, HKB has to be re-calculated
2831         x_add = xlv*zqexec(i)+cp*ztexec(i)
2832         call get_cloud_bc(kte,he_cup (i,1:kte),hkb (i),k22(i),x_add)
2834         start_level(i)=k22(i)
2835 !        if(iloop_in.eq.5)start_level(i)=kbcon(i)
2836         hcot(i,1:start_level(i)) = hkb(I)
2837         do k=start_level(i)+1,KBMAX(i)+3
2838            dz=z_cup(i,k)-z_cup(i,k-1)
2840            hcot(i,k)= ( (1.-0.5*entr_rate(i)*dz)*hcot(i,k-1)   &
2841                          + entr_rate(i)*dz*heo(i,k-1)       )/ &
2842                       (1.+0.5*entr_rate(i)*dz)
2843         enddo
2844        !==
2846         if(iloop(i).eq.5)KBCON(I)=K22(I)
2847         IF(KBCON(I).GT.KBMAX(i)+2)THEN
2848             if(iloop(i).ne.4)then
2849                 ierr(i)=3
2850                 ierrc(i)="could not find reasonable kbcon in cup_kbcon"
2851             endif
2852             GO TO 27
2853         ENDIF
2854         GO TO 32
2855       ENDIF
2856  27   CONTINUE
2858    END SUBROUTINE cup_kbcon
2861    SUBROUTINE cup_MAXIMI(ARRAY,KS,KE,MAXX,ierr,              &
2862               itf,ktf,                                       &
2863               its,ite, kts,kte                     )
2867 !  on input
2870    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
2872      integer                                                           &
2873         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2874          itf,ktf,                                                      &
2875          its,ite, kts,kte
2876   ! array input array
2877   ! x output array with return values
2878   ! kt output array of levels
2879   ! ks,kend  check-range
2880      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2881         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2882          array
2883      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2884         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2885          ierr,ke
2886      integer                                                           &
2887         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2888          ks
2889      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2890         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
2891          maxx
2892      real,    dimension (its:ite)         ::                           &
2893          x
2894      real                                 ::                           &
2895          xar
2896      integer                              ::                           &
2897          i,k
2899        DO 200 i=its,itf
2900        MAXX(I)=KS
2901        if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2902       X(I)=ARRAY(I,KS)
2904        DO 100 K=KS,KE(i)
2905          XAR=ARRAY(I,K)
2906          IF(XAR.GE.X(I)) THEN
2907             X(I)=XAR
2908             MAXX(I)=K
2909          ENDIF
2910  100  CONTINUE
2911       endif
2912  200  CONTINUE
2917    SUBROUTINE cup_minimi(ARRAY,KS,KEND,KT,ierr,              &
2918               itf,ktf,                                       &
2919               its,ite, kts,kte                     )
2923 !  on input
2926    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
2928      integer                                                 &
2929         ,intent (in   )                   ::                 &
2930          itf,ktf,                                            &
2931          its,ite, kts,kte
2932   ! array input array
2933   ! x output array with return values
2934   ! kt output array of levels
2935   ! ks,kend  check-range
2936      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                    &
2937         ,intent (in   )                   ::                 &
2938          array
2939      integer, dimension (its:ite)                            &
2940         ,intent (in   )                   ::                 &
2941          ierr,ks,kend
2942      integer, dimension (its:ite)                            &
2943         ,intent (out  )                   ::                 &
2944          kt
2945      real,    dimension (its:ite)         ::                 &
2946          x
2947      integer                              ::                 &
2948          i,k,kstop
2950        DO 200 i=its,itf
2951       KT(I)=KS(I)
2952       if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2953       X(I)=ARRAY(I,KS(I))
2954        KSTOP=MAX(KS(I)+1,KEND(I))
2956        DO 100 K=KS(I)+1,KSTOP
2957          IF(ARRAY(I,K).LT.X(I)) THEN
2958               X(I)=ARRAY(I,K)
2959               KT(I)=K
2960          ENDIF
2961  100  CONTINUE
2962       endif
2963  200  CONTINUE
2968    SUBROUTINE cup_up_aa0(aa0,z,zu,dby,GAMMA_CUP,t_cup,       &
2969               kbcon,ktop,ierr,                               &
2970               itf,ktf,                                       &
2971               its,ite, kts,kte                     )
2975 !  on input
2978    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
2980      integer                                                 &
2981         ,intent (in   )                   ::                 &
2982         itf,ktf,                                             &
2983         its,ite, kts,kte
2984   ! aa0 cloud work function
2985   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
2986   ! t_cup = temperature (Kelvin) on model cloud levels
2987   ! dby = buoancy term
2988   ! zu= normalized updraft mass flux
2989   ! z = heights of model levels 
2990   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2991   !
2992      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                     &
2993         ,intent (in   )                   ::                  &
2994         z,zu,gamma_cup,t_cup,dby
2995      integer, dimension (its:ite)                             &
2996         ,intent (in   )                   ::                  &
2997         kbcon,ktop
2999 ! input and output
3003      integer, dimension (its:ite)                             &
3004         ,intent (inout)                   ::                  &
3005         ierr
3006      real,    dimension (its:ite)                             &
3007         ,intent (out  )                   ::                  &
3008         aa0
3010 !  local variables in this routine
3013      integer                              ::                  &
3014         i,k
3015      real                                 ::                  &
3016         dz,da
3018         do i=its,itf
3019          aa0(i)=0.
3020         enddo
3021         DO 100 k=kts+1,ktf
3022         DO 100 i=its,itf
3023          IF(ierr(i).ne.0)GO TO 100
3024          IF(K.LT.KBCON(I))GO TO 100
3025          IF(K.Gt.KTOP(I))GO TO 100
3026          DZ=Z(I,K)-Z(I,K-1)
3027          da=zu(i,k)*DZ*(9.81/(1004.*( &
3028                 (T_cup(I,K)))))*DBY(I,K-1)/ &
3029              (1.+GAMMA_CUP(I,K))
3030 !         IF(K.eq.KTOP(I).and.da.le.0.)go to 100
3031          AA0(I)=AA0(I)+max(0.,da)
3032          if(aa0(i).lt.0.)aa0(i)=0.
3033 100     continue
3035    END SUBROUTINE cup_up_aa0
3037 !====================================================================
3038    SUBROUTINE neg_check(name,j,dt,q,outq,outt,outu,outv,                      &
3039                                     outqc,pret,its,ite,kts,kte,itf,ktf)
3041    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   ) ::            j,its,ite,kts,kte,itf,ktf
3043      real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte  )                    ,                 &
3044       intent(inout   ) ::                                                     &
3045        outq,outt,outqc,outu,outv
3046      real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte  )                    ,                 &
3047       intent(inout   ) ::                                                     &
3048        q
3049      real, dimension (its:ite  )                            ,                 &
3050       intent(inout   ) ::                                                     &
3051        pret
3052       character *(*), intent (in)         ::                                  &
3053        name
3054      real                                                                     &
3055         ,intent (in  )                   ::                                   &
3056         dt
3057      real :: names,scalef,thresh,qmem,qmemf,qmem2,qtest,qmem1
3058      integer :: icheck
3060 ! first do check on vertical heating rate
3062       thresh=300.01
3063 !      thresh=200.01        !ss
3064 !      thresh=250.01
3065       names=1.
3066       if(name == 'shallow')then
3067         thresh=148.01
3068         names=2.
3069       endif
3070       scalef=86400.
3071       do i=its,itf
3072       icheck=0
3073       qmemf=1.
3074       qmem=0.
3075       do k=kts,ktf
3076          qmem=(outt(i,k))*86400.
3077          if(
3078            qmem2=thresh/qmem
3079            qmemf=min(qmemf,qmem2)
3080       icheck=1
3083 !          print *,'1',' adjusted massflux by factor ',i,j,k,qmem,qmem2,qmemf,dt
3084          endif
3085          if(*thresh*names)then
3086            qmem2=-.5*names*thresh/qmem
3087            qmemf=min(qmemf,qmem2)
3088       icheck=2
3091          endif
3092       enddo
3093       do k=kts,ktf
3094          outq(i,k)=outq(i,k)*qmemf
3095          outt(i,k)=outt(i,k)*qmemf
3096          outu(i,k)=outu(i,k)*qmemf
3097          outv(i,k)=outv(i,k)*qmemf
3098          outqc(i,k)=outqc(i,k)*qmemf
3099       enddo
3100       pret(i)=pret(i)*qmemf 
3101       enddo
3102       return
3104 ! check whether routine produces negative q's. This can happen, since 
3105 ! tendencies are calculated based on forced q's. This should have no
3106 ! influence on conservation properties, it scales linear through all
3107 ! tendencies
3109 !      return
3110 !      write(14,*)'return'
3111       thresh=1.e-16
3112       do i=its,itf
3113       qmemf=1.
3114       do k=kts,ktf-1
3115          qmem=outq(i,k)
3116          if(abs(qmem).gt.0. .and. q(i,k).gt.1.e-6)then
3117          qtest=q(i,k)+(outq(i,k))*dt
3118          if(
3120 ! qmem2 would be the maximum allowable tendency
3122            qmem1=abs(outq(i,k))
3123            qmem2=abs((thresh-q(i,k))/dt)
3124            qmemf=min(qmemf,qmem2/qmem1)
3125            qmemf=max(0.,qmemf)
3126          endif
3127          endif
3128       enddo
3129       do k=kts,ktf
3130          outq(i,k)=outq(i,k)*qmemf
3131          outt(i,k)=outt(i,k)*qmemf
3132          outu(i,k)=outu(i,k)*qmemf
3133          outv(i,k)=outv(i,k)*qmemf
3134          outqc(i,k)=outqc(i,k)*qmemf
3135       enddo
3136       pret(i)=pret(i)*qmemf 
3137       enddo
3139    END SUBROUTINE neg_check
3142    SUBROUTINE cup_output_ens_3d(xff_mid,xf_ens,ierr,dellat,dellaq,dellaqc,  &
3143               outtem,outq,outqc,                                            &
3144               zu,pre,pw,xmb,ktop,                                           &
3145               edt,pwd,name,ierr2,ierr3,p_cup,pr_ens,                        &
3146               maxens3,                                                      &
3147               sig,closure_n,xland1,xmbm_in,xmbs_in,                         &
3148               ichoice,imid,ipr,itf,ktf,                                     &
3149               its,ite, kts,kte,                                             &
3150               dicycle,xf_dicycle )
3154 !  on input
3156    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
3158      integer                                                           &
3159         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3160         ichoice,imid,ipr,itf,ktf,                                      &
3161         its,ite, kts,kte
3162      integer, intent (in   )              ::                           &
3163         maxens3
3164   ! xf_ens = ensemble mass fluxes
3165   ! pr_ens = precipitation ensembles
3166   ! dellat = change of temperature per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
3167   ! dellaq = change of q per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
3168   ! dellaqc = change of qc per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
3169   ! outtem = output temp tendency (per s)
3170   ! outq   = output q tendency (per s)
3171   ! outqc  = output qc tendency (per s)
3172   ! pre    = output precip
3173   ! xmb    = total base mass flux
3174   ! xfac1  = correction factor
3175   ! pw = pw -epsilon*pd (ensemble dependent)
3176   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
3177   !
3178      real,    dimension (its:ite,1:maxens3)                            &
3179         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
3180        xf_ens,pr_ens
3181      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
3182         ,intent (inout  )                 ::                           &
3183         outtem,outq,outqc
3184      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
3185         ,intent (in  )                    ::                           &
3186         zu,pwd,p_cup
3187      real,   dimension (its:ite)                                       &
3188          ,intent (in  )                   ::                           &
3189         sig,xmbm_in,xmbs_in,edt
3190      real,   dimension (its:ite,2)                                     &
3191          ,intent (in  )                   ::                           &
3192         xff_mid
3193      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3194         ,intent (inout  )                 ::                           &
3195         pre,xmb
3196      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3197         ,intent (inout  )                 ::                           &
3198         closure_n
3199      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte,1)                            &
3200         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3201        dellat,dellaqc,dellaq,pw
3202      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3203         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3204         ktop,xland1
3205      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3206         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
3207         ierr,ierr2,ierr3
3208      integer, intent(IN) :: DICYCLE
3209      real,    intent(IN), dimension (its:ite) :: xf_dicycle
3211 !  local variables in this routine
3214      integer                              ::                           &
3215         i,k,n
3216      real                                 ::                           &
3217         clos_wei,dtt,dp,dtq,dtqc,dtpw,dtpwd
3218      real,    dimension (its:ite)         ::                           &
3219        xmb_ave,pwtot
3221       character *(*), intent (in)         ::                           &
3222        name
3225       DO k=kts,kte
3226       do i=its,ite
3227         outtem (i,k)=0.
3228         outq   (i,k)=0.
3229         outqc  (i,k)=0.
3230       enddo
3231       enddo
3232       do i=its,itf
3233         pre(i)=0.
3234         xmb(i)=0.
3235       enddo
3236       do i=its,itf
3237         IF(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3238         do n=1,maxens3
3239            if(pr_ens(i,n).le.0.)then
3240              xf_ens(i,n)=0.
3241            endif
3242         enddo
3243         endif
3244       enddo
3246 !--- calculate ensemble average mass fluxes
3250 !-- now do feedback
3252 !!!!! DEEP Convection !!!!!!!!!!
3253       if(imid.eq.0)then
3254       do i=its,itf
3255         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3256          k=0
3257          xmb_ave(i)=0.
3258          do n=1,maxens3
3259           k=k+1
3260           xmb_ave(i)=xmb_ave(i)+xf_ens(i,n)
3261          enddo
3262          xmb_ave(i)=xmb_ave(i)/float(k)
3263          !srf begin
3264          if(dicycle == 2 )then
3265             xmb_ave(i)=xmb_ave(i)-max(0.,xmbm_in(i),xmbs_in(i))
3266             xmb_ave(i)=max(0.,xmb_ave(i))
3267          else if (dicycle == 1) then
3268             xmb_ave(i)=min(xmb_ave(i),xmb_ave(i) - xf_dicycle(i))
3269             xmb_ave(i)=max(0.,xmb_ave(i))
3270          endif
3271 ! --- Now use proper count of how many closures were actually
3272 !       used in cup_forcing_ens (including screening of some
3273 !       closures over water) to properly normalize xmb
3274            clos_wei=16./max(1.,closure_n(i))
3275          xmb_ave(i)=min(xmb_ave(i),100.)
3276          xmb(i)=clos_wei*sig(i)*xmb_ave(i)
3278            if(xmb(i) < 1.e-16)then
3279               ierr(i)=19
3280            endif
3281 !           xfac1(i)=xmb(i)
3282 !           xfac2(i)=xmb(i)
3284         endif
3285       ENDDO
3286 !!!!! NOT SO DEEP Convection !!!!!!!!!!
3287       else  ! imid == 1
3288          do i=its,itf
3289          xmb_ave(i)=0.
3290          IF(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3291 ! ! first get xmb_ves, depend on ichoicee
3293            if(ichoice.eq.1 .or. ichoice.eq.2)then
3294               xmb_ave(i)=sig(i)*xff_mid(i,ichoice)
3295            else if(
3296               k=0
3297               do n=1,maxens3
3298                     k=k+1
3299                     xmb_ave(i)=xmb_ave(i)+xf_ens(i,n)
3300               enddo
3301               xmb_ave(i)=xmb_ave(i)/float(k)
3302            else if(ichoice == 0)then
3303               xmb_ave(i)=.5*sig(i)*(xff_mid(i,1)+xff_mid(i,2))
3304            endif   ! ichoice gt.2
3305 ! which dicycle method
3306            if(dicycle == 2 )then
3307               xmb(i)=max(0.,xmb_ave(i)-xmbs_in(i))
3308            else if (dicycle == 1) then
3309               xmb(i)=min(xmb_ave(i),xmb_ave(i) - xf_dicycle(i))
3310               xmb(i)=max(0.,xmb_ave(i))
3311            else if (dicycle == 0) then
3312               xmb(i)=max(0.,xmb_ave(i))
3313            endif   ! dicycle=1,2
3314          endif     ! ierr >0
3315          enddo     ! i
3316       endif        ! imid=1
3318       do i=its,itf
3319         pwtot(i)=0.
3320         IF(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3321             DO k=kts,ktop(i)
3322               pwtot(i)=pwtot(i)+pw(i,k,1)
3323             enddo
3324             DO k=kts,ktop(i)
3325             dp=100.*(p_cup(i,k)-p_cup(i,k+1))/g
3326             dtt =dellat  (i,k,1)
3327             dtq =dellaq  (i,k,1)
3328 ! necessary to drive downdraft
3329             dtpwd=-pwd(i,k)*edt(i)
3330 ! take from dellaqc first
3331             dtqc=dellaqc (i,k,1)*dp - dtpwd
3332 ! if this is negative, it needs to come from rain
3333            if(dtqc < 0.)then
3334              dtpwd=dtpwd-dellaqc(i,k,1)*dp
3335              dtqc=0.
3336 ! if this is positive, can come from clw detrainment
3337            else
3338              dtpwd=0.
3339              dtqc=dtqc/dp
3340            endif
3341            OUTTEM(I,K)= XMB(I)* dtt
3342            OUTQ  (I,K)= XMB(I)* dtq
3343            OUTQC (I,K)= XMB(I)* dtqc
3344            xf_ens(i,:)=sig(i)*xf_ens(i,:)
3345 ! what is evaporated
3346            PRE(I)=PRE(I)-XMB(I)*dtpwd
3347           enddo
3348           PRE(I)=-PRE(I)+XMB(I)*pwtot(i)
3349         endif
3350       enddo
3353    END SUBROUTINE cup_output_ens_3d
3354 !-------------------------------------------------------
3355    SUBROUTINE cup_up_moisture(name,ierr,z_cup,qc,qrc,pw,pwav,     &
3356               p_cup,kbcon,ktop,dby,clw_all,xland1,                &
3357               q,GAMMA_cup,zu,qes_cup,k22,qe_cup,                  &
3358               ZQEXEC,ccn,rho,c1d,t,                               &
3359               up_massentr,up_massdetr,psum,psumh,                 &
3360               itest,itf,ktf,                                      &
3361               its,ite, kts,kte                     )
3364   real, parameter :: BDISPM = 0.366       !Berry--size dispersion (martime)
3365   REAL, PARAMETER :: BDISPC = 0.146       !Berry--size dispersion (continental)
3367 !  on input
3370    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
3372      integer                                                      &
3373         ,intent (in   )                   ::                      &
3374                                   itest,itf,ktf,                  &
3375                                   its,ite, kts,kte
3376   ! cd= detrainment function 
3377   ! q = environmental q on model levels
3378   ! qe_cup = environmental q on model cloud levels
3379   ! qes_cup = saturation q on model cloud levels
3380   ! dby = buoancy term
3381   ! cd= detrainment function 
3382   ! zu = normalized updraft mass flux
3383   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
3384   !
3385      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                         &
3386         ,intent (in   )                   ::                      &
3387         p_cup,rho,q,zu,gamma_cup,qe_cup,                          &
3388         up_massentr,up_massdetr,dby,qes_cup,z_cup
3389      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                 &
3390         ,intent (in   )                   ::                      &
3391         zqexec
3392   ! entr= entrainment rate 
3393      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                 &
3394         ,intent (in   )                   ::                      &
3395         kbcon,ktop,k22,xland1
3397 ! input and output
3400    ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
3402      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                  &
3403         ,intent (inout)                   ::                       &
3404         ierr
3405       character *(*), intent (in)         ::                       &
3406        name
3407    ! qc = cloud q (including liquid water) after entrainment
3408    ! qrch = saturation q in cloud
3409    ! qrc = liquid water content in cloud after rainout
3410    ! pw = condensate that will fall out at that level
3411    ! pwav = totan normalized integrated condensate (I1)
3412    ! c0 = conversion rate (cloud to rain)
3414      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                          &
3415         ,intent (out  )                   ::                       &
3416         qc,qrc,pw,clw_all
3417      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) ::                       &
3418         qch,qrcb,pwh,clw_allh,c1d,t
3419      real,    dimension (its:ite)         ::                       &
3420         pwavh
3421      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                  &
3422         ,intent (out  )                   ::                       &
3423         pwav,psum,psumh
3424      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                  &
3425         ,intent (in  )                    ::                       &
3426         ccn
3428 !  local variables in this routine
3431      integer                              ::                       &
3432         iprop,iall,i,k
3433      integer :: start_level(its:ite)
3434      real                                 ::                       &
3435         prop_ave,qrcb_h,bdsp,dp,rhoc,qrch,qaver,                   &
3436         c0,dz,berryc0,q1,berryc
3437      real                                 ::                       &
3438         denom
3439      real,    dimension (kts:kte)         ::                       &
3440         prop_b
3442         prop_b(kts:kte)=0
3443         iall=0
3444         c0=.004 ! Han et al. (2016); Li et al., (2019), updated from 0.002
3445         bdsp=BDISPM
3447 !--- no precip for small clouds
3449 !        if(name.eq.'shallow')then
3450 !            c0=0.002
3451 !        endif
3452         do i=its,itf
3453           pwav(i)=0.
3454           pwavh(i)=0.
3455           psum(i)=0.
3456           psumh(i)=0.
3457         enddo
3458         do k=kts,ktf
3459         do i=its,itf
3460           pw(i,k)=0.
3461           pwh(i,k)=0.
3462           qc(i,k)=0.
3463           if(ierr(i).eq.0)qc(i,k)=qe_cup(i,k)
3464           if(ierr(i).eq.0)qch(i,k)=qe_cup(i,k)
3465           clw_all(i,k)=0.
3466           clw_allh(i,k)=0.
3467           qrc(i,k)=0.
3468           qrcb(i,k)=0.
3469         enddo
3470         enddo
3471       do i=its,itf
3472       if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3473          start_level=k22(i)
3474          call get_cloud_bc(kte,qe_cup (i,1:kte),qaver,k22(i))
3475          qaver = qaver 
3476          k=start_level(i)
3477          qc (i,k)= qaver 
3478          qch (i,k)= qaver
3479          do k=1,start_level(i)-1
3480            qc (i,k)= qe_cup(i,k)
3481            qch (i,k)= qe_cup(i,k)
3482          enddo
3484 !  initialize below originating air
3486       endif
3487       enddo
3489        DO 100 i=its,itf
3490         c0=.004
3491          IF(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3493 ! below LFC, but maybe above LCL
3495 !            if(name == "deep" )then
3496             DO k=k22(i)+1,kbcon(i)
3497               if (t(i,k).lt.273.15) c0=c0*exp(0.07*(t(i,k)-273.15))  ! Han et al. (2016); Li et al. (2019)
3498               qc(i,k)=   (qc(i,k-1)*zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)* qc(i,k-1)+ &
3499                          up_massentr(i,k-1)*q(i,k-1))   /                       &
3500                          (zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)+up_massentr(i,k-1))
3501 !              QRCH=QES_cup(I,K)
3502                QRCH=QES_cup(I,K)+(1./XLV)*(GAMMA_cup(i,k)                       &
3503                  /(1.+GAMMA_cup(i,k)))*DBY(I,K)
3504               if(,k)
3505               if(qc(i,k).gt.qrch)then
3506                 DZ=Z_cup(i,K)-Z_cup(i,K-1)
3507                 QRC(I,K)=(QC(I,K)-QRCH)/(1.+c0*DZ)
3508                 PW(i,k)=c0*dz*QRC(I,K)*zu(i,k)
3509                 qc(i,k)=qrch+qrc(i,k)
3510                 clw_all(i,k)=qrc(i,k)
3511               endif
3512             enddo
3513  !           endif
3515 !now do the rest
3517             DO k=kbcon(i)+1,ktop(i)
3518                c0=.004
3519                if (t(i,k).lt.273.15) c0=c0*exp(0.07*(t(i,k)-273.15))  ! Han et al. (2016); Li et al. (2019)
3520                denom=zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)+up_massentr(i,k-1)
3521                if(
3522                      ierr(i)=51
3523                 exit
3524                endif
3527                rhoc=.5*(rho(i,k)+rho(i,k-1))
3528                DZ=Z_cup(i,K)-Z_cup(i,K-1)
3529                DP=p_cup(i,K)-p_cup(i,K-1)
3531 !--- saturation  in cloud, this is what is allowed to be in it
3533                QRCH=QES_cup(I,K)+(1./XLV)*(GAMMA_cup(i,k)                       &
3534                  /(1.+GAMMA_cup(i,k)))*DBY(I,K)
3536 !------    1. steady state plume equation, for what could
3537 !------       be in cloud without condensation
3540                qc(i,k)=   (qc(i,k-1)*zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)* qc(i,k-1)+ &
3541                          up_massentr(i,k-1)*q(i,k-1))   /                        &
3542                          (zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)+up_massentr(i,k-1))
3543                qch(i,k)= (qch(i,k-1)*zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)*qch(i,k-1)+ &
3544                          up_massentr(i,k-1)*q(i,k-1))   /                        &
3545                          (zu(i,k-1)-.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)+up_massentr(i,k-1))
3547                if(qc(i,k).le.qrch)then
3548                  qc(i,k)=qrch
3549                endif
3550                if(qch(i,k).le.qrch)then
3551                  qch(i,k)=qrch
3552                endif
3554 !------- Total condensed water before rainout
3556                clw_all(i,k)=max(0.,QC(I,K)-QRCH)
3557                QRC(I,K)=max(0.,(QC(I,K)-QRCH)) ! /(1.+C0*DZ*zu(i,k))
3558                clw_allh(i,k)=max(0.,QCH(I,K)-QRCH)
3559                QRCB(I,K)=max(0.,(QCH(I,K)-QRCH)) ! /(1.+C0*DZ*zu(i,k))
3560                IF(autoconv.eq.2) then
3564 ! normalized berry
3566 ! first calculate for average conditions, used in cup_dd_edt!
3567 ! this will also determine proportionality constant prop_b, which, if applied,
3568 ! would give the same results as c0 under these conditions
3570                  q1=1.e3*rhoc*qrcb(i,k)  ! g/m^3 ! g[h2o]/cm^3
3571                  berryc0=q1*q1/(60.0*(5.0 + 0.0366*CCNclean/                           &
3572                     ( q1 * BDSP)  ) ) !/(
3573                  qrcb_h=((QCH(I,K)-QRCH)*zu(i,k)-qrcb(i,k-1)*(.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)))/ &
3574                    (zu(i,k)+.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)+c0*dz*zu(i,k))
3575                  prop_b(k)=c0*qrcb_h*zu(i,k)/(1.e-3*berryc0)
3576                  pwh(i,k)=zu(i,k)*1.e-3*berryc0*dz*prop_b(k) ! 2.
3577                  berryc=qrcb(i,k)
3578                  qrcb(i,k)=((QCh(I,K)-QRCH)*zu(i,k)-pwh(i,k)-qrcb(i,k-1)*(.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)))/ &
3579                        (zu(i,k)+.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1))
3580                  if(qrcb(i,k).lt.0.)then
3581                    berryc0=(qrcb(i,k-1)*(.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1))-(QCh(I,K)-QRCH)*zu(i,k))/zu(i,k)*1.e-3*dz*prop_b(k)
3582                    pwh(i,k)=zu(i,k)*1.e-3*berryc0*dz*prop_b(k)
3583                    qrcb(i,k)=0.
3584                  endif
3585                  QCh(I,K)=QRCb(I,K)+qrch
3586                  PWAVH(I)=PWAVH(I)+pwh(I,K)
3587                  Psumh(I)=Psumh(I)+clw_allh(I,K)*zu(i,k) *dz
3588         !
3589 ! then the real berry
3591                  q1=1.e3*rhoc*qrc(i,k)  ! g/m^3 ! g[h2o]/cm^3
3592                  berryc0=q1*q1/(60.0*(5.0 + 0.0366*CCN(i)/                                             &
3593                     ( q1 * BDSP)  ) ) !/(
3594                  berryc0=1.e-3*berryc0*dz*prop_b(k) ! 2.
3595                  berryc=qrc(i,k)
3596                  qrc(i,k)=((QC(I,K)-QRCH)*zu(i,k)-zu(i,k)*berryc0-qrc(i,k-1)*(.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)))/ &
3597                        (zu(i,k)+.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1))
3598                  if(qrc(i,k).lt.0.)then
3599                     berryc0=((QC(I,K)-QRCH)*zu(i,k)-qrc(i,k-1)*(.5*up_massdetr(i,k-1)))/zu(i,k)
3600                     qrc(i,k)=0.
3601                  endif
3602                  pw(i,k)=berryc0*zu(i,k)
3603                  QC(I,K)=QRC(I,K)+qrch
3605 !  if not running with berry at all, do the following
3607                ELSE       !c0=.002
3608                  if(iall.eq.1)then
3609                    qrc(i,k)=0.
3610                    pw(i,k)=(QC(I,K)-QRCH)*zu(i,k)
3611                    if(pw(i,k).lt.0.)pw(i,k)=0.
3612                  else
3613                    QRC(I,K)=(QC(I,K)-QRCH)/(1.+(c1d(i,k)+C0)*DZ)
3614                    PW(i,k)=c0*dz*QRC(I,K)*zu(i,k)
3615                    if(qrc(i,k).lt.0)then
3616                      qrc(i,k)=0.
3617                      pw(i,k)=0.
3618                    endif
3619                  endif
3620                  QC(I,K)=QRC(I,K)+qrch
3621                endif !autoconv
3622                PWAV(I)=PWAV(I)+PW(I,K)
3623                Psum(I)=Psum(I)+clw_all(I,K)*zu(i,k) *dz
3624             enddo ! k=kbcon,ktop
3625 ! do not include liquid/ice in qc
3626        do k=k22(i)+1,ktop(i)
3627            qc(i,k)=qc(i,k)-qrc(i,k)
3628        enddo
3629       endif ! ierr
3631 !--- integrated normalized ondensate
3633  100     CONTINUE
3634        prop_ave=0.
3635        iprop=0
3636        do k=kts,kte
3637         prop_ave=prop_ave+prop_b(k)
3638         if(prop_b(k).gt.0)iprop=iprop+1
3639        enddo
3640        iprop=max(iprop,1)
3642  END SUBROUTINE cup_up_moisture
3644 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
3646  REAL FUNCTION satvap(temp2)
3647       implicit none
3648       real :: temp2, temp, toot, toto, eilog, tsot,            &
3649      &        ewlog, ewlog2, ewlog3, ewlog4
3650       temp = temp2-273.155
3651       if ( then   !!!! ice saturation
3652         toot = 273.16 / temp2
3653         toto = 1 / toot
3654         eilog = -9.09718 * (toot - 1) - 3.56654 * (log(toot) / &
3655      &    log(10.)) + .876793 * (1 - toto) + (log(6.1071) / log(10.))
3656         satvap = 10 ** eilog
3657       else
3658         tsot = 373.16 / temp2
3659         ewlog = -7.90298 * (tsot - 1) + 5.02808 *              &
3660      &             (log(tsot) / log(10.))
3661         ewlog2 = ewlog - 1.3816e-07 *                          &
3662      &             (10 ** (11.344 * (1 - (1 / tsot))) - 1)
3663         ewlog3 = ewlog2 + .0081328 *                           &
3664      &             (10 ** (-3.49149 * (tsot - 1)) - 1)
3665         ewlog4 = ewlog3 + (log(1013.246) / log(10.))
3666         satvap = 10 ** ewlog4
3667       end if
3669 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
3670  SUBROUTINE get_cloud_bc(mzp,array,x_aver,k22,add)
3671     implicit none
3672     integer, intent(in)     :: mzp,k22
3673     real   , intent(in)     :: array(mzp)
3674     real   , optional , intent(in)  :: add
3675     real   , intent(out)    :: x_aver
3676     integer :: i,local_order_aver,order_aver
3678     !-- dimension of the average
3679     !-- a) to pick the value at k22 level, instead of a average between
3680     !--    k22-order_aver, ..., k22-1, k22 set order_aver=1)
3681     !-- b) to average between 1 and k22 => set order_aver = k22
3682     order_aver = 3 !=> average between k22, k22-1 and k22-2
3684     local_order_aver=min(k22,order_aver)
3686     x_aver=0.
3687     do i = 1,local_order_aver
3688       x_aver = x_aver + array(k22-i+1)
3689     enddo
3690       x_aver = x_aver/float(local_order_aver)
3691     if(present(add)) x_aver = x_aver + add
3693  end SUBROUTINE get_cloud_bc
3694  !========================================================================================
3697  SUBROUTINE rates_up_pdf(rand_vmas,ipr,name,ktop,ierr,p_cup,entr_rate_2d,hkbo,heo,heso_cup,z_cup, &
3698                xland,kstabi,k22,kbcon,its,ite,itf,kts,kte,ktf,zuo,kpbl,ktopdby,csum,pmin_lev)
3699      implicit none
3700      character *(*), intent (in)       :: name
3701      integer, intent(in) :: ipr,its,ite,itf,kts,kte,ktf
3702      real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte),intent (inout) :: entr_rate_2d,zuo
3703      real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte),intent (in) ::p_cup, heo,heso_cup,z_cup
3704      real, dimension (its:ite),intent (in) :: hkbo,rand_vmas
3705      integer, dimension (its:ite),intent (in) :: kstabi,k22,kpbl,csum,xland,pmin_lev
3706      integer, dimension (its:ite),intent (inout) :: kbcon,ierr,ktop,ktopdby
3707      !-local vars
3708      real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) :: hcot
3709      real :: beta_u,dz,dbythresh,dzh2,zustart,zubeg,massent,massdetr
3710      real :: dby(kts:kte),dbm(kts:kte),zux(kts:kte)
3711      real zuh2(40),zh2(40)
3712      integer :: kklev,i,kk,kbegin,k,kfinalzu
3713      integer, dimension (its:ite) :: start_level 
3714      !
3715      zustart=.1
3716      dbythresh= 1. !.0.95 ! 0.85, 0.6
3717      if(name == 'shallow' .or. name == 'mid') dbythresh=1.
3718      dby(:)=0.
3720      DO i=its,itf
3721       zux(:)=0.
3722       beta_u=max(.1,.2-float(csum(i))*.01)
3723       zuo(i,:)=0.
3724       dby(:)=0.
3725       dbm(:)=0.
3726       kbcon(i)=max(kbcon(i),2)
3727       if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3728        start_level(i)=k22(i)
3729        zuo(i,start_level(i))=zustart
3730         zux(start_level(i))=zustart
3731         do k=start_level(i)+1,kbcon(i)
3732           dz=z_cup(i,k)-z_cup(i,k-1)
3733           massent=dz*entr_rate_2d(i,k-1)*zuo(i,k-1)
3734           massdetr=dz*1.e-9*zuo(i,k-1)
3735           zuo(i,k)=zuo(i,k-1)+massent-massdetr
3736           zux(k)=zuo(i,k)
3737         enddo
3738        zubeg=zustart !zuo(i,kbcon(i))
3739        if(name .eq. 'deep')then
3740         ktop(i)=0
3741         hcot(i,start_level(i))=hkbo(i)
3742         dz=z_cup(i,start_level(i))-z_cup(i,start_level(i)-1)
3743         do k=start_level(i)+1,ktf-2
3744            dz=z_cup(i,k)-z_cup(i,k-1)
3746            hcot(i,k)=( (1.-0.5*entr_rate_2d(i,k-1)*dz)*hcot(i,k-1) &
3747                       + entr_rate_2d(i,k-1)*dz*heo(i,k-1))/        &
3748                       (1.+0.5*entr_rate_2d(i,k-1)*dz)
3749            if(k >= kbcon(i)) dby(k)=dby(k-1)+(hcot(i,k)-heso_cup(i,k))*dz
3750            if(k >= kbcon(i)) dbm(k)=hcot(i,k)-heso_cup(i,k)
3751         enddo
3752         ktopdby(i)=maxloc(dby(:),1)
3753         kklev=maxloc(dbm(:),1)
3754         do k=maxloc(dby(:),1)+1,ktf-2
3755           if(dby(k).lt.dbythresh*maxval(dby))then
3756               kfinalzu=k  - 1
3757               ktop(i)=kfinalzu
3758               go to 412
3759           endif
3760         enddo
3761         kfinalzu=ktf-2
3762         ktop(i)=kfinalzu
3763 412     continue
3765 ! at least overshoot by one level
3767 !        kfinalzu=min(max(kfinalzu,ktopdby(i)+1),ktopdby(i)+2)
3768 !        ktop(i)=kfinalzu
3769         if(kfinalzu.le.kbcon(i)+2)then
3770               ierr(i)=41
3771               ktop(i)= 0
3772         else
3773 !           call get_zu_zd_pdf_fim(ipr,xland(i),zuh2,"UP",ierr(i),start_level(i),             &
3774 !           call get_zu_zd_pdf_fim(rand_vmas(i),zubeg,ipr,xland(i),zuh2,"UP",ierr(i),kbcon(i), &
3775 !            kfinalzu,zuo(i,kts:kte),kts,kte,ktf,beta_u,kpbl(i),csum(i),pmin_lev(i))
3776            call get_zu_zd_pdf_fim(kklev,p_cup(i,:),rand_vmas(i),zubeg,ipr,xland(i),zuh2,"UP",ierr(i),k22(i), &
3777             kfinalzu,zuo(i,kts:kte),kts,kte,ktf,beta_u,kstabi(i),csum(i),pmin_lev(i))
3778         endif
3779       endif ! end deep
3780       if ( name == 'mid' ) then
3781        if(ktop(i) <= kbcon(i)+2)then
3782               ierr(i)=41
3783               ktop(i)= 0
3784        else
3785            kfinalzu=ktop(i)
3786            ktopdby(i)=ktop(i)+1
3787           call get_zu_zd_pdf_fim(kklev,p_cup(i,:),rand_vmas(i),zubeg,ipr,xland(i),zuh2,"MID",ierr(i),k22(i),kfinalzu,zuo(i,kts:kte),kts,kte,ktf,beta_u,kbcon(i),csum(i),pmin_lev(i))
3788 !           kbegin=0
3789 !           dzh2=(z_cup(i,ktop(i))-z_cup(i,k22(i)))/40.
3790 !           zh2(1)=z_cup(i,k22(i))
3791 !           if(zuh2(1).gt.0.1 .and. kbegin.eq.0)kbegin=1
3792 !           do k=2,40
3793 !             zh2(k)=zh2(k-1)+dzh2
3794 !             if(zuh2(k).gt.0.1 .and. kbegin.eq.0)kbegin=k
3795 !           enddo
3796 !           zuo(i,k22(i))=zuh2(kbegin)
3797 !           do k=k22(i)+1,kfinalzu+1
3798 !             do kk=kbegin,39
3799 !             if(z_cup(i,k).gt.zh2(kk) .and.  z_cup(i,k).le.zh2(kk+1)) then
3800 !                 zuo(i,k)=zuh2(kk)
3801 !                 exit
3802 !              endif
3803 !             enddo
3804 !           enddo
3805 !           if(zuo(i,ktop(i)).lt.1.e-4)ktop(i)=ktop(i)-1
3806        endif
3807       endif ! mid
3808       if ( name == 'shallow' ) then
3809        if(ktop(i) <= kbcon(i)+2)then
3810            ierr(i)=41
3811            ktop(i)= 0
3812        else
3813            kfinalzu=ktop(i)
3814            ktopdby(i)=ktop(i)
3815            call get_zu_zd_pdf_fim(kklev,p_cup(i,:),rand_vmas(i),zubeg,ipr,xland(i),zuh2,"SH2",ierr(i),k22(i), &
3816              kfinalzu,zuo(i,kts:kte),kts,kte,ktf,beta_u,kpbl(i),csum(i),pmin_lev(i))
3818          endif
3819          endif ! shal
3820       ENDIF ! ierr
3821      ENDDO
3823   END SUBROUTINE rates_up_pdf
3824 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3825  SUBROUTINE get_zu_zd_pdf_fim(kklev,p,rand_vmas,zubeg,ipr,xland,zuh2,draft,ierr,kb,kt,zu,kts,kte,ktf,max_mass,kpbli,csum,pmin_lev)
3827  implicit none
3828  integer, intent(in) ::ipr,xland,kb,kklev,kt,kts,kte,ktf,kpbli,csum,pmin_lev
3829  real, intent(in) ::max_mass,zubeg
3830  real, intent(inout) :: zu(kts:kte)
3831  real, intent(in) :: p(kts:kte)
3832  real  :: zuh(kts:kte),zuh2(1:40)
3833  integer, intent(inout) :: ierr
3834  character*(*), intent(in) ::draft
3836  !- local var
3837  integer :: kk,k,kb_adj,kpbli_adj
3838  real    :: krmax,beta, alpha,kratio,tunning,FZU,rand_vmas,lev_start
3839  !- kb cannot be at 1st level
3841  !-- fill zu with zeros
3842  zu=0.0
3843  zuh=0.0
3844    kb_adj=max(kb,2)
3845  IF(draft == "UP") then
3846    lev_start=min(.9,.4+csum*.013)
3847    kb_adj=max(kb,2)
3848    tunning=p(kt)+(p(kpbli)-p(kt))*lev_start
3849    tunning =min(0.9, (tunning-p(kb_adj))/(p(kt)-p(kb_adj))) !=.6
3850    tunning =max(0.2, tunning)
3851    beta    = 1.3 !2.5 ! max(2.5,2./tunning)
3852    alpha= (tunning*(beta -2.)+1.)/(1.-tunning)
3853 #if ( ! defined NO_GAMMA_SUPPORT )
3854    fzu = gamma(alpha + beta)/(gamma(alpha)*gamma(beta))
3855 #else
3856    call wrf_error_fatal ('compiler does not support 2008 gamma intrinsic')
3857 #endif
3858   do k=kb_adj,min(kte,kt)
3859       kratio= (p(k)-p(kb_adj))/(p(kt)-p(kb_adj)) !float(k)/float(kt+1)
3860       zu(k) = zubeg+FZU*kratio**(alpha-1.0) * (1.0-kratio)**(beta-1.0)
3861    enddo
3863    if(maxval(zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))).gt.0.)  &
3864       zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))= zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))/maxval(zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1)))
3865      do k=maxloc(zu(:),1),1,-1
3866        if(zu(k).lt.1.e-6)then
3867          kb_adj=k+1
3868          exit
3869        endif
3870      enddo
3871      kb_adj=max(2,kb_adj)
3872      do k=kts,kb_adj-1
3873        zu(k)=0.
3874      enddo
3876  ELSEIF(draft == "SH2") then
3877    tunning =min(0.8, (p(kpbli)-p(kb_adj))/(p(kt)-p(kb_adj))) !=.6
3878    tunning =max(0.2, tunning)
3879    beta    = 2.5 !2.5 ! max(2.5,2./tunning)
3880    alpha= (tunning*(beta -2.)+1.)/(1.-tunning)
3881 #if ( ! defined NO_GAMMA_SUPPORT )
3882    fzu = gamma(alpha + beta)/(gamma(alpha)*gamma(beta))
3883 #endif
3884   do k=kb_adj,min(kte,kt)
3885       kratio= (p(k)-p(kb_adj))/(p(kt)-p(kb_adj)) !float(k)/float(kt+1)
3886       zu(k) = zubeg+FZU*kratio**(alpha-1.0) * (1.0-kratio)**(beta-1.0)
3887    enddo
3888    if(maxval(zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))).gt.0.)  &
3889       zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))= zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))/maxval(zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1)))
3890      do k=maxloc(zu(:),1),1,-1
3891        if(zu(k).lt.1.e-6)then
3892          kb_adj=k+1
3893          exit
3894        endif
3895      enddo
3897  ELSEIF(draft == "SH3") then
3898   tunning = 0.6
3899   beta    =2.2/tunning
3900   alpha   = tunning*beta
3901    beta    = 3.5 ! max(2.5,2./tunning)
3902    alpha   = beta -2. ! +1 !max(1.1,tunning*beta-abs(1.5-tunning)*5.)
3903   fzu=1.
3904   do k=1,40
3905       kratio= float(k)/float(40)
3906       zuh2(k) = zubeg+FZU*kratio**(alpha-1.0) * (1.0-kratio)**(beta-1.0)
3907    enddo
3908    if(maxval(zuh2(1:40)).gt.0.)  &
3909       zuh2(:)= zuh2(:)/ maxval(zuh2(1:40))
3910  ELSEIF(draft == "MID") then
3911    kb_adj=max(kb,2)
3912    tunning=p(kt)+(p(kb_adj)-p(kt))*.9 !*.33
3913    tunning =min(0.9, (tunning-p(kb_adj))/(p(kt)-p(kb_adj))) !=.6
3914    tunning =max(0.2, tunning)
3915    beta    = 1.3 !2.5 ! max(2.5,2./tunning)
3916    alpha= (tunning*(beta -2.)+1.)/(1.-tunning)
3917 #if ( ! defined NO_GAMMA_SUPPORT )
3918    fzu = gamma(alpha + beta)/(gamma(alpha)*gamma(beta))
3919 #endif
3920   do k=kb_adj,min(kte,kt)
3921       kratio= (p(k)-p(kb_adj))/(p(kt)-p(kb_adj)) !float(k)/float(kt+1)
3922       zu(k) = zubeg+FZU*kratio**(alpha-1.0) * (1.0-kratio)**(beta-1.0)
3923    enddo
3924    if(maxval(zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))).gt.0.)  &
3925       zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))= zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))/maxval(zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1)))
3926      do k=maxloc(zu(:),1),1,-1
3927        if(zu(k).lt.1.e-6)then
3928          kb_adj=k+1
3929          exit
3930        endif
3931      enddo
3932      kb_adj=max(2,kb_adj)
3933      do k=kts,kb_adj-1
3934        zu(k)=0.
3935      enddo
3937  ELSEIF(draft == "DOWN" .or. draft == "DOWNM") then
3939   ! tunning = 0.8
3940   ! beta    = 3.0/tunning
3941 !  tunning = 0.8
3942 !  beta    =2.0/tunning
3943 !  alpha   = tunning*beta
3944 !  fzu=1.
3945 !  zuh(:)=0.
3946    tunning=p(kb)
3947    tunning =min(0.9, (tunning-p(1))/(p(kt)-p(1))) !=.6
3948    tunning =max(0.2, tunning)
3949    beta    = 4. !2.5 ! max(2.5,2./tunning)
3950    alpha= (tunning*(beta -2.)+1.)/(1.-tunning)
3951 #if ( ! defined NO_GAMMA_SUPPORT )
3952    fzu = gamma(alpha + beta)/(gamma(alpha)*gamma(beta))
3953 #endif
3954   zu(:)=0.
3955   do k=2,min(kt,ktf)
3956       kratio= (p(k)-p(1))/(p(kt)-p(1))
3957       zu(k) = FZU*kratio**(alpha-1.0) * (1.0-kratio)**(beta-1.0)
3958    enddo
3959 !   if(maxloc(zuh(:),1).ge.kpbli)then
3960 !      do k=maxloc(zuh(:),1),1,-1
3961 !         kk=kpbli+k-maxloc(zuh(:),1)
3962 !         if(
3963 !      enddo
3964 !      do k=maxloc(zuh(:),1)+1,kt
3965 !         kk=kpbli+k-maxloc(zuh(:),1)
3966 !         if(kk.le.kt)zu(kk)=zuh(k)
3967 !      enddo
3968 !   else
3969 !      do k=2,kt ! maxloc(zuh(:),1)
3970 !        zu(k)=zuh(k-1)
3971 !      enddo
3972 !   endif
3973     fzu=maxval(zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1)))
3974    if(  &
3975       zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))= zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))/fzu
3976 !    if(zu(2).gt.max_mass)fzu=max_mass/zu(2) ! max(0.,zu(2)-max_mass)
3977 !     do k=2,kt+1
3978 !       zu(k)=fzu*zu(k)
3979 !     enddo
3980      zu(1)=0.
3983   ENDIF
3984   !- normalize ZU
3985   !  if(maxval(zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))).gt.0.)  &
3986   !     zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))= zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1))/ maxval(zu(kts:min(ktf,kt+1)))
3987   END SUBROUTINE get_zu_zd_pdf_fim
3989 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3990   SUBROUTINE cup_up_aa1bl(aa0,t,tn,q,qo,dtime,  &
3991               z,zu,dby,gamma_cup,t_cup,         &
3992               kbcon,ktop,ierr,                  &
3993               itf,ktf,                          &
3994               its,ite, kts,kte         )
3998 !  on input
4001    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
4003      integer                                                           &
4004         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4005         itf,ktf,                                                       &
4006         its,ite, kts,kte
4007   ! aa0 cloud work function
4008   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
4009   ! t_cup = temperature (Kelvin) on model cloud levels
4010   ! dby = buoancy term
4011   ! zu= normalized updraft mass flux
4012   ! z = heights of model levels 
4013   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
4014   !
4015      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
4016         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4017         z,zu,gamma_cup,t_cup,dby,t,tn,q,qo
4018      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4019         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4020         kbcon,ktop
4021      real, intent(in) :: dtime
4023 ! input and output
4027      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4028         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
4029         ierr
4030      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4031         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
4032         aa0
4034 !  local variables in this routine
4037      integer                              ::                           &
4038         i,k
4039      real                                 ::                           &
4040         dz,dA
4042         DO i=its,itf
4043          AA0(I)=0.
4044         ENDDO
4045         DO 100 k=kts+1,ktf
4046         DO 100 i=its,itf
4047          IF(ierr(i).ne.0 )GO TO 100
4048          IF( TO 100
4050          DZ=Z(I,K)-Z(I,K-1)
4051          !print*,"dz=",i,k,z(i,k),Z(I,K-1),dz         
4052          !da=zu(i,k)*DZ*(9.81/(1004.*( &
4053          !        (T_cup(I,K)))))*DBY(I,K-1)/ &
4054          !     (1.+GAMMA_CUP(I,K))
4055          ! IF(K.eq.KTOP(I).and.da.le.0.)go to 100
4057          dA=  DZ*9.81*( tn(i,k)-t(i,k) + 0.608*(qo(i,k)-q(i,k)))/dtime
4058          AA0(I)=AA0(I)+dA
4059 100     CONTINUE
4061  END SUBROUTINE cup_up_aa1bl
4062 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
4063  SUBROUTINE get_inversion_layers(ierr,p_cup,t_cup,z_cup,qo_cup,qeso_cup,k_inv_layers,&           
4064                      kstart,kend,dtempdz,itf,ktf,its,ite, kts,kte)
4066         IMPLICIT NONE
4067         integer                      ,intent (in ) :: itf,ktf,its,ite,kts,kte
4068         integer, dimension (its:ite) ,intent (in ) :: ierr,kstart,kend
4069         integer, dimension (its:ite) :: kend_p3
4071         real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte), intent (in ) :: p_cup,t_cup,z_cup,qo_cup,qeso_cup                            
4072         real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte), intent (out) :: dtempdz                    
4073         integer, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte), intent (out) :: k_inv_layers
4074         !-local vars
4075         real   :: dp,l_mid,l_shal,first_deriv(kts:kte),sec_deriv(kts:kte)
4076         integer:: ken,kadd,kj,i,k,ilev,kk,ix,k800,k550,mid,shal
4077         !
4078         !-initialize k_inv_layers as undef
4079         l_mid=300.
4080         l_shal=100.
4081         k_inv_layers(:,:) = 1
4082          do i = its,itf
4083            if(ierr(i) == 0)then
4084            kend_p3(i)=kend(i)+3
4085            DO k = kts+1,kend_p3(i)+4
4086             !-  get the 1st der
4087             first_deriv(k)= (t_cup(i,k+1)-t_cup(i,k-1))/(z_cup(i,k+1)-z_cup(i,k-1))        
4088             dtempdz(i,k)=first_deriv(k)
4089                enddo
4090            DO k = kts+2,kend_p3(i)+3
4091             !  get the 2nd der
4092             sec_deriv(k)= (first_deriv(k+1)-first_deriv(k-1))/(z_cup(i,k+1)-z_cup(i,k-1))        
4093             sec_deriv(k)= abs(sec_deriv(k))        
4094            enddo
4096          ilev=max(kts+2,kstart(i)+1)
4097          ix=1
4098          k=ilev
4099          DO WHILE (ilev < kend_p3(i)) !(z_cup(i,ilev)<15000.)
4100            do kk=k,kend_p3(i)+2 !k,ktf-2
4102              if(sec_deriv(kk) <        sec_deriv(kk+1) .and.  &
4103                 sec_deriv(kk) < sec_deriv(kk-1)        ) then
4104               k_inv_layers(i,ix)=kk
4105               ix=min(5,ix+1)
4106               ilev=kk+1
4107               exit   
4108              endif
4109               ilev=kk+1
4110                enddo
4111            k=ilev
4112          ENDDO         
4113         !- 2nd criteria
4114          kadd=0
4115          ken=maxloc(k_inv_layers(i,:),1)
4116          do k=1,ken
4117            kk=k_inv_layers(i,k+kadd)
4118            if(kk.eq.1)exit
4120            if( dtempdz(i,kk) < dtempdz(i,kk-1) .and. &
4121                dtempdz(i,kk) < dtempdz(i,kk+1) ) then ! the layer is not a local maximum
4122                kadd=kadd+1
4123                 do kj = k,ken
4124                if(k_inv_layers(i,kj+kadd).gt.1)k_inv_layers(i,kj) = k_inv_layers(i,kj+kadd)
4125                if(k_inv_layers(i,kj+kadd).eq.1)k_inv_layers(i,kj) = 1
4126                 enddo
4127            endif
4128          ENDDO
4129         endif
4130         ENDDO
4131 100 format(1x,16i3)        
4132         !- find the locations of inversions around 800 and 550 hPa
4133         sec_deriv(:)=1.e9
4134         do i = its,itf
4135          if(ierr(i) /= 0) cycle
4137          !- now find the closest layers of 800 and 550 hPa.         
4138          do k=1,maxloc(k_inv_layers(i,:),1) !kts,kte !kstart(i),kend(i) !kts,kte
4139            dp=p_cup(i,k_inv_layers(i,k))-p_cup(i,kstart(i))
4140            sec_deriv(k)=abs(dp)-l_shal
4141          enddo
4142          k800=minloc(abs(sec_deriv),1)
4143         sec_deriv(:)=1.e9
4145          do k=1,maxloc(k_inv_layers(i,:),1) !kts,kte !kstart(i),kend(i) !kts,kte
4146            dp=p_cup(i,k_inv_layers(i,k))-p_cup(i,kstart(i))
4147            sec_deriv(k)=abs(dp)-l_mid
4148          enddo
4149          k550=minloc(abs(sec_deriv),1)
4150          !-save k800 and k550 in k_inv_layers array
4151          shal=1
4152          mid=2
4153          k_inv_layers(i,shal)=k_inv_layers(i,k800) ! this is for shallow convection
4154          k_inv_layers(i,mid )=k_inv_layers(i,k550) ! this is for mid/congestus convection
4155          k_inv_layers(i,mid+1:kte)=-1
4156         ENDDO
4159  END SUBROUTINE get_inversion_layers
4160 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4161  FUNCTION DERIV3(xx, xi, yi, ni, m)
4162     !============================================================================*/
4163     ! Evaluate first- or second-order derivatives 
4164     ! using three-point Lagrange interpolation 
4165     ! written by: Alex Godunov (October 2009)
4166     ! input ...
4167     ! xx    - the abscissa at which the interpolation is to be evaluated
4168     ! xi()  - the arrays of data abscissas
4169     ! yi()  - the arrays of data ordinates
4170     ! ni - size of the arrays xi() and yi()
4171     ! m  - order of a derivative (1 or 2)
4172     ! output ...
4173     ! deriv3  - interpolated value
4174     !============================================================================*/
4176     implicit none
4177     integer, parameter :: n=3
4178     integer ni, m,i, j, k, ix
4179     real:: deriv3, xx
4180     real:: xi(ni), yi(ni), x(n), f(n)
4182     ! exit if too high-order derivative was needed,
4183     if (m > 2) then
4184       deriv3 = 0.0
4185       return
4186     end if
4188     ! if x is ouside the xi(1)-xi(ni) interval set deriv3=0.0
4189     if (xx < xi(1) .or. xx > xi(ni)) then
4190       deriv3 = 0.0
4191       stop "problems with finding the 2nd derivative"
4192     end if
4194     ! a binary (bisectional) search to find i so that xi(i-1) < x < xi(i)
4195     i = 1
4196     j = ni
4197     do while (j > i+1)
4198       k = (i+j)/2
4199       if (xx < xi(k)) then
4200         j = k
4201       else
4202         i = k
4203       end if
4204     end do
4206     ! shift i that will correspond to n-th order of interpolation
4207     ! the search point will be in the middle in x_i, x_i+1, x_i+2 ...
4208       i = i + 1 - n/2
4210     ! check boundaries: if i is ouside of the range [1, ... n] -> shift i
4211     if (i < 1) i=1
4212     if (i + n > ni) i=ni-n+1
4214     !  old output to test i
4215     !  write(*,100) xx, i
4216     !  100 format (f10.5, I5)
4218     ! just wanted to use index i
4219     ix = i
4220     ! initialization of f(n) and x(n)
4221     do i=1,n
4222       f(i) = yi(ix+i-1)
4223       x(i) = xi(ix+i-1)
4224     end do
4226     ! calculate the first-order derivative using Lagrange interpolation
4227     if (m == 1) then
4228         deriv3 =          (2.0*xx - (x(2)+x(3)))*f(1)/((x(1)-x(2))*(x(1)-x(3)))
4229         deriv3 = deriv3 + (2.0*xx - (x(1)+x(3)))*f(2)/((x(2)-x(1))*(x(2)-x(3)))
4230         deriv3 = deriv3 + (2.0*xx - (x(1)+x(2)))*f(3)/((x(3)-x(1))*(x(3)-x(2)))
4231     ! calculate the second-order derivative using Lagrange interpolation
4232       else
4233         deriv3 =          2.0*f(1)/((x(1)-x(2))*(x(1)-x(3)))
4234         deriv3 = deriv3 + 2.0*f(2)/((x(2)-x(1))*(x(2)-x(3)))
4235         deriv3 = deriv3 + 2.0*f(3)/((x(3)-x(1))*(x(3)-x(2)))
4236     end if
4238 !=============================================================================================
4239   SUBROUTINE get_lateral_massflux(itf,ktf, its,ite, kts,kte                             &
4240                                   ,ierr,ktop,zo_cup,zuo,cd,entr_rate_2d                 &
4241                                   ,up_massentro, up_massdetro ,up_massentr, up_massdetr &
4242                                   ,draft,kbcon,k22,up_massentru,up_massdetru,lambau)
4244      Implicit none
4245      character *(*), intent (in) :: draft
4246      integer, intent(in):: itf,ktf, its,ite, kts,kte
4247      integer, intent(in)   , dimension(its:ite)         :: ierr,ktop,kbcon,k22
4248      real,    intent(in),  OPTIONAL , dimension(its:ite):: lambau
4249      real,    intent(in)   , dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: zo_cup,zuo
4250      real,    intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: cd,entr_rate_2d   
4251      real,    intent(  out), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: up_massentro, up_massdetro  &
4252                                                           ,up_massentr,  up_massdetr
4253      real,    intent(  out), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte),  OPTIONAL ::                  &
4254                                                           up_massentru,up_massdetru
4255      !-- local vars
4256      Integer :: i,k, incr1,incr2
4257      REAL :: dz,trash,trash2
4259      do k=kts,kte
4260       do i=its,ite
4261          up_massentro(i,k)=0.
4262          up_massdetro(i,k)=0.
4263          up_massentr (i,k)=0.
4264          up_massdetr (i,k)=0.
4265       enddo
4266      enddo
4267      if(present(up_massentru) .and. present(up_massdetru))then
4268        do k=kts,kte
4269         do i=its,ite
4270           up_massentru(i,k)=0.
4271           up_massdetru(i,k)=0.
4272         enddo
4273        enddo
4274      endif
4275      DO i=its,itf
4276        if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
4278           do k=max(2,k22(i)+1),maxloc(zuo(i,:),1)
4279            !=> below maximum value zu -> change entrainment
4280            dz=zo_cup(i,k)-zo_cup(i,k-1)
4282            up_massdetro(i,k-1)=cd(i,k-1)*dz*zuo(i,k-1)
4283            up_massentro(i,k-1)=zuo(i,k)-zuo(i,k-1)+up_massdetro(i,k-1)
4284            if(up_massentro(i,k-1).lt.0.)then
4285               up_massentro(i,k-1)=0.
4286               up_massdetro(i,k-1)=zuo(i,k-1)-zuo(i,k)
4287               if(zuo(i,k-1).gt.0.)cd(i,k-1)=up_massdetro(i,k-1)/(dz*zuo(i,k-1))
4288            endif
4289            if(zuo(i,k-1).gt.0.)entr_rate_2d(i,k-1)=(up_massentro(i,k-1))/(dz*zuo(i,k-1))
4290          enddo
4291          do k=maxloc(zuo(i,:),1)+1,ktop(i)
4292            !=> above maximum value zu -> change detrainment
4293            dz=zo_cup(i,k)-zo_cup(i,k-1)
4294            up_massentro(i,k-1)=entr_rate_2d(i,k-1)*dz*zuo(i,k-1)
4295            up_massdetro(i,k-1)=zuo(i,k-1)+up_massentro(i,k-1)-zuo(i,k)
4296            if(up_massdetro(i,k-1).lt.0.)then
4297               up_massdetro(i,k-1)=0.
4298               up_massentro(i,k-1)=zuo(i,k)-zuo(i,k-1)
4299               if(zuo(i,k-1).gt.0.)entr_rate_2d(i,k-1)=(up_massentro(i,k-1))/(dz*zuo(i,k-1))
4300            endif
4302            if(zuo(i,k-1).gt.0.)cd(i,k-1)=up_massdetro(i,k-1)/(dz*zuo(i,k-1))
4303          enddo
4304          up_massdetro(i,ktop(i))=zuo(i,ktop(i))
4305          up_massentro(i,ktop(i))=0.
4306          do k=ktop(i)+1,ktf
4307            cd(i,k)=0.
4308            entr_rate_2d(i,k)=0.
4309            up_massentro(i,k)=0.
4310            up_massdetro(i,k)=0.
4311          enddo
4312          do k=2,ktf-1
4313            up_massentr (i,k-1)=up_massentro(i,k-1)
4314            up_massdetr (i,k-1)=up_massdetro(i,k-1)
4315          enddo         
4316          if(present(up_massentru) .and. present(up_massdetru))then
4317           do k=2,ktf-1
4318            up_massentru(i,k-1)=up_massentro(i,k-1)+lambau(i)*up_massdetro(i,k-1)
4319            up_massdetru(i,k-1)=up_massdetro(i,k-1)+lambau(i)*up_massdetro(i,k-1)
4320           enddo
4321          endif
4323          trash=0.
4324          trash2=0.
4325          do k=k22(i)+1,ktop(i)
4326              trash2=trash2+entr_rate_2d(i,k)
4327          enddo
4328          do k=k22(i)+1,kbcon(i)
4329             trash=trash+entr_rate_2d(i,k)
4330          enddo
4332        endif
4333     ENDDO
4334  END SUBROUTINE get_lateral_massflux
4335 !==============================================================================
4336 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
4338                         RUCUTEN,RVCUTEN,                            &
4339                         restart,                                    &
4340                         P_QC,P_QI,P_FIRST_SCALAR,                   &
4341                         RTHFTEN, RQVFTEN,                           &
4342                         allowed_to_read,                            &
4343                         ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde,               &
4344                         ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme,               &
4345                         its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte               )
4346 !--------------------------------------------------------------------   
4348 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
4349    LOGICAL , INTENT(IN)           ::  restart,allowed_to_read
4350    INTEGER , INTENT(IN)           ::  ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
4351                                       ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
4352                                       its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte
4353    INTEGER , INTENT(IN)           ::  P_FIRST_SCALAR, P_QI, P_QC
4355    REAL,     DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , INTENT(OUT) ::       &
4356                                                           RTHCUTEN,          &
4357                                                           RQVCUTEN,          &
4358                                                           RQCCUTEN,          &
4359                                                           RQICUTEN
4361    REAL,     DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , INTENT(OUT) ::       &
4362                                                           RUCUTEN,           &
4363                                                           RVCUTEN
4365    REAL,     DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , INTENT(OUT) ::       &
4366                                                           RTHFTEN,           &
4367                                                           RQVFTEN
4369    INTEGER :: i, j, k, itf, jtf, ktf
4370    jtf=min0(jte,jde-1)
4371    ktf=min0(kte,kde-1)
4372    itf=min0(ite,ide-1)
4374    IF(.not.restart)THEN
4375      DO j=jts,jte
4376      DO k=kts,kte
4377      DO i=its,ite
4378         RTHCUTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4379         RQVCUTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4380         RUCUTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4381         RVCUTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4382      ENDDO
4383      ENDDO
4384      ENDDO
4387      DO j=jts,jtf
4388      DO k=kts,ktf
4389      DO i=its,itf
4390         RTHFTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4391         RQVFTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4392      ENDDO
4393      ENDDO
4394      ENDDO
4396      IF (P_QC .ge. P_FIRST_SCALAR) THEN
4397         DO j=jts,jtf
4398         DO k=kts,ktf
4399         DO i=its,itf
4400            RQCCUTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4401         ENDDO
4402         ENDDO
4403         ENDDO
4404      ENDIF
4406      IF (P_QI .ge. P_FIRST_SCALAR) THEN
4407         DO j=jts,jtf
4408         DO k=kts,ktf
4409         DO i=its,itf
4410            RQICUTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4411         ENDDO
4412         ENDDO
4413         ENDDO
4414      ENDIF
4416    ENDIF
4418    END SUBROUTINE gfinit
4419 END MODULE module_cu_gf_deep