CMake netCDF Compatibility with WPS (#2121)
[WRF.git] / phys / module_fr_fire_core.F
2 #define DEBUG_OUT
3 #define DEBUG_PRINT
4 !#define FUEL_LEFT
5 !#define DEBUG_OUT_FUEL_LEFT    
7 module module_fr_fire_core
9 use module_fr_fire_phys, only: fire_params , fire_ros
10 use module_fr_fire_util
12 ! The mathematical core of the fire spread model. No physical constants here.
14 ! subroutine fire_core: only this routine should be called from the outside.
15 ! subroutine fuel_left:  compute remaining fuel from time of ignition.
16 ! subroutine prop_ls: propagation of curve in normal direction.
18 ! describe one ignition line
19 type ignition_line_type
20   REAL  ros, &          ! subscale rate of spread during the ignition process
21         stop_time, &    ! when the ignition process stops from ignition start (s)
22         wind_red,  &    ! wind reduction factor at the ignition line
23         wrdist,   &     ! distance from the ignition line when the wind reduction stops
24         wrupwind, &     ! use distance interpolated between 0. = nearest 1. = upwind
25         start_x, &      ! x coordinate of the ignition line start point (m, or long/lat)
26         start_y, &      ! y coordinate of the ignition line start point
27         end_x, &        ! x coordinate of the ignition line end point
28         end_y, &        ! y coordinate of the ignition line end point
29         start_time, &   ! ignition time for the start point from simulation start (s)
30         end_time, &     ! ignition time for the end poin from simulation start (s)
31         radius          ! all within this radius ignites immediately
32 end type ignition_line_type
34 contains
37 !****************************************
40 subroutine init_no_fire(&
41     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde, &
42     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &
43     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, &
44     fdx,fdy,time_now,    & ! scalars in
45     fuel_frac,fire_area,lfn,tign)    ! arrays out            
46 implicit none
48 !*** purpose: initialize model to no fire
50 !*** arguments
51 integer, intent(in):: ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde   ! fire domain bounds
52 integer, intent(in):: ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte   ! fire tile bounds
53 integer, intent(in):: ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme   ! array bounds
54 real, intent(in) :: fdx,fdy,time_now        ! mesh spacing, time
55 real, intent(out), dimension (ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme) :: & 
56                    fuel_frac,fire_area,lfn,tign       ! model state
58 !*** calls
59 intrinsic epsilon
61 !*** local
62 integer:: i,j
63 real lfn_init,time_init
65 lfn_init = 2*max((ifde-ifds+1)*fdx,(jfde-jfds+1)*fdy)      ! more than domain diameter
66 time_init=time_now + max(time_now,1.0)*epsilon(time_now) ! a bit in future
68 do j=jfts,jfte
69     do i=ifts,ifte
70         fuel_frac(i,j)=1.          ! fuel at start is 1 by definition
71         fire_area(i,j)=0.          ! nothing burning
72         tign(i,j) = time_init      ! ignition in future
73         lfn(i,j) = lfn_init        ! no fire 
74     enddo
75 enddo
76 call message('init_no_fire: state set to no fire')
78 end subroutine init_no_fire
81 !******************
85 subroutine ignite_fire( ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,                    & ! fire domain dims - the whole domain
86                         ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,                      &
87                         ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                      &
88                         ignition_line,                            &
89                         start_ts,end_ts,                    &
90                         coord_xf,coord_yf,                &     
91                         unit_xf,unit_yf,                  &
92                         lfn,tign,ignited)
93 implicit none
95 !*** purpose: ignite a circular/line/prescribed fire 
97 !*** description
98 ! ignite fire in the region within radius r from the line (sx,sy) to (ex,ey).
99 ! the coordinates of nodes are given as the arrays coord_xf and coord_yf
100 ! r is given in m
101 ! one unit of coord_xf is unit_xf m 
102 ! one unit of coord_yf is unit_yf m 
103 ! so a node (i,j) will be ignited iff for some (x,y) on the line
104 ! || ( (coord_xf(i,j) - x)*unit_xf , (coord_yf(i,j) - y)*unit_yf ) || <= r 
107 !*** arguments
108 integer, intent(in):: ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde   ! fire domain bounds
109 integer, intent(in):: ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte   ! fire tile bounds
110 integer, intent(in):: ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme   ! array bounds
111 type(ignition_line_type), intent(in):: ignition_line    ! description of the ignition line
112 real, intent(in):: start_ts,end_ts          ! the time step start and end 
113 real, dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme), intent(in):: & 
114     coord_xf,coord_yf                       !  node coordinates  
115 real, intent(in):: unit_xf,unit_yf          !  coordinate units in m
116 real, intent(inout), dimension (ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme) :: & 
117                    lfn, tign                ! level function, ignition time (state)
118 integer, intent(out):: ignited              ! number of nodes newly ignited
120 !*** local
121 integer:: i,j
122 real::lfn_new,time_ign,ax,ay,rels,rele,d
123 real:: sx,sy                    ! start of ignition line, from lower left corner
124 real:: ex,ey                    ! end of ignition line, or zero
125 real:: st,et                    ! start and end of time of the ignition line
126 character(len=128):: msg
127 real::cx2,cy2,dmax,axmin,axmax,aymin,aymax,dmin
128 real:: start_x,start_y          ! start of ignition line, from lower left corner
129 real:: end_x,end_y              ! end of ignition line, or zero
130 real:: radius                   ! all within the radius of the line will ignite
131 real:: start_time,end_time      ! the ignition time for the start and the end of the line
132 real:: ros,tos                  ! ignition rate and time of spread
134 !*** executable
136 ! copy ignition line fields to local variables
137 start_x    = ignition_line%start_x ! x coordinate of the ignition line start point (m, or long/lat)
138 start_y    = ignition_line%start_y ! y coordinate of the ignition line start point
139 end_x      = ignition_line%end_x   ! x coordinate of the ignition line end point
140 end_y      = ignition_line%end_y   ! y coordinate of the ignition line end point
141 start_time = ignition_line%start_time ! ignition time for the start point from simulation start (s)
142 end_time   = ignition_line%end_time! ignition time for the end poin from simulation start (s)
143 radius     = ignition_line%radius  ! all within this radius ignites immediately
144 ros        = ignition_line%ros     ! rate of spread
145 tos        = radius/ros            ! time of spread to the given radius
146 st         = start_time            ! the start time of ignition considered in this time step
147 et         = min(end_ts,end_time)  ! the end time of the ignition segment in this time step
149 ! this should be called whenever (start_ts, end_ts) \subset (start_time, end_time + tos) 
150 if(start_ts>et+tos .or. end_ts<st)return   ! too late or too early, nothing to do
151 !print *, 'IGNITING'
152 if(start_time < end_time)then  ! we really want to test start_time .ne. end_time, but avoiding test of floats on equality
153         ! segment of nonzero length
154         !rels =  (st - start_time) / (end_time - start_time)  ! relative position of st in the segment (start,end)
155         !sx = start_x + rels * (end_x - start_x)
156         !sy = start_y + rels * (end_y - start_y)
157 !paj        rels = 0.
158         sx = start_x
159         sy = start_y
160         rele =  (et - start_time) / (end_time - start_time)    ! relative position of et in the segment (start,end)
161         ex = start_x + rele * (end_x - start_x)
162         ey = start_y + rele * (end_y - start_y)
163 else
164         ! just a point
165 !paj        rels = 0.
166 !paj        rele = 1.
167         sx = start_x
168         sy = start_y
169         ex = end_x
170         ey = end_y
171 endif
174 cx2=unit_xf*unit_xf
175 cy2=unit_yf*unit_yf
177 axmin=coord_xf(ifts,jfts)
178 aymin=coord_yf(ifts,jfts)
179 axmax=coord_xf(ifte,jfte)
180 aymax=coord_yf(ifte,jfte)
182 write(msg,'(a,2g13.6,a,2g13.6)')'IGN from ',sx,sy,' to ',ex,ey
183 call message(msg)
184 write(msg,'(a,2f10.2,a,2f10.2,a)')'IGN timestep [',start_ts,end_ts,'] in [',start_time,end_time,']'
185 call message(msg)
186 write(msg,'(a,2g13.6,a,2g13.6)')'IGN tile coord from  ',axmin,aymin,' to ',axmax,aymax
187 call message(msg)
189 ignited=0
190 dmax=0
191 dmin=huge(dmax)
192 11      format('IGN ',6(a,g17.7,1x)) 
193 12      format('IGN ',4(a,2g13.7,1x))
194 do j=jfts,jfte   
195     do i=ifts,ifte
196         ax=coord_xf(i,j)
197         ay=coord_yf(i,j)
199         ! get d= distance from the nearest point on the ignition segment
200         ! and time_ign = the ignition time there
201         call nearest(d,time_ign,ax,ay,sx,sy,st,ex,ey,et,cx2,cy2)
202         dmax=max(d,dmax)
203         dmin=min(d,dmin)
205         lfn_new=d - min( radius, ros*(end_ts - time_ign) )  ! lft at end_ts
206         if(
208             write(msg,*)'IGN1 i,j=',i,j,' lfn(i,j)=',lfn(i,j),' tign(i,j)=',tign(i,j)
209             call message(msg)
210             write(msg,*)'IGN2 i,j=',i,j,' lfn_new= ',lfn_new, ' time_ign= ',time_ign,' d=',d
211             call message(msg)
213         endif
214         if(.not.lfn_new>0.) then
215             ignited=ignited+1   ! count
216         endif
217         if(lfn(i,j)>0. .and. .not. lfn_new > 0.) then 
218             tign(i,j)=time_ign + d/ros  ! newly ignited now
219             if(
221                 write(msg,'(a,2i6,a,2g13.6,a,f10.2,a,2f10.2,a)')'IGN ignited cell ',i,j,' at',ax,ay, &
222                     ' time',tign(i,j),' in [',start_ts,end_ts,']'
223                 call message(msg)
224                 write(msg,'(a,g10.3,a,f10.2,a,2f10.2,a)')'IGN distance',d,' from ignition line at',time_ign,' in [',st,et,']'
225                 call message(msg)
227             endif
228             if(tign(i,j) < start_ts .or. tign(i,j) > end_ts )then
230                 write(msg,'(a,2i6,a,f11.6,a,2f11.6,a)')'WARNING ',i,j, &
231                 ' fixing ignition time ',tign(i,j),' outside of the time step [',start_ts,end_ts,']'
232                 call message (msg)
234                 tign(i,j) = min(max(tign(i,j),start_ts),end_ts)
235             endif
236         endif
237         lfn(i,j)=min(lfn(i,j),lfn_new)  ! update the level set function
238         if(
240             write(msg,*)'IGN3 i,j=',i,j,' lfn(i,j)=',lfn(i,j),' tign(i,j)=',tign(i,j)
241             call message(msg)
243         endif
244     enddo
245 enddo
247 write(msg,'(a,2g13.2,a,g10.2,a,g10.2)')'IGN units ',unit_xf,unit_yf,' m max dist ',dmax,' min',dmin
248 call message(msg)
249 write(msg,'(a,f6.1,a,f8.1,a,i10)')'IGN radius ',radius,' time of spread',tos,' ignited nodes',ignited
250 call message(msg)
253 return
254 99 continue
256 end subroutine ignite_fire
258 ! called from the inside of a loop, inline if possible
260 SUBROUTINE nearest(d,t,ax,ay,sx,sy,st,ex,ey,et,cx2,cy2)
261         implicit none
262 !***    arguments
263         real, intent(out):: d,t
264         real, intent(in):: ax,ay,sx,sy,st,ex,ey,et,cx2,cy2
265         ! input:
266         ! ax, ay       coordinates of point a
267         ! sx,sy,ex,ey  coordinates of endpoints of segment [x,y]
268         ! st,et        values at the endpoints x,y
269         ! cx2,cy2      x and y unit squared for computing distance 
271         ! output
272         ! d            the distance of a and the nearest point z on the segment [x,y]
273         ! t            linear interpolation from the values st,et to the point z
274         !
275         ! method: compute d as the distance (ax,ay) from the midpoint (mx,my)
276         ! minus a correction (because of rounding errors): |a-c|^2 = |a-m|^2 - |m-c|^2
277         ! when |m-c| >= |s-e|/2 the nearest point is one of the endpoints
278         ! the computation work also for the case when s=e exactly or approximately 
279         !
280         !
281         !           a    
282         !          /| \
283         !     s---m-c--e
284         !
285         ! |m-c| = |a-m| cos (a-m,e-s) 
286         !       = |a-m| (a-m).(e-s))/(|a-m|*|e-s|)
287 !***    local
288         real:: mx,my,dam2,dames,am_es,cos2,dmc2,mcrel,mid_t,dif_t,des2,cx,cy
289         character(len=128):: msg
290 !***    executable
292 11      format('IGN ',6(a,g17.7,1x))
293 12      format('IGN ',4(a,2g13.7,1x))
295         ! midpoint m = (mx,my)
296         mx = (sx + ex)*0.5
297         my = (sy + ey)*0.5
298         dam2=(ax-mx)*(ax-mx)*cx2+(ay-my)*(ay-my)*cy2      ! |a-m|^2
299         des2 = (ex-sx)*(ex-sx)*cx2+(ey-sy)*(ey-sy)*cy2          ! des2 = |e-s|^2
300         dames = dam2*des2
301         am_es=(ax-mx)*(ex-sx)*cx2+(ay-my)*(ey-sy)*cy2       ! am_es = (a-m).(e-s)
302         if(dames>0)then
303             cos2 = (am_es*am_es)/dames                  ! cos2 = cos^2 (a-m,e-s)
304         else ! point a already is the midpoint
305             cos2 = 0.
306         endif
307         dmc2 = dam2*cos2                                ! dmc2 = |m-c|^2
308         if(4.*dmc2 < des2)then                          ! if |m-c|<=|e-s|/2
309             ! d = sqrt(max(dam2 - dmc2,0.))               ! d=|a-m|^2 - |m-c|^2, guard rounding
310             mcrel = sign(sqrt(4.*dmc2/des2),am_es)      ! relative distance of c from m 
311         elseif(am_es>0)then                             ! if cos > 0, closest is e
312             mcrel = 1.0 
313         else                                            ! closest is s
314             mcrel = -1.0
315         endif
316         cx = (ex + sx)*0.5 + mcrel*(ex - sx)*0.5     ! interpolate to c by going from m
317         cy = (ey + sy)*0.5 + mcrel*(ey - sy)*0.5     ! interpolate to c by going from m
318         d=sqrt((ax-cx)*(ax-cx)*cx2+(ay-cy)*(ay-cy)*cy2) ! |a-c|^2
319         t = (et + st)*0.5 + mcrel*(et - st)*0.5     ! interpolate to c by going from m
320         if(
322             write(msg,12)'find nearest to [',ax,ay,'] from [',sx,sy,'] [',ex,ey,']' ! DEB
323             call message(msg)
324             write(msg,12)'end times',st,et,' scale squared',cx2,cy2 ! DEB
325             call message(msg)
326             write(msg,11)'nearest at mcrel=',mcrel,'from the midpoint, t=',t ! DEB
327             call message(msg)
328             write(msg,12)'nearest is [',cx,cy,'] d=',d ! DEB
329             call message(msg)
330             write(msg,11)'dam2=',dam2,'des2=',des2,'dames=',dames
331             call message(msg)
332             write(msg,11)'am_es=',am_es,'cos2=',cos2,'dmc2=',dmc2 ! DEB
333             call message(msg)
335         endif
336 END SUBROUTINE nearest
340 !**********************
341 !            
343 subroutine fuel_left(&
344     ims,ime,jms,jme, &
345     its,ite,jts,jte, &
346     ifs,ife,jfs,jfe, &
347     lfn, tign, fuel_time, time_now, fuel_frac, fire_area)
348 implicit none
350 !*** purpose: determine fraction of fuel remaining
351 !*** NOTE: because variables are cell centered, need halo/sync width 1 before
353 !*** arguments
355 integer, intent(in) :: its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,ifs,ife,jfs,jfe
356 real, intent(in), dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme)::lfn,tign,fuel_time
357 real, intent(in):: time_now
358 real, intent(out), dimension(ifs:ife,jfs:jfe)::fuel_frac
359 real, intent(out), dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme):: fire_area
361 ! ims,ime,jms,jme   in   memory dimensions
362 ! its,ite,jts,jte   in   tile dimensions (cells where fuel_frac computed)
363 ! ifs,ife,jfs,jfe   in   fuel_frac memory dimensions
364 ! lfn               in   level function, at nodes at midpoints of cells
365 ! tign              in   ignition time, at nodes at nodes at midpoints of cells
366 ! fuel_time         in   time constant of fuel, per cell
367 ! time_now          in   time now
368 ! fuel_frac         out  fraction of fuel remaining, per cell
369 ! fire_area         out  fraction of cell area on fire
371 !*** local
373 integer::i,j,ir,jr,icl,jcl,isubcl,jsubcl,i2,j2,ii,jj
374 real::fmax,frat,helpsum1,helpsum2,fuel_left_ff,fire_area_ff,rx,ry,tignf(2,2)
375 ! help variables instead of arrays fuel_left_f and fire_area_f 
376 real::lffij,lffi1j,lffij1,lffi1j1,tifij,tifi1j,tifij1,tifi1j1,tx,ty,txx,tyy
377 ! variables for calculation instead of lff(i,j) and tif(i,j)is lffij,tifij etc..#define IFCELLS (ite-its+1)*fuel_left_irl
378 #define JFCELLS (jte-jts+1)*fuel_left_jrl
379 character(len=128)::msg
380 integer::m,omp_get_thread_num
383 ! refinement
384 ir=fuel_left_irl
385 jr=fuel_left_jrl
387 if (( then 
388    call crash('fuel_left: or ')
389 endif
391 rx=1./ir 
392 ry=1./jr
394 ! interpolate level set function to finer grid
395 #ifdef DEBUG_OUT_FUEL_LEFT    
396     call write_array_m(1,IFCELLS+1,1,JFCELLS+1,1,IFCELLS+1,1,JFCELLS+1,lff,'lff',0)
397     call write_array_m(1,IFCELLS+1,1,JFCELLS+1,1,IFCELLS+1,1,JFCELLS+1,tif,'tif',0)
398 #endif
401 ! example for ir=2:
403 !                     |      coarse cell      |
404 !      its-1                     its                                   ite             ite+1
405 ! -------X------------|-----.-----X-----.-----|--........----|----------X----------|---------X
406 !           fine node 1           2           3                   2*(ite-its+1) 
407 !                fine cell  1           2                             cell 2*(ite-its+1)
411 !  Loop over cells in Tile 
412 !  Changes made by Volodymyr Kondratenko 09/24/2009
413 do icl=its,ite
414   do jcl=jts,jte
415     helpsum1=0
416     helpsum2=0
417 !   Loop over subcells in cell #(icl,jcl)
418     do isubcl=1,ir
419       do jsubcl=1,jr 
420         i=(icl-its)*ir+isubcl
421         j=(jcl-jts)*jr+jsubcl
423 !       Direct calculation tif and lff, avoiding arrays, just for case ir=jr=2
424         if ((isubcl.eq.1).and.(jsubcl.eq.1)) then
425            i2=icl-1
426            j2=jcl-1
427            ty=0.5
428            tx=0.5
429            tyy=1.0
430            txx=1.0
431         else if ((isubcl.eq.2).and.(jsubcl.eq.1)) then
432            i2=icl
433            j2=jcl-1
434            ty=0.5
435            tx=0
436            tyy=1.0
437            txx=0.5
438         else if ((isubcl.eq.1).and.(jsubcl.eq.2)) then
439            i2=icl-1
440            j2=jcl
441            tx=0.5
442            ty=0
443            txx=1.0
444            tyy=0.5
445         else if ((isubcl.eq.2).and.(jsubcl.eq.2)) then
446            i2=icl
447            j2=jcl
448            tx=0
449            ty=0
450            txx=0.5
451            tyy=0.5
452         else
453            call crash('fuel_left: isubcl,jsubcl should be only 1 or 2')
454         endif 
456 ! calculation lff and tif in 4 endpoints of subcell                    
457         lffij=                             &    
458                   (1-tx)*(1-ty)*lfn(i2,j2)      &
459              +    (1-tx)*ty  *lfn(i2,j2+1)      &
460              +     tx*(1-ty)*lfn(i2+1,j2)       &
461              +       tx*ty  *lfn(i2+1,j2+1)
462         lffi1j=                            &
463                     (1-txx)*(1-ty)*lfn(i2,j2)   &
464              +      (1-txx)*ty  *lfn(i2,j2+1)   &
465              +      (txx)*(1-ty)*lfn(i2+1,j2)   &
466              +      (txx)*ty  *lfn(i2+1,j2+1)
467         lffij1=                            &
468                     (1-tx)*(1-tyy)*lfn(i2,j2)   &
469              +      (1-tx)*(tyy)  *lfn(i2,j2+1) &
470              +      tx*(1-tyy)*lfn(i2+1,j2)     &
471              +      tx*(tyy)  *lfn(i2+1,j2+1)
472         lffi1j1 =                               &
473                       (1-txx)*(1-tyy)*lfn(i2,j2)     &
474              +      (1-txx)*(tyy)  *lfn(i2,j2+1)   &        
475              +      (txx)*(1-tyy)*lfn(i2+1,j2)     &
476              +      (txx)*(tyy)  *lfn(i2+1,j2+1)
478         ! get ready to fix up tign values to be interpolated
479         do ii=1,2
480           do jj=1,2
481             tignf(ii,jj)=tign(i2+ii-1,j2+jj-1)
482           enddo
483         enddo
484         tifij=                                 &
485                    (1-tx)*(1-ty)*tignf(1,1)        &
486              +     (1-tx)*ty*tignf(1,1+1)          &
487              +     tx*(1-ty)*tignf(1+1,1)          &
488              +     tx*ty*tignf(1+1,1+1)
489         tifi1j=                               &
490                    (1-txx)*(1-ty)*tignf(1,1)      &
491              +     (1-txx)*ty*tignf(1,1+1)        &
492              +     (txx)*(1-ty)*tignf(1+1,1)      &
493              +     (txx)*(ty)*tignf(1+1,1+1)            
494         tifij1=                               &
495                    (1-tx)*(1-tyy)*tignf(1,1)      &
496              +     (1-tx)*(tyy)*tignf(1,1+1)      &
497              +      tx*(1-tyy)*tignf(1+1,1)       &
498              +      tx*(tyy)*tignf(1+1,1+1)
499         tifi1j1=                               &
500                    (1-txx)*(1-tyy)*tignf(1,1)     &
501              +     (1-txx)*(tyy)*tignf(1,1+1)     &
502              +     (txx)*(1-tyy)*tignf(1+1,1)     &
503              +     (txx)*(tyy)*tignf(1+1,1+1) 
506         if(fuel_left_method.eq.1)then
507           call fuel_left_cell_1( fuel_left_ff, fire_area_ff, &
508              lffij,lffij1,lffi1j,lffi1j1,&
509              tifij,tifij1,tifi1j,tifi1j1,&
510              time_now, fuel_time(icl,jcl))
511         elseif(fuel_left_method.eq.2)then
512           fire_area_ff=0  ! initialize to something until computed in fuel_left_f(i,j)
513           fuel_left_ff=fuel_left_cell_2( &
514              lffij,lffij1,lffi1j,lffi1j1,&
515              tifij,tifij1,tifi1j,tifi1j1,&
516              time_now, fuel_time(icl,jcl)) 
517         else
518           call crash('fuel_left: unknown fuel_left_method')
519         endif
521         ! consistency check
522         if( .or.  &
523           (fire_area_ff.eq.0. .and.
525            write(msg,'(a,2i6,2(a,f11.8))')'fuel_left: at node',i,j, &
526               ' of refined mesh fuel burnt',1-fuel_left_ff,' fire area',fire_area_ff
528            call crash(msg)
529         endif
531         helpsum1=helpsum1+fuel_left_ff
532         helpsum2=helpsum2+fire_area_ff
533       enddo
534     enddo
535     fuel_frac(icl,jcl)=helpsum1 
536     fire_area(icl,jcl)=helpsum2
537   enddo 
538 enddo
544     call write_array_m(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,fire_area,'fire_area',0)
545     call write_array_m(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,fuel_frac,'fuel_frac',0)
546     call write_array_m(1,IFCELLS,1,JFCELLS,1,IFCELLS,1,JFCELLS,fuel_left_f,'fuel_left_f',0)
547     call write_array_m(1,IFCELLS,1,JFCELLS,1,IFCELLS,1,JFCELLS,fire_area_f,'fire_area_f',0)
548 #endif
550 ! finish the averaging
551 do j=jts,jte
552     do i=its,ite        
553         fuel_frac(i,j) = fuel_frac(i,j) /(ir*jr) ! multiply by weight for averaging over coarse cell
554         fire_area(i,j) = fire_area(i,j) /(ir*jr) ! 
555     enddo
556 enddo
558 ! consistency check after sum
559 fmax=0
560 do j=jts,jte
561     do i=its,ite        
562        if(fire_area(i,j).eq.0.)then
563            if(fuel_frac(i,j).lt.1.-1e-6)then
565                write(msg,'(a,2i6,2(a,f11.8))')'fuel_left: at node',i,j, &
566                    ' fuel burnt',1-fuel_frac(i,j),' but fire area',fire_area(i,j)
568                call crash(msg)
569            endif
570        else
571            frat=(1-fuel_frac(i,j))/fire_area(i,j)
572            fmax=max(fmax,frat)
573        endif
574     enddo
575 enddo
577 write(msg,'(a,4i6,a,f10.7)')'fuel_left: tile',its,ite,jts,jte,' max fuel burnt/area',fmax 
579 call message(msg)
580 return
583 end subroutine fuel_left
586 !************************
589 subroutine fuel_left_cell_1( fuel_frac_left, fire_frac_area, &
590     lfn00,lfn01,lfn10,lfn11, &
591     tign00,tign01,tign10,tign11,&
592     time_now, fuel_time_cell)
593 !*** purpose: compute the fuel fraction left in one cell
594 implicit none
595 !*** arguments
596 real, intent(out):: fuel_frac_left, fire_frac_area ! 
597 real, intent(in)::lfn00,lfn01,lfn10,lfn11    ! level set function at 4 corners of the cell
598 real, intent(in)::tign00,tign01,tign10,tign11! ignition time at the  4 corners of the cell
599 real, intent(in)::time_now                   ! the time now
600 real, intent(in)::fuel_time_cell            ! time to burns off to 1/e
601 !*** Description
602 ! The area burning is given by the condition L <= 0, where the function P is
603 ! interpolated from lfn(i,j)
605 ! The time since ignition is the function T, interpolated in from tign(i,j)-time_now.
606 ! The values of tign(i,j) where lfn(i,j)>=0 are ignored, tign(i,j)=0 is taken 
607 ! when lfn(i,j)=0.
609 ! The function computes an approxmation  of the integral
612 !                                  /\
613 !                                  |              
614 ! fuel_frac_left  =      1   -     | 1 -  exp(-T(x,y)/fuel_time_cell)) dxdy
615 !                                  |            
616 !                                 \/
617 !                                0<x<1
618 !                                0<y<1
619 !                             L(x,y)<=0
621 ! When the cell is not burning at all (all lfn>=0), then fuel_frac(i,j)=1.
622 ! Because of symmetries, the result should not depend on the mesh spacing dx dy
623 ! so dx=1 and dy=1 assumed.
625 ! Example:
627 !        lfn<0         lfn>0
628 !      (0,1) -----O--(1,1)            O = points on the fireline, T=tnow
629 !            |      \ |               A = the burning area for computing
630 !            |       \|                        fuel_frac(i,j)
631 !            |   A    O 
632 !            |        |
633 !            |        |
634 !       (0,0)---------(1,0)
635 !       lfn<0          lfn<0
637 ! Approximations allowed: 
638 ! The fireline can be approximated by straight line(s).
639 ! When all cell is burning, approximation by 1 point Gaussian quadrature is OK.
641 ! Requirements:
642 ! 1. The output should be a continuous function of the arrays lfn and
643 !  tign whenever lfn(i,j)=0 implies tign(i,j)=tnow.  
644 ! 2. The output should be invariant to the symmetries of the input in each cell.
645 ! 3. Arbitrary combinations of the signs of lfn(i,j) should work.
646 ! 4. The result should be at least 1st order accurate in the sense that it is
647 !    exact if the time from ignition is a linear function.
649 ! If time from ignition is approximated by polynomial in the burnt
650 ! region of the cell, this is integral of polynomial times exponential
651 ! over a polygon, which can be computed exactly.
653 ! Requirement 4 is particularly important when there is a significant decrease
654 ! of the fuel fraction behind the fireline on the mesh scale, because the
655 ! rate of fuel decrease right behind the fireline is much larger 
656 ! (exponential...). This will happen when
658 ! change of time from ignition within one mesh cell / fuel_time_cell is not << 1
660 ! This is the same as
662 !               mesh cell size
663 !  X =    -------------------------      is not << 1
664 !       fireline speed * fuel_time_cell
665 !         
667 ! When X is large then the fuel burnt in one timestep in the cell is
668 ! approximately proportional to length of  fireline in that cell.
670 ! When X is small then the fuel burnt in one timestep in the cell is
671 ! approximately proportional to the area of the burning region.
674 !*** calls
675 intrinsic tiny
677 !*** local
678 real::ps,aps,area,ta,out
679 real::t00,t01,t10,t11
680 real,parameter::safe=tiny(aps)
681 character(len=128)::msg
683 ! the following algorithm is a very crude approximation
685 ! minus time since ignition, 0 if no ignition yet
686 ! it is possible to have 0 in fire region when ignitin time falls in 
687 ! inside the time step because lfn is updated at the beginning of the time step
689 t00=tign00-time_now
690 if(lfn00>0. .or. t00>0.)t00=0.
691 t01=tign01-time_now
692 if(lfn01>0. .or. t01>0.)t01=0.
693 t10=tign10-time_now
694 if(lfn10>0. .or. t10>0.)t10=0.
695 t11=tign11-time_now
696 if(lfn11>0. .or. t11>0.)t11=0.
698 ! approximate burning area, between 0 and 1   
699 ps = lfn00+lfn01+lfn10+lfn11   
700 aps = abs(lfn00)+abs(lfn01)+abs(lfn10)+abs(lfn11)
701 aps=max(aps,safe)
702 area =(-ps/aps+1.)/2.
703 area = max(area,0.) ! make sure area is between 0 and 1
704 area = min(area,1.)
706 ! average negative time since ignition
707 ta=0.25*(t00+t01+t10+t11)
709 ! exp decay in the burning area
710 out=1.
711 !if(area>0.)out=1. - area*(1. - exp(ta/fuel_time_cell))
712 if(area>0)out=area*exp(ta/fuel_time_cell) + (1. - area)
714 if(out>1.)then
716     write(msg,*)'out=',out,'>1 area=',area,' ta=',ta
717     call message(msg)
718     write(msg,*)'tign=',tign00,tign01,tign10,tign11,' time_now=',time_now
720     call message(msg)
721     !call message('WARNING: fuel_left_cell_1: fuel fraction > 1')
722     call crash('fuel_left_cell_1: fuel fraction > 1')
723 endif
725 !out = max(out,0.) ! make sure out is between 0 and 1
726 !out = min(out,1.)
728 fuel_frac_left = out
729 fire_frac_area = area
731 end subroutine fuel_left_cell_1
734 !****************************************
737 real function fuel_left_cell_2(  &
738     lfn00,lfn01,lfn10,lfn11, &
739     tign00,tign01,tign10,tign11,&
740     time_now, fuel_time_cell)
741 !*** purpose: compute the fuel fraction left in one cell
742 implicit none
743 !*** arguments
744 real, intent(in)::lfn00,lfn01,lfn10,lfn11    ! level set function at 4 corners of the cell
745 real, intent(in)::tign00,tign01,tign10,tign11! ignition time at the  4 corners of the cell
746 real, intent(in)::time_now                   ! the time now
747 real, intent(in)::fuel_time_cell            ! time to burns off to 1/e
748 !*** Description
749 ! The area burning is given by the condition L <= 0, where the function P is
750 ! interpolated from lfn(i,j)
752 ! The time since ignition is the function T, interpolated in from tign(i,j)-time_now.
753 ! The values of tign(i,j) where lfn(i,j)>=0 are ignored, tign(i,j)=0 is taken 
754 ! when lfn(i,j)=0.
756 ! The function computes an approxmation  of the integral
759 !                                  /\
760 !                                  |              
761 ! fuel_frac_left  =      1   -     | 1 -  exp(-T(x,y)/fuel_time_cell)) dxdy
762 !                                  |            
763 !                                 \/
764 !                                0<x<1
765 !                                0<y<1
766 !                             L(x,y)<=0
768 ! When the cell is not burning at all (all lfn>=0), then fuel_frac(i,j)=1.
769 ! Because of symmetries, the result should not depend on the mesh spacing dx dy
770 ! so dx=1 and dy=1 assumed.
772 ! Example:
774 !        lfn<0         lfn>0
775 !      (0,1) -----O--(1,1)            O = points on the fireline, T=tnow
776 !            |      \ |               A = the burning area for computing
777 !            |       \|                        fuel_frac(i,j)
778 !            |   A    O 
779 !            |        |
780 !            |        |
781 !       (0,0)---------(1,0)
782 !       lfn<0          lfn<0
784 ! Approximations allowed: 
785 ! The fireline can be approximated by straight line(s).
786 ! When all cell is burning, approximation by 1 point Gaussian quadrature is OK.
788 ! Requirements:
789 ! 1. The output should be a continuous function of the arrays lfn and
790 !  tign whenever lfn(i,j)=0 implies tign(i,j)=tnow.  
791 ! 2. The output should be invariant to the symmetries of the input in each cell.
792 ! 3. Arbitrary combinations of the signs of lfn(i,j) should work.
793 ! 4. The result should be at least 1st order accurate in the sense that it is
794 !    exact if the time from ignition is a linear function.
796 ! If time from ignition is approximated by polynomial in the burnt
797 ! region of the cell, this is integral of polynomial times exponential
798 ! over a polygon, which can be computed exactly.
800 ! Requirement 4 is particularly important when there is a significant decrease
801 ! of the fuel fraction behind the fireline on the mesh scale, because the
802 ! rate of fuel decrease right behind the fireline is much larger 
803 ! (exponential...). This will happen when
805 ! change of time from ignition within one mesh cell * fuel speed is not << 1
807 ! This is the same as
809 !         mesh cell size*fuel_speed 
810 !         -------------------------      is not << 1
811 !             fireline speed
812 !         
814 ! When X is large then the fuel burnt in one timestep in the cell is
815 ! approximately proportional to length of  fireline in that cell.
817 ! When X is small then the fuel burnt in one timestep in the cell is
818 ! approximately proportional to the area of the burning region.
821 #ifndef FUEL_LEFT
822 call crash('fuel_left_cell_2: not implemented, please use fire_fuel_left_method=1')
823 fuel_left_cell_2=0.  ! to avoid compiler warning about value not set
824 end function fuel_left_cell_2
825 #else
827 !*** calls
828 intrinsic tiny
830 !*** local
831 real::ps,aps,area,ta,out
832 real::t00,t01,t10,t11
833 real,parameter::safe=tiny(aps)
834 character(len=128)::msg
836 !*** local
837 integer::i,j,k
839 ! least squares
840 integer::mmax,nb,nmax,pmax,nin,nout
841 parameter(mmax=3,nb=64,nmax=8,pmax=8)
842 integer lda, ldb, lwork, info
843 parameter (lda=nmax, ldb=nmax, lwork=mmax+nmax+nb*(nmax+pmax))
844 integer n,m,p
845 real,dimension(lda,mmax):: mA
846 real,dimension(nmax):: vecD
847 real,dimension(lwork):: WORK
848 real,dimension(pmax):: vecY
849 real,dimension(mmax):: vecX
850 real,dimension(ldb,pmax)::mB
851 real,dimension(mmax)::u
853 real::tweight,tdist
854 integer::kk,ll,ss
855 real::rnorm
856 real,dimension(8,2)::xylist,xytlist
857 real,dimension(8)::tlist,llist,xt
858 real,dimension(5)::xx,yy
859 real,dimension(5)::lfn,tign
861 integer:: npoint
862 real::tt,x0,y0,xts,xte,yts,yte,xt1,xt2
863 real::lfn0,lfn1,dist,nr,c,s,errQ,ae,ce,ceae,a0,a1,a2,d,cet
864 real::s1,s2,s3
865 real::upper,lower,ah,ch,aa,cc,aupp,cupp,alow,clow
866 real,dimension(2,2)::mQ
867 real,dimension(2)::ut
869 !calls
870 intrinsic epsilon
872 real, parameter:: zero=0.,one=1.,eps=epsilon(zero)
875 ! external functions    
876 real::snrm2
877 double precision :: dnrm2
878 external dnrm2
879 external snrm2
880 ! external subroutines
881 external sggglm
882 external dggglm
883 !executable statements
885 ! a very crude approximation - replace by a better code
886 ! call check_mesh_2dim(ids,ide+1,jds,jde+1,ims,ime,jms,jme)
887 t00=tign00-time_now
888 if(lfn00>=0. .or. t00>0.)t00=0.
889 t01=tign01-time_now
890 if(lfn01>=0. .or. t01>0.)t01=0.
891 t10=tign10-time_now
892 if(lfn10>=0. .or. t10>0.)t10=0.
893 t11=tign11-time_now
894 if(lfn11>=0. .or. t11>0.)t11=0.
896 !if (t00<0 .or. t01 <0 .or. t10<0 .or. t11<0) then
897 !   print *,'tign00=',tign00,'tign10=',tign10,&
898 !          'tign01=',tign01,'tign11=',tign11
899 !end if
903 !*** case0 Do nothing
904 if ( lfn00>=0 .and. lfn10>=0 .and. lfn01>=0 .and. lfn11>=0 ) then
905     out = 1.0 !  fuel_left, no burning
906 !*** case4 all four coners are burning
907 else if (lfn00<=0 .and. lfn10<=0 .and. lfn01<=0 .and. lfn11<=0) then
908     ! least squares, A matrix for points
909     mA(1,1)=0.0
910     mA(2,1)=1.0
911     mA(3,1)=0.0
912     mA(4,1)=1.0
913     mA(1,2)=0.0
914     mA(2,2)=0.0
915     mA(3,2)=1.0
916     mA(4,2)=1.0
917     mA(1,3)=1.0
918     mA(2,3)=1.0
919     mA(3,3)=1.0
920     mA(4,3)=1.0
921     ! D vector, time from ignition
922     vecD(1)=time_now-tign00
923     vecD(2)=time_now-tign10
924     vecD(3)=time_now-tign01
925     vecD(4)=time_now-tign11
926     ! B matrix, weights
927     do kk=1,4
928     do ll=1,4
929         mB(kk,ll)=0.0
930     end do
931         mB(kk,kk)=2.0
932     end do
933     ! set the m,n,p
934     n=4 ! rows of matrix A and B
935     m=3 ! columns of matrix A
936     p=4 ! columns of matrix B
937     ! call least squqres in LAPACK            
938     call SGGGLM(N,M,P,mA,LDA,mB,LDB,vecD,vecX,vecY, &
939                 WORK,LWORK,INFO)
940     rnorm=snrm2(p,vecY,1)            
941     ! integrate
942     u(1)=-vecX(1)/fuel_time_cell
943     u(2)=-vecX(2)/fuel_time_cell
944     u(3)=-vecX(3)/fuel_time_cell            
945     !fuel_burn(i,j)=1-exp(u(3))*intexp(u(1)*dx)*intexp(u(2)*dy)
946     s1=u(1)
947     s2=u(2)            
948     out=1-exp(u(3))*intexp(s1)*intexp(s2)
949     !print *,'intexp
950     if ( out<0 .or. out>1.0 ) then
951         print *,'case4, out should be between 0 and 1'
952     end if
953 !*** case 1,2,3
954 else
955     ! set xx, yy for the coner points
956     ! move these values out of i and j loop to speed up
957     xx(1) = -0.5
958     xx(2) =  0.5
959     xx(3) =  0.5
960     xx(4) = -0.5
961     xx(5) = -0.5
962     yy(1) = -0.5
963     yy(2) = -0.5
964     yy(3) =  0.5
965     yy(4) =  0.5
966     yy(5) = -0.5     
967     lfn(1)=lfn00
968     lfn(2)=lfn10
969     lfn(3)=lfn11
970     lfn(4)=lfn01
971     lfn(5)=lfn00
972     tign(1)=t00
973     tign(2)=t10
974     tign(3)=t11
975     tign(4)=t01
976     tign(5)=t00
977     npoint = 0 ! number of points in polygon
978     !print *,'time_now=',time_now
979     !print *,'lfn00=',lfn00,'lfn10=',lfn10,&
980     !        'lfn01=',lfn01,'lfn11=',lfn11
981     !print *,'t00=',t00,'t10=',t10,&
982     !        't01=',t01,'t11=',t11
984     do k=1,4
985         lfn0=lfn(k  )
986         lfn1=lfn(k+1)
987         if ( lfn0 <= 0.0 ) then
988             npoint = npoint + 1
989             xylist(npoint,1)=xx(k)
990             xylist(npoint,2)=yy(k)
991             tlist(npoint)=-tign(k)
992             llist(npoint)=lfn0
993         end if
994         if ( lfn0*lfn1 < 0 ) then
995             npoint = npoint + 1
996             tt=lfn0/(lfn0-lfn1)
997             x0=xx(k)+( xx(k+1)-xx(k) )*tt
998             y0=yy(k)+( yy(k+1)-yy(k) )*tt
999             xylist(npoint,1)=x0
1000             xylist(npoint,2)=y0
1001             tlist(npoint)=0 ! on fireline
1002             llist(npoint)=0
1003         end if
1004     end do
1006     ! make the list circular
1007     tlist(npoint+1)=tlist(1)
1008     llist(npoint+1)=llist(1)   
1009     xylist(npoint+1,1)=xylist(1,1)
1010     xylist(npoint+1,2)=xylist(1,2)
1011     !* least squares, A matrix for points
1012     do kk=1,npoint
1013         mA(kk,1)=xylist(kk,1)
1014         mA(kk,2)=xylist(kk,2)
1015         mA(kk,3)=1.0
1016         vecD(kk)=tlist(kk) ! D vector,time from ignition
1017     end do
1018     ! B matrix, weights
1019     do kk=1,ldb
1020     do ll=1,pmax
1021         mB(kk,ll)=0.0 ! clear
1022     end do
1023     end do
1025     do kk=1,npoint
1026         mb(kk,kk) = 10 ! large enough
1027         do ll=1,npoint
1028             if ( kk .ne. ll ) then
1029                 dist = sqrt( (xylist(kk,1)-xylist(ll,1))**2+ &
1030                              (xylist(kk,2)-xylist(ll,2))**2 )                   
1031                 mB(kk,kk)=min( mB(kk,kk) , dist )
1032             end if              
1033         end do !ll
1034         mB(kk,kk)=mB(kk,kk)+1.
1035     end do ! kk
1036     ! set the m,n,p
1037     n=npoint ! rows of matrix A and B
1038     m=3 ! columns of matrix A
1039     p=npoint ! columns of matrix B
1040     !* call least squqres in LAPACK                  
1041     call SGGGLM(N,M,P,mA,LDA,mB,LDB,vecD,vecX,vecY, &
1042                         WORK,LWORK,INFO)
1043     !print *,'after LS in case3'
1044     !print *,'vecX from LS',vecX
1045     !print *,'tign inputed',tign00,tign10,tign11,tign01
1046     rnorm=snrm2(p,vecY,1)
1047     u(1)=vecX(1)
1048     u(2)=vecX(2)
1049     u(3)=vecX(3)            
1050     ! rotate to gradient on x only
1051     nr = sqrt(u(1)**2+u(2)**2)
1052     if(
1053         out=1.
1054         goto 900
1055     endif
1056     c = u(1)/nr
1057     s = u(2)/nr
1058     mQ(1,1)=c
1059     mQ(1,2)=s
1060     mQ(2,1)=-s
1061     mQ(2,2)=c            
1062     ! mat vec multiplication
1063     call matvec(mQ,2,2,u,3,ut,2,2,2)            
1064     errQ = ut(2) ! should be zero            
1065     ae = -ut(1)/fuel_time_cell
1066     ce = -u(3)/fuel_time_cell      
1067     cet=ce!keep ce
1068     call matmatp(xylist,8,2,mQ,2,2,xytlist,8,2,npoint+1,2,2)            
1069     call sortxt( xytlist, 8,2, xt,8,npoint )            
1070     out=0.0
1071     aupp=0.0
1072     cupp=0.0
1073     alow=0.0
1074     clow=0.0
1075     do k=1,npoint-1
1076         xt1=xt(k)
1077         xt2=xt(k+1)
1078         upper=0
1079         lower=0
1080         ah=0
1081         ch=0
1082         if ( xt2-xt1 > eps*100 ) then
1084             do ss=1,npoint
1085                 xts=xytlist(ss,1)
1086                 yts=xytlist(ss,2)
1087                 xte=xytlist(ss+1,1)
1088                 yte=xytlist(ss+1,2)
1090                 if ( (xts>xt1 .and. xte>xt1) .or. &
1091                      (xts<xt2 .and. xte<xt2) ) then
1092                     aa = 0 ! do nothing
1093                     cc = 0
1094                 else
1095                     aa = (yts-yte)/(xts-xte)
1096                     cc = (xts*yte-xte*yts)/(xts-xte)                    
1097                     if (xte<xts) then
1098                         aupp = aa
1099                         cupp = cc
1100                         ah=ah+aa
1101                         ch=ch+cc
1102                         upper=upper+1
1103                     else
1104                         alow = aa
1105                         clow = cc
1106                         lower=lower+1
1107                     end if
1108                 end if!(xts>xt1 .and. xte>xt1)              
1109             end do ! ss
1110             ce=cet !use stored ce
1111             if (ae*xt1+ce > 0 ) then
1112               ce=ce-(ae*xt1+ce)!shift small amounts exp(-**)
1113             end if
1114             if (ae*xt2+ce > 0) then
1115             ce=ce-(ae*xt2+ce)
1116             end if
1118             ah = aupp-alow
1119             ch = cupp-clow  
1120             ! integrate (ah*x+ch)*(1-exp(ae*x+ce) from xt1 to xt2
1121             ! numerically sound for ae->0, ae -> infty
1122             ! this can be important for different model scales
1123             ! esp. if someone runs the model in single precision!!
1124             ! s1=int((ah*x+ch),x,xt1,xt2)
1125             s1 = (xt2-xt1)*((1./2.)*ah*(xt2+xt1)+ch)            
1126             ! s2=int((ch)*(-exp(ae*x+ce)),x,xt1,xt2)
1127             ceae=ce/ae;
1128             s2 = -ch*exp(ae*(xt1+ceae))*(xt2-xt1)*intexp(ae*(xt2-xt1))                
1129             ! s3=int((ah*x)*(-exp(ae*x+ce)),x,xt1,xt2)
1130             ! s3=int((ah*x)*(-exp(ae*(x+ceae))),x,xt1,xt2)
1131             ! expand in Taylor series around ae=0
1132             ! collect(expand(taylor(int(x*(-exp(ae*(x+ceae))),x,xt1,xt2)*ae^2,ae,4)/ae^2),ae)
1133             ! =(1/8*xt1^4+1/3*xt1^3*ceae+1/4*xt1^2*ceae^2-1/8*xt2^4-1/3*xt2^3*ceae-1/4*xt2^2*ceae^2)*ae^2
1134             !     + (-1/3*xt2^3-1/2*xt2^2*ceae+1/3*xt1^3+1/2*xt1^2*ceae)*ae 
1135             !     + 1/2*xt1^2-1/2*xt2^2
1136             !
1137             ! coefficient at ae^2 in the expansion, after some algebra            
1138             a2=(xt1-xt2)*((1./4.)*(xt1+xt2)*ceae**2+(1./3.)* &
1139                (xt1**2+xt1*xt2+xt2**2)*ceae+(1./8.)* &
1140                (xt1**3+xt1*(xt2**2)+xt1**2*xt2+xt2**3))               
1141             d=(ae**4)*a2
1143             if (abs(d)>eps) then
1144             ! since ae*xt1+ce<=0 ae*xt2+ce<=0 all fine for large ae
1145             ! for ae, ce -> 0 rounding error approx eps/ae^2
1146                 s3=( exp(ae*(xt1+ceae))*(ae*xt1-1)-&
1147                      exp(ae*(xt2+ceae))*(ae*xt2-1) )/(ae**2)
1149             !we do not worry about rounding as xt1 -> xt2, then s3 -> 0
1150             else
1151                 ! coefficient at ae^1 in the expansion
1152                 a1=(xt1-xt2)*((1./2.)*ceae*(xt1+xt2)+(1./3.)*&
1153                    (xt1**2+xt1*xt2+xt2**2))
1154                 ! coefficient at ae^0 in the expansion for ae->0
1155                 a0=(1./2.)*(xt1-xt2)*(xt1+xt2)
1156                 s3=a0+a1*ae+a2*ae**2; ! approximate the integral
1157                             end if
1159             s3=ah*s3                                                
1160             out=out+s1+s2+s3
1161             out=1-out !fuel_left
1162             if(out<0 .or. out>1) then                                  
1163                 print *,':fuel_fraction should be between 0 and 1'
1164                 !print *, 'eps= ', eps
1165                 !print *, 'xt1= ', xt1, 'xt2= ', xt2
1166                 !print *,'ae= ',ae,'ce= ',ce,'ah= ',ah,'ch= ',ch
1167                 !print *,'a0= ', a0,'a1= ', a1,'a2= ', a2
1168                 print *,'s1= ', s1,'s2= ', s2,'s3= ', s3
1169                 print *,':fuel_fraction =',out
1170             end if!print
1172         end if
1173     end do ! k     
1175 end if ! if case0, elseif case4 ,else case123
1177 900 continue 
1178 if(out>1. .or. out<0.)call crash('fuel_left_cell_2: fuel fraction out of bounds [0,1]')
1179 fuel_left_cell_2 = out
1180 end function fuel_left_cell_2
1183 !****************************************
1185 real function intexp(ab)
1186 implicit none
1187 real::ab
1188 !calls
1189 intrinsic epsilon
1191 real, parameter:: zero=0.,one=1.,eps=epsilon(zero)
1193 !eps = 2.2204*(10.0**(-8))!from matlab
1194 if ( eps < abs(ab)**3/6. ) then
1195     intexp=(exp(ab)-1)/ab
1196   else
1197     intexp=1+ab/2.
1198 end if
1199 end function
1201 !****************************************
1203 subroutine sortxt(xytlist,nrow,ncolumn,xt,nxt,nvec)
1204 implicit none
1205 integer::nrow,ncolumn,nxt,nvec
1206 real,dimension(nrow,ncolumn)::xytlist
1207 real,dimension(nxt)::xt
1209 integer::i,j
1210 real::temp
1212 do i=1,nvec
1213   xt(i)=xytlist(i,1)
1214 end do
1216 do i=1,nvec-1
1217   do j=i+1,nvec
1218     if ( xt(i) > xt(j) ) then
1219          temp = xt(i)
1220          xt(i)=xt(j)
1221          xt(j)=temp
1222     end if
1223   end do
1224 end do
1226 end subroutine !sortxt
1228 !****************************************
1230 subroutine matvec(A,m,n,V,nv,out,nout,nrow,ncolumn)
1231 implicit none
1232 integer::m,n,nv,nout,nrow,ncolumn
1233 real,dimension(m,n)::A   ! allocated m by n 
1234 real,dimension(nv)::V    ! allocated nv
1235 real,dimension(nout)::out! allocated nout 
1237 integer::i,j
1239 do i=1,nrow
1240   out(i)=0.0
1241   do j=1,ncolumn
1242     out(i)=out(i)+A(i,j)*V(j)
1243   end do
1244 end do
1245 end subroutine
1247 !****************************************
1249 subroutine matmatp(A,mA,nA,B,mB,nB,C,mC,nC,nrow,ncolumn,nP)
1250 implicit none
1251 integer::mA,nA,mB,nB,mC,nC,nrow,ncolumn,nP
1252 real,dimension(mA,nA)::A   ! allocated m by n 
1253 real,dimension(mB,nB)::B   ! allocated m by n 
1254 real,dimension(mC,nC)::C   ! allocated m by n 
1255 integer::i,j,k
1256 do i=1,nrow  
1257   do j=1,ncolumn
1258     C(i,j)=0.0
1259   do k=1,nP
1260     C(i,j)=C(i,j)+A(i,k)*B(j,k) ! B'
1261   end do
1262 end do
1263 end do
1264 end subroutine
1267 !****************************************
1269 #endif
1271 subroutine prop_ls_rk3(id,               &             
1272                 ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,     &                 
1273                 ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,     &                    
1274                 ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,     &            
1275                 ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,     &                    
1276                 ts,dt,dx,dy,             &                     
1277                 tbound,                  &                  
1278                 lfn_in,                  &
1279                 lfn_0,lfn_1,lfn_2,       & 
1280                 lfn_out,tign,ros,        &           
1281                 fp,                      &
1282                 grid,                    &       
1283                 ids,ide,jds,jde,kds,kde, & 
1284                 ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme, & 
1285                 ips,ipe,jps,jpe,kps,kpe  &
1286                    )
1289 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
1290     USE module_dm        , ONLY : ntasks_x,ntasks_y,local_communicator,mytask,ntasks
1291     USE module_comm_dm , ONLY : halo_fire_lfn_1_sub, halo_fire_lfn_2_sub, halo_fire_lfn_0_sub
1292 #endif
1293 USE module_domain , only: domain
1295 implicit none
1297 !*** purpose: advance level function in time
1299 !***************************************************************************************!
1300 !*** Level-set method recoded for true mpi communications and added                  ***!
1301 !*** 3rd-order Runge-Kutta time integration and 3rd/5th-order WENO advection schemes ***!
1302 !*** Implemented by: Domingo Munoz-Esparza (NCAR/RAL, April 2016)                    ***!
1303 !*** Reference: D. Munoz-Esparza, B. Kosovic, P. Jimenez, J. Coen: "An accurate      ***!
1304 !*** fire-spread algorithm in the Weather Research and Forecasting model using the   ***!
1305 !*** level-set method", Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2018          ***!
1306 !***                                            ***!
1307 !***************************************************************************************!
1309 !*** description
1311 ! Propagation of closed curve by a level function method. The level function
1312 ! lfn is defined by its values at the nodes of a rectangular grid. 
1313 ! The area where lfn < 0 is inside the curve. The curve is 
1314 ! described implicitly by lfn=0. Points where the curve intersects gridlines
1315 ! can be found by linear interpolation from nodes.
1317 ! The level function is advanced from time ts to time ts + dt. 
1319 ! The level function should be initialized to (an approximation of) the signed
1320 ! distance from the curve. If the initial curve is a circle, the initial level
1321 ! function is simply the distance from the center minus the radius.
1323 ! The curve moves outside with speed given by function speed_func.
1324 !   
1325 ! Method: Godunov/ENO method for the normal motion. The timestep is checked for
1326 ! CFL condition. For a straight segment in a constant field and locally linear
1327 ! level function, the method reduces to the exact normal motion. The advantage of 
1328 ! the level set method is that it treats automatically special cases such as
1329 ! the curve approaching itself and merging components of the area inside the curve.
1331 ! Based on S. Osher and R. Fedkiw, Level set methods and dynamic implicit surfaces,
1332 ! Springer, 2003, Sec. 6.4, as implemented in toolboxLS for Matlab by 
1333 ! I. Mitchell, A toolbox of Level Set Methods (Version 1.1), TR-2007-11,
1334 ! Dept. Computer Science, University of British Columbia, 2007
1335 !\~mitchell/Toolbo\LS
1338 !*** arguments 
1340 ! id                in    unique identification for prints and dumps
1341 ! ids,ide,jds,jde   in    domain dimensions
1342 ! ims,ime,jms,jme   in    memory dimensions
1343 ! its,ite,jts,jte   in    tile dimensions
1344 ! ts                in    start time
1345 ! dt                in    time step
1346 ! dx,dy             in    grid spacing
1347 ! tbound            out   bound on stable time step from CFL condition, if tbound>=dt then OK
1348 ! lfn_in,lfn_out    inout,out the level set function at nodes
1349 ! tign              inout the ignition time at nodes
1351 !*** calls
1353 ! DME added for halo update
1354 type(domain) , target :: grid                     
1355 integer, intent(in):: ids,ide,jds,jde,kds,kde, &
1356     ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme, &
1357     ips,ipe,jps,jpe,kps,kpe
1360 integer,intent(in)::id,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe 
1361 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(inout)::lfn_in,tign
1362 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(inout)::lfn_1,lfn_2,lfn_0 
1363 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(out)::lfn_out,ros
1364 real,intent(in)::dx,dy,ts,dt
1365 real,intent(out)::tbound
1366 type(fire_params),intent(in)::fp
1368 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme):: tend
1369 ! scalars
1370 real::grad2,rr,tbound2,tbound3
1372 real::gradx,grady,aspeed,err,aerr,time_now
1373 integer::i,j,its1,ite1,jts1,jte1,k,kk,id1
1374 character(len=128)::msg
1375 integer::nfirenodes,nfireline
1376 real::sum_err,min_err,max_err,sum_aerr,min_aerr,max_aerr   
1378 ! constants
1379 integer,parameter :: mstep=1000, printl=1
1380 real, parameter:: zero=0.,one=1.,eps=epsilon(zero),tol=100*eps, &
1381     safe=2.,rmin=safe*tiny(zero),rmax=huge(zero)/safe
1383 ! f90 intrinsic function
1385 intrinsic max,min,sqrt,nint,epsilon,tiny,huge
1387 !*** executable
1390 write(msg,'(a8,i5,a6,i5,3(a1,i5))')'prop_ls:',id,' tile ',ifts,':',ifte,',',jfts,':',jfte
1392 call message(msg)
1394 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1395 ! Runge-Kutta step 1 !
1396 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1398     do j=jfts,jfte
1399         do i=ifts,ifte
1400             lfn_0(i,j) = lfn_in(i,j)
1401         enddo
1402     enddo
1404 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
1405 #      include ""
1406 #endif
1408     id1 = id  ! for debug prints
1409     if(
1410     call tend_ls(id1,    &
1411     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde, &                       ! domain dims 
1412     ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe, &                       ! patch dims
1413     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, &                       ! tile dims
1414     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &                       ! memory dims
1415     ts,dt,dx,dy,         &                       ! scalars in
1416     lfn_0,               &                       ! arrays in
1417     tbound,              &                       ! scalars out 
1418     tend, ros,           &                       ! arrays out        
1419     fp                   &                       ! params
1422     do j=jfts,jfte 
1423         do i=ifts,ifte 
1424             lfn_1(i,j) = lfn_0(i,j) + (dt/3.0)*tend(i,j) 
1425         enddo
1426     enddo
1428 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
1429 #      include ""
1430 #endif
1432 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1433 ! Runge-Kutta step 2 !
1434 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1436     if(
1437     call tend_ls(id1,    &
1438     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde, &                     
1439     ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe, &                    
1440     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, &                    
1441     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &               
1442     ts+dt,dt,dx,dy,      &                  
1443     lfn_1,               &                             
1444     tbound2,             &                              
1445     tend,ros,            &                           
1446     fp                   &
1449     do j=jfts,jfte
1450         do i=ifts,ifte
1451             lfn_2(i,j) = lfn_0(i,j) + (dt/2.0)*tend(i,j)
1452         enddo
1453     enddo     
1455 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
1456 #      include ""
1457 #endif
1459 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1460 ! Runge-Kutta step 3 !
1461 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1463     if(
1464     call tend_ls(id1,    &
1465     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde, &                      
1466     ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe, &                     
1467     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, &                    
1468     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &                 
1469     ts+dt,dt,dx,dy,      &                  
1470     lfn_2,               &                            
1471     tbound3,             &                            
1472     tend,ros,            &                           
1473     fp                   &
1476     do j=jfts,jfte
1477         do i=ifts,ifte
1478             lfn_out(i,j) = lfn_0(i,j) + dt*tend(i,j)
1479             lfn_2(i,j) = lfn_out(i,j) ! lfn_2=lfn_out (needed for reinitialization purposes)
1480         enddo
1481     enddo     
1483 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
1484 #      include ""
1485 #endif
1487 ! CFL check
1489     tbound=min(tbound,tbound2,tbound3)
1492     write(msg,'(a,f10.2,4(a,f7.2))')'prop_ls: time',ts,' dt=',dt,' bound',min(tbound,999.99), &
1493         ' dx=',dx,' dy=',dy
1495     call message(msg)
1496     if(dt>tbound)then
1498         write(msg,'(2(a,f10.2))')'prop_ls: WARNING: time step ',dt, &
1499         ' > bound =',tbound
1501         call message(msg)
1502     endif
1504 end subroutine prop_ls_rk3
1507 !*****************************
1510 subroutine reinit_ls_rk3(id,                       &
1511                 ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,               &                     
1512                 ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,               &                     
1513                 ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,               &                     
1514                 ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,               &                      
1515                 ts,dt,dx,dy,                       &                    
1516                 lfn_in,                            & 
1517                 lfn_2,lfn_s0,lfn_s1,lfn_s2,lfn_s3, & 
1518                 lfn_out,tign,                      &             
1519                 grid,                              &          
1520                 ids,ide,jds,jde,kds,kde,           &
1521                 ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme,           & 
1522                 ips,ipe,jps,jpe,kps,kpe            &
1523                 ) 
1526 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
1527     USE module_dm        , ONLY : ntasks_x,ntasks_y,local_communicator,mytask,ntasks
1528     USE module_comm_dm , ONLY : halo_fire_lfn_s1_sub,halo_fire_lfn_s2_sub,halo_fire_lfn_s3_sub
1529 #endif
1530 USE module_domain , only: domain
1531 USE module_configure, only: grid_config_rec_type
1533 implicit none
1535 !*************************************************************************************!
1536 !*** Level-set function reinitialization following:                                ***!
1537 !*** Sussman, Smereka, Osher. Journal of Computational Physics 114, 146-159 (1994) ***!
1538 !*** implemented by Domingo Munoz-Esparza (NCAR/RAL, April 2016)                   ***!
1539 !*** Reference: D. Munoz-Esparza, B. Kosovic, P. Jimenez, J. Coen: "An accurate    ***!
1540 !*** fire-spread algorithm in the Weather Research and Forecasting model using the ***!
1541 !*** level-set method", Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2018        ***!
1542 !***                                          ***!
1543 !*************************************************************************************!
1545 !*** purpose: reinitialize the level-set function
1547 type(domain) , target :: grid
1548 integer, intent(in):: ids,ide,jds,jde,kds,kde, & 
1549                       ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme, & 
1550                       ips,ipe,jps,jpe,kps,kpe    
1552 integer,intent(in)::ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,id 
1553 integer,intent(in)::ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe  
1554 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(inout)::lfn_in,tign
1555 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(inout)::lfn_2,lfn_s0,lfn_s1,lfn_s2,lfn_s3
1556 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(inout)::lfn_out
1557 real,intent(in)::dx,dy,ts,dt
1558 real::dt_s
1559 real,dimension(ifts:ifte,jfts:jfte):: tend_1,tend_2,tend_3
1560 real::diffLx,diffLy,diffRx,diffRy,diff2x,diff2y,grad,time_now
1561 integer::nts,i,j,k,kk
1562 intrinsic epsilon
1563 character(len=128)::msg
1564 integer::itso,iteo,jtso,jteo
1565 real::threshold_HLl,threshold_HLu
1566 integer,parameter::bdy_eno1=10
1567 !*** executable
1569 threshold_HLl=-fire_lsm_band_ngp*dx 
1570 threshold_HLu=fire_lsm_band_ngp*dx
1572 ! Define S0 based on current lfn values
1574     do j=jfts,jfte 
1575         do i=ifts,ifte 
1576             lfn_s0(i,j) = lfn_2(i,j)/sqrt(lfn_2(i,j)**2.0+dx**2.0) 
1577             lfn_s3(i,j) = lfn_2(i,j)
1578         enddo
1579     enddo
1580 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
1581 #      include ""
1582 #endif
1584     call continue_at_boundary(1,1,fire_lfn_ext_up, &   !extend by extrapolation but never down 
1585     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &                             ! memory dims
1586     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde, &                             ! domain
1587     ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe, &                             ! patch
1588     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, &                             ! tile
1589     itso,iteo,jtso,jteo, &                             ! where set now
1590     lfn_s3) 
1593 dt_s=0.01*dx
1594 do nts=1,fire_lsm_reinit_iter ! iterate to solve to steady state (1 iter each time step is enoguh)
1595     ! Runge-Kutta step 1 !
1597     call advance_ls_reinit( &
1598     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,    &           
1599     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,    &           
1600     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,    &               
1601     dx,dy,dt_s,bdy_eno1,threshold_HLu, &               
1602     lfn_s0,lfn_s3,lfn_s3,lfn_s1,1.0/3.0)   ! sign funcition, initial ls, current stage ls, next stage advanced ls, RK coefficient
1604 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
1605 #      include ""
1606 #endif
1608     call continue_at_boundary(1,1,fire_lfn_ext_up, & 
1609     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &                          
1610     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde, &                           
1611     ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe, &                           
1612     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, &                           
1613     itso,iteo,jtso,jteo, &               
1614     lfn_s1) 
1616     ! Runge-Kutta step 2 !
1618     call advance_ls_reinit( &
1619     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,    &
1620     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,    &
1621     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,    &
1622     dx,dy,dt_s,bdy_eno1,threshold_HLu, &
1623     lfn_s0,lfn_s3,lfn_s1,lfn_s2,1.0/2.0)
1625 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
1626 #      include ""
1627 #endif
1629     call continue_at_boundary(1,1,fire_lfn_ext_up, &  
1630     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &              
1631     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde, &                 
1632     ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe, &                 
1633     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, &               
1634     itso,iteo,jtso,jteo, & 
1635     lfn_s2) 
1637     ! Runge-Kutta step 3 !
1639     call advance_ls_reinit( &
1640     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,    &
1641     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,    &
1642     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,    &
1643     dx,dy,dt_s,bdy_eno1,threshold_HLu, &
1644     lfn_s0,lfn_s3,lfn_s2,lfn_s3,1.0)  
1646 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
1647 #      include ""
1648 #endif
1650     call continue_at_boundary(1,1,fire_lfn_ext_up, &  
1651     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &              
1652     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde, &                  
1653     ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe, &                
1654     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, &              
1655     itso,iteo,jtso,jteo, &           
1656     lfn_s3) 
1658 enddo ! end iterations for steady state solution of reinitialization PDE
1660     do j=jfts,jfte 
1661         do i=ifts,ifte 
1662           lfn_out(i,j)=lfn_s3(i,j) ! assing to lfn_out the reinitialized level-set function
1663           lfn_out(i,j)=min(lfn_out(i,j),lfn_in(i,j)) ! fire area can only increase
1664         enddo
1665     enddo
1667 end subroutine reinit_ls_rk3
1670 !*****************************
1673 subroutine advance_ls_reinit(ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &
1674                           ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,    &
1675                           ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,    &
1676                           dx,dy,dt_s,bdy_eno1,threshold_HLu, &
1677                           lfn_s0,lfn_ini,lfn_curr,lfn_fin,rk_coeff)
1679 ! Calculates right-hand-side forcing and advances a RK-stage the level-set reinitialization PDE
1680 ! Domingo Munoz-Esparza, NCAR/RAL
1681 ! Reference: D. Munoz-Esparza, B. Kosovic, P. Jimenez, J. Coen: "An accurate   
1682 ! fire-spread algorithm in the Weather Research and Forecasting model using the 
1683 ! level-set method", Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2018      
1684 !
1687 implicit none
1689 integer,intent(in)::ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,bdy_eno1
1690 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(in)::lfn_s0,lfn_ini,lfn_curr
1691 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(inout)::lfn_fin
1692 real,intent(in)::dx,dy,dt_s,threshold_HLu,rk_coeff
1694 integer::i,j
1695 real::diffLx,diffLy,diffRx,diffRy,diff2x,diff2y,grad,tend_r
1698     do j=jfts,jfte 
1699         do i=ifts,ifte 
1700           if ( .OR. .OR. .OR. then ! 
1701             diffLx=(lfn_curr(i,j)-lfn_curr(i-1,j))/dx
1702             diffLy=(lfn_curr(i,j)-lfn_curr(i,j-1))/dy
1703             diffRx=(lfn_curr(i+1,j)-lfn_curr(i,j))/dx
1704             diffRy=(lfn_curr(i,j+1)-lfn_curr(i,j))/dy
1705             diff2x=select_eno(diffLx,diffRx)
1706             diff2y=select_eno(diffLy,diffRy)
1707           else
1708             select case(fire_upwinding_reinit)
1709             case(1)
1710              diff2x=select_4th(dx,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i-1,j),lfn_curr(i-2,j),lfn_curr(i+1,j),lfn_curr(i+2,j))
1711              diff2y=select_4th(dy,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i,j-1),lfn_curr(i,j-2),lfn_curr(i,j+1),lfn_curr(i,j+2))
1712              diff2x=select_weno3(dx,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i-1,j),lfn_curr(i-2,j),lfn_curr(i+1,j),lfn_curr(i+2,j),lfn_s0(i,j)*diff2x)
1713              diff2y=select_weno3(dy,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i,j-1),lfn_curr(i,j-2),lfn_curr(i,j+1),lfn_curr(i,j+2),lfn_s0(i,j)*diff2y)
1714             case(2)
1715              diff2x=select_4th(dx,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i-1,j),lfn_curr(i-2,j),lfn_curr(i+1,j),lfn_curr(i+2,j))
1716              diff2y=select_4th(dy,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i,j-1),lfn_curr(i,j-2),lfn_curr(i,j+1),lfn_curr(i,j+2))
1717              diff2x=select_weno5(dx,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i-1,j),lfn_curr(i-2,j),lfn_curr(i-3,j),lfn_curr(i+1,j),lfn_curr(i+2,j),lfn_curr(i+3,j),lfn_s0(i,j)*diff2x)
1718              diff2y=select_weno5(dy,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i,j-1),lfn_curr(i,j-2),lfn_curr(i,j-3),lfn_curr(i,j+1),lfn_curr(i,j+2),lfn_curr(i,j+3),lfn_s0(i,j)*diff2y)
1719             case(3)
1720              if (lfn_curr(i,j).lt.threshold_HLu) then
1721                diff2x=select_4th(dx,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i-1,j),lfn_curr(i-2,j),lfn_curr(i+1,j),lfn_curr(i+2,j))
1722                diff2y=select_4th(dy,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i,j-1),lfn_curr(i,j-2),lfn_curr(i,j+1),lfn_curr(i,j+2))
1723                diff2x=select_weno3(dx,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i-1,j),lfn_curr(i-2,j),lfn_curr(i+1,j),lfn_curr(i+2,j),lfn_s0(i,j)*diff2x)
1724                diff2y=select_weno3(dy,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i,j-1),lfn_curr(i,j-2),lfn_curr(i,j+1),lfn_curr(i,j+2),lfn_s0(i,j)*diff2y)
1725              else
1726                diffLx=(lfn_curr(i,j)-lfn_curr(i-1,j))/dx
1727                diffLy=(lfn_curr(i,j)-lfn_curr(i,j-1))/dy
1728                diffRx=(lfn_curr(i+1,j)-lfn_curr(i,j))/dx
1729                diffRy=(lfn_curr(i,j+1)-lfn_curr(i,j))/dy
1730                diff2x=select_eno(diffLx,diffRx)
1731                diff2y=select_eno(diffLy,diffRy)
1732              endif
1733             case(4)
1734              if (lfn_curr(i,j).lt.threshold_HLu) then
1735                diff2x=select_4th(dx,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i-1,j),lfn_curr(i-2,j),lfn_curr(i+1,j),lfn_curr(i+2,j))
1736                diff2y=select_4th(dy,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i,j-1),lfn_curr(i,j-2),lfn_curr(i,j+1),lfn_curr(i,j+2))
1737                diff2x=select_weno5(dx,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i-1,j),lfn_curr(i-2,j),lfn_curr(i-3,j),lfn_curr(i+1,j),lfn_curr(i+2,j),lfn_curr(i+3,j),lfn_s0(i,j)*diff2x)
1738                diff2y=select_weno5(dy,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i,j-1),lfn_curr(i,j-2),lfn_curr(i,j-3),lfn_curr(i,j+1),lfn_curr(i,j+2),lfn_curr(i,j+3),lfn_s0(i,j)*diff2y)
1739              else
1740                diffLx=(lfn_curr(i,j)-lfn_curr(i-1,j))/dx
1741                diffLy=(lfn_curr(i,j)-lfn_curr(i,j-1))/dy
1742                diffRx=(lfn_curr(i+1,j)-lfn_curr(i,j))/dx
1743                diffRy=(lfn_curr(i,j+1)-lfn_curr(i,j))/dy
1744                diff2x=select_eno(diffLx,diffRx)
1745                diff2y=select_eno(diffLy,diffRy)
1746              endif
1747             case default
1748              if (lfn_curr(i,j).lt.threshold_HLu) then
1749                diff2x=select_4th(dx,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i-1,j),lfn_curr(i-2,j),lfn_curr(i+1,j),lfn_curr(i+2,j))
1750                diff2y=select_4th(dy,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i,j-1),lfn_curr(i,j-2),lfn_curr(i,j+1),lfn_curr(i,j+2))
1751                diff2x=select_weno5(dx,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i-1,j),lfn_curr(i-2,j),lfn_curr(i-3,j),lfn_curr(i+1,j),lfn_curr(i+2,j),lfn_curr(i+3,j),lfn_s0(i,j)*diff2x)
1752                diff2y=select_weno5(dy,lfn_curr(i,j),lfn_curr(i,j-1),lfn_curr(i,j-2),lfn_curr(i,j-3),lfn_curr(i,j+1),lfn_curr(i,j+2),lfn_curr(i,j+3),lfn_s0(i,j)*diff2y)
1753              else
1754                diffLx=(lfn_curr(i,j)-lfn_curr(i-1,j))/dx
1755                diffLy=(lfn_curr(i,j)-lfn_curr(i,j-1))/dy
1756                diffRx=(lfn_curr(i+1,j)-lfn_curr(i,j))/dx
1757                diffRy=(lfn_curr(i,j+1)-lfn_curr(i,j))/dy
1758                diff2x=select_eno(diffLx,diffRx)
1759                diff2y=select_eno(diffLy,diffRy)
1760              endif
1761             end select
1762           endif
1763             grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x+diff2y*diff2y)
1764             tend_r=lfn_s0(i,j)*(1.0-grad)
1765             lfn_fin(i,j)=lfn_ini(i,j)+(dt_s*rk_coeff)*tend_r
1766         enddo
1767     enddo
1769 end subroutine advance_ls_reinit
1772 !*****************************
1775 subroutine tign_update(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, &              ! tile dims
1776                        ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &              ! memory dims
1777                        ifds,jfds,ifde,jfde, &              ! domain dims         
1778                        ts,dt,               &              ! scalars in
1779                        lfn_in,lfn_out,tign  &              ! arrays inout          
1780                       )
1782 implicit none
1784 integer,intent(in)::ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,ifds,jfds,ifde,jfde
1785 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(inout)::tign
1786 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(in)::lfn_in,lfn_out
1787 real,intent(in)::ts,dt
1788 real::time_now
1789 integer::i,j,k,kk
1790 intrinsic epsilon
1791 character(len=128)::msg
1792 !*** executable
1794 ! compute ignition time by interpolation
1795 ! the node was not burning at start but it is burning at end
1796 ! interpolate from the level functions at start and at end
1797 ! lfn_in==lfn   is the level set function value at time ts
1798 ! lfn_out  is the level set function value at time ts+dt (after reinitialization)
1799 ! 0        is the level set function value at time tign(i,j)
1800 ! thus assuming the level function is approximately linear =>
1801 ! tign(i,j)= ts + ((ts + td) - ts) * lfn_in / (lfn_in - lfn_out)
1802 !        = ts + dt * lfn_in / (lfn_in - lfn_out)
1804 time_now=ts+dt
1805 time_now = time_now + abs(time_now)*epsilon(time_now)*2.
1806 do j=jfts,jfte
1807     do i=ifts,ifte
1808         ! interpolate the cross-over time
1809         if (.not. lfn_out(i,j)>0 .and. lfn_in(i,j)>0)then
1810             tign(i,j) = ts + dt * lfn_in(i,j) / (lfn_in(i,j) - lfn_out(i,j))
1811     endif
1812         ! set the ignition time outside of burning region
1813         if(lfn_out(i,j)>0.)tign(i,j)=time_now
1814     enddo
1815 enddo
1816 ! stop simulation if fire is within boundary_guard grid points from the domain boundaries 
1817 do j=jfts,jfte
1818   if (j.le.boundary_guard .or. then
1819     do i=ifts,ifte
1820       if (lfn_out(i,j).lt.0.) then 
1821         WRITE(msg,*)'j-boundary reached'
1822         CALL wrf_debug(0,msg)
1823         WRITE(msg,*)'i,j,lfn_out=',i,j,lfn_out(i,j)
1824         CALL wrf_debug(0,msg)
1825         call crash('wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF. Fire has reached domain boundary.')
1826       endif
1827     enddo
1828   endif
1829 enddo
1830 do i=ifts,ifte
1831   if (i.le.boundary_guard .or. then
1832     do j=jfts,jfte
1833       if (lfn_out(i,j).lt.0.) then 
1834         WRITE(msg,*)'i-boundary reached'
1835         CALL wrf_debug(0,msg)
1836         WRITE(msg,*)'i,j,lfn_out=',i,j,lfn_out(i,j)
1837         CALL wrf_debug(0,msg)
1838         call crash('wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF. Fire has reached domain boundary.')
1839       endif
1840     enddo
1841   endif
1842 enddo
1844 call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &
1845                lfn_out,'prop_ls: lfn out')
1847 end subroutine tign_update
1850 !*****************************
1853 subroutine calc_flame_length(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, &
1854                              ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, &
1855                              ros,iboros,flame_length,ros_fl,fire_area)
1857 ! Diagnoses flame length
1858 ! Domingo Munoz-Esparza, NCAR/RAL
1860 implicit none
1862 integer,intent(in)::ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme
1863 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(in)::ros,iboros,fire_area
1864 real,dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme),intent(out)::flame_length,ros_fl
1865 ! local
1866 integer::i,j
1868 do j=jfts,jfte
1869   do i=ifts,ifte
1870     if (fire_area(i,j).gt.0.0 .AND. fire_area(i,j).lt.1.0) then
1871       flame_length(i,j)=0.0775*(iboros(i,j)*ros(i,j))**0.46 ! flame length according to Byram (1959)
1872       ros_fl(i,j)=ros(i,j)
1873     else
1874       flame_length(i,j)=0.0
1875       ros_fl(i,j)=0.0
1876     endif
1877   enddo
1878 enddo
1880 end subroutine calc_flame_length
1883 !*****************************
1886 subroutine tend_ls( id, &
1887     ids,ide,jds,jde,    &              ! domain - nodes where lfn defined
1888     ips,ipe,jps,jpe,    &              ! patch - nodes owned by this process 
1889     its,ite,jts,jte,    &              ! region - nodes where tend computed
1890     ims,ime,jms,jme,    &              ! memory dims for ros 
1891     t,dt,dx,dy,         &              ! scalars in
1892     lfn,                &              ! arrays in
1893     tbound,             &              ! scalars out 
1894     tend, ros,          &              ! arrays out
1895     fp                  &
1898 implicit none
1899 ! purpose
1900 ! compute the right hand side of the level set equation
1902 !*** arguments
1903 integer,intent(in)::id 
1904 integer,intent(in)::ims,ime,jms,jme,its,ite,jts,jte
1905 integer, intent(in)::ids,ide,jds,jde,ips,ipe,jps,jpe 
1906 real,intent(in)::t                                 ! time
1907 real,intent(in)::dt,dx,dy                          ! mesh step
1908 real,dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme),intent(inout)::lfn ! level set function 
1909 real,dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme),intent(out)::tend  ! tendency (rhs of the level set pde)
1910 real,dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme),intent(out)::ros   ! rate of spread 
1911 real,intent(out)::tbound                           ! max allowed time step
1912 type(fire_params),intent(in)::fp
1914 !*** local 
1915 real:: te,diffLx,diffLy,diffRx,diffRy, & 
1916    diffCx,diffCy,diff2x,diff2y,grad,rr, &
1917    ros_base,ros_wind,ros_slope,ros_back,advx,advy,scale,nvx,nvy, &
1918    speed,tanphi
1919 integer::i,j,itso,iteo,jtso,jteo
1920 character(len=128)msg
1922 ! constants
1923 real, parameter:: eps=epsilon(0.0)
1924 !intrinsic epsilon
1925 real, parameter:: zero=0.,one=1.,tol=100*eps, &
1926     safe=2.,rmin=safe*tiny(zero),rmax=huge(zero)/safe
1928 real :: diff2xn, diff2yn
1929 real :: a_valor, signo_x, signo_y
1930 real :: threshold_HLl,threshold_HLu
1931 real :: threshold_AV,fire_viscosity_var
1932 integer,parameter :: bdy_eno1=10
1934 ! f90 intrinsic function
1936 intrinsic max,min,sqrt,nint,tiny,huge
1939 !*** executable
1941 threshold_HLl=-fire_lsm_band_ngp*dx 
1942 threshold_HLu=fire_lsm_band_ngp*dx
1943 threshold_AV=fire_viscosity_ngp*dx
1945     call continue_at_boundary(1,1,fire_lfn_ext_up, &   !extend by extrapolation but never down 
1946     ims,ime,jms,jme, &                                 ! memory dims
1947     ids,ide,jds,jde, &                                 ! domain
1948     ips,ipe,jps,jpe, &                                 ! patch
1949     its,ite,jts,jte, &                                 ! tile
1950     itso,iteo,jtso,jteo, &                             ! where set now
1951     lfn)                                               ! field 
1953     tbound=0    
1954     do j=jts,jte
1955         do i=its,ite
1956             ! one sided differences
1957             diffRx = (lfn(i+1,j)-lfn(i,j))/dx
1958             diffLx = (lfn(i,j)-lfn(i-1,j))/dx
1959             diffRy = (lfn(i,j+1)-lfn(i,j))/dy
1960             diffLy = (lfn(i,j)-lfn(i,j-1))/dy
1961             diffCx = diffLx+diffRx   !  TWICE CENTRAL DIFFERENCE
1962             diffCy = diffLy+diffRy
1964             if ( .OR. .OR. .OR. then ! DME: use eno1 near domain boundaries
1965               diff2x=select_eno(diffLx,diffRx)
1966               diff2y=select_eno(diffLy,diffRy)
1967               grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x + diff2y*diff2y)
1968             else
1969               select case(fire_upwinding)
1970               case(0)  ! none
1971                   grad=sqrt(diffCx**2 + diffCy**2)
1972               case(1) ! standard
1973                   diff2x=select_upwind(diffLx,diffRx)
1974                   diff2y=select_upwind(diffLy,diffRy)
1975                   grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x + diff2y*diff2y)
1976               case(2) ! godunov per osher/fedkiw
1977                   diff2x=select_godunov(diffLx,diffRx)
1978                   diff2y=select_godunov(diffLy,diffRy)
1979                   grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x + diff2y*diff2y)
1980               case(3) ! eno
1981                   diff2x=select_eno(diffLx,diffRx)
1982                   diff2y=select_eno(diffLy,diffRy)
1983                   grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x + diff2y*diff2y)
1984               case(4) ! Sethian - twice stronger pushdown of bumps
1985                   grad=sqrt(max(diffLx,0.)**2+min(diffRx,0.)**2   &
1986                           + max(diffLy,0.)**2+min(diffRy,0.)**2)
1987               case(5) ! 2nd order (DME)
1988                   diff2x=select_2nd(rr,dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i+1,j))
1989                   diff2y=select_2nd(rr,dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j+1))
1990                   grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x + diff2y*diff2y)
1991               case(6) ! 3rd-order WENO (DME)
1992                   a_valor=select_4th(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j))*fp%vx(i,j)+ &
1993                           select_4th(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2))*fp%vy(i,j)
1994                   signo_x=a_valor*select_4th(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j))
1995                   signo_y=a_valor*select_4th(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2))
1996                   diff2x=select_weno3(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j),signo_x)
1997                   diff2y=select_weno3(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2),signo_y)
1998                   grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x + diff2y*diff2y)
1999               case(7) ! 5th-order WENO (DME)
2000                   a_valor=select_4th(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j))*fp%vx(i,j)+ &
2001                           select_4th(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2))*fp%vy(i,j)
2002                   signo_x=a_valor*select_4th(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j))
2003                   signo_y=a_valor*select_4th(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2))
2004                   diff2x=select_weno5(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i-3,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j),lfn(i+3,j),signo_x)
2005                   diff2y=select_weno5(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j-3),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2),lfn(i,j+3),signo_y)
2006                   grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x + diff2y*diff2y)
2007               case(8) ! high-order local band method WENO3/ENO1 (DME)
2008                   if (abs(lfn(i,j)).lt.threshold_HLu) then
2009                     a_valor=select_4th(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j))*fp%vx(i,j)+ &
2010                             select_4th(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2))*fp%vy(i,j)
2011                     signo_x=a_valor*select_4th(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j))
2012                     signo_y=a_valor*select_4th(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2))
2013                     diff2x=select_weno3(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j),signo_x)
2014                     diff2y=select_weno3(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2),signo_y)
2015                     grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x + diff2y*diff2y)
2016                   else
2017                     diff2x=select_eno(diffLx,diffRx)
2018                     diff2y=select_eno(diffLy,diffRy)
2019                     grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x + diff2y*diff2y)
2020                   endif
2021               case(9) ! high-order local band method WENO5/ENO1 (DME)
2022                   if (abs(lfn(i,j)).lt.threshold_HLu) then
2023                     a_valor=select_4th(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j))*fp%vx(i,j)+ &
2024                             select_4th(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2))*fp%vy(i,j)
2025                     signo_x=a_valor*select_4th(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j))
2026                     signo_y=a_valor*select_4th(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2))
2027                     diff2x=select_weno5(dx,lfn(i,j),lfn(i-1,j),lfn(i-2,j),lfn(i-3,j),lfn(i+1,j),lfn(i+2,j),lfn(i+3,j),signo_x)
2028                     diff2y=select_weno5(dy,lfn(i,j),lfn(i,j-1),lfn(i,j-2),lfn(i,j-3),lfn(i,j+1),lfn(i,j+2),lfn(i,j+3),signo_y)
2029                     grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x + diff2y*diff2y)
2030                   else
2031                     diff2x=select_eno(diffLx,diffRx)
2032                     diff2y=select_eno(diffLy,diffRy)
2033                     grad=sqrt(diff2x*diff2x + diff2y*diff2y)
2034                   endif
2035               case default
2036                    grad=0.
2037               end select
2038             endif
2039 ! DME use the same discretization scheme from fire_upwinding option to calculate the normals
2040             scale=sqrt(grad**2.0+eps) 
2041             nvx=diff2x/scale 
2042             nvy=diff2y/scale 
2044             ! wind speed in direction of spread
2045             speed =  fp%vx(i,j)*nvx + fp%vy(i,j)*nvy
2046             ! get rate of spread from wind speed and slope
2047             call fire_ros(ros_base,ros_wind,ros_slope, &
2048             nvx,nvy,i,j,fp)
2049             rr=ros_base + ros_wind + fire_slope_factor*ros_slope
2051             if(,0.)
2052             ! set ros for output
2053             if(,j)=rr
2055             if(fire_upwind_split.eq.0)then
2057                 ! get rate of spread
2058                 te = -rr*grad   ! normal term 
2060             else
2062                 ! normal direction backing rate only
2063                 te = - ros_base*grad
2065                 ! advection in wind direction 
2066                 if (abs(speed)> eps) then
2067                     advx=fp%vx(i,j)*ros_wind/speed
2068                     advy=fp%vy(i,j)*ros_wind/speed
2069                 else 
2070                     advx=0
2071                     advy=0
2072                 endif
2074                 tanphi =  fp%dzdxf(i,j)*nvx + fp%dzdyf(i,j)*nvy
2075                 ! advection from slope direction 
2076                 if(abs(tanphi)>eps) then
2077                     advx=advx+fp%dzdxf(i,j)*ros_slope/tanphi
2078                     advy=advy+fp%dzdyf(i,j)*ros_slope/tanphi
2079                 endif
2081                 if(fire_upwind_split.eq.1)then   
2083                     ! one-sided upwinding
2084                     te = te - max(advx,0.)*diffLx - min(advx,0.)*diffRy &
2085                             - max(advy,0.)*diffLy - min(advy,0.)*diffRy
2088                 elseif(fire_upwind_split.eq.2)then   
2090                     ! Lax-Friedrichs
2091                     call crash('prop_ls: bad fire_upwind_split, Lax-Friedrichs not done yet')
2093                 else
2095                     call crash('prop_ls: bad fire_upwind_split')
2097                 endif
2098             endif
2100             ! cfl condition
2101             if (grad > 0.) then
2102                  tbound = max(tbound,rr*(abs(diff2x)/dx+abs(diff2y)/dy)/grad)
2103             endif
2105             ! DME: adds spatially variable artificial viscosity
2106             if (abs(lfn(i,j)).lt.threshold_AV .AND. ( .and. .AND. ( .and. then 
2107               fire_viscosity_var=fire_viscosity_bg
2108             elseif (abs(lfn(i,j)).ge.threshold_AV .AND. abs(lfn(i,j)).lt.threshold_AV*(1.0+fire_viscosity_band) .AND. ( .and. .AND. ( .and. then
2109               fire_viscosity_var=min(fire_viscosity_bg+(fire_viscosity-fire_viscosity_bg)*(abs(lfn(i,j))-threshold_AV)/(fire_viscosity_band*threshold_AV),fire_viscosity)
2110             else
2111               fire_viscosity_var=fire_viscosity
2112             endif
2113             te=te + fire_viscosity_var*abs(rr)*((diffRx-diffLx)+(diffRy-diffLy))
2114             tend(i,j)=te
2115         enddo
2116     enddo        
2118     call print_2d_stats(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme, & 
2119                    tend,'tend_ls: tend out')
2121     ! the final CFL bound
2122     tbound = 1/(tbound+tol)
2124 end subroutine tend_ls
2127 !**************************
2131 real function select_upwind(diffLx,diffRx)
2132 implicit none
2133 real, intent(in):: diffLx, diffRx
2134 real diff2x
2136 ! upwind differences, L or R if bith same sign, otherwise zero    
2138 diff2x=0
2139 if (diffLx>0.and.diffRx>0.)diff2x=diffLx
2140 if (diffLx<0.and.diffRx<0.)diff2x=diffRx
2142 select_upwind=diff2x
2143 end function select_upwind
2147 !**************************
2150 real function select_godunov(diffLx,diffRx)
2151 implicit none
2152 real, intent(in):: diffLx, diffRx
2153 real diff2x,diffCx
2155 ! Godunov scheme: upwind differences, L or R or none    
2156 ! always test on > or < never = , much faster because of IEEE
2157 ! central diff >= 0 => take left diff if >0, ortherwise 0
2158 ! central diff <= 0 => take right diff if <0, ortherwise 0
2160 diff2x=0
2161 diffCx=diffRx+diffLx
2162 if (diffLx>0.and..not.diffCx<0)diff2x=diffLx
2163 if (diffRx<0.and.     diffCx<0)diff2x=diffRx
2165 select_godunov=diff2x
2166 end function select_godunov
2169 !**************************
2172 real function select_eno(diffLx,diffRx)
2173 implicit none
2174 real, intent(in):: diffLx, diffRx
2175 real diff2x
2177 ! 1st order ENO scheme
2179 if    (.not.diffLx>0 .and. .not.diffRx>0)then
2180     diff2x=diffRx
2181 elseif(.not.diffLx<0 .and. .not.diffRx<0)then
2182     diff2x=diffLx
2183 elseif(.not.diffLx<0 .and. .not.diffRx>0)then
2184     if(.not. abs(diffRx) < abs(diffLx))then
2185         diff2x=diffRx
2186     else
2187         diff2x=diffLx
2188     endif
2189 else
2190     diff2x=0.
2191 endif
2193 select_eno=diff2x
2194 end function select_eno
2197 !**************************
2201 real function select_2nd(ros,dx,lfn_i,lfn_im1,lfn_ip1)
2202 implicit none
2203 real, intent(in):: lfn_i, lfn_im1, lfn_ip1
2204 real, intent(in):: ros, dx
2205 real:: diff2x_p, diff2x_m 
2207 ! 2nd-order advection scheme in the x,y-direction (DME)
2209 diff2x_p=0.
2210 diff2x_m=0.
2211 diff2x_p=(lfn_ip1+lfn_i)/(2.*dx)
2212 diff2x_m=(lfn_i+lfn_im1)/(2.*dx)
2213 select_2nd=diff2x_p-diff2x_m
2214 end function select_2nd
2217 !**************************
2221 real function select_4th(dx,lfn_i,lfn_im1,lfn_im2,lfn_ip1,lfn_ip2)
2222 implicit none
2223 real, intent(in):: lfn_i,lfn_im1,lfn_im2,lfn_ip1,lfn_ip2
2224 real, intent(in):: dx
2225 real:: diff2x_p,diff2x_m 
2227 ! 4th-order advection scheme in the x,y-direction (DME)
2229 diff2x_p=0.
2230 diff2x_m=0.
2231 diff2x_p=(7.0*lfn_ip1+7.0*lfn_i-lfn_ip2-lfn_im1)/(12.*dx)
2232 diff2x_m=(7.0*lfn_i+7.0*lfn_im1-lfn_ip1-lfn_im2)/(12.*dx)
2233 select_4th=diff2x_p-diff2x_m
2234 end function select_4th
2237 !**************************
2241 real function select_weno3(dx,lfn_it,lfn_im1t,lfn_im2t,lfn_ip1t,lfn_ip2t,uf)
2242 implicit none
2243 real, intent(in)::lfn_it,lfn_im1t,lfn_im2t,lfn_ip1t,lfn_ip2t,uf
2244 real:: lfn_i,lfn_im1,lfn_im2,lfn_ip1,lfn_ip2
2245 real, intent(in):: dx
2246 real:: flux_p,flux_m 
2247 real, parameter:: gamma1=1./3.,gamma2=2./3.,tol=1e-6
2248 real:: w1,w2,w1t,w2t,beta1,beta2 
2249 real:: fh_1,fh_2
2251 ! 3rd-order advection WENO scheme in the x,y-direction (DME)
2253 flux_p=0.
2254 flux_m=0.
2256 if (uf .ge. 0.0 ) then
2257   lfn_i=lfn_it
2258   lfn_im1=lfn_im1t
2259   lfn_im2=lfn_im2t
2260   lfn_ip1=lfn_ip1t
2261 else
2262   lfn_i=lfn_it
2263   lfn_im1=lfn_ip1t
2264   lfn_im2=lfn_ip2t
2265   lfn_ip1=lfn_im1t
2266 endif
2268 ! numerical flux at i,j+1/2 face
2269 fh_1=-0.5*lfn_im1+1.5*lfn_i
2270 fh_2=0.5*lfn_i+0.5*lfn_ip1
2271 beta1=(lfn_i-lfn_im1)**2
2272 beta2=(lfn_ip1-lfn_i)**2
2273 w1t=gamma1/(beta1+tol)**2
2274 w2t=gamma2/(beta2+tol)**2
2275 w1=w1t/(w1t+w2t)
2276 w2=w2t/(w1t+w2t)
2277 flux_p=w1*fh_1+w2*fh_2
2278 ! numerical flux at i,j-1/2 face
2279 fh_1=-0.5*lfn_im2+1.5*lfn_im1
2280 fh_2=0.5*lfn_im1+0.5*lfn_i
2281 beta1=(lfn_im1-lfn_im2)**2
2282 beta2=(lfn_i-lfn_im1)**2
2283 w1t=gamma1/(beta1+tol)**2
2284 w2t=gamma2/(beta2+tol)**2
2285 w1=w1t/(w1t+w2t)
2286 w2=w2t/(w1t+w2t)
2287 flux_m=w1*fh_1+w2*fh_2
2289 if (uf .ge. 0.0 ) then
2290   select_weno3=(flux_p-flux_m)/dx
2291 else
2292   select_weno3=(flux_m-flux_p)/dx
2293 endif
2294 end function select_weno3
2297 !**************************
2301 real function select_weno5(dx,lfn_it,lfn_im1t,lfn_im2t,lfn_im3t,lfn_ip1t,lfn_ip2t,lfn_ip3t,uf)
2302 implicit none
2303 real, intent(in):: lfn_it,lfn_im1t,lfn_im2t,lfn_im3t,lfn_ip1t,lfn_ip2t,lfn_ip3t,uf
2304 real:: lfn_i,lfn_im1,lfn_im2,lfn_im3,lfn_ip1,lfn_ip2,lfn_ip3
2305 real, intent(in):: dx
2306 real:: flux_p,flux_m 
2307 real, parameter:: gamma1=1./10.,gamma2=3./5.,gamma3=3./10.,tol=1e-6
2308 real:: w1,w2,w3,w1t,w2t,w3t,beta1,beta2,beta3 
2309 real:: fh_1,fh_2,fh_3
2311 ! 5th-order advection WENO scheme in the x,y-direction (DME)
2313 flux_p=0.
2314 flux_m=0.
2316 if (uf .ge. 0.0 ) then
2317   lfn_i=lfn_it
2318   lfn_im1=lfn_im1t
2319   lfn_im2=lfn_im2t
2320   lfn_im3=lfn_im3t
2321   lfn_ip1=lfn_ip1t
2322   lfn_ip2=lfn_ip2t
2323 else
2324   lfn_i=lfn_it
2325   lfn_im1=lfn_ip1t
2326   lfn_im2=lfn_ip2t
2327   lfn_im3=lfn_ip3t
2328   lfn_ip1=lfn_im1t
2329   lfn_ip2=lfn_im2t
2330 endif
2332 ! numerical flux at i,j+1/2 face
2333 fh_1=(2.0*lfn_im2-7.0*lfn_im1+11.0*lfn_i)/6.0
2334 fh_2=(-1.0*lfn_im1+5.0*lfn_i+2.0*lfn_ip1)/6.0
2335 fh_3=(2.0*lfn_i+5.0*lfn_ip1-1.0*lfn_ip2)/6.0
2336 beta1=(13.0/12.0)*(lfn_im2-2.0*lfn_im1+lfn_i)**2+0.25*(lfn_im2-4.0*lfn_im1+3.0*lfn_i)**2
2337 beta2=(13.0/12.0)*(lfn_im1-2.0*lfn_i+lfn_ip1)**2+0.25*(lfn_im1-lfn_ip1)**2
2338 beta3=(13.0/12.0)*(lfn_i-2.0*lfn_ip1+lfn_ip2)**2+0.25*(3.0*lfn_i-4.0*lfn_ip1+lfn_ip2)**2
2339 w1t=gamma1/(beta1+tol)**2
2340 w2t=gamma2/(beta2+tol)**2
2341 w3t=gamma3/(beta3+tol)**2
2342 w1=w1t/(w1t+w2t+w3t)
2343 w2=w2t/(w1t+w2t+w3t)
2344 w3=w3t/(w1t+w2t+w3t)
2345 flux_p=w1*fh_1+w2*fh_2+w3*fh_3
2346 ! numerical flux at i,j-1/2 face
2347 fh_1=(2.0*lfn_im3-7.0*lfn_im2+11.0*lfn_im1)/6.0
2348 fh_2=(-1.0*lfn_im2+5.0*lfn_im1+2.0*lfn_i)/6.0
2349 fh_3=(2.0*lfn_im1+5.0*lfn_i-1.0*lfn_ip1)/6.0
2350 beta1=(13.0/12.0)*(lfn_im3-2.0*lfn_im2+lfn_im1)**2+0.25*(lfn_im3-4.0*lfn_im2+3.0*lfn_im1)**2
2351 beta2=(13.0/12.0)*(lfn_im2-2.0*lfn_im1+lfn_i)**2+0.25*(lfn_im2-lfn_i)**2
2352 beta3=(13.0/12.0)*(lfn_im1-2.0*lfn_i+lfn_ip1)**2+0.25*(3.0*lfn_im1-4.0*lfn_i+lfn_ip1)**2
2353 w1t=gamma1/(beta1+tol)**2
2354 w2t=gamma2/(beta2+tol)**2
2355 w3t=gamma3/(beta3+tol)**2
2356 w1=w1t/(w1t+w2t+w3t)
2357 w2=w2t/(w1t+w2t+w3t)
2358 w3=w3t/(w1t+w2t+w3t)
2359 flux_m=w1*fh_1+w2*fh_2+w3*fh_3
2361 if (uf .ge. 0.0 ) then
2362   select_weno5=(flux_p-flux_m)/dx
2363 else
2364   select_weno5=(flux_m-flux_p)/dx
2365 endif
2366 end function select_weno5
2369 !**************************
2372 real function speed_func(diffCx,diffCy,dx,dy,i,j,fp)
2373 !*** purpose
2374 !    the level set method speed function
2375 implicit none
2376 !*** arguments
2377 real, intent(in)::diffCx,diffCy  ! x and y coordinates of the direction of propagation
2378 real, intent(in)::dx,dy  ! x and y coordinates of the direction of propagation
2379 integer, intent(in)::i,j         ! indices of the node to compute the speed at
2380 type(fire_params),intent(in)::fp
2381 !*** local
2382 real::scale,nvx,nvy,r
2383 real::ros_base , ros_wind , ros_slope
2384 real, parameter:: eps=epsilon(0.0)
2385 !*** executable
2386             ! normal direction, from central differences
2387             scale=sqrt(diffCx*diffCx+diffCy*diffCy+eps) 
2388             nvx=diffCx/scale
2389             nvy=diffCy/scale
2391             ! get rate of spread from wind speed and slope
2393             call fire_ros(ros_base,ros_wind,ros_slope, &
2394             nvx,nvy,i,j,fp)
2396             r=ros_base + ros_wind + ros_slope
2397             if(,0.)
2398             speed_func=r
2400 end function speed_func
2402 end module module_fr_fire_core