CMake netCDF Compatibility with WPS (#2121)
[WRF.git] / phys / module_mp_p3.F
1 !__________________________________________________________________________________________
2 ! This module contains the Predicted Particle Property (P3) bulk microphysics scheme.      !
3 !                                                                                          !
4 ! This code was originally written by H. Morrison, MMM Division, NCAR (Dec 2012).          !
5 ! Modifications were made by J. Milbrandt, RPN, Environment Canada (July 2014).            !
6 ! Subsequent major and minor upgrades have been ongoing.                                   !
7 !                                                                                          !
8 ! For model-specific aspects/versions, see comments in the interface subroutine(s) in      !
9 !   this module (mp_p3_wrapper_wrf, mp_p3_wrapper_gem).                                    !
10 !                                                                                          !
11 ! For details see:                                                                         !
12 !   Morrison and Milbrandt (2015) [J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 287-311]   - original scheme desc.  !
13 !   Milbrandt and Morrison (2016) [J. Atmos. Sci., 73, 975-995]   - multi-ice-category     !
14 !   Jouan et al. (2020)           [W. Forecasting, 35, 2541-2565] - cloud fraction         !
15 !   Milbrandt et al. (2021)       [J. Atmos. Sci., 78, 439-458]   - triple-moment ice      !
16 !                                                                                          !
17 ! For questions or bug reports, please contact:                                            !
18 !    Hugh Morrison    (, or                                              !
19 !    Jason Milbrandt  (, or                                       !
20 !    Melissa Cholette (                                          !
21 !__________________________________________________________________________________________!
22 !                                                                                          !
23 ! Version:       4.5.2                                                                     !
24 ! Last updated:  2023-FEB                                                                  !
25 !__________________________________________________________________________________________!
27  MODULE microphy_p3
29 #ifdef ECCCGEM
30  use tdpack, only: foew, foewa
31 #endif
33  implicit none
35  private
36  public :: p3_main, polysvp1, p3_init
37 #ifdef ECCCGEM
38  public :: mp_p3_wrapper_gem, p3_phybusinit, p3_lwc, p3_iwc
39 #else
40  public :: mp_p3_wrapper_wrf, mp_p3_wrapper_wrf_2cat
41 #endif
43  integer, parameter, public :: STATUS_ERROR  = -1
44  integer, parameter, public :: STATUS_OK     = 0
45  integer, save              :: global_status = STATUS_OK
47 ! ice microphysics lookup table array dimensions
48  integer, parameter :: isize        = 50
49  integer, parameter :: iisize       = 25
50  integer, parameter :: zsize        = 11  ! size of mu_i array in lookup_table (for 3-moment ice)
51  integer, parameter :: densize      =  5
52  integer, parameter :: rimsize      =  4
53  integer, parameter :: rcollsize    = 30
54  integer, parameter :: tabsize      = 14  ! number of quantities used from lookup table
55  integer, parameter :: tabsize_3mom = 15  ! number of quantities used from 3-mom lookup table
56  integer, parameter :: colltabsize  =  2  ! number of ice-rain collection  quantities used from lookup table
57  integer, parameter :: collitabsize =  2  ! number of ice-ice collection  quantities used from lookup table
59  real, parameter    :: real_rcollsize = real(rcollsize)
62  real, dimension(densize,rimsize,isize,tabsize)                     :: itab        !ice lookup table values
63  real, dimension(zsize,densize,rimsize,isize,tabsize_3mom)          :: itab_3mom   !ice lookup table values
65 !ice lookup table values for ice-rain collision/collection
66  real, dimension(densize,rimsize,isize,rcollsize,colltabsize)       :: itabcoll
67  real, dimension(zsize,densize,rimsize,isize,rcollsize,colltabsize) :: itabcoll_3mom
70 ! separated into itabcolli1 and itabcolli2, due to max of 7 dimensional arrays on some FORTRAN compilers
71  real, dimension(iisize,rimsize,densize,iisize,rimsize,densize)     :: itabcolli1
72  real, dimension(iisize,rimsize,densize,iisize,rimsize,densize)     :: itabcolli2
74 ! integer switch for warm rain autoconversion/accretion schemes
75  integer :: iparam
77 ! number of diagnostic ice-phase hydrometeor types
78  integer, public, parameter :: n_qiType = 6
80 ! droplet spectral shape parameter for mass spectra, used for Seifert and Beheng (2001)
81 ! warm rain autoconversion/accretion option only (iparam = 1)
82  real, dimension(16) :: dnu
84 ! lookup table values for rain shape parameter mu_r
85  real, dimension(150) :: mu_r_table
87 ! lookup table values for rain number- and mass-weighted fallspeeds and ventilation parameters
88  real, dimension(300,10) :: vn_table,vm_table,revap_table
90  real, parameter :: mu_i_max = 20.
92  ! physical and mathematical constants
93  real           :: rhosur,rhosui,ar,br,f1r,f2r,ecr,rhow,kr,kc,bimm,aimm,rin,mi0,nccnst,  &
94                    eci,eri,bcn,cpw,e0,cons1,cons2,cons3,cons4,cons5,cons6,cons7,cons8,   &
95                    inv_rhow,qsmall,nsmall,bsmall,zsmall,cp,g,rd,rv,ep_2,inv_cp,mw,osm,   &
96                    vi,epsm,rhoa,map,ma,rr,bact,inv_rm1,inv_rm2,sig1,nanew1,f11,f21,sig2, &
97                    nanew2,f12,f22,pi,thrd,sxth,piov3,piov6,rho_rimeMin,                  &
98                    rho_rimeMax,inv_rho_rimeMax,max_total_Ni,dbrk,nmltratio,minVIS,       &
99                    maxVIS,mu_i_initial,mu_r_constant,inv_Drmax
101  integer :: n_iceCat = -1   !used for GEM interface
103 ! for timing tests
104  real :: t_p3main_start,t_p3main_end, t_sedi_start,t_sedi_end
105  real :: t_p3main_accum = 0.
106  real :: t_sedi_accum   = 0.
108  contains
110 !==================================================================================================!
112  subroutine p3_init(lookup_file_dir,nCat,trplMomI,model,stat,abort_on_err)
114 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
115 ! This subroutine initializes all physical constants and parameters needed by the P3       !
116 ! scheme, including reading in two lookup table files and creating a third.                !
117 ! 'P3_INIT' be called at the first model time step, prior to first call to 'P3_MAIN'.      !
118 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
120 #ifdef ECCCGEM
121  use iso_c_binding
122  use rpn_comm_itf_mod
123 #endif
125  implicit none
127 ! Passed arguments:
128  character(len=*), intent(in)             :: lookup_file_dir    ! directory of the lookup tables (model library)
129  integer,          intent(in)             :: nCat               ! number of free ice categories
130  logical,          intent(in)             :: trplMomI           ! .T.=3-moment / .F.=2-moment (ice)
131  integer,          intent(out), optional  :: stat               ! return status of subprogram
132  logical,          intent(in),  optional  :: abort_on_err       ! abort when an error is encountered [.false.]
133  character(len=*), intent(in),  optional  :: model              ! driving model
135 ! Local variables and parameters:
136  logical, save                  :: is_init = .false.
137  character(len=1024), parameter :: version_p3                    = '4.5.2'
138  character(len=1024), parameter :: version_intended_table_1_2mom = '5.4_2momI'
139  character(len=1024), parameter :: version_intended_table_1_3mom = '5.4_3momI'
140  character(len=1024), parameter :: version_intended_table_2      = '5.3'
142  character(len=1024)            :: version_header_table_1_2mom
143  character(len=1024)            :: version_header_table_1_3mom
144  character(len=1024)            :: version_header_table_2
145  character(len=1024)            :: lookup_file_1                   !lookup table, main
146  character(len=1024)            :: lookup_file_2                   !lookup table for ice-ice interactions (for nCat>1 only)
147  character(len=1024)            :: dumstr,read_path
148  integer                        :: i,j,ii,jj,kk,jjj,jjj2,jjjj,jjjj2,end_status,zz,procnum,istat,ierr
149  real                           :: lamr,mu_r,dum,dm,dum1,dum2,dum3,dum4,dum5,dd,amg,vt,dia
150  double precision               :: dp_dum1, dp_dum2
151  logical                        :: err_abort
153 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
155  read_path = lookup_file_dir           ! path for lookup tables from official model library
156 !read_path = '/MY/LOOKUP_TABLE/PATH'   ! path for lookup tables from specified location
158  if (trplMomI) then
159    lookup_file_1 = trim(read_path)//'/'//'p3_lookupTable_1.dat-v'//trim(version_intended_table_1_3mom)
160  else
161    lookup_file_1 = trim(read_path)//'/'//'p3_lookupTable_1.dat-v'//trim(version_intended_table_1_2mom)
162  endif
163  lookup_file_2 = trim(read_path)//'/'//'p3_lookupTable_2.dat-v'//trim(version_intended_table_2)
165 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
167  end_status = STATUS_ERROR
168  err_abort = .false.
169  if (present(abort_on_err)) err_abort = abort_on_err
170  if (is_init) then
171     if (present(stat)) stat = STATUS_OK
172     return
173  endif
175  n_iceCat = nCat  !used for GEM interface
177 ! mathematical/optimization constants
178  pi    = 3.14159265
179 !pi    = acos(-1.)
180  thrd  = 1./3.
181  sxth  = 1./6.
182  piov3 = pi*thrd
183  piov6 = pi*sxth
185 ! maximum total ice concentration (sum of all categories)
186  max_total_Ni = 2000.e+3  !(m)
188 ! switch for warm-rain parameterization
189 ! = 1 Seifert and Beheng 2001
190 ! = 2 Beheng 1994
191 ! = 3 Khairoutdinov and Kogan 2000
192 ! = 4 Kogan 2013
193  iparam = 3
195 ! droplet concentration (m-3)
196  nccnst = 200.e+6
198 ! parameters for Seifert and Beheng (2001) autoconversion/accretion
199  kc     = 9.44e+9
200  kr     = 5.78e+3
202 ! physical constants
203  cp     = 1005.
204  inv_cp = 1./cp
205  g      = 9.816
206  rd     = 287.15
207  rv     = 461.51
208  ep_2   = 0.622
209  rhosur = 100000./(rd*273.15)
210  rhosui = 60000./(rd*253.15)
211  ar     = 841.99667
212  br     = 0.8
213  f1r    = 0.78
214  f2r    = 0.32
215  ecr    = 1.
216  rhow   = 1000.
217  cpw    = 4218.
218  inv_rhow = 1./rhow  !inverse of (max.) density of liquid water
219  mu_r_constant = 0.  !fixed shape parameter for mu_r
221 ! inv_Drmax = 1./0.0008 ! inverse of maximum allowed rain number-weighted mean diameter (old value)
222  inv_Drmax = 1./0.002 ! inverse of maximum allowed rain number-weighted mean diameter in m
224 ! limits for rime density [kg m-3]
225  rho_rimeMin     =  50.
226  rho_rimeMax     = 900.
227  inv_rho_rimeMax = 1./rho_rimeMax
229 ! minium allowable prognostic variables
230  qsmall = 1.e-14
231  nsmall = 1.e-16
232  bsmall = qsmall*inv_rho_rimeMax
233  zsmall = 1.e-35
235 ! Bigg (1953)
236 !bimm   = 100.
237 !aimm   = 0.66
238 ! Barklie and Gokhale (1959)
239  bimm   = 2.
240  aimm   = 0.65
241  rin    = 0.1e-6
242  mi0    = 4.*piov3*900.*1.e-18
244  eci    = 0.5
245  eri    = 1.
246  bcn    = 2.
248 ! mean size for soft lambda_r limiter [microns]
249  dbrk   = 600.e-6
250 ! ratio of rain number produced to ice number loss from melting
251  nmltratio = 1.
253 ! mu of initial ice formation by deposition nucleation (or if no ice is present for process group 1)
254  mu_i_initial = 10.
256 ! saturation pressure at T = 0 C
257  e0    = polysvp1(273.15,0)
259  cons1 = piov6*rhow
260  cons2 = 4.*piov3*rhow
261  cons3 = 1./(cons2*(25.e-6)**3)
262  cons4 = 1./(dbrk**3*pi*rhow)
263  cons5 = piov6*bimm
264  cons6 = piov6**2*rhow*bimm
265  cons7 = 4.*piov3*rhow*(1.e-6)**3
266  cons8 = 1./(cons2*(40.e-6)**3)
268 ! aerosol/droplet activation parameters
269  mw     = 0.018
270  osm    = 1.
271  vi     = 3.
272  epsm   = 0.9
273  rhoa   = 1777.
274  map    = 0.132
275  ma     = 0.0284
276  rr     = 8.3187
277  bact   = vi*osm*epsm*mw*rhoa/(map*rhow)
278 ! inv_bact = (map*rhow)/(vi*osm*epsm*mw*rhoa)    *** to replace /bact **
280 ! mode 1
281  inv_rm1 = 2.e+7           ! inverse aerosol mean size (m-1)
282  sig1    = 2.0             ! aerosol standard deviation
283  nanew1  = 300.e6          ! aerosol number mixing ratio (kg-1)
284  f11     = 0.5*exp(2.5*(log(sig1))**2)
285  f21     = 1. + 0.25*log(sig1)
287 ! note: currently only set for a single mode, droplet activation code needs to
288 !       be modified to include the second mode
289 ! mode 2
290  inv_rm2 = 7.6923076e+5    ! inverse aerosol mean size (m-1)
291  sig2    = 2.5             ! aerosol standard deviation
292  nanew2  = 0.              ! aerosol number mixing ratio (kg-1)
293  f12     = 0.5*exp(2.5*(log(sig2))**2)
294  f22     = 1. + 0.25*log(sig2)
296  minVIS =  1.              ! minimum visibility  (m)
297  maxVIS = 99.e+3           ! maximum visibility  (m)
299 ! parameters for droplet mass spectral shape, used by Seifert and Beheng (2001)
300 ! warm rain scheme only (iparam = 1)
301  dnu(1)  =  0.
302  dnu(2)  = -0.557
303  dnu(3)  = -0.430
304  dnu(4)  = -0.307
305  dnu(5)  = -0.186
306  dnu(6)  = -0.067
307  dnu(7)  =  0.050
308  dnu(8)  =  0.167
309  dnu(9)  =  0.282
310  dnu(10) =  0.397
311  dnu(11) =  0.512
312  dnu(12) =  0.626
313  dnu(13) =  0.739
314  dnu(14) =  0.853
315  dnu(15) =  0.966
316  dnu(16) =  0.966
318 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
319 ! read in ice microphysics table
321  procnum = 0
323 #ifdef ECCCGEM
324  call rpn_comm_rank(RPN_COMM_GRID,procnum,istat)
325 #endif
327  if (trplMomI) then
328     itabcoll_3mom = 0.
329  else
330     itabcoll = 0.
331  endif
332  if (nCat>1) then
333     itabcolli1 = 0.
334     itabcolli2 = 0.
335  endif
337  IF_PROC0: if (procnum == 0) then
339   print*
340   print*, ' P3 microphysics: v',trim(version_p3)
341   print*, '   P3_INIT (reading/creating lookup tables)'
343   TRIPLE_MOMENT_ICE: if (.not. trplMomI) then
345     print*, '     Reading table 1 [',trim(version_intended_table_1_2mom),'] ...'
347     open(unit=10, file=lookup_file_1, status='old', action='read')
349     !-- check that table version is correct:
350     !   note:  to override and use a different lookup table, simply comment out the 'return' below
351     read(10,*) dumstr,version_header_table_1_2mom
352     if (trim(version_intended_table_1_2mom) /= trim(version_header_table_1_2mom)) then
353        print*
354        print*, '***********   WARNING in P3_INIT   *************'
355        print*, ' Loading lookupTable_1: v',trim(version_header_table_1_2mom)
356        print*, ' P3 v',trim(version_p3),' is intended to use lookupTable_1: ',    &
357                trim(version_intended_table_1_2mom)
358       !print*, '               -- ABORTING -- '
359        print*, '************************************************'
360        print*
361        global_status = STATUS_ERROR
362        if (trim(model) == 'WRF') then
363           print*,'Stopping in P3 init'
364           stop
365        endif
366     endif
368     IF_OK: if (global_status /= STATUS_ERROR) then
370      read(10,*)
371      do jj = 1,densize
372        do ii = 1,rimsize
373           do i = 1,isize
374 !              read(10,*) dum,dum,dum,dum,itab(jj,ii,i, 1),itab(jj,ii,i, 2),                &
375 !                     itab(jj,ii,i, 3),itab(jj,ii,i, 4),itab(jj,ii,i, 5),                   &
376 !                     itab(jj,ii,i, 6),itab(jj,ii,i, 7),itab(jj,ii,i, 8),dum,               &
377 !                     itab(jj,ii,i, 9),itab(jj,ii,i,10),itab(jj,ii,i,11),itab(jj,ii,i,12),  &
378 !                     itab(jj,ii,i,13),itab(jj,ii,i,14)
379              read(10,*) dum,dum,dum, itab(jj,ii,i, 1),itab(jj,ii,i, 2),                   &
380                     itab(jj,ii,i, 3),itab(jj,ii,i, 4),itab(jj,ii,i, 5),                   &
381                     itab(jj,ii,i, 6),itab(jj,ii,i, 7),itab(jj,ii,i, 8),                   &
382                     itab(jj,ii,i, 9),itab(jj,ii,i,10),itab(jj,ii,i,11),                   &
383                     itab(jj,ii,i,12),itab(jj,ii,i,13),itab(jj,ii,i,14)
384            enddo
386          !read in table for ice-rain collection
387           do i = 1,isize
388              do j = 1,rcollsize
389 !                 read(10,*) dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,dp_dum1,dp_dum2,dum
390 !                 itabcoll(jj,ii,i,j,1) = sngl(dlog10(max(dp_dum1,1.d-90)))
391 !                 itabcoll(jj,ii,i,j,2) = sngl(dlog10(max(dp_dum2,1.d-90)))
392                 read(10,*) dum,dum,dum, dp_dum1,dp_dum2
393                 itabcoll(jj,ii,i,j,1) = dp_dum1
394                 itabcoll(jj,ii,i,j,2) = dp_dum2
395              enddo
396           enddo
397        enddo  !ii
398      enddo  !jj
400     endif IF_OK
401     close(10)
403     if (global_status == STATUS_ERROR) then
404        if (err_abort) then
405           print*,'Stopping in P3 init'
406           flush(6)
407           stop
408        endif
409        return
410     endif
412   else ! TRIPLE_MOMENT_ICE  (the following is for trplMomI=.true.)
414     print*, '     Reading table 1 [',trim(version_intended_table_1_3mom),'] ...'
416     open(unit=10,file=lookup_file_1,status='old',iostat=ierr,err=101)
417  101  if ( then
418          print*,'Error opening 3-moment lookup table file '//lookup_file_1
419          print*,'Make sure this file is unzipped and then rerun the model.'
420          print*,' '
421          flush(6)
422          stop
423       end if
425     !-- check that table version is correct:
426     !   note:  to override and use a different lookup table, simply comment out the 'return' below
427     read(10,*) dumstr,version_header_table_1_3mom
428     if (trim(version_intended_table_1_3mom) /= trim(version_header_table_1_3mom)) then
429        print*
430        print*, '***********   WARNING in P3_INIT   *************'
431        print*, ' Loading lookupTable_1: v',trim(version_header_table_1_3mom)
432        print*, ' P3 v',trim(version_p3),' is intended to use lookupTable_1: v',    &
433                trim(version_intended_table_1_3mom)
434       !print*, '               -- ABORTING -- '
435        print*, '************************************************'
436        print*
437        global_status = STATUS_ERROR
438        if (trim(model) == 'WRF') then
439           print*,'Stopping in P3 init'
440           stop
441        endif
442     endif
444     read(10,*)
446     do zz = 1,zsize
447        do jj = 1,densize
448           do ii = 1,rimsize
449              do i = 1,isize
450                 read(10,*) dum,dum,dum,dum,   itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i, 1),itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i, 2),     &
451                      itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i, 3),itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i, 4),itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i, 5),     &
452                      itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i, 6),itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i, 7),itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i, 8),     &
453                      itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i, 9),itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i,10),itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i,11),     &
454                      itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i,12),itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i,13),itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i,14),     &
455                      itab_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i,15)
456               enddo
457          !read in table for ice-rain collection
458              do i = 1,isize
459                 do j = 1,rcollsize
460 !                  read(10,*) dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,dp_dum1,dp_dum2
461                    read(10,*) dum,dum,dum, dp_dum1,dp_dum2
462                    itabcoll_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i,j,1) = dp_dum1
463                    itabcoll_3mom(zz,jj,ii,i,j,2) = dp_dum2
464                 enddo
465              enddo
466           enddo  !ii
467        enddo  !jj
468     enddo   !zz
470     close(10)
474   IF_NCAT: if (nCat>1) then
475    ! read in ice-ice collision lookup table  (used for multicategory only)
477        print*, '     Reading table 2 [',trim(version_intended_table_2),'] ...'
478        open(unit=10,file=lookup_file_2,status='old')
480        !--check that table version is correct:
481        read(10,*) dumstr,version_header_table_2
482        if (trim(version_intended_table_2) /= trim(version_header_table_2)) then
483           print*
484           print*, '***********   WARNING in P3_INIT   *************'
485           print*, ' Loading lookupTable_2 version: ',trim(version_header_table_2)
486           print*, ' P3 v',trim(version_p3),' is intended to use lookupTable_2: v', &
487                   trim(version_intended_table_2)
488          !print*, '               -- ABORTING -- '
489           print*, '************************************************'
490           print*
491           global_status = STATUS_ERROR
492           if (trim(model)=='WRF' .or. trim(model)=='KIN1D') then
493              print*,'Stopping in P3 init'
494              stop
495           endif
496        endif
497        IF_OKB: if (global_status /= STATUS_ERROR) then
498        read(10,*)
500        do i = 1,iisize
501           do jjj = 1,rimsize
502              do jjjj = 1,densize
503                 do ii = 1,iisize
504                    do jjj2 = 1,rimsize
505                       do jjjj2 = 1,densize
506                          read(10,*) dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,dum,                   &
507                          itabcolli1(i,jjj,jjjj,ii,jjj2,jjjj2),                 &
508                          itabcolli2(i,jjj,jjjj,ii,jjj2,jjjj2)
509                       enddo
510                    enddo
511                 enddo
512              enddo
513           enddo
514        enddo
515        endif IF_OKB
517        close(unit=10)
519     endif IF_NCAT
521  endif IF_PROC0
523 #ifdef ECCCGEM
524  call rpn_comm_bcast(global_status,1,RPN_COMM_INTEGER,0,RPN_COMM_GRID,istat)
525 #endif
527  if (global_status == STATUS_ERROR) then
528     if (err_abort) then
529        print*,'Stopping in P3 init'
530        flush(6)
531        stop
532     endif
533     return
534  endif
536 #ifdef ECCCGEM
537  if (trplMomI) then
538     call rpn_comm_bcast(itab_3mom,size(itab_3mom),RPN_COMM_REAL,0,RPN_COMM_GRID,istat)
539     call rpn_comm_bcast(itabcoll_3mom,size(itabcoll_3mom),RPN_COMM_REAL,0,RPN_COMM_GRID,istat)
540  else
541     call rpn_comm_bcast(itab,size(itab),RPN_COMM_REAL,0,RPN_COMM_GRID,istat)
542     call rpn_comm_bcast(itabcoll,size(itabcoll),RPN_COMM_REAL,0,RPN_COMM_GRID,istat)
543  endif
544  if (nCat>1) then
545     call rpn_comm_bcast(itabcolli1,size(itabcolli1),RPN_COMM_REAL,0,RPN_COMM_GRID,istat)
546     call rpn_comm_bcast(itabcolli2,size(itabcolli2),RPN_COMM_REAL,0,RPN_COMM_GRID,istat)
547  endif
548 #endif
550 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
552 ! Generate lookup table for rain shape parameter mu_r
553 ! this is very fast so it can be generated at the start of each run
554 ! make a 150x1 1D lookup table, this is done in parameter
555 ! space of a scaled mean size proportional qr/Nr -- initlamr
557 !print*, '   Generating rain lookup-table ...'
559 !-- for variable mu_r only:
560 ! ! !  do i = 1,150              ! loop over lookup table values
561 ! ! !     initlamr = 1./((real(i)*2.)*1.e-6 + 250.e-6)
562 ! ! !
563 ! ! ! ! iterate to get mu_r
564 ! ! ! ! mu_r-lambda relationship is from Cao et al. (2008), eq. (7)
565 ! ! !
566 ! ! ! ! start with first guess, mu_r = 0
567 ! ! !
568 ! ! !     mu_r = 0.
569 ! ! !
570 ! ! !     do ii=1,50
571 ! ! !        lamr = initlamr*((mu_r+3.)*(mu_r+2.)*(mu_r+1.)/6.)**thrd
572 ! ! !
573 ! ! ! ! new estimate for mu_r based on lambda
574 ! ! ! ! set max lambda in formula for mu_r to 20 mm-1, so Cao et al.
575 ! ! ! ! formula is not extrapolated beyond Cao et al. data range
576 ! ! !        dum  = min(20.,lamr*1.e-3)
577 ! ! !        mu_r = max(0.,-0.0201*dum**2+0.902*dum-1.718)
578 ! ! !
579 ! ! ! ! if lambda is converged within 0.1%, then exit loop
580 ! ! !        if ( then
581 ! ! !           if (abs((lamold-lamr)/lamr).lt.0.001) goto 111
582 ! ! !        end if
583 ! ! !
584 ! ! !        lamold = lamr
585 ! ! !
586 ! ! !     enddo
587 ! ! !
588 ! ! ! 111 continue
589 ! ! !
590 ! ! ! ! assign lookup table values
591 ! ! !     mu_r_table(i) = mu_r
592 ! ! !
593 ! ! !  enddo
596  mu_r_table(:) = mu_r_constant
598 !.......................................................................
599 ! Generate lookup table for rain fallspeed and ventilation parameters
600 ! the lookup table is two dimensional as a function of number-weighted mean size
601 ! proportional to qr/Nr and shape parameter mu_r
603  if (procnum == 0) then
604     print*, '     Generating table for rain fallspeed/ventilation parameters ...'
605  endif
607  mu_r_loop: do ii = 1,10
609    !mu_r = real(ii-1)  ! values of mu
610     mu_r = mu_r_constant
612 ! loop over number-weighted mean size
613     meansize_loop: do jj = 1,300
615        if (jj.le.20) then
616           dm = (real(jj)*10.-5.)*1.e-6      ! mean size [m]
617        elseif ( then
618           dm = (real(jj-20)*30.+195.)*1.e-6 ! mean size [m]
619        endif
621        lamr = (mu_r+1)/dm
623 ! do numerical integration over PSD
625        dum1 = 0. ! numerator,   number-weighted fallspeed
626        dum2 = 0. ! denominator, number-weighted fallspeed
627        dum3 = 0. ! numerator,   mass-weighted fallspeed
628        dum4 = 0. ! denominator, mass-weighted fallspeed
629        dum5 = 0. ! term for ventilation factor in evap
630        dd   = 2.
632 ! loop over PSD to numerically integrate number and mass-weighted mean fallspeeds
633        do kk = 1,10000
635           dia = (real(kk)*dd-dd*0.5)*1.e-6  ! size bin [m]
636           amg = piov6*997.*dia**3           ! mass [kg]
637           amg = amg*1000.                   ! convert [kg] to [g]
639          !get fallspeed as a function of size [m s-1]
640           if (dia*1.e+6.le.134.43)      then
641             vt = 4.5795e+3*amg**(2.*thrd)
642           elseif (dia* then
643             vt = 4.962e+1*amg**thrd
644           elseif (dia* then
645             vt = 1.732e+1*amg**sxth
646           else
647             vt = 9.17
648           endif
650          !note: factor of 4.*mu_r is non-answer changing and only needed to
651          !      prevent underflow/overflow errors, same with 3.*mu_r for dum5
652           dum1 = dum1 + vt*10.**(mu_r*alog10(dia)+4.*mu_r)*exp(-lamr*dia)*dd*1.e-6
653           dum2 = dum2 + 10.**(mu_r*alog10(dia)+4.*mu_r)*exp(-lamr*dia)*dd*1.e-6
654           dum3 = dum3 + vt*10.**((mu_r+3.)*alog10(dia)+4.*mu_r)*exp(-lamr*dia)*dd*1.e-6
655           dum4 = dum4 + 10.**((mu_r+3.)*alog10(dia)+4.*mu_r)*exp(-lamr*dia)*dd*1.e-6
656           dum5 = dum5 + (vt*dia)**0.5*10.**((mu_r+1.)*alog10(dia)+3.*mu_r)*exp(-lamr*dia)*dd*1.e-6
658        enddo ! kk-loop (over PSD)
660        dum2 = max(dum2, 1.e-30)  !to prevent divide-by-zero below
661        dum4 = max(dum4, 1.e-30)  !to prevent divide-by-zero below
662        dum5 = max(dum5, 1.e-30)  !to prevent log10-of-zero below
664        vn_table(jj,ii)    = dum1/dum2
665        vm_table(jj,ii)    = dum3/dum4
666        revap_table(jj,ii) = 10.**(alog10(dum5)+(mu_r+1.)*alog10(lamr)-(3.*mu_r))
668     enddo meansize_loop
670  enddo mu_r_loop
672 !.......................................................................
674  if (procnum == 0) then
675     print*, '   P3_INIT DONE.'
676     print*
677  endif
679  end_status = STATUS_OK
680  if (present(stat)) stat = end_status
681  is_init = .true.
683  return
685 END subroutine p3_init
687 !==================================================================================================!
688 #ifndef ECCCGEM
690  SUBROUTINE mp_p3_wrapper_wrf(th_3d,qv_3d,qc_3d,qr_3d,qnr_3d,                            &
691                               th_old_3d,qv_old_3d,                                       &
692                               pii,p,dz,w,dt,itimestep,                                   &
693                               rainnc,rainncv,sr,snownc,snowncv,n_iceCat,                 &
694                               ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde ,                             &
695                               ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme ,                             &
696                               its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte ,                             &
697                               diag_zdbz_3d,diag_effc_3d,diag_effi_3d,                    &
698                               diag_vmi_3d,diag_di_3d,diag_rhopo_3d,                      &
699                               qi1_3d,qni1_3d,qir1_3d,qib1_3d,nc_3d,qzi1_3d)
700 !                              diag_dhmax_3d,diag_lami_3d,diag_mui_3d)
702   !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
703   ! This subroutine is the main WRF interface with the P3 microphysics scheme.  It takes     !
704   ! 3D variables form the driving model and passes 2D slabs (i,k) to the main microphysics   !
705   ! subroutine ('P3_MAIN') over a j-loop.  For each slab, 'P3_MAIN' updates the prognostic   !
706   ! variables (hydrometeor variables, potential temperature, and water vapor).  The wrapper  !
707   ! also updates the accumulated precipitation arrays and then passes back them, the         !
708   ! updated 3D fields, and some diagnostic fields to the driver model.                       !
709   !                                                                                          !
710   ! Three configurations of the P3 scheme are currently available:                           !
711   !  1) specified droplet number (i.e. 1-moment cloud water), 1 ice category                 !
712   !  2) predicted droplet number (i.e. 2-moment cloud water), 1 ice category                 !
713   !  3) predicted droplet number (i.e. 2-moment cloud water), 2 ice categories               !
714   !  4) predicted droplet number (i.e. 2-moment cloud water), 1 ice catetory, 3-moment ice   !
715   !                                                                                          !
716   !  The  2-moment cloud version is based on a specified aerosol distribution and            !
717   !  does not include a subgrid-scale vertical velocity for droplet activation. Hence,       !
718   !  this version should only be used for high-resolution simulations that resolve           !
719   !  vertical motion driving droplet activation.                                             !
720   !                                                                                          !
721   !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
723   !--- input:
725   ! pii       --> Exner function (nondimensional pressure) (currently not used!)
726   ! p         --> pressure (pa)
727   ! dz        --> height difference across vertical levels (m)
728   ! w         --> vertical air velocity (m/s)
729   ! dt        --> time step (s)
730   ! itimestep --> integer time step counter
731   ! n_iceCat  --> number of ice-phase categories
734   !--- input/output:
736   ! th_3d     --> theta (K)
737   ! qv_3d     --> vapor mass mixing ratio (kg/kg)
738   ! qc_3d     --> cloud water mass mixing ratio (kg/kg)
739   ! qr_3d     --> rain mass mixing ratio (kg/kg)
740   ! qnr_3d    --> rain number mixing ratio (#/kg)
741   ! qi1_3d    --> total ice mixing ratio (kg/kg)
742   ! qni1_3d   --> ice number mixing ratio (#/kg)
743   ! qir1_3d   --> rime ice mass mixing ratio (kg/kg)
744   ! qib1_3d   --> ice rime volume mixing ratio (m^-3 kg^-1)
745   ! qzi1_3d   --> ice rime volume mixing ratio (m^-6 kg^-1)
746   ! nc_3d     --> cloud droplet number mixing ratio (#/kg)
748   !--- output:
750   ! rainnc        --> accumulated surface precip (mm)
751   ! rainncv       --> one time step accumulated surface precip (mm)
752   ! sr            --> ice to total surface precip ratio
753   ! snownc        --> accumulated surface ice precip (mm)
754   ! snowncv       --> one time step accumulated surface ice precip (mm)
755   ! ids...kte     --> integer domain/tile bounds
756   ! diag_zdbz_3d  --> reflectivity (dBZ)
757   ! diag_effc_3d  --> cloud droplet effective radius (m)
758   ! diag_effi_3d  --> ice effective radius (m)
759   ! diag_vmi_3d   --> mean mass weighted ice fallspeed (m/s)
760   ! diag_di_3d    --> mean mass weighted ice size (m)
761   ! diag_rhopo_3d --> mean mass weighted ice density (kg/m3)
763   implicit none
765   !--- arguments:
767    integer, intent(in)            ::  ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde ,                      &
768                                       ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme ,                      &
769                                       its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte
770    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(inout):: th_3d,qv_3d,qc_3d,qr_3d,   &
771                    qnr_3d,diag_zdbz_3d,diag_effc_3d,diag_effi_3d,diag_vmi_3d,diag_di_3d,  &
772                    diag_rhopo_3d,th_old_3d,qv_old_3d
773 !   real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(inout):: diag_dhmax_3d,             &
774 !                   diag_lami_3d,diag_mui_3d
775    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(inout):: qi1_3d,qni1_3d,qir1_3d,    &
776                                                                qib1_3d
777    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(inout), optional :: nc_3d
778    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(inout), optional :: qzi1_3d
780    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(in) :: pii,p,dz,w
781    real, dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme), intent(inout) :: RAINNC,RAINNCV,SR,SNOWNC,SNOWNCV
782    real, intent(in)    :: dt
783    integer, intent(in) :: itimestep
784    integer, intent(in) :: n_iceCat
786    !--- local variables/parameters:
788    character(len=16), parameter :: model = 'WRF'
790    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme) ::nc,ssat
792    real, dimension(its:ite) :: pcprt_liq,pcprt_sol
793    real                     :: dum1
794    integer                  :: i,k,j
795    integer, parameter       :: n_diag_3d = 1         ! number of user-defined diagnostic fields
796    integer, parameter       :: n_diag_2d = 1         ! number of user-defined diagnostic fields
798    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, n_diag_3d) :: diag_3d
799    real, dimension(ims:ime, n_diag_2d)          :: diag_2d
800    logical                  :: log_predictNc
801    logical                  :: log_3momentIce
802    logical, parameter       :: debug_on      = .false. !switch for internal debug checking
803    logical, parameter       :: typeDiags_ON  = .false.
804    real,    parameter       :: clbfact_dep   = 1.0     !calibration factor for deposition
805    real,    parameter       :: clbfact_sub   = 1.0     !calibration factor for sublimation
807 ! variables for cloud fraction (currently not used with WRF)
808    logical                    :: scpf_on               ! switch for activation of SCPF scheme
809    real                       :: scpf_pfrac            ! precipitation fraction factor (SCPF)
810    real                       :: scpf_resfact          ! model resolution factor (SCPF)
811    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme) :: cldfrac        ! cloud fraction computed by SCPF
813    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
815    scpf_on=.false. ! cloud fraction version not used with WRF
816    scpf_pfrac=0.   ! dummy variable (not used), set to 0
817    scpf_resfact=0. ! dummy variable (not used), set to 0
819    log_predictNc=.false.
820    if (present(nc_3d)) log_predictNc = .true.
822    log_3momentIce=.false.
823    if (present(qzi1_3d)) log_3momentIce = .true.
825   ! convert advected (N*Z)^0.5 to Z for P3 main
826    if (log_3momentIce) then
827       do j = jts,jte
828          do k = kts,kte
829             do i = its,ite
830                if (qni1_3d(i,k,j).ge.qsmall) then
831                   qzi1_3d(i,k,j) = qzi1_3d(i,k,j)**2/qni1_3d(i,k,j)
832                else
833                   qzi1_3d(i,k,j) = 0.
834                endif
835             enddo
836          enddo
837       enddo
838    endif
839   !.............................................
841    do j = jts,jte      ! j loop (north-south)
843       if (log_predictNc) then
844          nc(its:ite,kts:kte)=nc_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j)
845      ! if Nc is specified then set nc array to zero
846       else
847          nc=0.
848       endif
850      ! note: code for prediction of ssat not currently avaiable, set 2D array to 0
851       ssat=0.
853       if (.not. log_3momentIce) then
854        call P3_MAIN(qc_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),nc(its:ite,kts:kte),                                       &
855                qr_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),qnr_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                                      &
856                th_old_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),th_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),qv_old_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),      &
857                qv_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),dt,qi1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                                   &
858                qir1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),qni1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                                   &
859                qib1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),ssat(its:ite,kts:kte),                                        &
860                W(its:ite,kts:kte,j),P(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                                               &
861                DZ(its:ite,kts:kte,j),itimestep,pcprt_liq,pcprt_sol,its,ite,kts,kte,n_iceCat,            &
862                diag_zdbz_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),diag_effc_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                         &
863                diag_effi_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),diag_vmi_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                          &
864                diag_di_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),diag_rhopo_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                          &
865                n_diag_2d,diag_2d(its:ite,1:n_diag_2d),                                                  &
866                n_diag_3d,diag_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,1:n_diag_3d),                                          &
867                log_predictNc,typeDiags_ON,trim(model),clbfact_dep,clbfact_sub,debug_on,                 &
868                scpf_on,scpf_pfrac,scpf_resfact,cldfrac )!,diag_dhmax=diag_dhmax_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),     &
869 !               diag_lami=diag_lami_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),diag_mui=diag_mui_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j))
871       else if (log_3momentIce) then
873        call P3_MAIN(qc_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),nc(its:ite,kts:kte),                                       &
874                qr_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),qnr_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                                      &
875                th_old_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),th_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),qv_old_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),      &
876                qv_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),dt,qi1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                                   &
877                qir1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),qni1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                                   &
878                qib1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),ssat(its:ite,kts:kte),                                        &
879                W(its:ite,kts:kte,j),P(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                                               &
880                DZ(its:ite,kts:kte,j),itimestep,pcprt_liq,pcprt_sol,its,ite,kts,kte,n_iceCat,            &
881                diag_zdbz_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),diag_effc_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                         &
882                diag_effi_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),diag_vmi_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                          &
883                diag_di_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),diag_rhopo_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                          &
884                n_diag_2d,diag_2d(its:ite,1:n_diag_2d),                                                  &
885                n_diag_3d,diag_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,1:n_diag_3d),                                          &
886                log_predictNc,typeDiags_ON,trim(model),clbfact_dep,clbfact_sub,debug_on,                 &
887                scpf_on,scpf_pfrac,scpf_resfact,cldfrac,zitot=qzi1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j))
888 !               diag_dhmax=diag_dhmax_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),diag_lami=diag_lami_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),   &
889 !               diag_mui=diag_mui_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j))
890       endif ! 3momentIce
892      !surface precipitation output:
893       dum1 = 1000.*dt
894       RAINNC(its:ite,j)  = RAINNC(its:ite,j) + (pcprt_liq(:) + pcprt_sol(:))*dum1  ! conversion from m/s to mm/time step
895       RAINNCV(its:ite,j) = (pcprt_liq(:) + pcprt_sol(:))*dum1                      ! conversion from m/s to mm/time step
896       SNOWNC(its:ite,j)  = SNOWNC(its:ite,j) + pcprt_sol(:)*dum1                   ! conversion from m/s to mm/time step
897       SNOWNCV(its:ite,j) = pcprt_sol(:)*dum1                                       ! conversion from m/s to mm/time step
898       SR(its:ite,j)      = pcprt_sol(:)/(pcprt_liq(:)+pcprt_sol(:)+1.E-12)         ! solid-to-total ratio
900     !convert nc array from 2D to 3D if Nc is predicted
901       if (log_predictNc) then
902          nc_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j)=nc(its:ite,kts:kte)
903       endif
905     !set background effective radii (i.e. with no explicit condensate) to prescribed values:
906     !  where (qc_3d(:,:,j) < 1.e-14) diag_effc_3d(:,:,j) = 10.e-6
907     !  where (qitot < 1.e-14) diag_effi = 25.e-6
909    enddo ! j loop
911   ! convert Z from P3 to (N*Z)^0.5 for advection
912    if (log_3momentIce) then
913       do j = jts,jte
914          do k = kts,kte
915             do i = its,ite
916                if (qni1_3d(i,k,j).ge.qsmall.and.qzi1_3d(i,k,j).ge.1.e-30) then
917                   qzi1_3d(i,k,j) = (qzi1_3d(i,k,j)*qni1_3d(i,k,j))**0.5
918                else
919                   qzi1_3d(i,k,j) = 0.
920                endif
921             enddo
922          enddo
923       enddo
924    endif
925   !...............................................
927    if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) then
928       print*,'Stopping in P3, problem in P3 main'
929       stop
930    endif
932    END SUBROUTINE mp_p3_wrapper_wrf
934    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
936    SUBROUTINE mp_p3_wrapper_wrf_2cat(th_3d,qv_3d,qc_3d,qr_3d,qnr_3d,                     &
937                               th_old_3d,qv_old_3d,                                       &
938                               pii,p,dz,w,dt,itimestep,                                   &
939                               rainnc,rainncv,sr,snownc,snowncv,n_iceCat,                 &
940                               ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde ,                             &
941                               ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme ,                             &
942                               its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte ,                             &
943                               diag_zdbz_3d,diag_effc_3d,diag_effi_3d,                    &
944                               diag_vmi_3d,diag_di_3d,diag_rhopo_3d,                      &
945                               diag_vmi2_3d,diag_di2_3d,diag_rhopo2_3d,                   &
946                               qi1_3d,qni1_3d,qir1_3d,qib1_3d,                            &
947                               qi2_3d,qni2_3d,qir2_3d,qib2_3d,nc_3d)
949   !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
950   ! This subroutine is the main WRF interface with the P3 microphysics scheme.  It takes     !
951   ! 3D variables form the driving model and passes 2D slabs (i,k) to the main microphysics   !
952   ! subroutine ('P3_MAIN') over a j-loop.  For each slab, 'P3_MAIN' updates the prognostic   !
953   ! variables (hydrometeor variables, potential temperature, and water vapor).  The wrapper  !
954   ! also updates the accumulated precipitation arrays and then passes back them, the         !
955   ! updated 3D fields, and some diagnostic fields to the driver model.                       !
956   !                                                                                          !
957   !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
959   !--- input:
961   ! pii       --> Exner function (nondimensional pressure) (currently not used!)
962   ! p         --> pressure (pa)
963   ! dz        --> height difference across vertical levels (m)
964   ! w         --> vertical air velocity (m/s)
965   ! dt        --> time step (s)
966   ! itimestep --> integer time step counter
967   ! n_iceCat  --> number of ice-phase categories
970   !--- input/output:
972   ! th_3d     --> theta (K)
973   ! qv_3d     --> vapor mass mixing ratio (kg/kg)
974   ! qc_3d     --> cloud water mass mixing ratio (kg/kg)
975   ! qr_3d     --> rain mass mixing ratio (kg/kg)
976   ! qnr_3d    --> rain number mixing ratio (#/kg)
977   ! qi1_3d    --> total ice mixing ratio category 1 (kg/kg)
978   ! qni1_3d   --> ice number mixing ratio category 1 (#/kg)
979   ! qir1_3d   --> rime ice mass mixing ratio category 1 (kg/kg)
980   ! qib1_3d   --> ice rime volume mixing ratio category 1 (m^-3 kg^-1)
981   ! qi2_3d    --> total ice mixing ratio category 2 (kg/kg)
982   ! qni2_3d   --> ice number mixing ratio category 2 (#/kg)
983   ! qir2_3d   --> rime ice mass mixing ratio category 2 (kg/kg)
984   ! qib2_3d   --> ice rime volume mixing ratio category 2 (m^-3 kg^-1)
985   ! nc_3d     --> cloud droplet number mixing ratio (#/kg)
987   !--- output:
989   ! rainnc        --> accumulated surface precip (mm)
990   ! rainncv       --> one time step accumulated surface precip (mm)
991   ! sr            --> ice to total surface precip ratio
992   ! snownc        --> accumulated surface ice precip (mm)
993   ! snowncv       --> one time step accumulated surface ice precip (mm)
994   ! ids...kte     --> integer domain/tile bounds
995   ! diag_zdbz_3d  --> reflectivity (dBZ)
996   ! diag_effc_3d  --> cloud droplet effective radius (m)
997   ! diag_effi_3d  --> ice effective radius (m)
998   ! diag_vmi_3d   --> mean mass weighted ice fallspeed category 1 (m/s)
999   ! diag_di_3d    --> mean mass weighted ice size category 1 (m)
1000   ! diag_rhopo_3d --> mean mass weighted ice density category 1 (kg/m3)
1001   ! diag_vmi2_3d   --> mean mass weighted ice fallspeed category 2 (m/s)
1002   ! diag_di2_3d    --> mean mass weighted ice size category 2 (m)
1003   ! diag_rhopo2_3d --> mean mass weighted ice density category 2 (kg/m3)
1005   implicit none
1007   !--- arguments:
1009    integer, intent(in)            ::  ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde ,                      &
1010                                       ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme ,                      &
1011                                       its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte
1012    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(inout):: th_3d,qv_3d,qc_3d,qr_3d,   &
1013                    qnr_3d,diag_zdbz_3d,diag_effc_3d,diag_effi_3d,diag_vmi_3d,diag_di_3d,  &
1014                    diag_rhopo_3d,th_old_3d,qv_old_3d,                                     &
1015                    diag_vmi2_3d,diag_di2_3d,diag_rhopo2_3d
1016    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(inout):: qi1_3d,qni1_3d,qir1_3d,    &
1017                                                                qib1_3d
1018    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(inout) :: qi2_3d,qni2_3d,           &
1019                                                                 qir2_3d,qib2_3d
1020    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(inout), optional :: nc_3d
1022    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme), intent(in) :: pii,p,dz,w
1023    real, dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme), intent(inout) :: RAINNC,RAINNCV,SR,SNOWNC,SNOWNCV
1024    real, intent(in)    :: dt
1025    integer, intent(in) :: itimestep
1026    integer, intent(in) :: n_iceCat
1028    !--- local variables/parameters:
1030    character(len=16), parameter :: model = 'WRF'
1032    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme) ::nc,ssat
1034    ! note: hard-wired for two ice categories
1035    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, 2) :: qitot,qirim,nitot,birim,diag_di,diag_vmi,       &
1036                                           diag_rhopo,diag_effi
1038    real, dimension(its:ite) :: pcprt_liq,pcprt_sol
1039    real                     :: dum1,dum2
1040    integer                  :: i,k,j
1041    integer, parameter       :: n_diag_3d = 1         ! number of user-defined diagnostic fields
1042    integer, parameter       :: n_diag_2d = 1         ! number of user-defined diagnostic fields
1044    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, n_diag_3d) :: diag_3d
1045    real, dimension(ims:ime, n_diag_2d)          :: diag_2d
1046    logical                  :: log_predictNc
1047    logical, parameter       :: typeDiags_ON  = .false.
1048    logical, parameter       :: debug_on      = .false. !switch for internal debug checking
1049    real,    parameter       :: clbfact_dep   = 1.0     !calibration factor for deposition
1050    real,    parameter       :: clbfact_sub   = 1.0     !calibration factor for sublimation
1052 ! variables for cloud fraction (currently not used with WRF)
1053    logical                    :: scpf_on               ! switch for activation of SCPF scheme
1054    real                       :: scpf_pfrac            ! precipitation fraction factor (SCPF)
1055    real                       :: scpf_resfact          ! model resolution factor (SCPF)
1056    real, dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme) :: cldfrac        ! cloud fraction computed by SCPF
1058    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1060    scpf_on=.false. ! cloud fraction version not used with WRF
1061    scpf_pfrac=0.   ! dummy variable (not used), set to 0
1062    scpf_resfact=0. ! dummy variable (not used), set to 0
1064    log_predictNc=.false.
1065    if (present(nc_3d)) log_predictNc = .true.
1067    do j = jts,jte      ! j loop (north-south)
1069       if (log_predictNc) then
1070          nc(its:ite,kts:kte)=nc_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j)
1071      ! if Nc is specified then set nc array to zero
1072       else
1073          nc=0.
1074       endif
1076      ! note: code for prediction of ssat not currently avaiable, set 2D array to 0
1077       ssat=0.
1079     !contruct full ice arrays from individual category arrays:
1080       qitot(:,:,1) = qi1_3d(:,:,j)
1081       qirim(:,:,1) = qir1_3d(:,:,j)
1082       nitot(:,:,1) = qni1_3d(:,:,j)
1083       birim(:,:,1) = qib1_3d(:,:,j)
1085       qitot(:,:,2) = qi2_3d(:,:,j)
1086       qirim(:,:,2) = qir2_3d(:,:,j)
1087       nitot(:,:,2) = qni2_3d(:,:,j)
1088       birim(:,:,2) = qib2_3d(:,:,j)
1090        call P3_MAIN(qc_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),nc(its:ite,kts:kte),                                   &
1091                qr_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),qnr_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                                  &
1092                th_old_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),th_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),qv_old_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),  &
1093                qv_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),dt,qitot(its:ite,kts:kte,1:n_iceCat),                       &
1094                qirim(its:ite,kts:kte,1:n_iceCat),nitot(its:ite,kts:kte,1:n_iceCat),                 &
1095                birim(its:ite,kts:kte,1:n_iceCat),ssat(its:ite,kts:kte),                             &
1096                W(its:ite,kts:kte,j),P(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                                           &
1097                DZ(its:ite,kts:kte,j),itimestep,pcprt_liq,pcprt_sol,its,ite,kts,kte,n_iceCat,        &
1098                diag_zdbz_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),diag_effc_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j),                     &
1099                diag_effi(its:ite,kts:kte,1:n_iceCat),diag_vmi(its:ite,kts:kte,1:n_iceCat),          &
1100                diag_di(its:ite,kts:kte,1:n_iceCat),diag_rhopo(its:ite,kts:kte,1:n_iceCat),          &
1101                n_diag_2d,diag_2d(its:ite,1:n_diag_2d),                                              &
1102                n_diag_3d,diag_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,1:n_diag_3d),                                      &
1103                log_predictNc,typeDiags_ON,trim(model),clbfact_dep,clbfact_sub,debug_on,             &
1104                scpf_on,scpf_pfrac,scpf_resfact,cldfrac)
1106      !surface precipitation output:
1107       dum1 = 1000.*dt
1108       RAINNC(its:ite,j)  = RAINNC(its:ite,j) + (pcprt_liq(:) + pcprt_sol(:))*dum1  ! conversion from m/s to mm/time step
1109       RAINNCV(its:ite,j) = (pcprt_liq(:) + pcprt_sol(:))*dum1                      ! conversion from m/s to mm/time step
1110       SNOWNC(its:ite,j)  = SNOWNC(its:ite,j) + pcprt_sol(:)*dum1                   ! conversion from m/s to mm/time step
1111       SNOWNCV(its:ite,j) = pcprt_sol(:)*dum1                                       ! conversion from m/s to mm/time step
1112       SR(its:ite,j)      = pcprt_sol(:)/(pcprt_liq(:)+pcprt_sol(:)+1.E-12)         ! solid-to-total ratio
1114     !convert nc array from 2D to 3D if Nc is predicted
1115       if (log_predictNc) then
1116          nc_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j)=nc(its:ite,kts:kte)
1117       endif
1119     !set background effective radii (i.e. with no explicit condensate) to prescribed values:
1120     !  where (qc_3d(:,:,j) < 1.e-14) diag_effc_3d(:,:,j) = 10.e-6
1121     !  where (qitot < 1.e-14) diag_effi = 25.e-6
1123     !decompose full ice arrays into individual category arrays:
1124       qi1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j)  = qitot(its:ite,kts:kte,1)
1125       qir1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j) = qirim(its:ite,kts:kte,1)
1126       qni1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j) = nitot(its:ite,kts:kte,1)
1127       qib1_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j) = birim(its:ite,kts:kte,1)
1129       qi2_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j)  = qitot(its:ite,kts:kte,2)
1130       qir2_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j) = qirim(its:ite,kts:kte,2)
1131       qni2_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j) = nitot(its:ite,kts:kte,2)
1132       qib2_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j) = birim(its:ite,kts:kte,2)
1134       diag_vmi_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j)  = diag_vmi(its:ite,kts:kte,1)
1135       diag_di_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j) = diag_di(its:ite,kts:kte,1)
1136       diag_rhopo_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j) = diag_rhopo(its:ite,kts:kte,1)
1137       diag_vmi2_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j)  = diag_vmi(its:ite,kts:kte,2)
1138       diag_di2_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j) = diag_di(its:ite,kts:kte,2)
1139       diag_rhopo2_3d(its:ite,kts:kte,j) = diag_rhopo(its:ite,kts:kte,2)
1141          do i=its,ite
1142             do k=kts,kte
1144          ! for output fallspeed, size, and density, use mass-weighting of categories
1145 !            if ((qitot(i,k,1)+qitot(i,k,2)).ge.qsmall) then
1146 !               diag_vmi_3d(i,k,j) = (diag_vmi(i,k,1)*qitot(i,k,1)+diag_vmi(i,k,2)*qitot(i,k,2))/(qitot(i,k,1)+qitot(i,k,2))
1147 !               diag_di_3d(i,k,j) = (diag_di(i,k,1)*qitot(i,k,1)+diag_di(i,k,2)*qitot(i,k,2))/(qitot(i,k,1)+qitot(i,k,2))
1148 !               diag_rhopo_3d(i,k,j) = (diag_rhopo(i,k,1)*qitot(i,k,1)+diag_rhopo(i,k,2)*qitot(i,k,2))/(qitot(i,k,1)+qitot(i,k,2))
1149 !            else  ! set to default values of 0 if ice is not present
1150 !               diag_vmi_3d(i,k,j) = 0.
1151 !               diag_di_3d(i,k,j) = 0.
1152 !               diag_rhopo_3d(i,k,j) = 0.
1153 !            end if
1155             ! for the combined effective radius, we need to approriately weight by mass and projected area
1156             if (qitot(i,k,1).ge.qsmall) then
1157                dum1=qitot(i,k,1)/diag_effi(i,k,1)
1158             else
1159                dum1=0.
1160             end if
1161             if (qitot(i,k,2).ge.qsmall) then
1162                dum2=qitot(i,k,2)/diag_effi(i,k,2)
1163             else
1164                dum2=0.
1165             end if
1166             diag_effi_3d(i,k,j)=25.e-6  ! set to default 25 microns
1167             if (qitot(i,k,1).ge.qsmall.or.qitot(i,k,2).ge.qsmall) then
1168                diag_effi_3d(i,k,j)=(qitot(i,k,1)+qitot(i,k,2))/(dum1+dum2)
1169             end if
1171             end do
1172          end do
1174    enddo ! j loop
1176    if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) then
1177       print*,'Stopping in P3, problem in P3 main'
1178       stop
1179    endif
1181    END SUBROUTINE mp_p3_wrapper_wrf_2cat
1183 #endif
1185 !==================================================================================================!
1186 #ifdef ECCCGEM
1188  function mp_p3_wrapper_gem(ttend,qtend,qctend,qrtend,qitend,                                     &
1189                               qvap_m,qvap,temp_m,temp,dt,dt_max,ww,psfc,gztherm,gzmom,sigma,kount,&
1190                               trnch,ni,nk,prt_liq,prt_sol,prt_drzl,prt_rain,prt_crys,prt_snow,    &
1191                               prt_grpl,prt_pell,prt_hail,prt_sndp,diag_Zet,diag_Zec,diag_effc,    &
1192                               qc,nc,qr,nr,n_diag_2d,diag_2d,n_diag_3d,diag_3d,                    &
1193                               clbfact_dep,clbfact_sub,debug_on,diag_hcb,diag_hsn,diag_vis,        &
1194                               diag_vis1,diag_vis2,diag_vis3,diag_slw,                             &
1195                               scpf_on,scpf_pfrac,scpf_resfact,cldfrac,                            &
1196                               qi_type_1,qi_type_2,qi_type_3,qi_type_4,qi_type_5,qi_type_6,        &
1197                               qitot_1,qirim_1,nitot_1,birim_1,diag_effi_1,zitot_1,                &
1198                               qitot_2,qirim_2,nitot_2,birim_2,diag_effi_2,zitot_2,                &
1199                               qitot_3,qirim_3,nitot_3,birim_3,diag_effi_3,zitot_3,                &
1200                               qitot_4,qirim_4,nitot_4,birim_4,diag_effi_4,zitot_4)                &
1201                               result(end_status)
1203 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1204 ! This wrapper subroutine is the main GEM interface with the P3 microphysics scheme.  It   !
1205 ! prepares some necessary fields (converts temperature to potential temperature, etc.),    !
1206 ! passes 2D slabs (i,k) to the main microphysics subroutine ('P3_MAIN') -- which updates   !
1207 ! the prognostic variables (hydrometeor variables, temperature, and water vapor) and       !
1208 ! computes various diagnostics fields (precipitation rates, reflectivity, etc.) -- and     !
1209 ! finally converts the updated potential temperature to temperature.                       !
1210 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1212  implicit none
1214 !----- input/ouput arguments:  ------------------------------------------------------------!
1216  integer, intent(in)                    :: ni                    ! number of columns in slab           -
1217  integer, intent(in)                    :: nk                    ! number of vertical levels           -
1218 !integer, intent(in)                    :: n_iceCat              ! number of ice categories            -
1219  integer, intent(in)                    :: kount                 ! time step counter                   -
1220  integer, intent(in)                    :: trnch                 ! number of slice                     -
1221  integer, intent(in)                    :: n_diag_2d             ! number of 2D diagnostic fields      -
1222  integer, intent(in)                    :: n_diag_3d             ! number of 3D diagnostic fields      -
1224  real, intent(in)                       :: dt                    ! model time step                     s
1225  real, intent(in)                       :: dt_max                ! maximum timestep for microphysics   s
1226  real, intent(in)                       :: clbfact_dep           ! calibration factor for deposition
1227  real, intent(in)                       :: clbfact_sub           ! calibration factor for sublimation
1228  real, intent(inout), dimension(ni,nk)  :: qc                    ! cloud mixing ratio, mass            kg kg-1
1229  real, intent(inout), dimension(ni,nk)  :: nc                    ! cloud mixing ratio, number          #  kg-1
1230  real, intent(inout), dimension(ni,nk)  :: qr                    ! rain  mixing ratio, mass            kg kg-1
1231  real, intent(inout), dimension(ni,nk)  :: nr                    ! rain  mixing ratio, number          #  kg-1
1233  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: qitot_1           ! ice   mixing ratio, mass (total)    kg kg-1
1234  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: qirim_1           ! ice   mixing ratio, mass (rime)     kg kg-1
1235  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: nitot_1           ! ice   mixing ratio, number          #  kg-1
1236  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: birim_1           ! ice   mixing ratio, volume          m3 kg-1
1237  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: diag_effi_1       ! ice   effective radius, (cat 1)     m
1238  real, intent(inout), dimension(ni,nk), optional  :: zitot_1     ! ice   mixing ratio, reflectivity    m^6 kg-1
1240  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: qitot_2           ! ice   mixing ratio, mass (total)    kg kg-1
1241  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: qirim_2           ! ice   mixing ratio, mass (rime)     kg kg-1
1242  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: nitot_2           ! ice   mixing ratio, number          #  kg-1
1243  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: birim_2           ! ice   mixing ratio, volume          m3 kg-1
1244  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: diag_effi_2       ! ice   effective radius, (cat 2)     m
1245  real, intent(inout), dimension(ni,nk), optional  :: zitot_2     ! ice   mixing ratio, reflectivity    m^6 kg-1
1247  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: qitot_3           ! ice   mixing ratio, mass (total)    kg kg-1
1248  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: qirim_3           ! ice   mixing ratio, mass (rime)     kg kg-1
1249  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: nitot_3           ! ice   mixing ratio, number          #  kg-1
1250  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: birim_3           ! ice   mixing ratio, volume          m3 kg-1
1251  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: diag_effi_3       ! ice   effective radius,  (cat 3)     m
1252  real, intent(inout), dimension(ni,nk), optional  :: zitot_3     ! ice   mixing ratio, reflectivity    m^6 kg-1
1254  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: qitot_4           ! ice   mixing ratio, mass (total)    kg kg-1
1255  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: qirim_4           ! ice   mixing ratio, mass (rime)     kg kg-1
1256  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: nitot_4           ! ice   mixing ratio, number          #  kg-1
1257  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: birim_4           ! ice   mixing ratio, volume          m3 kg-1
1258  real, dimension(:,:), pointer, contiguous  :: diag_effi_4       ! ice   effective radius, (cat 4)     m
1259  real, intent(inout), dimension(ni,nk), optional  :: zitot_4     ! ice   mixing ratio, reflectivity    m^6 kg-1
1261  real, intent(out), dimension(ni,nk) :: ttend                    ! temperature tendency                K s-1
1262  real, intent(out), dimension(ni,nk) :: qtend                    ! moisture tendency                   kg kg-1 s-1
1263  real, intent(out), dimension(ni,nk) :: qctend                   ! cloud water tendency                kg kg-1 s-1
1264  real, intent(out), dimension(ni,nk) :: qrtend                   ! cloud water tendency                kg kg-1 s-1
1265  real, intent(out), dimension(ni,nk) :: qitend                   ! total ice tendency                  kg kg-1 s-1
1267  real, intent(in),    dimension(ni,nk)  :: qvap_m                ! vapor mixing ratio (previous time) kg kg-1
1268  real, intent(inout), dimension(ni,nk)  :: qvap                  ! vapor mixing ratio, mass           kg kg-1
1269  real, intent(in),    dimension(ni,nk)  :: temp_m                ! temperature (previous time step)    K
1270  real, intent(inout), dimension(ni,nk)  :: temp                  ! temperature                         K
1271  real, intent(in),    dimension(ni)     :: psfc                  ! surface air pressure                Pa
1272  real, intent(in),    dimension(ni,nk)  :: gztherm               ! height AGL of thermodynamic levels  m
1273  real, intent(in),    dimension(ni,nk)  :: gzmom                 ! height AGL of momentum levels  m
1274  real, intent(in),    dimension(ni,nk)  :: sigma                 ! sigma = p(k,:)/psfc(:)
1275  real, intent(in),    dimension(ni,nk)  :: ww                    ! vertical motion                     m s-1
1276  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: prt_liq               ! precipitation rate, total liquid    m s-1
1277  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: prt_sol               ! precipitation rate, total solid     m s-1
1278  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: prt_drzl              ! precipitation rate, drizzle         m s-1
1279  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: prt_rain              ! precipitation rate, rain            m s-1
1280  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: prt_crys              ! precipitation rate, ice cystals     m s-1
1281  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: prt_snow              ! precipitation rate, snow            m s-1
1282  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: prt_grpl              ! precipitation rate, graupel         m s-1
1283  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: prt_pell              ! precipitation rate, ice pellets     m s-1
1284  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: prt_hail              ! precipitation rate, hail            m s-1
1285  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: prt_sndp              ! precipitation rate, unmelted snow   m s-1
1286  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: diag_Zet              ! equivalent reflectivity, 3D         dBZ
1287  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: diag_Zec              ! equivalent reflectivity, col-max    dBZ
1288  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: diag_effc             ! effective radius, cloud             m
1289  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,n_diag_2d)    :: diag_2d      ! user-defined 2D diagnostic fields
1290  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk,n_diag_3d) :: diag_3d      ! user-defined 3D diagnostic fields
1291 !real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk,n_qiType  ):: qi_type      ! mass mixing ratio, diag ice type    kg kg-1
1293  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: qi_type_1             ! small ice crystal mass              kg kg-1
1294  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: qi_type_2             ! unrimed snow crystal mass           kg kg-1
1295  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: qi_type_3             ! lightly rimed snow mass             kg kg-1
1296  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: qi_type_4             ! graupel mass                        kg kg-1
1297  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: qi_type_5             ! hail mass                           kg kg-1
1298  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: qi_type_6             ! ice pellet mass                     kg kg-1
1300  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: diag_hcb              ! height of cloud base                m
1301  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni)     :: diag_hsn              ! height of snow level                m
1302  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: diag_vis              ! visibility (total)                  m
1303  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: diag_vis1             ! visibility through liquid fog       m
1304  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: diag_vis2             ! visibility through rain             m
1305  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: diag_vis3             ! visibility through snow             m
1306  real, intent(out),   dimension(ni,nk)  :: diag_slw              ! supercooled LWC                     kg m-3
1308  logical, intent(in)                    :: debug_on              ! logical switch for internal debug checks
1309  logical, intent(in)                    :: scpf_on               ! switch for activation of SCPF scheme
1310  real,    intent(in)                    :: scpf_pfrac            ! precipitation fraction factor (SCPF)
1311  real,    intent(in)                    :: scpf_resfact          ! model resolution factor (SCPF)
1312  real,    intent(out), dimension(ni,nk) :: cldfrac               ! cloud fraction computed by SCPF
1314 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1316 !----- local variables and parameters:
1317  real, dimension(ni,nk,n_iceCat)  :: qitot      ! ice mixing ratio, mass (total)          kg kg-1
1318  real, dimension(ni,nk,n_iceCat)  :: qirim      ! ice mixing ratio, mass (rime)           kg kg-1
1319  real, dimension(ni,nk,n_iceCat)  :: nitot      ! ice mixing ratio, number                #  kg-1
1320  real, dimension(ni,nk,n_iceCat)  :: birim      ! ice mixing ratio, volume                m3 kg-1
1321  real, dimension(ni,nk,n_iceCat)  :: zitot      ! ice mixing ratio, reflectivity          m6 kg-1
1322  real, dimension(ni,nk,n_iceCat)  :: diag_effi  ! effective radius, ice                   m
1323  real, dimension(ni,nk,n_iceCat)  :: diag_vmi   ! mass-weighted fall speed, ice           m s-1  (returned but not used)
1324  real, dimension(ni,nk,n_iceCat)  :: diag_di    ! mean diameter, ice                      m      (returned but not used)
1325  real, dimension(ni,nk,n_iceCat)  :: diag_rhoi  ! bulk density, ice                       kg m-3 (returned but not used)
1327  real, dimension(ni,nk)  :: theta_m             ! potential temperature (previous step)   K
1328  real, dimension(ni,nk)  :: qvapm               ! qv (previous step)                      kg kg-1
1329  real, dimension(ni,nk)  :: theta               ! potential temperature                   K
1330  real, dimension(ni,nk)  :: pres                ! pressure                                Pa
1331  real, dimension(ni,nk)  :: DZ                  ! difference in height between levels     m
1332  real, dimension(ni,nk)  :: ssat                ! supersaturation
1333  real, dimension(ni,nk)  :: tmparr_ik           ! temporary array (for optimization)
1334  real, dimension(ni,nk)  :: qqdelta,ttdelta     ! for sub_stepping
1335  real, dimension(ni,nk)  :: iwc                 ! total ice water content
1336  real, dimension(ni,nk)  :: temp0, qvap0, qc0, qr0, iwc0 ! incoming state variables
1338  real, dimension(ni,nk,n_qiType) :: qi_type     ! diagnostic precipitation types
1340  real, dimension(ni)     :: prt_liq_ave,prt_sol_ave,rn1_ave,rn2_ave,sn1_ave, &  ! ave pcp rates over full timestep
1341                             sn2_ave,sn3_ave,pe1_ave,pe2_ave,snd_ave
1342  real                    :: dt_mp                                               ! timestep used by microphsyics (for substepping)
1343  real                    :: tmp1, idt
1345  integer                 :: i,k,ktop,kbot,kdir,i_strt,k_strt,i_substep,n_substep,end_status,tmpint1
1347  logical                 :: log_tmp1,log_tmp2,log_trplMomI
1348  logical, parameter      :: log_predictNc = .true.      ! temporary; to be put as GEM namelist
1349  logical, parameter      :: typeDiags_ON  = .true.      ! switch for hydrometeor/precip type diagnostics
1350  real, parameter         :: SMALL_ICE_MASS = 1e-14      ! threshold for very small specific ice content
1352  character(len=16), parameter :: model = 'GEM'
1354 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1356    end_status = STATUS_ERROR
1358    tmpint1 = trnch !not used; prevents "variable not used" compiler message
1360    i_strt = 1  ! beginning index of slab
1361    k_strt = 1  ! beginning index of column
1363    ktop  = 1   ! k index of top level
1364    kbot  = nk  ! k index of bottom level
1365    kdir  = -1  ! direction of vertical leveling for 1=bottom, nk=top
1367    log_trplMomI = present(zitot_1)
1369    !compute time step and number of steps for substepping
1370    idt = 1./dt
1371    n_substep = int((dt-0.1)/max(0.1,dt_max)) + 1
1372    dt_mp = dt/float(n_substep)
1374    ! Save initial state for tendency calculation and reset
1375    temp0(:,:) = temp(:,:)
1376    qvap0(:,:) = qvap(:,:)
1377    qc0(:,:) = qc(:,:)
1378    qr0(:,:) = qr(:,:)
1379    iwc0(:,:) = qitot_1(:,:)
1380    if (n_iceCat > 1) iwc0(:,:) = iwc0(:,:) + qitot_2(:,:)
1381    if (n_iceCat > 2) iwc0(:,:) = iwc0(:,:) + qitot_3(:,:)
1382    if (n_iceCat > 3) iwc0(:,:) = iwc0(:,:) + qitot_4(:,:)
1384    ! Note qqdelta is converted from specific to mixing ratio
1385    qqdelta = (qvap/(1-qvap)-qvap_m/(1-qvap_m)) / float(n_substep)
1386    ttdelta = (temp-temp_m) / float(n_substep)
1387    ! initialise for the 1st substepping
1388    qvap = qvap_m/(1-qvap_m) ! mixing ratio instead of specific humidity
1389    temp = temp_m
1391   !if (kount == 0) then
1392    if (.false.) then
1393       print*,'Microphysics (MP) substepping:'
1394       print*,'  GEM model time step  : ',dt
1395       print*,'  MP time step         : ',dt_mp
1396       print*,'  number of MP substeps: ',n_substep
1397    endif
1399  ! note: code for prediction of ssat not currently avaiable, thus array is to 0
1400    ssat = 0.
1402   !air pressure:
1403    do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
1404       pres(:,k)= psfc(:)*sigma(:,k)
1405    enddo
1407   !layer thickness (for sedimentation):
1408   ! do k = kbot,ktop-kdir,kdir
1409   !    DZ(:,k) = gztherm(:,k+kdir) - gztherm(:,k)
1410   ! enddo
1411   ! DZ(:,ktop) = DZ(:,ktop-kdir)
1413   !layer thickness (for sedimentation):
1414   !  note: This is the thickness of the layer "centered" at thermodynamic level k,
1415   !        computed based on the surrounding momentum levels.
1416    do k = kbot-1,ktop,kdir
1417       DZ(:,k) = gzmom(:,k) - gzmom(:,k-kdir)
1418    enddo
1419    DZ(:,kbot) = gzmom(:,kbot)
1421   !compute zitot from advected 'Z' variable (for triple-moment ice):
1422    if (present(zitot_1)) then
1423       where (nitot_1>0.)
1424          zitot_1 = zitot_1**2/nitot_1
1425       elsewhere
1426          zitot_1 = 0.
1427       endwhere
1428    endif
1429    if (present(zitot_2)) then
1430       where (nitot_2>0.)
1431          zitot_2 = zitot_2**2/nitot_2
1432       elsewhere
1433          zitot_2 = 0.
1434       endwhere
1435    endif
1436    if (present(zitot_3)) then
1437       where (nitot_3>0.)
1438          zitot_3 = zitot_3**2/nitot_3
1439       elsewhere
1440          zitot_3 = 0.
1441       endwhere
1442    endif
1443    if (present(zitot_4)) then
1444       where (nitot_4>0.)
1445          zitot_4 = zitot_4**2/nitot_4
1446       elsewhere
1447          zitot_4 = 0.
1448       endwhere
1449    endif
1451   !contruct full ice arrays from individual category arrays:
1452    qitot(:,:,1) = qitot_1(:,:)
1453    qirim(:,:,1) = qirim_1(:,:)
1454    nitot(:,:,1) = nitot_1(:,:)
1455    birim(:,:,1) = birim_1(:,:)
1456    diag_effi(:,:,1) = diag_effi_1(:,:)
1457    if (present(zitot_1)) zitot(:,:,1) = zitot_1(:,:)
1459    if (n_iceCat >= 2) then
1460       qitot(:,:,2) = qitot_2(:,:)
1461       qirim(:,:,2) = qirim_2(:,:)
1462       nitot(:,:,2) = nitot_2(:,:)
1463       birim(:,:,2) = birim_2(:,:)
1464       diag_effi(:,:,2) = diag_effi_2(:,:)
1465       if (present(zitot_2)) zitot(:,:,2) = zitot_2(:,:)
1467       if (n_iceCat >= 3) then
1468          qitot(:,:,3) = qitot_3(:,:)
1469          qirim(:,:,3) = qirim_3(:,:)
1470          nitot(:,:,3) = nitot_3(:,:)
1471          birim(:,:,3) = birim_3(:,:)
1472          diag_effi(:,:,3) = diag_effi_3(:,:)
1473          if (present(zitot_3)) zitot(:,:,3) = zitot_3(:,:)
1475          if (n_iceCat == 4) then
1476             qitot(:,:,4) = qitot_4(:,:)
1477             qirim(:,:,4) = qirim_4(:,:)
1478             nitot(:,:,4) = nitot_4(:,:)
1479             birim(:,:,4) = birim_4(:,:)
1480             diag_effi(:,:,4) = diag_effi_4(:,:)
1481             if (present(zitot_4)) zitot(:,:,4) = zitot_4(:,:)
1482          endif
1483       endif
1484    endif
1486   !--- substepping microphysics
1487    if (n_substep > 1) then
1488       prt_liq_ave(:) = 0.
1489       prt_sol_ave(:) = 0.
1490       rn1_ave(:) = 0.
1491       rn2_ave(:) = 0.
1492       sn1_ave(:) = 0.
1493       sn2_ave(:) = 0.
1494       sn3_ave(:) = 0.
1495       pe1_ave(:) = 0.
1496       pe2_ave(:) = 0.
1497       snd_ave(:) = 0.
1498    endif
1500    tmparr_ik = (1.e+5/pres)**(rd*inv_cp)  !for optimization of calc of theta, temp
1502    substep_loop: do i_substep = 1, n_substep
1504      !convert to potential temperature:
1505      qvapm   = qvap
1506      qvap    = qvap+qqdelta
1507      theta_m = temp*tmparr_ik
1508      temp    = temp+ttdelta
1509      theta   = temp*tmparr_ik
1511       if (log_trplMomI) then
1512             call p3_main(qc,nc,qr,nr,theta_m,theta,qvapm,qvap,dt_mp,qitot,qirim,nitot,birim,    &
1513                    ssat,ww,pres,DZ,kount,prt_liq,prt_sol,i_strt,ni,k_strt,nk,n_iceCat,          &
1514                    diag_Zet,diag_effc,diag_effi,diag_vmi,diag_di,diag_rhoi,n_diag_2d,diag_2d,   &
1515                    n_diag_3d,diag_3d,log_predictNc,typeDiags_ON,trim(model),clbfact_dep,        &
1516                    clbfact_sub,debug_on,scpf_on,scpf_pfrac,scpf_resfact,cldfrac,prt_drzl,       &
1517                    prt_rain,prt_crys,prt_snow,prt_grpl,prt_pell,prt_hail,prt_sndp,qi_type,      &
1518                    zitot     = zitot,                                                           &
1519                    diag_vis  = diag_vis,                                                        &
1520                    diag_vis1 = diag_vis1,                                                       &
1521                    diag_vis2 = diag_vis2,                                                       &
1522                    diag_vis3 = diag_vis3)
1523          else
1524             call p3_main(qc,nc,qr,nr,theta_m,theta,qvapm,qvap,dt_mp,qitot,qirim,nitot,birim,    &
1525                    ssat,ww,pres,DZ,kount,prt_liq,prt_sol,i_strt,ni,k_strt,nk,n_iceCat,          &
1526                    diag_Zet,diag_effc,diag_effi,diag_vmi,diag_di,diag_rhoi,n_diag_2d,diag_2d,   &
1527                    n_diag_3d,diag_3d,log_predictNc,typeDiags_ON,trim(model),clbfact_dep,        &
1528                    clbfact_sub,debug_on,scpf_on,scpf_pfrac,scpf_resfact,cldfrac,prt_drzl,       &
1529                    prt_rain,prt_crys,prt_snow,prt_grpl,prt_pell,prt_hail,prt_sndp,qi_type,      &
1530                    diag_vis  = diag_vis,                                                        &
1531                    diag_vis1 = diag_vis1,                                                       &
1532                    diag_vis2 = diag_vis2,                                                       &
1533                    diag_vis3 = diag_vis3)
1534          endif
1536       if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
1538      !convert back to temperature:
1539       temp = theta/tmparr_ik    !i.e.: temp = theta*(pres*1.e-5)**(rd*inv_cp)
1541       if (n_substep > 1) then
1542          prt_liq_ave(:) = prt_liq_ave(:) + prt_liq(:)
1543          prt_sol_ave(:) = prt_sol_ave(:) + prt_sol(:)
1544          rn1_ave(:) = rn1_ave(:) + prt_drzl(:)
1545          rn2_ave(:) = rn2_ave(:) + prt_rain(:)
1546          sn1_ave(:) = sn1_ave(:) + prt_crys(:)
1547          sn2_ave(:) = sn2_ave(:) + prt_snow(:)
1548          sn3_ave(:) = sn3_ave(:) + prt_grpl(:)
1549          pe1_ave(:) = pe1_ave(:) + prt_pell(:)
1550          pe2_ave(:) = pe2_ave(:) + prt_hail(:)
1551          snd_ave(:) = snd_ave(:) + prt_sndp(:)
1552       endif
1554    enddo substep_loop
1556    ! retransferring mixing ratio to specific humidity (only t* is needed)
1557    qvap = qvap/(1+qvap)
1559    if (n_substep > 1) then
1560       tmp1 = 1./float(n_substep)
1561       prt_liq(:)  = prt_liq_ave(:)*tmp1
1562       prt_sol(:)  = prt_sol_ave(:)*tmp1
1563       prt_drzl(:) = rn1_ave(:)*tmp1
1564       prt_rain(:) = rn2_ave(:)*tmp1
1565       prt_crys(:) = sn1_ave(:)*tmp1
1566       prt_snow(:) = sn2_ave(:)*tmp1
1567       prt_grpl(:) = sn3_ave(:)*tmp1
1568       prt_pell(:) = pe1_ave(:)*tmp1
1569       prt_hail(:) = pe2_ave(:)*tmp1
1570       prt_sndp(:) = snd_ave(:)*tmp1
1571    endif
1573   !===
1576   !decompose full ice arrays back into individual category arrays:
1577    qitot_1(:,:) = qitot(:,:,1)
1578    qirim_1(:,:) = qirim(:,:,1)
1579    nitot_1(:,:) = nitot(:,:,1)
1580    birim_1(:,:) = birim(:,:,1)
1581    if (present(zitot_1)) zitot_1(:,:) = zitot(:,:,1)
1582    where (qitot_1(:,:) >= SMALL_ICE_MASS)
1583       diag_effi_1(:,:) = diag_effi(:,:,1)
1584    elsewhere
1585       diag_effi_1(:,:) = 0.
1586    endwhere
1588    if (n_iceCat >= 2) then
1589       qitot_2(:,:) = qitot(:,:,2)
1590       qirim_2(:,:) = qirim(:,:,2)
1591       nitot_2(:,:) = nitot(:,:,2)
1592       birim_2(:,:) = birim(:,:,2)
1593       if (present(zitot_2)) zitot_2(:,:) = zitot(:,:,2)
1594       where (qitot_2(:,:) >= SMALL_ICE_MASS)
1595          diag_effi_2(:,:) = diag_effi(:,:,2)
1596       elsewhere
1597          diag_effi_2(:,:) = 0.
1598       endwhere
1600       if (n_iceCat >= 3) then
1601          qitot_3(:,:) = qitot(:,:,3)
1602          qirim_3(:,:) = qirim(:,:,3)
1603          nitot_3(:,:) = nitot(:,:,3)
1604          birim_3(:,:) = birim(:,:,3)
1605          if (present(zitot_3)) zitot_3(:,:) = zitot(:,:,3)
1606          where (qitot_3(:,:) >= SMALL_ICE_MASS)
1607             diag_effi_3(:,:) = diag_effi(:,:,3)
1608          elsewhere
1609             diag_effi_3(:,:) = 0.
1610          endwhere
1612          if (n_iceCat == 4) then
1613             qitot_4(:,:) = qitot(:,:,4)
1614             qirim_4(:,:) = qirim(:,:,4)
1615             nitot_4(:,:) = nitot(:,:,4)
1616             birim_4(:,:) = birim(:,:,4)
1617             if (present(zitot_4)) zitot_4(:,:) = zitot(:,:,4)
1618             where (qitot_4(:,:) >= SMALL_ICE_MASS)
1619                diag_effi_4(:,:) = diag_effi(:,:,4)
1620             elsewhere
1621                diag_effi_4(:,:) = 0.
1622             endwhere
1623          endif
1624       endif
1625    endif
1627   !convert zitot to advected 'Z' variable:
1628    if (present(zitot_1)) zitot_1 = sqrt(nitot_1*zitot_1)
1629    if (present(zitot_2)) zitot_2 = sqrt(nitot_2*zitot_2)
1630    if (present(zitot_3)) zitot_3 = sqrt(nitot_3*zitot_3)
1631    if (present(zitot_4)) zitot_4 = sqrt(nitot_4*zitot_4)
1634   !convert precip rates from volume flux (m s-1) to mass flux (kg m-2 s-1):
1635   ! (since they are computed back to liq-eqv volume flux in s/r 'ccdiagnostics.F90')
1636    prt_liq = prt_liq*1000.
1637    prt_sol = prt_sol*1000.
1639   !--- diagnostics:
1640    diag_hcb(:) = -1.
1641    diag_hsn(:) = -1.
1643    do i = 1,ni
1645     !composite (column-maximum) reflectivity:
1646       diag_Zec(i) = maxval(diag_Zet(i,:))
1648     !diagnostic heights:
1649       log_tmp1 = .false.  !cloud base height found
1650       log_tmp2 = .false.  !snow level height found
1651       do k = nk,2,-1
1652         !cloud base height:
1653          if (qc(i,k)>1.e-6 .and. .not.log_tmp1) then
1654             diag_hcb(i) = gztherm(i,k)
1655             log_tmp1 = .true.
1656          endif
1657         !snow level height:  (height of lowest level with ice) [for n_iceCat=1 only]
1658          if (qitot_1(i,k)>1.e-6 .and. .not.log_tmp2) then
1659             diag_hsn(i) = gztherm(i,k)
1660             log_tmp2 = .true.
1661          endif
1662       enddo
1664     !supercooled LWC:
1665       do k = 1,nk
1666          if (temp(i,k)<273.15) then
1667             tmp1 = pres(i,k)/(287.15*temp(i,k))  !air density
1668             diag_slw(i,k) = tmp1*(qc(i,k)+qr(i,k))
1669          else
1670             diag_slw(i,k) = 0.
1671          endif
1672       enddo
1674    enddo  !i-loop
1676    ! Diagnostic ice particle types:
1677    if (n_qiType >= 6) then
1678       qi_type_1 = qi_type(:,:,1)  !small ice crystals
1679       qi_type_2 = qi_type(:,:,2)  !unrimed snow crystals
1680       qi_type_3 = qi_type(:,:,3)  !lightly rimed snow
1681       qi_type_4 = qi_type(:,:,4)  !graupel
1682       qi_type_5 = qi_type(:,:,5)  !hail
1683       qi_type_6 = qi_type(:,:,6)  !ice pellets
1684    else
1685       call physeterror('microphy_p3::mp_p3_wrapper_gem', &
1686            'Insufficient size for qi_type')
1687       return
1688    endif
1690    ! Compute tendencies and reset state
1691    iwc(:,:) =  qitot_1(:,:)
1692    if (n_iceCat > 1) iwc(:,:) = iwc(:,:) + qitot_2(:,:)
1693    if (n_iceCat > 2) iwc(:,:) = iwc(:,:) + qitot_3(:,:)
1694    if (n_iceCat > 3) iwc(:,:) = iwc(:,:) + qitot_4(:,:)
1695    ttend(:,:) = (temp(:,:) - temp0(:,:)) * idt
1696    qtend(:,:) = (qvap(:,:) - qvap0(:,:)) * idt
1697    qctend(:,:) = (qc(:,:) - qc0(:,:)) * idt
1698    qrtend(:,:) = (qr(:,:) - qr0(:,:)) * idt
1699    qitend(:,:) = (iwc(:,:) - iwc0(:,:)) * idt
1700    temp(:,:) = temp0(:,:)
1701    qvap(:,:) = qvap0(:,:)
1702    qc(:,:) = qc0(:,:)
1703    qr(:,:) = qr0(:,:)
1705    end_status = STATUS_OK
1706    return
1708  end function mp_p3_wrapper_gem
1710 #endif
1712 !==========================================================================================!
1714  SUBROUTINE compute_SCPF(Qcond,Qprec,Qv,Qsi,Pres,ktop,kbot,kdir,SCF,iSCF,SPF,iSPF,       &
1715                          SPF_clr,Qv_cld,Qv_clr,cldFrac_on,pfrac,resfact,quick)
1717 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1718 ! This subroutine computes the cloud and precipitation fractions.  It also provide         !
1719 ! in-cloud/clear sky water vapor mixing ratios and the inverse of "cloud" and              !
1720 ! precipitation fractions to ease computation in s/r 'p3_main'. It is called 3 times:      !
1721 !                                                                                          !
1722 ! 1. Before microphysics source/sink terms and following updates of grid-mean fields       !
1723 ! 2. Before sedimentation                                                                  !
1724 ! 3. At the end of 'p3_main' (to provide cloud fraction to the driving model               !
1725 !    (e.g. for the radiation scheme, diagnostics, etc.)                                    !
1726 !                                                                                          !
1727 ! For details see:  Chosson et al. (2014) [J. Atmos. Sci., 71, 2635-2653]                  !
1728 !                                                                                          !
1729 ! NOTES:                                                                                   !
1730 !   'scpf_resfact' is the user-specified scaled horizontal grid spacing, which allows the  !
1731 !   RH threshold to adapt to the model resolution (i.e. to be "scale aware").              !
1732 !   The current recommendation is:  scpf_resfact = sqrt(dx/dx_ref). where dx_ref = 12 km   !
1733 !                                                                                          !
1734 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1735 !      Version 1:    April 2016,  Frederick Chosson (ECCC)                                 !
1736 !                    This version is not "scale aware" and RHcrit is from Sundqvist RDPS   !
1737 !                    but without dependency on T (RHcriterion -RHoo- cst in free atm.)     !
1738 !                    This version have a very low optimisation level                       !
1739 !                                                                                          !
1740 !      Version 2:    November 2016, Frederick Chosson (ECCC)                               !
1741 !                    add minimum Cloud and Precipitation Fraction to  1%                   !
1742 !                    add maximum Cloud and Precipitation Fraction to 99%                   !
1743 !                                                                                          !
1744 !      Version 3:    June 2018, Caroline Jouan (ECCC)                                      !
1745 !                    Tests in GEM models                                                   !
1746 !                                                                                          !
1747 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1749  implicit none
1751 !----- input/ouput arguments:  ----------------------------------------------------------!
1752  real, intent(in),  dimension(:) :: Qcond     ! Condensates mix.ratio that goes in the "Cloudy fraction"
1753  real, intent(in),  dimension(:) :: Qprec     ! Condensates mix.ratio that goes in the "Precip fraction"
1754  real, intent(in),  dimension(:) :: Qv        ! Water vapor mix.ratio (grid mean)
1755  real, intent(in),  dimension(:) :: Qsi       ! Saturation Water vapor mix.ratio w.r.t. ice or liq, dep. on T
1756  real, intent(in),  dimension(:) :: pres      ! pressure in Pa
1757  real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: SCF,iSCF  ! Subgrid "Cloudy" fraction (fraction where RH>100%) and inverse
1758  real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: SPF,iSPF  ! Subgrid "Precip" fraction and inverse
1759  real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: SPF_clr   ! Subgrid "Precip" fraction in clear sky (not overlap cloud)
1760  real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: Qv_cld    ! Water vapor mix.ratio     in "Cloudy" fraction
1761  real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: Qv_clr    ! Water vapor mix.ratio NOT in "Cloudy" fraction
1762  real, intent(in)                :: pfrac     ! precipitation fraction factor
1763  real, intent(in)                :: resfact   ! model resolution factor
1764  integer, intent(in)             :: ktop,kbot ! indices of model top and bottom
1765  integer, intent(in)             :: kdir      ! indice  for direction from bottom to top
1766  logical, intent(in)             :: quick     ! switch if you only need SCF as output, not the rest (3rd call)
1767  logical, intent(in)             :: cldFrac_on! switch if you only need SCF or set it to 1.
1770 !----- local variables and parameters: --------------------------------------------------!
1771  real, dimension(size(Qv,dim=1)) :: C        ! Total cloud cover form top to level k
1772  real, parameter :: SIG_min = 0.7            ! minimum of sigma level below wich RHoo start to increase
1773  real, parameter :: SIG_max = 0.9            ! maximum of sigma level below wich RHoo stop  to increase
1774  real, parameter :: xo      = 1.-1.e-6       ! a number very close but less than 1.
1775  real            :: RHoo_min                 ! minimum of relative humidity criterion for dx around 12km
1776  real            :: RHoo_max                 ! maximum of relative humidity criterion for dx around 12km
1777  real            :: slope                    ! scale factor=(RHoo_max-RHoo_min)/(SIG_min-SIG_max)
1778  real            :: RHoo                     ! Relative humidity criterion above which saturation appears
1779  real            :: Qtot,DELTA_Qtot          ! Total "cloudy" condensate and the half-width of its PDF
1780  real            :: D_A_cld2clr              ! Area of cloudy precips. that fall in clear air below
1781  real            :: D_A_clr2cld              ! Area of clear air precips that fall into cloud below
1782  real            :: D_C                      ! Area never concerned by precips from top to level k
1783  real            :: SPF_cld                  ! area of cloudy precips at level k
1784  real            :: SPF_cld_k_1              ! area of cloudy precips at level k+kdir (just above)
1785  real            :: sigma                    ! sigma level = P / Psurf with Psurf=P(:,kbot)
1786  real            :: tmp7                     ! temporary SPF
1787  integer         :: k                        ! vertical loop index
1789  compute_cloud_fraction: if (cldFrac_on) then
1791    ! initialise constants
1792     RHoo_min = 1.-(1.-0.85 )*resfact         ! minimum of relative humidity criterion for dx ~ 12 km by default
1793     RHoo_max = 1.-(1.-0.975)*resfact         ! maximum of relative humidity criterion for dx ~ 12 km
1794     slope    = (RHoo_max-RHoo_min)/(SIG_max-SIG_min)
1796    ! Initiate Cloud fractions overlaps to zero
1797     SCF(:)      = 0.;      iSCF(:)    = 0.;     D_A_cld2clr = 0.
1798     D_A_clr2cld = 0.;      C(:)       = 0.;     D_C         = 0.
1799     SPF_cld     = 0.;      SPF_clr(:) = 0.;     SPF(:)      = 0.
1800     iSPF(:)     = 0.;      Qv_cld(:)  = 0.;     Qv_clr(:)   = 0.
1801     SPF_cld_k_1 = 0.
1803     Loop_SCPF_k: do k = ktop-kdir,kbot,-kdir
1805        sigma = pres(k)/pres(kbot)                     ! sigma level
1806        RHoo  = RHoo_min + slope*(sigma-SIG_min )      ! critical relative humidity
1807        RHoo  = max( RHoo_min, min( RHoo_max, RHoo ) ) ! bounded
1809        !------------------------------------------------------------
1811        !------------------------------------------------------------
1812        Qtot       = Qv(k)+Qcond(k)                            ! Total "Cloudy" mean water mixing ratio
1813        DELTA_Qtot = Qsi(k)*(1.-RHoo)                          ! half-width of Qtot subgrid PDF
1814        SCF(k)     = 0.5*(Qtot+DELTA_Qtot-QSI(k))/DELTA_Qtot   ! subgrid cloud fraction
1816        if (SCF(k) .lt. 0.01 ) then          ! minimum allowed Cloud fraction (below it is clear-sky)
1817           SCF(k)    = 0.                    ! inverse of Cloud cover
1818           iSCF(k)   = 0.                    ! inverse of Cloud cover
1819           Qv_cld(k) = 0.                    ! water vapour mix. ratio in Cloudy part
1820           Qv_clr(k) = Qv(k)                 ! water vapour mix. ratio in Clear sky part
1821        elseif (SCF(k) .lt. 0.99 ) then
1822           iSCF(k)   = 1./SCF(k)             ! beware: Could be big!
1823           Qv_cld(k) = 0.5*(Qtot+DELTA_Qtot+QSI(k))-Qcond(k)*iSCF(k)
1824           Qv_clr(k) = 0.5*(Qtot-DELTA_Qtot+QSI(k))
1825        else ! if SCF >= 0.99
1826           SCF(k)    = 1.
1827           iSCF(k)   = 1.
1828           Qv_cld(k) = Qv(k)
1829           Qv_clr(k) = 0.
1830        endif
1832        !------------------------------------------------------------
1834        !------------------------------------------------------------
1835        if (.not. quick) then
1837          ! This is the total max-random cloud-cover from top to level k
1838          C(k) = 1.-(1.-C(k+kdir))*(1.-max(SCF(k),SCF(k+kdir)))/(1.-min(SCF(k+kdir),xo))
1839          ! Change in total cloud-cover: this part is never concerned by precips
1840          D_C = C(k)-C(k+kdir)
1841          ! Cloudy precipitation fraction at level k+kdir (level above)
1842          SPF_cld_k_1 = SPF(k+kdir)-SPF_clr(k+kdir)
1843          ! fraction for which cloudy precip. falls into clear air below
1844          D_A_cld2clr = SPF_cld_k_1 - min(SCF(k)-D_C,SPF_cld_k_1)
1845          ! fraction for which clear-sky precip. falls into cloudy air below
1846          D_A_clr2cld = max(0., min(SPF_clr(k+kdir),SCF(k)-D_C-SCF(k+kdir)) )
1847          ! fraction of cloudy precips at level k
1848          SPF_cld = SPF_cld_k_1 + D_A_clr2cld - D_A_cld2clr
1849          if (SPF_cld .le. 0.) SPF_cld=SCF(k)*Pfrac
1850          ! fraction of clear-sky precips at level k
1851          SPF_clr(k) = SPF_clr(k+kdir) - D_A_clr2cld + D_A_cld2clr
1852          ! if there is no precips set precips areas to zero
1853          tmp7 = (SPF_clr(k)+SPF_cld)
1855          if ( then
1856            if ((Qprec(k)/tmp7<qsmall ) .or. (Qprec(k+kdir)*iSPF(k+kdir)<qsmall)) then
1857               SPF_cld    = SCF(k+kdir)*Pfrac
1858               SPF_clr(k) = 0.
1859            endif
1860          endif
1862          SPF(k) = (SPF_clr(k) + SPF_cld)             ! subgrid area of precipitation
1863          if (SPF(k) .ge. 0.01) then
1864             iSPF(k)= 1. / SPF(k)                     ! inverse of precip fraction
1865          else
1866             if (Qprec(k) .ge. qsmall) then
1867                SPF(k)     = max(0.01, SCF(k+kdir))   ! in case of slant-wise rain precipitating
1868                SPF_clr(k) = SPF(k)                   ! assume at least 1% SPF in clear-sky
1869                iSPF(k)    = 1./SPF(k)
1870             else
1871                iSPF(k)    = 0.
1872                SPF(k)     = 0.
1873                SPF_clr(k) = 0.
1874             endif
1875          endif
1877        endif ! end of IF NOT quick
1879        if ((SCF(k) .lt. 0.01) .and. (Qcond(k) > qsmall) ) then  ! avoid bad clipping
1880            SCF(k)    = max(0.01, SCF(k+kdir))                   ! in case of cloudy species precipitating
1881           iSCF(k)    = 1./SCF(k)                                ! into unsaturated layer
1882           Qv_cld(k)  = Qv(k)
1883           Qv_clr(k)  = Qv(k)
1884           SPF_clr(k) = max(SPF(k)-SCF(k),0.)
1885        endif
1887     enddo Loop_SCPF_k
1889  else  ! compute_cloud_fraction
1891     SCF  = 1.
1892     iSCF = 1.
1893     SPF  = 1.
1894     iSPF = 1.
1895     SPF_clr = 0.
1896     Qv_cld  = Qv
1897     Qv_clr  = 0.
1899  endif compute_cloud_fraction
1903 !==========================================================================================!
1905  SUBROUTINE p3_main(qc,nc,qr,nr,th_old,th,qv_old,qv,dt,qitot,qirim,nitot,birim,ssat,uzpl, &
1906                     pres,dzq,it,prt_liq,prt_sol,its,ite,kts,kte,nCat,diag_ze,diag_effc,   &
1907                     diag_effi,diag_vmi,diag_di,diag_rhoi,n_diag_2d,diag_2d,n_diag_3d,     &
1908                     diag_3d,log_predictNc,typeDiags_ON,model,clbfact_dep,clbfact_sub,     &
1909                     debug_on,scpf_on,scpf_pfrac,scpf_resfact,SCF_out,prt_drzl,prt_rain,   &
1910                     prt_crys,prt_snow,prt_grpl,prt_pell,prt_hail,prt_sndp,qi_type,        &
1911                     zitot,diag_vis,diag_vis1,diag_vis2,diag_vis3,diag_dhmax,diag_lami,    &
1912                     diag_mui)
1914 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1915 !                                                                                        !
1916 ! This is the main subroutine for the P3 microphysics scheme.  It is called from the     !
1917 ! wrapper subroutine ('MP_P3_WRAPPER') and is passed i,k slabs of all prognostic         !
1918 ! variables -- hydrometeor fields, potential temperature, and water vapor mixing ratio.  !
1919 ! Microphysical process rates are computed first.  These tendencies are then used to     !
1920 ! computed updated values of the prognostic variables.  The hydrometeor variables are    !
1921 ! then updated further due to sedimentation.                                             !
1922 !                                                                                        !
1923 ! Several diagnostic values are also computed and returned to the wrapper subroutine,    !
1924 ! including precipitation rates.                                                         !
1925 !                                                                                        !
1926 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1928  implicit none
1930 !----- Input/ouput arguments:  ----------------------------------------------------------!
1932  integer, intent(in)                                  :: its,ite    ! array bounds (horizontal)
1933  integer, intent(in)                                  :: kts,kte    ! array bounds (vertical)
1934  integer, intent(in)                                  :: nCat       ! number of ice-phase categories
1935  integer, intent(in)                                  :: n_diag_2d  ! number of 2D diagnostic fields
1936  integer, intent(in)                                  :: n_diag_3d  ! number of 3D diagnostic fields
1938  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: qc         ! cloud, mass mixing ratio         kg kg-1
1939 ! note: Nc may be specified or predicted (set by log_predictNc)
1940  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: nc         ! cloud, number mixing ratio       #  kg-1
1941  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: qr         ! rain, mass mixing ratio          kg kg-1
1942  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: nr         ! rain, number mixing ratio        #  kg-1
1943  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat) :: qitot      ! ice, total mass mixing ratio     kg kg-1
1944  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat) :: qirim      ! ice, rime mass mixing ratio      kg kg-1
1945  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat) :: nitot      ! ice, total number mixing ratio   #  kg-1
1946  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat) :: birim      ! ice, rime volume mixing ratio    m3 kg-1
1948  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: ssat       ! supersaturation (i.e., qv-qvs)   kg kg-1
1949  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: qv         ! water vapor mixing ratio         kg kg-1
1950  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: th         ! potential temperature            K
1951  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: th_old     ! beginning of time step value of theta K
1952  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: qv_old     ! beginning of time step value of qv    kg kg-1
1953  real, intent(in),    dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: uzpl       ! vertical air velocity            m s-1
1954  real, intent(in),    dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: pres       ! pressure                         Pa
1955  real, intent(in),    dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: dzq        ! vertical grid spacing            m
1956  real, intent(in)                                     :: dt         ! model time step                  s
1957  real, intent(in)                                     :: clbfact_dep! calibration factor for deposition
1958  real, intent(in)                                     :: clbfact_sub! calibration factor for sublimation
1960  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite)              :: prt_liq    ! precipitation rate, liquid       m s-1
1961  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite)              :: prt_sol    ! precipitation rate, solid        m s-1
1962  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: diag_ze    ! equivalent reflectivity          dBZ
1963  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: diag_effc  ! effective radius, cloud          m
1964  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat) :: diag_effi  ! effective radius, ice            m
1965  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat) :: diag_vmi   ! mass-weighted fall speed of ice  m s-1
1966  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat) :: diag_di    ! mean diameter of ice             m
1967  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat) :: diag_rhoi  ! bulk density of ice              kg m-1
1968  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat), optional :: diag_dhmax ! maximum hail size                m
1969  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat), optional :: diag_lami  ! lambda parameter for ice PSD     m-1
1970  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat), optional :: diag_mui   ! mu parameter for ice PSD
1972 !! real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat), optional :: diag_Dhm  ! maximum hail diameter   m
1973  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte), optional :: diag_vis   ! visibility (total)          m
1974  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte), optional :: diag_vis1  ! visibility through fog      m
1975  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte), optional :: diag_vis2  ! visibility through rain     m
1976  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte), optional :: diag_vis3  ! visibility through snow     m
1977  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,n_diag_2d)         :: diag_2d    ! user-defined 2D diagnostic fields
1978  real, intent(out),   dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,n_diag_3d) :: diag_3d    ! user-defined 3D diagnostic fields
1980  integer, intent(in)                                  :: it         ! time step counter NOTE: starts at 1 for first time step
1982  logical, intent(in)                                  :: log_predictNc ! .T. (.F.) for prediction (specification) of Nc
1983  logical, intent(in)                                  :: typeDiags_ON  !for diagnostic hydrometeor/precip rate types
1984  logical, intent(in)                                  :: debug_on      !switch for internal debug checks
1985  character(len=*), intent(in)                         :: model         !driving model
1987  real, intent(out), dimension(its:ite), optional      :: prt_drzl      ! precip rate, drizzle          m s-1
1988  real, intent(out), dimension(its:ite), optional      :: prt_rain      ! precip rate, rain             m s-1
1989  real, intent(out), dimension(its:ite), optional      :: prt_crys      ! precip rate, ice cystals      m s-1
1990  real, intent(out), dimension(its:ite), optional      :: prt_snow      ! precip rate, snow             m s-1
1991  real, intent(out), dimension(its:ite), optional      :: prt_grpl      ! precip rate, graupel          m s-1
1992  real, intent(out), dimension(its:ite), optional      :: prt_pell      ! precip rate, ice pellets      m s-1
1993  real, intent(out), dimension(its:ite), optional      :: prt_hail      ! precip rate, hail             m s-1
1994  real, intent(out), dimension(its:ite), optional      :: prt_sndp      ! precip rate, unmelted snow    m s-1
1996  real, intent(out), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,n_qiType), optional :: qi_type ! mass mixing ratio, diagnosed ice type  kg kg-1
1997  real, intent(inout), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat),   optional :: zitot   ! ice, reflectivity mixing ratio         kg2 kg-1
1999  logical, intent(in)                                  :: scpf_on       ! Switch to activate SCPF
2000  real,    intent(in)                                  :: scpf_pfrac    ! precipitation fraction factor (SCPF)
2001  real,    intent(in)                                  :: scpf_resfact  ! model resolution factor (SCPF)
2002  real,    intent(out), dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)     :: SCF_out       ! cloud fraction from SCPF
2004 !----- Local variables and parameters:  -------------------------------------------------!
2006  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: mu_r  ! shape parameter of rain
2007  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: t     ! temperature at the beginning of the microhpysics step [K]
2008  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: t_old ! temperature at the beginning of the model time step [K]
2010 ! 2D size distribution and fallspeed parameters:
2012  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: lamc
2013  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: lamr
2014  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: logn0r
2015  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: mu_c
2016 !real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: diag_effr   (currently not used)
2017  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: nu
2018  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: cdist
2019  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: cdist1
2020  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: cdistr
2021  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte) :: Vt_qc
2023 ! liquid-phase microphysical process rates:
2024 !  (all Q process rates in kg kg-1 s-1)
2025 !  (all N process rates in # kg-1)
2027  real :: qrcon   ! rain condensation
2028  real :: qcacc   ! cloud droplet accretion by rain
2029  real :: qcaut   ! cloud droplet autoconversion to rain
2030  real :: ncacc   ! change in cloud droplet number from accretion by rain
2031  real :: ncautc  ! change in cloud droplet number from autoconversion
2032  real :: ncslf   ! change in cloud droplet number from self-collection
2033  real :: nrslf   ! change in rain number from self-collection
2034  real :: ncnuc   ! change in cloud droplet number from activation of CCN
2035  real :: qccon   ! cloud droplet condensation
2036  real :: qcnuc   ! activation of cloud droplets from CCN
2037  real :: qrevp   ! rain evaporation
2038  real :: qcevp   ! cloud droplet evaporation
2039  real :: nrevp   ! change in rain number from evaporation
2040  real :: ncautr  ! change in rain number from autoconversion of cloud water
2042 ! ice-phase microphysical process rates:
2043 !  (all Q process rates in kg kg-1 s-1)
2044 !  (all N process rates in # kg-1)
2046  real, dimension(nCat) :: qccol     ! collection of cloud water by ice
2047  real, dimension(nCat) :: qwgrth    ! wet growth rate
2048  real, dimension(nCat) :: qidep     ! vapor deposition
2049  real, dimension(nCat) :: qrcol     ! collection rain mass by ice
2050  real, dimension(nCat) :: qinuc     ! deposition/condensation freezing nuc
2051  real, dimension(nCat) :: nccol     ! change in cloud droplet number from collection by ice
2052  real, dimension(nCat) :: nrcol     ! change in rain number from collection by ice
2053  real, dimension(nCat) :: ninuc     ! change in ice number from deposition/cond-freezing nucleation
2054  real, dimension(nCat) :: qisub     ! sublimation of ice
2055  real, dimension(nCat) :: qimlt     ! melting of ice
2056  real, dimension(nCat) :: nimlt     ! melting of ice
2057  real, dimension(nCat) :: nisub     ! change in ice number from sublimation
2058  real, dimension(nCat) :: nislf     ! change in ice number from collection within a category
2059  real, dimension(nCat) :: qchetc    ! contact freezing droplets
2060  real, dimension(nCat) :: qcheti    ! immersion freezing droplets
2061  real, dimension(nCat) :: qrhetc    ! contact freezing rain
2062  real, dimension(nCat) :: qrheti    ! immersion freezing rain
2063  real, dimension(nCat) :: nchetc    ! contact freezing droplets
2064  real, dimension(nCat) :: ncheti    ! immersion freezing droplets
2065  real, dimension(nCat) :: nrhetc    ! contact freezing rain
2066  real, dimension(nCat) :: nrheti    ! immersion freezing rain
2067  real, dimension(nCat) :: nrshdr    ! source for rain number from collision of rain/ice above freezing and shedding
2068  real, dimension(nCat) :: qcshd     ! source for rain mass due to cloud water/ice collision above freezing and shedding or wet growth and shedding
2069  real, dimension(nCat) :: qrmul     ! change in q, ice multiplication from rime-splitnering of rain (not included in the paper)
2070  real, dimension(nCat) :: nimul     ! change in Ni, ice multiplication from rime-splintering (not included in the paper)
2071  real, dimension(nCat) :: ncshdc    ! source for rain number due to cloud water/ice collision above freezing  and shedding (combined with NRSHD in the paper)
2072  real, dimension(nCat) :: rhorime_c ! density of rime (from cloud)
2074  real, dimension(nCat,nCat) :: nicol ! change of N due to ice-ice collision between categories
2075  real, dimension(nCat,nCat) :: qicol ! change of q due to ice-ice collision between categories
2077  logical, dimension(nCat)   :: log_wetgrowth
2079  real, dimension(nCat) :: Eii_fact,epsi
2080  real :: eii ! temperature dependent aggregation efficiency
2082  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat) :: diam_ice,rimefraction,rimevolume
2084  real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: inv_dzq,inv_rho,ze_ice,ze_rain,prec,acn,rho,   &
2085             rhofacr,rhofaci,xxls,xxlv,xlf,qvs,qvi,sup,supi,vtrmi1,tmparr1,mflux_r,       &
2086             mflux_i,invexn
2088  real, dimension(kts:kte) :: V_qr,V_qit,V_nit,V_nr,V_qc,V_nc,V_zit,flux_qit,flux_qx,     &
2089             flux_nx,flux_nit,flux_qir,flux_bir,flux_zit
2091  real, dimension(kts:kte) :: SCF,iSCF,SPF,iSPF,SPF_clr,Qv_cld,Qv_clr
2092  real                     :: ssat_cld,ssat_clr,ssat_r,supi_cld,sup_cld,sup_r
2094  real    :: lammax,lammin,mu,dv,sc,dqsdT,ab,kap,epsr,epsc,xx,aaa,epsilon,sigvl,epsi_tot, &
2095             aact,sm1,sm2,uu1,uu2,dum,dum1,dum2,dumqv,dumqvs,dums,ratio,qsat0,dum3,dum4,  &
2096             dum5,dum6,rdumii,rdumjj,dqsidT,abi,dumqvi,rhop,v_impact,ri,iTc,D_c,tmp1,     &
2097             tmp2,inv_dum3,odt,oxx,oabi,fluxdiv_qit,fluxdiv_nit,fluxdiv_qir,fluxdiv_bir,  &
2098             prt_accum,fluxdiv_qx,fluxdiv_nx,Co_max,dt_sub,fluxdiv_zit,D_new,Q_nuc,N_nuc, &
2099             deltaD_init,dum1c,dum4c,dum5c,dumt,qcon_satadj,qdep_satadj,sources,sinks,    &
2100             timeScaleFactor,dt_left,qv_tmp,t_tmp,dum1z
2102  double precision :: tmpdbl1,tmpdbl2,tmpdbl3
2104  integer :: dumi,i,k,ii,iice,iice_dest,dumj,dumii,dumjj,dumzz,tmpint1,ktop,kbot,kdir,    &
2105             dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,catcoll,k_qxbot,k_qxtop,k_temp
2107  logical :: log_nucleationPossible,log_hydrometeorsPresent,log_predictSsat,              &
2108             log_exitlevel,log_hmossopOn,log_qxpresent,log_3momentIce
2110 ! quantities related to process rates/parameters, interpolated from lookup tables:
2112  real    :: f1pr01   ! number-weighted fallspeed
2113  real    :: f1pr02   ! mass-weighted fallspeed
2114  real    :: f1pr03   ! ice collection within a category
2115  real    :: f1pr04   ! collection of cloud water by ice
2116  real    :: f1pr05   ! melting
2117  real    :: f1pr06   ! effective radius
2118  real    :: f1pr07   ! collection of rain number by ice
2119  real    :: f1pr08   ! collection of rain mass by ice
2120  real    :: f1pr09   ! inverse normalized qsmall (for lambda limiter)
2121  real    :: f1pr10   ! inverse normalized qlarge (for lambda limiter)
2122 !real    :: f1pr11   ! not used
2123 !real    :: f1pr12   ! not used
2124  real    :: f1pr13   ! reflectivity
2125  real    :: f1pr14   ! melting (ventilation term)
2126  real    :: f1pr15   ! mass-weighted mean diameter
2127  real    :: f1pr16   ! mass-weighted mean particle density
2128  real    :: f1pr17   ! ice-ice category collection change in number
2129  real    :: f1pr18   ! ice-ice category collection change in mass
2130  real    :: f1pr19   ! reflectivity-weighted fallspeed
2131 !real    :: f1pr20   ! not used
2132 !real    :: f1pr21   ! not used
2133  real    :: f1pr22   ! LAMBDA_i (PSD parameter of ice, cat 1)
2134  real    :: f1pr23   ! MU_i     (PSD parameter of ice, cat 1)
2136 ! quantities related to diagnostic hydrometeor/precipitation types
2137  real,    parameter                       :: freq3DtypeDiag     = 1.      !frequency (min) for full-column diagnostics
2138  real,    parameter                       :: thres_raindrop     = 100.e-6 !size threshold for drizzle vs. rain
2139  real,    dimension(its:ite,kts:kte)      :: Q_drizzle,Q_rain
2140  real,    dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,nCat) :: Q_crystals,Q_ursnow,Q_lrsnow,Q_grpl,Q_pellets,Q_hail
2141  integer                                  :: ktop_typeDiag
2143 ! to be added as namelist parameters (future)
2144  logical, parameter :: debug_ABORT  = .true. !.true. will result in forced abort in s/r 'check_values'
2145  logical            :: force_abort
2146  integer            :: location_ind          !return value of location index from sr/ 'check_values'
2148 ! added for triple moment ice
2149  real                  :: mu_i               !shape parameter for ice
2150  real                  :: mu_i_new           !shape parameter for processes that specify mu_i
2151  real, dimension(nCat) :: dumm0,dumm3
2153 ! add integers for mu_i index
2154  integer :: imu
2155  integer, parameter :: niter_mui = 5 ! number of iterations for find mu for lookup table
2157 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2158 !  End of variables/parameters declarations
2159 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2161 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2162 ! Note, the array 'diag_3d(ni,nk,n_diag_3d)' provides a placeholder to output 3D diagnostic fields.
2163 ! The entire array array is inialized to zero (below).  Code can be added to store desired fields
2164 ! by simply adding the appropriate assignment statements.  For example, if one wishs to output the
2165 ! rain condensation and evaporation rates, simply add assignments in the appropriate locations.
2166 !  e.g.:
2168 !   diag_3d(i,k,1) = qrcon
2169 !   diag_3d(i,k,2) = qrevp
2171 ! The fields will automatically be passed to the driving model.  In GEM, these arrays can be
2172 ! output by adding 'SS01' and 'SS02' to the model output list.
2174 ! Similarly, 'diag_2d(ni,n_diag_2d) is a placeholder to output 2D diagnostic fields.
2175 !  e.g.:
2177 !   diag_2d(i,1) = maxval(qr(i,:))  !column-maximum qr
2178 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2180 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2181 ! The following code blocks can be instered for debugging (all within the main i-loop):
2183 !    !-- call to s/r 'check_values' WITHIN k loops:
2184 !     if (debug_on) then
2185 !        tmparr1(i,k) = th(i,k)*(pres(i,k)*1.e-5)**(rd*inv_cp)
2186 !        call check_values(qv(i,k:k),tmparr1(i,k:k),qc(i,k:k),nc(i,k:k),qr(i,k:k),nr(i,k:k),     &
2187 !             qitot(i,k:k,:),qirim(i,k:k,:),nitot(i,k:k,:),birim(i,k:k,:),zitot(i,k:k,:),i,it,debug_ABORT,555)
2188 !        if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
2189 !     endif
2190 !    !==
2192 !    !-- call to s/r 'check_values' OUTSIDE k loops:
2193 !     if (debug_on) then
2194 !        tmparr1(i,:) = th(i,:)*(pres(i,:)*1.e-5)**(rd*inv_cp)
2195 !        call check_values(qv(i,:),tmparr1(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:),  &
2196 !                          qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),zitot(i,:,:),i,it,debug_ABORT,666)
2197 !        if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
2198 !     endif
2199 !    !==
2200 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2202 ! call cpu_time(t_p3main_start)
2204  tmp1 = uzpl(1,1)    !avoids compiler warning for unused variable 'uzpl'
2206  ! direction of vertical leveling:
2207  if (trim(model)=='GEM' .or. trim(model)=='KIN1D') then
2208     ktop = kts        !k of top level
2209     kbot = kte        !k of bottom level
2210     kdir = -1         !(k: 1=top, nk=bottom)
2211  else
2212     ktop = kte        !k of top level
2213     kbot = kts        !k of bottom level
2214     kdir = 1          !(k: 1=bottom, nk=top)
2215  endif
2217  if (trim(model)=='GEM') then
2218    if (.not. typeDiags_ON) then
2219       !If typeDiags_ON is .false., uninitialized arrays (prt_drzl, qi_type, etc.) will be passed back.
2220       !(The coding of this will be refined later)
2221        print*, '*** ERROR in P3_MAIN ***'
2222        print*, '* typeDiags_ON must be set to .TRUE. for GEM'
2223        global_status = STATUS_ERROR
2224        return
2225     endif
2226  endif
2229 ! Determine threshold size difference [m] as a function of nCat
2230 ! (used for destination category upon ice initiation)
2231 ! note -- this code could be moved to 'p3_init'
2232  select case (nCat)
2233     case (1)
2234        deltaD_init = 999.    !not used if n_iceCat=1 (but should be defined)
2235     case (2)
2236        deltaD_init = 500.e-6
2237     case (3)
2238        deltaD_init = 400.e-6
2239     case (4)
2240        deltaD_init = 235.e-6
2241     case (5)
2242        deltaD_init = 175.e-6
2243     case (6:)
2244        deltaD_init = 150.e-6
2245  end select
2247 ! deltaD_init = 250.e-6   !for testing
2248 ! deltaD_init = dummy_in   !temporary; passed in from cld1d
2250 ! Note:  Code for prediction of supersaturation is available in current version.
2251 !        In the future 'log_predictSsat' will be a user-defined namelist key.
2252  log_predictSsat = .false.
2254  log_3momentIce  = present(zitot)
2256  log_hmossopOn   = (      !default: off for nCat=1, off for nCat>1
2257 !log_hmossopOn   = .true.           !switch to have Hallet-Mossop ON
2258 !log_hmossopOn   = .false.          !switch to have Hallet-Mossop OFF
2260  inv_dzq    = 1./dzq  ! inverse of thickness of layers
2261  odt        = 1./dt   ! inverse model time step
2263 ! Compute time scale factor over which to apply soft rain lambda limiter
2264 ! note: '1./max(30.,dt)' = '1.*min(1./30., 1./dt)'
2265  timeScaleFactor = min(1./120., odt)
2267  prt_liq   = 0.
2268  prt_sol   = 0.
2269  mflux_r   = 0.
2270  mflux_i   = 0.
2271  prec      = 0.
2272  mu_r      = 0.
2273  diag_ze   = -99.
2274  diam_ice  = 0.
2275  rimefraction = 0.
2276  rimevolume = 0.
2277  ze_ice    = 1.e-22
2278  ze_rain   = 1.e-22
2279  diag_effc = 10.e-6 ! default value
2280 !diag_effr = 25.e-6 ! default value
2281  diag_effi = 25.e-6 ! default value
2282  diag_vmi  = 0.
2283  diag_di   = 0.
2284  diag_rhoi = 0.
2285  if (present(diag_dhmax)) diag_dhmax = 0.
2286  if (present(diag_lami))  diag_lami  = 0.
2287  if (present(diag_mui))   diag_mui   = 0.
2288  diag_2d   = 0.
2289  diag_3d   = 0.
2290  rhorime_c = 400.
2291 !rhorime_r = 400.
2293  tmparr1 = (pres*1.e-5)**(rd*inv_cp)
2294  invexn  = 1./tmparr1        !inverse Exner function array
2295  t       = th    *tmparr1    !compute temperature from theta (value at beginning of microphysics step)
2296  t_old   = th_old*tmparr1    !compute temperature from theta (value at beginning of model time step)
2297  qv      = max(qv,0.)        !clip water vapor to prevent negative values passed in (beginning of microphysics)
2300 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2301  i_loop_main: do i = its,ite  ! main i-loop (around the entire scheme)
2303     if (debug_on) then
2304        location_ind = 100
2305        force_abort  =.false.
2306        if (log_3momentIce) then
2307           call check_values(qv(i,:),T(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
2308                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind,   &
2309                  Zitot=zitot(i,:,:))
2310        else
2311           call check_values(qv(i,:),T(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
2312                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind)
2313        endif
2314        if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
2315     endif
2317     log_hydrometeorsPresent = .false.
2318     log_nucleationPossible  = .false.
2320     k_loop_1: do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
2322      !calculate some time-varying atmospheric variables
2323        rho(i,k)     = pres(i,k)/(rd*t(i,k))
2324        inv_rho(i,k) = 1./rho(i,k)
2325        xxlv(i,k)    = 3.1484e6-2370.*273.15 !t(i,k), use constant Lv
2326        xxls(i,k)    = xxlv(i,k)+0.3337e6
2327        xlf(i,k)     = xxls(i,k)-xxlv(i,k)
2328      ! max statement added below for first calculation when t_old is zero before t_old is set at end of p3 main
2329        qvs(i,k)     = qv_sat(max(t_old(i,k),1.),pres(i,k),0)
2330        qvi(i,k)     = qv_sat(max(t_old(i,k),1.),pres(i,k),1)
2332       ! if supersaturation is not predicted or during the first time step, then diagnose from qv and T (qvs)
2333        if (.not.(log_predictSsat) then
2334           ssat(i,k)    = qv_old(i,k)-qvs(i,k)
2335           sup(i,k)     = qv_old(i,k)/qvs(i,k)-1.
2336           supi(i,k)    = qv_old(i,k)/qvi(i,k)-1.
2337       ! if supersaturation is predicted then diagnose sup and supi from ssat
2338        else if ((log_predictSsat) then
2339           sup(i,k)     = ssat(i,k)/qvs(i,k)
2340           supi(i,k)    = (ssat(i,k)+qvs(i,k)-qvi(i,k))/qvi(i,k)
2341        endif
2343        rhofacr(i,k) = (rhosur*inv_rho(i,k))**0.54
2344        rhofaci(i,k) = (rhosui*inv_rho(i,k))**0.54
2345        dum          = 1.496e-6*t(i,k)**1.5/(t(i,k)+120.)  ! this is mu
2346        acn(i,k)     = g*rhow/(18.*dum)  ! 'a' parameter for droplet fallspeed (Stokes' law)
2348       !specify cloud droplet number (for 1-moment version)
2349        if (.not.(log_predictNc)) then
2350           nc(i,k) = nccnst*inv_rho(i,k)
2351        endif
2353 ! The test below is skipped if SCPF is not used since now, if SCF>0 somewhere, then nucleation is possible.
2354 ! If there is the possibility of nucleation or droplet activation (i.e., if RH is relatively high)
2355 ! then calculate microphysical processes even if there is no existing condensate
2356 ! Note only theta is updated from clipping and not temp, though temp is used for subsequent calculations.
2357 ! This change is tiny and therefore neglected.
2358        if ((t(i,k).lt.273.15 .and. supi(i,k).ge.-0.05) .or.                              &
2359            (t(i,k).ge.273.15 .and. sup(i,k).ge.-0.05 ) .and. (.not. SCPF_on))            &
2360            log_nucleationPossible = .true.
2362     !--- apply mass clipping if dry and mass is sufficiently small
2363     !    (implying all mass is expected to evaporate/sublimate in one time step)
2365        if (qc(i,k).lt.qsmall .or. (qc(i,k).lt.1.e-8 .and. sup(i,k).lt.-0.1)) then
2366           qv(i,k) = qv(i,k) + qc(i,k)
2367           th(i,k) = th(i,k) - invexn(i,k)*qc(i,k)*xxlv(i,k)*inv_cp
2368           qc(i,k) = 0.
2369           nc(i,k) = 0.
2370        else
2371           log_hydrometeorsPresent = .true.    ! updated further down
2372        endif
2374        if (qr(i,k).lt.qsmall .or. (qr(i,k).lt.1.e-8 .and. sup(i,k).lt.-0.1)) then
2375           qv(i,k) = qv(i,k) + qr(i,k)
2376           th(i,k) = th(i,k) - invexn(i,k)*qr(i,k)*xxlv(i,k)*inv_cp
2377           qr(i,k) = 0.
2378           nr(i,k) = 0.
2379        else
2380           log_hydrometeorsPresent = .true.    ! updated further down
2381        endif
2383        do iice = 1,nCat
2384           if (qitot(i,k,iice).lt.qsmall .or. (qitot(i,k,iice).lt.1.e-8 .and.             &
2385            supi(i,k).lt.-0.1)) then
2386              qv(i,k) = qv(i,k) + qitot(i,k,iice)
2387              th(i,k) = th(i,k) - invexn(i,k)*qitot(i,k,iice)*xxls(i,k)*inv_cp
2388              qitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
2389              nitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
2390              qirim(i,k,iice) = 0.
2391              birim(i,k,iice) = 0.
2392           else
2393              log_hydrometeorsPresent = .true.    ! final update
2394           endif
2396           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall .and. qitot(i,k,iice).lt.1.e-8 .and.             &
2397            t(i,k).ge.273.15) then
2398              qr(i,k) = qr(i,k) + qitot(i,k,iice)
2399              nr(i,k) = nr(i,k) + nitot(i,k,iice)
2400              th(i,k) = th(i,k) - invexn(i,k)*qitot(i,k,iice)*xlf(i,k)*inv_cp
2401              qitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
2402              nitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
2403              qirim(i,k,iice) = 0.
2404              birim(i,k,iice) = 0.
2405           endif
2407        enddo  !iice-loop
2409     !===
2411     enddo k_loop_1
2413    !zero out zitot if there is no qitot for triple moment
2414     if (log_3momentIce) where (qitot(i,:,:).lt.qsmall) zitot(i,:,:) = 0.
2416     if (debug_on) then
2417        location_ind = 200
2418        force_abort  =.false.
2419        tmparr1(i,:) = th(i,:)*(pres(i,:)*1.e-5)**(rd*inv_cp)
2420        if (log_3momentIce) then
2421           call check_values(qv(i,:),tmparr1(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
2422                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind,         &
2423                  Zitot=zitot(i,:,:))
2424        else
2425           call check_values(qv(i,:),tmparr1(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
2426                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind)
2427        endif
2428        if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
2429     endif
2431    !first call to compute_SCPF
2432     call compute_SCPF(Qc(i,:)+sum(Qitot(i,:,:),dim=2),Qr(i,:),Qv(i,:),Qvi(i,:),          &
2433                       Pres(i,:),ktop,kbot,kdir,SCF,iSCF,SPF,iSPF,SPF_clr,Qv_cld,Qv_clr,  &
2434                       SCPF_on,scpf_pfrac,scpf_resfact,quick=.false.)
2436     if ((scpf_ON) .and. (sum(SCF) .ge. 0.01)) log_nucleationPossible = .true.
2438    !jump to end of i-loop if log_nucleationPossible=.false.  (i.e. skip everything)
2439     if (.not. (log_nucleationPossible .or. log_hydrometeorsPresent)) goto 333
2441     log_hydrometeorsPresent = .false.   ! reset value; used again below
2443 !-- for sedimentation-only tests:
2444 !goto 6969
2447 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2448 !   main k-loop (for processes):
2449     k_loop_main: do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
2452      ! if relatively dry and no hydrometeors at this level, skip to end of k-loop (i.e. skip this level)
2453        log_exitlevel = .true.
2454        if (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall .or. qr(i,k).ge.qsmall) log_exitlevel = .false.
2455        do iice = 1,nCat
2456           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) log_exitlevel = .false.
2457        enddo
2459        !The test below is skipped if SCPF is used since now, if SCF>0 somewhere, then nucleation is possible
2460        if ( (     SCPF_on) .and. log_exitlevel .and.       &
2461           (SCF(k).lt.0.01) )  goto 555 !i.e. skip all process rates !%%% FRED TEST NOT SURE
2462        if ( (.not.SCPF_on) .and. log_exitlevel .and.       &
2463           ((t(i,k).lt.273.15 .and. supi(i,k).lt.-0.05) .or.&
2464            (t(i,k).ge.273.15 .and. sup(i,k) .lt.-0.05))) goto 555   !i.e. skip all process rates
2466     ! initialize warm-phase process rates
2467        qcacc   = 0.;     qrevp   = 0.;     qccon   = 0.
2468        qcaut   = 0.;     qcevp   = 0.;     qrcon   = 0.
2469        ncacc   = 0.;     ncnuc   = 0.;     ncslf   = 0.
2470        ncautc  = 0.;     qcnuc   = 0.;     nrslf   = 0.
2471        nrevp   = 0.;     ncautr  = 0.
2473     ! initialize ice-phase  process rates
2474        qchetc  = 0.;     qisub   = 0.;     nrshdr  = 0.
2475        qcheti  = 0.;     qrcol   = 0.;     qcshd   = 0.
2476        qrhetc  = 0.;     qimlt   = 0.;     qccol   = 0.
2477        qrheti  = 0.;     qinuc   = 0.;     nimlt   = 0.
2478        nchetc  = 0.;     nccol   = 0.;     ncshdc  = 0.
2479        ncheti  = 0.;     nrcol   = 0.;     nislf   = 0.
2480        nrhetc  = 0.;     ninuc   = 0.;     qidep   = 0.
2481        nrheti  = 0.;     nisub   = 0.;     qwgrth  = 0.
2482        qrmul   = 0.;     nimul   = 0.;     qicol   = 0.
2483        nicol   = 0.
2485        log_wetgrowth = .false.
2487 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2488        predict_supersaturation: if (log_predictSsat) then
2490       ! Adjust cloud water and thermodynamics to prognostic supersaturation
2491       ! following the method in Grabowski and Morrison (2008).
2492       ! Note that the effects of vertical motion are assumed to dominate the
2493       ! production term for supersaturation, and the effects are sub-grid
2494       ! scale mixing and radiation are not explicitly included.
2496           dqsdT   = xxlv(i,k)*qvs(i,k)/(rv*t(i,k)*t(i,k))
2497           ab      = 1. + dqsdT*xxlv(i,k)*inv_cp
2498           epsilon = (qv(i,k)-qvs(i,k)-ssat(i,k))/ab
2499           epsilon = max(epsilon,-qc(i,k))   ! limit adjustment to available water
2500         ! don't adjust upward if subsaturated
2501         ! otherwise this could result in positive adjustment
2502         ! (spurious generation ofcloud water) in subsaturated conditions
2503           if (ssat(i,k).lt.0.) epsilon = min(0.,epsilon)
2505         ! now do the adjustment
2506           if (abs(epsilon).ge.1.e-15) then
2507              qc(i,k)   = qc(i,k)+epsilon
2508              qv(i,k)   = qv(i,k)-epsilon
2509              th(i,k)   = th(i,k)+epsilon*invexn(i,k)*xxlv(i,k)*inv_cp
2510             ! recalculate variables if there was adjustment
2511              t(i,k)    = th(i,k)*(1.e-5*pres(i,k))**(rd*inv_cp)
2512              qvs(i,k)  = qv_sat(t(i,k),pres(i,k),0)
2513              qvi(i,k)  = qv_sat(t(i,k),pres(i,k),1)
2514              sup(i,k)  = qv(i,k)/qvs(i,k)-1.
2515              supi(i,k) = qv(i,k)/qvi(i,k)-1.
2516              ssat(i,k) = qv(i,k)-qvs(i,k)
2517           endif
2519        endif predict_supersaturation
2520 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2522 ! skip micro process calculations except nucleation/acvtivation if there no hydrometeors are present
2523        log_exitlevel = .true.
2524        if (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall .or. qr(i,k).ge.qsmall) log_exitlevel = .false.
2525        do iice = 1,nCat
2526           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) log_exitlevel=.false.
2527        enddo
2528        if (log_exitlevel) goto 444   !i.e. skip to nucleation
2530       !time/space varying physical variables
2531        mu     = 1.496e-6*t(i,k)**1.5/(t(i,k)+120.)
2532        dv     = 8.794e-5*t(i,k)**1.81/pres(i,k)
2533        sc     = mu/(rho(i,k)*dv)
2534        dum    = 1./(rv*t(i,k)**2)
2535        dqsdT  = xxlv(i,k)*qvs(i,k)*dum
2536        dqsidT = xxls(i,k)*qvi(i,k)*dum
2537        ab     = 1.+dqsdT*xxlv(i,k)*inv_cp
2538        abi    = 1.+dqsidT*xxls(i,k)*inv_cp
2539        kap    = 1.414e+3*mu
2540       !very simple temperature dependent aggregation efficiency
2541 !       if (t(i,k).lt.253.15) then
2542 !          eii = 0.1
2543 !       else if (t(i,k).ge.253.15.and.t(i,k).lt.268.15) then
2544 !          eii = 0.1+(t(i,k)-253.15)*0.06     ! linear ramp from 0.1 to 1 between 253.15 and 268.15 K  [note: 0.06 = (1./15.)*0.9]
2545 !       else if (t(i,k).ge.268.15) then
2546 !          eii = 1.
2547 !       endif
2548        if (t(i,k).lt.253.15) then
2549           eii = 0.001
2550        else if (t(i,k).ge.253.15.and.t(i,k).lt.273.15) then
2551           eii = 0.001+(t(i,k)-253.15)*(0.3-0.001)/20.
2552        else if (t(i,k).ge.273.15) then
2553           eii = 0.3
2554        endif
2556        call get_cloud_dsd2(qc(i,k),nc(i,k),mu_c(i,k),rho(i,k),nu(i,k),dnu,lamc(i,k),     &
2557                            lammin,lammax,cdist(i,k),cdist1(i,k),iSCF(k))
2560        call get_rain_dsd2(qr(i,k),nr(i,k),mu_r(i,k),lamr(i,k),cdistr(i,k),logn0r(i,k),   &
2561                           iSPF(k))
2563      ! initialize inverse supersaturation relaxation timescale for combined ice categories
2564        epsi_tot = 0.
2566        call impose_max_total_Ni(nitot(i,k,:),max_total_Ni,inv_rho(i,k))
2568        iice_loop1: do iice = 1,nCat
2570           qitot_notsmall_1: if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
2572             !impose lower limits to prevent taking log of # < 0
2573              nitot(i,k,iice) = max(nitot(i,k,iice),nsmall)
2574              nr(i,k)         = max(nr(i,k),nsmall)
2576             !compute mean-mass ice diameters (estimated; rigorous approach to be implemented later)
2577              dum2 = 500. !ice density
2578              diam_ice(i,k,iice) = ((qitot(i,k,iice)*6.)/(nitot(i,k,iice)*dum2*pi))**thrd
2580              call calc_bulkRhoRime(qitot(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,iice),birim(i,k,iice),rhop)
2582              call find_lookupTable_indices_1a(dumi,dumjj,dumii,dum1,dum4,dum5,isize,      &
2583                     rimsize,densize,qitot(i,k,iice),nitot(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,iice),rhop)
2585              call find_lookupTable_indices_1b(dumj,dum3,rcollsize,qr(i,k),nr(i,k))
2587              if (.not. log_3momentIce) then
2589              ! call to lookup table interpolation subroutines to get process rates
2590                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 2,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr02)
2591                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 3,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr03)
2592                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 4,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr04)
2593                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 5,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr05)
2594                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 7,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr09)
2595                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 8,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr10)
2596                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi,10,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr14)
2598           ! ice-rain collection processes
2599                 if (qr(i,k).ge.qsmall) then
2600                    call access_lookup_table_coll(dumjj,dumii,dumj,dumi,1,dum1,dum3,dum4,dum5,f1pr07)
2601                    call access_lookup_table_coll(dumjj,dumii,dumj,dumi,2,dum1,dum3,dum4,dum5,f1pr08)
2602                 else
2603                    f1pr07 = -99. ! log space
2604                    f1pr08 = -99. ! log space
2605                 endif
2607              else ! 3-moment ice
2609              ! get G indices
2611              !impose lower limits to prevent taking log of # < 0
2612                 zitot(i,k,iice) = max(zitot(i,k,iice),zsmall)
2614                 dum1z =  6./(200.*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3, as starting point use 200 kg m-3 estimate of bulk density
2616                 do imu=1,niter_mui
2617                    mu_i = compute_mu_3moment(nitot(i,k,iice),dum1z,zitot(i,k,iice),mu_i_max)
2618                    call find_lookupTable_indices_1c(dumzz,dum6,zsize,qitot(i,k,iice),mu_i)
2619                    call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,12,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr16) ! find actual bulk density
2620                    dum1z =  6./(f1pr16*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3
2621                 enddo
2623              ! call find_lookupTable_indices_1c(dumzz,dum6,zsize,qitot(i,k,iice),zitot(i,k,iice)) !HM moved to above
2625              ! call to lookup table interpolation subroutines to get process rates
2626                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 2,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr02)
2627                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 3,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr03)
2628                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 4,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr04)
2629                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 5,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr05)
2630                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 7,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr09)
2631                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 8,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr10)
2632                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,10,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr14)
2633               ! call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,12,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr16) !HM moved to above
2635           ! ice-rain collection processes
2636                 if (qr(i,k).ge.qsmall) then
2637                    call access_lookup_table_coll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumj,dumi,1,dum1,dum3,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr07)
2638                    call access_lookup_table_coll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumj,dumi,2,dum1,dum3,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr08)
2639                 else
2640                    f1pr07 = -99. ! log space
2641                    f1pr08 = -99. ! log space
2642                 endif
2644              endif  !if log_3momentIce
2646           ! adjust Ni if needed to make sure mean size is in bounds (i.e. apply lambda limiters)
2647           !  note: the inv_Qmin (f1pr09) and inv_Qmax (f1pr10) are normalized, thus the
2648           !  max[min] values of nitot are obtained from multiplying these values by qitot.
2649              nitot(i,k,iice) = min(nitot(i,k,iice),f1pr09*qitot(i,k,iice))
2650              nitot(i,k,iice) = max(nitot(i,k,iice),f1pr10*qitot(i,k,iice))
2652           ! adjust Zitot to make sure mu is in bounds
2653           ! note that the Zmax and Zmin are normalized and thus need to be multiplied by existing Q
2654              if (log_3momentIce) then
2655                 dum1 =  6./(f1pr16*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3
2656                 tmp1 = G_of_mu(0.)
2657                 tmp2 = G_of_mu(20.)
2658                 zitot(i,k,iice) = min(zitot(i,k,iice),tmp1*dum1**2/nitot(i,k,iice))
2659                 zitot(i,k,iice) = max(zitot(i,k,iice),tmp2*dum1**2/nitot(i,k,iice))
2660              endif
2662           ! Determine additional collection efficiency factor to be applied to ice-ice collection.
2663           ! The computed values of qicol and nicol are multipiled by Eii_fact to gradually shut off collection
2664           ! if the ice in iice is highly rimed.
2665              if (qirim(i,k,iice)>0.) then
2666                 tmp1 = qirim(i,k,iice)/qitot(i,k,iice)   !rime mass fraction
2667                 if ( then
2668                    Eii_fact(iice)=1.
2669                 else if ( then
2670                 ! linear ramp from 1 to 0 for Fr between 0.6 and 0.9
2671                    Eii_fact(iice) = 1.-(tmp1-0.6)/0.3
2672                 else if ( then
2673                    Eii_fact(iice) = 0.
2674                 endif
2675              else
2676                 Eii_fact(iice) = 1.
2677              endif
2679           endif qitot_notsmall_1 ! qitot > qsmall
2681 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2682 ! Begin calculations of microphysical processes
2684 !......................................................................
2685 ! ice processes
2686 !......................................................................
2688 !.......................
2689 ! collection of droplets
2691 ! here we multiply rates by air density, air density fallspeed correction
2692 ! factor, and collection efficiency since these parameters are not
2693 ! included in lookup table calculations
2694 ! for T < 273.15, assume collected cloud water is instantly frozen
2695 ! note 'f1pr' values are normalized, so we need to multiply by N
2697           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall .and. qc(i,k).ge.qsmall .and. t(i,k).le.273.15) then
2698              qccol(iice) = rhofaci(i,k)*f1pr04*qc(i,k)*eci*rho(i,k)*nitot(i,k,iice)*iSCF(k)
2699              nccol(iice) = rhofaci(i,k)*f1pr04*nc(i,k)*eci*rho(i,k)*nitot(i,k,iice)*iSCF(k)
2700           endif
2702           ! for T > 273.15, assume cloud water is collected and shed as rain drops
2704           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall .and. qc(i,k).ge.qsmall .and. t(i,k).gt.273.15) then
2705           ! sink for cloud water mass and number, note qcshed is source for rain mass
2706              qcshd(iice) = rhofaci(i,k)*f1pr04*qc(i,k)*eci*rho(i,k)*nitot(i,k,iice)*iSCF(k)
2707              nccol(iice) = rhofaci(i,k)*f1pr04*nc(i,k)*eci*rho(i,k)*nitot(i,k,iice)*iSCF(k)
2708           ! source for rain number, assume 1 mm drops are shed
2709              ncshdc(iice) = qcshd(iice)*1.923e+6
2710           endif
2712 !....................
2713 ! collection of rain
2715      ! here we multiply rates by air density, air density fallspeed correction
2716      ! factor, collection efficiency, and n0r since these parameters are not
2717      ! included in lookup table calculations
2719      ! for T < 273.15, assume all collected rain mass freezes
2720      ! note this is a sink for rain mass and number and a source
2721      ! for ice mass
2723      ! note 'f1pr' values are normalized, so we need to multiply by N
2725           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall .and. qr(i,k).ge.qsmall .and. t(i,k).le.273.15) then
2726            ! qrcol(iice)=f1pr08*logn0r(i,k)*rho(i,k)*rhofaci(i,k)*eri*nitot(i,k,iice)
2727            ! nrcol(iice)=f1pr07*logn0r(i,k)*rho(i,k)*rhofaci(i,k)*eri*nitot(i,k,iice)
2728            ! note: f1pr08 and logn0r are already calculated as log_10
2729              qrcol(iice) = 10.**(f1pr08+logn0r(i,k))*rho(i,k)*rhofaci(i,k)*eri*nitot(i,k,iice)*iSCF(k)*(SPF(k)-SPF_clr(k))
2730              nrcol(iice) = 10.**(f1pr07+logn0r(i,k))*rho(i,k)*rhofaci(i,k)*eri*nitot(i,k,iice)*iSCF(k)*(SPF(k)-SPF_clr(k))
2731           endif
2733      ! for T > 273.15, assume collected rain number is shed as
2734      ! 1 mm drops
2735      ! note that melting of ice number is scaled to the loss
2736      ! rate of ice mass due to melting
2737      ! collection of rain above freezing does not impact total rain mass
2739           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall .and. qr(i,k).ge.qsmall .and. t(i,k).gt.273.15) then
2740            ! rain number sink due to collection
2741              nrcol(iice)  = 10.**(f1pr07 + logn0r(i,k))*rho(i,k)*rhofaci(i,k)*eri*nitot(i,k,iice)*iSCF(k)*(SPF(k)-SPF_clr(k))
2742            ! rain number source due to shedding = collected rain mass/mass of 1 mm drop
2743              dum    = 10.**(f1pr08 + logn0r(i,k))*rho(i,k)*rhofaci(i,k)*eri*nitot(i,k,iice)*iSCF(k)*(SPF(k)-SPF_clr(k))
2744      ! for now neglect shedding of ice collecting rain above freezing, since snow is
2745      ! not expected to shed in these conditions (though more hevaily rimed ice would be
2746      ! expected to lead to shedding)
2747      !             nrshdr(iice) = dum*1.923e+6   ! 1./5.2e-7, 5.2e-7 is the mass of a 1 mm raindrop
2748           endif
2750 !...................................
2751 ! collection between ice categories
2753 !        iceice_interaction1:  if (.false.) then       !for testing (to suppress ice-ice interaction)
2754          iceice_interaction1:  if ( then
2756          !note:  In this version, lookupTable_2 (LT2, for ice category interactions) is computed for a maximum
2757          !       mean ice size of Dm_max=2000.e-6 m (the old lambda_i limiter); thus it is compatible with
2758          !       use of LT1-v5.2_2momI (with Dm_max=2000.e-6) [i.e. for log_3momentIce=.false.] but not with
2759          !       LT1-v5.3_3momI (with Dm_max=400000.e-6).  This means that this version can still be
2760          !       run with the 3momI + nCat>1 configuration, but the ice-ice interactions between different
2761          !       categories (in this 'iceice_interaction1' block) is suppressed.
2762          !       In a forthcoming version, both LT1-2momI and LT2 (and LT1-3momI) will all be computed
2763          !       using the unconstrained size limited (i.e. Dm_max=400000.e-6).
2765              qitot_notsmall: if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
2766                 catcoll_loop: do catcoll = 1,iice-1
2767                    qitotcatcoll_notsmall: if (qitot(i,k,catcoll).ge.qsmall) then
2769                   ! first, calculate collection of catcoll category by iice category
2771                       call find_lookupTable_indices_2(dumi,dumii,dumjj,dumic,dumiic,        &
2772                                  dumjjc,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum1c,dum4c,dum5c,                   &
2773                                  iisize,rimsize,densize,                                    &
2774                                  qitot(i,k,iice),qitot(i,k,catcoll),nitot(i,k,iice),        &
2775                                  nitot(i,k,catcoll),qirim(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,catcoll),     &
2776                                  birim(i,k,iice),birim(i,k,catcoll))
2778                       call access_lookup_table_colli(dumjjc,dumiic,dumic,dumjj,dumii,       &
2779                                  dumi,1,dum1c,dum4c,dum5c,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr17)
2780                       call access_lookup_table_colli(dumjjc,dumiic,dumic,dumjj,dumii,       &
2781                                  dumi,2,dum1c,dum4c,dum5c,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr18)
2783                     ! note: need to multiply by air density, air density fallspeed correction factor,
2784                     !       and N of the collectee and collector categories for process rates nicol and qicol,
2785                     !       first index is the collectee, second is the collector
2786                       nicol(catcoll,iice) = f1pr17*rhofaci(i,k)*rho(i,k)*                   &
2787                                             nitot(i,k,catcoll)*nitot(i,k,iice)*iSCF(k)
2788                       qicol(catcoll,iice) = f1pr18*rhofaci(i,k)*rho(i,k)*                   &
2789                                             nitot(i,k,catcoll)*nitot(i,k,iice)*iSCF(k)
2791                       nicol(catcoll,iice) = eii*Eii_fact(iice)*nicol(catcoll,iice)
2792                       qicol(catcoll,iice) = eii*Eii_fact(iice)*qicol(catcoll,iice)
2793                       nicol(catcoll,iice) = min(nicol(catcoll,iice), nitot(i,k,catcoll)*odt)
2794                       qicol(catcoll,iice) = min(qicol(catcoll,iice), qitot(i,k,catcoll)*odt)
2796                   ! second, calculate collection of iice category by catcoll category
2798                     !needed to force consistency between qirim(catcoll) and birim(catcoll) (not for rhop)
2799                       call calc_bulkRhoRime(qitot(i,k,catcoll),qirim(i,k,catcoll),birim(i,k,catcoll),rhop)
2801                       call find_lookupTable_indices_2(dumi,dumii,dumjj,dumic,dumiic,       &
2802                                  dumjjc,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum1c,dum4c,dum5c,                  &
2803                                  iisize,rimsize,densize,                                   &
2804                                  qitot(i,k,catcoll),qitot(i,k,iice),nitot(i,k,catcoll),    &
2805                                  nitot(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,catcoll),qirim(i,k,iice),       &
2806                                  birim(i,k,catcoll),birim(i,k,iice))
2808                       call access_lookup_table_colli(dumjjc,dumiic,dumic,dumjj,dumii,      &
2809                                  dumi,1,dum1c,dum4c,dum5c,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr17)
2811                       call access_lookup_table_colli(dumjjc,dumiic,dumic,dumjj,dumii,      &
2812                                  dumi,2,dum1c,dum4c,dum5c,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr18)
2814                       nicol(iice,catcoll) = f1pr17*rhofaci(i,k)*rho(i,k)*                  &
2815                                             nitot(i,k,iice)*nitot(i,k,catcoll)*iSCF(k)
2816                       qicol(iice,catcoll) = f1pr18*rhofaci(i,k)*rho(i,k)*                  &
2817                                             nitot(i,k,iice)*nitot(i,k,catcoll)*iSCF(k)
2819                      ! note: Eii_fact applied to the collector category
2820                       nicol(iice,catcoll) = eii*Eii_fact(catcoll)*nicol(iice,catcoll)
2821                       qicol(iice,catcoll) = eii*Eii_fact(catcoll)*qicol(iice,catcoll)
2822                       nicol(iice,catcoll) = min(nicol(iice,catcoll),nitot(i,k,iice)*odt)
2823                       qicol(iice,catcoll) = min(qicol(iice,catcoll),qitot(i,k,iice)*odt)
2825                    endif qitotcatcoll_notsmall
2826                 enddo catcoll_loop
2827              endif qitot_notsmall
2829           endif iceice_interaction1
2832 !.............................................
2833 ! self-collection of ice (in a given category)
2835     ! here we multiply rates by collection efficiency, air density,
2836     ! and air density correction factor since these are not included
2837     ! in the lookup table calculations
2838     ! note 'f1pr' values are normalized, so we need to multiply by N
2840           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
2841              nislf(iice) = f1pr03*rho(i,k)*eii*Eii_fact(iice)*rhofaci(i,k)*nitot(i,k,iice)*nitot(i,k,iice)*iSCF(k)
2842           endif
2845 !............................................................
2846 ! melting
2848     ! need to add back accelerated melting due to collection of ice mass by rain (pracsw1)
2849     ! note 'f1pr' values are normalized, so we need to multiply by N
2851           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall .and. t(i,k).gt.273.15) then
2852              qsat0 = 0.622*e0/(pres(i,k)-e0)
2853           !  dum=cpw/xlf(i,k)*(t(i,k)-273.15)*(pracsw1+qcshd(iice))
2854           ! currently enhanced melting from collision is neglected
2855           ! dum=cpw/xlf(i,k)*(t(i,k)-273.15)*(pracsw1)
2856              dum = 0.
2857           ! qimlt(iice)=(f1pr05+f1pr14*sc**0.3333*(rhofaci(i,k)*rho(i,k)/mu)**0.5)* &
2858           !       (t(i,k)-273.15)*2.*pi*kap/xlf(i,k)+dum
2859           ! include RH dependence
2860              qimlt(iice) = ((f1pr05+f1pr14*sc**thrd*(rhofaci(i,k)*rho(i,k)/mu)**0.5)*((t(i,k)-   &
2861                           273.15)*kap-rho(i,k)*xxlv(i,k)*dv*(qsat0-Qv_cld(k)))*2.*pi/xlf(i,k)+   &
2862                           dum)*nitot(i,k,iice)
2863              qimlt(iice) = max(qimlt(iice),0.)
2864              nimlt(iice) = qimlt(iice)*(nitot(i,k,iice)/qitot(i,k,iice))
2865           endif
2867 !............................................................
2868 ! calculate wet growth
2870     ! similar to Musil (1970), JAS
2871     ! note 'f1pr' values are normalized, so we need to multiply by N
2873           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall .and. (qc(i,k)+qr(i,k)).ge.1.e-6 .and. t(i,k).lt.273.15) then
2875              qsat0  = 0.622*e0/(pres(i,k)-e0)
2876              qwgrth(iice) = ((f1pr05 + f1pr14*sc**thrd*(rhofaci(i,k)*rho(i,k)/mu)**0.5)*       &
2877                        2.*pi*(rho(i,k)*xxlv(i,k)*dv*(qsat0-Qv_cld(k))-(t(i,k)-273.15)*         &
2878                        kap)/(xlf(i,k)+cpw*(t(i,k)-273.15)))*nitot(i,k,iice)
2879              qwgrth(iice) = max(qwgrth(iice),0.)
2880          !calculate shedding for wet growth
2881              dum    = max(0.,(qccol(iice)+qrcol(iice))-qwgrth(iice))
2882              if ( then
2883                 nrshdr(iice) = nrshdr(iice) + dum*1.923e+6   ! 1/5.2e-7, 5.2e-7 is the mass of a 1 mm raindrop
2884                 if ((qccol(iice)+qrcol(iice)).ge.1.e-10) then
2885                    dum1  = 1./(qccol(iice)+qrcol(iice))
2886                    qcshd(iice) = qcshd(iice) + dum*qccol(iice)*dum1
2887                    qccol(iice) = qccol(iice) - dum*qccol(iice)*dum1
2888                    qrcol(iice) = qrcol(iice) - dum*qrcol(iice)*dum1
2889                endif
2890              ! densify due to wet growth
2891                log_wetgrowth(iice) = .true.
2892              endif
2894           endif
2897 !-----------------------------
2898 ! calcualte total inverse ice relaxation timescale combined for all ice categories
2899 ! note 'f1pr' values are normalized, so we need to multiply by N
2900           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall .and. t(i,k).lt.273.15) then
2901              epsi(iice) = ((f1pr05+f1pr14*sc**thrd*(rhofaci(i,k)*rho(i,k)/mu)**0.5)*2.*pi* &
2902                           rho(i,k)*dv)*nitot(i,k,iice)
2903              epsi_tot   = epsi_tot + epsi(iice)
2904           else
2905              epsi(iice) = 0.
2906           endif
2909 !.........................
2910 ! calculate rime density
2912 !     FUTURE:  Add source term for birim (=qccol/rhorime_c) so that all process rates calculations
2913 !              are done together, before conservation.
2915      ! NOTE: Tc (ambient) is assumed for the surface temperature.  Technically,
2916      ! we should diagose graupel surface temperature from heat balance equation.
2917      ! (but the ambient temperature is a reasonable approximation; tests show
2918      ! very little sensitivity to different assumed values, Milbrandt and Morrison 2012).
2920       ! Compute rime density: (based on parameterization of Cober and List, 1993 [JAS])
2921       ! for simplicty use mass-weighted ice and droplet/rain fallspeeds
2923         ! if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall .and. t(i,k).lt.273.15) then
2924         !  NOTE:  condition applicable for cloud only; modify when rain is added back
2925           if (qccol(iice).ge.qsmall .and. t(i,k).lt.273.15) then
2927            ! get mass-weighted mean ice fallspeed
2928              vtrmi1(i,k) = f1pr02*rhofaci(i,k)
2929              iTc   = 1./min(-0.001,t(i,k)-273.15)
2931           ! cloud:
2932              if (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall) then
2933               ! droplet fall speed
2934               ! (use Stokes' formulation (thus use analytic solution)
2935                 Vt_qc(i,k) = acn(i,k)*gamma(4.+bcn+mu_c(i,k))/(lamc(i,k)**bcn*gamma(mu_c(i,k)+4.))
2936               ! use mass-weighted mean size
2937                 D_c = (mu_c(i,k)+4.)/lamc(i,k)
2938                 V_impact  = abs(vtrmi1(i,k)-Vt_qc(i,k))
2939                 Ri        = -(0.5e+6*D_c)*V_impact*iTc
2940 !               Ri        = max(1.,min(Ri,8.))
2941                 Ri        = max(1.,min(Ri,12.))
2942                 if (Ri.le.8.) then
2943                    rhorime_c(iice)  = (0.051 + 0.114*Ri - 0.0055*Ri**2)*1000.
2944                 else
2945                 ! for Ri > 8 assume a linear fit between 8 and 12,
2946                 ! rhorime = 900 kg m-3 at Ri = 12
2947                 ! this is somewhat ad-hoc but allows a smoother transition
2948                 ! in rime density up to wet growth
2949                    rhorime_c(iice)  = 611.+72.25*(Ri-8.)
2950                 endif
2952              endif    !if qc>qsmall
2954           ! rain:
2955             ! assume rime density for rain collecting ice is 900 kg/m3
2956 !            if (qr(i,k).ge.qsmall) then
2957 !               D_r = (mu_r(i,k)+1.)/lamr(i,k)
2958 !               V_impact  = abs(vtrmi1(i,k)-Vt_qr(i,k))
2959 !               Ri        = -(0.5e+6*D_r)*V_impact*iTc
2960 !               Ri        = max(1.,min(Ri,8.))
2961 !               rhorime_r(iice)  = (0.051 + 0.114*Ri - 0.0055*Ri*Ri)*1000.
2962 !            else
2963 !               rhorime_r(iice) = 400.
2964 !            endif
2966           else
2967              rhorime_c(iice) = 400.
2968 !            rhorime_r(iice) = 400.
2969           endif ! qi > qsmall and T < 273.15
2971     !--------------------
2972        enddo iice_loop1
2973     !--------------------
2975 !............................................................
2976 ! contact and immersion freezing droplets
2978 ! contact freezing currently turned off
2979 !         dum=7.37*t(i,k)/(288.*10.*pres(i,k))/100.
2980 !         dap=4.*pi*1.38e-23*t(i,k)*(1.+dum/rin)/ &
2981 !                (6.*pi*rin*mu)
2982 !         nacnt=exp(-2.80+0.262*(273.15-t(i,k)))*1000.
2984        if (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall .and. t(i,k).le.269.15) then
2985 !         qchetc(iice) = pi*pi/3.*Dap*Nacnt*rhow*cdist1(i,k)*gamma(mu_c(i,k)+5.)/lamc(i,k)**4
2986 !         nchetc(iice) = 2.*pi*Dap*Nacnt*cdist1(i,k)*gamma(mu_c(i,k)+2.)/lamc(i,k)
2987 ! for future: calculate gamma(mu_c+4) in one place since its used multiple times
2988           dum   = (1./lamc(i,k))**3
2989 !         qcheti(iice_dest) = cons6*cdist1(i,k)*gamma(7.+pgam(i,k))*exp(aimm*(273.15-t(i,k)))*dum**2
2990 !         ncheti(iice_dest) = cons5*cdist1(i,k)*gamma(pgam(i,k)+4.)*exp(aimm*(273.15-t(i,k)))*dum
2992 !           Q_nuc = cons6*cdist1(i,k)*gamma(7.+mu_c(i,k))*exp(aimm*(273.15-t(i,k)))*dum**2
2993 !           N_nuc = cons5*cdist1(i,k)*gamma(mu_c(i,k)+4.)*exp(aimm*(273.15-t(i,k)))*dum
2994           tmp1 = cdist1(i,k)*exp(aimm*(273.15-t(i,k)))
2995           Q_nuc = cons6*gamma(7.+mu_c(i,k))*tmp1*dum**2
2996           N_nuc = cons5*gamma(mu_c(i,k)+4.)*tmp1*dum
2997 !           tmpdbl1  = dexp(dble(aimm*(273.15-t(i,k))))
2998 !           tmpdbl2  = dble(dum)
2999 !           Q_nuc = cons6*cdist1(i,k)*gamma(7.+mu_c(i,k))*tmpdbl1*tmpdbl2**2
3000 !           N_nuc = cons5*cdist1(i,k)*gamma(mu_c(i,k)+4.)*tmpdbl1*tmpdbl2
3003           if (nCat>1) then
3004             !determine destination ice-phase category:
3005              dum1  = 900.     !density of new ice
3006              D_new = ((Q_nuc*6.)/(pi*dum1*N_nuc))**thrd
3007              call icecat_destination(qitot(i,k,:)*iSCF(k),diam_ice(i,k,:),D_new,deltaD_init,iice_dest)
3009              if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
3010           else
3011              iice_dest = 1
3012           endif
3013           qcheti(iice_dest) = Q_nuc
3014           ncheti(iice_dest) = N_nuc
3015        endif
3017 !............................................................
3018 ! immersion freezing of rain
3019 ! for future: get rid of log statements below for rain freezing
3021        if (qr(i,k)*iSPF(k).ge.qsmall.and.t(i,k).le.269.15) then
3023 !         Q_nuc = cons6*exp(log(cdistr(i,k))+log(gamma(7.+mu_r(i,k)))-6.*log(lamr(i,k)))*exp(aimm*(273.15-t(i,k)))*SPF(k)
3024 !         N_nuc = cons5*exp(log(cdistr(i,k))+log(gamma(mu_r(i,k)+4.))-3.*log(lamr(i,k)))*exp(aimm*(273.15-t(i,k)))*SPF(k)
3025           tmpdbl1 = dexp(dble(log(cdistr(i,k))+log(gamma(7.+mu_r(i,k)))-6.*log(lamr(i,k))))
3026           tmpdbl2 = dexp(dble(log(cdistr(i,k))+log(gamma(mu_r(i,k)+4.))-3.*log(lamr(i,k))))
3027           tmpdbl3 = dexp(dble(aimm*(273.15-t(i,k))))
3028           Q_nuc = cons6*sngl(tmpdbl1*tmpdbl3)*SPF(k)
3029           N_nuc = cons5*sngl(tmpdbl2*tmpdbl3)*SPF(k)
3031           if (nCat>1) then
3032              !determine destination ice-phase category:
3033              dum1  = 900.     !density of new ice
3034              D_new = ((Q_nuc*6.)/(pi*dum1*N_nuc))**thrd
3035              call icecat_destination(qitot(i,k,:)*iSCF(k),diam_ice(i,k,:),D_new,          &
3036                                deltaD_init,iice_dest)
3037              if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
3038            else
3039               iice_dest = 1
3040            endif
3041            qrheti(iice_dest) = Q_nuc
3042            nrheti(iice_dest) = N_nuc
3043        endif
3046 !......................................
3047 ! rime splintering (Hallet-Mossop 1974)
3049        rimesplintering_on:  if (log_hmossopOn) then
3051           if (nCat>1) then
3052              !determine destination ice-phase category
3053              D_new = 10.e-6 !assumes ice crystals from rime splintering are tiny
3054              call icecat_destination(qitot(i,k,:)*iSCF(k),diam_ice(i,k,:),D_new,deltaD_init,iice_dest)
3055              if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
3056           else
3057              iice_dest = 1
3058           endif
3060           iice_loop_HM:  do iice = 1,nCat
3062              ! rime splintering occurs from accretion by large ice, assume a threshold
3063              ! mean mass size of 4 mm (ad-hoc, could be modified)
3064              if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall.and.diam_ice(i,k,iice).ge.4000.e-6            &
3065                  .and. (qccol(iice).gt.0. .or. qrcol(iice).gt.0.)) then
3067                 if (t(i,k).gt.270.15) then
3068                    dum = 0.
3069                 elseif (t(i,k).le.270.15 .and. t(i,k).gt.268.15) then
3070                    dum = (270.15-t(i,k))*0.5
3071                 elseif (t(i,k).le.268.15 .and. t(i,k).ge.265.15) then
3072                    dum = (t(i,k)-265.15)*thrd
3073                 elseif (t(i,k).lt.265.15) then
3074                    dum = 0.
3075                 endif
3077                 !rime splintering from riming of cloud droplets
3078 !                dum1 = 35.e+4*qccol(iice)*dum*1000. ! 1000 is to convert kg to g
3079 !                dum2 = dum1*piov6*900.*(10.e-6)**3  ! assume 10 micron splinters
3080 !                qccol(iice) = qccol(iice)-dum2 ! subtract splintering from rime mass transfer
3081 !                if (qccol(iice) .lt. 0.) then
3082 !                   dum2 = qccol(iice)
3083 !                   qccol(iice) = 0.
3084 !                endif
3085 !                qcmul(iice_dest) = qcmul(iice_dest)+dum2
3086 !                nimul(iice_dest) = nimul(iice_dest)+dum2/(piov6*900.*(10.e-6)**3)
3088                !rime splintering from riming of large drops (> 25 microns diameter)
3089                !for simplicitly it is assumed that all accreted rain contributes to splintering,
3090                !but accreted cloud water does not - hence why the code is commented out above
3091                 dum1 = 35.e+4*qrcol(iice)*dum*1000. ! 1000 is to convert kg to g
3092                 dum2 = dum1*piov6*900.*(10.e-6)**3  ! assume 10 micron splinters
3093                 qrcol(iice) = qrcol(iice)-dum2      ! subtract splintering from rime mass transfer
3094                 if (qrcol(iice) .lt. 0.) then
3095                    dum2 = qrcol(iice)+dum2
3096                    qrcol(iice) = 0.
3097                 endif
3099                 qrmul(iice_dest) = qrmul(iice_dest) + dum2
3100                 nimul(iice_dest) = nimul(iice_dest) + dum2/(piov6*900.*(10.e-6)**3)
3102              endif
3104           enddo iice_loop_HM
3106        endif rimesplintering_on
3109 !....................................................
3110 ! condensation/evaporation and deposition/sublimation
3111 !   (use semi-analytic formulation)
3113        !calculate rain evaporation including ventilation
3114        if (qr(i,k)*iSPF(k).ge.qsmall) then
3115           call find_lookupTable_indices_3(dumii,dumjj,dum1,rdumii,rdumjj,inv_dum3,mu_r(i,k),lamr(i,k))
3116          !interpolate value at mu_r
3117           dum1 = revap_table(dumii,dumjj)+(rdumii-real(dumii))*                          &
3118                  (revap_table(dumii+1,dumjj)-revap_table(dumii,dumjj))
3119          !interoplate value at mu_r+1
3120           dum2 = revap_table(dumii,dumjj+1)+(rdumii-real(dumii))*                        &
3121                  (revap_table(dumii+1,dumjj+1)-revap_table(dumii,dumjj+1))
3122          !final interpolation
3123           dum  = dum1+(rdumjj-real(dumjj))*(dum2-dum1)
3125           epsr = 2.*pi*cdistr(i,k)*rho(i,k)*dv*(f1r*gamma(mu_r(i,k)+2.)/(lamr(i,k))      &
3126                   +f2r*(rho(i,k)/mu)**0.5*sc**thrd*dum)
3127        else
3128           epsr = 0.
3129        endif
3131        if (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall) then
3132           epsc = 2.*pi*rho(i,k)*dv*cdist(i,k)
3133        else
3134           epsc = 0.
3135        endif
3137        if (t(i,k).lt.273.15) then
3138           oabi = 1./abi
3139           xx = epsc + epsr + epsi_tot*(1.+xxls(i,k)*inv_cp*dqsdT)*oabi
3140        else
3141           xx = epsc + epsr
3142        endif
3144        dumqvi = qvi(i,k)   !no modification due to latent heating
3145 !----
3146 ! !      ! modify due to latent heating from riming rate
3147 ! !      !   - currently this is done by simple linear interpolation
3148 ! !      !     between conditions for dry and wet growth --> in wet growth it is assumed
3149 ! !      !     that particle surface temperature is at 0 C and saturation vapor pressure
3150 ! !      !     is that with respect to liquid. This simple treatment could be improved in the future.
3151 ! !        if (qwgrth(iice).ge.1.e-20) then
3152 ! !           dum = (qccol(iice)+qrcol(iice))/qwgrth(iice)
3153 ! !        else
3154 ! !           dum = 0.
3155 ! !        endif
3156 ! !        dumqvi = qvi(i,k) + dum*(qvs(i,k)-qvi(i,k))
3157 ! !        dumqvi = min(qvs(i,k),dumqvi)
3158 !====
3161      ! 'A' term including ice (Bergeron process)
3162      ! note: qv and T tendencies due to mixing and radiation are
3163      ! currently neglected --> assumed to be much smaller than cooling
3164      ! due to vertical motion which IS included
3166      ! The equivalent vertical velocity is set to be consistent with dT/dt
3167      ! since -g/cp*dum = dT/dt therefore dum = -cp/g*dT/dt
3168      ! note this formulation for dT/dt is not exact since pressure
3169      ! may change and t and t_old were both diagnosed using the current pressure
3170      ! errors from this assumption are small
3171        dum = -cp/g*(t(i,k)-t_old(i,k))*odt
3173 !       dum = qvs(i,k)*rho(i,k)*g*uzpl(i,k)/max(1.e-3,(pres(i,k)-polysvp1(t(i,k),0)))
3175        if (t(i,k).lt.273.15) then
3176           aaa = (qv(i,k)-qv_old(i,k))*odt - dqsdT*(-dum*g*inv_cp)-(qvs(i,k)-dumqvi)*     &
3177                 (1.+xxls(i,k)*inv_cp*dqsdT)*oabi*epsi_tot
3178        else
3179           aaa = (qv(i,k)-qv_old(i,k))*odt - dqsdT*(-dum*g*inv_cp)
3180        endif
3182        xx  = max(1.e-20,xx)   ! set lower bound on xx to prevent division by zero
3183        oxx = 1./xx
3185        if (.not. scpf_ON)  then
3186           ssat_cld = ssat(i,k)
3187           ssat_r   = ssat(i,k)
3188           sup_cld  = sup(i,k)
3189           sup_r    = sup(i,k)
3190           supi_cld = supi(i,k)
3191        else
3192           ssat_cld  = Qv_cld(k) - qvs(i,k) !in-cloud  sub/sur-saturation w.r.t. liq
3193           ssat_clr  = Qv_clr(k) - qvs(i,k) !clear-sky sub/sur-saturation w.r.t. liq
3194           !mix of in-cloud/clearsky sub/sur-saturation w.r.t. liqfor rain:
3195           ssat_r    = ssat_cld*(SPF(k)-SPF_clr(k))+ssat_clr*SPF_clr(k)
3196           sup_r     = ssat_r   /qvs(i,k)
3197           sup_cld   = ssat_cld /qvs(i,k)   !in-cloud  sub/sur-saturation w.r.t. liq in %
3198           supi_cld  = Qv_cld(k)/qvi(i,k)-1.!in-cloud  sub/sur-saturation w.r.t. ice in %
3199        endif
3201        if (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall) &
3202           qccon = (aaa*epsc*oxx+(ssat_cld*SCF(k)-aaa*oxx)*odt*epsc*oxx*(1.-sngl(dexp(-dble(xx*dt)))))/ab
3203        if (qr(i,k).ge.qsmall) &
3204           qrcon = (aaa*epsr*oxx+(ssat_r*SPF(k)-aaa*oxx)*odt*epsr*oxx*(1.-sngl(dexp(-dble(xx*dt)))))/ab
3206       !evaporate instantly for very small water contents
3207        if ( .and. qc(i,k).lt.1.e-12)  qccon = -qc(i,k)*odt
3208        if (sup_r  .lt.-0.001 .and. qr(i,k).lt.1.e-12)  qrcon = -qr(i,k)*odt
3210        if ( then
3211           qcevp = -qccon
3212           qccon = 0.
3213        else
3214           qccon = min(qccon, qv(i,k)*odt)
3215        endif
3217        if ( then
3218           qrevp = -qrcon
3219           nrevp = qrevp*(nr(i,k)/qr(i,k))
3220          !nrevp = nrevp*exp(-0.2*mu_r(i,k))  !add mu dependence [Seifert (2008), neglecting size dependence]
3221           qrcon = 0.
3222        else
3223           qrcon = min(qrcon, qv(i,k)*odt)
3224        endif
3226        iice_loop_depsub:  do iice = 1,nCat
3228           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall.and.t(i,k).lt.273.15) then
3229             !note: diffusional growth/decay rate: (stored as 'qidep' temporarily; may go to qisub below)
3230              qidep(iice) = (aaa*epsi(iice)*oxx+(ssat_cld*SCF(k)-aaa*oxx)*odt*epsi(iice)*oxx*   &
3231                            (1.-sngl(dexp(-dble(xx*dt)))))*oabi+(qvs(i,k)-dumqvi)*epsi(iice)*oabi
3232           endif
3234          !for very small ice contents in dry air, sublimate all ice instantly
3235           if ( .and. qitot(i,k,iice).lt.1.e-12) &
3236              qidep(iice) = -qitot(i,k,iice)*odt
3238           !note: 'clbfact_dep' and 'clbfact_sub' calibration factors for ice deposition and sublimation
3239           !   These are adjustable ad hoc factors used to increase or decrease deposition and/or
3240           !   sublimation rates.  The representation of the ice capacitances are highly simplified
3241           !   and the appropriate values in the diffusional growth equation are uncertain.
3243           if (qidep(iice).lt.0.) then
3244            !note: limit to saturation adjustment (for dep and subl) is applied later
3245              qisub(iice) = -qidep(iice)
3246              qisub(iice) = qisub(iice)*clbfact_sub
3247              qisub(iice) = min(qisub(iice), qitot(i,k,iice)*odt)
3248              nisub(iice) = qisub(iice)*(nitot(i,k,iice)/qitot(i,k,iice))
3249              qidep(iice) = 0.
3250           else
3251              qidep(iice) = qidep(iice)*clbfact_dep
3252              qidep(iice) = min(qidep(iice), qv(i,k)*odt)
3253           endif
3255        enddo iice_loop_depsub
3257 444    continue
3260 !................................................................
3261 ! deposition/condensation-freezing nucleation
3262 !   (allow ice nucleation if T < -15 C and > 5% ice supersaturation)
3264        if (.not. scpf_ON)  then
3265           sup_cld  = sup(i,k)
3266           supi_cld = supi(i,k)
3267        else
3268           supi_cld= Qv_cld(k)/qvi(i,k)-1.!in-cloud  sub/sur-saturation w.r.t. ice in %
3269           sup_cld = Qv_cld(k)/qvs(i,k)-1.!in-cloud  sub/sur-saturation w.r.t. liq in %
3270        endif
3272        if (t(i,k).lt.258.15 .and. then
3273 !         dum = exp(-0.639+0.1296*100.*supi(i,k))*1000.*inv_rho(i,k)        !Meyers et al. (1992)
3274           dum = 0.005*exp(0.304*(273.15-t(i,k)))*1000.*inv_rho(i,k)         !Cooper (1986)
3275 !         dum = 0.005*dexp(dble(0.304*(273.15-t(i,k))))*1000.*inv_rho(i,k)  !Cooper (1986)
3276           dum = min(dum,100.e3*inv_rho(i,k)*SCF(k))
3277           N_nuc = max(0.,(dum-sum(nitot(i,k,:)))*odt)
3279           if ( then
3280              Q_nuc = max(0.,(dum-sum(nitot(i,k,:)))*mi0*odt)
3281              if (nCat>1) then
3282                 !determine destination ice-phase category:
3283                 dum1  = 900.     !density of new ice
3284                 D_new = ((Q_nuc*6.)/(pi*dum1*N_nuc))**thrd
3285                 call icecat_destination(qitot(i,k,:)*iSCF(k),diam_ice(i,k,:),D_new,deltaD_init,iice_dest)
3286                 if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
3287              else
3288                 iice_dest = 1
3289              endif
3290              qinuc(iice_dest) = Q_nuc
3291              ninuc(iice_dest) = N_nuc
3292           endif
3293        endif
3296 !.................................................................
3297 ! droplet activation
3299 ! for specified Nc, make sure droplets are present if conditions are supersaturated
3300 ! note that this is also applied at the first time step
3301 ! this is not applied at the first time step, since saturation adjustment is applied at the first step
3303        if (.not.(log_predictNc) then
3304           dum   = nccnst*inv_rho(i,k)*cons7-qc(i,k)
3305           dum   = max(0.,dum*iSCF(k))         ! in-cloud value
3306           dumqvs = qv_sat(t(i,k),pres(i,k),0)
3307           dqsdT = xxlv(i,k)*dumqvs/(rv*t(i,k)*t(i,k))
3308           ab    = 1. + dqsdT*xxlv(i,k)*inv_cp
3309           dum   = max(0.,min(dum,(Qv_cld(k)-dumqvs)/ab))  ! limit overdepletion of supersaturation
3310           qcnuc = dum*odt*SCF(k)
3311        endif
3313        if (log_predictNc) then
3314          ! for predicted Nc, calculate activation explicitly from supersaturation
3315          ! note that this is also applied at the first time step
3316           if ( then
3317              dum1  = 1./bact**0.5
3318              sigvl = 0.0761 - 1.55e-4*(t(i,k)-273.15)
3319              aact  = 2.*mw/(rhow*rr*t(i,k))*sigvl
3320              sm1   = 2.*dum1*(aact*thrd*inv_rm1)**1.5
3321              sm2   = 2.*dum1*(aact*thrd*inv_rm2)**1.5
3322              uu1   = 2.*log(sm1/sup_cld)/(4.242*log(sig1))
3323              uu2   = 2.*log(sm2/sup_cld)/(4.242*log(sig2))
3324              dum1  = nanew1*0.5*(1.-derf(uu1)) ! activated number in kg-1 mode 1
3325              dum2  = nanew2*0.5*(1.-derf(uu2)) ! activated number in kg-1 mode 2
3326            ! make sure this value is not greater than total number of aerosol
3327              dum2  = min((nanew1+nanew2),dum1+dum2)
3328              dum2  = (dum2-nc(i,k)*iSCF(k))*odt*SCF(k)
3329              dum2  = max(0.,dum2)
3330              ncnuc = dum2
3331            ! don't include mass increase from droplet activation during first time step
3332            ! since this is already accounted for by saturation adjustment below
3333              if (it.le.1) then
3334                 qcnuc = 0.
3335              else
3336                 qcnuc = ncnuc*cons7
3337              endif
3338           endif
3339        endif
3342 !................................................................
3343 ! saturation adjustment to get initial cloud water
3345 ! This is only called once at the beginning of the simulation
3346 ! to remove any supersaturation in the intial conditions
3348        if (it.le.1) then
3349           dumt   = th(i,k)*(pres(i,k)*1.e-5)**(rd*inv_cp)
3350           dumqv  = Qv_cld(k)
3351           dumqvs = qv_sat(dumt,pres(i,k),0)
3352           dums   = dumqv-dumqvs
3353           qccon  = dums/(1.+xxlv(i,k)**2*dumqvs/(cp*rv*dumt**2))*odt*SCF(k)
3354           qccon  = max(0.,qccon)
3355           if (qccon.le.1.e-7) qccon = 0.
3356        endif
3359 !................................................................
3360 ! autoconversion
3362        qc_not_small_1: if (qc(i,k)*iSCF(k).ge.1.e-8) then
3364           if (iparam.eq.1) then
3366             !Seifert and Beheng (2001)
3367              dum   = 1.-qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)/(qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)+qr(i,k)*iSPF(k)*(SPF(k)-SPF_clr(k)))
3368              dum1  = 600.*dum**0.68*(1.-dum**0.68)**3
3369              qcaut =  kc*1.9230769e-5*(nu(i,k)+2.)*(nu(i,k)+4.)/(nu(i,k)+1.)**2*         &
3370                       (rho(i,k)*qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)*1.e-3)**4/                               &
3371                       (rho(i,k)*nc(i,k)*iSCF(k)*1.e-6)**2*(1.+                           &
3372                       dum1/(1.-dum)**2)*1000.*inv_rho(i,k)*SCF(k)
3373              ncautc = qcaut*7.6923076e+9
3375           elseif (iparam.eq.2) then
3377             !Beheng (1994)
3378              if (nc(i,k)*iSCF(k)*rho(i,k)*1.e-6 .lt. 100.) then
3379                 qcaut = 6.e+28*inv_rho(i,k)*mu_c(i,k)**(-1.7)*(1.e-6*rho(i,k)*           &
3380                         nc(i,k)*iSCF(k))**(-3.3)*(1.e-3*rho(i,k)*qc(i,k)*iSCF(k))**(4.7) &
3381                         *SCF(k)
3382              else
3383                !2D interpolation of tabled logarithmic values
3384                 dum   = 41.46 + (nc(i,k)*iSCF(k)*1.e-6*rho(i,k)-100.)*(37.53-41.46)*5.e-3
3385                 dum1  = 39.36 + (nc(i,k)*iSCF(k)*1.e-6*rho(i,k)-100.)*(30.72-39.36)*5.e-3
3386                 qcaut = dum+(mu_c(i,k)-5.)*(dum1-dum)*0.1
3387               ! 1000/rho is for conversion from g cm-3/s to kg/kg
3388                 qcaut = exp(qcaut)*(1.e-3*rho(i,k)*qc(i,k)*iSCF(k))**4.7*1000.*inv_rho(i,k)*SCF(k)
3389 !               qcaut = dexp(dble(qcaut))*(1.e-3*rho(i,k)*qc(i,k)*iSCF(k))**4.7*1000.*   &
3390 !                       inv_rho(i,k)*SCF(k)
3391              endif
3392              ncautc = 7.7e+9*qcaut
3394           elseif (iparam.eq.3) then
3396            !Khroutdinov and Kogan (2000)
3397              dum   = qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)
3398              qcaut = 1350.*dum**2.47*(nc(i,k)*iSCF(k)*1.e-6*rho(i,k))**(-1.79)*SCF(k)
3399             ! note: ncautr is change in Nr; ncautc is change in Nc
3400              ncautr = qcaut*cons3
3401              ncautc = qcaut*nc(i,k)/qc(i,k)
3403           elseif (iparam.eq.4) then
3405            !Kogan (2013)
3406              dum = qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)
3407              qcaut = 7.98e10*dum**4.22*(nc(i,k)*iSCF(k)*1.e-6*rho(i,k))**(-3.01)*SCF(k)
3408              ncautr = qcaut*cons8
3409              ncautc = qcaut*nc(i,k)/qc(i,k)
3411           endif
3413           if (qcaut .eq.0.) ncautc = 0.
3414           if (ncautc.eq.0.) qcaut  = 0.
3416        endif qc_not_small_1
3418 !............................
3419 ! self-collection of droplets
3421        if (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall) then
3423           if (iparam.eq.1) then
3424            !Seifert and Beheng (2001)
3425              ncslf = -kc*(1.e-3*rho(i,k)*qc(i,k)*iSCF(k))**2*(nu(i,k)+2.)/(nu(i,k)+1.)*         &
3426                      1.e+6*inv_rho(i,k)*SCF(k)+ncautc
3427           elseif (iparam.eq.2) then
3428            !Beheng (994)
3429              ncslf = -5.5e+16*inv_rho(i,k)*mu_c(i,k)**(-0.63)*(1.e-3*rho(i,k)*qc(i,k)*iSCF(k))**2*SCF(k)
3430           elseif (iparam.eq.3.or.iparam.eq.4) then
3431             !Khroutdinov and Kogan (2000)
3432              ncslf = 0.
3433           endif
3435        endif
3437 !............................
3438 ! accretion of cloud by rain
3440        if (qr(i,k).ge.qsmall .and. qc(i,k).ge.qsmall) then
3442           if (iparam.eq.1) then
3443            !Seifert and Beheng (2001)
3444              dum2  = (SPF(k)-SPF_clr(k)) !in-cloud Precipitation fraction
3445              dum   = 1.-qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)/(qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)+qr(i,k)*iSPF(k))
3446              dum1  = (dum/(dum+5.e-4))**4
3447              qcacc = kr*rho(i,k)*0.001*qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)*qr(i,k)*iSPF(k)*dum1*dum2
3448              ncacc = qcacc*rho(i,k)*0.001*(nc(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1.e-6)/(qc(i,k)*rho(i,k)*    &  !note: (nc*iSCF)/(qc*iSCF) = nc/qc
3449                      0.001)*1.e+6*inv_rho(i,k)
3450           elseif (iparam.eq.2) then
3451            !Beheng (994)
3452              dum2  = (SPF(k)-SPF_clr(k)) !in-cloud Precipitation fraction
3453              dum   = (qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)*qr(i,k)*iSPF(k))
3454              qcacc = 6.*rho(i,k)*dum*dum2
3455              ncacc = qcacc*rho(i,k)*1.e-3*(nc(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1.e-6)/(qc(i,k)*rho(i,k)*    &   !note: (nc*iSCF)/(qc*iSCF) = nc/qc
3456                      1.e-3)*1.e+6*inv_rho(i,k)
3457           elseif (iparam.eq.3) then
3458             !Khroutdinov and Kogan (2000)
3459              dum2  = (SPF(k)-SPF_clr(k)) !in-cloud Precipitation fraction
3460              qcacc = 67.*(qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)*qr(i,k)*iSPF(k))**1.15 *dum2
3461              ncacc = qcacc*nc(i,k)/qc(i,k)
3462           elseif (iparam.eq.4) then
3463             !Kogan (2013)
3464              dum2 = (SPF(k)-SPF_clr(k)) !in-cloud Precipitation fraction
3465              qcacc = 8.53*(qc(i,k)*iSCF(k))**1.05*(qr(i,k)*iSPF(k))**0.98 *dum2
3466              ncacc = qcacc*nc(i,k)/qc(i,k)
3467           endif
3469           if (qcacc.eq.0.) ncacc = 0.
3470           if (ncacc.eq.0.) qcacc = 0.
3472        endif
3474 !.....................................
3475 ! self-collection and breakup of rain
3476 ! (breakup following modified Verlinde and Cotton scheme)
3478        if (qr(i,k).ge.qsmall) then
3480         ! include breakup
3481           dum1 = 280.e-6
3482           nr(i,k) = max(nr(i,k),nsmall)
3483         ! use mass-mean diameter (do this by using
3484         ! the old version of lambda w/o mu dependence)
3485         ! note there should be a factor of 6^(1/3), but we
3486         ! want to keep breakup threshold consistent so 'dum'
3487         ! is expressed in terms of lambda rather than mass-mean D
3488           dum2 = (qr(i,k)/(pi*rhow*nr(i,k)))**thrd
3489           if ( then
3490              dum = 1.
3491           else if ( then
3492              dum = 2.-exp(2300.*(dum2-dum1))
3493 !            dum = 2.-dexp(dble(2300.*(dum2-dum1)))
3494           endif
3496           if (iparam.eq.1.) then
3497              nrslf = dum*kr*1.e-3*qr(i,k)*iSPF(k)*nr(i,k)*iSPF(k)*rho(i,k)*SPF(k)
3498           elseif (iparam.eq.2 .or. iparam.eq.3) then
3499              nrslf = dum*5.78*nr(i,k)*iSPF(k)*qr(i,k)*iSPF(k)*rho(i,k)*SPF(k)
3500           elseif (iparam.eq.4) then
3501              nrslf = dum*205.*(qr(i,k)*iSPF(k))**1.55*(nr(i,k)*1.e-6*rho(i,k)*iSPF(k))**0.6*1.e6/rho(i,k)*SPF(k) ! 1.e6 converts cm-3 to m-3
3502           endif
3504        endif
3507 !.................................................................
3508 ! conservation of mass
3510 ! The microphysical process rates are computed above, based on the environmental conditions.
3511 ! The rates are adjusted here (where necessary) such that the sum of the sinks of mass cannot
3512 ! be greater than the sum of the sources, thereby resulting in overdepletion.
3514     !Limit total condensation (incl. activation) and evaporation to saturation adjustment
3515        dumqvs = qv_sat(t(i,k),pres(i,k),0)
3516        qcon_satadj  = (Qv_cld(k)-dumqvs)/(1.+xxlv(i,k)**2*dumqvs/(cp*rv*t(i,k)**2))*odt*SCF(k)
3518        tmp1 = qccon+qrcon+qcnuc
3519        if (tmp1>0. .and. qcon_satadj<0.) then
3520           qccon = 0.
3521           qrcon = 0.
3522           qcnuc = 0.
3523           ncnuc = 0.
3524        else
3525           if ( .and. then
3526              ratio = max(0.,qcon_satadj)/tmp1
3527              ratio = min(1.,ratio)
3528              qccon = qccon*ratio
3529              qrcon = qrcon*ratio
3530              qcnuc = qcnuc*ratio
3531              ncnuc = ncnuc*ratio
3532           elseif ( then
3533              ratio = max(0.,-qcon_satadj)/(qcevp+qrevp)
3534              ratio = min(1.,ratio)
3535              qcevp = qcevp*ratio
3536              qrevp = qrevp*ratio
3537              nrevp = nrevp*ratio
3538           endif
3539        endif
3541     !Limit total deposition (incl. nucleation) and sublimation to saturation adjustment
3542        qv_tmp = Qv_cld(k) + (-qcnuc-qccon-qrcon+qcevp+qrevp)*dt                              !qv after cond/evap      
3543        t_tmp  = t(i,k) + (qcnuc+qccon+qrcon-qcevp-qrevp)*xxlv(i,k)*inv_cp*dt                 !T after cond/evap       
3544        dumqvi = qv_sat(t_tmp,pres(i,k),1)
3545        qdep_satadj = (qv_tmp-dumqvi)/(1.+xxls(i,k)**2*dumqvi/(cp*rv*t_tmp**2))*odt*SCF(k)
3547        tmp1 = sum(qidep)+sum(qinuc)
3548        if (tmp1>0. .and. qdep_satadj<0.) then
3549           qidep = 0.
3550           qinuc = 0.
3551           ninuc = 0.
3552        else
3553           if ( .and. then
3554              ratio = max(0.,qdep_satadj)/tmp1
3555              ratio = min(1.,ratio)
3556              qidep = qidep*ratio
3557              qinuc = qinuc*ratio
3558              ninuc = ninuc*ratio
3559           endif
3560           do iice = 1,nCat
3561              dum = max(qisub(iice),1.e-20)
3562              qisub(iice)  = qisub(iice)*min(1.,max(0.,-qdep_satadj)/max(sum(qisub), 1.e-20))  !optimized (avoids IF( )
3563              nisub(iice)  = nisub(iice)*min(1.,qisub(iice)/dum)
3564           enddo
3565          !qchetc = qchetc*min(1.,qc(i,k)*odt/max(sum(qchetc),1.e-20))  !currently not used
3566          !qrhetc = qrhetc*min(1.,qr(i,k)*odt/max(sum(qrhetc),1.e-20))  !currently not used
3567        endif
3570 ! cloud
3571        sinks   = (qcaut+qcacc+sum(qccol)+qcevp+sum(qchetc)+sum(qcheti)+sum(qcshd))*dt
3572        sources = qc(i,k) + (qccon+qcnuc)*dt
3573        if ( .and. then
3574           ratio  = sources/sinks
3575           qcaut  = qcaut*ratio
3576           qcacc  = qcacc*ratio
3577           qcevp  = qcevp*ratio
3578           qccol  = qccol*ratio
3579           qcheti = qcheti*ratio
3580           qcshd  = qcshd*ratio
3581          !if (log_predictNc) then
3582          ! note: the conditional is present for strict code logic but commented for efficiency
3583          !       (4 multiplications, even if values are not used [if log_predictNc=.false.], are cheaper than one IF)
3584             ncautc = ncautc*ratio
3585             ncacc  = ncacc*ratio
3586             nccol  = nccol*ratio
3587             ncheti = ncheti*ratio
3588            !nchetc = nchetc*ratio
3589          !endif
3590        endif
3592 ! rain
3593        sinks   = (qrevp+sum(qrcol)+sum(qrhetc)+sum(qrheti)+sum(qrmul))*dt
3594        sources = qr(i,k) + (qrcon+qcaut+qcacc+sum(qimlt)+sum(qcshd))*dt
3595        if ( .and. then
3596           ratio  = sources/sinks
3597           qrevp  = qrevp*ratio
3598           qrcol  = qrcol*ratio
3599           qrheti = qrheti*ratio
3600           qrmul  = qrmul*ratio
3601           nrevp  = nrevp*ratio
3602           nrcol  = nrcol*ratio
3603           nrheti = nrheti*ratio
3604          !qrhetc = qrhetc*ratio
3605          !nrhetc = nrhetc*ratio
3606        endif
3608 ! ice
3609        do iice = 1,nCat
3610           sinks   = (qisub(iice)+qimlt(iice))*dt
3611           sources = qitot(i,k,iice) + (qidep(iice)+qinuc(iice)+qrcol(iice)+qccol(iice)+  &
3612                     qrhetc(iice)+qrheti(iice)+qchetc(iice)+qcheti(iice)+qrmul(iice))*dt
3613           do catcoll = 1,nCat
3614             !category interaction leading to source for iice category
3615              sources = sources + qicol(catcoll,iice)*dt
3616             !category interaction leading to sink for iice category
3617              sinks = sinks + qicol(iice,catcoll)*dt
3618           enddo
3619           if ( .and. then
3620              ratio = sources/sinks
3621              qisub(iice) = qisub(iice)*ratio
3622              qimlt(iice) = qimlt(iice)*ratio
3623              nisub(iice) = nisub(iice)*ratio
3624              nimlt(iice) = nimlt(iice)*ratio
3625              do catcoll = 1,nCat
3626                 qicol(iice,catcoll) = qicol(iice,catcoll)*ratio
3627                 nicol(iice,catcoll) = nicol(iice,catcoll)*ratio
3628              enddo
3629           endif
3630       enddo  !iice-loop
3632 ! vapor
3633        sinks   = (qccon+qrcon+qcnuc+sum(qidep)+sum(qinuc))*dt
3634        sources = qv(i,k) + (qcevp+qrevp+sum(qisub))*dt
3635        if ( .and. then
3636           ratio  = sources/sinks
3637           qccon  = qccon*ratio
3638           qrcon  = qrcon*ratio
3639           qcnuc  = qcnuc*ratio
3640           qidep  = qidep*ratio
3641           qinuc  = qinuc*ratio
3642           ninuc  = ninuc*ratio
3643           ncnuc  = ncnuc*ratio
3644        endif
3646 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3647 ! Update ice reflectivity
3649 ! At this point, we have the values of prognostic variables at beginning of time step,
3650 ! the value of all process rates for qitot and nitot
3652       update_refl_processes: if (log_3momentIce) then
3654        iice_loop_z1: do iice = 1,nCat
3656        !----  Group 1 process rates (assume mu_i does not change)
3657        !
3658        !   upated value of zitot is computed for these processes
3660         !-- compute "updated" values of qitot and nitot (used here only)
3661         ! NOTE: must add qicol in line below for combining 3-moment with multi-cat P3
3662           dumm3(iice) = qitot(i,k,iice) + ( qidep(iice)+qrcol(iice)+qccol(iice)+     &
3663                                             qrmul(iice)-qisub(iice)-qimlt(iice) )*dt
3664         ! NOTE: must add nicol in line below for combining 3-moment with multi-cat P3
3665           dumm0(iice) = nitot(i,k,iice) + (-nimlt(iice)-nisub(iice)+nimul(iice)-nislf(iice) )*dt
3667        enddo iice_loop_z1
3668        !====
3669        iice_loop_z2: do iice = 1,nCat
3671          !update further due to category interactions:
3672           do catcoll = 1,nCat
3673              dumm3(catcoll) = dumm3(catcoll) - qicol(catcoll,iice)*dt
3674              dumm3(iice)    = dumm3(iice)    + qicol(catcoll,iice)*dt
3675              dumm0(catcoll) = dumm0(catcoll) - nicol(catcoll,iice)*dt
3676           enddo ! catcoll loop
3678           if (dumm3(iice).ge.qsmall) then
3680             !estimate moment3 from updated qitot (dum2).
3681              if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
3682                !need to use mean ice density (f1pr16) from beginning of step, since the updated value is not available
3683                 dumm3(iice) = 6./(f1pr16*pi)*dumm3(iice)
3684              else
3685                !if there is no existing ice, assume an ice density of 900 kg m-3
3686                 dumm3(iice) = 6./(900.*pi)*dumm3(iice)
3687              endif
3689             !solve or assign for mu_i (to be used to compute updated zitot)
3690             if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
3691                !solve for mu_i from values of mom0,mom3,mom6 at beginning of time step
3692                 dum1 =  6./(f1pr16*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3
3693                 mu_i = compute_mu_3moment(nitot(i,k,iice),dum1,zitot(i,k,iice),mu_i_max)
3694              else
3695                !no ice present, therefore assign an initial value
3696                 mu_i = mu_i_initial
3697              endif
3699             !compute zitot as a function of (old) mu_i and the "updated" moment_0 (dumm0) and moment_3 (dumm3)
3700              zitot(i,k,iice) = G_of_mu(mu_i)*dumm3(iice)**2/max(dumm0(iice),nsmall)
3702           else
3703              zitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
3704           endif
3706        !====
3708        !----  Group 2 (initiation processes, where mu_i for the new ice resulting from that process (only) is assigned
3709        !              note: mu_i_new is the mu_i associated with the new added ice for that process
3711         !proceses with rain freezing:
3712           tmp2 =  nrhetc(iice) + nrheti(iice)                  !moment_0 tendency
3713           if ( then
3714              tmp1 = (qrhetc(iice) + qrheti(iice))*6./(900.*pi) !estimate of moment_3 tendency
3715              mu_i_new = mu_r(i,k)
3716              zitot(i,k,iice) = zitot(i,k,iice) + G_of_mu(mu_i_new)*tmp1**2/tmp2*dt
3717           endif
3719         !proceses with cloud freezing:
3720           tmp2 =  nchetc(iice) + ncheti(iice)                  !moment_0 tendency
3721           if ( then
3722              tmp1 = (qchetc(iice) + qcheti(iice))*6./(900.*pi) !estimate of moment_3 tendency
3723              mu_i_new = mu_c(i,k)
3724              zitot(i,k,iice) = zitot(i,k,iice) + G_of_mu(mu_i_new)*tmp1**2/tmp2*dt
3725           endif
3727         !proceses of deposition nucleation
3728           tmp2 = ninuc(iice)                                   !moment_0 tendency
3729           if ( then
3730              tmp1 = qinuc(iice)*6./(900.*pi)                   !estimate of moment_3 tendency
3731              mu_i_new = mu_i_initial                           !estimated assigned value
3732              zitot(i,k,iice) = zitot(i,k,iice) + G_of_mu(mu_i_new)*tmp1**2/tmp2*dt
3733           endif
3735        !====
3737        !----  Group 3 -- processes that we know how to do formally
3738        ! FUTURE.  e.g. diffusional growth, riming, drop freezing
3739        !====
3741        end do iice_loop_z2
3743       endif update_refl_processes
3745       ! at this point, zitot has been completely updated due to all process rates (except sedimentation)
3747 !======================================================================================!
3750 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3751 ! update prognostic microphysics and thermodynamics variables
3752 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3754    !-- ice-phase dependent processes:
3756        iice_loop2: do iice = 1,nCat
3758        ! compute fractions before update (assumed constant during ice-ice coll.)
3759         if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
3760          tmp1 = 1./qitot(i,k,iice)
3761          rimevolume(i,k,iice) = birim(i,k,iice)*tmp1
3762          rimefraction(i,k,iice) = qirim(i,k,iice)*tmp1
3763         endif
3765        enddo iice_loop2
3767        iice_loop3: do iice = 1,nCat
3769           qc(i,k) = qc(i,k) + (-qchetc(iice)-qcheti(iice)-qccol(iice)-qcshd(iice))*dt
3770           if (log_predictNc) then
3771              nc(i,k) = nc(i,k) + (-nccol(iice)-nchetc(iice)-ncheti(iice))*dt
3772           endif
3774           qr(i,k) = qr(i,k) + (-qrcol(iice)+qimlt(iice)-qrhetc(iice)-qrheti(iice)+            &
3775                     qcshd(iice)-qrmul(iice))*dt
3776         ! apply factor to source for rain number from melting of ice, (ad-hoc
3777         ! but accounts for rapid evaporation of small melting ice particles)
3778           nr(i,k) = nr(i,k) + (-nrcol(iice)-nrhetc(iice)-nrheti(iice)+nmltratio*nimlt(iice)+  &
3779                     nrshdr(iice)+ncshdc(iice))*dt
3781          ! if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
3782          ! add sink terms, assume density stays constant for sink terms
3783              birim(i,k,iice) = birim(i,k,iice) - ((qisub(iice)+qimlt(iice))*dt*               &
3784                                rimevolume(i,k,iice))
3785              qirim(i,k,iice) = qirim(i,k,iice) - ((qisub(iice)+qimlt(iice))*dt*               &
3786                                rimefraction(i,k,iice))
3787              qitot(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice) - (qisub(iice)+qimlt(iice))*dt
3788          ! endif
3790           dum             = (qrcol(iice)+qccol(iice)+qrhetc(iice)+qrheti(iice)+          &
3791                             qchetc(iice)+qcheti(iice)+qrmul(iice))*dt
3792           qitot(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice) + (qidep(iice)+qinuc(iice))*dt + dum
3793           qirim(i,k,iice) = qirim(i,k,iice) + dum
3794           birim(i,k,iice) = birim(i,k,iice) + (qrcol(iice)*inv_rho_rimeMax+qccol(iice)/  &
3795                             rhorime_c(iice)+(qrhetc(iice)+qrheti(iice)+qchetc(iice)+     &
3796                             qcheti(iice)+qrmul(iice))*inv_rho_rimeMax)*dt
3797           nitot(i,k,iice) = nitot(i,k,iice) + (ninuc(iice)-nimlt(iice)-nisub(iice)-      &
3798                             nislf(iice)+nrhetc(iice)+nrheti(iice)+nchetc(iice)+          &
3799                             ncheti(iice)+nimul(iice))*dt
3801           if ( then
3802              interactions_loop: do catcoll = 1,nCat
3803                diff_categories:     if ( then
3804                 ! add ice-ice category interaction collection tendencies
3805                 ! note: nicol is a sink for the collectee category, but NOT a source for collector
3806                 ! modify rime mass and density, assume collection does not modify rime mass
3807                 ! fraction or density of the collectee, consistent with the assumption that
3808                 ! these are constant over the PSD
3809                 if (qitot(i,k,catcoll).ge.qsmall) then
3810                  !source for collector category
3811                   qirim(i,k,iice) = qirim(i,k,iice)+qicol(catcoll,iice)*dt*                    &
3812                                     rimefraction(i,k,catcoll)
3813                   birim(i,k,iice) = birim(i,k,iice)+qicol(catcoll,iice)*dt*                    &
3814                                     rimevolume(i,k,catcoll)
3815                  !sink for collectee category
3816                   qirim(i,k,catcoll) = qirim(i,k,catcoll)-qicol(catcoll,iice)*dt*                 &
3817                                        rimefraction(i,k,catcoll)
3818                   birim(i,k,catcoll) = birim(i,k,catcoll)-qicol(catcoll,iice)*dt*                 &
3819                                        rimevolume(i,k,catcoll)
3820                 endif
3821                 qitot(i,k,catcoll) = qitot(i,k,catcoll) - qicol(catcoll,iice)*dt
3822                 nitot(i,k,catcoll) = nitot(i,k,catcoll) - nicol(catcoll,iice)*dt
3823                 qitot(i,k,iice)    = qitot(i,k,iice)    + qicol(catcoll,iice)*dt
3825                endif diff_categories
3826              enddo interactions_loop ! catcoll loop
3827           endif
3829           if (qirim(i,k,iice).lt.0.) then
3830              qirim(i,k,iice) = 0.
3831              birim(i,k,iice) = 0.
3832           endif
3834         ! densify ice during wet growth (assume total soaking)
3835           if (log_wetgrowth(iice)) then
3836              qirim(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice)
3837              birim(i,k,iice) = qirim(i,k,iice)*inv_rho_rimeMax
3838           endif
3840         ! densify rimed ice during melting (tend rime density towards solid ice [917 kg m-3])
3841           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall .and. birim(i,k,iice).ge.bsmall .and. qimlt(iice)>0.) then
3842              tmp1 = qirim(i,k,iice)/birim(i,k,iice)     ! rho_i before densification
3843              tmp2 = qitot(i,k,iice) + qimlt(iice)*dt    ! qitot before melting (but after all other updates)
3844              birim(i,k,iice) = qirim(i,k,iice)/(tmp1+(917.-tmp1)*qimlt(iice)*dt/tmp2)
3845           endif
3847         ! densify in above freezing conditions and melting
3848         ! -- future work --
3849         !   Ideally, this will be treated with the predicted liquid fraction in ice.
3850         !   Alternatively, it can be simplified by tending qirim -- qitot
3851         !   and birim such that rho_rim (qirim/birim) --> rho_liq during melting.
3852         ! ==
3854           qv(i,k) = qv(i,k) + (-qidep(iice)+qisub(iice)-qinuc(iice))*dt
3856         ! Update theta. Note temperature is not updated here even though it is used below for
3857         ! the homogeneous freezing threshold. This is done for simplicity - the error will be
3858         ! very small and the homogeneous temp. freezing threshold is approximate anyway.
3859           th(i,k) = th(i,k) + invexn(i,k)*((qidep(iice)-qisub(iice)+qinuc(iice))*      &
3860                               xxls(i,k)*inv_cp +(qrcol(iice)+qccol(iice)+qchetc(iice)+ &
3861                               qcheti(iice)+qrhetc(iice)+qrheti(iice)+                  &
3862                               qrmul(iice)-qimlt(iice))*                                &
3863                               xlf(i,k)*inv_cp)*dt
3865        enddo iice_loop3
3866    !==
3868    !-- warm-phase only processes:
3869        qc(i,k) = qc(i,k) + (-qcacc-qcaut+qcnuc+qccon-qcevp)*dt
3870        qr(i,k) = qr(i,k) + (qcacc+qcaut+qrcon-qrevp)*dt
3872        if (log_predictNc) then
3873           nc(i,k) = nc(i,k) + (-ncacc-ncautc+ncslf+ncnuc)*dt
3874        else
3875           nc(i,k) = nccnst*inv_rho(i,k)
3876        endif
3877        if (iparam.eq.1 .or. iparam.eq.2) then
3878           nr(i,k) = nr(i,k) + (0.5*ncautc-nrslf-nrevp)*dt
3879        else
3880           nr(i,k) = nr(i,k) + (ncautr-nrslf-nrevp)*dt
3881        endif
3883        qv(i,k) = qv(i,k) + (-qcnuc-qccon-qrcon+qcevp+qrevp)*dt
3884        th(i,k) = th(i,k) + invexn(i,k)*((qcnuc+qccon+qrcon-qcevp-qrevp)*xxlv(i,k)*    &
3885                  inv_cp)*dt
3886    !==
3888      ! clipping for small hydrometeor values
3889        if (qc(i,k).lt.qsmall) then
3890           qv(i,k) = qv(i,k) + qc(i,k)
3891           th(i,k) = th(i,k) - invexn(i,k)*qc(i,k)*xxlv(i,k)*inv_cp
3892           qc(i,k) = 0.
3893           nc(i,k) = 0.
3894        else
3895           log_hydrometeorsPresent = .true.
3896        endif
3898        if (qr(i,k).lt.qsmall) then
3899           qv(i,k) = qv(i,k) + qr(i,k)
3900           th(i,k) = th(i,k) - invexn(i,k)*qr(i,k)*xxlv(i,k)*inv_cp
3901           qr(i,k) = 0.
3902           nr(i,k) = 0.
3903        else
3904           log_hydrometeorsPresent = .true.
3905        endif
3907        do iice = 1,nCat
3908           if (qitot(i,k,iice).lt.qsmall) then
3909              qv(i,k) = qv(i,k) + qitot(i,k,iice)
3910              th(i,k) = th(i,k) - invexn(i,k)*qitot(i,k,iice)*xxls(i,k)*inv_cp
3911              qitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
3912              nitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
3913              qirim(i,k,iice) = 0.
3914              birim(i,k,iice) = 0.
3915           else
3916              log_hydrometeorsPresent = .true.
3917           endif
3918        enddo !iice-loop
3920        qv(i,k) = max(0., qv(i,k))
3921        call impose_max_total_Ni(nitot(i,k,:),max_total_Ni,inv_rho(i,k))
3923 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3925 555    continue
3927     enddo k_loop_main
3929 !-- for sedimentation-only tests:
3930 ! 6969 continue
3931 ! log_hydrometeorsPresent = .true.
3934 !......................................
3935 ! zero out zitot if there is no qitot for triple moment
3936     if (log_3momentIce) then
3937        do iice = 1,nCat
3938           do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
3939              if (qitot(i,k,iice).lt.qsmall) zitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
3940           enddo
3941        enddo
3942     endif
3943 !.......................................
3946     !NOTE: At this point, it is possible to have negative (but small) nc, nr, nitot.  This is not
3947     !      a problem; those values get clipped to zero or assigned a minumum value in the sedimentation
3948     !      section, immediately below (if necessary).  Similarly, for 3-moment-ice it is possible at this
3949     !      point to have zitot=0 but qitot slightly larger than qsmall; in sedimentation non-zero zitot
3950     !      is computed (if necessary) by applying the constraints on mu_i.
3952     if (debug_on) then
3953        location_ind = 300
3954        force_abort  = debug_ABORT
3955        tmparr1(i,:) = th(i,:)*(pres(i,:)*1.e-5)**(rd*inv_cp)
3956        if (log_3momentIce) then
3957           call check_values(qv(i,:),tmparr1(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
3958                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind,         &
3959                  Zitot=zitot(i,:,:))
3960        else
3961           call check_values(qv(i,:),tmparr1(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
3962                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind)
3963        endif
3964        if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
3965     endif
3967    !second call to compute_SCPF
3968     call compute_SCPF(Qc(i,:)+sum(Qitot(i,:,:),dim=2),Qr(i,:),Qv(i,:),Qvi(i,:),          &
3969                       Pres(i,:),ktop,kbot,kdir,SCF,iSCF,SPF,iSPF,SPF_clr,Qv_cld,Qv_clr,  &
3970                       SCPF_on,scpf_pfrac,scpf_resfact,quick=.false.)
3972     if (.not. log_hydrometeorsPresent) goto 333
3974 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3975 ! End of main microphysical processes section
3976 !==========================================================================================!
3978 !==========================================================================================!
3979 ! Sedimentation:
3981 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3982 ! Cloud sedimentation:  (adaptivive substepping)
3984     log_qxpresent = .false.
3985     k_qxtop       = kbot
3987    !find top, determine qxpresent
3988     do k = ktop,kbot,-kdir
3989        if (qc(i,k)*iSCF(k).ge.qsmall) then
3990           log_qxpresent = .true.
3991           k_qxtop = k
3992           exit
3993        endif
3994     enddo
3996     qc_present: if (log_qxpresent) then
3998        dt_left   = dt  !time remaining for sedi over full model (mp) time step
3999        prt_accum = 0.  !precip rate for individual category
4001       !find bottom
4002        do k = kbot,k_qxtop,kdir
4003           if (qc(i,k)*iSCF(k).ge.qsmall) then
4004              k_qxbot = k
4005              exit
4006           endif
4007        enddo
4009        two_moment: if (log_predictNc) then  !2-moment cloud:
4011           substep_sedi_c2: do while (
4013              Co_max  = 0.
4014              V_qc(:) = 0.
4015              V_nc(:) = 0.
4017              kloop_sedi_c2: do k = k_qxtop,k_qxbot,-kdir
4019                 if (qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)>qsmall) then
4020                    call get_cloud_dsd2(qc(i,k),nc(i,k),mu_c(i,k),rho(i,k),nu(i,k),dnu,   &
4021                                    lamc(i,k),lammin,lammax,tmp1,tmp2,iSCF(k))
4022                    dum = 1./lamc(i,k)**bcn
4023                    V_qc(k) = acn(i,k)*gamma(4.+bcn+mu_c(i,k))*dum/(gamma(mu_c(i,k)+4.))
4024                    V_nc(k) = acn(i,k)*gamma(1.+bcn+mu_c(i,k))*dum/(gamma(mu_c(i,k)+1.))
4025                 endif
4027                 Co_max = max(Co_max, V_qc(k)*dt_left*inv_dzq(i,k))
4029              enddo kloop_sedi_c2
4031              !-- compute dt_sub
4032              tmpint1 = int(Co_max+1.)    !number of substeps remaining if dt_sub were constant
4033              dt_sub  = min(dt_left, dt_left/float(tmpint1))
4035              if (k_qxbot.eq.kbot) then
4036                 k_temp = k_qxbot
4037              else
4038                 k_temp = k_qxbot-kdir
4039              endif
4041              !-- calculate fluxes
4042              do k = k_temp,k_qxtop,kdir
4043                 flux_qx(k) = V_qc(k)*qc(i,k)*rho(i,k)
4044                 flux_nx(k) = V_nc(k)*nc(i,k)*rho(i,k)
4045              enddo
4047              !accumulated precip during time step
4048              if (k_qxbot.eq.kbot) prt_accum = prt_accum + flux_qx(kbot)*dt_sub
4049              !or, optimized: prt_accum = prt_accum - (k_qxbot.eq.kbot)*dt_sub
4051              !-- for top level only (since flux is 0 above)
4052              k = k_qxtop
4053              fluxdiv_qx = -flux_qx(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4054              fluxdiv_nx = -flux_nx(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4055              qc(i,k) = qc(i,k) + fluxdiv_qx*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4056              nc(i,k) = nc(i,k) + fluxdiv_nx*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4058              do k = k_qxtop-kdir,k_temp,-kdir
4059                 fluxdiv_qx = (flux_qx(k+kdir) - flux_qx(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4060                 fluxdiv_nx = (flux_nx(k+kdir) - flux_nx(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4061                 qc(i,k) = qc(i,k) + fluxdiv_qx*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4062                 nc(i,k) = nc(i,k) + fluxdiv_nx*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4063              enddo
4065              dt_left = dt_left - dt_sub  !update time remaining for sedimentation
4066              if ( k_qxbot = k_qxbot - kdir
4068           enddo substep_sedi_c2
4070        else  !1-moment cloud:
4072           substep_sedi_c1: do while (
4074              Co_max  = 0.
4075              V_qc(:) = 0.
4077              kloop_sedi_c1: do k = k_qxtop,k_qxbot,-kdir
4079                 if (qc(i,k)*iSCF(k)>qsmall) then
4080                    call get_cloud_dsd2(qc(i,k),nc(i,k),mu_c(i,k),rho(i,k),nu(i,k),dnu,   &
4081                                        lamc(i,k),lammin,lammax,tmp1,tmp2,iSCF(k))
4082                    dum = 1./lamc(i,k)**bcn
4083                    V_qc(k) = acn(i,k)*gamma(4.+bcn+mu_c(i,k))*dum/(gamma(mu_c(i,k)+4.))
4084                 endif
4086                 Co_max = max(Co_max, V_qc(k)*dt_left*inv_dzq(i,k))
4088              enddo kloop_sedi_c1
4090              tmpint1 = int(Co_max+1.)    !number of substeps remaining if dt_sub were constant
4091              dt_sub  = min(dt_left, dt_left/float(tmpint1))
4093              if (k_qxbot.eq.kbot) then
4094                 k_temp = k_qxbot
4095              else
4096                 k_temp = k_qxbot-kdir
4097              endif
4099              do k = k_temp,k_qxtop,kdir
4100                 flux_qx(k) = V_qc(k)*qc(i,k)*rho(i,k)
4101              enddo
4103              !accumulated precip during time step
4104              if (k_qxbot.eq.kbot) prt_accum = prt_accum + flux_qx(kbot)*dt_sub
4106              !-- for top level only (since flux is 0 above)
4107              k = k_qxtop
4108              fluxdiv_qx = -flux_qx(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4109              qc(i,k) = qc(i,k) + fluxdiv_qx*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4111              do k = k_qxtop-kdir,k_temp,-kdir
4112                 fluxdiv_qx = (flux_qx(k+kdir) - flux_qx(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4113                 qc(i,k) = qc(i,k) + fluxdiv_qx*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4114              enddo
4116              dt_left = dt_left - dt_sub  !update time remaining for sedimentation
4117              if ( k_qxbot = k_qxbot - kdir
4119           enddo substep_sedi_c1
4121        ENDIF two_moment
4123        prt_liq(i) = prt_accum*inv_rhow*odt  !note, contribution from rain is added below
4125     endif qc_present
4128 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4129 ! Rain sedimentation:  (adaptivive substepping)
4131     log_qxpresent = .false.
4132     k_qxtop       = kbot
4134     !find top, determine qxpresent
4135     do k = ktop,kbot,-kdir
4136        if (qr(i,k)*iSPF(k).ge.qsmall) then
4137           log_qxpresent = .true.
4138           k_qxtop = k
4139           exit
4140        endif !
4141     enddo
4143     qr_present: if (log_qxpresent) then
4145        dt_left   = dt  !time remaining for sedi over full model (mp) time step
4146        prt_accum = 0.  !precip rate for individual category
4148       !find bottom
4149        do k = kbot,k_qxtop,kdir
4150           if (qr(i,k)*iSPF(k).ge.qsmall) then
4151              k_qxbot = k
4152              exit
4153           endif
4154        enddo
4156        substep_sedi_r: do while (
4158           Co_max  = 0.
4159           V_qr(:) = 0.
4160           V_nr(:) = 0.
4162           kloop_sedi_r1: do k = k_qxtop,k_qxbot,-kdir
4164              qr_not_small_1: if (qr(i,k)*iSPF(k)>qsmall) then
4166                !Compute Vq, Vn:
4167                 nr(i,k)  = max(nr(i,k),nsmall)
4168                 call get_rain_dsd2(qr(i,k),nr(i,k),mu_r(i,k),lamr(i,k),cdistr(i,k),      &
4169                                    logn0r(i,k),iSPF(k))
4171                 call find_lookupTable_indices_3(dumii,dumjj,dum1,rdumii,rdumjj,inv_dum3, &
4172                                         mu_r(i,k),lamr(i,k))
4173                 !mass-weighted fall speed:
4174                 dum1 = vm_table(dumii,dumjj)+(rdumii-real(dumii))*                       &
4175                        (vm_table(dumii+1,dumjj)-vm_table(dumii,dumjj))         !at mu_r
4176                 dum2 = vm_table(dumii,dumjj+1)+(rdumii-real(dumii))*                     &
4177                        (vm_table(dumii+1,dumjj+1)-vm_table(dumii,dumjj+1))   !at mu_r+1
4179                 V_qr(k) = dum1 + (rdumjj-real(dumjj))*(dum2-dum1)         !interpolated
4180                 V_qr(k) = V_qr(k)*rhofacr(i,k)               !corrected for air density
4182                 ! number-weighted fall speed:
4183                 dum1 = vn_table(dumii,dumjj)+(rdumii-real(dumii))*                       &
4184                        (vn_table(dumii+1,dumjj)-vn_table(dumii,dumjj))        !at mu_r
4185                 dum2 = vn_table(dumii,dumjj+1)+(rdumii-real(dumii))*                     &
4186                        (vn_table(dumii+1,dumjj+1)-vn_table(dumii,dumjj+1))    !at mu_r+1
4188                 V_nr(k) = dum1+(rdumjj-real(dumjj))*(dum2-dum1)            !interpolated
4189                 V_nr(k) = V_nr(k)*rhofacr(i,k)                !corrected for air density
4191              endif qr_not_small_1
4193              Co_max = max(Co_max, V_qr(k)*dt_left*inv_dzq(i,k))
4194 !            Co_max = max(Co_max, max(V_nr(k),V_qr(k))*dt_left*inv_dzq(i,k))
4196           enddo kloop_sedi_r1
4198           !-- compute dt_sub
4199           tmpint1 = int(Co_max+1.)    !number of substeps remaining if dt_sub were constant
4200           dt_sub  = min(dt_left, dt_left/float(tmpint1))
4202           if (k_qxbot.eq.kbot) then
4203              k_temp = k_qxbot
4204           else
4205              k_temp = k_qxbot-kdir
4206           endif
4208           !-- calculate fluxes
4209           do k = k_temp,k_qxtop,kdir
4210              flux_qx(k) = V_qr(k)*qr(i,k)*rho(i,k)
4211              flux_nx(k) = V_nr(k)*nr(i,k)*rho(i,k)
4212              mflux_r(i,k) = flux_qx(k)  !store mass flux for use in visibility diagnostic)
4213           enddo
4215           !accumulated precip during time step
4216           if (k_qxbot.eq.kbot) prt_accum = prt_accum + flux_qx(kbot)*dt_sub
4217           !or, optimized: prt_accum = prt_accum - (k_qxbot.eq.kbot)*dt_sub
4219           !--- for top level only (since flux is 0 above)
4220           k = k_qxtop
4221           !- compute flux divergence
4222           fluxdiv_qx = -flux_qx(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4223           fluxdiv_nx = -flux_nx(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4224           !- update prognostic variables
4225           qr(i,k) = qr(i,k) + fluxdiv_qx*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4226           nr(i,k) = nr(i,k) + fluxdiv_nx*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4228           do k = k_qxtop-kdir,k_temp,-kdir
4229              !-- compute flux divergence
4230              fluxdiv_qx = (flux_qx(k+kdir) - flux_qx(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4231              fluxdiv_nx = (flux_nx(k+kdir) - flux_nx(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4232              !-- update prognostic variables
4233              qr(i,k) = qr(i,k) + fluxdiv_qx*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4234              nr(i,k) = nr(i,k) + fluxdiv_nx*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4235           enddo
4237           dt_left = dt_left - dt_sub  !update time remaining for sedimentation
4238           if ( k_qxbot = k_qxbot - kdir
4239           !or, optimzed: k_qxbot = k_qxbot +(k_qxbot.eq.kbot)*kdir
4241        enddo substep_sedi_r
4243        prt_liq(i) = prt_liq(i) + prt_accum*inv_rhow*odt
4245     endif qr_present
4248 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4249 ! Ice sedimentation:  (adaptivive substepping)
4251     iice_loop_sedi_ice:  do iice = 1,nCat
4253        log_qxpresent = .false.  !note: this applies to ice category 'iice' only
4254        k_qxtop       = kbot
4256       !find top, determine qxpresent
4257        do k = ktop,kbot,-kdir
4258           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
4259              log_qxpresent = .true.
4260              k_qxtop = k
4261              exit
4262           endif !
4263        enddo  !k-loop
4265        qi_present: if (log_qxpresent) then
4267           dt_left   = dt  !time remaining for sedi over full model (mp) time step
4268           prt_accum = 0.  !precip rate for individual category
4270          !find bottom
4271           do k = kbot,k_qxtop,kdir
4272              if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
4273                 k_qxbot = k
4274                 exit
4275              endif
4276           enddo
4278           three_moment_ice_1:  if (.not. log_3momentIce) then
4280              substep_sedi_i1: do while (
4282                 Co_max   = 0.
4283                 V_qit(:) = 0.
4284                 V_nit(:) = 0.
4286                 kloop_sedi_i1: do k = k_qxtop,k_qxbot,-kdir
4288                    !-- compute Vq, Vn (get values from lookup table)
4289                    qi_notsmall_i1: if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
4291                     !--Compute Vq, Vn:
4292                       nitot(i,k,iice) = max(nitot(i,k,iice),nsmall) !impose lower limits to prevent log(<0)
4293                       call calc_bulkRhoRime(qitot(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,iice),birim(i,k,iice),rhop)
4294                       call find_lookupTable_indices_1a(dumi,dumjj,dumii,dum1,dum4,dum5,  &
4295                                 isize,rimsize,densize,qitot(i,k,iice),nitot(i,k,iice),   &
4296                                 qirim(i,k,iice),rhop)
4297                       call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 1,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr01)
4298                       call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 2,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr02)
4299                       call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 7,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr09)
4300                       call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 8,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr10)
4301                     !-impose mean ice size bounds (i.e. apply lambda limiters)
4302                       nitot(i,k,iice) = min(nitot(i,k,iice),f1pr09*qitot(i,k,iice))
4303                       nitot(i,k,iice) = max(nitot(i,k,iice),f1pr10*qitot(i,k,iice))
4304                       V_qit(k) = f1pr02*rhofaci(i,k)     !mass-weighted  fall speed (with density factor)
4305                       V_nit(k) = f1pr01*rhofaci(i,k)     !number-weighted    fall speed (with density factor)
4306                     !==
4308                    endif qi_notsmall_i1
4310                    Co_max = max(Co_max, V_qit(k)*dt_left*inv_dzq(i,k))
4312                 enddo kloop_sedi_i1
4314                 !-- compute dt_sub
4315                 tmpint1 = int(Co_max+1.)    !number of substeps remaining if dt_sub were constant
4316                 dt_sub  = min(dt_left, dt_left/float(tmpint1))
4318                 if (k_qxbot.eq.kbot) then
4319                    k_temp = k_qxbot
4320                 else
4321                    k_temp = k_qxbot-kdir
4322                 endif
4324                 !-- calculate fluxes
4325                 do k = k_temp,k_qxtop,kdir
4326                    flux_qit(k) = V_qit(k)*qitot(i,k,iice)*rho(i,k)
4327                    flux_nit(k) = V_nit(k)*nitot(i,k,iice)*rho(i,k)
4328                    flux_qir(k) = V_qit(k)*qirim(i,k,iice)*rho(i,k)
4329                    flux_bir(k) = V_qit(k)*birim(i,k,iice)*rho(i,k)
4330                    mflux_i(i,k) = flux_qit(k)  !store mass flux for use in visibility diagnostic)
4331                 enddo
4333                 !accumulated precip during time step
4334                 if (k_qxbot.eq.kbot) prt_accum = prt_accum + flux_qit(kbot)*dt_sub
4335                 !or, optimized: prt_accum = prt_accum - (k_qxbot.eq.kbot)*dt_sub
4337                 !--- for top level only (since flux is 0 above)
4338                 k = k_qxtop
4339                 !-- compute flux divergence
4340                 fluxdiv_qit = -flux_qit(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4341                 fluxdiv_qir = -flux_qir(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4342                 fluxdiv_bir = -flux_bir(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4343                 fluxdiv_nit = -flux_nit(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4344                 !-- update prognostic variables
4345                 qitot(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_qit*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4346                 qirim(i,k,iice) = qirim(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_qir*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4347                 birim(i,k,iice) = birim(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_bir*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4348                 nitot(i,k,iice) = nitot(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_nit*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4350                 do k = k_qxtop-kdir,k_temp,-kdir
4351                    !-- compute flux divergence
4352                    fluxdiv_qit = (flux_qit(k+kdir) - flux_qit(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4353                    fluxdiv_qir = (flux_qir(k+kdir) - flux_qir(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4354                    fluxdiv_bir = (flux_bir(k+kdir) - flux_bir(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4355                    fluxdiv_nit = (flux_nit(k+kdir) - flux_nit(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4356                    !-- update prognostic variables
4357                    qitot(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_qit*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4358                    qirim(i,k,iice) = qirim(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_qir*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4359                    birim(i,k,iice) = birim(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_bir*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4360                    nitot(i,k,iice) = nitot(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_nit*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4361                 enddo
4363                 dt_left = dt_left - dt_sub  !update time remaining for sedimentation
4364                 if ( k_qxbot = k_qxbot - kdir
4365                 !or, optimzed: k_qxbot = k_qxbot +(k_qxbot.eq.kbot)*kdir
4367              enddo substep_sedi_i1
4368 ! .............................................................................................................
4369           else  ! three_moment_ice_1
4371              substep_sedi_i2: do while (
4373                 Co_max   = 0.
4374                 V_qit(:) = 0.
4375                 V_nit(:) = 0.
4376                 V_zit(:) = 0.
4378                 kloop_sedi_i2: do k = k_qxtop,k_qxbot,-kdir
4380                    !-- compute Vq, Vn (get values from lookup table)
4381                    qi_notsmall_i2: if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
4383                     !--Compute Vq, Vn:
4384                       nitot(i,k,iice) = max(nitot(i,k,iice),nsmall) !impose lower limits to prevent log(<0)
4385                       call calc_bulkRhoRime(qitot(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,iice),birim(i,k,iice),rhop)
4387                       call find_lookupTable_indices_1a(dumi,dumjj,dumii,dum1,dum4,dum5,  &
4388                                 isize,rimsize,densize,qitot(i,k,iice),nitot(i,k,iice),   &
4389                                 qirim(i,k,iice),rhop)
4391                     ! get Z_norm indices
4393                     !impose lower limits to prevent taking log of # < 0
4394                       zitot(i,k,iice) = max(zitot(i,k,iice),zsmall)
4396                       dum1z =  6./(200.*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3, as starting point use 200 kg m-3 estimate of bulk density
4398                       do imu=1,niter_mui
4399                          mu_i = compute_mu_3moment(nitot(i,k,iice),dum1z,zitot(i,k,iice),mu_i_max)
4400                          call find_lookupTable_indices_1c(dumzz,dum6,zsize,qitot(i,k,iice),mu_i)
4401                          call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,12,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr16) ! find actual bulk density
4402                          dum1z =  6./(f1pr16*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3
4403                       enddo
4405                       !call find_lookupTable_indices_1c(dumzz,dum6,zsize,qitot(i,k,iice),zitot(i,k,iice)) !HM moved to above
4407                       call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 1,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr01)
4408                       call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 2,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr02)
4409                       call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 7,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr09)
4410                       call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 8,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr10)
4411                       call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,13,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr19)
4413                     !impose mean ice size bounds (i.e. apply lambda limiters)
4414                       nitot(i,k,iice) = min(nitot(i,k,iice),f1pr09*qitot(i,k,iice))
4415                       nitot(i,k,iice) = max(nitot(i,k,iice),f1pr10*qitot(i,k,iice))
4417                       V_qit(k) = f1pr02*rhofaci(i,k)     !mass-weighted fall speed (with density factor)
4418                       V_nit(k) = f1pr01*rhofaci(i,k)     !number-weighted fall speed (with density factor)
4419                       V_zit(k) = f1pr19*rhofaci(i,k)     !reflectivity-weighted fall speed (with density factor)
4421                    endif qi_notsmall_i2
4423                    ! use V_zit for calculating sub-stepping since it is larger than V_qit
4424                    Co_max = max(Co_max, V_zit(k)*dt_left*inv_dzq(i,k))
4426                 enddo kloop_sedi_i2
4428                 !-- compute dt_sub
4429                 tmpint1 = int(Co_max+1.)    !number of substeps remaining if dt_sub were constant
4430                 dt_sub  = min(dt_left, dt_left/float(tmpint1))
4432                 if (k_qxbot.eq.kbot) then
4433                    k_temp = k_qxbot
4434                 else
4435                    k_temp = k_qxbot-kdir
4436                 endif
4438                 !-- calculate fluxes
4439                 do k = k_temp,k_qxtop,kdir
4440                    flux_qit(k) = V_qit(k)*qitot(i,k,iice)*rho(i,k)
4441                    flux_nit(k) = V_nit(k)*nitot(i,k,iice)*rho(i,k)
4442                    flux_qir(k) = V_qit(k)*qirim(i,k,iice)*rho(i,k)
4443                    flux_bir(k) = V_qit(k)*birim(i,k,iice)*rho(i,k)
4444                    flux_zit(k) = V_zit(k)*zitot(i,k,iice)*rho(i,k)
4445                    mflux_i(i,k) = flux_qit(k)  !store mass flux for use in visibility diagnostic)
4446                 enddo
4448                 !accumulated precip during time step
4449                 if (k_qxbot.eq.kbot) prt_accum = prt_accum + flux_qit(kbot)*dt_sub
4450                 !or, optimized: prt_accum = prt_accum - (k_qxbot.eq.kbot)*dt_sub
4452                 !--- for top level only (since flux is 0 above)
4453                 k = k_qxtop
4454                 !-- compute flux divergence
4455                 fluxdiv_qit = -flux_qit(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4456                 fluxdiv_qir = -flux_qir(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4457                 fluxdiv_bir = -flux_bir(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4458                 fluxdiv_nit = -flux_nit(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4459                 fluxdiv_zit = -flux_zit(k)*inv_dzq(i,k)
4460                 !-- update prognostic variables
4461                 qitot(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_qit*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4462                 qirim(i,k,iice) = qirim(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_qir*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4463                 birim(i,k,iice) = birim(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_bir*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4464                 nitot(i,k,iice) = nitot(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_nit*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4465                 zitot(i,k,iice) = zitot(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_zit*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4468                 do k = k_qxtop-kdir,k_temp,-kdir
4469                    !-- compute flux divergence
4470                    fluxdiv_qit = (flux_qit(k+kdir) - flux_qit(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4471                    fluxdiv_qir = (flux_qir(k+kdir) - flux_qir(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4472                    fluxdiv_bir = (flux_bir(k+kdir) - flux_bir(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4473                    fluxdiv_nit = (flux_nit(k+kdir) - flux_nit(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4474                    fluxdiv_zit = (flux_zit(k+kdir) - flux_zit(k))*inv_dzq(i,k)
4475                    !-- update prognostic variables
4476                    qitot(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_qit*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4477                    qirim(i,k,iice) = qirim(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_qir*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4478                    birim(i,k,iice) = birim(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_bir*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4479                    nitot(i,k,iice) = nitot(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_nit*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4480                    zitot(i,k,iice) = zitot(i,k,iice) + fluxdiv_zit*dt_sub*inv_rho(i,k)
4481                 enddo
4483                 dt_left = dt_left - dt_sub  !update time remaining for sedimentation
4484                 if ( k_qxbot = k_qxbot - kdir
4485                 !or, optimzed: k_qxbot = k_qxbot +(k_qxbot.eq.kbot)*kdir
4487               enddo substep_sedi_i2
4489           endif three_moment_ice_1
4491           prt_sol(i) = prt_sol(i) + prt_accum*inv_rhow*odt
4493        endif qi_present
4495     enddo iice_loop_sedi_ice  !iice-loop
4497 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4499 ! note: This debug check is commented since small negative qx,nx values are possible here
4500 !       (but get adjusted below).  If uncommented, caution in interpreting results.
4502 !     if (debug_on) then
4503 !        location_ind = 600
4504 !        force_abort  = debug_ABORT
4505 !        if (log_3momentIce) then
4506 !           call check_values(qv(i,:),T(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
4507 !                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind,   &
4508 !                  Zitot=zitot(i,:,:))
4509 !        else
4510 !           call check_values(qv(i,:),T(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
4511 !                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind)
4512 !        endif
4513 !        if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
4514 !     endif
4516 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4517 ! End of sedimentation section
4518 !==========================================================================================!
4520    !third and last call to compute_SCPF
4521     call compute_SCPF(Qc(i,:)+sum(Qitot(i,:,:),dim=2),Qr(i,:),Qv(i,:),Qvi(i,:),          &
4522                       Pres(i,:),ktop,kbot,kdir,SCF,iSCF,SPF,iSPF,SPF_clr,Qv_cld,Qv_clr,  &
4523                       SCPF_on,scpf_pfrac,scpf_resfact,quick=.true.)
4525 !.......................................
4526 ! homogeneous freezing of cloud and rain
4528     k_loop_fz:  do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
4530     ! compute mean-mass ice diameters (estimated; rigorous approach to be implemented later)
4531        diam_ice(i,k,:) = 0.
4532        do iice = 1,nCat
4533           if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
4534              dum1 = max(nitot(i,k,iice),nsmall)
4535              dum2 = 500. !ice density
4536              diam_ice(i,k,iice) = ((qitot(i,k,iice)*6.)/(dum1*dum2*pi))**thrd
4537           endif
4538        enddo  !iice loop
4540        qc_not_small_2: if (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall .and. t(i,k).lt.233.15) then
4542           Q_nuc = qc(i,k)
4543           nc(i,k) = max(nc(i,k),nsmall)
4544           N_nuc = nc(i,k)
4546           if (nCat>1) then
4547              !determine destination ice-phase category:
4548              dum1  = 900.     !density of new ice
4549              D_new = ((Q_nuc*6.)/(pi*dum1*N_nuc))**thrd
4550              call icecat_destination(qitot(i,k,:)*iSCF(k),diam_ice(i,k,:),D_new,deltaD_init,     &
4551                                   iice_dest)
4552              if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
4553           else
4554              iice_dest = 1
4555           endif
4557           qirim(i,k,iice_dest) = qirim(i,k,iice_dest) + Q_nuc
4558           qitot(i,k,iice_dest) = qitot(i,k,iice_dest) + Q_nuc
4559           birim(i,k,iice_dest) = birim(i,k,iice_dest) + Q_nuc*inv_rho_rimeMax
4560           nitot(i,k,iice_dest) = nitot(i,k,iice_dest) + N_nuc
4561          !Z-tendency for triple-moment ice
4562          !  note:  this could be optimized by moving this conditional block outside of loop k_loop_fz
4563          !         (would need to save values of iice_dest -- ditto for homo freezing of rain)
4564           if (log_3momentIce .and. then
4565              tmp1 = Q_nuc*6./(900.*pi)  !estimate of moment_3 tendency
4566              call get_cloud_dsd2(qc(i,k),nc(i,k),mu_c(i,k),rho(i,k),nu(i,k),dnu,lamc(i,k), &
4567                                  lammin,lammax,cdist(i,k),cdist1(i,k),iSCF(k))
4568              mu_i_new = mu_c(i,k)
4569              zitot(i,k,iice_dest) = zitot(i,k,iice_dest) + G_of_mu(mu_i_new)*tmp1**2/N_nuc
4570           endif ! log_3momentice
4571          ! update theta. Note temperature is NOT updated here, but currently not used after
4572           th(i,k) = th(i,k) + invexn(i,k)*Q_nuc*xlf(i,k)*inv_cp
4573           qc(i,k) = 0.  != qc(i,k) - Q_nuc
4574           nc(i,k) = 0.  != nc(i,k) - N_nuc
4576        endif qc_not_small_2
4578        qr_not_small_2: if (qr(i,k).ge.qsmall .and. t(i,k).lt.233.15) then
4580           Q_nuc = qr(i,k)
4581           nr(i,k) = max(nr(i,k),nsmall)
4582           N_nuc = nr(i,k)
4583           if (nCat>1) then
4584              !determine destination ice-phase category:
4585              dum1  = 900.     !density of new ice
4586              D_new = ((Q_nuc*6.)/(pi*dum1*N_nuc))**thrd
4587              call icecat_destination(qitot(i,k,:)*iSCF(k),diam_ice(i,k,:),D_new,deltaD_init,iice_dest)
4588              if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
4589           else
4590              iice_dest = 1
4591           endif
4593           qirim(i,k,iice_dest) = qirim(i,k,iice_dest) + Q_nuc
4594           qitot(i,k,iice_dest) = qitot(i,k,iice_dest) + Q_nuc
4595           birim(i,k,iice_dest) = birim(i,k,iice_dest) + Q_nuc*inv_rho_rimeMax
4596           nitot(i,k,iice_dest) = nitot(i,k,iice_dest) + N_nuc
4597          ! z tendency for triple moment ice
4598           if (log_3momentIce .and. then
4599              tmp1 = Q_nuc*6./(900.*pi)  !estimate of moment_3 tendency
4600              mu_i_new = mu_r(i,k)
4601              zitot(i,k,iice_dest) = zitot(i,k,iice_dest) + G_of_mu(mu_i_new)*tmp1**2/N_nuc
4602           endif ! log_3momentice
4603          ! update theta. Note temperature is NOT updated here, but currently not used after
4604           th(i,k) = th(i,k) + invexn(i,k)*Q_nuc*xlf(i,k)*inv_cp
4605           qr(i,k) = 0.  ! = qr(i,k) - Q_nuc
4606           nr(i,k) = 0.  ! = nr(i,k) - N_nuc
4608        endif qr_not_small_2
4610     enddo k_loop_fz
4612 !..............................................
4613 ! Merge ice categories with similar properties (based on specified similarly condition)
4615     multicat:  if ( then
4616 !   multicat:  if (.FALSE.) then       ! for testing
4618       !step 1:  adjustments and calculation of mean diameters
4619        k_loop_check_before_merge:  do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
4620           iice_loop_check_before_merge:  do iice = 1,nCat
4621              qi_not_small_merge: if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
4623                 nitot(i,k,iice) = max(nitot(i,k,iice),nsmall) !impose limit to prevent taking log of # < 0
4624                 call calc_bulkRhoRime(qitot(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,iice),birim(i,k,iice),rhop)
4626                 if (.not. log_3momentIce) then
4628                    call find_lookupTable_indices_1a(dumi,dumjj,dumii,dum1,dum4,dum5,isize,   &
4629                           rimsize,densize,qitot(i,k,iice),nitot(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,iice),   &
4630                           rhop)
4631                    call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi,11,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr15)
4633                 else ! triple moment ice
4635                    call find_lookupTable_indices_1a(dumi,dumjj,dumii,dum1,dum4,dum5,isize,   &
4636                           rimsize,densize,qitot(i,k,iice),nitot(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,iice),   &
4637                           rhop)               
4638                    zitot(i,k,iice) = max(zitot(i,k,iice),zsmall)  !impose limit to prevent taking log of # < 0
4639                    dum1z =  6./(200.*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3, as starting point use 200 kg m-3 estimate of bulk density
4640                    do imu=1,niter_mui
4641                       mu_i = compute_mu_3moment(nitot(i,k,iice),dum1z,zitot(i,k,iice),mu_i_max)
4642                       call find_lookupTable_indices_1c(dumzz,dum6,zsize,qitot(i,k,iice),mu_i)
4643                       call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,12,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr16) ! find actual bulk density
4644                       dum1z =  6./(f1pr16*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3
4645                    enddo
4646                    call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,11,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr15)
4648                 endif
4650                !adjust Zitot to make sure mu is in bounds
4651                 if (log_3momentIce) then
4652                    dum1 =  6./(f1pr16*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3
4653                    tmp1 = G_of_mu(0.)
4654                    tmp2 = G_of_mu(20.)
4655                    zitot(i,k,iice) = min(zitot(i,k,iice),tmp1*dum1**2/nitot(i,k,iice))
4656                    zitot(i,k,iice) = max(zitot(i,k,iice),tmp2*dum1**2/nitot(i,k,iice))
4657                 endif
4659                 diag_di(i,k,iice)   = f1pr15
4661              else
4663                 qv(i,k) = qv(i,k) + qitot(i,k,iice)
4664                 th(i,k) = th(i,k) - invexn(i,k)*qitot(i,k,iice)*xxls(i,k)*inv_cp
4665                 qitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
4666                 nitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
4667                 qirim(i,k,iice) = 0.
4668                 birim(i,k,iice) = 0.
4669                 if (log_3momentIce) zitot(i,k,iice) = 0
4670                 diag_di(i,k,iice) = 0. 
4672              endif qi_not_small_merge
4673           enddo iice_loop_check_before_merge
4674        enddo k_loop_check_before_merge
4676       !step 2:  merge ice with similar properties into one category
4677        do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
4678           do iice = nCat,2,-1
4679              tmp1 = abs(diag_di(i,k,iice)-diag_di(i,k,iice-1))
4680              if (tmp1.le.deltaD_init .and. qitot(i,k,iice)>0. .and. qitot(i,k,iice-1)>0.) then
4681                 qitot(i,k,iice-1) = qitot(i,k,iice-1) + qitot(i,k,iice)
4682                 nitot(i,k,iice-1) = nitot(i,k,iice-1) + nitot(i,k,iice)
4683                 qirim(i,k,iice-1) = qirim(i,k,iice-1) + qirim(i,k,iice)
4684                 birim(i,k,iice-1) = birim(i,k,iice-1) + birim(i,k,iice)
4685                 qitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
4686                 nitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
4687                 qirim(i,k,iice) = 0.
4688                 birim(i,k,iice) = 0.
4689                 if (log_3momentIce) then
4690                    zitot(i,k,iice-1) = zitot(i,k,iice-1) + zitot(i,k,iice)
4691                    zitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
4692                 endif
4693              endif
4694           enddo !iice loop
4695        enddo !k loop
4697     endif multicat
4699 !...................................................
4700 ! note: This debug check is commented since small negative qx,nx values are possible here
4701 !       (but get adjusted below).  If uncommented, caution in interpreting results.
4703 !   if (debug_on) then
4704 !      location_ind = 700
4705 !      force_abort  = debug_ABORT
4706 !      if (log_3momentIce) then
4707 !         call check_values(qv(i,:),T(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
4708 !                qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind,   &
4709 !                Zitot=zitot(i,:,:))
4710 !      else
4711 !         call check_values(qv(i,:),T(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
4712 !                qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind)
4713 !      endif
4714 !      if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
4715 !   endif
4717 !...................................................
4718 ! Final checks to ensure consistency of mass/number
4719 ! and compute diagnostic fields for output
4722     k_loop_final_diagnostics:  do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
4724     ! cloud:
4725        if (qc(i,k)*iSCF(k).ge.qsmall) then
4726           call get_cloud_dsd2(qc(i,k),nc(i,k),mu_c(i,k),rho(i,k),nu(i,k),dnu,lamc(i,k),  &
4727                              lammin,lammax,tmp1,tmp2, iSCF(k))
4728           diag_effc(i,k) = 0.5*(mu_c(i,k)+3.)/lamc(i,k)
4729        else
4730           qv(i,k) = qv(i,k)+qc(i,k)
4731           th(i,k) = th(i,k)-invexn(i,k)*qc(i,k)*xxlv(i,k)*inv_cp
4732           qc(i,k) = 0.
4733           nc(i,k) = 0.
4734        endif
4736     ! rain:
4737        if (qr(i,k).ge.qsmall) then
4739           call get_rain_dsd2(qr(i,k),nr(i,k),mu_r(i,k),lamr(i,k),tmp1,tmp2,1.)
4741          ! hm, turn off soft lambda limiter
4742          ! impose size limits for rain with 'soft' lambda limiter
4743          ! (adjusts over a set timescale rather than within one timestep)
4744          ! dum2 = (qr(i,k)/(pi*rhow*nr(i,k)))**thrd
4745          ! if ( then
4746          !    dum   = qr(i,k)*cons4
4747          !   !dum1  = (dum-nr(i,k))/max(60.,dt)  !time scale for adjustment is 60 s
4748          !    dum1  = (dum-nr(i,k))*timeScaleFactor
4749          !     nr(i,k) = nr(i,k)+dum1*dt
4750          ! endif
4752          !diag_effr(i,k) = 0.5*(mu_r(i,k)+3.)/lamr(i,k)    (currently not used)
4753         ! ze_rain(i,k) = n0r(i,k)*720./lamr(i,k)**3/lamr(i,k)**3/lamr(i,k)
4754           ! non-exponential rain:
4755           ze_rain(i,k) = rho(i,k)*nr(i,k)*(mu_r(i,k)+6.)*(mu_r(i,k)+5.)*(mu_r(i,k)+4.)*   &
4756                         (mu_r(i,k)+3.)*(mu_r(i,k)+2.)*(mu_r(i,k)+1.)/lamr(i,k)**6
4757           ze_rain(i,k) = max(ze_rain(i,k),1.e-22)
4758        else
4759           qv(i,k) = qv(i,k)+qr(i,k)
4760           th(i,k) = th(i,k)-invexn(i,k)*qr(i,k)*xxlv(i,k)*inv_cp
4761           qr(i,k) = 0.
4762           nr(i,k) = 0.
4763        endif
4765     ! ice:
4767        call impose_max_total_Ni(nitot(i,k,:),max_total_Ni,inv_rho(i,k))
4769        iice_loop_final_diagnostics:  do iice = 1,nCat
4771           qi_not_small:  if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
4773             !impose lower limits to prevent taking log of # < 0
4774              nitot(i,k,iice) = max(nitot(i,k,iice),nsmall)
4775              nr(i,k)         = max(nr(i,k),nsmall)
4777              call calc_bulkRhoRime(qitot(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,iice),birim(i,k,iice),rhop)
4779              if (.not. log_3momentIce) then
4781                 call find_lookupTable_indices_1a(dumi,dumjj,dumii,dum1,dum4,dum5,isize,   &
4782                        rimsize,densize,qitot(i,k,iice),nitot(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,iice),   &
4783                        rhop)
4785                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 2,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr02)
4786                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 6,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr06)
4787                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 7,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr09)
4788                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 8,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr10)
4789                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi, 9,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr13)
4790                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi,11,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr15)
4791                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi,12,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr16)
4792                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi,13,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr22)   ! lambda_i
4793                 call access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi,14,dum1,dum4,dum5,f1pr23)   ! mu_i
4795              else ! triple moment ice
4797                 call find_lookupTable_indices_1a(dumi,dumjj,dumii,dum1,dum4,dum5,isize,   &
4798                        rimsize,densize,qitot(i,k,iice),nitot(i,k,iice),qirim(i,k,iice),   &
4799                        rhop)
4801              ! get Znorm indices
4803              !impose lower limits to prevent taking log of # < 0
4804                 zitot(i,k,iice) = max(zitot(i,k,iice),zsmall)
4806                 dum1z =  6./(200.*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3, as starting point use 200 kg m-3 estimate of bulk density
4808                 do imu=1,niter_mui
4809                    mu_i = compute_mu_3moment(nitot(i,k,iice),dum1z,zitot(i,k,iice),mu_i_max)
4810                    call find_lookupTable_indices_1c(dumzz,dum6,zsize,qitot(i,k,iice),mu_i)
4811                    call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,12,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr16) ! find actual bulk density
4812                    dum1z =  6./(f1pr16*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3
4813                 enddo
4815                 ! call find_lookupTable_indices_1c(dumzz,dum6,zsize,qitot(i,k,iice),zitot(i,k,iice)) !HM moved to above
4817                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 2,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr02)
4818                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 6,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr06)
4819                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 7,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr09)
4820                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 8,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr10)
4821                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi, 9,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr13)
4822                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,11,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr15)
4823                 ! call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,12,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr16) !HM moved to above
4824 !                call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,14,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr20)
4825 !                call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,15,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr21)
4826                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,14,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr22)   ! lambda_i
4827                 call access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,15,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,f1pr23)   ! mu_i
4829              endif
4832           ! impose mean ice size bounds (i.e. apply lambda limiters)
4833              nitot(i,k,iice) = min(nitot(i,k,iice),f1pr09*qitot(i,k,iice))
4834              nitot(i,k,iice) = max(nitot(i,k,iice),f1pr10*qitot(i,k,iice))
4836           ! adjust Zitot to make sure mu is in bounds
4837           ! note that the Zmax and Zmin are normalized and thus need to be multiplied by existing Q
4838              if (log_3momentIce) then
4839                 dum1 =  6./(f1pr16*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3
4840                 tmp1 = G_of_mu(0.)
4841                 tmp2 = G_of_mu(20.)
4842                 zitot(i,k,iice) = min(zitot(i,k,iice),tmp1*dum1**2/nitot(i,k,iice))
4843                 zitot(i,k,iice) = max(zitot(i,k,iice),tmp2*dum1**2/nitot(i,k,iice))
4844 !                zitot(i,k,iice) = min(zitot(i,k,iice),f1pr20*qitot(i,k,iice))
4845 !                zitot(i,k,iice) = max(zitot(i,k,iice),f1pr21*qitot(i,k,iice))
4846              endif
4848   !--this should already be done in s/r 'calc_bulkRhoRime'
4849              if (qirim(i,k,iice).lt.qsmall) then
4850                 qirim(i,k,iice) = 0.
4851                 birim(i,k,iice) = 0.
4852              endif
4853   !==
4855   ! note that reflectivity from lookup table is normalized, so we need to multiply by N
4856              diag_vmi(i,k,iice)  = f1pr02*rhofaci(i,k)
4857              diag_effi(i,k,iice) = f1pr06 ! units are in m
4858              diag_di(i,k,iice)   = f1pr15
4859              diag_rhoi(i,k,iice) = f1pr16
4860              if (present(diag_lami)) diag_lami(i,k,iice) = f1pr22
4861              if (present(diag_mui))  diag_mui(i,k,iice)  = f1pr23
4862              if (present(diag_dhmax)) then
4863                 diag_dhmax(i,k,iice) = maxHailSize(rho(i,k),qitot(i,k,iice),             &
4864                            qirim(i,k,iice),nitot(i,k,iice),rhofaci(i,k),f1pr22,f1pr23)
4865              endif
4867           ! note factor of air density below is to convert from m^6/kg to m^6/m^3
4868              ze_ice(i,k) = ze_ice(i,k) + 0.1892*f1pr13*nitot(i,k,iice)*rho(i,k)   ! sum contribution from each ice category (note: 0.1892 = 0.176/0.93)
4869              ze_ice(i,k) = max(ze_ice(i,k),1.e-22)
4871           else
4873              qv(i,k) = qv(i,k) + qitot(i,k,iice)
4874              th(i,k) = th(i,k) - invexn(i,k)*qitot(i,k,iice)*xxls(i,k)*inv_cp
4875              qitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
4876              nitot(i,k,iice) = 0.
4877              qirim(i,k,iice) = 0.
4878              birim(i,k,iice) = 0.
4879              if (log_3momentIce) zitot(i,k,iice) = 0
4880              diag_di(i,k,iice) = 0.
4882           endif qi_not_small
4884        enddo iice_loop_final_diagnostics
4886      ! sum ze components and convert to dBZ
4887        diag_ze(i,k) = 10.*log10((ze_rain(i,k) + ze_ice(i,k))*1.e+18)
4889      ! if qr is very small then set Nr to 0 (needs to be done here after call
4890      ! to ice lookup table because a minimum Nr of nsmall will be set otherwise even if qr=0)
4891        if (qr(i,k).lt.qsmall) then
4892           nr(i,k) = 0.
4893        endif
4895     enddo k_loop_final_diagnostics
4897     if (debug_on) then
4898        location_ind = 800
4899        force_abort  = debug_ABORT
4900        if (log_3momentIce) then
4901           call check_values(qv(i,:),T(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
4902                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind,   &
4903                  Zitot=zitot(i,:,:))
4904        else
4905           call check_values(qv(i,:),T(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
4906                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind)
4907        endif
4908        if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
4909     endif
4911 !.....................................................
4913 333 continue
4915 !......................................
4916 ! zero out zitot if there is no qitot for triple moment
4917     if (log_3momentIce) then
4918        where (qitot(i,:,:).lt.qsmall) zitot(i,:,:) = 0.
4919 !        do iice = 1,nCat
4920 !           do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
4921 !    if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall) then
4922 !       dum1 =  6./(f1pr16*pi)*qitot(i,k,iice)  !estimate of moment3
4923 !       mu_i = compute_mu_3moment(nitot(i,k,iice),dum1,zitot(i,k,iice),mu_i_max)
4924 !       print*,'after sed',k,mu_i
4925 !    endif
4926 !           enddo
4927 !        enddo
4928     endif
4929 !.......................................
4931     if (log_predictSsat) then
4932    ! recalculate supersaturation from T and qv
4933        do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
4934           t(i,k) = th(i,k)*(1.e-5*pres(i,k))**(rd*inv_cp)
4935           dum    = qv_sat(t(i,k),pres(i,k),0)
4936           ssat(i,k) = qv(i,k)-dum
4937        enddo
4938     endif
4941     ! calculate 'binary' cloud fraction (0 or 1) (diagnostic  only; used in GEM radiation interface)
4942     if (SCPF_on) then
4943        SCF_out(i,:) = SCF(:)
4944     else
4945        do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
4946           SCF_out(i,k) = 0.
4947           if (qc(i,k).ge.qsmall .and. sup(i,k).gt.1.e-6) SCF_out(i,k) = 1.
4948           do iice = 1,nCat
4949              if (qitot(i,k,iice).ge.qsmall .and. diag_effi(i,k,iice).lt.100.e-6) SCF_out(i,k) = 1.
4950           enddo
4951        enddo
4952     endif
4954     if (debug_on) then
4955        location_ind = 900
4956        force_abort  = debug_ABORT
4957        tmparr1(i,:) = th(i,:)*(pres(i,:)*1.e-5)**(rd*inv_cp)
4958        if (log_3momentIce) then
4959           call check_values(qv(i,:),tmparr1(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
4960                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind,         &
4961                  Zitot=zitot(i,:,:))
4962        else
4963           call check_values(qv(i,:),tmparr1(i,:),qc(i,:),nc(i,:),qr(i,:),nr(i,:),qitot(i,:,:), &
4964                  qirim(i,:,:),nitot(i,:,:),birim(i,:,:),i,it,force_abort,location_ind)
4965        endif
4966        if (global_status /= STATUS_OK) return
4967     endif
4969    !..............................................
4970    !Diagnostics -- visibility:
4972     if (present(diag_vis)) then   !it is assumed that all diag_vis{x} will either be present or all not present
4974        diag_vis(i,:)  = 3.*maxVIS
4975        diag_vis1(i,:) = 3.*maxVIS
4976        diag_vis2(i,:) = 3.*maxVIS
4977        diag_vis3(i,:) = 3.*maxVIS
4979        do k = kbot,ktop,kdir
4980           !VIS1:  component through liquid cloud (fog); based on Gultepe and Milbrandt, 2007)
4981           tmp1 = qc(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1.e+3    !LWC [g m-3]
4982           tmp2 = nc(i,k)*rho(i,k)*1.e-6    !Nc  [cm-3]
4983           if (tmp1>0.005 .and. tmp2>1.) then
4984              diag_vis1(i,k)= max(minVIS,1000.*(1.13*(tmp1*tmp2)**(-0.51))) !based on FRAM [GM2007, eqn (4)
4985             !diag_vis1(i,k)= max(minVIS,min(maxVIS, (tmp1*tmp2)**(-0.65))) !based on RACE [GM2007, eqn (3)
4986           endif
4988       !VIS2: component through rain;  based on Gultepe and Milbrandt, 2008, Table 2 eqn (1)
4989        tmp1 = mflux_r(i,k)*inv_rhow*3.6e+6                                    !rain rate [mm h-1]
4990        if (tmp1>0.01) then
4991           diag_vis2(i,k)= max(minVIS,1000.*(-4.12*tmp1**0.176+9.01))   ![m]
4992        endif
4994       !VIS3: component through snow;  based on Gultepe and Milbrandt, 2008, Table 2 eqn (6)
4995        tmp1 = mflux_i(i,k)*inv_rhow*3.6e+6                                    !snow rate, liq-eq [mm h-1]
4996        if (tmp1>0.01) then
4997           diag_vis3(i,k)= max(minVIS,1000.*(1.10*tmp1**(-0.701)))      ![m]
4998        endif
5000           !VIS:  visibility due to reduction from all components 1, 2, and 3
5001           !      (based on sum of extinction coefficients and Koschmieders's Law)
5002           diag_vis(i,k) = min(maxVIS, 1./(1./diag_vis1(i,k) + 1./diag_vis2(i,k) + 1./diag_vis3(i,k)))
5003           diag_vis1(i,k)= min(maxVIS, diag_vis1(i,k))
5004           diag_vis2(i,k)= min(maxVIS, diag_vis2(i,k))
5005           diag_vis3(i,k)= min(maxVIS, diag_vis3(i,k))
5006        enddo !k-loop
5008     endif  !if present(diag_vis)
5010 !.....................................................
5012  enddo i_loop_main
5014 ! Save final microphysics values of theta and qv as old values for next time step
5015 !  note: This is not necessary for GEM, which already has these values available
5016 !        from the beginning of the model time step (TT_moins and HU_moins) when
5017 !        s/r 'p3_wrapper_gem' is called (from s/r 'condensation').
5018  if (trim(model) == 'WRF') then
5019     th_old = th
5020     qv_old = qv
5021  endif
5023 !...........................................................................................
5024 ! Compute diagnostic hydrometeor types for output as 3D fields and
5025 ! for partitioning into corresponding surface precipitation rates.
5027  compute_type_diags: if (typeDiags_ON) then
5029     if (.not.(present(prt_drzl).and.present(prt_rain).and.present(prt_crys).and. &
5030               present(prt_snow).and.present(prt_grpl).and.present(prt_pell).and. &
5031               present(prt_hail).and.present(prt_sndp))) then
5032        print*,'***  ABORT IN P3_MAIN ***'
5033        print*,'*  typeDiags_ON = .true. but prt_drzl, etc. are not passed into P3_MAIN'
5034        print*,'*************************'
5035        global_status = STATUS_ERROR
5036        return
5037     endif
5039     prt_drzl(:) = 0.
5040     prt_rain(:) = 0.
5041     prt_crys(:) = 0.
5042     prt_snow(:) = 0.
5043     prt_grpl(:) = 0.
5044     prt_pell(:) = 0.
5045     prt_hail(:) = 0.
5046     prt_sndp(:) = 0.
5047     if (present(qi_type)) qi_type(:,:,:) = 0.
5049     if (freq3DtypeDiag>0. .and. mod(it*dt,freq3DtypeDiag*60.)==0.) then
5050       !diagnose hydrometeor types for full columns
5051        ktop_typeDiag = ktop
5052     else
5053       !diagnose hydrometeor types at bottom level only (for specific precip rates)
5054        ktop_typeDiag = kbot
5055     endif
5057     i_loop_typediag: do i = its,ite
5059       !-- rain vs. drizzle:
5060        k_loop_typdiag_1: do k = kbot,ktop_typeDiag,kdir
5062           Q_drizzle(i,k) = 0.
5063           Q_rain(i,k)    = 0.
5064           !note:  these can be broken down further (outside of microphysics) into
5065           !       liquid rain (drizzle) vs. freezing rain (drizzle) based on sfc temp.
5066           if (qr(i,k)>qsmall .and. nr(i,k)>nsmall) then
5067              tmp1 = (6.*qr(i,k)/(pi*rhow*nr(i,k)))**thrd   !mean-mass diameter
5068              if (tmp1 < thres_raindrop) then
5069                 Q_drizzle(i,k) = qr(i,k)
5070              else
5071                 Q_rain(i,k)    = qr(i,k)
5072              endif
5073           endif
5075        enddo k_loop_typdiag_1
5077        if (Q_drizzle(i,kbot) > 0.) then
5078           prt_drzl(i) = prt_liq(i)
5079        elseif (Q_rain(i,kbot) > 0.) then
5080           prt_rain(i) = prt_liq(i)
5081        endif
5083       !-- ice-phase:
5084       iice_loop_diag: do iice = 1,nCat
5086           k_loop_typdiag_2: do k = kbot,ktop_typeDiag,kdir
5088              Q_crystals(i,k,iice) = 0.
5089              Q_ursnow(i,k,iice)   = 0.
5090              Q_lrsnow(i,k,iice)   = 0.
5091              Q_grpl(i,k,iice)     = 0.
5092              Q_pellets(i,k,iice)  = 0.
5093              Q_hail(i,k,iice)     = 0.
5095             !Note: The following partitioning of ice into types is subjective.  However,
5096             !      this is a diagnostic only; it does not affect the model solution.
5098              if (qitot(i,k,iice)>qsmall) then
5099                 tmp1 = qirim(i,k,iice)/qitot(i,k,iice)   !rime mass fraction
5100                 if (tmp1<0.1) then
5101                 !zero or trace rime:
5102                    if (diag_di(i,k,iice)<150.e-6) then
5103                       Q_crystals(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice)
5104                    else
5105                       Q_ursnow(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice)
5106                    endif
5107                 elseif (tmp1>=0.1 .and. tmp1<0.6) then
5108                 !lightly rimed:
5109                    Q_lrsnow(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice)
5110                 elseif (tmp1>=0.6 .and. tmp1<=1.) then
5111                 !moderate-to-heavily rimed:
5112                    if (diag_rhoi(i,k,iice)<700.) then
5113                       Q_grpl(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice)
5114                    else
5115                       if (diag_di(i,k,iice)<1.e-3) then
5116                          Q_pellets(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice)
5117                       else
5118                          Q_hail(i,k,iice) = qitot(i,k,iice)
5119                       endif
5120                    endif
5121                 else
5122                    print*, 'STOP -- unrealistic rime fraction: ',tmp1
5123                    global_status = STATUS_ERROR
5124                    return
5125                 endif
5126              endif !qitot>0
5128           enddo k_loop_typdiag_2
5130          !diagnostics for sfc precipitation rates: (liquid-equivalent volume flux, m s-1)
5131          !  note: these are summed for all ice categories
5132           if (Q_crystals(i,kbot,iice) > 0.)    then
5133              prt_crys(i) = prt_crys(i) + prt_sol(i)    !precip rate of small crystals
5134           elseif (Q_ursnow(i,kbot,iice) > 0.)  then
5135              prt_snow(i) = prt_snow(i) + prt_sol(i)    !precip rate of unrimed + lightly rimed snow
5136           elseif (Q_lrsnow(i,kbot,iice) > 0.)  then
5137              prt_snow(i) = prt_snow(i) + prt_sol(i)    !precip rate of unrimed + lightly rimed snow
5138           elseif (Q_grpl(i,kbot,iice) > 0.)    then
5139              prt_grpl(i) = prt_grpl(i) + prt_sol(i)    !precip rate of graupel
5140           elseif (Q_pellets(i,kbot,iice) > 0.) then
5141              prt_pell(i) = prt_pell(i) + prt_sol(i)    !precip rate of ice pellets
5142           elseif (Q_hail(i,kbot,iice) > 0.)    then
5143              prt_hail(i) = prt_hail(i) + prt_sol(i)    !precip rate of hail
5144           endif
5145          !--- optimized version above above IF block (does not work on all FORTRAN compilers)
5146 !           tmp3 = -(Q_crystals(i,kbot,iice) > 0.)
5147 !           tmp4 = -(Q_ursnow(i,kbot,iice)   > 0.)
5148 !           tmp5 = -(Q_lrsnow(i,kbot,iice)   > 0.)
5149 !           tmp6 = -(Q_grpl(i,kbot,iice)     > 0.)
5150 !           tmp7 = -(Q_pellets(i,kbot,iice)  > 0.)
5151 !           tmp8 = -(Q_hail(i,kbot,iice)     > 0.)
5152 !           prt_crys(i) = prt_crys(i) + prt_sol(i)*tmp3                   !precip rate of small crystals
5153 !           prt_snow(i) = prt_snow(i) + prt_sol(i)*tmp4 + prt_sol(i)*tmp5 !precip rate of unrimed + lightly rimed snow
5154 !           prt_grpl(i) = prt_grpl(i) + prt_sol(i)*tmp6                   !precip rate of graupel
5155 !           prt_pell(i) = prt_pell(i) + prt_sol(i)*tmp7                   !precip rate of ice pellets
5156 !           prt_hail(i) = prt_hail(i) + prt_sol(i)*tmp8                   !precip rate of hail
5157          !===
5159           !precip rate of unmelted total "snow":
5160           !  For now, an instananeous solid-to-liquid ratio (tmp1) is assumed and is multiplied
5161           !  by the total liquid-equivalent precip rates of snow (small crystals + lightly-rime + ..)
5162           !  Later, this can be computed explicitly as the volume flux of unmelted ice.
5163          !tmp1 = 10.  !assumes 10:1 ratio
5164          !tmp1 = 1000./max(1., diag_rhoi(i,kbot,iice))
5165           tmp1 = 1000./max(1., 5.*diag_rhoi(i,kbot,iice))
5166           prt_sndp(i) = prt_sndp(i) + tmp1*(prt_crys(i) + prt_snow(i) + prt_grpl(i))
5168        enddo iice_loop_diag
5170     enddo i_loop_typediag
5172    !- for output of 3D fields of diagnostic ice-phase hydrometeor type
5173     if (ktop_typeDiag==ktop .and. present(qi_type)) then
5174       !diag_3d(:,:,1) = Q_drizzle(:,:)
5175       !diag_3d(:,:,2) = Q_rain(:,:)
5176        do ii = 1,nCat
5177           qi_type(:,:,1) = qi_type(:,:,1) + Q_crystals(:,:,ii)
5178           qi_type(:,:,2) = qi_type(:,:,2) + Q_ursnow(:,:,ii)
5179           qi_type(:,:,3) = qi_type(:,:,3) + Q_lrsnow(:,:,ii)
5180           qi_type(:,:,4) = qi_type(:,:,4) + Q_grpl(:,:,ii)
5181           qi_type(:,:,5) = qi_type(:,:,5) + Q_hail(:,:,ii)
5182           qi_type(:,:,6) = qi_type(:,:,6) + Q_pellets(:,:,ii)
5183        enddo
5184     endif
5186  endif compute_type_diags
5189 !=== (end of section for diagnostic hydrometeor/precip types)
5192 ! end of main microphysics routine
5194 !  call cpu_time(t_p3main_end)
5195 !  t_p3main_accum = t_p3main_accum + (t_p3main_end-t_p3main_start)
5197 !.....................................................................................
5199  return
5201  END SUBROUTINE p3_main
5203 !==========================================================================================!
5205  SUBROUTINE access_lookup_table(dumjj,dumii,dumi,index,dum1,dum4,dum5,proc)
5207  implicit none
5209  real    :: dum1,dum4,dum5,proc,iproc1,gproc1,tmp1,tmp2
5210  integer :: dumjj,dumii,dumi,index
5212 ! get value at current density index
5214 ! first interpolate for current rimed fraction index
5216    iproc1 = itab(dumjj,dumii,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab(dumjj,dumii,       &
5217             dumi+1,index)-itab(dumjj,dumii,dumi,index))
5219 ! linearly interpolate to get process rates for rimed fraction index + 1
5221    gproc1 = itab(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab(dumjj,dumii+1,   &
5222           dumi+1,index)-itab(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,index))
5224    tmp1   = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
5226 ! get value at density index + 1
5228 ! first interpolate for current rimed fraction index
5230    iproc1 = itab(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab(dumjj+1,dumii,   &
5231             dumi+1,index)-itab(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,index))
5233 ! linearly interpolate to get process rates for rimed fraction index + 1
5235    gproc1 = itab(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab(dumjj+1,       &
5236             dumii+1,dumi+1,index)-itab(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,index))
5238    tmp2   = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
5240 ! get final process rate
5241    proc   = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5243 END SUBROUTINE access_lookup_table
5245 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
5246 SUBROUTINE access_lookup_table_coll(dumjj,dumii,dumj,dumi,index,dum1,dum3,          &
5247                                     dum4,dum5,proc)
5249  implicit none
5251  real    :: dum1,dum3,dum4,dum5,proc,dproc1,dproc2,iproc1,gproc1,tmp1,tmp2
5252  integer :: dumjj,dumii,dumj,dumi,index
5255 ! This subroutine interpolates lookup table values for rain/ice collection processes
5257 ! current density index
5259 ! current rime fraction index
5260   dproc1  = itabcoll(dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*                &
5261              (itabcoll(dumjj,dumii,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll(dumjj,dumii,dumi,    &
5262              dumj,index))
5264    dproc2  = itabcoll(dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*             &
5265              (itabcoll(dumjj,dumii,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll(dumjj,dumii,dumi,  &
5266              dumj+1,index))
5268    iproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
5270 ! rime fraction index + 1
5272    dproc1  = itabcoll(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*             &
5273              (itabcoll(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll(dumjj,dumii+1,     &
5274                  dumi,dumj,index))
5276    dproc2  = itabcoll(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*           &
5277              (itabcoll(dumjj,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll(dumjj,dumii+1,   &
5278              dumi,dumj+1,index))
5280    gproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
5281    tmp1    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
5283 ! density index + 1
5285 ! current rime fraction index
5287    dproc1  = itabcoll(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*             &
5288              (itabcoll(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll(dumjj+1,dumii,     &
5289                  dumi,dumj,index))
5291    dproc2  = itabcoll(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*           &
5292              (itabcoll(dumjj+1,dumii,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll(dumjj+1,dumii,   &
5293              dumi,dumj+1,index))
5295    iproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
5297 ! rime fraction index + 1
5299    dproc1  = itabcoll(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*           &
5300              (itabcoll(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll(dumjj+1,dumii+1, &
5301              dumi,dumj,index))
5303    dproc2  = itabcoll(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*         &
5304              (itabcoll(dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll(dumjj+1,       &
5305                  dumii+1,dumi,dumj+1,index))
5307    gproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
5308    tmp2    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
5310 ! interpolate over density to get final values
5311    proc    = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5313  END SUBROUTINE access_lookup_table_coll
5315 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
5317  SUBROUTINE access_lookup_table_colli(dumjjc,dumiic,dumic,dumjj,dumii,dumi,index,   &
5318                                       dum1c,dum4c,dum5c,dum1,dum4,dum5,proc)
5320  implicit none
5322  real    :: dum1,dum4,dum5,dum1c,dum4c,dum5c,proc,iproc1,iproc2,       &
5323             gproc1,gproc2,rproc1,rproc2,tmp1,tmp2,dproc11,dproc12
5324  integer :: dumjj,dumii,dumi,index,dumjjc,dumiic,dumic
5327 ! This subroutine interpolates lookup table values for rain/ice collection processes
5329 ! current density index collectee category
5331 ! current rime fraction index for collectee category
5333 ! current density index collector category
5335 ! current rime fraction index for collector category
5337   if (index.eq.1) then
5339    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*    &
5340              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj)-                     &
5341              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj))
5343    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5344              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)-                   &
5345              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj))
5347    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5350 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5352    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5353              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)-                   &
5354              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj))
5356    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*&
5357              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)-                 &
5358              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj))
5360    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5362    tmp1    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5364 ! collector density index + 1
5366    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5367              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)-                   &
5368              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1))
5370    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*&
5371              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)-                 &
5372              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1))
5374    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5376 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5378    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*   &
5379              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                    &
5380              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5382    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5383              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5384              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5386    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5388    tmp2    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5390    gproc1    = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5392 !.......................................................................................................
5393 ! collectee rime fraction + 1
5395    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*   &
5396              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj)-                    &
5397              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj))
5399    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5400              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)-                  &
5401              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj))
5403    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5405 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5407    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5408              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)-                   &
5409              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj))
5411    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5412              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)-                  &
5413              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj))
5415    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5417    tmp1    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5419 ! collector density index + 1
5421    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5422              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5423              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1))
5425    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5426              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5427              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1))
5429    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5431 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5433    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5434              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5435              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5437    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5438              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5439              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5441    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5443    tmp2    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5445    gproc2  = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5447    rproc1  = gproc1+(dum4c-real(dumiic))*(gproc2-gproc1)
5449 !............................................................................................................
5450 ! collectee density index + 1
5452    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5453              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj)-                   &
5454              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj))
5456    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5457              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)-                  &
5458              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj))
5460    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5462 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5464    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5465              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)-                  &
5466              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj))
5468    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5469              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)-                  &
5470              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj))
5472    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5474    tmp1    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5476 ! collector density index + 1
5478    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5479              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)-                   &
5480              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1))
5482    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5483              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5484              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1))
5486    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5488 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5490    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5491              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5492              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5494    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5495              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5496              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5498    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5500    tmp2    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5502    gproc1    = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5504 !.......................................................................................................
5505 ! collectee rime fraction + 1
5507    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5508              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj)-                   &
5509              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj))
5511    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5512              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)-                  &
5513              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj))
5515    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5517 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5519    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5520              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)-                  &
5521              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj))
5523    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5524              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)-                  &
5525              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj))
5527    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5529    tmp1    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5531 ! collector density index + 1
5533    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5534              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5535              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1))
5537    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5538              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5539              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1))
5541    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5543 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5545    dproc11 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5546              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5547              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5549    dproc12 = itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5550              (itabcolli1(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5551              itabcolli1(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5553    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5555    tmp2    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5557    gproc2  = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5559    rproc2  = gproc1+(dum4c-real(dumiic))*(gproc2-gproc1)
5561 !..........................................................................................
5562 ! final process rate interpolation over collectee density
5564    proc    = rproc1+(dum5c-real(dumjjc))*(rproc2-rproc1)
5566  else if (index.eq.2) then
5568    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*    &
5569              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj)-                     &
5570              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj))
5572    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5573              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)-                   &
5574              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj))
5576    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5578 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5580    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5581              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)-                   &
5582              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj))
5584    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5585              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)-                  &
5586              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj))
5588    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5590    tmp1    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5592 ! collector density index + 1
5594    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5595              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)-                   &
5596              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1))
5598    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5599              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5600              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1))
5602    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5604 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5606    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5607              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5608              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5610    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5611              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5612              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5614    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5616    tmp2    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5618    gproc1    = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5620 !.......................................................................................................
5621 ! collectee rime fraction + 1
5623    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5624              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj)-                  &
5625              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj))
5627    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5628              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)-                  &
5629              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj))
5631    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5633 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5635    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5636              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)-                   &
5637              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj))
5639    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5640              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)-                  &
5641              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj))
5643    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5645    tmp1    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5647 ! collector density index + 1
5649    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5650              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5651              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1))
5653    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5654              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5655              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1))
5657    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5659 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5661    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5662              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5663              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5665    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5666              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5667              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5669    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5671    tmp2    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5673    gproc2  = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5675    rproc1  = gproc1+(dum4c-real(dumiic))*(gproc2-gproc1)
5677 !............................................................................................................
5678 ! collectee density index + 1
5680    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))*  &
5681              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj)-                   &
5682              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj))
5684    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5685              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)-                  &
5686              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj))
5688    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5690 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5692    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5693              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)-                  &
5694              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj))
5696    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5697              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)-                  &
5698              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj))
5700    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5702    tmp1    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5704 ! collector density index + 1
5706    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5707              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5708              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1))
5710    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5711              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5712              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1))
5714    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5716 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5718    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5719              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5720              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5722    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5723              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5724              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5726    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5728    tmp2    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5730    gproc1    = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5732 !.......................................................................................................
5733 ! collectee rime fraction + 1
5735    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5736              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj)-                  &
5737              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj))
5739    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5740              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj)-                  &
5741              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj))
5743    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5745 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5747    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5748              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj)-                  &
5749              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj))
5751    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5752              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj)-                  &
5753              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj))
5755    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5757    tmp1    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5759 ! collector density index + 1
5761    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5762              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5763              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii,dumjj+1))
5765    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5766              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1)-                  &
5767              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii,dumjj+1))
5769    iproc1  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5771 ! collector rime fraction index + 1
5773    dproc11 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5774              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5775              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5777    dproc12 = itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)+(dum1c-real(dumic))* &
5778              (itabcolli2(dumic+1,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1)-                  &
5779              itabcolli2(dumic,dumiic+1,dumjjc+1,dumi+1,dumii+1,dumjj+1))
5781    iproc2  = dproc11+(dum1-real(dumi))*(dproc12-dproc11)
5783    tmp2    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(iproc2-iproc1)
5785    gproc2  = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5787    rproc2  = gproc1+(dum4c-real(dumiic))*(gproc2-gproc1)
5789 !..........................................................................................
5790 ! final process rate interpolation over collectee density
5792    proc    = rproc1+(dum5c-real(dumjjc))*(rproc2-rproc1)
5794  endif ! index =1 or 2
5796  END SUBROUTINE access_lookup_table_colli
5798 !==========================================================================================!
5800  SUBROUTINE access_lookup_table_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,index,dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,proc)
5802  implicit none
5804  real    :: dum1,dum4,dum5,dum6,proc,iproc1,gproc1,tmp1,tmp2,rproc1,rproc2
5805  integer :: dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,index
5807 ! get value at current G index
5809 ! get value at current density index
5811 ! first interpolate for current rimed fraction index
5813    iproc1 = itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,       &
5814             dumi+1,index)-itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,index))
5816 ! linearly interpolate to get process rates for rimed fraction index + 1
5818    gproc1 = itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii+1,   &
5819           dumi+1,index)-itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,index))
5821    tmp1   = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
5823 ! get value at density index + 1
5825 ! first interpolate for current rimed fraction index
5827    iproc1 = itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii,   &
5828             dumi+1,index)-itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,index))
5830 ! linearly interpolate to get process rates for rimed fraction index + 1
5832    gproc1 = itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,       &
5833             dumii+1,dumi+1,index)-itab_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,index))
5835    tmp2   = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
5837 ! get process rate
5838    rproc1   = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5840 !.............................................................
5842 ! get value at G index + 1
5844 ! get value at current density index
5846 ! first interpolate for current rimed fraction index
5848    iproc1 = itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii,       &
5849             dumi+1,index)-itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii,dumi,index))
5851 ! linearly interpolate to get process rates for rimed fraction index + 1
5853    gproc1 = itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii+1,   &
5854           dumi+1,index)-itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,index))
5856    tmp1   = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
5858 ! get value at density index + 1
5860 ! first interpolate for current rimed fraction index
5862    iproc1 = itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii,   &
5863             dumi+1,index)-itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,index))
5865 ! linearly interpolate to get process rates for rimed fraction index + 1
5867    gproc1 = itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*(itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,       &
5868             dumii+1,dumi+1,index)-itab_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,index))
5870    tmp2   = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
5872 ! get process rate
5873    rproc2   = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5875 ! get final process rate
5877    proc = rproc1+(dum6-real(dumzz))*(rproc2-rproc1)
5879 END SUBROUTINE access_lookup_table_3mom
5881 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
5882 SUBROUTINE access_lookup_table_coll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumj,dumi,index,dum1,dum3,          &
5883                                     dum4,dum5,dum6,proc)
5885  implicit none
5887  real    :: dum1,dum3,dum4,dum5,dum6,proc,dproc1,dproc2,iproc1,gproc1,tmp1,tmp2,rproc1,rproc2
5888  integer :: dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumj,dumi,index
5891 ! This subroutine interpolates lookup table values for rain/ice collection processes
5893 ! current G index
5895 ! current density index
5897 ! current rime fraction index
5898   dproc1  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*                &
5899              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,    &
5900              dumj,index))
5902    dproc2  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*             &
5903              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii,dumi,  &
5904              dumj+1,index))
5906    iproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
5908 ! rime fraction index + 1
5910    dproc1  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*             &
5911              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii+1,     &
5912                  dumi,dumj,index))
5914    dproc2  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*           &
5915              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj,dumii+1,   &
5916              dumi,dumj+1,index))
5918    gproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
5919    tmp1    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
5921 ! density index + 1
5923 ! current rime fraction index
5925    dproc1  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*             &
5926              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii,     &
5927                  dumi,dumj,index))
5929    dproc2  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*           &
5930              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii,   &
5931              dumi,dumj+1,index))
5933    iproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
5935 ! rime fraction index + 1
5937    dproc1  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*           &
5938              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii+1, &
5939              dumi,dumj,index))
5941    dproc2  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*         &
5942              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz,dumjj+1,       &
5943                  dumii+1,dumi,dumj+1,index))
5945    gproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
5946    tmp2    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
5948 ! interpolate over density
5949    rproc1    = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
5951 !.....................................................................................
5952 ! G index + 1
5954 ! current density index
5956 ! current rime fraction index
5957   dproc1  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*                &
5958              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii,dumi,    &
5959              dumj,index))
5961    dproc2  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*             &
5962              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii,dumi,  &
5963              dumj+1,index))
5965    iproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
5967 ! rime fraction index + 1
5969    dproc1  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*             &
5970              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii+1,     &
5971                  dumi,dumj,index))
5973    dproc2  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*           &
5974              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj,dumii+1,   &
5975              dumi,dumj+1,index))
5977    gproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
5978    tmp1    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
5980 ! density index + 1
5982 ! current rime fraction index
5984    dproc1  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*             &
5985              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii,     &
5986                  dumi,dumj,index))
5988    dproc2  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*           &
5989              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii,   &
5990              dumi,dumj+1,index))
5992    iproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
5994 ! rime fraction index + 1
5996    dproc1  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,dumj,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*           &
5997              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii+1, &
5998              dumi,dumj,index))
6000    dproc2  = itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi,dumj+1,index)+(dum1-real(dumi))*         &
6001              (itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,dumii+1,dumi+1,dumj+1,index)-itabcoll_3mom(dumzz+1,dumjj+1,       &
6002                  dumii+1,dumi,dumj+1,index))
6004    gproc1  = dproc1+(dum3-real(dumj))*(dproc2-dproc1)
6005    tmp2    = iproc1+(dum4-real(dumii))*(gproc1-iproc1)
6007 ! interpolate over density
6008    rproc2    = tmp1+(dum5-real(dumjj))*(tmp2-tmp1)
6010 ! get final process rate by interpolation over G
6011    proc    = rproc1+(dum6-real(dumzz))*(rproc2-rproc1)
6013  END SUBROUTINE access_lookup_table_coll_3mom
6015 !==========================================================================================!
6017  real function polysvp1(T,i_type)
6019 !-------------------------------------------
6024 !-------------------------------------------
6026       implicit none
6028       real    :: T
6029       integer :: i_type
6033 ! ice
6034       real a0i,a1i,a2i,a3i,a4i,a5i,a6i,a7i,a8i
6035       data a0i,a1i,a2i,a3i,a4i,a5i,a6i,a7i,a8i /&
6036         6.11147274, 0.503160820, 0.188439774e-1, &
6037         0.420895665e-3, 0.615021634e-5,0.602588177e-7, &
6038         0.385852041e-9, 0.146898966e-11, 0.252751365e-14/
6040 ! liquid
6041       real a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8
6043 ! V1.7
6044       data a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8 /&
6045         6.11239921, 0.443987641, 0.142986287e-1, &
6046         0.264847430e-3, 0.302950461e-5, 0.206739458e-7, &
6047         0.640689451e-10,-0.952447341e-13,-0.976195544e-15/
6048       real dt
6050 !-------------------------------------------
6052       if (i_type.EQ.1 .and. then
6053 ! ICE
6055 ! use Goff-Gratch for T < 195.8 K and Flatau et al. equal or above 195.8 K
6056          if ( then
6057             dt=t-273.15
6058             polysvp1 = a0i + dt*(a1i+dt*(a2i+dt*(a3i+dt*(a4i+dt*(a5i+dt*(a6i+dt*(a7i+a8i*dt)))))))
6059             polysvp1 = polysvp1*100.
6060          else
6061             polysvp1 = 10.**(-9.09718*(273.16/t-1.)-3.56654* &
6062                 alog10(273.16/t)+0.876793*(1.-t/273.16)+ &
6063                 alog10(6.1071))*100.
6064          end if
6066       elseif (i_type.EQ.0 .or. then
6067 ! LIQUID
6069 ! use Goff-Gratch for T < 202.0 K and Flatau et al. equal or above 202.0 K
6070          if ( then
6071             dt = t-273.15
6072             polysvp1 = a0 + dt*(a1+dt*(a2+dt*(a3+dt*(a4+dt*(a5+dt*(a6+dt*(a7+a8*dt)))))))
6073             polysvp1 = polysvp1*100.
6074          else
6075 ! note: uncertain below -70 C, but produces physical values (non-negative) unlike flatau
6076             polysvp1 = 10.**(-7.90298*(373.16/t-1.)+ &
6077                 5.02808*alog10(373.16/t)- &
6078                 1.3816e-7*(10**(11.344*(1.-t/373.16))-1.)+ &
6079                 8.1328e-3*(10**(-3.49149*(373.16/t-1.))-1.)+ &
6080                 alog10(1013.246))*100.
6081          end if
6083          endif
6086  end function polysvp1
6088 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6090  real function DERF(X)
6092  implicit none
6094  real :: X
6095  real, dimension(0 : 64) :: A, B
6096  real :: W,T,Y
6097  integer :: K,I
6098       data A/                                                 &
6099          0.00000000005958930743E0, -0.00000000113739022964E0, &
6100          0.00000001466005199839E0, -0.00000016350354461960E0, &
6101          0.00000164610044809620E0, -0.00001492559551950604E0, &
6102          0.00012055331122299265E0, -0.00085483269811296660E0, &
6103          0.00522397762482322257E0, -0.02686617064507733420E0, &
6104          0.11283791670954881569E0, -0.37612638903183748117E0, &
6105          1.12837916709551257377E0,                            &
6106          0.00000000002372510631E0, -0.00000000045493253732E0, &
6107          0.00000000590362766598E0, -0.00000006642090827576E0, &
6108          0.00000067595634268133E0, -0.00000621188515924000E0, &
6109          0.00005103883009709690E0, -0.00037015410692956173E0, &
6110          0.00233307631218880978E0, -0.01254988477182192210E0, &
6111          0.05657061146827041994E0, -0.21379664776456006580E0, &
6112          0.84270079294971486929E0,                            &
6113          0.00000000000949905026E0, -0.00000000018310229805E0, &
6114          0.00000000239463074000E0, -0.00000002721444369609E0, &
6115          0.00000028045522331686E0, -0.00000261830022482897E0, &
6116          0.00002195455056768781E0, -0.00016358986921372656E0, &
6117          0.00107052153564110318E0, -0.00608284718113590151E0, &
6118          0.02986978465246258244E0, -0.13055593046562267625E0, &
6119          0.67493323603965504676E0,                            &
6120          0.00000000000382722073E0, -0.00000000007421598602E0, &
6121          0.00000000097930574080E0, -0.00000001126008898854E0, &
6122          0.00000011775134830784E0, -0.00000111992758382650E0, &
6123          0.00000962023443095201E0, -0.00007404402135070773E0, &
6124          0.00050689993654144881E0, -0.00307553051439272889E0, &
6125          0.01668977892553165586E0, -0.08548534594781312114E0, &
6126          0.56909076642393639985E0,                            &
6127          0.00000000000155296588E0, -0.00000000003032205868E0, &
6128          0.00000000040424830707E0, -0.00000000471135111493E0, &
6129          0.00000005011915876293E0, -0.00000048722516178974E0, &
6130          0.00000430683284629395E0, -0.00003445026145385764E0, &
6131          0.00024879276133931664E0, -0.00162940941748079288E0, &
6132          0.00988786373932350462E0, -0.05962426839442303805E0, &
6133          0.49766113250947636708E0 /
6134       data (B(I), I = 0, 12) /                                 &
6135          -0.00000000029734388465E0,  0.00000000269776334046E0, &
6136          -0.00000000640788827665E0, -0.00000001667820132100E0, &
6137          -0.00000021854388148686E0,  0.00000266246030457984E0, &
6138           0.00001612722157047886E0, -0.00025616361025506629E0, &
6139           0.00015380842432375365E0,  0.00815533022524927908E0, &
6140          -0.01402283663896319337E0, -0.19746892495383021487E0, &
6141           0.71511720328842845913E0 /
6142       data (B(I), I = 13, 25) /                                &
6143          -0.00000000001951073787E0, -0.00000000032302692214E0, &
6144           0.00000000522461866919E0,  0.00000000342940918551E0, &
6145          -0.00000035772874310272E0,  0.00000019999935792654E0, &
6146           0.00002687044575042908E0, -0.00011843240273775776E0, &
6147          -0.00080991728956032271E0,  0.00661062970502241174E0, &
6148           0.00909530922354827295E0, -0.20160072778491013140E0, &
6149           0.51169696718727644908E0 /
6150       data (B(I), I = 26, 38) /                                &
6151          0.00000000003147682272E0, -0.00000000048465972408E0,  &
6152          0.00000000063675740242E0,  0.00000003377623323271E0,  &
6153         -0.00000015451139637086E0, -0.00000203340624738438E0,  &
6154          0.00001947204525295057E0,  0.00002854147231653228E0,  &
6155         -0.00101565063152200272E0,  0.00271187003520095655E0,  &
6156          0.02328095035422810727E0, -0.16725021123116877197E0,  &
6157          0.32490054966649436974E0 /
6158       data (B(I), I = 39, 51) /                                &
6159          0.00000000002319363370E0, -0.00000000006303206648E0,  &
6160         -0.00000000264888267434E0,  0.00000002050708040581E0,  &
6161          0.00000011371857327578E0, -0.00000211211337219663E0,  &
6162          0.00000368797328322935E0,  0.00009823686253424796E0,  &
6163         -0.00065860243990455368E0, -0.00075285814895230877E0,  &
6164          0.02585434424202960464E0, -0.11637092784486193258E0,  &
6165          0.18267336775296612024E0 /
6166       data (B(I), I = 52, 64) /                                &
6167         -0.00000000000367789363E0,  0.00000000020876046746E0,  &
6168         -0.00000000193319027226E0, -0.00000000435953392472E0,  &
6169          0.00000018006992266137E0, -0.00000078441223763969E0,  &
6170         -0.00000675407647949153E0,  0.00008428418334440096E0,  &
6171         -0.00017604388937031815E0, -0.00239729611435071610E0,  &
6172          0.02064129023876022970E0, -0.06905562880005864105E0,  &
6173          0.09084526782065478489E0 /
6174       W = ABS(X)
6175       if (W .LT. 2.2D0) then
6176           T = W * W
6177           K = INT(T)
6178           T = T - K
6179           K = K * 13
6180           Y = ((((((((((((A(K) * T + A(K + 1)) * T +              &
6181               A(K + 2)) * T + A(K + 3)) * T + A(K + 4)) * T +     &
6182               A(K + 5)) * T + A(K + 6)) * T + A(K + 7)) * T +     &
6183               A(K + 8)) * T + A(K + 9)) * T + A(K + 10)) * T +    &
6184               A(K + 11)) * T + A(K + 12)) * W
6185       elseif (W .LT. 6.9D0) then
6186           K = INT(W)
6187           T = W - K
6188           K = 13 * (K - 2)
6189           Y = (((((((((((B(K) * T + B(K + 1)) * T +               &
6190               B(K + 2)) * T + B(K + 3)) * T + B(K + 4)) * T +     &
6191               B(K + 5)) * T + B(K + 6)) * T + B(K + 7)) * T +     &
6192               B(K + 8)) * T + B(K + 9)) * T + B(K + 10)) * T +    &
6193               B(K + 11)) * T + B(K + 12)
6194           Y = Y * Y
6195           Y = Y * Y
6196           Y = Y * Y
6197           Y = 1 - Y * Y
6198       else
6199           Y = 1
6200       endif
6201       if (X .LT. 0) Y = -Y
6202       DERF = Y
6204  end function DERF
6206 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6207  logical function isnan(arg1)
6208        real,intent(in) :: arg1
6209        isnan = (arg1 .ne. arg1)
6210        return
6211  end function isnan
6213 !==========================================================================================!
6214  subroutine icecat_destination(Qi,Di,D_nuc,deltaD_init,iice_dest)
6216  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6217  ! Returns the index of the destination ice category into which new ice is nucleated.
6219  ! New ice will be nucleated into the category in which the existing ice is
6220  ! closest in size to the ice being nucleated.  The exception is that if the
6221  ! size difference between the nucleated ice and existing ice exceeds a threshold
6222  ! value for all categories, then ice is initiated into a new category.
6224  ! D_nuc        = mean diameter of new particles being added to a category
6225  ! D(i)         = mean diameter of particles in category i
6226  ! diff(i)      = |D(i) - D_nuc|
6227  ! deltaD_init  = threshold size difference to consider a new (empty) category
6228  ! mindiff      = minimum of all diff(i) (for non-empty categories)
6230  ! POSSIBLE CASES                      DESTINATION CATEGORY
6231  !---------------                      --------------------
6232  ! case 1:  all empty                  category 1
6233  ! case 2:  all full                   category with smallest diff
6234  ! case 3:  partly full
6235  !  case 3a:  mindiff <  diff_thrs     category with smallest diff
6236  !  case 3b:  mindiff >= diff_thrs     first empty category
6237  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6239  implicit none
6241 ! arguments:
6242  real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: Qi,Di
6243  real, intent(in)               :: D_nuc,deltaD_init
6244  integer, intent(out)           :: iice_dest
6246 ! local variables:
6247  logical                        :: all_full,all_empty
6248  integer                        :: i_firstEmptyCategory,iice,i_mindiff,n_cat
6249  real                           :: mindiff,diff
6250  real, parameter                :: qsmall_loc = 1.e-14
6252  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6254  n_cat     = size(Qi)
6255  iice_dest = -99
6257 !-- test:
6258 ! iice_dest = 1
6259 ! return
6262  if (sum(Qi(:))<qsmall_loc) then
6264  !case 1:
6265     iice_dest = 1
6266     return
6268  else
6270     all_full  = .true.
6271     all_empty = .false.
6272     mindiff   = 9.e+9
6273     i_firstEmptyCategory = 0
6275     do iice = 1,n_cat
6276        if (Qi(iice) .ge. qsmall_loc) then
6277           all_empty = .false.
6278           diff      = abs(Di(iice)-D_nuc)
6279           if (diff .lt. mindiff) then
6280              mindiff   = diff
6281              i_mindiff = iice
6282           endif
6283        else
6284           all_full = .false.
6285           if (i_firstEmptyCategory.eq.0) i_firstEmptyCategory = iice
6286        endif
6287     enddo
6289     if (all_full) then
6290  !case 2:
6291        iice_dest = i_mindiff
6292        return
6293     else
6294        if (mindiff .lt. deltaD_init) then
6295  !case 3a:
6296           iice_dest = i_mindiff
6297           return
6298        else
6299  !case 3b:
6300           iice_dest = i_firstEmptyCategory
6301           return
6302        endif
6303     endif
6305  endif
6307  print*, 'ERROR in s/r icecat_destination -- made it to end'
6308  global_status = STATUS_ERROR
6309  return
6311  end subroutine icecat_destination
6314 !======================================================================================!
6316  subroutine find_lookupTable_indices_1a(dumi,dumjj,dumii,dum1,dum4,dum5,isize,rimsize,   &
6317                                         densize,qitot,nitot,qirim,rhop)
6319 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6320 ! Finds indices in 3D ice (only) lookup table.
6321 !  - used for P3 v4
6322 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6324  implicit none
6326 ! arguments:
6327  integer, intent(out) :: dumi,dumjj,dumii
6328  real,    intent(out) :: dum1,dum4,dum5
6329  integer, intent(in)  :: isize,rimsize,densize
6330  real,    intent(in)  :: qitot,nitot,qirim,rhop
6332 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6334            ! find index for qi (normalized ice mass mixing ratio = qitot/nitot)
6336            ! we are inverting this equation from the lookup table to solve for i_Qnorm:
6337            ! from create_LT1:  q = 800.**((i_Qnorm+10)*0.1)*1.e-18   [where q = qitot/nitot]
6338             !dum1 = (alog10(qitot/nitot)+18.)/(0.1*alog10(800.)) - 10.   !original
6339              dum1 = (alog10(qitot/nitot)+18.)*3.444606 - 10.             !optimized
6340              dumi = int(dum1)
6341              ! set limits (to make sure the calculated index doesn't exceed range of lookup table)
6342              dum1 = min(dum1,real(isize))
6343              dum1 = max(dum1,1.)
6344              dumi = max(1,dumi)
6345              dumi = min(isize-1,dumi)
6347            ! find index for rime mass fraction
6348              dum4  = (qirim/qitot)*3. + 1.
6349              dumii = int(dum4)
6350              ! set limits
6351              dum4  = min(dum4,real(rimsize))
6352              dum4  = max(dum4,1.)
6353              dumii = max(1,dumii)
6354              dumii = min(rimsize-1,dumii)
6356            ! find index for bulk rime density
6357            ! (account for uneven spacing in lookup table for density)
6358              if (rhop.le.650.) then
6359                 dum5 = (rhop-50.)*0.005 + 1.
6360              else
6361                 dum5 =(rhop-650.)*0.004 + 4.
6362              endif
6363              dumjj = int(dum5)
6364              ! set limits
6365              dum5  = min(dum5,real(densize))
6366              dum5  = max(dum5,1.)
6367              dumjj = max(1,dumjj)
6368              dumjj = min(densize-1,dumjj)
6370  end subroutine find_lookupTable_indices_1a
6372 !======================================================================================!
6374  subroutine find_lookupTable_indices_1b(dumj,dum3,rcollsize,qr,nr)
6376  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6377  ! Finds indices in 3D rain lookup table, for 2-moment and 3-moment ice
6378  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6380  implicit none
6382 ! arguments:
6383  integer, intent(out) :: dumj
6384  real,    intent(out) :: dum3
6385  integer, intent(in)  :: rcollsize
6386  real,    intent(in)  :: qr,nr
6388 ! local variables:
6389  real                 :: dumlr
6391 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6393            ! find index for scaled mean rain size
6394            ! if no rain, then just choose dumj = 1 and do not calculate rain-ice collection processes
6395              if ( .and. then
6396               ! calculate scaled mean size for consistency with ice lookup table
6397                 dumlr = (qr/(pi*rhow*nr))**thrd
6398                 dum3  = (alog10(1.*dumlr)+5.)*10.70415
6399                 dumj  = int(dum3)
6400               ! set limits
6401                 dum3  = min(dum3,real_rcollsize)
6402                 dum3  = max(dum3,1.)
6403                 dumj  = max(1,dumj)
6404                 dumj  = min(rcollsize-1,dumj)
6405              else
6406                 dumj  = 1
6407                 dum3  = 1.
6408              endif
6410  end subroutine find_lookupTable_indices_1b
6412 !======================================================================================!
6414  subroutine find_lookupTable_indices_1c(dumzz,dum6,zsize,qitot,mu_i)
6416  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6417  ! Finds indices for G index in 3-moment ice lookup table
6418  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6420  implicit none
6422 ! arguments:
6423  integer, intent(out) :: dumzz
6424  integer, intent(in)  :: zsize
6425  real,    intent(out) :: dum6
6426  real,    intent(in)  :: qitot,mu_i
6428 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6430   ! find index for mu_i
6431   if ( then
6432 ! we are inverting this equation from the lookup table to solve for i:
6433 ! use old formula for now, we are solving zitot/qitot=9^(i)*1.e-23, for beta <= 7 lookup table
6434 !     dum6  = (alog10(zitot/qitot)+23.)/alog10(9.)
6435 ! use new formula for beta >= 9 lookup table
6436 ! zitot/qitot=2.1^(i)*1.e-23
6438 !    dum6  = (alog10(zitot/qitot)+23.)/alog10(2.1)
6439 !    dum6  = (alog10(zitot/qitot)+23.)*3.10347652     !optimization
6440 ! HM replace with mu_i
6441 !    dum6 = mu_i/2.+1. ! invert lookup table indices
6442      dum6 = mu_i*0.5+1. ! optimized
6444 ! for "two-moment", setting a constant mu = 0
6445 !     dum6  = 100.  ! set dum6 to a very large value, corresponding to mu = 0
6447      dumzz = int(dum6)
6448      dum6  = min(dum6,real(zsize))
6449      dum6  = max(dum6,1.)
6450      dumzz = max(1,dumzz)
6451      dumzz = min(zsize-1,dumzz)
6453   else
6455      dumzz = 1
6456      dum6  = 1.
6458   endif
6460  end subroutine find_lookupTable_indices_1c
6462 !======================================================================================!
6463  subroutine find_lookupTable_indices_2(dumi,   dumii,   dumjj,  dumic, dumiic, dumjjc,  &
6464                                        dum1,   dum4,    dum5,   dum1c, dum4c,  dum5c,   &
6465                                        iisize, rimsize, densize,                        &
6466                                        qitot_1, qitot_2, nitot_1, nitot_2,              &
6467                                        qirim_1, qirim_2, birim_1, birim_2)
6469 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6470 ! Finds indices in ice-ice interaction lookup table (2)
6471 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6473  implicit none
6475 ! arguments:
6476  integer, intent(out) :: dumi,   dumii,   dumjj,  dumic, dumiic, dumjjc
6477  real,    intent(out) :: dum1,   dum4,    dum5,   dum1c, dum4c,  dum5c
6478  integer, intent(in)  :: iisize, rimsize, densize
6479  real,    intent(in)  :: qitot_1,qitot_2,nitot_1,nitot_2,qirim_1,qirim_2,birim_1,birim_2
6481 ! local variables:
6482  real                 :: drhop
6484 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6486                     ! find index in lookup table for collector category
6488                     ! find index for qi (total ice mass mixing ratio)
6490 !              !-- For LT2-5.0 (Dm_max = 2000.)
6491 !              !   inverting the following (from create_LT2):  q = 261.7**((i+5)*0.2)*1.e-18
6492 !              !   where q = qitot/nitot (normalized)
6493 !                      !dum1 = (alog10(qitot_1/nitot_1)+18.)/(0.2*alog10(261.7))-5.   !orig
6494 !                       dum1 = (alog10(qitot_1/nitot_1)+18.)*(2.06799)-5.             !optimization
6496              !-- For LT2-5.1 (Dm_max = 400000.)
6497              !   inverting this equation from the lookup table to solve for i_Qnorm:
6498              !   from create_LT2:  q = 800.**(0.2*(i_Qnorm+5))*1.e-18   [where q = qitot/nitot]
6499                      !dum1 = (alog10(qitot_1/nitot_1)+18.)/(0.2*alog10(800.)) - 5.   !original
6500                       dum1 = (alog10(qitot_1/nitot_1)+18.)*1.722303 - 5.             !optimized
6502                       dumi = int(dum1)
6503                       dum1 = min(dum1,real(iisize))
6504                       dum1 = max(dum1,1.)
6505                       dumi = max(1,dumi)
6506                       dumi = min(iisize-1,dumi)
6508    ! note that the code below for finding rime mass fraction and density index is
6509    ! redundant with code for main ice lookup table and can probably be omitted
6510    ! for efficiency; for now it is left in
6512                     ! find index for rime mass fraction
6513                       dum4  = qirim_1/qitot_1*3. + 1.
6514                       dumii = int(dum4)
6515                       dum4  = min(dum4,real(rimsize))
6516                       dum4  = max(dum4,1.)
6517                       dumii = max(1,dumii)
6518                       dumii = min(rimsize-1,dumii)
6521                     ! find index for bulk rime density
6522                     ! (account for uneven spacing in lookup table for density)
6523                     ! bulk rime density
6524                       if ( then
6525                          drhop = qirim_1/birim_1
6526                       else
6527                          drhop = 0.
6528                       endif
6530                       if (drhop.le.650.) then
6531                          dum5 = (drhop-50.)*0.005 + 1.
6532                       else
6533                          dum5 =(drhop-650.)*0.004 + 4.
6534                       endif
6535                       dumjj = int(dum5)
6536                       dum5  = min(dum5,real(densize))
6537                       dum5  = max(dum5,1.)
6538                       dumjj = max(1,dumjj)
6539                       dumjj = min(densize-1,dumjj)
6541                     ! find index in lookup table for collectee category, here 'q' is a scaled q/N
6542                     ! find index for qi (total ice mass mixing ratio)
6543 !                      !dum1c = (alog10(qitot_2/nitot_2)+18.)/(0.2*alog10(261.7))-5. !orig
6544 !                       dum1c = (alog10(qitot_2/nitot_2)+18.)/(0.483561)-5. !for computational efficiency
6546              !-- For LT2-5.1 (Dm_max = 400000.)
6547              !   inverting this equation from the lookup table to solve for i_Qnorm:
6548              !   from create_LT2:  q = 800.**(0.2*(i_Qnorm+5))*1.e-18   [where q = qitot/nitot]
6549                      !dum1c = (alog10(qitot_1/nitot_1)+18.)/(0.2*alog10(800.)) - 5.   !original
6550                       dum1c = (alog10(qitot_2/nitot_2)+18.)*1.722303 - 5.             !optimized
6551                       dumic = int(dum1c)
6552                       dum1c = min(dum1c,real(iisize))
6553                       dum1c = max(dum1c,1.)
6554                       dumic = max(1,dumic)
6555                       dumic = min(iisize-1,dumic)
6558                     ! find index for rime mass fraction
6559                       dum4c  = qirim_2/qitot_2*3. + 1.
6560                       dumiic = int(dum4c)
6561                       dum4c  = min(dum4c,real(rimsize))
6562                       dum4c  = max(dum4c,1.)
6563                       dumiic = max(1,dumiic)
6564                       dumiic = min(rimsize-1,dumiic)
6565                     ! calculate predicted bulk rime density
6566                       if ( then            !*** NOTE:  change to 'bsmall'
6567                          drhop = qirim_2/birim_2
6568                       else
6569                          drhop = 0.
6570                       endif
6572                     ! find index for bulk rime density
6573                     ! (account for uneven spacing in lookup table for density)
6574                       if (drhop.le.650.) then
6575                          dum5c = (drhop-50.)*0.005 + 1.
6576                       else
6577                          dum5c =(drhop-650.)*0.004 + 4.
6578                       endif
6579                       dumjjc = int(dum5c)
6580                       dum5c  = min(dum5c,real(densize))
6581                       dum5c  = max(dum5c,1.)
6582                       dumjjc = max(1,dumjjc)
6583                       dumjjc = min(densize-1,dumjjc)
6585  end subroutine find_lookupTable_indices_2
6588 !======================================================================================!
6589  subroutine find_lookupTable_indices_3(dumii,dumjj,dum1,rdumii,rdumjj,inv_dum3,mu_r,lamr)
6591 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6592 ! Finds indices in rain lookup table (3)
6593 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6595  implicit none
6597 ! arguments:
6598  integer, intent(out) :: dumii,dumjj
6599  real,    intent(out) :: dum1,rdumii,rdumjj,inv_dum3
6600  real,    intent(in)  :: mu_r,lamr
6602 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6604         ! find location in scaled mean size space
6605           dum1 = (mu_r+1.)/lamr
6606           if (dum1.le.195.e-6) then
6607              inv_dum3  = 0.1
6608              rdumii = (dum1*1.e6+5.)*inv_dum3
6609              rdumii = max(rdumii, 1.)
6610              rdumii = min(rdumii,20.)
6611              dumii  = int(rdumii)
6612              dumii  = max(dumii, 1)
6613              dumii  = min(dumii,20)
6614           elseif ( then
6615              inv_dum3  = thrd*0.1            !i.e. 1/30
6616              rdumii = (dum1*1.e+6-195.)*inv_dum3 + 20.
6617              rdumii = max(rdumii, 20.)
6618              rdumii = min(rdumii,300.)
6619              dumii  = int(rdumii)
6620              dumii  = max(dumii, 20)
6621              dumii  = min(dumii,299)
6622           endif
6624         ! find location in mu_r space
6625           rdumjj = mu_r+1.
6626           rdumjj = max(rdumjj,1.)
6627           rdumjj = min(rdumjj,10.)
6628           dumjj  = int(rdumjj)
6629           dumjj  = max(dumjj,1)
6630           dumjj  = min(dumjj,9)
6632  end subroutine find_lookupTable_indices_3
6634 !===========================================================================================
6635  subroutine get_cloud_dsd2(qc_grd,nc_grd,mu_c,rho,nu,dnu,lamc,lammin,lammax,cdist,cdist1,iSCF)
6637  implicit none
6639 !arguments:
6640  real, dimension(:), intent(in)  :: dnu
6641  real,     intent(in)            :: rho
6642  real,     intent(in)            :: qc_grd
6643  real,     intent(inout)         :: nc_grd    !grid-mean value
6644  real,     intent(out)           :: mu_c,nu,lamc,cdist,cdist1
6645  real,     intent(in)            :: iSCF
6647 !local variables
6648  real                            :: lammin,lammax,qc,nc
6649  integer                         :: dumi
6651 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
6653        qc = qc_grd*iSCF   !in-cloud value
6655        if ( then
6657           nc = nc_grd*iSCF   !in-cloud value
6659         ! set minimum nc to prevent floating point error
6660           nc   = max(nc,nsmall)
6661           mu_c = 0.0005714*(nc*1.e-6*rho)+0.2714
6662           mu_c = 1./(mu_c**2)-1.
6663           mu_c = max(mu_c,2.)
6664           mu_c = min(mu_c,15.)
6666         ! interpolate for mass distribution spectral shape parameter (for SB warm processes)
6667           if (iparam.eq.1) then
6668              dumi = int(mu_c)
6669              nu   = dnu(dumi)+(dnu(dumi+1)-dnu(dumi))*(mu_c-dumi)
6670           endif
6672         ! calculate lamc
6673           lamc = (cons1*nc*(mu_c+3.)*(mu_c+2.)*(mu_c+1.)/qc)**thrd
6675         ! apply lambda limiters
6676           lammin = (mu_c+1.)*2.5e+4   ! min: 40 micron mean diameter
6677           lammax = (mu_c+1.)*1.e+6    ! max:  1 micron mean diameter
6679           if ( then
6680              lamc = lammin
6681              nc   = 6.*lamc**3*qc/(pi*rhow*(mu_c+3.)*(mu_c+2.)*(mu_c+1.))
6682           elseif ( then
6683              lamc = lammax
6684              nc   = 6.*lamc**3*qc/(pi*rhow*(mu_c+3.)*(mu_c+2.)*(mu_c+1.))
6685           endif
6687           cdist  = nc*(mu_c+1.)/lamc
6688           cdist1 = nc/gamma(mu_c+1.)
6689           nc_grd = nc/iSCF   !compute modified grid-mean value
6691        else
6693           mu_c   = 0.
6694           lamc   = 0.
6695           cdist  = 0.
6696           cdist1 = 0.
6697           nu     = 0.
6699        endif
6701  end subroutine get_cloud_dsd2
6704 !===========================================================================================
6705  subroutine get_rain_dsd2(qr_grd,nr_grd,mu_r,lamr,cdistr,logn0r,iSPF)
6707 ! Computes and returns rain size distribution parameters
6709  implicit none
6711 !arguments:
6712  real, intent(in)    :: qr_grd       !grid-mean
6713  real, intent(inout) :: nr_grd       !grid-mean
6714  real, intent(out)   :: lamr,mu_r,cdistr,logn0r
6715  real, intent(in)    :: iSPF
6717 !local variables:
6718  real                :: inv_dum,lammax,lammin,qr,nr
6720 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
6722        qr = qr_grd*iSPF   !in-cloud value
6724        if ( then
6726           nr = nr_grd*iSPF   !in-cloud value
6728        ! use lookup table to get mu
6729        ! mu-lambda relationship is from Cao et al. (2008), eq. (7)
6731        ! find spot in lookup table
6732        ! (scaled N/q for lookup table parameter space_
6733           nr      = max(nr,nsmall)
6734           inv_dum = (qr/(cons1*nr*6.))**thrd
6736         ! apply constant mu_r:
6737           mu_r = mu_r_constant
6739 !--- apply diagnostic (variable) mu_r:
6740 !          if ( then
6741 !             mu_r = 8.282
6742 !          elseif ( .and. then
6743 !           ! interpolate
6744 !             rdumii = (inv_dum-250.e-6)*1.e+6*0.5
6745 !             rdumii = max(rdumii,1.)
6746 !             rdumii = min(rdumii,150.)
6747 !             dumii  = int(rdumii)
6748 !             dumii  = min(149,dumii)
6749 !             mu_r   = mu_r_table(dumii)+(mu_r_table(dumii+1)-mu_r_table(dumii))*(rdumii-  &
6750 !                        real(dumii))
6751 !          elseif ( then
6752 !             mu_r = 0.
6753 !          endif
6754 !===
6755           lamr   = (cons1*nr*(mu_r+3.)*(mu_r+2)*(mu_r+1.)/(qr))**thrd  ! recalculate slope based on mu_r
6757        ! apply lambda limiters for rain
6758           lammax = (mu_r+1.)*1.e+5
6759           lammin = (mu_r+1.)*inv_Drmax
6760           if ( then
6761              lamr = lammin
6762              nr   = exp(3.*log(lamr)+log(qr)+log(gamma(mu_r+1.))-log(gamma(mu_r+4.)))/(cons1)
6763           elseif ( then
6764              lamr = lammax
6765              nr   = exp(3.*log(lamr)+log(qr)+log(gamma(mu_r+1.))-log(gamma(mu_r+4.)))/(cons1)
6766           endif
6768           logn0r  = alog10(nr)+(mu_r+1.)*alog10(lamr)-alog10(gamma(mu_r+1)) !note: logn0r is calculated as log10(n0r)
6769           cdistr  = nr/gamma(mu_r+1.)
6770           nr_grd  = nr/iSPF  !compute modified grid-mean value (passed back)
6772        else
6774           lamr   = 0.
6775           cdistr = 0.
6776           logn0r = 0.
6778        endif
6780  end subroutine get_rain_dsd2
6783 !===========================================================================================
6784  subroutine calc_bulkRhoRime(qi_tot,qi_rim,bi_rim,rho_rime)
6786 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6787 !  Calculates and returns the bulk rime density from the prognostic ice variables
6788 !  and adjusts qirim and birim appropriately.
6789 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6791  implicit none
6793 !arguments:
6794  real, intent(in)    :: qi_tot
6795  real, intent(inout) :: qi_rim,bi_rim
6796  real, intent(out)   :: rho_rime
6798  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
6800  if ( then
6801 !if ( then
6802     rho_rime = qi_rim/bi_rim
6803     !impose limits on rho_rime;  adjust bi_rim if needed
6804     if ( then
6805        rho_rime = rho_rimeMin
6806        bi_rim   = qi_rim/rho_rime
6807     elseif ( then
6808        rho_rime = rho_rimeMax
6809        bi_rim   = qi_rim/rho_rime
6810     endif
6811  else
6812     qi_rim   = 0.
6813     bi_rim   = 0.
6814     rho_rime = 0.
6815  endif
6817  !set upper constraint qi_rim <= qi_tot
6818  if ( .and. then
6819     qi_rim = qi_tot
6820     bi_rim = qi_rim/rho_rime
6821  endif
6823  !impose consistency
6824  if ( then
6825     qi_rim = 0.
6826     bi_rim = 0.
6827  endif
6830  end subroutine calc_bulkRhoRime
6832 !===========================================================================================
6833  subroutine impose_max_total_Ni(nitot_local,max_total_Ni,inv_rho_local)
6835 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6836 ! Impose maximum total ice number concentration (total of all ice categories).
6837 ! If the sum of all nitot(:) exceeds maximum allowable, each category to preserve
6838 ! ratio of number between categories.
6839 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6841  implicit none
6843 !arguments:
6844  real, intent(inout), dimension(:) :: nitot_local           !note: dimension (nCat)
6845  real, intent(in)                  :: max_total_Ni,inv_rho_local
6847 !local variables:
6848  real                              :: dum
6850  if (sum(nitot_local(:)).ge.1.e-20) then
6851     dum = max_total_Ni*inv_rho_local/sum(nitot_local(:))
6852     nitot_local(:) = nitot_local(:)*min(dum,1.)
6853  endif
6855  end subroutine impose_max_total_Ni
6857 !===========================================================================================
6859  real function qv_sat(t_atm,p_atm,i_wrt)
6861 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6862 ! Calls polysvp1 to obtain the saturation vapor pressure, and then computes
6863 ! and returns the saturation mixing ratio, with respect to either liquid or ice,
6864 ! depending on value of 'i_wrt'
6865 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6867  implicit none
6869  !Calling parameters:
6870  real    :: t_atm  !temperature [K]
6871  real    :: p_atm  !pressure    [Pa]
6872  integer :: i_wrt  !index, 0 = w.r.t. liquid, 1 = w.r.t. ice
6874  !Local variables:
6875  real    :: e_pres         !saturation vapor pressure [Pa]
6877  !------------------
6879 #ifdef ECCCGEM
6880   if (i_wrt.eq.1) e_pres = foew(t_atm)
6881   if (i_wrt.eq.0) e_pres = foewa(t_atm)
6882   qv_sat = ep_2*e_pres/max(1.e-3,(p_atm-e_pres))
6883 #else
6884   e_pres = polysvp1(t_atm,i_wrt)
6885   qv_sat = ep_2*e_pres/max(1.e-3,(p_atm-e_pres))
6886 #endif
6888  return
6889  end function qv_sat
6891 !===========================================================================================
6893  subroutine check_values(Qv,T,Qc,Nc,Qr,Nr,Qitot,Qirim,Nitot,Birim,i,timestepcount,       &
6894                          force_abort_in,source_ind,Zitot)
6896 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6897 ! Checks current values of prognotic variables for reasonable values and
6898 ! stops and prints values if they are out of specified allowable ranges.
6900 ! 'check_consistency' means include trap for inconsistency in moments;
6901 ! otherwise, only trap for Q, T, and negative Qx, etc.  This option is here
6902 ! to allow for Q<qsmall.and.N>nsmall or Q>qsmall.and.N<small which can be produced
6903 ! at the leading edges due to sedimentation and whose values are accpetable
6904 ! since lambda limiters are later imposed after SEDI (so one does not necessarily
6905 ! want to trap for inconsistency after sedimentation has been called).
6907 ! The value 'source_ind' indicates the approximate location in 'p3_main'
6908 ! from where 'check_values' was called before it resulted in a trap.
6910 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6912   implicit none
6914  !Calling parameters:
6915   real, dimension(:),   intent(in) :: Qv,T,Qc,Qr,Nr,Nc
6916   real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: Qitot,Qirim,Nitot,Birim
6917   real, dimension(:,:), intent(in), optional :: Zitot
6918   integer,              intent(in) :: source_ind,i,timestepcount
6919   logical,              intent(in) :: force_abort_in         !.TRUE. = forces abort if value violation is detected
6921  !logical,              intent(in) :: check_consistency   !.TRUE. = check for sign consistency between Qx and Nx
6923  !Local variables:
6924   real, parameter :: T_low  = 173.
6925   real, parameter :: T_high = 323.
6926   real, parameter :: Q_high = 60.e-3
6927   real, parameter :: N_high = 1.e+20
6928   real, parameter :: B_high = Q_high*5.e-3
6929   real, parameter :: Z_high = 10.
6930   integer         :: k,iice,nk,ncat
6931   logical         :: badvalue_found
6933   nk   = size(Qitot,dim=1)
6934   nCat = size(Qitot,dim=2)
6936   badvalue_found = .false.
6938   k_loop: do k = 1,nk
6940    ! check unrealistic values T and Qv
6941      if (.not.(T(k)>T_low .and. T(k)<T_high)) then
6942         write(6,'(a41,4i5,1e15.6)') '** WARNING IN P3_MAIN -- src,i,k,step,T: ',      &
6943            source_ind,i,k,timestepcount,T(k)
6944         badvalue_found = .true.
6945      endif
6946      if (.not.(Qv(k)>=0. .and. Qv(k)<Q_high)) then
6947         write(6,'(a42,4i5,1e15.6)') '** WARNING IN P3_MAIN -- src,i,k,step,Qv: ',     &
6948            source_ind,i,k,timestepcount,Qv(k)
6949         badvalue_found = .true.
6950      endif
6952    ! check for NANs:
6953       if (.not.(T(k)  == T(k))  .or.            &
6954           .not.(Qv(k) == Qv(k)) .or.            &
6955           .not.(Qc(k) == Qc(k)) .or.            &
6956           .not.(Nc(k) == Nc(k)) .or.            &
6957           .not.(Qr(k) == Qr(k)) .or.            &
6958           .not.(Nr(k) == Nr(k)) ) then
6959          write(6,'(a56,4i5,6e15.6)') '*A WARNING IN P3_MAIN -- src,i,k,step,T,Qv,Qc,Nc,Qr,Nr: ', &
6960               source_ind,i,k,timestepcount,T(k),Qv(k),Qc(k),Nc(k),Qr(k),Nr(k)
6961          badvalue_found = .true.
6962       endif
6963       do iice = 1,ncat
6964          if (.not.(Qitot(k,iice) == Qitot(k,iice)) .or.            &
6965              .not.(Qirim(k,iice) == Qirim(k,iice)) .or.            &
6966              .not.(Nitot(k,iice) == Nitot(k,iice)) .or.            &
6967              .not.(Birim(k,iice) == Birim(k,iice)) ) then
6968             write(6,'(a68,5i5,4e15.6)') '*B WARNING IN P3_MAIN -- src,i,k,step,iice,Qitot,Qirim,Nitot,Birim: ',  &
6969                  source_ind,i,k,timestepcount,iice,Qitot(k,iice),Qirim(k,iice),Nitot(k,iice),Birim(k,iice)
6970             badvalue_found = .true.
6971          endif
6972       enddo
6974    ! check unrealistic values Qc,Nc
6975      if ( .not.(Qc(k)==0. .and. Nc(k)==0.) .and.                               &  !ignore for all zeroes
6976            ( ((Qc(k)>0..and.Nc(k)<=0.) .or. (Qc(k)<=0..and.Nc(k)>0.))          &  !inconsistency
6977             .or. Qc(k)<0. .or. Qc(k)>Q_high                                    &
6978             .or. Nc(k)<0. .or. Nc(k)>N_high  )                                 &  !unrealistic values
6979             .and. source_ind /= 100                                            &  !skip trap for this source_ind
6980             .and. source_ind /= 200                                            &  !skip trap for this source_ind
6981             .and. source_ind /= 300 ) then                                        !skip trap for this source_ind
6982         write(6,'(a45,4i5,4e15.6)') '*C WARNING IN P3_MAIN -- src,i,k,stepQc,Nc: ', &
6983            source_ind,i,k,timestepcount,Qc(k),Nc(k)
6984         badvalue_found = .true.
6985      endif
6987    ! check unrealistic values Qr,Nr
6988      if ( .not.(Qr(k)==0. .and. Nr(k)==0.) .and.                               &  !ignore for all zeroes
6989            ( ((Qr(k)>0..and.Nr(k)<=0.) .or. (Qr(k)<=0..and.Nr(k)>0.))          &  !inconsistency
6990             .or. Qr(k)<0. .or. Qr(k)>Q_high                                    &
6991             .or. Nr(k)<0. .or. Nr(k)>N_high  )                                 &  !unrealistic values
6992             .and. source_ind /= 100                                            &  !skip trap for this source_ind
6993             .and. source_ind /= 200                                            &  !skip trap for this source_ind
6994             .and. source_ind /= 300 ) then                                        !skip trap for this source_ind
6995         write(6,'(a45,4i5,4e15.6)') '*C WARNING IN P3_MAIN -- src,i,k,stepQr,Nr: ', &
6996            source_ind,i,k,timestepcount,Qr(k),Nr(k)
6997         badvalue_found = .true.
6998      endif
7000    ! check unrealistic values Qitot,Qirim,Nitot,Birim
7001      do iice = 1,ncat
7003         if ( .not.(Qitot(k,iice)==0..and.Qirim(k,iice)==0..and.Nitot(k,iice)==0..and.Birim(k,iice)==0.).and.  &  !ignore for all zeroes
7004              ( ((Qitot(k,iice)>0..and.Nitot(k,iice)<=0.) .or. (Qitot(k,iice)<=0..and.Nitot(k,iice)>0.) )      &  !inconsistency
7005                .or. Qitot(k,iice)<0. .or. Qitot(k,iice)>Q_high                                                &  !unrealistic values
7006                .or. Qirim(k,iice)<0. .or. Qirim(k,iice)>Q_high                                                &
7007                .or. Nitot(k,iice)<0. .or. Nitot(k,iice)>N_high                                                &
7008                .or. Birim(k,iice)<0. .or. Birim(k,iice)>B_high )                                              &
7009                .and. source_ind /= 100                                                                        &  !skip trap for this source_ind
7010                .and. source_ind /= 200                                                                        &  !skip trap for this source_ind
7011                .and. source_ind /= 300 ) then                                                                    !skip trap for this source_ind
7012            write(6,'(a68,5i5,4e15.6)') '*D WARNING IN P3_MAIN -- src,i,k,step,iice,Qitot,Qirim,Nitot,Birim: ', &
7013               source_ind,i,k,timestepcount,iice,Qitot(k,iice),Qirim(k,iice),Nitot(k,iice),Birim(k,iice)
7014            badvalue_found = .true.
7015             print*, '**: ',Qitot(k,iice)>Q_high, Qirim(k,iice)>Q_high, Nitot(k,iice)>N_high,  &
7016                            Birim(k,iice)>B_high, Q_high, N_high, B_high
7017         endif
7019         if (present(Zitot)) then
7020            if ( .not.(Qitot(k,iice)==0. .and. Nitot(k,iice)==0. .and. Zitot(k,iice)==0.) .and.                &
7021                ( Qitot(k,iice)>0. .and. Nitot(k,iice)>0. .and. Zitot(k,iice)<=0. )                            &  !inconsistency
7022                .and. source_ind /= 100                                                                        &  !skip trap for this source_ind
7023                .and. source_ind /= 200                                                                        &  !skip trap for this source_ind
7024                .and. source_ind /= 300 ) then                                                                    !skip trap for this source_ind
7025               write(6,'(a62,5i5,3e15.6)') '*E WARNING IN P3_MAIN -- src,i,k,step,iice,Qitot,Nitot,Zitot: ',   &
7026                  source_ind,i,k,timestepcount,iice,Qitot(k,iice),Nitot(k,iice),Zitot(k,iice)
7027               badvalue_found = .true.
7028            endif
7029         endif
7031      enddo  !iice-loop
7033   enddo k_loop
7035   if (badvalue_found .and. force_abort_in) then
7036      print*
7037      print*,'** DEBUG TRAP IN P3_MAIN, s/r CHECK_VALUES -- source: ',source_ind
7038      print*
7039      global_status = STATUS_ERROR
7040      stop
7041      return
7042   endif
7044  end subroutine check_values
7046 !==========================================================================================!
7047  real function compute_mu_3moment(mom0,mom3,mom6,mu_max)
7049  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7050  ! Computes mu as a function of moments 0, 3, and 6 of the size distribution
7051  ! represented by N(D) = No*D^mu*e(-lambda*D).
7053  ! Note:  moment 3 is not equal to the mass mixing ratio (due to variable density)
7055  ! G(mu)= mom0*mom6/mom3^2 = [(6+mu)(5+mu)(4+mu)]/[(3+mu)(2+mu)(1+mu)]
7056  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7058  implicit none
7060 ! Arguments passed:
7061  real, intent(in) :: mom0    !0th moment
7062  real, intent(in) :: mom3    !3th moment  (note, not normalized)
7063  real, intent(in) :: mom6    !6th moment  (note, not normalized)
7064  real, intent(in) :: mu_max  !maximum allowable value of mu
7066 ! Local variables:
7067  real             :: mu   ! shape parameter in gamma distribution
7068  real             :: G    ! function of mu (see comments above)
7069  real             :: g2
7070 !real             :: a1,g1
7071 !real, parameter  :: eps_m0 = 1.e-20
7072  real, parameter  :: eps_m3 = 1.e-20
7073  real, parameter  :: eps_m6 = 1.e-35
7075  if (mom3>eps_m3) then
7077     !G = (mom0*mom6)/(mom3**2)
7078     !To avoid very small values of mom3**2
7079      G = (mom0/mom3)*(mom6/mom3)
7081 !----------------------------------------------------------!
7082 ! !Solve alpha numerically: (brute-force)
7083 !      mu= 0.
7084 !      g2= 999.
7085 !      do i=0,4000
7086 !         a1= i*0.01
7087 !         g1= (6.+a1)*(5.+a1)*(4.+a1)/((3.+a1)*(2.+a1)*(1.+a1))
7088 !         if(abs(g-g1)<abs(g-g2)) then
7089 !            mu = a1
7090 !            g2= g1
7091 !         endif
7092 !      enddo
7093 !----------------------------------------------------------!
7095 !Piecewise-polynomial approximation of G(mu) to solve for mu:
7096      if (G>=20.) then
7097         mu = 0.
7098      else
7099         g2 = G**2
7100         if (G<20.  .and.G>=13.31) then
7101            mu = 3.3638e-3*g2 - 1.7152e-1*G + 2.0857e+0
7102         elseif (G<13.31.and.G>=7.123) then
7103            mu = 1.5900e-2*g2 - 4.8202e-1*G + 4.0108e+0
7104         elseif (G<7.123.and.G>=4.200) then
7105            mu = 1.0730e-1*g2 - 1.7481e+0*G + 8.4246e+0
7106         elseif (G<4.200.and.G>=2.946) then
7107            mu = 5.9070e-1*g2 - 5.7918e+0*G + 1.6919e+1
7108         elseif (G<2.946.and.G>=1.793) then
7109            mu = 4.3966e+0*g2 - 2.6659e+1*G + 4.5477e+1
7110         elseif (G<1.793.and.G>=1.405) then
7111            mu = 4.7552e+1*g2 - 1.7958e+2*G + 1.8126e+2
7112         elseif (G<1.405.and.G>=1.230) then
7113            mu = 3.0889e+2*g2 - 9.0854e+2*G + 6.8995e+2
7114         elseif (G<1.230) then
7115            mu = mu_max
7116         endif
7117      endif
7119      compute_mu_3moment = mu
7121  else
7123     print*, 'Input parameters out of bounds in function COMPUTE_MU_3MOMENT'
7124     print*, 'mom0 = ',mom0
7125     print*, 'mom3 = ',mom3
7126     print*, 'mom6 = ',mom6
7127     stop
7129  endif
7131  end function compute_mu_3moment
7133 !======================================================================================!
7134  real function G_of_mu(mu)
7136 !arguments:
7137  real, intent(in) :: mu
7139  G_of_mu = ((6.+mu)*(5.+mu)*(4.+mu))/((3.+mu)*(2.+mu)*(1.+mu))
7141  end function G_of_mu
7143 !======================================================================================!
7145  real function maxHailSize(rho,qit,qim,nit,rhofaci,lam,mu)
7147  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7148  ! Computes the maximum hail size, by estimating the maximum size that is
7149  ! physically observable (and not just a numerical artifact of the compete
7150  ! gamma size distribution).
7152  ! Follows method described in Milbrandt and Yau (2006a)
7154  ! TO DO:
7155  ! - pass density (not just rime density) and add to is_hail criteria
7156  ! - clean up method selection (e.g. argument parameter to specify method)
7158  !                                 *** NOTE ***
7160  !   The current coding for this function is problematic.
7161  !   In GEM, overflows (apparently) result in crashes.  In WRF, no crashes but erroneous
7162  !   zero values in spots (possibly resulting from over/underflows)
7163  !  --> Code is kep here for now; however this fields is better computed in 
7164  !      post-processing.  Eventaully this function will be removed.
7165  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7167  implicit none
7169 ! Arguments passed:
7170  real, intent(in) :: rho        ! air density   [kg m-3]
7171  real, intent(in) :: qit        ! prognostic ice total mass mixing ratios
7172  real, intent(in) :: qim        ! prognostic ice rime  mass mixing ratios
7173  real, intent(in) :: nit        ! total num and total number mixing ratio
7174  real, intent(in) :: rhofaci    ! air density correction factor for ice fall speed
7175  real, intent(in) :: lam,mu     ! PSD slope and shape parameters
7177 ! Local variables:
7178  real, parameter  :: dD       =   1.e-3  ! diameter bin width [m]
7179  real, parameter  :: Dmax_psd = 200.e-3  ! maximum diameter in PSD to compute integral  [m]
7180  real, parameter  :: FrThrs   = 0.75     ! theshold rime fraction to be considered graupel/hail
7181 !real, parameter  :: Ncrit    = 1.e-4    ! threshold physically observable number concentration [# m-3]
7182  real, parameter  :: Rcrit    = 1.e-3/6. ! threshold physically observable number flux          [# m-2 s-1]
7183  real, parameter  :: ch       = 206.89   ! coefficient in V-D fall speed relation for hail (from MY2006a)
7184  real, parameter  :: dh       = 0.6384   ! exponent in V-D fall speed relation for hail (from MY2006a)
7185  real             :: n0                  ! shape parameter in gamma distribution
7186  real             :: Frim                ! rime mass fraction
7187  real             :: Di                  ! diameter  [m]
7188  real             :: N_tot               ! total number concentration                             [# m-3]
7189  real             :: N_tail              ! number conc. from Di to infinity; i.e. trial for Nh*{D*} in MY2006a [# m-3]
7190  real             :: R_tail              ! number flux of large hail; i.e. trial for Rh*{D*} (corrected from MY2006a [# m-2 s-1]
7191 !real             :: Dhmax_1             ! maximum hail sized based on Nh*  [m]
7192  real             :: Dhmax_2             ! maximum hail sized based on Rh*  [m]
7193  real             :: V_h                 ! fall speed of hail of size D     [m s-1]
7194  integer          :: nd                  ! maximum number of size bins for integral
7195  integer          :: i                   ! index for integration
7197  Frim  = qim/max(qit,1.e-14)
7198  N_tot = rho*nit
7200 ! considered_hail: if (Frim>FrThrs .and. N_tot>Ncrit) then
7201  considered_hail: if (Frim>FrThrs) then
7203     nd  = int(Dmax_psd/dD)
7204     n0  = N_tot*lam**(mu+1.)/gamma(mu+1.)
7205 !   n0  = dble(N_tot)*dexp( dble(mu+1.)*dlog(dble(lam)) )/dble(gamma(mu+1.))
7206     N_tail = 0.
7209    !-- method 1, based on Nh*crit only:
7210 !     Dhmax_1 = 0.
7211 !     do i = nd,1,-1
7212 !        Di = i*dD
7213 !        N_tail = N_tail + n0*Di**mu*exp(-lam*Di)*dD
7214 !        if (N_tail>Ncrit) then
7215 !           Dhmax_1 = Di
7216 !           exit
7217 !        endif
7218 !     enddo
7219 !     maxHailSize = Dhmax_1
7221 !-- method 2, based on Rh*crit only:
7222     R_tail  = 0.
7223     Dhmax_2 = 0.
7224     do i = nd,1,-1
7225        Di  = i*dD
7226        V_h = rhofaci*(ch*Di**Dh)
7227        R_tail = R_tail + V_h*n0*Di**mu*exp(-lam*Di)*dD
7228 !      R_tail = R_tail + V_h*sngl(n0*dble(Di)**dble(mu)*exp(-dble(lam)*dble(Di))*dble(dD))
7229        if (R_tail>Rcrit) then
7230           Dhmax_2 = Di
7231           exit
7232        endif
7233     enddo
7234     maxHailSize = Dhmax_2
7236 !-- method 3, finds values based on Nh*crit and Rh*crit methods
7237 ! !  found_N2 = .false.
7238 ! !  found_R2 = .false.
7239 ! !  do i = nd,1,-1
7240 ! !     Di = i*dD
7241 ! !     N_tail = N_tail + n0*Di**mu*exp(-lam*Di)*dD
7242 ! !     R_tail = N_tail*(ch*Di**Dh)
7243 ! !     if (N_tail>Ncrit) .and. .not.found_N2) then
7244 ! !        Dhmax_1 = Di       ! max hail size based on N*crit
7245 ! !        found_N2 = .true.
7246 ! !     endif
7247 ! !     if (R_tail>Rcrit) .and. .not.found_R2) then
7248 ! !        Dhmax_2 = Di       ! max hail size based on R*crit
7249 ! !        found_R2 = .true.
7250 ! !     endif
7251 ! !     if (found_N2 .and. found_R2) exit
7252 ! !
7253 ! !  enddo
7255  else
7257     maxHailSize = 0.
7259  endif considered_hail
7261  end function maxHailSize
7263 !===========================================================================================
7265 #ifdef ECCCGEM
7267   ! Define bus requirements
7268   function p3_phybusinit() result(F_istat)
7269     use phy_status, only: PHY_OK, PHY_ERROR
7270     use bus_builder, only: bb_request
7271     use phy_options, only: p3_trplmomi
7273     implicit none
7274     integer :: F_istat                          !Function return status
7275     logical :: buserr
7277     F_istat = PHY_ERROR
7278     if (n_iceCat < 0) then
7279        call physeterror('microphy_p3::p3_phybusinit', &
7280             'Called mp_phybusinit() before mp_init()')
7281        return
7282     endif
7283     buserr = .false.
7284     if (bb_request((/ &
7285          'CLOUD_WATER_MASS ', &
7286          'CLOUD_WATER_NUM  ', &
7287          'RAIN_MASS        ', &
7288          'RAIN_NUM         ', &
7289          'ICE_MASS_TEND    ', &
7290          'ICE_EFF_RAD      ', &
7291          'RATE_PRECIP_TYPES', &
7292          'PARTICLE_DIAMETER', &
7293          'CCN_NUM          ', &
7294          'MPDIAG_2D        ', &
7295          'MPDIAG_3D        ', &
7296          'MPVIS            ', &
7297          'REFLECTIVITY     ', &
7298          'LIGHTNING        ' &
7299          /)) /= PHY_OK) buserr = .true.
7300     if (.not. buserr) then
7301        if (bb_request('ICE_CAT_1') /= PHY_OK) buserr = .true.
7302     endif
7303     if (p3_trplmomi .and. .not. buserr) then
7304        if (bb_request('ICE_CAT_1_TM') /= PHY_OK) buserr = .true.
7305     endif
7306     if (n_iceCat > 1 .and. .not. buserr) then
7307        if (bb_request('ICE_CAT_2') /= PHY_OK) buserr = .true.
7308     endif
7309     if (n_iceCat > 1 .and. p3_trplmomi .and. .not. buserr) then
7310        if (bb_request('ICE_CAT_2_TM') /= PHY_OK) buserr = .true.
7311     endif
7312     if (n_iceCat > 2 .and. .not. buserr) then
7313        if (bb_request('ICE_CAT_3') /= PHY_OK) buserr = .true.
7314     endif
7315     if (n_iceCat > 2 .and. p3_trplmomi .and. .not. buserr) then
7316        if (bb_request('ICE_CAT_3_TM') /= PHY_OK) buserr = .true.
7317     endif
7318     if (n_iceCat > 3 .and. .not. buserr) then
7319        if (bb_request('ICE_CAT_4') /= PHY_OK) buserr = .true.
7320     endif
7321     if (n_iceCat > 3 .and. p3_trplmomi .and. .not. buserr) then
7322        if (bb_request('ICE_CAT_4_TM') /= PHY_OK) buserr = .true.
7323     endif
7325     if (buserr) then
7326        call physeterror('microphy_p3::p3_phybusinit', &
7327             'Cannot construct bus request list')
7328        return
7329     endif
7330     F_istat = PHY_OK
7331     return
7332   end function p3_phybusinit
7334 !===========================================================================================
7336   ! Compute total water mass
7337   function p3_lwc(F_qltot, F_dbus, F_pbus, F_vbus) result(F_istat)
7338     use phybus
7339     use phy_status, only: PHY_OK, PHY_ERROR
7340     implicit none
7341     real, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: F_qltot        !Total water mass (kg/kg)
7342     real, dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: F_dbus   !Dynamics bus
7343     real, dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: F_pbus   !Permanent bus
7344     real, dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: F_vbus   !Volatile bus
7345     integer :: F_istat                                  !Return status
7346 #include "phymkptr.hf"
7347     integer :: ni, nkm1
7348     real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: zqcp, zqrp
7349     F_istat = PHY_ERROR
7350     ni = size(F_qltot, dim=1); nkm1 = size(F_qltot, dim=2)
7351     MKPTR2Dm1(zqcp, qcplus, F_dbus)
7352     MKPTR2Dm1(zqrp, qrplus, F_dbus)
7353     F_qltot(:,:) = zqcp(:,:) + zqrp(:,:)
7354     F_istat = PHY_OK
7355     return
7356   end function p3_lwc
7358 !===========================================================================================
7360   ! Compute total ice mass
7361   function p3_iwc(F_qitot, F_dbus, F_pbus, F_vbus) result(F_istat)
7362     use phybus
7363     use phy_status, only: PHY_OK, PHY_ERROR
7364     implicit none
7365     real, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: F_qitot        !Total ice mass (kg/kg)
7366     real, dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: F_dbus   !Dynamics bus
7367     real, dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: F_pbus   !Permanent bus
7368     real, dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: F_vbus   !Volatile bus
7369     integer :: F_istat                                  !Return status
7370 #include "phymkptr.hf"
7371     integer :: ni, nkm1
7372     real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: zqti1p, zqti2p, zqti3p, zqti4p
7373     F_istat = PHY_ERROR
7374     ni = size(F_qitot, dim=1); nkm1 = size(F_qitot, dim=2)
7375     MKPTR2Dm1(zqti1p, qti1plus, F_dbus)
7376     MKPTR2Dm1(zqti2p, qti2plus, F_dbus)
7377     MKPTR2Dm1(zqti3p, qti3plus, F_dbus)
7378     MKPTR2Dm1(zqti4p, qti4plus, F_dbus)
7379     F_qitot = 0.
7380     if (associated(zqti1p)) F_qitot = F_qitot + zqti1p
7381     if (associated(zqti2p)) F_qitot = F_qitot + zqti2p
7382     if (associated(zqti3p)) F_qitot = F_qitot + zqti3p
7383     if (associated(zqti4p)) F_qitot = F_qitot + zqti4p
7384     F_istat = PHY_OK
7385     return
7386   end function p3_iwc
7388 #endif
7390 !======================================================================================!
7391  END MODULE microphy_p3