1 rconfig integer gsfcrad_gocart_coupling namelist,chem 1 2
2 rconfig integer gsfcgce_gocart_coupling namelist,chem 1 2
3 state real AOD_OUT ikj misc 1 - h "AOD_OUT" "Aerosol Optical Depth" " "
4 state real AOD2D_OUT ij misc 1 - h "AOD2D_OUT" "Aerosol Optical Depth, 2d" " "
5 state real ATOP2D_OUT ij misc 1 - h "ATOP2D_OUT" "Aerosol Optical Depth, top" " "
6 state real ICN_DIAG ikj misc 1 - h "ICN_DIAG" "Some chem thing, ICN_DIAG" " "
7 state real NC_DIAG ikj misc 1 - h "NC_DIAG" "Some chem thing, NC_DIAG" " "
9 # Chemistry Variables (all shared at this point)
10 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 rconfig character auxinput12_inname namelist,time_control 1 "wrf_chem_input" - "name of auxinput12 infile" "" ""
12 rconfig integer io_form_auxinput12 namelist,time_control 1 2
15 state real CLDFRA2 ikj misc 1 - h "CLDFRA2" "CLOUD FRACTION"
16 state real QV_B4MP ikj misc 1 - - "QV_B4MP" "WATER VAPOR BEFORE MICROPHYSICS" "kg kg-1"
17 state real QC_B4MP ikj misc 1 - - "QC_B4MP" "CLOUD WATER BEFORE MICROPHYSICS" "kg kg-1"
18 state real QI_B4MP ikj misc 1 - - "QI_B4MP" "CLOUD ICE BEFORE MICROPHYSICS" "kg kg-1"
19 state real QS_B4MP ikj misc 1 - - "QS_B4MP" "SNOW BEFORE MICROPHYSICS" "kg kg-1"
21 state real ph_cw ikj misc 1 - - "ph_cw" "pH of cloud water" "Unitless"
22 state real ph_aer01 ikj misc 1 - - "ph_aer01" "H+ of aerosol bin 1" "mol/kg"
23 state real ph_aer02 ikj misc 1 - - "ph_aer02" "H+ of aerosol bin 2" "mol/kg"
24 state real ph_aer03 ikj misc 1 - - "ph_aer03" "H+ of aerosol bin 3" "mol/kg"
25 state real ph_aer04 ikj misc 1 - - "ph_aer04" "H+ of aerosol bin 4" "mol/kg"
27 state real ccn1 ikj misc 1 - r "ccn1" "CCN concentration at S=0.02%" "#/cm3"
28 state real ccn2 ikj misc 1 - r "ccn2" "CCN concentration at S=0.05%" "#/cm3"
29 state real ccn3 ikj misc 1 - r "ccn3" "CCN concentration at S=0.1%" "#/cm3"
30 state real ccn4 ikj misc 1 - r "ccn4" "CCN concentration at S=0.2%" "#/cm3"
31 state real ccn5 ikj misc 1 - r "ccn5" "CCN concentration at S=0.5%" "#/cm3"
32 state real ccn6 ikj misc 1 - r "ccn6" "CCN concentration at S=1.0%" "#/cm3"
34 # cloud water fractional removal rate needed for wet scavenging
35 state real qlsink ikj misc 1 - rdu "qlsink" "CLOUD WATER SINK" "/S"
36 state real precr ikj misc 1 - rdu "precr" "RAIN PRECIPITATION RATE" "KG/M2/S"
37 state real preci ikj misc 1 - rdu "preci" "ICE PRECIPITATION RATE" "KG/M2/S"
38 state real precs ikj misc 1 - rdu "precs" "SNOW PRECIPITATION RATE" "KG/M2/S"
39 state real precg ikj misc 1 - rdu "precg" "GRAUPEL PRECIPITATION RATE" "KG/M2/S"
42 # Timing variables for chemistry
44 state integer ktauc - misc - - r "ktauc" "Number of chemistry time steps" ""
45 state integer last_chem_time_year - misc - - r "last_chem_time_year" "last call to chem mechanism through restarts" "4-digit year"
46 state integer last_chem_time_month - misc - - r "last_chem_time_month" "last call to chem mechanism through restarts" "2-digit month"
47 state integer last_chem_time_day - misc - - r "last_chem_time_day" "last call to chem mechanism through restarts" "2-digit day"
48 state integer last_chem_time_hour - misc - - r "last_chem_time_hour" "last call to chem mechanism through restarts" "2-digit hour"
49 state integer last_chem_time_minute - misc - - r "last_chem_time_minute" "last call to chem mechanism through restarts" "2-digit minute"
50 state integer last_chem_time_second - misc - - r "last_chem_time_second" "last call to chem mechanism through restarts" "2-digit second"
54 state integer emissframes - - - - - "emissframes" "" ""
55 state integer fireemissframes - - - - - "fireemissframes" "" ""
57 # Rain, evaporation rates
59 state real - ikjf wetscav_frcing - - - - "Rain,evap rates" "s-1"
60 state real RAINPROD ikjf wetscav_frcing 1 - h "RAINPROD" "TOTAL RAIN PRODUCTION RATE" "s-1"
61 state real EVAPPROD ikjf wetscav_frcing 1 - h "EVAPPROD" "RAIN EVAPORATION RATE" "s-1"
63 # Anthropogenic emissions
65 state real - i+jf emis_ant - - - - "Anthropogenic Emissions" ""
66 state real e_iso i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ISO" "Isoprene EMISSIONS (Anth. for RADM/RACM, Anth+Bio for CBMZ)" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
67 state real e_so2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_SO2" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
68 state real e_no i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_NO" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
69 state real e_co i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_CO" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
70 state real e_co2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_CO2" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
71 state real e_eth i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ETH" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
72 state real e_hc3 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_HC3" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
73 state real e_hc5 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_HC5" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
74 state real e_hc8 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_HC8" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
75 state real e_xyl i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_XYL" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
76 state real e_ol2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_OL2" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
77 state real e_olt i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_OLT" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
78 state real e_oli i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_OLI" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
79 state real e_tol i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_TOL" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
80 state real e_csl i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_CSL" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
81 state real e_hcho i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_HCHO" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
82 state real e_ald i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ALD" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
83 state real e_ket i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_KET" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
84 state real e_ora2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ORA2" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
85 state real e_nh3 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5rh01 "E_NH3" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
86 state real e_pm_25 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_PM_25" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m3 m/s"
87 state real e_pm_10 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_PM_10" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m3 m/s"
88 state real e_pm25i i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_PM25I" "EMISSION RATE OF UNIDEN. PM2.5 MASS" "ug/m3 m/s"
89 state real e_pm25j i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_PM25J" "EMISSION RATE OF J-MODE UNIDEN. PM2.5 MASS" "ug/m3 m/s"
90 state real e_eci i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ECI" "EMISSION RATE OF I-MODE EC" "ug/m3 m/s"
91 state real e_ecj i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ECJ" "EMISSION RATE OF J-MODE EC" "ug/m3 m/s"
92 state real e_naai i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_NAAI" "EMISSION RATE OF I-MODE EC" "ug/m3 m/s"
93 state real e_naaj i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_NAAJ" "EMISSION RATE OF J-MODE EC" "ug/m3 m/s"
94 state real e_orgi i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ORGI" "EMISSION RATE OF I-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
95 state real e_orgj i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ORGJ" "EMISSION RATE OF J-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
96 state real e_so4i i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_SO4I" "EMISSION RATE OF I-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
97 state real e_so4j i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_SO4J" "EMISSION RATE OF J-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
98 state real e_no3i i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_NO3I" "EMISSION RATE OF I-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
99 state real e_no3j i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_NO3J" "EMISSION RATE OF J-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
100 # Additional MOZART emission variables...
101 state real e_nh4i i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_NH4I" "EMISSION RATE OF I-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
102 state real e_nh4j i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_NH4J" "EMISSION RATE OF J-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
103 state real e_nai i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_NAI" "EMISSION RATE OF I-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
104 state real e_naj i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_NAJ" "EMISSION RATE OF J-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
105 state real e_cli i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_CLI" "EMISSION RATE OF I-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
106 state real e_clj i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_CLJ" "EMISSION RATE OF J-MODE ORG. AER." "ug/m3 m/s"
107 state real e_bigalk i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_BIGALK" "EMISSIONS BIGALK" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
108 state real e_bigene i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_BIGENE" "EMISSIONS BIGENE" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
109 state real e_c2h4 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_C2H4" "EMISSIONS C2H4" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
110 state real e_c2h6 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_C2H6" "EMISSIONS C2H6" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
111 state real e_c3h6 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_C3H6" "EMISSIONS C3H6" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
112 state real e_c3h8 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_C3H8" "EMISSIONS C3H8" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
113 state real e_ch2o i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CH2O" "EMISSIONS CH2O" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
114 state real e_ch3cho i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CH3CHO" "EMISSIONS CH3CHO" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
115 state real e_ch3coch3 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CH3COCH3" "EMISSIONS CH3COCH3" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
116 state real e_mek i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_MEK" "EMISSIONS MEK" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
117 state real e_toluene i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_TOLUENE" "EMISSIONS TOLUENE" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
118 state real e_xylene i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_XYLENE" "EMISSIONS XYLENE" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
119 state real e_isop i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_ISOP" "EMISSIONS ISOP" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
120 state real e_c10h16 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_C10H16" "EMISSIONS C10H16" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
121 state real e_voca i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_VOCA" "VOCA emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
122 state real e_vocbb i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_VOCBB" "VOCBB emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
123 state real e_macr i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_MACR" "MACR emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
124 state real e_hono i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_HONO" "HONO emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
125 # Additional T1_MOZART emission variables...
126 state real e_ch3cn i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CH3CN" "CH3CN emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
127 state real e_ch3cooh i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CH3COOH" "CH3COOH emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
128 state real e_hcn i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_HCN" "HCN emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
130 # Additional crimech emission variables...
131 state real e_c5h8 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_C5H8" "EMISSIONS C5H8" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
132 state real e_tm123b i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_TM123B" "EMISSIONS TM123B" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
133 state real e_tm124b i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_TM124B" "EMISSIONS TM124B" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
134 state real e_tm135b i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_TM135B" "EMISSIONS TM124B" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
135 state real e_oethtol i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_OETHTOL" "EMISSIONS OETHTOL" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
136 state real e_methtol i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_METHTOL" "EMISSIONS METHTOL" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
137 state real e_pethtol i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_PETHTOL" "EMISSIONS PETHTOL" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
138 state real e_dime35eb i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_DIME35EB" "EMISSIONS DIME35EB" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
139 state real e_c2h5cho i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_C2H5CHO" "EMISSIONS C2H5CHO" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
140 state real e_benzene i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_BENZENE" "EMISSIONS BENZENE" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
141 state real e_nc4h10 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_NC4H10" "EMISSIONS NC4H10" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
142 state real e_oxyl i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_OXYL" "EMISSIONS OXYL" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
143 state real e_tbut2ene i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_TBUT2ENE" "EMISSIONS TBUT2ENE" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
144 state real e_ch3co2h i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CH3CO2H" "EMISSIONS CH3CO2H" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
146 # Additional TNO emission variables for the UK
147 state real e_bc_1 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_BC_1" "EMISSION RATE OF BLACK CARBON 1UM MODE" "ug/m3 m/s"
148 state real e_ec_1_25 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_EC_1_25" "EMISSION RATE OF ELEMENTAL CARBON 1UM-2.5UM MODE" "ug/m3 m/s"
149 state real e_ec_25_10 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_EC_25_10" "EMISSION RATE OF ELEMENTAL CARBON 2.5UM-10UM MODE" "ug/m3 m/s"
150 state real e_oc_dom i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_OC_DOM" "EMISSION RATE OF ORGANIC CARBON 2.5UM MODE (Domestic combustion)" "ug/m3 m/s"
151 state real e_oc_tra i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_OC_TRA" "EMISSION RATE OF ORGANIC CARBON 2.5UM MODE (Traffic and other sources)" "ug/m3 m/s"
152 state real e_oc_25_10 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_OC_25_10" "EMISSION RATE OF ORGANIC CARBON 2.5UM-10UM MODE" "ug/m3 m/s"
153 state real e_pm25 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_PM25" "EMISSION RATE OF PARTICULATE MATTER 2.5UM MODE" "ug/m3 m/s"
154 state real e_pm10 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_PM10" "EMISSION RATE OF PARTICULATE MATTER 10UM MODE" "ug/m3 m/s"
155 state real e_oin_25 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_OIN_25" "EMISSION RATE OF PARTICULATE MATTER OTHER INORGANICS 2.5UM MODE" "ug/m3 m/s"
156 state real e_oin_10 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_OIN_10" "EMISSION RATE OF PARTICULATE MATTER OTHER INORGANICS 10UM MODE" "ug/m3 m/s"
159 # Additional CBMZ and MOSAIC emission variables...
160 state real e_no2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_NO2" "EMISSIONS NO2" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
161 state real e_ch3oh i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CH3OH" "EMISSIONS CH3OH" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
162 state real e_c2h5oh i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_C2H5OH" "EMISSIONS C2H5OH" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
163 state real e_so4c i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_SO4C" "EMISSIONS COARSE SO4 AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
164 state real e_no3c i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_NO3C" "EMISSIONS COARSE NO3 AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
165 state real e_nh4c i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_NH4C" "EMISSIONS COARSE NH4 AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
166 state real e_nac i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_NAC" "EMISSIONS COARSE NA AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
167 state real e_clc i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CLC" "EMISSIONS COARSE CL AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
168 state real e_orgc i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_ORGC" "EMISSIONS COARSE ORG AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
169 state real e_ecc i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_ECC" "EMISSIONS COARSE EC AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
170 state real e_orgi_a i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ORGI_A" "EMISSIONS ORGI_A AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
171 state real e_orgj_a i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ORGJ_A" "EMISSIONS ORGJ_A AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
172 state real e_orgi_bb i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ORGI_BB" "EMISSIONS ORGI_BB AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
173 state real e_orgj_bb i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ORGJ_BB" "EMISSIONS ORGJ_BB AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
174 state real e_co_a i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CO_A" "EMISSIONS CO_A AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
175 state real e_co_bb i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CO_BB" "EMISSIONS CO_BB AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
177 #Additional Chlorin. emission - Alex Zhang 2015/05/15
178 state real e_ch3cl i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CH3CL" "EMISSIONS CH3CL" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
181 state real e_bc i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_BC" "EMISSIONS BC AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
182 state real e_oc i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_OC" "EMISSIONS BC AER" "ug/m3 m/s"
183 state real e_sulf i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_sulf" "EMISSIONS SO4" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
185 state real e_soag_bigalk i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_SOAG_BIGALK" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m2/s"
186 state real e_soag_bigene i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_SOAG_BIGENE" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m2/s"
187 state real e_soag_isoprene i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_SOAG_ISOPRENE" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m2/s"
188 state real e_soag_terpene i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_SOAG_TERPENE" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m2/s"
189 state real e_soag_toluene i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_SOAG_TOLUENE" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m2/s"
190 state real e_dust_a1 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_DUST_A1" "J-MODE DUST" "ug/m2/s"
191 state real e_dust_a3 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_DUST_A3" "J-MODE DUST" "ug/m2/s"
192 state real e_ncl_a1 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_NCL_A1" "J-MODE SEA-SALT" "ug/m2/s"
193 state real e_ncl_a2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_NCL_A2" "I-MODE SEA-SALT" "ug/m2/s"
194 state real e_ncl_a3 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_NCL_A3" "COARSE-MODE SEA-SALT" "ug/m2/s"
195 state real e_orgj_num i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_ORGJ_NUM" "J-MODE ORGANIC NUMBER" "particle/m2/s"
196 state real e_ecj_num i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_ECJ_NUM" "J-MODE BC NUMBER" "particle/m2/s"
197 state real e_so4j_num i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_SO4J_NUM" "J-MODE SO4 NUMBER" "particle/m2/s"
198 state real e_so4i_num i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_SO4I_NUM" "I-MODE SO4 NUMBER" "particle/m2/s"
199 state real e_num_a3 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_NUM_A3" "COARSE MODE NUMBER" "particle/m2/s"
200 state real e_dms i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_DMS" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
202 # soiltexturef is texture category fraction for each grid cell
203 state real ust_t ij misc 1 - i012rh "UST_T" "Threshold Friction Velocity" "m s-1"
204 state real rough_cor ij misc 1 - rh "Rough_cor" "roughness elements correction" ""
205 state real smois_cor ij misc 1 - rh "Smois_cor" "soil moisture correction" ""
206 state real dustload_1 ij misc 1 - r "dustload_1" "dust loading for size 1" "ug/m2"
207 state real dustload_2 ij misc 1 - r "dustload_2" "dust loading for size 2" "ug/m2"
208 state real dustload_3 ij misc 1 - r "dustload_3" "dust loading for size 3" "ug/m2"
209 state real dustload_4 ij misc 1 - r "dustload_4" "dust loading for size 4" "ug/m2"
210 state real dustload_5 ij misc 1 - r "dustload_5" "dust loading for size 5" "ug/m2"
211 state real depvelocity ij misc 1 - rh "drydepvel" "dust dry deposition velocity " "m/s"
212 state real setvel_1 ij misc 1 - r "setvel_1" "dust gravitational settling velocity for size 1" "m/s"
213 state real setvel_2 ij misc 1 - r "setvel_2" "dust gravitational settling velocity for size 2" "m/s"
214 state real setvel_3 ij misc 1 - r "setvel_3" "dust gravitational settling velocity for size 3" "m/s"
215 state real setvel_4 ij misc 1 - r "setvel_4" "dust gravitational settling velocity for size 4" "m/s"
216 state real setvel_5 ij misc 1 - r "setvel_5" "dust gravitational settling velocity for size 5" "m/s"
217 state real dustgraset_1 ij misc 1 - r "graset_1" "Accumulated dust gravitational settling for size 1" "kg/m2"
218 state real dustgraset_2 ij misc 1 - r "graset_2" "Accumulated dust gravitational settling for size 2" "kg/m2"
219 state real dustgraset_3 ij misc 1 - r "graset_3" "Accumulated dust gravitational settling for size 3" "kg/m2"
220 state real dustgraset_4 ij misc 1 - r "graset_4" "Accumulated dust gravitational settling for size 4" "kg/m2"
221 state real dustgraset_5 ij misc 1 - r "graset_5" "Accumulated dust gravitational settling for size 5" "kg/m2"
222 state real dustdrydep_1 ij misc 1 - r "drydep_1" "Accumulated dust dry deposition for size 1" "kg/m2"
223 state real dustdrydep_2 ij misc 1 - r "drydep_2" "Accumulated dust dry deposition for size 2" "kg/m2"
224 state real dustdrydep_3 ij misc 1 - r "drydep_3" "Accumulated dust dry deposition for size 3" "kg/m2"
225 state real dustdrydep_4 ij misc 1 - r "drydep_4" "Accumulated dust dry deposition for size 4" "kg/m2"
226 state real dustdrydep_5 ij misc 1 - r "drydep_5" "Accumulated dust dry deposition for size 5" "kg/m2"
227 state real dustwd_1 ikj misc 1 - r "dustwd_1" "dust loss by wet deposition for size 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
228 state real dustwd_2 ikj misc 1 - r "dustwd_2" "dust loss by wet deposition for size 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
229 state real dustwd_3 ikj misc 1 - r "dustwd_3" "dust loss by wet deposition for size 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
230 state real dustwd_4 ikj misc 1 - r "dustwd_4" "dust loss by wet deposition for size 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
231 state real dustwd_5 ikj misc 1 - r "dustwd_5" "dust loss by wet deposition for size 5" "ug/kg-dryair"
232 state real wetdep_1 ij misc 1 - r "wetdep_1" "dust wet deposition for size 1" "ug/m2/s"
233 state real wetdep_2 ij misc 1 - r "wetdep_2" "dust wet deposition for size 2" "ug/m2/s"
234 state real wetdep_3 ij misc 1 - r "wetdep_3" "dust wet deposition for size 3" "ug/m2/s"
235 state real wetdep_4 ij misc 1 - r "wetdep_4" "dust wet deposition for size 4" "ug/m2/s"
236 state real wetdep_5 ij misc 1 - r "wetdep_5" "dust wet deposition for size 5" "ug/m2/s"
237 state real dustwdload_1 ij misc 1 - r "dustwdload_1" "dustload loss by wet deposition for size 1" "ug/m2"
238 state real dustwdload_2 ij misc 1 - r "dustwdload_2" "dustload loss by wet deposition for size 2" "ug/m2"
239 state real dustwdload_3 ij misc 1 - r "dustwdload_3" "dustload loss by wet deposition for size 3" "ug/m2"
240 state real dustwdload_4 ij misc 1 - r "dustwdload_4" "dustload loss by wet deposition for size 4" "ug/m2"
241 state real dustwdload_5 ij misc 1 - r "dustwdload_5" "dustload loss by wet deposition for size 5" "ug/m2"
242 #SAPRCNOV additional emissions, automatically created using diff_mechEmiss_wrfRegistry.m script (pablo-saide@uiowa.edu)
243 state real e_c2h2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_C2H2" "C2H2 emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
244 state real e_alk3 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ALK3" "ALK3 emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
245 state real e_alk4 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ALK4" "ALK4 emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
246 state real e_alk5 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ALK5" "ALK5 emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
247 state real e_ethene i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ETHENE" "ETHENE emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
248 state real e_ole1 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_OLE1" "OLE1 emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
249 state real e_ole2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_OLE2" "OLE2 emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
250 state real e_aro1 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ARO1" "ARO1 emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
251 state real e_aro2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ARO2" "ARO2 emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
252 state real e_ccho i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_CCHO" "CCHO emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
253 state real e_rcho i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_RCHO" "RCHO emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
254 state real e_acet i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ACET" "ACET emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
255 state real e_isoprene i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ISOPRENE" "ISOPRENE emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
256 state real e_terp i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_TERP" "TERP emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
257 state real e_sesq i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_SESQ" "SESQUITERPENE emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
258 state real e_phen i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_PHEN" "PHEN emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
259 state real e_cres i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_CRES" "CRES emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
260 state real e_meoh i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_MEOH" "MEOH emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
261 state real e_gly i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_GLY" "GLY emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
262 state real e_mgly i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_MGLY" "MGLY emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
263 state real e_bacl i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_BACL" "BACL emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
264 state real e_isoprod i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_ISOPROD" "ISOPROD emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
265 state real e_methacro i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_METHACRO" "METHACRO emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
266 state real e_mvk i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_MVK" "MVK emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
267 state real e_prod2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_PROD2" "PROD2 emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
268 state real e_ch4 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_CH4" "CH4 emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
269 state real e_bald i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_BALD" "BALD emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
270 state real e_hcooh i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_HCOOH" "HCOOH emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
271 state real e_cco_oh i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_CCO_OH" "CCO_OH emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
272 state real e_rco_oh i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5r "E_RCO_OH" "RCO_OH emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
274 # GHG anthropogenic emissions
275 state real e_co2tst i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CO2TST" "Anthropogenic CO2 test fluxes" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
276 state real e_cotst i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_COTST" "Anthropogenic CO test fluxes" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
277 state real e_ch4tst i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CH4TST" "Anthropogenic CH4 test fluxes" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
279 # GHG emission variables
280 state real - ivjf eghg_bio - - - - "All biospheric GHG fluxes " ""
281 state real ebio_gee ivjf eghg_bio 1 Z - "EBIO_GEE" "biospheric VPRM CO2 uptake" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
282 state real ebio_res ivjf eghg_bio 1 Z - "EBIO_RES" "biospheric VPRM CO2 release" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
283 state real ebio_ch4wet ivjf eghg_bio 1 Z - "EBIO_CH4WET" "Biogenic CH4 wetland emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
284 state real ebio_ch4soil ivjf eghg_bio 1 Z - "EBIO_CH4SOIL" "CH4 soil uptake fluxes" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
285 state real ebio_ch4term ivjf eghg_bio 1 Z - "EBIO_CH4TERM" "CH4 termite emissions" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
287 #Additional CB05 emission variables
288 state real e_hcl i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_HCL" "EMISSIONS HCL" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
289 state real e_aldx i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_ALDX" "EMISSIONS ALDX" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
290 state real e_par i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_PAR" "EMISSIONS PAR" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
291 state real e_ole i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_OLE" "EMISSIONS OLE" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
292 state real e_iole i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_IOLE" "EMISSIONS IOLE" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
293 state real e_form i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_FORM" "EMISSIONS FORM" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
294 state real e_etha i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_ETHA" "EMISSIONS ETHA" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
295 state real e_etoh i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_ETOH" "EMISSIONS ETOH" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
296 state real e_ald2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_ALD2" "EMISSIONS ALD2" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
297 state real e_meo2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_MEO2" "EMISSIONS MEO2" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
298 state real e_psulf i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_PSULF" "EMISSIONS PSULF" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
299 state real e_ccooh i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_CCOOH" "EMISSIONS CCOOH" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
300 state real e_iprod i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_IPROD" "EMISSIONS IPROD" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
302 state real e_hg2 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_HG2" "EMISSIONS HG2" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
303 state real e_hg0 i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_HG0" "EMISSIONS HG0" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
304 state real e_fmcl i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_FMCL" "EMISSIONS FMCL" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
305 state real e_hgp i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_HGP" "EMISSIONS HGP" "ug/m3 m/s"
307 state real e_apin i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_APIN" "EMISSIONS a-Pinene" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
308 state real e_bpin i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_BPIN" "EMISSIONS b-Pinene" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
309 state real e_lim i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_LIM" "EMISSIONS Limonene" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
310 state real e_ter i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_TER" "EMISSIONS Terpinene" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
311 state real e_oci i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_OCI" "EMISSIONS Ocimene" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
312 state real e_hum i+jf emis_ant 1 Z i5 "E_HUM" "EMISSIONS Humulene" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
315 # dust and seas emission arrays
316 state real - i{dust}jf emis_dust - - - - "Dust Emissions" ""
317 state real edust1 i{dust}jf emis_dust 1 Z - "EDUST1" "Accumulated DUST emissions bin1" "kg/m2"
318 state real edust2 i{dust}jf emis_dust 1 Z - "EDUST2" "Accumulated DUST emissions bin2" "kg/m2"
319 state real edust3 i{dust}jf emis_dust 1 Z - "EDUST3" "Accumulated DUST emissions bin3" "kg/m2"
320 state real edust4 i{dust}jf emis_dust 1 Z - "EDUST4" "Accumulated DUST emissions bin4" "kg/m2"
321 state real edust5 i{dust}jf emis_dust 1 Z - "EDUST5" "Accumulated DUST emissions bin5" "kg/m2"
322 state real - i{dust}jf emis_seas - - - - "Sea-Salt Emissions" ""
323 state real eseas1 i{dust}jf emis_seas 1 Z - "ESEAS1" "Sea-Salt emissions bin1 " ""
324 state real eseas2 i{dust}jf emis_seas 1 Z - "ESEAS2" "Sea-Salt emissions bin2 " ""
325 state real eseas3 i{dust}jf emis_seas 1 Z - "ESEAS3" "Sea-Salt emissions bin3 " ""
326 state real eseas4 i{dust}jf emis_seas 1 Z - "ESEAS4" "Sea-Salt emissions bin4 " ""
328 # seas emission diagnositic for seas_opt==2
329 state real - i{dust}jf emis_seas2 - - - - "Sea-Salt Emissions" ""
330 state real eseasj i{dust}jf emis_seas2 1 Z - "ESEASJ" "Sea-Salt emissions accu mode " "g/m2/s"
331 state real eseasc i{dust}jf emis_seas2 1 Z - "ESEASC" "Sea-Salt emissions coarse mode " "g/m2/s"
334 # volcanic ash emissions
336 state real - ikjf emis_vol - - - - "Volcanic Emissions" ""
337 state real e_vash1 ikjf emis_vol 1 Z i{13}hr "E_VASH1" "Volcanic Emissions, bin1" "ug/m2/s"
338 state real e_vash2 ikjf emis_vol 1 Z i{13}hr "E_VASH2" "Volcanic Emissions, bin2" "ug/m2/s"
339 state real e_vash3 ikjf emis_vol 1 Z i{13}r "E_VASH3" "Volcanic Emissions, bin3" "ug/m2/s"
340 state real e_vash4 ikjf emis_vol 1 Z i{13}r "E_VASH4" "Volcanic Emissions, bin4" "ug/m2/s"
341 state real e_vash5 ikjf emis_vol 1 Z i{13}r "E_VASH5" "Volcanic Emissions, bin5" "ug/m2/s"
342 state real e_vash6 ikjf emis_vol 1 Z i{13}r "E_VASH6" "Volcanic Emissions, bin6" "ug/m2/s"
343 state real e_vash7 ikjf emis_vol 1 Z i{13}r "E_VASH7" "Volcanic Emissions, bin7" "ug/m2/s"
344 state real e_vash8 ikjf emis_vol 1 Z i{13}r "E_VASH8" "Volcanic Emissions, bin8" "ug/m2/s"
345 state real e_vash9 ikjf emis_vol 1 Z i{13}r "E_VASH9" "Volcanic Emissions, bin9" "ug/m2/s"
346 state real e_vash10 ikjf emis_vol 1 Z i{13}r "E_VASH10" "Volcanic Emissions, bin10" "ug/m2/s"
347 state real e_vso2 ikjf emis_vol 1 Z i{13}r "E_VSO2" "Volcanic Emissions, SO2" "mol/m2/h"
349 # biomassburning emission arrays (used by fire plume rise)
350 state real - ikjf ebu - - - - "Biomass burnung Emissions" ""
351 state real ebu_no ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_no" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
352 state real ebu_no2 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_no2" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
353 state real ebu_co ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_co" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
354 state real ebu_co2 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_co2" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
355 state real ebu_eth ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_eth" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
356 state real ebu_hc3 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_hc3" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
357 state real ebu_hc5 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_hc5" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
358 state real ebu_hc8 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_hc8" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
359 state real ebu_ete ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_ete" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
360 state real ebu_olt ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_olt" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
361 state real ebu_oli ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_oli" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
362 state real ebu_pm25 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_pm25" "biomass burning emiss" "ug/m2/s"
363 state real ebu_pm10 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_pm10" "biomass burning emiss" "ug/m2/s"
364 state real ebu_dien ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_dien" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
365 state real ebu_iso ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_iso" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
366 state real ebu_api ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_api" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
367 state real ebu_lim ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_lim" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
368 state real ebu_tol ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_tol" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
369 state real ebu_xyl ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_xyl" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
370 state real ebu_csl ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_csl" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
371 state real ebu_hcho ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_hcho" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
372 state real ebu_ald ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_ald" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
373 state real ebu_ket ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_ket" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
374 state real ebu_macr ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_macr" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
375 state real ebu_ora1 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_ora1" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
376 state real ebu_ora2 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_ora2" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
377 state real ebu_nh3 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_nh3" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
378 state real ebu_so2 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_so2" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
379 state real ebu_dms ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_dms" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
380 state real ebu_oc ikjf ebu 1 Z h "ebu_oc" "biomass burning emiss" "ug/m2/s"
381 state real ebu_bc ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_bc" "biomass burning emiss" "ug/m2/s"
382 state real ebu_sulf ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_sulf" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
383 # additional arrays for mozcart biomass burning
384 state real ebu_bigalk ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_bigalk" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
385 state real ebu_bigene ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_bigene" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
386 state real ebu_c2h4 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_c2h4" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
387 state real ebu_c2h5oh ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_c2h5oh" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
388 state real ebu_c2h6 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_c2h6" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
389 state real ebu_c3h6 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_c3h6" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
390 state real ebu_c3h8 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_c3h8" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
391 state real ebu_ch2o ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_ch2o" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
392 state real ebu_ch3cho ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_ch3cho" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
393 state real ebu_ch3coch3 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_ch3coch3" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
394 state real ebu_ch3oh ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_ch3oh" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
395 state real ebu_mek ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_mek" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
396 state real ebu_toluene ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_toluene" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
397 state real ebu_open ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_open" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
398 state real ebu_c10h16 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_c10h16" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
399 state real ebu_mgly ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_mgly" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
400 state real ebu_ch3cooh ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_ch3cooh" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
401 state real ebu_cres ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_cres" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
402 state real ebu_glyald ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_glyald" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
403 state real ebu_gly ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_gly" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
404 state real ebu_acetol ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_acetol" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
405 state real ebu_isop ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_isop" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
406 state real ebu_mvk ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_mvk" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
407 # additional arrays for t1_mozcart biomass burning
408 state real ebu_apin ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_apin" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
409 state real ebu_benzene ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_benzene" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
410 state real ebu_ch3cn ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_ch3cn" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
411 state real ebu_hcn ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_hcn" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
412 state real ebu_hcooh ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_hcooh" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
413 state real ebu_c2h2 ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_c2h2" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
414 state real ebu_hpald ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_hpald" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
415 state real ebu_xylenes ikjf ebu 1 Z - "ebu_xylenes" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
417 # CH4 biomass burning emissions
418 state real ebu_ch4 ikjf ebu 1 Z h "ebu_ch4" "biomass burning emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
420 # additional arrays needed for biomass burning emissions input
421 state real - i]jf ebu_in - - - - "Biomass burnung input " ""
422 state real ebu_in_no i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_no" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
423 state real ebu_in_no2 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_no2" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
424 state real ebu_in_co i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_co" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
425 state real ebu_in_co2 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_co2" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
426 state real ebu_in_eth i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_eth" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
427 state real ebu_in_hc3 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_hc3" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
428 state real ebu_in_hc5 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_hc5" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
429 state real ebu_in_hc8 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_hc8" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
430 state real ebu_in_ete i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ete" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
431 state real ebu_in_olt i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_olt" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
432 state real ebu_in_oli i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_oli" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
433 state real ebu_in_pm25 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_pm25" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m2/s"
434 state real ebu_in_pm10 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_pm10" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m2/s"
435 state real ebu_in_dien i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_dien" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
436 state real ebu_in_iso i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_iso" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
437 state real ebu_in_api i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_api" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
438 state real ebu_in_lim i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_lim" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
439 state real ebu_in_tol i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_tol" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
440 state real ebu_in_xyl i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_xyl" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
441 state real ebu_in_csl i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_csl" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
442 state real ebu_in_hcho i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_hcho" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
443 state real ebu_in_ald i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ald" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
444 state real ebu_in_ket i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ket" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
445 state real ebu_in_macr i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_macr" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
446 state real ebu_in_ora1 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ora1" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
447 state real ebu_in_ora2 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ora2" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
448 state real ebu_in_nh3 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_nh3" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
449 state real ebu_in_so2 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_so2" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
450 state real ebu_in_dms i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_dms" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
451 state real ebu_in_oc i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_oc" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m2/s"
452 state real ebu_in_bc i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_bc" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m2/s"
453 state real ebu_in_sulf i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_sulf" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
454 state real ebu_in_ash i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ash" "EMISSIONS" "ug/m2/s"
455 # additional arrays for mozcart biomass burning
456 state real ebu_in_bigalk i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_bigalk" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
457 state real ebu_in_bigene i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_bigene" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
458 state real ebu_in_c2h4 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_c2h4" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
459 state real ebu_in_c2h5oh i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_c2h5oh" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
460 state real ebu_in_c2h6 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_c2h6" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
461 state real ebu_in_c3h6 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_c3h6" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
462 state real ebu_in_c3h8 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_c3h8" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
463 state real ebu_in_ch2o i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ch2o" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
464 state real ebu_in_ch3cho i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ch3cho" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
465 state real ebu_in_ch3coch3 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ch3coch3" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
466 state real ebu_in_ch3oh i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ch3oh" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
467 state real ebu_in_mek i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_mek" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
468 state real ebu_in_toluene i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_toluene" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
469 state real ebu_in_open i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_open" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
470 state real ebu_in_c10h16 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_c10h16" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
471 state real ebu_in_mgly i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_mgly" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
472 state real ebu_in_ch3cooh i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ch3cooh" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
473 state real ebu_in_cres i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_cres" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
474 state real ebu_in_glyald i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_glyald" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
475 state real ebu_in_gly i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_gly" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
476 state real ebu_in_acetol i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_acetol" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
477 state real ebu_in_isop i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_isop" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
478 state real ebu_in_mvk i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_mvk" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
479 # additional arrays for t1_mozcart biomass burning
480 state real ebu_in_apin i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_apin" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
481 state real ebu_in_benzene i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_benzene" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
482 state real ebu_in_ch3cn i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ch3cn" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
483 state real ebu_in_hcn i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_hcn" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
484 state real ebu_in_hcooh i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_hcooh" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
485 state real ebu_in_c2h2 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_c2h2" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
486 state real ebu_in_hpald i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_hpald" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
487 state real ebu_in_xylenes i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_xylenes" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
489 # additional array for ch4 bbm emission
490 state real ebu_in_ch4 i]jf ebu_in 1 - i07 "ebu_in_ch4" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
492 state real mean_fct_agtf ij misc 1 - i07h "mean_fct_agtf" "mean fraction of tropical forest" "?"
493 state real mean_fct_agef ij misc 1 - i07h "mean_fct_agef" "mean fraction of extra tropical forest" "?"
494 state real mean_fct_agsv ij misc 1 - i07h "mean_fct_agsv" "mean fraction of savanna" "?"
495 state real mean_fct_aggr ij misc 1 - i07h "mean_fct_aggr" "mean fraction of grassland" "?"
496 state real firesize_agtf ij misc 1 - i07h "firesize_agtf" "mean firesize for tropical forest" "?"
497 state real firesize_agef ij misc 1 - i07h "firesize_agef" "mean firesize for extratropical forest" "?"
498 state real firesize_agsv ij misc 1 - i07h "firesize_agsv" "mean firesize for savanna" "?"
499 state real firesize_aggr ij misc 1 - i07h "firesize_aggr" "mean firesize for grassland" "?"
502 state real radfld i{tz}j{tr} misc 1 - - "radfld" "radfld" ""
503 state real adjcoe i{tz}j{tt} misc 1 - - "adjcoe" "adjcoe" ""
504 state real phrate i{tz}j{tt} misc 1 - - "phrate" "phrate" ""
507 state real track_chem {tc}{tl}k misc 1 - - "track_chem" "chem concentration" "ppmv"
508 state real track_o31d {tl}k misc 1 - - "photor_o31d" "O31D Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
509 state real track_o33p {tl}k misc 1 - - "photor_o33p" "O33P Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
510 state real track_no2 {tl}k misc 1 - - "photor_no2" "NO2 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
511 state real track_hno2 {tl}k misc 1 - - "photor_hno2" "HNO2 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
512 state real track_hno3 {tl}k misc 1 - - "photor_hno3" "HNO3 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
513 state real track_h2o2 {tl}k misc 1 - - "photor_h2o2" "H2O2 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
514 state real track_ch3o2h {tl}k misc 1 - - "photor_ch3o2h" "CH3O2H Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
515 state real track_radfld {tl}{tr}{tz} misc 1 - - "radfld" "radfld" ""
516 state real track_adjcoe {tl}{tt}{tz} misc 1 - - "adjcoe" "adjcoe" ""
517 state real track_phrate {tl}{tt}{tz} misc 1 - - "phrate" "phrate" ""
518 state real track_wc {tr} misc 1 - - "wc" "wavelength" ""
519 state real track_zref {tz} misc 1 - - "zref" "reference height" "km"
522 state real tropo_p ij misc 1 - r "tropo_p" "Tropopause pressure" "Pa"
523 state real tropo_z ij misc 1 - r "tropo_z" "Tropopause height" "meters"
524 state integer tropo_lev ij misc 1 - r "tropo_lev" "Tropopause level" ""
526 state real hno3_col_mdel ij misc 1 - - "HNO3_COL_MDEL" "hno3 column mass change" "kg"
529 state integer aircraftemissframes - - - - - "aircraftemissframes" "" ""
530 state real - i{airc}jf emis_aircraft - - - - "Aircraft Emissions" ""
531 state real eac_so2 i{airc}jf emis_aircraft 1 Z i{14} "EAC_SO2" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
532 state real eac_no i{airc}jf emis_aircraft 1 Z i{14} "EAC_NO" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
533 state real eac_co i{airc}jf emis_aircraft 1 Z i{14} "EAC_CO" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
534 state real eac_ch4 i{airc}jf emis_aircraft 1 Z i{14} "EAC_CH4" "EMISSIONS" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
537 state real - ikjf ext_coef - - - - "Extinction coefficients" ""
538 state real extcof3 ikjf ext_coef 1 Z - "EXTCOF3" "Extinction coefficients for .3um" "km^-1"
539 state real extcof55 ikjf ext_coef 1 Z h "EXTCOF55" "Extinction coefficients for .55um" "km^-1"
540 state real extcof106 ikjf ext_coef 1 Z - "EXTCOF106" "Extinction coefficients for 1.06um" "km^-1"
541 state real extcof3_5 ikjf ext_coef 1 Z - "EXTCOF3_5" "Band averaged extinction coefficients for 3-5um" "km^-1"
542 state real extcof8_12 ikjf ext_coef 1 Z - "EXTCOF8_12" "Band averaged extinction coefficients for 8-12um" "km^-1"
543 state real - ikjf bscat_coef - - - - "Scatter coefficients" ""
544 state real bscof3 ikjf bscat_coef 1 Z - "BSCOF3" "Scatter coefficients for .3um" "km^-1"
545 state real bscof55 ikjf bscat_coef 1 Z - "BSCOF5" "Scatter coefficients for .5um" "km^-1"
546 state real bscof106 ikjf bscat_coef 1 Z - "BSCOF106" "Scatter coefficients for 1.06um" "km^-1"
547 state real - ikjf asym_par - - - - "assymetry parameter" ""
548 state real asympar3 ikjf asym_par 1 Z - "ASYMPAR3" "assymetry parameter for .3um" "?"
549 state real asympar55 ikjf asym_par 1 Z - "ASYMPAR55" "assymetry parameter for .55um" "?"
550 state real asympar106 ikjf asym_par 1 Z - "ASYMPAR106" "assymetry parameter for 1.06um" "?"
553 state real ddlen ijo misc 1 Z rh "DRY_DEP_LEN" "dry deposition velocity" "cm/s"
554 state real ddflx ijo misc 1 Z r "DRY_DEP_FLUX" "dry deposition flux" "mol or ug m^-2"
555 state real wdflx ijo misc 1 Z r "WET_DEP_FLUX" "column wet scavening flux" "mmol or ug m^-2"
558 state real e_bio ijo misc 1 Z r "E_BIO" "EMISSIONS" "ppm m/min"
559 state real sebio_iso ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_iso" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
560 state real sebio_oli ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_oli" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
561 state real sebio_api ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_api" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
562 state real sebio_lim ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_lim" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
563 state real sebio_xyl ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_xyl" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
564 state real sebio_hc3 ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_hc3" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
565 state real sebio_ete ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_ete" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
566 state real sebio_olt ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_olt" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
567 state real sebio_ket ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_ket" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
568 state real sebio_ald ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_ald" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
569 state real sebio_hcho ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_hcho" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
570 state real sebio_eth ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_eth" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
571 state real sebio_ora2 ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_ora2" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
572 state real sebio_co ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_co" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
573 state real sebio_nr ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_nr" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
574 state real noag_grow ij misc 1 - i06r "noag_grow" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
575 state real noag_nongrow ij misc 1 - i06r "noag_nongrow" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
576 state real nononag ij misc 1 - i06r "nononag" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
577 state real slai ij misc 1 - i06r "slai" "Leaf area index isop" ""
578 state real ebio_iso ij misc 1 - rh "EBIO_ISO" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
579 state real ebio_oli ij misc 1 - r "ebio_oli" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
580 state real ebio_api ij misc 1 - rh "ebio_api" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
581 state real ebio_lim ij misc 1 - r "ebio_lim" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
582 state real ebio_xyl ij misc 1 - r "ebio_xyl" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
583 state real ebio_hc3 ij misc 1 - r "ebio_hc3" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
584 state real ebio_ete ij misc 1 - r "ebio_ete" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
585 state real ebio_olt ij misc 1 - r "ebio_olt" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
586 state real ebio_ket ij misc 1 - r "ebio_ket" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
587 state real ebio_ald ij misc 1 - r "ebio_ald" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
588 state real ebio_hcho ij misc 1 - r "ebio_hcho" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
589 state real ebio_eth ij misc 1 - r "ebio_eth" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
590 state real ebio_ora2 ij misc 1 - r "ebio_ora2" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
591 state real ebio_co ij misc 1 - r "ebio_co" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
592 state real ebio_nr ij misc 1 - r "ebio_nr" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
593 state real ebio_no ij misc 1 - r "ebio_no" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
595 state real ebio_alk3 ij misc 1 - - "ebio_alk3" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
596 state real ebio_alk4 ij misc 1 - - "ebio_alk4" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
597 state real ebio_alk5 ij misc 1 - - "ebio_alk5" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
598 state real ebio_ole1 ij misc 1 - - "ebio_ole1" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
599 state real ebio_ole2 ij misc 1 - - "ebio_ole2" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
600 state real ebio_aro1 ij misc 1 - - "ebio_aro1" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
601 state real ebio_aro2 ij misc 1 - - "ebio_aro2" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
602 state real ebio_ccho ij misc 1 - - "ebio_ccho" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
603 state real ebio_meoh ij misc 1 - - "ebio_meoh" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
604 state real ebio_ethene ij misc 1 - - "ebio_ethene" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
605 state real ebio_hcooh ij misc 1 - - "ebio_hcooh" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
606 state real ebio_terp ij misc 1 - - "ebio_terp" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
607 state real ebio_bald ij misc 1 - - "ebio_bald" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
608 state real ebio_cco_oh ij misc 1 - - "ebio_cco_oh" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
609 state real ebio_rco_oh ij misc 1 - - "ebio_rco_oh" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
610 # mozcart megan2 bio emission species
611 state real ebio_c10h16 ij misc 1 - r "ebio_c10h16" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
612 state real ebio_tol ij misc 1 - r "ebio_tol" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
613 state real ebio_bigalk ij misc 1 - r "ebio_bigalk" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
614 state real ebio_bigene ij misc 1 - r "ebio_bigene" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
615 state real ebio_ch3oh ij misc 1 - r "ebio_ch3oh" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
616 state real ebio_acet ij misc 1 - r "ebio_acet" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
617 state real ebio_nh3 ij misc 1 - r "ebio_nh3" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
618 state real ebio_no2 ij misc 1 - r "ebio_no2" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
619 state real ebio_c2h5oh ij misc 1 - r "ebio_c2h5oh" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
620 state real ebio_ch3cooh ij misc 1 - r "ebio_ch3cooh" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
621 state real ebio_mek ij misc 1 - r "ebio_mek" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
622 state real ebio_c2h6 ij misc 1 - r "ebio_c2h6" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
623 state real ebio_c2h4 ij misc 1 - r "ebio_c2h4" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
624 state real ebio_c3h6 ij misc 1 - r "ebio_c3h6" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
625 state real ebio_c3h8 ij misc 1 - r "ebio_c3h8" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
626 state real ebio_so2 ij misc 1 - r "ebio_so2" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
627 state real ebio_dms ij misc 1 - r "ebio_dms" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
628 state real ebio_myrc ij misc 1 - r "ebio_myrc" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
629 state real ebio_bpi ij misc 1 - r "ebio_bpi" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
630 # t1_mozcart megan2 bio emission species
631 state real ebio_hcn ij misc 1 - r "ebio_hcn" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
632 # crimech megan2 bio emission species
633 state real ebio_c5h8 ij misc 1 - - "ebio_c5h8" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
634 state real ebio_apinene ij misc 1 - - "ebio_apinene" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
635 state real ebio_bpinene ij misc 1 - - "ebio_bpinene" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
636 state real ebio_toluene ij misc 1 - - "ebio_toluene" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
637 state real ebio_ch3cho ij misc 1 - - "ebio_ch3cho" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
638 state real ebio_ch3co2h ij misc 1 - - "ebio_ch3co2h" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
639 state real ebio_tbut2ene ij misc 1 - - "ebio_tbut2ene" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
640 state real ebio_c2h5cho ij misc 1 - - "ebio_c2h5cho" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
641 state real ebio_nc4h10 ij misc 1 - - "ebio_nc4h10" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
643 # Ocean CO2 fluxes for the GHG options
644 state real ebio_co2oce ij misc 1 - i06rh "ebio_co2oce" "Ocean CO2 fluxes" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
646 state real dust_flux ij misc 1 - rdu "dust_flux" "Dust flux from soil" "ug m^-2 s^-1"
647 state real seas_flux ij misc 1 - rdu "seas_flux" "Sea salt flux" "ug m^-2 s^-1"
649 # SESQ and MBO fluxes for the new SOA_VBS mechanism
650 state real sebio_sesq ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_sesq" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
651 state real ebio_sesq ij misc 1 - r "ebio_sesq" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
652 state real sebio_mbo ij misc 1 - i06r "sebio_mbo" "Reference biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
653 state real ebio_mbo ij misc 1 - r "ebio_mbo" "Actual biog emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
655 # Output of selected biogenic emissions from model MEGAN v2
656 state real mebio_isop ij misc 1 - - "MEBIO_ISOP" "MEGAN2 isoprene emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
657 state real mebio_apin ij misc 1 - - "MEBIO_APIN" "MEGAN2 a-pinene emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
658 state real mebio_bpin ij misc 1 - - "MEBIO_BPIN" "MEGAN2 b-pinene emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
659 state real mebio_bcar ij misc 1 - - "MEBIO_BCAR" "MEGAN2 b-caryop emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-2"
660 state real mebio_acet ij misc 1 - - "MEBIO_ACET" "MEGAN2 acetone emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-2"
661 state real mebio_mbo ij misc 1 - - "MEBIO_MBO" "MEGAN2 MBO emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-2"
662 state real mebio_no ij misc 1 - - "MEBIO_NO" "MEGAN2 NO emiss" "mol km^-2 hr^-2"
663 # Input for biogenic emissions model MEGAN v2
664 state real msebio_isop ij misc 1 - i06r "msebio_isop" "MEGAN2 isoprone emis fac" "mol km^-2 hr^-1"
665 state real mlai ijm misc 1 Z i06r "mlai" "Monthly Leaf area index for MEGAN2" ""
666 state real pftp_bt ij misc 1 - i06r "pftp_bt" "MEGAN2 PFT Broadleaf %" "%"
667 state real pftp_nt ij misc 1 - i06r "pftp_nt" "MEGAN2 PFT Needleleaf %" "%"
668 state real pftp_sb ij misc 1 - i06r "pftp_sb" "MEGAN2 PFT Shrub and Bush %" "%"
669 state real pftp_hb ij misc 1 - i06r "pftp_hb" "MEGAN2 PFT Herbs %" "%"
670 state real mtsa ijm misc 1 Z i06r "mtsa" "Monthly surface air temp" "K"
671 state real mswdown ijm misc 1 Z i06r "mswdown" "Monthly SWdown" "W/m2"
672 state real EFmegan ij{nm} misc 1 - - "EFmegan" "MEGAN2 Emis Factor" "ug m^-2 hr^-1"
673 # Arrays for online ammonia emissions
674 state real EFnh3 ij misc 1 - i01rh01 "EFNH3" "NH3 Emis Factor" "ug m^-2 hr^-1"
675 state real actnh3 imj misc 1 Z i01rh01d "ACTNH3" "The activity of NH3" "0 - 1 fraction"
676 state real agrisoil_nh3 ij misc 1 Z i01rh01d "AGRISOIL_NH3" "The activity of NH3" "0 - 1 fraction"
677 state real fertilizer_nh3 imj misc 1 Z i01rh01d "FERTILIZER_NH3" "The activity of NH3" "0 - 1 fraction"
678 state real freeinten_nh3 ij misc 1 Z i01rh01d "FREEINTEN_NH3" "The activity of NH3" "0 - 1 fraction"
679 state real graze_nh3 ij misc 1 Z i01rh01d "GRAZE_NH3" "The activity of NH3" "0 - 1 fraction"
680 state real industry_nh3 ij misc 1 Z i01rh01d "INDUSTRY_NH3" "The activity of NH3" "0 - 1 fraction"
681 state real residential_nh3 ij misc 1 Z i01rh01d "RESIDENTIAL_NH3" "The activity of NH3" "0 - 1 fraction"
682 state real transport_nh3 ij misc 1 Z i01rh01d "TRANSPORT_NH3" "The activity of NH3" "0 - 1 fraction"
684 # Input for GOCART: Background chemistry, erodible surface emissions map
685 state real backg_oh ikj misc 1 - i08r "BACKG_OH" "Background OH for Aerosol-GOcart option" "volume mixing ratio"
686 state real backg_h2o2 ikj misc 1 - i08r "BACKG_H2O2" "Background H2O2 for Aerosol-GOcart option" "volume mixing ratio"
687 state real backg_no3 ikj misc 1 - i08r "BACKG_NO3" "Background NO3 for Aerosol-GOcart option" "volume mixing ratio"
690 state real erod_dri ij. misc 1 - i012rdu "EROD_DRI" "frac. of erodible surface in each grid cell (0-1); DRI" "none"
691 state real lai_vegmask ij misc 0 - i012rh "LAI_VEGMASK" "MODIS LAI vegetation mask for this date; 0=no dust produced (vegetation)" "none"
692 state real lai_veg_8day i^j dyn_em 1 Z i1 "LAI_VEG_8DAY" "eight-day MODIS LAI veg; 0=no dust produced (vegetation)" "0 - 1 fraction"
693 state real clayfrac ij misc 1 - i01r "CLAYFRAC" "Clay fraction in each grid cell (0-1)" "none"
694 state real sandfrac ij misc 1 - i01r "SANDFRAC" "Sand fraction in each grid cell (0-1)" "none"
695 state real clayfrac_nga ij misc 1 - i01r "CLAYFRAC_NGA" "Clay fraction in each grid cell (0-1)" "none"
696 state real sandfrac_nga ij misc 1 - i01r "SANDFRAC_NGA" "Sand fraction in each grid cell (0-1)" "none"
697 state real afwa_dustloft ij misc 1 - h02 "AFWA_DUSTLOFT" "AFWA Diagnostic dust lofting potential (U10-U10t)" "m s^-1"
698 state real tot_dust ikj misc 1 - h02 "TOT_DUST" "Total dust concentration (0.2-20 um)" "ug m^-3"
699 state real tot_edust ij misc 1 - h02 "TOT_EDUST" "Total accumulated dust emission (0.2-20 um)" "kg m^-2"
700 state real vis_dust ikj misc 1 - h02 "VIS_DUST" "Visibility due to dust only" "m"
702 # These 3D arrays are output from the SOA module for different purposes
703 state real br_rto ikj misc 1 - r "BRNCH_RTO" "branching ratio to determine NOx condition" "" "ug m^-3"
706 # following used for volcanic eruptions only
708 state real ash_fall ij misc 1 - r "ASH_FALL" "VOLCANIC ASH FALL" "kg/m2"
709 state real erup_beg ij misc 1 - i{13} "ERUP_BEG" "START TIME OF ERUPTION" "?"
710 state real erup_end ij misc 1 - i{13} "ERUP_END" "END TIME OF ERUPTION" "?"
712 # following used for output to look at all kinds of stuff
713 state real dep_vel_o3 ij misc 1 - - "DEP_VEL" "deposition velocities for o3" "?"
714 state real cu_co_ten ikj misc 1 - - "CU_CO_TEN" "CONV. TRANSPORT FOR CO" "?"
716 # Tendency diagnostics for chemistry (chemdiag)
718 # Currently index references to chem array is done within the code and requires
719 # code-level modification to add or remove diagnostics. Rearranging is OK, but
720 # order among conv_ct,chem_ct,vmix_ct and advh_ct,advz_ct must be consistent within
721 # the two groups. The two files need to be modified are:
722 # Search for "modify tendncy list here"
723 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
724 state real - ikjf conv_ct 1 - - -
725 state real conv_co ikjf conv_ct 1 - r "conv_co" "ACCUMULATED CONV TRANSPORT FOR CO" "ppmv"
726 state real conv_o3 ikjf conv_ct 1 - r "conv_o3" "ACCUMULATED CONV TRANSPORT FOR O3" "ppmv"
727 state real conv_no ikjf conv_ct 1 - r "conv_no" "ACCUMULATED CONV TRANSPORT FOR NO" "ppmv"
728 state real conv_no2 ikjf conv_ct 1 - r "conv_no2" "ACCUMULATED CONV TRANSPORT FOR NO2" "ppmv"
729 state real conv_hno3 ikjf conv_ct 1 - r "conv_hno3" "ACCUMULATED CONV TRANSPORT FOR HNO3" "ppmv"
730 state real conv_iso ikjf conv_ct 1 - r "conv_iso" "ACCUMULATED CONV TRANSPORT FOR ISO" "ppmv"
731 state real conv_ho ikjf conv_ct 1 - r "conv_ho" "ACCUMULATED CONV TRANSPORT FOR HO" "ppmv"
732 state real conv_ho2 ikjf conv_ct 1 - r "conv_ho2" "ACCUMULATED CONV TRANSPORT FOR HO2" "ppmv"
734 state real - ikjf chem_ct 1 - - -
735 state real chem_co ikjf chem_ct 1 - r "chem_co" "ACCUMULATED CHEM TENDENCY FOR CO" "ppmv"
736 state real chem_o3 ikjf chem_ct 1 - r "chem_o3" "ACCUMULATED CHEM TENDENCY FOR O3" "ppmv"
737 state real chem_no ikjf chem_ct 1 - r "chem_no" "ACCUMULATED CHEM TENDENCY FOR NO" "ppmv"
738 state real chem_no2 ikjf chem_ct 1 - r "chem_no2" "ACCUMULATED CHEM TENDENCY FOR NO2" "ppmv"
739 state real chem_hno3 ikjf chem_ct 1 - r "chem_hno3" "ACCUMULATED CHEM TENDENCY FOR HNO3" "ppmv"
740 state real chem_iso ikjf chem_ct 1 - r "chem_iso" "ACCUMULATED CHEM TENDENCY FOR ISO" "ppmv"
741 state real chem_ho ikjf chem_ct 1 - r "chem_ho" "ACCUMULATED CHEM TENDENCY FOR HO" "ppmv"
742 state real chem_ho2 ikjf chem_ct 1 - r "chem_ho2" "ACCUMULATED CHEM TENDENCY FOR HO2" "ppmv"
744 state real - ikjf vmix_ct 1 - - -
745 state real vmix_co ikjf vmix_ct 1 - r "vmix_co" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR CO BY VERTICAL MIXING" "ppmv"
746 state real vmix_o3 ikjf vmix_ct 1 - r "vmix_o3" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR O3 BY VERTICAL MIXING" "ppmv"
747 state real vmix_no ikjf vmix_ct 1 - r "vmix_no" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR NO BY VERTICAL MIXING" "ppmv"
748 state real vmix_no2 ikjf vmix_ct 1 - r "vmix_no2" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR NO2 BY VERTICAL MIXING" "ppmv"
749 state real vmix_hno3 ikjf vmix_ct 1 - r "vmix_hno3" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR HNO3 BY VERTICAL MIXING" "ppmv"
750 state real vmix_iso ikjf vmix_ct 1 - r "vmix_iso" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR ISO BY VERTICAL MIXING" "ppmv"
751 state real vmix_ho ikjf vmix_ct 1 - r "vmix_ho" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR HO BY VERTICAL MIXING" "ppmv"
752 state real vmix_ho2 ikjf vmix_ct 1 - r "vmix_ho2" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR HO2 BY VERTICAL MIXING" "ppmv"
754 state real - ikjf advh_ct 1 - - -
755 state real advh_co ikjf advh_ct 1 - r "advh_co" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR CO BY HORIZONTAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
756 state real advh_o3 ikjf advh_ct 1 - r "advh_o3" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR O3 BY HORIZONTAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
757 state real advh_no ikjf advh_ct 1 - r "advh_no" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR NO BY HORIZONTAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
758 state real advh_no2 ikjf advh_ct 1 - r "advh_no2" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR NO2 BY HORIZONTAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
759 state real advh_hno3 ikjf advh_ct 1 - r "advh_hno3" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR HNO3 BY HORIZONTAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
760 state real advh_iso ikjf advh_ct 1 - r "advh_iso" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR ISO BY HORIZONTAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
761 state real advh_ho ikjf advh_ct 1 - r "advh_ho" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR HO BY HORIZONTAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
762 state real advh_ho2 ikjf advh_ct 1 - r "advh_ho2" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR HO2 BY HORIZONTAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
764 state real - ikjf advz_ct 1 - - -
765 state real advz_co ikjf advz_ct 1 - r "advz_co" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR CO BY VERTICAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
766 state real advz_o3 ikjf advz_ct 1 - r "advz_o3" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR O3 BY VERTICAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
767 state real advz_no ikjf advz_ct 1 - r "advz_no" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR NO BY VERTICAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
768 state real advz_no2 ikjf advz_ct 1 - r "advz_no2" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR NO2 BY VERTICAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
769 state real advz_hno3 ikjf advz_ct 1 - r "advz_hno3" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR HNO3 BY VERTICAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
770 state real advz_iso ikjf advz_ct 1 - r "advz_iso" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR ISO BY VERTICAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
771 state real advz_ho ikjf advz_ct 1 - r "advz_ho" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR HO BY VERTICAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
772 state real advz_ho2 ikjf advz_ct 1 - r "advz_ho2" "ACCUMULATED TENDENCY FOR HO2 BY VERTICAL ADVECTION" "ppmv"
774 # deposition velocities for diagnostic package, feel free to add if you like!
776 state real - i%jf dvel - - - - "deposition velocities" ""
777 state real dvel_o3 i%jf dvel 1 - rh "dvel_o3" "O3 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
778 state real dvel_no i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_no" "NO deposition velocity " "cm/s"
779 state real dvel_no2 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_no2" "NO2 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
780 state real dvel_nh3 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_nh3" "NH3 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
781 state real dvel_hno3 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_hno3" "HNO3 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
782 state real dvel_hno4 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_hno4" "HNO4 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
783 state real dvel_h2o2 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_h2o2" "H2O2 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
784 state real dvel_co i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_co" "CO deposition velocity " "cm/s"
785 state real dvel_ch3ooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_ch3ooh" "CH3OOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
786 state real dvel_hcho i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_hcho" "HCHO deposition velocity " "cm/s"
787 state real dvel_ch3oh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_ch3oh" "CH3OH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
788 state real dvel_eo2 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_eo2" "EO2 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
789 state real dvel_ald i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_ald" "ALD deposition velocity " "cm/s"
790 state real dvel_ch3cooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_ch3cooh" "CH3COOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
791 state real dvel_acet i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_acet" "ACET deposition velocity " "cm/s"
792 state real dvel_mgly i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_mgly" "MGLY deposition velocity " "cm/s"
793 state real dvel_gly i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_gly" "GLY deposition velocity " "cm/s"
794 state real dvel_paa i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_paa" "PAA deposition velocity " "cm/s"
795 state real dvel_pooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_pooh" "POOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
796 state real dvel_pan i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_pan" "PAN deposition velocity " "cm/s"
797 state real dvel_mpan i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_mpan" "MPAN deposition velocity " "cm/s"
798 state real dvel_mco3 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_mco3" "MCO3 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
799 state real dvel_mvkooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_mvkooh" "MVKOOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
800 state real dvel_c2h5oh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_c2h5oh" "C2H5OH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
801 state real dvel_etooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_etooh" "ETOOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
802 state real dvel_prooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_prooh" "PROOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
803 state real dvel_acetp i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_acetp" "ACETP deposition velocity " "cm/s"
804 state real dvel_onit i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_onit" "ONIT deposition velocity " "cm/s"
805 state real dvel_onitr i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_onitr" "ONITR deposition velocity " "cm/s"
806 state real dvel_isooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_isooh" "ISOOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
807 state real dvel_acetol i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_acetol" "ACETOL deposition velocity " "cm/s"
808 state real dvel_glyald i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_glyald" "GLYALD deposition velocity " "cm/s"
809 state real dvel_hydrald i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_hydrald" "HYDRALD deposition velocity " "cm/s"
810 state real dvel_alkooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_alkooh" "ALKOOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
811 state real dvel_mekooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_mekooh" "MEKOOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
812 state real dvel_tolooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_tolooh" "TOLOOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
813 state real dvel_xooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_xooh" "XOOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
814 state real dvel_so2 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_so2" "SO2 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
815 state real dvel_so4 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_so4" "SO4 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
816 state real dvel_terpooh i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_terpooh" "TERPOOH deposition velocity " "cm/s"
817 state real dvel_cvasoaX i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_cvasoaX" "CVASOAX deposition velocity " "cm/s"
818 state real dvel_cvasoa1 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_cvasoa1" "CVASOA1 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
819 state real dvel_cvasoa2 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_cvasoa2" "CVASOA2 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
820 state real dvel_cvasoa3 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_cvasoa3" "CVASOA3 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
821 state real dvel_cvasoa4 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_cvasoa4" "CVASOA4 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
822 state real dvel_cvbsoaX i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_cvbsoaX" "CVBSOAX deposition velocity " "cm/s"
823 state real dvel_cvbsoa1 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_cvbsoa1" "CVBSOA1 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
824 state real dvel_cvbsoa2 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_cvbsoa2" "CVBSOA2 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
825 state real dvel_cvbsoa3 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_cvbsoa3" "CVBSOA3 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
826 state real dvel_cvbsoa4 i%jf dvel 1 - - "dvel_cvbsoa4" "CVBSOA4 deposition velocity " "cm/s"
828 # accumulated dry deposition
829 state real ddmass_o3 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_o3" "O3 dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
830 state real ddmass_no i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_no" "NO dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
831 state real ddmass_no2 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_no2" "NO2 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
832 state real ddmass_nh3 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_nh3" "NH3 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
833 state real ddmass_hno3 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_hno3" "HNO3 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
834 state real ddmass_hno4 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_hno4" "HNO4 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
835 state real ddmass_h2o2 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_h2o2" "H2O2 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
836 state real ddmass_co i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_co" "CO dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
837 state real ddmass_ch3ooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ch3ooh" "CH3OOH dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
838 state real ddmass_hcho i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_hcho" "HCHO dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
839 state real ddmass_ch3oh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ch3oh" "CH3OH dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
840 state real ddmass_eo2 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_eo2" "EO2 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
841 state real ddmass_ald i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ald" "ALD dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
842 state real ddmass_ch3cooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ch3cooh" "CH3COOH dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
843 state real ddmass_acet i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_acet" "ACET dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
844 state real ddmass_mgly i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_mgly" "MGLY dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
845 state real ddmass_gly i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_gly" "GLY dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
846 state real ddmass_paa i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_paa" "PAA dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
847 state real ddmass_pooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_pooh" "POOH dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
848 state real ddmass_pan i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_pan" "PAN dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
849 state real ddmass_mpan i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_mpan" "MPAN dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
850 state real ddmass_mco3 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_mco3" "MCO3 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
851 state real ddmass_mvkooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_mvkooh" "MVKOOH dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
852 state real ddmass_c2h5oh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_c2h5oh" "C2H5OH dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
853 state real ddmass_etooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_etooh" "ETOOH dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
854 state real ddmass_prooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_prooh" "PROOH dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
855 state real ddmass_acetp i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_acetp" "ACETP dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
856 state real ddmass_onit i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_onit" "ONIT dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
857 state real ddmass_onitr i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_onitr" "ONITR dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
858 state real ddmass_isooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_isooh" "ISOOH dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
859 state real ddmass_acetol i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_acetol" "ACETOL dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
860 state real ddmass_glyald i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_glyald" "GLYALD dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
861 state real ddmass_hydrald i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_hydrald" "HYDRALD dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
862 state real ddmass_alkooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_alkooh" "ALKOOH dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
863 state real ddmass_mekooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_mekooh" "MEKOOH dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
864 state real ddmass_tolooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_tolooh" "TOLOOH dry deposition, accumulated " "mol/m2"
865 state real ddmass_xooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_xooh" "XOOH dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
866 state real ddmass_so2 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_so2" "SO2 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
867 state real ddmass_so4 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_so4" "SO4 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
868 state real ddmass_terpooh i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_terpooh" "TERPOOH dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
869 state real ddmass_cvasoaX i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cvasoaX" "CVASOAX dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
870 state real ddmass_cvasoa1 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cvasoa1" "CVASOA1 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
871 state real ddmass_cvasoa2 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cvasoa2" "CVASOA2 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
872 state real ddmass_cvasoa3 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cvasoa3" "CVASOA3 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
873 state real ddmass_cvasoa4 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cvasoa4" "CVASOA4 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
874 state real ddmass_cvbsoaX i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cvbsoaX" "CVBSOAX dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
875 state real ddmass_cvbsoa1 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cvbsoa1" "CVBSOA1 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
876 state real ddmass_cvbsoa2 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cvbsoa2" "CVBSOA2 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
877 state real ddmass_cvbsoa3 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cvbsoa3" "CVBSOA3 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
878 state real ddmass_cvbsoa4 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cvbsoa4" "CVBSOA4 dry deposition, accumulated" "mol/m2"
881 state real ddmass_so4aj i%jf dvel 1 - rhdu "ddmass_so4aj" "so4aj dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
882 state real ddmass_so4ai i%jf dvel 1 - rhdu "ddmass_so4ai" "so4ai dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
883 state real ddmass_no3aj i%jf dvel 1 - rhdu "ddmass_no3aj" "no3aj dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
884 state real ddmass_no3ai i%jf dvel 1 - rhdu "ddmass_no3ai" "no3ai dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
885 state real ddmass_nh4aj i%jf dvel 1 - rhdu "ddmass_nh4aj" "nh4aj dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
886 state real ddmass_nh4ai i%jf dvel 1 - rhdu "ddmass_nh4ai" "nh4ai dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
888 state real ddmass_so4_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_so4_a01" "so4_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
889 state real ddmass_no3_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_no3_a01" "no3_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
890 state real ddmass_cl_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cl_a01" "cl_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
891 state real ddmass_nh4_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_nh4_a01" "nh4_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
892 state real ddmass_na_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_na_a01" "na_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
893 state real ddmass_oin_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oin_a01" "oin_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
894 state real ddmass_oc_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oc_a01" "oc_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
895 state real ddmass_bc_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bc_a01" "bc_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
896 state real ddmass_smpa_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpa_a01" "smpa_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
897 state real ddmass_smpbb_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpbb_a01" "smpbb_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
898 state real ddmass_glysoa_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_glysoa_a01" "glysoa_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
899 state real ddmass_biog1_c_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_c_a01" "biog1_c_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
900 state real ddmass_biog1_o_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_o_a01" "biog1_o_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
901 state real ddmass_asoaX_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoaX_a01" "asoaX_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
902 state real ddmass_asoa1_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa1_a01" "asoa1_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
903 state real ddmass_asoa2_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa2_a01" "asoa2_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
904 state real ddmass_asoa3_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa3_a01" "asoa3_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
905 state real ddmass_asoa4_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa4_a01" "asoa4_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
906 state real ddmass_bsoaX_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoaX_a01" "bsoaX_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
907 state real ddmass_bsoa1_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa1_a01" "bsoa1_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
908 state real ddmass_bsoa2_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa2_a01" "bsoa2_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
909 state real ddmass_bsoa3_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa3_a01" "bsoa3_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
910 state real ddmass_bsoa4_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa4_a01" "bsoa4_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
911 state real ddmass_so4_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_so4_a02" "so4_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
912 state real ddmass_no3_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_no3_a02" "no3_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
913 state real ddmass_cl_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cl_a02" "cl_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
914 state real ddmass_nh4_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_nh4_a02" "nh4_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
915 state real ddmass_na_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_na_a02" "na_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
916 state real ddmass_oin_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oin_a02" "oin_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
917 state real ddmass_oc_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oc_a02" "oc_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
918 state real ddmass_bc_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bc_a02" "bc_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
919 state real ddmass_smpa_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpa_a02" "smpa_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
920 state real ddmass_smpbb_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpbb_a02" "smpbb_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
921 state real ddmass_glysoa_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_glysoa_a02" "glysoa_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
922 state real ddmass_biog1_c_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_c_a02" "biog1_c_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
923 state real ddmass_biog1_o_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_o_a02" "biog1_o_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
924 state real ddmass_asoaX_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoaX_a02" "asoaX_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
925 state real ddmass_asoa1_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa1_a02" "asoa1_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
926 state real ddmass_asoa2_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa2_a02" "asoa2_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
927 state real ddmass_asoa3_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa3_a02" "asoa3_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
928 state real ddmass_asoa4_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa4_a02" "asoa4_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
929 state real ddmass_bsoaX_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoaX_a02" "bsoaX_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
930 state real ddmass_bsoa1_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa1_a02" "bsoa1_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
931 state real ddmass_bsoa2_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa2_a02" "bsoa2_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
932 state real ddmass_bsoa3_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa3_a02" "bsoa3_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
933 state real ddmass_bsoa4_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa4_a02" "bsoa4_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
934 state real ddmass_so4_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_so4_a03" "so4_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
935 state real ddmass_no3_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_no3_a03" "no3_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
936 state real ddmass_cl_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cl_a03" "cl_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
937 state real ddmass_nh4_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_nh4_a03" "nh4_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
938 state real ddmass_na_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_na_a03" "na_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
939 state real ddmass_oin_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oin_a03" "oin_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
940 state real ddmass_oc_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oc_a03" "oc_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
941 state real ddmass_bc_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bc_a03" "bc_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
942 state real ddmass_smpa_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpa_a03" "smpa_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
943 state real ddmass_smpbb_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpbb_a03" "smpbb_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
944 state real ddmass_glysoa_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_glysoa_a03" "glysoa_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
945 state real ddmass_biog1_c_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_c_a03" "biog1_c_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
946 state real ddmass_biog1_o_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_o_a03" "biog1_o_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
947 state real ddmass_asoaX_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoaX_a03" "asoaX_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
948 state real ddmass_asoa1_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa1_a03" "asoa1_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
949 state real ddmass_asoa2_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa2_a03" "asoa2_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
950 state real ddmass_asoa3_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa3_a03" "asoa3_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
951 state real ddmass_asoa4_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa4_a03" "asoa4_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
952 state real ddmass_bsoaX_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoaX_a03" "bsoaX_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
953 state real ddmass_bsoa1_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa1_a03" "bsoa1_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
954 state real ddmass_bsoa2_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa2_a03" "bsoa2_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
955 state real ddmass_bsoa3_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa3_a03" "bsoa3_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
956 state real ddmass_bsoa4_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa4_a03" "bsoa4_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
957 state real ddmass_so4_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_so4_a04" "so4_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
958 state real ddmass_no3_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_no3_a04" "no3_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
959 state real ddmass_cl_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cl_a04" "cl_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
960 state real ddmass_nh4_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_nh4_a04" "nh4_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
961 state real ddmass_na_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_na_a04" "na_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
962 state real ddmass_oin_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oin_a04" "oin_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
963 state real ddmass_oc_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oc_a04" "oc_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
964 state real ddmass_bc_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bc_a04" "bc_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
965 state real ddmass_smpa_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpa_a04" "smpa_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
966 state real ddmass_smpbb_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpbb_a04" "smpbb_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
967 state real ddmass_glysoa_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_glysoa_a04" "glysoa_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
968 state real ddmass_biog1_c_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_c_a04" "biog1_c_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
969 state real ddmass_biog1_o_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_o_a04" "biog1_o_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
970 state real ddmass_asoaX_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoaX_a04" "asoaX_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
971 state real ddmass_asoa1_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa1_a04" "asoa1_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
972 state real ddmass_asoa2_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa2_a04" "asoa2_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
973 state real ddmass_asoa3_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa3_a04" "asoa3_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
974 state real ddmass_asoa4_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa4_a04" "asoa4_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
975 state real ddmass_bsoaX_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoaX_a04" "bsoaX_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
976 state real ddmass_bsoa1_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa1_a04" "bsoa1_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
977 state real ddmass_bsoa2_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa2_a04" "bsoa2_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
978 state real ddmass_bsoa3_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa3_a04" "bsoa3_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
979 state real ddmass_bsoa4_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa4_a04" "bsoa4_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
980 state real ddmass_ca_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ca_a01" "ca_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
981 state real ddmass_ca_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ca_a02" "ca_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
982 state real ddmass_ca_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ca_a03" "ca_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
983 state real ddmass_ca_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ca_a04" "ca_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
984 state real ddmass_co3_a01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_co3_a01" "co3_a01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
985 state real ddmass_co3_a02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_co3_a02" "co3_a02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
986 state real ddmass_co3_a03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_co3_a03" "co3_a03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
987 state real ddmass_co3_a04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_co3_a04" "co3_a04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
989 state real ddmass_so4_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_so4_cw01" "so4_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
990 state real ddmass_no3_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_no3_cw01" "no3_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
991 state real ddmass_cl_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cl_cw01" "cl_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
992 state real ddmass_nh4_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_nh4_cw01" "nh4_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
993 state real ddmass_na_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_na_cw01" "na_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
994 state real ddmass_oin_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oin_cw01" "oin_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
995 state real ddmass_oc_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oc_cw01" "oc_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
996 state real ddmass_bc_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bc_cw01" "bc_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
997 state real ddmass_smpa_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpa_cw01" "smpa_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
998 state real ddmass_smpbb_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpbb_cw01" "smpbb_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
999 state real ddmass_glysoa_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_glysoa_cw01" "glysoa_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1000 state real ddmass_biog1_c_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_c_cw01" "biog1_c_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1001 state real ddmass_biog1_o_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_o_cw01" "biog1_o_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1002 state real ddmass_asoaX_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoaX_cw01" "asoaX_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1003 state real ddmass_asoa1_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa1_cw01" "asoa1_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1004 state real ddmass_asoa2_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa2_cw01" "asoa2_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1005 state real ddmass_asoa3_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa3_cw01" "asoa3_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1006 state real ddmass_asoa4_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa4_cw01" "asoa4_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1007 state real ddmass_bsoaX_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoaX_cw01" "bsoaX_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1008 state real ddmass_bsoa1_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa1_cw01" "bsoa1_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1009 state real ddmass_bsoa2_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa2_cw01" "bsoa2_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1010 state real ddmass_bsoa3_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa3_cw01" "bsoa3_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1011 state real ddmass_bsoa4_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa4_cw01" "bsoa4_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1012 state real ddmass_so4_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_so4_cw02" "so4_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1013 state real ddmass_no3_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_no3_cw02" "no3_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1014 state real ddmass_cl_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cl_cw02" "cl_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1015 state real ddmass_nh4_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_nh4_cw02" "nh4_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1016 state real ddmass_na_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_na_cw02" "na_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1017 state real ddmass_oin_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oin_cw02" "oin_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1018 state real ddmass_oc_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oc_cw02" "oc_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1019 state real ddmass_bc_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bc_cw02" "bc_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1020 state real ddmass_smpa_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpa_cw02" "smpa_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1021 state real ddmass_smpbb_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpbb_cw02" "smpbb_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1022 state real ddmass_glysoa_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_glysoa_cw02" "glysoa_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1023 state real ddmass_biog1_c_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_c_cw02" "biog1_c_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1024 state real ddmass_biog1_o_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_o_cw02" "biog1_o_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1025 state real ddmass_asoaX_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoaX_cw02" "asoaX_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1026 state real ddmass_asoa1_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa1_cw02" "asoa1_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1027 state real ddmass_asoa2_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa2_cw02" "asoa2_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1028 state real ddmass_asoa3_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa3_cw02" "asoa3_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1029 state real ddmass_asoa4_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa4_cw02" "asoa4_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1030 state real ddmass_bsoaX_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoaX_cw02" "bsoaX_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1031 state real ddmass_bsoa1_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa1_cw02" "bsoa1_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1032 state real ddmass_bsoa2_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa2_cw02" "bsoa2_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1033 state real ddmass_bsoa3_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa3_cw02" "bsoa3_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1034 state real ddmass_bsoa4_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa4_cw02" "bsoa4_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1035 state real ddmass_so4_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_so4_cw03" "so4_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1036 state real ddmass_no3_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_no3_cw03" "no3_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1037 state real ddmass_cl_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cl_cw03" "cl_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1038 state real ddmass_nh4_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_nh4_cw03" "nh4_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1039 state real ddmass_na_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_na_cw03" "na_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1040 state real ddmass_oin_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oin_cw03" "oin_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1041 state real ddmass_oc_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oc_cw03" "oc_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1042 state real ddmass_bc_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bc_cw03" "bc_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1043 state real ddmass_smpa_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpa_cw03" "smpa_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1044 state real ddmass_smpbb_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpbb_cw03" "smpbb_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1045 state real ddmass_glysoa_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_glysoa_cw03" "glysoa_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1046 state real ddmass_biog1_c_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_c_cw03" "biog1_c_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1047 state real ddmass_biog1_o_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_o_cw03" "biog1_o_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1048 state real ddmass_asoaX_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoaX_cw03" "asoaX_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1049 state real ddmass_asoa1_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa1_cw03" "asoa1_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1050 state real ddmass_asoa2_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa2_cw03" "asoa2_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1051 state real ddmass_asoa3_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa3_cw03" "asoa3_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1052 state real ddmass_asoa4_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa4_cw03" "asoa4_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1053 state real ddmass_bsoaX_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoaX_cw03" "bsoaX_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1054 state real ddmass_bsoa1_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa1_cw03" "bsoa1_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1055 state real ddmass_bsoa2_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa2_cw03" "bsoa2_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1056 state real ddmass_bsoa3_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa3_cw03" "bsoa3_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1057 state real ddmass_bsoa4_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa4_cw03" "bsoa4_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1058 state real ddmass_so4_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_so4_cw04" "so4_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1059 state real ddmass_no3_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_no3_cw04" "no3_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1060 state real ddmass_cl_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_cl_cw04" "cl_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1061 state real ddmass_nh4_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_nh4_cw04" "nh4_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1062 state real ddmass_na_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_na_cw04" "na_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1063 state real ddmass_oin_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oin_cw04" "oin_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1064 state real ddmass_oc_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_oc_cw04" "oc_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1065 state real ddmass_bc_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bc_cw04" "bc_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1066 state real ddmass_smpa_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpa_cw04" "smpa_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1067 state real ddmass_smpbb_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_smpbb_cw04" "smpbb_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1068 state real ddmass_glysoa_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_glysoa_cw04" "glysoa_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1069 state real ddmass_biog1_c_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_c_cw04" "biog1_c_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1070 state real ddmass_biog1_o_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_biog1_o_cw04" "biog1_o_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1071 state real ddmass_asoaX_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoaX_cw04" "asoaX_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1072 state real ddmass_asoa1_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa1_cw04" "asoa1_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1073 state real ddmass_asoa2_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa2_cw04" "asoa2_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1074 state real ddmass_asoa3_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa3_cw04" "asoa3_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1075 state real ddmass_asoa4_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_asoa4_cw04" "asoa4_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1076 state real ddmass_bsoaX_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoaX_cw04" "bsoaX_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1077 state real ddmass_bsoa1_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa1_cw04" "bsoa1_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1078 state real ddmass_bsoa2_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa2_cw04" "bsoa2_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1079 state real ddmass_bsoa3_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa3_cw04" "bsoa3_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1080 state real ddmass_bsoa4_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_bsoa4_cw04" "bsoa4_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1081 state real ddmass_ca_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ca_cw01" "ca_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1082 state real ddmass_ca_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ca_cw02" "ca_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1083 state real ddmass_ca_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ca_cw03" "ca_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1084 state real ddmass_ca_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_ca_cw04" "ca_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1085 state real ddmass_co3_cw01 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_co3_cw01" "co3_cw01 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1086 state real ddmass_co3_cw02 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_co3_cw02" "co3_cw02 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1087 state real ddmass_co3_cw03 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_co3_cw03" "co3_cw03 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1088 state real ddmass_co3_cw04 i%jf dvel 1 - rdu "ddmass_co3_cw04" "co3_cw04 dry deposition, accumulated" "ug/m2"
1090 # aerosol surface area diagnostic
1091 state real - ikjf aero_srf_area 1 - - -
1092 state real sulf_srf_area ikjf aero_srf_area 1 - - "sulf_srf_area" "Sulfate aerosol srf area" "cm^2"
1093 state real oc_srf_area ikjf aero_srf_area 1 - - "oc_srf_area" "Hydrophylic organic carbon aerosol srf area" "cm^2"
1094 state real bc_srf_area ikjf aero_srf_area 1 - - "bc_srf_area" "Hydrophylic black carbon aerosol srf area" "cm^2"
1095 # deposition velocities for diagnostic package, feel free to add if you like!
1097 state real dep_vel i{kdv}j{ndv} misc 1 Z r "DEP_VEL" "deposition velocity" "cm/s"
1098 state integer num_vert_mix - misc - - r "num_vert_mix" "Number of chemical species used in deposition; num_gas or num_chem" ""
1103 state real wd_so4_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_so4_sc" "SO4 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1104 state real wd_no3_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_no3_sc" "NO3 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1105 # added wet deposition totals for NH4 and OA for MOZART coupled version
1106 state real wd_nh4_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_nh4_sc" "NH4 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1107 state real wd_oa_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_oa_sc" "Organics surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1108 state real wd_so2_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_so2_sc" "SO2 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1109 state real wd_sulf_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_sulf_sc" "H2SO4 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1110 state real wd_hno3_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_hno3_sc" "HNO3 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1111 state real wd_nh3_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_nh3_sc" "NH3 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1113 state real wd_asoa_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_asoa_sc" "Anth. SOA surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1114 state real wd_bsoa_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_bsoa_sc" "Biog. SOA surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1115 state real wd_cvasoa_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_cvasoa_sc" "Anth. CVSOA surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1116 state real wd_cvbsoa_sc ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_cvbsoa_sc" "Biog. CVSOA surface wet deposition, accumulated (Sc)" "mmol/m2"
1118 state real wd_so4_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_so4_cu" "SO4 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1119 state real wd_no3_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_no3_cu" "NO3 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1120 # added wet deposition totals for NH4 and OA for MOZART coupled version
1121 state real wd_nh4_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_nh4_cu" "NH4 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1122 state real wd_oa_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_oa_cu" "Organics surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1123 state real wd_so2_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_so2_cu" "SO2 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1124 state real wd_sulf_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_sulf_cu" "H2SO4 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1125 state real wd_hno3_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_hno3_cu" "HNO3 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1126 state real wd_nh3_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_nh3_cu" "NH3 surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1128 state real wd_asoa_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_asoa_cu" "Anth. SOA surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1129 state real wd_bsoa_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_bsoa_cu" "Biog. SOA surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1130 state real wd_cvasoa_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_cvasoa_cu" "Anth. CVSOA surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1131 state real wd_cvbsoa_cu ij misc 1 - rdu "wd_cvbsoa_cu" "Biog. CVSOA surface wet deposition, accumulated (Cu)" "mmol/m2"
1134 state real aerwrf ikj misc 1 - r "AERWRF" "STANDARD AEROSOL PROFILE" "?"
1136 state real pm2_5_dry ikj misc 1 - rh "PM2_5_DRY" "pm2.5 aerosol dry mass" "ug m^-3"
1137 state real pm2_5_dry_ec ikj misc 1 - - "PM2_5_EC_DRY" "dry ec aerosol mass" "ug m^-3"
1138 state real pm2_5_water ikj misc 1 - - "PM2_5_WATER" "pm2.5 aerosol liquid water content" "ug m^-3"
1139 state real pm10 ikj misc 1 - h "pm10 " "pm10 dry mass" "ug m^-3"
1140 state real uvrad ij misc 1 - - "uv_rad " "uvb net-radiation" "W m^-2"
1141 state real tcosz ij misc 1 - - "TCOSZ " "daily average cossza" "?"
1142 state real ttday ij misc 1 - - "TTDAY " "" "?"
1145 state real tsoa ikj misc 1 - r "TSOA" "soa dry mass" "ug m^-3"
1146 state real bsoa ikj misc 1 - r "BSOA" "bsoa dry mass" "ug m^-3"
1147 state real asoa ikj misc 1 - r "ASOA" "asoa dry mass" "ug m^-3"
1149 # dms_0 is the dms concentration in the ocean (aqueous phase) and it should be in the unit of nM/L (1.e-9mol/L)
1150 state real dms_0 ij misc 1 - i08rh "DMS_0 " "dms oceanic concentrations" "nM/L"
1152 #Diagnostic Aerosol species
1153 state real hoa_a01 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_a01" "hoa_a01" "ug m^-3"
1154 state real hoa_a02 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_a02" "hoa_a02" "ug m^-3"
1155 state real hoa_a03 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_a03" "hoa_a03" "ug m^-3"
1156 state real hoa_a04 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_a04" "hoa_a04" "ug m^-3"
1157 state real hoa_a05 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_a05" "hoa_a05" "ug m^-3"
1158 state real hoa_a06 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_a06" "hoa_a06" "ug m^-3"
1159 state real hoa_a07 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_a07" "hoa_a07" "ug m^-3"
1160 state real hoa_a08 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_a08" "hoa_a08" "ug m^-3"
1162 state real soa_a01 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_a01" "soa_a01" "ug m^-3"
1163 state real soa_a02 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_a02" "soa_a02" "ug m^-3"
1164 state real soa_a03 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_a03" "soa_a03" "ug m^-3"
1165 state real soa_a04 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_a04" "soa_a04" "ug m^-3"
1166 state real soa_a05 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_a05" "soa_a05" "ug m^-3"
1167 state real soa_a06 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_a06" "soa_a06" "ug m^-3"
1168 state real soa_a07 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_a07" "soa_a07" "ug m^-3"
1169 state real soa_a08 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_a08" "soa_a08" "ug m^-3"
1171 state real bboa_a01 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_a01" "bboa_a01" "ug m^-3"
1172 state real bboa_a02 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_a02" "bboa_a02" "ug m^-3"
1173 state real bboa_a03 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_a03" "bboa_a03" "ug m^-3"
1174 state real bboa_a04 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_a04" "bboa_a04" "ug m^-3"
1175 state real bboa_a05 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_a05" "bboa_a05" "ug m^-3"
1176 state real bboa_a06 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_a06" "bboa_a06" "ug m^-3"
1177 state real bboa_a07 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_a07" "bboa_a07" "ug m^-3"
1178 state real bboa_a08 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_a08" "bboa_a08" "ug m^-3"
1180 state real bbsoa_a01 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_a01" "bbsoa_a01" "ug m^-3"
1181 state real bbsoa_a02 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_a02" "bbsoa_a02" "ug m^-3"
1182 state real bbsoa_a03 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_a03" "bbsoa_a03" "ug m^-3"
1183 state real bbsoa_a04 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_a04" "bbsoa_a04" "ug m^-3"
1184 state real bbsoa_a05 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_a05" "bbsoa_a05" "ug m^-3"
1185 state real bbsoa_a06 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_a06" "bbsoa_a06" "ug m^-3"
1186 state real bbsoa_a07 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_a07" "bbsoa_a07" "ug m^-3"
1187 state real bbsoa_a08 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_a08" "bbsoa_a08" "ug m^-3"
1189 state real hsoa_a01 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_a01" "hsoa_a01" "ug m^-3"
1190 state real hsoa_a02 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_a02" "hsoa_a02" "ug m^-3"
1191 state real hsoa_a03 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_a03" "hsoa_a03" "ug m^-3"
1192 state real hsoa_a04 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_a04" "hsoa_a04" "ug m^-3"
1193 state real hsoa_a05 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_a05" "hsoa_a05" "ug m^-3"
1194 state real hsoa_a06 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_a06" "hsoa_a06" "ug m^-3"
1195 state real hsoa_a07 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_a07" "hsoa_a07" "ug m^-3"
1196 state real hsoa_a08 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_a08" "hsoa_a08" "ug m^-3"
1198 state real biog_a01 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_a01" "biog_a01" "ug m^-3"
1199 state real biog_a02 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_a02" "biog_a02" "ug m^-3"
1200 state real biog_a03 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_a03" "biog_a03" "ug m^-3"
1201 state real biog_a04 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_a04" "biog_a04" "ug m^-3"
1202 state real biog_a05 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_a05" "biog_a05" "ug m^-3"
1203 state real biog_a06 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_a06" "biog_a06" "ug m^-3"
1204 state real biog_a07 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_a07" "biog_a07" "ug m^-3"
1205 state real biog_a08 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_a08" "biog_a08" "ug m^-3"
1207 state real arosoa_a01 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_a01" "arosoa_a01" "ug m^-3"
1208 state real arosoa_a02 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_a02" "arosoa_a02" "ug m^-3"
1209 state real arosoa_a03 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_a03" "arosoa_a03" "ug m^-3"
1210 state real arosoa_a04 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_a04" "arosoa_a04" "ug m^-3"
1211 state real arosoa_a05 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_a05" "arosoa_a05" "ug m^-3"
1212 state real arosoa_a06 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_a06" "arosoa_a06" "ug m^-3"
1213 state real arosoa_a07 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_a07" "arosoa_a07" "ug m^-3"
1214 state real arosoa_a08 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_a08" "arosoa_a08" "ug m^-3"
1216 state real totoa_a01 ikj misc 1 - r "totoa_a01" "totoa_a01" "ug m^-3"
1217 state real totoa_a02 ikj misc 1 - r "totoa_a02" "totoa_a02" "ug m^-3"
1218 state real totoa_a03 ikj misc 1 - r "totoa_a03" "totoa_a03" "ug m^-3"
1219 state real totoa_a04 ikj misc 1 - r "totoa_a04" "totoa_a04" "ug m^-3"
1220 state real totoa_a05 ikj misc 1 - r "totoa_a05" "totoa_a05" "ug m^-3"
1221 state real totoa_a06 ikj misc 1 - r "totoa_a06" "totoa_a06" "ug m^-3"
1222 state real totoa_a07 ikj misc 1 - r "totoa_a07" "totoa_a07" "ug m^-3"
1223 state real totoa_a08 ikj misc 1 - r "totoa_a08" "totoa_a08" "ug m^-3"
1225 state real hsoa_c ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_c" "hsoa_c" "ug m^-3"
1226 state real hsoa_o ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_o" "hsoa_o" "ug m^-3"
1227 state real bbsoa_c ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_c" "bbsoa_c" "ug m^-3"
1228 state real bbsoa_o ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_o" "bbsoa_o" "ug m^-3"
1229 state real biog_v1 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_v1" "biog_v1" "ug m^-3"
1230 state real biog_v2 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_v2" "biog_v2" "ug m^-3"
1231 state real biog_v3 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_v3" "biog_v3" "ug m^-3"
1232 state real biog_v4 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_v4" "biog_v4" "ug m^-3"
1233 state real ant_v1 ikj misc 1 - - "ant_v1" "ant_v1" "ug m^-3"
1234 state real ant_v2 ikj misc 1 - - "ant_v2" "ant_v2" "ug m^-3"
1235 state real ant_v3 ikj misc 1 - - "ant_v3" "ant_v3" "ug m^-3"
1236 state real ant_v4 ikj misc 1 - - "ant_v4" "ant_v4" "ug m^-3"
1238 state integer vbs_nbin v misc 1 - r "vbs_nbin" "vbs_nbin" ""
1240 #Diagnostic Aerosol species for cloud borne species
1241 state real hoa_cw01 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_cw01" "hoa_cw01" "ug m^-3"
1242 state real hoa_cw02 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_cw02" "hoa_cw02" "ug m^-3"
1243 state real hoa_cw03 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_cw03" "hoa_cw03" "ug m^-3"
1244 state real hoa_cw04 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_cw04" "hoa_cw04" "ug m^-3"
1245 state real hoa_cw05 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_cw05" "hoa_cw05" "ug m^-3"
1246 state real hoa_cw06 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_cw06" "hoa_cw06" "ug m^-3"
1247 state real hoa_cw07 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_cw07" "hoa_cw07" "ug m^-3"
1248 state real hoa_cw08 ikj misc 1 - - "hoa_cw08" "hoa_cw08" "ug m^-3"
1250 state real soa_cw01 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_cw01" "soa_cw01" "ug m^-3"
1251 state real soa_cw02 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_cw02" "soa_cw02" "ug m^-3"
1252 state real soa_cw03 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_cw03" "soa_cw03" "ug m^-3"
1253 state real soa_cw04 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_cw04" "soa_cw04" "ug m^-3"
1254 state real soa_cw05 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_cw05" "soa_cw05" "ug m^-3"
1255 state real soa_cw06 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_cw06" "soa_cw06" "ug m^-3"
1256 state real soa_cw07 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_cw07" "soa_cw07" "ug m^-3"
1257 state real soa_cw08 ikj misc 1 - - "soa_cw08" "soa_cw08" "ug m^-3"
1259 state real bboa_cw01 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_cw01" "bboa_cw01" "ug m^-3"
1260 state real bboa_cw02 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_cw02" "bboa_cw02" "ug m^-3"
1261 state real bboa_cw03 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_cw03" "bboa_cw03" "ug m^-3"
1262 state real bboa_cw04 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_cw04" "bboa_cw04" "ug m^-3"
1263 state real bboa_cw05 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_cw05" "bboa_cw05" "ug m^-3"
1264 state real bboa_cw06 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_cw06" "bboa_cw06" "ug m^-3"
1265 state real bboa_cw07 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_cw07" "bboa_cw07" "ug m^-3"
1266 state real bboa_cw08 ikj misc 1 - - "bboa_cw08" "bboa_cw08" "ug m^-3"
1268 state real bbsoa_cw01 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_cw01" "bbsoa_cw01" "ug m^-3"
1269 state real bbsoa_cw02 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_cw02" "bbsoa_cw02" "ug m^-3"
1270 state real bbsoa_cw03 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_cw03" "bbsoa_cw03" "ug m^-3"
1271 state real bbsoa_cw04 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_cw04" "bbsoa_cw04" "ug m^-3"
1272 state real bbsoa_cw05 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_cw05" "bbsoa_cw05" "ug m^-3"
1273 state real bbsoa_cw06 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_cw06" "bbsoa_cw06" "ug m^-3"
1274 state real bbsoa_cw07 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_cw07" "bbsoa_cw07" "ug m^-3"
1275 state real bbsoa_cw08 ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_cw08" "bbsoa_cw08" "ug m^-3"
1277 state real hsoa_cw01 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_cw01" "hsoa_cw01" "ug m^-3"
1278 state real hsoa_cw02 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_cw02" "hsoa_cw02" "ug m^-3"
1279 state real hsoa_cw03 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_cw03" "hsoa_cw03" "ug m^-3"
1280 state real hsoa_cw04 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_cw04" "hsoa_cw04" "ug m^-3"
1281 state real hsoa_cw05 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_cw05" "hsoa_cw05" "ug m^-3"
1282 state real hsoa_cw06 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_cw06" "hsoa_cw06" "ug m^-3"
1283 state real hsoa_cw07 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_cw07" "hsoa_cw07" "ug m^-3"
1284 state real hsoa_cw08 ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_cw08" "hsoa_cw08" "ug m^-3"
1286 state real biog_cw01 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_cw01" "biog_cw01" "ug m^-3"
1287 state real biog_cw02 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_cw02" "biog_cw02" "ug m^-3"
1288 state real biog_cw03 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_cw03" "biog_cw03" "ug m^-3"
1289 state real biog_cw04 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_cw04" "biog_cw04" "ug m^-3"
1290 state real biog_cw05 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_cw05" "biog_cw05" "ug m^-3"
1291 state real biog_cw06 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_cw06" "biog_cw06" "ug m^-3"
1292 state real biog_cw07 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_cw07" "biog_cw07" "ug m^-3"
1293 state real biog_cw08 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_cw08" "biog_cw08" "ug m^-3"
1295 state real arosoa_cw01 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_cw01" "arosoa_cw01" "ug m^-3"
1296 state real arosoa_cw02 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_cw02" "arosoa_cw02" "ug m^-3"
1297 state real arosoa_cw03 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_cw03" "arosoa_cw03" "ug m^-3"
1298 state real arosoa_cw04 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_cw04" "arosoa_cw04" "ug m^-3"
1299 state real arosoa_cw05 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_cw05" "arosoa_cw05" "ug m^-3"
1300 state real arosoa_cw06 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_cw06" "arosoa_cw06" "ug m^-3"
1301 state real arosoa_cw07 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_cw07" "arosoa_cw07" "ug m^-3"
1302 state real arosoa_cw08 ikj misc 1 - - "arosoa_cw08" "arosoa_cw08" "ug m^-3"
1304 state real totoa_cw01 ikj misc 1 - - "totoa_cw01" "totoa_cw01" "ug m^-3"
1305 state real totoa_cw02 ikj misc 1 - - "totoa_cw02" "totoa_cw02" "ug m^-3"
1306 state real totoa_cw03 ikj misc 1 - - "totoa_cw03" "totoa_cw03" "ug m^-3"
1307 state real totoa_cw04 ikj misc 1 - - "totoa_cw04" "totoa_cw04" "ug m^-3"
1308 state real totoa_cw05 ikj misc 1 - - "totoa_cw05" "totoa_cw05" "ug m^-3"
1309 state real totoa_cw06 ikj misc 1 - - "totoa_cw06" "totoa_cw06" "ug m^-3"
1310 state real totoa_cw07 ikj misc 1 - - "totoa_cw07" "totoa_cw07" "ug m^-3"
1311 state real totoa_cw08 ikj misc 1 - - "totoa_cw08" "totoa_cw08" "ug m^-3"
1313 state real hsoa_cw_c ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_cw_c" "hsoa_cw_c" "ug m^-3"
1314 state real hsoa_cw_o ikj misc 1 - - "hsoa_cw_o" "hsoa_cw_o" "ug m^-3"
1315 state real bbsoa_cw_c ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_cw_c" "bbsoa_cw_c" "ug m^-3"
1316 state real bbsoa_cw_o ikj misc 1 - - "bbsoa_cw_o" "bbsoa_cw_o" "ug m^-3"
1317 state real ant_cw_v1 ikj misc 1 - - "ant_cw_v1" "ant_cw_v1" "ug m^-3"
1318 state real biog_cw_v1 ikj misc 1 - - "biog_cw_v1" "biog_cw_v1" "ug m^-3"
1320 state real smpa_v1 ikj misc 1 - - "smpa_v1" "smpa_v1" "ug m^-3"
1321 state real smpbb_v1 ikj misc 1 - - "smpbb_v1" "smpbb_v1" "ug m^-3"
1322 state real asmpsoa_a01 ikj misc 1 - - "asmpsoa_a01" "asmpsoa_a01" "ug m^-3"
1323 state real asmpsoa_a02 ikj misc 1 - - "asmpsoa_a02" "asmpsoa_a02" "ug m^-3"
1324 state real asmpsoa_a03 ikj misc 1 - - "asmpsoa_a03" "asmpsoa_a03" "ug m^-3"
1325 state real asmpsoa_a04 ikj misc 1 - - "asmpsoa_a04" "asmpsoa_a04" "ug m^-3"
1328 state real ph_o31d ikj misc 1 - rh "PHOTR2" "O31D Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1329 state real ph_o33p ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR3" "O33P Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1330 state real ph_no2 ikj misc 1 - rh "PHOTR4" "NO2 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1331 state real ph_no3o2 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR5" "NO3O2 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1332 state real ph_no3o ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR6" "NO3O Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1333 state real ph_hno2 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR7" "HNO2 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1334 state real ph_hno3 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR8" "HNO3 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1335 state real ph_hno4 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR9" "HNO4 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1336 state real ph_h2o2 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR10" "H2O2 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1337 state real ph_ch2or ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR11" "CH2OR Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1338 state real ph_ch2om ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR12" "CH2OM Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1339 state real ph_ch3cho ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR13" "CH3CHO Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1340 state real ph_ch3coch3 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR14" "CH3COCH3 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1341 state real ph_ch3coc2h5 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR15" "CH3COC2H5 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1342 state real ph_hcocho ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR16" "HCOCHO Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1343 state real ph_ch3cocho ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR17" "CH3COCHO Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1344 state real ph_hcochest ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR18" "HCOCHEST Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1345 state real ph_ch3o2h ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR19" "CH3O2H Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1346 state real ph_ch3coo2h ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR20" "CH3COO2H Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1347 state real ph_ch3ono2 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR21" "CH3ONO2 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1348 state real ph_hcochob ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR22" "HCOCHOB Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1349 state real ph_macr ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR1" "MACR Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1350 state real ph_n2o5 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR23" "N2O5 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1351 state real ph_o2 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR24" "O2 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1352 state real ph_pan ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR101" "pan photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1353 state real ph_acet ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR102" "acetone photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1354 state real ph_mglo ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR103" "mglo photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1355 state real ph_hno4_2 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR104" "mglo photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1356 state real ph_clno2 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR204" "CLNO2 Photolysis Rate" "min{-1}"
1357 # mozart photolysis rates
1358 state real ph_n2o ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR114" "n2o photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1359 state real ph_pooh ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR118" "pooh photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1360 state real ph_mpan ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR119" "mpan photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1361 state real ph_mvk ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR135" "mvk photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1362 state real ph_etooh ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR120" "c2h5ooh photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1363 state real ph_prooh ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR121" "c3h7ooh photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1364 state real ph_onitr ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR122" "onitr photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1365 state real ph_acetol ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR123" "hyac photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1366 state real ph_glyald ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR124" "glyald photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1367 state real ph_hyac ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR140" "hyac photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1368 state real ph_mek ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR125" "mek photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1369 state real ph_open ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR126" "bigald photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1370 state real ph_gly ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR127" "glyoxal photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1371 state real ph_acetp ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR128" "rooh photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1372 state real ph_xooh ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR129" "xooh photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1373 state real ph_isooh ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR130" "isopooh photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1374 state real ph_alkooh ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR131" "alkooh photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1375 state real ph_mekooh ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR132" "mekooh photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1376 state real ph_tolooh ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR133" "tolooh photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1377 state real ph_terpooh ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR134" "terpooh photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1378 # cb05cl photolysis rates
1379 state real ph_cl2 ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR201" "cl2 photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1380 state real ph_hocl ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR202" "hocl photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1381 state real ph_fmcl ikj misc 1 - r "PHOTR203" "fmcl photolysis rate" "min{-1}"
1382 # photolysis rad field diagnostic variables
1383 state real ph_par ikj misc 1 - - "ph_par" "Photosynthetic Active Radiation" "W m-2"
1384 state real ph_erythema ikj misc 1 - - "ph_erythema" "Erythema Action Spectrum" "W m-2"
1385 state real af_dir ikj misc 1 - - "af_dir" "actinic direct solar flux" "W m-2 nm-1"
1386 state real af_up ikj misc 1 - - "af_up" "actinic up flux" "W m-2 nm-1"
1387 state real af_dn ikj misc 1 - - "af_dn" "actinic down flux" "W m-2 nm-1"
1388 state real dt_cld ikj misc 1 - - "dt_cld" "cloud optical depth" ""
1391 # Aerosol optical properties from Mie code for rrtmg radiation
1392 state real extaerlw1 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER1" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1393 state real extaerlw2 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER2" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1394 state real extaerlw3 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER3" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1395 state real extaerlw4 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER4" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1396 state real extaerlw5 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER5" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1397 state real extaerlw6 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER6" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1398 state real extaerlw7 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER7" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1399 state real extaerlw8 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER8" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1400 state real extaerlw9 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER9" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1401 state real extaerlw10 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER10" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1402 state real extaerlw11 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER11" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1403 state real extaerlw12 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER12" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1404 state real extaerlw13 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER13" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1405 state real extaerlw14 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER14" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1406 state real extaerlw15 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER15" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1407 state real extaerlw16 ikj misc 1 - r "LWEXTAER16" "layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1408 state real tauaerlw1 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER1" "layer optical thickness" " "
1409 state real tauaerlw2 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER2" "layer optical thickness" " "
1410 state real tauaerlw3 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER3" "layer optical thickness" " "
1411 state real tauaerlw4 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER4" "layer optical thickness" " "
1412 state real tauaerlw5 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER5" "layer optical thickness" " "
1413 state real tauaerlw6 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER6" "layer optical thickness" " "
1414 state real tauaerlw7 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER7" "layer optical thickness" " "
1415 state real tauaerlw8 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER8" "layer optical thickness" " "
1416 state real tauaerlw9 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER9" "layer optical thickness" " "
1417 state real tauaerlw10 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER10" "layer optical thickness" " "
1418 state real tauaerlw11 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER11" "layer optical thickness" " "
1419 state real tauaerlw12 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER12" "layer optical thickness" " "
1420 state real tauaerlw13 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER13" "layer optical thickness" " "
1421 state real tauaerlw14 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER14" "layer optical thickness" " "
1422 state real tauaerlw15 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER15" "layer optical thickness" " "
1423 state real tauaerlw16 ikj misc 1 - r "LWTAUAER16" "layer optical thickness" " "
1424 # Aerosol optical properties from Mie code
1425 state real extaer1 ikj misc 1 - - "EXTAER1" "bin 1 layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1426 state real extaer2 ikj misc 1 - - "EXTAER2" "bin 2 layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1427 state real extaer3 ikj misc 1 - - "EXTAER3" "bin 3 layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1428 state real extaer4 ikj misc 1 - - "EXTAER4" "bin 4 layer extinction coef" "1/km"
1429 state real tauaer1 ikj misc 1 - r "TAUAER1" "bin 1 layer optical thickness" "?"
1430 state real tauaer2 ikj misc 1 - r "TAUAER2" "bin 2 layer optical thickness" "?"
1431 state real tauaer3 ikj misc 1 - r "TAUAER3" "bin 3 layer optical thickness" "?"
1432 state real tauaer4 ikj misc 1 - r "TAUAER4" "bin 4 layer optical thickness" "?"
1433 state real gaer1 ikj misc 1 - r "GAER1" "bin 1 layer assymetry parameter" "?"
1434 state real gaer2 ikj misc 1 - r "GAER2" "bin 2 layer assymetry parameter" "?"
1435 state real gaer3 ikj misc 1 - r "GAER3" "bin 3 layer assymetry parameter" "?"
1436 state real gaer4 ikj misc 1 - r "GAER4" "bin 4 layer assymetry parameter" "?"
1437 state real waer1 ikj misc 1 - r "WAER1" "bin 1 layer single-scattering albedo" "?"
1438 state real waer2 ikj misc 1 - r "WAER2" "bin 2 layer single-scattering albedo" "?"
1439 state real waer3 ikj misc 1 - r "WAER3" "bin 3 layer single-scattering albedo" "?"
1440 state real waer4 ikj misc 1 - r "WAER4" "bin 4 layer single-scattering albedo" "?"
1441 state real bscoef1 ikj misc 1 - r "BSCOEF1" "bin 1 layer backscatter" "?"
1442 state real bscoef2 ikj misc 1 - r "BSCOEF2" "bin 2 layer backscatter" "?"
1443 state real bscoef3 ikj misc 1 - r "BSCOEF3" "bin 3 layer backscatter" "?"
1444 state real bscoef4 ikj misc 1 - r "BSCOEF4" "bin 4 layer backscatter" "?"
1445 state real l2aer ikj= misc 1 - r "L2AER" "legendre polynomial 2" "?"
1446 state real l3aer ikj= misc 1 - r "L3AER" "legendre polynomial 3" "?"
1447 state real l4aer ikj= misc 1 - r "L4AER" "legendre polynomial 4" "?"
1448 state real l5aer ikj= misc 1 - r "L5AER" "legendre polynomial 5" "?"
1449 state real l6aer ikj= misc 1 - r "L6AER" "legendre polynomial 6" "?"
1450 state real l7aer ikj= misc 1 - r "L7AER" "legendre polynomial 7" "?"
1452 # chem variables for "cup" convective cloud parameterization
1453 state integer chem_cupflag ikj misc 1 - - "CHEM_CUPFLAG" "flag for cup chemistry - positive when there is cup conv. cloud chemistry at ikj"
1455 state real co_a_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "CO_A_IC_CUP" "interstitial CO within convective cloud" "ppmv"
1456 state real hno3_a_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "HNO3_A_IC_CUP" "interstitial HNO3 within convective cloud" "ppmv"
1457 state real so4_a_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "SO4_A_1to4_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1458 state real so4_cw_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "SO4_CW_1to4_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne sulfate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1459 state real nh4_a_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "NH4_A_1to4_IC_CUP" "interstitial ammonium (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1460 state real nh4_cw_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "NH4_CW_1to4_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne ammonium (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1461 state real no3_a_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "NO3_A_1to4_IC_CUP" "interstitial nitrate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1462 state real no3_cw_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "NO3_CW_1to4_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne nitrate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1463 state real oa_a_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "OA_A_1to4_IC_CUP" "interstitial organic aerosol (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1464 state real oa_cw_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "OA_CW_1to4_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne organic aerosol (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1465 state real oin_a_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "OIN_A_1to4_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1466 state real oin_cw_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "OIN_CW_1to4_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne sulfate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1467 state real bc_a_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "BC_A_1to4_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1468 state real bc_cw_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "BC_CW_1to4_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne sulfate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1469 state real na_a_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "Na_A_1to4_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1470 state real na_cw_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "Na_CW_1to4_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne sulfate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1471 state real cl_a_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "Cl_A_1to4_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1472 state real cl_cw_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "Cl_CW_1to4_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne sulfate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1473 state real so4_a_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "SO4_A_5to6_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500 ) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1474 state real so4_cw_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "SO4_CW_5to6_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne sulfate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1475 state real nh4_a_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "NH4_A_5to6_IC_CUP" "interstitial ammonium (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1476 state real nh4_cw_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "NH4_CW_5to6_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne ammonium (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1477 state real no3_a_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "NO3_A_5to6_IC_CUP" "interstitial nitrate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1478 state real no3_cw_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "NO3_CW_5to6_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne nitrate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1479 state real oa_a_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "OA_A_5to6_IC_CUP" "interstitial organic aerosol (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1480 state real oa_cw_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "OA_CW_5to6_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne organic aerosol (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1481 state real oin_a_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "OIN_A_5to6_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1482 state real oin_cw_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "OIN_CW_5to6_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne sulfate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1483 state real bc_a_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "BC_A_5to6_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1484 state real bc_cw_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "BC_CW_5to6_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne sulfate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1485 state real na_a_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "Na_A_5to6_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1486 state real na_cw_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "Na_CW_5to6_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne sulfate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1487 state real cl_a_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "Cl_A_5to6_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1488 state real cl_cw_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "Cl_CW_5to6_IC_CUP" "cloud-borne sulfate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1489 state real water_1to4_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "WATER_1to4_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry<625 nm) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1490 state real water_5to6_ic_cup ikj misc 1 - - "WATER_5to6_IC_CUP" "interstitial sulfate (Ddry>625 nm and Ddry<2500) within convective cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
1493 # non-transported aerosol variables
1494 state real h2oaj ikj misc 1 - r "h2oaj" "Aerosol water conc. Acc.mode" "?"
1495 state real h2oai ikj misc 1 - r "h2oai" "Aerosol water conc. Aitken mode" "?"
1496 state real nu3 ikj misc 1 - r "nu3" "3rd moment Aitken mode" "?"
1497 state real ac3 ikj misc 1 - r "ac3" "3rd moment Acc. mode" "?"
1498 state real cor3 ikj misc 1 - r "cor3" "3rd moment coarse mode" "?"
1499 state real asulf ikj misc 1 - r "asulf" "sulfuric acid vapor deposition" "?"
1500 state real ahno3 ikj misc 1 - r "ahno3" "nitric acid vapor deposition" "?"
1501 state real anh3 ikj misc 1 - r "anh3" "amonia gas concentration" "?"
1502 state real cvaro1 ikj misc 1 - r "cvaro1" "cond.vapor from aromatics" "?"
1503 state real cvaro2 ikj misc 1 - r "cvaro2" "cond.vapor from aromatics" "?"
1504 state real cvalk1 ikj misc 1 - r "cvalk1" "cond.vapor from alkanes" "?"
1505 state real cvole1 ikj misc 1 - r "cvole1" "cond.vapor from olefines" "?"
1506 state real cvapi1 ikj misc 1 - r "cvapi1" "cond.vapor from biogenics" "?"
1507 state real cvapi2 ikj misc 1 - r "cvapi2" "cond.vapor from biogenics" "?"
1508 state real cvlim1 ikj misc 1 - r "cvlim1" "cond.vapor from biogenics" "?"
1509 state real cvlim2 ikj misc 1 - r "cvlim2" "cond.vapor from biogenics" "?"
1510 state real snu ikj misc 1 - rh "snu" "2nd moment Aitken mode" "m2 m-3"
1511 state real sac ikj misc 1 - rh "sac" "2nd moment Aitken mode" "m2 m-3"
1512 # non-transported radical species for RACM
1513 state real addt ikj misc 1 - r "addt" "Radicals" "ppm"
1514 state real addx ikj misc 1 - r "addx" "Radicals" "ppm"
1515 state real addc ikj misc 1 - r "addc" "Radicals" "ppm"
1516 state real etep ikj misc 1 - r "etep" "Radicals" "ppm"
1517 state real oltp ikj misc 1 - r "oltp" "Radicals" "ppm"
1518 state real olip ikj misc 1 - r "olip" "Radicals" "ppm"
1519 state real cslp ikj misc 1 - r "cslp" "Radicals" "ppm"
1520 state real limp ikj misc 1 - r "limp" "Radicals" "ppm"
1521 state real hc5p ikj misc 1 - r "hc5p" "Radicals" "ppm"
1522 state real hc8p ikj misc 1 - r "hc8p" "Radicals" "ppm"
1523 state real tolp ikj misc 1 - r "tolp" "Radicals" "ppm"
1524 state real xylp ikj misc 1 - r "xylp" "Radicals" "ppm"
1525 state real apip ikj misc 1 - r "apip" "Radicals" "ppm"
1526 state real isop ikj misc 1 - r "isop" "Radicals" "ppm"
1527 state real hc3p ikj misc 1 - r "hc3p" "Radicals" "ppm"
1528 state real ethp ikj misc 1 - r "ethp" "Radicals" "ppm"
1529 state real o3p ikj misc 1 - r "o3p" "Radicals" "ppm"
1530 state real tco3 ikj misc 1 - r "tco3" "Radicals" "ppm"
1531 state real mo2 ikj misc 1 - r "mo2" "Radicals" "ppm"
1532 state real o1d ikj misc 1 - r "o1d" "Radicals" "ppm"
1533 state real olnn ikj misc 1 - r "olnn" "Radicals" "ppm"
1534 state real olnd ikj misc 1 - r "olnd" "Radicals" "ppm"
1535 state real rpho ikj misc 1 - r "rpho" "Radicals" "ppm"
1536 state real xo2 ikj misc 1 - r "xo2" "Radicals" "ppm"
1537 state real ketp ikj misc 1 - r "ketp" "Radicals" "ppm"
1538 #cms++ radicals from RADM2-KPP, RACM-MIM
1539 state real xno2 ikj misc 1 - r "xno2" "Radicals" "ppm"
1540 state real ol2p ikj misc 1 - r "ol2p" "Radicals" "ppm"
1541 state real oln ikj misc 1 - r "oln" "Radicals" "ppm"
1542 state real macp ikj misc 1 - r "macp" "Radicals" "ppm"
1544 #Additional SAPRCNOV non transported radicals
1545 state real hocoo ikj misc 1 - r "hocoo" "Radicals" "ppm"
1546 state real bzno2_o ikj misc 1 - r "bzno2_o" "Radicals" "ppm"
1547 state real bz_o ikj misc 1 - r "bz_o" "Radicals" "ppm"
1548 state real tbu_o ikj misc 1 - r "tbu_o" "Radicals" "ppm"
1551 # Additional variables for CO2 and GHG options
1552 # The following variables are to run the VPRM model; The vegfra_vprm is for VPRM only and it's different than VEGFRA in wrfinput
1553 state real - i{ghgv}jf vprm_in - - - - "VPRM input fields" ""
1554 state real vegfra_vprm i{ghgv}jf vprm_in 1 - i{15}r "VEGFRA_VPRM" " " " "
1555 state real evi i{ghgv}jf vprm_in 1 - i{15}r "EVI" " " " "
1556 state real evi_min i{ghgv}jf vprm_in 1 - i{15}r "EVI_MIN" " " " "
1557 state real evi_max i{ghgv}jf vprm_in 1 - i{15}r "EVI_MAX" " " " "
1558 state real lswi i{ghgv}jf vprm_in 1 - i{15}r "LSWI" " " " "
1559 state real lswi_max i{ghgv}jf vprm_in 1 - i{15}r "LSWI_MAX" " " " "
1560 state real lswi_min i{ghgv}jf vprm_in 1 - i{15}r "LSWI_MIN" " " " "
1562 # VPRM parameters to constrain GEE and RESP fluxes
1563 state real rad_vprm {ghgv} misc 1 - - "RAD_VPRM" " " " "
1564 state real lambda_vprm {ghgv} misc 1 - - "LAMBDA_VPRM" " " " "
1565 state real alpha_vprm {ghgv} misc 1 - - "ALPHA_VPRM" " " " "
1566 state real resp_vprm {ghgv} misc 1 - - "RESP_VPRM" " " " "
1568 # Parameters and fields to run the Kaplan model
1569 state real - ivjf wet_in - - - - "Wetland input fields" ""
1570 state real cpool ivjf wet_in 1 - i{15}r "CPOOL" "LPJ Carbon pool" "gC/m^2"
1571 state real wetmap ivjf wet_in 1 - i{15}r "WETMAP" "Kaplan potential wetland map" ""
1572 state real t_ann ivjf wet_in 1 - i{15}r "T_ANN" "mean annual temperature" "K"
1574 # Parameters to for calculating the termite emissions online
1575 state real biomt_par {ghgt} misc 1 - - "BIOMT_PAR" "biomass termite per vegetation type" "g/m^2"
1576 state real emit_par {ghgt} misc 1 - - "EMIT_PAR" " " " "
1579 state real - ikjftb chem 1 - - -
1580 state real so2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so2" "SO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1581 state real sulf ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "sulf" "SULF mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1582 state real no2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no2" "NO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1583 state real no ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no" "NO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1584 state real o3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "o3" "O3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1585 state real hno3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hno3" "HNO3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1586 state real h2o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "h2o2" "H2O2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1587 state real ald ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ald" "ALD mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1588 state real hcho ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hcho" "HCHO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1589 state real op1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "op1" "OP1 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1590 state real op2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "op2" "OP2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1591 state real paa ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "paa" "PAA mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1592 state real ora1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ora1" "ORA1 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1593 state real ora2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ora2" "ORA2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1594 state real nh3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh3" "NH3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1595 state real n2o5 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "n2o5" "N2O5 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1596 state real no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3" "NO3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1597 state real pan ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pan" "PAN mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1598 state real hc3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hc3" "HC3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1599 state real hc5 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hc5" "HC5 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1600 state real hc8 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hc8" "HC8 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1601 state real eth ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "eth" "ETH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1602 state real co ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co" "CO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1603 state real ol2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ol2" "OL2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1604 state real olt ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "olt" "OLT mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1605 state real oli ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oli" "OLI mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1606 state real tol ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tol" "TOL mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1607 state real xyl ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xyl" "XYL mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1608 state real aco3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aco3" "ACO3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1609 state real tpan ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tpan" "TPAN mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1610 state real hono ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hono" "HONO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1611 state real hno4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hno4" "HNO4 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1612 state real ket ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ket" "KET mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1613 state real gly ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "gly" "GLY mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1614 state real mgly ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mgly" "MGLY mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1615 state real dcb ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dcb" "DCB mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1616 state real onit ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "onit" "ONIT mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1617 state real csl ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "csl" "CSL mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1618 state real iso ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "iso" "ISO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1619 state real hcl ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hcl" "HCL mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1620 state real ho ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ho" "HO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1621 state real ho2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ho2" "HO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1622 state real aro1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro1" "ARO1 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1623 state real aro2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro2" "ARO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1624 state real alk1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk1" "ALK1 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1625 state real ole1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ole1" "OLE1 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1626 state real api1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api1" "API1 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1627 state real api2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api2" "API2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1628 state real lim1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim1" "LIM1 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1629 state real lim2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim2" "LIM2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1630 state real psd1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "psd1" "LIM2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1631 state real psd2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "psd2" "LIM2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1632 state real nume ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nume" "LIM2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1633 state real den ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "den" "LIM2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1634 state real bgas ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bgas" "Biogenic gas concentration" "ppmv"
1635 state real agas ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "agas" "Anthropogenic gas concentration" "ppmv"
1636 state real pcg1_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c" "pcg1_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1637 state real pcg2_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_c" "pcg2_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1638 state real pcg3_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_c" "pcg3_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1639 state real pcg4_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_c" "pcg4_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1640 state real pcg5_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_c" "pcg5_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1641 state real pcg6_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_c" "pcg6_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1642 state real pcg7_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_c" "pcg7_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1643 state real pcg8_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_c" "pcg8_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1644 state real pcg9_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_c" "pcg9_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1645 state real pcg1_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o" "pcg1_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1646 state real pcg2_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_o" "pcg2_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1647 state real pcg3_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_o" "pcg3_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1648 state real pcg4_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_o" "pcg4_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1649 state real pcg5_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_o" "pcg5_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1650 state real pcg6_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_o" "pcg6_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1651 state real pcg7_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_o" "pcg7_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1652 state real pcg8_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_o" "pcg8_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1653 state real pcg9_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_o" "pcg9_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1654 state real pcg1_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c" "pcg1_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1655 state real pcg2_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_c" "pcg2_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1656 state real pcg3_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_c" "pcg3_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1657 state real pcg4_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_c" "pcg4_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1658 state real pcg5_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_c" "pcg5_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1659 state real pcg6_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_c" "pcg6_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1660 state real pcg7_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_c" "pcg7_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1661 state real pcg8_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_c" "pcg8_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1662 state real pcg9_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_c" "pcg9_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1663 state real pcg1_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o" "pcg1_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1664 state real pcg2_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_o" "pcg2_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1665 state real pcg3_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_o" "pcg3_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1666 state real pcg4_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_o" "pcg4_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1667 state real pcg5_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_o" "pcg5_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1668 state real pcg6_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_o" "pcg6_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1669 state real pcg7_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_o" "pcg7_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1670 state real pcg8_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_o" "pcg8_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1671 state real pcg9_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_o" "pcg9_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1672 state real opcg1_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c" "opcg1_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1673 state real opcg2_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_c" "opcg2_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1674 state real opcg3_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_c" "opcg3_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1675 state real opcg4_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_c" "opcg4_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1676 state real opcg5_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_c" "opcg5_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1677 state real opcg6_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_c" "opcg6_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1678 state real opcg7_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_c" "opcg7_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1679 state real opcg8_b_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_c" "opcg8_b_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1680 state real opcg1_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o" "opcg1_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1681 state real opcg2_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_o" "opcg2_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1682 state real opcg3_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_o" "opcg3_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1683 state real opcg4_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_o" "opcg4_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1684 state real opcg5_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_o" "opcg5_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1685 state real opcg6_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_o" "opcg6_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1686 state real opcg7_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_o" "opcg7_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1687 state real opcg8_b_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_o" "opcg8_b_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1688 state real opcg1_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c" "opcg1_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1689 state real opcg2_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_c" "opcg2_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1690 state real opcg3_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_c" "opcg3_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1691 state real opcg4_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_c" "opcg4_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1692 state real opcg5_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_c" "opcg5_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1693 state real opcg6_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_c" "opcg6_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1694 state real opcg7_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_c" "opcg7_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1695 state real opcg8_f_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_c" "opcg8_f_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1696 state real opcg1_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o" "opcg1_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1697 state real opcg2_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_o" "opcg2_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1698 state real opcg3_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_o" "opcg3_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1699 state real opcg4_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_o" "opcg4_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1700 state real opcg5_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_o" "opcg5_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1701 state real opcg6_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_o" "opcg6_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1702 state real opcg7_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_o" "opcg7_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1703 state real opcg8_f_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_o" "opcg8_f_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1704 state real ant1_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c" "ant1_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1705 state real ant2_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_c" "ant2_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1706 state real ant3_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_c" "ant3_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1707 state real ant4_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_c" "ant4_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1708 state real ant1_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_o" "ant1_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1709 state real ant2_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_o" "ant2_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1710 state real ant3_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_o" "ant3_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1711 state real ant4_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_o" "ant4_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1712 state real biog1_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c" "biog1_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1713 state real biog2_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_c" "biog2_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1714 state real biog3_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_c" "biog3_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1715 state real biog4_c ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_c" "biog4_c mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1716 state real biog1_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_o" "biog1_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1717 state real biog2_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_o" "biog2_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1718 state real biog3_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_o" "biog3_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1719 state real biog4_o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_o" "biog4_o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1720 state real smpa ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "smpa" "smpa mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1721 state real smpbb ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "smpbb" "smpbb mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1723 #RACM has a few more variables to those of RADM2 (ETE is equivilant to OL2 from RADM2)
1724 state real ete ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ete" "ETE mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1725 state real co2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co2" "CO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1726 state real ch4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch4" "CH4 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1727 state real udd ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "udd" "UDD mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1728 state real hket ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hket" "HKET mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1729 state real api ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api" "API mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1730 state real lim ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim" "LIM mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1731 state real dien ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dien" "DIEN mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1732 state real macr ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "macr" "MACR mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1734 # MBO is a separate species in the RACM_SOA_VBS_KPP mechanism:
1735 state real mbo ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mbo" "MBO (2-Methyl-3-Buten-2-ol) mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1737 # condensable organic vapors for the RACM_SOA_VBS_KPP mechanism:
1738 state real cvasoaX ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cvasoaX" "cond.vapor from ASOAX" "ppmv"
1739 state real cvasoa1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cvasoa1" "cond.vapor from ASOA1" "ppmv"
1740 state real cvasoa2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cvasoa2" "cond.vapor from ASOA2" "ppmv"
1741 state real cvasoa3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cvasoa3" "cond.vapor from ASOA3" "ppmv"
1742 state real cvasoa4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cvasoa4" "cond.vapor from ASOA4" "ppmv"
1743 state real cvbsoaX ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cvbsoaX" "cond.vapor from BSOAX" "ppmv"
1744 state real cvbsoa1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cvbsoa1" "cond.vapor from BSOA1" "ppmv"
1745 state real cvbsoa2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cvbsoa2" "cond.vapor from BSOA2" "ppmv"
1746 state real cvbsoa3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cvbsoa3" "cond.vapor from BSOA3" "ppmv"
1747 state real cvbsoa4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cvbsoa4" "cond.vapor from BSOA4" "ppmv"
1749 #Additional CBMZ gas variables inside the chem array...
1751 state real ch3o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3o2" "CH3O2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1752 state real ethp ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ethp" "ETHP mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1753 state real ch3oh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3oh" "CH3OH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1754 state real c2h5oh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c2h5oh" "C2H5OH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1755 state real par ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "par" "PAR mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1756 state real to2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "to2" "TO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1757 state real cro ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cro" "CRO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1758 state real open ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "open" "OPEN mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1759 state real op3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "op3" "OP3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1760 state real c2o3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c2o3" "C2O3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1761 state real ro2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ro2" "RO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1762 state real ano2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ano2" "ANO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1763 state real nap ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nap" "NAP mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1764 state real xo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xo2" "XO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1765 state real xpar ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xpar" "XPAR mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1766 state real isoprd ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isoprd" "ISOPRD mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1767 state real isopp ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopp" "ISOPP mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1768 state real isopn ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopn" "ISOPN mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1769 state real isopo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopo2" "ISOPO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1770 state real dms ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dms" "DMS mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1771 state real msa ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa" "MSA mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1772 state real dmso ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dmso" "DMSO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1773 state real dmso2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dmso2" "DMSO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1774 state real ch3so2h ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3so2h" "CH3SO2H mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1775 state real ch3sch2oo ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3sch2oo" "CH3SCH2OO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1776 state real ch3so2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3so2" "CH3SO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1777 state real ch3so3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3so3" "CH3SO3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1778 state real ch3so2oo ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3so2oo" "CH3SO2OO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1779 state real ch3so2ch2oo ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3so2ch2oo" "CH3SO2CH2OO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1780 state real mtf ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mtf" "MTF mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1782 #Additional CBM4 gas variables inside the chem array...
1784 state real ald2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ald2" "ALD2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1785 state real ror ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ror" "ROR mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1786 state real ole ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ole" "OLE mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1787 state real cres ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cres" "CRES mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1788 state real xo2n ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xo2n" "XO2N mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1789 state real pna ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pna" "PNA mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1790 state real o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "o" "o mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1791 state real o1d_cb4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "o1d_cb4" "o1d_cb4 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1793 #Additional MOZART gas variables inside the chem array...
1794 state real n2o ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "n2o" "N2O mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1795 state real ch3ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3ooh" "CH3OOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1796 state real h2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "h2" "H2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1797 state real so4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4" "SO4 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1798 state real eo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "eo2" "EO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1799 state real mco3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mco3" "MCO3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1800 state real xooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xooh" "XOOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1801 state real onitr ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "onitr" "ONITR mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1802 state real glyald ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glyald" "GLYALD mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1803 state real alkooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alkooh" "ALKOOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1804 state real tolooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tolooh" "TOLOOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1805 state real terpooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "terpooh" "TERPOOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1806 state real nh4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4" "NH4 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1807 state real eo ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "eo" "EO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1808 state real po2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "po2" "PO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1809 state real bigene ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bigene" "BIGENE mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1810 state real bigalk ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bigalk" "BIGALK mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1811 state real eneo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "eneo2" "ENEO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1812 state real alko2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alko2" "ALKO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1813 state real hydrald ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hydrald" "HYDRALD mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1814 state real c10h16 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c10h16" "C10H16 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1815 state real terpo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "terpo2" "TERPO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1816 state real tolo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tolo2" "TOLO2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1817 state real xoh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xoh" "XOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1818 state real hoch2oo ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hoch2oo" "HOCH2OO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1819 state real bepomuc ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bepomuc" "bepomuc mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1820 state real benzo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "benzo2" "benzo2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1821 state real pheno2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pheno2" "pheno2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1822 state real pheno ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pheno" "pheno mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1823 state real phenooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "phenooh" "phenooh mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1824 state real c6h5o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c6h5o2" "c6h5o2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1825 state real c6h5ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c6h5ooh" "c6h5ooh mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1826 state real benzooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "benzooh" "benzooh mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1827 state real bigald1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bigald1" "bigald1 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1828 state real bigald2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bigald2" "bigald2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1829 state real bigald3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bigald3" "bigald3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1830 state real bigald4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bigald4" "bigald4 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1831 state real malo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "malo2" "malo2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1832 state real tepomuc ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tepomuc" "tepomuc mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1833 state real bzoo ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bzoo" "bzoo mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1834 state real bzooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bzooh" "bzooh mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1835 state real acbzo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "acbzo2" "acbzo2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1836 state real dicarbo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dicarbo2" "dicarbo2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1837 state real mdialo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mdialo2" "mdialo2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1838 state real xylenes ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xylenes" "xylenes mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1839 state real xylol ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xylol" "xylol mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1840 state real xylolo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xylolo2" "xylolo2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1841 state real xylolooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xylolooh" "xylolooh mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1842 state real xyleno2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xyleno2" "xyleno2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1843 state real xylenooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xylenooh" "xylenooh mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1844 state real pbznit ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pbznit" "pbznit mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1845 state real mboo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mboo2" "MBOO2 concentration" "ppmv"
1846 state real hmprop ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hmprop" "HMPROP concentration" "ppmv"
1847 state real hmpropo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hmpropo2" "HMPROPO2 concentration" "ppmv"
1848 state real mboooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mboooh" "MBOOOH concentration" "ppmv"
1849 state real mbono3o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mbono3o2" "MBONO3O2 concentration" "ppmv"
1850 state real apin ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "apin" "APIN mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1851 state real bpin ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bpin" "BPIN mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1852 state real limon ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "limon" "LIMON mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1853 state real myrc ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "myrc" "MYRC mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1854 state real bcary ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bcary" "BCARY C15H24 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1855 state real terprod1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "terprod1" "TERPROD1 -> C10H16O2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1856 state real terprod2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "terprod2" "TERPROD2 -> C9H14O2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1857 state real terp2o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "terp2o2" "TERP2O2 -> C10H15O4 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1858 state real terp2ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "terp2ooh" "TERP2OOH -> C10H16O4 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1859 state real nterpo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nterpo2" "NTERPO2 -> C10H16NO5 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1861 #Additional T1 MOZART gas variables inside the chem array...
1862 state real alknit ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alknit" "alknit mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1863 state real bzald ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bzald" "bzald mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1864 state real ch3cn ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3cn" "ch3cn mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1865 state real eooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "eooh" "eooh mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1866 state real hcn ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hcn" "hcn mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1867 state real honitr ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "honitr" "honitr mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1868 state real hpald ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hpald" "hpald mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1869 state real iepox ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "iepox" "iepox mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1870 state real isopnita ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopnita" "isopnita mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1871 state real isopnitb ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopnitb" "isopnitb mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1872 state real isopnooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopnooh" "isopnooh mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1873 state real isopao2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopao2" "isopao2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1874 state real isopbo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopbo2" "isopbo2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1875 state real nc4ch2oh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nc4ch2oh" "nc4ch2oh mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1876 state real nc4cho ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nc4cho" "nc4cho mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1877 state real nterpooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nterpooh" "nterpooh mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1878 state real phenol ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "phenol" "phenol mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1879 state real terpnit ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "terpnit" "terpnit mixing ratio" "ppmv"
1880 #volcanic ash variables inside the chem array...
1882 state real vash_1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "vash_1" "vash1 mixing ratio" "ug/kg-dryair"
1883 state real vash_2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "vash_2" "vash2 mixing ratio" "ug/kg-dryair"
1884 state real vash_3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "vash_3" "vash3 mixing ratio" "ug/kg-dryair"
1885 state real vash_4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "vash_4" "vash4 mixing ratio" "ug/kg-dryair"
1886 state real vash_5 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "vash_5" "vash5 mixing ratio" "ug/kg-dryair"
1887 state real vash_6 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "vash_6" "vash6 mixing ratio" "ug/kg-dryair"
1888 state real vash_7 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "vash_7" "vash7 mixing ratio" "ug/kg-dryair"
1889 state real vash_8 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "vash_8" "vash8 mixing ratio" "ug/kg-dryair"
1890 state real vash_9 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "vash_9" "vash9 mixing ratio" "ug/kg-dryair"
1891 state real vash_10 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "vash_10" "vash10 mixing ratio" "ug/kg-dryair"
1893 #Additional crimech gas variables inside the chem array...
1894 state real hso3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hso3" "HSO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1895 state real so3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so3" "SO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1896 state real nc4h10 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nc4h10" "NC4H10 concentration" "ppmv"
1897 state real benzene ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "benzene" "BENZENE concentration" "ppmv"
1898 state real oxyl ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oxyl" "OXYL concentration" "ppmv"
1899 state real npropol ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "npropol" "NPROPOL concentration" "ppmv"
1900 state real tbut2ene ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tbut2ene" "TBUT2ENE concentration" "ppmv"
1901 state real c2h5cho ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c2h5cho" "C2H5CHO concentration" "ppmv"
1902 state real ch3co2h ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3co2h" "CH3CO2H concentration" "ppmv"
1903 state real ic3h7no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ic3h7no3" "IC3H7NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1904 state real ipropol ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ipropol" "IPROPOL concentration" "ppmv"
1905 state real ch3no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3no3" "CH3NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1906 state real c2h5no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c2h5no3" "C2H5NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1907 state real hoc2h4no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hoc2h4no3" "HOC2H4NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1908 state real hoc2h4ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hoc2h4ooh" "HOC2H4OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1909 state real carb14 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb14" "CARB14 concentration" "ppmv"
1910 state real carb17 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb17" "CARB17 concentration" "ppmv"
1911 state real rn10no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn10no3" "RN10NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1912 state real rn13no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn13no3" "RN13NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1913 state real rn19no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn19no3" "RN19NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1914 state real rn9no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn9no3" "RN9NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1915 state real rn12no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn12no3" "RN12NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1916 state real rn15no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn15no3" "RN15NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1917 state real rn18no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn18no3" "RN18NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1918 state real rn16no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn16no3" "RN16NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1919 state real rn10ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn10ooh" "RN10OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1920 state real rn13ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn13ooh" "RN13OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1921 state real rn16ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn16ooh" "RN16OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1922 state real rn19ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn19ooh" "RN19OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1923 state real rn8ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn8ooh" "RN8OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1924 state real rn11ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn11ooh" "RN11OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1925 state real rn14ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn14ooh" "RN14OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1926 state real rn17ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn17ooh" "RN17OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1927 state real rn9ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn9ooh" "RN9OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1928 state real rn12ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn12ooh" "RN12OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1929 state real rn15ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn15ooh" "RN15OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1930 state real rn18ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn18ooh" "RN18OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1931 state real nrn6ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nrn6ooh" "NRN6OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1932 state real nrn9ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nrn9ooh" "NRN9OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1933 state real nrn12ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nrn12ooh" "NRN12OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1934 state real apinene ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "apinene" "APINENE concentration" "ppmv"
1935 state real bpinene ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bpinene" "BPINENE concentration" "ppmv"
1936 state real carb7 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb7" "CARB7 concentration" "ppmv"
1937 state real carb10 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb10" "CARB10 concentration" "ppmv"
1938 state real carb13 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb13" "CARB13 concentration" "ppmv"
1939 state real carb16 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb16" "CARB16 concentration" "ppmv"
1940 state real carb3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb3" "CARB3 concentration" "ppmv"
1941 state real carb6 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb6" "CARB6 concentration" "ppmv"
1942 state real carb9 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb9" "CARB9 concentration" "ppmv"
1943 state real carb12 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb12" "CARB12 concentration" "ppmv"
1944 state real carb15 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb15" "CARB15 concentration" "ppmv"
1945 state real c2h5co3h ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c2h5co3h" "C2H5CO3H concentration" "ppmv"
1946 state real c2h5co3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c2h5co3" "C2H5CO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1947 state real ppn ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ppn" "PPN concentration" "ppmv"
1948 state real hoch2cho ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hoch2cho" "HOCH2CHO concentration" "ppmv"
1949 state real hoch2co3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hoch2co3" "HOCH2CO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1950 state real hoch2co3h ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hoch2co3h" "HOCH2CO3H concentration" "ppmv"
1951 state real phan ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "phan" "PHAN concentration" "ppmv"
1952 state real ccarb12 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ccarb12" "CCARB12 concentration" "ppmv"
1953 state real ch3cl ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3cl" "CH3CL concentration" "ppmv"
1954 state real ch2cl2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch2cl2" "CH2CL2 concentration" "ppmv"
1955 state real chcl3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "chcl3" "CHCL3 concentration" "ppmv"
1956 state real ch3ccl3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3ccl3" "CH3CCL3 concentration" "ppmv"
1957 state real cdicleth ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cdicleth" "CDICLETH concentration" "ppmv"
1958 state real tdicleth ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tdicleth" "TDICLETH concentration" "ppmv"
1959 state real tricleth ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tricleth" "TRICLETH concentration" "ppmv"
1960 state real tce ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tce" "TCE concentration" "ppmv"
1961 state real ucarb12 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ucarb12" "UCARB12 concentration" "ppmv"
1962 state real ucarb10 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ucarb10" "UCARB10 concentration" "ppmv"
1963 state real ru14no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ru14no3" "RU14NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1964 state real ru14ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ru14ooh" "RU14OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1965 state real ru12ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ru12ooh" "RU12OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1966 state real ru10ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ru10ooh" "RU10OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1967 state real ru12pan ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ru12pan" "RU12PAN concentration" "ppmv"
1968 state real nucarb12 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nucarb12" "NUCARB12 concentration" "ppmv"
1969 state real nru14ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nru14ooh" "NRU14OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1970 state real nru12ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nru12ooh" "NRU12OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1971 state real noa ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "noa" "NOA concentration" "ppmv"
1972 state real ra13no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra13no3" "RA13NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1973 state real ra13ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra13ooh" "RA13OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1974 state real udcarb8 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "udcarb8" "UDCARB8 concentration" "ppmv"
1975 state real aroh14 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aroh14" "AROH14 concentration" "ppmv"
1976 state real raroh14 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "raroh14" "RAROH14 concentration" "ppmv"
1977 state real arnoh14 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "arnoh14" "ARNOH14 concentration" "ppmv"
1978 state real ra16no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra16no3" "RA16NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1979 state real ra16ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra16ooh" "RA16OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1980 state real udcarb11 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "udcarb11" "UDCARB11 concentration" "ppmv"
1981 state real aroh17 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aroh17" "AROH17 concentration" "ppmv"
1982 state real raroh17 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "raroh17" "RAROH17 concentration" "ppmv"
1983 state real arnoh17 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "arnoh17" "ARNOH17 concentration" "ppmv"
1984 state real udcarb14 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "udcarb14" "UDCARB14 concentration" "ppmv"
1985 state real ra19no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra19no3" "RA19NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1986 state real ra19ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra19ooh" "RA19OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1987 state real rtn28no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn28no3" "RTN28NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
1988 state real rtn28ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn28ooh" "RTN28OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1989 state real tncarb26 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tncarb26" "TNCARB26 concentration" "ppmv"
1990 state real rtn26ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn26ooh" "RTN26OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1991 state real nrtn28ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nrtn28ooh" "NRTN28OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1992 state real rtn26pan ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn26pan" "RTN26PAN concentration" "ppmv"
1993 state real rtn25ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn25ooh" "RTN25OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1994 state real rtn24ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn24ooh" "RTN24OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1995 state real rtn23ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn23ooh" "RTN23OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1996 state real rtn14ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn14ooh" "RTN14OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1997 state real rtn10ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn10ooh" "RTN10OOH concentration" "ppmv"
1998 state real tncarb10 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tncarb10" "TNCARB10 concentration" "ppmv"
1999 state real rtn25no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn25no3" "RTN25NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
2000 state real tncarb15 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tncarb15" "TNCARB15 concentration" "ppmv"
2001 state real rcooh25 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rcooh25" "RCOOH25 concentration" "ppmv"
2002 state real rtx28no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtx28no3" "RTX28NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
2003 state real rtx28ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtx28ooh" "RTX28OOH concentration" "ppmv"
2004 state real txcarb24 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "txcarb24" "TXCARB24 concentration" "ppmv"
2005 state real rtx24no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtx24no3" "RTX24NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
2006 state real rtx24ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtx24ooh" "RTX24OOH concentration" "ppmv"
2007 state real txcarb22 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "txcarb22" "TXCARB22 concentration" "ppmv"
2008 state real rtx22no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtx22no3" "RTX22NO3 concentration" "ppmv"
2009 state real rtx22ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtx22ooh" "RTX22OOH concentration" "ppmv"
2010 state real nrtx28ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nrtx28ooh" "NRTX28OOH concentration" "ppmv"
2011 state real carb11a ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "carb11a" "CARB11A concentration" "ppmv"
2012 state real anhy ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "anhy" "ANHY concentration" "ppmv"
2013 state real ch3o2no2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3o2no2" "CH3O2NO2 concentration" "ppmv"
2014 state real c2h5ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c2h5ooh" "C2H5OOH concentration" "ppmv"
2015 state real ch3cho ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3cho" "CH3CHO concentration" "ppmv"
2016 state real c5h8 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c5h8" "C5H8 concentration" "ppmv"
2017 state real toluene ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "toluene" "TOLUENE concentration" "ppmv"
2020 state real rtn23no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn23no3" "rtn23no3 concentration" "ppmv"
2022 state real tncarb12 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tncarb12" "tncarb12 concentration" "ppmv"
2023 state real tncarb11 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tncarb11" "tncarb11 concentration" "ppmv"
2024 state real tm123b ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tm123b" "tm123b concentration" "ppmv"
2025 state real tm124b ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tm124b" "tm124b concentration" "ppmv"
2026 state real tm135b ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tm135b" "tm135b concentration" "ppmv"
2027 state real oethtol ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oethtol" "oethtol concentration" "ppmv"
2029 state real methtol ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "methtol" "methtol concentration" "ppmv"
2030 state real pethtol ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pethtol" "pethtol concentration" "ppmv"
2031 state real ra22no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra22no3" "ra22no3 concentration" "ppmv"
2032 state real ra22ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra22ooh" "ra22ooh concentration" "ppmv"
2034 state real dime35eb ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dime35eb" "dime35eb concentration" "ppmv"
2035 state real ra25no3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra25no3" "ra25no3 concentration" "ppmv"
2036 state real udcarb17 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "udcarb17" "udcarb17 concentration" "ppmv"
2038 state real ra25ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra25ooh" "ra25ooh concentration" "ppmv"
2040 state real ch3s ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3s" "CH3S concentration" "ppmv"
2041 state real ch3so ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3so" "CH3SO concentration" "ppmv"
2042 state real msia ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msia" "MSIA concentration" "ppmv"
2044 state real clno2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "clno2" "ClNO2 concentration" "ppmv"
2046 state real ch3oo ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3oo" "CH3OO concentration" "ppmv"
2047 state real c2h5o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c2h5o2" "C2H5O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2048 state real hoch2ch2o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hoch2ch2o2" "HOCH2CH2O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2049 state real ic3h7o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ic3h7o2" "IC3H7O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2050 state real rn10o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn10o2" "RN10O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2051 state real rn13o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn13o2" "RN13O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2052 state real rn16o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn16o2" "RN16O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2053 state real rn19o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn19o2" "RN19O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2054 state real rn9o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn9o2" "RN9O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2055 state real rn12o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn12o2" "RN12O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2056 state real rn15o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn15o2" "RN15O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2057 state real rn18o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn18o2" "RN18O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2058 state real nrn6o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nrn6o2" "NRN6O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2059 state real nrn9o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nrn9o2" "NRN9O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2060 state real nrn12o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nrn12o2" "NRN12O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2061 state real rn11o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn11o2" "RN11O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2062 state real rn14o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn14o2" "RN14O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2063 state real rn8o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn8o2" "RN8O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2064 state real rn17o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn17o2" "RN17O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2065 state real rn13ao2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn13ao2" "RN13AO2 concentration" "ppmv"
2066 state real rn16ao2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn16ao2" "RN16AO2 concentration" "ppmv"
2067 state real rn15ao2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn15ao2" "RN15AO2 concentration" "ppmv"
2068 state real rn18ao2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rn18ao2" "RN18AO2 concentration" "ppmv"
2069 state real ru10o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ru10o2" "RU10O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2070 state real nru14o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nru14o2" "NRU14O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2071 state real nru12o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nru12o2" "NRU12O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2072 state real ra13o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra13o2" "RA13O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2073 state real nrtx28o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nrtx28o2" "NRTX28O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2074 state real rtx24o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtx24o2" "RTX24O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2075 state real rtx28o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtx28o2" "RTX28O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2076 state real rtn25o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn25o2" "RTN25O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2077 state real rtn24o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn24o2" "RTN24O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2078 state real rtn23o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn23o2" "RTN23O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2079 state real rtn14o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn14o2" "RTN14O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2080 state real rtn10o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn10o2" "RTN10O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2081 state real nrtn28o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nrtn28o2" "NRTN28O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2082 state real rtn26o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn26o2" "RTN26O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2083 state real rtn28o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtn28o2" "RTN28O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2084 state real ra19ao2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra19ao2" "RA19AO2 concentration" "ppmv"
2085 state real ru14o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ru14o2" "RU14O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2086 state real ru12o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ru12o2" "RU12O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2087 state real ra16o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra16o2" "RA16O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2088 state real rtx22o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rtx22o2" "RTX22O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2089 state real ra22ao2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra22ao2" "RA22AO2 concentration" "ppmv"
2090 state real ra22bo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra22bo2" "RA22BO2 concentration" "ppmv"
2091 state real ra25o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra25o2" "RA25O2 concentration" "ppmv"
2092 state real ra19co2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ra19co2" "RA19CO2 concentration" "ppmv"
2095 #tracer variables inside the chem array...for ensemble run or not
2097 state real tracer_1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_1" "tracer1 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2098 state real tracer_2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_2" "tracer2 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2099 state real tracer_3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_3" "tracer3 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2100 state real tracer_4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_4" "tracer4 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2101 state real tracer_5 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_5" "tracer5 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2102 state real tracer_6 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_6" "tracer6 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2103 state real tracer_7 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_7" "tracer7 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2104 state real tracer_8 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_8" "tracer8 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2105 state real tracer_9 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_9" "tracer9 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2106 state real tracer_10 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_10" "tracer10 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2107 state real tracer_11 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_11" "tracer11 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2108 state real tracer_12 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_12" "tracer12 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2109 state real tracer_13 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_13" "tracer13 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2110 state real tracer_14 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_14" "tracer14 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2111 state real tracer_15 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_15" "tracer15 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2112 state real tracer_16 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_16" "tracer16 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2113 state real tracer_17 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_17" "tracer17 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2114 state real tracer_18 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_18" "tracer18 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2115 state real tracer_19 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_19" "tracer19 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2116 state real tracer_20 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_20" "tracer20 mix ratio" "ppmv"
2117 state real tracer_ens ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tracer_ens" "tracer- ensemble average mix ratio" "ppmv"
2119 state real - ikjftb tracer 1 - - -
2120 state real smoke ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "smoke" "tracing smoke" -
2121 state real tr17_1 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_1" "tr17_1" -
2122 state real tr17_2 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_2" "tr17_2" -
2123 state real tr17_3 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_3" "tr17_3" -
2124 state real tr17_4 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_4" "tr17_4" -
2125 state real tr17_5 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_5" "tr17_5" -
2126 state real tr17_6 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_6" "tr17_6" -
2127 state real tr17_7 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_7" "tr17_7" -
2128 state real tr17_8 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr17_8" "tr17_8" -
2129 state real tr18_0 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr18_0" "tr18_0" -
2130 state real tr18_1 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr18_1" "tr18_1" -
2131 state real tr18_2 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr18_2" "tr18_2" -
2132 state real tr18_3 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr18_3" "tr18_3" -
2133 state real tr18_4 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr18_4" "tr18_4" -
2134 state real tr18_5 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr18_5" "tr18_5" -
2135 state real tr18_6 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr18_6" "tr18_6" -
2136 state real tr18_7 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr18_7" "tr18_7" -
2137 state real tr18_8 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr18_8" "tr18_8" -
2138 state real tr18_9 ikjftb tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr18_9" "tr18_9" -
2141 state real tr_qc ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr_qcloud" "Tracer with the liquid content" "Kg Kg-1"
2142 state real tr_qi ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr_qice" "Tracer with the ice content" "Kg Kg-1"
2143 state real tr_qs ikjftb tracer 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tr_qsnow" "Tracer with the snow content" "Kg Kg-1"
2145 # GHG chem arrays, Chem Scalars for CO2 used in the GHG options
2146 state real co2_bio ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CO2_BIO" "mixing ratio of VPRM CO2" "ppmv"
2147 state real co2_ant ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CO2_ANT" "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CO2" "ppmv"
2148 state real co2_oce ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CO2_OCE" "mixing ratio of ocean CO2" "ppmv"
2149 state real co2_bck ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CO2_BCK" "mixing ratio of background CO2" "ppmv"
2150 state real co2_bbu ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CO2_BBU" "mixing ratio of biomass burning CO2" "ppmv"
2151 state real co2_tst ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CO2_TST" "mixing ratio of CO2, anthropogenic test fluxes" "ppmv"
2153 # Chem Scalars for CO used in the GHG options
2154 state real co_bck ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CO_BCK" "mixing ratio of background CO" "ppmv"
2155 state real co_ant ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CO_ANT" "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CO" "ppmv"
2156 state real co_bbu ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CO_BBU" "mixing ratio of biomass burning CO" "ppmv"
2157 state real co_tst ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CO_TST" "mixing ratio of CO, test fluxes" "ppmv"
2159 # Chem Scalars for methane used in the GHG option
2160 state real ch4_bio ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CH4_BIO" "mixing ratio of natural biogenic CH4" "ppmv"
2161 state real ch4_ant ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CH4_ANT" "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4" "ppmv"
2162 state real ch4_bbu ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CH4_BBU" "mixing ratio of biomass burning CH4" "ppmv"
2163 state real ch4_bck ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CH4_BCK" "mixing ratio of background CH4" "ppmv"
2164 state real ch4_tst ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CH4_TST" "mixing ratio of CH4, test fluxes" "ppmv"
2165 state real pv ikj misc 1 - h "PV" "Potential Vorticity" "pvu"
2167 #SAPRCNOV additional variables, automatically created using diff_mechanisSpc_wrfRegistry.m script (pablo-saide@uiowa.edu)
2168 state real h2so4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "h2so4" "H2SO4 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2169 state real ccho ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ccho" "CCHO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2170 state real rcho ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rcho" "RCHO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2171 state real etoh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "etoh" "ETOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2172 state real cco_oh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cco_oh" "CCO_OH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2173 state real rco_oh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rco_oh" "RCO_OH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2174 state real bacl ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bacl" "BACL mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2175 state real bald ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bald" "BALD mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2176 state real isoprod ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isoprod" "ISOPROD mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2177 state real methacro ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "methacro" "METHACRO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2178 state real prod2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "prod2" "PROD2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2179 state real dcb1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dcb1" "DCB1 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2180 state real dcb2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dcb2" "DCB2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2181 state real dcb3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dcb3" "DCB3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2182 state real ethene ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ethene" "ETHENE mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2183 state real isoprene ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isoprene" "ISOPRENE mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2184 state real isopoo ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopoo" "ISOPOO mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2185 state real isop2o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isop2o2" "ISOP2O2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2186 state real isopooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopooh" "ISOPOOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2187 state real isopooh2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopooh2" "ISOPOOH2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2188 state real c2h2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c2h2" "C2H2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2189 state real alk3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk3" "ALK3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2190 state real alk4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk4" "ALK4 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2191 state real alk5 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk5" "ALK5 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2192 state real ole2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ole2" "OLE2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2193 state real terp ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "terp" "TERP mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2194 state real sesq ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_insesq:dt) "sesq" "SESQ mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2195 state real rno3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rno3" "RNO3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2196 state real nphe ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nphe" "NPHE mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2197 state real phen ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "phen" "PHEN mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2198 state real pan2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pan2" "PAN2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2199 state real pbzn ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pbzn" "PBZN mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2200 state real ma_pan ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ma_pan" "MA_PAN mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2201 state real bc_spr ikjftb chem 1 - i1{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_spr" "BC_SPR mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2202 state real oc_spr ikjftb chem 1 - i1{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_spr" "OC_SPR mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2203 state real ssf ikjftb chem 1 - i1{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ssf" "SSF mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2204 state real ssc ikjftb chem 1 - i1{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ssc" "SSC mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2205 state real pm10_spr ikjftb chem 1 - i1{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pm10_spr" "PM10_SPR mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2206 state real pm25_spr ikjftb chem 1 - i1{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pm25_spr" "PM25_SPR mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2207 state real dst1 ikjftb chem 1 - i1{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dst1" "DST1 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2208 state real dst2 ikjftb chem 1 - i1{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dst2" "DST2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2209 state real dst3 ikjftb chem 1 - i1{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dst3" "DST3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2210 state real cco_ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cco_ooh" "CCO_OOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2211 state real rco_o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rco_o2" "RCO_O2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2212 state real rco_ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rco_ooh" "RCO_OOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2213 state real xn ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xn" "XN mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2214 state real xc ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xc" "XC mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2215 state real c_o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c_o2" "C_O2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2216 state real cooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cooh" "COOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2217 state real rooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "rooh" "ROOH mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2218 state real ro2_r ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ro2_r" "RO2_R mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2219 state real r2o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "r2o2" "R2O2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2220 state real ro2_n ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ro2_n" "RO2_N mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2221 state real cco_o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cco_o2" "CCO_O2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2222 state real bzco_o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bzco_o2" "BZCO_O2 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2223 state real ma_rco3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ma_rco3" "MA_RCO3 mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2224 state real voca ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "voca" "VOCA mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2225 state real vocbb ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "vocbb" "VOCBB mixing ratio" "ppmv"
2227 #Additional CB05 gas variables inside the chem array
2229 state real o1d ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "o1d" "O1D concentration" "ppmv"
2230 state real oh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oh" "OH concentration" "ppmv"
2231 state real ntr ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ntr" "NTR concentration" "ppmv"
2232 state real form ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "form" "FORM concentration" "ppmv"
2233 state real aldx ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aldx" "ALDX concentration" "ppmv"
2234 state real mepx ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mepx" "MEPX concentration" "ppmv"
2235 state real hco3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hco3" "HCO3 concentration" "ppmv"
2236 state real facd ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "facd" "FACD concentration" "ppmv"
2237 state real pacd ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pacd" "PACD concentration" "ppmv"
2238 state real aacd ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aacd" "AACD concentration" "ppmv"
2239 state real cxo3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cxo3" "CXO3 concentration" "ppmv"
2240 state real panx ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "panx" "PANX concentration" "ppmv"
2241 state real iole ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "iole" "IOLE concentration" "ppmv"
2242 state real tolaer1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tolaer1" "TOLAER1 concentration" "ppmv"
2243 state real tolaer2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "tolaer2" "TOLAER2 concentration" "ppmv"
2244 state real cslaer ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cslaer" "CSLAER concentration" "ppmv"
2245 state real xylaer1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xylaer1" "XYLAER1 concentration" "ppmv"
2246 state real xylaer2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "xylaer2" "XYLAER2 concentration" "ppmv"
2247 state real isop ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isop" "ISOP concentration" "ppmv"
2248 state real ispd ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ispd" "ISPD concentration" "ppmv"
2249 state real isoaer1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isoaer1" "ISOAER1 concentration" "ppmv"
2250 state real isoaer2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isoaer2" "ISOAER2 concentration" "ppmv"
2251 state real sulaer ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "sulaer" "SULAER concentration" "ppmv"
2252 state real etha ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "etha" "ETHA concentration" "ppmv"
2253 state real terpaer ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "terpaer" "TERPAER concentration" "ppmv"
2254 state real hum ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hum" "HUM concentration" "ppmv"
2255 state real humaer ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "humaer" "HUMAER concentration" "ppmv"
2256 state real limaer1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "limaer1" "LIMAER1 concentration" "ppmv"
2257 state real limaer2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "limaer2" "LIMAER2 concentration" "ppmv"
2258 state real oci ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oci" "OCI concentration" "ppmv"
2259 state real ociaer1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ociaer1" "OCIAER1 concentration" "ppmv"
2260 state real ociaer2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ociaer2" "OCIAER2 concentration" "ppmv"
2261 state real apinaer1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "apinaer1" "APINAER1 concentration" "ppmv"
2262 state real apinaer2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "apinaer2" "APINAER2 concentration" "ppmv"
2263 state real apinaer3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "apinaer3" "APINAER3 concentration" "ppmv"
2264 state real apinaer4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "apinaer4" "APINAER4 concentration" "ppmv"
2265 state real bpinaer1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bpinaer1" "BPINAER1 concentration" "ppmv"
2266 state real bpinaer2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bpinaer2" "BPINAER2 concentration" "ppmv"
2267 state real bpinaer3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bpinaer3" "BPINAER3 concentration" "ppmv"
2268 state real bpinaer4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bpinaer4" "BPINAER4 concentration" "ppmv"
2269 state real bpinaer5 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bpinaer5" "BPINAER5 concentration" "ppmv"
2270 state real ter ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ter" "TER concentration" "ppmv"
2271 state real teraer1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "teraer1" "TERAER1 concentration" "ppmv"
2272 state real teraer2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "teraer2" "TERAER2 concentration" "ppmv"
2273 state real alkh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alkh" "ALKH concentration" "ppmv"
2274 state real alkhaer1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alkhaer1" "ALKHAER1 concentration" "ppmv"
2275 state real pah ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pah" "PAH concentration" "ppmv"
2276 state real pahaer1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pahaer1" "PAHAER1 concentration" "ppmv"
2277 state real pahaer2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pahaer2" "PAHAER2 concentration" "ppmv"
2278 state real hg0 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hg0" "HG0 concentration" "ppmv"
2279 state real hg2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hg2" "HG2 concentration" "ppmv"
2280 state real fmcl ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "fmcl" "FMCL concentration" "ppmv"
2281 state real cl ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl" "CL concentration" "ppmv"
2282 state real cl2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl2" "CL2 concentration" "ppmv"
2283 state real hocl ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hocl" "HOCL concentration" "ppmv"
2284 state real clo ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "clo" "CLO concentration" "ppmv"
2286 #Aerosol variables inside the chem array...
2287 # the first two are for simple advection of total pm25 and pm10 mass
2289 state real pm_25 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pm_25" "pm2.5 concentration" "ug/kg-dryair"
2290 state real pm_10 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pm_10" "pm10 concentration" "ug/kg-dryair"
2291 # aerosol variables for MADE/SORGAM
2292 state real so4aj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4aj" "Sulfate conc. Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2293 state real so4ai ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4ai" "Sulfate conc. Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2294 state real nh4aj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4aj" "Ammonium conc. Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2295 state real nh4ai ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4ai" "Ammonium conc. Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2296 state real no3aj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3aj" "Nitrate conc. Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2297 state real no3ai ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3ai" "Nitrate conc. Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2298 state real naaj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "naaj" "Sodium conc. Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2299 state real naai ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "naai" "Sodium conc. Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2300 state real claj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "claj" "Chloride conc. Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2301 state real clai ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "clai" "Chloride conc. Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2302 state real orgaro1j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgaro1j" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2303 state real orgaro1i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgaro1i" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2304 state real orgaro2j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgaro2j" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2305 state real orgaro2i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgaro2i" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2306 state real orgalk1j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgalk1j" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from alkanes and others except aromatics Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2307 state real orgalk1i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgalk1i" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from alkanes and others except aromatics Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2308 state real orgole1j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgole1j" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from alkenes and others except aromatics Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2309 state real orgole1i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgole1i" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from alkenes and others except aromatics Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2310 state real orgba1j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba1j" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2311 state real orgba1i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba1i" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2312 state real orgba2j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba2j" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2313 state real orgba2i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba2i" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2314 state real orgba3j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba3j" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2315 state real orgba3i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba3i" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2316 state real orgba4j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba4j" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2317 state real orgba4i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba4i" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2318 state real orgpaj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgpaj" "Prim. anth. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2319 state real orgpai ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgpai" "Prim. anth. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2320 state real ecj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ecj" "Elemental carbon Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2321 state real eci ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "eci" "Elemental carbon Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2322 state real p25j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "p25j" "Primary PM2.5 Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2323 state real p25i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "p25i" "Primary PM2.5 Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2324 state real antha ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "antha" "Coarse anthropogenic aerosols" "ug/kg-dryair"
2325 state real seas ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "seas" "Coarse marine aerosols" "ug/kg-dryair"
2326 state real soila ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "soila" "Coarse soil-derived aerosols" "ug/kg-dryair"
2327 state real nu0 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nu0" "Aitken mode number" "#/kg-dryair"
2328 state real ac0 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ac0" "Accumulation mode number" "#/kg-dryair"
2329 state real corn ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "corn" "Coarse mode number" "#/kg-dryair"
2331 # new species for the RACM_SOA_VBS mechanism
2332 state real asoa1j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1j" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2333 state real asoa1i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1i" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2334 state real asoa2j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2j" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2335 state real asoa2i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2i" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2336 state real asoa3j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3j" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2337 state real asoa3i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3i" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2338 state real asoa4j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4j" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2339 state real asoa4i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4i" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2340 state real bsoa1j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1j" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2341 state real bsoa1i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1i" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2342 state real bsoa2j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2j" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2343 state real bsoa2i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2i" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2344 state real bsoa3j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3j" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2345 state real bsoa3i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3i" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2346 state real bsoa4j ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4j" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2347 state real bsoa4i ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4i" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2348 # # crustal species for RACM_SOA_VBS mechanism
2349 state real caaj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "caaj" "Calcium conc. Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2350 state real caai ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "caai" "Calcium conc. Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2351 state real kaj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "kaj" "Potassium conc. Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2352 state real kai ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "kai" "Potassium conc. Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2353 state real mgaj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mgaj" "Magnesium conc. Acc. mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2354 state real mgai ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mgai" "Magnesium conc. Aitken mode" "ug/kg-dryair"
2356 # parameters for the N2O5 uptake process in RACM_SOA_VBS mechanism
2357 state real gamn2o5 ikj misc 1 - rh "gamn2o5" "n2o5 uptake by aerosol" "numerical value"
2358 state real cn2o5 ikj misc 1 - rh "cn2o5" "n2o5 velocity" "m/s"
2359 state real kn2o5 ikj misc 1 - rh "kn2o5" "n2o5 het reaction rate" "s-1"
2360 state real yclno2 ikj misc 1 - rh "yclno2" "clno2 yield from n2o5 het" "numerical value"
2362 #cloud-phase aerosol
2363 state real so4cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4cwj" "Sulfate conc. Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2364 state real so4cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4cwi" "Sulfate conc. Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2365 state real nh4cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4cwj" "Ammonium conc. Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2366 state real nh4cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4cwi" "Ammonium conc. Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2367 state real no3cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3cwj" "Nitrate conc. Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2368 state real no3cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3cwi" "Nitrate conc. Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2369 state real nacwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nacwj" "Sodium conc. Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2370 state real nacwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nacwi" "Sodium conc. Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2371 state real clcwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "clcwj" "Chloride conc. Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2372 state real clcwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "clcwi" "Chloride conc. Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2373 state real orgaro1cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgaro1cwj" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2374 state real orgaro1cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgaro1cwi" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2375 state real orgaro2cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgaro2cwj" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2376 state real orgaro2cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgaro2cwi" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2377 state real orgalk1cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgalk1cwj" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from alkanes and others except aromatics Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2378 state real orgalk1cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgalk1cwi" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from alkanes and others except aromatics Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2379 state real orgole1cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgole1cwj" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from alkenes and others except aromatics Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2380 state real orgole1cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgole1cwi" "SOA Anth. org. conc. from alkenes and others except aromatics Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2381 state real orgba1cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba1cwj" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2382 state real orgba1cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba1cwi" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2383 state real orgba2cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba2cwj" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2384 state real orgba2cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba2cwi" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2385 state real orgba3cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba3cwj" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2386 state real orgba3cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba3cwi" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2387 state real orgba4cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba4cwj" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2388 state real orgba4cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgba4cwi" "SOA Biog. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2389 state real orgpacwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgpacwj" "Prim. anth. org. conc. from aromatics Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2390 state real orgpacwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "orgpacwi" "Prim. anth. org. conc. from aromatics Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2391 state real eccwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "eccwj" "Elemental carbon Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2392 state real eccwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "eccwi" "Elemental carbon Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2393 state real p25cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "p25cwj" "Primary PM2.5 Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2394 state real p25cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "p25cwi" "Primary PM2.5 Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2395 state real anthcw ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "anthcw" "Coarse anthropogenic aerosols in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2396 state real seascw ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "seascw" "Coarse marine aerosols in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2397 state real soilcw ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "soilcw" "Coarse soil-derived aerosols in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2398 state real nu0cw ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nu0cw" "Aitken mode number in cloud" "#/kg-dryair"
2399 state real ac0cw ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ac0cw" "Accumulation mode number in cloud" "#/kg-dryair"
2400 state real corncw ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "corncw" "Coarse mode number in cloud" "#/kg-dryair"
2402 # new cloud phase species for MADE/SORG-VBS
2403 state real asoa1cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1cwj" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2404 state real asoa1cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1cwi" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2405 state real asoa2cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2cwj" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2406 state real asoa2cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2cwi" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2407 state real asoa3cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3cwj" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2408 state real asoa3cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3cwi" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2409 state real asoa4cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4cwj" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2410 state real asoa4cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4cwi" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2411 state real bsoa1cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1cwj" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2412 state real bsoa1cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1cwi" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2413 state real bsoa2cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2cwj" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2414 state real bsoa2cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2cwi" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2415 state real bsoa3cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3cwj" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2416 state real bsoa3cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3cwi" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2417 state real bsoa4cwj ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4cwj" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Acc. mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2418 state real bsoa4cwi ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4cwi" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Aitken mode in cloud" "ug/kg-dryair"
2421 #cms++ additional species from RACM-MIM (Geiger et al., Atmos. Env., 2003)
2422 state real hace ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hace" "HACE concentration" "ppm"
2423 state real ishp ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ishp" "ISHP concentration" "ppm"
2424 state real ison ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ison" "ISON concentration" "ppm"
2425 state real mahp ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mahp" "MAHP concentration" "ppm"
2426 state real mpan ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mpan" "MPAN concentration" "ppm"
2427 state real nald ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nald" "NALD concentration" "ppm"
2429 #Additional MOSAIC aerosol variables inside the chem array...
2430 state real so4_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a01" "Sulfate, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2431 state real no3_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_a01" "Nitrate, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2432 state real aro1_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro1_a01" "ARO1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2433 state real aro2_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro2_a01" "ARO2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2434 state real alk1_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk1_a01" "ALK1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2435 state real ole1_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ole1_a01" "OLE1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2436 state real api1_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api1_a01" "API1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2437 state real api2_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api2_a01" "API2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2438 state real lim1_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim1_a01" "LIM1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2439 state real lim2_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim2_a01" "LIM2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2440 state real pcg1_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_a01" "pcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2441 state real pcg2_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_c_a01" "pcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2442 state real pcg3_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_c_a01" "pcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2443 state real pcg4_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_c_a01" "pcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2444 state real pcg5_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_c_a01" "pcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2445 state real pcg6_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_c_a01" "pcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2446 state real pcg7_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_c_a01" "pcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2447 state real pcg8_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_c_a01" "pcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2448 state real pcg9_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_c_a01" "pcg9_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2449 state real pcg1_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_a01" "pcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2450 state real pcg2_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_o_a01" "pcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2451 state real pcg3_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_o_a01" "pcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2452 state real pcg4_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_o_a01" "pcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2453 state real pcg5_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_o_a01" "pcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2454 state real pcg6_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_o_a01" "pcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2455 state real pcg7_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_o_a01" "pcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2456 state real pcg8_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_o_a01" "pcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2457 state real pcg9_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_o_a01" "pcg9_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2458 state real pcg1_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_a01" "pcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2459 state real pcg2_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_c_a01" "pcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2460 state real pcg3_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_c_a01" "pcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2461 state real pcg4_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_c_a01" "pcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2462 state real pcg5_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_c_a01" "pcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2463 state real pcg6_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_c_a01" "pcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2464 state real pcg7_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_c_a01" "pcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2465 state real pcg8_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_c_a01" "pcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2466 state real pcg9_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_c_a01" "pcg9_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2467 state real pcg1_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_a01" "pcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2468 state real pcg2_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_o_a01" "pcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2469 state real pcg3_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_o_a01" "pcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2470 state real pcg4_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_o_a01" "pcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2471 state real pcg5_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_o_a01" "pcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2472 state real pcg6_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_o_a01" "pcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2473 state real pcg7_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_o_a01" "pcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2474 state real pcg8_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_o_a01" "pcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2475 state real pcg9_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_o_a01" "pcg9_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2476 state real opcg1_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_a01" "opcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2477 state real opcg2_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_c_a01" "opcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2478 state real opcg3_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_c_a01" "opcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2479 state real opcg4_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_c_a01" "opcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2480 state real opcg5_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_c_a01" "opcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2481 state real opcg6_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_c_a01" "opcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2482 state real opcg7_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_c_a01" "opcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2483 state real opcg8_b_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_c_a01" "opcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2484 state real opcg1_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_a01" "opcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2485 state real opcg2_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_o_a01" "opcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2486 state real opcg3_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_o_a01" "opcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2487 state real opcg4_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_o_a01" "opcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2488 state real opcg5_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_o_a01" "opcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2489 state real opcg6_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_o_a01" "opcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2490 state real opcg7_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_o_a01" "opcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2491 state real opcg8_b_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_o_a01" "opcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2492 state real opcg1_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_a01" "opcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2493 state real opcg2_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_c_a01" "opcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2494 state real opcg3_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_c_a01" "opcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2495 state real opcg4_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_c_a01" "opcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2496 state real opcg5_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_c_a01" "opcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2497 state real opcg6_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_c_a01" "opcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2498 state real opcg7_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_c_a01" "opcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2499 state real opcg8_f_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_c_a01" "opcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2500 state real opcg1_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_a01" "opcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2501 state real opcg2_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_o_a01" "opcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2502 state real opcg3_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_o_a01" "opcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2503 state real opcg4_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_o_a01" "opcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2504 state real opcg5_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_o_a01" "opcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2505 state real opcg6_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_o_a01" "opcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2506 state real opcg7_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_o_a01" "opcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2507 state real opcg8_f_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_o_a01" "opcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2508 state real smpa_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "smpa_a01" "smpa, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2509 state real smpbb_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "smpbb_a01" "smpbb, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2510 state real ant1_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_a01" "ant1_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2511 state real ant2_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_c_a01" "ant2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2512 state real ant3_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_c_a01" "ant3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2513 state real ant4_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_c_a01" "ant4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2514 state real ant1_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_o_a01" "ant1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2515 state real ant2_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_o_a01" "ant2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2516 state real ant3_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_o_a01" "ant3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2517 state real ant4_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_o_a01" "ant4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2518 state real biog1_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_a01" "biog1_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2519 state real biog2_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_c_a01" "biog2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2520 state real biog3_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_c_a01" "biog3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2521 state real biog4_c_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_c_a01" "biog4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2522 state real biog1_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_o_a01" "biog1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2523 state real biog2_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_o_a01" "biog2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2524 state real biog3_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_o_a01" "biog3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2525 state real biog4_o_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_o_a01" "biog4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2526 state real asoaX_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoaX_a01" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
2527 state real asoa1_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1_a01" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
2528 state real asoa2_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2_a01" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
2529 state real asoa3_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3_a01" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
2530 state real asoa4_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4_a01" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
2531 state real bsoaX_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoaX_a01" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
2532 state real bsoa1_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1_a01" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
2533 state real bsoa2_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2_a01" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
2534 state real bsoa3_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3_a01" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
2535 state real bsoa4_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4_a01" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
2536 state real glysoa_r1_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r1_a01" "glysoa_r1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2537 state real glysoa_r2_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r2_a01" "glysoa_r2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2538 state real glysoa_sfc_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_sfc_a01" "glysoa_sfc, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2539 state real glysoa_nh4_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_nh4_a01" "glysoa_nh4, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2540 state real glysoa_oh_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_oh_a01" "glysoa_oh, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2541 state real cl_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_a01" "Chloride, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2542 state real msa_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_a01" "MSA, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2543 state real co3_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_a01" "Carbonate, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2544 state real nh4_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a01" "Ammonium, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2545 state real na_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_a01" "Sodium, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2546 state real ca_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_a01" "Calcium, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2547 state real oin_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_a01" "Other inorganics, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2548 state real oc_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_a01" "Organic carbon, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2549 state real bc_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_a01" "Black carbon, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2550 state real hysw_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hysw_a01" "Hysteresis water, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2551 state real water_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "water_a01" "Water, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2552 state real num_a01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a01" "Number, aerosol bin 01" "#/kg-dryair"
2553 state real so4_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a02" "Sulfate, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2554 state real no3_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_a02" "Nitrate, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2555 state real aro1_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro1_a02" "ARO1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2556 state real aro2_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro2_a02" "ARO2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2557 state real alk1_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk1_a02" "ALK1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2558 state real ole1_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ole1_a02" "OLE1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2559 state real api1_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api1_a02" "API1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2560 state real api2_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api2_a02" "API2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2561 state real lim1_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim1_a02" "LIM1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2562 state real lim2_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim2_a02" "LIM2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2563 state real pcg1_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_a02" "pcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2564 state real pcg2_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_c_a02" "pcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2565 state real pcg3_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_c_a02" "pcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2566 state real pcg4_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_c_a02" "pcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2567 state real pcg5_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_c_a02" "pcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2568 state real pcg6_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_c_a02" "pcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2569 state real pcg7_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_c_a02" "pcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2570 state real pcg8_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_c_a02" "pcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2571 state real pcg9_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_c_a02" "pcg9_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2572 state real pcg1_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_a02" "pcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2573 state real pcg2_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_o_a02" "pcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2574 state real pcg3_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_o_a02" "pcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2575 state real pcg4_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_o_a02" "pcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2576 state real pcg5_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_o_a02" "pcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2577 state real pcg6_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_o_a02" "pcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2578 state real pcg7_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_o_a02" "pcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2579 state real pcg8_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_o_a02" "pcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2580 state real pcg9_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_o_a02" "pcg9_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2581 state real pcg1_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_a02" "pcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2582 state real pcg2_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_c_a02" "pcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2583 state real pcg3_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_c_a02" "pcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2584 state real pcg4_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_c_a02" "pcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2585 state real pcg5_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_c_a02" "pcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2586 state real pcg6_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_c_a02" "pcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2587 state real pcg7_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_c_a02" "pcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2588 state real pcg8_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_c_a02" "pcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2589 state real pcg9_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_c_a02" "pcg9_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2590 state real pcg1_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_a02" "pcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2591 state real pcg2_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_o_a02" "pcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2592 state real pcg3_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_o_a02" "pcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2593 state real pcg4_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_o_a02" "pcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2594 state real pcg5_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_o_a02" "pcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2595 state real pcg6_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_o_a02" "pcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2596 state real pcg7_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_o_a02" "pcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2597 state real pcg8_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_o_a02" "pcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2598 state real pcg9_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_o_a02" "pcg9_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2599 state real opcg1_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_a02" "opcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2600 state real opcg2_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_c_a02" "opcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2601 state real opcg3_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_c_a02" "opcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2602 state real opcg4_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_c_a02" "opcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2603 state real opcg5_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_c_a02" "opcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2604 state real opcg6_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_c_a02" "opcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2605 state real opcg7_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_c_a02" "opcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2606 state real opcg8_b_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_c_a02" "opcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2607 state real opcg1_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_a02" "opcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2608 state real opcg2_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_o_a02" "opcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2609 state real opcg3_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_o_a02" "opcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2610 state real opcg4_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_o_a02" "opcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2611 state real opcg5_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_o_a02" "opcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2612 state real opcg6_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_o_a02" "opcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2613 state real opcg7_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_o_a02" "opcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2614 state real opcg8_b_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_o_a02" "opcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2615 state real opcg1_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_a02" "opcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2616 state real opcg2_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_c_a02" "opcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2617 state real opcg3_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_c_a02" "opcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2618 state real opcg4_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_c_a02" "opcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2619 state real opcg5_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_c_a02" "opcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2620 state real opcg6_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_c_a02" "opcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2621 state real opcg7_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_c_a02" "opcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2622 state real opcg8_f_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_c_a02" "opcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2623 state real opcg1_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_a02" "opcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2624 state real opcg2_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_o_a02" "opcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2625 state real opcg3_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_o_a02" "opcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2626 state real opcg4_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_o_a02" "opcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2627 state real opcg5_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_o_a02" "opcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2628 state real opcg6_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_o_a02" "opcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2629 state real opcg7_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_o_a02" "opcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2630 state real opcg8_f_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_o_a02" "opcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2631 state real smpa_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "smpa_a02" "smpa, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2632 state real smpbb_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "smpbb_a02" "smpbb, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2633 state real ant1_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_a02" "ant1_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2634 state real ant2_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_c_a02" "ant2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2635 state real ant3_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_c_a02" "ant3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2636 state real ant4_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_c_a02" "ant4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2637 state real ant1_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_o_a02" "ant1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2638 state real ant2_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_o_a02" "ant2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2639 state real ant3_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_o_a02" "ant3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2640 state real ant4_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_o_a02" "ant4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2641 state real biog1_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_a02" "biog1_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2642 state real biog2_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_c_a02" "biog2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2643 state real biog3_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_c_a02" "biog3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2644 state real biog4_c_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_c_a02" "biog4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2645 state real biog1_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_o_a02" "biog1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2646 state real biog2_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_o_a02" "biog2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2647 state real biog3_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_o_a02" "biog3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2648 state real biog4_o_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_o_a02" "biog4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2649 state real asoaX_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoaX_a02" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
2650 state real asoa1_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1_a02" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
2651 state real asoa2_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2_a02" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
2652 state real asoa3_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3_a02" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
2653 state real asoa4_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4_a02" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
2654 state real bsoaX_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoaX_a02" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
2655 state real bsoa1_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1_a02" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
2656 state real bsoa2_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2_a02" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
2657 state real bsoa3_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3_a02" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
2658 state real bsoa4_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4_a02" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
2659 state real glysoa_r1_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r1_a02" "glysoa_r1, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2660 state real glysoa_r2_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r2_a02" "glysoa_r2, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2661 state real glysoa_sfc_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_sfc_a02" "glysoa_sfc, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2662 state real glysoa_nh4_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_nh4_a02" "glysoa_nh4, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2663 state real glysoa_oh_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_oh_a02" "glysoa_oh, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2664 state real cl_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_a02" "Chloride, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2665 state real msa_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_a02" "MSA, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2666 state real co3_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_a02" "Carbonate, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2667 state real nh4_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a02" "Ammonium, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2668 state real na_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_a02" "Sodium, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2669 state real ca_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_a02" "Calcium, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2670 state real oin_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_a02" "Other inorganics, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2671 state real oc_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_a02" "Organic carbon, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2672 state real bc_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_a02" "Black carbon, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2673 state real hysw_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hysw_a02" "Hysteresis water, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2674 state real water_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "water_a02" "Water, aerosol bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
2675 state real num_a02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a02" "Number, aerosol bin 02" "#/kg-dryair"
2676 state real so4_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a03" "Sulfate, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2677 state real no3_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_a03" "Nitrate, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2678 state real aro1_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro1_a03" "ARO1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2679 state real aro2_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro2_a03" "ARO2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2680 state real alk1_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk1_a03" "ALK1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2681 state real ole1_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ole1_a03" "OLE1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2682 state real api1_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api1_a03" "API1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2683 state real api2_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api2_a03" "API2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2684 state real lim1_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim1_a03" "LIM1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2685 state real lim2_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim2_a03" "LIM2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2686 state real pcg1_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_a03" "pcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2687 state real pcg2_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_c_a03" "pcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2688 state real pcg3_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_c_a03" "pcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2689 state real pcg4_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_c_a03" "pcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2690 state real pcg5_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_c_a03" "pcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2691 state real pcg6_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_c_a03" "pcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2692 state real pcg7_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_c_a03" "pcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2693 state real pcg8_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_c_a03" "pcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2694 state real pcg9_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_c_a03" "pcg9_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2695 state real pcg1_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_a03" "pcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2696 state real pcg2_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_o_a03" "pcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2697 state real pcg3_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_o_a03" "pcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2698 state real pcg4_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_o_a03" "pcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2699 state real pcg5_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_o_a03" "pcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2700 state real pcg6_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_o_a03" "pcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2701 state real pcg7_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_o_a03" "pcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2702 state real pcg8_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_o_a03" "pcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2703 state real pcg9_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_o_a03" "pcg9_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2704 state real pcg1_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_a03" "pcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2705 state real pcg2_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_c_a03" "pcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2706 state real pcg3_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_c_a03" "pcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2707 state real pcg4_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_c_a03" "pcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2708 state real pcg5_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_c_a03" "pcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2709 state real pcg6_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_c_a03" "pcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2710 state real pcg7_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_c_a03" "pcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2711 state real pcg8_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_c_a03" "pcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2712 state real pcg9_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_c_a03" "pcg9_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2713 state real pcg1_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_a03" "pcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2714 state real pcg2_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_o_a03" "pcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2715 state real pcg3_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_o_a03" "pcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2716 state real pcg4_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_o_a03" "pcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2717 state real pcg5_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_o_a03" "pcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2718 state real pcg6_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_o_a03" "pcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2719 state real pcg7_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_o_a03" "pcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2720 state real pcg8_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_o_a03" "pcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2721 state real pcg9_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_o_a03" "pcg9_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2722 state real opcg1_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_a03" "opcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2723 state real opcg2_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_c_a03" "opcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2724 state real opcg3_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_c_a03" "opcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2725 state real opcg4_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_c_a03" "opcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2726 state real opcg5_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_c_a03" "opcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2727 state real opcg6_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_c_a03" "opcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2728 state real opcg7_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_c_a03" "opcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2729 state real opcg8_b_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_c_a03" "opcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2730 state real opcg1_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_a03" "opcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2731 state real opcg2_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_o_a03" "opcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2732 state real opcg3_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_o_a03" "opcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2733 state real opcg4_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_o_a03" "opcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2734 state real opcg5_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_o_a03" "opcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2735 state real opcg6_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_o_a03" "opcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2736 state real opcg7_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_o_a03" "opcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2737 state real opcg8_b_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_o_a03" "opcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2738 state real opcg1_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_a03" "opcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2739 state real opcg2_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_c_a03" "opcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2740 state real opcg3_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_c_a03" "opcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2741 state real opcg4_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_c_a03" "opcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2742 state real opcg5_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_c_a03" "opcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2743 state real opcg6_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_c_a03" "opcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2744 state real opcg7_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_c_a03" "opcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2745 state real opcg8_f_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_c_a03" "opcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2746 state real opcg1_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_a03" "opcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2747 state real opcg2_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_o_a03" "opcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2748 state real opcg3_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_o_a03" "opcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2749 state real opcg4_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_o_a03" "opcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2750 state real opcg5_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_o_a03" "opcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2751 state real opcg6_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_o_a03" "opcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2752 state real opcg7_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_o_a03" "opcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2753 state real opcg8_f_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_o_a03" "opcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2754 state real smpa_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "smpa_a03" "smpa, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2755 state real smpbb_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "smpbb_a03" "smpbb, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2756 state real ant1_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_a03" "ant1_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2757 state real ant2_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_c_a03" "ant2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2758 state real ant3_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_c_a03" "ant3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2759 state real ant4_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_c_a03" "ant4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2760 state real ant1_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_o_a03" "ant1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2761 state real ant2_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_o_a03" "ant2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2762 state real ant3_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_o_a03" "ant3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2763 state real ant4_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_o_a03" "ant4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2764 state real biog1_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_a03" "biog1_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2765 state real biog2_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_c_a03" "biog2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2766 state real biog3_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_c_a03" "biog3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2767 state real biog4_c_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_c_a03" "biog4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2768 state real biog1_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_o_a03" "biog1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2769 state real biog2_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_o_a03" "biog2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2770 state real biog3_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_o_a03" "biog3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2771 state real biog4_o_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_o_a03" "biog4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2772 state real asoaX_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoaX_a03" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
2773 state real asoa1_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1_a03" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
2774 state real asoa2_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2_a03" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
2775 state real asoa3_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3_a03" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
2776 state real asoa4_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4_a03" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
2777 state real bsoaX_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoaX_a03" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
2778 state real bsoa1_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1_a03" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
2779 state real bsoa2_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2_a03" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
2780 state real bsoa3_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3_a03" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
2781 state real bsoa4_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4_a03" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
2782 state real glysoa_r1_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r1_a03" "glysoa_r1, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2783 state real glysoa_r2_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r2_a03" "glysoa_r2, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2784 state real glysoa_sfc_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_sfc_a03" "glysoa_sfc, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2785 state real glysoa_nh4_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_nh4_a03" "glysoa_nh4, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2786 state real glysoa_oh_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_oh_a03" "glysoa_oh, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2787 state real cl_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_a03" "Chloride, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2788 state real msa_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_a03" "MSA, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2789 state real co3_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_a03" "Carbonate, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2790 state real nh4_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a03" "Ammonium, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2791 state real na_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_a03" "Sodium, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2792 state real ca_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_a03" "Calcium, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2793 state real oin_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_a03" "Other inorganics, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2794 state real oc_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_a03" "Organic carbon, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2795 state real bc_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_a03" "Black carbon, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2796 state real hysw_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hysw_a03" "Hysteresis water, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2797 state real water_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "water_a03" "Water, aerosol bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
2798 state real num_a03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a03" "Number, aerosol bin 03" "#/kg-dryair"
2799 state real so4_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a04" "Sulfate, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2800 state real no3_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_a04" "Nitrate, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2801 state real aro1_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro1_a04" "ARO1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2802 state real aro2_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro2_a04" "ARO2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2803 state real alk1_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk1_a04" "ALK1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2804 state real ole1_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ole1_a04" "OLE1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2805 state real api1_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api1_a04" "API1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2806 state real api2_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api2_a04" "API2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2807 state real lim1_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim1_a04" "LIM1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2808 state real lim2_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim2_a04" "LIM2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2809 state real pcg1_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_a04" "pcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2810 state real pcg2_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_c_a04" "pcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2811 state real pcg3_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_c_a04" "pcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2812 state real pcg4_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_c_a04" "pcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2813 state real pcg5_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_c_a04" "pcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2814 state real pcg6_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_c_a04" "pcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2815 state real pcg7_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_c_a04" "pcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2816 state real pcg8_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_c_a04" "pcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2817 state real pcg9_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_c_a04" "pcg9_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2818 state real pcg1_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_a04" "pcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2819 state real pcg2_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_o_a04" "pcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2820 state real pcg3_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_o_a04" "pcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2821 state real pcg4_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_o_a04" "pcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2822 state real pcg5_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_o_a04" "pcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2823 state real pcg6_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_o_a04" "pcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2824 state real pcg7_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_o_a04" "pcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2825 state real pcg8_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_o_a04" "pcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2826 state real pcg9_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_o_a04" "pcg9_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2827 state real pcg1_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_a04" "pcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2828 state real pcg2_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_c_a04" "pcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2829 state real pcg3_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_c_a04" "pcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2830 state real pcg4_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_c_a04" "pcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2831 state real pcg5_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_c_a04" "pcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2832 state real pcg6_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_c_a04" "pcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2833 state real pcg7_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_c_a04" "pcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2834 state real pcg8_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_c_a04" "pcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2835 state real pcg9_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_c_a04" "pcg9_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2836 state real pcg1_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_a04" "pcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2837 state real pcg2_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_o_a04" "pcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2838 state real pcg3_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_o_a04" "pcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2839 state real pcg4_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_o_a04" "pcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2840 state real pcg5_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_o_a04" "pcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2841 state real pcg6_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_o_a04" "pcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2842 state real pcg7_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_o_a04" "pcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2843 state real pcg8_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_o_a04" "pcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2844 state real pcg9_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_o_a04" "pcg9_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2845 state real opcg1_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_a04" "opcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2846 state real opcg2_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_c_a04" "opcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2847 state real opcg3_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_c_a04" "opcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2848 state real opcg4_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_c_a04" "opcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2849 state real opcg5_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_c_a04" "opcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2850 state real opcg6_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_c_a04" "opcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2851 state real opcg7_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_c_a04" "opcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2852 state real opcg8_b_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_c_a04" "opcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2853 state real opcg1_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_a04" "opcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2854 state real opcg2_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_o_a04" "opcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2855 state real opcg3_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_o_a04" "opcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2856 state real opcg4_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_o_a04" "opcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2857 state real opcg5_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_o_a04" "opcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2858 state real opcg6_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_o_a04" "opcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2859 state real opcg7_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_o_a04" "opcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2860 state real opcg8_b_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_o_a04" "opcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2861 state real opcg1_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_a04" "opcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2862 state real opcg2_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_c_a04" "opcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2863 state real opcg3_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_c_a04" "opcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2864 state real opcg4_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_c_a04" "opcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2865 state real opcg5_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_c_a04" "opcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2866 state real opcg6_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_c_a04" "opcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2867 state real opcg7_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_c_a04" "opcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2868 state real opcg8_f_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_c_a04" "opcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2869 state real opcg1_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_a04" "opcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2870 state real opcg2_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_o_a04" "opcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2871 state real opcg3_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_o_a04" "opcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2872 state real opcg4_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_o_a04" "opcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2873 state real opcg5_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_o_a04" "opcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2874 state real opcg6_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_o_a04" "opcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2875 state real opcg7_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_o_a04" "opcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2876 state real opcg8_f_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_o_a04" "opcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2877 state real smpa_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "smpa_a04" "smpa, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2878 state real smpbb_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "smpbb_a04" "smpbb, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2879 state real ant1_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_a04" "ant1_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2880 state real ant2_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_c_a04" "ant2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2881 state real ant3_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_c_a04" "ant3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2882 state real ant4_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_c_a04" "ant4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2883 state real ant1_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_o_a04" "ant1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2884 state real ant2_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_o_a04" "ant2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2885 state real ant3_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_o_a04" "ant3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2886 state real ant4_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_o_a04" "ant4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2887 state real biog1_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_a04" "biog1_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2888 state real biog2_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_c_a04" "biog2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2889 state real biog3_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_c_a04" "biog3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2890 state real biog4_c_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_c_a04" "biog4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2891 state real biog1_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_o_a04" "biog1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2892 state real biog2_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_o_a04" "biog2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2893 state real biog3_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_o_a04" "biog3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2894 state real biog4_o_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_o_a04" "biog4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2895 state real asoaX_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoaX_a04" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
2896 state real asoa1_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1_a04" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
2897 state real asoa2_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2_a04" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
2898 state real asoa3_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3_a04" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
2899 state real asoa4_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4_a04" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
2900 state real bsoaX_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoaX_a04" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
2901 state real bsoa1_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1_a04" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
2902 state real bsoa2_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2_a04" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
2903 state real bsoa3_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3_a04" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
2904 state real bsoa4_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4_a04" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
2905 state real glysoa_r1_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r1_a04" "glysoa_r2, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2906 state real glysoa_r2_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r2_a04" "glysoa_r1, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2907 state real glysoa_sfc_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_sfc_a04" "glysoa_sfc, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2908 state real glysoa_nh4_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_nh4_a04" "glysoa_nh4, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2909 state real glysoa_oh_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_oh_a04" "glysoa_oh, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2910 state real cl_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_a04" "Chloride, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2911 state real msa_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_a04" "MSA, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2912 state real co3_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_a04" "Carbonate, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2913 state real nh4_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a04" "Ammonium, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2914 state real na_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_a04" "Sodium, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2915 state real ca_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_a04" "Calcium, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2916 state real oin_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_a04" "Other inorganics, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2917 state real oc_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_a04" "Organic carbon, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2918 state real bc_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_a04" "Black carbon, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2919 state real hysw_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hysw_a04" "Hysteresis water, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2920 state real water_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "water_a04" "Water, aerosol bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
2921 state real num_a04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a04" "Number, aerosol bin 04" "#/kg-dryair"
2922 state real so4_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a05" "Sulfate, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
2923 state real no3_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_a05" "Nitrate, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
2924 state real aro1_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro1_a05" "ARO1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2925 state real aro2_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro2_a05" "ARO2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2926 state real alk1_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk1_a05" "ALK1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2927 state real ole1_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ole1_a05" "OLE1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2928 state real api1_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api1_a05" "API1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2929 state real api2_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api2_a05" "API2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2930 state real lim1_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim1_a05" "LIM1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2931 state real lim2_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim2_a05" "LIM2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2932 state real pcg1_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_a05" "pcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2933 state real pcg2_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_c_a05" "pcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2934 state real pcg3_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_c_a05" "pcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2935 state real pcg4_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_c_a05" "pcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2936 state real pcg5_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_c_a05" "pcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2937 state real pcg6_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_c_a05" "pcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2938 state real pcg7_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_c_a05" "pcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2939 state real pcg8_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_c_a05" "pcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2940 state real pcg9_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_c_a05" "pcg9_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2941 state real pcg1_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_a05" "pcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2942 state real pcg2_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_o_a05" "pcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2943 state real pcg3_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_o_a05" "pcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2944 state real pcg4_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_o_a05" "pcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2945 state real pcg5_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_o_a05" "pcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2946 state real pcg6_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_o_a05" "pcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2947 state real pcg7_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_o_a05" "pcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2948 state real pcg8_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_o_a05" "pcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2949 state real pcg9_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_o_a05" "pcg9_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2950 state real pcg1_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_a05" "pcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2951 state real pcg2_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_c_a05" "pcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2952 state real pcg3_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_c_a05" "pcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2953 state real pcg4_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_c_a05" "pcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2954 state real pcg5_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_c_a05" "pcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2955 state real pcg6_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_c_a05" "pcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2956 state real pcg7_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_c_a05" "pcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2957 state real pcg8_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_c_a05" "pcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2958 state real pcg9_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_c_a05" "pcg9_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2959 state real pcg1_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_a05" "pcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2960 state real pcg2_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_o_a05" "pcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2961 state real pcg3_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_o_a05" "pcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2962 state real pcg4_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_o_a05" "pcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2963 state real pcg5_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_o_a05" "pcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2964 state real pcg6_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_o_a05" "pcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2965 state real pcg7_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_o_a05" "pcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2966 state real pcg8_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_o_a05" "pcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2967 state real pcg9_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_o_a05" "pcg9_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2968 state real opcg1_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_a05" "opcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2969 state real opcg2_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_c_a05" "opcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2970 state real opcg3_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_c_a05" "opcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2971 state real opcg4_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_c_a05" "opcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2972 state real opcg5_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_c_a05" "opcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2973 state real opcg6_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_c_a05" "opcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2974 state real opcg7_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_c_a05" "opcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2975 state real opcg8_b_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_c_a05" "opcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2976 state real opcg1_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_a05" "opcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2977 state real opcg2_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_o_a05" "opcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2978 state real opcg3_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_o_a05" "opcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2979 state real opcg4_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_o_a05" "opcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2980 state real opcg5_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_o_a05" "opcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2981 state real opcg6_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_o_a05" "opcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2982 state real opcg7_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_o_a05" "opcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2983 state real opcg8_b_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_o_a05" "opcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2984 state real opcg1_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_a05" "opcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2985 state real opcg2_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_c_a05" "opcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2986 state real opcg3_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_c_a05" "opcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2987 state real opcg4_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_c_a05" "opcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2988 state real opcg5_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_c_a05" "opcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2989 state real opcg6_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_c_a05" "opcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2990 state real opcg7_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_c_a05" "opcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2991 state real opcg8_f_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_c_a05" "opcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2992 state real opcg1_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_a05" "opcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2993 state real opcg2_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_o_a05" "opcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2994 state real opcg3_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_o_a05" "opcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2995 state real opcg4_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_o_a05" "opcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2996 state real opcg5_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_o_a05" "opcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2997 state real opcg6_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_o_a05" "opcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2998 state real opcg7_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_o_a05" "opcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
2999 state real opcg8_f_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_o_a05" "opcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3001 state real ant1_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_a05" "ant1_c, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3002 state real ant2_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_c_a05" "ant2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3003 state real ant3_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_c_a05" "ant3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3004 state real ant4_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_c_a05" "ant4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3005 state real ant1_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_o_a05" "ant1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3006 state real ant2_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_o_a05" "ant2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3007 state real ant3_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_o_a05" "ant3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3008 state real ant4_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_o_a05" "ant4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3009 state real biog1_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_a05" "biog1_c, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3010 state real biog2_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_c_a05" "biog2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3011 state real biog3_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_c_a05" "biog3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3012 state real biog4_c_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_c_a05" "biog4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3013 state real biog1_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_o_a05" "biog1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3014 state real biog2_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_o_a05" "biog2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3015 state real biog3_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_o_a05" "biog3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3016 state real biog4_o_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_o_a05" "biog4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3019 state real cl_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_a05" "Chloride, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3020 state real msa_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_a05" "MSA, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3021 state real co3_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_a05" "Carbonate, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3022 state real nh4_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a05" "Ammonium, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3023 state real na_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_a05" "Sodium, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3024 state real ca_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_a05" "Calcium, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3025 state real oin_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_a05" "Other inorganics, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3026 state real oc_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_a05" "Organic carbon, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3027 state real bc_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_a05" "Black carbon, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3028 state real hysw_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hysw_a05" "Hysteresis water, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3029 state real water_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "water_a05" "Water, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3030 state real num_a05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a05" "Number, aerosol bin 05" "#/kg-dryair"
3031 state real so4_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a06" "Sulfate, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3032 state real no3_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_a06" "Nitrate, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3033 state real aro1_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro1_a06" "ARO1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3034 state real aro2_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro2_a06" "ARO2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3035 state real alk1_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk1_a06" "ALK1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3036 state real ole1_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ole1_a06" "OLE1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3037 state real api1_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api1_a06" "API1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3038 state real api2_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api2_a06" "API2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3039 state real lim1_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim1_a06" "LIM1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3040 state real lim2_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim2_a06" "LIM2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3041 state real pcg1_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_a06" "pcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3042 state real pcg2_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_c_a06" "pcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3043 state real pcg3_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_c_a06" "pcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3044 state real pcg4_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_c_a06" "pcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3045 state real pcg5_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_c_a06" "pcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3046 state real pcg6_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_c_a06" "pcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3047 state real pcg7_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_c_a06" "pcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3048 state real pcg8_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_c_a06" "pcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3049 state real pcg9_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_c_a06" "pcg9_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3050 state real pcg1_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_a06" "pcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3051 state real pcg2_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_o_a06" "pcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3052 state real pcg3_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_o_a06" "pcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3053 state real pcg4_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_o_a06" "pcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3054 state real pcg5_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_o_a06" "pcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3055 state real pcg6_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_o_a06" "pcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3056 state real pcg7_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_o_a06" "pcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3057 state real pcg8_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_o_a06" "pcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3058 state real pcg9_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_o_a06" "pcg9_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3059 state real pcg1_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_a06" "pcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3060 state real pcg2_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_c_a06" "pcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3061 state real pcg3_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_c_a06" "pcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3062 state real pcg4_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_c_a06" "pcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3063 state real pcg5_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_c_a06" "pcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3064 state real pcg6_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_c_a06" "pcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3065 state real pcg7_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_c_a06" "pcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3066 state real pcg8_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_c_a06" "pcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3067 state real pcg9_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_c_a06" "pcg9_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3068 state real pcg1_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_a06" "pcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3069 state real pcg2_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_o_a06" "pcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3070 state real pcg3_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_o_a06" "pcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3071 state real pcg4_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_o_a06" "pcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3072 state real pcg5_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_o_a06" "pcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3073 state real pcg6_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_o_a06" "pcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3074 state real pcg7_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_o_a06" "pcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3075 state real pcg8_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_o_a06" "pcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3076 state real pcg9_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_o_a06" "pcg9_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3077 state real opcg1_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_a06" "opcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3078 state real opcg2_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_c_a06" "opcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3079 state real opcg3_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_c_a06" "opcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3080 state real opcg4_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_c_a06" "opcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3081 state real opcg5_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_c_a06" "opcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3082 state real opcg6_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_c_a06" "opcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3083 state real opcg7_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_c_a06" "opcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3084 state real opcg8_b_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_c_a06" "opcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3085 state real opcg1_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_a06" "opcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3086 state real opcg2_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_o_a06" "opcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3087 state real opcg3_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_o_a06" "opcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3088 state real opcg4_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_o_a06" "opcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3089 state real opcg5_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_o_a06" "opcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3090 state real opcg6_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_o_a06" "opcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3091 state real opcg7_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_o_a06" "opcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3092 state real opcg8_b_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_o_a06" "opcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3093 state real opcg1_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_a06" "opcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3094 state real opcg2_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_c_a06" "opcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3095 state real opcg3_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_c_a06" "opcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3096 state real opcg4_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_c_a06" "opcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3097 state real opcg5_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_c_a06" "opcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3098 state real opcg6_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_c_a06" "opcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3099 state real opcg7_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_c_a06" "opcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3100 state real opcg8_f_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_c_a06" "opcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3101 state real opcg1_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_a06" "opcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3102 state real opcg2_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_o_a06" "opcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3103 state real opcg3_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_o_a06" "opcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3104 state real opcg4_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_o_a06" "opcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3105 state real opcg5_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_o_a06" "opcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3106 state real opcg6_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_o_a06" "opcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3107 state real opcg7_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_o_a06" "opcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3108 state real opcg8_f_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_o_a06" "opcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3110 state real ant1_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_a06" "ant1_c, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3111 state real ant2_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_c_a06" "ant2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3112 state real ant3_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_c_a06" "ant3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3113 state real ant4_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_c_a06" "ant4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3114 state real ant1_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_o_a06" "ant1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3115 state real ant2_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_o_a06" "ant2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3116 state real ant3_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_o_a06" "ant3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3117 state real ant4_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_o_a06" "ant4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3119 state real biog1_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_a06" "biog1_c, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3120 state real biog2_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_c_a06" "biog2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3121 state real biog3_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_c_a06" "biog3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3122 state real biog4_c_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_c_a06" "biog4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3123 state real biog1_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_o_a06" "biog1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3124 state real biog2_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_o_a06" "biog2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3125 state real biog3_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_o_a06" "biog3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3126 state real biog4_o_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_o_a06" "biog4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3128 state real cl_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_a06" "Chloride, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3129 state real msa_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_a06" "MSA, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3130 state real co3_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_a06" "Carbonate, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3131 state real nh4_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a06" "Ammonium, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3132 state real na_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_a06" "Sodium, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3133 state real ca_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_a06" "Calcium, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3134 state real oin_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_a06" "Other inorganics, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3135 state real oc_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_a06" "Organic carbon, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3136 state real bc_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_a06" "Black carbon, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3137 state real hysw_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hysw_a06" "Hysteresis water, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3138 state real water_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "water_a06" "Water, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3139 state real num_a06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a06" "Number, aerosol bin 06" "#/kg-dryair"
3140 state real so4_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a07" "Sulfate, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3141 state real no3_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_a07" "Nitrate, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3142 state real aro1_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro1_a07" "ARO1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3143 state real aro2_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro2_a07" "ARO2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3144 state real alk1_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk1_a07" "ALK1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3145 state real ole1_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ole1_a07" "OLE1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3146 state real api1_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api1_a07" "API1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3147 state real api2_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api2_a07" "API2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3148 state real lim1_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim1_a07" "LIM1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3149 state real lim2_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim2_a07" "LIM2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3150 state real pcg1_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_a07" "pcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3151 state real pcg2_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_c_a07" "pcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3152 state real pcg3_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_c_a07" "pcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3153 state real pcg4_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_c_a07" "pcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3154 state real pcg5_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_c_a07" "pcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3155 state real pcg6_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_c_a07" "pcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3156 state real pcg7_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_c_a07" "pcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3157 state real pcg8_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_c_a07" "pcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3158 state real pcg9_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_c_a07" "pcg9_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3159 state real pcg1_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_a07" "pcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3160 state real pcg2_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_o_a07" "pcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3161 state real pcg3_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_o_a07" "pcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3162 state real pcg4_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_o_a07" "pcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3163 state real pcg5_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_o_a07" "pcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3164 state real pcg6_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_o_a07" "pcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3165 state real pcg7_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_o_a07" "pcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3166 state real pcg8_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_o_a07" "pcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3167 state real pcg9_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_o_a07" "pcg9_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3168 state real pcg1_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_a07" "pcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3169 state real pcg2_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_c_a07" "pcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3170 state real pcg3_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_c_a07" "pcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3171 state real pcg4_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_c_a07" "pcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3172 state real pcg5_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_c_a07" "pcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3173 state real pcg6_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_c_a07" "pcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3174 state real pcg7_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_c_a07" "pcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3175 state real pcg8_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_c_a07" "pcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3176 state real pcg9_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_c_a07" "pcg9_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3177 state real pcg1_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_a07" "pcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3178 state real pcg2_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_o_a07" "pcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3179 state real pcg3_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_o_a07" "pcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3180 state real pcg4_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_o_a07" "pcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3181 state real pcg5_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_o_a07" "pcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3182 state real pcg6_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_o_a07" "pcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3183 state real pcg7_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_o_a07" "pcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3184 state real pcg8_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_o_a07" "pcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3185 state real pcg9_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_o_a07" "pcg9_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3186 state real opcg1_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_a07" "opcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3187 state real opcg2_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_c_a07" "opcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3188 state real opcg3_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_c_a07" "opcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3189 state real opcg4_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_c_a07" "opcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3190 state real opcg5_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_c_a07" "opcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3191 state real opcg6_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_c_a07" "opcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3192 state real opcg7_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_c_a07" "opcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3193 state real opcg8_b_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_c_a07" "opcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3194 state real opcg1_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_a07" "opcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3195 state real opcg2_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_o_a07" "opcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3196 state real opcg3_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_o_a07" "opcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3197 state real opcg4_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_o_a07" "opcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3198 state real opcg5_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_o_a07" "opcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3199 state real opcg6_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_o_a07" "opcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3200 state real opcg7_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_o_a07" "opcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3201 state real opcg8_b_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_o_a07" "opcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3202 state real opcg1_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_a07" "opcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3203 state real opcg2_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_c_a07" "opcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3204 state real opcg3_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_c_a07" "opcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3205 state real opcg4_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_c_a07" "opcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3206 state real opcg5_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_c_a07" "opcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3207 state real opcg6_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_c_a07" "opcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3208 state real opcg7_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_c_a07" "opcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3209 state real opcg8_f_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_c_a07" "opcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3210 state real opcg1_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_a07" "opcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3211 state real opcg2_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_o_a07" "opcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3212 state real opcg3_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_o_a07" "opcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3213 state real opcg4_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_o_a07" "opcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3214 state real opcg5_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_o_a07" "opcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3215 state real opcg6_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_o_a07" "opcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3216 state real opcg7_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_o_a07" "opcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3217 state real opcg8_f_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_o_a07" "opcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3219 state real ant1_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_a07" "ant1_c, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3220 state real ant2_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_c_a07" "ant2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3221 state real ant3_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_c_a07" "ant3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3222 state real ant4_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_c_a07" "ant4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3223 state real ant1_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_o_a07" "ant1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3224 state real ant2_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_o_a07" "ant2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3225 state real ant3_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_o_a07" "ant3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3226 state real ant4_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_o_a07" "ant4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3227 state real biog1_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_a07" "biog1_c, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3228 state real biog2_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_c_a07" "biog2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3229 state real biog3_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_c_a07" "biog3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3230 state real biog4_c_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_c_a07" "biog4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3231 state real biog1_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_o_a07" "biog1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3232 state real biog2_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_o_a07" "biog2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3233 state real biog3_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_o_a07" "biog3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3234 state real biog4_o_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_o_a07" "biog4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3237 state real cl_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_a07" "Chloride, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3238 state real msa_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_a07" "MSA, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3239 state real co3_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_a07" "Carbonate, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3240 state real nh4_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a07" "Ammonium, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3241 state real na_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_a07" "Sodium, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3242 state real ca_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_a07" "Calcium, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3243 state real oin_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_a07" "Other inorganics, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3244 state real oc_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_a07" "Organic carbon, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3245 state real bc_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_a07" "Black carbon, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3246 state real hysw_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hysw_a07" "Hysteresis water, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3247 state real water_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "water_a07" "Water, aerosol bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3248 state real num_a07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a07" "Number, aerosol bin 07" "#/kg-dryair"
3249 state real so4_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a08" "Sulfate, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3250 state real no3_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_a08" "Nitrate, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3251 state real aro1_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro1_a08" "ARO1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3252 state real aro2_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aro2_a08" "ARO2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3253 state real alk1_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "alk1_a08" "ALK1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3254 state real ole1_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ole1_a08" "OLE1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3255 state real api1_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api1_a08" "API1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3256 state real api2_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "api2_a08" "API2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3257 state real lim1_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim1_a08" "LIM1, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3258 state real lim2_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lim2_a08" "LIM2, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3259 state real pcg1_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_a08" "pcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3260 state real pcg2_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_c_a08" "pcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3261 state real pcg3_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_c_a08" "pcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3262 state real pcg4_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_c_a08" "pcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3263 state real pcg5_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_c_a08" "pcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3264 state real pcg6_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_c_a08" "pcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3265 state real pcg7_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_c_a08" "pcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3266 state real pcg8_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_c_a08" "pcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3267 state real pcg9_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_c_a08" "pcg9_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3268 state real pcg1_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_a08" "pcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3269 state real pcg2_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_b_o_a08" "pcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3270 state real pcg3_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_b_o_a08" "pcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3271 state real pcg4_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_b_o_a08" "pcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3272 state real pcg5_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_b_o_a08" "pcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3273 state real pcg6_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_b_o_a08" "pcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3274 state real pcg7_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_b_o_a08" "pcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3275 state real pcg8_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_b_o_a08" "pcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3276 state real pcg9_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_b_o_a08" "pcg9_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3277 state real pcg1_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_a08" "pcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3278 state real pcg2_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_c_a08" "pcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3279 state real pcg3_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_c_a08" "pcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3280 state real pcg4_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_c_a08" "pcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3281 state real pcg5_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_c_a08" "pcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3282 state real pcg6_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_c_a08" "pcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3283 state real pcg7_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_c_a08" "pcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3284 state real pcg8_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_c_a08" "pcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3285 state real pcg9_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_c_a08" "pcg9_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3286 state real pcg1_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_a08" "pcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3287 state real pcg2_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg2_f_o_a08" "pcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3288 state real pcg3_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg3_f_o_a08" "pcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3289 state real pcg4_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg4_f_o_a08" "pcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3290 state real pcg5_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg5_f_o_a08" "pcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3291 state real pcg6_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg6_f_o_a08" "pcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3292 state real pcg7_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg7_f_o_a08" "pcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3293 state real pcg8_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg8_f_o_a08" "pcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3294 state real pcg9_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg9_f_o_a08" "pcg9_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3295 state real opcg1_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_a08" "opcg1_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3296 state real opcg2_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_c_a08" "opcg2_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3297 state real opcg3_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_c_a08" "opcg3_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3298 state real opcg4_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_c_a08" "opcg4_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3299 state real opcg5_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_c_a08" "opcg5_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3300 state real opcg6_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_c_a08" "opcg6_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3301 state real opcg7_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_c_a08" "opcg7_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3302 state real opcg8_b_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_c_a08" "opcg8_b_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3303 state real opcg1_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_a08" "opcg1_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3304 state real opcg2_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_b_o_a08" "opcg2_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3305 state real opcg3_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_b_o_a08" "opcg3_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3306 state real opcg4_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_b_o_a08" "opcg4_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3307 state real opcg5_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_b_o_a08" "opcg5_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3308 state real opcg6_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_b_o_a08" "opcg6_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3309 state real opcg7_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_b_o_a08" "opcg7_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3310 state real opcg8_b_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_b_o_a08" "opcg8_b_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3311 state real opcg1_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_a08" "opcg1_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3312 state real opcg2_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_c_a08" "opcg2_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3313 state real opcg3_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_c_a08" "opcg3_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3314 state real opcg4_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_c_a08" "opcg4_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3315 state real opcg5_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_c_a08" "opcg5_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3316 state real opcg6_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_c_a08" "opcg6_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3317 state real opcg7_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_c_a08" "opcg7_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3318 state real opcg8_f_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_c_a08" "opcg8_f_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3319 state real opcg1_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_a08" "opcg1_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3320 state real opcg2_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg2_f_o_a08" "opcg2_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3321 state real opcg3_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg3_f_o_a08" "opcg3_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3322 state real opcg4_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg4_f_o_a08" "opcg4_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3323 state real opcg5_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg5_f_o_a08" "opcg5_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3324 state real opcg6_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg6_f_o_a08" "opcg6_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3325 state real opcg7_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg7_f_o_a08" "opcg7_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3326 state real opcg8_f_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg8_f_o_a08" "opcg8_f_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3328 state real ant1_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_a08" "ant1_c, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3329 state real ant2_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_c_a08" "ant2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3330 state real ant3_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_c_a08" "ant3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3331 state real ant4_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_c_a08" "ant4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3332 state real ant1_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_o_a08" "ant1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3333 state real ant2_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant2_o_a08" "ant2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3334 state real ant3_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant3_o_a08" "ant3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3335 state real ant4_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant4_o_a08" "ant4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3336 state real biog1_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_a08" "biog1_c, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3337 state real biog2_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_c_a08" "biog2_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3338 state real biog3_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_c_a08" "biog3_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3339 state real biog4_c_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_c_a08" "biog4_c, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3340 state real biog1_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_o_a08" "biog1_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3341 state real biog2_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog2_o_a08" "biog2_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3342 state real biog3_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog3_o_a08" "biog3_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3343 state real biog4_o_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog4_o_a08" "biog4_o, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3346 state real cl_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_a08" "Chloride, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3347 state real msa_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_a08" "MSA, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3348 state real co3_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_a08" "Carbonate, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3349 state real nh4_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a08" "Ammonium, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3350 state real na_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_a08" "Sodium, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3351 state real ca_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_a08" "Calcium, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3352 state real oin_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_a08" "Other inorganics, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3353 state real oc_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_a08" "Organic carbon, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3354 state real bc_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_a08" "Black carbon, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3355 state real hysw_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hysw_a08" "Hysteresis water, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3356 state real water_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "water_a08" "Water, aerosol bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3357 state real num_a08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a08" "Number, aerosol bin 08" "#/kg-dryair"
3358 # Aerosol in cloud water phase
3359 state real so4_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_cw01" "Sulfate, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3360 state real no3_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_cw01" "Nitrate, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3361 state real cl_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_cw01" "Chloride, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3362 state real msa_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_cw01" "MSA, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3363 state real co3_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_cw01" "Carbonate, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3364 state real nh4_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_cw01" "Ammonium, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3365 state real na_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_cw01" "Sodium, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3366 state real ca_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_cw01" "Calcium, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3367 state real oin_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_cw01" "Other inorganics, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3368 state real oc_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_cw01" "Organic carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3369 state real bc_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_cw01" "Black carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3370 state real glysoa_r1_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r1_cw01" "glysoa_r1, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3371 state real glysoa_r2_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r2_cw01" "glysoa_r2, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3372 state real glysoa_sfc_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_sfc_cw01" "glysoa_sfc, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3373 state real glysoa_nh4_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_nh4_cw01" "glysoa_nh4, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3374 state real glysoa_oh_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_oh_cw01" "glysoa_oh, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3375 state real num_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_cw01" "Number, aerosol in cloud bin 01" "#/kg-dryair"
3376 state real so4_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_cw02" "Sulfate, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3377 state real no3_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_cw02" "Nitrate, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3378 state real cl_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_cw02" "Chloride, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3379 state real msa_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_cw02" "MSA, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3380 state real co3_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_cw02" "Carbonate, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3381 state real nh4_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_cw02" "Ammonium, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3382 state real na_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_cw02" "Sodium, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3383 state real ca_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_cw02" "Calcium, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3384 state real oin_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_cw02" "Other inorganics, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3385 state real oc_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_cw02" "Organic carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3386 state real bc_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_cw02" "Black carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3387 state real glysoa_r1_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r1_cw02" "glysoa_r1, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3388 state real glysoa_r2_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r2_cw02" "glysoa_r2, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3389 state real glysoa_sfc_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_sfc_cw02" "glysoa_sfc, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3390 state real glysoa_nh4_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_nh4_cw02" "glysoa_nh4, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3391 state real glysoa_oh_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_oh_cw02" "glysoa_oh, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3392 state real biog1_c_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_cw02" "biog1_c, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3393 state real biog1_o_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_o_cw02" "biog1_o, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "ug/kg-dryair"
3394 state real num_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_cw02" "Number, aerosol in cloud bin 02" "#/kg-dryair"
3395 state real so4_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_cw03" "Sulfate, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3396 state real no3_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_cw03" "Nitrate, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3397 state real cl_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_cw03" "Chloride, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3398 state real msa_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_cw03" "MSA, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3399 state real co3_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_cw03" "Carbonate, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3400 state real nh4_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_cw03" "Ammonium, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3401 state real na_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_cw03" "Sodium, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3402 state real ca_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_cw03" "Calcium, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3403 state real oin_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_cw03" "Other inorganics, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3404 state real oc_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_cw03" "Organic carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3405 state real bc_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_cw03" "Black carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3406 state real glysoa_r1_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r1_cw03" "glysoa_r1, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3407 state real glysoa_r2_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r2_cw03" "glysoa_r2, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3408 state real glysoa_sfc_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_sfc_cw03" "glysoa_sfc, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3409 state real glysoa_nh4_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_nh4_cw03" "glysoa_nh4, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3410 state real glysoa_oh_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_oh_cw03" "glysoa_oh, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3411 state real biog1_c_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_cw03" "biog1_c, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3412 state real biog1_o_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_o_cw03" "biog1_o, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "ug/kg-dryair"
3413 state real num_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_cw03" "Number, aerosol in cloud bin 03" "#/kg-dryair"
3414 state real so4_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_cw04" "Sulfate, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3415 state real no3_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_cw04" "Nitrate, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3416 state real cl_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_cw04" "Chloride, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3417 state real msa_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_cw04" "MSA, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3418 state real co3_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_cw04" "Carbonate, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3419 state real nh4_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_cw04" "Ammonium, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3420 state real na_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_cw04" "Sodium, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3421 state real ca_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_cw04" "Calcium, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3422 state real oin_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_cw04" "Other inorganics, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3423 state real oc_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_cw04" "Organic carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3424 state real bc_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_cw04" "Black carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3425 state real glysoa_r1_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r1_cw04" "glysoa_r1, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3426 state real glysoa_r2_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_r2_cw04" "glysoa_r2, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3427 state real glysoa_sfc_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_sfc_cw04" "glysoa_sfc, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3428 state real glysoa_nh4_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_nh4_cw04" "glysoa_nh4, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3429 state real glysoa_oh_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "glysoa_oh_cw04" "glysoa_oh, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "ug/kg-dryair"
3430 state real num_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_cw04" "Number, aerosol in cloud bin 04" "#/kg-dryair"
3431 state real so4_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_cw05" "Sulfate, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3432 state real no3_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_cw05" "Nitrate, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3433 state real cl_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_cw05" "Chloride, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3434 state real msa_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_cw05" "MSA, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3435 state real co3_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_cw05" "Carbonate, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3436 state real nh4_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_cw05" "Ammonium, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3437 state real na_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_cw05" "Sodium, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3438 state real ca_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_cw05" "Calcium, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3439 state real oin_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_cw05" "Other inorganics, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3440 state real oc_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_cw05" "Organic carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3441 state real bc_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_cw05" "Black carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3442 state real num_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_cw05" "Number, aerosol in cloud bin 05" "#/kg-dryair"
3443 state real so4_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_cw06" "Sulfate, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3444 state real no3_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_cw06" "Nitrate, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3445 state real cl_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_cw06" "Chloride, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3446 state real msa_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_cw06" "MSA, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3447 state real co3_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_cw06" "Carbonate, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3448 state real nh4_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_cw06" "Ammonium, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3449 state real na_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_cw06" "Sodium, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3450 state real ca_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_cw06" "Calcium, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3451 state real oin_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_cw06" "Other inorganics, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3452 state real oc_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_cw06" "Organic carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3453 state real bc_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_cw06" "Black carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3454 state real num_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_cw06" "Number, aerosol in cloud bin 06" "#/kg-dryair"
3455 state real so4_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_cw07" "Sulfate, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3456 state real no3_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_cw07" "Nitrate, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3457 state real cl_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_cw07" "Chloride, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3458 state real msa_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_cw07" "MSA, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3459 state real co3_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_cw07" "Carbonate, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3460 state real nh4_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_cw07" "Ammonium, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3461 state real na_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_cw07" "Sodium, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3462 state real ca_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_cw07" "Calcium, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3463 state real oin_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_cw07" "Other inorganics, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3464 state real oc_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_cw07" "Organic carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3465 state real bc_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_cw07" "Black carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "ug/kg-dryair"
3466 state real num_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_cw07" "Number, aerosol in cloud bin 07" "#/kg-dryair"
3467 state real so4_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_cw08" "Sulfate, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3468 state real no3_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "no3_cw08" "Nitrate, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3469 state real cl_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "cl_cw08" "Chloride, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3470 state real msa_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "msa_cw08" "MSA, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3471 state real co3_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "co3_cw08" "Carbonate, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3472 state real nh4_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_cw08" "Ammonium, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3473 state real na_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "na_cw08" "Sodium, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3474 state real ca_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ca_cw08" "Calcium, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3475 state real oin_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oin_cw08" "Other inorganics, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3476 state real oc_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "oc_cw08" "Organic carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3477 state real bc_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_cw08" "Black carbon, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "ug/kg-dryair"
3478 state real num_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_cw08" "Number, aerosol in cloud bin 08" "#/kg-dryair"
3480 state real asoaX_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoaX_cw01" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3481 state real asoa1_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1_cw01" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3482 state real asoa2_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2_cw01" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3483 state real asoa3_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3_cw01" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3484 state real asoa4_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4_cw01" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3485 state real bsoaX_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoaX_cw01" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3486 state real bsoa1_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1_cw01" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3487 state real bsoa2_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2_cw01" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3488 state real bsoa3_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3_cw01" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3489 state real bsoa4_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4_cw01" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3490 state real asoaX_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoaX_cw02" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3491 state real asoa1_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1_cw02" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3492 state real asoa2_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2_cw02" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3493 state real asoa3_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3_cw02" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3494 state real asoa4_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4_cw02" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3495 state real bsoaX_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoaX_cw02" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3496 state real bsoa1_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1_cw02" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3497 state real bsoa2_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2_cw02" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3498 state real bsoa3_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3_cw02" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3499 state real bsoa4_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4_cw02" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3500 state real asoaX_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoaX_cw03" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3501 state real asoa1_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1_cw03" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3502 state real asoa2_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2_cw03" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3503 state real asoa3_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3_cw03" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3504 state real asoa4_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4_cw03" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3505 state real bsoaX_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoaX_cw03" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3506 state real bsoa1_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1_cw03" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3507 state real bsoa2_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2_cw03" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3508 state real bsoa3_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3_cw03" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3509 state real bsoa4_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4_cw03" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3510 state real asoaX_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoaX_cw04" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3511 state real asoa1_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa1_cw04" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3512 state real asoa2_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa2_cw04" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3513 state real asoa3_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa3_cw04" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3514 state real asoa4_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "asoa4_cw04" "SOA Anth. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3515 state real bsoaX_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoaX_cw04" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=X ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3516 state real bsoa1_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa1_cw04" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3517 state real bsoa2_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa2_cw04" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=10 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3518 state real bsoa3_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa3_cw04" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=100 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3519 state real bsoa4_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bsoa4_cw04" "SOA Biog. org. conc. with C* value=1000 ug/m^3 in cloud Bin 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3522 state real pcg1_b_c_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_cw01" "pcg1_b_c_cw01, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3523 state real pcg1_b_o_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_cw01" "pcg1_b_o_cw01, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3524 state real opcg1_b_c_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_cw01" "opcg1_b_c_cw01, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3525 state real opcg1_b_o_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_cw01" "opcg1_b_o_cw01, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3526 state real pcg1_f_c_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_cw01" "pcg1_f_c_cw01, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3527 state real pcg1_f_o_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_cw01" "pcg1_f_o_cw01, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3528 state real opcg1_f_c_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_cw01" "opcg1_f_c_cw01, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3529 state real opcg1_f_o_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_cw01" "opcg1_f_o_cw01, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3530 state real ant1_c_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_cw01" "ant1_c_cw01, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3531 state real biog1_c_cw01 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_cw01" "biog1_c_cw01, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3533 state real pcg1_b_c_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_cw02" "pcg1_b_c_cw02, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3534 state real pcg1_b_o_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_cw02" "pcg1_b_o_cw02, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3535 state real opcg1_b_c_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_cw02" "opcg1_b_c_cw02, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3536 state real opcg1_b_o_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_cw02" "opcg1_b_o_cw02, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3537 state real pcg1_f_c_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_cw02" "pcg1_f_c_cw02, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3538 state real pcg1_f_o_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_cw02" "pcg1_f_o_cw02, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3539 state real opcg1_f_c_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_cw02" "opcg1_f_c_cw02, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3540 state real opcg1_f_o_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_cw02" "opcg1_f_o_cw02, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3541 state real ant1_c_cw02 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_cw02" "ant1_c_cw02, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3543 state real pcg1_b_c_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_cw03" "pcg1_b_c_cw03, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3544 state real pcg1_b_o_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_cw03" "pcg1_b_o_cw03, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3545 state real opcg1_b_c_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_cw03" "opcg1_b_c_cw03, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3546 state real opcg1_b_o_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_cw03" "opcg1_b_o_cw03, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3547 state real pcg1_f_c_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_cw03" "pcg1_f_c_cw03, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3548 state real pcg1_f_o_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_cw03" "pcg1_f_o_cw03, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3549 state real opcg1_f_c_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_cw03" "opcg1_f_c_cw03, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3550 state real opcg1_f_o_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_cw03" "opcg1_f_o_cw03, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3551 state real ant1_c_cw03 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_cw03" "ant1_c_cw03, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3553 state real pcg1_b_c_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_cw04" "pcg1_b_c_cw04, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3554 state real pcg1_b_o_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_cw04" "pcg1_b_o_cw04, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3555 state real opcg1_b_c_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_cw04" "opcg1_b_c_cw04, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3556 state real opcg1_b_o_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_cw04" "opcg1_b_o_cw04, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3557 state real pcg1_f_c_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_cw04" "pcg1_f_c_cw04, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3558 state real pcg1_f_o_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_cw04" "pcg1_f_o_cw04, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3559 state real opcg1_f_c_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_cw04" "opcg1_f_c_cw04, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3560 state real opcg1_f_o_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_cw04" "opcg1_f_o_cw04, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3561 state real ant1_c_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_cw04" "ant1_c_cw04, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3562 state real biog1_c_cw04 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_cw04" "biog1_c_cw04, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3564 state real pcg1_b_c_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_cw05" "pcg1_b_c_cw05, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3565 state real pcg1_b_o_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_cw05" "pcg1_b_o_cw05, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3566 state real opcg1_b_c_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_cw05" "opcg1_b_c_cw05, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3567 state real opcg1_b_o_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_cw05" "opcg1_b_o_cw05, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3568 state real pcg1_f_c_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_cw05" "pcg1_f_c_cw05, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3569 state real pcg1_f_o_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_cw05" "pcg1_f_o_cw05, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3570 state real opcg1_f_c_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_cw05" "opcg1_f_c_cw05, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3571 state real opcg1_f_o_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_cw05" "opcg1_f_o_cw05, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3572 state real ant1_c_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_cw05" "ant1_c_cw05, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3573 state real biog1_c_cw05 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_cw05" "biog1_c_cw05, aerosol bin 05" "ug/kg-dryair"
3575 state real pcg1_b_c_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_cw06" "pcg1_b_c_cw06, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3576 state real pcg1_b_o_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_cw06" "pcg1_b_o_cw06, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3577 state real opcg1_b_c_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_cw06" "opcg1_b_c_cw06, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3578 state real opcg1_b_o_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_cw06" "opcg1_b_o_cw06, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3579 state real pcg1_f_c_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_cw06" "pcg1_f_c_cw06, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3580 state real pcg1_f_o_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_cw06" "pcg1_f_o_cw06, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3581 state real opcg1_f_c_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_cw06" "opcg1_f_c_cw06, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3582 state real opcg1_f_o_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_cw06" "opcg1_f_o_cw06, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3583 state real ant1_c_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_cw06" "ant1_c_cw06, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3584 state real biog1_c_cw06 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_cw06" "biog1_c_cw06, aerosol bin 06" "ug/kg-dryair"
3586 state real pcg1_b_c_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_cw07" "pcg1_b_c_cw07, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3587 state real pcg1_b_o_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_cw07" "pcg1_b_o_cw07, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3588 state real opcg1_b_c_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_cw07" "opcg1_b_c_cw07, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3589 state real opcg1_b_o_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_cw07" "opcg1_b_o_cw07, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3590 state real pcg1_f_c_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_cw07" "pcg1_f_c_cw07, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3591 state real pcg1_f_o_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_cw07" "pcg1_f_o_cw07, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3592 state real opcg1_f_c_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_cw07" "opcg1_f_c_cw07, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3593 state real opcg1_f_o_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_cw07" "opcg1_f_o_cw07, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3594 state real ant1_c_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_cw07" "ant1_c_cw07, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3595 state real biog1_c_cw07 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_cw07" "biog1_c_cw07, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3597 state real pcg1_b_c_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_c_cw08" "pcg1_b_c_cw08, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3598 state real pcg1_b_o_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_b_o_cw08" "pcg1_b_o_cw08, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3599 state real opcg1_b_c_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_c_cw08" "opcg1_b_c_cw08, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3600 state real opcg1_b_o_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_b_o_cw08" "opcg1_b_o_cw08, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3601 state real pcg1_f_c_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_c_cw08" "pcg1_f_c_cw08, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3602 state real pcg1_f_o_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pcg1_f_o_cw08" "pcg1_f_o_cw08, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3603 state real opcg1_f_c_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_c_cw08" "opcg1_f_c_cw08, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3604 state real opcg1_f_o_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "opcg1_f_o_cw08" "opcg1_f_o_cw08, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3605 state real ant1_c_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ant1_c_cw08" "ant1_c_cw08, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3606 state real biog1_c_cw08 ikjftb chem 1 - irusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "biog1_c_cw08" "biog1_c_cw08, aerosol bin 01" "ug/kg-dryair"
3610 state real bc1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "BC1" "Hydrophobic Black Carbon" "ug/kg-dryair"
3611 state real bc2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "BC2" "Hydrophilic Black Carbon" "ug/kg-dryair"
3612 state real oc1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "OC1" "Hydrophobic Black Carbon" "ug/kg-dryair"
3613 state real oc2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "OC2" "Hydrophilic Black Carbon" "ug/kg-dryair"
3614 state real p25 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "P25" "other gocart primary pm25" "ug/kg-dryair"
3615 state real p10 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "P10" "other gocart primary pm10" "ug/kg-dryair"
3616 state real dust_1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DUST_1" "dust size bin 1: 0.5um effective radius" "ug/kg-dryair"
3617 state real dust_2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DUST_2" "dust size bin 2: 1.4um effective radius" "ug/kg-dryair "
3618 state real dust_3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DUST_3" "dust size bin 3: 2.4um effective radius" "ug/kg-dryair "
3619 state real dust_4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DUST_4" "dust size bin 4: 4.5um effective radius" "ug/kg-dryair "
3620 state real dust_5 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "DUST_5" "dust size bin 5: 8.0um effective radius" "ug/kg-dryair"
3621 state real seas_1 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "SEAS_1" "sea-salt size bin 1: 0.3um effective radius" "ug/kg-dryair"
3622 state real seas_2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "SEAS_2" "sea-salt size bin 2: 1.0um effective radius" "ug/kg-dryair"
3623 state real seas_3 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "SEAS_3" "sea-salt size bin 3: 3.2um effective radius" "ug/kg-dryair"
3624 state real seas_4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "SEAS_4" "sea-salt size bin 4: 7.5um effective radius" "ug/kg-dryair"
3626 #Additional CAM modal aerosol variables inside the chem array...
3627 state real soag ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "soag" "Gas-phase SOA" "ppmv"
3629 state real so4_a1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a1" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3630 state real nh4_a1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a1" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3631 state real bc_a1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_a1" "Black carbon aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3632 state real pom_a1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pom_a1" "Primary organic aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3633 state real soa_a1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "soa_a1" "Secondary organic aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3634 state real ncl_a1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ncl_a1" "Sea salt aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3635 state real dst_a1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dst_a1" "Dust aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3636 state real wtr_a1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "wtr_a1" "Aerosol water, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3637 state real num_a1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a1" "Aerosol number, mode 1" "#/kg-dryair"
3639 state real so4_a2 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a2" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3640 state real nh4_a2 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a2" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3641 state real soa_a2 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "soa_a2" "Secondary organic aerosol, mode 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3642 state real ncl_a2 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ncl_a2" "Sea salt aerosol, mode 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3643 state real wtr_a2 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "wtr_a2" "Aerosol water, mode 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3644 state real num_a2 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a2" "Aerosol number, mode 2" "#/kg-dryair"
3646 state real so4_a3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a3" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3647 state real bc_a3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_a3" "Black carbon aerosol, mode 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3648 state real pom_a3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pom_a3" "Primary organic aerosol, mode 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3649 state real ncl_a3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ncl_a3" "Sea salt aerosol, mode 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3650 state real dst_a3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dst_a3" "Dust aerosol, mode 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3651 state real wtr_a3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "wtr_a3" "Aerosol water, mode 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3652 state real num_a3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a3" "Aerosol number, mode 3" "#/kg-dryair"
3653 state real so4_a4 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a4" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3654 state real nh4_a4 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a4" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3655 state real ncl_a4 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ncl_a4" "Sea salt aerosol, mode 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3656 state real wtr_a4 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "wtr_a4" "Aerosol water, mode 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3657 state real num_a4 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a4" "Aerosol number, mode 4" "#/kg-dryair"
3659 state real so4_a5 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a5" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 5" "ug/kg-dryair"
3660 state real nh4_a5 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a5" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 5" "ug/kg-dryair"
3661 state real dst_a5 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dst_a5" "Dust aerosol, mode 5" "ug/kg-dryair"
3662 state real wtr_a5 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "wtr_a5" "Aerosol water, mode 5" "ug/kg-dryair"
3663 state real num_a5 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a5" "Aerosol number, mode 5" "#/kg-dryair"
3665 state real so4_a6 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a6" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 6" "ug/kg-dryair"
3666 state real nh4_a6 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a6" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 6" "ug/kg-dryair"
3667 state real ncl_a6 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ncl_a6" "Sea salt aerosol, mode 6" "ug/kg-dryair"
3668 state real wtr_a6 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "wtr_a6" "Aerosol water, mode 6" "ug/kg-dryair"
3669 state real num_a6 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a6" "Aerosol number, mode 6" "#/kg-dryair"
3671 state real so4_a7 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_a7" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 7" "ug/kg-dryair"
3672 state real nh4_a7 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_a7" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 7" "ug/kg-dryair"
3673 state real dst_a7 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dst_a7" "Dust aerosol, mode 7" "ug/kg-dryair"
3674 state real wtr_a7 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "wtr_a7" "Aerosol water, mode 7" "ug/kg-dryair"
3675 state real num_a7 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_a7" "Aerosol number, mode 7" "#/kg-dryair"
3676 state real so4_c1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_c1" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3677 state real nh4_c1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_c1" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3678 state real bc_c1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_c1" "Black carbon aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3679 state real pom_c1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pom_c1" "Primary organic aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3680 state real soa_c1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "soa_c1" "Secondary organic aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3681 state real ncl_c1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ncl_c1" "Sea salt aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3682 state real dst_c1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dst_c1" "Dust aerosol, mode 1" "ug/kg-dryair"
3683 state real num_c1 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_c1" "Aerosol number, mode 1" "#/kg-dryair"
3685 state real so4_c2 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_c2" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3686 state real nh4_c2 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_c2" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3687 state real soa_c2 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "soa_c2" "Secondary organic aerosol, mode 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3688 state real ncl_c2 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ncl_c2" "Sea salt aerosol, mode 2" "ug/kg-dryair"
3689 state real num_c2 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_c2" "Aerosol number, mode 2" "#/kg-dryair"
3691 state real so4_c3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_c3" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3692 state real bc_c3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "bc_c3" "Black carbon aerosol, mode 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3693 state real pom_c3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pom_c3" "Primary organic aerosol, mode 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3694 state real ncl_c3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ncl_c3" "Sea salt aerosol, mode 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3695 state real dst_c3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dst_c3" "Dust aerosol, mode 3" "ug/kg-dryair"
3696 state real num_c3 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_c3" "Aerosol number, mode 3" "#/kg-dryair"
3698 state real so4_c4 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_c4" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3699 state real nh4_c4 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_c4" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3700 state real ncl_c4 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ncl_c4" "Sea salt aerosol, mode 4" "ug/kg-dryair"
3701 state real num_c4 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_c4" "Aerosol number, mode 4" "#/kg-dryair"
3703 state real so4_c5 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_c5" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 5" "ug/kg-dryair"
3704 state real nh4_c5 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_c5" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 5" "ug/kg-dryair"
3705 state real dst_c5 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dst_c5" "Dust aerosol, mode 5" "ug/kg-dryair"
3706 state real num_c5 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_c5" "Aerosol number, mode 5" "#/kg-dryair"
3707 state real so4_c6 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_c6" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 6" "ug/kg-dryair"
3708 state real nh4_c6 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_c6" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 6" "ug/kg-dryair"
3709 state real ncl_c6 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ncl_c6" "Sea salt aerosol, mode 6" "ug/kg-dryair"
3710 state real num_c6 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_c6" "Aerosol number, mode 6" "#/kg-dryair"
3712 state real so4_c7 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "so4_c7" "Sulfate aerosol, mode 7" "ug/kg-dryair"
3713 state real nh4_c7 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "nh4_c7" "Ammonium aerosol, mode 7" "ug/kg-dryair"
3714 state real dst_c7 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "dst_c7" "Dust aerosol, mode 7" "ug/kg-dryair"
3715 state real num_c7 ikjftb chem 1 - irhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "num_c7" "Aerosol number, mode 7" "#/kg-dryair"
3717 # KPP Mechanism from MATCH-MPI MAINZ global chemistry
3718 state real pa ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pa" "" ""
3719 state real aca ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aca" "" ""
3720 state real acet ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "acet" "" ""
3721 state real isopr ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isopr" "isoprene" ""
3722 state real mvk ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mvk" " " ""
3723 state real iso2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "iso2" "" ""
3724 state real isooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "isooh" "" ""
3725 state real mvko2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mvko2" "" ""
3726 state real mvkooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mvkooh" "" ""
3727 state real acol ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "acol" "" ""
3728 state real hcooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "hcooh" "" ""
3729 state real naca ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "naca" "" ""
3730 state real mglo ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mglo" "" ""
3731 state real c2h6 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c2h6" "" ""
3732 state real etooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "etooh" "" ""
3733 state real c3h8 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c3h8" "" ""
3734 state real prooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "prooh" "" ""
3735 state real acooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "acooh" "" ""
3736 state real eto2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "eto2" "" ""
3737 state real pro2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "pro2" "" ""
3738 state real aco2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aco2" "" ""
3739 state real c3h6 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c3h6" "" ""
3740 state real c3h6ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c3h6ooh" "" ""
3741 state real c2h4 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c2h4" "" ""
3742 state real c4h10 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c4h10" "" ""
3743 state real buooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c4h9ooh" "" ""
3744 state real mek ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mek" "" ""
3745 state real mekooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mekooh" "" ""
3746 state real mecoco ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "mecoco" "" ""
3747 state real c3h6o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c3h6o2" "" ""
3748 state real c4h9o2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c4h9o2" "" ""
3749 state real meko2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "meko2" "" ""
3750 state real prono2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "prono2" "" ""
3751 state real acetol ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "acetol" "" ""
3752 state real acetp ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "acetp" "" ""
3753 state real aceto2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "aceto2" "" ""
3754 state real ch3cooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "ch3cooh" "" ""
3755 state real c4h9ooh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "c4h9ooh" "" ""
3756 state real meo2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "meo2" "" ""
3757 state real meoh ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "meoh" "" ""
3758 state real meo2no2 ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "meo2no2" "" ""
3760 #End MATCH-MPI MAINZ global chemistry
3769 rconfig character emi_inname namelist,chem 1 "wrfchemi_d<domain>_<date>" - "name of chem emissions infile" "" ""
3770 rconfig character fireemi_inname namelist,chem 1 "wrffirechemi_d<domain>_<date>" - "name of chem fire emissions infile" "" ""
3771 rconfig character input_chem_inname namelist,chem 1 "wrf_chem_input_d<domain>_<date>" - "name of chem infile" "" ""
3772 rconfig character emi_outname namelist,chem 1 "wrfchemi_d<domain>_<date>" - "name of chem emissions outfile" "" ""
3773 rconfig character fireemi_outname namelist,chem 1 "wrffirechemi_out_d<domain>_<date>" - "name of chem fire emissions outfile" "" ""
3774 rconfig character input_chem_outname namelist,chem 1 "wrf_chem_input_d<domain>_<date>" - "name of chem outfile" "" ""
3775 rconfig integer io_style_emissions namelist,chem 1 1 - "io_style_emissions" "" ""
3776 rconfig real BIOEMDT namelist,chem max_domains 0 h "BIOEMDT" "" ""
3777 rconfig real PHOTDT namelist,chem max_domains 0 h "PHOTDT" "" ""
3778 rconfig real CHEMDT namelist,chem max_domains 0 h "CHEMDT" "" ""
3779 rconfig integer ne_area namelist,chem 1 41 irh "ne_area" "" ""
3780 rconfig integer kemit namelist,chem 1 9 irh "kemit" "" ""
3781 rconfig integer nmegan namelist,chem 1 138 irh "nmegan" "" ""
3782 rconfig integer kfuture namelist,chem 1 1 - "kfuture" "" ""
3783 rconfig integer kfire namelist,chem 1 1 - "kfire" "" ""
3784 rconfig integer kemit_aircraft namelist,chem 1 1 - "kemit_aircraft" "" ""
3785 rconfig integer kdvel namelist,chem 1 1 - "kdvel" "" ""
3786 rconfig integer ndepvel namelist,chem 1 140 - "ndepvel" "" ""
3787 rconfig integer kdepvel namelist,chem 1 1 - "kdepvel" "" ""
3788 rconfig integer biomass_emiss_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "biomass_emiss_opt" "" ""
3789 rconfig integer cam_mam_mode namelist,chem 1 3 irh "cam_mam_mode" "" ""
3790 rconfig integer cam_mam_nspec namelist,chem 1 85 irh "cam_mam_nspec" "" ""
3791 rconfig logical CAM_MP_MAM_cpled namelist,chem 1 .true. irh "CAM_MP_MAM_cpled" "" ""
3792 rconfig integer mozart_ph_diag namelist,chem 1 0 rh "mozart_ph_diag" "" ""
3793 rconfig logical mynn_chem_vertmx namelist,chem 1 .false. rh "mynn_chem_vertmx" "" ""
3796 rconfig character megan_specifier namelist,physics max_mgnspc " " - "map from Megan2.1 to WRF species" "" ""
3797 rconfig character megan_factors_file namelist,physics 1 " " - "Megan2.1 emission factors" "" ""
3798 rconfig logical megan_mapped_emisfctrs namelist,physics 1 .false. - "use mapped emission factors" "" ""
3800 # GHG chemistry namelist options:
3801 rconfig character vprm_opt namelist,chem max_domains "VPRM_param_US" - "the file contains VPRM parameters" "" ""
3803 # wetland option for namelist
3804 rconfig real wpeat namelist,chem 1 0.05 - "tuning factor for peatland emissions" "" ""
3805 rconfig real wflood namelist,chem 1 0.19 - "tuning factor for floodplain emissions" "" ""
3807 # termite options for namelist
3808 rconfig character term_opt namelist,chem max_domains "CH4_termite_NW" - "the option to choose the termite emission parameters for ch4 and co2" "" ""
3810 # Default chemistry settings are: passive/prescribed aerosols (chem_opt=0)
3811 # gas and aerosol calculations turned on (gaschem_onoff=1 and aerchem_onoff=1), these can be turned off for debugging, etc.
3812 # wet scavenging and cloud chemistry turned off (wetscav_onoff=0 and cldchem_onoff=0) since these only work with a subset of chemistry options
3813 # vertical mixing turned on (vertmix_onoff=1) since this is done via the dry deposition routine and works with all chem options
3815 rconfig logical do_pvozone namelist,chem 1 .false. rh "do_pvozone" "" ""
3816 rconfig integer chem_conv_tr namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "chem_conv_opt" "" ""
3817 rconfig integer conv_tr_wetscav namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "conv_tr_wetscav_opt" "" ""
3818 rconfig integer conv_tr_aqchem namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "conv_tr_aqchem_opt" "" ""
3819 rconfig integer chem_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "chem_opt" "" ""
3820 rconfig integer gaschem_onoff namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "gaschem_onoff" "" ""
3821 rconfig integer aerchem_onoff namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "aerchem_onoff" "" ""
3822 rconfig integer wetscav_onoff namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "wetscav_onoff" "" ""
3823 rconfig integer dustwd_onoff namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "dustwd_onoff" "" ""
3824 rconfig integer cldchem_onoff namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "cldchem_onoff" "" ""
3825 # for TUV photolysis scheme
3826 rconfig logical is_full_tuv namelist,chem max_domains .true. rh "is_full_tuv" "" ""
3827 rconfig real lambda_cutoff namelist,chem max_domains 250. rh "lambda_cutoff" "" ""
3828 # for cloud handling in TUV photolysis scheme
3829 rconfig integer cld_od_opt namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "cld_od_opt" "" ""
3830 rconfig integer pht_cldfrc_opt namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "pht_cldfrc_opt" "" ""
3831 rconfig logical phot_blcld namelist,chem max_domains .false. rh "phot_blcld" "" ""
3832 rconfig integer vertmix_onoff namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "vertmix_onoff" "" ""
3833 rconfig integer chem_in_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "chem_in_opt" "" ""
3834 rconfig integer phot_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "phot_opt" "" ""
3835 rconfig integer gas_drydep_opt namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "gas_drydep_opt" "" ""
3836 rconfig integer aer_drydep_opt namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "aer_drydep_opt" "" ""
3837 rconfig integer diagnostic_chem namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "diagnostic_chem" "" ""
3838 rconfig integer aero_diag_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "diagnostic_aerosol" "" ""
3839 rconfig integer aero_cw_diag_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "diagnostic_cw_aerosol" "" ""
3840 rconfig integer kfcup_diag namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "kfcup_daig" "" ""
3841 rconfig integer aer_aerodynres_opt namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "aer_aerodynres_opt" "" ""
3842 rconfig integer emiss_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "emiss_opt" "" ""
3843 rconfig integer emiss_opt_vol namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "emiss_opt_vol" "" ""
3844 rconfig integer dust_opt namelist,chem 1 0 rh "dust_opt" "" ""
3845 rconfig integer dust_schme namelist,chem 1 2 rh "dust_schme" "" ""
3847 #renchuanhua rch added
3848 rconfig integer nh3emis_opt namelist,chem 1 0 rh "nh3emis_opt" "" ""
3850 rconfig integer dmsemis_opt namelist,chem 1 0 rh "dmsemis_opt" "" ""
3851 rconfig integer seas_opt namelist,chem 1 0 rh "seas_opt" "" ""
3852 rconfig integer bio_emiss_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "bio_emiss_opt" "" ""
3853 rconfig integer biomass_burn_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "biomass_burn_opt" "" ""
3854 rconfig integer plumerisefire_frq namelist,chem max_domains 180 rh "plumerisefire_frq" "" ""
3855 rconfig integer emiss_inpt_opt namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "emiss_inpt_opt" "" ""
3856 rconfig integer gas_bc_opt namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "gas_bc_opt" "" ""
3857 rconfig integer gas_ic_opt namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "gas_ic_opt" "" ""
3858 rconfig integer aer_bc_opt namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "aer_bc_opt" "" ""
3859 rconfig integer aer_ic_opt namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "aer_ic_opt" "" ""
3860 rconfig logical have_bcs_chem namelist,chem max_domains .false. rh "have_bcs_chem" "" ""
3861 rconfig logical have_bcs_tracer namelist,chem max_domains .false. rh "have_bcs_tracer" "" ""
3862 rconfig logical scale_fire_emiss namelist,chem max_domains .false. rh "scale_fire_emiss" "" ""
3863 rconfig integer aer_ra_feedback namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "aer_ra_feedback" "" ""
3864 rconfig integer aer_op_opt namelist,chem max_domains 1 rh "aer_op_opt" "" ""
3865 rconfig integer opt_pars_out namelist,chem 1 0 h "opt_pars_out" "" ""
3866 rconfig integer diagnostic_dep namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "diagnostic_dep" "" ""
3868 # aircraft emissions
3869 rconfig integer aircraft_emiss_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "aircraft_emiss_opt" "" ""
3870 rconfig integer kemit_aircraft namelist,chem 1 1 irh "kemit_aircraft" "" ""
3871 # upper boundary condition
3872 rconfig logical have_bcs_upper namelist,chem max_domains .false. rh "have_bcs_upper" "" ""
3873 rconfig real fixed_ubc_press namelist,chem max_domains 50. rh "fixed_upper_bc" "fixed upper bc above this level" "mb"
3874 rconfig character fixed_ubc_inname namelist,chem 1 " " h "name of ubc infile" "" ""
3875 rconfig character trop_lev_inname namelist,chem 1 "clim_p_trop.nc" h "name of trop lev infile" "" ""
3876 # ftuv exo column density files
3877 rconfig character exo_coldens_inname namelist,chem max_domains "exo_coldens_<domain>" h "name of exo coldens infile" "" ""
3878 # wesely seasonal veg cover for dry dep
3879 rconfig character wes_seasonal_inname namelist,chem max_domains "wrf_season_wes_usgs_<domain>.nc" h "name of wesely seasonal infile" "" ""
3881 rconfig integer chemdiag namelist,chem max_domains 0 - "Chemical tendency diagnostics" "" ""
3882 rconfig integer aero_srf_area_diag namelist,chem max_domains 0 - "Aerosol srf area diagnostics" "" ""
3884 # Options for AFWA GOCART Dust model (dust_opt=3)
3887 rconfig real dust_alpha namelist,chem 1 1. rh "dust_alpha" "AFWA Dust global tuning constant" "m^-1"
3888 rconfig real dust_gamma namelist,chem 1 1. rh "dust_gamma" "AFWA Dust erodibility exponential tuning const" ""
3889 rconfig real dust_smtune namelist,chem 1 1. rh "dust_smtune" "AFWA Dust soil moisture tuning constant" ""
3890 rconfig real dust_ustune namelist,chem 1 1. rh "dust_ustune" "AFWA Dust friction velocity tuning constant" ""
3891 # Dust source region selector
3892 rconfig integer dust_dsr namelist,chem 1 0 rh "dust_dsr" "AFWA Dust dust source region: 0 Ginoux (default), 1 DRI" ""
3893 # Vegetation mask selector (to be applied to dust source region)
3894 rconfig integer dust_veg namelist,chem 1 0 rh "dust_veg" "AFWA Dust veg. mask: 0 Ginoux, 1 12mo GreenFrac, 2 8day MODIS LAI" ""
3895 # Soil texture selector
3896 rconfig integer dust_soils namelist,chem 1 0 rh "dust_soils" "AFWA Dust clayfrac and sandfrac: 0 WRF (default), 1 NGA" ""
3897 # Soil moisture selector
3898 rconfig integer dust_smois namelist,chem 1 0 rh "dust_smois" "AFWA Dust soil moisture option: 0 gravimetric, 1 volumetric" ""
3900 # Volcanic ash height
3901 rconfig real emiss_ash_hgt namelist,chem 1 0. rh "emiss_ash_hgt" "Volcanic ash cloud top elevation (AGL)" ""
3903 # additional namelist variables to control deposition of the organic condensable vapors
3904 rconfig real depo_fact namelist,chem max_domains 0.25 rh "deposition factor for SOA vapors" "" ""
3907 rconfig integer track_chem_num namelist,chem 1 0 - "number of track chem requested" "" ""
3908 rconfig character track_chem_name namelist,chem max_trackchem "" - "name of track chem requested" "" ""
3909 rconfig integer track_rad_num namelist,chem 1 17 - "nw-1 in module_wave_data" "" ""
3910 rconfig integer track_tuv_num namelist,chem 1 58 - "tuv_jmax in module_wave_data" "" ""
3911 rconfig integer track_tuv_lev namelist,chem 1 51 - "nref in module_ftuv_driver" "" ""
3913 # control for N2O5 heterogenenous chemistry option in MOSAIC
3914 rconfig integer n2o5_hetchem namelist,chem 1 0 rh "n2o5_hetchem" "" ""
3915 # control for MOSAIC aerosol chemistry and microphysics versions
3916 rconfig integer mosaic_aerchem_optaa namelist,chem 1 1 rh "mosaic_aerchem_optaa" "" ""
3918 # control for AF wavelength
3919 rconfig real af_lambda_start namelist,chem max_domains 200. rh "start wavelength for AF output" "nm" ""
3920 rconfig real af_lambda_end namelist,chem max_domains 340. rh "end wavelength for AF output" "nm" ""
3921 # Control for ISORROPIA in MADE/SORGAM schemes
3923 rconfig logical do_isorropia namelist,chem 1 .false. rh "flag to use ISORROPIA"
3924 rconfig logical do_n2o5het namelist,chem 1 .false. rh "flag to do n2o5 heterogenous chemistry via chlorine pathway"
3928 package prescribe_aerosol chem_opt==0 - -
3929 package radm2 chem_opt==1 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,hcl,ho,ho2
3930 package radm2sorg chem_opt==2 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,hcl,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn
3931 package cbmz chem_opt==5 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,dms,msa,dmso,dmso2,ch3so2h,ch3sch2oo,ch3so2,ch3so3,ch3so2oo,ch3so2ch2oo,mtf
3932 package cbmz_bb chem_opt==6 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2
3933 package cbmz_mosaic_4bin chem_opt==7 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04
3934 package cbmz_mosaic_8bin chem_opt==8 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04,so4_a05,no3_a05,cl_a05,nh4_a05,na_a05,oin_a05,oc_a05,bc_a05,hysw_a05,water_a05,num_a05,so4_a06,no3_a06,cl_a06,nh4_a06,na_a06,oin_a06,oc_a06,bc_a06,hysw_a06,water_a06,num_a06,so4_a07,no3_a07,cl_a07,nh4_a07,na_a07,oin_a07,oc_a07,bc_a07,hysw_a07,water_a07,num_a07,so4_a08,no3_a08,cl_a08,nh4_a08,na_a08,oin_a08,oc_a08,bc_a08,hysw_a08,water_a08,num_a08,ca_a01,ca_a02,ca_a03,ca_a04,ca_a05,ca_a06,ca_a07,ca_a08,co3_a01,co3_a02,co3_a03,co3_a04,co3_a05,co3_a06,co3_a07,co3_a08
3935 package cbmz_mosaic_4bin_aq chem_opt==9 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04,so4_cw01,no3_cw01,cl_cw01,nh4_cw01,na_cw01,oin_cw01,oc_cw01,bc_cw01,num_cw01,so4_cw02,no3_cw02,cl_cw02,nh4_cw02,na_cw02,oin_cw02,oc_cw02,bc_cw02,num_cw02,so4_cw03,no3_cw03,cl_cw03,nh4_cw03,na_cw03,oin_cw03,oc_cw03,bc_cw03,num_cw03,so4_cw04,no3_cw04,cl_cw04,nh4_cw04,na_cw04,oin_cw04,oc_cw04,bc_cw04,num_cw04
3936 package cbmz_mosaic_8bin_aq chem_opt==10 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04,so4_a05,no3_a05,cl_a05,nh4_a05,na_a05,oin_a05,oc_a05,bc_a05,hysw_a05,water_a05,num_a05,so4_a06,no3_a06,cl_a06,nh4_a06,na_a06,oin_a06,oc_a06,bc_a06,hysw_a06,water_a06,num_a06,so4_a07,no3_a07,cl_a07,nh4_a07,na_a07,oin_a07,oc_a07,bc_a07,hysw_a07,water_a07,num_a07,so4_a08,no3_a08,cl_a08,nh4_a08,na_a08,oin_a08,oc_a08,bc_a08,hysw_a08,water_a08,num_a08,so4_cw01,no3_cw01,cl_cw01,nh4_cw01,na_cw01,oin_cw01,oc_cw01,bc_cw01,num_cw01,so4_cw02,no3_cw02,cl_cw02,nh4_cw02,na_cw02,oin_cw02,oc_cw02,bc_cw02,num_cw02,so4_cw03,no3_cw03,cl_cw03,nh4_cw03,na_cw03,oin_cw03,oc_cw03,bc_cw03,num_cw03,so4_cw04,no3_cw04,cl_cw04,nh4_cw04,na_cw04,oin_cw04,oc_cw04,bc_cw04,num_cw04,so4_cw05,no3_cw05,cl_cw05,nh4_cw05,na_cw05,oin_cw05,oc_cw05,bc_cw05,num_cw05,so4_cw06,no3_cw06,cl_cw06,nh4_cw06,na_cw06,oin_cw06,oc_cw06,bc_cw06,num_cw06,so4_cw07,no3_cw07,cl_cw07,nh4_cw07,na_cw07,oin_cw07,oc_cw07,bc_cw07,num_cw07,so4_cw08,no3_cw08,cl_cw08,nh4_cw08,na_cw08,oin_cw08,oc_cw08,bc_cw08,num_cw08
3938 package radm2sorg_aq chem_opt==11 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,hcl,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn,so4cwj,so4cwi,nh4cwj,nh4cwi,no3cwj,no3cwi,nacwj,nacwi,clcwj,clcwi,orgaro1cwj,orgaro1cwi,orgaro2cwj,orgaro2cwi,orgalk1cwj,orgalk1cwi,orgole1cwj,orgole1cwi,orgba1cwj,orgba1cwi,orgba2cwj,orgba2cwi,orgba3cwj,orgba3cwi,orgba4cwj,orgba4cwi,orgpacwj,orgpacwi,eccwj,eccwi,p25cwj,p25cwi,anthcw,seascw,soilcw,nu0cw,ac0cw,corncw
3939 package racmsorg_aq chem_opt==12 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn,so4cwj,so4cwi,nh4cwj,nh4cwi,no3cwj,no3cwi,nacwj,nacwi,clcwj,clcwi,orgaro1cwj,orgaro1cwi,orgaro2cwj,orgaro2cwi,orgalk1cwj,orgalk1cwi,orgole1cwj,orgole1cwi,orgba1cwj,orgba1cwi,orgba2cwj,orgba2cwi,orgba3cwj,orgba3cwi,orgba4cwj,orgba4cwi,orgpacwj,orgpacwi,eccwj,eccwi,p25cwj,p25cwi,anthcw,seascw,soilcw,nu0cw,ac0cw,corncw
3940 package chem_tracer chem_opt==13 - chem:so2,no,ald,hcho,ora2,co
3941 package chem_trace2 chem_opt==14 - chem:tracer_1
3942 package chem_trace_ens chem_opt==15 - chem:tracer_1,tracer_2,tracer_3,tracer_4,tracer_5,tracer_6,tracer_7,tracer_8,tracer_9,tracer_10,tracer_11,tracer_12,tracer_13,tracer_14,tracer_15,tracer_16,tracer_17,tracer_18,tracer_19,tracer_20,tracer_ens
3944 # GHG chem packages, passive tracers
3945 package co2_tracer chem_opt==16 - chem:co2_ant,co2_bio,co2_oce,co2_bck,co2_tst,co_ant,co_bck
3946 package ghg_tracer chem_opt==17 - chem:co2_ant,co2_bio,co2_oce,co2_bck,co2_tst,co2_bbu,co_ant,co_bck,co_bbu,co_tst,ch4_ant,ch4_bio,ch4_bck,ch4_bbu,ch4_tst
3948 package cbmzsorg chem_opt==30 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn
3949 package cbmz_mosaic_dms_4bin chem_opt==31 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,dms,msa,dmso,dmso2,ch3so2h,ch3sch2oo,ch3so2,ch3so3,ch3so2oo,ch3so2ch2oo,mtf,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04,ca_a01,ca_a02,ca_a03,ca_a04,co3_a01,co3_a02,co3_a03,co3_a04,msa_a01,msa_a02,msa_a03,msa_a04
3950 package cbmz_mosaic_dms_4bin_aq chem_opt==32 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,dms,msa,dmso,dmso2,ch3so2h,ch3sch2oo,ch3so2,ch3so3,ch3so2oo,ch3so2ch2oo,mtf,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04,ca_a01,ca_a02,ca_a03,ca_a04,co3_a01,co3_a02,co3_a03,co3_a04,msa_a01,msa_a02,msa_a03,msa_a04,so4_cw01,no3_cw01,cl_cw01,nh4_cw01,na_cw01,oin_cw01,oc_cw01,bc_cw01,num_cw01,so4_cw02,no3_cw02,cl_cw02,nh4_cw02,na_cw02,oin_cw02,oc_cw02,bc_cw02,num_cw02,so4_cw03,no3_cw03,cl_cw03,nh4_cw03,na_cw03,oin_cw03,oc_cw03,bc_cw03,num_cw03,so4_cw04,no3_cw04,cl_cw04,nh4_cw04,na_cw04,oin_cw04,oc_cw04,bc_cw04,num_cw04,ca_cw01,ca_cw02,ca_cw03,ca_cw04,co3_cw01,co3_cw02,co3_cw03,co3_cw04,msa_cw01,msa_cw02,msa_cw03,msa_cw04
3951 package cbmz_mosaic_dms_8bin chem_opt==33 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,dms,msa,dmso,dmso2,ch3so2h,ch3sch2oo,ch3so2,ch3so3,ch3so2oo,ch3so2ch2oo,mtf,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04,so4_a05,no3_a05,cl_a05,nh4_a05,na_a05,oin_a05,oc_a05,bc_a05,hysw_a05,water_a05,num_a05,so4_a06,no3_a06,cl_a06,nh4_a06,na_a06,oin_a06,oc_a06,bc_a06,hysw_a06,water_a06,num_a06,so4_a07,no3_a07,cl_a07,nh4_a07,na_a07,oin_a07,oc_a07,bc_a07,hysw_a07,water_a07,num_a07,so4_a08,no3_a08,cl_a08,nh4_a08,na_a08,oin_a08,oc_a08,bc_a08,hysw_a08,water_a08,num_a08,ca_a01,ca_a02,ca_a03,ca_a04,ca_a05,ca_a06,ca_a07,ca_a08,co3_a01,co3_a02,co3_a03,co3_a04,co3_a05,co3_a06,co3_a07,co3_a08,msa_a01,msa_a02,msa_a03,msa_a04,msa_a05,msa_a06,msa_a07,msa_a08
3952 package cbmz_mosaic_dms_8bin_aq chem_opt==34 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,dms,msa,dmso,dmso2,ch3so2h,ch3sch2oo,ch3so2,ch3so3,ch3so2oo,ch3so2ch2oo,mtf,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04,so4_a05,no3_a05,cl_a05,nh4_a05,na_a05,oin_a05,oc_a05,bc_a05,hysw_a05,water_a05,num_a05,so4_a06,no3_a06,cl_a06,nh4_a06,na_a06,oin_a06,oc_a06,bc_a06,hysw_a06,water_a06,num_a06,so4_a07,no3_a07,cl_a07,nh4_a07,na_a07,oin_a07,oc_a07,bc_a07,hysw_a07,water_a07,num_a07,so4_a08,no3_a08,cl_a08,nh4_a08,na_a08,oin_a08,oc_a08,bc_a08,hysw_a08,water_a08,num_a08,ca_a01,ca_a02,ca_a03,ca_a04,ca_a05,ca_a06,ca_a07,ca_a08,co3_a01,co3_a02,co3_a03,co3_a04,co3_a05,co3_a06,co3_a07,co3_a08,msa_a01,msa_a02,msa_a03,msa_a04,msa_a05,msa_a06,msa_a07,msa_a08,so4_cw01,no3_cw01,cl_cw01,nh4_cw01,na_cw01,oin_cw01,oc_cw01,bc_cw01,num_cw01,so4_cw02,no3_cw02,cl_cw02,nh4_cw02,na_cw02,oin_cw02,oc_cw02,bc_cw02,num_cw02,so4_cw03,no3_cw03,cl_cw03,nh4_cw03,na_cw03,oin_cw03,oc_cw03,bc_cw03,num_cw03,so4_cw04,no3_cw04,cl_cw04,nh4_cw04,na_cw04,oin_cw04,oc_cw04,bc_cw04,num_cw04,so4_cw05,no3_cw05,cl_cw05,nh4_cw05,na_cw05,oin_cw05,oc_cw05,bc_cw05,num_cw05,so4_cw06,no3_cw06,cl_cw06,nh4_cw06,na_cw06,oin_cw06,oc_cw06,bc_cw06,num_cw06,so4_cw07,no3_cw07,cl_cw07,nh4_cw07,na_cw07,oin_cw07,oc_cw07,bc_cw07,num_cw07,so4_cw08,no3_cw08,cl_cw08,nh4_cw08,na_cw08,oin_cw08,oc_cw08,bc_cw08,num_cw08,ca_cw01,ca_cw02,ca_cw03,ca_cw04,ca_cw05,ca_cw06,ca_cw07,ca_cw08,co3_cw01,co3_cw02,co3_cw03,co3_cw04,co3_cw05,co3_cw06,co3_cw07,co3_cw08,msa_cw01,msa_cw02,msa_cw03,msa_cw04,msa_cw05,msa_cw06,msa_cw07,msa_cw08
3953 package cbmzsorg_aq chem_opt==35 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn,so4cwj,so4cwi,nh4cwj,nh4cwi,no3cwj,no3cwi,nacwj,nacwi,clcwj,clcwi,orgaro1cwj,orgaro1cwi,orgaro2cwj,orgaro2cwi,orgalk1cwj,orgalk1cwi,orgole1cwj,orgole1cwi,orgba1cwj,orgba1cwi,orgba2cwj,orgba2cwi,orgba3cwj,orgba3cwi,orgba4cwj,orgba4cwi,orgpacwj,orgpacwi,eccwj,eccwi,p25cwj,p25cwi,anthcw,seascw,soilcw,nu0cw,ac0cw,corncw
3955 package radm2sorg_aqchem chem_opt==41 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,hcl,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn,so4cwj,so4cwi,nh4cwj,nh4cwi,no3cwj,no3cwi,nacwj,nacwi,clcwj,clcwi,orgaro1cwj,orgaro1cwi,orgaro2cwj,orgaro2cwi,orgalk1cwj,orgalk1cwi,orgole1cwj,orgole1cwi,orgba1cwj,orgba1cwi,orgba2cwj,orgba2cwi,orgba3cwj,orgba3cwi,orgba4cwj,orgba4cwi,orgpacwj,orgpacwi,eccwj,eccwi,p25cwj,p25cwi,anthcw,seascw,soilcw,nu0cw,ac0cw,corncw
3956 package racmsorg_aqchem_kpp chem_opt==42 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn,so4cwj,so4cwi,nh4cwj,nh4cwi,no3cwj,no3cwi,nacwj,nacwi,clcwj,clcwi,orgaro1cwj,orgaro1cwi,orgaro2cwj,orgaro2cwi,orgalk1cwj,orgalk1cwi,orgole1cwj,orgole1cwi,orgba1cwj,orgba1cwi,orgba2cwj,orgba2cwi,orgba3cwj,orgba3cwi,orgba4cwj,orgba4cwi,orgpacwj,orgpacwi,eccwj,eccwi,p25cwj,p25cwi,anthcw,seascw,soilcw,nu0cw,ac0cw,corncw
3957 package racm_esrlsorg_aqchem_kpp chem_opt==43 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,hace,ishp,ison,mahp,mpan,nald,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn,so4cwj,so4cwi,nh4cwj,nh4cwi,no3cwj,no3cwi,nacwj,nacwi,clcwj,clcwi,orgaro1cwj,orgaro1cwi,orgaro2cwj,orgaro2cwi,orgalk1cwj,orgalk1cwi,orgole1cwj,orgole1cwi,orgba1cwj,orgba1cwi,orgba2cwj,orgba2cwi,orgba3cwj,orgba3cwi,orgba4cwj,orgba4cwi,orgpacwj,orgpacwi,eccwj,eccwi,p25cwj,p25cwi,anthcw,seascw,soilcw,nu0cw,ac0cw,corncw
3960 package radm2_kpp chem_opt==101 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,ho,ho2
3962 package racm_mim_kpp chem_opt==102 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,hace,ishp,ison,mahp,mpan,nald,ho,ho2
3964 package racm_kpp chem_opt==103 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,ho,ho2
3966 package racmpm_kpp chem_opt==104 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,ho,ho2,pm_25,pm_10
3968 package racmsorg_kpp chem_opt==105 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn
3970 package radm2sorg_kpp chem_opt==106 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn
3972 package racm_esrlsorg_kpp chem_opt==107 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,hace,ishp,ison,mahp,mpan,nald,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn
3974 # new scheme for better SOA simulations
3975 package racm_soa_vbs_kpp chem_opt==108 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,hace,ishp,ison,mahp,mpan,nald,sesq,mbo,cvasoa1,cvasoa2,cvasoa3,cvasoa4,cvbsoa1,cvbsoa2,cvbsoa3,cvbsoa4,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,asoa1j,asoa1i,asoa2j,asoa2i,asoa3j,asoa3i,asoa4j,asoa4i,bsoa1j,bsoa1i,bsoa2j,bsoa2i,bsoa3j,bsoa3i,bsoa4j,bsoa4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn
3976 # new scheme for better SOA simulations + ISORROPIA+N2O5+ClNO2
3977 package racm_soa_vbs_het_kpp chem_opt==100 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,hace,ishp,ison,mahp,mpan,nald,sesq,mbo,cvasoa1,cvasoa2,cvasoa3,cvasoa4,cvbsoa1,cvbsoa2,cvbsoa3,cvbsoa4,hcl,clno2,cl2,fmcl,cl,clo,hocl,ch3cl,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,asoa1j,asoa1i,asoa2j,asoa2i,asoa3j,asoa3i,asoa4j,asoa4i,bsoa1j,bsoa1i,bsoa2j,bsoa2i,bsoa3j,bsoa3i,bsoa4j,bsoa4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,caaj,caai,kaj,kai,mgaj,mgai,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn
3978 # new scheme for better SOA simulations + AQ chem
3979 package racm_soa_vbs_aqchem_kpp chem_opt==109 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,hace,ishp,ison,mahp,mpan,nald,sesq,mbo,cvasoa1,cvasoa2,cvasoa3,cvasoa4,cvbsoa1,cvbsoa2,cvbsoa3,cvbsoa4,ho,ho2,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,asoa1j,asoa1i,asoa2j,asoa2i,asoa3j,asoa3i,asoa4j,asoa4i,bsoa1j,bsoa1i,bsoa2j,bsoa2i,bsoa3j,bsoa3i,bsoa4j,bsoa4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn,so4cwj,so4cwi,nh4cwj,nh4cwi,no3cwj,no3cwi,nacwj,nacwi,clcwj,clcwi,asoa1cwj,asoa1cwi,asoa2cwj,asoa2cwi,asoa3cwj,asoa2cwi,asoa3cwj,asoa3cwi,asoa4cwj,asoa4cwi,bsoa1cwj,bsoa1cwi,bsoa2cwj,bsoa2cwi,bsoa3cwj,bsoa3cwi,bsoa4cwj,bsoa4cwi,orgpacwj,orgpacwi,eccwj,eccwi,p25cwj,p25cwi,anthcw,seascw,soilcw,nu0cw,ac0cw,corncw
3981 package cbm4_kpp chem_opt==110 - chem:no,no2,no3,n2o5,hono,hno3,pna,nh3,so2,sulf,o1d_cb4,o,ho,o3,h2o2,hcho,ald2,c2o3,pan,par,ror,ole,eth,tol,cres,to2,cro,open,xyl,mgly,iso,xo2,xo2n,co,ho2
3982 # KPP mechanism from mozart
3983 package mozart_kpp chem_opt==111 - chem:o3,o1d_cb4,o,no,no2,no3,n2o5,hno3,hno4,so2,ho,ho2,h2o2,sulf,co,hcho,ch3ooh,ch3o2,ch4,h2,eo2,ch3cooh,c2h4,n2o,ch3oh,aco3,acet,mgly,paa,gly,c3h6ooh,pan,mpan,macr,mvk,c3h6,etooh,prooh,acetp,xooh,onitr,isooh,acetol,glyald,mek,eto2,open,alkooh,mekooh,tolooh,terpooh,ald,mco3,c2h5oh,eo,c2h6,c3h8,pro2,po2,aceto2,bigene,bigalk,eneo2,alko2,isopr,iso2,mvko2,mvkooh,hydrald,xo2,c10h16,terpo2,tol,cres,to2,xoh,onit,isopn,dms,nh3,meko2
3985 # KPP mechanism from mozart + gocart
3986 package mozcart_kpp chem_opt==112 - chem:o3,o1d_cb4,o,no,no2,no3,n2o5,hno3,hno4,so2,ho,ho2,h2o2,sulf,co,hcho,ch3ooh,ch3o2,ch4,h2,eo2,ch3cooh,c2h4,n2o,ch3oh,aco3,acet,mgly,paa,gly,c3h6ooh,pan,mpan,macr,mvk,c3h6,etooh,prooh,acetp,xooh,onitr,isooh,acetol,glyald,mek,eto2,open,alkooh,mekooh,tolooh,terpooh,ald,mco3,c2h5oh,eo,c2h6,c3h8,pro2,po2,aceto2,bigene,bigalk,eneo2,alko2,isopr,iso2,mvko2,mvkooh,hydrald,xo2,c10h16,terpo2,tol,cres,to2,xoh,onit,isopn,dms,nh3,meko2,p25,bc1,bc2,oc1,oc2,dust_1,dust_2,dust_3,dust_4,dust_5,seas_1,seas_2,seas_3,seas_4,p10
3988 # KPP mechanism for t1 mozart + gocart
3989 package t1_mozcart_kpp chem_opt==114 - chem:alknit,alkooh,apin,bcary,benzene,benzooh,bepomuc,open,bigald1,bigald2,bigald3,bigald4,bigalk,bigene,bpin,bzald,bzooh,c2h2,c2h4,c2h5oh,etooh,c2h6,c3h6,prooh,c3h8,c6h5ooh,hcho,ald,ch3cn,acet,mgly,ch3cooh,paa,ch3oh,ch3ooh,ch4,co,cres,dms,eooh,glyald,gly,h2,h2o2,hcn,hcooh,hmprop,hmpropo2,hno3,hno4,honitr,hpald,acetol,hydrald,iepox,isopr,isopnita,isopnitb,isopn,isopnooh,isooh,limon,macr,mvkooh,malo2,mbo,mbono3o2,mboo2,mboooh,mek,mekooh,mpan,mvk,myrc,n2o,n2o5,nc4ch2oh,nc4cho,nh3,no,no2,no3,noa,nterpooh,o,o3,onitr,pan,pbznit,pheno,phenol,phenooh,c3h6ooh,acetp,so2,sulf,tepomuc,terp2ooh,terpnit,terpooh,terprod1,terprod2,tolooh,tol,xooh,xylenes,xylenooh,xylol,xylolooh,acbzo2,alko2,benzo2,bzoo,eto2,pro2,c6h5o2,aco3,ch3o2,dicarbo2,eneo2,eo,eo2,ho2,hoch2oo,isopao2,isopbo2,mvko2,mco3,mdialo2,meko2,nterpo2,o1d,ho,pheno2,po2,aceto2,terp2o2,terpo2,to2,xo2,xyleno2,xylolo2,p25,bc1,bc2,oc1,oc2,dust_1,dust_2,dust_3,dust_4,dust_5,seas_1,seas_2,seas_3,seas_4,p10
3990 # KPP mechanism from CBMZ
3991 package cbmz_bb_kpp chem_opt==120 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,ch4,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2
3993 # CB05 coupled with MADE/SORGAM-AQ
3994 package cb05_sorg_aq_kpp chem_opt==131 - chem:no2,no,o,o3,no3,o1d,oh,ho2,n2o5,hno3,hono,pna,h2o2,xo2,xo2n,ntr,rooh,form,ald2,aldx,par,co,meo2,mepx,meoh,hco3,facd,c2o3,pan,pacd,aacd,cxo3,panx,ror,ole,eth,iole,tol,cres,to2,tolaer1,tolaer2,open,cro,cslaer,mgly,xyl,xylaer1,xylaer2,isop,ispd,isoaer1,isoaer2,so2,sulf,sulaer,etoh,etha,terp,terpaer,hum,humaer,lim,limaer1,limaer2,oci,ociaer1,ociaer2,apin,apinaer1,apinaer2,apinaer3,apinaer4,bpin,bpinaer1,bpinaer2,bpinaer3,bpinaer4,bpinaer5,ter,teraer1,teraer2,alkh,alkhaer1,pah,pahaer1,pahaer2,h2,ch4,cl,hcl,fmcl,hg0,hg2,hocl,clo,cl2,nh3,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,orgaro1j,orgaro1i,orgaro2j,orgaro2i,orgalk1j,orgalk1i,orgole1j,orgole1i,orgba1j,orgba1i,orgba2j,orgba2i,orgba3j,orgba3i,orgba4j,orgba4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn,so4cwj,so4cwi,nh4cwj,nh4cwi,no3cwj,no3cwi,nacwj,nacwi,clcwj,clcwi,orgaro1cwj,orgaro1cwi,orgaro2cwj,orgaro2cwi,orgalk1cwj,orgalk1cwi,orgole1cwj,orgole1cwi,orgba1cwj,orgba1cwi,orgba2cwj,orgba2cwi,orgba3cwj,orgba3cwi,orgba4cwj,orgba4cwi,orgpacwj,orgpacwi,eccwj,eccwi,p25cwj,p25cwi,anthcw,seascw,soilcw,nu0cw,ac0cw,corncw
3997 package cb05_sorg_vbs_aq_kpp chem_opt==132 - chem:no2,no,o,o3,no3,o1d,oh,ho2,n2o5,hno3,hono,pna,h2o2,xo2,xo2n,ntr,rooh,form,ald2,aldx,par,co,meo2,mepx,meoh,hco3,facd,c2o3,pan,pacd,aacd,cxo3,panx,ror,ole,eth,iole,tol,cres,to2,tolaer1,tolaer2,open,cro,cslaer,mgly,xyl,xylaer1,xylaer2,isop,ispd,isoaer1,isoaer2,so2,sulf,sulaer,etoh,etha,terp,terpaer,hum,humaer,lim,limaer1,limaer2,oci,ociaer1,ociaer2,apin,apinaer1,apinaer2,apinaer3,apinaer4,bpin,bpinaer1,bpinaer2,bpinaer3,bpinaer4,bpinaer5,ter,teraer1,teraer2,alkh,alkhaer1,pah,pahaer1,pahaer2,h2,ch4,cl,hcl,fmcl,hg0,hg2,hocl,clo,cl2,cvasoa1,cvasoa2,cvasoa3,cvasoa4,cvbsoa1,cvbsoa2,cvbsoa3,cvbsoa4,nh3,so4aj,so4ai,nh4aj,nh4ai,no3aj,no3ai,naaj,naai,claj,clai,asoa1j,asoa1i,asoa2j,asoa2i,asoa3j,asoa3i,asoa4j,asoa4i,bsoa1j,bsoa1i,bsoa2j,bsoa2i,bsoa3j,bsoa3i,bsoa4j,bsoa4i,orgpaj,orgpai,ecj,eci,p25j,p25i,antha,seas,soila,nu0,ac0,corn,so4cwj,so4cwi,nh4cwj,nh4cwi,no3cwj,no3cwi,nacwj,nacwi,clcwj,clcwi,asoa1cwj,asoa1cwi,asoa2cwj,asoa2cwi,asoa3cwj,asoa3cwi,asoa4cwj,asoa4cwi,bsoa1cwj,bsoa1cwi,bsoa2cwj,bsoa2cwi,bsoa3cwj,bsoa3cwi,bsoa4cwj,bsoa4cwi,orgpacwj,orgpacwi,eccwj,eccwi,p25cwj,p25cwi,anthcw,seascw,soilcw,nu0cw,ac0cw,corncw
3999 #cbmz_mosaic_kpp (chem_opt=170) is for mosaic runs with sorgam soa species: coded by Manish Shrivastava on 12/8/2009
4000 package cbmz_mosaic_kpp chem_opt==170 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,ch4,aro1,aro2,alk1,ole1,api1,api2,lim1,lim2,api,lim,isopo2,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,aro1_a01,aro2_a01,alk1_a01,ole1_a01,api1_a01,api2_a01,lim1_a01,lim2_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,aro1_a02,aro2_a02,alk1_a02,ole1_a02,api1_a02,api2_a02,lim1_a02,lim2_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,aro1_a03,aro2_a03,alk1_a03,ole1_a03,api1_a03,api2_a03,lim1_a03,lim2_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,aro1_a04,aro2_a04,alk1_a04,ole1_a04,api1_a04,api2_a04,lim1_a04,lim2_a04,num_a04,so4_a05,no3_a05,cl_a05,nh4_a05,na_a05,oin_a05,oc_a05,bc_a05,hysw_a05,water_a05,aro1_a05,aro2_a05,alk1_a05,ole1_a05,api1_a05,api2_a05,lim1_a05,lim2_a05,num_a05,so4_a06,no3_a06,cl_a06,nh4_a06,na_a06,oin_a06,oc_a06,bc_a06,hysw_a06,water_a06,aro1_a06,aro2_a06,alk1_a06,ole1_a06,api1_a06,api2_a06,lim1_a06,lim2_a06,num_a06,so4_a07,no3_a07,cl_a07,nh4_a07,na_a07,oin_a07,oc_a07,bc_a07,hysw_a07,water_a07,aro1_a07,aro2_a07,alk1_a07,ole1_a07,api1_a07,api2_a07,lim1_a07,lim2_a07,num_a07,so4_a08,no3_a08,cl_a08,nh4_a08,na_a08,oin_a08,oc_a08,bc_a08,hysw_a08,water_a08,aro1_a08,aro2_a08,alk1_a08,ole1_a08,api1_a08,api2_a08,lim1_a08,lim2_a08,num_a08,ca_a01,ca_a02,ca_a03,ca_a04,ca_a05,ca_a06,ca_a07,ca_a08,co3_a01,co3_a02,co3_a03,co3_a04,co3_a05,co3_a06,co3_a07,co3_a08
4003 #SAPRCNOV new package, automatically created using diff_mechanisSpc_wrfRegistry.m script (pablo-saide@uiowa.edu)
4004 package saprc99_kpp chem_opt==195 - chem:o3,h2o2,no,no2,no3,n2o5,hono,hno3,hno4,so2,h2so4,co,hcho,ccho,rcho,acet,mek,hcooh,meoh,etoh,cco_oh,rco_oh,gly,mgly,bacl,cres,bald,isoprod,methacro,mvk,prod2,dcb1,dcb2,dcb3,ethene,isoprene,isopoo,isopooh,iepox,isop2o2,isopooh2,psd1,c2h6,c3h8,c2h2,c3h6,alk3,alk4,alk5,aro1,aro2,ole1,ole2,terp,rno3,nphe,phen,pan,pan2,pbzn,ma_pan,co2,cco_ooh,rco_o2,rco_ooh,xn,xc,ho,ho2,c_o2,cooh,rooh,ro2_r,r2o2,ro2_n,cco_o2,bzco_o2,ma_rco3,sesq,nh3,hcl,ch4
4006 package saprc99_mosaic_4bin_vbs2_kpp chem_opt==198 - chem:o3,h2o2,no,no2,no3,n2o5,hono,hno3,hno4,so2,h2so4,co,hcho,ccho,rcho,acet,mek,hcooh,meoh,etoh,cco_oh,rco_oh,gly,mgly,bacl,cres,bald,isoprod,methacro,mvk,prod2,dcb1,dcb2,dcb3,ethene,isoprene,c2h6,c3h8,c2h2,c3h6,alk3,alk4,alk5,aro1,aro2,ole1,ole2,terp,rno3,nphe,phen,pan,pan2,pbzn,ma_pan,co2,cco_ooh,rco_o2,rco_ooh,xn,xc,ho,ho2,c_o2,cooh,rooh,ro2_r,r2o2,ro2_n,cco_o2,bzco_o2,ma_rco3,sesq,pcg1_b_c,pcg2_b_c,pcg1_b_o,pcg2_b_o,opcg1_b_c,opcg1_b_o,pcg1_f_c,pcg2_f_c,pcg1_f_o,pcg2_f_o,opcg1_f_c,opcg1_f_o,psd1,psd2,nh3,hcl,nume,den,ant1_c,ant1_o,biog1_c,biog1_o,ch4,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,pcg1_b_c_a01,pcg2_b_c_a01,pcg1_b_o_a01,pcg2_b_o_a01,opcg1_b_c_a01,opcg1_b_o_a01,pcg1_f_c_a01,pcg2_f_c_a01,pcg1_f_o_a01,pcg2_f_o_a01,opcg1_f_c_a01,opcg1_f_o_a01,ant1_c_a01,ant1_o_a01,biog1_c_a01,biog1_o_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,pcg1_b_c_a02,pcg2_b_c_a02,pcg1_b_o_a02,pcg2_b_o_a02,opcg1_b_c_a02,opcg1_b_o_a02,pcg1_f_c_a02,pcg2_f_c_a02,pcg1_f_o_a02,pcg2_f_o_a02,opcg1_f_c_a02,opcg1_f_o_a02,ant1_c_a02,ant1_o_a02,biog1_c_a02,biog1_o_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,pcg1_b_c_a03,pcg2_b_c_a03,pcg1_b_o_a03,pcg2_b_o_a03,opcg1_b_c_a03,opcg1_b_o_a03,pcg1_f_c_a03,pcg2_f_c_a03,pcg1_f_o_a03,pcg2_f_o_a03,opcg1_f_c_a03,opcg1_f_o_a03,ant1_c_a03,ant1_o_a03,biog1_c_a03,biog1_o_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,pcg1_b_c_a04,pcg2_b_c_a04,pcg1_b_o_a04,pcg2_b_o_a04,opcg1_b_c_a04,opcg1_b_o_a04,pcg1_f_c_a04,pcg2_f_c_a04,pcg1_f_o_a04,pcg2_f_o_a04,opcg1_f_c_a04,opcg1_f_o_a04,ant1_c_a04,ant1_o_a04,biog1_c_a04,biog1_o_a04,num_a04,ca_a01,ca_a02,ca_a03,ca_a04,co3_a01,co3_a02,co3_a03,co3_a04
4008 package mozart_mosaic_4bin_kpp chem_opt==201 - chem:o3,o1d_cb4,o,no,no2,no3,n2o5,hno3,hno4,so2,ho,ho2,h2o2,sulf,co,hcho,hcooh,c2h2,hoch2oo,ch3ooh,ch3o2,ch4,h2,eo2,ch3cooh,c2h4,n2o,ch3oh,aco3,acet,mgly,paa,gly,c3h6ooh,pan,mpan,macr,mvk,c3h6,etooh,prooh,acetp,xooh,onitr,isooh,acetol,glyald,mek,eto2,open,alkooh,mekooh,tolooh,terpooh,ald,mco3,c2h5oh,eo,c2h6,c3h8,pro2,po2,aceto2,bigene,bigalk,eneo2,alko2,isopr,iso2,mvko2,mvkooh,hydrald,xo2,apin,bpin,limon,myrc,bcary,terprod1,terprod2,terp2o2,terp2ooh,nterpo2,terpo2,tol,cres,to2,onit,isopn,dms,mbo,mboo2,hmprop,hmpropo2,mboooh,mbono3o2,nh3,nume,den,voca,vocbb,smpa,smpbb,biog1_c,biog1_o,benzene,phen,bepomuc,benzo2,pheno2,pheno,phenooh,c6h5o2,c6h5ooh,benzooh,bigald1,bigald2,bigald3,bigald4,malo2,tepomuc,bzoo,bzooh,bald,acbzo2,dicarbo2,mdialo2,xyl,xylol,xylolo2,xylolooh,xyleno2,xylenooh,pbznit,hono,meko2,so4_a01,no3_a01,smpa_a01,smpbb_a01,glysoa_sfc_a01,biog1_c_a01,biog1_o_a01,cl_a01,co3_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,ca_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,smpa_a02,smpbb_a02,glysoa_sfc_a02,biog1_c_a02,biog1_o_a02,cl_a02,co3_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,ca_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,smpa_a03,smpbb_a03,glysoa_sfc_a03,biog1_c_a03,biog1_o_a03,cl_a03,co3_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,ca_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,smpa_a04,smpbb_a04,glysoa_sfc_a04,biog1_c_a04,biog1_o_a04,cl_a04,co3_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,ca_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04
4009 # complete aq-phase chem. and wet scavenging version with MOZART, HONO, VOC reactivity + VBS SOA
4010 package mozart_mosaic_4bin_aq_kpp chem_opt==202 - chem:o3,o1d_cb4,o,no,no2,no3,n2o5,hno3,hno4,so2,ho,ho2,h2o2,sulf,co,hcho,hcooh,c2h2,hoch2oo,ch3ooh,ch3o2,ch4,h2,eo2,ch3cooh,c2h4,n2o,ch3oh,aco3,acet,mgly,paa,gly,c3h6ooh,pan,mpan,macr,mvk,c3h6,etooh,prooh,acetp,xooh,onitr,isooh,acetol,glyald,mek,eto2,open,alkooh,mekooh,tolooh,terpooh,ald,mco3,c2h5oh,eo,c2h6,c3h8,pro2,po2,aceto2,bigene,bigalk,eneo2,alko2,isopr,iso2,mvko2,mvkooh,hydrald,xo2,apin,bpin,limon,myrc,bcary,terprod1,terprod2,terp2o2,terp2ooh,nterpo2,terpo2,tol,cres,to2,onit,isopn,dms,mbo,mboo2,hmprop,hmpropo2,mboooh,mbono3o2,nh3,nume,den,cvasoaX,cvasoa1,cvasoa2,cvasoa3,cvasoa4,cvbsoaX,cvbsoa1,cvbsoa2,cvbsoa3,cvbsoa4,benzene,phen,bepomuc,benzo2,pheno2,pheno,phenooh,c6h5o2,c6h5ooh,benzooh,bigald1,bigald2,bigald3,bigald4,malo2,tepomuc,bzoo,bzooh,bald,acbzo2,dicarbo2,mdialo2,xyl,xylol,xylolo2,xylolooh,xyleno2,xylenooh,pbznit,hono,meko2,so4_a01,no3_a01,asoaX_a01,asoa1_a01,asoa2_a01,asoa3_a01,asoa4_a01,bsoaX_a01,bsoa1_a01,bsoa2_a01,bsoa3_a01,bsoa4_a01,glysoa_r1_a01,glysoa_r2_a01,glysoa_sfc_a01,glysoa_nh4_a01,glysoa_oh_a01,cl_a01,co3_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,ca_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,asoaX_a02,asoa1_a02,asoa2_a02,asoa3_a02,asoa4_a02,bsoaX_a02,bsoa1_a02,bsoa2_a02,bsoa3_a02,bsoa4_a02,glysoa_r1_a02,glysoa_r2_a02,glysoa_sfc_a02,glysoa_nh4_a02,glysoa_oh_a02,cl_a02,co3_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,ca_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,asoaX_a03,asoa1_a03,asoa2_a03,asoa3_a03,asoa4_a03,bsoaX_a03,bsoa1_a03,bsoa2_a03,bsoa3_a03,bsoa4_a03,glysoa_r1_a03,glysoa_r2_a03,glysoa_sfc_a03,glysoa_nh4_a03,glysoa_oh_a03,cl_a03,co3_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,ca_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,asoaX_a04,asoa1_a04,asoa2_a04,asoa3_a04,asoa4_a04,bsoaX_a04,bsoa1_a04,bsoa2_a04,bsoa3_a04,bsoa4_a04,glysoa_r1_a04,glysoa_r2_a04,glysoa_sfc_a04,glysoa_nh4_a04,glysoa_oh_a04,cl_a04,co3_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,ca_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04,so4_cw01,no3_cw01,asoaX_cw01,asoa1_cw01,asoa2_cw01,asoa3_cw01,asoa4_cw01,bsoaX_cw01,bsoa1_cw01,bsoa2_cw01,bsoa3_cw01,bsoa4_cw01,glysoa_r1_cw01,glysoa_r2_cw01,glysoa_sfc_cw01,glysoa_nh4_cw01,glysoa_oh_cw01,cl_cw01,co3_cw01,nh4_cw01,na_cw01,ca_cw01,oin_cw01,oc_cw01,bc_cw01,num_cw01,so4_cw02,no3_cw02,asoaX_cw02,asoa1_cw02,asoa2_cw02,asoa3_cw02,asoa4_cw02,bsoaX_cw02,bsoa1_cw02,bsoa2_cw02,bsoa3_cw02,bsoa4_cw02,glysoa_r1_cw02,glysoa_r2_cw02,glysoa_sfc_cw02,glysoa_nh4_cw02,glysoa_oh_cw02,cl_cw02,co3_cw02,nh4_cw02,na_cw02,ca_cw02,oin_cw02,oc_cw02,bc_cw02,num_cw02,so4_cw03,no3_cw03,asoaX_cw03,asoa1_cw03,asoa2_cw03,asoa3_cw03,asoa4_cw03,bsoaX_cw03,bsoa1_cw03,bsoa2_cw03,bsoa3_cw03,bsoa4_cw03,glysoa_r1_cw03,glysoa_r2_cw03,glysoa_sfc_cw03,glysoa_nh4_cw03,glysoa_oh_cw03,cl_cw03,co3_cw03,nh4_cw03,na_cw03,ca_cw03,oin_cw03,oc_cw03,bc_cw03,num_cw03,so4_cw04,no3_cw04,asoaX_cw04,asoa1_cw04,asoa2_cw04,asoa3_cw04,asoa4_cw04,bsoaX_cw04,bsoa1_cw04,bsoa2_cw04,bsoa3_cw04,bsoa4_cw04,glysoa_r1_cw04,glysoa_r2_cw04,glysoa_sfc_cw04,glysoa_nh4_cw04,glysoa_oh_cw04,cl_cw04,co3_cw04,nh4_cw04,na_cw04,ca_cw04,oin_cw04,oc_cw04,bc_cw04,num_cw04
4013 package saprc99_mosaic_8bin_vbs2_aq_kpp chem_opt==203 - chem:o3,h2o2,no,no2,no3,n2o5,hono,hno3,hno4,so2,h2so4,co,hcho,ccho,rcho,acet,mek,hcooh,meoh,etoh,cco_oh,rco_oh,gly,mgly,bacl,cres,bald,isoprod,methacro,mvk,prod2,dcb1,dcb2,dcb3,ethene,isoprene,c2h6,c3h8,c2h2,c3h6,alk3,alk4,alk5,aro1,aro2,ole1,ole2,terp,rno3,nphe,phen,pan,pan2,pbzn,ma_pan,co2,cco_ooh,rco_o2,rco_ooh,xn,xc,ho,ho2,c_o2,cooh,rooh,ro2_r,r2o2,ro2_n,cco_o2,bzco_o2,ma_rco3,sesq,pcg1_b_c,pcg2_b_c,pcg1_b_o,pcg2_b_o,opcg1_b_c,opcg1_b_o,pcg1_f_c,pcg2_f_c,pcg1_f_o,pcg2_f_o,opcg1_f_c,opcg1_f_o,psd1,psd2,nh3,hcl,nume,den,ant1_c,biog1_c,ch4,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,pcg1_b_c_a01,pcg1_b_o_a01,opcg1_b_c_a01,opcg1_b_o_a01,pcg1_f_c_a01,pcg1_f_o_a01,opcg1_f_c_a01,opcg1_f_o_a01,ant1_c_a01,biog1_c_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,pcg1_b_c_a02,pcg1_b_o_a02,opcg1_b_c_a02,opcg1_b_o_a02,pcg1_f_c_a02,pcg1_f_o_a02,opcg1_f_c_a02,opcg1_f_o_a02,ant1_c_a02,biog1_c_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,pcg1_b_c_a03,pcg1_b_o_a03,opcg1_b_c_a03,opcg1_b_o_a03,pcg1_f_c_a03,pcg1_f_o_a03,opcg1_f_c_a03,opcg1_f_o_a03,ant1_c_a03,biog1_c_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,pcg1_b_c_a04,pcg1_b_o_a04,opcg1_b_c_a04,opcg1_b_o_a04,pcg1_f_c_a04,pcg1_f_o_a04,opcg1_f_c_a04,opcg1_f_o_a04,ant1_c_a04,biog1_c_a04,num_a04,so4_a05,no3_a05,cl_a05,nh4_a05,na_a05,oin_a05,oc_a05,bc_a05,hysw_a05,water_a05,pcg1_b_c_a05,pcg1_b_o_a05,opcg1_b_c_a05,opcg1_b_o_a05,pcg1_f_c_a05,pcg1_f_o_a05,opcg1_f_c_a05,opcg1_f_o_a05,ant1_c_a05,biog1_c_a05,num_a05,so4_a06,no3_a06,cl_a06,nh4_a06,na_a06,oin_a06,oc_a06,bc_a06,hysw_a06,water_a06,pcg1_b_c_a06,pcg1_b_o_a06,opcg1_b_c_a06,opcg1_b_o_a06,pcg1_f_c_a06,pcg1_f_o_a06,opcg1_f_c_a06,opcg1_f_o_a06,ant1_c_a06,biog1_c_a06,num_a06,so4_a07,no3_a07,cl_a07,nh4_a07,na_a07,oin_a07,oc_a07,bc_a07,hysw_a07,water_a07,pcg1_b_c_a07,pcg1_b_o_a07,opcg1_b_c_a07,opcg1_b_o_a07,pcg1_f_c_a07,pcg1_f_o_a07,opcg1_f_c_a07,opcg1_f_o_a07,ant1_c_a07,biog1_c_a07,num_a07,so4_a08,no3_a08,cl_a08,nh4_a08,na_a08,oin_a08,oc_a08,bc_a08,hysw_a08,water_a08,pcg1_b_c_a08,pcg1_b_o_a08,opcg1_b_c_a08,opcg1_b_o_a08,pcg1_f_c_a08,pcg1_f_o_a08,opcg1_f_c_a08,opcg1_f_o_a08,ant1_c_a08,biog1_c_a08,num_a08,so4_cw01,no3_cw01,cl_cw01,nh4_cw01,na_cw01,oin_cw01,oc_cw01,bc_cw01,pcg1_b_c_cw01,pcg1_b_o_cw01,opcg1_b_c_cw01,opcg1_b_o_cw01,pcg1_f_c_cw01,pcg1_f_o_cw01,opcg1_f_c_cw01,opcg1_f_o_cw01,ant1_c_cw01,biog1_c_cw01,num_cw01,so4_cw02,no3_cw02,cl_cw02,nh4_cw02,na_cw02,oin_cw02,oc_cw02,bc_cw02,pcg1_b_c_cw02,pcg1_b_o_cw02,opcg1_b_c_cw02,opcg1_b_o_cw02,pcg1_f_c_cw02,pcg1_f_o_cw02,opcg1_f_c_cw02,opcg1_f_o_cw02,ant1_c_cw02,biog1_c_cw02,num_cw02,so4_cw03,no3_cw03,cl_cw03,nh4_cw03,na_cw03,oin_cw03,oc_cw03,bc_cw03,pcg1_b_c_cw03,pcg1_b_o_cw03,opcg1_b_c_cw03,opcg1_b_o_cw03,pcg1_f_c_cw03,pcg1_f_o_cw03,opcg1_f_c_cw03,opcg1_f_o_cw03,ant1_c_cw03,biog1_c_cw03,num_cw03,so4_cw04,no3_cw04,cl_cw04,nh4_cw04,na_cw04,oin_cw04,oc_cw04,bc_cw04,pcg1_b_c_cw04,pcg1_b_o_cw04,opcg1_b_c_cw04,opcg1_b_o_cw04,pcg1_f_c_cw04,pcg1_f_o_cw04,opcg1_f_c_cw04,opcg1_f_o_cw04,ant1_c_cw04,biog1_c_cw04,num_cw04,so4_cw05,no3_cw05,cl_cw05,nh4_cw05,na_cw05,oin_cw05,oc_cw05,bc_cw05,pcg1_b_c_cw05,pcg1_b_o_cw05,opcg1_b_c_cw05,opcg1_b_o_cw05,pcg1_f_c_cw05,pcg1_f_o_cw05,opcg1_f_c_cw05,opcg1_f_o_cw05,ant1_c_cw05,biog1_c_cw05,num_cw05,so4_cw06,no3_cw06,cl_cw06,nh4_cw06,na_cw06,oin_cw06,oc_cw06,bc_cw06,pcg1_b_c_cw06,pcg1_b_o_cw06,opcg1_b_c_cw06,opcg1_b_o_cw06,pcg1_f_c_cw06,pcg1_f_o_cw06,opcg1_f_c_cw06,opcg1_f_o_cw06,ant1_c_cw06,biog1_c_cw06,num_cw06,so4_cw07,no3_cw07,cl_cw07,nh4_cw07,na_cw07,oin_cw07,oc_cw07,bc_cw07,pcg1_b_c_cw07,pcg1_b_o_cw07,opcg1_b_c_cw07,opcg1_b_o_cw07,pcg1_f_c_cw07,pcg1_f_o_cw07,opcg1_f_c_cw07,opcg1_f_o_cw07,ant1_c_cw07,biog1_c_cw07,num_cw07,so4_cw08,no3_cw08,cl_cw08,nh4_cw08,na_cw08,oin_cw08,oc_cw08,bc_cw08,pcg1_b_c_cw08,pcg1_b_o_cw08,opcg1_b_c_cw08,opcg1_b_o_cw08,pcg1_f_c_cw08,pcg1_f_o_cw08,opcg1_f_c_cw08,opcg1_f_o_cw08,ant1_c_cw08,biog1_c_cw08,num_cw08
4015 package saprc99_mosaic_8bin_vbs2_kpp chem_opt==204 - chem:o3,h2o2,no,no2,no3,n2o5,hono,hno3,hno4,so2,h2so4,co,hcho,ccho,rcho,acet,mek,hcooh,meoh,etoh,cco_oh,rco_oh,gly,mgly,bacl,cres,bald,isoprod,methacro,mvk,prod2,dcb1,dcb2,dcb3,ethene,isoprene,c2h6,c3h8,c2h2,c3h6,alk3,alk4,alk5,aro1,aro2,ole1,ole2,terp,rno3,nphe,phen,pan,pan2,pbzn,ma_pan,co2,cco_ooh,rco_o2,rco_ooh,xn,xc,ho,ho2,c_o2,cooh,rooh,ro2_r,r2o2,ro2_n,cco_o2,bzco_o2,ma_rco3,sesq,pcg1_b_c,pcg2_b_c,pcg1_b_o,pcg2_b_o,opcg1_b_c,opcg1_b_o,pcg1_f_c,pcg2_f_c,pcg1_f_o,pcg2_f_o,opcg1_f_c,opcg1_f_o,psd1,psd2,nh3,hcl,nume,den,ant1_c,biog1_c,ant2_c,biog2_c,biog3_c,biog1_o,biog2_o,ant3_c,ant4_c,bgas,agas,ch4,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,pcg1_b_c_a01,pcg1_b_o_a01,opcg1_b_c_a01,opcg1_b_o_a01,pcg1_f_c_a01,pcg1_f_o_a01,opcg1_f_c_a01,opcg1_f_o_a01,ant1_c_a01,biog1_c_a01,ant2_c_a01,biog2_c_a01,biog3_c_a01,biog1_o_a01,biog2_o_a01,ant3_c_a01,ant4_c_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,pcg1_b_c_a02,pcg1_b_o_a02,opcg1_b_c_a02,opcg1_b_o_a02,pcg1_f_c_a02,pcg1_f_o_a02,opcg1_f_c_a02,opcg1_f_o_a02,ant1_c_a02,biog1_c_a02,ant2_c_a02,biog2_c_a02,biog3_c_a02,biog1_o_a02,biog2_o_a02,ant3_c_a02,ant4_c_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,pcg1_b_c_a03,pcg1_b_o_a03,opcg1_b_c_a03,opcg1_b_o_a03,pcg1_f_c_a03,pcg1_f_o_a03,opcg1_f_c_a03,opcg1_f_o_a03,ant1_c_a03,biog1_c_a03,ant2_c_a03,biog2_c_a03,biog3_c_a03,biog1_o_a03,biog2_o_a03,ant3_c_a03,ant4_c_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,pcg1_b_c_a04,pcg1_b_o_a04,opcg1_b_c_a04,opcg1_b_o_a04,pcg1_f_c_a04,pcg1_f_o_a04,opcg1_f_c_a04,opcg1_f_o_a04,ant1_c_a04,biog1_c_a04,ant2_c_a04,biog2_c_a04,biog3_c_a04,biog1_o_a04,biog2_o_a04,ant3_c_a04,ant4_c_a04,num_a04,so4_a05,no3_a05,cl_a05,nh4_a05,na_a05,oin_a05,oc_a05,bc_a05,hysw_a05,water_a05,pcg1_b_c_a05,pcg1_b_o_a05,opcg1_b_c_a05,opcg1_b_o_a05,pcg1_f_c_a05,pcg1_f_o_a05,opcg1_f_c_a05,opcg1_f_o_a05,ant1_c_a05,biog1_c_a05,ant2_c_a05,biog2_c_a05,biog3_c_a05,biog1_o_a05,biog2_o_a05,ant3_c_a05,ant4_c_a05,num_a05,so4_a06,no3_a06,cl_a06,nh4_a06,na_a06,oin_a06,oc_a06,bc_a06,hysw_a06,water_a06,pcg1_b_c_a06,pcg1_b_o_a06,opcg1_b_c_a06,opcg1_b_o_a06,pcg1_f_c_a06,pcg1_f_o_a06,opcg1_f_c_a06,opcg1_f_o_a06,ant1_c_a06,biog1_c_a06,ant2_c_a06,biog2_c_a06,biog3_c_a06,biog1_o_a06,biog2_o_a06,ant3_c_a06,ant4_c_a06,num_a06,so4_a07,no3_a07,cl_a07,nh4_a07,na_a07,oin_a07,oc_a07,bc_a07,hysw_a07,water_a07,pcg1_b_c_a07,pcg1_b_o_a07,opcg1_b_c_a07,opcg1_b_o_a07,pcg1_f_c_a07,pcg1_f_o_a07,opcg1_f_c_a07,opcg1_f_o_a07,ant1_c_a07,biog1_c_a07,ant2_c_a07,biog2_c_a07,biog3_c_a07,biog1_o_a07,biog2_o_a07,ant3_c_a07,ant4_c_a07,num_a07,so4_a08,no3_a08,cl_a08,nh4_a08,na_a08,oin_a08,oc_a08,bc_a08,hysw_a08,water_a08,pcg1_b_c_a08,pcg1_b_o_a08,opcg1_b_c_a08,opcg1_b_o_a08,pcg1_f_c_a08,pcg1_f_o_a08,opcg1_f_c_a08,opcg1_f_o_a08,ant1_c_a08,biog1_c_a08,ant2_c_a08,biog2_c_a08,biog3_c_a08,biog1_o_a08,biog2_o_a08,ant3_c_a08,ant4_c_a08,num_a08
4018 # KPP mechanism from MATCH-MPI Mainz used for global chemistry
4019 package nmhc9_kpp chem_opt==200 - chem:o3,h2o2,ch4,op1,hcho,ch3oh,co,hno3,no3,n2o5,hno4,no,no2,isopr,mvk,iso2,isooh,mvko2,mvkooh,ison,aca,acol,hcooh,mpan,naca,pan,pa,paa,mglo,c2h6,eTooh,ald,c3h8,pRooh,acet,acooh,eTo2,pRo2,aco2,c3h6,c3h6ooh,c2h4,c4h10,buooh,mek,mekooh,mEcoco,c3h6o2,c4h9o2,meko2,onit,pRono2,ch3o2,acetol,acetp,aceto2,ch3cooh,c4h9ooh,mEoh,ho,ho2,mEo2,mEo2no2
4021 # GOCART Packages (no Ozone chemistry in this choice)
4022 package gocart_simple chem_opt==300 - chem:so2,sulf,dms,msa,p25,bc1,bc2,oc1,oc2,dust_1,dust_2,dust_3,dust_4,dust_5,seas_1,seas_2,seas_3,seas_4,p10
4024 package gocartracm_kpp chem_opt==301 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ete,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,co2,ch4,udd,hket,api,lim,dien,macr,ho,ho2,dms,msa,p25,bc1,bc2,oc1,oc2,dust_1,dust_2,dust_3,dust_4,dust_5,seas_1,seas_2,seas_3,seas_4,p10
4026 package gocartradm2 chem_opt==303 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,paa,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,hc3,hc5,hc8,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,aco3,tpan,hono,hno4,ket,gly,mgly,dcb,onit,csl,iso,hcl,ho,ho2,dms,msa,p25,bc1,bc2,oc1,oc2,dust_1,dust_2,dust_3,dust_4,dust_5,seas_1,seas_2,seas_3,seas_4,p10
4028 # volcanic ash for ash-fall and conc prediction, not other aerosols in this option (so for other "400" options)
4029 package chem_vash chem_opt==400 - chem:vash_1,vash_2,vash_3,vash_4,vash_5,vash_6,vash_7,vash_8,vash_9,vash_10
4030 # dust only (per AFWA request)
4031 package dust chem_opt==401 - chem:dust_1,dust_2,dust_3,dust_4,dust_5
4032 # volc ash plus SO2 and Sulf
4033 package chem_volc chem_opt==402 - chem:so2,sulf,vash_1,vash_2,vash_3,vash_4,vash_5,vash_6,vash_7,vash_8,vash_9,vash_10
4034 package chem_volc_4bin chem_opt==403 - chem:vash_7,vash_8,vash_9,vash_10
4036 # CAM modal aerosol packages (with online gas-phase chemistry)
4037 package cbmz_cam_mam3_noaq chem_opt==501 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,soag,so4_a1,pom_a1,soa_a1,bc_a1,dst_a1,ncl_a1,wtr_a1,num_a1,so4_a2,soa_a2,ncl_a2,wtr_a2,num_a2,dst_a3,ncl_a3,so4_a3,wtr_a3,num_a3
4039 package cbmz_cam_mam7_noaq chem_opt==502 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,soag,so4_a1,nh4_a1,pom_a1,soa_a1,bc_a1,ncl_a1,wtr_a1,num_a1,so4_a2,nh4_a2,soa_a2,ncl_a2,wtr_a2,num_a2,pom_a3,bc_a3,wtr_a3,num_a3,ncl_a4,so4_a4,nh4_a4,wtr_a4,num_a4,dst_a5,so4_a5,nh4_a5,wtr_a5,num_a5,ncl_a6,so4_a6,nh4_a6,wtr_a6,num_a6,dst_a7,so4_a7,nh4_a7,wtr_a7,num_a7
4041 package cbmz_cam_mam3_aq chem_opt==503 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,dms,msa,dmso,dmso2,ch3so2h,ch3sch2oo,ch3so2,ch3so3,ch3so2oo,ch3so2ch2oo,mtf,soag,so4_a1,pom_a1,soa_a1,bc_a1,dst_a1,ncl_a1,wtr_a1,num_a1,so4_a2,soa_a2,ncl_a2,wtr_a2,num_a2,dst_a3,ncl_a3,so4_a3,wtr_a3,num_a3,so4_c1,pom_c1,soa_c1,bc_c1,dst_c1,ncl_c1,num_c1,so4_c2,soa_c2,ncl_c2,num_c2,dst_c3,ncl_c3,so4_c3,num_c3
4043 package cbmz_cam_mam7_aq chem_opt==504 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,soag,so4_a1,nh4_a1,pom_a1,soa_a1,bc_a1,ncl_a1,wtr_a1,num_a1,so4_a2,nh4_a2,soa_a2,ncl_a2,wtr_a2,num_a2,pom_a3,bc_a3,wtr_a3,num_a3,ncl_a4,so4_a4,nh4_a4,wtr_a4,num_a4,dst_a5,so4_a5,nh4_a5,wtr_a5,num_a5,ncl_a6,so4_a6,nh4_a6,wtr_a6,num_a6,dst_a7,so4_a7,nh4_a7,wtr_a7,num_a7,so4_c1,nh4_c1,pom_c1,soa_c1,bc_c1,ncl_c1,num_c1,so4_c2,nh4_c2,soa_c2,ncl_c2,num_c2,pom_c3,bc_c3,num_c3,ncl_c4,so4_c4,nh4_c4,num_c4,dst_c5,so4_c5,nh4_c5,num_c5,ncl_c6,so4_c6,nh4_c6,num_c6,dst_c7,so4_c7,nh4_c7,num_c7
4046 package crimech_kpp chem_opt==600 - chem:dms,dmso,dmso2,ch3sch2oo,ch3s,ch3so,ch3so2,ch3so3,msa,msia,nh3,hcl,so2,hso3,no2,o3,hno3,h2o2,ch3cho,hcho,ch3ooh,c2h5ooh,paa,hcooh,n2o5,no3,pan,c3h8,nc4h10,c2h6,co,c2h4,toluene,oxyl,aco3,hono,hno4,ket,c5h8,ho,ho2,so3,no,benzene,npropol,c2h2,c3h6,tbut2ene,c2h5cho,ch3co2h,mek,ch3oh,c2h5oh,ipropol,ch3no3,c2h5no3,hoc2h4no3,prooh,hoc2h4ooh,carb14,carb17,rn10no3,rn13no3,rn19no3,rn9no3,rn12no3,rn15no3,rn18no3,rn16no3,rn10ooh,rn13ooh,rn16ooh,rn19ooh,rn8ooh,rn11ooh,rn14ooh,rn17ooh,rn9ooh,rn12ooh,rn15ooh,rn18ooh,nrn6ooh,nrn9ooh,nrn12ooh,apinene,bpinene,carb7,carb10,carb13,carb16,carb3,carb6,carb9,carb12,carb15,c2h5co3h,c2h5co3,ppn,hoch2cho,hoch2co3,hoch2co3h,phan,ccarb12,ch3cl,ch2cl2,chcl3,ch3ccl3,cdicleth,tdicleth,tricleth,tce,ucarb12,ucarb10,ru14no3,ru14ooh,ru12ooh,ru10ooh,mpan,ru12pan,nucarb12,nru14ooh,nru12ooh,noa,ra13no3,ra13ooh,udcarb8,aroh14,raroh14,arnoh14,ra16no3,ra16ooh,udcarb11,aroh17,raroh17,arnoh17,udcarb14,ra19co2,ra19no3,ra19ooh,rtn28no3,rtn28ooh,tncarb26,rtn26ooh,nrtn28ooh,rtn26pan,rtn25ooh,rtn24ooh,rtn23ooh,rtn14ooh,rtn10ooh,tncarb10,rtn25no3,tncarb15,rcooh25,rtx28no3,rtx28ooh,txcarb24,rtx24no3,rtx24ooh,txcarb22,rtx22no3,rtx22ooh,nrtx28ooh,carb11a,anhy,ch3o2no2,ch4,sulf,rtn23no3,tncarb12,tncarb11,tm123b,tm124b,tm135b,oethtol,methtol,pethtol,ra22no3,ra22ooh,dime35eb,ra25no3,udcarb17,ra25ooh,ch3oo,c2h5o2,hoch2ch2o2,ic3h7o2,rn10o2,rn13o2,rn16o2,rn19o2,rn9o2,rn12o2,rn15o2,rn18o2,nrn6o2,nrn9o2,nrn12o2,rn11o2,rn14o2,rn8o2,rn17o2,rn13ao2,rn16ao2,rn15ao2,rn18ao2,ru10o2,nru14o2,nru12o2,ra13o2,nrtx28o2,rtx24o2,rtx28o2,rtn25o2,rtn24o2,rtn23o2,rtn14o2,rtn10o2,nrtn28o2,rtn26o2,rtn28o2,ra19ao2,ru14o2,ru12o2,ra16o2,rtx22o2,ra22ao2,ra22bo2,ra25o2,ic3h7no3
4047 # CRIMECH gas phase and original aqueous MOSAIC
4048 package cri_mosaic_8bin_aq_kpp chem_opt==601 - chem:dms,dmso,dmso2,ch3sch2oo,ch3s,ch3so,ch3so2,ch3so3,msa,msia,nh3,hcl,so2,hso3,no2,o3,hno3,h2o2,ch3cho,hcho,ch3ooh,c2h5ooh,paa,hcooh,n2o5,no3,pan,c3h8,nc4h10,c2h6,co,c2h4,toluene,oxyl,aco3,hono,hno4,ket,c5h8,ho,ho2,so3,no,benzene,npropol,c2h2,c3h6,tbut2ene,c2h5cho,ch3co2h,mek,ch3oh,c2h5oh,ipropol,ch3no3,c2h5no3,hoc2h4no3,prooh,hoc2h4ooh,carb14,carb17,rn10no3,rn13no3,rn19no3,rn9no3,rn12no3,rn15no3,rn18no3,rn16no3,rn10ooh,rn13ooh,rn16ooh,rn19ooh,rn8ooh,rn11ooh,rn14ooh,rn17ooh,rn9ooh,rn12ooh,rn15ooh,rn18ooh,nrn6ooh,nrn9ooh,nrn12ooh,apinene,bpinene,carb7,carb10,carb13,carb16,carb3,carb6,carb9,carb12,carb15,c2h5co3h,c2h5co3,ppn,hoch2cho,hoch2co3,hoch2co3h,phan,ccarb12,ch3cl,ch2cl2,chcl3,ch3ccl3,cdicleth,tdicleth,tricleth,tce,ucarb12,ucarb10,ru14no3,ru14ooh,ru12ooh,ru10ooh,mpan,ru12pan,nucarb12,nru14ooh,nru12ooh,noa,ra13no3,ra13ooh,udcarb8,aroh14,raroh14,arnoh14,ra16no3,ra16ooh,udcarb11,aroh17,raroh17,arnoh17,udcarb14,ra19co2,ra19no3,ra19ooh,rtn28no3,rtn28ooh,tncarb26,rtn26ooh,nrtn28ooh,rtn26pan,rtn25ooh,rtn24ooh,rtn23ooh,rtn14ooh,rtn10ooh,tncarb10,rtn25no3,tncarb15,rcooh25,rtx28no3,rtx28ooh,txcarb24,rtx24no3,rtx24ooh,txcarb22,rtx22no3,rtx22ooh,nrtx28ooh,carb11a,anhy,ch3o2no2,ch4,sulf,rtn23no3,tncarb12,tncarb11,tm123b,tm124b,tm135b,oethtol,methtol,pethtol,ra22no3,ra22ooh,dime35eb,ra25no3,udcarb17,ra25ooh,clno2,ch3oo,c2h5o2,hoch2ch2o2,ic3h7o2,rn10o2,rn13o2,rn16o2,rn19o2,rn9o2,rn12o2,rn15o2,rn18o2,nrn6o2,nrn9o2,nrn12o2,rn11o2,rn14o2,rn8o2,rn17o2,rn13ao2,rn16ao2,rn15ao2,rn18ao2,ru10o2,nru14o2,nru12o2,ra13o2,nrtx28o2,rtx24o2,rtx28o2,rtn25o2,rtn24o2,rtn23o2,rtn14o2,rtn10o2,nrtn28o2,rtn26o2,rtn28o2,ra19ao2,ru14o2,ru12o2,ra16o2,rtx22o2,ra22ao2,ra22bo2,ra25o2,ic3h7no3,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04,so4_a05,no3_a05,cl_a05,nh4_a05,na_a05,oin_a05,oc_a05,bc_a05,hysw_a05,water_a05,num_a05,so4_a06,no3_a06,cl_a06,nh4_a06,na_a06,oin_a06,oc_a06,bc_a06,hysw_a06,water_a06,num_a06,so4_a07,no3_a07,cl_a07,nh4_a07,na_a07,oin_a07,oc_a07,bc_a07,hysw_a07,water_a07,num_a07,so4_a08,no3_a08,cl_a08,nh4_a08,na_a08,oin_a08,oc_a08,bc_a08,hysw_a08,water_a08,num_a08,so4_cw01,no3_cw01,cl_cw01,nh4_cw01,na_cw01,oin_cw01,oc_cw01,bc_cw01,num_cw01,so4_cw02,no3_cw02,cl_cw02,nh4_cw02,na_cw02,oin_cw02,oc_cw02,bc_cw02,num_cw02,so4_cw03,no3_cw03,cl_cw03,nh4_cw03,na_cw03,oin_cw03,oc_cw03,bc_cw03,num_cw03,so4_cw04,no3_cw04,cl_cw04,nh4_cw04,na_cw04,oin_cw04,oc_cw04,bc_cw04,num_cw04,so4_cw05,no3_cw05,cl_cw05,nh4_cw05,na_cw05,oin_cw05,oc_cw05,bc_cw05,num_cw05,so4_cw06,no3_cw06,cl_cw06,nh4_cw06,na_cw06,oin_cw06,oc_cw06,bc_cw06,num_cw06,so4_cw07,no3_cw07,cl_cw07,nh4_cw07,na_cw07,oin_cw07,oc_cw07,bc_cw07,num_cw07,so4_cw08,no3_cw08,cl_cw08,nh4_cw08,na_cw08,oin_cw08,oc_cw08,bc_cw08,num_cw08
4049 package cri_mosaic_4bin_aq_kpp chem_opt==611 - chem:dms,dmso,dmso2,ch3sch2oo,ch3s,ch3so,ch3so2,ch3so3,msa,msia,nh3,hcl,so2,hso3,no2,o3,hno3,h2o2,ch3cho,hcho,ch3ooh,c2h5ooh,paa,hcooh,n2o5,no3,pan,c3h8,nc4h10,c2h6,co,c2h4,toluene,oxyl,aco3,hono,hno4,ket,c5h8,ho,ho2,so3,no,benzene,npropol,c2h2,c3h6,tbut2ene,c2h5cho,ch3co2h,mek,ch3oh,c2h5oh,ipropol,ch3no3,c2h5no3,hoc2h4no3,prooh,hoc2h4ooh,carb14,carb17,rn10no3,rn13no3,rn19no3,rn9no3,rn12no3,rn15no3,rn18no3,rn16no3,rn10ooh,rn13ooh,rn16ooh,rn19ooh,rn8ooh,rn11ooh,rn14ooh,rn17ooh,rn9ooh,rn12ooh,rn15ooh,rn18ooh,nrn6ooh,nrn9ooh,nrn12ooh,apinene,bpinene,carb7,carb10,carb13,carb16,carb3,carb6,carb9,carb12,carb15,c2h5co3h,c2h5co3,ppn,hoch2cho,hoch2co3,hoch2co3h,phan,ccarb12,ch3cl,ch2cl2,chcl3,ch3ccl3,cdicleth,tdicleth,tricleth,tce,ucarb12,ucarb10,ru14no3,ru14ooh,ru12ooh,ru10ooh,mpan,ru12pan,nucarb12,nru14ooh,nru12ooh,noa,ra13no3,ra13ooh,udcarb8,aroh14,raroh14,arnoh14,ra16no3,ra16ooh,udcarb11,aroh17,raroh17,arnoh17,udcarb14,ra19co2,ra19no3,ra19ooh,rtn28no3,rtn28ooh,tncarb26,rtn26ooh,nrtn28ooh,rtn26pan,rtn25ooh,rtn24ooh,rtn23ooh,rtn14ooh,rtn10ooh,tncarb10,rtn25no3,tncarb15,rcooh25,rtx28no3,rtx28ooh,txcarb24,rtx24no3,rtx24ooh,txcarb22,rtx22no3,rtx22ooh,nrtx28ooh,carb11a,anhy,ch3o2no2,ch4,sulf,rtn23no3,tncarb12,tncarb11,tm123b,tm124b,tm135b,oethtol,methtol,pethtol,ra22no3,ra22ooh,dime35eb,ra25no3,udcarb17,ra25ooh,clno2,ch3oo,c2h5o2,hoch2ch2o2,ic3h7o2,rn10o2,rn13o2,rn16o2,rn19o2,rn9o2,rn12o2,rn15o2,rn18o2,nrn6o2,nrn9o2,nrn12o2,rn11o2,rn14o2,rn8o2,rn17o2,rn13ao2,rn16ao2,rn15ao2,rn18ao2,ru10o2,nru14o2,nru12o2,ra13o2,nrtx28o2,rtx24o2,rtx28o2,rtn25o2,rtn24o2,rtn23o2,rtn14o2,rtn10o2,nrtn28o2,rtn26o2,rtn28o2,ra19ao2,ru14o2,ru12o2,ra16o2,rtx22o2,ra22ao2,ra22bo2,ra25o2,ic3h7no3,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04,so4_cw01,no3_cw01,cl_cw01,nh4_cw01,na_cw01,oin_cw01,oc_cw01,bc_cw01,num_cw01,so4_cw02,no3_cw02,cl_cw02,nh4_cw02,na_cw02,oin_cw02,oc_cw02,bc_cw02,num_cw02,so4_cw03,no3_cw03,cl_cw03,nh4_cw03,na_cw03,oin_cw03,oc_cw03,bc_cw03,num_cw03,so4_cw04,no3_cw04,cl_cw04,nh4_cw04,na_cw04,oin_cw04,oc_cw04,bc_cw04,num_cw04
4052 #emission package definitions
4054 package eradm emiss_opt==2 - emis_ant:e_iso,e_so2,e_no,e_co,e_eth,e_hc3,e_hc5,e_hc8,e_xyl,e_ol2,e_olt,e_oli,e_tol,e_csl,e_hcho,e_ald,e_ket,e_ora2,e_nh3
4055 package eradmsorg emiss_opt==3 - emis_ant:e_iso,e_so2,e_no,e_no2,e_co,e_ch4,e_eth,e_hc3,e_hc5,e_hc8,e_xyl,e_ol2,e_olt,e_oli,e_tol,e_csl,e_hcho,e_ald,e_ket,e_ora2,e_nh3,e_terp,e_hono,e_co2,e_pm25i,e_pm25j,e_pm_10,e_eci,e_ecj,e_orgi,e_orgj,e_so4i,e_so4j,e_no3i,e_no3j,e_naaj,e_naai,e_orgi_a,e_orgj_a,e_orgi_bb,e_orgj_bb,e_hcl,e_cli,e_clj,e_ch3cl
4056 package ecbmz_mosaic emiss_opt==4 - emis_ant:e_iso,e_so2,e_no,e_co,e_eth,e_hc3,e_hc5,e_hc8,e_xyl,e_ol2,e_olt,e_oli,e_tol,e_csl,e_hcho,e_ald,e_ket,e_ora2,e_nh3,e_no2,e_ch3oh,e_c2h5oh,e_pm25i,e_pm25j,e_eci,e_ecj,e_orgi,e_orgj,e_so4i,e_so4j,e_no3i,e_no3j,e_so4c,e_no3c,e_orgc,e_ecc
4057 package ecptec emiss_opt==5 - emis_ant:e_iso,e_so2,e_no,e_no2,e_co,e_eth,e_hc3,e_hc5,e_hc8,e_xyl,e_ol2,e_olt,e_oli,e_tol,e_csl,e_hcho,e_ald,e_ket,e_ora2,e_nh3,e_pm_25,e_pm_10,e_oc,e_sulf,e_bc
4058 package gocart_ecptec emiss_opt==6 - emis_ant:e_so2,e_sulf,e_bc,e_oc,e_pm_25,e_pm_10
4059 package mozem emiss_opt==7 - emis_ant:e_co,e_no,e_no2,e_bigalk,e_bigene,e_c2h4,e_c2h5oh,e_c2h6,e_c3h6,e_c3h8,e_ch2o,e_ch3cho,e_ch3coch3,e_ch3oh,e_mek,e_so2,e_toluene,e_nh3,e_isop,e_c10h16,e_sulf
4060 package mozcem emiss_opt==8 - emis_ant:e_co,e_no,e_no2,e_bigalk,e_bigene,e_c2h4,e_c2h5oh,e_c2h6,e_c3h6,e_c3h8,e_ch2o,e_ch3cho,e_ch3coch3,e_ch3oh,e_mek,e_so2,e_toluene,e_nh3,e_isop,e_c10h16,e_pm_10,e_pm_25,e_bc,e_oc,e_sulf
4061 package cammam emiss_opt==9 - emis_ant:e_iso,e_so2,e_no,e_co,e_eth,e_hc3,e_hc5,e_hc8,e_xyl,e_ol2,e_olt,e_oli,e_tol,e_csl,e_hcho,e_ald,e_ket,e_ora2,e_nh3,e_dms,e_ecj,e_orgj,e_so4i,e_so4j,e_soag_bigene,e_soag_isoprene,e_soag_terpene,e_soag_toluene,e_dust_a1,e_dust_a3,e_ncl_a1,e_ncl_a2,e_ncl_a3,e_orgj_num,e_ecj_num,e_so4j_num,e_so4i_num
4063 package mozmem emiss_opt==10 - emis_ant:e_co,e_no,e_no2,e_bigalk,e_bigene,e_c2h4,e_c2h5oh,e_c2h6,e_c3h6,e_c3h8,e_ch2o,e_ch3cho,e_ch3coch3,e_ch3oh,e_mek,e_so2,e_toluene,e_benzene,e_xylene,e_nh3,e_isop,e_apin,e_pm25i,e_pm25j,e_eci,e_ecj,e_orgi,e_orgj,e_so4i,e_so4j,e_no3i,e_no3j,e_nh4i,e_nh4j,e_nai,e_naj,e_cli,e_clj,e_co_a,e_orgi_a,e_orgj_a,e_co_bb,e_orgi_bb,e_orgj_bb,e_pm_10,e_c2h2,e_gly,e_sulf,e_macr,e_mgly,e_mvk,e_hcooh,e_hono
4064 package mozc_t1_em emiss_opt==11 - emis_ant:e_co,e_no,e_no2,e_bigalk,e_bigene,e_c2h4,e_c2h5oh,e_c2h6,e_c3h6,e_c3h8,e_ch2o,e_ch3cho,e_ch3coch3,e_ch3oh,e_mek,e_so2,e_toluene,e_nh3,e_isop,e_hcooh,e_ch3cn,e_ch3cooh,e_hcn,e_apin,e_mvk,e_mgly,e_benzene,e_xylene,e_sulf,e_c2h2,e_pm_10,e_pm_25,e_bc,e_oc
4065 package esaprcnov emiss_opt==13 - emis_ant:e_so2,e_c2h6,e_c3h8,e_c2h2,e_alk3,e_alk4,e_alk5,e_ethene,e_c3h6,e_ole1,e_ole2,e_aro1,e_aro2,e_hcho,e_ccho,e_rcho,e_acet,e_mek,e_isoprene,e_terp,e_sesq,e_co,e_no,e_no2,e_phen,e_cres,e_meoh,e_gly,e_mgly,e_bacl,e_isoprod,e_methacro,e_mvk,e_prod2,e_ch4,e_bald,e_hcooh,e_cco_oh,e_rco_oh,e_nh3,e_pm25i,e_pm25j,e_eci,e_ecj,e_orgi,e_orgj,e_so4i,e_so4j,e_no3i,e_no3j,e_orgi_a,e_orgj_a,e_orgi_bb,e_orgj_bb
4066 # For CB05 mechanism based on CBMZ speciation, used with emiss_inpt_opt = 102
4067 package ecb05_opt1 emiss_opt==14 - emis_ant:e_no2,e_xyl,e_tol,e_terp,e_so2,e_ora2,e_olt,e_oli,e_ol2,e_no,e_nh3,e_iso,e_hcl,e_hcho,e_eth,e_csl,e_co,e_ch3oh,e_c2h5oh,e_ald,e_aldx,e_hc3,e_hc5,e_hc8,e_ket,e_pm25i,e_pm25j,e_eci,e_ecj,e_orgi,e_orgj,e_so4i,e_so4j,e_no3i,e_no3j,e_so4c,e_no3c,e_orgc,e_ecc,e_pm10
4068 # For CB05 emissions inventory base on CB05 speciation, used with emiss_inpt_opt = 101
4069 package ecb05_opt2 emiss_opt==15 - emis_ant:e_acet,e_par,e_alk3,e_alk4,e_alk5,e_tol,e_xyl,e_bald,e_ald2,e_ccooh,e_co,e_cres,e_eth,e_etha,e_gly,e_form,e_hcooh,e_iprod,e_isop,e_macr,e_mek,e_meoh,e_meo2,e_etoh,e_mgly,e_nh3,e_hcl,e_no,e_no2,e_iole,e_ole,e_phen,e_prod2,e_aldx,e_so2,e_psulf,e_terp,e_pm25i,e_pm25j,e_eci,e_ecj,e_orgi,e_orgj,e_so4i,e_so4j,e_no3i,e_no3j,e_so4c,e_no3c,e_orgc,e_ecc,e_pm10
4071 # Anthropogenic CO2, CO and CH4 emissions:
4072 package eco2 emiss_opt==16 - emis_ant:e_co2,e_co2tst,e_co
4073 package eghg emiss_opt==17 - emis_ant:e_co2,e_co2tst,e_co,e_cotst,e_ch4,e_ch4tst
4074 package ecrimech emiss_opt==19 - emis_ant:e_co,e_no,e_no2,e_so2,e_nh3,e_c2h6,e_c3h8,e_c2h4,e_c3h6,e_c5h8,e_tm123b,e_tm124b,e_tm135b,e_oethtol,e_methtol,e_pethtol,e_dime35eb,e_hcho,e_ch3cho,e_c2h5cho,e_ket,e_mek,e_ch3oh,e_c2h5oh,e_c2h2,e_benzene,e_nc4h10,e_toluene,e_oxyl,e_tbut2ene,e_ch3co2h
4075 package ecrimechtno emiss_opt==20 - emis_ant:e_co,e_no,e_no2,e_so2,e_nh3,e_c2h6,e_c3h8,e_c2h4,e_c3h6,e_c5h8,e_tm123b,e_tm124b,e_tm135b,e_oethtol,e_methtol,e_pethtol,e_dime35eb,e_hcho,e_ch3cho,e_c2h5cho,e_ket,e_mek,e_ch3oh,e_c2h5oh,e_c2h2,e_benzene,e_nc4h10,e_toluene,e_oxyl,e_tbut2ene,e_ch3co2h,e_bc_1,e_ec_1_25,e_ec_25_10,e_oc_dom,e_oc_tra,e_oc_25_10,e_pm25,e_oin_25,e_oin_10
4077 package vash emiss_opt_vol==1 - emis_vol:e_vash1,e_vash2,e_vash3,e_vash4,e_vash5,e_vash6,e_vash7,e_vash8,e_vash9,e_vash10
4078 package vashso2 emiss_opt_vol==2 - emis_vol:e_vash1,e_vash2,e_vash3,e_vash4,e_vash5,e_vash6,e_vash7,e_vash8,e_vash9,e_vash10,e_vso2
4082 package photmad phot_opt==1 - state:uvrad,ph_o31d,ph_o33p,ph_no2,ph_no3o2,ph_no3o,ph_hno2,ph_hno3,ph_hno4,ph_h2o2,ph_ch2or,ph_ch2om,ph_ch3cho,ph_ch3coch3,ph_ch3coc2h5,ph_hcocho,ph_ch3cocho,ph_hcochest,ph_ch3o2h,ph_ch3coo2h,ph_ch3ono2,ph_hcochob,ph_macr,ph_n2o5,ph_o2,ph_pan,ph_acet,ph_mglo,ph_hno4_2,ph_n2o,ph_pooh,ph_mpan,ph_mvk,ph_etooh,ph_prooh,ph_onitr,ph_acetol,ph_glyald,ph_hyac,ph_mek,ph_open,ph_gly,ph_acetp,ph_xooh,ph_isooh,ph_alkooh,ph_mekooh,ph_tolooh,ph_terpooh,ph_cl2,ph_hocl,ph_fmcl
4083 package photfastj phot_opt==2 - state:ph_o31d,ph_o33p,ph_no2,ph_no3o2,ph_no3o,ph_hno2,ph_hno3,ph_hno4,ph_h2o2,ph_ch2or,ph_ch2om,ph_ch3cho,ph_ch3coch3,ph_ch3coc2h5,ph_hcocho,ph_ch3cocho,ph_hcochest,ph_ch3o2h,ph_ch3coo2h,ph_ch3ono2,ph_hcochob,ph_macr,ph_n2o5,ph_o2,ph_pan,ph_acet,ph_mglo,ph_hno4_2,ph_n2o,ph_pooh,ph_mpan,ph_mvk,ph_etooh,ph_prooh,ph_onitr,ph_acetol,ph_glyald,ph_hyac,ph_mek,ph_open,ph_gly,ph_acetp,ph_xooh,ph_isooh,ph_alkooh,ph_mekooh,ph_tolooh,ph_terpooh,ph_cl2,ph_hocl,ph_fmcl
4084 package ftuv phot_opt==3 - state:radfld,adjcoe,phrate,ph_o31d,ph_o33p,ph_no2,ph_no3o2,ph_no3o,ph_hno2,ph_hno3,ph_hno4,ph_h2o2,ph_ch2or,ph_ch2om,ph_ch3cho,ph_ch3coch3,ph_ch3coc2h5,ph_hcocho,ph_ch3cocho,ph_hcochest,ph_ch3o2h,ph_ch3coo2h,ph_ch3ono2,ph_hcochob,ph_macr,ph_n2o5,ph_o2,ph_pan,ph_acet,ph_mglo,ph_hno4_2,ph_n2o,ph_pooh,ph_mpan,ph_mvk,ph_etooh,ph_prooh,ph_onitr,ph_acetol,ph_glyald,ph_hyac,ph_mek,ph_open,ph_gly,ph_acetp,ph_xooh,ph_isooh,ph_alkooh,ph_mekooh,ph_tolooh,ph_terpooh,ph_cl2,ph_hocl,ph_fmcl
4085 package tuv phot_opt==4 - state:uvrad,dt_cld,af_dir,af_dn,af_up,ph_par,ph_erythema,ph_o31d,ph_o33p,ph_no2,ph_no3o2,ph_no3o,ph_hno2,ph_hno3,ph_hno4,ph_h2o2,ph_ch2or,ph_ch2om,ph_ch3cho,ph_ch3coch3,ph_ch3coc2h5,ph_hcocho,ph_ch3cocho,ph_hcochest,ph_ch3o2h,ph_ch3coo2h,ph_ch3ono2,ph_hcochob,ph_macr,ph_n2o5,ph_o2,ph_pan,ph_acet,ph_mglo,ph_hno4_2,ph_n2o,ph_pooh,ph_mpan,ph_mvk,ph_etooh,ph_prooh,ph_onitr,ph_acetol,ph_glyald,ph_hyac,ph_mek,ph_open,ph_gly,ph_acetp,ph_xooh,ph_isooh,ph_alkooh,ph_mekooh,ph_tolooh,ph_terpooh,ph_cl2,ph_hocl,ph_fmcl
4087 package wesely gas_drydep_opt==1 - -
4089 # diagnostic packages, first for deposition velocities (original package for Mozart)
4091 package depvel1 diagnostic_chem==1 - dvel:dvel_o3,dvel_no,dvel_no2,dvel_nh3,dvel_hno3,dvel_hno4,dvel_h2o2,dvel_co,dvel_ch3ooh,dvel_hcho,dvel_ch3oh,dvel_eo2,dvel_ald,dvel_ch3cooh,dvel_acet,dvel_mgly,dvel_gly,dvel_paa,dvel_pooh,dvel_pan,dvel_mpan,dvel_mco3,dvel_mvkooh,dvel_c2h5oh,dvel_etooh,dvel_prooh,dvel_acetp,dvel_onit,dvel_onitr,dvel_isooh,dvel_acetol,dvel_glyald,dvel_hydrald,dvel_alkooh,dvel_mekooh,dvel_tolooh,dvel_xooh,dvel_so2,dvel_so4,dvel_terpooh,dvel_cvasoaX,dvel_cvasoa1,dvel_cvasoa2,dvel_cvasoa3,dvel_cvasoa4,dvel_cvbsoaX,dvel_cvbsoa1,dvel_cvbsoa2,dvel_cvbsoa3,dvel_cvbsoa4,ddmass_o3,ddmass_no,ddmass_no2,ddmass_nh3,ddmass_hno3,ddmass_hno4,ddmass_h2o2,ddmass_co,ddmass_ch3ooh,ddmass_hcho,ddmass_ch3oh,ddmass_eo2,ddmass_ald,ddmass_ch3cooh,ddmass_acet,ddmass_mgly,ddmass_gly,ddmass_paa,ddmass_pooh,ddmass_pan,ddmass_mpan,ddmass_mco3,ddmass_mvkooh,ddmass_c2h5oh,ddmass_etooh,ddmass_prooh,ddmass_acetp,ddmass_onit,ddmass_onitr,ddmass_isooh,ddmass_acetol,ddmass_glyald,ddmass_hydrald,ddmass_alkooh,ddmass_mekooh,ddmass_tolooh,ddmass_xooh,ddmass_so2,ddmass_so4,ddmass_terpooh,ddmass_cvasoaX,ddmass_cvasoa1,ddmass_cvasoa2,ddmass_cvasoa3,ddmass_cvasoa4,ddmass_cvbsoaX,ddmass_cvbsoa1,ddmass_cvbsoa2,ddmass_cvbsoa3,ddmass_cvbsoa4,ddmass_so4_a01,ddmass_no3_a01,ddmass_cl_a01,ddmass_nh4_a01,ddmass_na_a01,ddmass_oin_a01,ddmass_oc_a01,ddmass_bc_a01,ddmass_smpa_a01,ddmass_smpbb_a01,ddmass_glysoa_a01,ddmass_biog1_c_a01,ddmass_biog1_o_a01,ddmass_asoaX_a01,ddmass_asoa1_a01,ddmass_asoa2_a01,ddmass_asoa3_a01,ddmass_asoa4_a01,ddmass_bsoaX_a01,ddmass_bsoa1_a01,ddmass_bsoa2_a01,ddmass_bsoa3_a01,ddmass_bsoa4_a01,ddmass_so4_a02,ddmass_no3_a02,ddmass_cl_a02,ddmass_nh4_a02,ddmass_na_a02,ddmass_oin_a02,ddmass_oc_a02,ddmass_bc_a02,ddmass_smpa_a02,ddmass_smpbb_a02,ddmass_glysoa_a02,ddmass_biog1_c_a02,ddmass_biog1_o_a02,ddmass_asoaX_a02,ddmass_asoa1_a02,ddmass_asoa2_a02,ddmass_asoa3_a02,ddmass_asoa4_a02,ddmass_bsoaX_a02,ddmass_bsoa1_a02,ddmass_bsoa2_a02,ddmass_bsoa3_a02,ddmass_bsoa4_a02,ddmass_so4_a03,ddmass_no3_a03,ddmass_cl_a03,ddmass_nh4_a03,ddmass_na_a03,ddmass_oin_a03,ddmass_oc_a03,ddmass_bc_a03,ddmass_smpa_a03,ddmass_smpbb_a03,ddmass_glysoa_a03,ddmass_biog1_c_a03,ddmass_biog1_o_a03,ddmass_asoaX_a03,ddmass_asoa1_a03,ddmass_asoa2_a03,ddmass_asoa3_a03,ddmass_asoa4_a03,ddmass_bsoaX_a03,ddmass_bsoa1_a03,ddmass_bsoa2_a03,ddmass_bsoa3_a03,ddmass_bsoa4_a03,ddmass_so4_a04,ddmass_no3_a04,ddmass_cl_a04,ddmass_nh4_a04,ddmass_na_a04,ddmass_oin_a04,ddmass_oc_a04,ddmass_bc_a04,ddmass_smpa_a04,ddmass_smpbb_a04,ddmass_glysoa_a04,ddmass_biog1_c_a04,ddmass_biog1_o_a04,ddmass_asoaX_a04,ddmass_asoa1_a04,ddmass_asoa2_a04,ddmass_asoa3_a04,ddmass_asoa4_a04,ddmass_bsoaX_a04,ddmass_bsoa1_a04,ddmass_bsoa2_a04,ddmass_bsoa3_a04,ddmass_bsoa4_a04,ddmass_ca_a01,ddmass_ca_a02,ddmass_ca_a03,ddmass_ca_a04,ddmass_co3_a01,ddmass_co3_a02,ddmass_co3_a03,ddmass_co3_a04,ddmass_so4_cw01,ddmass_no3_cw01,ddmass_cl_cw01,ddmass_nh4_cw01,ddmass_na_cw01,ddmass_oin_cw01,ddmass_oc_cw01,ddmass_bc_cw01,ddmass_smpa_cw01,ddmass_smpbb_cw01,ddmass_glysoa_cw01,ddmass_biog1_c_cw01,ddmass_biog1_o_cw01,ddmass_asoaX_cw01,ddmass_asoa1_cw01,ddmass_asoa2_cw01,ddmass_asoa3_cw01,ddmass_asoa4_cw01,ddmass_bsoaX_cw01,ddmass_bsoa1_cw01,ddmass_bsoa2_cw01,ddmass_bsoa3_cw01,ddmass_bsoa4_cw01,ddmass_so4_cw02,ddmass_no3_cw02,ddmass_cl_cw02,ddmass_nh4_cw02,ddmass_na_cw02,ddmass_oin_cw02,ddmass_oc_cw02,ddmass_bc_cw02,ddmass_smpa_cw02,ddmass_smpbb_cw02,ddmass_glysoa_cw02,ddmass_biog1_c_cw02,ddmass_biog1_o_cw02,ddmass_asoaX_cw02,ddmass_asoa1_cw02,ddmass_asoa2_cw02,ddmass_asoa3_cw02,ddmass_asoa4_cw02,ddmass_bsoaX_cw02,ddmass_bsoa1_cw02,ddmass_bsoa2_cw02,ddmass_bsoa3_cw02,ddmass_bsoa4_cw02,ddmass_so4_cw03,ddmass_no3_cw03,ddmass_cl_cw03,ddmass_nh4_cw03,ddmass_na_cw03,ddmass_oin_cw03,ddmass_oc_cw03,ddmass_bc_cw03,ddmass_smpa_cw03,ddmass_smpbb_cw03,ddmass_glysoa_cw03,ddmass_biog1_c_cw03,ddmass_biog1_o_cw03,ddmass_asoaX_cw03,ddmass_asoa1_cw03,ddmass_asoa2_cw03,ddmass_asoa3_cw03,ddmass_asoa4_cw03,ddmass_bsoaX_cw03,ddmass_bsoa1_cw03,ddmass_bsoa2_cw03,ddmass_bsoa3_cw03,ddmass_bsoa4_cw03,ddmass_so4_cw04,ddmass_no3_cw04,ddmass_cl_cw04,ddmass_nh4_cw04,ddmass_na_cw04,ddmass_oin_cw04,ddmass_oc_cw04,ddmass_bc_cw04,ddmass_smpa_cw04,ddmass_smpbb_cw04,ddmass_glysoa_cw04,ddmass_biog1_c_cw04,ddmass_biog1_o_cw04,ddmass_asoaX_cw04,ddmass_asoa1_cw04,ddmass_asoa2_cw04,ddmass_asoa3_cw04,ddmass_asoa4_cw04,ddmass_bsoaX_cw04,ddmass_bsoa1_cw04,ddmass_bsoa2_cw04,ddmass_bsoa3_cw04,ddmass_bsoa4_cw04,ddmass_ca_cw01,ddmass_ca_cw02,ddmass_ca_cw03,ddmass_ca_cw04,ddmass_co3_cw01,ddmass_co3_cw02,ddmass_co3_cw03,ddmass_co3_cw04
4093 package opti_aero aero_diag_opt==0 - state:totoa_a01,totoa_a02,totoa_a03,totoa_a04,totoa_a05,totoa_a06,totoa_a07,totoa_a08
4094 package diag_aero aero_diag_opt==1 - state:hoa_a01,hoa_a02,hoa_a03,hoa_a04,hoa_a05,hoa_a06,hoa_a07,hoa_a08,soa_a01,soa_a02,soa_a03,soa_a04,soa_a05,soa_a06,soa_a07,soa_a08,bboa_a01,bboa_a02,bboa_a03,bboa_a04,bboa_a05,bboa_a06,bboa_a07,bboa_a08,bbsoa_a01,bbsoa_a02,bbsoa_a03,bbsoa_a04,bbsoa_a05,bbsoa_a06,bbsoa_a07,bbsoa_a08,hsoa_a01,hsoa_a02,hsoa_a03,hsoa_a04,hsoa_a05,hsoa_a06,hsoa_a07,hsoa_a08,biog_a01,biog_a02,biog_a03,biog_a04,biog_a05,biog_a06,biog_a07,biog_a08,arosoa_a01,arosoa_a02,arosoa_a03,arosoa_a04,arosoa_a05,arosoa_a06,arosoa_a07,arosoa_a08,totoa_a01,totoa_a02,totoa_a03,totoa_a04,totoa_a05,totoa_a06,totoa_a07,totoa_a08,hsoa_c,hsoa_o,bbsoa_c,bbsoa_o,biog_v1,biog_v2,biog_v3,biog_v4,ant_v1,ant_v2,ant_v3,ant_v4,smpa_v1,smpbb_v1,asmpsoa_a01,asmpsoa_a02,asmpsoa_a03,asmpsoa_a04
4096 package diag_cw_aero aero_cw_diag_opt==1 - state:hoa_cw01,hoa_cw02,hoa_cw03,hoa_cw04,hoa_cw05,hoa_cw06,hoa_cw07,hoa_cw08,soa_cw01,soa_cw02,soa_cw03,soa_cw04,soa_cw05,soa_cw06,soa_cw07,soa_cw08,bboa_cw01,bboa_cw02,bboa_cw03,bboa_cw04,bboa_cw05,bboa_cw06,bboa_cw07,bboa_cw08,bbsoa_cw01,bbsoa_cw02,bbsoa_cw03,bbsoa_cw04,bbsoa_cw05,bbsoa_cw06,bbsoa_cw07,bbsoa_cw08,hsoa_cw01,hsoa_cw02,hsoa_cw03,hsoa_cw04,hsoa_cw05,hsoa_cw06,hsoa_cw07,hsoa_cw08,biog_cw01,biog_cw02,biog_cw03,biog_cw04,biog_cw05,biog_cw06,biog_cw07,biog_cw08,arosoa_cw01,arosoa_cw02,arosoa_cw03,arosoa_cw04,arosoa_cw05,arosoa_cw06,arosoa_cw07,arosoa_cw08,totoa_cw01,totoa_cw02,totoa_cw03,totoa_cw04,totoa_cw05,totoa_cw06,totoa_cw07,totoa_cw08,hsoa_cw_c,hsoa_cw_o,bbsoa_cw_c,bbsoa_cw_o,biog_cw_v1,ant_cw_v1
4097 package cu_kfcup_select kfcup_diag==1 - state: chem_cupflag, co_a_ic_cup, hno3_a_ic_cup, so4_a_1to4_ic_cup, so4_cw_1to4_ic_cup, nh4_a_1to4_ic_cup, nh4_cw_1to4_ic_cup, no3_a_1to4_ic_cup, no3_cw_1to4_ic_cup, oa_a_1to4_ic_cup, oa_cw_1to4_ic_cup, oin_a_1to4_ic_cup, oin_cw_1to4_ic_cup, bc_a_1to4_ic_cup, bc_cw_1to4_ic_cup, na_a_1to4_ic_cup, na_cw_1to4_ic_cup, cl_a_1to4_ic_cup, cl_cw_1to4_ic_cup, so4_a_5to6_ic_cup, so4_cw_5to6_ic_cup, nh4_a_5to6_ic_cup, nh4_cw_5to6_ic_cup, no3_a_5to6_ic_cup, no3_cw_5to6_ic_cup, oa_a_5to6_ic_cup, oa_cw_5to6_ic_cup, oin_a_5to6_ic_cup, oin_cw_5to6_ic_cup, bc_a_5to6_ic_cup, bc_cw_5to6_ic_cup, na_a_5to6_ic_cup, na_cw_5to6_ic_cup, cl_a_5to6_ic_cup, cl_cw_5to6_ic_cup, water_1to4_ic_cup, water_5to6_ic_cup
4099 package gunther1 bio_emiss_opt==1 - -
4100 package beis314 bio_emiss_opt==2 - -
4101 package megan2 bio_emiss_opt==3 - state:mebio_isop,mebio_apin,mebio_bcar,mebio_acet,mebio_mbo,mebio_no,msebio_isop,mlai,pftp_bt,pftp_nt,pftp_sb,pftp_hb,mtsa,mswdown,EFmegan
4102 package megan2_clm bio_emiss_opt==4
4104 # renchuanhua rch added for online nh3 emissions
4105 package offline nh3emis_opt==0 - -
4106 package online nh3emis_opt==1 - state:EFnh3,agrisoil_nh3,fertilizer_nh3,freeinten_nh3,graze_nh3,industry_nh3,residential_nh3,transport_nh3;emis_ant:e_nh3
4108 # Biospheric CO2 and CH4 emissions
4109 package ebioco2 bio_emiss_opt==16 - state:rad_vprm,lambda_vprm,alpha_vprm,resp_vprm;vprm_in:vegfra_vprm,evi,evi_min,evi_max,lswi,lswi_max,lswi_min;eghg_bio:ebio_gee,ebio_res,ebio_co2oce
4110 package ebioghg bio_emiss_opt==17 - state:rad_vprm,lambda_vprm,alpha_vprm,resp_vprm;vprm_in:vegfra_vprm,evi,evi_min,evi_max,lswi,lswi_max,lswi_min;wet_in:cpool,wetmap,t_ann;eghg_bio:ebio_gee,ebio_res,ebio_co2oce,ebio_ch4wet,ebio_ch4soil,ebio_ch4term
4112 # the following arrays only needed for burn options
4113 package biomassb biomass_burn_opt==1 - state:mean_fct_agtf,mean_fct_agef,mean_fct_agsv,mean_fct_aggr,firesize_agtf,firesize_agef,firesize_agsv,firesize_aggr;ebu:ebu_no,ebu_no2,ebu_co,ebu_co2,ebu_eth,ebu_hc3,ebu_hc5,ebu_hc8,ebu_ete,ebu_olt,ebu_oli,ebu_pm25,ebu_pm10,ebu_dien,ebu_iso,ebu_api,ebu_lim,ebu_tol,ebu_csl,ebu_hcho,ebu_ald,ebu_ket,ebu_macr,ebu_ora1,ebu_ora2,ebu_so2,ebu_nh3,ebu_oc,ebu_bc,ebu_sulf,ebu_dms;ebu_in:ebu_in_no,ebu_in_no2,ebu_in_co,ebu_in_co2,ebu_in_eth,ebu_in_hc3,ebu_in_hc5,ebu_in_hc8,ebu_in_ete,ebu_in_olt,ebu_in_oli,ebu_in_pm25,ebu_in_pm10,ebu_in_dien,ebu_in_iso,ebu_in_api,ebu_in_lim,ebu_in_tol,ebu_in_csl,ebu_in_hcho,ebu_in_ald,ebu_in_xyl,ebu_in_ket,ebu_in_macr,ebu_in_ora1,ebu_in_ora2,ebu_in_so2,ebu_in_nh3,ebu_in_oc,ebu_in_bc,ebu_in_sulf,ebu_in_dms,ebu_in_ash
4114 package biomassb_mozc biomass_burn_opt==2 - state:mean_fct_agtf,mean_fct_agef,mean_fct_agsv,mean_fct_aggr,firesize_agtf,firesize_agef,firesize_agsv,firesize_aggr;ebu:ebu_co,ebu_no,ebu_no2,ebu_bigalk,ebu_bigene,ebu_c2h4,ebu_c2h5oh,ebu_c2h6,ebu_c3h6,ebu_c3h8,ebu_ch2o,ebu_ch3cho,ebu_ch3coch3,ebu_ch3oh,ebu_mek,ebu_so2,ebu_toluene,ebu_nh3,ebu_oc,ebu_bc,ebu_pm25,ebu_pm10,ebu_open,ebu_c10h16,ebu_mgly,ebu_ch3cooh,ebu_cres,ebu_glyald,ebu_gly,ebu_acetol,ebu_isop,ebu_macr,ebu_mvk;ebu_in:ebu_in_co,ebu_in_no,ebu_in_bigalk,ebu_in_bigene,ebu_in_c2h4,ebu_in_c2h5oh,ebu_in_c2h6,ebu_in_c3h6,ebu_in_c3h8,ebu_in_ch2o,ebu_in_ch3cho,ebu_in_ch3coch3,ebu_in_ch3oh,ebu_in_mek,ebu_in_so2,ebu_in_toluene,ebu_in_nh3,ebu_in_no2,ebu_in_open,ebu_in_c10h16,ebu_in_mgly,ebu_in_ch3cooh,ebu_in_cres,ebu_in_glyald,ebu_in_gly,ebu_in_acetol,ebu_in_isop,ebu_in_macr,ebu_in_mvk,ebu_in_pm25,ebu_in_pm10,ebu_in_oc,ebu_in_bc
4115 package biomassb_moz biomass_burn_opt==3 - state:mean_fct_agtf,mean_fct_agef,mean_fct_agsv,mean_fct_aggr,firesize_agtf,firesize_agef,firesize_agsv,firesize_aggr;ebu:ebu_co,ebu_no,ebu_no2,ebu_bigalk,ebu_bigene,ebu_c2h4,ebu_c2h5oh,ebu_c2h6,ebu_c3h6,ebu_c3h8,ebu_ch2o,ebu_ch3cho,ebu_ch3coch3,ebu_ch3oh,ebu_mek,ebu_so2,ebu_toluene,ebu_nh3,ebu_open,ebu_c10h16,ebu_mgly,ebu_ch3cooh,ebu_cres,ebu_glyald,ebu_gly,ebu_acetol,ebu_isop,ebu_macr,ebu_mvk;ebu_in:ebu_in_co,ebu_in_no,ebu_in_bigalk,ebu_in_bigene,ebu_in_c2h4,ebu_in_c2h5oh,ebu_in_c2h6,ebu_in_c3h6,ebu_in_c3h8,ebu_in_ch2o,ebu_in_ch3cho,ebu_in_ch3coch3,ebu_in_ch3oh,ebu_in_mek,ebu_in_so2,ebu_in_toluene,ebu_in_nh3,ebu_in_no2,ebu_in_open,ebu_in_c10h16,ebu_in_mgly,ebu_in_ch3cooh,ebu_in_cres,ebu_in_glyald,ebu_in_gly,ebu_in_acetol,ebu_in_isop,ebu_in_macr,ebu_in_mvk
4116 package biomassb_t1_mozcart biomass_burn_opt==4 - state:mean_fct_agtf,mean_fct_agef,mean_fct_agsv,mean_fct_aggr,firesize_agtf,firesize_agef,firesize_agsv,firesize_aggr;ebu:ebu_co,ebu_no,ebu_no2,ebu_bigalk,ebu_bigene,ebu_c2h4,ebu_c2h5oh,ebu_c2h6,ebu_c3h6,ebu_c3h8,ebu_ch2o,ebu_ch3cho,ebu_ch3coch3,ebu_ch3oh,ebu_mek,ebu_so2,ebu_toluene,ebu_nh3,ebu_oc,ebu_bc,ebu_pm25,ebu_pm10,ebu_mgly,ebu_ch3cooh,ebu_cres,ebu_glyald,ebu_acetol,ebu_isop,ebu_macr,ebu_mvk,ebu_apin,ebu_benzene,ebu_ch3cn,ebu_hcn,ebu_hcooh,ebu_c2h2,ebu_dms,ebu_hpald,ebu_xylenes;ebu_in:ebu_in_co,ebu_in_no,ebu_in_bigalk,ebu_in_bigene,ebu_in_c2h4,ebu_in_c2h5oh,ebu_in_c2h6,ebu_in_c3h6,ebu_in_c3h8,ebu_in_ch2o,ebu_in_ch3cho,ebu_in_ch3coch3,ebu_in_ch3oh,ebu_in_mek,ebu_in_so2,ebu_in_toluene,ebu_in_nh3,ebu_in_no2,ebu_in_mgly,ebu_in_ch3cooh,ebu_in_cres,ebu_in_glyald,ebu_in_acetol,ebu_in_isop,ebu_in_macr,ebu_in_mvk,ebu_in_pm25,ebu_in_pm10,ebu_in_oc,ebu_in_bc,ebu_in_apin,ebu_in_benzene,ebu_in_ch3cn,ebu_in_hcn,ebu_in_hcooh,ebu_in_c2h2,ebu_in_dms,ebu_in_hpald,ebu_in_xylenes
4118 # GHG biomass burning
4119 package biomassb_ghg biomass_burn_opt==5 - state::mean_fct_agtf,mean_fct_agef,mean_fct_agsv,mean_fct_aggr,firesize_agtf,firesize_agef,firesize_agsv,firesize_aggr;ebu:ebu_co,ebu_co2,ebu_ch4;ebu_in:ebu_in_co,ebu_in_co2,ebu_in_ch4
4121 # Package for mozart pH diagnostics
4122 package do_mozart_ph_diag mozart_ph_diag==1 - state:ph_cw,ph_aer01,ph_aer02,ph_aer03,ph_aer04
4124 package opt_out opt_pars_out==1 - ext_coef:extcof3,extcof55,extcof106,extcof3_5,extcof8_12;bscat_coef:bscof3,bscof55,bscof106;asym_par:asympar3,asympar55,asympar106
4126 # dust and sea salt packages
4127 package dustgocart dust_opt==1 - emis_dust:edust1,edust2,edust3,edust4,edust5
4128 package dustgocartafwa dust_opt==3 - emis_dust:edust1,edust2,edust3,edust4,edust5;state:afwa_dustloft,tot_dust,tot_edust,vis_dust
4129 package dustuoc dust_opt==4 - emis_dust:edust1,edust2,edust3,edust4,edust5
4130 package shao_2001 dust_schme==1 - emis_dust:edust1,edust2,edust3,edust4,edust5
4131 package shao_2004 dust_schme==2 - emis_dust:edust1,edust2,edust3,edust4,edust5
4132 package shao_2011 dust_schme==3 - emis_dust:edust1,edust2,edust3,edust4,edust5
4133 package seasgocart seas_opt==1 - emis_seas:eseas1,eseas2,eseas3,eseas4
4134 package seasmosaic seas_opt==2 - emis_seas2:eseasj,eseasc
4135 package dmsgocart dmsemis_opt==1 - -
4136 package volume_approx aer_op_opt==1 - -
4137 package maxwell_approx aer_op_opt==2 - -
4138 package volume_exact aer_op_opt==3 - -
4139 package maxwell_exact aer_op_opt==4 - -
4140 package shell_exact aer_op_opt==5 - -
4142 # emiss_inpt_default = radm2-sorgam emissions in "standard(=grell)" wrf-chem
4143 # emiss_inpt_pnnl_cm = cbmz-mosaic emissions in "PNNL" format
4144 # emiss_inpt_pnnl_rs = radm2-sorgam emissions in "PNNL" format (same as default except isoprene added)
4145 # emiss_inpt_pnnl_mam = mam emissions in "PNNL" format
4146 package emiss_inpt_default emiss_inpt_opt==1 - -
4147 package emiss_inpt_cptec emiss_inpt_opt==3 - -
4148 package emiss_inpt_ghg emiss_inpt_opt==16 - -
4149 package emiss_inpt_pnnl_cm emiss_inpt_opt==101 - -
4150 package emiss_inpt_pnnl_rs emiss_inpt_opt==102 - -
4151 package emiss_inpt_cb4 emiss_inpt_opt==103 - -
4152 package emiss_inpt_pnnl_mam emiss_inpt_opt==104 - -
4153 package emiss_inpt_mozcem emiss_inpt_opt==111 - -
4154 package emiss_inpt_tno emiss_inpt_opt==121 - -
4157 # gas/aer_bc/ic_default = bc/ic in "standard(=grell)" wrf-chem for radm2-sorgam species,
4158 # and first-cut implementation for cbmz-mosaic species
4159 # gas/aer_bc/ic_pnnl = bc/ic for PNNL simulations
4160 package gas_bc_default gas_bc_opt==1 - -
4161 package gas_bc_ghg gas_bc_opt==16 - -
4162 package gas_bc_pnnl gas_bc_opt==101 - -
4163 package gas_bc_cbm4 gas_bc_opt==102 - -
4164 package gas_ic_default gas_ic_opt==1 - -
4165 package gas_ic_ghg gas_ic_opt==16 - -
4166 package gas_ic_pnnl gas_ic_opt==101 - -
4167 package gas_ic_cbm4 gas_ic_opt==102 - -
4168 package aer_bc_default aer_bc_opt==1 - -
4169 package aer_bc_pnnl aer_bc_opt==101 - -
4170 package aer_ic_default aer_ic_opt==1 - -
4171 package aer_ic_pnnl aer_ic_opt==101 - -
4173 # tracer options. (smoke) only has one tracer for smoke (has to run with biomassburning).
4174 # (test1) has lateral boundary tracer(1,2), stratospheric tracer(5,6),
4175 # boundary layer tracer(7,8), surface tracer (3,4)
4176 # (test2) has surface tracer replaced by smoke tracer
4177 package tracer_smoke tracer_opt==1 - tracer:smoke
4178 package tracer_test1 tracer_opt==2 - tracer:tr17_1,tr17_2,tr17_3,tr17_4,tr17_5,tr17_6,tr17_7,tr17_8
4179 package tracer_test2 tracer_opt==3 - tracer:tr17_1,tr17_2,tr17_3,tr17_4,tr17_5,tr17_6,tr17_7,tr17_8
4180 package tracer_test3 tracer_opt==4 - tracer:tr17_1,tr17_2,tr17_3,tr17_4,tr17_5,tr17_6,tr17_7,tr17_8,tr18_1,tr18_2
4182 # the following arrays only needed for aircraft emissions options
4183 package aircraft1 aircraft_emiss_opt==1 - emis_aircraft:eac_no,eac_co,eac_so2,eac_ch4
4185 package nochemdiag chemdiag==0 - -
4186 package usechemdiag chemdiag==1 - conv_ct:conv_co,conv_o3,conv_no,conv_no2,conv_hno3,conv_iso,conv_ho,conv_ho2;chem_ct:chem_co,chem_o3,chem_no,chem_no2,chem_hno3,chem_iso,chem_ho,chem_ho2;vmix_ct:vmix_co,vmix_o3,vmix_no,vmix_no2,vmix_hno3,vmix_iso,vmix_ho,vmix_ho2;advh_ct:advh_co,advh_o3,advh_no,advh_no2,advh_hno3,advh_iso,advh_ho,advh_ho2;advz_ct:advz_co,advz_o3,advz_no,advz_no2,advz_hno3,advz_iso,advz_ho,advz_ho2
4188 # package for aerosol srf area diagnostic
4189 package has_aero_srf_area_diag aero_srf_area_diag==1 - aero_srf_area:sulf_srf_area,oc_srf_area,bc_srf_area
4191 # package for wetscavenging
4192 package wetscav_pl wetscav_onoff==1 - wetscav_frcing:rainprod,evapprod
4194 # Lightning NOx tracers
4195 state real lnox_total ikjf tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lnox_total" "Total LNOx tracer" "ppmv"
4196 state real lnox_ic ikjf tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lnox_ic" "IC LNOx tracer" "ppmv"
4197 state real lnox_cg ikjf tracer 1 - i8rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "lnox_cg" "CG LNOx tracer" "ppmv"
4199 rconfig real N_IC namelist,chem max_domains 500. rh "N_IC" "IC emission factor" "moles/flash"
4200 rconfig real N_CG namelist,chem max_domains 500. rh "N_CG" "CG emission factor" "moles/flash"
4201 rconfig integer lnox_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "lnox_opt" "Method for vertical distribution" ""
4202 rconfig logical lnox_passive namelist,chem max_domains .false. rh "lnox_passive" "true = tracer only (no emission)" ""
4203 rconfig real ltng_temp_upper namelist,physics max_domains -45. - "ltng_temp_upper" "Upper isotherm for lightning modes" "C"
4204 rconfig real ltng_temp_lower namelist,physics max_domains -15. - "ltng_temp_lower" "Lower isotherm for lightning modes" "C"
4205 # exo model o2,o3 column densities
4206 rconfig logical has_o3_exo_coldens namelist,chem 1 .false. rh "has_exo_coldens" "true = use exo model o2,o3 column denisties" ""
4207 rconfig real du_at_grnd namelist,chem 1 300. rh "O3 at ground" "O3 at ground" "o3 Dobson units"
4208 rconfig logical scale_o3_to_grnd_exo_coldens namelist,chem 1 .false. rh "scale o3 column to exo_coldens" "true = scale to exo model o3 column denisties" ""
4209 rconfig logical scale_o3_to_du_at_grnd namelist,chem 1 .false. rh "scale o3 column to du_at_grnd" "true = scale to DU at ground" ""
4210 rconfig logical scale_o3_to_gfs_tot namelist,chem 1 .false. rh "gfs_ozone_scale_opt" "true = scale to GFS DU at ground" ""
4212 package lnox_opt_none lnox_opt==0 - -
4213 package lnox_opt_ott lnox_opt==1 - tracer:lnox_total
4214 package lnox_opt_decaria lnox_opt==2 - tracer:lnox_ic,lnox_cg
4216 # Integrated Reaction Rate option
4217 rconfig integer irr_opt namelist,chem max_domains 0 rh "IRR_OPT" "" ""
4219 # Time series of vertical profiles
4220 state real ts_o3_profile ?!k misc - - - "TS_O3_PROFILE" "O3, vertical profile"