1 # This is the list of registry entries needed by the Inlined GFDL/NCEP
2 # Tracker and associated wind/precip swath generator. These entries
3 # were moved to the registry.tracker file to improve readability and
4 # maintainability of the main Registry files.
6 # Note that the {otrak} dimension is declared in registry.dimspec
8 state integer interesting ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "interesting" "Bitmask for area of interest flags (0=not in area of interest)" ""
9 state integer nest_imid {maxkid} dyn_nmm 1 - r "nest_imid" "Last X-dir. middle point for each child domains"
10 state integer nest_jmid {maxkid} dyn_nmm 1 - r "nest_jmid" "Last Y-dir. middle point for each child domains"
11 state real cuprecip_swath ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh01u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "cuprecip_swath" "Accumulated convective precip in area of interest" "m"
12 state real precip_swath ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh01u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "precip_swath" "Accumulated total precip in area of interest" "m"
13 state real windsq_swath ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh01u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "windsq_swath" "Accumulated maximum square of wind magnitude in area of interest" "m2 s-2"
14 state real suswind_time - dyn_nmm 1 - r "suswind_time" "Time over which suswind has been accumulated so far." "s"
15 state real suswind ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh01u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "suswind" "Sustained wind over sustainment interval" "m s-1"
16 state real wind10_ratio ij dyn_nmm 1 - rd=(DownCopy) "wind10_ratio" "Ratio of lowest model level wind to 10m wind" ""
17 state real suswind_swath ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh01u=(UpMax)d=(DownCopy) "suswind_swath" "Maximum sustained wind over accumulation interval" "m s-1"
18 state logical update_interest - dyn_nmm .false. - r "update_interest" ".true. = need to update area of interest" ""
20 rconfig real interest_rad_storm namelist,physics max_domains 500 irh01 "interest_rad_storm" "Storm radius of interest for swaths." "km"
21 rconfig real interest_rad_parent namelist,physics max_domains 500 irh01 "interest_rad_parent" "Nest domain radius of interest in parent, for swaths." "km"
22 rconfig real interest_rad_self namelist,physics max_domains 500 irh01 "interest_rad_self" "Self-center radius of interest for swaths." "km"
24 rconfig integer interest_kids namelist,physics max_domains 1 irh01 "interest_kids" "Flag for enabling area of interest around nest domain centers." ""
25 rconfig integer interest_self namelist,physics max_domains 0 irh01 "interest_kids" "Flag for enabling area of interest around domain center." ""
26 rconfig integer interest_storms namelist,physics max_domains 1 irh01 "interest_kids" "Flag for enabling area of interest around storm center." ""
28 # Swath mode. Note there is only one of these: it is NOT per domain:
29 rconfig integer swath_mode namelist,physics - 2 irh01 "swath_mode" "2=2016 HWRF, 1=2015 HWRF, 0=disable" ""
31 package vt_swath swath_mode==1 - state:interesting,precip_swath,windsq_swath
32 package vt_swath_2016 swath_mode==2 - state:interesting,precip_swath,windsq_swath,suswind_swath,suswind,wind10_ratio,cuprecip_swath
34 halo HALO_NMM_SWATH dyn_nmm 24:precip_swath,windsq_swath
36 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
38 state logical track_have_guess - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "track_have_guess" "Is a first guess available?" ""
39 state real track_guess_lat - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "track_guess_lat" "First guess latitude" "degrees"
40 state real track_guess_lon - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "track_guess_lat" "First guess longitude" "degrees"
42 state real tracker_distsq ij dyn_nmm 1 - r "TRACKER_DISTSQ" "Square of distance from tracker fix location" "m2"
43 state real tracker_edge_dist - dyn_nmm 1 - r "tracker_edge_dist" "Distance from storm center to domain edge" "km"
44 state real tracker_angle ij dyn_nmm 1 - r "tracker_angle" "Angle to storm center (East=0, North=pi/2, etc.)" "radians"
46 state real track_old_lon {otrak} dyn_nmm 1 - rh "track_old_lon" "Old tracker longitudes" "degrees"
47 state real track_old_lat {otrak} dyn_nmm 1 - rh "track_old_lat" "Old tracker latitudes" "degrees"
48 state integer track_old_ntsd {otrak} dyn_nmm 1 - rh "track_old_ntsd" "Old tracker times" ""
49 state integer track_n_old - dyn_nmm 1 - rh "track_n_old" "Number of old tracker latitudes" ""
51 state real track_stderr_m1 - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "track_stderr_m1" "Standard deviation of tracker centers one hour ago" "km"
52 state real track_stderr_m2 - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "track_stderr_m2" "Standard deviation of tracker centers two hours ago" "km"
53 state real track_stderr_m3 - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "track_stderr_m3" "Standard deviation of tracker centers three hours ago" "km"
54 state integer track_last_hour - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "track_last_hour" "Last completed forecast hour" "hours"
55 state integer tracker_fixes ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "tracker_fixes" "Tracker fix information for debugging" ""
56 state real tracker_fixlon - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "tracker_fixlon" "Storm fix longitude according to inline NCEP tracker" "degrees"
57 state real tracker_fixlat - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "tracker_fixlat" "Storm fix latitude according to inline NCEP tracker" "degrees"
58 state integer tracker_ifix - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "tracker_ifix" "Storm fix i location (H grid)" ""
59 state integer tracker_jfix - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "tracker_jfix" "Storm fix j location (H grid)" ""
60 state real tracker_rmw - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "tracker_rmw" "Storm RMW according to inline NCEP tracker" "km"
61 state real tracker_pmin - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "tracker_pmin" "Storm min MSLP according to inline NCEP tracker" "Pa"
62 state real tracker_vmax - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "tracker_vmax" "Storm max 10m wind according to inline NCEP tracker" "m s-1"
63 state logical tracker_havefix - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "tracker_havefix" "True = storm fix locations are valid" ""
64 state logical tracker_gave_up - dyn_nmm 1 - rh01 "tracker_gave_up" "True = inline tracker gave up on tracking the storm" ""
66 state real membrane_mslp ij dyn_nmm 1 - rhd=(DownCopy) "membrane_mslp" "Mean Sea Level Pressure using UPP Membrane MSLP method" "Pa"
68 state real p850rv ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P850rv" "Relative vorticity at 850mbar mass points" "s^-1"
69 state real p700rv ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P700rv" "Relative vorticity at 700mbar mass points" "s^-1"
70 state real p850wind ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P850wind" "Wind magnitude at 850mbar mass points" "m/s"
71 state real p700wind ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P700wind" "Wind magnitude at 700mbar mass points" "m/s"
72 state real p500u ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P500u" "Grid +X wind at 500mbar mass points" "m/s"
73 state real p500v ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P500v" "Grid +Y wind at 500mbar mass points" "m/s"
74 state real p700u ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P700u" "Grid +X wind at 700mbar mass points" "m/s"
75 state real p700v ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P700v" "Grid +Y wind at 700mbar mass points" "m/s"
76 state real p850u ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P850u" "Grid +X wind at 850mbar mass points" "m/s"
77 state real p850v ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P850v" "Grid +Y wind at 850mbar mass points" "m/s"
78 state real p850z ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P850z" "Height at 850mbar mass points" "m"
79 state real p700z ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "P700z" "Height at 700mbar mass points" "m"
80 state real m10wind ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "m10wind" "Wind magnitude at 10m mass points" "m/s"
81 state real m10rv ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "m10rv" "Relative vorticity at 10m mass points" "m/s"
83 state real sp850rv ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "sP850rv" "Smoothed relative vorticity at 850mbar mass points" "s^-1"
84 state real sp700rv ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "sP700rv" "Smoothed relative vorticity at 700mbar mass points" "s^-1"
85 state real sp850wind ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "sP850wind" "Smoothed wind magnitude at 850mbar mass points" "m/s"
86 state real sp700wind ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "sP700wind" "Smoothed wind magnitude at 700mbar mass points" "m/s"
87 state real sp850z ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "sP850z" "Smoothed height at 850mbar mass points" "m"
88 state real sp700z ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "sP700z" "Smoothed height at 700mbar mass points" "m"
89 state real sm10wind ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "sm10wind" "Smoothed wind magnitude at 10m mass points" "m/s"
90 state real sm10rv ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "sm10rv" "Smoothed relative vorticity at 10m mass points" "m/s"
92 state real smslp ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "smslp" "Smoothed membrane_mslp" "Pa"
94 #---------------------------------------------------------------
95 # Vortex tracker options
97 # NOTE: ALL methods except #1 must use pdyn_parent and pdyn_smooth,
98 # if ANY domains use option #5
100 package vt_old_hwrf vortex_tracker==1 - -
101 package vt_track_nest vortex_tracker==2 - state:pdyn_parent,pdyn_smooth
102 package vt_centroid vortex_tracker==3 - state:pdyn_parent,pdyn_smooth
103 package vt_rev_centr vortex_tracker==4 - state:weightout,mslp_noisy,pdyn_parent,pdyn_smooth,distsq
104 package vt_pdyn vortex_tracker==5 - state:pdyn_parent,pdyn_smooth,distsq
105 package vt_ncep_2013 vortex_tracker==6 - state:pdyn_parent,pdyn_smooth,p850rv,p700rv,p850wind,p700wind,p850z,p700z,m10wind,m10rv,sp850rv,sp700rv,sp850wind,sp700wind,sp850z,sp700z,sm10wind,sm10rv,smslp,tracker_fixes,distsq,tracker_distsq
106 package vt_ncep_2014 vortex_tracker==7 - state:pdyn_parent,pdyn_smooth,p850rv,p700rv,p850wind,p700wind,p850z,p700z,m10wind,m10rv,sp850rv,sp700rv,sp850z,sp700z,sm10rv,smslp,tracker_fixes,distsq,p500u,p500v,p700u,p700v,p850u,p850v,tracker_distsq
107 #---------------------------------------------------------------
108 # Vortex Tracker Variables
110 state real distsq ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "DISTSQ" "Approximate square of distance from nest center for vortex tracker #4" "m2"
112 # Revised Centroid Method (tracker #4)
113 state real weightout ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "WEIGHTOUT" "Vortex center finder weight array for vortex tracker #4" ""
114 state integer mslp_noisy ij dyn_nmm 1 - rh "MSLP_NOISY" "0=okay, 1=noisy MSLP, 2=outside search radius, 3=boundary (vortex tracker #4)" ""
116 # Dynamic Pressure Method (tracker #5)
117 state real vt5searchrad - dyn_nmm 1 - rh "vt5searchrad" "Search radius from domain center" "m"
119 # Smoothed Dynamic Pressure (needed for #5, must be passed down by all)
121 state integer pdyn_parent_age - dyn_nmm 1 - rh "PDYN_PARENT_AGE" "Last update of parent pdyn_parent propagated to this nest" ""
122 state integer pdyn_smooth_age - dyn_nmm 1 - rh "PDYN_SMOOTH_AGE" "Counter of updates of pdyn_smooth" ""
123 state real pdyn_smooth ij dyn_nmm 1 - rhd=(NoInterp)f=(NoInterp)u=(NoInterp) "PDYN_SMOOTH" "Average of PDYN and PDYN_PARENT" "Pa"
124 state real pdyn_parent ij dyn_nmm 1 - rhu=(NoInterp)\
125 d=(DownAged2D:0,n%pdyn_parent_age,c%pdyn_smooth)\
126 f=(DownAged2D:c%pdyn_smooth_age,n%pdyn_parent_age,c%pdyn_smooth)\
127 "PDYN_PARENT" "Parent PDYN_SMOOTH for tracking grid motion" "Pa"
129 #################################################################
130 # HWRF nest movement variables
131 #################################################################
133 # Duplicate of nomove_freq for overriding nest movement at certain times
134 state real nomove_freq_hr - dyn_nmm - - rh "nomove_freq" "nest will not move at analysis time or multiples of this hour (if positive)"
135 state integer move_countdown - dyn_nmm 1 - rh "MOVE_COUNTDOWN" "Timesteps left with extra CODAMP" ""
137 # Choice of vortex tracking method
138 rconfig integer vortex_tracker namelist,physics max_domains 6 h0123 "vortex_tracker" "Vortex Tracking Algorithm" ""
140 rconfig integer num_old_fixes namelist,physics 1 5 h "num_old_fixes" "Number of old tracker fixes to store." ""
142 # Vortex Tracking (physics namelist)
143 # Only for algorithm 4:
144 rconfig real vt4_radius namelist,physics max_domains 150000. - "vt4_radius" "Vortex Search Radius for vortex tracker #4" "m"
145 rconfig real vt4_weightexp namelist,physics max_domains 1. - "vt4_weightexp" "Vortex Search Weight Exponent for vortex tracker #4" ""
146 rconfig real vt4_pmax namelist,physics max_domains -1. - "vt4_pmax" "Vortex Search Max Pressure for vortex tracker #4 (<0 = actual max pressure in search radius)" "Pa"
148 rconfig real vt4_noise_pmax namelist,physics max_domains 103000. - "vt4_noise_pmax" "Noise Removal: Maximum Realistic MSLP" "Pa"
149 rconfig real vt4_noise_pmin namelist,physics max_domains 85000. - "vt4_noise_pmin" "Noise Removal: Minimum Realistic MSLP" "Pa"
150 rconfig real vt4_noise_dpdr namelist,physics max_domains 0.6 - "vt4_noise_dpdr" "Noise Removal: Maximum Realistic dMSLP/dr" "Pa/m"
151 rconfig integer vt4_noise_iter namelist,physics max_domains 2 - "vt4_noise_iter" "Noise Removal: number of iterations" ""
154 rconfig real nomove_freq namelist,physics max_domains -1.0 irh "nomove_freq" "nest will not move at analysis time or multiples of this hour (if positive)"