Update version info for release v4.6.1 (#2122)
[WRF.git] / chem / module_input_chem_bioemiss.F
1 !dis
2 !dis    Open Source License/Disclaimer, Forecast Systems Laboratory
3 !dis    NOAA/OAR/FSL, 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305
4 !dis
5 !dis    This software is distributed under the Open Source Definition,
6 !dis    which may be found at http://www.opensource.org/osd.html.
7 !dis
8 !dis    In particular, redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
9 !dis    with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
10 !dis    following conditions are met:
11 !dis
12 !dis    - Redistributions of source code must retain this notice, this
13 !dis    list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14 !dis
15 !dis    - Redistributions in binary form must provide access to this
16 !dis    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer, and
17 !dis    the underlying source code.
18 !dis
19 !dis    - All modifications to this software must be clearly documented,
20 !dis    and are solely the responsibility of the agent making the
21 !dis    modifications.
22 !dis
23 !dis    - If significant modifications or enhancements are made to this
24 !dis    software, the FSL Software Policy Manager
25 !dis    (softwaremgr@fsl.noaa.gov) should be notified.
26 !dis
34 !dis
35 !dis
39 MODULE module_input_chem_bioemiss
41     USE module_io_domain
42     USE module_domain
43     USE module_driver_constants
44     USE module_state_description
45     USE module_configure
46     USE module_date_time
47     USE module_wrf_error
48     USE module_timing
49     USE module_data_radm2
50     USE module_aerosols_sorgam
51     USE module_get_file_names
55 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
57 SUBROUTINE input_ext_chem_beis3_file (grid)
58 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
62    TYPE(domain)           ::  grid
64    INTEGER ::  i,j,n,numfil,status,system
66    INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde,    &
67               ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme,    &
68               ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe
70    REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: emiss
74 ! Number of reference emission and LAI files to open
75       PARAMETER(numfil=19)
77    CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: message
79    TYPE (grid_config_rec_type)              :: config_flags
81 ! Normalized biogenic emissions for standard conditions (moles compound/km^2/hr)
82 !     REAL, DIMENSION(i,j) ::                                     &
83 !              sebio_iso,sebio_oli,sebio_api,sebio_lim,sebio_xyl,   &
84 !              sebio_hc3,sebio_ete,sebio_olt,sebio_ket,sebio_ald,   &
85 !              sebio_hcho,sebio_eth,sebio_ora2,sebio_co,sebio_nr,   &
86 !              noag_grow,noag_nongrow,nononag
88 ! Leaf area index for isoprene
89 !     REAL, DIMENSION(i,j) ::  slai
91 ! Filenames of reference emissions and LAI
92       CHARACTER*100 onefil
93       CHARACTER*12 emfil(numfil)
94       DATA emfil/'ISO','OLI','API','LIM','XYL','HC3','ETE','OLT',  &
95         'KET','ALD','HCHO','ETH','ORA2','CO','NR',                 &
98 !!!!!-------------------------------------------------------------------
100        ! Get grid dimensions
101        CALL get_ijk_from_grid (  grid ,                        &
102                                  ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde,    &
103                                  ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme,    &
104                                  ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe    )
106      WRITE( message , FMT='(A,4I5)' ) ' DIMS: ',ids,ide-1,jds,jde-1
107      CALL  wrf_message ( message )
109      ALLOCATE( emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) )
112 ! Loop over the file names
113       DO n=1,numfil
115 !   Remove scratch unzipped file
116        status=system('rm -f scratem*')
118 !   All reference emissions except NO
119        IF(n.LE.15)THEN 
120         onefil='../../run/BIOREF_'//             &
121          TRIM(ADJUSTL(emfil(n)))//'.gz'
122 !   NO reference emissions
123        ELSE IF(n.GE.16.AND.n.LE.18)THEN 
124         onefil='../../run/AVG_'//                &
125          TRIM(ADJUSTL(emfil(n)))//'.gz'
126 !   LAI
127        ELSE
128         onefil='../../run/LAI_'//                &
129          TRIM(ADJUSTL(emfil(n)))//'S.gz'
130        ENDIF
132 !   Copy selected file to scratch
133        status=system('cp '//TRIM(ADJUSTL(onefil))//' scratem.gz')
135 !   Unzip scratch
136        status=system('gunzip scratem')
138 !   Open scratch and read into appropriate array
139        OPEN(26,FILE='scratem',FORM='FORMATTED')
140        IF(n.EQ. 1) then
141              READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
142              grid%sebio_iso(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
143        ENDIF
144        IF(n.EQ. 2)then
145               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
146               grid%sebio_oli(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
147        ENDIF
148        IF(n.EQ. 3)then
149               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
150               grid%sebio_api(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
151        ENDIF
152        IF(n.EQ. 4)then
153               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
154               grid%sebio_lim(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
155        ENDIF
156        IF(n.EQ. 5)then
157               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
158               grid%sebio_xyl(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
159        ENDIF
160        IF(n.EQ. 6)then
161               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
162               grid%sebio_hc3(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
163        ENDIF
164        IF(n.EQ. 7)then
165               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
166               grid%sebio_ete(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
167        ENDIF
168        IF(n.EQ. 8)then
169               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
170               grid%sebio_olt(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
171        ENDIF
172        IF(n.EQ. 9)then
173               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
174               grid%sebio_ket(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
175        ENDIF
176        IF(n.EQ.10)then
177               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
178               grid%sebio_ald(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
179        ENDIF
180        IF(n.EQ.11)then
181               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
182               grid%sebio_hcho(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
183        ENDIF
184        IF(n.EQ.12)then
185               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
186               grid%sebio_eth(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
187        ENDIF
188        IF(n.EQ.13)then
189               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
190               grid%sebio_ora2(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
191        ENDIF
192        IF(n.EQ.14)then
193               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
194               grid%sebio_co(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
195        ENDIF
196        IF(n.EQ.15)then
197               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
198               grid%sebio_nr(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
199        ENDIF
200        IF(n.EQ.16)then
201               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
202               grid%noag_grow(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
203        ENDIF
204        IF(n.EQ.17)then
205               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
206               grid%noag_nongrow(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
207        ENDIF
208        IF(n.EQ.18)then
209               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
210               grid%nononag(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
211        ENDIF
212        IF(n.EQ.19)then
213               READ(26,'(12E9.2)') emiss
214               grid%slai(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss
215        ENDIF
216        CLOSE(26)
218       ENDDO
219 ! End of loop over file names
221     DEALLOCATE( emiss )
223 END SUBROUTINE input_ext_chem_beis3_file 
224 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
226 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
227 SUBROUTINE input_ext_chem_megan2_file (grid)
229   !
230   !  This subroutine reads in an ASCII file of variables that are needed
231   !  as input for biogenic emissions model MEGAN version 2. The
232   !  variables are:
233   !
234   !      Isoprene emissions at referenece tempperature and
235   !          light conditions [=] moles/km2/hr
236   !      Leaf area index (one each month)
237   !      Plant functional groups
238   !       Broadleaf trees
239   !       Needleleave trees
240   !       Shrubs and Bushes
241   !       Herbs
242   !     "Climatological" variables:
243   !        Monthly surface air temperature [=] K
244   !        Monthly downward solar radiation [=] W/m2
245   !
246   !  April, 2007 Serena H. Chung and Christine Wiedinmyer
247   !
251    IMPLICIT NONE          
253    TYPE(domain)           ::  grid
255    INTEGER ::  i,j,v,status,system, itmp, jtmp
257    INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde,    &
258               ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme,    &
259               ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe
261    REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: emiss
263    CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: message
265    TYPE (grid_config_rec_type)              :: config_flags
268    ! Variables "Pointers"
269    ! The order must follow that of the ASCII input file
270    integer, parameter :: n_mgnin = 41
271    integer, parameter ::        & ! Pointer for :
272         &  mgnin_isop     =  1  & !  isoprene reference emissions
273         & ,mgnin_lai01    =  2  & !  Leaf area index for January 
274         & ,mgnin_lai02    =  3  & !                      February  
275         & ,mgnin_lai03    =  4  & !                      March 
276         & ,mgnin_lai04    =  5  & !                      April  
277         & ,mgnin_lai05    =  6  & !                      May  
278         & ,mgnin_lai06    =  7  & !                      June  
279         & ,mgnin_lai07    =  8  & !                      July  
280         & ,mgnin_lai08    =  9  & !                      August  
281         & ,mgnin_lai09    = 10  & !                      September  
282         & ,mgnin_lai10    = 11  & !                      October
283         & ,mgnin_lai11    = 12  & !                      November 
284         & ,mgnin_lai12    = 13  & !                      December
285         & ,mgnin_pftp_bt  = 14  & ! plant functional type % for broadleaf trees
286         & ,mgnin_pftp_nt  = 15  & !                             needleleaf trees
287         & ,mgnin_pftp_sb  = 16  & !                             shrubs and bushes
288         & ,mgnin_pftp_hb  = 17  & !                             herbs
289         & ,mgnin_tsa01    = 18  & ! monthly-mean surface air temperature for January
290         & ,mgnin_tsa02    = 19  & !                                           February  
291         & ,mgnin_tsa03    = 20  & !                                           March 
292         & ,mgnin_tsa04    = 21  & !                                           April  
293         & ,mgnin_tsa05    = 22  & !                                           May  
294         & ,mgnin_tsa06    = 23  & !                                           June  
295         & ,mgnin_tsa07    = 24  & !                                           July  
296         & ,mgnin_tsa08    = 25  & !                                           August  
297         & ,mgnin_tsa09    = 26  & !                                           September  
298         & ,mgnin_tsa10    = 27  & !                                           October
299         & ,mgnin_tsa11    = 28  & !                                           November 
300         & ,mgnin_tsa12    = 29  & !                                           December
301         & ,mgnin_swdown01 = 30  & !  monthl-mean solar irradiance at surface for January 
302         & ,mgnin_swdown02 = 31  & !                                              February  
303         & ,mgnin_swdown03 = 32  & !                                              March 
304         & ,mgnin_swdown04 = 33  & !                                              April  
305         & ,mgnin_swdown05 = 34  & !                                              May  
306         & ,mgnin_swdown06 = 35  & !                                              June  
307         & ,mgnin_swdown07 = 36  & !                                              July  
308         & ,mgnin_swdown08 = 37  & !                                              August  
309         & ,mgnin_swdown09 = 38  & !                                              September  
310         & ,mgnin_swdown10 = 39  & !                                              October
311         & ,mgnin_swdown11 = 40  & !                                              November 
312         & ,mgnin_swdown12 = 41    !                                              December
314       CHARACTER*100 onefil
316 !!!!!-------------------------------------------------------------------
318        ! Get grid dimensions
319        CALL get_ijk_from_grid (  grid ,                           &
320                                  ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde,    &
321                                  ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme,    &
322                                  ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe    )
324      WRITE( message , FMT='(A,4I5)' ) ' in input_ext_chem_megan2_file, DIMS: ',ids,ide-1,jds,jde-1
325      CALL  wrf_message ( message )
327      ALLOCATE( emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,n_mgnin) )
329      ! Remove scratch file
330 !    status=system('rm -f scratem*')
333      !   Copy selected file to scratch
334      onefil='MEGAN_input_WRFchem.txt'
335 !    status=system('cp '//TRIM(ADJUSTL(onefil))//' scratem')
337      !   Open scratch and read into appropriate array
338 !    OPEN(26,FILE='scratem',FORM='FORMATTED', status='old')
339      OPEN(26,FILE=trim(onefil),FORM='FORMATTED', status='old')
341      ! The following follows the file format provided by Christine Wiedinmyer
343      do i = ids, ide-1
344         do j = jds, jde-1
345            read (26, FMT='(2(I5,1x),41(ES11.2,1x))') itmp, jtmp, (emiss(i,j,v),v=1,n_mgnin)
346            ! redundant to be sure
347            if ( (i /= itmp) .or. j /= jtmp ) then
348               WRITE( message , FMT='(A,I3,I3,A,I3,I3)' ) 'Something is wrong (i,j) = ',i,j,"itmp, jtmp = ",itmp,jtmp
349               call wrf_error_fatal(message)
350            end if
351         end do
352      end do
355      ! Isoprene emissions at standard conditions [=] mol/km2/hr
356      grid%msebio_isop(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_isop)
357      ! Leaf area index for each month
358      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,01) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai01)
359      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,02) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai02)
360      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,03) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai03)
361      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,04) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai04)
362      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,05) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai05)
363      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,06) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai06)
364      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,07) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai07)
365      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,08) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai08)
366      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,09) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai09)
367      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,10) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai10)
368      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,11) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai11)
369      grid%mlai    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,12) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_lai12)
370      ! Plant functional group percentage
371      grid%pftp_bt  (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_pftp_bt)
372      grid%pftp_nt  (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_pftp_nt)
373      grid%pftp_sb  (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_pftp_sb)
374      grid%pftp_hb  (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_pftp_hb)
375      ! "Climatological" monthly mean surface air temperature [=] K
376      ! (Note: The height of surface air temperature is not considered important;
377      !        this is not needed if online 24-hour average values are used
378      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,01) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa01)
379      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,02) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa02)
380      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,03) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa03)
381      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,04) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa04)
382      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,05) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa05)
383      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,06) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa06)
384      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,07) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa07)
385      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,08) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa08)
386      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,09) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa09)
387      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,10) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa10)
388      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,11) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa11)
389      grid%mtsa    (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,12) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_tsa12)
390      ! "Climatological" monthly mean downward irradiance at the surface [=] W/m2
391      !  This is not needed if online 24-hour average values are used
392      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,01) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown01)
393      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,02) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown02)
394      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,03) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown03)
395      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,04) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown04)
396      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,05) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown05)
397      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,06) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown06)
398      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,07) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown07)
399      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,08) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown08)
400      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,09) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown09)
401      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,10) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown10)
402      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,11) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown11)
403      grid%mswdown (ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,12) = emiss(ids:ide-1,jds:jde-1,mgnin_swdown12)
408     DEALLOCATE( emiss )
410   end SUBROUTINE input_ext_chem_megan2_file
412 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
415 END MODULE module_input_chem_bioemiss