1 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
3 SUBROUTINE start_domain_em ( grid, allowed_to_read &
4 ! Actual arguments generated from Registry
5 # include "dummy_new_args.inc"
9 USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, wrfu_timeinterval, get_ijk_from_grid, &
11 USE module_state_description
12 USE module_driver_constants
14 USE module_model_constants
15 USE module_bc, ONLY : boundary_condition_check, set_physical_bc2d, set_physical_bc3d, bdyzone
16 USE module_bc_em, ONLY: lbc_fcx_gcx, set_w_surface
17 USE module_configure, ONLY : model_to_grid_config_rec, model_config_rec, grid_config_rec_type
18 USE module_tiles, ONLY : set_tiles
20 USE module_dm, ONLY : wrf_dm_min_real, wrf_dm_max_real, wrf_dm_maxval, &
22 local_communicator_periodic, local_communicator, mytask, ntasks
24 USE module_dm, ONLY : wrf_dm_min_real, wrf_dm_max_real
27 USE module_llxy, ONLY : proj_cassini
28 USE module_physics_init
29 USE module_sf_noahmpdrv, ONLY : groundwater_init
30 USE module_lightning_driver, ONLY : lightning_init
31 USE module_fr_fire_driver_wrf, ONLY : fire_driver_em_init
32 USE module_firebrand_spotting, ONLY : firebrand_spotting_em_init
33 USE module_stoch, ONLY : setup_rand_perturb, rand_seed, update_stoch, initialize_stoch
34 USE module_trajectory, ONLY : trajectory_init
36 USE module_aerosols_sorgam, ONLY: sum_pm_sorgam
37 USE module_gocart_aerosols, ONLY: sum_pm_gocart
38 USE module_mosaic_driver, ONLY: sum_pm_mosaic
39 USE module_input_tracer, ONLY: initialize_tracer
40 USE module_aerosols_soa_vbs, only: sum_pm_soa_vbs
41 #if (WRF_USE_CLM == 1)
42 USE shr_megan_mod, only : wrf_spc_chk
45 USE module_diag_pld, ONLY : pld
46 USE module_diag_zld, ONLY : zld
47 USE module_trad_fields, ONLY : trad_fields
50 !USE module_compute_geop
52 USE module_model_constants
53 USE module_avgflx_em, ONLY : zero_avgflx
59 LOGICAL , INTENT(IN) :: allowed_to_read
61 ! Definitions of dummy arguments to this routine (generated from Registry).
62 # include "dummy_new_decl.inc"
64 ! Structure that contains run-time configuration (namelist) data for domain
65 TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags
69 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
70 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
71 ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe, &
72 its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte, &
73 ij,i,j,k,ii,jj,kk,loop,error,l
75 INTEGER :: imsx, imex, jmsx, jmex, kmsx, kmex, &
76 ipsx, ipex, jpsx, jpex, kpsx, kpex, &
77 imsy, imey, jmsy, jmey, kmsy, kmey, &
78 ipsy, ipey, jpsy, jpey, kpsy, kpey
82 REAL :: p_top_test, p00, t00, a, tiso, p_surf, pd_surf, temp, tiso_tmp
83 REAL :: p_strat, a_strat
85 REAL RGASUNIV ! universal gas constant [ J/mol-K ]
86 PARAMETER ( RGASUNIV = 8.314510 )
87 REAL,DIMENSION(grid%sm31:grid%em31,grid%sm32:grid%em32,grid%sm33:grid%em33) :: &
93 REAL :: qvf1, qvf2, qvf
97 LOGICAL :: first_trip_for_this_domain, start_of_simulation, fill_w_flag
98 LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor
101 REAL,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: cldfra_old
104 REAL :: lat1 , lat2 , lat3 , lat4
105 REAL :: lon1 , lon2 , lon3 , lon4
106 INTEGER :: num_points_lat_lon , iloc , jloc
107 CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: message, a_message
108 TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: stepTime
109 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: clat_glob
110 logical :: f_flux ! flag for computing averaged fluxes in cu_gd
112 INTEGER :: idex, jdex
113 INTEGER :: im1,ip1,jm1,jp1
117 LOGICAL :: w_needs_to_be_set
119 ! Define variables local (topo_wind local vars)
123 ! For a global domain
125 INTEGER :: alloc_status
126 CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: alloc_err_message
128 !..Need to fill special height var for setting up initial condition. G. Thompson
129 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: z_at_q
130 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: dz8w !mchen
132 ! CCN for MP=18 initializatio
137 REAL :: max_mf, max_rot_angle
138 CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , &
139 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
140 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
141 ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe, &
142 imsx, imex, jmsx, jmex, kmsx, kmex, &
143 ipsx, ipex, jpsx, jpex, kpsx, kpex, &
144 imsy, imey, jmsy, jmey, kmsy, kmey, &
145 ipsy, ipey, jpsy, jpey, kpsy, kpey )
147 kts = kps ; kte = kpe ! note that tile is entire patch
148 its = ips ; ite = ipe ! note that tile is entire patch
149 jts = jps ; jte = jpe ! note that tile is entire patch
153 ALLOCATE(dz8w(IMS:IME,KMS:KME,JMS:JME),STAT=I) ; dz8w = 0.
154 ALLOCATE(z_at_q(IMS:IME,KMS:KME,JMS:JME),STAT=I) ; z_at_q = 0.
155 CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags )
157 IF ( ( MOD (ide-ids,config_flags%parent_grid_ratio) .NE. 0 ) .OR. &
158 ( MOD (jde-jds,config_flags%parent_grid_ratio) .NE. 0 ) ) THEN
159 WRITE(message, FMT='(A,I2,": Both MOD(",I4,"-",I1,",",I2,") and MOD(",I4,"-",I1,",",I2,") must = 0" )') &
160 "Nested dimensions are illegal for domain ",grid%id,ide,ids,config_flags%parent_grid_ratio,&
161 jde,jds,config_flags%parent_grid_ratio
162 CALL wrf_error_fatal ( message )
165 IF ( config_flags%polar ) THEN
166 !write(0,*)"<stdin>",__LINE__,' clat ',ips,ipe,jps,jpe
168 !write(0,*)"<stdin>",__LINE__,' clat ',ids,j,grid%clat(ips,j)
172 ! WARNING: this might present scaling issues on very large numbers of processors
173 alloc_err_message = ' '
174 alloc_err_message(1:12) = 'NO PROBLEMOS'
176 ALLOCATE( clat_glob(ids:ide,jds:jde), STAT=alloc_status, ERRMSG=alloc_err_message )
178 ALLOCATE( clat_glob(ids:ide,jds:jde), STAT=alloc_status)
179 alloc_err_message = 'Allocation of space for a global field failed.'
182 IF ( alloc_status .NE. 0 ) THEN
183 CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(alloc_err_message) )
184 CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'Error allocating entire domain size of 2d array CLAT for global domain' )
187 CALL wrf_patch_to_global_real ( grid%clat, clat_glob, grid%domdesc, 'xy', 'xy', &
188 ids, ide, jds, jde, 1, 1, &
189 ims, ime, jms, jme, 1, 1, &
190 its, ite, jts, jte, 1, 1 )
192 CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real ( clat_glob , (ide-ids+1)*(jde-jds+1) )
194 grid%clat_xxx(ipsx:ipex,jpsx:jpex) = clat_glob(ipsx:ipex,jpsx:jpex)
196 find_j_index_of_fft_filter : DO j = jds , jde-1
197 IF ( ABS(clat_glob(ids,j)) .LE. config_flags%fft_filter_lat ) THEN
199 EXIT find_j_index_of_fft_filter
201 END DO find_j_index_of_fft_filter
203 CALL wrf_patch_to_global_real ( grid%msft, clat_glob, grid%domdesc, 'xy', 'xy', &
204 ids, ide, jds, jde, 1, 1, &
205 ims, ime, jms, jme, 1, 1, &
206 its, ite, jts, jte, 1, 1 )
208 CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real ( clat_glob , (ide-ids+1)*(jde-jds+1) )
210 grid%mf_fft = clat_glob(ids,j_save)
212 grid%mf_xxx(ipsx:ipex,jpsx:jpex) = clat_glob(ipsx:ipex,jpsx:jpex)
214 DEALLOCATE( clat_glob )
218 ! here we check to see if the boundary conditions are set properly
220 CALL boundary_condition_check( config_flags, bdyzone, error, grid%id )
221 ! make sure that topo_wind option has var_sso data available
222 IF ((config_flags%topo_wind .EQ. 1) .AND. (.NOT. grid%got_var_sso)) THEN
223 CALL wrf_error_fatal ("topo_wind requires VAR_SSO data")
226 !kludge - need to stop CG from resetting precip and phys tendencies to zero
227 ! when we are in here due to a nest being spawned, we want to still
228 ! recompute the base state, but that is about it
229 ! This is temporary and will need to be changed when grid%itimestep is removed.
231 IF ( grid%itimestep .EQ. 0 ) THEN
232 first_trip_for_this_domain = .TRUE.
234 first_trip_for_this_domain = .FALSE.
237 IF ( .not. ( config_flags%restart .or. grid%moved ) ) THEN
241 IF ( config_flags%restart .or. grid%moved .or. config_flags%cycling) THEN
242 first_trip_for_this_domain = .TRUE.
245 ! Print out the maximum map scale factor on the coarse domain
247 IF ( ( first_trip_for_this_domain ) .AND. ( grid%id .EQ. 1 ) .AND. &
248 ( .NOT. config_flags%polar ) ) THEN
249 max_mf = grid%msft(its,jts)
250 DO j=jts,MIN(jde-1,jte)
251 DO i=its,MIN(ide-1,ite)
252 max_mf = MAX ( max_mf , grid%msft(i,j) )
255 #if ( defined(DM_PARALLEL) && ! defined(STUBMPI) )
256 max_mf = wrf_dm_max_real ( max_mf )
258 WRITE ( a_message , FMT='(A,F5.2,A)' ) 'Max map factor in domain 1 = ',max_mf, &
259 '. Scale the dt in the model accordingly.'
260 CALL wrf_message ( a_message )
263 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
264 ! Do a gross check on the time step for the most coarse grid (not for
265 ! adaptive time steps. If the value is significantly larger than reasonable,
266 ! then stop immediately. Likely the user made a mistake.
267 ! If the rule of thumb is 6 DX = DT, then anything > 10 is flagged.
268 ! Only look at domain 1, only do this for the firt time into this routine,
269 ! only look at real-data cases (where the map projection is not Cartesian),
270 ! and only look at user-specified time steps (not the adaptive dt option).
271 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
272 IF ( ( grid%id .EQ. 1 ) .AND. &
273 ( first_trip_for_this_domain ) .AND. &
274 ( config_flags%map_proj .NE. 0 ) .AND. &
275 ( .NOT. config_flags%use_adaptive_time_step ) ) THEN
276 dt_s = REAL(config_flags%time_step) + &
277 REAL(config_flags%time_step_fract_num) / &
278 REAL(config_flags%time_step_fract_den)
279 dx_km = MIN ( config_flags%dx , config_flags%dy ) / 1000.
280 WRITE (message,*) 'D01: Time step = ',dt_s ,' (s)'
281 CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(message) )
282 WRITE (message,*) 'D01: Grid Distance = ',dx_km ,' (km)'
283 CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(message) )
284 WRITE (message,*) 'D01: Grid Distance Ratio dt/dx = ', dt_s / dx_km, ' (s/km)'
285 CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(message) )
286 WRITE (message,*) 'D01: Ratio Including Maximum Map Factor = ', dt_s / (dx_km / max_mf) , ' (s/km)'
287 CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(message) )
288 WRITE (message,*) 'D01: NML defined reasonable_time_step_ratio = ', config_flags%reasonable_time_step_ratio
289 CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(message) )
290 IF ( dt_s / dx_km > config_flags%reasonable_time_step_ratio ) THEN
291 CALL wrf_message ( 'The time step is probably too large for this grid distance, reduce it.' )
292 WRITE (message, * ) 'If you are sure of your settings, set reasonable_time_step_ratio in namelist.input > ' &
293 ,dt_s / (dx_km / max_mf)
294 CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(message) )
295 CALL wrf_error_fatal ( '--- ERROR: Time step too large')
299 if(config_flags%cycling) then
300 ! Clear the buckets for diagnostics at initial time
301 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
302 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
303 grid%prec_acc_nc(i,j) = 0.
304 grid%snow_acc_nc(i,j) = 0.
305 grid%sfcrunoff (i,j) = 0.
306 grid%udrunoff (i,j) = 0.
307 ! acsnow, and acrunoff are run-total
308 grid%acrunoff (i,j) = 0.
309 grid%acsnow (i,j) = 0.
316 IF ( grid%itimestep .EQ. 0 ) THEN
317 first_trip_for_this_domain = .TRUE.
319 first_trip_for_this_domain = .FALSE.
322 IF ( .not. ( config_flags%restart .or. grid%moved .or. config_flags%hrrr_cycling) ) THEN
326 IF ( config_flags%restart .or. grid%moved .or. config_flags%hrrr_cycling) THEN
327 first_trip_for_this_domain = .TRUE.
330 CALL INITIALIZE_STOCH (grid, config_flags, &
331 first_trip_for_this_domain, &
332 ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe, &
333 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
334 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
335 its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte, &
336 imsx, imex, jmsx, jmex, kmsx, kmex, &
337 ipsx, ipex, jpsx, jpex, kpsx, kpex, &
338 imsy, imey, jmsy, jmey, kmsy, kmey, &
339 ipsy, ipey, jpsy, jpey, kpsy, kpey )
345 ! wig: Add a combined exponential+linear weight on the mother boundaries
346 ! following code changes by Ruby Leung. For the nested grid, there
347 ! appears to be some problems when a sponge is used. The points where
348 ! processors meet have problematic values.
350 CALL lbc_fcx_gcx ( grid%fcx , grid%gcx , grid%spec_bdy_width , &
351 grid%spec_zone , grid%relax_zone , grid%dt , config_flags%spec_exp , &
352 config_flags%specified , config_flags%nested )
354 IF ( config_flags%nested ) THEN
358 IF ( ( grid%id .NE. 1 ) .AND. ( .NOT. config_flags%input_from_file ) ) THEN
360 ! Every time a domain starts or every time a domain moves, this routine is called. We want
361 ! the center (middle) lat/lon of the grid for the metacode. The lat/lon values are
362 ! defined at mass points. Depending on the even/odd points in the SN and WE directions,
363 ! we end up with the middle point as either 1 point or an average of either 2 or 4 points.
364 ! Add to this, the need to make sure that we are on the correct patch to retrieve the
365 ! value of the lat/lon, AND that the lat/lons (for an average) may not all be on the same
366 ! patch. Once we find the correct value for lat lon, we need to keep it around on all patches,
367 ! which is where the wrf_dm_min_real calls come in.
368 ! If this is the most coarse domain, we do not go in here. Also, if there is an input file
369 ! (which has the right values for the middle lat/lon) we do not go in this IF test.
371 IF ( ( MOD(ide,2) .EQ. 0 ) .AND. ( MOD(jde,2) .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN
372 num_points_lat_lon = 1
375 IF ( ( ips .LE. iloc ) .AND. ( ipe .GE. iloc ) .AND. &
376 ( jps .LE. jloc ) .AND. ( jpe .GE. jloc ) ) THEN
377 lat1 = grid%xlat (iloc,jloc)
378 lon1 = grid%xlong(iloc,jloc)
383 lat1 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lat1 )
384 lon1 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lon1 )
385 CALL nl_set_cen_lat ( grid%id , lat1 )
386 CALL nl_set_cen_lon ( grid%id , lon1 )
387 ELSE IF ( ( MOD(ide,2) .NE. 0 ) .AND. ( MOD(jde,2) .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN
388 num_points_lat_lon = 2
391 IF ( ( ips .LE. iloc ) .AND. ( ipe .GE. iloc ) .AND. &
392 ( jps .LE. jloc ) .AND. ( jpe .GE. jloc ) ) THEN
393 lat1 = grid%xlat (iloc,jloc)
394 lon1 = grid%xlong(iloc,jloc)
399 lat1 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lat1 )
400 lon1 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lon1 )
404 IF ( ( ips .LE. iloc ) .AND. ( ipe .GE. iloc ) .AND. &
405 ( jps .LE. jloc ) .AND. ( jpe .GE. jloc ) ) THEN
406 lat2 = grid%xlat (iloc,jloc)
407 lon2 = grid%xlong(iloc,jloc)
412 lat2 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lat2 )
413 lon2 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lon2 )
415 CALL nl_set_cen_lat ( grid%id , ( lat1 + lat2 ) * 0.50 )
416 CALL nl_set_cen_lon ( grid%id , ( lon1 + lon2 ) * 0.50 )
417 ELSE IF ( ( MOD(ide,2) .EQ. 0 ) .AND. ( MOD(jde,2) .NE. 0 ) ) THEN
418 num_points_lat_lon = 2
421 IF ( ( ips .LE. iloc ) .AND. ( ipe .GE. iloc ) .AND. &
422 ( jps .LE. jloc ) .AND. ( jpe .GE. jloc ) ) THEN
423 lat1 = grid%xlat (iloc,jloc)
424 lon1 = grid%xlong(iloc,jloc)
429 lat1 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lat1 )
430 lon1 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lon1 )
434 IF ( ( ips .LE. iloc ) .AND. ( ipe .GE. iloc ) .AND. &
435 ( jps .LE. jloc ) .AND. ( jpe .GE. jloc ) ) THEN
436 lat2 = grid%xlat (iloc,jloc)
437 lon2 = grid%xlong(iloc,jloc)
442 lat2 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lat2 )
443 lon2 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lon2 )
445 CALL nl_set_cen_lat ( grid%id , ( lat1 + lat2 ) * 0.50 )
446 CALL nl_set_cen_lon ( grid%id , ( lon1 + lon2 ) * 0.50 )
447 ELSE IF ( ( MOD(ide,2) .NE. 0 ) .AND. ( MOD(jde,2) .NE. 0 ) ) THEN
448 num_points_lat_lon = 4
451 IF ( ( ips .LE. iloc ) .AND. ( ipe .GE. iloc ) .AND. &
452 ( jps .LE. jloc ) .AND. ( jpe .GE. jloc ) ) THEN
453 lat1 = grid%xlat (iloc,jloc)
454 lon1 = grid%xlong(iloc,jloc)
459 lat1 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lat1 )
460 lon1 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lon1 )
464 IF ( ( ips .LE. iloc ) .AND. ( ipe .GE. iloc ) .AND. &
465 ( jps .LE. jloc ) .AND. ( jpe .GE. jloc ) ) THEN
466 lat2 = grid%xlat (iloc,jloc)
467 lon2 = grid%xlong(iloc,jloc)
472 lat2 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lat2 )
473 lon2 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lon2 )
477 IF ( ( ips .LE. iloc ) .AND. ( ipe .GE. iloc ) .AND. &
478 ( jps .LE. jloc ) .AND. ( jpe .GE. jloc ) ) THEN
479 lat3 = grid%xlat (iloc,jloc)
480 lon3 = grid%xlong(iloc,jloc)
485 lat3 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lat3 )
486 lon3 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lon3 )
490 IF ( ( ips .LE. iloc ) .AND. ( ipe .GE. iloc ) .AND. &
491 ( jps .LE. jloc ) .AND. ( jpe .GE. jloc ) ) THEN
492 lat4 = grid%xlat (iloc,jloc)
493 lon4 = grid%xlong(iloc,jloc)
498 lat4 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lat4 )
499 lon4 = wrf_dm_min_real ( lon4 )
501 CALL nl_set_cen_lat ( grid%id , ( lat1 + lat2 + lat3 + lat4 ) * 0.25 )
502 CALL nl_set_cen_lon ( grid%id , ( lon1 + lon2 + lon3 + lon4 ) * 0.25 )
506 ! Make sure that the base-state vales have not changed between what is in the input file
507 ! and the namelist file.
509 IF ( .NOT. grid%this_is_an_ideal_run ) THEN
510 CALL nl_get_p_top_requested ( 1 , p_top_test )
511 IF ( grid%p_top .NE. p_top_test ) THEN
512 CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'start_em: p_top from the namelist does not match p_top from the input file.' )
516 IF ( config_flags%use_baseparam_fr_nml ) then
517 CALL nl_get_base_pres ( 1 , p00 )
518 CALL nl_get_base_temp ( 1 , t00 )
519 CALL nl_get_base_lapse ( 1 , a )
520 CALL nl_get_iso_temp ( 1 , tiso )
521 CALL nl_get_base_lapse_strat ( 1 , a_strat )
522 CALL nl_get_base_pres_strat ( 1 , p_strat )
523 IF ( ( t00 .LT. 100. .or. p00 .LT. 10000.) .AND. ( .NOT. grid%this_is_an_ideal_run ) ) THEN
524 WRITE(wrf_err_message,*) 'start_em: BAD BASE STATE for T00 or P00 in namelist.input file'
525 CALL wrf_error_fatal(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
529 ! get these constants from model data
535 a_strat = grid%tlp_strat
536 p_strat = grid%p_strat
537 IF ( ( t00 .LT. 100. .or. p00 .LT. 10000.) .AND. ( .NOT. grid%this_is_an_ideal_run ) ) THEN
538 WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)&
539 'start_em: did not find base state parameters in wrfinput. Add use_baseparam_fr_nml = .t. in &dynamics and rerun'
540 CALL wrf_error_fatal(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
545 ! check if tiso in the input file agrees with namelist value
547 CALL nl_get_iso_temp ( 1 , tiso_tmp )
548 IF ( ( tiso_tmp .NE. tiso ) .AND. ( .NOT. grid%this_is_an_ideal_run ) ) THEN
549 WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)&
550 'start_em: namelist iso_temp is not equal to iso_temp in wrfinput. Reset nml value and rerun'
551 CALL wrf_error_fatal(TRIM(wrf_err_message))
554 IF ( .NOT. config_flags%restart .AND. &
555 (( config_flags%input_from_hires ) .OR. ( config_flags%input_from_file ))) THEN
557 IF ( config_flags%map_proj .EQ. 0 ) THEN
558 CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'start_domain: Idealized case cannot have a separate nested input file' )
561 ! Base state potential temperature and inverse density (alpha = 1/rho) from
562 ! the half eta levels and the base-profile surface pressure. Compute 1/rho
563 ! from equation of state. The potential temperature is a perturbation from t0.
565 IF ( grid%c1f(1) .NE. 1. ) THEN
566 CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , '---- WARNING : Maybe old non-HVC input, setting default 1d array values for TF' )
567 IF ( grid%hybrid_opt .NE. 0 ) THEN
568 CALL wrf_error_fatal ( '---- Error : Cannot use old input and try to use hybrid vertical coordinate option' )
573 grid%c3f(k) = grid%znw(k)
577 grid%c3h(k) = grid%znu(k)
582 ! With newer versions of WRF, the grid%t_2 field might come in as "zero"
583 ! from an older data set. Yikes, but it can be corrected unless the user
584 ! has requested moist theta.
586 IF ( grid%t_2(its,kte-1,jts) .EQ. 0. ) THEN
587 CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , '---- WARNING : Older v3 input data detected' )
588 IF ( grid%use_theta_m .NE. 0 ) THEN
589 CALL wrf_error_fatal ( '---- Error : Cannot use moist theta option with old data' )
591 DO j = jts, MIN(jte,jde-1)
593 DO i = its, MIN(ite,ide-1)
594 grid%t_2(i,k,j) = grid%th_phy_m_t0(i,k,j)
600 DO j = jts, MIN(jte,jde-1)
601 DO i = its, MIN(ite,ide-1)
602 ! Base state pressure is a function of eta level and terrain, only, plus
603 ! the hand full of constants: p00 (sea level pressure, Pa), t00 (sea level
604 ! temperature, K), A (temperature difference, from 1000 mb to 300 mb, K),
605 ! tiso (isothermal temperature at tropopause/lower stratosphere),
606 ! p_strat (pressure at top of isothermal layer), A_strat (lapse rate in
607 ! stratosphere above isothermal layer)
608 p_surf = p00 * EXP ( -t00/a + ( (t00/a)**2 - 2.*g*grid%ht(i,j)/a/r_d ) **0.5 )
610 grid%pb(i,k,j) = grid%c3h(k)*(p_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%c4h(k) + grid%p_top
611 temp = MAX ( tiso, t00 + A*LOG(grid%pb(i,k,j)/p00) )
612 IF ( grid%pb(i,k,j) .LT. p_strat ) THEN
613 temp = tiso + A_strat * LOG ( grid%pb(i,k,j)/p_strat )
615 grid%t_init(i,k,j) = temp*(p00/grid%pb(i,k,j))**(r_d/cp) - t0
616 grid%alb(i,k,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_init(i,k,j)+t0)*(grid%pb(i,k,j)/p1000mb)**cvpm
618 ! Base state mu is defined as base state surface pressure minus grid%p_top
619 grid%MUB(i,j) = p_surf - grid%p_top
620 ! Integrate base geopotential, starting at terrain elevation. This assures that
621 ! the base state is in exact hydrostatic balance with respect to the model equations.
622 ! This field is on full levels.
623 grid%phb(i,1,j) = grid%ht(i,j) * g
624 IF ( config_flags%hypsometric_opt .EQ. 1 ) THEN
627 grid%phb(i,kk,j) = grid%phb(i,kk-1,j) - grid%dnw(kk-1)*(grid%c1h(k)*grid%mub(i,j)+grid%c2h(k))*grid%alb(i,kk-1,j)
629 ELSE IF ( config_flags%hypsometric_opt .EQ. 2 ) THEN
631 pfu = grid%c3f(k )*grid%MUB(i,j) + grid%c4f(k ) + grid%p_top
632 pfd = grid%c3f(k-1)*grid%MUB(i,j) + grid%c4f(k-1) + grid%p_top
633 phm = grid%c3h(k-1)*grid%MUB(i,j) + grid%c4h(k-1) + grid%p_top
634 grid%phb(i,k,j) = grid%phb(i,k-1,j) + grid%alb(i,k-1,j)*phm*LOG(pfd/pfu)
640 IF(.not.config_flags%restart)THEN
641 ! if this is for a nested domain, the defined/interpolated fields are the _2
642 IF ( first_trip_for_this_domain ) THEN
643 ! data that is expected to be zero must be explicitly initialized as such
644 ! grid%h_diabatic = 0.
645 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
647 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
648 IF ( grid%imask_nostag(i,j) .EQ. 1 ) THEN
649 grid%t_1(i,k,j)=grid%t_2(i,k,j)
654 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
656 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
657 grid%ph_1(i,k,j)=grid%ph_2(i,k,j)
661 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
662 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
663 IF ( grid%imask_nostag(i,j) .EQ. 1 ) THEN
664 grid%MU_1(i,j)=grid%MU_2(i,j)
669 ! reconstitute base-state fields
670 IF(config_flags%max_dom .EQ. 1)THEN
671 ! with single domain, grid%t_init from wrfinput is OK to use
672 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
674 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
675 IF ( grid%imask_nostag(i,j) .EQ. 1 ) THEN
676 grid%pb(i,k,j) = grid%c3h(k )*grid%MUB(i,j) + grid%c4h(k ) + grid%p_top
677 grid%alb(i,k,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_init(i,k,j)+t0)*(grid%pb(i,k,j)/p1000mb)**cvpm
682 ELSE ! there is more than 1 domain
683 IF ( .NOT. grid%this_is_an_ideal_run ) THEN ! this is a real run
684 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
686 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
687 IF ( grid%imask_nostag(i,j) .EQ. 1 ) THEN
688 grid%pb(i,k,j) = grid%c3h(k )*grid%MUB(i,j) + grid%c4h(k ) + grid%p_top
689 temp = MAX ( tiso, t00 + A*LOG(grid%pb(i,k,j)/p00) )
690 IF ( grid%pb(i,k,j) .LT. p_strat ) THEN
691 temp = tiso + A_strat * LOG ( grid%pb(i,k,j)/p_strat )
693 grid%t_init(i,k,j) = temp*(p00/grid%pb(i,k,j))**(r_d/cp) - t0
694 grid%alb(i,k,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_init(i,k,j)+t0)*(grid%pb(i,k,j)/p1000mb)**cvpm
699 !Note that rebalance must be set to 1 for vertical nesting
700 IF ( config_flags%rebalance .EQ. 1 ) THEN
701 ! Integrate base geopotential, starting at terrain elevation. This assures that
702 ! the base state is in exact hydrostatic balance with respect to the model equations.
703 ! This field is on full levels.
704 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
705 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
706 grid%phb(i,1,j) = grid%ht(i,j) * g
707 IF ( config_flags%hypsometric_opt .EQ. 1 ) THEN
710 grid%phb(i,kk,j) = grid%phb(i,kk-1,j) - grid%dnw(kk-1)*(grid%c1h(k)*grid%mub(i,j)+grid%c2h(k))*grid%alb(i,kk-1,j)
712 ELSE IF ( config_flags%hypsometric_opt .EQ. 2 ) THEN
714 pfu = grid%c3f(k )*grid%MUB(i,j) + grid%c4f(k ) + grid%p_top
715 pfd = grid%c3f(k-1)*grid%MUB(i,j) + grid%c4f(k-1) + grid%p_top
716 phm = grid%c3h(k-1)*grid%MUB(i,j) + grid%c4h(k-1) + grid%p_top
717 grid%phb(i,k,j) = grid%phb(i,k-1,j) + grid%alb(i,k-1,j)*phm*LOG(pfd/pfu)
724 IF ( config_flags%ideal_init_method .EQ. 1 ) THEN
725 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
727 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
728 IF ( grid%imask_nostag(i,j) .EQ. 1 ) THEN
729 grid%pb(i,k,j) = grid%c3h(k )*grid%MUB(i,j) + grid%c4h(k ) + grid%p_top
730 grid%alb(i,k,j) = -grid%rdnw(k)*(grid%phb(i,k+1,j)-grid%phb(i,k,j))/(grid%c1h(k)*grid%mub(i,j)+grid%c2h(k))
731 grid%t_init(i,k,j) = grid%alb(i,k,j)*(p1000mb/r_d)/((grid%pb(i,k,j)/p1000mb)**cvpm) - t0
736 ELSE IF ( config_flags%ideal_init_method .EQ. 2 ) THEN
737 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
739 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
740 IF ( grid%imask_nostag(i,j) .EQ. 1 ) THEN
741 grid%pb(i,k,j) = grid%c3h(k )*grid%MUB(i,j) + grid%c4h(k ) + grid%p_top
742 grid%alb(i,k,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_init(i,k,j)+t0)*(grid%pb(i,k,j)/p1000mb)**cvpm
747 ! Integrate base geopotential, starting at terrain elevation. This assures that
748 ! the base state is in exact hydrostatic balance with respect to the model equations.
749 ! This field is on full levels.
750 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
751 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
752 grid%phb(i,1,j) = grid%ht(i,j) * g
755 grid%phb(i,kk,j) = grid%phb(i,kk-1,j) - grid%dnw(kk-1)*(grid%c1h(k)*grid%mub(i,j)+grid%c2h(k))*grid%alb(i,kk-1,j)
759 END IF ! end if initialization for ideal, use method 1 or 2
760 END IF ! end if this is a real or ideal run
761 END IF ! end if there is more than 1 domain
763 !------base state is finished, perturbation values are recalculated below-----
764 ! For the HRRR application, we want to go through this rebalancing. They
765 ! have a clunky way of testig on this, but it is operational, so no need to
766 ! cause them troubles.
767 IF ( ( grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_NODFI ) .and. ( config_flags%cycling ) ) THEN
768 call rebalance_driver_cycl (grid )
769 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
771 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
772 grid%ph_1(i,k,j)=grid%ph_2(i,k,j)
776 ! Everyone else runs thorugh here. NOTE that we might also want to call the
777 ! rebalancing ourselves for different set ups. It does not impact HRRR, so
778 ! it is an easy decision.
780 ! We request rebalancing for vertical grid nesting, or when the user asks for rebalancing.
781 ! (Note that rebalance now must be set to 1 for vertical nesting)
782 ! Rebalance recomputes 1/rho, p, ph_2, ph0, p_hyd
783 IF ( config_flags%rebalance .EQ. 1 ) THEN
784 call rebalance_driver_cycl (grid )
785 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
787 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
788 grid%ph_1(i,k,j)=grid%ph_2(i,k,j)
793 ! Use equations from calc_p_rho_phi to derive p and al from ph: linear in log p
794 IF ( config_flags%hypsometric_opt .EQ. 1 ) THEN
795 DO j=jts,min(jte,jde-1)
797 DO i=its,min(ite,ide-1)
798 grid%al(i,k,j)=-1./((grid%c1h(k)*grid%mub(i,j)+grid%c2h(k))+(grid%c1h(k)*grid%mu_1(i,j)))*(grid%alb(i,k,j)*(grid%c1h(k)*grid%mu_1(i,j)) &
799 +grid%rdnw(k)*(grid%ph_1(i,k+1,j)-grid%ph_1(i,k,j)))
803 ELSE IF ( config_flags%hypsometric_opt .EQ. 2 ) THEN
804 DO j=jts,min(jte,jde-1)
806 DO i=its,min(ite,ide-1)
807 pfu = grid%c3f(k+1)*(grid%MUB(i,j)+grid%MU_1(i,j)) + grid%c4f(k+1) + grid%p_top
808 pfd = grid%c3f(k )*(grid%MUB(i,j)+grid%MU_1(i,j)) + grid%c4f(k ) + grid%p_top
809 phm = grid%c3h(k )*(grid%MUB(i,j)+grid%MU_1(i,j)) + grid%c4h(k ) + grid%p_top
810 grid%al(i,k,j) = (grid%ph_1(i,k+1,j)-grid%ph_1(i,k,j)+grid%phb(i,k+1,j)-grid%phb(i,k,j)) &
811 /phm/LOG(pfd/pfu)-grid%alb(i,k,j)
815 END IF ! which hypsometric option
816 DO j=jts,min(jte,jde-1)
818 DO i=its,min(ite,ide-1)
820 IF ( .NOT. config_flags%var4d_run ) THEN
821 IF ( config_flags%use_theta_m == 0 ) THEN
822 qvf = 1.+rvovrd*moist(i,k,j,P_QV)
826 grid%p(i,k,j)=p1000mb*( (r_d*(t0+grid%t_1(i,k,j))*qvf)/ &
827 (p1000mb*(grid%al(i,k,j)+grid%alb(i,k,j))) )**cpovcv &
831 IF ( config_flags%use_theta_m == 0 ) THEN
832 qvf = 1.+rvovrd*moist(i,k,j,P_QV)
836 grid%p(i,k,j)=p1000mb*( (r_d*(t0+grid%t_1(i,k,j))*qvf)/ &
837 (p1000mb*(grid%al(i,k,j)+grid%alb(i,k,j))) )**cpovcv &
840 grid%p_hyd(i,k,j) = grid%p(i,k,j) + grid%pb(i,k,j)
841 grid%alt(i,k,j) = grid%al(i,k,j) + grid%alb(i,k,j)
845 ENDIF ! Various rebalancing options
846 IF ( .NOT. grid%this_is_an_ideal_run ) THEN
847 DO j=jts,min(jte,jde-1)
848 DO i=its,min(ite,ide-1)
849 p_surf = p00 * EXP ( -t00/a + ( (t00/a)**2 - 2.*g*grid%ht(i,j)/a/r_d ) **0.5 )
850 grid%p_hyd_w(i,1,j) = grid%p(i,1,j) + grid%c3f(1)*(p_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%c4f(1) + grid%p_top
852 grid%p_hyd_w(i,k,j) = ( 2.*(grid%p(i,k-1,j)+grid%pb(i,k-1,j)) - grid%p_hyd_w(i,k-1,j) )
857 DO j=jts,min(jte,jde-1)
858 DO i=its,min(ite,ide-1)
859 p_surf = grid%MUB(i,j)+grid%p_top
860 grid%p_hyd_w(i,1,j) = grid%p(i,1,j) + grid%c3f(1)*(p_surf - grid%p_top) + grid%c4f(1) + grid%p_top
862 grid%p_hyd_w(i,k,j) = ( 2.*(grid%p(i,k-1,j)+grid%pb(i,k-1,j)) - grid%p_hyd_w(i,k-1,j) )
868 ENDIF ! first trip for this domain
870 DO j=jts,min(jte,jde-1)
872 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
873 z_at_q(i,k,j)=(grid%ph_2(i,k,j)+grid%phb(i,k,j))/g
878 IF ( grid%press_adj .and. ( grid%id .NE. 1 ) .AND. .NOT. ( config_flags%restart ) .AND. &
879 ( ( config_flags%input_from_hires ) .OR. ( config_flags%input_from_file ) ) ) THEN
880 DO j = jts, MIN(jte,jde-1)
881 DO i = its, MIN(ite,ide-1)
882 grid%MU_2(i,j) = grid%MU_2(i,j) + grid%al(i,1,j) / ( grid%alt(i,1,j) * grid%alb(i,1,j) ) * &
883 g * ( grid%ht(i,j) - grid%ht_fine(i,j) )
886 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
887 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
888 grid%MU_1(i,j)=grid%MU_2(i,j)
894 ! set GMT outside of phy_init because phy_init may not be called on this
895 ! process if, for example, it is a moving nest and if this part of the domain is not
896 ! being initialized (not the leading edge).
897 CALL domain_setgmtetc( grid, start_of_simulation )
898 IF ( first_trip_for_this_domain ) THEN
900 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'start_domain_em: Before call to phy_init' )
902 ! namelist MPDT does not exist yet, so set it here
903 ! MPDT is the call frequency for microphysics in minutes (0 means every step)
906 IF(config_flags%cycling) THEN
907 start_of_simulation = .true.
908 ! print *,'cycling, start_of_simulation -->',config_flags%cycling, start_of_simulation
910 ! print *,'xtime=',grid%xtime
912 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
913 ! Adaptive time step: Added by T. Hutchinson, WSI 11/6/07
917 IF ( ( grid%use_adaptive_time_step ) .AND. &
918 ( ( grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_NODFI ) .OR. ( grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FST ) ) ) THEN
920 ! Calculate any variables that were not set
922 ! This subroutine is called more than once at the first time step for a
923 ! given domain. The following if statement is to prevent the code in
924 ! the if statement from executing more than once per domain at the
925 ! beginning of the model run (since last_step_update=-1 the first time
926 ! this is reached and should be =0 after this).
927 ! Without this if statement, when this code was executed for the second
928 ! time it can result in grid%dt being set incorrectly.
929 ! -This is because grid%dt will be set equal to grid%starting_time_step
930 ! which ignores a possible denominator in the starting time step.
931 ! -The first time this code is reached is also does this, but then the
932 ! call to adapt_timestep correct this
933 ! -Subsequent times this code is reached adapt_timestep will not correct
934 ! this because it will recognize that it has already been executed for
935 ! this timestep and exit out before doing the calculation.
937 if (grid%last_step_updated .NE. grid%itimestep) then
939 if (grid%starting_time_step == -1) then
940 grid%starting_time_step = NINT(4 * MIN(grid%dx,grid%dy) / 1000)
943 grid%time_step = grid%starting_time_step
944 config_flags%time_step = grid%starting_time_step
945 model_config_rec%time_step = grid%starting_time_step
947 if (grid%max_time_step == -1) then
948 grid%max_time_step = NINT(8 * MIN(grid%dx,grid%dy) / 1000)
951 if (grid%min_time_step == -1) then
952 grid%min_time_step = NINT(3 * MIN(grid%dx,grid%dy) / 1000)
955 ! Set a starting timestep.
957 grid%dt = grid%starting_time_step
959 ! Initialize max cfl values
961 grid%last_max_vert_cfl = 0
962 grid%last_max_horiz_cfl = 0
964 ! Check to assure that time_step_sound is to be dynamically set.
966 CALL nl_set_time_step_sound ( 1 , 0 )
967 grid%time_step_sound = 0
969 grid%max_msftx=MAXVAL(grid%msftx)
970 grid%max_msfty=MAXVAL(grid%msfty)
972 CALL wrf_dm_maxval(grid%max_msftx, idex, jdex)
973 CALL wrf_dm_maxval(grid%max_msfty, idex, jdex)
978 ! This first call just initializes variables.
979 ! If a restart, get initialized variables from restart file
981 IF ( .NOT. ( config_flags%restart ) ) then
982 CALL adapt_timestep(grid, config_flags)
986 END IF ! adaptive computations
988 ! End of adaptive time step modifications
989 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
992 CALL set_tiles ( grid , grid%imask_nostag, ims, ime, jms, jme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe )
994 ! Phy init can do reads and broadcasts when initializing physics -- landuse for example. However, if
995 ! we're running on a reduced mesh (that is, some tasks don't have any work) we have to at least let them
996 ! pass through this code so the broadcasts don't hang on the other, active tasks. Set the number of
997 ! tiles to a minimum of 1 and assume that the backwards patch ranges (ips=0, ipe=-1) will prevent
998 ! anything else from happening on the blank tasks. JM 20080605
1000 if ( allowed_to_read ) grid%num_tiles = max(1,grid%num_tiles)
1002 ! Phy_init is not necessarily thread-safe; do not multi-thread this loop.
1003 ! The tiling is to handle the fact that we may be masking off part of the computation.
1007 if(config_flags%sf_surface_physics.eq.NOAHMPSCHEME.and.config_flags%opt_run.eq.5)then
1008 # include "HALO_EM_HYDRO_NOAHMP_INIT.inc"
1012 IF ( ( grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_NODFI ) .or. &
1013 ( ( grid%dfi_stage .NE. DFI_BCK ) .and. &
1014 ( grid%dfi_stage .NE. DFI_STARTBCK ) ) ) THEN
1016 DO ij = 1, grid%num_tiles
1018 CALL phy_init ( grid%id , config_flags, grid%DT, grid%RESTART, grid%znw, grid%znu, &
1019 grid%p_top, grid%tsk, grid%RADT,grid%BLDT,grid%CUDT, MPDT, &
1020 grid%rucuten, grid%rvcuten, grid%rthcuten, &
1021 grid%rqvcuten, grid%rqrcuten, grid%rqccuten, &
1022 grid%rqscuten, grid%rqicuten, &
1023 grid%rushten, grid%rvshten, grid%rthshten, &
1024 grid%rqvshten, grid%rqrshten, grid%rqcshten, &
1025 grid%rqsshten, grid%rqishten, grid%rqgshten, &
1026 grid%rublten,grid%rvblten,grid%rthblten, &
1027 grid%rqvblten,grid%rqcblten,grid%rqiblten, &
1028 grid%rthraten,grid%rthratenlw,grid%rthratensw, &
1029 grid%this_is_an_ideal_run, &
1030 !BSINGH - For WRFCuP scheme(11/12/2013)
1031 grid%cupflag,grid%cldfra_cup,grid%cldfratend_cup, & !wig, 18-Sep-2006
1032 grid%shall, & !wig, 18-Sep-2006
1033 grid%tcloud_cup, & !rce, 18-apr-2012
1035 grid%stepbl,grid%stepra,grid%stepcu, &
1036 grid%w0avg, grid%rainnc, grid%rainc, grid%raincv, grid%rainncv, &
1037 grid%snownc, grid%snowncv, grid%graupelnc, grid%graupelncv, &
1038 z_at_q, grid%alt, grid%qnwfa2d, grid%qnbca2d, & ! G. Thompson
1039 scalar(ims,kms,jms,1), num_scalar, & ! G. Thompson
1040 grid%re_cloud, grid%re_ice, grid%re_snow, & ! G. Thompson
1041 grid%has_reqc, grid%has_reqi, grid%has_reqs, & ! G. Thompson
1042 grid%phb,grid%ph_2,grid%p,grid%pb, & ! for ntu3m
1043 moist(:,:,:,P_QV),config_flags%CCNTY, & ! for ntu3m
1044 scalar(:,:,:,P_QDCN),scalar(:,:,:,P_QTCN), & ! for ntu3m
1045 scalar(:,:,:,P_QCCN),scalar(:,:,:,P_QRCN), & ! for ntu3m
1046 scalar(:,:,:,P_QNIN), & ! for ntu3m
1047 grid%re_cloud_gsfc, grid%re_ice_gsfc, & ! Goddard
1048 grid%re_snow_gsfc, grid%re_graupel_gsfc, & ! Goddard
1049 grid%re_hail_gsfc, grid%re_rain_gsfc, & ! Goddard
1050 grid%nca,grid%swrad_scat, &
1051 grid%cldefi,grid%lowlyr, &
1053 grid%rthften, grid%rqvften, &
1054 #if (WRF_USE_CLM == 1) && ( WRF_CHEM == 1)
1055 model_config_rec%megan_specifier, model_config_rec%megan_factors_file, &
1056 model_config_rec%megan_mapped_emisfctrs, &
1064 grid%glw,grid%gsw,grid%emiss,grid%embck, &
1066 grid%landuse_ISICE, grid%landuse_LUCATS, &
1067 grid%landuse_LUSEAS, grid%landuse_ISN, &
1069 grid%xlat,grid%xlong,grid%xlong_u,grid%xlat_v,grid%albedo,grid%albbck,grid%GMT,grid%JULYR,grid%JULDAY, &
1070 grid%levsiz, num_ozmixm, num_aerosolc, grid%paerlev, &
1071 grid%alevsiz, grid%no_src_types, &
1072 grid%tmn,grid%xland,grid%znt,grid%z0,grid%ust,grid%mol,grid%pblh,grid%tke_pbl, &
1073 grid%exch_h,grid%thc,grid%snowc,grid%mavail,grid%hfx,grid%qfx,grid%rainbl, &
1074 grid%tslb,grid%zs,grid%dzs,config_flags%num_soil_layers,grid%warm_rain, &
1075 grid%adv_moist_cond, grid%is_CAMMGMP_used, &
1076 grid%apr_gr,grid%apr_w,grid%apr_mc,grid%apr_st,grid%apr_as, &
1077 grid%apr_capma,grid%apr_capme,grid%apr_capmi, &
1078 grid%xice,grid%xicem,grid%vegfra,grid%snow,grid%canwat,grid%smstav, &
1079 grid%smstot, grid%sfcrunoff,grid%udrunoff,grid%grdflx,grid%acsnow, &
1080 grid%acsnom,grid%ivgtyp,grid%isltyp, grid%sfcevp,grid%smois, &
1081 grid%sh2o, grid%snowh, grid%smfr3d, &
1083 grid%DX,grid%DY,grid%dx2d,grid%area2d, &
1084 grid%f_ice_phy,grid%f_rain_phy,grid%f_rimef_phy, &
1085 grid%mp_restart_state,grid%tbpvs_state,grid%tbpvs0_state,&
1086 allowed_to_read, grid%moved, start_of_simulation, &
1088 grid%U10,grid%V10,grid%U10E,grid%V10E, &
1089 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
1090 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
1091 grid%i_start(ij), grid%i_end(ij), grid%j_start(ij), grid%j_end(ij), kts, kte, &
1092 config_flags%num_urban_ndm, & !multi-layer urban
1093 config_flags%urban_map_zrd, & !multi-layer urban
1094 config_flags%urban_map_zwd, & !multi-layer urban
1095 config_flags%urban_map_gd, & !multi-layer urban
1096 config_flags%urban_map_zd, & !multi-layer urban
1097 config_flags%urban_map_zdf, & !multi-layer urban
1098 config_flags%urban_map_bd, & !multi-layer urban
1099 config_flags%urban_map_wd, & !multi-layer urban
1100 config_flags%urban_map_gbd, & !multi-layer urban
1101 config_flags%urban_map_fbd, & !multi-layer urban
1102 config_flags%urban_map_zgrd, & !multi-layer urban
1103 config_flags%num_urban_hi, & !multi-layer urban
1104 grid%raincv_a,grid%raincv_b, &
1105 grid%gd_cloud, grid%gd_cloud2, & ! Optional
1106 grid%gd_cloud_a, grid%gd_cloud2_a, & ! Optional
1107 grid%QC_CU, grid%QI_CU, & ! Optional
1108 ozmixm,grid%pin, & ! Optional
1109 grid%aerodm,grid%pina, & ! Optional
1110 grid%m_ps_1,grid%m_ps_2,grid%m_hybi,aerosolc_1,aerosolc_2,& ! Optional
1111 grid%rundgdten,grid%rvndgdten,grid%rthndgdten, & ! Optional
1112 grid%rphndgdten,grid%rqvndgdten,grid%rmundgdten, & ! Optional
1113 grid%SDA_HFX, grid%SDA_QFX, grid%QNORM, grid%HFX_BOTH,grid%QFX_BOTH, & ! fasdas
1114 grid%HFX_FDDA, & ! fasdas
1115 grid%FGDT,grid%stepfg, & ! Optional
1116 grid%cugd_tten,grid%cugd_ttens,grid%cugd_qvten, & ! Optional
1117 grid%cugd_qvtens,grid%cugd_qcten, & ! Optional
1118 grid%ISNOWXY, grid%ZSNSOXY, grid%TSNOXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1119 grid%SNICEXY, grid%SNLIQXY, grid%TVXY, grid%TGXY, grid%CANICEXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1120 grid%CANLIQXY, grid%EAHXY, grid%TAHXY, grid%CMXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1121 grid%CHXY, grid%FWETXY, grid%SNEQVOXY, grid%ALBOLDXY, grid%QSNOWXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1122 grid%QRAINXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1123 grid%WSLAKEXY, grid%ZWTXY, grid%WAXY, grid%WTXY, grid%LFMASSXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1124 grid%RTMASSXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1125 grid%STMASSXY, grid%WOODXY, grid%STBLCPXY, grid%FASTCPXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1126 grid%GRAINXY, grid%GDDXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1127 grid%CROPTYPE, grid%CROPCAT, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1128 config_flags%opt_crop, &
1129 config_flags%opt_irr, config_flags%opt_irrm, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1130 grid%IRNUMSI, grid%IRNUMMI, grid%IRNUMFI, grid%IRWATSI, grid%IRWATMI, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1131 grid%IRWATFI, grid%IRELOSS, grid%IRSIVOL, grid%IRMIVOL, grid%IRFIVOL, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1132 grid%IRRSPLH, grid%qtdrain, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1133 grid%gecros_state, & ! Optional gecros crop
1134 grid%XSAIXY,grid%LAI, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1135 grid%T2MVXY, grid%T2MBXY, grid%CHSTARXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1136 grid%SMOISEQ ,grid%SMCWTDXY ,grid%RECHXY, grid%DEEPRECHXY, grid%AREAXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1137 config_flags%wtddt ,grid%stepwtd ,grid%QRFSXY ,grid%QSPRINGSXY ,grid%QSLATXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1138 grid%FDEPTHXY, grid%RIVERBEDXY, grid%EQZWT, grid%RIVERCONDXY, grid%PEXPXY, & ! Optional Noah-MP
1139 grid%rechclim , & ! Optional Noah-MP
1140 grid%msftx, grid%msfty, &
1141 grid%DZR, grid%DZB, grid%DZG, & !Optional urban
1142 grid%TR_URB2D,grid%TB_URB2D,grid%TG_URB2D,grid%TC_URB2D, & !Optional urban
1143 grid%QC_URB2D, grid%XXXR_URB2D,grid%XXXB_URB2D, & !Optional urban
1144 grid%XXXG_URB2D, grid%XXXC_URB2D, & !Optional urban
1145 grid%TRL_URB3D, grid%TBL_URB3D, grid%TGL_URB3D, & !Optional urban
1146 grid%SH_URB2D, grid%LH_URB2D, grid%G_URB2D, grid%RN_URB2D, & !Optional urban
1147 grid%TS_URB2D, grid%FRC_URB2D, grid%UTYPE_URB2D, & !Optional urban
1148 grid%CMCR_URB2D,grid%TGR_URB2D,grid%TGRL_URB3D,grid%SMR_URB3D, & !Optional urban
1149 grid%DRELR_URB2D,grid%DRELB_URB2D,grid%DRELG_URB2D, & !Optional urban
1150 grid%FLXHUMR_URB2D,grid%FLXHUMB_URB2D,grid%FLXHUMG_URB2D, & !Optional urban
1151 grid%TRB_URB4D,grid%TW1_URB4D,grid%TW2_URB4D,grid%TGB_URB4D,grid%TLEV_URB3D, & !multi-layer urban
1152 grid%QLEV_URB3D,grid%TW1LEV_URB3D,grid%TW2LEV_URB3D, & !multi-layer urban
1153 grid%TGLEV_URB3D,grid%TFLEV_URB3D,grid%SF_AC_URB3D, & !multi-layer urban
1154 grid%LF_AC_URB3D,grid%CM_AC_URB3D,grid%SFVENT_URB3D,grid%LFVENT_URB3D, & !multi-layer urban
1155 grid%SFWIN1_URB3D,grid%SFWIN2_URB3D, & !multi-layer urban
1156 grid%SFW1_URB3D,grid%SFW2_URB3D,grid%SFR_URB3D,grid%SFG_URB3D, & !multi-layer urban
1157 grid%EP_PV_URB3D,grid%T_PV_URB3D, & !GRZ
1158 grid%TRV_URB4D,grid%QR_URB4D,grid%QGR_URB3D,grid%TGR_URB3D, & !GRZ
1159 grid%DRAIN_URB4D,grid%DRAINGR_URB3D,grid%SFRV_URB3D, & !GRZ
1160 grid%LFRV_URB3D,grid%DGR_URB3D,grid%DG_URB3D,grid%LFR_URB3D, & !GRZ
1161 grid%LFG_URB3D, & !GRZ
1162 grid%LP_URB2D,grid%HI_URB2D,grid%LB_URB2D,grid%HGT_URB2D, & !multi-layer urban
1163 grid%MH_URB2D,grid%STDH_URB2D,grid%LF_URB2D, & !SLUCM
1164 grid%A_U_BEP,grid%A_V_BEP,grid%A_T_BEP,grid%A_Q_BEP, & !multi-layer urban
1165 grid%A_E_BEP,grid%B_U_BEP,grid%B_V_BEP,grid%B_T_BEP, & !multi-layer urban
1166 grid%B_Q_BEP,grid%B_E_BEP,grid%DLG_BEP, & !multi-layer urban
1167 grid%DL_U_BEP,grid%SF_BEP,grid%VL_BEP, & !multi-layer urban
1168 grid%TML,grid%T0ML,grid%HML,grid%H0ML,grid%HUML,grid%HVML,grid%TMOML, & !Optional oml
1169 grid%lakedepth2d, grid%savedtke12d, grid%snowdp2d, grid%h2osno2d, & !lake
1170 grid%snl2d, grid%t_grnd2d, grid%t_lake3d, grid%lake_icefrac3d, & !lake
1171 grid%z_lake3d, grid%dz_lake3d, grid%t_soisno3d, grid%h2osoi_ice3d, & !lake
1172 grid%h2osoi_liq3d, grid%h2osoi_vol3d, grid%z3d, grid%dz3d, & !lake
1173 grid%zi3d, grid%watsat3d, grid%csol3d, grid%tkmg3d, & !lake
1174 grid%tkdry3d, grid%tksatu3d, grid%lake2d, & !lake
1175 config_flags%lakedepth_default, config_flags%lake_min_elev, grid%lake_depth, & !lake
1176 grid%lakemask, grid%lakeflag, grid%LAKE_DEPTH_FLAG, grid%use_lakedepth, & !lake
1177 grid%water_depth, grid%BATHYMETRY_FLAG, grid%shalwater_z0,grid%shalwater_depth, & ! bathymetry
1178 config_flags%sf_surface_mosaic, config_flags%mosaic_cat, config_flags%num_land_cat, & ! Noah tiling
1179 config_flags%maxpatch, & ! start of CLM variables
1180 grid%numc,grid%nump,grid%snl,grid%snowdp,& !
1182 grid%h2osno,grid%t_grnd,grid%t_veg,grid%h2ocan, &
1183 grid%h2ocan_col,grid%t2m_max,grid%t2m_min,&
1185 grid%h2osoi_liq_s1,&
1186 grid%h2osoi_liq_s2,grid%h2osoi_liq_s3,&
1187 grid%h2osoi_liq_s4, &
1188 grid%h2osoi_liq_s5, &
1189 grid%h2osoi_liq1,grid%h2osoi_liq2,&
1190 grid%h2osoi_liq3,grid%h2osoi_liq4,&
1191 grid%h2osoi_liq5,grid%h2osoi_liq6, &
1192 grid%h2osoi_liq7,grid%h2osoi_liq8,&
1194 grid%h2osoi_liq10, &
1195 grid%h2osoi_ice_s1,grid%h2osoi_ice_s2,&
1196 grid%h2osoi_ice_s3, &
1197 grid%h2osoi_ice_s4, &
1198 grid%h2osoi_ice_s5, &
1201 grid%h2osoi_ice3,grid%h2osoi_ice4,&
1204 grid%h2osoi_ice7,grid%h2osoi_ice8,&
1205 grid%h2osoi_ice9,grid%h2osoi_ice10,&
1206 grid%t_soisno_s1,grid%t_soisno_s2, &
1207 grid%t_soisno_s3,grid%t_soisno_s4, &
1208 grid%t_soisno_s5,grid%t_soisno1,&
1209 grid%t_soisno2,grid%t_soisno3,&
1210 grid%t_soisno4,grid%t_soisno5, &
1211 grid%t_soisno6,grid%t_soisno7,&
1212 grid%t_soisno8,grid%t_soisno9,&
1213 grid%t_soisno10,grid%dzsnow1,grid%dzsnow2,grid%dzsnow3,grid%dzsnow4,&
1214 grid%dzsnow5,grid%snowrds1,grid%snowrds2,grid%snowrds3,grid%snowrds4,grid%snowrds5, &
1215 grid%t_lake1,grid%t_lake2,&
1216 grid%t_lake3,grid%t_lake4, &
1217 grid%t_lake5,grid%t_lake6, &
1218 grid%t_lake7,grid%t_lake8, &
1219 grid%t_lake9,grid%t_lake10,&
1220 grid%h2osoi_vol1,grid%h2osoi_vol2, &
1221 grid%h2osoi_vol3,grid%h2osoi_vol4, &
1224 grid%h2osoi_vol7,grid%h2osoi_vol8,&
1225 grid%h2osoi_vol9,grid%h2osoi_vol10,&
1227 grid%ALBEDOsubgrid,grid%LHsubgrid,&
1228 grid%HFXsubgrid,grid%LWUPsubgrid,&
1229 grid%Q2subgrid,grid%SABVsubgrid, &
1230 grid%SABGsubgrid,grid%NRAsubgrid,&
1231 grid%SWUPsubgrid,grid%lhsoi, &
1232 grid%lhveg, grid%lhtran, & !end of CLM variables
1233 grid%TSK_SAVE, & !Optional fractional seaice
1234 grid%itimestep, grid%fdob, &
1235 t00, p00, a, & ! for obs_nudge base state
1236 grid%TYR, grid%TYRA, grid%TDLY, grid%TLAG, grid%NYEAR, grid%NDAY,grid%tmn_update, &
1237 grid%achfx, grid%aclhf, grid%acgrdflx &
1238 ,grid%RQCNCUTEN, grid%RQINCUTEN,grid%rliq & !mchen add for cammpmg
1239 ,grid%cldfra_dp,grid%cldfra_sh & ! ckay for subgrid cloud
1240 ,grid%te_temf,grid%cf3d_temf,grid%wm_temf & ! WA
1241 ,grid%massflux_EDKF, grid%entr_EDKF, grid%detr_EDKF &
1242 ,grid%thl_up,grid%thv_up,grid%rt_up &
1243 ,grid%rv_up,grid%rc_up,grid%u_up,grid%v_up,grid%frac_up &
1244 ,grid%RDCASHTEN, grid%RQCDCSHTEN &
1245 ,grid%cldareaa, grid%cldareab, grid%cldliqa, grid%cldliqb &
1246 ,grid%ca_rad, grid%cw_rad &
1247 ,grid%pblmax, grid%wub, grid%ltopb, grid%clddpthb, grid%cldtopb &
1248 ,grid%capesave, grid%ainckfsa, grid%radsave &
1249 ,grid%rainsh, grid%rainshvb, grid%kdcldtop, grid%kdcldbas &
1250 ,grid%xtime1, grid%PBLHAVG, grid%TKEAVG &
1251 ,grid%ccn_conc & ! RAS
1252 ,grid%QKE &!JOE-for mynn
1253 ,grid%pek_pbl,grid%pep_pbl & ! EEPS
1254 ,grid%ghi_accum & ! Solar diagnostics
1255 ,grid%landusef,grid%landusef2,grid%mosaic_cat_index & ! danli mosaic
1256 ,grid%TSK_mosaic,grid%TSLB_mosaic,grid%SMOIS_mosaic,grid%SH2O_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1257 ,grid%CANWAT_mosaic,grid%SNOW_mosaic,grid%SNOWH_mosaic,grid%SNOWC_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1258 ,grid%ALBEDO_mosaic,grid%ALBBCK_mosaic, grid%EMISS_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1259 ,grid%EMBCK_mosaic, grid%ZNT_mosaic, grid%Z0_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1260 ,grid%TR_URB2D_mosaic,grid%TB_URB2D_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1261 ,grid%TG_URB2D_mosaic,grid%TC_URB2D_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1262 ,grid%QC_URB2D_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1263 ,grid%TRL_URB3D_mosaic,grid%TBL_URB3D_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1264 ,grid%TGL_URB3D_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1265 ,grid%SH_URB2D_mosaic,grid%LH_URB2D_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1266 ,grid%G_URB2D_mosaic,grid%RN_URB2D_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1267 ,grid%TS_URB2D_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1268 ,grid%TS_RUL2D_mosaic & ! danli mosaic
1269 ,grid%irr_rand_field,config_flags%irr_ph,config_flags%irr_freq &
1270 ,grid%QR_CU, grid%QS_CU &
1271 ,grid%NC_CU, grid%NI_CU, grid%NR_CU, grid%NS_CU,grid%CCN_CU &
1272 ,grid%alevsiz_cu,grid%num_months,grid%no_src_types_cu,grid%aeromcu &
1273 ,grid%aeropcu,grid%EFCG,grid%EFCS,grid%EFIG,grid%EFIS,grid%EFSG,grid%EFSS &
1275 ENDDO ! loop of tiles for phy_init
1277 if(.not.grid%restart) then
1279 if(config_flags%sf_surface_physics .eq. NOAHMPSCHEME .and. config_flags%opt_run .eq. 5) then
1280 call groundwater_init ( grid , &
1281 config_flags%num_soil_layers, grid%dzs, grid%isltyp, grid%ivgtyp, config_flags%wtddt , &
1282 grid%fdepthxy , grid%ht , grid%riverbedxy, grid%eqzwt , &
1283 grid%rivercondxy, grid%pexpxy , grid%areaxy , grid%zwtxy , &
1284 grid%smois , grid%sh2o , grid%smoiseq , grid%smcwtdxy , &
1285 grid%qlatxy , grid%qslatxy, grid%qrfxy , grid%qrfsxy , &
1286 grid%deeprechxy , grid%rechxy , grid%qspringxy , grid%qspringsxy, &
1288 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
1289 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
1290 ips,ipe, jps,jpe, kps,kpe, &
1291 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte )
1296 ENDIF ! no phy_init for the backwards part of the DFI
1298 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'start_domain_em: After call to phy_init' )
1300 IF (config_flags%do_avgflx_em .EQ. 1) THEN
1301 WRITE ( message , FMT = '("start_em: initializing avgflx on domain ",I3)' ) &
1303 CALL wrf_message(trim(message))
1304 grid%avgflx_count = 0
1305 f_flux = config_flags%do_avgflx_cugd .EQ. 1 ! WA 9/24/10
1306 DO ij = 1, grid%num_tiles
1307 call wrf_debug(200,'In start_em, before zero_avgflx call')
1308 if (.not. grid%restart) call zero_avgflx(grid%avgflx_rum,grid%avgflx_rvm,grid%avgflx_wwm, &
1309 & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
1310 & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
1311 & grid%i_start(ij), grid%i_end(ij), grid%j_start(ij), grid%j_end(ij), kts, kte, f_flux, &
1312 & grid%avgflx_cfu1,grid%avgflx_cfd1,grid%avgflx_dfu1, &
1313 & grid%avgflx_efu1,grid%avgflx_dfd1,grid%avgflx_efd1 )
1314 call wrf_debug(200,'In start_em, after zero_avgflx call')
1318 call wrf_debug(100,'start_em: calling lightning_init')
1319 CALL lightning_init ( id=grid%id, itimestep=grid%itimestep, restart=grid%restart, dt=grid%dt, dx=grid%dx &
1320 ! Namelist control options
1321 ,cu_physics=config_flags%cu_physics,mp_physics=config_flags%mp_physics &
1322 ,do_radar_ref=config_flags%do_radar_ref &
1323 ,lightning_option=config_flags%lightning_option &
1324 ,lightning_dt=config_flags%lightning_dt &
1325 ,lightning_start_seconds=config_flags%lightning_start_seconds &
1326 ,ltngacttime=grid%ltngacttime &
1327 ,iccg_prescribed_num=config_flags%iccg_prescribed_num &
1328 ,iccg_prescribed_den=config_flags%iccg_prescribed_den &
1329 ,cellcount_method=config_flags%cellcount_method &
1330 ! Order dependent args for domain, mem, and tile dims
1331 ,ids=ids, ide=ide, jds=jds, jde=jde, kds=kds, kde=kde &
1332 ,ims=ims, ime=ime, jms=jms, jme=jme, kms=kms, kme=kme &
1333 ,its=its, ite=ite, jts=jts, jte=jte, kts=kts, kte=kte &
1334 ! IC and CG flash rates and accumulated flash count
1335 ,ic_flashcount=grid%ic_flashcount, ic_flashrate=grid%ic_flashrate &
1336 ,cg_flashcount=grid%cg_flashcount, cg_flashrate=grid%cg_flashrate &
1338 ,lnox_opt=config_flags%lnox_opt &
1339 ,lnox_passive=config_flags%lnox_passive &
1340 ,lnox_total=tracer(:,:,:,p_lnox_total) &
1341 ,lnox_ic=tracer(:,:,:,p_lnox_ic) &
1342 ,lnox_cg=tracer(:,:,:,p_lnox_cg) &
1346 call wrf_debug(100,'start_em: after calling lightning_init')
1351 #include "CYCLE_TEST.inc"
1357 ! set physical boundary conditions for all initialized variables
1359 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1360 ! Stencils for patch communications (WCS, 29 June 2001)
1361 ! Note: the size of this halo exchange reflects the
1362 ! fact that we are carrying the uncoupled variables
1363 ! as state variables in the mass coordinate model, as
1364 ! opposed to the coupled variables as in the height
1369 ! * + * * + * * * + * *
1394 ! the following are 2D (xy) variables
1418 !--------------------------------------------------------------
1421 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_1.inc"
1422 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_2.inc"
1423 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_3.inc"
1424 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_4.inc"
1425 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_5.inc"
1426 IF ( config_flags%sf_ocean_physics .EQ. PWP3DSCHEME ) THEN
1427 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_6.inc"
1429 # include "PERIOD_BDY_EM_INIT.inc"
1430 # include "PERIOD_BDY_EM_MOIST.inc"
1431 # include "PERIOD_BDY_EM_TKE.inc"
1432 # include "PERIOD_BDY_EM_SCALAR.inc"
1433 # include "PERIOD_BDY_EM_CHEM.inc"
1434 if(config_flags%sf_surface_physics.eq.NOAHMPSCHEME.and.config_flags%opt_run.eq.5)then
1435 # include "HALO_EM_HYDRO_NOAHMP_INIT.inc"
1440 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%u_1 , 'U' , config_flags , &
1441 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1442 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1443 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1444 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1445 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%u_2 , 'U' , config_flags , &
1446 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1447 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1448 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1449 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1451 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%v_1 , 'V' , config_flags , &
1452 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1453 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1454 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1455 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1456 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%v_2 , 'V' , config_flags , &
1457 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1458 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1459 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1460 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1462 ! set kinematic condition for w
1464 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%ht , 'r' , config_flags , &
1465 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1466 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1467 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1468 its , ite , jts , jte )
1470 ! Set the w at the surface. If this is the start of a forecast, or if this is a cycled run
1471 ! and the start of that forecast, we define the w field. However, if this a restart, then
1472 ! we leave w alone. Initial value is V dot grad(topo) at surface, then smoothly decaying
1475 IF ( ( start_of_simulation .OR. config_flags%cycling ) .AND. ( .NOT. config_flags%restart ) ) THEN
1477 ! If W already exists (not zero), then we leave it alone. How to do this? We find the
1478 ! max/min on this node at the surface. If parallel, we collect the max/min from all procs.
1479 ! If the max/min throughout the entire domain at the surface is identically 0, then we say
1480 ! that the W field is NOT initialized, and we run the set_w_surface routines for the
1481 ! two time levels of W. If the field is already initialized, we do NOT run those two
1484 w_max = grid%w_2(its,1,jts)
1485 w_min = grid%w_2(its,1,jts)
1486 DO j = jts, MIN(jte,jde-1)
1487 DO i = its, MIN(ite,ide-1)
1488 w_max = MAX ( w_max , grid%w_2(i,1,j) )
1489 w_min = MIN ( w_min , grid%w_2(i,1,j) )
1493 w_max = wrf_dm_max_real ( w_max )
1494 w_min = wrf_dm_min_real ( w_min )
1497 IF ( ( ABS(w_max) .LT. 1.E-6 ) .AND. &
1498 ( ABS(w_min) .LT. 1.E-6 ) ) THEN
1499 w_needs_to_be_set = .TRUE.
1500 ! Force use_input_w to false, if there is no input w
1501 #if ( WRFPLUS == 1 )
1502 IF ( config_flags%use_input_w ) THEN
1503 config_flags%use_input_w = .FALSE.
1504 CALL nl_set_use_input_w (grid%id, .FALSE.)
1508 IF ( config_flags%use_input_w ) THEN
1509 w_needs_to_be_set = .FALSE.
1511 w_needs_to_be_set = .TRUE.
1515 IF ( w_needs_to_be_set ) THEN
1517 ! setting kinematic condition for w at the surface
1519 fill_w_flag = .true.
1520 CALL set_w_surface( config_flags, grid%znw, fill_w_flag, &
1521 grid%w_1, grid%ht, grid%u_1, grid%v_1, grid%cf1, &
1522 grid%cf2, grid%cf3, grid%rdx, grid%rdy, grid%msftx, grid%msfty, &
1523 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
1524 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
1525 its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte )
1526 CALL set_w_surface( config_flags, grid%znw, fill_w_flag, &
1527 grid%w_2, grid%ht, grid%u_2, grid%v_2, grid%cf1, &
1528 grid%cf2, grid%cf3, grid%rdx, grid%rdy, grid%msftx, grid%msfty, &
1529 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
1530 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
1531 its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte )
1535 IF ( .NOT. config_flags%restart ) THEN
1536 ! set up slope-radiation constant arrays based on topography
1537 ! paj: also computes laplacian for topo_wind
1539 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
1540 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
1541 if (config_flags%periodic_x ) then
1546 ip1 = min(i+1,ide-1)
1549 if (config_flags%periodic_y ) then
1554 jp1 = min(j+1,jde-1)
1556 grid%toposlpx(i,j)=(grid%ht(ip1,j)-grid%ht(im1,j))*grid%msftx(i,j)*grid%rdx/(ip1-im1)
1557 grid%toposlpy(i,j)=(grid%ht(i,jp1)-grid%ht(i,jm1))*grid%msfty(i,j)*grid%rdy/(jp1-jm1)
1558 grid%lap_hgt(i,j)=(grid%ht(ip1,j)+grid%ht(im1,j)+grid%ht(i,jp1)+grid%ht(i,jm1)-grid%ht(i,j)*4.)/4.
1559 hx = grid%toposlpx(i,j)
1560 hy = grid%toposlpy(i,j)
1562 grid%slope(i,j) = atan((hx**2+hy**2)**.5)
1563 if (grid%slope(i,j).lt.1.e-4) then
1564 grid%slope(i,j) = 0.
1565 grid%slp_azi(i,j) = 0.
1567 grid%slp_azi(i,j) = atan2(hx,hy)+pi
1569 ! Rotate slope azimuth to lat-lon grid
1570 if (grid%cosa(i,j).ge.0) then
1571 grid%slp_azi(i,j) = grid%slp_azi(i,j) - asin(grid%sina(i,j))
1573 grid%slp_azi(i,j) = grid%slp_azi(i,j) - (pi - asin(grid%sina(i,j)))
1579 ! paj: computes ct and ct2 for topo_wind
1584 if (config_flags%topo_wind.eq.1) then
1585 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
1586 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
1587 if(grid%xland(i,j).lt.1.5)grid%ctopo(i,j)=sqrt(grid%var_sso(i,j))
1588 if (grid%ctopo(i,j).le.2.718) then
1591 grid%ctopo(i,j)=alog(grid%ctopo(i,j))
1594 if (grid%lap_hgt(i,j).gt.-10.) then
1595 grid%ctopo(i,j)=grid%ctopo(i,j)
1597 if (grid%lap_hgt(i,j).ge.-20) then
1598 alpha=(grid%lap_hgt(i,j)+20.)/10.
1599 grid%ctopo(i,j)=alpha*grid%ctopo(i,j)+(1-alpha)
1601 if (grid%lap_hgt(i,j).ge.-30.) then
1602 grid%ctopo(i,j)=(grid%lap_hgt(i,j)+30.)/10.
1603 grid%ctopo2(i,j)=(grid%lap_hgt(i,j)+30.)/10.
1612 ! if topo_wind==2 (D.Ovens, C.Mass)
1613 else if (config_flags%topo_wind.eq.2) then
1614 DO j = jts,min(jte,jde-1)
1615 DO i = its, min(ite,ide-1)
1616 if (grid%xland(i,j).lt.1.5) then
1617 vfac = amin1(1.575,(grid%var2d(i,j)*0.4/200.+1.175))
1619 else ! over water, leave it alone
1622 ! print *, j,i,grid%ctopo(i,j),vfac
1623 grid%ctopo(i,j)=grid%ctopo(i,j)*vfac
1630 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%w_1 , 'W' , config_flags , &
1631 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1632 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1633 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1634 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1635 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%w_2 , 'W' , config_flags , &
1636 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1637 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1638 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1639 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1641 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%ph_1 , 'W' , config_flags , &
1642 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1643 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1644 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1645 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1647 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%ph_2 , 'W' , config_flags , &
1648 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1649 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1650 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1651 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1653 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%t_1 , 't' , config_flags , &
1654 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1655 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1656 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1657 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1659 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%t_2 , 't' , config_flags , &
1660 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1661 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1662 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1663 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1665 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%mu_1, 't' , config_flags , &
1666 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1667 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1668 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1669 its , ite , jts , jte )
1670 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%mu_2, 't' , config_flags , &
1671 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1672 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1673 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1674 its , ite , jts , jte )
1675 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%mub , 't' , config_flags , &
1676 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1677 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1678 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1679 its , ite , jts , jte )
1680 ! CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%mu0 , 't' , config_flags , &
1681 ! ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1682 ! ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1683 ! its , ite , jts , jte , &
1684 ! its , ite , jts , jte )
1687 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%phb , 'W' , config_flags , &
1688 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1689 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1690 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1691 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1692 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%ph0 , 'W' , config_flags , &
1693 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1694 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1695 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1696 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1697 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%php , 'W' , config_flags , &
1698 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1699 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1700 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1701 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1703 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%pb , 't' , config_flags , &
1704 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1705 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1706 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1707 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1708 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%al , 't' , config_flags , &
1709 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1710 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1711 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1712 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1713 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%alt , 't' , config_flags , &
1714 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1715 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1716 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1717 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1718 CALL set_physical_bc3d( grid%alb , 't' , config_flags , &
1719 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1720 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1721 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1722 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1723 CALL set_physical_bc3d(grid%t_init, 't' , config_flags , &
1724 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1725 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1726 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1727 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1728 CALL set_physical_bc3d(grid%tke_2, 't' , config_flags , &
1729 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1730 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1731 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1732 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1734 IF (num_moist > 0) THEN
1736 ! use of (:,:,:,loop) not efficient on DEC, but (ims,kms,jms,loop) not portable to SGI/Cray
1738 loop_3d_m : DO loop = 1 , num_moist
1739 CALL set_physical_bc3d( moist(:,:,:,loop) , 'r' , config_flags , &
1740 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1741 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1742 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1743 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1749 ! Some initializations for the simple ccn field.
1752 IF ( config_flags%mp_physics == wdm5scheme .or. config_flags%mp_physics == wdm6scheme ) THEN
1754 ELSE IF ( config_flags%mp_physics == nssl_2mom ) THEN
1755 IF ( config_flags%nssl_ccn_is_ccna == 0 ) THEN
1756 grid%ccn_conc = config_flags%nssl_cccn/1.225
1763 ccn_max_val = MAXVAL(scalar(its:MIN(ite,ide-1),kts:kte-1,jts:MIN(jte,jde-1),p_qnn))
1764 #if ( defined( DM_PARALLEL ) && ( ! defined( STUBMPI ) ) )
1765 ccn_max_val = wrf_dm_max_real ( ccn_max_val )
1767 IF ( ccn_max_val < 1.0 ) THEN ! initialization of ccn not already done
1768 DO j=jts,MIN(jte,jde-1)
1770 DO i=its,MIN(ite,ide-1)
1771 scalar(i,k,j,p_qnn) = grid%ccn_conc
1778 IF (num_scalar > 0) THEN
1780 ! use of (:,:,:,loop) not efficient on DEC, but (ims,kms,jms,loop) not portable to SGI/Cray
1782 loop_3d_s : DO loop = 1 , num_scalar
1783 CALL set_physical_bc3d( scalar(:,:,:,loop) , 'r' , config_flags , &
1784 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1785 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1786 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1787 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1794 if(config_flags%tracer_opt > 0 )then
1795 call initialize_tracer (tracer,config_flags%chem_in_opt, &
1796 config_flags%tracer_opt,num_tracer, &
1797 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ! domain dims
1798 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & ! memory dims
1799 ips,ipe, jps,jpe, kps,kpe, & ! patch dims
1800 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte )
1804 ! we do this here, so we only have one chem_init routine for either core....
1806 do j=jts,min(jte,jde-1)
1807 do i=its,min(ite,ide-1)
1809 z_at_w(i,k,j)=(grid%ph_2(i,k,j)+grid%phb(i,k,j))/g
1811 do k=kts,min(kte,kde-1)
1812 tempfac=(grid%t_1(i,k,j) + t0)*((grid%p(i,k,j) + grid%pb(i,k,j))/p1000mb)**rcp
1813 convfac(i,k,j) = (grid%p(i,k,j)+grid%pb(i,k,j))/rgasuniv/tempfac
1818 CALL chem_init (grid%id,chem,emis_ant,scalar,grid%dt,grid%bioemdt,grid%photdt, &
1820 grid%stepbioe,grid%stepphot,grid%stepchem,grid%stepfirepl, &
1821 grid%plumerisefire_frq,z_at_w,grid%xlat,grid%xlong,g, &
1822 grid%aerwrf,config_flags,grid, &
1823 grid%alt,grid%t_1,grid%p,convfac,grid%ttday,grid%tcosz, &
1824 grid%julday,grid%gmt,&
1825 grid%tauaer1,grid%tauaer2,grid%tauaer3,grid%tauaer4, &
1826 grid%gaer1,grid%gaer2,grid%gaer3,grid%gaer4, &
1827 grid%waer1,grid%waer2,grid%waer3,grid%waer4, &
1828 grid%l2aer,grid%l3aer,grid%l4aer,grid%l5aer,grid%l6aer,grid%l7aer, &
1829 grid%extaerlw1,grid%extaerlw2,grid%extaerlw3,grid%extaerlw4, &
1830 grid%extaerlw5,grid%extaerlw6,grid%extaerlw7,grid%extaerlw8, &
1831 grid%extaerlw9,grid%extaerlw10,grid%extaerlw11,grid%extaerlw12, &
1832 grid%extaerlw13,grid%extaerlw14,grid%extaerlw15,grid%extaerlw16, &
1833 grid%tauaerlw1,grid%tauaerlw2,grid%tauaerlw3,grid%tauaerlw4, &
1834 grid%tauaerlw5,grid%tauaerlw6,grid%tauaerlw7,grid%tauaerlw8, &
1835 grid%tauaerlw9,grid%tauaerlw10,grid%tauaerlw11,grid%tauaerlw12, &
1836 grid%tauaerlw13,grid%tauaerlw14,grid%tauaerlw15,grid%tauaerlw16, &
1837 grid%dgnum4d, grid%dgnumwet4d, grid%dgnum_a1, grid%dgnum_a2, &
1838 grid%dgnum_a3, grid%dgnumwet_a1, grid%dgnumwet_a2, grid%dgnumwet_a3, &
1839 grid%pm2_5_dry,grid%pm2_5_water,grid%pm2_5_dry_ec, &
1840 grid%tsoa,grid%asoa,grid%bsoa, &
1841 grid%last_chem_time_year,grid%last_chem_time_month, &
1842 grid%last_chem_time_day,grid%last_chem_time_hour, &
1843 grid%last_chem_time_minute,grid%last_chem_time_second, &
1844 grid%chem_in_opt,grid%kemit,grid%num_vert_mix,numgas, &
1845 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1846 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1847 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1848 #if( WRF_USE_CLM == 1)
1849 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1850 ! check that the megan emission species are in chem option
1851 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1852 if (config_flags%chem_opt > 0) then
1853 write(message,'('' start_domain_em: numgas = '',i4)') numgas
1854 CALL wrf_message( trim(message) )
1855 CALL wrf_spc_chk( numgas )
1860 ! calculate initial pm
1862 ! print *,'calculating initial pm'
1863 select case (config_flags%chem_opt)
1865 call sum_pm_gocart ( &
1866 grid%alt, chem, grid%pm2_5_dry, grid%pm2_5_dry_ec,grid%pm10,&
1867 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
1868 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
1869 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte-1 )
1872 call sum_pm_sorgam ( &
1873 grid%alt, chem, grid%h2oaj, grid%h2oai, &
1874 grid%pm2_5_dry, grid%pm2_5_water, grid%pm2_5_dry_ec, grid%pm10, &
1875 grid%dust_opt,ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
1876 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
1877 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte-1 )
1879 call sum_pm_soa_vbs ( &
1880 grid%alt, chem, grid%h2oaj, grid%h2oai, &
1881 grid%pm2_5_dry, grid%pm2_5_water, grid%pm2_5_dry_ec, grid%pm10, &
1882 config_flags%dust_opt,ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
1883 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
1884 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte-1 )
1889 call sum_pm_mosaic ( &
1891 grid%pm2_5_dry, grid%pm2_5_water, grid%pm2_5_dry_ec, grid%pm10, &
1892 ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, &
1893 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
1894 its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte-1 )
1897 do j=jts,min(jte,jde-1)
1898 do k=kts,min(kte,kde-1)
1899 do i=its,min(ite,ide-1)
1900 grid%pm2_5_dry(i,k,j) = 0.
1901 grid%pm2_5_water(i,k,j) = 0.
1902 grid%pm2_5_dry_ec(i,k,j) = 0.
1903 grid%pm10(i,k,j) = 0.
1904 grid%tsoa(i,k,j) = 0.
1910 ! initialize advective tendency diagnostics for chem
1911 if ( grid%itimestep .eq. 0 .and. config_flags%chemdiag .eq. USECHEMDIAG ) then
1912 grid%advh_ct(:,:,:,:) = 0.
1913 grid%advz_ct(:,:,:,:) = 0.
1917 ! initialize advective tendency diagnostics for non-chem
1918 if ( grid%itimestep .eq. 0 .and. config_flags%tenddiag .eq. USETENDDIAG ) then
1919 advh_t(:,:,:,:) = 0.
1920 advz_t(:,:,:,:) = 0.
1923 IF (num_chem >= PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR ) THEN
1924 ! use of (:,:,:,loop) not efficient on DEC, but (ims,kms,jms,loop) not portable to SGI/Cray
1926 loop_3d_c : DO loop = PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR , num_chem
1927 CALL set_physical_bc3d( chem(:,:,:,loop) , 'r' , config_flags , &
1928 ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , &
1929 ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , &
1930 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , &
1931 its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte )
1936 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%msftx , 'r' , config_flags , &
1937 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1938 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1939 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1940 its , ite , jts , jte )
1941 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%msfty , 'r' , config_flags , &
1942 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1943 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1944 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1945 its , ite , jts , jte )
1946 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%msfux , 'x' , config_flags , &
1947 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1948 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1949 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1950 its , ite , jts , jte )
1951 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%msfuy , 'x' , config_flags , &
1952 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1953 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1954 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1955 its , ite , jts , jte )
1956 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%msfvx , 'y' , config_flags , &
1957 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1958 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1959 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1960 its , ite , jts , jte )
1961 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%msfvy , 'y' , config_flags , &
1962 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1963 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1964 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1965 its , ite , jts , jte )
1966 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%sina , 'r' , config_flags , &
1967 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1968 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1969 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1970 its , ite , jts , jte )
1971 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%cosa , 'r' , config_flags , &
1972 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1973 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1974 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1975 its , ite , jts , jte )
1976 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%e , 'r' , config_flags , &
1977 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1978 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1979 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1980 its , ite , jts , jte )
1981 CALL set_physical_bc2d( grid%f , 'r' , config_flags , &
1982 ids , ide , jds , jde , &
1983 ims , ime , jms , jme , &
1984 its , ite , jts , jte , &
1985 its , ite , jts , jte )
1991 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_1.inc"
1992 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_2.inc"
1993 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_3.inc"
1994 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_4.inc"
1995 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_5.inc"
1996 # include "PERIOD_BDY_EM_INIT.inc"
1997 # include "PERIOD_BDY_EM_MOIST.inc"
1998 # include "PERIOD_BDY_EM_TKE.inc"
1999 # include "PERIOD_BDY_EM_SCALAR.inc"
2000 # include "PERIOD_BDY_EM_CHEM.inc"
2005 IF (config_flags%p_lev_diags == PRESS_DIAGS ) THEN
2006 CALL wrf_debug ( 200 , ' PLD: pressure level diags' )
2008 ! Input data for computing
2013 ,qv=moist(:,:,:,P_QV) &
2020 ! Map factors, coriolis for diags
2030 ,use_tot_or_hyd_p=config_flags%use_tot_or_hyd_p &
2031 ,extrap_below_grnd=config_flags%extrap_below_grnd &
2032 ,missing=config_flags%p_lev_missing &
2033 ! The diagnostics, mostly output variables
2034 ,num_press_levels=config_flags%num_press_levels &
2035 ,max_press_levels=max_plevs &
2036 ,press_levels=model_config_rec%press_levels &
2041 ,rh_pl = grid%rh_pl &
2042 ,ght_pl= grid%ght_pl &
2044 ,td_pl = grid%td_pl &
2046 ! Dimension arguments
2047 ,IDS=ids,IDE=ide, JDS=jds,JDE=jde, KDS=kds,KDE=kde &
2048 ,IMS=ims,IME=ime, JMS=jms,JME=jme, KMS=kms,KME=kme &
2049 ,ITS=its,ITE=ite, JTS=jts,JTE=jte, KTS=kts,KTE=kte )
2052 IF (config_flags%z_lev_diags == Z_DIAGS ) THEN
2053 CALL wrf_debug ( 200 , ' ZLD: height level and AGL diags' )
2055 ! Input data for computing
2060 ,qv=moist(:,:,:,P_QV) &
2067 ! Map factors, coriolis for diags
2078 ,use_tot_or_hyd_p=config_flags%use_tot_or_hyd_p &
2079 ,extrap_below_grnd=config_flags%extrap_below_grnd &
2080 ,missing=config_flags%z_lev_missing &
2081 ! The diagnostics, mostly output variables
2082 ,num_z_levels=config_flags%num_z_levels &
2083 ,max_z_levels=max_zlevs &
2084 ,z_levels=model_config_rec%z_levels &
2089 ,rh_zl = grid%rh_zl &
2090 ,ght_zl= grid%ght_zl &
2092 ,td_zl = grid%td_zl &
2095 ! Dimension arguments
2096 ,IDS=ids,IDE=ide, JDS=jds,JDE=jde, KDS=kds,KDE=kde &
2097 ,IMS=ims,IME=ime, JMS=jms,JME=jme, KMS=kms,KME=kme &
2098 ,ITS=its,ITE=ite, JTS=jts,JTE=jte, KTS=kts,KTE=kte )
2101 IF ( config_flags%diag_nwp2 == DO_TRAD_FIELDS ) THEN
2102 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , '--> CALL DIAGNOSTICS PACKAGE: TRAD_FIELDS' )
2103 DO j = jts, MIN(jte,jde-1)
2105 DO i = its, MIN(ite,ide-1)
2106 dz8w(i,k,j) = (grid%phb(i,k+1,j)+grid%ph_2(i,k+1,j))/g - (grid%phb(i,k,j)+grid%ph_2(i,k,j))/g
2107 grid%rho(i,k,j) = 1./( grid%al(i,k,j)+grid%alb(i,k,j) )
2111 CALL trad_fields ( &
2112 ! Input data for computing
2116 ,t=grid%th_phy_m_t0 &
2117 ,qv=moist(:,:,:,P_QV) &
2124 ! Map factors, coriolis for diags
2140 ,use_theta_m=config_flags%use_theta_m &
2141 ,qc=moist(:,:,:,P_QC) &
2143 ,rainnc=grid%rainnc &
2144 ,snownc=grid%snownc &
2145 ,graupelnc=grid%graupelnc &
2146 ,hailnc=grid%hailnc &
2147 ! The diagnostic output variables
2148 ,sealevelp=grid%sealevelp &
2149 ,temperature=grid%temperature &
2150 ,pressure=grid%pressure &
2151 ,geoheight=grid%geoheight &
2158 ,liqrain=grid%liqrain &
2160 ,potential_t=grid%potential_t &
2162 ! Various indexes for declarations, loop bounds
2163 ,IDS=ids,IDE=ide, JDS=jds,JDE=jde, KDS=kds,KDE=kde &
2164 ,IMS=ims,IME=ime, JMS=jms,JME=jme, KMS=kms,KME=kme &
2165 ,IPS=ips,IPE=ipe, JPS=jps,JPE=jpe, KPS=kps,KPE=kpe &
2166 ,ITS=its,ITE=ite, JTS=jts,JTE=jte, KTS=kts,KTE=kte )
2171 if(config_flags%ifire.eq.2)then
2173 call fire_driver_em_init ( grid , config_flags &
2174 ,ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde &
2175 ,ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme &
2176 ,ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe )
2178 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'start_domain_em: After call to fire_driver_em_init' )
2180 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2181 ! fire spotting (passive Lagrangian particle transport, tracks
2182 ! firebrand physics properties)
2183 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2185 IF (config_flags%fs_firebrand_gen_lim > 0) THEN
2187 IF (config_flags%max_dom == grid%id) THEN
2189 WRITE (message,*) 'SPFire_init: In inner most grid_id: ', grid%id, ' of ', config_flags%max_dom
2190 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , message)
2191 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'start_em: calling firebrand_spotting_em_init ...' )
2193 CALL firebrand_spotting_em_init ( &
2195 cf = config_flags, &
2196 fs_p_id = grid%fs_p_id, &
2197 fs_p_src = grid%fs_p_src, &
2198 fs_p_dt = grid%fs_p_dt, &
2199 fs_p_x = grid%fs_p_x, &
2200 fs_p_y = grid%fs_p_y, &
2201 fs_p_z = grid%fs_p_z, &
2202 fs_p_mass = grid%fs_p_mass, &
2203 fs_p_diam = grid%fs_p_diam, &
2204 fs_p_effd = grid%fs_p_effd, &
2205 fs_p_temp = grid%fs_p_temp, &
2206 fs_p_tvel = grid%fs_p_tvel, &
2207 fs_last_gen_dt= grid%fs_last_gen_dt, &
2208 fs_gen_idmax = grid%fs_gen_idmax, &
2209 fs_count_landed_all = grid%fs_count_landed_all, &
2210 fs_count_landed_hist = grid%fs_count_landed_hist,&
2211 fs_landing_mask = grid%fs_landing_mask, &
2212 fs_spotting_lkhd = grid%fs_spotting_lkhd, &
2213 fs_frac_landed = grid%fs_frac_landed, &
2214 fs_count_reset = grid%fs_count_reset)
2216 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'start_em: firebrand_spotting_em_init ok ' )
2220 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2224 #if ( WRFPLUS != 1 )
2225 if( grid%traj_opt /= no_trajectory ) then
2226 call trajectory_init( grid, config_flags, &
2227 ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme )
2228 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'start_domain_em: After call to trajectory_init' )
2233 CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'start_domain_em: Returning' )
2237 END SUBROUTINE start_domain_em
2239 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
2241 SUBROUTINE rebalance_driver_cycl ( grid )
2243 USE module_domain, ONLY : domain
2246 TYPE (domain) :: grid
2248 CALL rebalance_cycl( grid &
2250 #include "actual_new_args.inc"
2254 END SUBROUTINE rebalance_driver_cycl
2256 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
2258 SUBROUTINE rebalance_cycl ( grid &
2260 #include "dummy_new_args.inc"
2263 USE module_domain, ONLY : domain
2264 USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type, model_config_rec
2265 USE module_model_constants
2266 USE module_state_description
2267 USE module_driver_constants, ONLY: DATA_ORDER_XYZ, DATA_ORDER_YXZ, DATA_ORDER_ZXY, &
2269 DATA_ORDER_XY, DATA_ORDER_YX, model_data_order
2272 USE module_comm_dm, ONLY : &
2273 HALO_EM_INIT_1_sub &
2274 ,HALO_EM_INIT_2_sub &
2275 ,HALO_EM_INIT_3_sub &
2276 ,HALO_EM_INIT_4_sub &
2277 ,HALO_EM_INIT_5_sub &
2278 ,HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_sub
2280 #if ( defined( DM_PARALLEL ) && ( ! defined( STUBMPI ) ) )
2281 USE module_dm, ONLY : ntasks_x, ntasks_y, ntasks, mytask, local_communicator
2286 TYPE (domain) :: grid
2288 #include "dummy_new_decl.inc"
2290 TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags
2292 REAL :: p_surf , pd_surf, p_surf_int , pb_int , ht_hold
2293 REAL :: qvf , qvf1 , qvf2, qtot
2294 REAL :: pfu, pfd, phm
2295 REAL :: z0, z1, z2, w1, w2
2297 ! Local domain indices and counters.
2302 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
2303 ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
2304 its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte, &
2305 ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe, &
2306 i, j, k, kk, ispe, ktf
2308 SELECT CASE ( model_data_order )
2310 kds = grid%sd31 ; kde = grid%ed31 ;
2311 ids = grid%sd32 ; ide = grid%ed32 ;
2312 jds = grid%sd33 ; jde = grid%ed33 ;
2314 kms = grid%sm31 ; kme = grid%em31 ;
2315 ims = grid%sm32 ; ime = grid%em32 ;
2316 jms = grid%sm33 ; jme = grid%em33 ;
2318 kts = grid%sp31 ; kte = grid%ep31 ; ! note that tile is entire patch
2319 its = grid%sp32 ; ite = grid%ep32 ; ! note that tile is entire patch
2320 jts = grid%sp33 ; jte = grid%ep33 ; ! note that tile is entire patch
2323 ids = grid%sd31 ; ide = grid%ed31 ;
2324 jds = grid%sd32 ; jde = grid%ed32 ;
2325 kds = grid%sd33 ; kde = grid%ed33 ;
2327 ims = grid%sm31 ; ime = grid%em31 ;
2328 jms = grid%sm32 ; jme = grid%em32 ;
2329 kms = grid%sm33 ; kme = grid%em33 ;
2331 its = grid%sp31 ; ite = grid%ep31 ; ! note that tile is entire patch
2332 jts = grid%sp32 ; jte = grid%ep32 ; ! note that tile is entire patch
2333 kts = grid%sp33 ; kte = grid%ep33 ; ! note that tile is entire patch
2336 ids = grid%sd31 ; ide = grid%ed31 ;
2337 kds = grid%sd32 ; kde = grid%ed32 ;
2338 jds = grid%sd33 ; jde = grid%ed33 ;
2340 ims = grid%sm31 ; ime = grid%em31 ;
2341 kms = grid%sm32 ; kme = grid%em32 ;
2342 jms = grid%sm33 ; jme = grid%em33 ;
2344 its = grid%sp31 ; ite = grid%ep31 ; ! note that tile is entire patch
2345 kts = grid%sp32 ; kte = grid%ep32 ; ! note that tile is entire patch
2346 jts = grid%sp33 ; jte = grid%ep33 ; ! note that tile is entire patch
2354 grid%ph_2(i,1,j) = 0.
2358 ! Base state potential temperature and inverse density (alpha = 1/rho) from
2359 ! the half eta levels and the base-profile surface pressure. Compute 1/rho
2360 ! from equation of state. The potential temperature is a perturbation from t0.
2364 print *,'n_moist,PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR',n_moist,PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR
2366 DO j = jts, MIN(jte,jde-1)
2367 DO i = its, MIN(ite,ide-1)
2369 IF (n_moist >= PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR ) THEN
2371 ! Integrate the hydrostatic equation (from the RHS of the bigstep vertical momentum
2372 ! equation) down from the top to get the pressure perturbation. First get the pressure
2373 ! perturbation, moisture, and inverse density (total and perturbation) at the top-most level.
2379 DO ispe=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR,n_moist
2380 qtot = qtot + 0.5*(moist(i,kk,j,ispe)+moist(i,kk,j,ispe))
2385 grid%p(i,kk,j) = - 0.5*((grid%c1f(k)*grid%Mu_2(i,j))+qvf1*(grid%c1f(k)*grid%Mub(i,j)+grid%c2f(k)))/grid%rdnw(kk)/qvf2
2386 IF ( grid%use_theta_m == 0) THEN
2387 qvf = 1.+rvovrd*moist(i,kk,j,P_QV)
2391 grid%alt(i,kk,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_2(i,kk,j)+t0)*qvf* &
2392 (((grid%p(i,kk,j)+grid%pb(i,kk,j))/p1000mb)**cvpm)
2393 grid%al(i,kk,j) = grid%alt(i,kk,j) - grid%alb(i,kk,j)
2394 grid%p_hyd(i,kk,j) = grid%p(i,kk,j) + grid%pb(i,kk,j)
2397 ! Now, integrate down the column to compute the pressure perturbation, and diagnose the two
2398 ! inverse density fields (total and perturbation).
2404 DO ispe=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR,n_moist
2405 qtot = qtot + 0.5*( moist(i,kk ,j,ispe) + moist(i,kk+1,j,ispe) )
2409 grid%p(i,kk,j) = grid%p(i,kk+1,j) - ((grid%c1f(k)*grid%Mu_2(i,j)) + &
2410 qvf1*(grid%c1f(k)*grid%Mub(i,j)+grid%c2f(k)))/qvf2/grid%rdn(kk+1)
2411 IF ( grid%use_theta_m == 0) THEN
2412 qvf = 1. + rvovrd*moist(i,kk,j,P_QV)
2416 grid%alt(i,kk,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_2(i,kk,j)+t0)*qvf* &
2417 (((grid%p(i,kk,j)+grid%pb(i,kk,j))/p1000mb)**cvpm)
2418 grid%al(i,kk,j) = grid%alt(i,kk,j) - grid%alb(i,kk,j)
2419 grid%p_hyd(i,kk,j) = grid%p(i,kk,j) + grid%pb(i,kk,j)
2422 ! This is the hydrostatic equation used in the model after the
2423 ! small timesteps. In
2424 ! the model, grid%al (inverse density) is computed from the
2427 IF (grid%hypsometric_opt == 1) THEN
2430 grid%ph_2(i,kk,j) = grid%ph_2(i,kk-1,j) - &
2431 grid%dnw(kk-1) * ( ((grid%c1h(k)*grid%mub(i,j)+grid%c2h(k))+(grid%c1h(k)*grid%mu_2(i,j)))*grid%al(i,kk-1,j) &
2432 + (grid%c1h(k)*grid%mu_2(i,j))*grid%alb(i,kk-1,j) )
2433 grid%ph0(i,kk,j) = grid%ph_2(i,kk,j) + grid%phb(i,kk,j)
2435 ELSE IF (grid%hypsometric_opt == 2) THEN
2436 ! Alternative hydrostatic eq.: dZ = -al*p*dLOG(p), where p is
2438 ! Note that al*p approximates Rd*T and dLOG(p) does z.
2439 ! Here T varies mostly linear with z, the first-order
2440 ! integration produces better result.
2442 grid%ph_2(i,1,j) = grid%phb(i,1,j)
2444 pfu = grid%c3f(k )*(grid%MUB(i,j)+grid%MU_2(i,j)) + grid%c4f(k ) + grid%p_top
2445 pfd = grid%c3f(k-1)*(grid%MUB(i,j)+grid%MU_2(i,j)) + grid%c4f(k-1) + grid%p_top
2446 phm = grid%c3h(k-1)*(grid%MUB(i,j)+grid%MU_2(i,j)) + grid%c4h(k-1) + grid%p_top
2447 grid%ph_2(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k-1,j) + grid%alt(i,k-1,j)*phm*LOG(pfd/pfu)
2450 grid%ph_2(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k,j) - grid%phb(i,k,j)
2453 grid%ph0(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k,j) + grid%phb(i,k,j)
2455 END IF ! hypsometric option
2459 qvf1 = 0.5*(moist(i,kk,j,P_QV)+moist(i,kk,j,P_QV))
2462 grid%p(i,kk,j) = - 0.5*((grid%c1f(k)*grid%Mu_2(i,j))+qvf1*(grid%c1f(k)*grid%Mub(i,j)+grid%c2f(k)))/grid%rdnw(kk)/qvf2
2463 IF ( grid%use_theta_m == 0) THEN
2464 qvf = 1. + rvovrd*moist(i,kk,j,P_QV)
2468 grid%alt(i,kk,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_2(i,kk,j)+t0)*qvf &
2469 *(((grid%p(i,kk,j)+grid%pb(i,kk,j))/p1000mb)**cvpm)
2470 grid%al(i,kk,j) = grid%alt(i,kk,j) - grid%alb(i,kk,j)
2471 grid%p_hyd(i,kk,j) = grid%p(i,kk,j) + grid%pb(i,kk,j)
2472 ! Now, integrate down the column to compute the pressure perturbation, and diagnose the two
2473 ! inverse density fields (total and perturbation).
2476 qvf1 = 0.5*(moist(i,kk,j,P_QV)+moist(i,kk+1,j,P_QV))
2479 grid%p(i,kk,j) = grid%p(i,kk+1,j) - ((grid%c1f(k)*grid%Mu_2(i,j)) + qvf1*(grid%c1f(k)*grid%Mub(i,j)+grid%c2f(k)))/qvf2/grid%rdn(kk+1)
2480 IF ( grid%use_theta_m == 0) THEN
2481 qvf = 1. + rvovrd*moist(i,kk,j,P_QV)
2485 grid%alt(i,kk,j) = (r_d/p1000mb)*(grid%t_2(i,kk,j)+t0)*qvf* &
2486 (((grid%p(i,kk,j)+grid%pb(i,kk,j))/p1000mb)**cvpm)
2487 grid%al(i,kk,j) = grid%alt(i,kk,j) - grid%alb(i,kk,j)
2488 grid%p_hyd(i,kk,j) = grid%p(i,kk,j) + grid%pb(i,kk,j)
2490 ! This is the hydrostatic equation used in the model after the small timesteps. In
2491 ! the model, grid%al (inverse density) is computed from the geopotential.
2492 IF (grid%hypsometric_opt == 1) THEN
2494 grid%ph_2(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k-1,j) - &
2495 grid%dnw(k-1) * ( ((grid%c1h(k)*grid%mub(i,j)+grid%c2h(k))+(grid%c1h(k)*grid%mu_2(i,j)))*grid%al(i,k-1,j) &
2496 + (grid%c1h(k)*grid%mu_2(i,j))*grid%alb(i,k-1,j) )
2497 grid%ph0(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k,j) + grid%phb(i,k,j)
2499 ELSE IF (grid%hypsometric_opt == 2) THEN
2500 ! Alternative hydrostatic eq.: dZ = -al*p*dLOG(p), where p is dry
2502 ! Note that al*p approximates Rd*T and dLOG(p) does z.
2503 ! Here T varies mostly linear with z, the first-order integration
2504 ! produces better result.
2505 grid%ph_2(i,1,j) = grid%phb(i,1,j)
2507 pfu = grid%c3f(k )*(grid%MUB(i,j)+grid%MU_2(i,j)) + grid%c4f(k ) + grid%p_top
2508 pfd = grid%c3f(k-1)*(grid%MUB(i,j)+grid%MU_2(i,j)) + grid%c4f(k-1) + grid%p_top
2509 phm = grid%c3h(k-1)*(grid%MUB(i,j)+grid%MU_2(i,j)) + grid%c4h(k-1) + grid%p_top
2510 grid%ph_2(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k-1,j) + grid%alt(i,k-1,j)*phm*LOG(pfd/pfu)
2514 grid%ph_2(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k,j) - grid%phb(i,k,j)
2518 grid%ph0(i,k,j) = grid%ph_2(i,k,j) + grid%phb(i,k,j)
2521 END IF ! hypsometric
2524 ! update surface pressure PSFC (needed for post-processing):
2525 z0 = grid%ph0(i,1,j)/g
2526 z1 = 0.5*(grid%ph0(i,1,j)+grid%ph0(i,2,j))/g
2527 z2 = 0.5*(grid%ph0(i,2,j)+grid%ph0(i,3,j))/g
2528 w1 = (z0 - z2)/(z1 - z2)
2530 grid%psfc(i,j) = w1*(grid%p(i,1,j)+grid%pb(i,1,j))+w2*(grid%p(i,2,j)+grid%pb(i,2,j))
2535 ips = its ; ipe = ite ; jps = jts ; jpe = jte ; kps = kts ; kpe = kte
2536 #if ( defined( DM_PARALLEL ) && ( ! defined( STUBMPI ) ) )
2537 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_1.inc"
2538 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_2.inc"
2539 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_3.inc"
2540 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_4.inc"
2541 # include "HALO_EM_INIT_5.inc"
2543 END SUBROUTINE rebalance_cycl
2545 !---------------------------------------------------------------------