Update version info for release v4.6.1 (#2122)
[WRF.git] / external / io_grib2 / g2lib / compack.F
1       subroutine compack(fld,ndpts,idrsnum,idrstmpl,cpack,lcpack)
3 !                .      .    .                                       .
4 ! SUBPROGRAM:    compack
5 !   PRGMMR: Gilbert          ORG: W/NP11    DATE: 2000-06-21
7 ! ABSTRACT: This subroutine packs up a data field using a complex
8 !   packing algorithm as defined in the GRIB2 documention.  It
9 !   supports GRIB2 complex packing templates with or without
10 !   spatial differences (i.e. DRTs 5.2 and 5.3).
11 !   It also fills in GRIB2 Data Representation Template 5.2 or 5.3 
12 !   with the appropriate values.
15 ! 2000-06-21  Gilbert
17 ! USAGE:    CALL compack(fld,ndpts,idrsnum,idrstmpl,cpack,lcpack)
19 !     fld()    - Contains the data values to pack
20 !     ndpts    - The number of data values in array fld()
21 !     idrsnum  - Data Representation Template number 5.N
22 !                Must equal 2 or 3.
23 !     idrstmpl - Contains the array of values for Data Representation
24 !                Template 5.2 or 5.3
25 !                (1) = Reference value - ignored on input
26 !                (2) = Binary Scale Factor
27 !                (3) = Decimal Scale Factor
28 !                    .
29 !                    .
30 !                (7) = Missing value management
31 !                (8) = Primary missing value
32 !                (9) = Secondary missing value
33 !                    .
34 !                    .
35 !               (17) = Order of Spatial Differencing  ( 1 or 2 )
36 !                    .
37 !                    .
40 !     idrstmpl - Contains the array of values for Data Representation
41 !                Template 5.3
42 !                (1) = Reference value - set by compack routine.
43 !                (2) = Binary Scale Factor - unchanged from input
44 !                (3) = Decimal Scale Factor - unchanged from input
45 !                    .
46 !                    .
47 !     cpack    - The packed data field (character*1 array)
48 !     lcpack   - length of packed field cpack().
50 ! REMARKS: None
53 !   LANGUAGE: XL Fortran 90
56 !$$$
58       integer,intent(in) :: ndpts,idrsnum
59       real,intent(in) :: fld(ndpts)
60       character(len=1),intent(out) :: cpack(*)
61       integer,intent(inout) :: idrstmpl(*)
62       integer,intent(out) :: lcpack
64       real(4) :: ref
65       integer(4) :: iref
66       integer,allocatable :: ifld(:)
67       integer,allocatable :: jmin(:),jmax(:),lbit(:)
68       integer,parameter :: zero=0
69       integer,allocatable :: gref(:),gwidth(:),glen(:)
70       integer :: glength,grpwidth
71       logical :: simple_alg = .false.
73       alog2=alog(2.0)
74       bscale=2.0**real(-idrstmpl(2))
75       dscale=10.0**real(idrstmpl(3))
77 !  Find max and min values in the data
79       rmax=fld(1)
80       rmin=fld(1)
81       do j=2,ndpts
82         if (fld(j).gt.rmax) rmax=fld(j)
83         if (fld(j).lt.rmin) rmin=fld(j)
84       enddo
86 !  If max and min values are not equal, pack up field.
87 !  If they are equal, we have a constant field, and the reference
88 !  value (rmin) is the value for each point in the field and
89 !  set nbits to 0.
91       if (rmin.ne.rmax) then
92         iofst=0
93         allocate(ifld(ndpts))
94         allocate(gref(ndpts))
95         allocate(gwidth(ndpts))
96         allocate(glen(ndpts))
97         !
98         !  Scale original data
99         !
100         if (idrstmpl(2).eq.0) then        !  No binary scaling
101            imin=nint(rmin*dscale)
102            !imax=nint(rmax*dscale)
103            rmin=real(imin)
104            do j=1,ndpts
105              ifld(j)=nint(fld(j)*dscale)-imin
106            enddo
107         else                              !  Use binary scaling factor
108            rmin=rmin*dscale
109            !rmax=rmax*dscale
110            do j=1,ndpts
111              ifld(j)=nint(((fld(j)*dscale)-rmin)*bscale)
112            enddo
113         endif
114         !
115         !  Calculate Spatial differences, if using DRS Template 5.3
116         !
117         if (idrsnum.eq.3) then        ! spatial differences
118            if (idrstmpl(17).ne.1.and.idrstmpl(17).ne.2) idrstmpl(17)=2
119            if (idrstmpl(17).eq.1) then      ! first order
120               ival1=ifld(1)
121               do j=ndpts,2,-1
122                  ifld(j)=ifld(j)-ifld(j-1)
123               enddo
124               ifld(1)=0
125            elseif (idrstmpl(17).eq.2) then      ! second order
126               ival1=ifld(1)
127               ival2=ifld(2)
128               do j=ndpts,3,-1
129                  ifld(j)=ifld(j)-(2*ifld(j-1))+ifld(j-2)
130               enddo
131               ifld(1)=0
132               ifld(2)=0
133            endif
134            !
135            !  subtract min value from spatial diff field
136            !
137            isd=idrstmpl(17)+1
138            minsd=minval(ifld(isd:ndpts))
139            do j=isd,ndpts
140               ifld(j)=ifld(j)-minsd
141            enddo
142            !
143            !   find num of bits need to store minsd and add 1 extra bit
144            !   to indicate sign
145            !
146            temp=alog(real(abs(minsd)+1))/alog2
147            nbitsd=ceiling(temp)+1
148            !
149            !   find num of bits need to store ifld(1) ( and ifld(2)
150            !   if using 2nd order differencing )
151            !
152            maxorig=ival1
153            if (idrstmpl(17).eq.2.and.ival2.gt.ival1) maxorig=ival2
154            temp=alog(real(maxorig+1))/alog2
155            nbitorig=ceiling(temp)+1
156            if (nbitorig.gt.nbitsd) nbitsd=nbitorig
157            !   increase number of bits to even multiple of 8 ( octet )
158            if (mod(nbitsd,8).ne.0) nbitsd=nbitsd+(8-mod(nbitsd,8))
159            !
160            !  Store extra spatial differencing info into the packed
161            !  data section.
162            !
163            if (nbitsd.ne.0) then
164               !   pack first original value
165               if (ival1.ge.0) then
166                  call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,ival1,iofst,nbitsd)
167                  iofst=iofst+nbitsd
168               else
169                  call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,1,iofst,1)
170                  iofst=iofst+1
171                  call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,iabs(ival1),iofst,nbitsd-1)
172                  iofst=iofst+nbitsd-1
173               endif
174               if (idrstmpl(17).eq.2) then
175                !  pack second original value
176                  if (ival2.ge.0) then
177                     call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,ival2,iofst,nbitsd)
178                     iofst=iofst+nbitsd
179                  else
180                     call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,1,iofst,1)
181                     iofst=iofst+1
182                     call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,iabs(ival2),iofst,nbitsd-1)
183                     iofst=iofst+nbitsd-1
184                  endif
185               endif
186               !  pack overall min of spatial differences
187               if (minsd.ge.0) then
188                  call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,minsd,iofst,nbitsd)
189                  iofst=iofst+nbitsd
190               else
191                  call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,1,iofst,1)
192                  iofst=iofst+1
193                  call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,iabs(minsd),iofst,nbitsd-1)
194                  iofst=iofst+nbitsd-1
195               endif
196            endif
197          !print *,'SDp ',ival1,ival2,minsd,nbitsd
198         endif     !  end of spatial diff section
199         !
200         !   Determine Groups to be used.
201         !
202         if ( simple_alg ) then
203            !  set group length to 10 :  calculate number of groups
204            !  and length of last group
205            ngroups=ndpts/10
206            glen(1:ngroups)=10
207            itemp=mod(ndpts,10)
208            if (itemp.ne.0) then
209               ngroups=ngroups+1
210               glen(ngroups)=itemp
211            endif
212         else
213            ! Use Dr. Glahn's algorithm for determining grouping.
214            !
215            kfildo=6
216            minpk=10
217            inc=1
218            maxgrps=(ndpts/minpk)+1
219            allocate(jmin(maxgrps))
220            allocate(jmax(maxgrps))
221            allocate(lbit(maxgrps))
222            missopt=0
223            call pack_gp(kfildo,ifld,ndpts,missopt,minpk,inc,miss1,miss2,
224      &                  jmin,jmax,lbit,glen,maxgrps,ngroups,ibit,jbit,
225      &                  kbit,novref,lbitref,ier)
226            !print *,'SAGier = ',ier,ibit,jbit,kbit,novref,lbitref
227            do ng=1,ngroups
228               glen(ng)=glen(ng)+novref
229            enddo
230            deallocate(jmin)
231            deallocate(jmax)
232            deallocate(lbit)
233         endif
234         !  
235         !  For each group, find the group's reference value
236         !  and the number of bits needed to hold the remaining values
237         !
238         n=1
239         do ng=1,ngroups
240            !    find max and min values of group
241            gref(ng)=ifld(n)
242            imax=ifld(n)
243            j=n+1
244            do lg=2,glen(ng)
245               if (ifld(j).lt.gref(ng)) gref(ng)=ifld(j) 
246               if (ifld(j).gt.imax) imax=ifld(j) 
247               j=j+1
248            enddo
249            !   calc num of bits needed to hold data
250            if ( gref(ng).ne.imax ) then
251               temp=alog(real(imax-gref(ng)+1))/alog2
252               gwidth(ng)=ceiling(temp)
253            else
254               gwidth(ng)=0
255            endif
256            !   Subtract min from data
257            j=n
258            do lg=1,glen(ng)
259               ifld(j)=ifld(j)-gref(ng)
260               j=j+1
261            enddo
262            !   increment fld array counter
263            n=n+glen(ng)
264         enddo
265         !  
266         !  Find max of the group references and calc num of bits needed 
267         !  to pack each groups reference value, then
268         !  pack up group reference values
269         !
270         !write(77,*)'GREFS: ',(gref(j),j=1,ngroups)
271         igmax=maxval(gref(1:ngroups))
272         if (igmax.ne.0) then
273            temp=alog(real(igmax+1))/alog2
274            nbitsgref=ceiling(temp)
275            call g2lib_sbytes(cpack,gref,iofst,nbitsgref,0,ngroups)
276            itemp=nbitsgref*ngroups
277            iofst=iofst+itemp
278            !         Pad last octet with Zeros, if necessary,
279            if (mod(itemp,8).ne.0) then
280               left=8-mod(itemp,8)
281               call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,zero,iofst,left)
282               iofst=iofst+left
283            endif
284         else
285            nbitsgref=0
286         endif
287         !
288         !  Find max/min of the group widths and calc num of bits needed
289         !  to pack each groups width value, then
290         !  pack up group width values
291         !
292         !write(77,*)'GWIDTHS: ',(gwidth(j),j=1,ngroups)
293         iwmax=maxval(gwidth(1:ngroups))
294         ngwidthref=minval(gwidth(1:ngroups))
295         if (iwmax.ne.ngwidthref) then
296            temp=alog(real(iwmax-ngwidthref+1))/alog2
297            nbitsgwidth=ceiling(temp)
298            do i=1,ngroups
299               gwidth(i)=gwidth(i)-ngwidthref
300            enddo
301            call g2lib_sbytes(cpack,gwidth,iofst,nbitsgwidth,0,ngroups)
302            itemp=nbitsgwidth*ngroups
303            iofst=iofst+itemp
304            !         Pad last octet with Zeros, if necessary,
305            if (mod(itemp,8).ne.0) then
306               left=8-mod(itemp,8)
307               call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,zero,iofst,left)
308               iofst=iofst+left
309            endif
310         else
311            nbitsgwidth=0
312            gwidth(1:ngroups)=0
313         endif
314         !
315         !  Find max/min of the group lengths and calc num of bits needed
316         !  to pack each groups length value, then
317         !  pack up group length values
318         !
319         !write(77,*)'GLENS: ',(glen(j),j=1,ngroups)
320         ilmax=maxval(glen(1:ngroups-1))
321         nglenref=minval(glen(1:ngroups-1))
322         nglenlast=glen(ngroups)
323         if (ilmax.ne.nglenref) then
324            temp=alog(real(ilmax-nglenref+1))/alog2
325            nbitsglen=ceiling(temp)
326            do i=1,ngroups-1
327               glen(i)=glen(i)-nglenref
328            enddo
329            call g2lib_sbytes(cpack,glen,iofst,nbitsglen,0,ngroups)
330            itemp=nbitsglen*ngroups
331            iofst=iofst+itemp
332            !         Pad last octet with Zeros, if necessary,
333            if (mod(itemp,8).ne.0) then
334               left=8-mod(itemp,8)
335               call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,zero,iofst,left)
336               iofst=iofst+left
337            endif
338         else
339            nbitsglen=0
340            glen(1:ngroups)=0
341         endif
342         !
343         !  For each group, pack data values
344         !
345         !write(77,*)'IFLDS: ',(ifld(j),j=1,ndpts)
346         n=1
347         ij=0
348         do ng=1,ngroups
349            glength=glen(ng)+nglenref
350            if (ng.eq.ngroups ) glength=nglenlast
351            grpwidth=gwidth(ng)+ngwidthref
352        !write(77,*)'NGP ',ng,grpwidth,glength,gref(ng)
353            if ( grpwidth.ne.0 ) then
354               call g2lib_sbytes(cpack,ifld(n),iofst,grpwidth,0,glength)
355               iofst=iofst+(grpwidth*glength)
356            endif
357            do kk=1,glength
358               ij=ij+1
359        !write(77,*)'SAG ',ij,fld(ij),ifld(ij),gref(ng),bscale,rmin,dscale
360            enddo
361            n=n+glength
362         enddo
363         !         Pad last octet with Zeros, if necessary,
364         if (mod(iofst,8).ne.0) then
365            left=8-mod(iofst,8)
366            call g2lib_sbyte(cpack,zero,iofst,left)
367            iofst=iofst+left
368         endif
369         lcpack=iofst/8
370         !
371         if ( allocated(ifld) ) deallocate(ifld)
372         if ( allocated(gref) ) deallocate(gref)
373         if ( allocated(gwidth) ) deallocate(gwidth)
374         if ( allocated(glen) ) deallocate(glen)
375       else           !   Constant field ( max = min )
376         nbits=0
377         lcpack=0
378         nbitsgref=0
379         ngroups=0
380       endif
383 !  Fill in ref value and number of bits in Template 5.2
385       call mkieee(rmin,ref,1)   ! ensure reference value is IEEE format
386 !      call g2lib_gbyte(ref,idrstmpl(1),0,32)
387       iref=transfer(ref,iref)
388       idrstmpl(1)=iref
389       idrstmpl(4)=nbitsgref
390       idrstmpl(5)=0         ! original data were reals
391       idrstmpl(6)=1         ! general group splitting
392       idrstmpl(7)=0         ! No internal missing values
393       idrstmpl(8)=0         ! Primary missing value
394       idrstmpl(9)=0         ! secondary missing value
395       idrstmpl(10)=ngroups          ! Number of groups
396       idrstmpl(11)=ngwidthref       ! reference for group widths
397       idrstmpl(12)=nbitsgwidth      ! num bits used for group widths
398       idrstmpl(13)=nglenref         ! Reference for group lengths
399       idrstmpl(14)=1                ! length increment for group lengths
400       idrstmpl(15)=nglenlast        ! True length of last group
401       idrstmpl(16)=nbitsglen        ! num bits used for group lengths
402       if (idrsnum.eq.3) then
403          idrstmpl(18)=nbitsd/8      ! num bits used for extra spatial
404                                     ! differencing values
405       endif
407       return
408       end