Update version info for release v4.6.1 (#2122)
[WRF.git] / hydro / MPP / CPL_WRF.F90
1 !  Program Name:
2 !  Author(s)/Contact(s):
3 !  Abstract:
4 !  History Log:
6 !  Usage:
7 !  Parameters: <Specify typical arguments passed>
8 !  Input Files:
9 !        <list file names and briefly describe the data they include>
10 !  Output Files:
11 !        <list file names and briefly describe the information they include>
13 !  Condition codes:
14 !        <list exit condition or error codes returned >
15 !        If appropriate, descriptive troubleshooting instructions or
16 !        likely causes for failures could be mentioned here with the
17 !        appropriate error code
19 !  User controllable options: <if applicable>
21 !   This is used as a coupler with the WRF model.
24     use mpi
25     use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
29   integer, public :: HYDRO_COMM_WORLD = MPI_COMM_NULL
30   integer my_global_id
32   integer total_pe_num
33   integer global_ix,global_jx
35   integer,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: node_info
37   logical initialized, cpl_land, time_step_read_rstart, &
38            time_step_write_rstart, time_step_output
39   character(len=19) cpl_outdate, cpl_rstdate
41   integer, public :: cartGridComm
42   integer, public :: np_up_down, np_left_right
43   integer, public :: p_up_down, p_left_right
45   contains
47   ! sets incoming communicator and then calls CPL_LAND_INIT
48   !subroutine CPL_LAND_INIT_COMM(istart,iend,jstart,jend,hydroCommunicator)
49   !  implicit none
50   !
51   !  integer :: istart,iend,jstart,jend
52   !  integer :: hydroCommunicator
53   !
54   !  HYDRO_COMM_WORLD = hydroCommunicator
55   !  call CPL_LAND_INIT(istart,iend,jstart,jend)
56   !end subroutine
58   subroutine CPL_LAND_INIT(istart,iend,jstart,jend)
59       implicit none
60       integer ierr
61       logical mpi_inited
62       integer istart,iend,jstart,jend
64       integer :: xx, ndim
65       integer, dimension(0:1) :: dims, coords
66       logical cyclic(0:1), reorder
67       data cyclic/.false.,.false./  ! not cyclic
68       data reorder/.false./
70       CALL mpi_initialized( mpi_inited, ierr )
71       if ( .NOT. mpi_inited ) then
72         call mpi_init(ierr)
73         if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call fatal_error_stop("MPI Error: MPI_INIT failed")
75         if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call fatal_error_stop("MPI Error: MPI_COMM_DUP failed")
76       endif
78       call MPI_COMM_RANK( HYDRO_COMM_WORLD, my_global_id, ierr )
79       call MPI_COMM_SIZE( HYDRO_COMM_WORLD, total_pe_num, ierr )
80       if (ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) call fatal_error_stop("MPI Error: MPI_COMM_RANK and/or MPI_COMM_SIZE failed")
82       allocate(node_info(9,total_pe_num))
84       node_info = -99
86 ! send node info to node 0
87       node_info(1,my_global_id+1) = total_pe_num
88       node_info(6,my_global_id+1) = istart
89       node_info(7,my_global_id+1) = iend
90       node_info(8,my_global_id+1) = jstart
91       node_info(9,my_global_id+1) = jend
94       call send_info()
95       call find_left()
96       call find_right()
97       call find_up()
98       call find_down()
100       call send_info()
102       ! initialize cartesian grid communicator
103       dims(0) = 0
104       dims(1) = 0
105       do xx=1,total_pe_num
106          if(node_info(2,xx) .eq. (-1)) then
107             dims(0) = dims(0)+1
108          endif
109          if(node_info(4,xx) .eq. (-1)) then
110             dims(1) = dims(1)+1
111          endif
112       enddo
114       ndim = 2
115       np_up_down = dims(0)
116       np_left_right = dims(1)
118       call MPI_Cart_create(HYDRO_COMM_WORLD, ndim, dims, &
119                           cyclic, reorder, cartGridComm, ierr)
121       call MPI_CART_GET(cartGridComm, 2, dims, cyclic, coords, ierr)
123       p_up_down = coords(0)
124       p_left_right = coords(1)
126       initialized = .false.  ! land model need to be initialized.
127       return
128   END subroutine CPL_LAND_INIT
130      subroutine send_info()
131         implicit none
132         integer,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: tmp_info
133         integer  ierr, i,size, tag
134         integer mpp_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
135         tag  = 9
136         size =  9
138         if(my_global_id .eq. 0) then
139            do i = 1, total_pe_num-1
140              call mpi_recv(node_info(:,i+1),size,MPI_INTEGER,  &
141                 i,tag,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,mpp_status,ierr)
142            enddo
143         else
144            call mpi_send(node_info(:,my_global_id+1),size,   &
145                MPI_INTEGER,0,tag,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
146         endif
148         call MPI_barrier( HYDRO_COMM_WORLD ,ierr)
150         size = 9 * total_pe_num
151         call mpi_bcast(node_info,size,MPI_INTEGER,   &
152             0,HYDRO_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
154         call MPI_barrier( HYDRO_COMM_WORLD ,ierr)
156      return
157      end  subroutine send_info
159      subroutine find_left()
160           implicit none
161           integer i
163           node_info(2,my_global_id+1) = -1
165           do i = 1, total_pe_num
166                if( (node_info(8,i).eq.node_info(8,my_global_id+1)) .and. &
167                    (node_info(9,i).eq.node_info(9,my_global_id+1)) .and. &
168                    ((node_info(7,i)+1).eq.node_info(6,my_global_id+1)) ) then
169                    node_info(2,my_global_id+1) = i - 1
170                    return
171                endif
172           end do
173      return
174      end subroutine find_left
176      subroutine find_right()
177           implicit none
178           integer i
180           node_info(3,my_global_id+1) = -1
182           do i = 1, total_pe_num
183                if( (node_info(8,i).eq.node_info(8,my_global_id+1)) .and. &
184                    (node_info(9,i).eq.node_info(9,my_global_id+1)) .and. &
185                    ((node_info(6,i)-1).eq.node_info(7,my_global_id+1)) ) then
186                    node_info(3,my_global_id+1) = i - 1
187                    return
188                endif
189           end do
190      return
191      end subroutine find_right
193      subroutine find_up()
194           implicit none
195           integer i
197           node_info(4,my_global_id+1) = -1
199           do i = 1, total_pe_num
200                if( (node_info(6,i).eq.node_info(6,my_global_id+1)) .and. &
201                    (node_info(7,i).eq.node_info(7,my_global_id+1)) .and. &
202                    ((node_info(8,i)-1).eq.node_info(9,my_global_id+1)) ) then
203                    node_info(4,my_global_id+1) = i - 1
204                    return
205                endif
206           end do
207      return
208      end subroutine find_up
210      subroutine find_down()
211           implicit none
212           integer i
214           node_info(5,my_global_id+1) = -1
216           do i = 1, total_pe_num
217                if( (node_info(6,i).eq.node_info(6,my_global_id+1)) .and. &
218                    (node_info(7,i).eq.node_info(7,my_global_id+1)) .and. &
219                    ((node_info(9,i)+1).eq.node_info(8,my_global_id+1)) ) then
220                    node_info(5,my_global_id+1) = i - 1
221                    return
222                endif
223           end do
224      return
225      end subroutine find_down
227     ! stop the job due to the fatal error.
228     subroutine fatal_error_stop(msg)
229         character(len=*) :: msg
230         integer :: ierr
231         write(error_unit,*) "The job is stoped due to the fatal error. ", trim(msg)
232         call flush(error_unit)
233         CALL MPI_Abort(HYDRO_COMM_WORLD, 1, ierr)
234         call MPI_Finalize(ierr)
235         return
236     end  subroutine fatal_error_stop