3 0.025, 'Urban and Built-Up Land'
4 0.035, 'Dryland Cropland and Pasture'
5 0.035, 'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
6 0.055, 'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
7 0.035, 'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
8 0.068, 'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic'
11 0.055, 'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland'
13 0.200, 'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
14 0.200, 'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
15 0.200, 'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
16 0.200, 'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
19 0.070, 'Herbaceous Wetland'
20 0.070, 'Wooded Wetland'
21 0.035, 'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
22 0.055, 'Herbaceous Tundra'
23 0.055, 'Wooded Tundra'
25 0.055, 'Bare Ground Tundra'
30 0.005, 'Non-Ocean Water Bodies'
33 4.66E-5, 0.339, 0.192, 0.010, 0.92, 'SAND'
34 1.41E-5, 0.421, 0.283, 0.028, 0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
35 5.23E-6, 0.434, 0.312, 0.047, 0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
36 2.81E-6, 0.476, 0.360, 0.084, 0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
37 2.18E-6, 0.484, 0.347, 0.061, 0.10, 'SILT'
38 3.38E-6, 0.439, 0.329, 0.066, 0.40, 'LOAM'
39 4.45E-6, 0.404, 0.315, 0.069, 0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
40 2.03E-6, 0.464, 0.387, 0.120, 0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
41 2.45E-6, 0.465, 0.382, 0.103, 0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
42 7.22E-6, 0.406, 0.338, 0.100, 0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
43 1.34E-6, 0.468, 0.404, 0.126, 0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
44 9.74E-7, 0.468, 0.412, 0.138, 0.25, 'CLAY'
45 3.38E-6, 0.439, 0.329, 0.066, 0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
46 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.60, 'WATER'
47 1.41E-4, 0.20, 0.170, 0.006, 0.07, 'BEDROCK'
48 1.41E-5, 0.421, 0.283, 0.028, 0.25, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
49 9.74E-7, 0.468, 0.454, 0.030, 0.60, 'PLAYA'
50 1.41E-4, 0.200, 0.170, 0.006, 0.52, 'LAVA'
51 4.66E-5, 0.339, 0.192, 0.010, 0.92, 'WHITE SAND'