3 use mpas_atmphys_utilities, only: physics_error_fatal
4 #define FATAL_ERROR(M) call physics_error_fatal( M )
7 #define FATAL_ERROR(M) call wrf_error_fatal( M )
9 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
10 ! Variables and constants used in the BEM module
11 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
13 real emins !emissivity of the internal walls
15 real albins !albedo of the internal walls
16 !! parameter (albins=0.5)
17 parameter (albins=0.3)
19 real thickwin !thickness of the window [m]
20 parameter (thickwin=0.006)
21 real cswin !Specific heat of the windows [J/(m3.K)]
22 parameter(cswin= 2.268e+06)
24 real temp_rat !power of the A.C. heating/cooling the indoor air [K/s]
25 parameter(temp_rat=0.001)
27 real hum_rat !power of the A.C. drying/moistening the indoor air [(Kg/kg)/s]
28 parameter(hum_rat=1.e-06)
30 real,parameter :: effpv=0.19 ! Efficiency of PV panels installed at the roofs, typical values [0.10,0.15]
34 !====6================================================================72
35 !====6================================================================72
37 subroutine BEM(nzcanm,nlev,nhourday,dt,bw,bl,dzlev, &
38 nwal,nflo,nrof,ngrd,hswalout,gswal, &
39 hswinout,hsrof,lsrof,gsrof,hspv, &
40 latent,sigma,albwal,albwin,albrof, &
41 emrof,emwal,emwin,rswal,rlwal,rair,cp, &
42 rhoout,tout,humout,press, &
43 rs,swddif,rl,dzwal,cswal,kwal,pwin,cop,beta,sw_cond, &
44 timeon,timeoff,targtemp,gaptemp,targhum,gaphum, &
45 perflo,gr_frac_roof,pv_frac_roof,gr_flag, &
47 hsesf,hsequip,dzflo, &
48 csflo,kflo,dzgrd,csgrd,kgrd,dzrof,csrof, &
49 krof,tlev,shumlev,twal,twin,tflo,tgrd,trof, &
50 hsout,hlout,consump,eppv,tpv,hsvent,hlvent,hfgr,&
51 tr_av,tpv_print,sfpv,sfr_indoor)
56 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
59 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
61 ! ---------------------
62 ! ! ----------------- !--->roof (-) : level number
63 ! ! ! ! ! rem: the windows are given
64 ! ! !---------------! ! with respect to the
65 ! ! !---------------! ! vertical walls-->win(2)
67 ! ! !---------------! ! 2D vision of the building
68 ! WEST ! !-------4-------! ! EAST
69 ! I ! ! 1 ilev 2! ! II ^
70 ! ! !-------3--------! ! !
71 ! ! !---------------! !--->floor 1 !
74 ! ! ----------------- ! <--------------(n)
75 ! ------------------------>ground ------------(1)
80 ! /| /| 3D vision of a room
98 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
104 real dt !time step [s]
106 integer nzcanm !Maximum number of vertical levels in the urban grid
107 integer nlev !number of floors in the building
108 integer nwal !number of levels inside the wall
109 integer nrof !number of levels inside the roof
110 integer nflo !number of levels inside the floor
111 integer ngrd !number of levels inside the ground
112 real dzlev !vertical grid resolution [m]
113 real bl !Building length [m]
114 real bw !Building width [m]
116 real albwal !albedo of the walls
117 real albwin !albedo of the windows
118 real albrof !albedo of the roof
120 real emwal !emissivity of the walls
122 real emrof !emissivity of the roof
123 real emwin !emissivity of the windows
125 real pwin !window proportion
126 real, intent(in) :: cop !Coefficient of performance of the A/C systems
127 real, intent(in) :: beta !Thermal efficiency of the heat exchanger
128 integer, intent(in) :: sw_cond ! Air Conditioning switch
129 real, intent(in) :: timeon ! Initial local time of A/C systems
130 real, intent(in) :: timeoff ! Ending local time of A/C systems
131 real, intent(in) :: targtemp ! Target temperature of A/C systems
132 real, intent(in) :: gaptemp ! Comfort range of indoor temperature
133 real, intent(in) :: targhum ! Target humidity of A/C systems
134 real, intent(in) :: gaphum ! Comfort range of specific humidity
135 real, intent(in) :: perflo ! Peak number of occupants per unit floor area
141 real, intent(in) :: hsesf !
142 real, intent(in) :: hsequip(24) !
144 real cswal(nwal) !Specific heat of the wall [J/(m3.K)]
146 real csflo(nflo) !Specific heat of the floor [J/(m3.K)]
147 real csrof(nrof) !Specific heat of the roof [J/(m3.K)]
148 real csgrd(ngrd) !Specific heat of the ground [J/(m3.K)]
150 real kwal(nwal+1) !Thermal conductivity in each layers of the walls (face) [W/(m.K)]
151 real kflo(nflo+1) !Thermal diffusivity in each layers of the floors (face) [W/(m.K)]
152 real krof(nrof+1) !Thermal diffusivity in each layers of the roof (face) [W/(m.K)]
153 real kgrd(ngrd+1) !Thermal diffusivity in each layers of the ground (face) [W/(m.K)]
155 real dzwal(nwal) !Layer sizes of walls [m]
156 real dzflo(nflo) !Layer sizes of floors [m]
157 real dzrof(nrof) !Layer sizes of roof [m]
158 real dzgrd(ngrd) !Layer sizes of ground [m]
161 real latent !latent heat of evaporation [J/Kg]
164 real rs !external short wave radiation [W/m2]
165 real rl !external long wave radiation [W/m2]
166 real rswal(4,nzcanm) !short wave radiation reaching the exterior walls [W/m2]
167 real rlwal(4,nzcanm) !long wave radiation reaching the walls [W/m2]
168 real rhoout(nzcanm) !exterior air density [kg/m3]
169 real tout(nzcanm) !external temperature [K]
170 real humout(nzcanm) !absolute humidity [Kgwater/Kgair]
171 real press(nzcanm) !external air pressure [Pa]
173 real hswalout(4,nzcanm) !outside walls sensible heat flux [W/m2]
174 real hswinout(4,nzcanm) !outside window sensible heat flux [W/m2]
175 real hsrof !Sensible heat flux at the roof [W/m2]
177 real rair !ideal gas constant [J.kg-1.K-1]
178 real sigma !parameter (wall is not black body) [W/m2.K4]
179 real cp !specific heat of air [J/kg.K]
180 real hfgr !Green roof heat flux
184 real tlev(nzcanm) !temperature of the floors [K]
185 real shumlev(nzcanm) !specific humidity of the floor [kg/kg]
186 real twal(4,nwal,nzcanm) !walls temperatures [K]
187 real twin(4,nzcanm) !windows temperatures [K]
188 real tflo(nflo,nzcanm-1) !floor temperatures [K]
189 real tgrd(ngrd) !ground temperature [K]
190 real trof(nrof) !roof temperature [K]
191 real hsout(nzcanm) !sensible heat emitted outside the floor [W]
192 real hlout(nzcanm) !latent heat emitted outside the floor [W]
193 real consump(nzcanm) !Consumption for the a.c. in each floor [W]
194 real hsvent(nzcanm) !sensible heat generated by natural ventilation [W]
195 real hlvent(nzcanm) !latent heat generated by natural ventilation [W]
196 real gsrof !heat flux flowing inside the roof [W/m2]
197 real hspv !Sensible heat flux at the roof from the PV panels [W/m2]
198 real gswal(4,nzcanm) !heat flux flowing inside the floors [W/m2]
199 real eppv !Electricity production of PV panels [W]
200 real sfr_indoor,sfpv,tpv_print
203 integer swwal !swich for the physical coefficients calculation
204 integer ilev !index for rooms
205 integer iwal !index for walls
206 integer iflo !index for floors
207 integer ivw !index for vertical walls
208 integer igrd !index for ground
209 integer irof !index for roof
210 real hseqocc(nzcanm) !sensible heat generated by equipments and occupants [W]
211 real hleqocc(nzcanm) !latent heat generated by occupants [W]
212 real hscond(nzcanm) !sensible heat generated by wall conduction [W]
213 real hslev(nzcanm) !sensible heat flux generated inside the room [W]
214 real hllev(nzcanm) !latent heat flux generatd inside the room [W]
215 real surwal(6,nzcanm) !Surface of the walls [m2]
216 real surwal1D(6) !wall surfaces of a generic room [m2]
217 real rsint(6) !short wave radiation reaching the indoor walls[W/m2]
218 real rswalins(6,nzcanm) !internal short wave radiation for the building [W/m2]
219 real twin1D(4) !temperature of windows for a particular room [K]
220 real twal_int(6) !temperature of the first internal layers of a room [K]
221 real rlint(6) !internal wall long wave radiation [w/m2]
222 real rlwalins(6,nzcanm) !internal long wave radiation for the building [W/m2]
223 real hrwalout(4,nzcanm) !external radiative flux to the walls [W/m2]
224 real hrwalins(6,nzcanm) !inside radiative flux to the walls [W/m2]
225 real hrwinout(4,nzcanm) !external radiative flux to the window [W/m2]
226 real hrwinins(4,nzcanm) !inside radiative flux to the window [W/m2]
227 real hrrof !external radiative flux to the roof [W/m2]
229 real hsneed(nzcanm) !sensible heat needed by the room [W]
230 real hlneed(nzcanm) !latent heat needed by the room [W]
231 real hswalins(6,nzcanm) !inside walls sensible heat flux [W/m2]
233 real hswinins(4,nzcanm) !inside window sensible heat flux [W/m2]
235 real htot(2) !total heat flux at the wall [W/m2]
241 real Qb !Overall heat capacity of the indoor air [J/K]
242 real vollev !volume of the room [m3]
243 real rhoint !density of the internal air [Kg/m3]
244 real cpint !specific heat of the internal air [J/kg.K]
245 real humdry !specific humidiy of dry air [kg water/kg dry air]
246 real radflux !Function to compute the total radiation budget
247 real consumpbuild !Energetic consumption for the entire building [KWh/s]
248 real hsoutbuild !Total sensible heat ejected into the atmosphere[W]
249 !by the air conditioning system and per building
250 real nhourday !number of hours from midnight, local time
251 real hfgrd !Dummy variable to assign hfgr=0 to walls, windows and ground
255 !--------------------------------------------
257 !--------------------------------------------
266 !Calculation of the surfaces of the building
267 !--------------------------------------------
272 surwal(ivw,ilev)=1. !initialisation
278 surwal(ivw,ilev)=dzlev*bw
281 surwal(ivw,ilev)=dzlev*bl
284 surwal(ivw,ilev)=bw*bl
289 ! Calculation of the short wave radiations at the internal walls
290 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------
296 rswal1D(ivw)=rswal(ivw,ilev)
300 surwal1D(ivw)=surwal(ivw,ilev)
303 call int_rsrad(albwin,albins,pwin,rswal1D,&
304 surwal1D,bw,bl,dzlev,rsint)
307 rswalins(ivw,ilev)=rsint(ivw)
314 ! Calculation of the long wave radiation at the internal walls
315 !-------------------------------------------------------------
324 twin1D(ivw)=twin(ivw,ilev)
325 twal_int(ivw)=twal(ivw,1,ilev)
328 twal_int(5)=tflo(nflo,ilev-1)
329 twal_int(6)=tflo(1,ilev)
331 call int_rlrad(emins,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin1D,&
332 pwin,bw,bl,dzlev,rlint)
336 rlwalins(ivw,ilev)=rlint(ivw)
348 twin1D(ivw)=twin(ivw,1)
349 twal_int(ivw)=twal(ivw,1,1)
352 twal_int(5)=tgrd(ngrd)
353 twal_int(6)=tflo(1,1)
356 call int_rlrad(emins,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin1D,&
357 pwin,bw,bl,dzlev,rlint)
360 rlwalins(ivw,1)=rlint(ivw)
366 twin1D(ivw)=twin(ivw,nlev)
367 twal_int(ivw)=twal(ivw,1,nlev)
370 twal_int(5)=tflo(nflo,nlev-1)
374 call int_rlrad(emins,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin1D,&
375 pwin,bw,bl,dzlev,rlint)
378 rlwalins(ivw,nlev)=rlint(ivw)
381 else !Top <---> Bottom
384 twin1D(ivw)=twin(ivw,1)
385 twal_int(ivw)=twal(ivw,1,1)
388 twal_int(5)=tgrd(ngrd)
391 call int_rlrad(emins,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin1D, &
392 pwin,bw,bl,dzlev,rlint)
395 rlwalins(ivw,1)=rlint(ivw)
401 ! Calculation of the radiative fluxes
402 ! -----------------------------------
404 !External vertical walls and windows
408 call radfluxs(radflux,albwal,rswal(ivw,ilev), &
409 emwal,rlwal(ivw,ilev),sigma, &
412 hrwalout(ivw,ilev)=radflux
414 hrwinout(ivw,ilev)=emwin*rlwal(ivw,ilev)- &
415 emwin*sigma*(twin(ivw,ilev)**4)
423 if (pv_frac_roof.eq.0.) then
424 call radfluxs(radflux,albrof,rs,emrof,rl,sigma,tr_av)
427 call radfluxspv(nzcanm,nlev,albrof,rs,swddif,emrof,rl,tr_av,tout,sigma,radflux,pv_frac_roof,tpv)
431 !Internal walls for intermediate rooms
438 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(ivw,ilev), &
439 emins,rlwalins(ivw,ilev),sigma, &
442 hrwalins(ivw,ilev)=radflux
446 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(5,ilev), &
447 emins,rlwalins(5,ilev),sigma,&
450 hrwalins(5,ilev)=radflux
452 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(6,ilev), &
453 emins,rlwalins(6,ilev),sigma,&
455 hrwalins(6,ilev)=radflux
462 !Internal walls for the bottom and the top room
470 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(ivw,1), &
471 emins,rlwalins(ivw,1),sigma, &
474 hrwalins(ivw,1)=radflux
479 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(5,1),&
480 emins,rlwalins(5,1),sigma,& !bottom
483 hrwalins(5,1)=radflux
486 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(6,1),&
487 emins,rlwalins(6,1),sigma,&
490 hrwalins(6,1)=radflux
496 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(ivw,nlev), &
497 emins,rlwalins(ivw,nlev),sigma,&
500 hrwalins(ivw,nlev)=radflux
505 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(5,nlev), &
506 emins,rlwalins(5,nlev),sigma,&
509 hrwalins(5,nlev)=radflux
511 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(6,nlev), &
512 emins,rlwalins(6,nlev),sigma,&
515 hrwalins(6,nlev)=radflux
517 else ! Top <---> Bottom room
521 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(ivw,1),&
522 emins,rlwalins(ivw,1),sigma, &
525 hrwalins(ivw,1)=radflux
529 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(5,1),&
530 emins,rlwalins(5,1),sigma, &
533 hrwalins(5,1)=radflux
535 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(6,nlev), &
536 emins,rlwalins(6,nlev),sigma,&
538 hrwalins(6,1)=radflux
547 hrwinins(ivw,ilev)=emwin*rlwalins(ivw,ilev)- &
548 emwin*sigma*(twin(ivw,ilev)**4)
553 ! Calculation of the sensible heat fluxes
554 ! ---------------------------------------
556 !Vertical fluxes for walls
561 call hsinsflux (2,2,tlev(ilev),twal(ivw,1,ilev),hs)
563 hswalins(ivw,ilev)=hs
569 !Vertical fluxes for windows
575 call hsinsflux (2,1,tlev(ilev),twin(ivw,ilev),hs)
577 hswinins(ivw,ilev)=hs
589 call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(ilev),tflo(nflo,ilev-1),hs)
593 call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(ilev),tflo(1,ilev),hs)
603 call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(1),tgrd(ngrd),hs)
605 hswalins(5,1)=hs !Bottom room
607 call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(1),tflo(1,1),hs)
611 call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(nlev),tflo(nflo,nlev-1),hs)
613 hswalins(5,nlev)=hs !Top room
615 call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(nlev),trof(1),hs)
618 sfr_indoor= hswalins(6,nlev)
619 else ! Bottom<--->Top
621 call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(1),tgrd(ngrd),hs)
625 call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(nlev),trof(1),hs)
631 !! Calculation of the sensible heat fluxes from the PV panels & electricity producti
634 if(pv_frac_roof.gt.0)then
635 call hsfluxpv(nzcanm,nlev,bl,bw,albrof,rs,swddif,emrof,rl,tr_av,tout,sigma,hspv,eppv,pv_frac_roof,uout,vout,tpv,dt)
640 !Calculation of the temperature for the different surfaces
641 ! --------------------------------------------------------
649 htot(1)=hswalins(ivw,ilev)+hrwalins(ivw,ilev)
650 htot(2)=hswalout(ivw,ilev)+hrwalout(ivw,ilev)
651 gswal(ivw,ilev)=htot(2)
654 twal1D(iwal)=twal(ivw,iwal,ilev)
657 call wall(swwal,nwal,dt,dzwal,kwal,cswal,htot,twal1D)
660 twal(ivw,iwal,ilev)=twal1D(iwal)
671 htot(1)=hswinins(ivw,ilev)+hrwinins(ivw,ilev)
672 htot(2)=hswinout(ivw,ilev)+hrwinout(ivw,ilev)
674 twin(ivw,ilev)=twin(ivw,ilev)+(dt/(cswin*thickwin))* &
687 htot(1)=hrwalins(6,ilev)+hswalins(6,ilev)
688 htot(2)=hrwalins(5,ilev+1)+hswalins(5,ilev+1)
691 tflo1D(iflo)=tflo(iflo,ilev)
694 call wall(swwal,nflo,dt,dzflo,kflo,csflo,htot,tflo1D)
697 tflo(iflo,ilev)=tflo1D(iflo)
708 htot(1)=0. !Diriclet b.c. at the internal boundary
709 htot(2)=hswalins(5,1)+hrwalins(5,1)
712 tgrd1D(igrd)=tgrd(igrd)
715 call wall(swwal,ngrd,dt,dzgrd,kgrd,csgrd,htot,tgrd1D)
718 tgrd(igrd)=tgrd1D(igrd)
726 htot(1)=hswalins(6,nlev)+hrwalins(6,nlev)
727 htot(2)=hsrof+hrrof+lsrof
731 trof1D(irof)=trof(irof)
736 call wall_gr(hfgr,gr_frac_roof,swwal,nrof,dt,dzrof,krof,csrof,htot,trof1D)
738 call wall(swwal,nrof,dt,dzrof,krof,csrof,htot,trof1D)
741 trof(irof)=trof1D(irof)
746 ! Calculation of the heat fluxes and of the temperature of the rooms
747 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
751 !Calculation of the heat generated by equipments and occupants
753 call fluxeqocc(nhourday,bw,bl,perflo,hsesf,hsequip,hseqocc(ilev),hleqocc(ilev))
755 !Calculation of the heat generated by natural ventilation
758 humdry=shumlev(ilev)/(1.-shumlev(ilev))
759 rhoint=(press(ilev))/(rair*(1.+0.61*humdry)*tlev(ilev))
760 cpint=cp*(1.+0.84*humdry)
763 call fluxvent(cpint,rhoint,vollev,tlev(ilev),tout(ilev), &
764 latent,humout(ilev),rhoout(ilev),shumlev(ilev),&
765 beta,hsvent(ilev),hlvent(ilev))
768 !Calculation of the heat generated by conduction
771 hswalins1D(iwal)=hswalins(iwal,ilev)
772 surwal1D(iwal)=surwal(iwal,ilev)
776 hswinins1D(iwal)=hswinins(iwal,ilev)
779 call fluxcond(hswalins1D,hswinins1D,surwal1D,pwin,&
782 !Calculation of the heat generated inside the room
784 call fluxroo(hseqocc(ilev),hleqocc(ilev),hsvent(ilev), &
785 hlvent(ilev),hscond(ilev),hslev(ilev),hllev(ilev))
788 !Evolution of the temperature and of the specific humidity
790 Qb=rhoint*cpint*vollev
792 ! temperature regulation
794 call regtemp(sw_cond,nhourday,dt,Qb,hslev(ilev), &
795 tlev(ilev),timeon,timeoff,targtemp,gaptemp,hsneed(ilev))
797 ! humidity regulation
799 call reghum(sw_cond,nhourday,dt,vollev,rhoint,latent, &
800 hllev(ilev),shumlev(ilev),timeon,timeoff,&
801 targhum,gaphum,hlneed(ilev))
803 !performance of the air conditioning system for the test
806 call air_cond(hsneed(ilev),hlneed(ilev),dt, &
807 hsout(ilev),hlout(ilev),consump(ilev), cop)
809 tlev(ilev)=tlev(ilev)+(dt/Qb)*(hslev(ilev)-hsneed(ilev))
811 shumlev(ilev)=shumlev(ilev)+(dt/(vollev*rhoint*latent))* &
812 (hllev(ilev)-hlneed(ilev))
816 call consump_total(nzcanm,nlev,consumpbuild,hsoutbuild, &
821 !====6=8===============================================================72
822 !====6=8===============================================================72
823 subroutine hsfluxpv(nz,n,bl,bw,albr,rs,swddif,emr,rl,tr,tair,sigma,hspv,eppv,pv_frac_roof,uout,vout,tpv,dt)
829 integer,intent(in) :: nz !Maximum number of vertical levels in the urban grid
830 real,intent(in) :: bl !Building length [m]
831 real,intent(in) :: bw !Building width [m]
832 real,intent(in) :: albr !albedo of the roof (ext.)
833 real,intent(in) :: emr !emissivity of the roof (ext.)
834 real,intent(in) :: rs !external short wave radiation [W/m2]
835 real,intent(in) :: rl !external long wave radiation [W/m2]
836 real,intent(in) :: tr !roof surface temperature [K]
837 real,intent(in) :: pv_frac_roof ! fraction of PV []
838 real,intent(in) :: sigma !Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m2.K4]
839 real,intent(in),dimension(1:nz) :: tair !external temperature [K]
840 integer,intent(in) :: n !number of floors in the building
841 real,intent(in), dimension(1:nz) :: uout
842 real,intent(in), dimension(1:nz) :: vout
843 real,intent(in) :: dt
844 real,intent(in) :: swddif
847 real,intent(inout) :: hspv ! Sensible heat flux from the PV panels to the atmosphere [W/m2]
848 real,intent(inout) :: eppv ! Electricity production from PV panels [W]
849 real,intent(inout) :: tpv !Temperature of the PV panels [K]
853 real,parameter :: albpv=0.11 ! albedo of the PV panels
854 real,parameter :: empv_down=0.95 ! emissivity of the PV panels
855 real,parameter :: empv_up=0.79
856 real, parameter :: T_amb=25
857 real, parameter :: tiltangle=0.
858 real, parameter :: a=3.8
859 real, parameter :: b=6.9
861 real, parameter :: r1=2330.
862 real, parameter :: r2=1200.
863 real, parameter :: r3=3000.
864 real, parameter :: c1=677.
865 real, parameter :: c2=1250.
866 real, parameter :: c3=500.
867 real, parameter :: d1=0.0003
868 real, parameter :: d2=0.0005
869 real, parameter :: d3=0.003
870 real, parameter :: F12=1.
871 real :: lwuppv !Long-wave emitted by the PV panels to the sky [W/m2]
872 real :: lwdwr !Long-wave incoming radiation on the roof [W/m2]
873 real :: lwupr !Long-wave coming up from the roof intercepted by the PV panels [W/m2]
874 real :: enerpv !Energy produced by PV panels [W/m2]
887 Cm=r1*c1*d1+r2*c2*d2+r3*c3*d3
888 hrad=sigma/((1-empv_down)/empv_down+1/F12+(1-emr)/emr)
889 uroof=(uout(n+1)**2+vout(n+1)**2)**0.5
891 hf=2.5*(40./100.*uroof)**(0.5)
892 hc=9.482*abs(deltat)**(1./3.)/(7.238-abs(cos(tiltangle)))
893 hup=sqrt(hc**2.+(hf)**2.)
894 hc=1.810*abs(deltat)**(1./3.)/(1.382+abs(cos(tiltangle)))
895 hdown=sqrt(hc**2.+(hf)**2.)
896 enerpv=effpv*rs*min(1.,1.-0.005*(tpv-(T_amb+273.15)))
899 lwpv_out=empv_up*sigma*tpv**4.
900 lwupr=hrad*(tr**4-tpv**4.)
901 hspv=(hup+hdown)*(tpv-tair(n+1))
902 tpv=tpv+(sw_d+lw_d-lwpv_out+lwupr-hspv-enerpv)/Cm*dt
903 eppv=enerpv*pv_frac_roof*bl*bw
905 end subroutine hsfluxpv
906 !====6=8===============================================================72
907 !====6=8===============================================================72
909 subroutine wall_gr(hfgr,gr_frac_roof,swwall,nz,dt,dz,k,cs,flux,temp)
911 !______________________________________________________________________
913 !The aim of this subroutine is to solve the 1D heat fiffusion equation
914 !for roof, walls and streets:
916 ! dT/dt=d/dz[K*dT/dz] where:
918 ! -T is the surface temperature(wall, street, roof)
919 ! -Kz is the heat diffusivity inside the material.
921 !The resolution is done implicitly with a FV discretisation along the
922 !different layers of the material:
924 ! ____________________________
928 ! ____________________________
931 ! ____________________________
933 ! I ==> [T(I,n+1)-T(I,n)]/DT=
934 ! ____________________________ [F(i+1)-F(i)]/DZI
936 ! I-1 ==> A*T(n+1)=B where:
937 ! ____________________________
938 ! i-1 * * A is a TRIDIAGONAL matrix.
939 ! * * B=T(n)+S takes into account the sources.
941 ! 1 ____________________________
943 !________________________________________________________________
949 real hfgr !Green roof heat flux
950 real gr_frac_roof !Green roof fraction
952 integer nz !Number of layers inside the material
954 real dz(nz) !Layer sizes [m]
955 real cs(nz) !Specific heat of the material [J/(m3.K)]
956 real k(nz+1) !Thermal conductivity in each layers (face) [W/(m.K)]
957 real flux(2) !Internal and external flux terms.
963 integer swwall !swich for the physical coefficients calculation
964 real temp(nz) !Temperature at each layer
969 real a(-1:1,nz) ! a(-1,*) lower diagonal A(i,i-1)
970 ! a(0,*) principal diagonal A(i,i)
971 ! a(1,*) upper diagonal A(i,i+1).
973 real b(nz) !Coefficients of the second term.
980 !________________________________________________________________
982 !Calculation of the coefficients
984 if (swwall.eq.1) then
987 write(*,*) 'number of layers in the walls/roofs too big ',nz
988 write(*,*) 'please decrease under of',20
992 call wall_coeff(nz,dt,dz,cs,k,k1,k2,kc)
997 !Computation of the first value (iz=1) of A and B:
1002 b(1)=temp(1)+flux(1)*kc(1)
1008 a(0,iz)=1+k1(iz)+(1-gr_frac_roof)*k2(iz)
1009 b(iz)=temp(iz)+(gr_frac_roof*hfgr*dt)/dz(iz)
1010 a(1,iz)=-k2(iz)*(1-gr_frac_roof)
1012 a(0,iz)=1.+k1(iz)+k2(iz)
1020 !Computation of the external value (iz=n) of A and B:
1025 b(nz)=temp(nz)+kc(nz)*flux(2)
1027 !Resolution of the system A*T(n+1)=B
1029 call tridia(nz,a,b,temp)
1033 end subroutine wall_gr
1035 !====6=8===============================================================72
1036 !====6=8===============================================================72
1039 subroutine wall(swwall,nz,dt,dz,k,cs,flux,temp)
1041 !______________________________________________________________________
1043 !The aim of this subroutine is to solve the 1D heat fiffusion equation
1044 !for roof, walls and streets:
1046 ! dT/dt=d/dz[K*dT/dz] where:
1048 ! -T is the surface temperature(wall, street, roof)
1049 ! -Kz is the heat diffusivity inside the material.
1051 !The resolution is done implicitly with a FV discretisation along the
1052 !different layers of the material:
1054 ! ____________________________
1058 ! ____________________________
1061 ! ____________________________
1063 ! I ==> [T(I,n+1)-T(I,n)]/DT=
1064 ! ____________________________ [F(i+1)-F(i)]/DZI
1066 ! I-1 ==> A*T(n+1)=B where:
1067 ! ____________________________
1068 ! i-1 * * A is a TRIDIAGONAL matrix.
1069 ! * * B=T(n)+S takes into account the sources.
1071 ! 1 ____________________________
1073 !________________________________________________________________
1079 integer nz !Number of layers inside the material
1081 real dz(nz) !Layer sizes [m]
1082 real cs(nz) !Specific heat of the material [J/(m3.K)]
1083 real k(nz+1) !Thermal conductivity in each layers (face) [W/(m.K)]
1084 real flux(2) !Internal and external flux terms.
1090 integer swwall !swich for the physical coefficients calculation
1091 real temp(nz) !Temperature at each layer
1096 real a(-1:1,nz) ! a(-1,*) lower diagonal A(i,i-1)
1097 ! a(0,*) principal diagonal A(i,i)
1098 ! a(1,*) upper diagonal A(i,i+1).
1100 real b(nz) !Coefficients of the second term.
1107 !________________________________________________________________
1109 !Calculation of the coefficients
1111 if (swwall.eq.1) then
1114 write(*,*) 'number of layers in the walls/roofs too big ',nz
1115 write(*,*) 'please decrease under of',20
1119 call wall_coeff(nz,dt,dz,cs,k,k1,k2,kc)
1124 !Computation of the first value (iz=1) of A and B:
1129 b(1)=temp(1)+flux(1)*kc(1)
1133 a(0,iz)=1+k1(iz)+k2(iz)
1138 !Computation of the external value (iz=n) of A and B:
1143 b(nz)=temp(nz)+flux(2)*kc(nz)
1145 !Resolution of the system A*T(n+1)=B
1147 call tridia(nz,a,b,temp)
1153 !====6=8===============================================================72
1154 !====6=8===============================================================72
1156 subroutine wall_coeff(nz,dt,dz,cs,k,k1,k2,kc)
1160 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
1163 integer nz !Number of layers inside the material
1165 real dz(nz) !Layer sizes [m]
1166 real cs(nz) !Specific heat of the material [J/(m3.K)]
1167 real k(nz+1) !Thermal diffusivity in each layers (face) [W/(m.K)]
1173 real flux(2) !Internal and external flux terms.
1187 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1190 kc(iz)=dt/(dz(iz)*cs(iz))
1191 kf(iz)=2*k(iz)/(dz(iz)+dz(iz-1))
1194 kc(1)=dt/(dz(1)*cs(1))
1195 kf(1)=2*k(1)/(dz(1))
1198 k1(iz)=kc(iz)*kf(iz)
1202 k2(iz)=kc(iz)*kf(iz+1)*cs(iz)/cs(iz+1)
1206 end subroutine wall_coeff
1208 !====6=8===============================================================72
1209 !====6=8===============================================================72
1210 subroutine hsinsflux(swsurf,swwin,tin,tw,hsins)
1214 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
1215 ! This routine computes the internal sensible heat flux.
1216 ! The swsurf, makes rhe difference between a vertical and a
1217 ! horizontal surface.
1218 ! The values of the heat conduction coefficients hc are obtained from the book
1219 ! "Energy Simulation in Building Design". J.A. Clarke.
1220 ! Adam Hilger, Bristol, 362 pp.
1221 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
1224 integer swsurf !swich for the type of surface (horizontal/vertical)
1225 integer swwin !swich for the type of surface (window/wall)
1226 real tin !Inside temperature [K]
1227 real tw !Internal wall temperature [K]
1232 real hsins !internal sensible heat flux [W/m2]
1235 real hc !heat conduction coefficient [W/\B0C.m2]
1236 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1238 if (swsurf.eq.2) then !vertical surface
1239 if (swwin.eq.1) then
1240 hc=5.678*0.99 !window surface (smooth surface)
1242 hc=5.678*1.09 !wall surface (rough surface)
1247 if (swsurf.eq.1) then !horizontal surface
1248 if (swwin.eq.1) then
1249 hc=5.678*0.99 !window surface (smooth surface)
1251 hc=5.678*1.09 !wall surface (rough surface)
1257 end subroutine hsinsflux
1258 !====6=8===============================================================72
1259 !====6=8===============================================================72
1261 subroutine int_rsrad(albwin,albwal,pwin,rswal,&
1262 surwal,bw,bl,zw,rsint)
1264 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
1266 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
1270 real albwin !albedo of the windows
1271 real albwal !albedo of the internal wall
1272 real rswal(4) !incoming short wave radiation [W/m2]
1273 real surwal(6) !surface of the indoor walls [m2]
1274 real bw,bl !width of the walls [m]
1275 real zw !height of the wall [m]
1276 real pwin !window proportion
1280 real rsint(6) !internal walls short wave radiation [W/m2]
1284 real transmit !transmittance of the direct/diffused radiation
1285 real rstr !solar radiation transmitted through the windows
1286 real surtotwal !total indoor surface of the walls in the room
1288 real b(6) !second member for the system
1289 real a(6,6) !matrix for the system
1291 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
1294 ! Calculation of the solar radiation transmitted through windows
1299 rstr = rstr+(surwal(iw)*pwin)*(transmit*rswal(iw))
1302 !We suppose that the radiation is spread isotropically within the
1303 !room when it passes through the windows, so the flux [W/m2] in every
1308 surtotwal=surtotwal+surwal(iw)
1313 !Computation of the short wave radiation reaching the internal walls
1315 call algebra_short(rstr,albwal,albwin,bw,bl,zw,pwin,a,b)
1317 call gaussjbem(a,6,b,6)
1324 end subroutine int_rsrad
1326 !====6=8===============================================================72
1327 !====6=8===============================================================72
1329 subroutine int_rlrad(emwal,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin,&
1330 pwin,bw,bl,zw,rlint)
1332 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
1334 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
1339 real emwal !emissivity of the internal walls
1340 real emwin !emissivity of the window
1341 real sigma !Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m2.K4]
1342 real twal_int(6)!temperature of the first internal layers of a room [K]
1343 real twin(4) !temperature of the windows [K]
1344 real bw !width of the wall
1345 real bl !length of the wall
1346 real zw !height of the wall
1347 real pwin !window proportion
1352 real rlint(6) !internal walls long wave radiation [W/m2]
1357 real b(6) !second member vector for the system
1358 real a(6,6) !matrix for the system
1360 !----------------------------------------------------------------
1362 !Compute the long wave radiation reachs the internal walls
1364 call algebra_long(emwal,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin,pwin,&
1367 call gaussjbem(a,6,b,6)
1374 end subroutine int_rlrad
1376 !====6=8===============================================================72
1377 !====6=8===============================================================72
1379 subroutine algebra_short(rstr,albwal,albwin,aw,bw,zw,pwin,a,b)
1381 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1382 !This routine calculates the algebraic system that will be solved for
1383 !the computation of the total shortwave radiation that reachs every
1384 !indoor wall in a floor.
1385 !Write the matrix system ax=b to solve
1387 ! -Rs(1)+a(1,2)Rs(2)+.................+a(1,6)Rs(6)=-Rs=b(1)
1388 !a(2,1)Rs(1)- Rs(2)+.................+a(2,6)Rs(6)=-Rs=b(2)
1389 !a(3,1)Rs(1)+a(3,2)Rs(3)-Rs(3)+...........+a(3,6)Rs(6)=-Rs=b(3)
1390 !a(4,1)Rs(1)+.................-Rs(4)+.....+a(4,6)Rs(6)=-Rs=b(4)
1391 !a(5,1)Rs(1)+.......................-Rs(5)+a(5,6)Rs(6)=-Rs=b(5)
1392 !a(6,1)Rs(1)+....................................-R(6)=-Rs=b(6)
1394 !This version suppose the albedo of the indoor walls is the same.
1395 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1397 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1401 real rstr !solar radiation transmitted through the windows
1402 real albwal !albedo of the internal walls
1403 real albwin !albedo of the windows.
1404 real bw !length of the wall
1405 real aw !width of the wall
1406 real zw !height of the wall
1407 real fprl_int !view factor
1408 real fnrm_int !view factor
1409 real pwin !window proportion
1412 real a(6,6) !Matrix for the system
1413 real b(6) !Second member for the system
1417 real albm !averaged albedo
1418 !----------------------------------------------------------------
1420 !Initialise the variables
1429 !Calculation of the second member b
1435 !Calculation of the averaged albedo
1437 albm=pwin*albwin+(1-pwin)*albwal
1439 !Calculation of the matrix a
1443 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw)
1445 a(1,2)=albm*fprl_int
1447 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw))
1449 a(1,3)=albm*(bw/aw)*fnrm_int
1453 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,zw/aw,bw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw))
1455 a(1,5)=albwal*(bw/zw)*fnrm_int
1468 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw))
1470 a(3,1)=albm*(aw/bw)*fnrm_int
1474 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw)
1476 a(3,4)=albm*fprl_int
1478 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,zw/bw,aw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw))
1480 a(3,5)=albwal*(aw/zw)*fnrm_int
1491 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw))
1493 a(5,1)=albm*(zw/bw)*fnrm_int
1497 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw))
1499 a(5,3)=albm*(zw/aw)*fnrm_int
1504 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/zw,bw/zw)
1506 a(5,6)=albwal*fprl_int
1517 end subroutine algebra_short
1519 !====6=8===============================================================72
1520 !====6=8===============================================================72
1522 subroutine algebra_long(emwal,emwin,sigma,twalint,twinint,&
1525 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1526 !This routine computes the algebraic system that will be solved to
1527 !compute the longwave radiation that reachs the indoor
1529 !Write the matrix system ax=b to solve
1531 !a(1,1)Rl(1)+.............................+Rl(6)=b(1)
1532 !a(2,1)Rl(1)+.................+Rl(5)+a(2,6)Rl(6)=b(2)
1533 !a(3,1)Rl(1)+.....+Rl(3)+...........+a(3,6)Rl(6)=b(3)
1534 !a(4,1)Rl(1)+...........+Rl(4)+.....+a(4,6)Rl(6)=b(4)
1535 ! Rl(1)+.......................+a(5,6)Rl(6)=b(5)
1536 !a(6,1)Rl(1)+Rl(2)+.................+a(6,6)Rl(6)=b(6)
1538 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1541 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
1546 real pwin !window proportion
1547 real emwal !emissivity of the internal walls
1548 real emwin !emissivity of the window
1549 real sigma !Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m2.K4]
1550 real twalint(6) !temperature of the first internal layers of a room [K]
1551 real twinint(4) !temperature of the windows [K]
1552 real aw !width of the wall
1553 real bw !length of the wall
1554 real zw !height of the wall
1555 real fprl_int !view factor
1556 real fnrm_int !view factor
1557 real fnrm_intx !view factor
1558 real fnrm_inty !view factor
1562 real b(6) !second member vector for the system
1563 real a(6,6) !matrix for the system
1569 real emwal_av !averadge emissivity of the wall
1570 real emwin_av !averadge emissivity of the window
1571 real em_av !averadge emissivity
1572 real twal_int(6) !twalint
1573 real twin(4) !twinint
1574 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1576 !Initialise the variables
1577 !-------------------------
1589 twal_int(iw)=twalint(iw)
1593 twin(iw)=twinint(iw)
1596 !Calculation of the averadge emissivities
1597 !-----------------------------------------
1599 emwal_av=(1-pwin)*emwal
1601 em_av=emwal_av+emwin_av
1603 !Calculation of the second term for the walls
1604 !-------------------------------------------
1606 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/zw,bw/zw)
1607 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw))
1608 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw))
1610 b_wall(1)=(emwal*sigma*(twal_int(5)**4)* &
1612 (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(3)**4)+ &
1613 emwal_av*(twal_int(4)**4))* &
1614 (zw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ &
1615 (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(1)**4)+ &
1616 emwal_av*(twal_int(2)**4))* &
1619 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/zw,bw/zw)
1620 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw))
1621 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw))
1623 b_wall(2)=(emwal*sigma*(twal_int(6)**4)* &
1625 (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(3)**4)+ &
1626 emwal_av*(twal_int(4)**4))* &
1627 (zw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ &
1628 (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(1)**4)+ &
1629 emwal_av*(twal_int(2)**4))* &
1632 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw)
1633 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw))
1634 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,zw/bw,aw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw))
1636 b_wall(3)=(emwal_av*sigma*(twal_int(4)**4)* &
1638 (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(2)**4)+ &
1639 emwal_av*(twal_int(1)**4))* &
1640 (aw/bw)*fnrm_intx)+ &
1641 (sigma*(emwal*(twal_int(5)**4)+ &
1642 emwal*(twal_int(6)**4))* &
1645 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw)
1646 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw))
1647 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,zw/bw,aw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw))
1649 b_wall(4)=(emwal_av*sigma*(twal_int(3)**4)* &
1651 (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(2)**4)+ &
1652 emwal_av*(twal_int(1)**4))* &
1653 (aw/bw)*fnrm_intx)+ &
1654 (sigma*(emwal*(twal_int(5)**4)+ &
1655 emwal*(twal_int(6)**4))* &
1658 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw)
1659 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw))
1660 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,zw/aw,bw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw))
1662 b_wall(5)=(emwal_av*sigma*(twal_int(2)**4)* &
1664 (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(3)**4)+ &
1665 emwal_av*(twal_int(4)**4))* &
1666 (bw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ &
1667 (sigma*(emwal*(twal_int(5)**4)+ &
1668 emwal*(twal_int(6)**4))* &
1671 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw)
1672 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw))
1673 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,zw/aw,bw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw))
1675 b_wall(6)=(emwal_av*sigma*(twal_int(1)**4)* &
1677 (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(3)**4)+ &
1678 emwal_av*(twal_int(4)**4))* &
1679 (bw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ &
1680 (sigma*(emwal*(twal_int(5)**4)+ &
1681 emwal*(twal_int(6)**4))* &
1684 !Calculation of the second term for the windows
1685 !---------------------------------------------
1686 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw))
1687 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw))
1689 b_wind(1)=(sigma*(emwin_av*(twin(3)**4)+ &
1690 emwin_av*(twin(4)**4))* &
1691 (zw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ &
1692 (sigma*(emwin_av*(twin(1)**4)+ &
1693 emwin_av*(twin(2)**4))* &
1696 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw))
1697 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw))
1699 b_wind(2)=(sigma*(emwin_av*(twin(3)**4)+ &
1700 emwin_av*(twin(4)**4))* &
1701 (zw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ &
1702 (sigma*(emwin_av*(twin(1)**4)+ &
1703 emwin_av*(twin(2)**4))* &
1706 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw)
1707 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw))
1709 b_wind(3)=emwin_av*sigma*(twin(4)**4)* &
1710 fprl_int+(sigma*(emwin_av* &
1711 (twin(2)**4)+emwin_av*(twin(1)**4))* &
1714 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw)
1715 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw))
1717 b_wind(4)=emwin_av*sigma*(twin(3)**4)* &
1718 fprl_int+(sigma*(emwin_av* &
1719 (twin(2)**4)+emwin_av*(twin(1)**4))* &
1722 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw)
1723 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw))
1725 b_wind(5)=emwin_av*sigma*(twin(2)**4)* &
1726 fprl_int+(sigma*(emwin_av* &
1727 (twin(3)**4)+emwin_av*(twin(4)**4))* &
1730 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw)
1731 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw))
1733 b_wind(6)=emwin_av*sigma*(twin(1)**4)* &
1734 fprl_int+(sigma*(emwin_av* &
1735 (twin(3)**4)+emwin_av*(twin(4)**4))* &
1738 !Calculation of the total b term
1739 !-------------------------------
1742 b(iw)=b_wall(iw)+b_wind(iw)
1746 !Calculation of the matrix of the system
1747 !----------------------------------------
1749 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw))
1751 a(1,1)=(em_av-1.)*(zw/bw)*fnrm_int
1755 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw))
1757 a(1,3)=(em_av-1.)*(zw/aw)*fnrm_int
1761 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/zw,bw/zw)
1763 a(1,5)=(emwal-1.)*fprl_int
1773 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw))
1775 a(3,1)=(em_av-1.)*(aw/bw)*fnrm_int
1780 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw)
1782 a(3,4)=(em_av-1.)*fprl_int
1784 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,zw/bw,aw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw))
1786 a(3,5)=(emwal-1.)*(aw/zw)*fnrm_int
1799 call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw)
1801 a(5,2)=(em_av-1.)*fprl_int
1803 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw))
1805 a(5,3)=(em_av-1.)*(bw/aw)*fnrm_int
1809 call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,zw/aw,bw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw))
1811 a(5,5)=(emwal-1.)*(bw/zw)*fnrm_int
1823 end subroutine algebra_long
1825 !====6=8===============================================================72
1826 !====6=8===============================================================72
1829 subroutine fluxroo(hseqocc,hleqocc,hsvent,hlvent, &
1832 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1833 !This routine calculates the heat flux generated inside the room
1834 !and the heat ejected to the atmosphere.
1835 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1839 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1843 real hseqocc !sensible heat generated by equipments and occupants [W]
1844 real hleqocc !latent heat generated by occupants [W]
1845 real hsvent !sensible heat generated by natural ventilation [W]
1846 real hlvent !latent heat generated by natural ventilation [W]
1847 real hscond !sensible heat generated by wall conduction
1851 real hslev !sensible heat flux generated inside the room [W]
1852 real hllev !latent heat flux generatd inside the room
1855 !Calculation of the total sensible heat generated inside the room
1857 hslev=hseqocc+hsvent+hscond
1859 !Calculation of the total latent heat generated inside the room
1861 hllev=hleqocc+hlvent
1864 end subroutine fluxroo
1866 !====6=8===============================================================72
1867 !====6=8===============================================================72
1869 subroutine phirat(nhourday,rocc)
1871 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1872 !This routine calculates the occupation ratio of a floor
1873 !By now we suppose a constant value
1874 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1881 real nhourday ! number of hours from midnight (local time)
1885 real rocc !value between 0 and 1
1891 end subroutine phirat
1893 !====6=8===============================================================72
1894 !====6=8===============================================================72
1896 subroutine phiequ(nhourday,hsesf,hsequip,hsequ)
1898 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1899 !This routine calculates the sensible heat gain from equipments
1900 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1905 real nhourday ! number of hours from midnight, Local time
1906 real, intent(in) :: hsesf
1907 real, intent(in), dimension(24) :: hsequip
1911 real hsequ !sensible heat gain from equipment [Wm\AF2]
1913 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
1915 hsequ = hsequip(int(nhourday)+1) * hsesf
1917 end subroutine phiequ
1918 !====6=8===============================================================72
1919 !====6=8===============================================================72
1921 subroutine fluxeqocc(nhourday,bw,bl,perflo,hsesf,hsequip,hseqocc,hleqocc)
1925 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
1926 !This routine calculates the sensible and the latent heat flux
1927 !generated by equipments and occupants
1928 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
1932 real bw !Room width [m]
1933 real bl !Room lengzh [m]
1934 real nhourday !number of hours from the beginning of the day
1935 real, intent(in) :: perflo ! Peak number of occupants per unit floor area
1936 real, intent(in) :: hsesf
1937 real, intent(in), dimension(24) :: hsequip
1941 real hseqocc !sensible heat generated by equipments and occupants [W]
1942 real hleqocc !latent heat generated by occupants [W]
1945 real Af !Air conditioned floor area [m2]
1946 real rocc !Occupation ratio of the floor [0,1]
1947 real hsequ !Heat generated from equipments
1949 real hsocc !Sensible heat generated by a person [W/Person]
1950 !Source Boundary Layer Climates,page 195 (book)
1951 parameter (hsocc=160.)
1953 real hlocc !Latent heat generated by a person [W/Person]
1954 !Source Boundary Layer Climates,page 225 (book)
1955 parameter (hlocc=1.96e6/86400.)
1957 !------------------------------------------------------------------
1958 ! Sensible heat flux
1959 ! ------------------
1963 call phirat(nhourday,rocc)
1965 call phiequ(nhourday,hsesf,hsequip,hsequ)
1967 hseqocc=Af*rocc*perflo*hsocc+Af*hsequ
1974 hleqocc=Af*rocc*perflo*hlocc
1977 end subroutine fluxeqocc
1979 !====6=8===============================================================72
1980 !====6=8===============================================================72
1982 subroutine fluxvent(cpint,rhoint,vollev,tlev,tout,latent,&
1983 humout,rhoout,humlev,beta,hsvent,hlvent)
1987 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
1988 !This routine calculates the sensible and the latent heat flux
1989 !generated by natural ventilation
1990 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
1994 real cpint !specific heat of the indoor air [J/kg.K]
1995 real rhoint !density of the indoor air [Kg/m3]
1996 real vollev !volume of the room [m3]
1997 real tlev !Room temperature [K]
1998 real tout !outside air temperature [K]
1999 real latent !latent heat of evaporation [J/Kg]
2000 real humout !outside absolute humidity [Kgwater/Kgair]
2001 real rhoout !air density [kg/m3]
2002 real humlev !Specific humidity of the indoor air [Kgwater/Kgair]
2003 real, intent(in) :: beta!Thermal efficiency of the heat exchanger
2007 real hsvent !sensible heat generated by natural ventilation [W]
2008 real hlvent !latent heat generated by natural ventilation [W]
2013 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2015 ! Sensible heat flux
2016 ! ------------------
2018 hsvent=(1.-beta)*cpint*rhoint*(vollev/3600.)* &
2024 hlvent=(1.-beta)*latent*rhoint*(vollev/3600.)* &
2029 end subroutine fluxvent
2031 !====6=8===============================================================72
2032 !====6=8===============================================================72
2034 subroutine fluxcond(hswalins,hswinins,surwal,pwin,hscond)
2038 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
2039 !This routine calculates the sensible heat flux generated by
2041 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
2045 real hswalins(6) !sensible heat at the internal layers of the wall [W/m2]
2046 real hswinins(4) !internal window sensible heat flux [W/m2]
2047 real surwal(6) !surfaces of the room walls [m2]
2048 real pwin !window proportion
2054 real hscond !sensible heat generated by wall conduction [W]
2061 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
2066 hscond=hscond+surwal(ivw)*(1-pwin)*hswalins(ivw)+ &
2067 surwal(ivw)*pwin*hswinins(ivw)
2071 hscond=hscond+surwal(ivw)*hswalins(ivw)
2074 !Finally we must change the sign in hscond to be proportional
2075 !to the difference (Twall-Tindoor).
2080 end subroutine fluxcond
2082 !====6=8===============================================================72
2083 !====6=8===============================================================72
2085 subroutine regtemp(swcond,nhourday,dt,Qb,hsroo, &
2086 tlev,timeon,timeoff,targtemp,gaptemp,hsneed)
2090 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
2091 !This routine calculates the sensible heat fluxes,
2092 !after anthropogenic regulation (air conditioning)
2093 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
2097 integer swcond !swich air conditioning
2098 real nhourday !number of hours from the beginning of the day real
2099 real dt !time step [s]
2100 real Qb !overall heat capacity of the indoor air [J/K]
2101 real hsroo !sensible heat flux generated inside the room [W]
2102 real tlev !room air temperature [K]
2103 real, intent(in) :: timeon ! Initial local time of A/C systems
2104 real, intent(in) :: timeoff ! Ending local time of A/C systems
2105 real, intent(in) :: targtemp! Target temperature of A/C systems
2106 real, intent(in) :: gaptemp ! Comfort range of indoor temperature
2112 real templev !hipotetical room air temperature [K]
2113 real alpha !variable to control the heating/cooling of
2114 !the air conditining system
2117 real hsneed !sensible heat extracted to the indoor air [W]
2118 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
2119 !initialize variables
2120 !---------------------
2124 if (swcond.eq.0) then ! there is not air conditioning in the floor
2128 if ((nhourday.ge.timeon).and.(nhourday.le.timeoff)) then
2129 templev=tlev+(dt/Qb)*hsroo
2132 hsneed = 0. ! air conditioning is switched off
2139 if (abs(templev-targtemp).le.gaptemp) then
2142 if (templev.gt.(targtemp+gaptemp)) then
2143 hsneed=hsroo-(Qb/dt)*(targtemp+gaptemp-tlev)
2144 alpha=(abs(hsneed-hsroo)/Qb)
2145 if (alpha.gt.temp_rat) then
2146 hsneed=hsroo+temp_rat*Qb
2152 hsneed=hsroo-(Qb/dt)*(targtemp-gaptemp-tlev)
2153 alpha=(abs(hsneed-hsroo)/Qb)
2154 if (alpha.gt.temp_rat) then
2155 hsneed=hsroo-temp_rat*Qb
2165 end subroutine regtemp
2167 !====6=8==============================================================72
2168 !====6=8==============================================================72
2170 subroutine reghum(swcond,nhourday,dt,volroo,rhoint,latent, &
2171 hlroo,shumroo,timeon,timeoff,targhum,gaphum,hlneed)
2175 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
2176 !This routine calculates the latent heat fluxes,
2177 !after anthropogenic regulation (air conditioning)
2178 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
2182 integer swcond !swich air conditioning
2183 real nhourday !number of hours from the beginning of the day real[h]
2184 real dt !time step [s]
2185 real volroo !volume of the room [m3]
2186 real rhoint !density of the internal air [Kg/m3]
2187 real latent !latent heat of evaporation [J/Kg]
2188 real hlroo !latent heat flux generated inside the room [W]
2189 real shumroo !specific humidity of the indoor air [kg/kg]
2190 real, intent(in) :: timeon ! Initial local time of A/C systems
2191 real, intent(in) :: timeoff ! Ending local time of A/C systems
2192 real, intent(in) :: targhum ! Target humidity of the A/C systems
2193 real, intent(in) :: gaphum ! comfort range of the specific humidity
2198 real humlev !hipotetical specific humidity of the indoor [kg/kg]
2199 real betha !variable to control the drying/moistening of
2200 !the air conditioning system
2203 real hlneed !latent heat extracted to the indoor air [W]
2204 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2205 !initialize variables
2206 !---------------------
2210 if (swcond.eq.0) then ! there is not air conditioning in the floor
2214 if ((nhourday.ge.timeon).and.(nhourday.le.timeoff)) then
2215 humlev=shumroo+(dt/(latent*rhoint*volroo))*hlroo
2218 hlneed = 0. ! air conditioning is switched off
2225 if (abs(humlev-targhum).le.gaphum) then
2228 if (humlev.gt.(targhum+gaphum)) then
2229 hlneed=hlroo-((latent*rhoint*volroo)/dt)* &
2230 (targhum+gaphum-shumroo)
2231 betha=abs(hlneed-hlroo)/(latent*rhoint*volroo)
2232 if (betha.gt.hum_rat) then
2233 hlneed=hlroo+hum_rat*(latent*rhoint*volroo)
2239 hlneed=hlroo-((latent*rhoint*volroo)/dt)* &
2240 (targhum-gaphum-shumroo)
2241 betha=abs(hlneed-hlroo)/(latent*rhoint*volroo)
2242 if (betha.gt.hum_rat) then
2243 hlneed=hlroo-hum_rat*(latent*rhoint*volroo)
2253 end subroutine reghum
2255 !====6=8==============================================================72
2256 !====6=8==============================================================72
2258 subroutine air_cond(hsneed,hlneed,dt,hsout,hlout,consump,cop)
2263 !Performance of the air conditioning system
2266 real, intent(in) :: cop
2270 real hsneed !sensible heat that is necessary for cooling/heating
2271 !the indoor air temperature [W]
2272 real hlneed !latent heat that is necessary for controling
2273 !the humidity of the indoor air [W]
2274 real dt !time step [s]
2278 real hsout !sensible heat pumped out into the atmosphere [W]
2279 real hlout !latent heat pumped out into the atmosphere [W]
2280 real consump !Electrical consumption of the air conditioning system [W]
2284 !Performance of the air conditioning system
2286 if (hsneed.gt.0) then ! air conditioning is cooling
2287 ! and the heat is pumped out into the atmosphere
2288 hsout=(1/cop)*(abs(hsneed)+abs(hlneed))+hsneed
2290 consump=(1./cop)*(abs(hsneed)+abs(hlneed))
2294 else if(hsneed.eq.0.) then !air conditioning is not working to regulate the indoor temperature
2295 hlneed=0. !no humidity regulation is considered
2296 hsout=0. !no output into the atmosphere (sensible heat)
2297 hlout=0. !no output into the atmosphere (latent heat)
2298 consump=0. !no electrical consumption
2300 else !! hsneed < 0. !air conditioning is heating
2301 hlneed=0. !no humidity regulation is considered
2302 hlout=0. !no output into the atmosphere (latent heat)
2303 consump=(1./cop)*(abs(hsneed)+abs(hlneed))
2305 !!We have two possibilities
2307 !! hsout=(1./cop)*(abs(hsneed)+abs(hlneed)) !output into the atmosphere
2308 hsout=0. !no output into the atmosphere
2312 end subroutine air_cond
2314 !====6=8==============================================================72
2315 !====6=8==============================================================72
2317 subroutine consump_total(nzcanm,nlev,consumpbuild,hsoutbuild, &
2322 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2323 !Compute the total consumption in kWh/s (1kWh=3.6e+6 J) and sensible heat
2324 !ejected into the atmosphere per building
2325 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2330 integer nzcanm !Maximum number of vertical levels in the urban grid
2331 real hsout(nzcanm) !sensible heat emitted outside the room [W]
2332 real consump(nzcanm) !Electricity consumption for the a.c. in each floor[W]
2336 real consumpbuild !Energetic consumption for the entire building[kWh/s]
2337 real hsoutbuild !Total sensible heat ejected into the atmosphere
2338 !by the air conditioning systems per building [W]
2356 consumpbuild=consumpbuild+consump(ilev)
2357 hsoutbuild=hsoutbuild+hsout(ilev)
2360 consumpbuild=consumpbuild/(3.6e+06)
2363 end subroutine consump_total
2364 !====6=8==============================================================72
2365 !====6=8==============================================================72
2366 subroutine tridia(n,a,b,x)
2368 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2369 ! + by A. Clappier, EPFL, CH 1015 Lausanne +
2370 ! + phone: ++41-(0)21-693-61-60 +
2371 ! + email:alain.clappier@epfl.ch +
2372 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2374 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2375 ! Resolution of a * x = b where a is a tridiagonal matrix
2377 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2383 real a(-1:1,n) ! a(-1,*) lower diagonal A(i,i-1)
2384 ! a(0,*) principal diagonal A(i,i)
2385 ! a(1,*) upper diagonal A(i,i+1)
2394 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2397 b(i)=b(i)-a(1,i)*b(i+1)/a(0,i+1)
2398 a(0,i)=a(0,i)-a(1,i)*a(-1,i+1)/a(0,i+1)
2402 b(i)=b(i)-a(-1,i)*b(i-1)/a(0,i-1)
2410 end subroutine tridia
2411 !====6=8===============================================================72
2412 !====6=8===============================================================72
2414 subroutine gaussjbem(a,n,b,np)
2416 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2417 ! This routine solve a linear system of n equations of the form
2419 ! where A is a matrix a(i,j)
2420 ! B a vector and X the solution
2421 ! In output b is replaced by the solution
2422 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2426 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2428 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2432 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2434 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2437 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2439 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2441 parameter (nmax=150)
2449 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2451 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2460 if(ipiv(j).ne.1)then
2462 if(ipiv(k).eq.0)then
2463 if(abs(a(j,k)).ge.big)then
2468 elseif(ipiv(k).gt.1)then
2469 FATAL_ERROR('singular matrix in gaussjbem')
2475 ipiv(icol)=ipiv(icol)+1
2477 if(irow.ne.icol)then
2490 if(a(icol,icol).eq.0) FATAL_ERROR('singular matrix in gaussjbem')
2492 pivinv=1./a(icol,icol)
2496 a(icol,l)=a(icol,l)*pivinv
2499 b(icol)=b(icol)*pivinv
2506 a(ll,l)=a(ll,l)-a(icol,l)*dum
2509 b(ll)=b(ll)-b(icol)*dum
2516 end subroutine gaussjbem
2518 !====6=8===============================================================72
2519 !====6=8===============================================================72
2521 subroutine radfluxs(radflux,alb,rs,em,rl,sigma,twal)
2524 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
2525 !This function calculates the radiative fluxe at a surface
2526 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
2529 real alb !albedo of the surface
2530 real rs !shor wave radiation
2531 real em !emissivity of the surface
2532 real rl !lon wave radiation
2533 real sigma !parameter (wall is not black body) [W/m2.K4]
2534 real twal !wall temperature [K]
2537 radflux=(1.-alb)*rs+em*rl-em*sigma*twal**4
2540 end subroutine radfluxs
2541 !====6=8===============================================================72
2542 !====6=8===============================================================72
2543 subroutine radfluxspv(nz,n,alb,rs,swddif,em,rl,twal,tair,sigma,radflux,pv_frac_roof,tpv)
2547 ! This routine calculates the radiative fluxes at the surfaces
2549 ! Integer and real kinds
2551 ! integer, parameter :: kind_im = selected_int_kind(6) ! 4 byte integer
2552 ! integer, parameter :: kind_rb = selected_real_kind(12) ! 8 byte real
2556 integer,intent(in) :: nz !Maximum number of vertical levels in the urban grid
2557 real,intent(in) :: alb !albedo of the surface
2558 real,intent(in) :: rs !shortwave radiation [W m-2]
2559 real,intent(in) :: swddif
2560 real,intent(in) :: em !emissivity of the surface
2561 real,intent(in) :: rl !longwave radiation [W m-2]
2562 real,intent(in) :: twal !surface temperature [K]
2563 real,intent(in) :: sigma !Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m2.K4]
2564 real,intent(in) :: tpv !Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m2.K4]
2565 real,intent(in),dimension(1:nz) :: tair !external temperature [K]
2566 integer,intent(in) :: n !number of floors in the building
2567 real, intent(in) :: pv_frac_roof !
2573 real,intent(inout) :: radflux !radiative flux at the surface [W m-2]
2578 hrad=sigma/((1-empv)/empv+1/F12+(1-em)/em)
2579 if ((n+1).gt.nz) then
2580 write(*,*) 'Increase maximum number of vertical levels in the urban grid'
2583 radflux=(1.-alb)*(1.-pv_frac_roof)*rs+em*(1.-pv_frac_roof)*rl+pv_frac_roof*hrad*(tpv**4-twal**4)- &
2584 em*sigma*(1.-pv_frac_roof)*twal**4
2586 end subroutine radfluxspv
2587 !====6=8==============================================================72
2588 !====6=8==============================================================72
2590 ! we define the view factors fprl and fnrm, which are the angle
2591 ! factors between two equal and parallel planes, fprl, and two
2592 ! equal and orthogonal planes, fnrm, respectively
2594 subroutine fprl_ints(fprl_int,vx,vy)
2601 fprl_int=(2./(3.141592653*vx*vy))* &
2602 (log(sqrt((1.+vx*vx)*(1.+vy*vy)/(1.+vx*vx+vy*vy)))+ &
2603 (vy*sqrt(1.+vx*vx)*atan(vy/sqrt(1.+vx*vx)))+ &
2604 (vx*sqrt(1.+vy*vy)*atan(vx/sqrt(1.+vy*vy)))- &
2605 vy*atan(vy)-vx*atan(vx))
2608 end subroutine fprl_ints
2610 !====6=8==============================================================72
2611 !====6=8==============================================================72
2613 ! we define the view factors fprl and fnrm, which are the angle
2614 ! factors between two equal and parallel planes, fprl, and two
2615 ! equal and orthogonal planes, fnrm, respectively
2618 subroutine fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,wx,wy,wz)
2625 fnrm_int=(1./(3.141592653*wy))*(wy*atan(1./wy)+wx*atan(1./wx)- &
2626 (sqrt(wz)*atan(1./sqrt(wz)))+ &
2627 (1./4.)*(log((1.+wx*wx)*(1.+wy*wy)/(1.+wz))+ &
2628 wy*wy*log(wy*wy*(1.+wz)/(wz*(1.+wy*wy)))+ &
2629 wx*wx*log(wx*wx*(1.+wz)/(wz*(1.+wx*wx)))))
2632 end subroutine fnrm_ints
2634 !====6=8==============================================================72
2635 !====6=8==============================================================72
2636 END MODULE module_sf_bem