Update version info for release v4.6.1 (#2122)
[WRF.git] / var / convertor / decode_l2_airs / decode_airs.f90
1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 ! This program decodes a swath of AIRS L2 standard retrievals, computing RH
3 ! from q and writing the resulting soundings into a little_r formatted file
4 ! named soundings.little_r. The code is based on that from the example reader
5 ! programs supplied through the AIRS web site.
7 ! Michael Duda -- 26 May 2006
8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 program decode_airs
11 use read_airs
13 implicit none
15 real, external :: calc_rh
16 integer, external :: iargc
17 logical, external :: granule_out_of_timewin
19 character (len=69), parameter :: rpt_format = '(2f20.5,4a40,f20.5,5i10,3L10,2i10,a20,13(f13.5,i7))'
20 character (len=15), parameter :: meas_format = '(10(f13.5, i7))'
21 character (len=5), parameter :: end_format = '(3i7)'
22 integer, parameter :: LESS = -1
23 integer, parameter :: EQUAL = 0
24 integer, parameter :: MORE = 1
26 ! Data stored in the header record
27 real :: latitude, longitude, elevation
28 real :: slp, psfc, refp, grndt, sst, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8
29 integer :: islp, ipsfc, n_valid, n_err, n_warning, iseq, n_dups
30 integer :: isut, julian, irefp, igrndt, isst
31 integer :: ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, ix5, ix6, ix7, ix8
32 character (len=20) :: date_char
33 character (len=40) :: id, name, platform, source
34 logical :: is_sound, is_bogus, is_discard
36 ! Data stored in the data record
37 real :: p, z, t, dewpt, spd, dir, u, v, rh, thk
38 integer :: ip, iz, it, idewpt, ispd, idir, iu, iv, irh, ithk
40 ! Data stored in the end record
41 integer :: num_valid, num_err, num_warn
43 type (airs_ret_gran_t) :: ret ! structure with entire granule
44 integer :: layer ! index for cloud or atmospheric layers
45 integer :: nargs ! number of arguments
46 integer :: track ! along-track index (scan number)
47 integer :: xtrack ! across-track index (FOV number)
48 character (len=256) :: arg ! buffer for argument
49 character (len=256) :: file_name ! name of AIRS Level 2 file to read
50 character (len=11) :: ref_time
51 character (len=2) :: version
53 character (len=14) :: min_time, max_time
54 namelist /time_window/ min_time, max_time
55 integer :: qual_threshold
56 namelist /quality/ qual_threshold
58 integer :: delta_time
59 integer :: istatus
60 integer :: nvalid, nvalid_temp, nvalid_h2o, npolarday_temp, npolarday_h2o
61 integer :: fn
62 integer :: cmp_min, cmp_max
63 integer :: mm, ss
64 integer :: qual ! quality. 0 is best, then 1. 2 is bad.
65 integer :: i, j ! indices 1..3 for 3x3 of IR FOVs per retrieval
66 real :: temp ! temperature or -9999 if not good enough
67 real :: h2o ! H2O MMR or -9999 if not good enough
68 logical :: polarday ! true if |lat|>50 and DayNightFlag is not Night
70 nargs = iargc()
72 if (nargs <= 0) then
73 write(6,*) ' '
74 write(6,*) 'Usage: decode_airs.exe filename ...'
75 write(6,*) ' where filename is the name of an HDFEOS file containing'
76 write(6,*) ' a swath of L2 AIRS retreivals.'
77 write(6,*) ' '
78 stop
79 end if
82 min_time = '00000000000000'
83 max_time = '99999999999999'
85 open(11,file='time_window.nl',status='old',iostat=istatus)
86 if (istatus == 0) then
87 read(11,time_window)
88 close(11)
89 end if
91 qual_threshold = 1 ! 0: best, 1:good, 2:not use
93 open(12,file='qual_threshold.nl',status='old',iostat=istatus)
94 if (istatus == 0) then
95 read(12,quality)
96 close(12)
97 end if
99 ! The time for each FOV is given as the number of seconds
100 ! since 1993 Jan 1 00Z
101 ref_time = '1993010100 '
103 open(10, file='soundings.little_r', form='formatted', status='replace')
104 open(20, file='soundings_polarday.little_r', form='formatted', status='replace')
106 do fn = 1, nargs
107 call getarg (fn, file_name)
109 ! Read all retrievals from file_name and place them in ret
110 call airs_ret_rdr(file_name, ret, version)
112 if (granule_out_of_timewin(ret%Time, min_time, max_time)) cycle
114 nvalid_temp = 0
115 nvalid_h2o = 0
116 npolarday_temp = 0
117 npolarday_h2o = 0
119 write(6,'(a,a)') 'DayNightFlag for this granule: ', trim(ret%DayNightFlag)
121 do track = 1, AIRS_RET_GEOTRACK
122 do xtrack = 1, AIRS_RET_GEOXTRACK
124 polarday = .false.
125 nvalid = 0
127 delta_time = nint(ret%Time(xtrack,track))/3600
128 date_char(1:6) = ' '
129 call geth_newdate(ref_time, delta_time, date_char(7:20))
130 mm = mod(nint(ret%Time(xtrack,track)),3600)/60
131 ss = mod(nint(ret%Time(xtrack,track)),60)
132 write(date_char(17:20),'(i2.2,i2.2)') mm, ss
134 if (ret%Time(xtrack,track) < 0.) then
135 cmp_min = LESS
136 else
137 call cmp_datestr(date_char(7:20), min_time, cmp_min)
138 call cmp_datestr(date_char(7:20), max_time, cmp_max)
139 end if
142 if (cmp_min /= LESS .and. cmp_max /= MORE) then
144 write (6,'(a,f8.4,a5,f9.4,a3)') 'Location: ', &
145 ret%Latitude(xtrack,track),'lat, ', &
146 ret%Longitude(xtrack,track),'lon'
147 write(6,'(a)') 'Time: '//date_char(7:20)
148 ! write(6,'(a,i9)') 'RetQAFlag: ', ret%RetQAFlag(xtrack,track)
149 write(6,*) ' '
152 ! First loop through all levels and find out how many valid obs there are
154 if ( version == 'V4' ) then
157 ! Which Qual flag to check depends on layer
158 if (ret%PressStd(layer) < ret%Press_mid_top_bndry(xtrack,track) ) then
159 qual = ret%Qual_Temp_Profile_Top(xtrack,track)
161 else if (ret%PressStd(layer) < ret%Press_bot_mid_bndry(xtrack,track) ) then
162 qual = ret%Qual_Temp_Profile_Mid(xtrack,track)
164 else
165 qual = ret%Qual_Temp_Profile_Bot(xtrack,track)
167 endif
169 ! Temperature. If quality is bad (2) then put out flag value of -9999.0
170 if (qual <= qual_threshold .and. layer > ret%nSurfStd(xtrack,track)) then
171 temp = ret%TAirStd(layer,xtrack,track)
172 h2o = ret%H2OMMRStd(layer,xtrack,track)
174 ! See p.3 of Level 2 Product Levels and Layers
175 ! else if (qual <= qual_threshold .and. abs(ret%PressStd(layer) - ret%PSurfStd(xtrack,track)) < 5.) then
176 ! ! temp = ret%TAirStd(layer,xtrack,track)
177 ! ! h2o = ret%H2OMMRStd(layer,xtrack,track)
179 else
180 temp = -9999.0
181 h2o = -9999.0
183 end if
185 if (temp /= -9999.) then
186 nvalid = nvalid + 1
187 if (h2o /= -9999.) nvalid = nvalid + 1
188 end if
190 end do
191 end if ! end of V4 quality selection
193 if ( version == 'V5' ) then
194 if ( qual_threshold == 0 ) then ! Best
195 nvalid = AIRS_RET_STDPRESSURELAY - ret%nBestStd(xtrack,track) + 1
196 else if ( qual_threshold == 1 ) then ! Good and Best
197 if ( ret%nGoodStd(xtrack,track) == 29 ) then
198 nvalid = AIRS_RET_STDPRESSURELAY - ret%nBestStd(xtrack,track) + 1
199 else
200 nvalid = AIRS_RET_STDPRESSURELAY - ret%nGoodStd(xtrack,track) + 1
201 end if
202 end if
203 if ( (abs(ret%Latitude(xtrack,track)) > 50.0) .and. (trim(ret%DayNightFlag) /= 'Night') ) then
204 polarday = .true.
205 end if
206 end if ! end of V5 quality selection
208 ! If there are valid obs to be reported, write them out to little_r format
210 if (nvalid > 0) then
212 latitude = ret%Latitude(xtrack,track)
213 longitude = ret%Longitude(xtrack,track)
214 if ( version == 'V5' ) then
215 id = 'AIRS L2 Std Retrieval '//version//' '
216 else
217 id = 'AIRS L2 Std Retrieval '
218 end if
219 name = 'AIRSRET '
220 platform = 'FM-133 '
221 source = 'GES DAAC '
222 elevation = -888888.
223 n_valid = nvalid
224 n_err = 0
225 n_warning = 0
226 iseq = 0
227 n_dups = 0
228 is_sound = .true.
229 is_bogus = .false.
230 is_discard = .false.
231 isut = -888888
232 julian = -888888
233 slp = -888888.
234 islp = -88
235 refp = -888888.
236 irefp = -88
237 grndt = -888888.
238 igrndt = -88
239 sst = -888888.
240 isst = -88
241 psfc = -888888.
242 ipsfc = -88
243 x1 = -888888.
244 ix1 = -88
245 x2 = -888888.
246 ix2 = -88
247 x3 = -888888.
248 ix3 = -88
249 x4 = -888888.
250 ix4 = -88
251 x5 = -888888.
252 ix5 = -88
253 x6 = -888888.
254 ix6 = -88
255 x7 = -888888.
256 ix7 = -88
257 x8 = -888888.
258 ix8 = -88
260 if ( .not. polarday ) then
261 write(10, fmt=rpt_format) latitude, longitude, id, name, platform, &
262 source, elevation, n_valid, n_err, n_warning, iseq, n_dups, &
263 is_sound, is_bogus, is_discard, isut, julian, date_char, &
264 slp, islp, refp, irefp, grndt, igrndt, sst, isst, psfc, ipsfc, &
265 x1, ix1, x2, ix2, x3, ix3, x4, ix4, x5, ix5, x6, ix6, x7, ix7, &
266 x8, ix8
267 else
268 write(20, fmt=rpt_format) latitude, longitude, id, name, platform, &
269 source, elevation, n_valid, n_err, n_warning, iseq, n_dups, &
270 is_sound, is_bogus, is_discard, isut, julian, date_char, &
271 slp, islp, refp, irefp, grndt, igrndt, sst, isst, psfc, ipsfc, &
272 x1, ix1, x2, ix2, x3, ix3, x4, ix4, x5, ix5, x6, ix6, x7, ix7, &
273 x8, ix8
274 end if
278 if ( version == 'V4' ) then
279 ! Which Qual flag to check depends on layer
280 if (ret%PressStd(layer) < ret%Press_mid_top_bndry(xtrack,track) ) then
281 qual = ret%Qual_Temp_Profile_Top(xtrack,track)
283 else if (ret%PressStd(layer) < ret%Press_bot_mid_bndry(xtrack,track) ) then
284 qual = ret%Qual_Temp_Profile_Mid(xtrack,track)
286 else
287 qual = ret%Qual_Temp_Profile_Bot(xtrack,track)
289 endif
291 ! Temperature. If quality is bad (2) then put out flag value of -888888.0
292 if (qual <= qual_threshold .and. layer > ret%nSurfStd(xtrack,track)) then
293 temp = ret%TAirStd(layer,xtrack,track)
294 if (temp == -9999.) temp = -888888.
295 h2o = ret%H2OMMRStd(layer,xtrack,track)
296 if (h2o == -9999.) h2o = -888888.
298 else
299 temp = -888888.0
300 h2o = -888888.0
302 end if
303 end if ! end if V4 check
305 if ( version == 'V5' ) then
307 ! for temperature
309 temp = -888888.0
310 if ( qual_threshold == 0 ) then
311 if ( layer >= ret%nBestStd(xtrack,track) ) then
312 temp = ret%TAirStd(layer,xtrack,track)
313 end if
314 else if ( qual_threshold == 1 ) then
315 if ( layer >= ret%nGoodStd(xtrack,track) .or. layer >= ret%nBestStd(xtrack,track) ) then
316 temp = ret%TAirStd(layer,xtrack,track)
317 end if
318 else
319 temp = -888888.0
320 end if
321 if (temp == -9999.) temp = -888888.
323 ! for moisture
325 h2o = -888888.0
326 if ( qual_threshold == 0 ) then
327 if ( (layer <= AIRS_RET_H2OPRESSURELAY) .and. &
328 (ret%Qual_H2O(xtrack,track) <= 1 ) .and. &
329 (ret%pressH2O(layer) <= ret%PBest(xtrack,track)) ) then
330 h2o = ret%H2OMMRStd(layer,xtrack,track)
331 end if
332 else if ( qual_threshold == 1 ) then
333 if ( ret%Qual_H2O(xtrack,track) <= qual_threshold ) then
334 h2o = ret%H2OMMRStd(layer,xtrack,track)
335 end if
336 end if
337 if ( (ret%H2OMMRStdErr(layer,xtrack,track) < 0.0) .or. &
338 (ret%H2OMMRStdErr(layer,xtrack,track) > 0.5*h2o) ) then
339 h2o = -9999.0
340 end if
341 if (h2o == -9999.) h2o = -888888.
343 end if ! end if V5 check
345 if ( temp > 0.0 ) nvalid_temp = nvalid_temp + 1
346 if ( h2o > 0.0 ) nvalid_h2o = nvalid_h2o + 1
348 if ( polarday ) then
349 if ( temp > 0.0 ) then
350 nvalid_temp = nvalid_temp - 1
351 npolarday_temp = npolarday_temp + 1
352 end if
353 if ( h2o > 0.0 ) then
354 nvalid_h2o = nvalid_h2o - 1
355 npolarday_h2o = npolarday_h2o + 1
356 end if
357 end if
359 if (temp /= -888888.) then
361 p = ret%pressStd(layer)*100.
362 ip = 0
363 z = ret%GP_Height(layer,xtrack,track)
364 iz = 0
365 t = temp
366 it = 0
367 dewpt = -888888.
368 idewpt = 0
369 spd = -888888.
370 ispd = 0
371 dir = -888888.
372 idir = 0
373 u = -888888.
374 iu = 0
375 v = -888888.
376 iv = 0
377 if (h2o == -888888. .or. t == -888888.) then
378 rh = -888888.
379 else
380 rh = calc_rh(t, h2o/1000., p)
381 if (rh < 0.) rh = 0.
382 end if
383 irh = 0
384 thk = -888888.
385 ithk = 0
386 if ( .not. polarday ) then
387 write(10, fmt=meas_format) p, ip, z, iz, t, it, dewpt, idewpt, &
388 spd, ispd, dir, idir, u, iu, v, iv, rh, irh, thk, ithk
389 else
390 write(20, fmt=meas_format) p, ip, z, iz, t, it, dewpt, idewpt, &
391 spd, ispd, dir, idir, u, iu, v, iv, rh, irh, thk, ithk
392 end if
393 end if
394 end do
396 p = -777777.
397 ip = 0
398 z = -777777.
399 iz = 0
400 t = -888888.
401 it = 0
402 dewpt = -888888.
403 idewpt = 0
404 spd = -888888.
405 ispd = 0
406 dir = -888888.
407 idir = 0
408 u = -888888.
409 iu = 0
410 v = -888888.
411 iv = 0
412 rh = -888888.
413 irh = 0
414 thk = -888888.
415 ithk = 0
417 if ( .not. polarday ) then
418 write(10, fmt=meas_format) p, ip, z, iz, t, it, dewpt, idewpt, &
419 spd, ispd, dir, idir, u, iu, v, iv, rh, irh, thk, ithk
420 else
421 write(20, fmt=meas_format) p, ip, z, iz, t, it, dewpt, idewpt, &
422 spd, ispd, dir, idir, u, iu, v, iv, rh, irh, thk, ithk
423 end if
425 num_valid = nvalid
426 num_err = 0
427 num_warn = 0
428 if ( .not. polarday ) then
429 write(10, fmt=end_format) num_valid, num_err, num_warn
430 else
431 write(20, fmt=end_format) num_valid, num_err, num_warn
432 end if
434 end if ! end if nvalid > 0
436 ! Need to output quality info so users can tell if we have a good
437 ! retrieval with no clouds or a bad retrieval. Both cases will put
438 ! all -9999s below.
439 ! write(6,*) '# Cloud quality:'
440 ! if (ret%Qual_Cloud_OLR(xtrack,track) .eq. 0) then
441 ! write(6,*) ' 0 Very Good'
442 ! else if (ret%Qual_Cloud_OLR(xtrack,track) .eq. 1) then
443 ! write(6,*) ' 1 Good'
444 ! else
445 ! write(6,*) ' 2 Do Not Use'
446 ! end if
448 end if ! Profile falls within time window
450 end do
451 end do
453 write(6,*) 'nvalid_temp, nvalid_h2o ', nvalid_temp, nvalid_h2o
454 write(6,*) 'npolarday_temp, npolarday_h2o ', npolarday_temp, npolarday_h2o
456 end do ! Loop over filenames
458 close(10)
459 close(20)
461 stop
463 end program decode_airs
465 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
466 ! Given two date strings of the form YYYYMMDDHHmmss, icmp is set to
467 ! 0 if the two dates are the same,
468 ! -1 if date1 < date2, and
469 ! +1 if date1 > date2.
470 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
471 subroutine cmp_datestr(date1, date2, icmp)
473 implicit none
475 ! Arguments
476 character (len=14), intent(in) :: date1, date2
477 integer, intent(out) :: icmp
479 ! Local variables
480 integer :: yyyy1, yyyy2
481 integer :: mm1, mm2
482 integer :: dd1, dd2
483 integer :: hh1, hh2
484 integer :: min1, min2
485 integer :: sec1, sec2
487 read(date1(1:4), '(i4)') yyyy1
488 read(date1(5:6), '(i2)') mm1
489 read(date1(7:8), '(i2)') dd1
490 read(date1(9:10), '(i2)') hh1
491 read(date1(11:12), '(i2)') min1
492 read(date1(13:14), '(i2)') sec1
494 read(date2(1:4), '(i4)') yyyy2
495 read(date2(5:6), '(i2)') mm2
496 read(date2(7:8), '(i2)') dd2
497 read(date2(9:10), '(i2)') hh2
498 read(date2(11:12), '(i2)') min2
499 read(date2(13:14), '(i2)') sec2
501 if (yyyy1 > yyyy2) then
502 icmp = 1
503 return
504 else if (yyyy1 < yyyy2) then
505 icmp = -1
506 return
507 end if
509 if (mm1 > mm2) then
510 icmp = 1
511 return
512 else if (mm1 < mm2) then
513 icmp = -1
514 return
515 end if
517 if (dd1 > dd2) then
518 icmp = 1
519 return
520 else if (dd1 < dd2) then
521 icmp = -1
522 return
523 end if
525 if (hh1 > hh2) then
526 icmp = 1
527 return
528 else if (hh1 < hh2) then
529 icmp = -1
530 return
531 end if
533 if (min1 > min2) then
534 icmp = 1
535 return
536 else if (min1 < min2) then
537 icmp = -1
538 return
539 end if
541 if (sec1 > sec2) then
542 icmp = 1
543 return
544 else if (sec1 < sec2) then
545 icmp = -1
546 return
547 end if
549 icmp = 0
550 return
552 end subroutine cmp_datestr
555 function granule_out_of_timewin(time_arr, min_time, max_time)
557 use read_airs
559 implicit none
561 ! Parameters
562 integer, parameter :: LESS = -1
563 integer, parameter :: EQUAL = 0
564 integer, parameter :: MORE = 1
566 ! Arguments
567 double precision, dimension(AIRS_RET_GEOXTRACK,AIRS_RET_GEOTRACK), intent(in) :: time_arr
568 character (len=14), intent(in) :: min_time, max_time
570 ! Local variables
571 integer :: i, j
572 integer :: delta_time, cmp_min, cmp_max, mm, ss
573 character (len=11) :: ref_time
574 character (len=14) :: date_char
576 ! Return value
577 logical :: granule_out_of_timewin
579 granule_out_of_timewin = .true.
580 ref_time = '1993010100 '
585 delta_time = nint(time_arr(i,j))/3600
586 call geth_newdate(ref_time, delta_time, date_char)
587 mm = mod(nint(time_arr(i,j)),3600)/60
588 ss = mod(nint(time_arr(i,j)),60)
589 write(date_char(11:14),'(i2.2,i2.2)') mm, ss
591 if (time_arr(i,j) < 0.) then
592 cmp_min = LESS
593 else
594 call cmp_datestr(date_char, min_time, cmp_min)
595 call cmp_datestr(date_char, max_time, cmp_max)
596 end if
598 if (cmp_min /= LESS .and. cmp_max /= MORE) then
599 granule_out_of_timewin = .false.
600 return
601 end if
603 end do
604 end do
606 end function granule_out_of_timewin