1 subroutine da_setup_be_ncep_gfs( grid, be )
2 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ! PURPOSE: Define and allocate components of background errors for cv_option 3.
5 ! METHOD: Allocate components in turn.
7 ! HISTORY: 08/02/2002 - Creation of F90 version. Wan-Shu Wu
9 ! PARENT_MODULE: DA_Setup_Structures
11 ! Modified by Yong-Run Guo, 03/07/2009, for WRFVar 3.1
13 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 type (domain), intent(in) :: grid
18 TYPE (be_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: be ! Back. errors structure.
20 INTEGER :: ij,ijk ! Scalar.
21 INTEGER :: i, j, k, ic, jc, ii ! Loop counters.
22 INTEGER :: ier, be_unit ! error index
28 integer :: m,n,m1,n1,n4 ! loop counter
29 integer :: msig,mlath,nmdszh,kcap ! dummy variables
30 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: corz_kz(:,:)
31 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: cord_kz(:,:)
32 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: corh_kz(:,:)
33 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: corq_kz(:,:)
34 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: corz_avn(:,:)
35 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: cord_avn(:,:)
36 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: corh_avn(:,:)
37 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: corq_avn(:,:)
38 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: corp_avn(:)
39 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: clat_avn(:),sigma_avn(:)
40 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: hwll_avn(:,:,:),hwllp_avn(:),hwll_kz(:,:,:)
41 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: vztdq_avn(:,:,:),vztdq_kz(:,:,:)
43 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: agv_avn(:,:,:),agv_kz(:,:,:)
44 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: bv_avn(:,:),wgv_avn(:,:),bv_kz(:,:),wgv_kz(:,:)
45 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: dsh(:),turn(:,:)
47 REAL, DIMENSION( kts: kte, kts: kte) :: vv
48 REAL, DIMENSION( ids: ide, jds: jde, kds: kde, 1:4) :: hwll
49 REAL, DIMENSION( ids: ide, jds: jde) :: hwllp, &
51 global_lat, global_fac
52 INTEGER, DIMENSION( ids: ide, jds: jde) :: mlat
54 INTEGER :: nta,ndeg,ku,kz
55 real :: samp,s2u,tin,as(5),slim
56 character(len=256) :: mesg
58 integer :: be_rf_unit, be_print_unit, it
60 real, dimension(1) :: xxsum
61 real, dimension(ids: ide, jds: jde) :: global_2d
62 real, dimension(ids: ide, jds: jde, kds: kde) :: global_3d
63 real, dimension(ims: ime, jms: jme, kms: kme) :: corz_3d, vz_3d
64 real, dimension(ims: ime, jms: jme) :: corp_2d
65 character(len=6) :: vname
67 write (6,'(A)') ' ----------------------------------------------------------'
68 write (6,'(A,I3)') ' [3.0] Set up background errors (be) for cv_option:', cv_options
69 write (6,'(A)') ' ----------------------------------------------------------'
72 if (cv_options /= 3) then
73 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') 'Something has gone horribly wrong here'
74 write(unit=message(2),fmt='(A,I4)') &
75 'This subroutine is for cv_options = 3, yet cv_options = ', cv_options
76 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:2))
79 !!!!!!!!! cv_options=3
80 be % v1 % name = 'psi ' ! Streamfunction
81 be % v2 % name = 'chi_u' ! Uncorrelated velocity potential.
82 be % v3 % name = 't_u' ! Unbalanced temperature.
83 be % v4 % name = 'q/qsg'
84 be % v5 % name = 'psfc' ! surface pressure
85 write(6,'(3x,A)')' DA_Setup_Background_Errors: 3DVAR dry control variables are:'
86 write(6,'(4x,7A)')TRIM(be % v1 % name), ', ', TRIM(be % v2 % name), ', ', &
87 TRIM(be % v3 % name), ' and ', TRIM(be % v5 % name)
89 write(6,'(3x,A,A)')' DA_Setup_Background_Errors: 3DVAR humidity control variable is ',&
94 be % mix = ide - ids + 1
95 be % mjy = jde - jds + 1
97 ij = ( ite- its+1)*( jte- jts+1)
98 ijk = ij * ( kte- kts+1)
100 be % v1 % mz = kde- kds+1
101 be % v2 % mz = kde- kds+1
102 be % v3 % mz = kde- kds+1
103 be % v4 % mz = kde- kds+1
106 be%cv_mz(1) = be%v1%mz
107 be%cv_mz(2) = be%v2%mz
108 be%cv_mz(3) = be%v3%mz
109 be%cv_mz(4) = be%v4%mz
110 be%cv_mz(5) = be%v5%mz
112 be % cv % size1 = ijk
113 be % cv % size2 = ijk
114 be % cv % size3 = ijk
115 be % cv % size4 = ijk
118 be % cv % size = be % cv % size1 + be % cv % size2 + be % cv % size3 + &
119 be % cv % size4 + be % cv % size5
121 cv_size = be % cv % size
124 call da_get_unit(be_unit)
125 open (unit=be_unit,file="be.dat",status="old",form="unformatted")
129 be_rf_unit = unit_end + 3
131 read(be_unit, iostat= ier) nsig,nlath
134 write(unit=message(1), fmt='(A,I4,A,I4)') &
135 'cv_options:', cv_options,' Reading error in unit=',be_unit
136 write(unit=message(2), fmt='(A)') 'There is likely a problem with your be.dat file'
137 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:2))
140 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I10)') 'Number of vertical level for stats = ', nsig
141 write(unit=message(2),fmt='(A,I10)') 'Number of latitude nlath = ', nlath
142 call da_message(message(1:2))
147 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I6)') 'Number of vertical level for WRFVar=', kz
148 call da_message(message(1:1))
151 ! 1, Allocate the arrays
153 ! 1.1 for BK STATS at WRF eta-levels:
155 ! Variances for psi(corz), chi_u(cord), t_u(corh), and p-rh(corq)
156 ALLOCATE ( corz_kz(1:2*nlath+1,1:kz),cord_kz(1:2*nlath+1,1:kz) )
157 ALLOCATE ( corh_kz(1:2*nlath+1,1:kz),corq_kz(1:2*nlath+1,1:kz) )
158 ! Scale lengths: horizontal (hwll), vertical (vztdq)
159 ALLOCATE ( hwll_kz(0:nlath*2+1,1:kz,1:4) )
160 ALLOCATE ( vztdq_kz(1:kz,0:nlath*2+1,1:4) )
161 ! Regression coefficients: t(agv), chi(bv), psfc(wgv)
162 ALLOCATE ( agv_kz(0:nlath*2+1,1:kz,1:kz) )
163 ALLOCATE ( bv_kz(0:nlath*2+1,1:kz),wgv_kz(0:nlath*2+1,1:kz) )
165 ! 1.2 for BK STATS inputed from NCEP GFS sigma levels:
167 ! Variances for psi(corz), chi_u(cord), t_u(corh), and p-rh(corq)
168 ALLOCATE ( corz_avn(1:2*nlath+1,1:nsig),cord_avn(1:2*nlath+1,1:nsig) )
169 ALLOCATE ( corh_avn(1:2*nlath+1,1:nsig),corq_avn(1:2*nlath+1,1:nsig) )
171 ALLOCATE ( corp_avn(1:2*nlath+1),clat_avn(1:2*nlath),sigma_avn(1:nsig) )
172 ! Scale lengths: horizontal (hwll), vertical (vztdq)
173 ALLOCATE ( hwll_avn(0:nlath*2+1,1:nsig,1:4),hwllp_avn(0:nlath*2+1) )
174 ALLOCATE ( vztdq_avn(1:nsig,0:nlath*2+1,1:4) )
175 ! Regression coefficients: t(agv), chi(bv), psfc(wgv)
176 ALLOCATE ( agv_avn(0:nlath*2+1,1:nsig,1:nsig) )
177 ALLOCATE ( bv_avn(0:nlath*2+1,1:nsig),wgv_avn(0:nlath*2+1,1:nsig) )
179 ! 1.3 for BK STATS at the WRF model grids:
181 ALLOCATE ( be % corz(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte,1:4) )
182 ALLOCATE ( be % corp(its:ite,jts:jte) )
184 ALLOCATE ( be % vz(kts:kte,its:ite,jts:jte,1:4) )
186 ALLOCATE ( be % agvz(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte,kts:kte) )
187 ALLOCATE ( be % bvz(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte) )
188 ALLOCATE ( be % wgvz(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte) )
191 ! 2, load the WRF model latitude and map factor:
194 ij = ( ide- ids+1)*( jde- jds+1)
195 ! Collect xb component of lat into global buffer.
196 call da_patch_to_global( grid, grid%xb%lat, global_lat )
197 call wrf_dm_bcast_real( global_lat, ij )
198 ! Collect xb component of fac into global buffer.
199 call da_patch_to_global( grid, grid%xb%map_factor, global_fac )
200 call wrf_dm_bcast_real( global_fac, ij )
204 global_lat(i,j) = grid%xb%lat(i,j)
205 global_fac(i,j) = grid%xb%map_factor(i,j)
210 ! 3, Read in the NCEP GFS BK STATS:
212 ! 3.1 Latitude and sigma values:
214 read(be_unit, iostat=ier) clat_avn,(sigma_avn(k),k=1,nsig)
216 write(unit=message(1), fmt='(A,I4,A,I4)') &
217 'cv_options:', cv_options,' Reading error in unit=',be_unit
218 write(unit=message(2), fmt='(A)') 'There is likely a problem with your be.dat file'
219 call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:2))
226 ((corz_avn(i,k),i=1,m),k=1,nsig), &
227 ((cord_avn(i,k),i=1,m),k=1,nsig), &
228 ((corh_avn(i,k),i=1,m),k=1,nsig), &
229 ((corq_avn(i,k),i=1,m),k=1,nsig),corp_avn
234 read(be_unit) (((hwll_avn(i,k,m),i=0,nlath*2+1),k=1,nsig),m=1,4), &
237 read(be_unit) (((vztdq_avn(k,i,m),k=1,nsig),i=0,nlath*2+1),m=1,4)
239 ! 3.4 Regression coefficients:
241 read(be_unit) (((agv_avn(i,k,m),i=0,nlath*2+1),k=1,nsig),m=1,nsig), &
242 ((bv_avn(i,k),i=0,nlath*2+1),k=1,nsig), &
243 ((wgv_avn(i,k),i=0,nlath*2+1),k=1,nsig)
245 ! 4, incorporate the tuning factors:
247 ! 4.1 Horizontal scales:
256 hwll_avn(i,k,m)=hwll_avn(i,k,m)*as(m)
261 hwllp_avn(i)=hwllp_avn(i)*as5(2)
264 ! 4.2 Vertical scales:
272 vztdq_avn(k,i,m)=vztdq_avn(k,i,m)*as(m)
277 ! 5, determine the level ku, which locates above and nearest sigma=0.15:
280 k_loop: do k= kds+1, kde
281 if (grid%xb%sigmah(k-1)>0.15 .and. grid%xb%sigmah(k)<=0.15) then
286 write(mesg,'(a,i5,a)') "==> level ku =", ku ," locates above and nearest sigma=0.15"
287 call wrf_debug ( 1 , mesg )
289 ! 6, Vertical interpolation of BK STATS:
290 ! to convert the NCEP GFS sigma levels to WRF model eta levels
292 call da_chgvres(nlath,nsig,kz,grid%xb%sigmah,sigma_avn,&
293 corz_avn,cord_avn,corh_avn,corq_avn,hwll_avn,vztdq_avn,agv_avn,bv_avn,wgv_avn,&
294 corz_kz, cord_kz, corh_kz, corq_kz, hwll_kz, vztdq_kz, agv_kz, bv_kz, wgv_kz)
296 ! 7, Horizontal interpolation
298 ! 7.1 Calculate the interpolation coefficients:
301 !$OMP PRIVATE ( j, i, m, m1 )
305 if (global_lat(i,j).ge.clat_avn(2*nlath)) then
306 ! 7.1.1 Model lat >= max AVN lat:
311 ! 7.1.2 Model lat < max AVN lat:
314 if ((global_lat(i,j).ge.clat_avn(m)).and. &
315 (global_lat(i,j).lt.clat_avn(m1))) then
321 coef2(i,j)=(global_lat(i,j)-clat_avn(m))/(clat_avn(m1)-clat_avn(m))
322 coef1(i,j)=1.-coef2(i,j)
329 ! 7.2 interpolation of the covariance
333 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij, j, i, m, m1 )
334 do ij = 1, grid%num_tiles
336 do j=grid%j_start(ij), grid%j_end(ij)
340 be%corp(i,j)=corp_avn(m)*coef1(i,j)+corp_avn(m1)*coef2(i,j)
347 ! psi, chi, t, and rh:
349 !$OMP PRIVATE ( ij, j, i, k, m, m1 )
350 do ij = 1, grid%num_tiles
353 do j=grid%j_start(ij), grid%j_end(ij)
357 be%corz(i,j,k,1)=corz_kz(m,k)*coef1(i,j)+corz_kz(m1,k)*coef2(i,j)
358 be%corz(i,j,k,2)=cord_kz(m,k)*coef1(i,j)+cord_kz(m1,k)*coef2(i,j)
359 be%corz(i,j,k,3)=corh_kz(m,k)*coef1(i,j)+corh_kz(m1,k)*coef2(i,j)
360 be%corz(i,j,k,4)=corq_kz(m,k)*coef1(i,j)+corq_kz(m1,k)*coef2(i,j)
368 ! 7.3 interpolation of the horizontal scale lengths
370 ic = 1 + ( ide- ids)/2
371 jc = 1 + ( jde- jds)/2
378 hwllp(i,j)=hwllp_avn(m)*coef1(i,j)+hwllp_avn(m1)*coef2(i,j)
381 write(mesg,'(a,2i5,a,f20.10)') 'Horizontal scale length (m) for Psfc at (',ic/2,jc/2,') hwllp=',hwllp(ic/2,jc/2)
382 call wrf_debug ( 1 , mesg )
384 ! psi, chi, t, and rh:
391 hwll(i,j,k,n4)=hwll_kz(m,k,n4)*coef1(i,j)+hwll_kz(m1,k,n4)*coef2(i,j)
397 ! 7.4 interpolation of the vertical scale lengths
405 be%vz(k,i,j,n4)=vztdq_kz(k,m,n4)*coef1(i,j)+vztdq_kz(k,m1,n4)*coef2(i,j)
410 write(mesg,'(a,3i5,a,4f20.16)') 'Vertical scale length for Psi, Chi, t, and rh at (k,i,j)=', &
411 10,its+2,jts+5,' vz=',(be%vz(10,its+2,jts+5,n4),n4=1,4)
412 call wrf_debug ( 1 , mesg )
414 ! 7.5 interpolation of the regression coefficients
423 be%agvz(i,j,n,k)=agv_kz(m,n,k)*coef1(i,j)+agv_kz(m1,n,k)*coef2(i,j)
429 ! potential velocity:
435 be%bvz(i,j,k)=bv_kz(m,k)*coef1(i,j)+bv_kz(m1,k)*coef2(i,j)
446 be%wgvz(i,j,k)=wgv_kz(m,k)*coef1(i,j)+wgv_kz(m1,k)*coef2(i,j)
451 ! 7.6 Deallocate the arrays:
454 DEALLOCATE ( corz_avn,cord_avn )
455 DEALLOCATE ( corh_avn,corq_avn )
456 DEALLOCATE ( corp_avn,clat_avn,sigma_avn )
457 DEALLOCATE ( hwll_avn,hwllp_avn )
458 DEALLOCATE ( vztdq_avn )
459 DEALLOCATE ( agv_avn )
460 DEALLOCATE ( bv_avn,wgv_avn )
462 ! For WRF model levels:
463 DEALLOCATE ( corz_kz,cord_kz )
464 DEALLOCATE ( corh_kz,corq_kz )
465 DEALLOCATE ( hwll_kz )
466 DEALLOCATE ( vztdq_kz )
467 DEALLOCATE ( agv_kz )
468 DEALLOCATE ( bv_kz,wgv_kz )
471 ! 8, Create the parameters for recursive filter
473 ! call da_prerf(grid%xb,be)
475 ! 8.1 Set the constants and generate be%be, samp, be%table:
482 ALLOCATE ( turn (1:ndeg,1:ndeg) )
483 ALLOCATE ( be % be (1:ndeg) )
484 ALLOCATE ( be % rate (1:ndeg) )
486 CALL RFDPAR1(be%BE,be%RATE,ndeg)
487 CALL RFDPAR2(be%BE,be%RATE,TURn,SAMP,ndeg)
493 allocate (dsh(1:nta) )
494 ALLOCATE ( be % table (1:nta,1:ndeg) )
496 ! Constant-3: be%swidth:
499 tin=be%swidth/dble(nta)
504 call RFDPARV(DSH,be%RATE,be%table,nta,ndeg )
506 ! 8.2 Deallocate the working arrays:
510 be_print_unit = unit_end + 4
512 ! 8.2.1 Save the CV3 BE at model grids before tuned:
514 if ( max_ext_its > 1 ) then
516 write (*,'(/a,i3)') 'mpp code ==> Write CV3 BE to fort.',be_rf_unit
519 write (be_rf_unit) ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ku, samp
520 write (*,'(a,7i5,f15.5)') "ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ku, samp:", &
521 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ku, samp
524 ij = ( ide - ids + 1)*( jde - jds + 1)
525 ijk = ij * ( kde - kds + 1)
526 ! Collect the variance and write out:
529 corz_3d(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte) = be%corz(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte,ii)
531 call da_patch_to_global(grid, corz_3d, global_3d)
533 call wrf_dm_bcast_real(global_3d, ijk)
535 if (ii == 1) vname = 'PSI '
536 if (ii == 2) vname = 'CHI_u '
537 if (ii == 3) vname = 'TMP_u '
538 if (ii == 4) vname = 'PSD_RH'
540 xxsum(1) = sum (be%corz(:,:,:,ii)*be%corz(:,:,:,ii))
541 call da_proc_sum_real(xxsum)
543 write (be_rf_unit) 'VARIANCE:', vname, ii, global_3d
544 ! write (*,'(5x,i3,1x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') ii, vname, xxsum(1)
548 corp_2d(its:ite,jts:jte) = be%corp(its:ite,jts:jte)
550 call da_patch_to_global(grid, corp_2d, global_2d)
552 call wrf_dm_bcast_real(global_2d, ij)
553 xxsum(1) = sum (be%corp*be%corp)
554 call da_proc_sum_real(xxsum)
556 write (be_rf_unit) 'VARIANCE:', 'PSFC_u', 1, global_2d
557 ! write (*,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'PSFC_u', xxsum(1)
565 vz_3d(i,j,k) = be%vz(k,i,j,ii)
570 call da_patch_to_global(grid, vz_3d, global_3d)
572 call wrf_dm_bcast_real(global_3d, ijk)
574 if (ii == 1) vname = 'PSI '
575 if (ii == 2) vname = 'CHI_u '
576 if (ii == 3) vname = 'TMP_u '
577 if (ii == 4) vname = 'PSD_RH'
579 xxsum(1) = sum (be%vz(:,:,:,ii)*be%vz(:,:,:,ii))
580 call da_proc_sum_real(xxsum)
582 write (be_rf_unit) 'VZ-SCALE:', vname, ii, global_3d
583 ! write (*,'(5x,i3,1x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') ii, vname, xxsum(1)
589 write (be_rf_unit) hwll
590 xsum = sum (hwll*hwll)
591 ! write (*,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'HORIZONTAL PSI, CHI_u, T_u, RH_u SCALES:', xsum
592 write (be_rf_unit) hwllp
593 xsum = sum (hwllp*hwllp)
594 ! write (*,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'HORIZONTAL PS_u SCALES:', xsum
598 write (*,'(/a,i3)') 'Serial code ==> Write CV3 BE to fort.',be_rf_unit
600 write (be_rf_unit) ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ku, samp
601 write (*,'(a,7i5,f15.5)') "ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ku, samp:", &
602 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ku, samp
604 ! Save the variances before the normalized:
605 ! write (*,'(3x,a)') 'VARIANCE:'
607 if (ii == 1) vname = 'PSI '
608 if (ii == 2) vname = 'CHI_u '
609 if (ii == 3) vname = 'TMP_u '
610 if (ii == 4) vname = 'PSD_RH'
611 global_3d = be%corz(:,:,:,ii)
612 write (be_rf_unit) 'VARIANCE:', vname, ii, global_3d
613 xsum = sum (be%corz(:,:,:,ii)*be%corz(:,:,:,ii))
614 ! write (*,'(5x,i3,1x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') ii, vname, xsum
617 write (be_rf_unit) 'VARIANCE:', 'PSFC_u', 1, global_2d
618 xsum = sum (be%corp*be%corp)
619 ! write (*,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'PSFC_u', xsum
621 ! write (*,'(3x,a)') 'VERTICAL SCALES:'
623 if (ii == 1) vname = 'PSI '
624 if (ii == 2) vname = 'CHI_u '
625 if (ii == 3) vname = 'TMP_u '
626 if (ii == 4) vname = 'PSD_RH'
630 global_3d(i,j,k) = be%vz(k,i,j,ii)
634 write (be_rf_unit) 'VZ-SCALE:', vname, ii, global_3d
635 xsum = sum (be%vz(:,:,:,ii)*be%vz(:,:,:,ii))
636 ! write (*,'(5x,i3,1x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') ii, vname, xsum
640 ! write (*,'(3x,a)') 'HORIZONTAL SCALES:'
641 write (be_rf_unit) hwll
642 xsum = sum (hwll*hwll)
643 ! write (*,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'HORIZONTAL PSI, CHI_u, T_u, RH_u SCALES:', xsum
645 write (be_rf_unit) hwllp
646 xsum = sum (hwllp*hwllp)
647 ! write (*,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'HORIZONTAL PS_u SCALES:', xsum
651 ! 8.2.2 Write out the CV3 BE information to "be_print_unit":
653 if (PRINT_DETAIL_BE) then
655 write (be_print_unit,'(a,7i5,f15.5)') "ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ku, samp:", &
656 ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ku, samp
658 write (be_print_unit,'(3x,a)') 'VARIANCE:'
660 if (ii == 1) vname = 'PSI '
661 if (ii == 2) vname = 'CHI_u '
662 if (ii == 3) vname = 'TMP_u '
663 if (ii == 4) vname = 'PSD_RH'
664 xxsum(1) = sum (be%corz(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte,ii)*be%corz(its:ite,jts:jte,kts:kte,ii))
665 call da_proc_sum_real(xxsum)
667 write (be_print_unit,'(5x,i3,1x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') ii, vname, xxsum(1)
670 ! Pscf Variance before the normalization.
671 xxsum(1) = sum (be%corp(its:ite,jts:jte)*be%corp(its:ite,jts:jte))
672 call da_proc_sum_real(xxsum)
674 write (be_print_unit,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'PSFC_u', xxsum(1)
676 ! Collect the vertical scales and write out:
677 write (be_print_unit,'(3x,a)') 'VERTICAL SCALES:'
679 if (ii == 1) vname = 'PSI '
680 if (ii == 2) vname = 'CHI_u '
681 if (ii == 3) vname = 'TMP_u '
682 if (ii == 4) vname = 'PSD_RH'
683 xxsum(1) = sum (be%vz(:,:,:,ii)*be%vz(:,:,:,ii))
684 call da_proc_sum_real(xxsum)
686 write (be_print_unit,'(5x,i3,1x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') ii, vname, xxsum(1)
691 write (be_print_unit,'(3x,a)') 'READ IN THE HORIZONTAL SCALES:'
693 write (be_print_unit,'(3x,a)') 'HORIZONTAL SCALES:'
694 xxsum(1) = sum (hwll*hwll)
695 write (be_print_unit,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'HORIZONTAL PSI, CHI_u, T_u, RH_u SCALES:', xxsum(1)
699 xxsum(1) = sum (hwllp*hwllp)
700 write (be_print_unit,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'HORIZONTAL PS_u SCALES:', xxsum(1)
703 ! Collect the regression coefficients:
704 write (be_print_unit,'(3x,a)') 'REGRESSION COEFF. T, CHI, PSFC:'
706 xxsum(1) = sum (be%agvz(:,:,:,ii)*be%agvz(:,:,:,ii))
707 call da_proc_sum_real(xxsum)
709 write (be_print_unit,'(5x,i3,1x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') ii, 'TMP-PSI', xxsum(1)
712 ! Rg. Coeff. has already stored in "be" data structure, not need to be save.
713 xxsum(1) = sum (be%bvz*be%bvz)
714 call da_proc_sum_real(xxsum)
716 write (be_print_unit,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'CHI-PSI', xxsum(1)
718 ! Rg. Coeff. has already stored in "be" data structure, not need to be save.
719 xxsum(1) = sum (be%wgvz*be%wgvz)
720 call da_proc_sum_real(xxsum)
722 write (be_print_unit,'(9x,a,2x,"sum^2=",e20.12)') 'PSF-PSI', xxsum(1)
725 end if ! max_ext_its > 1
727 ! 9, Incorporate the tuning factors for covariance
729 ! sli in scale unit (map_factor come with ds )
730 ! variance* amp for 3d/2d RF
738 ! 9.1 Scale the horizontal scale in unit of grid-point:
744 ! 9.2 Re-scale the covariance for psi, chi, t, and rh:
747 !$OMP PRIVATE (ij, n, j, i, vv, k)
748 do ij = 1, grid%num_tiles
750 do j=grid%j_start(ij), grid%j_end(ij)
758 ! Recursive filter routie applied in vertical with
759 ! the vertical scale length be%vz:
760 call da_rfz0(vv,kz,kz,be%ndeg,&
761 be%vz(kts:kte,i,j,n),be%be,be%table,be%nta,be%swidth)
763 ! Re-scale the covariance for psi, chi, t, and rh:
765 be % corz(i,j,k,n)=be % corz(i,j,k,n)*as(n) &
766 *samp/hwll(i,j,k,n)/vv(k,k)/global_fac(i,j)
775 ! 9.3 Re-scale the covariance for Psfc:
777 be % corp(its:ite,jts:jte)=be % corp(its:ite,jts:jte)*as(5) &
778 *samp/hwllp(its:ite,jts:jte)/global_fac(its:ite,jts:jte)
780 write(mesg,*) 'Re-scaled covariance for Psfc: sum(be%corp*be%corp)=', &
782 call wrf_debug ( 1 , mesg )
785 ! 10, Assign the inverse of scale length fields for recursive filter:
787 ! 10.1 allocate the arrays for be scales: y-direction and x-direction:
789 ALLOCATE ( be % sljpy ( grid%xp%ipsy: grid%xp%ipey, grid%xp%jpsy: grid%xp%jpey) )
790 ALLOCATE ( be % sljy ( grid%xp%ipsy: grid%xp%ipey, grid%xp%jpsy: grid%xp%jpey, grid%xp%kpsy: grid%xp%kpey,1:4) )
792 ALLOCATE ( be % slipx ( grid%xp%ipsx: grid%xp%ipex, grid%xp%jpsx: grid%xp%jpex) )
793 ALLOCATE ( be % slix ( grid%xp%ipsx: grid%xp%ipex, grid%xp%jpsx: grid%xp%jpex, grid%xp%kpsx: grid%xp%kpex,1:4) )
797 ! 3-D fields: psi, chi, t, and rh:
799 do k= grid%xp%kpsy, grid%xp%kpey
800 do j= grid%xp%jpsy, grid%xp%jpey
801 do i= grid%xp%ipsy, grid%xp%ipey
802 be%sljy(i,j,k,n)=1./global_fac(i,j)/hwll(i,j,k,n)
808 ! Above level ku,the sljy fields are set to a constant
809 ! for psi and chi, i.e. homogenous:
811 do k=max(ku, grid%xp%kpsy), grid%xp%kpey
812 slim=1./global_fac(ic,jc)/hwll(ic,jc,k,n)
813 do j= grid%xp%jpsy, grid%xp%jpey
814 do i= grid%xp%ipsy, grid%xp%ipey
815 be%sljy(i,j,k,n)=slim
822 do j= grid%xp%jpsy, grid%xp%jpey
823 do i= grid%xp%ipsy, grid%xp%ipey
824 be%sljpy(i,j)=1./global_fac(i,j)/hwllp(i,j)
830 ! 3-D fields: psi, chi, t, and rh:
832 do k= grid%xp%kpsx, grid%xp%kpex
833 do j= grid%xp%jpsx, grid%xp%jpex
834 do i= grid%xp%ipsx, grid%xp%ipex
835 be%slix(i,j,k,n)=1./global_fac(i,j)/hwll(i,j,k,n)
841 ! Above level ku,the sljy fields are set to a constant
842 ! for psi and chi, i.e. homogenous:
844 do k=max(ku, grid%xp%kpsx), grid%xp%kpex
845 slim=1./global_fac(ic,jc)/hwll(ic,jc,k,n)
846 do j= grid%xp%jpsx, grid%xp%jpex
847 do i= grid%xp%ipsx, grid%xp%ipex
848 be%slix(i,j,k,n)=slim
855 do j= grid%xp%jpsx, grid%xp%jpex
856 do i= grid%xp%ipsx, grid%xp%ipex
857 be%slipx(i,j)=1./global_fac(i,j)/hwllp(i,j)
862 call da_free_unit(be_unit)
864 end subroutine da_setup_be_ncep_gfs