Adding runtime generated files to ignore list
[WRF.git] / var / gen_be / gen_be_cov3d3d_contrib.f90
1 program gen_be_cov3d3d_contrib
2 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ! Purpose: Computes contribution of 3D Field on the balanced part
4 ! of 3D Field for WRFDA cv_options=6
6 ! Auothor: Syed RH Rizvi (MMM/NESL/NCAR) Date: 02/01/2010
7 ! & Monika Krysta, (CTBTO, Vienna, Austria)
9 ! Note: Please acknowledge author/institute in work that uses this code.
10 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 use da_control, only : stderr, stdout, filename_len
13 use da_tools_serial, only : da_get_unit,da_advance_cymdh
15 implicit none
17 character*10 :: start_date, end_date ! Starting and ending dates.
18 character*10 :: date, new_date ! Current date (ccyymmddhh).
19 character*80 :: variable
20 character*80 :: regcoeff_var
21 character*10 :: variable1 ! Variable name
22 character*10 :: variable2 ! Variable name
24 real, allocatable :: regcoeff_psi_chi(:) ! psi/chi regression cooefficient.
25 real, allocatable :: regcoeff_psi_t(:,:,:) ! psi/t regression cooefficient.
26 real, allocatable :: regcoeff_psi_ps(:,:) ! psi/ps regression cooefficient.
27 real, allocatable :: regcoeff_psi_rh(:,:,:) ! psi/rh regression cooefficient.
28 real, allocatable :: regcoeff_chi_u_t(:,:,:) ! chi_u/t regression coefficient
29 real, allocatable :: regcoeff_chi_u_ps(:,:) ! chi_u/ps regression coefficient
30 real, allocatable :: regcoeff_chi_u_rh(:,:,:) ! chi_u/rh regression coefficient
31 real, allocatable :: regcoeff_t_u_rh(:,:,:) ! t_u/rh regression coefficient
32 real, allocatable :: regcoeff_ps_u_rh(:,:) ! ps_u/rh regression coefficient
34 character(len=filename_len) :: filename ! Input filename.
35 character*3 :: ce ! Member index -> character.
36 integer :: ni, nj, nk ! Grid dimensions.
37 integer :: i, j, k, member ! Loop counters.
38 integer :: b ! Bin marker.
39 integer :: sdate, cdate, edate ! Starting, current ending dates.
40 integer :: interval ! Period between dates (hours).
41 integer :: ne ! Number of ensemble members.
42 integer :: bin_type ! Type of bin to average over.
43 integer :: num_bins ! Number of bins (3D fields).
44 integer :: num_bins2d ! Number of bins (3D fields).
45 real :: lat_min, lat_max ! Used if bin_type = 2 (degrees).
46 real :: binwidth_lat ! Used if bin_type = 2 (degrees).
47 real :: hgt_min, hgt_max ! Used if bin_type = 2 (m).
48 real :: binwidth_hgt ! Used if bin_type = 2 (m).
49 real :: coeffa, coeffb ! Accumulating mean coefficients.
50 logical :: first_time ! True if first file.
52 real, allocatable :: field1(:,:,:) ! Field 1.
53 real, allocatable :: field2(:,:,:) ! Field 2 (full)
54 real, allocatable :: field2_balanced(:,:,:) ! Field 2 (unbalanced)
55 real*4, allocatable :: field(:,:)
56 integer, allocatable:: bin(:,:,:) ! Bin assigned to each 3D point.
57 integer, allocatable:: bin2d(:,:) ! Bin assigned to each 2D point.
58 integer, allocatable:: bin_pts(:) ! Number of points in bin (3D fields).
59 real, allocatable :: covar(:) ! Covariance between input fields.
60 real, allocatable :: var(:) ! Autocovariance of field.
62 real, allocatable :: regcoeff_field1_field2(:,:,:) ! Regression coefficient
64 namelist / gen_be_cov3d_nl / start_date, end_date, interval, &
65 ne, variable1, variable2
67 integer :: ounit,iunit,namelist_unit
69 stderr = 0
70 stdout = 6
72 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 write(6,'(a)')' [1] Initialize namelist variables and other scalars.'
74 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 call da_get_unit(ounit)
77 call da_get_unit(iunit)
78 call da_get_unit(namelist_unit)
81 start_date = '2007070100'
82 end_date = '2007070500'
83 interval = 24
84 ne = 1
85 variable1 = 'psi'
86 variable2 = 'chi'
88 open(unit=namelist_unit, file='', &
89 form='formatted', status='old', action='read')
90 read(namelist_unit, gen_be_cov3d_nl)
91 close(namelist_unit)
93 read(start_date(1:10), fmt='(i10)')sdate
94 read(end_date(1:10), fmt='(i10)')edate
95 write(6,'(4a)')' Computing covariance for fields ', variable1 , ' and ', variable2
96 write(6,'(4a)') ' Time period is ', start_date, ' to ', end_date
97 write(6,'(a,i8,a)')' Interval between dates = ', interval, 'hours.'
98 write(6,'(a,i8)')' Number of ensemble members at each time = ', ne
101 date = start_date
102 cdate = sdate
104 member = 1
105 write(ce,'(i3.3)')member
107 ! Read grid dimensions from first field file
108 filename = trim(variable1)//'/'//date(1:10)
109 filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable1)//'.e'//ce
112 open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted')
113 read(iunit)ni, nj, nk
114 close(iunit)
117 ! Allocate
118 write(6,'(a,3i8)')' i, j, k dimensions are ', ni, nj, nk
119 allocate( bin(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) )
120 allocate( bin2d(1:ni,1:nj) )
121 allocate( field1(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) )
122 allocate( field2(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) )
123 allocate( field2_balanced(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) )
124 allocate( field(1:ni,1:nj) )
126 ! Read bin info:
127 filename = ''
128 open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted')
129 read(iunit)bin_type
130 read(iunit)lat_min, lat_max, binwidth_lat
131 read(iunit)hgt_min, hgt_max, binwidth_hgt
132 read(iunit)num_bins, num_bins2d
133 read(iunit)bin(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk)
134 read(iunit)bin2d(1:ni,1:nj)
135 close(iunit)
137 allocate( bin_pts(1:num_bins) )
138 allocate( covar(1:num_bins) )
139 allocate( var(1:num_bins) )
141 allocate (regcoeff_psi_chi(1:num_bins))
142 allocate (regcoeff_psi_t(1:nk,1:nk,1:num_bins2d))
143 allocate (regcoeff_psi_ps(1:nk,1:num_bins2d))
144 allocate (regcoeff_psi_rh(1:nk,1:nk,1:num_bins2d))
145 allocate (regcoeff_chi_u_t(1:nk,1:nk,1:num_bins2d))
146 allocate (regcoeff_chi_u_ps(1:nk,1:num_bins2d))
147 allocate (regcoeff_chi_u_rh(1:nk,1:nk,1:num_bins2d))
148 allocate (regcoeff_t_u_rh(1:nk,1:nk,1:num_bins2d))
149 allocate (regcoeff_ps_u_rh(1:nk,1:num_bins2d))
151 allocate( regcoeff_field1_field2(1:nk,1:nk,1:num_bins2d) )
153 bin_pts(:) = 0
154 covar(:) = 0.0
155 var(:) = 0.0
157 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 write(6,'(2a)')' [2] Read fields, and calculate correlations'
159 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
161 filename = 'gen_be_stage2.dat'
162 open(iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted',status='old')
164 do k = 1, 2
165 read (iunit)
166 end do
168 regcoeff_var='regcoeff_'//trim(variable1)//'_'//trim(variable2)
170 do k = 1 , 9
171 read (iunit) variable
172 select case( trim(adjustl(variable)) )
174 case ('regcoeff_psi_chi')
175 read (iunit) regcoeff_psi_chi
176 case ('regcoeff_psi_t')
177 read (iunit) regcoeff_psi_t
178 if(trim(adjustl(variable)) == trim(adjustl(regcoeff_var)) )then
179 regcoeff_field1_field2 = regcoeff_psi_t
180 exit
181 end if
182 case ('regcoeff_psi_ps')
183 read (iunit) regcoeff_psi_ps
184 case ('regcoeff_psi_rh')
185 read (iunit) regcoeff_psi_rh
186 if(trim(adjustl(variable)) == trim(adjustl(regcoeff_var)) )then
187 regcoeff_field1_field2 = regcoeff_psi_rh
188 exit
189 end if
190 case ('regcoeff_chi_u_t')
191 read (iunit) regcoeff_chi_u_t
192 if(trim(adjustl(variable)) == trim(adjustl(regcoeff_var)) ) then
193 regcoeff_field1_field2 = regcoeff_chi_u_t
194 exit
195 end if
196 case ('regcoeff_chi_u_ps')
197 read (iunit) regcoeff_chi_u_ps
198 case ('regcoeff_chi_u_rh')
199 read (iunit) regcoeff_chi_u_rh
200 if(trim(adjustl(variable)) == trim(adjustl(regcoeff_var)) )then
201 regcoeff_field1_field2 = regcoeff_chi_u_rh
202 exit
203 end if
204 case ('regcoeff_t_u_rh')
205 read (iunit) regcoeff_t_u_rh
206 if(trim(adjustl(variable)) == trim(adjustl(regcoeff_var)) )then
207 regcoeff_field1_field2 = regcoeff_t_u_rh
208 exit
209 end if
210 case ('regcoeff_ps_u_rh')
211 read (iunit) regcoeff_ps_u_rh
212 case default;
213 write(6,fmt='(a)')'Read problem gen_be_stage2.dat'
214 write(6,'(a,a)')' Trying to read regression coefficients:',trim(adjustl(variable))
215 stop
216 end select
217 end do
219 close(iunit)
220 deallocate (regcoeff_psi_chi)
221 deallocate (regcoeff_psi_t)
222 deallocate (regcoeff_psi_ps)
223 deallocate (regcoeff_psi_rh)
224 deallocate (regcoeff_chi_u_t)
225 deallocate (regcoeff_chi_u_ps)
226 deallocate (regcoeff_chi_u_rh)
227 deallocate (regcoeff_t_u_rh)
228 deallocate (regcoeff_ps_u_rh)
232 do while ( cdate <= edate )
234 do member = 1, ne
236 write(ce,'(i3.3)')member
238 ! Read first field:
239 filename = trim(variable1)//'/'//date(1:10)
240 filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable1)//'.e'//ce
241 open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted')
242 read(iunit)ni, nj, nk
243 read(iunit)field1
244 close(iunit)
246 ! Read second field:
247 filename = trim(variable2)//'/'//date(1:10)
248 filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable2)//'.e'//ce
249 open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted')
250 read(iunit)ni, nj, nk
251 read(iunit)field2
252 close(iunit)
254 ! Calculate balanced contribution to field2
255 do k = 1, nk
256 do j = 1, nj
257 do i = 1, ni
258 b = bin2d(i,j)
259 field2_balanced(i,j,k) = SUM(regcoeff_field1_field2(k,1:nk,b) * field1(i,j,1:nk))
260 end do
261 end do
262 end do
264 ! Calculate covariances:
265 do k = 1, nk
266 do j = 1, nj
267 do i = 1, ni
268 b = bin(i,j,k)
269 bin_pts(b) = bin_pts(b) + 1
270 coeffa = 1.0 / real(bin_pts(b))
271 coeffb = real(bin_pts(b)-1) * coeffa
272 covar(b) = coeffb * covar(b) + coeffa * field2_balanced(i,j,k) * field2(i,j,k)
273 var(b) = coeffb * var(b) + coeffa * field2(i,j,k) * field2(i,j,k)
274 end do
275 end do
276 end do
278 end do ! End loop over ensemble members.
280 ! Calculate next date:
281 call da_advance_cymdh( date, interval, new_date )
282 date = new_date
283 read(date(1:10), fmt='(i10)')cdate
285 end do ! End loop over times.
287 filename = trim(variable1)//'.'//trim(variable2)//'.bin'
288 open (ounit, file = filename, form = 'unformatted')
289 do k = 1, nk
290 do j = 1, nj
291 do i = 1, ni
292 b = bin(i,j,k)
293 if ( var(b) /= 0.0 ) then
294 field(i,j) = covar(b) / var(b)
295 else
296 field(i,j) = 0.
297 end if
298 end do
299 end do
300 write(ounit) field
301 end do
302 close(ounit)
304 end program gen_be_cov3d3d_contrib