Change internal flag organization in CMake build to not be global (#2053)
[WRF.git] / tools / regtest_esmf.csh
1 #!/bin/csh
3 onintr clnup
5 #clean -a
6 set hst=`hostname | cut -c1-2`
8 if ( "$hst" == "be" ) then # bluefire
9 if ( -f ~michalak/sourceme_esmf ) then # bluefire
10 source ~michalak/sourceme_esmf
11 set EXEC_WRF='bsub -K < ../tools/test4_0_ESMFSST.lsf.csh'
12 (cd run ; tar xf ~michalak/jan00_esmftest.tar.gz )
13 echo 3 | ./configure
14 setenv J "-j 4"
15 endif
16 endif
17 if ( "$hst" == "ma" ) then # manta
18 if ( -f ~johnm/sourceme_esmf ) then
19 source ~johnm/sourceme_esmf
20 (cd run ; tar xf ~johnm/jan00_esmftest.tar.gz )
21 echo 3 | ./configure
22 setenv J "-j 4"
23 set EXEC_WRF="qsub -sync y wrf.pbs"
24 cat > wrf.pbs << H2
25 #!/bin/csh
26 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
27 #PBS -m ae
29 cd ${cwd}/run
30 setenv P4_GLOBMEMSIZE 20000000
31 time mpirun -machinefile \$PBS_NODEFILE -np 4 ./wrf_SST_ESMF.exe
33 endif
34 endif
35 ./compile wrf
36 skip:
37 if ( -x main/wrf_SST_ESMF.exe ) then
38 cd run
39 /bin/cp ../test/em_esmf_exp/namelist.input.jan00.ESMFSST namelist.input
40 /bin/rm -f rsl.*
41 echo $EXEC_WRF >! com
42 sh com
43 if ( -f rsl.error.0000 ) then
44 grep -q SUCCESS rsl.error.0000
45 if ( $status == 0 ) then
46 echo good show
47 else
48 echo failure
49 endif
50 else
51 echo failure
52 endif
53 cd ..
54 endif
56 clnup: