Fix issue with generalized compiler version output using the wrong flags (#2030)
[WRF.git] / clean
1 #!/bin/csh -f
3 set nonomatch
6 foreach dir ( frame chem share dyn_em phys phys/physics_mmm cmaq main tools wrftladj )
7 if ( -d $dir ) then
8 if ( $dir == cmaq ) then
9 ( cd $dir ; echo $dir ; /bin/rm -f *.o *.mod ) >& /dev/null
10 else
11 ( cd $dir ; echo $dir ; /bin/rm -f core wrf *.f90 *.exe *.kmo *.mod *.o *.obj *.inc *.a \
12 db_* Warnings module_state_description.F module_dm.F gmeta \
13 wrfdata whatiread rsl.* show_domain* ) >& /dev/null
14 endif
15 endif
16 end
18 if ( -d var ) then
19 ( cd var ; make clean )
20 endif
22 ( cd tools/CodeBase ; make clean )
24 ( cd inc ; /bin/rm -f *.inc namelist.default commit_decl )
26 find . -name \*.dSYM -exec rm -rf {} \; >& /dev/null
28 set arg="$1"
29 if ( "$arg" == '-a' || "$arg" == '-aa' ) then
30 if ( -d var ) then
31 ( cd var ; make superclean )
32 ( cd var/obsproc ; make clean )
33 endif
34 if ( -f Registry/Registry ) then
35 /bin/cp Registry/Registry Registry/Registry.backup
36 /bin/rm -f Registry/Registry
37 /bin/rm -f Registry/
38 if ( -f Registry/Registry.rconfig ) then
39 /bin/rm -f Registry/Registry.rconfig
40 endif
41 endif
42 /bin/rm -fr ./netcdf_links
43 /bin/rm -fr tools/code_dbase
44 ( cd external ; make -i superclean )
45 ( cd external/io_grib1/WGRIB ; make clean )
46 ( cd external/atm_ocn ; make clean )
47 ( cd tools ; /bin/rm -f registry gen_comms.c fseeko_test fseeko64_test nc4_test.log ) >& /dev/null
48 ( cd inc; /bin/rm -f dm_comm_cpp_flags wrf_io_flags.h wrf_status_codes.h ) >& /dev/null
49 if ( -f configure.wrf ) then
50 /bin/cp configure.wrf configure.wrf.backup
51 /bin/rm -f configure.wrf >& /dev/null
52 endif
53 if ( "$arg" != '-aa' ) then
54 ( cd run ; /bin/rm -f gm* out* fort* ideal* *.exe input_sounding p3_lookupTable_1.dat-3momI_v5.1.6 ; \
55 /bin/cp -f namelist.input namelist.input.backup.`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S` ; \
56 /bin/rm -f namelist.input ) >& /dev/null
57 ( cd test/exp_real ; /bin/rm -f gm* out* fort* real* ) >& /dev/null
58 ( cd test ; rm -f */*.exe */ETAMPNEW_DATA* */GENPARM.TBL */LANDUSE.TBL */README.namelist */README.physics_files \
62 */CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.RCP4.5 */CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.RCP6 */CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.RCP8.5 \
63 */CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.A1B */CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.A2 */CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio \
64 */CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.SSP119 */CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.SSP126 \
65 */CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.SSP245 */CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.SSP370 \
66 */CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio.SSP585 \
68 */p3_lookup* */BROADBAND_CLOUD_GODDARD.bin \
69 */ozone.formatted */ozone_lat.formatted */ozone_plev.formatted \
70 */aerosol.formatted */aerosol_lat.formatted */aerosol_plev.formatted */aerosol_lon.formatted \
71 */kernels.asc_s_0_03_0_9 */bulkradii.asc_s_0_03_0_9 */bulkdens.asc_s_0_03_0_9 \
72 */constants.asc \
73 */masses.asc */kernels_z.asc */capacity.asc */termvels.asc */coeff_p.asc */coeff_q.asc \
74 */gribmap.txt */tr??t?? */co2_trans */namelist.output */ishmael-gamma-tab.bin \
75 */eclipse_besselian_elements.dat \
76 */HLC.TBL */wind-turbine-1.tbl \
77 */ishmael-qi-qc.bin */ishmael-qi-qr.bin ) >& /dev/null
78 ( cd test/em_fire; rm -rf two_fires rain )
79 else if ( "$arg" == '-aa' ) then
80 /bin/rm -f configure.wrf.backup
81 /bin/rm -f Registry/Registry.backup
82 /bin/rm -f run/namelist.input.backup.*
83 /bin/rm -f phys/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F phys/module_sf_noahmp_glacier.F \
84 phys/module_sf_noahmp_groundwater.F phys/module_sf_noahmplsm.F \
86 endif
87 endif
89 #cms++
91 if ( -d chem ) then
92 if ( -e chem/KPP )then
93 ( cd chem/KPP; ./clean_kpp ; rm -f if_required )
94 endif
95 endif
96 #cms--
98 #wrf_hydro++
99 if ( -e "hydro/Makefile.comm" ) then
100 (cd hydro; make -f Makefile.comm clean)
101 endif
102 #wrf_hydro--