2 All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
4 The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/)
5 and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
7 ## [2.1.6] - 2019-04-11
10 - Post-processing would crash if "Managed Stripping Level" was set to Medium or High.
11 - Serialization warnings on build.
12 - Removed unwanted garbage collection.
14 ## [2.1.5] - 2019-03-25
17 - LDR Color grading in gamma mode no longer produces banding artifacts on Mali GPUs on OpenGL ES2.
18 - Gamma mode no longer darken the screen with LWRP.
20 ## [2.1.4] - 2019-02-27
23 - Shader compilation errors with OpenGL ES2 and Switch.
24 - Proper viewport support on Builtin render pipelines.
26 ## [2.1.3] - 2019-01-30
29 - Color grading would output negative values in some cases and break rendering on some platforms.
30 - Custom effects with `allowInSceneView` set to `false` could make the scene view flicker to black.
31 - R8_SRGB error in 2019.1 when Depth of Field and Temporal Anti-aliasing are enabled at the same time.
32 - Auto-exposure compute shader on Metal/iOS.
34 ## [2.1.2] - 2018-12-05
37 - Made the package manager happy.
39 ## [2.1.1] - 2018-11-30
42 - Optimized volume texture blending.
43 - Switch compilation issues with 2019.1+.
46 - Chromatic aberration is now forced to "fast mode" when running on GLES2.0 platforms due to compatibility issues.
48 ## [2.1.0] - 2018-11-26
51 - Minor version bump following the release of 2018.3 and verified compatibility with 2019.1.
53 ## [2.0.20] - 2018-11-22
56 - Camera viewport wasn't working properly when outputting directly to the backbuffer.
57 - More improvements to VR support.
58 - Compatibility fixes for 2017.1 to 2017.4.
59 - Post-processing wouldn't work when loaded from an asset bundle.
60 - Compilation issue when Cinemachine is used with Post-processing.
63 - Scriptable Render Pipelines should now call `PostProcessLayer.UpdateVolumeSystem(Camera, CommandBuffer)` at the beginning of the frame.
68 - First pass at improving VR support.
69 - Assert on Invalid LDR Lookup Texture size; added a check in the inspector for the user.
70 - Improved performance on Unity 2019.1+ by avoiding unnecessary blits if no other image effect is active.
71 - Use new ASTC enums on unity 2019.1+.
76 - Grain shader compilation errors on some mobile GPUs.
77 - Compilation issue with Unity 2019.1+ due to an internal API change.
82 - Warning on `[ShaderIncludePath]` in 2018.3+.
87 - Bloom flicker in single-pass double-wide stereo rendering.
88 - Right eye bloom offset in single-pass double-wide stereo rendering.
89 - If any parent of PostProcessingVolume has non-identity scale the Gizmo is rendered incorrectly.
90 - Cleanup error when going back'n'forth between Builtins & Scriptable pipelines.
93 - Use `ExecuteAlways` in 2018.3+ for better compatibility with "Prefab Mode".
98 - Compilation issue with Unity 2019.1.
99 - Screen-space reflection memory leak.
104 - Ambient Occlusion could distort the screen on Android/Vulkan.
105 - Warning about SettingsProvider in 2018.3.
106 - Fixed issue with physical camera mode not working with post-processing.
107 - Fixed thread group warning message on Metal and Intel Iris.
108 - Fixed compatibility with versions pre-2018.2.
113 - Better handling of volumes in nested-prefabs.
114 - The Multi-scale volumetric obscurance effect wasn't properly releasing some of its temporary targets.
115 - N3DS deprecation warnings in 2018.3.
120 - Update assembly definitions to output assemblies that match Unity naming convention (Unity.*).
125 - Post-processing is now working with VR SRP in PC.
126 - Crash on Vulkan when blending 3D textures.
127 - `RuntimeUtilities.DestroyVolume()` works as expected now.
128 - Excessive CPU usage on PS4 due to a badly initialized render texture.
131 - Improved volume texture blending.
134 - `Depth` debug mode can now display linear depth instead of the raw platform depth.
139 - Post-processing wasn't working on Unity 2018.3.
142 - Bloom now comes with a `Clamp` parameter to limit the amount of bloom that comes with ultra-bright pixels.
147 - On large scenes, the first object you'd add to a profile could throw a `NullReferenceException`. ([#530](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing/pull/530))
148 - Dithering now works correctly in dark areas when working in Gamma mode.
149 - Colored grain wasn't colored when `POSTFX_DEBUG_STATIC_GRAIN` was set.
150 - No more warning in the console when `POSTFX_DEBUG_STATIC_GRAIN` is set.
153 - Minor scripting API improvements. ([#530](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing/pull/530))
154 - More implicit casts for `VectorXParameter` and `ColorParameter` to `Vector2`, `Vector3` and `Vector4`.
155 - Script-instantiated profiles in volumes are now properly supported in the inspector. ([#530](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing/pull/530))
156 - Improved volume UI & styling.
161 - More XR/Switch related fixes.
166 - Temporal Anti-aliasing creating NaN values in some cases. ([#337](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing/issues/337))
167 - Auto-exposure has been fixed to work the same way it did before the full-compute port.
168 - XR compilation errors on Xbox One & Switch (2018.2).
169 - `ArgumentNullException` when attempting to get a property sheet for a null shader. ([#515](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing/pull/515))
170 - Stop NaN Propagation not working for opaque-only effects.
171 - HDR color grading had a slight color temperature offset.
172 - PSVita compatibility.
173 - Tizen warning on 2018.2.
174 - Errors in the console when toggling lighting on/off in the scene view when working in Deferred.
175 - Debug monitors now work properly with HDRP.
178 - Contribution slider for the LDR Lut.
179 - Support for proper render target load/store actions on mobile (2018.2).
182 - Slightly improved speed & quality of Temporal Anti-aliasing.
183 - Improved volume texture blending.
184 - Improved support for LDR Luts of sizes other than 1024x32. ([#507](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing/issues/507))
185 - Bloom's `Fast Mode` has been made faster.
186 - Depth of Field focus is now independent from the screen resolution.
187 - The number of variants for some shaders has been reduced to improve first-build speed. The biggest one, Uber, is down to 576 variants.
189 ## [2.0.3-preview] - 2018-03-13
192 - Disabled debug compute shaders on OpenGL ES3 to avoid crashes on a lot of Android devices.
193 - `NullReferenceException` while mixing volumes and global volumes. ([#498](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing/issues/498))
196 - Improved performances when blending between identical textures.
198 ## [2.0.2-preview] - 2018-03-07
200 This is the first release of *PostProcessing*.