experiments with fresnel and shadergraph
[WindSway-HDRP.git] / Library / PackageCache / com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition@4.10.0-preview / Runtime / Core / Textures / EncodeBC6H.cs
1 using UnityEngine.Assertions;
2 using UnityEngine.Rendering;
4 namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering
6 public class EncodeBC6H
8 public static EncodeBC6H DefaultInstance;
10 static readonly int _Source = Shader.PropertyToID("_Source");
11 static readonly int _Target = Shader.PropertyToID("_Target");
12 static readonly int _MipIndex = Shader.PropertyToID("_MipIndex");
13 static readonly int[] __Tmp_RT =
15 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT0"),
16 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT1"),
17 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT2"),
18 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT3"),
19 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT4"),
20 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT5"),
21 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT6"),
22 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT7"),
23 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT8"),
24 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT9"),
25 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT10"),
26 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT11"),
27 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT12"),
28 Shader.PropertyToID("__Tmp_RT13")
31 readonly ComputeShader m_Shader;
32 readonly int m_KEncodeFastCubemapMip;
34 public EncodeBC6H(ComputeShader shader)
36 Assert.IsNotNull(shader);
38 m_Shader = shader;
39 m_KEncodeFastCubemapMip = m_Shader.FindKernel("KEncodeFastCubemapMip");
41 uint x, y, z;
42 m_Shader.GetKernelThreadGroupSizes(m_KEncodeFastCubemapMip, out x, out y, out z);
45 // Only use mode11 of BC6H encoding
46 /// <summary>
47 /// Encode a Cubemap in BC6H.
48 ///
49 /// It will encode all faces and selected mips of the Cubemap.
50 ///
51 /// It uses only mode 11 of BC6H.
52 /// </summary>
53 /// <param name="cmb">Command buffer for execution</param>
54 /// <param name="source">The source Cubemap</param>
55 /// <param name="sourceSize">The size of the source Cubemap</param>
56 /// <param name="target">The compressed texture.
57 /// It must be a BC6H Cubemap or Cubemap array with the same size as the source Cubemap</param>
58 /// <param name="fromMip">Starting mip to encode</param>
59 /// <param name="toMip">Last mip to encode</param>
60 /// <param name="targetArrayIndex">The index of the cubemap to store the compressed texture.
61 ///
62 /// Only relevant when target is a CubemapArray</param>
63 public void EncodeFastCubemap(CommandBuffer cmb, RenderTargetIdentifier source, int sourceSize, RenderTargetIdentifier target, int fromMip, int toMip, int targetArrayIndex = 0)
65 var maxMip = Mathf.Max(0, (int)(Mathf.Log(sourceSize) / Mathf.Log(2)) - 2);
66 var actualFromMip = (int)Mathf.Clamp(fromMip, 0, maxMip);
67 var actualToMip = (int)Mathf.Min(maxMip, Mathf.Max(toMip, actualFromMip));
69 // Convert TextureCube source to Texture2DArray
70 var d = new RenderTextureDescriptor
72 autoGenerateMips = false,
73 bindMS = false,
74 colorFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGBInt,
75 depthBufferBits = 0,
76 dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2DArray,
77 enableRandomWrite = true,
78 msaaSamples = 1,
79 volumeDepth = 6,
80 sRGB = false,
81 useMipMap = false,
84 cmb.SetComputeTextureParam(m_Shader, m_KEncodeFastCubemapMip, _Source, source);
86 for (var mip = actualFromMip; mip <= actualToMip; ++mip)
88 var size = (sourceSize >> mip) >> 2;
89 d.width = size;
90 d.height = size;
91 cmb.GetTemporaryRT(__Tmp_RT[mip], d);
94 for (var mip = actualFromMip; mip <= actualToMip; ++mip)
96 var size = (sourceSize >> mip) >> 2;
97 cmb.SetComputeTextureParam(m_Shader, m_KEncodeFastCubemapMip, _Target, __Tmp_RT[mip]);
98 cmb.SetComputeIntParam(m_Shader, _MipIndex, mip);
99 cmb.DispatchCompute(m_Shader, m_KEncodeFastCubemapMip, size, size, 6);
102 var startSlice = 6 * targetArrayIndex;
103 for (var mip = actualFromMip; mip <= actualToMip; ++mip)
105 var rtMip = Mathf.Clamp(mip, actualFromMip, actualToMip);
106 for (var faceId = 0; faceId < 6; ++faceId)
107 cmb.CopyTexture(__Tmp_RT[rtMip], faceId, 0, target, startSlice + faceId, mip);
110 for (var mip = actualFromMip; mip <= actualToMip; ++mip)
111 cmb.ReleaseTemporaryRT(__Tmp_RT[mip]);
115 public static class BC6HExtensions
117 public static void BC6HEncodeFastCubemap(this CommandBuffer cmb, RenderTargetIdentifier source, int sourceSize, RenderTargetIdentifier target, int fromMip, int toMip, int targetArrayIndex = 0)
119 EncodeBC6H.DefaultInstance.EncodeFastCubemap(cmb, source, sourceSize, target, fromMip, toMip, targetArrayIndex);