2 TourGuide
:RegisterGuide("Feralas (43-45)", "Hinterlands (46-47)", "Alliance", function()
4 F Feathermoon Stronghold
7 A The Ruins of Solarsal
8 A The Missing Courier (Part 1)
10 A In Search of Knowledge
11 T The Missing Courier (Part 1) |N|(31,45)|
12 A The Missing Courier (Part 2)
14 h Feathermoon Stronghold
16 T The Ruins of Solarsal |N|Southwest to the Ruins of Solarsal, at the "Solar Gazebo" (26,52)|
17 A Return to Feathermoon Stronghold
18 T Return to Feathermoon Stronghold
19 A Against the Hatecrest (Part 1)
20 T Against the Hatecrest (Part 1)
21 A Against the Hatecrest (Part 2)
22 C Against the Hatecrest (Part 2) |N|Kill naga back at the ruins|
23 T Against the Hatecrest (Part 2)
24 A Against Lord Shalzaru
25 G Level 44 |N|South thru the ruins, across the water, in a cave (26,67).|
26 C Against Lord Shalzaru |N|South thru the ruins, across the water, in a cave (26,67). He is level 47, so he might be hard to solo.|
28 R Feathermoon Stronghold |N|Or die and rez there|
29 T Against Lord Shalzaru
30 A Delivering the Relic
31 T Delivering the Relic
33 C Screecher Spirits |N|Back on the main shore, avoid elementals and giants while killing Rogue Vale Screechers. Use Yeh'Kinya's Bramble on their corpses and talk to the spirits. Work your way south.| |U|10699|
34 T The Missing Courier (Part 2) |N|Find the boat wreckage (45,64)|
37 T Boat Wreckage |N|Back at the stronghold|
40 A Psychometric Reading
41 T Psychometric Reading
44 A Find OOX-22/FE! |O| |U|8705|
45 C The Mark of Quality |N|Back on mainland, follow the road to the yeti cave (56,56).|
46 T Find OOX-22/FE! |O| |N|At the back of the yeti cave. Don't accept the escort!|
47 C The High Wilderness |N|Shamans are to the south at the temple (59,73). Brutes at Ruins of Isildien (62,54). If you have issues finding warlocks, you should be shot.|
48 A Freedom for All Creatures |N|Clear around the cage in the camp, then head up the path behind the camp (65.63,46.76)|
49 C Freedom for All Creatures |N|Escort!|
50 T Freedom for All Creatures
51 A Doling Justice (Part 1)
52 C Doling Justice (Part 1)
53 T Doling Justice (Part 1)
54 A Doling Justice (Part 2)
56 T The Woodpaw Gnolls |N|(73,56)|
58 A Thalanaar Delivery |U|11463|
59 T The Writhing Deep |N|Grind to the hive (73,63). Go inside, take the southern tunnel and stay right. Turnin at the ZukkâAsh Pod|
62 H Feathermoon Stronghold
69 A Rise of the Silithid
74 F Rut'theran Village |N|Darnassus you dingus|
77 T In Search of Knowledge
78 A Feralas: A History |N|From the green book|
83 T Rise of the Silithid |N|In the temple of the moon, upstairs (39,86)| |Z|Darnassus|
84 T Doling Justice (Part 2)
86 B [Elixir of Fortitude] x2 |L|3825 2|
87 H Feathermoon Stronghold
90 A The Super Snapper FX